Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 21 2018

The Global Endurance Legends grid

is reserved for the likes of

the Ferrari F40 LM and 333 SP,

McLaren F1 GTR, Toyota GT-One,

Chrysler Viper GTS-R, and even a Bentley Speed 8

They are the most modern cars

in the Peter Auto series,

the only ones with sequential gearboxes as well.

Some of them can be considered to be

GT Prototypes, a category that returns to

Le Mans in 2020. History starts all over again.

It is true that the cars of this grid evoke memories of

championships like the iconic BPR, FIA GT

or even the Le Mans series,

which were held at the beginning of the 21st Century.

The owners and gentlemen drivers of

these prototypes and GT cars from the nineties and nillies

get the opportunity to drive their cars in anger

in the high-level environment of the Peter Auto series.

Whether it is a demo run or an actual race,

the Global Endurance Legends always bring a spectacular grid,

which is very much appreciated by the fans.

For more infomation >> Global Endurance Legends (BPR ; FIA GT ; LM GTP ; 24 Heures du Mans ; LMS ; ALMS) - Duration: 1:18.


Renault Trafic 2.0 dCi 115pk T29 L2H1 Eco Black Edition Airco, Cruise, Park. sens., R.schuifdeur, 2x - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Renault Trafic 2.0 dCi 115pk T29 L2H1 Eco Black Edition Airco, Cruise, Park. sens., R.schuifdeur, 2x - Duration: 0:57.


半永久的に効果が続く眼精疲労用骨挟み整体 大宮 整体 - Duration: 4:23.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about bone pinching self care that improve asthenopia.

At basically,soften stiff muscle that adhering into bone by bone joint. That method is to rub with bone joint. This method is so effective to soften the stiff muscle.

This time,aiming point is the eye edge. There are stiff muscle into bone inside place. Almost people don't soften that point.

Case that was keeping stiffness of that place,eye become tired easily by bad blood flow. Or become dry eye soon. Then eye ball also become hard to move.

As method that soften that stiff muscle,i tell this self care. This time using bone joint,soften eye muscle around. Fit index and middle finger joint into indent of up and down of bone.

Then continue only eye closing movement. Do close only a little from eye closing condition. Please check muscle condition in first step.

It is eye ball movement,pinch eye muscle around,etc. After that,decide finger position. Please fit sharp point of finger second joint into eye dent place.

When this,elbow don't move. Please close eyes in that condition. This is complexity a little.

But if you decided position,continue it only. If you are feel afford,please slide place that do self care little by little. Maybe you feel eye muscle move easily.

That condition is movement of soft muscle. After did self care,please pinch eyelids. If you feel hard to pinch eyelids,it is success.

Perhaps cheek or nose are also become soft. Eyeball movement is also improve. You will don't feel asthenopia by this self care.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> 半永久的に効果が続く眼精疲労用骨挟み整体 大宮 整体 - Duration: 4:23.


是攪局還是佈局?我看華爲筆記本電腦的戰略 - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> 是攪局還是佈局?我看華爲筆記本電腦的戰略 - Duration: 9:49.


500 METREDEN AVM İLE HEADSHOT !!! - (Pubg Mobile Fps Modu) - Duration: 25:14.

For more infomation >> 500 METREDEN AVM İLE HEADSHOT !!! - (Pubg Mobile Fps Modu) - Duration: 25:14.


✔ ВОТ Это музыка... Обязательно стоит послушать... - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> ✔ ВОТ Это музыка... Обязательно стоит послушать... - Duration: 4:11.


Audi A6 - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 - Duration: 0:56.


Audi A5 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 - Duration: 1:10.


Комплект постельного белья Bravo Лоренцо Дуэт , р-р: под.145х215см 2шт,прост.220х215см, нав.70х70... - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья Bravo Лоренцо Дуэт , р-р: под.145х215см 2шт,прост.220х215см, нав.70х70... - Duration: 1:03.


Комплект постельного белья Classic Riviera Евро, р-р: под. 200х220 см, прост. 215х240 см, нав. 50... - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья Classic Riviera Евро, р-р: под. 200х220 см, прост. 215х240 см, нав. 50... - Duration: 0:31.


EXCL - Spider-Man: Un Nuovo Universo, le speranze per il sequel e per un Miles Morales live action - Duration: 1:31.

Se la gente troverà un legame con questi personaggi e vorrà guardare nuove storie,

allora meriterà assolutamente un sequel.

Insomma, ci sono un mucchio di Spider-Man lì fuori.

Se la gente reagirà come speriamo...adorerei ovviamente se facessimo un altro film.

E magari un giorno… ho già delle idee, voglio restare al mio posto sotto questo aspetto,

ma adorerei interpretare anche una versione live action di Miles.

Magari te lo dico dopo lontano dalle telecamere, perché, insomma...è un'idea fantastica.

- Sarebbe incredibile, anche noi vorremmo vederlo. - Io ci sto!

Uno degli aspetti più divertenti dietro questo film è stato mostrare versioni diverse di Spider-Man,

non solo del personaggio, ma anche del mondo.

È stato bellissimo e adoreremmo continuare a farlo.

Possiamo aspettarci un'anticipazione nei titoli di coda?


Non possiamo dire ufficialmente se sì o no, ma se lo facessimo vorremmo che fosse una scena diversa,

proprio come abbiamo tentato di rendere diverso questo film, ma questo non significa nulla.

Va bene, capisco perfettamente.

For more infomation >> EXCL - Spider-Man: Un Nuovo Universo, le speranze per il sequel e per un Miles Morales live action - Duration: 1:31.


Tuto e-commerce - 8 contenus du futur ! - Market Academy par Sophie Rocco - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Tuto e-commerce - 8 contenus du futur ! - Market Academy par Sophie Rocco - Duration: 3:16.


New Cycling Channel: GCN Italia! Subscribe Now - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> New Cycling Channel: GCN Italia! Subscribe Now - Duration: 4:17.


✅ Sabrina Sato mostra o rosto de Zoe pela primeira vez e leva web à loucura - Área VIP - Duration: 2:17.

 Finalmente! A apresentadora Sabrina Sato mostrou nesta quinta-feira, 20, pela primeira vez, o rostinho de sua primeira filha, a Zoe

A pequena veio ao mundo no dia 29 de novembro e a expectativa em conhecer a pequena era grande

 Em seu instagram, Sabrina compartilhou uma foto em que aparece nua, com Zoe encostada em seu peito com os olhinhos fechados

Na legenda, a japa se derreteu pela herdeira: "Maior amor do mundo". O registrou alcançou mais de 1 milhão de curtidas em apenas uma hora

 Conheça a pequena Zoe:    Nos comentários, os seguidores de Sabrina foram só elogios a pequena

 "Maior expressão de amor!!!", "Que Deus de muita saúde e bênção a essa fofuraa", "Aí mentira que você postou!!!!! Exemplo de ser humano! Humildade que fala né

? Que linda sua pequena toda sorte de bençãos do mundo pra vocês", "Oh meu Deus que princesa", "A carinha do papai", foram apenas alguns dos elogios

Sabrina Sato havia revelado quando iria mostrar o rosto de Zoe  Sabrina Sato aproveitou uma brechinha na rotina de mamãe de primeira viagem e respondeu alguns fãs nas redes sociais

 Dentre as várias perguntas, ela foi questionada quando mostraria o rosto da filha, Zoe, fruto do seu relacionamento com Duda Nagle, que nasceu no dia 29 de novembro, em São Paulo

 A apresentadora então respondeu … Confira a resposta! Sabrina Sato posta click amamentando  A japa encantou a web com um momento de amor entre mãe e filha

Na publicação compartilhada, Sabrina aparece amamentando a pequena, com um sorriso lindo estampando no rosto

 Na legenda, ela se derreteu: "Sorrisão da livre demanda de leite e de amor"

 A publicação recebeu mais de 1 milhão de curtidas e muitos comentários dos seguidores que se encantaram com o momento

Confira o click! Confira também: Sabrina Sato agradece a Deus e revela estar completa após o nascimento de Zoe Sabrina Sato posta foto e recebe cutucada:"Não queremos te ver, queremos ver a Zoe" Sabrina Sato responde crítica de internauta

For more infomation >> ✅ Sabrina Sato mostra o rosto de Zoe pela primeira vez e leva web à loucura - Área VIP - Duration: 2:17.


Elisabetta Gregoraci, sfarzo e seduzione: la foto pazzesca dalla sua casa a Montecarlo - Duration: 1:50.

 A Natale, Elisabetta Gregoraci si riunisce con Flavio Briatore: i due insieme a Montecarlo e con loro ovviamente il figlio Nathan Falco

"Nonostante la separazione - ha spiegato al Gregoraci a Oggi - restiamo una famiglia"

E al rotocalco, la meravigliosa showgirl, ha anche aperto le porte del sontuoso appartamento monegasco, per un servizio fotografico in cui Elisabetta si mostra al massimo del suo splendore

Una foto in particolare è da batticuore: eccola con un flute in mano, piedi scalzi, sdraiata su un divano bianco

La Gregoraci indossa un lungo e scollatissimo abito rosso. E ancora, sul Natale spiega: "Passerò la sera della vigilia col papà di mio figlio esattamente come ho fatto l'anno passato

Ci saranno i miei cari e sua sorella: restiamo una famiglia, anche se io e Flavio abbiamo deciso di separarci

Fra noi c'è rispetto reciproco e con rispetto cresciamo il nostro bambino". Gregoraci, qui il servizio fotografico completo di Oggi

For more infomation >> Elisabetta Gregoraci, sfarzo e seduzione: la foto pazzesca dalla sua casa a Montecarlo - Duration: 1:50.


Geld Mindset – der 500er-Trick - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Geld Mindset – der 500er-Trick - Duration: 3:51.


뱅드림 한글자막) 쌍둥이 별의 앙상블 OP - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 뱅드림 한글자막) 쌍둥이 별의 앙상블 OP - Duration: 4:10.



For more infomation >> AFRANIO JARDIM: O ESTADO DE DIREITO NÃO EXISTE MAIS - Duration: 3:29.


✔ ВОТ Это музыка... Обязательно стоит послушать... - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> ✔ ВОТ Это музыка... Обязательно стоит послушать... - Duration: 4:11.


Rangoli Design: Beautiful Flower Rangoli Designs for Sankranti With 15 to 8 Dots - Duration: 6:16.

Rangoli Design: Beautiful Flower Rangoli Designs for Sankranti With 15 to 8 Dots

Simple rangoli designs by aishwarya

Simple rangoli designs, please subscribe to our channel for more videos.

For more infomation >> Rangoli Design: Beautiful Flower Rangoli Designs for Sankranti With 15 to 8 Dots - Duration: 6:16.


Ecotassa, la stangata non solo per i suv: hai una berlina? Massacrato - Duration: 1:50.

 Non solo i Suv. La nuova tassa sulle auto più inquinanti riguarderà anche le berline, i veicoli che superano una certa quantità di anidride carbonica per ogni chilometro percorso

Per esempio, un'Audi A3 emette circa 170 grammi di C02 per Km. La versione 4p costa 55

700 euro. Con l'ecotassa, riporta il Giorno, il prezzo sale a 56.800 euro.  E ancora: un Doblò Fiat da 19

340 euro potrebbe salire fino a 20.440 euro. Così anche altri modelli Fiat, Alfa Romeo e Opel

Non si salvano nemmeno i veicoli commerciali come il Ducato: da 23.800 euro potrebbe passare a 25

800 euro. L'imposta scatta il primo marzo 2019 e resta in vigore fino al 31 dicembre 2021

For more infomation >> Ecotassa, la stangata non solo per i suv: hai una berlina? Massacrato - Duration: 1:50.


Vigila SCT estado físico de choferes - Duration: 2:06.

    Como una forma de garantizar la seguridad de los usuarios en las carreteras en esta temporada vacacional, la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes en Chihuahua a través del operativo "30Delta" vigilará el estado físico de los choferes de autotranporte público federal

 A partir del 20 de Diciembre y hasta el 6 de enero de 2019, el Centro SCT Chihuahua intensificará las acciones de inspección en tramos carreteros en coordinación con la Policía Federal

 Estas acciones, en donde participan médicos e inspectores de los departamentos de Medicina Preventiva y Autotransporte Público Federal respectivamente, se efectuarán en la carretera 45 tramo Villa Ahumada-Ciudad Juárez en el km 342+000 y en el tramo Chihuahua-El Sueco en el km 31+000

 Las revisiones se efectúan de manera aleatoria a los choferes que eligen los elementos de la Policía Federal, mismos que son llevados al Módulo de Medicina Preventiva de la SCT que se instala en el punto carretero

 En el lugar, se les realiza una revisión de glucosa, muestra de orina, exámen de la vista y reflejos, además de que se efectúa una prueba rápida de toxicología

 Asimismo, en las centrales camioneras de Chihuahua, Parral y Ciudad Juárez se efectuarán inspecciones físico mecánicas a los vehículos que presten el servicio de pasaje en las terminales, además se continúa con las revisiones médicas a choferes las cuales se efectúan permanentemente

 Otras de las acciones que realizan los inspectores de autotransporte público federal en las terminales camioneras es la de brindar atención y atender quejas que presenten por parte de usuarios


For more infomation >> Vigila SCT estado físico de choferes - Duration: 2:06.


Audi A6 - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 - Duration: 0:56.


VW Caddy 4 - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> VW Caddy 4 - Duration: 0:55.


Rebozado de hierbaluisa y aceituna - Absorber - Texturizantes - Duration: 2:04.

Mix Absorber with Lemon Verbena Natural Aroma.

Work a minute with the help of a glove for a correct absorption and encapsulate the aroma.

Add to a bowl along with the other ingredients and integrate well.

Set aside for use.

For more infomation >> Rebozado de hierbaluisa y aceituna - Absorber - Texturizantes - Duration: 2:04.


Audi A5 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 - Duration: 1:10.


VW Caddy - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> VW Caddy - Duration: 1:08.


Smart smart forfour - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Smart smart forfour - Duration: 1:08.


VW Caddy 4 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> VW Caddy 4 - Duration: 0:59.


✅ No Twitter, Renan critica votação aberta para presidência do Senado - Duration: 1:02.

 O senador Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL) criticou a decisão do ministro Marco Aurélio Mello, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), de determinar voto aberto para escolha do novo presidente do Senado no ano que vem

O emedebista pretende disputar o cargo, cuja eleição está marcada para 1º de fevereiro

 Pelo Twitter, o senador citou que há interferência no Legislativo e afirmou que é preciso defender a separação dos Poderes, sem fazer referência direta a Marco Aurélio

 "Se a democracia ficar exposta a pedrada de doido e a coice de burro, será mais complicado defendê-la

Todo dia tem que matar um leão. Mas o difícil é enfrentar as antas", escreveu

For more infomation >> ✅ No Twitter, Renan critica votação aberta para presidência do Senado - Duration: 1:02.


Renault Captur TCe 90pk Xmod Leer, R-Link, Climate, Cruise, 17'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90pk Xmod Leer, R-Link, Climate, Cruise, 17'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:12.


Renault Scénic TCe 140pk Intens R-link, Panoramadak, Camera, 20'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Renault Scénic TCe 140pk Intens R-link, Panoramadak, Camera, 20'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:15.


Renault Clio TCe 120pk Intens Camera, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens. - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCe 120pk Intens Camera, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens. - Duration: 1:09.


Renault Kadjar 1.5 dCi 110pk Intens R-link, Climate, Cruise, 17''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Renault Kadjar 1.5 dCi 110pk Intens R-link, Climate, Cruise, 17''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:14.


Renault Twingo TCe 90pk Intens EDC/Automaat Vouwdak, R-link, Climate, Camera,16'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo TCe 90pk Intens EDC/Automaat Vouwdak, R-link, Climate, Camera,16'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:09.


Global Endurance Legends (BPR ; FIA GT ; LM GTP ; 24 Heures du Mans ; LMS ; ALMS) - Duration: 1:18.

The Global Endurance Legends grid

is reserved for the likes of

the Ferrari F40 LM and 333 SP,

McLaren F1 GTR, Toyota GT-One,

Chrysler Viper GTS-R, and even a Bentley Speed 8

They are the most modern cars

in the Peter Auto series,

the only ones with sequential gearboxes as well.

Some of them can be considered to be

GT Prototypes, a category that returns to

Le Mans in 2020. History starts all over again.

It is true that the cars of this grid evoke memories of

championships like the iconic BPR, FIA GT

or even the Le Mans series,

which were held at the beginning of the 21st Century.

The owners and gentlemen drivers of

these prototypes and GT cars from the nineties and nillies

get the opportunity to drive their cars in anger

in the high-level environment of the Peter Auto series.

Whether it is a demo run or an actual race,

the Global Endurance Legends always bring a spectacular grid,

which is very much appreciated by the fans.

For more infomation >> Global Endurance Legends (BPR ; FIA GT ; LM GTP ; 24 Heures du Mans ; LMS ; ALMS) - Duration: 1:18.


Renault Trafic 2.0 dCi 115pk T29 L2H1 Eco Black Edition Airco, Cruise, Park. sens., R.schuifdeur, 2x - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Renault Trafic 2.0 dCi 115pk T29 L2H1 Eco Black Edition Airco, Cruise, Park. sens., R.schuifdeur, 2x - Duration: 0:57.


半永久的に効果が続く眼精疲労用骨挟み整体 大宮 整体 - Duration: 4:23.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about bone pinching self care that improve asthenopia.

At basically,soften stiff muscle that adhering into bone by bone joint. That method is to rub with bone joint. This method is so effective to soften the stiff muscle.

This time,aiming point is the eye edge. There are stiff muscle into bone inside place. Almost people don't soften that point.

Case that was keeping stiffness of that place,eye become tired easily by bad blood flow. Or become dry eye soon. Then eye ball also become hard to move.

As method that soften that stiff muscle,i tell this self care. This time using bone joint,soften eye muscle around. Fit index and middle finger joint into indent of up and down of bone.

Then continue only eye closing movement. Do close only a little from eye closing condition. Please check muscle condition in first step.

It is eye ball movement,pinch eye muscle around,etc. After that,decide finger position. Please fit sharp point of finger second joint into eye dent place.

When this,elbow don't move. Please close eyes in that condition. This is complexity a little.

But if you decided position,continue it only. If you are feel afford,please slide place that do self care little by little. Maybe you feel eye muscle move easily.

That condition is movement of soft muscle. After did self care,please pinch eyelids. If you feel hard to pinch eyelids,it is success.

Perhaps cheek or nose are also become soft. Eyeball movement is also improve. You will don't feel asthenopia by this self care.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> 半永久的に効果が続く眼精疲労用骨挟み整体 大宮 整体 - Duration: 4:23.


是攪局還是佈局?我看華爲筆記本電腦的戰略 - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> 是攪局還是佈局?我看華爲筆記本電腦的戰略 - Duration: 9:49.


500 METREDEN AVM İLE HEADSHOT !!! - (Pubg Mobile Fps Modu) - Duration: 25:14.

For more infomation >> 500 METREDEN AVM İLE HEADSHOT !!! - (Pubg Mobile Fps Modu) - Duration: 25:14.


✔ ВОТ Это музыка... Обязательно стоит послушать... - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> ✔ ВОТ Это музыка... Обязательно стоит послушать... - Duration: 4:11.


Audi A6 - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 - Duration: 0:56.


Audi A5 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 - Duration: 1:10.


Комплект постельного белья Bravo Лоренцо Дуэт , р-р: под.145х215см 2шт,прост.220х215см, нав.70х70... - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья Bravo Лоренцо Дуэт , р-р: под.145х215см 2шт,прост.220х215см, нав.70х70... - Duration: 1:03.


Комплект постельного белья Classic Riviera Евро, р-р: под. 200х220 см, прост. 215х240 см, нав. 50... - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья Classic Riviera Евро, р-р: под. 200х220 см, прост. 215х240 см, нав. 50... - Duration: 0:31.


Sen. Jeff Flake: ISIS Isn't Defeated Yet - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Sen. Jeff Flake: ISIS Isn't Defeated Yet - Duration: 6:54.


Amazon Alexa Christmas Choir - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Amazon Alexa Christmas Choir - Duration: 1:06.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T 170pk Sprint Automaat Navig., Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T 170pk Sprint Automaat Navig., Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:03.


Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.


Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T Sport leer/Airco/stoelvervarming - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T Sport leer/Airco/stoelvervarming - Duration: 0:52.


Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.


Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.


[ENG SUB] 악플 그렇게 쓰다간 '걸스데이'에게 크게 '데이지'! GIRL'S_DAY│댓변인들│AYO 에이요 - Duration: 6:03.

This is... not right!

Come on out! Come here!!

B.C.T.W (Bad Comment Tearing Woman)

(Commnet Defenders)

Hello~ We're an eternal flower of Girl's Day, 'Daisy'~

Hello, I'm Kim Min Jeong who cares for Girl's Day so much

and it has been 5 years since I became a fan

I'm Jeong Jina

who can't get out of Hyeri's soldier charm for 4 years

(Goods bragging)

You'd know if you're a fan of Girl's day

This is a photo book of Hong Jong Hyeon

and Yura from "We Got Married"

There were only 100 of these

and you had to post a 'cheering' clip to get it

and I won it

I made this with the pictures I took at a fan signing event

I used a camera for the first time then

I told Hyeri to make a pretty face for my camera~

and she said "Ok~ I will" and smiled

When I checked the pictures at home,

there was a photo of her looking at me

and then she was smiling in the next picture

(Maniac Test)

(Maniac Test 1 – Girl's Day is __________.)

Girl's Day is 'Vitamin'

You would know if you watched variety shows where Girl's Day was on

Did you know that they laugh funny?

Hyeri laughs hard with her eyes

opening her mouth really big

Minah is like AH! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Yura is hehehehe

Oh!! It's the same


<Reading bad comments>

I came here very determined!

Girl's Day haters!

Get ready to get burnt by Daisy!

Girl's Day's super dark past...

the forbidden song of Republic of Korea loool

It can't be...

Our country's president is now a female,

so what's the big deal

Just the title is 'Female President'

It has nothing to do with 'that person'

It's about love

This is a love song, people

The title is... the lyrics also

There's another song called

"Don't Trust Her" in that album

So people said 'they can see the future~

she bribed them~'

But it's not possible

Stop talking nonsense

It was a coincidence

Old Sojin tried to look young but failed


Oh! I think I know.

I know it well now~

What is it?

Kkiri-Kkiri Bye-Bye?


It's possible not to know! Guys!

Sojin is not interested in that side(?)~

This became her characteristic so I'm very happy

I think she can stick to this image

Don't blame her for this, people

If Girl's Day wants to succeed,

let Sojin retire and bring a pretty girl

This is not right!!!

Agh so hot!!

Is there relaxing water?

(Relaxing water)


Woo it's cool

Sojin is pretty enough now

Where on earth can we get a prettier girl?

I'll admit that she's pretty old for an idol

but it's really hard to keep that body, dance line,

appearance and singing skill for that age!

She doesn't look 33 at all

when she's with other members

Also she's the only one who can control the members!

You can't bring just any girl

Sojin can be the only one for that position!

Psh! If your legs are 500 million won,

my legs are 10 billion

So ridiculous

How come you're so confident...

Discard bad comment

Show me your legs!

Where are your legs?!

You can take up a leg insurance policy

if you measure your legs

and body proportion and it meets the criteria

This is not for anyone!

Yura has legs that worth it

Girls' body goal! Even the proportion is great.

She's just born with it~ for real!

Let me see your legs.

I'll evaluate them.

I'll measure the proportion and length / I wonder~

Truth to be told, Yura's picture is not that great

Piss off you celeb fans who worship that low-grade picture

What part is 'low-grade'?

Yeah, she's really talented

Your sense of art is just shitty~

I heard portrait is the most difficult one

In "We Got Married", Yura drew Hong Jong Hyun

and that's so much like him

She's so good~ Yura's got 'a golden hand'!

It's just your eyes are weird~

Hyeri's poor acting is such a nuisance...

She screwed up "Mulgoi"


How dare you mess with my bias?

(Purification water)

Oh?! It's sparkling water!

Refreshingly BORSEC

It's so sparkling and nice!

If it was real-life acting it could be easier

but "Mulgoi" was a historical movie

It was her first time to do a historical movie

If you look at the genre, her character was very unique

that she didn't have any stuff she can refer toIf you look at the genre,

So it came out as she studied and acted

So how she described it is correct

Also, people said the story could be better, not her acting

I believe she can be more successful

with a great show like "Reply 1988"

Hyeri fighting!!!!!

I don't want to listen to Girl's Day's song

because of Minah

That scratchy voice is terrible


it's husky not scratchy!

Minah's voice color is wonderful.

She sings all the hooks

There's Minah's part in "Something"

'Stop it~!' this part's note is really high.

It's not easy to sing at all

and Minah does it scratching.

It's not an easy singing method

Her voice is husky and it goes high

Minah can do things like that

Failure's Day is provisionally disbanded,

zero possibility of a comeback

Failure's Day??

they're not dead!

Why are they 'Failure's Day'?! Why?!

They're everywhere when you turn on the TV...

What do you mean by 'disband'...

Each member is popular

and they're not dead since they're all popular

They're never provisionally disbanded

and fans always wait for Girl's Day

Please make a comeback!!

Comeback x2!!

Come back to us Girl's Day~!

(Thoughts after defending comments)

We'll defeat all the bad comments

so don't worry too much and please perform hard

I love you! Girl's Day!

Super happy

Honestly I came here for this

It's embarrassing but to get this...!!

It's so pretty!

Thank you!

Park Sojin! Kim A-young!

Cuter today

Bang Minah! Lee Hyeri!

Prettier today

Girl! S! Da! Y!

Please love them~

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 악플 그렇게 쓰다간 '걸스데이'에게 크게 '데이지'! GIRL'S_DAY│댓변인들│AYO 에이요 - Duration: 6:03.


Secretary Mattis Takes A Parting Shot At Trump - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Secretary Mattis Takes A Parting Shot At Trump - Duration: 1:09.


孟晚舟被保释第5天,华为开始反击:真正的硬气,是拥有别人高攀不起的实力! - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 孟晚舟被保释第5天,华为开始反击:真正的硬气,是拥有别人高攀不起的实力! - Duration: 7:46.


I Care For You Too - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> I Care For You Too - Duration: 3:45.


Trump Leaving D.C. a Mess for 16-Day Vacation - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Trump Leaving D.C. a Mess for 16-Day Vacation - Duration: 3:10.


Baby and Daddy Cute Moment - Funny Baby Video - Duration: 3:32.

Hi Guy! Have a nice day. Thanks for watching

Don't forget to subscribe, like and share our video.

See you again!

For more infomation >> Baby and Daddy Cute Moment - Funny Baby Video - Duration: 3:32.


Woman 'causes $2,500 worth of damages at a Memphis airport during meltdown' - Duration: 2:28.

Awoman was caught on video having an epic meltdown over a $20 baggage fee at the Memphis International Airport on Wednesday

Tamiko Warner went on a rampage just before her flight and allegedly caused more than $2,500 worth of damage to the airport

In the video, recorded by other travelers, the woman is seen setting off a fire extinguisher that filled the terminal with fog

She is also seen flipping over furniture during the shocking incident.A police report said Warner also threatened employees and knocked over loading poles in the gate area

The man who filmed the incident said the woman went into meltdown mode over the $20 baggage fee, according to WREG

In the video, Warner is heard telling staffers: 'I don't care about going to jail

Whatever.This is worth it.' Warner went on a rampage just before her flight and allegedly caused more than $2,500 worth of damage to the airport

In the video, recorded by other travelers, the woman is seen setting off a fire extinguisher that filled the terminal with fog According to the station, the incident took place for about five minutes

Within that short amount of time, Warner allegedly caused damage to computers, phones and carpets worth up to $10,000

She was later arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and vandalism.Her bond is set at $5,000

For more infomation >> Woman 'causes $2,500 worth of damages at a Memphis airport during meltdown' - Duration: 2:28.


Christmas Hope: Do Not Be Afraid - Duration: 4:30.

I wish you could have seen my grandma's sweatshirts.

Before my Grandma Novotny passed away, she used to wear like these

standard-issue, cheap gray sweatshirts.


on sale at Fleet Farm.

Maybe picked them up at Goodwill.

I don't know.

But then she would stitch

these little angels on the chest.

And the angels were, like, the,

you know the classic angel. The,

chubby baby who's at risk for onset diabetes

in a little diaper with little wings.

I mean, these cute little kind of grandma angels.

And growing up I was never afraid of angels.

I mean, if an angel like that appeared in my bedroom,

I would be a little confused.

But not at all terrified.

Which proves that my grandma really didn't know what angels were like.

Do you know the Christmas story?

In Luke, chapter 2, listen to these words.

It says:

Like, third shift, tough workers.

Just one angel, but "them".



". . . and they were amused."

No, that's not what the Bible says.

It says, "They were terrified."

That little verse is actually really powerful when it comes to Christianity.

When regular people, sinful people, stand in the presence of something holy.

Like, not even a Holy God, just one holy angel,

they're terrified.

It's kind of like when you go to the gym if you're really, really out of shape

and you get on the treadmill walking really slowly

and someone like Miss Fitness gets on the treadmill next to you.

And you instantly, like, feel like you don't belong.

It's a little bit how the shepherds felt.

They knew they did not belong in the presence of holiness.

It terrified them.

Even as grown men.

And that theme kind of runs

throughout the Gospels and throughout the entire Bible.

When someone would walk into the presence of God,

they often wouldn't smile or laugh

or sing or dance.

They'd be terrified.

You think of Moses at the burning bush.

He takes off his sandals and he's terrified.

Isaiah, who's a really good guy, by worldly standards,

when he walks into the throne room of God himself,

he thought he was going to die.

He was terrified.

When the apostle Peter, after the miraculous catch of fish,

realized that Jesus in his boat, was not just some guy

but he was the Son of God,

he was terrified.

But that's why I love the Christmas story.

The next verse says this.

Christmas is, essentially,

not just about some Jesus,

some cute baby in the manger who

would give us some good advice.

But he would bring good news so that we would not have to be terrified

in the presence of God.

So that one day when you take your last breath

and you stand in the presence of all the holy angels

of God the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit, himself,

instead of falling on your face in fear and terror like you're going to die,

you could smile because there's good news

that brings great joy.

And it's all possible because of that Jesus in the manger.

So, if you ever see a sweatshirt like my grandma's,

you can know that's not quite true.

You can remember the glory of the angels.

And, even better, you can remember the glorious news

that you're going to stand and worship Jesus

right next to those amazing angels.

Let's pray.

Dear God, our world teaches us

that we belong in your presence.

That all of us are good enough.

Why wouldn't you accept us?

But the shepherds found out that's not true.

I thank you, God, for this reminder to take our sinfulness seriously.

To remember that holiness is a big deal and it's terrifying without your grace.

But thank you, even more, that there is grace.

That there is good news

of great joy for all people.

People like us.

Help us to come to you in honest repentance.

And to remember that your mercy and your forgiveness

is so good that we don't have to be afraid.

That we can be part of your family.

You love and delight and adore us.

And one day when we see you,

we won't have to fear.

Instead we can just worship for all eternity.

Thank you for Jesus.

Thank you for Christmas.

And thank you for this incredible news.

We pray it all, Jesus, in your amazing name.


Would you like these videos sent to your email?

Just click on the link in this post.

And we'd be thrilled to send them over to you

so you gain more peace in Jesus.

And we'll make sure that you don't miss out on an ounce

or day of God's grace.

And we'll see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Christmas Hope: Do Not Be Afraid - Duration: 4:30.


Sada Baby - Driple Double - Duration: 2:34.

(drum god)

Hey Hmm hmm

Dumbass Ey Err she got me hot she got me bothered

Err niggas gonna get dropped niggas gonna get slaughtered

Err repent for your sins please pray to your father

Err no pants your mans give a fuck with your daughter

Err this drip on me here passes for water Err don't need no help just asses are retarded

Err smart bitch with me but dads is retarded Err cold bitch with me but the head is fat

I need bandz know what I'm saying?

All those scandals like we got hand guns ain't nobody care about no canned goods right?

want some grams we living in modern no stand still life

man nearly killed me is like them niggas shoot to kill alright

i wanna kill i go out steal bad bricks or die

skull caps swift or dies ten ten ten ten forty six more tens get a

hunned blacked out BMs in the slums hop out dance

spin the drums crack dawg real for fun

whats your business?

none that's your business nor mind my business there never man the law

you make me a doob i'm all kinds of raw when i hit the club i'm gonna hit the booth

i'm gon sip the juice gang gang here to shoot that no video they aim them clips at you

i just whipped a fool paid him dishes due aint time for a food plates got residue

aint talking bout that dirty bitch you came in

you should eat of one then place your ass aint gon be human

I bet [?] do it you can you can do it I done done done it off of some music

Ubers over [?] i don't drive nigga while i'm high nigga

i wont even ride witya [?] slap the cab keeping them pies on me [?]

press on my man yo man lil niggas laugh at me

Err she got me hot she got me bothered Err niggas gonna get dropped niggas gonna

get slaughtered Err repent for your sins please pray to your

father Err no pants your mans give a fuck with your

daughter Err this drip on me here passes for water

Err don't need no help just asses are retarded Err smart bitch with me but dads is retarded

Err cold bitch with me but the head is fat

For more infomation >> Sada Baby - Driple Double - Duration: 2:34.


Got a Minute? 50 - Aquaman (SPOILER-FREE) - Duration: 1:18.

Much like Wonder Woman - which I mostly enjoyed - Aquaman suffers from a serious case of DC Bloat.

It's been a staple of the studio since The Dark Knight Rises, really: the tendency to

throw way too much stuff at the screen hoping that a few things will stick.

Unlike Wonder Woman, though, Aquaman didn't give me much to latch onto.

The result is that 2 hours and 23 minutes felt more like 3 hours.

There were things I liked.

Director James Wan finds some interesting ways to shoot his action and the performances

were mostly good, though I'm still not sold on Jason Momoa's ability to land a joke.

Dude's just not funny.

Please don't tell him I said that.

But the bloated story - with not one but two underdeveloped villains - and the predictably

stilted dialogue make this a pretty dull affair.

Restraint is the biggest thing that's missing here and in the franchise as a whole.

DC has always had this incredible stable of characters but the instincts of those involved

in the films have been wrong from the start.

Tell smaller, more intimate stories.

Earn the right to eventually throw 10,000 CGI seahorses and sharks at the screen by

making me care about the people involved in these "epic battles".

There are attempts to make us connect with our heroes.

Sadly, they get lost in a tsunami of noise.

For more infomation >> Got a Minute? 50 - Aquaman (SPOILER-FREE) - Duration: 1:18.


Cute Dog Love and Babysitting Baby - Funny Baby Video - Duration: 3:31.

Hello everyone! Thanks for watching. Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE our video.

For more infomation >> Cute Dog Love and Babysitting Baby - Funny Baby Video - Duration: 3:31.




For more infomation >> LAZADA WOW FEST 2018 KPOP DANCE COVER INDONESIA - Duration: 6:01.


How to PRONOUNCE 300 most common British English words | Part 2 of 3 | ESL | Subtitles | - Duration: 28:06.

Hi I'm James welcome back to Black Tie English. Today's lesson is part 2 of my

three-part pronunciation series showing you how to pronounce the most common

spoken British English words. After you've seen this video you'll be 2/3 of

the way to pronouncing 75% of the words which come up in everyday British

conversations. All the words in today's video are listed in the description with

a time so if you want to practise and hear a particular word, just go to the

description and tap the time next to that particular word and you can

go directly to it in the video. If you haven't seen part 1, you can watch it now

by clicking the link up here, or you can find the link in the description below.

You can now also follow Black Tie English on Instagram, on Twitter and on

Facebook where I'll be posting extra English learning content just for you.

You can find the links in the description below. If you haven't

subscribed to Black Tie English here on YouTube, you can just tap the red button

below. If you like this video make sure you click the thumbs up. I'm going to

pronounce each word one after the other followed by an example sentence so you

can hear exactly how they're pronounced in British English, in a British accent.

What you have to do is listen as I say them and then practise the words that

you need to by repeating after me. Ok let's start from the top with the

first word in part 2. The first word is back back,

welcome back to part 2. Other other, I'm going to find some other books. Now you

may remember from part 1 that I talked about the final "r" sound in British

English. Can you remember what that rule is in British English? In connected

speech you only pronounce the final R in a word if the next word begins with a

vowel. For those of you looking at the phonetic alphabet here the brackets

around the symbol mean that it's only pronounced sometimes. Compare these two

sentences, one with the final R not pronounced and the second with the final

R pronounced: I'm going to find some other books. I'm going to find some other

activities. Think about the final R sound rule when you're watching the rest

of this video. Her, her, he's going to find her now. If you say her in casual

connected speech when you're not trying to emphasize the word,

it becomes weak so the H at the beginning of the word can disappear and

it can sound like 'er. This is called H dropping and you'll hear it in received

pronunciation in words like "he him her and his".

In other words in received

pronunciation, you won't hear it so hotel or hello

always keep the H at the beginning. You don't say 'otel or 'ello. So if I say

he's going to find her now in received pronunciation, in quick casual speech I

would say he's gonna find her now. So you'll notice that the her becomes 'er and

also going to becomes gonna. This is a colloquial way of saying no.

Nah nah, nah not today. It's just like yeah which

is an informal way of saying yes. Yep and nope are two other informal

ways of saying yes and no. His his, have you seen his phone. As I just explained

you'll get H dropping in this word too, so in quick connected speech the H can

disappear and it will sound like have you seen 'is phone. The same thing can

happen with this word, him him, we saw him yesterday. If you drop the H in connected

quick speech it sounds like we saw 'im yesterday. It's perfectly acceptable in

received pronunciation to drop the H in quick connected speech in the words "he

him his and her". Look look look before you cross the road only only there's

only one left five five it's nearly five o'clock something


did you hear something you might also hear this word with a P in the middle so

it sounds a bit more like something-something

it's quite common so don't be surprised if you hear that pronunciation way way

do you know the way to the nearest tube station there there there flat is in

Chelsea remember what I said about the final our rule in British English there

has a final R if it's followed by a vowel one other thing is that there this

word is pronounced the same as there the location word and is really pronounced

almost exactly the same as there the contraction the shorter form for they

are these these I found these books in the box when you're pronouncing these

remember to pronounce it with a long e sound and as at the end so it sounds

different to the singular this which has a short a and a sound at the end can you

tell the difference between these books and this book sort sort what sort of

music do you like ah ah we showed them some of our photos when you want to

emphasize this word you can change the pronunciation to our so it sounds like

the period of time seconds minutes hour so you might say a sentence like this

that's our car not yours actually actually it's actually quite

easy to pronounce actually can't can't I can't come today

can't is the contracted the shorter form of the word cannot so cannot get

shortened to can't this is a very common spoken contraction in writing it would

be a bit in a formal but in speech it's neither

informal or formal it's neutral you only really say the full form cannot when you

want to emphasize it or in a formal context one quite important thing to

remember is that sometimes speakers will miss out the final T of can't when

they're speaking quickly so you might hear someone say the sentence I can't

hear you now one question is how do you tell if

someone has said the negative or the positive because the only difference in

writing is the T well in the negative can't you always have a long are sound

with or without the T whereas with the positive can you always have a short ah

sound so in quick or slowed down speech a speaker will always make sure they

keep the R sound for the negative can't or con and the short ah sound for the

positive can much much how much is it for four it's four pounds

fifty remember that four also has the final our sound if it's followed by a

vowel so you would pronounce it in a sentence like I need four eggs bit-bit

it's only going to take a bit longer off off remember to turn the lights off


you should read this book good no good now I'm gonna be late

this is a contraction of going to which becomes Gunnar but only in the future

tense so you don't say I'm gonna the shops in that situation you have to say

I'm going to the shops in spoken British English it's now so common that it's not

really slang it's said by most people in most informal contexts it's not

appropriate for formal writing so if you're writing an email or a formal

letter then used a full form going to take take can you take this letter to

the post office for me Thing Thing

I can't find that thing those those I like those paintings remember that those

is the plural of that so I like that painting why why I don't know why that

happened over over the match is over lot lot there were a lot of people there

okay okay okay let me see this word into you can pronounce in two different ways

if you say in two before a consonant then it's pronounced inter inter he fell

into the swing pool if you say the word before a vowel then it's pronounced in

two because it makes the second valve easier to pronounce into he fell into a

swimming pool quite quite it was quite easy

hundred hundred you need a hundred grams of sugar if you'd like to learn how to

pronounce numbers in British English then check out this video up here this

word can also be pronounced in two different ways if you're using it to

express a repeated or habitual action then it's pronounced used used we used

to see each other everyday if you want to use it as the past participle of the

verb use or the simple past then it's you

used he used a pen to write his name work work I cycle to work this word can

often be difficult for English learners to pronounce because the OU are in the

middle makes you think it could be pronounced all like born or corn in fact

it's pronounced so it rhymes so it sounds the same as perc or girl remember

it's not walk because that's something you do with your legs when you pronounce

us in connected speech and it's weak so it's not emphasized it's pronounced with

a schwa sound so you say this us she gave us a present if you want to

emphasize it and it's in a strong or stressed form it's pronounced us us is

that for us make make let's make some food first first he was there first

doing doing what are you doing today done done

it's all done 2020 the shop is open 24 hours went went we went there last year

this is another function word which has a strong pronunciation and a weak

pronunciation if it's not stressed so it's week then it's pronounced then then

he's taller than his sister if it's stressed so you're using this strong

form then it's pronounced van van it's easier than you think thought thought I

thought you were on holiday this is one of those words in English with the ough

letter combination and they can be quite difficult to pronounce there are around

ten different ways of pronouncing oh ugh in English I'm going to make another

video on the ough pronunciation so watch out for that when it's released

little-little he was only a little boy need need do

you need any help six six it took us about six hours again again

could you say that again you might hear some speakers of English pronounce again

again so don't be surprised if you hear that pronunciation give give

will you give me a hand lost lost it happened last night

no no no not now might might he might be asleep yeah yeah I've been learning

Italian for a year in peril italiano that or none no let let let me know how

long you've been learning English in the comments below

alright alright are you alright this is a very common casual British

greeting and you can use it both as a question but also as an answer so you

could say alright and that means how are you but you can also reply all right and

that means I'm okay I'm good I'm fine through through

I walked through the forest this is another oh ugh

words in English and I'll be explaining this in my video on the oh ugh letter

combination before before come over before we leave course course I'd like

to take an art course still still it's still working day day what day is it

today says says he says hello says can sometimes be very confusing because the

infinitive say is pronounced with the a sound whereas the he/she/it form of the

verb says is pronounced with the F sound so it can be a difficult one for English

learners to pronounce but now you know how to pronounce it ah is a small word

but it can be used in a few different contexts with different meanings it can

be used to express surprise ah I see it can be used to express satisfaction or

happiness ah amazing it can be used for admiration ah well done but it can also

be used to disagree with someone I don't think you're right years years I went to

Paris a few years ago never never I never knew that tell

tell what country are you from tell me in the comments below point point you

can point at people with your finger

same-same there is pronounced the same as their being being I like being with

my friends another another have you got time for another cup of coffee after

after let's leave after lunch round round the earth is


many many how many languages do you speak I speak English French German and

a bit of Italian money money it costs a lot of money new new this is my new

video anything anything do you want anything

anything and something are similar words but if you want to use something in a

question or in a negative it becomes anything do you want anything no I don't

want anything weak week see you next week - - you should

come - next next what's next ten ten

let's leave in ten minutes nice nice

he seems like a nice guy always always the weather isn't always so great in

London in fact it's pouring down with rain right now as I film this video

thank thank I wanted to thank you for my birthday presents so you can pronounce

this word in a couple of ways depending on whether it's stressed or weak if it's

stressed for instance in a question or if you want to emphasize the word

it's pronounced must must there must be a problem if it's week then it's

pronounced must must with a schwa sound there must have been a problem

long long the journey was quite long

half-half we'll see you in half an hour 8 8 8 is a lucky number in a lot of

cultures is 8 a lucky number in one of your cultures probably probably you're

probably right sometimes this word can be pronounced a

bit more quickly so in casual speech you might hear someone say something like

yeah probably saying saying did you hear what he was saying

even even it's even easier than that pounds pounds it costs five pounds nine

nine I start work every day at nine mr. mr. mr. Jones called and left a message

seven seven I finished work at about 7:00 p.m. also also I'd also like to

learn Spanish big big that makes a big difference

use use this phone is easy to use won't what he won't be here later won't is the

contracted to the shortened form of will not so in connected speech will not

becomes won't it's just like can't so it's a very common contraction you'll

hear it a lot in formal contexts and in informal contexts so it's really a

neutral contraction in written English it's an informal contraction so if

you're writing a business email or a business letter and you need to be

formal then write the full form will not in speech if you want to emphasize the

word then use will not rather than won't away away the beach is only a mile away

old old how old are you I'm 27 nearly 28 getting

getting congratulations on getting to the end of part 2 of the pronunciation

series remember you can come back to this video whenever you like so keep

practicing and your pronunciation will get better and better if you like this

video please click like and share it with your friends on Facebook and

Twitter if you haven't subscribed to black tight English my channel here on

YouTube just hit that red button below and then you will get updates when my

next video comes out thanks for watching and see you in our next lesson

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