Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 22 2018

or any other events are purely coincidental.



If you ever leave, you can hide, you can move,

you can repatriate yourselves

or have plastic ------- surgery...

but I'll find you and kill you!

Got that?



I know where Elizabeth might be.

- .

You can't drive like this. I'll go with you.

We're going to need guns. It's a dangerous place.

Let's go.



Oh Lord.


-Son... -Mom.

Danielito, come here.

What are you doing here?

Alberto, you need to make it out of there alive.

That's an order.

Boys, we've got a green light. Let's go.

She's hot, huh?



Let me go!

Shut up...

You like it rough, huh?

You're going to get it rough!

-Let me go! -Shut up!

Listen up, bitch!

If you scream or move,

I'll snap your neck.

Just enjoy it.

Let's go. Get in there.

Enough already. Stop playing hard to get.

Otherwise, your grandma will pay.

That's enough.

Take her pants off!

Here's a little memento.

Don't worry, son. Your mom will be right back.

Don't worry.

Good afternoon. I'm here from Technical Support.

- .

I was told you're having problems with the system.

-No, everything's fine. -Are you sure?

Check again, please, since I'm already here.

Everything's fine.

- .


I'm just going to check the connections to be sure.


It's clear. Come down.

Who's next?

Almeida, can you hear me?

It's very strange that Teca hasn't used the phone all day.

You know these people.

They might be using a different phone.

Focus, Alberto.

Almeida and I will handle Teca.

This is very strange.

It's all happening way too easily.

Do you have a strong signal?

-Yes. -Okay, that's all.

Good day, Officers.


Azuceno, check if you're online.

All set, Rooster!

I've got it. I'm connected. I can see everything.


Perfect, you've got a green light.

Careful with Teca's people.

Alberto, I'll see you at our meeting point.

Perfect, Rooster.

Let's go.


did you check the exterminator's truck?

Yeah, and it's cleaner than an OR.

Not even a parking ticket on that tag.

Don't worry about that. The coast is clear.

Don't look around.

You two aren't from here.

- .

Walk, walk...

Lose something?

We're looking for Mister...

Pocho or Poncho.

He lives in house number nine, but I don't see it.


People have knocked on his door so much


the number fell and now it's a six.

End of the street. He's got the good stuff.

-Thanks. -You'll enjoy it.

Excuse me.

Let's go.

Check them out.

Tuti, you're always trying to control him!

- .

You treat him like a child!


Listen to her.

Are you nuts? He is a child!

He's a minor. He's not his own boss.

Oh really?

I don't see him here with his mom,

the biggest whore in Matamoros.


Tuti, enough.

I've held back because my son likes you, but don't push it!

You're insane!

Don't talk to Mrs. Tuti like that!

She's the hand that feeds.

You asked for it, Ana.

She's messing with our future.

What future? He didn't mention you!

-Settle down! -He's going to call me.

Don't touch me. I'm not crazy like her.

You're going to keep going?

Let me go.

I'm about to claw this skank's eyes out.

Try it!

What happened?

I heard gunshots.

Where's my son?

He's in the truck.

I put him inside because it's too hot out.

- .

Lucia, what happened to you?

I thought I wasn't going to make it.

Some guys in the bathroom...



Calm down.

It's not her.

Are you Pocho?

If you're not buying, beat it.

We're looking for my daughter Elizabeth.

She's 13.

I don't have my list.

Know how many girls come to buy?

I don't know all their names.

Do you know that you're committing a crime?

One phone call and the feds will be all over this place.

I don't like to be threatened.

You two have no business here.

We just want to know where the girl is.

Easy, easy.

- .

Go inside and get Elizabeth.

- .

-What? -Go inside.



Elizabeth, sweetie...

She's not in there. Let's go.

Let's go.

I didn't think I'd make it.

There were some men in the bathroom,

but fortunately Vicenta got there and shot them.

They tried to rape me.

If anything happens to you, I'll die.

What happened?


Are you okay?


They scratched me here.

Oh, honey!

See what I'm telling you?


This border is ------! It's pure trash.

Don't you think I'd like to keep my son in a bubble

where no one can touch him?

I can't, though!

They make thousands of girls just like you disappear.

It's hopeless!

I'm sick of this. I'm leaving this place.

I can't take it anymore.

Lucia, come here.

Listen to me.

If they catch you and sell you as an immigrant,

what'll happen then?

You know they're bastards out there.

What do you expect?

What if Immigration gets you?

Vicenta gave me the passports. I'll be fine.

Listen to your grandmother, Lucia.

What for? How can you help me?

How much longer will I be in this ----hole?


You're leaving...

but not alone.

I'll take you.

Thank you, Vicenta.

Thank you so much.

Thank you!

There, there. It's over.

Thank you.

Where could Elizabeth be? I don't know what I did wrong.

You didn't do anything wrong.

A mother who doesn't care wouldn't have done

everything you did. Look at where we were.

I'm terrified to think that girl could've been her.

She probably had a tantrum, went off with a friend,

and just didn't call you.

What is it, Felipe?

What? We're on our way.

What happened?

Elizabeth contacted one of his friends from school.

We're going over there.


-What's up? -Hey!


We've been waiting for you.


Azuceno, is the coast clear?

Go ahead.

I'm looking out. No worries.

Remember, there's nothing at the basement entrance

or in the warehouse.

From now on you're going in blind.

Alright. Cover us.

Rooster, go back!

A guard is coming! Careful!


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 46 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:32.


Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 72 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:01.


Did something happen between you and Paloma?

You're going to give me what I've always wanted...

Augusto, please don't!

...and never asked for.

How are you?

Can I hug you?

-What do you want from me? -Take your clothes off.

Are you deaf? Take your clothes off!

Who tipped off the DEA?

Diego already told you. gave you a run down.

I want to believe you had nothing to do with it.

The least we can do is provide them with a proper burial.

We don't even know where their bodies are.

-I know where they are. -You do?

You're only good for serving men and having sex with them.

Augusto, please!

-I've decided something. -What did you decide?

I'm leaving.

A snitch confirmed someone tipped them off.

That doesn't mean it was Diego.

Who else but him?


Where were you?

I missed you.

I really needed you here.

Things got heated in the States.

I know.

Someone betrayed us and sold us out to the DEA.

You want to talk about betrayal?


You want to talk about it?

I bet the Colombians think we betrayed them.

I need you to tell me the truth.

Regardless of what it is, I'll always side with you.

Ask away.

Did you have anything to do with what happened?

I heard noises when I came in and I went into the bedroom.

Augusto was... on top of my sister.

He was about to rape her.

I threw myself at him and hit him.

He hit Diana and pointed his gun at me.

He was going to fire it. I'm sure of it.

I tried to knock him down, but he was too strong.

Augusto threatened to throw her over

and I didn't know what else to do.

I pulled the trigger and fired without thinking.

My sister's life was on the line.

I was a witness to it all. Marlene acted in self-defense.

Someone here filed a domestic abuse complaint.

I think it's all pretty obvious.

Augusto Orozco had beaten her previously

and forced his way in today.

He was undoubtedly a very violent man.

What are you going to do with the body, Officer?

Augusto has no relatives.

When he was hospitalized,

I was the only one who looked after him.

I'd like to know what's going to happen with his body.

An autopsy needs to be done. I'm sorry.

Thank you.

There's nothing else you can do.

Are you okay?

What happened here?

I killed Augusto.

Chabela, I killed him.


Hey, Chuchin! Are you back, bro?

-It's great see you! -Likewise.

Where's Diego?

I saw on the news that his secret is out.

People know he's alive.

Everyone here knows his name isn't Emiliano.

No one knows about the identity theft,

but that bomb is about to blow.

I came back to help him. What can I do?

There's nothing we can do now.

Diego hasn't been himself since we got back from the border

because of something having to do with his brother's death.

I thought the guy from the Gaona Cartel had killed him.

We thought so too, but he didn't.

Diego's looking into it and he's a mess.

Not a word of this to anyone. What's up with you?

You ready to get back into the gas business?

I think I'll pass this time. Dianita left me because of it.

I'm just back for a bit. I'm not sure I'll stick around.

Are you going to work?

I don't work today.

We got Gaby out of prison, but I'm have to talk to her lawyer.

Things are a mess.

I'm glad you were able to fix her situation.

I wouldn't exactly say we fixed it,

but I'm not one to quit.

God put that girl in my path

and no one will get me away from her.

See you around. Stay sharp.

Take care.

Are you really asking me that?

You think I have a contact in the DEA?

No, but the Ibarras are certain we betrayed them.

I don't care what they think.

I care about what my woman thinks.

What do you think? You think I betrayed you?

No, that's not it.

Of course I didn't.

As Emiliano Guevara, I'm wanted by the US authorities.

As Diego Hidalgo, I'm a wanted man in Mexico.

Don't you think it's stupid to expose myself like that?

I'm sorry, Diego. I...

My picture is everywhere.

I couldn't even get close to the crossing.

Deivid had to drive the truck by himself.

If I'd gotten close to the border, I would've been caught.

I risked it anyway, though.

For you.

I know.

I shouldn't have asked, but you have to understand.

The Ibarras made a scene here and almost strangled me.

If we don't get their merch back, they will kill us.

That won't happen. We're going to fix this.

Leaving is the only way out. It won't be easy, but...

We can't leave.

If we leave, they'll go after my family.

What's left of it anyway. My mother.

We can't let that happen, can we?

Then what?

We're going to get their merch back.

We'll bribe someone working in the DEA and we'll get it back.

Everyone has a price.

We just have to find out what it is.

Look, that was then. I wanted to keep my promise.

That's why I helped you leave Sonora and moved here.

Things are different now.

How so?

Because after spending so much time with you

and getting to know you better...

I don't want you to be the woman I have to protect.

I want you to be the woman I want to be with.

-Oh, God. -Sorry.

I was gathering some clothes to allow you more privacy.

I'll leave so you can change.

No, Ignacio. Don't go.

I wanted to talk to you.

I've told you I don't want to be a woman

who needs to be protected or looked after

like I was when I was married to Augusto.

You stopped being that woman a long time ago.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have confronted Gavino like you did.

Any mother would've done what I did for her child.

You also confronted Augusto during the divorce,

you live on your own, you found a job,

and started your own company.

You don't need anyone to be yourself.

You took control of your life a long time ago.

Maybe in some regards I've taken control, but...

in others I haven't.

When I came over last time,

I wanted to tell you about my feelings.

But I couldn't because of what happened.

I've made up my mind.

I don't want to stop myself from feeling what I feel.

I want to risk it.

I want to risk it for you.

What are we waiting for?

I spoke with the officer in charge

and he says that reporting a civil servant is very serious.

He keeps asking if we're 100% sure we're telling the truth.

Of course we are.

Miss Almaraz, did you speak to your friends?


We're sure. We want you to proceed.

Very well.

I'll issue an arrest warrant for Mateo Corona,

Chief of Police of Alamos.

If you don't mind, I'll go back to the station

to see if they've heard from Mr. Augusto

and to ask my DEA friend if he knows about the deal.

I could reach out to a few contacts in Mexico City

and have them look for Augusto. He probably went after Marlene.


Get ready because we'll leave for the capital tonight.


We're going to visit Jim.

We have to let him know we're still partners in Babel.

Bribing a DEA agent will be very expensive.

What's a life worth, Circe?



It's what has to be done for us to live the life we want.

If we don't get the merch back,

we'll die without ever enjoying it.

You're right about that.

It's best if I go back today to get everything ready.

I'm coming with you. I won't let you go alone.

No. Let me handle it.

It'll be faster and easier that way.

Just trust me.


This isn't by any means over.

I'm going to make you pay for each of these favors

by making love to you for a year three times a day.

I'll leave you breathless. How does that sound?

I love it.

I'm glad. Know what I want?

To get you far away from here.

Away from Gavino and the Colombians.

I want you in your own domain, where you deserve to be.

Do you like that idea?

I do.

Alright then.

Be careful.


Hi, Diego. What's up?

What's up, man? How are you?

Are you still interested in capturing Circe Gaona?

For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 72 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:01.


Verbos que te confunden en ALEMÁN: MACHEN vs. TUN - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Verbos que te confunden en ALEMÁN: MACHEN vs. TUN - Duration: 6:54.


Da Vinci y los JJOO: éxitos y fracasos de Christian Gálvez y Almudena Cid - Duration: 8:30.

 A veces se tiene tendencia a pensar que la vida de los famosos son caminos de rosas

Ese planteamiento muy pocas veces se ajusta a la realidad y en el caso de Christian Gálvez y Almudena Cid, menos

El matrimonio se ha enfrentado a lo largo de sus vidas con duros reveses que han querido compartir con Bertín Osborne en su programa "Mi casa es la tuya"

También han conocido el éxito, cada uno en su campo profesional. Sobre ello, sus triunfos y fracasos, su felicidad y sus dramas, han hablado largo y tendido

 Aunque llegaron juntos al programa, el primero en sentarse junto a Osborne fue Christian

El presentador hizo un repaso sobre su carrera profesional. Recordó con cariño, aunque también con dureza, los múltiples y largos castings a los que se enfrentó en su infancia y adolescencia

Su primera oportunidad se la dieron en "Medico de familia". A partir de entonces, y en palabras del presentador, todo sería "coser y cantar"

Pero no fue así. A los 21 años tuvo su primer gran éxito con "Desesperado Club Social", con el que ganó el premio Ondas

El programa acabó siendo cancelado y se tuvo que poner a trabajar en una tienda de juguetes

.@ChristianG_7: "«Caiga quien caiga» me aportó muchísimo, pero empezábamos riéndonos de la gente

Aprendí a hacer entrevistas riéndome con el invitado, no de él." #MiCasaChristianYAlmudena pic  — Mi casa es la tuya (@micasaeslatuya) December 21, 2018    La televisión volvió a llamar a su puerta

"Caiga quien caiga" fue su nueva oportunidad, programa del que guarda un recuerdo agridulce: "¿Nunca te ha pasado avergonzarte de algo que has hecho? Eso me ha pasado con "Caiga quien Caiga"

Me aportó mucho, aprendí mucho, pero me di cuenta que no todo vale. Hacer televisión no es reírse de la gente, pero si con la gente"

.@ChristianG_7 y @almudenacid se conocieron en @pasapalabraT5 en 2007, cuando ella acudió como invitada: "Fue un flechazo

Se me olvidaron las mecánicas de las pruebas, yo quería su teléfono, el resto me daba igual" https://t

co/pfuKsjDdX2 #MiCasaChristianYAlmudena  — Mi casa es la tuya (@micasaeslatuya) December 21, 2018    Solo después llegó "Pasapalabra", con el que lleva 11 años

Fue gracias a este programa que conoció a la que hoy es su mujer, la gimnasta y escritora Almudena Cid

Según Gálvez, fue un flechazo en toda regla. Ya Almudena pensó que solo se trataba de un presentador simpático

Incluso pensó en un primer momento que fuera gay, algo que la pareja se toma con humor hoy en día

 Almudena: la mujer detrás de la deportista Almudena Cid tuvo que pedir ayuda a una periodista para que se publicaran sus victorias en las competiciones internacionales y conseguir, así, participar en sus terceros Juegos Olímpicos https://t

co/pfuKsjDdX2 #MiCasaChristianYAlmudena  — Mi casa es la tuya (@micasaeslatuya) December 21, 2018    Almudena Cid es una de las más grandes deportistas españolas

La gimnasta ha tenido una vida de esfuerzo, lucha y competición que le han llevado a grandes logros deportivos

Pero una vez más, no todo es oro lo que reluce. A medida que iba cumpliendo años, y tras una dolorosa lesión, desde la federación le enseñaron discretamente la puerta de salida

Pero la deportista no se rindió. Aunque ya no tenía el cuerpo de una niña, Almudena quería demostrar que aun tenía mucho que dar en su modalidad y no bajó los brazos

Tal y como expresó, "quería que un deporte de niñas se convirtiera en un deporte para mujeres

¿Porque me tengo que retirar cuando me dicen y no cuando yo quiero?". El tiempo acabó por darle la razón y su carrera deportiva duró bastante más de lo previsto

Almudena terminó acudiendo a cuatro Juego Olímpicos.  Leonardo da Vinci, la gran pasión de Christian Gálvez  El presentador y actor es un auténtico admirador de la figura de Leonardo da Vinci

Hasta tal punto que es comisario de una exposición en exhibición en la Biblioteca Nacional de España

Su mayor pasión se ha convertido, sin embargo, en su mayor polémica. El Comité Español de Historia del Arte le ha acusado de "intrusismo laboral" y de carecer de "rigor histórico" en sus investigaciones

El programa se grabó antes de que estallara la polémica. Junto a Bertín, Christian se explayó hablando de su gran pasión por el artista y inventor italiano, ajeno por aquel entonces, a los sinsabores que le ha traído esta nueva incursión

For more infomation >> Da Vinci y los JJOO: éxitos y fracasos de Christian Gálvez y Almudena Cid - Duration: 8:30.


A future for Detroit with General Motors - VPRO documentary - Duration: 48:41.

For more infomation >> A future for Detroit with General Motors - VPRO documentary - Duration: 48:41.


Kate Middleton se queda 'a cuadros' en medio de su polémica con Meghan Markle - Duration: 1:50.

 Mucho se está escribiendo, sobre todo en la prensa inglesa, sobre el supuesto desencuentro y mala sintonía existente entre Kate Middleton y Meghan Markle

Malas fechas para enfrentamientos familiares. No obstante, recientemente se ha conocido que la Familia Real Británica celebrará la Navidad junta, en armonía y que la reina Isabel II recibirá en su residencia de Norfolk a sus familiares y amigos desde el comienzo de las fiestas hasta Año Nuevo

 Mientras tanto, la duquesa de Cambridge ha reaparecido públicamente, junto al príncipe Guillermo, para presidir una fiesta navideña en honor a los militares y sus familiares, celebrada en Kensington Palace

Durante la cita hemos visto a una Kate Middleton muy sonriente, confidente con su marido y muy involucrada con la causa

Para la ocasión se ha decantado por un look compuesto por una falda tableada, de corte midi, firmada por Emilia Wickstead con estampado escocés, chaqueta cardigan de Broracashmere, pendientes de Mappin & Webb y un espectacular reloj de Cartier

 Si quieres el look completo y las mejores imágenes de la aparición de Kate Middleton, no te pierdas nuestra galería


For more infomation >> Kate Middleton se queda 'a cuadros' en medio de su polémica con Meghan Markle - Duration: 1:50.


Una boda Chileno-británica - Jim and Vero // Wedding Video 2019 - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Una boda Chileno-británica - Jim and Vero // Wedding Video 2019 - Duration: 7:21.


【FORTNITE/PC】参加型配信!誰でもWELCOME【VANC】 - Duration: 3:17:22.

For more infomation >> 【FORTNITE/PC】参加型配信!誰でもWELCOME【VANC】 - Duration: 3:17:22.


Así suenan las 17 canciones que aspiran a ir a Eurovisión 2019 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Así suenan las 17 canciones que aspiran a ir a Eurovisión 2019 - Duration: 3:22.


Rohff remercie ses fans et Le nombre surprenant de Surnaturel - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> Rohff remercie ses fans et Le nombre surprenant de Surnaturel - Duration: 8:10.


Fabinho becomes latest Liverpool star to force Neville u-turn - Duration: 2:49.

 Fabinho has become the latest Liverpool star to force Gary Neville into a public u-turn following previous criticism of the Brazilian

 The £39million signing endured a slow start to life at Anfield following his summer move from AS Monaco, and had rather bizarrely been linked with a January move away from the club

 However, the midfielder has cemented his place in Jurgen Klopp's starting XI in recent weeks, shining in last weekend's victory over Manchester United as the Reds reclaimed top spot in the Premier League table

 Fabinho was at it again against Wolverhampton Wanderers, setting up Mohamed Salah's opener to make it two assists from two outings

 And having initially had his doubts about the 25-year-old, former United defender Neville, who has changed his opinion on a number of Reds players this season, admitted the Brazilian's performance against his former club was had silenced the Reds midfielder's critics

 "He got a little bit of criticism a few games ago, against Arsenal, when he didn't do to well," Neville told Sky Sports before Liverpool's clash with Wolves

"I had wondered whether he would adapt to the pace but last week against Manchester United he was fantastic

 "What I liked about him was sometimes you see a defensive midfield player and they play horizontally, the shuffle across horizontally, they pass horizontally

He actually moved up the pitch.  "He was up in the game, backing up at the edge of the box

His pass for the first goal was absolutely fantastic, cut United open." Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  He continued: "Last week was the first time I saw him put in a performance where I thought 'this looks like a top player'

 "Obviously we know he's top player but you just think is he going to settle into this Liverpool team? It looked like a slow start but now it looks he's delivering what Jurgen Klopp wanted him to


For more infomation >> Fabinho becomes latest Liverpool star to force Neville u-turn - Duration: 2:49.


Shah Rukh Khan Answers Why He Is Not An A**hole & Other Fun Qs With Anand L Rai | Zero - Duration: 11:19.

Inhone jo mere samose chheen liye

I've lost 10 kgs in the making of this film

Par aap kyun chheen rahe ho samose?

Meine koi samose chheene nahi hai

Kyunki kabhi kabaar, jab hum film bana rahe the

Aisa bhi hona chahiye, ki hums hoot bhi kar rahe hai, khaate hee na rahe

Hello everybody, this is Priyam from MissMalini

And I'm so excited today because I'm hanging with

incredible film maker Aanand L Rai and the only man

who I truly have ever loved, Mr. Shahrukh Khan

-Hello ji! -Thank you, how are you? -Yaaar

Aap aise kar lete ho...

Chalo first of all what I want to ask, yeh samose wapas dene waala kissa kya hai?

Yeh mujhe badnaam karne ka tareeka hai. Kyun?

I have lost 10 kgs in the making of this film,

You're looking much fitter sir.

yeh ussi se hua hai, inhone jo mere samose chheen liye

uske baad meine 10 kgs ghata liye. Par aap kyun chheen rahe ho samose?

Meine koi samose chheene nahi hai

Kabhi kabaar jab hum film bana rahe the, aisa bhi hona chahiye na ki hum kuch shoot kare

khaate nahi jaa rahe. Toh mein samajhta hun

sustainance ke liye khaana bahaut zaroori hai, uske bina aadmi jee nahi sakta

aur sabse badi woh, khuda ki dainn hai, but kabhi kabhi toh rukna chahiye na

muh ko aaram mile, thodi acting bhi karein phir

Matlab acting nahi hai, bataye toh sahi, humein karna kya hai?

Acting toh hum sab karenge, aagr koi batayega

Khaata rahega na toh aise...

Toh thoda sa! Par sir yeh toh bachpan se sunte hai na

Aadmi kaam kiske liye karta hai? Khaane ke liye? -Oooohh

Pehle pet puja phir kaam duja, basically?

Accha toh main mili thi Anushka aur Katrina se recently

We love both women! Aur meine unse pucha that

How there's an Imtiaz Ali heroine, there's a Yash Chopra heroine. You of course know

Is there an Aanand L Rai heroine? and if yes, then who is she?

Mein hun na

Aap toh ho hee

Par yeh jo humne... koi nahi hai! Aanand L Rai ki heroine mein hun.

Theeke aur Aanand L Rai ki heroine? If theres a characteristic

Um.. woh jo hoti hai, bahaut mazaakiya hoti hai

For more infomation >> Shah Rukh Khan Answers Why He Is Not An A**hole & Other Fun Qs With Anand L Rai | Zero - Duration: 11:19.


Recover disabled account in 2mints open challenge 2019 - Duration: 5:09.

Recover disabled account in 2mints open challenge 2019

For more infomation >> Recover disabled account in 2mints open challenge 2019 - Duration: 5:09.


[THAISUB]Idol Room IZ*ONE Ep.25(6/6) #ซับไทยไอจึวอน - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> [THAISUB]Idol Room IZ*ONE Ep.25(6/6) #ซับไทยไอจึวอน - Duration: 11:46.


Ví đổi bài bịp-Ví đổi bài mới 2019 hiệu quả nhất hiện nay - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Ví đổi bài bịp-Ví đổi bài mới 2019 hiệu quả nhất hiện nay - Duration: 4:29.


Liverpool news: Virgil van Dijk PUZZLE - 'I just don't know where he gets that from' - Duration: 2:37.

 Van Dijk signed for Liverpool back in January in a club-record deal worth £75m from Southampton

 Van Dijk has received wideranging plaudits since his arrival in January - and is generally seen as the reason Liverpool's defensive woes have cleared up

 The Dutchman has also been one of the Reds' best players this season as Liverpool have yet to be beaten in the Premier League

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** Jurgen Klopp's side have kept 13 clean sheets in their last 21 league games and have only conceded eight altogether

 And in an interview with YouTube star Manny, Watford striker Gray has revealed that Van Dijk is the best he's ever come up against on the football pitch

 "Van Dijk," Gray said, when asked about his toughest opponent ever.  "He's big, he's strong, he's fast and he's good on the ball

" In response to Gray's answer, Manny replies: "How is he fast?! He's 6ft 4!". Gray also seemed puzled by the pace of Van Dijk, who's impressed everyone with his well-rounded ability this year

 "I don't know. I just don't where he gets that [his pace] from, he must be eating some good food," he joked

 Back in November, Klopp let his feelings about his big centre-back known. "I am not a guy who likes these comparisons and stuff like that

I am really, really happy with him [and] Virg knows that," Klopp said. "With his skills and quality and stuff like that there is always a big responsibility as well, that you have to be spot on [and] on that level every day

" Liverpool maintained their unbeaten run when they faced Wolves at Molineux on Friday night

 The Reds extended their lead at the top of the league to four points, with chasers Manchester City ready to face Crystal Palace at home on Saturday afternoon

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Virgil van Dijk PUZZLE - 'I just don't know where he gets that from' - Duration: 2:37.


Harry inlagd på sjukhus VLOGG - Duration: 16:33.

- Harry's at the hospital... - Mhm...

Daddy Axel is sleeping at the hospital with Harry.

If you follow our instagram (the_swedish_family), you probably know this already.

We post pictures and stories every day.

But if you don't; Harry's in the hospital.

- He has a really high fever. - Exactly. I lost what I was about to say.

He's had a fever on and off for five days.

Really high fever, then it went down...

Really high fever, then it went down.

When we recorded our previous video; the gingerbread house challenge...

...he had had a fever, which had gone down.

Anyway. Yesterday, on day five, he started complaining of a stomach ache.

Axel and I didn't like the sound of that, so we decided to take him to the pediatrician.

We arrive and they take a urine sample and other tests, and tell us we need to go to another doctor.

At the next place they did an ultrasound, and saw that one of his kidneys were swollen.

It was larger.

We had to go to another place yet again...

Harry got emitted at Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital, and that's where he is right now.

- Mom? - Yes?

- What's Harry's illness called? - It's called pyelitis.

How do you get that?

He's had a urinary tract infection that wasn't treated, and therefore it traveled to the kidneys.

He didn't show any of the signs that I thought were typical for an urinary tract infection...

...that it stings when you pee.

I've learned that kids don't react the same way adults do.

That's a very important thing for all parents to remember!

- Have a nice day at school, Alma. See you this afternoon!

- Yes. Bye, bye!

- I'm going to see Harry now. - Yes.



It's so dark in here.

- Is Alma here? - No, she's at school. She's so worried about you!

What have you got there?

- We got a Wildlife Christmas advent calendar. - What!

We're opening all the windows that we haven't opened yet.

- Oh, it's so much blood. - Oh, have they taken new tests?

Look how much blood, dad!

They gave him a finger prick a little while ago.

It hurt but I didn't cry.

You're so cool, Harry!

- I need to hug you more! - I'm gonna throw this away.

- Okay but can we hug after that? - Yes.

You need to tell us what the doctor has said.

- Harry, do you remember what the doctor said? - No.

- Should I tell them? - Yes.

The doctor said that Harry's doing better and might get to go home today!

It's all up to his blood count, and we might need to do another ultrasound if they want you to.

They say he's well enough to possibly switch to regular antibiotics, that you can swallow...

...and if so, Harry can go home!

Yes. Now when Harry gets his medicine, they give it here...straight into his arm.


- Does it hurt? - No.

- Do you see? - Yes, I see.

The tube, this tube... goes in my body.

1:30 p.m.

Harry's resting.

We were in the corridore and had lunch, and Harry got another dose of antibiotics in his arm.

The staff at this hospital is amazing! They're so good with children.

But we can't film everything at the hospital, of course.

We met some clowns, but other kids were around so we couldn't film it.

What's daddy doing?

Blipping and blopping on the computer.

Blipping and blopping on the computer.

Blipping and blopping on the computer.

- What would you like to do now? - Watch CKN Toys.

Watch CKN Toys. Could you tell our viewers what that is?

It's a person opening toys.

- It's a child, right? - Yes.

Well, a child is also a person...

Should he get to watch CKN Toys?

Yes, for a little bit. One episode.

Three episodes.

- Daddy, three episodes? - One.

- No, three? - One.

Okay, two then.

Oh, negotiation...

I'll pick up Alma, then we might come back here, so she can see Harry.

They miss each other quite a lot.

Harry, the nurse said you're getting an ultrasound now.

We're waiting for the doctor, and Harry's watching a movie.

I don't think we'll be able to film during the procedure.

We're back in our room.

How did the procedure go, Harry?


Was it uncomfortable to get the wet stuff smeared on your belly?


The doctor put clear gel on Harry's stomach. Then she moved a machine around to look at Harry's kidneys.

- Do you know what she told me, Harry? - No.

The left kidney isn't doing very well.

- We're waiting for... - I'm sleeping here again?

We don't know. We're waiting for information on whether you can go home, or need to stay.

I'll get sick if I finish this.

You've already finished it!


Harry hasn't eaten much today. Almost only an apple.

Now he finished this nutritional energy drink.

- Look, there's a dinosaur on it! - Yes.

That means you'll get big and strong like a dino!

Do you remember what you get to do now that you've finished your drink?

- No. - You don't?

- The stickers! - That's right!

Harry got this book where you put stickers when you've eaten and drunk.

Can you see if you can find what you just drank?

There it is.

The time is now...


It's almost 5:30 p.m.

This means it's time to pee again.



Then the pee one...

- On here? - Mhm!

I peed on the poop.

The doctors were just in here and said that Harry need to stay here one more night.

The bacteria that caused the UTI that then traveled to the kidneys, is a rare kind.

They don't feel safe letting him go home.



Hi, dear...

Oh, you're not feeling well at all...

This is for you.

He's all groggy...

Yes, he got really sleepy when he got this drip with medicine.


(One hour later)

Alma, look down!

Pretty high up...

Hey hey, kids!

This is as high as we can go.

- What are you two doing? - Eating french fries and riding the elevator!

♪ Oopsie woopsie, the tush is falling off! ♪ (funny changes to a Christmas song)

♪ When the tush is here every tush shall be happy! ♪

We've never been this happy that the kids sing about pee and poop!

I also want to lay down.

He seemed very unwell for a while there. But now the energy's coming back.

Alma and Joanna are leaving now to go home and sleep.

Harry and I will get ready for bed.

We've ordered a taxi. It's already 9 p.m.

- I'm really tired. - Me too!

We won't film anymore today. We'll resume tomorrow, Harry.

- Mhm. - Mhm.

Okay, let's say goodnight...

No, I mean: see you soon! Then it's a new day.

What are you holding?

A balloon sword.

Where did you get it from?


- There's been clowns here? - Yes.

He's feeling a lot better!

His body has responded to the treatment, so his white blood cell count has gone down.

That means we might get to go home today! Yay!

I died.

What kind of clowns were here?

Fjodor and Milda Matilda knocked on the door, and started doing tricks with balls.

- Yes! - They played with whoopee cushions, and tied balloons.

They were great. Very good for him!

Harry, does it hurt?


Now I'm removing it...

There! You did great!

How cool is Harry?!

You didn't even flinch when they were sticking you with needles, and removing needles, and such!

- I think he's totally awesome! - Like a superhero!

Yes, way cooler than your mom! I'm like...

I'm holding the camera and feeling a tear fall.

Let's be quiet.

- Harry, do you know what happens now? - No?

We get to go home... We get to go home!

I'm getting a fart on my neck.

How cozy...

We're back home again...

And it's so nice!

Don't you agree, Alma?

Yes, it's nice as can be!

It's so cozy!

We've got an important thing to do...

- Cut off the hospital wristband! - Yes, which you get when you're in the hospital.

- Harry, are you ready? - Yes.


How wonderful!

Group hug! Group hug! Group hug!

What an emotional roller coaster it's been...

- I'm completely drained... - Me too. Completely exhausted.

- And grateful! - Yes!

- That Harry's home! - Yes, it's so nice that he's getting better.

I have so much respect for parents with children that are sick.


After our brief hospital stay I'm thinking; God, some go through this...

Mhm... in and day out. Even year after year!

Exactly. And some will celebrate Christmas in a hospital, with their children that are sick.

- You are heroes. All of you! - Yes!

Thank YOU for watching this long vlog.

Please leave a thumbs up if you liked it.

It's slower paced than what we normally post, so it's interesting to know what you thought of it.

- Leave a comment if you want to and have time. - Please do!


Sorry, I'm so tired I'm almost losing my voice.

- Merry Christmas, from us to you! - Have a great time until we see you next time!

- Take care! - Merry Christmas! Bye, bye!

For more infomation >> Harry inlagd på sjukhus VLOGG - Duration: 16:33.


DISKRIMINERANDE ANTI-DISKRIMINERING: Den mansfria festivalen - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> DISKRIMINERANDE ANTI-DISKRIMINERING: Den mansfria festivalen - Duration: 9:50.


NEW BABY DUDESON!!! - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> NEW BABY DUDESON!!! - Duration: 7:24.


I kill SuperDobben for bullying me On roblox Jailbreak - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> I kill SuperDobben for bullying me On roblox Jailbreak - Duration: 0:32.


Самагуды (п/к Сяргея Ярука i Яўгена Белаўсава). - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Самагуды (п/к Сяргея Ярука i Яўгена Белаўсава). - Duration: 4:13.


[Eng] 중력을 무시하는 물건들의 비밀은? 과연 마술? 아니면 CG? - 니키 - Duration: 3:00.

Hello, I'm Nicky.

I'm already in somewhere?

I was hungry, so I came restaurant first lol

It looks really delicious right?

Today, I prepared a magic trick and CG using a paper money.

Aren't you curious?

Before we go ~ let's finish this first.

Then here we go.

The first question, was it a CG or a magic?

Is this real coffee?

Isn't it a CG or something??lol

Okay, the second question coming right now!



Split into two!

The second question, was it a magic or CG?

Please leave your answer in the comment section right now~!

Now, let's reveal the answer right now!

Real, real!

Did you enjoy today's video?

If you enjoyed it, subscribe, like and follow my channel.

Then see you next time. Bye~~

For more infomation >> [Eng] 중력을 무시하는 물건들의 비밀은? 과연 마술? 아니면 CG? - 니키 - Duration: 3:00.


Arsenal team news vs Burnley: Predicted line up as Unai Emery decides on Mesut Ozil - Duration: 3:24.

 Arsenal return to Premier League action on Saturday with question marks hanging over the head of Mesut Ozil

 Unai Emery has confirmed the 30-year-old will be among the 18 players available to him when Burnley come to town

 But, with concerns over whether he suits Emery's style of play, there are doubts over whether he will start against the Clarets

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** Emery has insisted Arsenal want to keep hold of Ozil and batted away a question of whether he has a future in north London

 "I want every player with a good mentality to help us and give us their characteristics and quality," Emery said

"We need Mesut Ozil." However, it could be an injury which opens the door for Ozil to return to the starting line up, rather than due to Emery's backing

 The Arsenal gaffer has revealed fellow midfielder Henrikh Mkhitaryan is unavailable, along with defender Shkodran Mustafi

 "We know today, the latest news, and for example Mkhitaryan is out," Emery said. "[Laurent] Koscielny is okay but he played two matches this week and tomorrow will be a lot for him

 "We also need to be calm with him, to take time for a lot of matches before he continues playing

 "Sead Kolasinac, I think for tomorrow is okay. Players are continuing to recover with Sead

 "I don't remember now. Mkhitaryan is out. Mustafi is also, for tomorrow, out too

" Bernd Leno is expected to return in goal after Petr Cech came into the team for the Carabao Cup defeat to Tottenham

 Nacho Monreal, Sokratis Papasathopoulos and Granit Xhaka will form a makeshift back three, with Stephan Lichtsteiner and Ainsley Maitland-Niles at wing back

 Matteo Guendouzi and Lucas Torreira will be in the thick of it in the middle of the park, with the returning Ozil and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang on the flanks

 Alexandre Lacazette will lead the line for Arsenal, although he may interchange with Aubameyang as the game develops

Arsenal predicted line up vs Burnley - (5-2-3): Leno; Monreal, Papastathopoulos, Xhaka, Lichtsteiner, Maitland-Niles; Guendouzi, Torreira; Ozil, Aubameyang, Lacazette

For more infomation >> Arsenal team news vs Burnley: Predicted line up as Unai Emery decides on Mesut Ozil - Duration: 3:24.


Nivelles Circuit - A Trip Down Memory Lane - Exploring the Abandoned ex F1 Race Track - Duration: 11:39.

Hello, Herman here from Circuits of the past.

I'm here at the site of the old circuit of Nivelles. In 1998 I came here for the First time.

The abandoned circuit was still in tact that time.

It was the First time I saw such a circuit ruin, and it inspired me to start my website Circuits of the past.

Nivelles Circuit (Belgium) A trip down Memory Lane

Behind me is a tunnel were I drove my VW Scirocco through to the infield.

Today the tunnel is a garage, but the original entrance road is still there.

Here I entered the pit lane in 1998.

There was an entrance underneeth the control tower.

And the control tower was right here!

And the pits, were I parked my VW Scirocco was there…

Here was the pits...

Now it's a construction site.

I'm standing now on the site of the first corner. Right here on this parking lot!

For traffic they built a new corner, on the inside of the old (circuit) corner.

Behind me the second corner of the so called Big Loop.

Two very fast and long right-hand corners.

It was a great combination of corners!

Modern Formula 1 drivers would love it.

But unfortunately, this circuit had the bad luck to be a replacement for Spa-Francorchamps...

So the 70s drivers hated this circuit.

And for that, the track went into history as a boring circuit...

Okay, this is were the track used to be...

It made a left turn here...

A year ago you could recognise more easy were it was.

Now it's a little bit more difficult...

...because of the construction site here.

But there is still an opening between the trees.

This is were Turn Four used to be.

Maybe it is still there, underneath the grass and the earth.

Now we enter the abandoned remains of the circuit. From now we're illegal!

From 1998 I remember there was a very mean bump in the back straight. I think it was this one.

The race track is stil there, but...

They built a parking here...

The next time I come here, this eh...

...this part will be gone!

If you watch older videos you can see how it used to be.

Here the kerbstones are gone...

One year earlier...

This was the fast chicane at the end of the backstraight.

It looks now more like a forrest.

We're now at the lowest point of the Nivelles circuit.

Here they had to brake very hard for a right-hand hairpin.

The hairpin is stil there, but it's underneath this wall of earth.

Actually, there should be a left turn here...

The design foresaw in a longer track. But unfortunately, the track was never finished.

This was the land were the other loop should have been.

But the circuit owners couldn't buy this land...

So they decided to built a short version of the circuit first...

But once the circuit was there, the landowner want more money...

That was too much for the circuit owners, so the track was never completed.

It was only 3.7 kilometers (2.314 Miles) long.

Here is the exit of the hairpin...

...underneeth the wall of earth!

And this is the beginning of the long Start/Finish straight.

We're now on the Start/Finish straight...

In 1998 I made a picture of my VW Scirocco on a bump...

That was right here!

Here we have a remain of the pit entrance.

Now we're back at Start/Finish.

In 1972 and 1974 Emerson Fittipaldi saw the checkered flag here.

In 1998 I drove here with my VW Scirocco on the abandoned circuit.

And now it's a public road on a business park.

At the end of this video I will show you this old public entrance.

Look at this, you can still see were the ticket booths were.

Here ends our trip down memory lane. I hope you enjoyed it, and I see you in my next video.


For more infomation >> Nivelles Circuit - A Trip Down Memory Lane - Exploring the Abandoned ex F1 Race Track - Duration: 11:39.


Virgil van Dijk's highlights v Wolves show Liverpool have the PL's best defender - Duration: 3:20.

 Virgil van Dijk may have cost Liverpool a cool £75 million last January, but the Dutch centre-back has been worth his weight in gold for the Reds

 While everybody knew Van Dijk was a top defender prior to his move to Anfield, very few people were aware the former Southampton star was quite *this* good

 The 27-year-old is now widely regarded as the best central defender in the Premier League - and it could certainly be argued that there's currently no better centre-back in world football

 Van Dijk produced an imperious performance for Liverpool against Wolves on Friday night

 Not only did he help the Reds keep another clean sheet, but he also netted his first Premier League goal for the league leaders

 Sky Sports named him Man of the Match, while the Liverpool Echo handed him a 9/10 rating

 "Wolves looked to expose the Dutchman against the pace of [Adama] Traore, who was promptly subbed," they added

"Won so many headers and finally scored his first Premier League goal for the Reds

"  Jurgen Klopp, per the Mirror, commented: "He is in a good moment, he is very important for us and hopefully he can stay like this

 "The work-rate in general is just outstanding. I love the boy.  "We won, deserved, and Virg played a proper part in that

"  A video of Van Dijk's individual highlights has now emerged and you can watch it here…  Or watch it here

 "World class performance yet again from Big Virg," The Red Debate added. "The man's imperious

Pace, power, positioning, strength, aerial ability, calmness on the ball, range of passing & a goal to boot

What a player."  It's hard to disagree with any of that.  The video confirms that Liverpool currently have the best defender in the Premier League, something which football fans on social media were all in agreement over

 Van Dijk's performance is made all the more remarkable by his post-match admission that he was suffering from a cold

 "It's been a bit of tough day for me," he told Sky Sports. "I had a bit of a cold, so I wasn't 100 per cent but these nights are very important for us

We won here and that's a big step for us."

For more infomation >> Virgil van Dijk's highlights v Wolves show Liverpool have the PL's best defender - Duration: 3:20.


Arsenal hero Martin Keown reveals shock verdict after Spurs ace Danny Rose slammed Gunners - Duration: 4:07.

 Arsenal came from behind to win 4-2 against their city rivals in the league three weeks ago

 The feisty derby reached boiling point when Eric Dier's provocative goal celebration caused a ruckus between the players - an incident for which both clubs have been fined

 Unai Emery's men took the bragging rights, however, with a second-half rally sparking rapturous scenes inside the Emirates Stadium

 After the match, Arsenal players posted photos and videos of their jubilant dressing room on social media and even trolled their rivals online, with defender Rob Holding tweeting: "Loading failed

Your opponent left the match." **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** Tottenham were able to exact revenge at the Emirates this week, however, running out 2-0 winners in the Carabao Cup

 The dominant display from Mauricio Pochettino's men sealed them a spot in the semi-finals, and made it two consecutive losses for Emery following a 22-game unbeaten run

 Left-back Rose captained Spurs for the domestic fixture and explained that their rivals' overzealous celebrations spurred on the Lilywhites dressing room

 "Our only motivation was remembering the nonsense that Arsenal posted after the game a few weeks ago," Rose told the Evening Standard

 "That was our motivation. Players that have only played 10 games for Arsenal were getting ahead of themselves

 "The cherry on top was silencing them after remembering how they celebrated like they had won the league

" Keown, who won three Premier League titles with Gunners, has now revealed he agrees with Rose, despite sensing a level of hypocrisy in the Englishman's words

 "I don't get it. What I want to see is a picture of the players in the dressing room with the Premier League trophy and that's all," Keown told MailOnline

 "When we beat Tottenham, we never bothered to take photos together. I don't mean this in a disrespectful way but it just didn't seem worthy

 "We had other things on our mind. We were looking at the bigger picture. We only wanted to take photos if we had won a piece of silverware

 "The only time I can remember taking a photo after a win over Tottenham was when we won the league at White Hart Lane in 2004

That was worthy. "Otherwise, I'd urge any players out there to focus on football

 "You can argue all day long about it being good for team spirit and all that, but there is a long way to go in the season

 "Just keep it simple, stay concentrated. Arsenal aren't the only culprits who go over the top with celebrations, of course

 "You could argue Spurs have done the same at times and Danny Rose's comments were maybe a little tit for tat

 "But I've said it before and I'll say it again, I only want to see a picture of players after a match if they're holding a trophy


For more infomation >> Arsenal hero Martin Keown reveals shock verdict after Spurs ace Danny Rose slammed Gunners - Duration: 4:07.


ENG SUB생애첫뮤비 리액션 엑소러브샷This is the first music video I've ever seen in my life'LOVE SHOT'M/V REACTION - Duration: 6:26.

Hello, everyone GREAT TIMES I'm Team 8

I'm sure most of EXO fans came, right?

I hope you don't look me bad

I want to tell you this

This is the first music video I've ever seen in my life,whether it's a girl or a boy group

Actually, I knows only one song 'Growl'

And I saw them briefly When I was a soldier. 'wolf?'

a~woo~ like this and they danced It makes me cringe haha

After that, I found out that they were the same group

So I was surprised. today is the first day since then

Well, let's watch

They are facing each other

That's a good rhythm

Someone's up at the gas station?

full moon. a wolf boy? again?

The second member is really handsome

I feel like a Hong Kong actor

i like him eyes

look lonely

Third member


KAI, right?


His lips are really sexy

I'm sorry. I'll stop for a minute

KAI, I saw him on TV before

I thought he was a quiet image back then But he's pretty hot.

At first I said his lips were sexy

But I saw his point when he danced

his secret point... and swing of the hips...(?????What's going)

I think women will fall for him

I like KAI

Someone is throwing money


They're all handsome

two crescent moons?

I know D.O.

I've seen him act a lot

I also watched CHAN YEOL on TV before

The chorus is addictive

They were on the same team?

The background feels like the Vatican and Rome

They robbed a bank, but not money, a bunch of flowers

Roses continue to appear?

I have no idea why So you can teach me. Lol

Continued Gas Station Background

watched it all

First, I understand the meaning of the love shot

It has two kinds of meaning

drinking and shooting

I can tell from the dance

Dancing is addictive and good

The title is also good in two meaning

The chorus is also addictive and good

I was most surprised

Here! KAI!

dance is amazing

really sexy

KAI is really sexy

The rest, I don't know what the lyrics meaning

Because I didn't pay attention to lyrics..

I concentrated on video rather than lyrics

At first they were facing each other right?

I think it was like two teams were fighting each other. exo1, exo2

And they point guns at each other, Ahhhh~ this guns

drinking, Like this

And they robbed the bank but It was not money but a bunch of flowers

And the roses kept coming out

Actually, roses are a gift to a lover. right?

But there is a saying. rose of betrayal

Is that so? haha I don't know

In fact, what is important is not an interpretation

The important thing is that I finally learned about EXO

I'll have to search first

What is the name of the EXO fan club?

I need to find out what the EXO fan club is

EXO fan club name.. EXO fan club

Is EXO-L a fan club?

For more infomation >> ENG SUB생애첫뮤비 리액션 엑소러브샷This is the first music video I've ever seen in my life'LOVE SHOT'M/V REACTION - Duration: 6:26.


Fabinho becomes latest Liverpool star to force Neville u-turn - Duration: 2:49.

 Fabinho has become the latest Liverpool star to force Gary Neville into a public u-turn following previous criticism of the Brazilian

 The £39million signing endured a slow start to life at Anfield following his summer move from AS Monaco, and had rather bizarrely been linked with a January move away from the club

 However, the midfielder has cemented his place in Jurgen Klopp's starting XI in recent weeks, shining in last weekend's victory over Manchester United as the Reds reclaimed top spot in the Premier League table

 Fabinho was at it again against Wolverhampton Wanderers, setting up Mohamed Salah's opener to make it two assists from two outings

 And having initially had his doubts about the 25-year-old, former United defender Neville, who has changed his opinion on a number of Reds players this season, admitted the Brazilian's performance against his former club was had silenced the Reds midfielder's critics

 "He got a little bit of criticism a few games ago, against Arsenal, when he didn't do to well," Neville told Sky Sports before Liverpool's clash with Wolves

"I had wondered whether he would adapt to the pace but last week against Manchester United he was fantastic

 "What I liked about him was sometimes you see a defensive midfield player and they play horizontally, the shuffle across horizontally, they pass horizontally

He actually moved up the pitch.  "He was up in the game, backing up at the edge of the box

His pass for the first goal was absolutely fantastic, cut United open." Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  He continued: "Last week was the first time I saw him put in a performance where I thought 'this looks like a top player'

 "Obviously we know he's top player but you just think is he going to settle into this Liverpool team? It looked like a slow start but now it looks he's delivering what Jurgen Klopp wanted him to


For more infomation >> Fabinho becomes latest Liverpool star to force Neville u-turn - Duration: 2:49.


ASMR 咀嚼音 Fried Food Platter (Breaded Cheeseburger & Mozzarella) 揚げ物詰め合わせ 炸物拼盤 튀김 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> ASMR 咀嚼音 Fried Food Platter (Breaded Cheeseburger & Mozzarella) 揚げ物詰め合わせ 炸物拼盤 튀김 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 11:55.


Ρώτησε τον Vladis #2 || Εχω 5 παιδιά??? || Vladis Brando - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Ρώτησε τον Vladis #2 || Εχω 5 παιδιά??? || Vladis Brando - Duration: 4:48.


NARKOZSUZ KIL DÖNMESİ AMELİYATI | pilonidal sinus - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> NARKOZSUZ KIL DÖNMESİ AMELİYATI | pilonidal sinus - Duration: 11:37.


Arsenal news: Unai Emery trying to avoid SACK with Mesut Ozil decision - Ray Parlour - Duration: 2:53.

 That is according to former Arsenal and England midfielder Ray Parlour. Emery left PSG at the end of last season after failing to deliver success for the club in the Champions League

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** Emery's relationship with star man Neymar was said to be strained and the Spaniard claimed Neymar had more power at the club than him

 Now at Arsenal, reports have claimed the head coach does not see eye to eye with midfielder Mesut Ozil

 Ozil has only started one game since November 11 and his future at the club is in doubt

 And Parlour claims Emery will be wary of what happened with Neymar at PSG, claiming the Brazilian "got him the sack"

 "Ozil is not featuring and he wasn't even in the squad against Spurs, so that's a bit of a worry if you're an Arsenal fan," Parlour told talkSPORT

 "Something has gone wrong behind the scenes, probably in training his attitude has not been right

 "When you get left out you've got to come back and make sure your attitude is spot on

 "You've got to show the manager you mean business and you're going to fight for your place and maybe he hasn't done that

So Emery had made that big decision. "He's probably looking at it saying, 'I don't want another Neymar', what happened with him at PSG, he got Emery the sack at PSG

 "So is it going to be the same situation here? "He's on big, big wages and that's the problem with another club trying to take him, whether Arsenal have to pay a bit of wages I don't know

 "You don't want to see quality players going, but is there a place for him in the side? "I don't know when you'd put him in the side at the moment

 "If you play three at the back it's very hard to put him in, and if you play four at the back there's one spare place in the midfield but Emery might look at it and think other players deserve the opportunity over Ozil

 "People like [Aaron] Ramsey and people like that."

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Unai Emery trying to avoid SACK with Mesut Ozil decision - Ray Parlour - Duration: 2:53.


شرح قصة بيوشوك || BioShock 1 Explained - Duration: 16:43.

For more infomation >> شرح قصة بيوشوك || BioShock 1 Explained - Duration: 16:43.


HOW TO DRAW A CHRISTMAS STOCKING | Best Christmas Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 5:45.

How to draw a Christmas stocking

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For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW A CHRISTMAS STOCKING | Best Christmas Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 5:45.


賈靜雯女兒波妞長開了,顏值不輸姐姐咘咘,大眼睛姐妹花湊齊了 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 賈靜雯女兒波妞長開了,顏值不輸姐姐咘咘,大眼睛姐妹花湊齊了 - Duration: 5:40.


Je to vůbec ona? Premiérku Mayovou semlely dohady o brexitu, vypadá hrozivě - Duration: 3:26.

 Pouhopouhých 101 dní zbývá do chvíle, kdy Velká Británie na základě referenda z roku 2016 vystoupí z Evropské unie

Přestože si však představitelé ostrovního státu malovali, že tzv. brexit proběhne s klidem a po důkladných přípravách, ve vládě nyní panuje chaos

 Žádná dohoda totiž neexistuje a nad Británií visí hrozba tvrdého brexitu, tedy odchodu bez zajištěné spolupráce

Vláda už pro jistotu posílila přípravy na tuto variantu a vyčlenila například téměř 60 miliard liber pro ministerstva vnitra, zahraničního obchodu a životního prostředí, přičemž čtvrtina této částky padne na ochranu hranic

 Divokou situaci samozřejmě nejvíce odnáší žena nejpovolanější, premiérka Theresa Mayová

Ta už s Bruselem dohodu o brexitu vyjednala a nyní se čeká na hlasování o jejím schválení, jenže je velká pravděpodobnost, že nakonec přijata nebude

  Mayová si toho je vědoma, a tak přestože mělo hlasování proběhnout již minulý týden, nakonec ho sama přeložila až na 14

ledna 2019. Takto nyní vypadá britská premiérka Theresa Mayová. Právě z toho důvodu také hrozí hlasování o vyslovení nedůvěry premiérce

Návrh na jeho vyvolání už podal šéf labouristů Jeremy Corbyn, pravděpodobně k němu však vůbec nedojde, protože Mayová má silnou podporu konzervativních stran

 Takto Mayová přitancovala na sraz konzervativců. Teď tak vesele ani zdaleka nepůsobí

 Situace, která kolem ní nastala, ovšem britské premiérce ani trochu nesvědčí. Ačkoliv vždy působila jako elegantní dáma, co ráda střídá slušivé oblečky, nyní nevypadá ani trochu zdravě

 Theresa Mayová působí natekle. Mayová vypadá opuchle, má obří kruhy pod očima a její úsměv už není ani trochu tak zářivý, jako když v říjnu na sjezdu Konzervativní strany ke svému projevu přitancovala na píseň Dancing Queen od skupiny ABBA

 Dokáže sympatická politička blížící se brexit ustát, nebo ji tlak veřejnosti úplně semele? 

For more infomation >> Je to vůbec ona? Premiérku Mayovou semlely dohady o brexitu, vypadá hrozivě - Duration: 3:26.


Recover disabled account in 2mints open challenge 2019 - Duration: 5:09.

Recover disabled account in 2mints open challenge 2019

For more infomation >> Recover disabled account in 2mints open challenge 2019 - Duration: 5:09.


Verbos que te confunden en ALEMÁN: MACHEN vs. TUN - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Verbos que te confunden en ALEMÁN: MACHEN vs. TUN - Duration: 6:54.


We Are Home At 10 o'Clock (Trailer) - Duration: 1:06.

Two brothers...

...Alone at home...

... suddenly hear their mother's cry for help.

... which is the beginning ...

From a dark story.

The world seems to be hiding a lot ...

The dark forces have come!

We're Home At 10 o'clock

For more infomation >> We Are Home At 10 o'Clock (Trailer) - Duration: 1:06.


A future for Detroit with General Motors - VPRO documentary - Duration: 48:41.

For more infomation >> A future for Detroit with General Motors - VPRO documentary - Duration: 48:41.


Занавеска для ванной комнаты Stripes Blue 180х180см см, полиэстер - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Занавеска для ванной комнаты Stripes Blue 180х180см см, полиэстер - Duration: 0:34.


毛小孩生活寫照 - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> 毛小孩生活寫照 - Duration: 1:05.



XX. yüzyılda yaşanan iki farklı ''Dünya Savaşı'' nedeniyle insanlık tarihte

hiçbir zaman unutulmayacak yıllara tanıklık etmek zorunda kalmıştı ancak XXI.

Yüzyıla yani günümüze baktığımızda artık savaşların çok daha farklı şekillerde

ortaya çıktığını görüyoruz.

Devletlerin askeri güce verdikleri eğilimin yanı sıra ekonomik ve teknolojik gelişmişliğe

de aynı derecede hatta çok daha yüksek seviyede önem vermeleri bu değişim göz

önüne alındığında oldukça anlaşılır bir durum…

Siber savaş ve ticaret savaşı olarak adlandırılan bu olaylara en iyi örnekse geçtiğimiz aylarda

ortaya çıkan ve ABD ile Çin'i karşı karşıya getiren güç savaşı…

2018'in ilk aylarında ilgili ülke liderlerinin yapmış olduğu açıklamalar, gelecek aylarda

ortaya çıkacak bir ticaret savaşının ilk sinyallerini vermişti.

Nitekim öngörülen durum gerçekleşti ve Mart ayında ABD'nin çelik ve aliminyuma

sırasıyla %25 ve %10 ek vergi artırımını uygulamaya başlamasıyla savaş resmen başlamış


Ardından dünyanın en büyük ekonomisine sahip olan ABD'nin bu adımına; son yıllarda

önemli gelişmeler göstererek en büyük ikinci ekonomik güç olmayı başaran Çin'den

karşı hamle gelmiş ve Çin'in de ABD meşeili 128 farklı ürüne %15 ile %25 arasında

değişen ek vergi tarifeleri uygulayacağı duyrulmuştu.

ABD her ne kadar inovasyon ve teknoloji alanında diğer ülkelerle arasına uçurum derecesinde

bir mesafe koymuş olsa da 1970'lerden itibaren gümrük vergilerini kademeli olarak düşürüp

dış dünyaya kapılarını açan ve iş gücünün ucuz olması nedeniyle küçük

büyük birçok yatırımcıyı kendine çeken Çin'in aradaki farkı kapatma ihtimali

de her geçen gün daha da belirginleşiyordu.

'' – Bugün tanıdığımız Çin'in oluşmasına yardım ettik, ülkemizin milyarlarından

faydalanmasına izin vererek…

Yılda 500 milyar dolar!

Bu çok uzun bir zamandır böyle ancak buna artık izin veremeyiz…''

Birinci dalgadan sonra ABD ve Çin'in karşılıklı hamleleri katlanarak devam etti sonrasında

2018'in eylül ayına gelindiğinde ABD ve dolayısıyla Trump yönetimi, ticaret

savaşının yeni aşaması niteliğini taşıyan birtakım kararlar aldı.

Bununla birlikte Çin meşeili ve 200 milyar dolar değerinde yaklaşık 6.000 ürüne

ilk etapta %10, 2019 itibarıyla da %25 ek vergi alınacağı


Ardından Pekin yönetimi ise ABD'nin bu ağır ver artırımına karşı 60 milyar

dolarlık ithal ürüne ek vergi uygulamakla yetindi.

'' – Başkan Xi'ye büyük bir saygım var ve Çin'e de öyle ama Çin uzun yıllardır

ABD'den faydalanıyor.

Onlar bize gelecekler ve biz de onlara kapılarımızı açıp bunu adil hale getireceğiz çünkü

bu şu an hiç adil değil!.

Biz onlardan çok daha fazla iş yapıyoruz ve bu devam edemez.''

ABD aldığı kararlara Çin'in yatırımcılarına ülkede başlatacakları girişimler için

yerli ortak şartı ve buna benzer zorunluluklar yükleyerek ''Serbest Ticaret Yasası''

'ını ihlal etmesini gerekçe gösterse de olayın bir de ekonomik boyutu var; ABD

ile Çin arasındaki toplam ticaret hacmi 578 milyar dolar seviyesinde, bu noktada ABD'nin

Çine ihraç ettiği ürünlerin değeri 115 milyar dolar seviyesindeyken ithal ettiği

ürünlerin değerinin 463 milyar dolar seviyesinde olması ABD ekonomisinde ciddi bir dış ticaret

açığına sebep olmakta, (2016 verileri baz alınmıştır.)

Bunun en temel sebepleri arasında şirketlerin Ar-Ge (Araştırma - Geliştirme) faaliyetlerini

ABD'de gerçekleştirip üretim aşamasında ise ucuz işçilik nedeniyle Çin'i tercih

etmeleri yer alıyor.

''Çin konusunda ne olacağını göreceğiz, bizim 375 milyar dolar ticaret açığımız

varken onların ise aynı miktarda fazlalığı var.

Bunun sebebi yıllardır her zaman söylerim; biz yeniden bir Çin inşa ettik.

Para aldılar, savaş jetleri yaptılar, köprü yaptılar ve muhtemelen bizim son yüzyılda

yaptığımızdan daha çok köprü yaptılar.''

Öte yandan bu büyük ekonomilerin birbirleri arasında yaptığı bu bilek güreşinin,

diğer ülkeleri de etkileyerek küresel çapta bir olumsuzluğa yol açması ne yazık ki

oldukça muhtemel, buna neden olarak da iki ülkenin ürettiği ürünlerin ham maddelerini,

temel veya yardımcı bileşenlerini genellikle farklı ülkelerden tedarik etmesi gösterilebilir.

Çoğu insan bu iki ülke arasında ekonomik savaşı kimin kazanacağını merak ediyor

olsa da ortaya çıkan sonuç ülkelerin birbirleriyle olan komplike ticari ilişkileri sebebiyle

bu savaştan kimsenin karlı çıkamayacağını gösteriyor.

Buna karşın kazanan tarafı ise ''Kim daha az zarar edecek?''

sorusu belirleyebilir gibi duruyor… ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

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