Equality is only
possible for
Certain different demographics within Australia and that's the reason why I wanted to make this video today
What it's like being a white person
Living in Australia before we get started make sure you click the subscribe button. Take the file icon
So don't miss out on anything. There was no discrimination coming from anybody working in sanctuary hotel
And especially when you're dealing with racism you become hyper aware of her and the five percent city
I guess that's what happened with me and I was hyper aware of it and
I want to make it clear that no one from sanctuary hotel were responsible to this
This bar here
It's usually full of the same
Australian-born Asians, they come here almost every week
It's probably because they have $5 cheap drinks on the weekend and they can buy
Maybe five six seven other friends cheap drinks and look rich when they're playing the first time I went in there
Some Asian guy came up to me say hey. Oh, you're a white guy. You must have yellow fever because you're in this bar
Then the second time I went back there a Chinese guy who was pretty much fresh off the boat
He looked at me says what are you doing in here? This is an Asian bar
And I was like, what the hell are you doing in here?
but um
I don't take offense to any of this
but the reason why I'm bringing this video up today is
Because last Saturday only a couple days ago. I went in here again the third time
And my friend introduced me to a group whooping when we sat down at the table and the Asian guy on the right of me
He had a few drinks. He puts his arm around me goes you're white
Because don't you see you're the only white guy here, and I was like, yeah well
What's the problem and then I noticed the table next to us
There was a group of there was two Asian guys that looked pretty professional
it's like they just came from work or something like that and some asian girl and they started laughing and
so while this drunk guys like
Yeah, I arguably being racist. I
Look at them and they laughing at me and so of like
Drunk guy, right
And then the guy that I looked at and made gestures like this. He looks at me goes it's 2018
At that moment I thought that his definition of a thing
2018 was
That's where in the modern era
Discrimination isn't funny anymore
Racism is not cool
You shouldn't judge people on the color of their skin
In 2018 the first world country, this is modern era
The way that this guy was behaving was just not acceptable
That's what went through my mind in that second
But then he continued and said well we are there's more agents in in Australia now
So that wasn't what he was saying. It wasn't saying that we're a civilized society where he was saying was
2018 everyone's Asian here now. He was saying that
You are now the minority
And he deserves to be treated like a minority the quality doesn't matter anymore
and I was kind of shocked I was like
You guys and I said eva is living in the 1950s. What the hell is this? And then the Asian guys sitting next to me?
Yeah, we'll look around you that's not your fault it's not your fault you weren't born Asian like the rest of us
I was like, wow, this is getting even more offensive and
And then there was this drunk asian girl just sitting just across from us
And after that, she grabs the guy that put his arm around me and saying look you're the only white guy here
And she said Lau at the Asian flush. She had the
Faces already. She was quite drunk at this point said, why are we talking to the white guy? I hate white people
Now I want to make it very clear that all of these
people in this scenario that I'm just talking to you about apart from
Last week where the guy from China
Said what were you doing here? All of these people they were all
Asian Australian
Australian accents are born here
It just doesn't feel like
Equality is for everybody equality is only for a certain
demographics of people
what we come to understand about equality and
Being racist and discriminatory
that is not
Applicable to white people. So it seems to me that
Just because they're backwards. They're living like 200 years in the past these people but it is
2018 they're very backwards
They're not so for we're enough
I guess you can do it this way you will but I might feel that it's time that I just start sharing my
stories of what I have to deal with as a white Australian
This didn't really bother me too much at all
I just laughed it off at the backwards nature of the people that were inside this park
But I think it's a story that that I should share
I think a lot of people should be sharing their stories of discrimination within Australia now because
Equality is for all people
Equality isn't just for certain demographics
quality isn't just about
when you become the
Majority you can use that power to suppress the minority
But sometimes it feels like that's the way Australia is going the majority can push around the minority
That's not the type of society we should be proud of one of my biggest fears
How is the next generation of white men
Keep in mind I'm excluding white women because white women are in a feminist country. They're about the wall
They can do whatever the hell they want
the most
Discriminated against demographic in Australia is white men
It's not a big deal to me
But I feel that the next generation will be the most depressed and further on the down track
Unless we do something about it now. It starts to bring awareness
about it
that's why I wanted to share that video to you guys just to try and
Get the ball rolling in our society and maybe in 10 15 20 years
We can come to understand that equality isn't just for certain people who are angry enough to fight and cause a big
buffle in this society
Equality is for everybody
I'll see you guys next video
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