Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 21 2018

 Δεν έχουμε κρύψει ποτέ την αγάπη μας για οτιδήποτε έχει να κάνει με τη Γαλλία. Οι Γαλλίδες έχουν υπέροχο στιλ, υπέροχα μαλλιά και υπέροχες επιδερμίδες και ένα από τα μυστικά τους για αυτό το τελευταίο ακούει στο όνομα Darphin

 Με προσοχή στη λεπτομέρεια και στόχο της την τήρηση των νόμων της φυσικής και της χημείας, η Darphin δημιουργεί συνθέσεις εκλεκτών συστατικών ακολουθώντας την παράδοση και ανταμείβοντας μας με την απόλαυση της τέλειας απόδοσης των προϊόντων

Ο ιδρυτής της εταιρίας, Pierre Darphin, πίστευε ότι η περιποίηση ομορφιάς απαιτεί τη χρήση μιας ειδικής μεθόδου μασάζ που θα ενισχύει την απορρόφηση των συνθέσεων

Ο ίδιος είχε δημιουργήσει συγκεκριμένα βήματα εφαρμογής των προϊόντων του, ώστε να βοηθήσει στην απορρόφηση τους και την μεγαλύτερη απελευθέρωση των συστατικών στην επιδερμίδα

 Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια στο

For more infomation >> Θέλετε τέλεια επιδερμίδα, σαν αυτή των Γαλλίδων; Με αυτά τα προϊόντα θα την έχετε - People Greece - Duration: 1:18.


Deltarune試玩版第一章_概略劇情翻譯(三) - Duration: 27:46.

For more infomation >> Deltarune試玩版第一章_概略劇情翻譯(三) - Duration: 27:46.


OH, INSPIRING PIANO MUSIC! 🔷 instrumental soundtrack - Duration: 2:16.

Inspiring piano music for you! This is classy instrumental soundtrack.

Inspirational, inspiring music! Classic etude for piano.

For more infomation >> OH, INSPIRING PIANO MUSIC! 🔷 instrumental soundtrack - Duration: 2:16.


Renault Mégane 1.4-16V Authentique 5Drs - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.4-16V Authentique 5Drs - Duration: 1:10.


TryHardNinja - Turn Back [FNAF + TJOC: SM + YouTubers] - Duration: 4:58.

I'm Freddy, come and listen

You're new, so pay attention

These are my friends

Everyone gather 'round and meet the victim

This place is our masterpiece We mastered disaster, and casualties

Are piling up faster than pizza cheese And all the toppings on it, that the kiddies eat

But hey, eat up, forget the calories It's your last meal, you should die happy

Because we kill much faster than heart disease This stress can't be worth your salary

I mean, okay, now don't be mad I know it's private stuff but we've seen your check

You should quit and run, yeah, you won't regret Because you might have bills but the dead don't pay the rent

Caution, turn back now There are secrets that will be unwound

They will drag you down Turn back, turn back

You don't have to stay Endure the curse we can't escape

Before your world breaks Turn back, turn back

You still here? Oh, don't you get it? When we said we'd end you, we really meant it

There's no winning, who are you kidding? We run this place and you are just some cop they rented

Still you can be our guest here, if you wish There's plenty ways to die too, here's a list

Mangle looks particularly, straight unhinged And Bonnie will exterminate you with a twist

Got the gist? 'Cause Foxy's armed and ready Only got one hand, but the other's deadly

Chica getting closer while we talk already Death always approaching, slow and steady

Listen find a new job, it's a big town Final notice

If you don't turn back now Don't say we didn't warn ya

You're the one who signed up for this torture

Caution, turn back now There are secrets that will be unwound

They will drag you down Turn back, turn back

You don't have to stay Endure the curse we can't escape

Before your world breaks Turn back, turn back

It's true we sing the saddest song Given a gift, we soldier on

The second chance we've been allowed Will bring your end of days, if you don't turn back now

Caution, turn back now There are secrets that will be unwound

There are secrets that will be unwound (We'll make it through these long nights)

They will drag you down Turn back, turn back

You don't have to stay Endure the curse we can't escape

Endure the curse we can't escape (Run, run, run)

Before your world breaks Turn back, turn back

(Turn back now)

Hi, my name is Baby I need a new plaything

Don't hold it against us if your chances are all fading

Come on down here underground, where things are getting crazy

If you survive Freddy's There's a killer new job waiting

"Hello! My name is Baby! What's up, bro?" "Are u ok?"

"You don't know what we've been through..."

For more infomation >> TryHardNinja - Turn Back [FNAF + TJOC: SM + YouTubers] - Duration: 4:58.


Opel Astra - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra - Duration: 0:54.


★ L o o k A t M e ★ - M E M E - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> ★ L o o k A t M e ★ - M E M E - Duration: 0:36.


Como desenhar Avião, Trem, Espaçonave, Carros | Desenhando e coloração para crianças | Art coloring - Duration: 6:38.

Art coloring for Kids, how to draw planes, rocket and car for toddlers

For more infomation >> Como desenhar Avião, Trem, Espaçonave, Carros | Desenhando e coloração para crianças | Art coloring - Duration: 6:38.


Sabrina Sato comemora encontro de noivo e Gisele Bündchen: 'Vou mostrar pra Zoe' - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Sabrina Sato comemora encontro de noivo e Gisele Bündchen: 'Vou mostrar pra Zoe' - Duration: 6:01.


Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 Konami - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 Konami - Duration: 0:46.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E200 Avantgarde / Widescreen / Schuifdak - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E200 Avantgarde / Widescreen / Schuifdak - Duration: 0:58.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active nederlands auto ex leas - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active nederlands auto ex leas - Duration: 1:10.


sharjeel khan come back in team || Big News Sharjeel khan Back in Pakistan Cricket Team - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> sharjeel khan come back in team || Big News Sharjeel khan Back in Pakistan Cricket Team - Duration: 1:26.


Priscila flagra Alain e Isabel em 'Espelho da Vida' - Duration: 2:06.

A paternidade de Priscila (Clara Galinari) pegou a todos de surpresa em Espelho da Vida

Ao revelar que Alain (João Vicente de Castro) é o pai de sua filha, Isabel (Alinne Moraes) desencadeou um confusão na cabeça da menina e também na do cineasta

A pequena não consegue aceitar o novo pai, para o desespero de Isabel, que deseja a reaproximação dos dois

Alain (João Vicente de Castro) e Isabel (Alinne Moraes) são surpreendidos pela menina em 'Espelho da Vida' — Foto: TVGLOBO Em uma de suas tentativas de conquistar a menina, Alain mostra o bastidores de Amor Infinito, ensinando tudo o que sabe sobre cinema

Apesar de se encantar com tudo, Priscila não dá o braço a torcer e continua implicando com o pai

REVEJA: Alain mostra a Priscila os segredos do cinema REVEJA: Isabel conta para Alain que ele é pai de Priscila Nos próximos capítulos, a menina terá uma nova discussão com Alain, depois de encontrar ele e Isabel juntos

Alain (João Vicente de Castro) fica desconfortável com a reação de Priscila (Clara Galinari) — Foto: TVGLOBO "Pára com isso! O que ele tá fazendo com você, mãe?" Priscila (Clara Galinari) flagra Alain (João Vicente de Castro) e Isabel (Alinne Moraes) em 'Espelho da Vida' — Foto: TVGLOBO Mas por que Priscila teve essa reação? Continue acompanhando Espelho da Vida e fique de olho em tudo através do resumo da semana

saiba mais Alain e Isabel se entregam a paixão

For more infomation >> Priscila flagra Alain e Isabel em 'Espelho da Vida' - Duration: 2:06.


Função Somases Direto em Coluna de Listbox Excel VBA via Códigos - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> Função Somases Direto em Coluna de Listbox Excel VBA via Códigos - Duration: 8:59.


Golpe dos chineses I China Gate Importação - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Golpe dos chineses I China Gate Importação - Duration: 6:41.


MES TENUES DE LA SEMAINE - #OOTW | Ariana mvl - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> MES TENUES DE LA SEMAINE - #OOTW | Ariana mvl - Duration: 11:17.


明治時代のキラキラネームをご覧ください - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 明治時代のキラキラネームをご覧ください - Duration: 3:56.


Justyna Żyła wybaczyła Piotrowi zdradę! Kto by się tego spodziewał! - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Justyna Żyła wybaczyła Piotrowi zdradę! Kto by się tego spodziewał! - Duration: 6:44.


✅ Ascolti tv giovedì 20 dicembre, Sanremo Giovani vs Ultimo 5 con Raoul Bova - Duration: 2:50.

Ieri su Rai1 la coppia Pippo Baudo- Rovazzi non conquista il pubblico  Non sono stati certamente brillanti gli ascolti che hanno accolto il debutto di Sanremo Giovani

Nella serata di ieri, giovedì , su Rai1 lo show musicale condotto da Pippo Baudo in coppia con Rovazzi non ha entusiasmato il pubblico

La trasmissione in onda sulla prima rete Rai è stata infatti visto da 2.428.000 spettatori pari al 13

1% di share. Su Canale 5 l'appuntamento era invece con la seconda e ultima puntata di Ultimo 5 – Caccia ai Narcos

La serie tv targata Mediaset con protagonista Raoul Bova ha raccolto davanti al video 3

334.000 spettatori. La fiction ha registrato una share pari al 16.2%. Tornando ai canali Rai, su Rai2 è andato in onda il film Saving Mr Banks con Emma Thompson e Tom Hanks

Il film ha interessato 1.531.000 spettatori pari al 7.1% di share. Infine su Rai3 il film Dio esiste e vive a Bruxelles ha raccolto davanti al video 1

023.000 spettatori pari ad uno share del 4.5%. Su Canale 5 Raoul Bova ancora nei panni del comandante Ultimo  Accoglienza tiepida quella riservata ieri sera, giovedì 20 dicembre, alla prima delle due puntate di Sanremo giovani su Rai1

Il programma condotto da Pippo Baudo e Rovazzi ha portato per la prima volta le promesse della musica direttamente sul palco del Teatro Ariston per la 69ᵃ edizione del Festival della Canzone Italiana di Sanremo

Su Canale 5 l'appuntamento era con l'ultima puntata di Ultimo 5 che vede Raoul Bova vestire i panni del comandante Ultimo

Questa volta il protagonista è contattato dall'Interpol per compiere una missione molto rischiosa

Tornando alle reti Mediaset, su Italia 1 Fausto & Furio – Nun potemo perde ha intrattenuto 1

087.000 spettatori (4.9%) mentre su Rete4 la prima puntata Freedom – Oltre il Confine con Roberto Giacobbo ha registrato 1

237.000 spettatori con il 6% di share. I programmi in onda su La7, TV8 e sul Nove  Vediamo infine i dati Auditel relativi ai programmi in onda in prima serata ieri, giovedì 20 dicembre La7, TV8 e sul Nove

Su La7 l'appuntamento era con la maratona di episodi della serie tv Body of Proof che ha registrato 540

000 spettatori con uno share del 3%. Su Tv8 è andato in onda un classico del cinema come il film Ben Hur che ha raccolto davanti al teleschermo 474

000 spettatori con il 2.2%. Infine sul Nove I Grandi Papi ha raccolto 236.000 spettatori con l'1%

For more infomation >> ✅ Ascolti tv giovedì 20 dicembre, Sanremo Giovani vs Ultimo 5 con Raoul Bova - Duration: 2:50.


생활한복으로 연말룩 코디하기 + 연말파티 브이로그 feat.리슬 - Duration: 9:08.

For more infomation >> 생활한복으로 연말룩 코디하기 + 연말파티 브이로그 feat.리슬 - Duration: 9:08.


👍 Костюмы Фиксики Аниматорские — Магазин ❤️ - Duration: 3:09.

🌟 🇺🇸 Costumes Fixiki Animators — Shop 🌟

For more infomation >> 👍 Костюмы Фиксики Аниматорские — Магазин ❤️ - Duration: 3:09.


Sultan ul Ashiqeen Tv | Naat | Saal Bhar Dekhi Nahi Ha - Duration: 9:42.

Naat : Saal Bhar Dekhi Nahi Nahi Ha

For more infomation >> Sultan ul Ashiqeen Tv | Naat | Saal Bhar Dekhi Nahi Ha - Duration: 9:42.


Lucia Scanu - Piani Individuali di Risparmio - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Lucia Scanu - Piani Individuali di Risparmio - Duration: 1:25.


Testing the Rotax Thunder Electro Kart - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Testing the Rotax Thunder Electro Kart - Duration: 1:22.


Around a Medicinal Creeper || PUC First Year English - Duration: 17:31.

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

Watch my videos up the end to get full benefit

Like Share and subscribe

Like Share and subscribe

For more infomation >> Around a Medicinal Creeper || PUC First Year English - Duration: 17:31.


Renault ZOE Q210 Intens Quickcharge 22 kWh (ex Accu) Camera, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault ZOE Q210 Intens Quickcharge 22 kWh (ex Accu) Camera, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:08.


Renault ZOE Q210 Intens Quickcharge 22 kWh (ex Accu) Camera, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault ZOE Q210 Intens Quickcharge 22 kWh (ex Accu) Camera, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:08.


Renault Captur TCe 90pk Dynamique R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90pk Dynamique R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:49.


Dacia Logan MCV 0.9 TCE Easy-R LAUREATE - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Dacia Logan MCV 0.9 TCE Easy-R LAUREATE - Duration: 0:53.


Renault Scénic TCe 115pk Intens R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Scénic TCe 115pk Intens R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:11.


Renault Clio 1.5 dCi ECO Dynamique R-LINK NAVI CLIMA - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.5 dCi ECO Dynamique R-LINK NAVI CLIMA - Duration: 0:53.


Renault Scénic TCe 115pk Intens R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Scénic TCe 115pk Intens R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:11.


Renault Clio 1.5 dCi ECO Dynamique R-LINK NAVI CLIMA - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.5 dCi ECO Dynamique R-LINK NAVI CLIMA - Duration: 1:05.


Dacia Logan MCV 0.9 TCE Easy-R LAUREATE - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Dacia Logan MCV 0.9 TCE Easy-R LAUREATE - Duration: 1:05.


MES TENUES DE LA SEMAINE - #OOTW | Ariana mvl - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> MES TENUES DE LA SEMAINE - #OOTW | Ariana mvl - Duration: 11:17.


Trailer: Frontline Fashion 3 digital mini series - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Trailer: Frontline Fashion 3 digital mini series - Duration: 0:33.


대만 여자친구가 내게 바라는 3가지│對韓國男友的三個要求 - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> 대만 여자친구가 내게 바라는 3가지│對韓國男友的三個要求 - Duration: 5:45.


Мой Говорящий Том 2 #25 Друзья Анджела Хомяк My Talking Tom 2 Игровой мультик для детей Мультфильмы - Duration: 20:10.

For more infomation >> Мой Говорящий Том 2 #25 Друзья Анджела Хомяк My Talking Tom 2 Игровой мультик для детей Мультфильмы - Duration: 20:10.


來台北用悠遊卡玩觸控式娃娃機!!還能印出自己拍的照片哦!【OurTV】生活VLOG - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> 來台北用悠遊卡玩觸控式娃娃機!!還能印出自己拍的照片哦!【OurTV】生活VLOG - Duration: 8:03.


Θέλετε τέλεια επιδερμίδα, σαν αυτή των Γαλλίδων; Με αυτά τα προϊόντα θα την έχετε - People Greece - Duration: 1:18.

 Δεν έχουμε κρύψει ποτέ την αγάπη μας για οτιδήποτε έχει να κάνει με τη Γαλλία. Οι Γαλλίδες έχουν υπέροχο στιλ, υπέροχα μαλλιά και υπέροχες επιδερμίδες και ένα από τα μυστικά τους για αυτό το τελευταίο ακούει στο όνομα Darphin

 Με προσοχή στη λεπτομέρεια και στόχο της την τήρηση των νόμων της φυσικής και της χημείας, η Darphin δημιουργεί συνθέσεις εκλεκτών συστατικών ακολουθώντας την παράδοση και ανταμείβοντας μας με την απόλαυση της τέλειας απόδοσης των προϊόντων

Ο ιδρυτής της εταιρίας, Pierre Darphin, πίστευε ότι η περιποίηση ομορφιάς απαιτεί τη χρήση μιας ειδικής μεθόδου μασάζ που θα ενισχύει την απορρόφηση των συνθέσεων

Ο ίδιος είχε δημιουργήσει συγκεκριμένα βήματα εφαρμογής των προϊόντων του, ώστε να βοηθήσει στην απορρόφηση τους και την μεγαλύτερη απελευθέρωση των συστατικών στην επιδερμίδα

 Διαβάστε τη συνέχεια στο

For more infomation >> Θέλετε τέλεια επιδερμίδα, σαν αυτή των Γαλλίδων; Με αυτά τα προϊόντα θα την έχετε - People Greece - Duration: 1:18.


Deltarune試玩版第一章_概略劇情翻譯(三) - Duration: 27:46.

For more infomation >> Deltarune試玩版第一章_概略劇情翻譯(三) - Duration: 27:46.


OH, INSPIRING PIANO MUSIC! 🔷 instrumental soundtrack - Duration: 2:16.

Inspiring piano music for you! This is classy instrumental soundtrack.

Inspirational, inspiring music! Classic etude for piano.

For more infomation >> OH, INSPIRING PIANO MUSIC! 🔷 instrumental soundtrack - Duration: 2:16.


Renault Mégane 1.4-16V Authentique 5Drs - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.4-16V Authentique 5Drs - Duration: 1:10.


TryHardNinja - Turn Back [FNAF + TJOC: SM + YouTubers] - Duration: 4:58.

I'm Freddy, come and listen

You're new, so pay attention

These are my friends

Everyone gather 'round and meet the victim

This place is our masterpiece We mastered disaster, and casualties

Are piling up faster than pizza cheese And all the toppings on it, that the kiddies eat

But hey, eat up, forget the calories It's your last meal, you should die happy

Because we kill much faster than heart disease This stress can't be worth your salary

I mean, okay, now don't be mad I know it's private stuff but we've seen your check

You should quit and run, yeah, you won't regret Because you might have bills but the dead don't pay the rent

Caution, turn back now There are secrets that will be unwound

They will drag you down Turn back, turn back

You don't have to stay Endure the curse we can't escape

Before your world breaks Turn back, turn back

You still here? Oh, don't you get it? When we said we'd end you, we really meant it

There's no winning, who are you kidding? We run this place and you are just some cop they rented

Still you can be our guest here, if you wish There's plenty ways to die too, here's a list

Mangle looks particularly, straight unhinged And Bonnie will exterminate you with a twist

Got the gist? 'Cause Foxy's armed and ready Only got one hand, but the other's deadly

Chica getting closer while we talk already Death always approaching, slow and steady

Listen find a new job, it's a big town Final notice

If you don't turn back now Don't say we didn't warn ya

You're the one who signed up for this torture

Caution, turn back now There are secrets that will be unwound

They will drag you down Turn back, turn back

You don't have to stay Endure the curse we can't escape

Before your world breaks Turn back, turn back

It's true we sing the saddest song Given a gift, we soldier on

The second chance we've been allowed Will bring your end of days, if you don't turn back now

Caution, turn back now There are secrets that will be unwound

There are secrets that will be unwound (We'll make it through these long nights)

They will drag you down Turn back, turn back

You don't have to stay Endure the curse we can't escape

Endure the curse we can't escape (Run, run, run)

Before your world breaks Turn back, turn back

(Turn back now)

Hi, my name is Baby I need a new plaything

Don't hold it against us if your chances are all fading

Come on down here underground, where things are getting crazy

If you survive Freddy's There's a killer new job waiting

"Hello! My name is Baby! What's up, bro?" "Are u ok?"

"You don't know what we've been through..."

For more infomation >> TryHardNinja - Turn Back [FNAF + TJOC: SM + YouTubers] - Duration: 4:58.


Opel Astra - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra - Duration: 0:54.


Donna & Alex Talk w/ O'S**t About Ceaser | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 3:08.

♪ I knock, knock hard ♪


- [bleep] last night was whack as [bleep].

- It was definitely whack.

I don't even know what to say.

- That [bleep] Ted ass hurting you like--

like what's wrong with y'all [bleep] like--

That [bleep] is sad.

- ♪

- Seeing Alex get jumped last night was really [bleep] scary.

- [indistinct yelling]

- [plates crashing]

- It just makes me so sad that they really tried to hurt Alex,

like y'all was really trying to take my [bleep] out.

And now he got a fat-ass knot on his head.

Like what the [bleep] did Alex do

that y'all [bleep] feel like y'all can [bleep]

try to really hurt him?

That [bleep] is whack to me.

What is going on right now that that's necessary?

Like something is really wrong with Ceaser.

- [bleep] is in high school.

- Like-- - [bleep] is old as hell

in high school.

I'm really disappointed in Cease.

Like we shared a different kind of bond.

He was like more than a boss to me.

You came through when I had nobody to turn to.

It puts you on a higher pedestal in my life.

After I left the shop, eventually, I thought

we would patch things up.

But after last night,

I've seen a side of him that I just can't stand.

Smell it.

[bleep] strong, right?

O [bleep]. No pun intended.

O [bleep]. [laughs] - What up, bro?

- We heard O [bleep] and Nikki were in town for Bae's wedding.

So, we had to invite them to talk about how crazy

Cease been acting.

It's kinda like the Black Ink survivor's club over here.

So, I heard we just missed y'all at the rehearsal dinner.

Y'all know Ceaser and Ted tried to jump Alex yesterday.

- What?

- Yeah.

- Welcome to the club.

Same thing happened to me and her.

Ceaser lost his [bleep] with us last night, too.

- It was like literally like him screaming at us the entire time.

- RICHARD: And I can't believe it got even worse after we left.

- This is getting really getting like one a whole new level.

- Like that [bleep] is nothing but toxic energy.

That's why I'm glad that like I'm away from that [bleep] now.

I realized this a long time ago,

but last night really solidified it.

Ceaser's really an asshole.

And that whole "I'm loyal to my family" [bleep]

and "I'll help 'em out," it's pure bull [bleep].

How do y'all feel about even going to Bae's wedding?

'Cause I know like I-- personally, I don't know

if I'm gonna wind up going.

- Yeah, I don't know about all that.

- Like I don't know Bae that well, personally.

But I know how hard it was when our wedding was like ruined.

- Hey, are you Richard?


You've been served.

- [bleep].

- At this point, it's Cease's wedding.

- RICHARD: Yeah. - So, I don't wanna be there.

Although I'm here for Bae, and I'll feel bad for ditching her,

I can't stand to be in the same room as Cease and Ted right now.

And somebody gotta be the adult.

And I know for a fact Cease is not gonna be that.

So, out of respect for Bae and her wedding,

I might be the bigger man and sit this one out.

- DONNA: Probably won't go to this wedding.

I just wish like Cease got diarrhea or something.

- RICHARD: Diarrhea? - ALL: [laughing]

- ♪

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Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator Camera, Navig., Trekhaak, Airco, 17'' Lichtm. v - Duration: 1:12.

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For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5 DI-T First Edition Automaat | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:05.


Letting Go of Offenses - Brant Hansen - Duration: 23:02.

I've had it work through forgiving my dad instead of living in response to

that the rest of my life because I could say well it's righteous anger he was so

wrong like yeah he was wrong but I don't want to be defined by that the rest of

my life mm-hm and God has forgiven me I've got to let go of that anger in

order to be healthy

welcome to the focus on the family broadcast helping families thrive at

John earlier this year we featured a message from Brandt Hanson he run focus

on the family today and we're gonna welcome him back to the studio I think

this is a wonderful topic you and I are often talking about you talk a lot about

your driving I talk about how people irritate me on the road that is true

that's that's where the Lord is teaching me so much to become more like him more

forgiving you know what I call traffic forgiveness practice excellent I really

do I mean it's a low-risk way to actually implement forgiveness in a

people life like it's a great idea this is like a therapy moment Brandt Hanson

has written this wonderful book unoffending

and we're gonna learn today as believers maybe if you're not a believer in Jesus

Christ you're gonna learn some things today about how not to let people

irritate you and I think that's something to lean into yeah and Brandt

is well known for his unique and humorous syndicated radio broadcast in

fact he won an award for the National personality of the year that's an award

for you national personality of the year the irony is I almost don't have a

personality God's sense of humor well in fact the gallery is packed with people

who follow your program so let's let them say hello to you hello this is so

incredibly frightening yeah it's funny this makes you nervous you told me

before we could talk to the gallery that's probably a hundred people in

there totally in there's something about being seen that's really hard for me I'm

used to not being seen so I like writing and I like being on the radio look now

unoffending let me get to it why are we offended so often by people even for

those of us who claim christ and we know the fruit of the Spirit is love joy

peace goodness self-control why does that guy that cuts

me off on the road get to me so easily well number one I think we're angers

being threatened at some level I think we know that that it's threat so I guess

somebody cutting you off at some deep level some primal level or something is

like he's going to get to the food before I get there

well now you're kinda getting a little close here there's something deep down

there that's like why are you entitled to this one not me so we feel threatened

but that's anger across the board there's there's things that make us feel

threatened that should make us feel threatened so there is a good response

again well there's a natural anger that happens let's describe them let's go

with what's a normal you know anger response and what is over-the-top

well if your parents are abusive or you've gone through some some horrible

things in your life somebody's taken the life of a family like anger a course is

gonna be response to that I mean we're actually wired for fight-or-flight we're

wired to have all these physiological reactions that happen when we're

threatened the problem is for the Christian the idea when does forgiveness

actually begin or are we supposed to stay angry cuz we've been taught and I

think this is to get at your question about why this is such a big issue for

Christians we're not taught out of anger we're told it well its righteous anger

my anger is righteous so we hold on to it the problem is and this is the

shocking thing in the book that when people first hear about it they're like

that can't be true I'm saying in the book that there is no biblical righteous

anger for humans God's anger is righteous yes Jesus anger is righteous

he's holy yeah but for us were not good arbiters of our own anger we feel

threatened when we don't need to we're supposed to get rid of anger before the

Sun Goes Down mmm that doesn't mean that it's

righteous yeah if it's so righteous why are we supposed to get rid of it right

now there's no good scriptural argument for

holding on to anger and having entitlement to it but the biggest reason

for actual forgiveness and extend and surrendering our so-called right to

anger is because we are sinners - like Jim you know this yeah like you have let

people down as well sure and even if they're wrong I know I've done just as

bad this is the status we have as believers it's not because they deserve

forgiveness it's because I didn't like that's why I'm able to extend this and I

think waking up in the morning this is why I'm going in my book like wake up in

the morning I realize this is going to happen when you get on the interstate

and people cut you off you shouldn't be shocked again yeah I can't believe this

can you believe people yeah believe it these are humans believe it when you

travel sometimes we don't get what we want

it's a grits me too but I've got to adjust to reality and wake up and think

today I'm going to extend the forgiveness that God has given me toward

other people and I'm not going to be shocked by their behavior yeah I

remember when I wrote finding home my first book about you know the story of

being an orphan kid which I had to go through all that as a young boy and the

one of the criticisms I received and you deal with criticism in an offender bowl

because criticism comes our way certainly as public people totally I

remember one person when I first started doing the radio program here focused

somebody wrote in and said Jim Daly's voice is too high I went wow that's

something I just can't help if people are offended by that I'm sorry and I'll

pray that God would give me a bit lower voice for him but I mean you can't do

much about that kind of thing the but in this case somebody reviewing the book

said Daly's best advice is to keep your expectations low which for me they just

missed the whole point what I was trying to say there is one way to survive a

world that is often offending you is to realize that people are people this mom

and dad are gonna let you down right relatives are gonna let you down that

you're gonna let yourself down now you could tag that with low expectations I

say it's realistic expectations would you agree absolutely and when someone

says I can't believe what my mom just said like think about that unpack that

how long's your mom and saying stuff like that like take out the trash yeah

57 years right at some point go ahead and believe that she said that people do

things like people do and they've done it for thousands of years and the first

two brothers that were born one of them killed the other one yeah the idea that

we're shocked by human behavior we if you're a Christian believer I mean we

should be the people who are not shocked we know what our hearts are like we know

what God's been willing to do for us like so to continue for us to be

constant righteous anger and just be up in arms about how everybody else is

behaving doesn't doesn't make sense we should be the ones who are the least

surprised when I know and I guess that realization that

we are in a broken world we're still sinners but were saved by grace thank

you Lord right we're trying to rectify these instantaneous impulses in us you

have I think a parking-lot story or her we almost got in a fight or something

now tell yours and I'll tell my maybe conflating different story I don't know

we'll go for it but um yeah I mean like oh I've had one day to the next I'm in a

parking lot and I'm pulling out and I was taking too much of the center and I

was blaming the person pulling in and then someone was within the place where

I was yesterday and I was blaming him and all that to say it's always we're

always the victims absolutely in our mind and there's actually a proverb this

is the first to testify always seems right mmm the first attack in my mind

gets who the first to testify is and every conflict and every inconvenience

and every it's it's me so obviously I think I'm right I always think my anger

is righteous but yeah we've had that I think I cited in the book almost getting

in a fistfight about a ping pong ping pong thing with my church fellas good

confession is good for the soul was it I didn't even realize it was a fight like

I'm not naturally give I don't pick up on cues like I said and then I realized

this guy's about to punch me in the face what did you cheat at pink no I was

saying that the rules are the serve goes this way like we're playing doubles so

you're straightening this guy well I guess and but but to have to stick it

out I mean my point in the book was we stuck it out we're still good friends

like we know were broken but people split up all the time we split up with

her church family we split up because we're constantly getting offended this

is the way the whole world operates we should be the ones that don't like we're

the ones who don't because we know we're broken so we should go yep that's us

again and extend forgiveness as God's forgiving it to us to other people this

is what we should be like now it's one thing to laugh about these funny

encounters and they happen from time to time but hopefully in your

sanctification process what you're driving at is there fewer and fewer yes

in terms of occurrence they're happening with greater time distance right I think

that's right is that the goal what about the person who wakes up every day the

believer who's saying you know I'm offended again if you're feeling

offended quite often is that something you should look at yeah I think so if

you here's the weird thing once we call it righteous anger we pat ourselves on

the back for being angry instead of doing the opposite which is deal with

your anger get rid of it before the Sun goes how do we know it's righteous anger

we don't that's just it God knows his angers rights just cuz

he's holy okay but some people hearing that right now are saying no no brant I

know what righteous anger is when I get upset at this politician or this

abortion doctor or that gay couple that lives nearby but see here's the problem

you're a sinner and God has chosen to forgive you in a cost blood-like can you

extend that to other people this is not to say what they're doing is right so

that's where people get thrown is there gonna I guess everything's okay then

you're just being a relativist totally not what I'm saying is that God's been

willing to forgive me I have to forgive my anger against them because I'm the

unmerciful servant if I don't look what he's done for me Jesus makes this story

very obvious like one man's forgiving a lot it won't extend that to someone else

now that said we should still take action against stuff but people confuse

anger with action in our culture I'd be probably noticed they think tweeting

about something look how angry I am everybody's angry all the time about

everything that's today's culture right but what we're called to do is actually

take action to correct injustice actually to do things

anger does not help us do that with a clear mind it actually inhibits our

clear mind we don't want our police our military acting out of anger but we do

want them taking action and so this is what I'm called to do as a believer is

to actually do things sacrifice do what I can but

patting myself on the back for being angry actually doesn't help anybody mmm

Brandt you had to wrestle with some faith issues when you're a young man I

think there were some anger issues when you're a boy describe what was going on

and how you begin to get a handle on your anger

even as a child yeah this is hard to talk about but it's a it's a good

question and I do reference it I'm a preacher's kid and we went through a lot

of stuff in the home from my dad that was the exact opposite of what he was

preaching I saw him preached three times a week

right and how old are you and how did you translate all the way growing up

there was it till the first is hypocritical or Oh totally I was scared

at home my parents divorced when I was in seventh or eighth grade and then

remarried each other and then divorced again and squaring that with the reality

of faith is very difficult and it made me extremely skeptical and I am a very

skeptical person it's just I'm so skeptical and I write about this son but

just I'm so skeptical it's chased me back around to Jesus because it's a good

thing because yes I think it is because you see human nature I think ma anybody

else who does anything about it hmm like he's the only one that acknowledges sin

and and does something about it that I can find in the things he said about how

we're not all we're not good none of us just strikes me as that's accurate right

so he says that like he's got the words of life and I don't know where else to

go the alternatives are not appealing to me then yeah I've had to work through

forgiving my dad instead of living in response to that the rest of my life

because I could say well it's righteous anger he was so wrong like yeah he was

wrong but I don't want to be defined by that

the rest of my life mm-hmm and God has forgiven me I've got to let go of that

anger in order to be healthy that's big and I appreciate your heart I think in

the book you mentioned a time when you were prepping for your radio program and

you were in maybe you didn't recognize it at first but you were going to

subscription oh no I recognized it okay so rather

than me paid the wrong picture run that you paint the picture but this I'm a

Christian radio host actually used to know this guy we used to be friends and

he wasn't a believer that I knew of or anything but he did a radio prep service

which cost the subscriptions like $50 a month and it gives you like the stuff to

talk about that day and so I had a password for it and so I

would download it and use it without paying and this went on at this

Christian station I was at for six eight months and suddenly he emailed me while

I was downloading and said hey what's going on man just check it in oh no he

could see you know my IP address or something and he knows the Christian guy

is stealing his stuff mm-hmm I guess this one off for a year I owed him like

600 bucks and so I could barely function like I've been stealing your eye mr.

Christian whatever I've been stealing from you for about a year huh and I need

to send you a check for $600 and he wrote me back and said you know what I'm

going to forgive you don't work so here's the non-christian guy seemingly

like I Know Who I am and we kid ourselves if we think we're not bad and

so when I when I recall that sort of stuff it's very difficult not to extend

that forgiveness to other people like if they if God has let me go for for being

that kind of person why can't I extend that to other people

I have to I don't have a choice is that a one-time decision

no it's every day and that's what I think I mean I'm thinking about a

specific offense that has occurred do you like your even as big as the deal

with your dad did you forgive him and move on no it's um it's it that I think

it's an ongoing decision it does get easier but I think it's the it's the

decision to relinquish the right to anger cuz again you'll feel things but

it's the idea that I'm not entitled to this anymore because of what God's done

for me and to be sure we know people have had family members murdered and

they let go of that anger because they have - that's the thing - besides the

fact that Jesus commanded us to forgive people and again not just

physiologically but our relationships suffer we go through it torpedoes other

relationships because we got anger that we haven't let go of because we're

constantly living in reaction to that thing that happened to us yesterday or

20 or 40 years ago and we've got to let it go you share

story in the book about a car accident I think that I don't know if as a friend

ears that was involved in this but what happened in this

accident why was it an illustration that you used ok she's extremely intelligent

and her dad is a very high-ranking professor at a major university and she

said she's an intellect in in an agnostic she drove into a construction

zone and hit a guy and actually it cost him his legs huh and she went and

visited the hospital room and he forgave her and he said it's because I believe

in God and I because I'm a Christian I have to let this go and I want you to

know I forgiving you well she's now a believer because of that Wow the power

of forgiveness yeah because there's nothing like there's nothing else in the

world that would give you that resource to do that my wife was attacked by a guy

on the street last year and we had to wrestle through this after I wrote the

book so it's like okay now what you got and the police didn't arrest him I had

to wrestle with that after writing the book the police did not arrest the guy

he kept walking past our front window we live on the sidewalk practically like

we're in a town house an old town house I saw him every day welcome but my wife

would see him I kept I went to the mayor the police like why haven't you arrested

this guy he assaulted her on the street threw her on the ground put her in a

headlock all this stuff but what had to pray about it and I went and finally I

was relentless and got him arrested but it took a long time but I never gave it

was like I still was taking action but it's like we were praying for him to the

point that our we felt for him hmm and we actually asked for leniency in the

sentencing we wanted mental health evaluations we wanted and but we got

that way because we realized we are sinners that's a long story short it's a

good story well and I hope I hope people realize too I'm not against putting

someone in jail or anything like that it was just it's just amazing how your

heart changes when you surrender that right and I didn't give up on getting

him arrested that is powerful so powerful let's work through a few more

examples for the Christian what's the alternative to reacting angrily and

acting offended how do we I mean roleplay with me oh man so I guess we'll

take you to the airport gee that's perfect right there

yes I think I would what is you're sitting on a plane and you're not

getting the service you think you deserve I think you can I think you can

act without anger and it'll be better than if he had anger Dallas Willard said

that too okay so you guys have brought a lot of travel examples and I do travel

and so I've experienced some of those incidents and had some of those feelings

but I'm thinking brand of a harder place to let go of anger and that's in the

home mm-hmm at home is where I find myself getting triggered I keep a happy

nice Jesus person face on here at work but I get home and there's a part of me

that comes out that I don't like so what can I do before I get home tonight to

kind of prepare for that well again because I know everything we've talked

about you're right there are there buttons but the I think understanding it

first of all that you do not entitled to righteous anger again and entering into

before you even go into that situation if you can ask God on the way home for

ten seconds like I please help me to be forgiving like it's really weird to I've

been married 28 years now and to continually be put off by who my wife is

if for her to be put off by me we know all this stuff now and to be able to

practice this with each other and drop things is so fresh and so wonderful like

quit trying to reform everybody and police the world in your own home it's

really hard because you're living with humans it's never gonna end you're

always gonna be chafing against it again it's not to allow all behavior like well

now my kids can do whatever they want that's not it at all but the idea that

I'm gonna be continually offended at my wife you know doesn't give me a heads up

on directions when we're driving like like how long is that gonna go on before

I'm like yeah we're broken and we can have a sense of humor about it I think

even allowing that we should we should drop things is a huge step and then

reminding ourselves before we go into it I do think workplaces it is actually not

easy for people and people are constantly offended at work and it's a

great idea to go these are the people I'm with

God put me with them and my boss is gonna do stuff that my boss does how do

I love love him or her anyway Brent when you look at I so often think

of a marriage in that context because you know how many times have we had

marriage experts here John it's Gary Thomas or Gary Chapman or some other

marriage expert Greg Smalley our very own but when you get down to it you

think why God why have you designed it like this why do you pull opposites

together so often I know not everybody is that way but you pull introvert and

extrovert together a night owl and morning person dark chocolate milk

chocolate and then you put them together and say okay make it work and then you

irritate each other and I think really it's simple it really is simple

to become more like Christ which is what giving sacrificial not as selfish

totally and you think of that system and then with what you're doing here with

unoffending it's similar in how you deal with people why does the Lord allow

people to irritate well so that you could become more like him and look

beyond that irritation to what God has created and this is love yeah like when

you don't feel it and you still extend grace to the person behind the counter

or that person at work like apparently God is really pleased by that

apparently it's obedience I mean this is what love looks like when you're not

feeling it in a marriage for instance and your wife like when I was writing

the book my wife brings me tea and I know she's not feeling in love with me

and she's had a long day or whatever I may have just aggravated her and she

still does it that's that is love like so this is a chance it does shape us to

make us more like Christ but it's also this is God's love language I think is

when we do things for people that aren't doing anything for us well Brent Hanson

you have done a wonderful job I think this is food for thought if we've

irritated you today be sure to contact us all probably most grants number but

seriously this is where it's at this is the action I would love and I work at

this every day and I don't do it perfectly and Jean would be the first to

tell you but it is something we as Christians need to exemplify we should

be different from the world and this is one of the core

is if everything's offending you maybe need a deeper relationship with Christ

and that's good and true for every one of us and Brandt you've done a wonderful

job here an unoffending trying to help us better understand the journey the

Lord has for us and thank you thank you guys for you hey I'm John fuller and

thanks for watching get more info about focus over here and more from our guests

over there and be sure to subscribe to our channel as well


For more infomation >> Letting Go of Offenses - Brant Hansen - Duration: 23:02.


Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5 DI-T 163PK 2WD CVT FIRST EDITION |AUTOMAAT |COMPLEET - Duration: 0:55.

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People are very angry at BFMTV as you can see.

I'm 24 years old, I'm looking for a job.

I would like to do a training, but it's very complicated

to have access to training, in terms of funding and all of that.

And I'm also angry,

because from the youngest to the oldest, from my little sister to my grandparents,

everyone's a little left out, and it's revolting.

People are really tired of it.

Whether in the provinces or on the roundabouts,

even if the mobilization seems weaker,

I have a friend, he's been sleeping for a month in a cabin on a roundabout…

The guy's brave.

I think it's the police repression that is really scary.

That's what scares the hell out of me, really, it's the police repression.

– I am an organizer. I'm an agent of the city of Sarcelles.

I have a precarious contract that I have to sign every year.

So it also involves the precariousness of public officials.

There's nothing we can do at the end of the month.

We can't get into debt for an in-house credit so we're stuck.

And we, what triggered us,

it's also the pensioners who have a basic pension.

We see them eating out of garbage cans.

We were shocked, pensioners…

They aren't hobos or marginal people.

They are pensioners who worked all their life.

And they eat out of garbage cans.

And what do we see?

The multinationals putting bleach inside garbage cans.

It horrified us.

I have my father who is a pensioner,

so it concerns me in concrete terms, in relation to pensions.

I'm fighting for my father, for my daughters,

and especially for the workers, the living strength of this country.

The only solution, it's the Citizen Initiative Referendum.

And we want the debt cancellation, like the Vikings did, the Icelanders.

So we, the "reluctant Gauls", what the Vikings did, we'll do it.

And we're not giving up on this.

– If there is a time when you have to move, it's now.

For once, we really have a citizen movement

that has been created with tons of claims,

questioning the whole way we operate,

our entire democracy, on many subjects… .

At least people are finally getting involved, people are politicized.

Most people did not necessarily vote.

They voted for the current president or they voted for others.

And they put all that aside.

And they think to themselves: "we're just tired of the system."

And when the system starts to spin out of control,

you have to ask yourself why?

– I want a French model, as we created it,

where there's a minimum for everyone and where finance respects us.

Everything is increasing, but it's never diminishing.

Mutuals are increasing, insurance is increasing,

oil is increasing.

When the price of crude oil goes up, I understand it goes up at the pump,

but when the price of crude oil goes down, why doesn't it decrease?

For me, it's necessary that we individually change our way of thinking,

so that collectively we can change, and as he says,

it is also necessary for the government to allows us to change.

The Champs, it's just an idea.

For a month, we've blocked all the rich people.

– I am a student.

– What do you study?

– I am a student in a film school.

And I specialize in sound to be a sound engineer later.

What particularly made me want to come today

is the fact that I wasn't satisfied with Macron's last answer.

Since I knew there would be fewer people today,

I told myself that to compensate,

it was necessary to help filling the Champs Elysées today.

But it is above all the symbolism there.

There are people on the Champs Elysées who still disagree with Macron.

And it's important that, even if there's not a lot of people, they're still there.

– I work in the banking sector.

I'm more like part of the wealthy sections of the population.

I'm not here because I'm having trouble to make ends meet.

But I completely understand

that a large part of the population has trouble making ends meet.

And so I'm here because I fully support this movement,

which is above all for me a social movement

linked to several decades of decrease in purchasing power

for the poorest part of the population.

Today, it translates into a movement that also has

important political demands,

such as for example the Citizen Initiative Referendum

that we hear a lot about lately.

If we had a more democratic system,

obviously the working classes, the poorest classes, I mean,

would not be in the situation in which they are today.

There is still a lot of work to be done. How will this movement evolve?

I don't know. I don't know. To me, it seems like… .

I have trouble projecting myself into the future.

But in any case, I think something's going on.

It's important to talk about it, to say the people here are pacifists,

they come here because they have ideas to defend,

they would like things to change.

And it's that message we must continue to convey

for the French to gather,

discuss as we do, exchange ideas… .

Something has been triggered.

It means the egalitarian side of the French comes back and resurfaces

when he should have reappeared, for me, a long time ago.

– Actually, there's a gloominess, that's that too.

So, me, for example, I am deeply anti-fascist,

but I have friends who voted for the National Front, I know some,

and I don't feel like they're people incapable of love.

They are people who, in my opinion, are lost,

And even, in fact, they are looking for a solution,

for themselves and for the people around.

And I think it's important,

you have an important role as a media being an information relay.

Right now, the acts of violence…

Telling people they must not revolt

because they have nothing to eat,

that's where the real violence is.

When stores were smashed,

we saw people running around in the stores

to get cakes, things.

I'm ashamed to be in a country where people,

when there's a broken store,

are going to grab some food stuff, canned food.

What the hell is that? These people are going to deal canned peas?

No! It's complete fantasy.

And when you have a president boasting about having a Rolex or luxury cars,

saying that's success,

if you don't have a suit, you're a loser.

and then, when you go on avenues like this

where there's nothing you can afford

even though you're working, you're careful,

at some point, people can't take it anymore.

♫ All together, all together, ♫

♫ yeah, yeah! ♫

– I would like to add that this movement can't stop now.

We must not stop.

However, we must not forget the 6 dead for a peaceful movement.

6 dead, more than 700 wounded.

And the President doesn't talk about it!

He doesn't talk about it!

He wants it to stop.

Because he wants to keep eating, he wants to keep celebrating!

He doesn't care about people dying.

He doesn't give a damn, and it can't last!

We are in a democracy, it has to stop.

But not our movement, their charade!



T.D Jakes 2018 Sermons - Speak The Word, And He Will Hear #Sunday - Duration: 1:51:43.

For more infomation >> T.D Jakes 2018 Sermons - Speak The Word, And He Will Hear #Sunday - Duration: 1:51:43.


Soru Cevap 2 Kıta 1 Aile | Bende Afrikalı Biriyle Evlenmek İstiyorum, Tavsiyeniz Ne?😍 - Duration: 21:59.

For more infomation >> Soru Cevap 2 Kıta 1 Aile | Bende Afrikalı Biriyle Evlenmek İstiyorum, Tavsiyeniz Ne?😍 - Duration: 21:59.


Trump heralds Farm Bill signing by tweeting video of himself singing 'Green Acres' theme song - Duration: 4:12.

Donald Trump once appeared on stage at the Emmy Awards dressed as a farmer in overalls and performing the theme from the 1960s-era TV comedy 'Green Acres

'President Donald Trump teased Thursday's Farm Bill signing event by tweeting the video footage

'Farm Bill signing in 15 minutes!' Trump wrote, along with hashtags for '#Emmys' and '#TBT'–shorthand for 'Throwback Thursday

' In the video, Trump played the part of Eddie Albert's character, a New York lawyer who years for life on a farm–and moves to one

'Will and Grace' actress Megan Mullally played Eva Gabor's pampered Manhattan wife who can't stand the countryside

White House aides replayed some of the audio from the event before Trump entered the South Court Auditorium for the bill signing, along with Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue

'omg,' Mullally tweeted.'if you guys need me, i'll be in a hole in the ground.' At the time of the Emmy Awards stunt, she told The Wrap that getting Trump to sing was the perfect antidote to his tough-as-nails persona on 'The Apprentice

' 'Everybody thought he was this funny guy who was doing this caricature of himself, nobody thought he was really that person,' Mullally said said

'I thought it was fun to see him in overalls and a white t-shirt and a pitchfork and a straw hat

' It was also part of a competition.Host Ellen DeGeneres held what she called 'Emmy Idol' during the broadcast, inviting TV viewers to phone in and vote for their favorite live performance of the night

Trump and Mullally won, beating William Shatner's rendition of the 'Star Trek' theme song and a young Kristen Bell singing the 'Fame' theme in 1980s-style leg warmers

'He really wanted to win because people were calling in to vote,' Mullally told 'Late Show' host Stephen Colbert last year, remembering that the future president called her in her 'Will and Grace' dressing room to congratulate her the next day

''You know what? We really needed to win that thing and we did,' she recalled Trump saying

'And you were a big part of that, so I just wanted to say that we really needed to win it

Not only did we win it, but I hear we killed them.It was a landslide!' Thirteen years later, Trump laughed it off

'I sang "Green Acres," and received a very nice award that night.That was really great,' he chuckled before talking more seriously about the Farm Bill

'So we had that, somebody had it.I said, "Put it on."Not too much of it, but put it on

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