Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 4 2018

雖然twice 的門面沒有官方承認是周子瑜




wuli子瑜最高成為繼after school NANA之後










她的一張親筆簽名照在日本網路被炒到6000 元港幣賣出。















周子瑜小時整個面部輪廓100% 跟現在一模一樣











她通過選秀節目 Sixteen 激烈競爭













加入Twice 後


在周子瑜被選為 世界最美面孔 第3名時




未來也會以成為 更漂亮的子瑜 而繼續努力。









她在臉書寫道:好大的地震!大家有沒有怎樣?北部東部那邊的朋友還好嗎?尤其在花蓮的!全台的朋友都要注意安全! 在官方IG上她則用韓文寫下:希望可怕的地震不要再來了




4月9日推出的第五張韓文迷你專輯 What is Love? 同名主打歌MV


What is Love? 的MV也有望讓TWICE達成 連續推出8作皆突破1億觀看次數 的紀錄。


TWICE成員直播時直接被嗆 要看別人

無奈之下竟做出鄭重說明!而GFriend成員更大膽!秒變臉卻獲贊! 現在直播的手段那麼普及







就連TWICE 的隊長志效也曾在直播時遇到粉絲不停喊別的成員名字











像是GFRIEND 雖然設定的風格是清純、



繼上回SinB 勇嗆經紀人後





而是直接說 我今天對所有的Buddy一樣想念



當天還有粉絲笑說 擺出搞怪表情吧

她也直接了當的拒絕說 不要







要是被黑粉壓制不就是太慘了嗎? 小編希望每一位愛豆都能夠勇敢做自己






雖然twice 的門面沒有官方承認是周子瑜




wuli子瑜最高成為繼after school NANA之後










她的一張親筆簽名照在日本網路被炒到6000 元港幣賣出。















周子瑜小時整個面部輪廓100% 跟現在一模一樣











她通過選秀節目 Sixteen 激烈競爭













加入Twice 後


在周子瑜被選為 世界最美面孔 第3名時




未來也會以成為 更漂亮的子瑜 而繼續努力。









她在臉書寫道:好大的地震!大家有沒有怎樣?北部東部那邊的朋友還好嗎?尤其在花蓮的!全台的朋友都要注意安全! 在官方IG上她則用韓文寫下:希望可怕的地震不要再來了




4月9日推出的第五張韓文迷你專輯 What is Love? 同名主打歌MV


What is Love? 的MV也有望讓TWICE達成 連續推出8作皆突破1億觀看次數 的紀錄。


TWICE成員直播時直接被嗆 要看別人

無奈之下竟做出鄭重說明!而GFriend成員更大膽!秒變臉卻獲贊! 現在直播的手段那麼普及







就連TWICE 的隊長志效也曾在直播時遇到粉絲不停喊別的成員名字











像是GFRIEND 雖然設定的風格是清純、



繼上回SinB 勇嗆經紀人後





而是直接說 我今天對所有的Buddy一樣想念



當天還有粉絲笑說 擺出搞怪表情吧

她也直接了當的拒絕說 不要







要是被黑粉壓制不就是太慘了嗎? 小編希望每一位愛豆都能夠勇敢做自己






For more infomation >> 周子瑜躥紅全球惹爭議,靠人氣進入TWICE的她憑什麼惹人喜愛?原因不止這一點!韓網友認證:實至名歸,堂堂正正! - Duration: 12:33.


17位藝人被約談「排隊繳稅」,網友:原來范冰冰並不是最高的! - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> 17位藝人被約談「排隊繳稅」,網友:原來范冰冰並不是最高的! - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 11:05.


Los vómitos andaluces por no digerir el resultado: "¡Sin piernas, sin brazos, los fachas a pedazos!" - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Los vómitos andaluces por no digerir el resultado: "¡Sin piernas, sin brazos, los fachas a pedazos!" - Duration: 3:28.


МЫ НЕ КУРИМ. ГРОМКИЕ НОВОСТИ @23 - Duration: 13:22.

Hey there!

I am Stas, and I brought you LOUD NEWS by LOUD SOUND.

In this video, we're gonna check out several interesting subscriber projects at once

cover minor additions in the RBR format

and the new format

And stay tuned for some hardcore stuff starring Vik and his suitcase.

[W]: Well, just you wait, suitcase!

And we're gonna start with the news none of us expected.

The Lada '13 by Bass Security we'd told you about before

was sold at the top of its fame

And now his pretty interesting project is gonna cruise around Krasnodar Krai.

- The '13 is now moving to Krasnodar Krai.

We don't know yet if we'd ever see it at competitions

Neither we know what project is coming next for the studio.

But they said they've been at the issue a lot.

Another studio, tho, has announced not A project but projectS.

It's the Medved' Studio

For one, they're doing a 2014 armoured VW Multivan.

Why an armour truck? We'll get to it later.

Guys couldn't find a cat that would fir every criterion on the list

in Moscow where the studio is based.

But they got lucky in Tolyatti.

They bought the car down there.

One of the criterions was stock armouring on the car.

Why that? I'd say it's cheating.

Now, when altering the car's construction --

which they will do since it's gonna be a show car --

the traffic police will have nothing to hold against them

as the paperwork says the car had been altered initially.

And now they car alter their butts off with no concern of legal repercussions.

[M]: I'm in a holding cell.

[M]: It's all good.

The initially welded capsule was hard enough on its own.

It was 3- or 4-mm 2-layer metal.

a hatch for a gunman, battery protection,

a button-activated hood fire extinguisher

and a microphone to communicate with the outer world

since you couldn't hear a thing from inside the car.

That's some nice safety, huh?

But all of it was no use because --

[M]: This all protects you from a gun.

[M]: But not from a sub. A sub would just tear this down in pieces.

By now, the guys have completely removed the stock armour

reinforced the windscreen frame

and welded the cage for the future arrangement.

The final system composition of the Tooney is still in the dark.

What we do know is that it's gonna be Pride monobrand.

The rear is most likely to be the new neodymium Solos, 16 or 20 cm (6.5" or 8")

The subwoofer quantity and listing is not out yet, either.

But they've been considering 12" T v.3, the total of 16 pcs.

And we know for sure that these or any other subs will be amped up

by Pride Appolo, the ones with the new steam-generating function.

The final goal for the project guys name to be not a max result

but a very loud daily system with an even response.

The next project the guys are handling in gonna be one Audi A6

The car, btw, had been owned by the owner of Pride for a long while.

Initially, it was built to participate in EMMA Europe.

But then te guys bought it out and now they're building another loud daily.

Btw, it's supposed to replace the previous Volvo project

which they failed to bring out.

For the Audi, they have in plans a system consisting of six Pride ST

six Appolo amps and eight pairs of Solo 8

most likely the neo ones.

Well, provided they hit the market before the project's done.

At the moment, the car's completely taken down

the rear shelf is cut out, the cage or the arrangement is welded,

and it's finished with plywood, too.

And for those waiting for the competitive formats to change

I got good news!

Dmitriy 'Dima ' Dinov, the former SPL-Show owner,

has prepared a new format called USD.

It's going to come on as soon as season 2019.

Many beginners never got a chance to start their sports careers

because they know for sure they'd have to stand up to way stronger projects.

Making it to the pedestal is really had.

Won't be a problem in this format.

This promises to be the most 'people's' format in Russia.

Everyone would have a shot here, even those with zero experience.

Let's cover some rules to put you in the loop.

The measuring will record the average result over a minute.

Overlapping sine is allowed,

the frequency limit is 45 Hz.

Since the format is daily, the system should be daily, too.

This calls for stability.

In the SPL Limited class, the limit is put on the proce of the sub set.

The sub + the monoblock shouldn't cost over 30k rub.

The feed will be limited, too.

It should be close to the stock one.

Allowed is an alternator up to 150 A

and one battery in the stock place, no more than 75 A/h.

SPL 1x2 and 2x2 classes are quite alike.

The difference would be the amp's RMS.

For the 1x2 class, the allowed RMS is 4 kW,

and the sub space is limited down to no more than to 15" subs.

There's a height limit, too. The box can't be over 15 cm higher than the glass line.

For the 2x2, the RMS is 8 kW,

no space limitations

but all the hardware has to be placed within the trunk space.

And the arrangement can't be over 18 cm higher than the glass line.

These classes will also have feed limitations.

The SPL Enclosure class won't have quantity limitations in the sub set

but the key rule is - 32 cm.

The hardware can't stretch out over the middle pillar of the car.

The car's cockpit has to stay stock.

Next class is SPL Wall.

It has a space limit of the total max of 4x15".

The space chart will be attached to the rules.

The hardware has to stay behind the middle pillar as well.

Like the previous class, the cockpit needs to stay stock.

There will also be Sedan classes, a no-limitation Class X

and SPL Destruction

which is kept in secret for now.

All we know is that none of Russia's formats have had a show class like that, ever.

The total list of limitations will be available by the end of this month.

And now, you can go to the Vk community and share your thoughts and suggestions.

New stuff's happening to the RBR foramt, too.

The guys are ready to treat us to several rough classes at once.

The first one is going to be called Mortal Combat, just like the video game.

This class will be available for the toppest level front division cars only.

The rules are still being developed

but we already know that the measuring will take 3 or even 5 minutes.

More news coming for the bass crowd, too.

Those performing in the Wall Master and Extreme classes

can try out for the new class called Tsar-Wall.

The measuring will be done with a musical track over 3 minutes of play.

Some might think, 'Hey, I've seen this somewhere!'

I thought it was quite like the Death Match discipline, too.

I even came up with a cut-in.

- Just copy it!

But they only seem the same.

There is a difference and here it is.

The track will be provided by the format administration.

And it's not usual.

It's gonna have random frequencies between 25 and 45 Hz implemented in it.

So, the participant's system should cover as wide a range as possible.

Sounds interesting.

None of the sound pressure competition federations have come up with anything similar so far.


In today's section, we're gonna cover whole two interesting cars.

The first one is a project by Kapral [*Corporal] Audio Studio

presented by Anton Kapralov and his Pride monobrand Ford Mondeo.

For those new to this project, let me remind you

that the guys used to perform with a LADA 21111.

That one you should remember.

Tightly tucked in film and wth a wall of eight Pride T12,

this machine set tire at many competition platforms.

Including those in Europe.

It would even come 1st and 2nd breaking no sweat there.

Late in 2017, this project was sold to Makhachkala, Dagestan.

So they bought the current Mondeo.

Guys decoded not to make any walls in it.

They went with an enclosure for six S515 subs.

They had to remove two of the subs soon, tho, as the car wouldn't make into some classes.

But don't feel bad for them.

The Ford became Champion of Russia in the No-Wall RBR format, and even set a record there.

It also won vice-championship in IDBL, bronze in Bass Boxing

and got many prizes in other formats.

Its system consists of an enclosure designed for four S515 subs

two Pride 25k monoblocks, 10 pairs of Solo v2 feeding off two 1500.2 amps

and its max result is 159+ dB.

Let me unveil a secret.

Next year we'll see a new project no quieter than this one, in a new car.

We'll follow their progress on the project.

And let's just wish he guys luck in building that project.

Next up is a project presented by Oleg with PROsad Team from Volgodonsk.

His '15 is a nice example for those still feeling anxious

and those with a smaller budget.

This project was launched off a minimum budget

and was monstly built single-handedly.

Which wouldn't keep Oleg from climbing up the pedestal

the Finals of Russia, included.

After taking down the cheaper system comprising a box for two 12" Machete subs

Oleg started welding a metal cage for his future wall.

Next came the installation of four 15" Ural Patriots.

He kept the cockpit stock except for the brace and a bunch of vibro-proofing.

The trunk houses three 3500 monoblocks

two 4-channel Decibel amps, feed distribution and some Lithium Titanate.

According to Oleg, the building, of course, took a while

since it was mostly done by him alone.

It took him about 7 months.

The registered result was 156.4 dB @ 39 Hz.

Currently, the system is also on sale.

For the next season, he's coming up with something gutsier.

- You full name, sir. - Zubenko Mikhail Petrovich.

- Your occupation? - Code-bound thief.

- Your gang name? - Gangist.

If you still haven't seen this looney tune go to Alphard Group's channel right now.

This is an absolute first in the history of car audio.

Vik Mots dressed up as the Gangist took his handmade loud suitcase

strolled around malls entertaining people with his fun songs.

Take my word for it, no one'd expected people to react the way they did.

100% of them were having fun off his prank.

Some were dancing, some would film the whole thing.

Some would just laugh. But not the mall security, tho.

One guy, to be precise.

He though Vik's actions broke the law.

Sure thing the guy didn't succeed since Vik is...

- Code-bound thief. The Gangist.

By the way,

if you liked that video, buckle up! There's more coming up.

It's already in production. And trust me, it's gonna be even funnier.

You think that was it th the dope-induced sh*it for today?

- Columbia Pictures presents...

A few days back, the Arzamas Studio did a real savage crash-test on a Machete sub.

- Purple Fart to you!

And you accuse us of doing drugs!

Even got Vik hooked up.

[V]: Those were nice drugs!

This should clear the air around where we get our supply.

[B]: It's all LSD!

God, they went to great lengths!

After frying the sub up quickly they took out an angle grinder.

Next came a whole arsenal of fireworks.

Speaking of. R2B used more powerful stuff.


Finally, they covered the sub with foil, stuffed coal in there and turned the sub into a grill.

- Nay, it don't smell of no coil. Come eat.

Sure, it all didn't come out from nowhere.

This was sorta prep work for the launch of the updated Machete subs.

There's a brand new review of those subs on Alphard Group's channel.

And this concludes our newsfeed.

Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel.

Bye, everyone. Live LOUD!

And don't do drugs!

[B]: Stop mocking us with drugs!

[B]: We ain't smoke no weed! We ain't!

For more infomation >> МЫ НЕ КУРИМ. ГРОМКИЕ НОВОСТИ @23 - Duration: 13:22.


張柏芝十年後含淚說出順從陳冠希拍照的原因! - Duration: 8:35.

For more infomation >> 張柏芝十年後含淚說出順從陳冠希拍照的原因! - Duration: 8:35.


O que é o artigo 13? - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> O que é o artigo 13? - Duration: 8:43.


Skin AEC Acnes Serum 5 Giá Bao Nhiêu LH 0868.383835 - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Skin AEC Acnes Serum 5 Giá Bao Nhiêu LH 0868.383835 - Duration: 12:42.


M. Pokora victime d'une terrible agression, un chroniqueur de C8 impliqué - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> M. Pokora victime d'une terrible agression, un chroniqueur de C8 impliqué - Duration: 1:39.


Laurence Ferrari « très dure », elle a traumatisé à vie Renaud Capuçon - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Laurence Ferrari « très dure », elle a traumatisé à vie Renaud Capuçon - Duration: 1:31.


Hyundai Atos 1.0i GLS Airco Stuurbekr. APK 12-2019 - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.0i GLS Airco Stuurbekr. APK 12-2019 - Duration: 0:49.


Camilla Parker-Bowles tire les ficelles, elle sème la zizanie entre Kate Middleton et Meghan Markle - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Camilla Parker-Bowles tire les ficelles, elle sème la zizanie entre Kate Middleton et Meghan Markle - Duration: 1:27.


KURUMSAL DANIŞMANLIK (Öğrenme Organizasyonları) - Duration: 3:09.

Corporate Consulting

For more infomation >> KURUMSAL DANIŞMANLIK (Öğrenme Organizasyonları) - Duration: 3:09.


Caroline de Monaco « un look surprenant », une pensée émue à sa belle-fille Tatiana - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco « un look surprenant », une pensée émue à sa belle-fille Tatiana - Duration: 1:25.


Arnaud Ducret comblé, il partage la vie d'une spécialiste du pole dance - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Arnaud Ducret comblé, il partage la vie d'une spécialiste du pole dance - Duration: 1:20.


Vanessa angoissée pour Lily-Rose Depp, une méthode radicale pour l'éloigner des tentations - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Vanessa angoissée pour Lily-Rose Depp, une méthode radicale pour l'éloigner des tentations - Duration: 1:33.


Dream about exam to get money - Duration: 0:25.

i just want to say one dream dream about exam to get lot of money we are in class room winner

of money is dex rock am in the class and šolić and lot of money about 3-4 million euro is

price so goodbye

For more infomation >> Dream about exam to get money - Duration: 0:25.


Opel Meriva 1.4T Blitz Nav. Comf/AGR.stoel. Leder Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.4T Blitz Nav. Comf/AGR.stoel. Leder Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:13.


Opel Agila 1.2 16V 94pk Edition 4 Cilinder - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Opel Agila 1.2 16V 94pk Edition 4 Cilinder - Duration: 1:07.


Ariana Grande Christmas Chill Mix 2019 | Best Pop Christmas Songs Remix 2019 - Duration: 39:38.

Don't want a lot for


There is just one thing. I mean I don't care about

The Christmas

Make my wish God

The fire

Oh Oh




And yeah you in game


For Christmas

The Christmas tree


Is you

You can't

Merry Christmas

So tell me if he really

Although fire

Tell me you're really down don't make me follow love again if he won't be

Dear sir nights me re and I know it's been a while but a real need your help this year

Let me make this clear

See ya. I really love him and it's been kinda tough cause his old from the anti for the holiday

Tomorrow is fine away

From me I don't need a medicate I'll just have one way

Daniel just my kids now in California


Live inside a foreign don't want him to go to more


Give me something to make him stay

rippen the songs by the fireplace

Will be the perfect gift, but it's nobody's

Let us know in


Dear son. I will until the plan we

Attract the news I'd say it'd be a sunny day

Make it go away

See ya. I really need him to stay for a couple more days

Can't you make it five o'clock for delay?

I don't need a never caved under someone way

I'm asking for the impossible

But I believe in me, I mean my baby right here with me so

Just Maggie's not, California

I live in Santa for a don't wanting to go too long

Give me something to make him stay reppin the Psalms by the fireplace

Will be the perfect gift let it snow let it snow let it snow let it snow



Let's roll step on an open fire Jack

Frost the manager knows

You tie counts being sung by love

Folks dressed up like Eskimos

Everybody knows the turkey and some mistletoe

To make the season bright



He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh

And brother's child

This guns fun

To see every needles really known out of Oh

Simple Freddie

To all from one to ninety-two

Though it's been said many times many ways. Merry

To you

He loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh

Mother's child

Is gonna spy?

To see if reindeer really know how to fly

Simple friend

To all from once at 92

Though it's been said many times many ways. Merry

Creek the freakout at 8 o'clock, and I think it's gonna be amazing our team of it either

Do too



Holiday just for me

It's um

Once bitten twice shy

I'll keep my distance, but you still catch my eye. Tell me baby

Do you recognize me?

Well, it's clear. It doesn't


Wrapped it up this ended with no tell you I love you. I miss

I know what for I've been but if you kiss me now annoyed, fool me again last


The very next day

Nice day to see me

Feel the child


Summarized my god. Fuck you as someone to love me

I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

Hey, son

to fire

It's a girl

Again Chris next

Special Christmas


Ch my up this is the time of year

You can get it

When my


Maybe it says to me

Hey my favorite Jess, you're looking look at look at it

Looking good small falling on your hair and that off. I don't wanna get it all even started this

I'll shine

I'm gonna be a biggest gift


Are these

These babies to me

Melodies swing your heartbeats. Maybe it's easy to me

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande Christmas Chill Mix 2019 | Best Pop Christmas Songs Remix 2019 - Duration: 39:38.


"It's up to you." - Learn A Spoken English Phrase Like A Native English Speaker - Duration: 2:07.

Next, another fantastic phrase, it's up to you.

It's up to you.

When something is up to you or up to him or up to them or to someone else, it just means

it's their choice or their responsibility.

They can decide what something is they want to do.

As an example, I'm talking with a group of my friends or even if it's just my wife and

I, we are thinking, "Okay, let's go out to dinner tonight.

Where should we go?"

And I, maybe I don't have a good idea.

So, I say, "Well, it's up to you."

It's up to you.

It's up to you.

Now, you will often hear this as up ta you, up ta you.

Up ta you, up ta you, up ta you.

And again, I'm pronouncing it quickly because when native speakers say this, they say it

as one thing.

Upta you, upta you.

It's almost like a, like a 'd' sound.

Upda you, upda you.

But the 'd' is very quiet.

Now, people understand this phrase when they hear it and they know in this situation people

will be using that.

So, this is why you don't have to pronounce things so clearly.

But if you sound more like a native, when you do pronounce things like this, uh, again,

trying to say the whole phrase like it's one word.

Up to you, up to you.

So, where should we go for dinner tonight?

I don't know.

It's up to you.

It's up to you.

If you'd like to learn HUNDREDS more useful words and phrases, subscribe to the EnglishAnyone

YouTube channel, and be sure to click the bell icon to be notified when we release new


And if you'd like to know exactly what to do to become a successful English SPEAKER,

click on the link in this video, or on the link in the description below this video,

to tell me what YOUR biggest communication problem is.

Answer 5 quick questions and I'll send you a FREE, PERSONALIZED guide that will help

you start speaking more like a native TODAY!

It takes less than a minute, and you can download your free guide instantly!

So click on the link in this video, or on the link in the description below this video,

and start getting FLUENT now!

See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> "It's up to you." - Learn A Spoken English Phrase Like A Native English Speaker - Duration: 2:07.


"LÔ CỐT" BAO VÂY GIÁO XỨ QUẬN 8 - XÓM ĐẠO CÓ TỔ CHỨC GIÁNG SINH NOEL KHÔNG !!! I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 28:46.

For more infomation >> "LÔ CỐT" BAO VÂY GIÁO XỨ QUẬN 8 - XÓM ĐẠO CÓ TỔ CHỨC GIÁNG SINH NOEL KHÔNG !!! I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 28:46.


Unai Emery provides update on Aaron Ramsey's Arsenal future - Duration: 2:57.

 Plenty of Arsenal fans have called for the club to extend Aaron Ramsey's contract at the Emirates following his brilliant performance in Sunday's win over Spurs

 Trailing 2-1 at half-time following goals from Eric Dier and Harry Kane, the midfielder was introduced at the break and produced an excellent display as the Gunners turned the game on its head

 Out of contract at the end of the season as things stand at present, the Welshman is set to end his long association with Arsenal in the summer and leave on a free transfer after the club withdrew their offer of a new deal

 With Emery claiming that the situation was "closed" one or two months ago, the ex-PSG boss has stated that the most important thing at present is the player is smiling and producing good performances when out on the pitch

 "Two months ago we spoke together, both for his moment, his present and future," the Spaniard told the press at London Colney

"I think it was a very good conversation.  "I said to you also here in the press conference that I want his focus only on the team, on giving us his performances

 "His present is as I want, and his future is very important for him and his family

We need calm and to do the difference between his future and his present now.  "I think in the last matches his focus [is there]

We were speaking between us [the coaches] and I look at him in every match.  "His focus is positive for us, it helps us

He needs to think about his future, for his family and for him.  "If he plays like yesterday, it's the best for him and the best for us

 "This conversation is not for today for us or for me. It's one situation that was closed one or two months ago

 "At the moment the most important thing is he's smiling, he has the commitment, the behaviour and the performances like yesterday - that's the best for him and for us

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football.london via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Unai Emery provides update on Aaron Ramsey's Arsenal future - Duration: 2:57.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Style - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Style - Duration: 1:06.


Hyundai Atos 1.0i GLS Airco Stuurbekr. APK 12-2019 - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.0i GLS Airco Stuurbekr. APK 12-2019 - Duration: 0:49.


애인이 하루에 연락을 5번만 한다면? [일방적소개팅2] EP.1 - Duration: 12:40.

If you were not comfortable with your own self,

would you change your look?

20 people were recruited to be blind date participants

Blindest Date

I will choose male participant 10

I chose him simply because he seems to be good looking

- Hello - Hello

Do you speak Korean?

I can speak a little

- A little? - yes

- Then are you more comfortable with English? - Yes

Ah then do you wanna talk in English instead?

- Yeah, it's better - It's better, yeah

probably for me too

Female Answers the given question

Male Chooses the option they want


Famous restaurant

Famous restaurant Waits in line vs Goes somewhere else

Famous restaurant

I choose to wait in line

Why did you choose to wait instead of leaving?

Because since it's a special place,

I probably travelled there for a long time just for this specific restaurant

What's the longest wait you are willing to wait?

Uh that's a good one. Maybe 20 minutes?

- 20 minutes? - If it's a really good restaurant

Oh that's not that long actually, but okay!

I think I'll be willing to wait a couple of hours even

- Oh, I'm not that patient - Oh you are not that patient?

- I mean if it's like that famous, that is, you know? - Um

I think it'll be worth it

If it's really special, yeah

Less than 5 contacts (call/text) in a day

Less than 5 contacts (call/text) in a day It's okay vs It's not okay

For me, it's okay.

It's okay

I prefer texting less, meeting up if possible

- Oh okay. So you prefer meeting up more than spending time [on the phone] - I prefer face-to-face

- I'm completely on the same page - Um

I prefer meeting up in person

I don't really like texting or calling

- I'm kind of old-fashioned, so - Same

I prefer calling or face-to-face Yeah


When you are not in the mood for sex but your partner asks for it

When you are not in the mood for sex but your partner asks for it Have sex vs Not have sex

I choose not having sex

Oh? What's the reasoning behind it?

- If I'm just not in the mood to have sex - Um

um I can't really do it

No no,

that sounds really bad

But that was straight to the point though

For me, I chose no because I think consent is important between any kind of relationship

Even one night stands, consent is just a must

So I don't wanna force my partner

- I mean I don't want my partner to force me into having sex in any kind of situation - Yes

- I mean I don't want my partner to force me into having sex in any kind of situation - Mm, I agree

Have you ever had an experience where a girl wants to have sex with you but you didn't want to?

-Yes, I had. With my ex-girlfriend - And did you...

- Oh, with your ex-girlfriend. And you said,

And it was quite a big issue

When she was in the mood for sex, she was kind of expecting me to get into mood

- and she thought it was like - Mmm, like a switch?

- Yeah like a snap of finger - Right

But it takes more than that I agree


First, because the lights went on all three times,

I'm getting a good feeling.

And it was just an impression, but he looked like he would be very liberal.

So when he mentioned that he is old-fashioned

I was pretty surprised in that way too

Overall I can tell she's quite nervous

She seems really nice and I like the way she thinks

Her answer to the question about the restaurant waiting in the line

I can tell that she might be really patient,

which is always good in a relationship.

She said she would wait one hour

I would not wait that long, but if she wanted to, I would wait with her.


Korea has needs for a more diverse beauty standard

Korea has needs for a more diverse beauty standard It does vs It doesn't

I choose no

So do you think Korea has a diverse beauty standard?

Mmm no I don't think so.

There is a very very straight-forward standard.

I think it is true that a lot of people feel pressure to comply to that beauty

So why would you not change that?

If you know people feel pressured

I think the question asks, "Do we need to change it,"

and I don't think we have to change it

- I disagree - You disagree? Why?

When I came to Korea, this was one of the biggest shocks that I experienced.

- The Korean really strict beauty standard. - Um

And the pressure that the girls have here

- The girls - Guys too. But girls mostly.

They feel like they should change their look

I think they should try to accept their natural beauty

If it was completely up to me, and I was in power to do so,

I would say yes, more diversity is better.

But if some, I don't know, non-Korean come and say Korean standard of beauty is wrong

- Like me, I'm a non-Korean. When I say that - Yeah

I don't think, I don't think you and I both have a right to point and say it's wrong

So what kind of person you are,

if you are not comfortable with your own self,

would you change your look or would you try to accept it?

I think I would try to change it, you know?

- Oh really? - Mhm

If I'm not comfortable, let's just say, I want bigger lips.

- I don't think i would mind getting a plastic surgery or going through a procedure - Okay

if that's going to make me happy, just for myself

I respect that

- Okay - Okay

For an ordinary cafe to hire their workers based on their looks

For an ordinary cafe to hire their workers based on their looks It's okay vs It's not okay

I think I know your answer

I think I know yours but I'm not sure, anymore

I say it's not okay

That was expected

Why do you think that's not acceptable?

Well, the question is just an ordinary cafe

I don't think it's necessary to hire somebody based on looks

unless it's that kind of a cafe where they hire good-looking people

I'm really against hiring someone just based on their looks

- Mmm, okay - I know it's really common

Let's just say if you are the owner, it is kind of true if you hire good looking people,

I mean I hate to admit it, but a lot of people come to see them.

- Your profit will go up - That's true.

But on the other hand, if they hire someone based on their personality,

someone who's really talented or just good with people,

I think that can do the same

- They can also attract customers - Yeah

I would try to give everyone the same chance

- I know this is a very cruel question. But let's just say, - Yeah

there are two people

and they have exactly same,

- exactly same, personality but one is better looking than the other, - That is a cruel question.

- A lot of people will hate me for my answer - But yeah, I guess

- Logically thinking, - Logically thinking

Yes of course

- I would pick the better looking one. - Right. I think it just

- And it's sad, I think it's sad. This life - Uhm

- That's just the reality and the statistics even that good looking people make better money. - Right

But definitely, that doesn't make it right though

- Yeah - Yeah

Your significant other continuously posts revealing photos of themself on instagram

Your significant other continuously posts revealing photos of themself on instagram That's okay vs That's not okay

Mmm. For me, it's okay

Ah, why would you say you are not okay?

I think I tend to be a little bit jealous

- That she's.. - That she's getting dm's from guys

Ohhh, I see

So let's just say you can look at all my dm's whenever you want. Would that make it better?

- Mmmm - No?

- I would not want to. - You would not want to...

I would not want her to say that

Mmm. You just wanna avoid it if it's possible

Yeah. yeah

So you would be okay with a partner uploading revealing pictures?

I would be okay with my partner uploading photos,

as long as it's tastefully done and..

- Mhm. and you wouldn't be jealous? - Jealous? Of..

That they would get dm's from girls

- No, not really. - No?

I think I'll be okay

It's not my right to invade his personal social media

I don't want to be that person to restrict him


It's possible to sacrifice yourself for your household (the family you formed with your spouse)

It's possible to sacrifice yourself for your household (the family you formed with your spouse) It's possible vs It's not possible

For me, it's possible

So you are a family person?

Oh I seriously am a family person

Why did you want somebody who's willing to make sacrifice for family?

I'm a family person. So I want my partner to be the same

I think it's definitely a choice to have a family, right?

To get married, have children

With that choice comes responsibility as a parent

I think you have to make sacrifices

- We talked about posting pictures on instagram - Mhm

What if your family, your husband asked you to take off some pictures from instagram for the family,

would you do it?

I don't know how my photos would affect the family in the first place

I don't think there's anything wrong with posting photos of female body,

so I think I would want my husband and my children to understand

I should be proud of my body and my career

I wouldn't want them to feel ashamed

So I guess the answer would be no

I think I don't agree that a mom, who posts revealing photos, should be ashamed

I think they should be very proud

Final Decision

Interest in dating Send an O X

How was it for you?

- Yeah it was very interesting - Interesting?

I was a little bit nervous. This is my first blind-date

Ahh, yeah

I didn't really know what to expect

- and the questions were quite deep - Right

- I think we got to know each other quite a bit in just a really short time - Yeah, I think so too

Probably, I don't think my best friends would know how I would answer. Like these questions, you know?

- Yeah, I just don't talk about this kind of stuff - Right, it's not a common topic

The light will turn off on the side that sent an X

One-sided Blind Date

For more infomation >> 애인이 하루에 연락을 5번만 한다면? [일방적소개팅2] EP.1 - Duration: 12:40.


잠자기전 나의 일상_ 화장 지우기 & 동생이랑 야식먹기 & 강아지와 놀기♪ 寝る前の私の日常 Night routine (JP/ENG SUB) [이루리] - Duration: 9:15.

Yo !

Hello Sprouts♧ It's Luliy ♡

Today I will show my trivial&simple ~ ★

'night routine before I go to bed'


First, when I finished my day

1.Cleansing ☆ Wash off my makeup first

and then suddenly.. I get hungry,, ;;;

2.Eat late night snack ☆♡

3.Play with Coco ♥ 3 ♥

Then roll around♪ in this bed ~ and

I go to sleep zZZ

Oh it's already 11PM =3 =3

Today I just filmed a video and edited it ~

and spend the day like that : )

After all of that,

Now the outside is very dark

✦ First, I will remove my makeup clearly !!

☆ What I do before I go to bed ☆

1.Wash my face clean

My friend recommended this cleansing foam, and I use it a lot these days

I will introduce this to you guys!

It is!

'Nightingale cleansing pad' !!

It might be ☆it item☆ for lazybones

Cleansing oil+Cleansing water+Cleansing cream+Cleansing tissue

This pad is all in one!

If you see the pad closely, the front&back is different~

You use the uneven embossing side first, to wipe

then turn it over

and wipe your face with the soft side

Cleansing is finished!

No need for the 2nd wash

Don't have to wash your face w/water if you're tired~

Isn't it great?!

Then let's remove my makeup~


Removed very very well !!

When you wipe with thick&uneven embossing side,

The uneven part contacts skin's curve&pores

so It removes not only makeup but also small waste like dusts

Oops!!! Makeup & dust are removed well

☆First, wipe cheeks, forehead, lips and then your eyes from top to bottom

✜ Now I will turn this over, and wipe with the soft side !!

and when you turn this pad over~ and wipe face w/ the soft side,

skin gets smooth.

It also contains patented moisturizing/calming ingredient

which makes skin very moist after the cleansing~

Tada~ I finished the cleansing

Cleansing was done with only 1pad bc of the great detergency

haha so simple, right??

This will be great item for the lazybones!!

*You can buy this at drugstores like Oliveyoung or Lohbs

I bought it from Oliveyoung near my house ~

I am pretty lazy today, so I won't wash my face w/ water

If you want to finish clearly,

It's good to roughly wash with water~

After the cleansing, I

apply 'ample n ample'

Ample n Peptide shot ample / ( almost empty )

This product is so~~ good♥ Guys

For almost 1year, I've had troubles

but after keep using this product

for about 2 weeks

★ My troubles were totally~ gone!! ★

I strongly recommend this!

( too empty to use the pipette ;_; )

Like this ~ drop

☆ Gently tap tap - to make it absorbed

♧ For the last step, apply the Physiogel lotion ♣

Physiogel facial lotion

Tada ~ ~ ★★

If I do these things, [cleansing&lotion] is done!!

Yoohoo ~ ~ ~

Isn't it pretty simple and normal?

☆ What I do before I go to bed ☆

2. Eat late night snack

Today's late night food is~ ♥Steamed Kimchi dish♥

Tada ~

((Coco craves food more these days))

Look at the color of Kimchi....♡

<Starts Steamed Kimchi Mukbang with little sister ' 3 '*>

(My sister is too shy to be on the video..///)

Luliy: This is so good try it Sister: (nod) /doesn't talk much

(Sister started to eat as well lol)

Luliy: It's good, right? Sister: (very quietly) yes

My sis is too shy to show her face&voice in the camera

She will be just eating together, but not on the camera T0T

TV show called 'Real situation'(?) is on the television now!!


Luliy: Where did mom buy the dumplings?

Mom: Wonju~

Luliy: Wonju?? Mom: Yes~

Oh so hot♨

(( Sister is eating well..quietly ))

Luliy: How is it, good? Sis: (nod)

It is a late night food.. but why.. it seems like a full lunch...☆

Fast forward ▶▶▶ (Eating very well lol)

★Here comes my mom's egg roll !! ★

My sister is eating well too~ ~ (rejects the camera)

(Coco appears)

☆ What I do before I go to bed ☆

3.Play with Coco

Luliy: Coco ~

Luliy: Come here come here

Luliy: Coco come here!

Luliy: Sit !

Luliy: Sit! Coco

(Coco ignored and goes away haha)

Luliy: Sit down!

Luliy: Sit!

Luliy: Sit!

Luliy: Sit! Coco

(Coco totally ignores me lol)

Coco: (Pretend not to hear)

Mom: Lol

Luliy: Coco is rejecting me Mom: Why are you ignoring her

Luliy: Coco sit~

(Sit slightly)

(and stand up right away)

☆But with a snack?☆

Luliy: Want some snack? sit!

Luliy: Good job ~ ~

Luliy: Hand!

Luliy: Good job ~

Luliy:Bang ~ ~

Luliy: Put your head down ~

Luliy: wait !

Luliy: Do not ! eat ~ Coco: (flinch)

Luliy: Eat !

Luliy: Oh so good ~ ♥

Yap !

Now I will lay down on the bed ~

I usually spend time before I go to bed like this

and I watch webtoons as I lay down on the bed

or do web surfing, then go to sleep!!

Very... simple and normal?! haha

Then I will go to bed now zZZ

Hope I won't have bad dreams!! hehe

Well, Sweet dreams and Good night guys ~

Bye ~ ~

For more infomation >> 잠자기전 나의 일상_ 화장 지우기 & 동생이랑 야식먹기 & 강아지와 놀기♪ 寝る前の私の日常 Night routine (JP/ENG SUB) [이루리] - Duration: 9:15.


신메뉴 봉지 튀김우동 & 실비김치 리얼사운드 먹방 b^^d~MUKBANG~Deep-fried Vegetable Udon Ramen Eating Sounds ASMR うどん ラーメン - Duration: 11:48.

Youtube friends! Click 'Subscribe button' and 'Like button'. b^^d

Blue Dragon = b^^d

b^^d = Prumir


Today's menu is udon ramen and spicy kimchi.

Thanks for the food.

Let's eat.

For more infomation >> 신메뉴 봉지 튀김우동 & 실비김치 리얼사운드 먹방 b^^d~MUKBANG~Deep-fried Vegetable Udon Ramen Eating Sounds ASMR うどん ラーメン - Duration: 11:48.


My e39 winterbeater fixes pt 6, rust fixes - Duration: 26:57.

And now we have the most annoying job which is fixing all the rust.

Problem is these jacking points which are now hidden here.

Those are now pretty much inside the rocker panel.

And it's quite clear why because there is lot of rust here.

So we need to fix that.

This is quite annoying place to do that because the gas tank is so close here.

And for that reason I recommend doing this so that cut everything away from here.

Which allows you to patch this all from inside.

No need to weld right here where the fuel tank is.

Now first thing we need to is to remove these plastic covers and inner guards so that we have clear view what we are working on.

And then we need to support the car from somewhere else because now the car rests on the exact point that we need to fix.

And now when car is supported, we can remove these plastic covers.

And yeah that's how this side looks like.

And this was the better side.

Even this side looks like total mess.


This is normal for e39.

But we can handle this.

And other side looks pretty much the same.

Except less to grind away, because everything fell down when I took away the plastic covering.

Here you can see the jacking point bit better and why it starts to sink inside the rocker panel.

This jacking point is just this simple support that is attached from the top.

And it's also attached to this rocker panel that was here.

And when the bottom part is missing like in this case, the whole structure isn't properly supported anymore.

But yeah. Now we need to take the angle grinder and make even bigger hole here.

And also cut the rot away from this vertical piece. So that we can replace it with L-shaped piece of sheet metal.

And when this is cut away, we can clean this also using angle grinder with wire wheel.

To make it rust free.

Sometimes this whole thing needs to be taken off and sand plasted to remove all the rust.

But luckily no-one has not fixed this.. I mean "fixed" this before me, so this looks quite fine.

So cleaning the bottom is probably fine.

So lets grab the angle grinder and make bigger hole that we have room to work.

And every piece of rot needs to be taken off with the grinder.

Which is replaced with fresh sheet metal.

Even thought this looks bad, it's still fairly easy to repair.

And just couple of minutes of grinding later, this looks much better.

Just big hole to get room to work and even that makes this look better.

Now I need to clean this.

And take everything off close to this cut so that we can weld here.

And I also did bend these brake lines away so that i don't ruin those while working here.

And you need to be really careful because the gas tank is right here.

And while welding this, it would be good to have some metal piece protecting the gas tank from sparks and other stuff.

Grinding should be fine if you just make sure not to cut the tank itself.

But I will clean this and bend it to right angle, because as you can see, it's now little bit crooked.

Then make cardboard model of the piece that we need to add here and to the bottom and continue from there.

And now it looks much better.

This I cleaned using this thick grinding disk and took all the rust away.

And then...

I used this wire wheel to clean off all the other stuff and to make fresh metal to weld on to.

So it's now basically ready to be welded.

And you may have noticed that we don't always wear protection here.

But with this wire wheel you need to have long and thick gloves and full face protection.

Because this pieces of wires fly away from this constantly and those will bury deep to you face, eyes and everywhere.

So this is quite dangerous thing to work with but almost must have to this kind of work.

I recommend that.

And to get the shape for the piece that needs to go here it's handy to use some cardboard.

You can just press this against the edge and you will have the outline of that.

That needs to be there...

Just press to get your markings.

And we can then cut the sheet metal piece according to this cardboard.

Maybe that is enough.

Yeah that's ok, so now cut same from sheet metal.

And it's now set at correct location using locking pliers.

So it's time to weld that in place.

Then the bottom piece.

Using same tactic.

Is this piece big enough.

What the fuck.

This is way too small.


And now when the bottom piece is cut to size, we can weld it in.

But we cannot leave bare metal inside like this or, it will rot again immediately.

Correct solution for this would be to use weld through primer inside here which can be welded.

But if you don't have that, you can also use normal zinc paint to replace it. As I do here.

This is almost the same thing but of course those proper weld through primers are much fancier.

So lets paint inside of this using the zinc paint.

And also the inside of the piece that I'm going to weld here.

I have also cleaned inside of this after welding using the wire wheel, to make this ready for paint.

So this can now go in here and to the piece that is going to be welded and then we can continue when paint has dried.

Here is the piece and I made this hole for the jacking point.

It's only "about" hole and it's need to be hammered and grinded to fit the jacking fixture inside the rocker panel.

And these holes are for plugs weld to that jacking fixture.

Those are there because as I said the jacking point doesn't work if it isn't correctly attached to this bottom piece.

So I can do pug welds through those to properly attach the jacking fixture to this piece.

But again. To prevent this from rusting inside, I will spray this with the zinc primer.

No need to worry about run downs, so I can just apply all in one coat.

And it's now fully welded.

It's quite horrible looking and it's because I'm basically welding upside down.

And the liquid metal likes to fall down when doing that.

So it's not pretty at all but when I clean it with grinder, it will be fine enough.

And when that's grided flat, it's ready for some paint.

But that's that and lets move to the other side.

And this side has bit more problems.

As I said that structure to support the jacking point can also rust.

And when I tried to bend that in correct orientation, it bent so easily that I checked it again.

And it has quite bad rust damage.

So it means that there is bit more to do on this side, because I need to cut that away and fix it separately.

And it turns out that I needed to sandblast this part because it was quite heavily corroded.

This should be 100% silver colored to be completely rust free, so I would not yet put this on car that I would keep forever.

But should be fine for this car.

Because as you can see there is these teeny weeny craters here that has some rust on the bottom. And it takes ages to sandblast all that rust away.

This kind of small black dots, so this isn't 100% rust free.

So I will paint this with wash primer which should prevent these rust spots from spreading out.

And it will be fine enough for this car.

But yeah this was so bad that I had to use some sandblasting to get this clean.

But now I can weld this back on to the car and then put on that wash primer.

And talking about sand blasting, I needed blast this area here and especially this here.

Because I didn't want to change this whole corner.

That's all because the rust had spread out bit further that I first though and I also needed to cut off more stuff in addition to sand blasting.

But should be fine now.

And it's always better to just cut away the rusted part than try to sandblast the rust away or use other methods.

Because even I did cut away lot more stuff, it only caused few centimeters more welding.

And it's easier and more effective to remove rust by cutting it away that the other methods.

In this case I did both to prevent me painting outside of the car.

But now this needs to go back here and I need to replace this part that was completely rotten.

So lets continue with that.

And finally put stuff back in to this corner.

It's now welded and again doesn't look very pretty. But should be still functional.

I also cut this piece here and welded it into place.

So it's ready to be painted inside.

But before the zinc paint I will use that wash primer for this part.

Then it only needs the bottom piece and this repair is done.

Here I have this Troton branded wash primer.

Lets mix this.

And do small batch of this.

Very little of this required. This is only to hopefully prevent the rust from spreading by etching it.

What was the ratio..

2 to one. Well it's so cold that I will use bit more hardener.

That's enough there.

And amount of this needs to be half of that. Or bit more because it's so cold.

Like that. You can adjust the hardener amount by how cold or warm it is. Here it's now only plus 5 degrees Celsius.

So more is needed.

And this can be applied by brush. No need to use the spray gun.

It's only underside of the car so few paint brush markings under the paint isn't going to cause any problems.

And this will stay usable for quite long time in this cup.

But when applied on metal, this dries very fast.

So after I weld the bottom piece on, I can apply this on the outer side also for extra protection.

This will stay liquid in this cup for all that time.

And it looks like that when finished.

Again not the pretties thing there is because I did that in very little time.

But this car isn't anything fancy looking either so it's in line with that.

I also drilled holes to attach the plastic guard so it's now ready for paint.

And this operation is almost finished.

And the paint itself will be epoxy primer.

Which hopefully isn't dried inside the can, because this is quite old one.

But lets try using this.

Yeah. Only needs mixing.

Then lets do the mix in this.

This doesn't need much. And normally when using this in spray gun, this requires quite lot of thinner.

But I will use brush so it's not mandatory.

Fuck I messed my fingers.

And this needs hardener in 1 to 10 ratio.

But again because it's cold, more is probably needed. If I can open the can.


Is there anything in this one.

No. It has dried.

Hopefully this isn't. No it's fine.

And little bit too much because it's cold.

So it will dry.

When it's cold, more hardener is needed so that the drying doesn't take forever.

And this 2-part epoxy is quite critical thing in this repair because this seal the surface so that the moisture can't go through.

Well I need little bit of..

So this prevents the moisture from corroding the metal underneath.

If you use 1-part rattle can paint for example, those will pass through the moisture and the metal underneath will start corroding.

But this 2-part epoxy seal the surface from moisture.

If this paint is intact, the metal is clean and rust free, the fixed spot will not rust again until something eats away the paint.

So this is good for that..

And for some reason my recordings from this moment forward were corrupted...

So I don't have any video material of brushing that epoxy on to the car and spraying on stone chip protection.

I even did put on the inner guards, before I noticed the problem.

But here we are spraying the body cavity sealer to otherwise ready rust fix.

This is critical step, because event there is zinc paint inside the cavity, that isn't itself enough to prevent rust.

It would be good to spray inside with that same 2-part epoxy that I used outside to prevent rust.

But it's annoying to do so I will only apply the cavity sealer.

You need to spray that so much that the stuff comes out of every hole that there is.

When that is done, the plastic guards can go on and this fix is ready.

But I need your help.

To do what?

Raise that fucking car up first.

Go under the car.


And put that tube standing under the diff.

It's not straight. Push that forwards more.

Not straight..

It's totally crooked.

You know, this ground isn't even at level.

Now come away from there.

No it's still crooked.

Well hopefully it stays there for while.

No it's horrible. Take it up again.

Fuck you, it was straight first and then you fucking told me to move it.


push it forwards little bit.

Yeah, now.

Fuck it's as crooked as before.

Only different direction..

I have my doubts on this.

We need to take this on video if the car falls down.

I don't like this either, but I didn't figure out any other quick way to do this.

Are you going under the car?

No. I will do this reaching on the side.

... go through.


It's missing that one plastic cover.

Which one?

That inner one.

What inner one?

Which goes over the lines.

This didn't come with that.

Someone forgot to add that to option list when ordering this.

These new clips are more solid feeling.

It's done. Other side.

Fuck I won't walk under that..

I did drill all the holes for the fixed part.

Can I zoom with this.

Are you going to put those to every hole.


And that was the rust fixes.

In next video, I will change the squeaky ball joints and fix the other small issues that remain.

For more infomation >> My e39 winterbeater fixes pt 6, rust fixes - Duration: 26:57.


Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 D4d-i Dynamic 4X4 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 D4d-i Dynamic 4X4 - Duration: 1:08.


消失近16年的「萬人迷」陳好,這些年到底怎麼了? - Duration: 22:04.

For more infomation >> 消失近16年的「萬人迷」陳好,這些年到底怎麼了? - Duration: 22:04.


姻缘塔罗:未来30天,你会桃花朵朵开吗?早测早知道 - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> 姻缘塔罗:未来30天,你会桃花朵朵开吗?早测早知道 - Duration: 6:43.


【日韓カップル】私たちの3日間のプチ同棲を公開します-久しぶりに会ったら何をする? - Duration: 7:58.

Hello this is Jin

Since Kotomi got 3 holidays,

I and Kotomi could stay together for a while

I thought about which onㄷ should I wear,

but I decided to wear left one cuz it`s too cold these days

In winter, your hand gets easy to dry so don`t forget your hand cream!

I arrived the station after school

Kotomi changed her hairstyle without saying something

You said you don`t like bang hairstyle, right? lol

No, I just.. not used to your new hair style hahah

(grocery shopping)

Let`s go home and cook quickly because she`s easy to be ferocious when she is hungry

Today`s menu is "JjimDak"


She is charged up with nice dishes hahah

It looks tasty


The weather was perfect on the next day

What are you eating?

Cough drops

Will you get mad if I drop the camera?

No, you can`t

This is the real Katudon(Pork Cutlet)

It looks tasty^^

This is Misosiru (Japanese soup)

This is my favourite soup!

Let`s eat

I`m enlarging the food

How`s it? good?

(she` unfamiliar to hot food lol)

What a nice view here

I can`t see your face because of the backlight

Let`s get closer to the beach

It`s more clear than I thought

Ahh, maybe because there`s no one to get in on winter?

So clean that I can see inside the sea

Watch out

You look pretty, Kotomi

I`ll take it for you

What a beautiful sea

Thanks to sunlight, your skin looks so nice

It`s originally nice

It was not that cold

It`s lukewarm

(Writing something in Korean)


What is ths?

Oppa fool

what? oh, you wrote it lol

Who made this one?


I`m a cough (She wanted to write "I got a cough" lol)

Kotomi catch a cold nowㅜ.ㅜ


Your Korean skill improved a lot

I`m a cough now

We soon exhausted and dropped by Starbucks to take a rest

This is the place where we met and

full of our memories

This Cappuccino always solidified at the end

Yeah like solid

This is the place selling "Dango (Japanese rice cake)"

The reason I came here is

Kotomi said she wants to eat Dango so

I snuck out and bought them

Oppa bought my favorite strawberry Dango for me!

Sorry for making you wait too long

Really thank you

Don`t mention it

What`s that?


Kotomi is going back home today

Hello guys

The time passed really fast

Kotomi got severe coldㅜ.ㅜ

I felt like we spent just a single day

(Come here)

(Sit here)

I didn`t reserve it lol

I will go as soon as I can

(No, Right now)

(I love you)

Love you too

She went

and the road that we walked together looks bigger than usal

Next time we met, let`s eat chicken

I cheered for all the long distance relationships!

For more infomation >> 【日韓カップル】私たちの3日間のプチ同棲を公開します-久しぶりに会ったら何をする? - Duration: 7:58.


Dandiya Aur Harami Ladke | Stand Up Comedy | Sahil Horane - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Dandiya Aur Harami Ladke | Stand Up Comedy | Sahil Horane - Duration: 5:04.


"Walk In Light" lyric video by The Rain - Duration: 5:13.

I've got to take some time

look inside myself

living like a fool, living like a clown, letting myself

and everybody down

how long . . .

could I live this way

how strange . . .

These games I play

something gotta move

something gotta sway

When I walk with you

I walk in light

When I talk to you

the world becomes so much

brighter than before

I've got to take some time

let the wild winds blow

swimming upstream

I've been living in a dream

had to let it go

I had to let it go

how long . . .

could I act this way?

how strange . . .

them things Isay

something had to move

something had to sway

When I walk with you,

I walk in light

When I talk to you

the world becomes so bright

When I talk to you

I walk in light.....


thunderclouds may roll

Mountains may crumble

But you and I . . .

you and I . . .

we are two rivers

(unsung) "that run to the sea"

Walk in Light . . .

Walk in Light

Walk in Light

Walk in Light

Walk in Light

Walk in Light

Walk in Light

Walk in Light

Walk in Light

For more infomation >> "Walk In Light" lyric video by The Rain - Duration: 5:13.


United Kingdom, Great Britain, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales... CONFUSED??? - Duration: 22:18.

Hi, everyone. In this lesson we're going to look at the geography of the United Kingdom

and we're also going to look at some culture related to all the different terms we use

to describe Great Britain, England... All these different words, when do we use them?

So we're going to break it down and look at that.

Let's start with the name. The official name is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland, but often we just say "UK" because it's such a long country name, so we just

say UK. I drew a map. My map is not to scale. And I tried my best, but it was hard to do

it with the pens on the board, so we're going to show you a correct map. We've got England,

Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. And the dotted line shows where Northern Ireland

ends. This part is part of the United Kingdom; this part is not. More on that later.

So, the UK is a sovereign state or we could say a sovereign country. This means that they

make all their own laws, and they govern themselves. So, the UK is a sovereign state or a sovereign

country. But the reason that's confusing is that we... When we're talking or when we're

describing a place in the world, we talk about Scotland, England, Wales, and Ireland as being

countries. So, you think: "Is...? If the UK is a country, are Scotland, England, Wales,

and Ireland also a country?" Well, they are, but they don't make their own laws. So, we

have a word for it and we can call them "constituent countries". We can say England is a constituent

country of the United Kingdom. We can say Scotland is a constituent country of the United

Kingdom, etc. Okay.

Now it gets more confusing because when we're talking about the UK, we can say it's made

up of those countries - Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. We can also say

it's made up of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is this land mass,

this island shape, here; and Northern Ireland is part of the land mass, the island of Ireland.

So, if we put this bit and this bit together, we get the United Kingdom.

Great Britain has three constituent countries. Remember, this is Great Britain, Scotland,

England, and Wales make up Great Britain. Britain... Now we're getting smaller. This

is Britain, England, and Wales. So, I can say: "I'm from Britain", because I'm from...

I was born about here in London, so I can say: "I'm from Britain".

Now, we have another term called "The British Isles". The British Isles is a geographic

term, so we use it to describe a place on the map. And the British Isles would include

everything we see here. Actually, perhaps except these islands. These islands are called

Jersey and Guernsey, and they're closer to France. But the British Isles could describe

everything here in a geographic sense. And I wasn't able to draw all the islands, but

there's actually over 6,000 islands up in Scotland, some down here as well. So, many,

many islands.

But the trouble with that term, to say the British Isles is that some people in Ireland

don't like that term to describe... To include them because it makes it sound like Ireland,

it's British, even though Ireland is independent. Ireland is a sovereign country by itself.

So some people object to calling this the British Isles.

If you do object to calling it the British Isles, you can say the North Atlantic-I can

never say this word-Archipelago. Archipelago. And this means, like, collection of islands.

And the place in the world is in the North Atlantic. Right.

So, now, already mentioned it a bit, but the Republic of Ireland... The Republic of Ireland

is not part of the United Kingdom, and it is a sovereign state. So, Ireland, they make

their own laws there, they have their own government. They're a completely separate

country and a separate state to the United Kingdom.

Next, it's important to point out that England is not the same as saying the UK or Great

Britain, because sometimes people can put the idea together in their head that England

represents all of it. Perhaps because the government is in London, people might think:

"Oh, England. You can say England to mean all the countries, but it's not correct to

say that."

Also, something I want to say about Isle of Man - this is the Isle of Man; and about the

Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey, which are down here. So, these islands are not part

of the United Kingdom, but we have the same monarch at the moment - that's the queen,

so we have the same queen as them, but they're not part of the UK, and they can make up their

own laws and they can govern themselves. And the laws are different, so they run themselves

one way; and in the Isle of Man, they run themselves in another way. So, I think that

in the United Kingdom we've got one of the most complicated ways to describe our geography.

When we come next, we're going to look at the more cultural differences between the

different parts of the United Kingdom.

I want to add a note that this... I'm filming this in 2017, so things I'm talking about

here could change, and that depends on things, like: "Does Scotland want to have its own

independence from the United Kingdom? And if they have a referendum, if they vote, would

they want to leave?" So, at the time of making the video, this is how things are in the UK,

and I'm going to look at what the countries of the UK share; and after, what's different

about all of them.

So, starting here, everybody born in one of the countries of the UK gets a passport that's

exactly the same; same colour, and on the passport, it says: "British Citizen". Now,

I'm English and my passport is a burgundy colour, and says "British Citizen". But I

found out that if you're Welsh or you're Scottish, you might like to buy an unofficial cover

for your British passport, so that it looks like you've got a Welsh passport. Now, it

wouldn't be accepted when you go to present your passport, but perhaps that would... You

would like... You'd like that idea of having a separate passport, so you can purchase such

things on the internet, if that's what you're after.

Next, we have the same official and national language, which is of course English, and

I'm speaking now in English to you. We have the same government, and the government is

in Westminster, in London; the Houses of Parliament. So, where the laws are made in Westminster,

they are sovereign over all the laws made in... Okay, I was going to mention it later,

but Scotland and... There are some devolved governments in the countries of the UK, in

Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, so they can make some laws about some issues

for themselves, but even... Even though they have their own government, the government

in Westminster in London, is sovereign. So, what they say has the most power over the

other government. Okay?

We share the same monarch. At the moment, that's Queen Elizabeth II. We share the same

flag, which is the Union Jack flag. We use the same money, which is... We use the same

currency, which is the Great British Pound Sterling. We share the same National anthem,

which is: "God Save The Queen."

And in the Olympics, everybody in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland can

compete under Team Great Britain, if they choose. Now, this is an unusual choice of

name for the team of the Olympics, because if you remember, Great Britain doesn't include

Northern Ireland. So, where do Northern Ireland compete in the Olympics? Well, they can choose

to be part of team Great Britain, or they can choose to be in Team Ireland, if they

want. So, they get a choice.

What's different between the countries of the UK now? So, we share the same currency-Great

British Pound Sterling-but if you go to Scotland or Northern Ireland (I forgot to write, there

- Northern Ireland) they have different bank notes. So, their money actually looks different

or some of their money. In Scotland, you will often still see English money.

If you come down from Scotland with your Scottish money and try and buy something in a pub or

a fish and chip shop in England, you will be looked at very suspiciously with your Scottish

money, and people will be checking it, holding it up, and they won't want to accept your

Scottish money here. It is legal to accept it, but it's not something that we see that

often in England, so be prepared for some suspicious looks, if you want to pay with

the Scottish money.

What's different also is... Okay, we all speak English, but the dialects can be so different

that when... If you're speaking to somebody up in Scotland or you're speaking to Northern...

Someone in Northern Ireland or Wales even, they can sound so different, it's like a different

dialect of English. But in some cases it's also... In some cases it's also different

language. If you go to Wales, many people in Wales speak Welsh, and things like their

road signs in Wales are in two languages at the same time. They have two official languages;

they have... In Wales, they have Welsh and they also have English. In Northern Ireland,

a percentage of the people will speak Gaelic.

Now, they're... I'm not going to talk about the cultural differences, but I will say that

there is a sense of a different culture or a different identity that people have in the

different countries of the United Kingdom. So, an English person considers themselves

to have a different culture to a Scottish person, and the Scottish person feels different

to a Welsh person. And, again, they feel different to a Northern Irish person. So, although everybody

has the same passport that says "British Citizen", there are differences between the country

that people are aware of and are often proud of the differences between their countries


The countries of the United Kingdom have their individual flags, which you may see at things,

like, football competitions. And together, when you put these flags on top of each other,

they make up the Union Jack flag - that famous flag that you're used to saying. However,

I must add something, here. It's not all the countries. It's an old flag, so what it represents

is the countries a long time ago. And that was when England, Scotland, and Ireland were

in a union, and that's what the Union Jack represents. You might ask: "Well, why isn't

Wales in there?" That's because at that time, Wales wasn't considered an independent country;

it was just part of England back in those times.

And you might also say: "Well, why don't we change the national...? The Union Jack, and

put a Welsh dragon on it or why don't we change it because it includes the whole of Ireland?"

That's a good question. Many people argue about such things. And perhaps because the

Union Jack is such a well-known symbol and many people... Even people not from the UK

would like to buy souvenirs and t-shirts with the Union Jack on. Perhaps for those reasons

people don't... The government doesn't think about changing it. That's what I think. Let

me know what you think in the comments.

Moving on to national anthems: "God Save The Queen" is for everyone; everybody in the UK

can sing that as their national anthem. However, the Welsh also have a Welsh national anthem

which they may prefer to sing. This is in the Welsh language: "Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau".

I have no idea how to pronounce it in Welsh, but that's theirs. Scottish people do not

have their own official national anthem; yet, they do have an unofficial one, which is "Scotland

the Brave". England and Northern Ireland do not have their own separate, individual national

anthems, either official or unofficial they don't have. Also, all these countries have

their own football teams, and they compete as themselves in the big football competitions.

So, considering what's... What countries share and what's different, I want to talk lastly

about various questions of identity about: What does it mean to be an English person,

or a Scottish person, versus a British person? And one way to look at that is to look at

the data of the 2011... 2011 census. This is something that happens every 10 years where

the government asks people lots of questions, and they collect information to see: "How...?

How are people changing? How do they live their lives differently?" And some of the

questions in the census ask people about their identity, so they will ask them: "Do you feel

English or do you feel more British?" So, here are the statistics from that census.


Back then in 2011, 60% of English people said they consider themselves to be English only.

So, these people do not consider themselves British. In their minds they don't have so

much to do with Scotland, or Wales, or Northern Ireland. Yeah, they're in the UK, but they

don't consider themselves British, as if we're all together in a group. It's like English

first. 62% of Scottish people consider themselves to be Scottish only. So, that's slightly more

than in England.

And this is an interesting thing to think about because there are people in Scotland

who wish for their own independence from the United Kingdom. So they would like to separate

from the United Kingdom, and many of them would like to join the European Union on their

own, and not be part of the United Kingdom. So a slightly high... We could... We could

say, if we... If we compare the percentages, there, that in Scotland people are slightly

more... What would you say? Would it be patriotic - love of their own country, or nationalistic

- loving their Scotla-...? Their country first before the United Kingdom? And 58% of Welsh

people consider themselves Welsh only.

Now, that's kind of a surprise to me because in my life experiences, those times when I

have met Welsh people... Okay, I'm making it sound like a rare thing. I've met many

Welsh people, but in my experience they tend to mention Wales a lot, and the Welsh language,

and what it's like in Wales and how Wales is different. So I would have thought, based

on my experience, that there would be more people in Wales who consider themselves only

Welsh or Welsh first.

So, now I want to mention the difference between who's... Who's saying they're British and

who's saying they're not British. So, 14%... Only 14% of white British ethnicity say that

they're British. Okay? So I'll break that down. Someone who lives in England, Scotland,

Wales, or Northern Island who looks white and has... As far as I know, haven't come

from somewhere else, only 14% of those people would say that they're British. They would

put their own English or Scottish or Welsh first; whereas the younger generation, the

younger people of today and more people who live in cities where it's a lot more diverse

as people who've immigrated from other countries, and their parents before them or grandparents

before them, in the cities, a higher proportion of people will say that they have the British


So, just going back to a point about this: If it's the 14% is ... If you think about

it this way: The older... The much older generation, they were alive during the war. Some of them

were... Some of them are still alive. They're still living, so they remember a different

time, and they remember different kind of Britain and a different kind of place in the

world. So there can be quite big differences in attitudes between the younger... The younger

folk and the older folk over here.

So, what you can do now is go and do the quiz on this lesson, and I'll see you soon. Bye.

For more infomation >> United Kingdom, Great Britain, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales... CONFUSED??? - Duration: 22:18.


Real Madrid news: Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham want Isco - but there's one big problem - Duration: 2:33.

 The Spain star has been marginalised under Santiago Solari and could look for a quick exit

 He hasn't started a game for Real Madrid since the 5-1 defeat to Barcelona in October

 He came off the bench for 10 minutes against Valencia but was furious to have been left out of the match squad completely in the Champions League

 And the Sun claim Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham are all keen on a deal for him. Isco has a £620m release clause in his contract after signing an improved deal in August 2017

 Last week reports in Spain claimed Real Madrid would NOT sell unless his release clause was triggered

 However the English trio would be looking to do business for a much lower fee. Unai Emery is said to be a fan and is looking for another creative spark with Aaron Ramsey leaving and Mesut Ozil and Henrikh Mkhitayran struggling

 Chelsea have also been linked with the 26-year-old this season as they consider life after Eden Hazard

 Hazard has been linked with Real Madrid and is yet to commit his future to the club

 Tottenham however are well-stocked in those areas with Christian Eriksen, Dele Alli and Erik Lamela

 Although Isco would be a marquee player to help build excitement for the new stadium - when it finally opens

 Isco was asked about a move to England before the Champions League final. He said: "I have never thought about going to England

 There's been serious offers but I've never come close to moving to the Premier League

 "But I think I made the right choice to stay, my Champions League medals prove that


For more infomation >> Real Madrid news: Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham want Isco - but there's one big problem - Duration: 2:33.


Fortnite Teknique Solo Mode Action Figure & Loot Chest Unboxing Jazwares Fortnite Toy Review - Duration: 12:45.

it's time to review technique in solo mode and do over the fortnight loot

chest let's do this hey guys we hope super salty very soon

it look like I go to the phone I finger to review this is technic and/or

technique I think that it's meant to be pronounced not technically they say and

this is the solo mode finger when the single packed figures hashtag wallop IRL

and I've also got one of the first loot crate boxes these contain guns building

materials and other things so guys we have the figure first of all and the

best thing about the loot crate by the way is that you already know what's in

them when you buy them so that's really cool actually tells you on the box which

one it is it was about four or five different ones to collect the r8 1990s

though the fingers our 1199 as well a little bit pricey for the nice there's a

bunch of others to collect and review as well I'm still thinking about getting

raptor carbine and probably drift those three are kind of the ones that I want

next but these are toys by Jazwares guys on there as a part of Epic Games

fortnight phenomenon and we'll call it because it is at this point a phenomenon

in it it's taken over world by storm it was only a maritime until they made the

figures so let's get out of the packaging okay so everything it does

come with an extra little build piece you can use these as stands for the

figures you have a little nub on them just on the figures on that's pretty

cool but we are compatible with all other building sets that you buy that's

another great part about this that I like that's why I've gone to collect

this series the m3 series because a lot of people are collecting the McFarland's

versions but they're very limited articulation wise in my opinion they're

very limiting

artha be a hood Jackie ah okay how does that still notice just sit interesting

so if she does come with this extra bit as well to make it look like a hoodies

up on the hoodie which is removable as well which is nice and if you want that

down that's fine she was raised her little mask here but I don't think he

can get it to actually come I think it's static around the middle early I would

it would have been nice if you could if it was lack of a soft rubber compound so

we could pull it up over her face so that she had the gas mask on if you

wanted it but you can't really just sits around her neck I'm liking the face call

though the figure looks beautiful love how she looks

the first thing did a very nice job bringing that skin to life to be honest

all right little green hat as well doesn't say anything on the hat the

articulation is gonna be the same as what it is on all the other fingers but

we will just run through again in case you haven't seen the previous reviews

that I've done so the arms do lift out at the sides do rotate at the top hinge

there they do also have elbow joints which can be rotate as well hands as

well are on rocker and ball joints so they're fully up here lay it oh my god

this one's very stiff so good thing it's a good thing for posing to be honest you

want them you don't want them to be you know flopping around you can rotate her

at the top part as well just diaphragm hinge there to crank forward and

backwards and round it has all sides a break at the waist as well let's do lift

out pretty far as well as forwards with a durable engineer on this one top

fibrate also a rotation at the foot as well with a rocket and pivot the figure

articulation on this legs of this one is a lot easier to move as you've seen on

some of my other videos some of the figures are pretty hard to rotate and

move very stiff joints but again that's what you want you don't want fingers

that are too loose because it makes them harder to articulate and again you can

just clip the little hood on if you so choose is a little bit flimsy in my

opinion that's just gonna come off with if you are out playing with them but if

you're just posing them like I would be

does just sit nicely on there you might want to like pose her up and put that on

last honest so just to show you guys these are the the building materials but

you can also use them as basis for the figures because they are hard to stand

but they do stand pretty well when she put the note inside also it would make

him really cool so you can hang them upside down and stuff as well when you

build some things that would be pretty cool to see antigravity style it's for

tonight anything can happen and as well she does come with her harvesting tool

which on this one is a and like a paint can like a paint sprayer like a paint

roller almost hands as well I'm pretty stiff but they do wrap around that

pretty easily it has got a nice paint decal on it as well the paints the paint

on the figure as well is pretty good there's no bleeding issues whatsoever on

this figure it is immaculate love it nice figure really think they've done

well with that one so let's just place her down here for now while we take a

look at the loot box so these little loot crate's

they're solid plastic boxes so you can use these in your figures and you play

you know these are also because it's so big it would scale well with a six-inch

figure as well as I can still use it as a chest if you've got any pirate figures

or you want to have a bit of fun I could imagine filling this full of

white little gold coins and then having Deadpool like laying in it that'd be

really fun it yeah gonna use this again especially if I go to the beach I'm

gonna take this with me along with some figures and Beria and supply before but

if we open it up guys you can see that there is a bunch of loot inside so they

have given us two more wood pieces to help build if you didn't see my building

video the other day and these just swap together like that very easily just

slide them into connecting spots and then together back out just twist so

they do work very easily would you get used to using them

everything you buy in this series does come with this little manual of sorts

which gives you a list of all the accessories and skin

that are currently available we have nearly all of these now so we've got

bright bomber we've got Jonesy we've got cuddle team

leader I've got Ragnarok I've got Raven of a Rex Ruslan and Technic so I'm

missing band Euler carbide drift and Omega those are the only ones I'm

missing and wrapped it it says it does actually say more heroes are dropping

soon so this is only wave one guys so I'm not sure if I'm gonna collect

anymore from wave one I might just wait for wave two at this point they're

getting gives you a list of all the guns all the harvesting tools and wall the

backpacks there's only one Collider available right now which comes with

Omega but more of them are coming soon and we do have a little buggy here which

has got some moss stuff in

so this bugs this comes with an awfully heavy shotgun minigun burst assault

rifle two building materials and a collector's guide so I've already showed

you the collector collector's guide in the building materials nice so this is

gonna be the burst assault rifle I'm guessing this is gonna be the heavy

shotgun and then of course you've got their minigun

what does that say on there it says that's a hasta LaVista or something

Oh hasta LaVista soup so seriously and then the Oh blink as well which is one

of the backpacks that looks like it belongs on like raptor or something

that's still pretty cool so nice set overall and we'll go to the desk mo give

you guys an up-close personal look everything we've gotten today and as

well as the new figure and give her an up-close look so let's go back to the

desk um George has entered the game whoo

okay guys here we are out of the packaging so let's go ahead and look up

Technic here Oh technique I'm not quite slowly not

quite sure how to pronounce that um I got that or about Flair from there back

there oh my god can we cover that up not really maybe a little bit more so Aries

technique for the first time out of the packaging with that spray can the

harvesting - looking pretty cool again I love how they've made the figure my only

gripe about this finger and it is just very me picking at this point I wish the

the mouthpiece could have fitted around her actual mouth rather just hang around

her neck and I wish there was a better way of clipping this to the actual

finger cuz it does just fall off after a little while when it starts wearing as

well it'll just fall off all the time so yeah that's my other grandfather

finger though but the rest of it is immaculately done I love the fact she's

got splotches of paint on her and all over like create different artwork

styles and things I like that it's like very street artists and she's got like

tattoos and things on her which is nice detailing and the paint work is

consistent throughout and then when I've gone ahead and made a really nice face

call for this figure so really recommend this figure I think technique is a great

figure again I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing her name right technique

technique me either way very good figure and just where the brother Bradley

brought this one to life so happy about that one well

go ahead over and look at the mini guns I've attached the minigun here to the

bright bright bomber she looks pretty good with it actually I really like how

it looks in the figures hands so yeah really nice gun and if we move down here

we have got him holding the shotgun up in the air like that and I've given him

dual weapons so he's holding the burst assault rifle as well and of course we

have the oblique down here as well yeah I think this belongs to like wrap like

route lair up there someone would look nice on him though as well and there's a

little hood piece of course then we've got the little loot crate's these are

really nice it's shame they cost 899 each but they are good the accessories

and the quality of the weapons and stuff are pretty good so I probably will pick

up a couple more especially if they keep releasing the figures I'm gonna need

more accessories as we go on so yeah really good figures what are your

thoughts though guys let us know your thoughts on this series in the comments

down below have you been enjoying these reviews I'd love to hear back from you

this is the last one for now and I haven't got any more fortnight's stuff

to review right now so this is gonna be it for fortnight for just a little while

until I pick up some new stuff which inevitably will be in probably in a

couple of days knowing me I'm once I start collecting I can't stop but yeah

what are your thoughts let us know in the comments down below and we'll go

back to the main camp to finish off this video all right guys keep your eyes

peeled velociraptors have entered the game

velociraptors why should we do

so guys have you been collecting this for night series let us know in the

comments down below which ones you've been collecting and just thank you very

much for watching I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have a smash that

subscribe button and hit that thumbs up it would really suppose really help us

out and help us keep making awesome videos but guys I want to say thank you

very much watching and until next time may the force be with you bye


For more infomation >> Fortnite Teknique Solo Mode Action Figure & Loot Chest Unboxing Jazwares Fortnite Toy Review - Duration: 12:45.


🎄 DIY WATERCOLOR CHRISTMAS CARD - Winter Village - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> 🎄 DIY WATERCOLOR CHRISTMAS CARD - Winter Village - Duration: 10:06.


Vietnam Vlog #1 || Epic Saigon Food Tour ! - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> Vietnam Vlog #1 || Epic Saigon Food Tour ! - Duration: 9:17.


O que é o artigo 13? - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> O que é o artigo 13? - Duration: 8:43.


Últimas notícia de hoje : MÉDICO BRASILEIRO DESPREZA A 'MEDICINA DA FAMÍLIA' - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : MÉDICO BRASILEIRO DESPREZA A 'MEDICINA DA FAMÍLIA' - Duration: 2:52.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : APÓS CINCO ANOS, STF VAI JULGAR PEDIDOS DE CRIMINALIZAÇÃO DA HOMOFOBIA - Duration: 7:31.


МЫ НЕ КУРИМ. ГРОМКИЕ НОВОСТИ @23 - Duration: 13:22.

Hey there!

I am Stas, and I brought you LOUD NEWS by LOUD SOUND.

In this video, we're gonna check out several interesting subscriber projects at once

cover minor additions in the RBR format

and the new format

And stay tuned for some hardcore stuff starring Vik and his suitcase.

[W]: Well, just you wait, suitcase!

And we're gonna start with the news none of us expected.

The Lada '13 by Bass Security we'd told you about before

was sold at the top of its fame

And now his pretty interesting project is gonna cruise around Krasnodar Krai.

- The '13 is now moving to Krasnodar Krai.

We don't know yet if we'd ever see it at competitions

Neither we know what project is coming next for the studio.

But they said they've been at the issue a lot.

Another studio, tho, has announced not A project but projectS.

It's the Medved' Studio

For one, they're doing a 2014 armoured VW Multivan.

Why an armour truck? We'll get to it later.

Guys couldn't find a cat that would fir every criterion on the list

in Moscow where the studio is based.

But they got lucky in Tolyatti.

They bought the car down there.

One of the criterions was stock armouring on the car.

Why that? I'd say it's cheating.

Now, when altering the car's construction --

which they will do since it's gonna be a show car --

the traffic police will have nothing to hold against them

as the paperwork says the car had been altered initially.

And now they car alter their butts off with no concern of legal repercussions.

[M]: I'm in a holding cell.

[M]: It's all good.

The initially welded capsule was hard enough on its own.

It was 3- or 4-mm 2-layer metal.

a hatch for a gunman, battery protection,

a button-activated hood fire extinguisher

and a microphone to communicate with the outer world

since you couldn't hear a thing from inside the car.

That's some nice safety, huh?

But all of it was no use because --

[M]: This all protects you from a gun.

[M]: But not from a sub. A sub would just tear this down in pieces.

By now, the guys have completely removed the stock armour

reinforced the windscreen frame

and welded the cage for the future arrangement.

The final system composition of the Tooney is still in the dark.

What we do know is that it's gonna be Pride monobrand.

The rear is most likely to be the new neodymium Solos, 16 or 20 cm (6.5" or 8")

The subwoofer quantity and listing is not out yet, either.

But they've been considering 12" T v.3, the total of 16 pcs.

And we know for sure that these or any other subs will be amped up

by Pride Appolo, the ones with the new steam-generating function.

The final goal for the project guys name to be not a max result

but a very loud daily system with an even response.

The next project the guys are handling in gonna be one Audi A6

The car, btw, had been owned by the owner of Pride for a long while.

Initially, it was built to participate in EMMA Europe.

But then te guys bought it out and now they're building another loud daily.

Btw, it's supposed to replace the previous Volvo project

which they failed to bring out.

For the Audi, they have in plans a system consisting of six Pride ST

six Appolo amps and eight pairs of Solo 8

most likely the neo ones.

Well, provided they hit the market before the project's done.

At the moment, the car's completely taken down

the rear shelf is cut out, the cage or the arrangement is welded,

and it's finished with plywood, too.

And for those waiting for the competitive formats to change

I got good news!

Dmitriy 'Dima ' Dinov, the former SPL-Show owner,

has prepared a new format called USD.

It's going to come on as soon as season 2019.

Many beginners never got a chance to start their sports careers

because they know for sure they'd have to stand up to way stronger projects.

Making it to the pedestal is really had.

Won't be a problem in this format.

This promises to be the most 'people's' format in Russia.

Everyone would have a shot here, even those with zero experience.

Let's cover some rules to put you in the loop.

The measuring will record the average result over a minute.

Overlapping sine is allowed,

the frequency limit is 45 Hz.

Since the format is daily, the system should be daily, too.

This calls for stability.

In the SPL Limited class, the limit is put on the proce of the sub set.

The sub + the monoblock shouldn't cost over 30k rub.

The feed will be limited, too.

It should be close to the stock one.

Allowed is an alternator up to 150 A

and one battery in the stock place, no more than 75 A/h.

SPL 1x2 and 2x2 classes are quite alike.

The difference would be the amp's RMS.

For the 1x2 class, the allowed RMS is 4 kW,

and the sub space is limited down to no more than to 15" subs.

There's a height limit, too. The box can't be over 15 cm higher than the glass line.

For the 2x2, the RMS is 8 kW,

no space limitations

but all the hardware has to be placed within the trunk space.

And the arrangement can't be over 18 cm higher than the glass line.

These classes will also have feed limitations.

The SPL Enclosure class won't have quantity limitations in the sub set

but the key rule is - 32 cm.

The hardware can't stretch out over the middle pillar of the car.

The car's cockpit has to stay stock.

Next class is SPL Wall.

It has a space limit of the total max of 4x15".

The space chart will be attached to the rules.

The hardware has to stay behind the middle pillar as well.

Like the previous class, the cockpit needs to stay stock.

There will also be Sedan classes, a no-limitation Class X

and SPL Destruction

which is kept in secret for now.

All we know is that none of Russia's formats have had a show class like that, ever.

The total list of limitations will be available by the end of this month.

And now, you can go to the Vk community and share your thoughts and suggestions.

New stuff's happening to the RBR foramt, too.

The guys are ready to treat us to several rough classes at once.

The first one is going to be called Mortal Combat, just like the video game.

This class will be available for the toppest level front division cars only.

The rules are still being developed

but we already know that the measuring will take 3 or even 5 minutes.

More news coming for the bass crowd, too.

Those performing in the Wall Master and Extreme classes

can try out for the new class called Tsar-Wall.

The measuring will be done with a musical track over 3 minutes of play.

Some might think, 'Hey, I've seen this somewhere!'

I thought it was quite like the Death Match discipline, too.

I even came up with a cut-in.

- Just copy it!

But they only seem the same.

There is a difference and here it is.

The track will be provided by the format administration.

And it's not usual.

It's gonna have random frequencies between 25 and 45 Hz implemented in it.

So, the participant's system should cover as wide a range as possible.

Sounds interesting.

None of the sound pressure competition federations have come up with anything similar so far.


In today's section, we're gonna cover whole two interesting cars.

The first one is a project by Kapral [*Corporal] Audio Studio

presented by Anton Kapralov and his Pride monobrand Ford Mondeo.

For those new to this project, let me remind you

that the guys used to perform with a LADA 21111.

That one you should remember.

Tightly tucked in film and wth a wall of eight Pride T12,

this machine set tire at many competition platforms.

Including those in Europe.

It would even come 1st and 2nd breaking no sweat there.

Late in 2017, this project was sold to Makhachkala, Dagestan.

So they bought the current Mondeo.

Guys decoded not to make any walls in it.

They went with an enclosure for six S515 subs.

They had to remove two of the subs soon, tho, as the car wouldn't make into some classes.

But don't feel bad for them.

The Ford became Champion of Russia in the No-Wall RBR format, and even set a record there.

It also won vice-championship in IDBL, bronze in Bass Boxing

and got many prizes in other formats.

Its system consists of an enclosure designed for four S515 subs

two Pride 25k monoblocks, 10 pairs of Solo v2 feeding off two 1500.2 amps

and its max result is 159+ dB.

Let me unveil a secret.

Next year we'll see a new project no quieter than this one, in a new car.

We'll follow their progress on the project.

And let's just wish he guys luck in building that project.

Next up is a project presented by Oleg with PROsad Team from Volgodonsk.

His '15 is a nice example for those still feeling anxious

and those with a smaller budget.

This project was launched off a minimum budget

and was monstly built single-handedly.

Which wouldn't keep Oleg from climbing up the pedestal

the Finals of Russia, included.

After taking down the cheaper system comprising a box for two 12" Machete subs

Oleg started welding a metal cage for his future wall.

Next came the installation of four 15" Ural Patriots.

He kept the cockpit stock except for the brace and a bunch of vibro-proofing.

The trunk houses three 3500 monoblocks

two 4-channel Decibel amps, feed distribution and some Lithium Titanate.

According to Oleg, the building, of course, took a while

since it was mostly done by him alone.

It took him about 7 months.

The registered result was 156.4 dB @ 39 Hz.

Currently, the system is also on sale.

For the next season, he's coming up with something gutsier.

- You full name, sir. - Zubenko Mikhail Petrovich.

- Your occupation? - Code-bound thief.

- Your gang name? - Gangist.

If you still haven't seen this looney tune go to Alphard Group's channel right now.

This is an absolute first in the history of car audio.

Vik Mots dressed up as the Gangist took his handmade loud suitcase

strolled around malls entertaining people with his fun songs.

Take my word for it, no one'd expected people to react the way they did.

100% of them were having fun off his prank.

Some were dancing, some would film the whole thing.

Some would just laugh. But not the mall security, tho.

One guy, to be precise.

He though Vik's actions broke the law.

Sure thing the guy didn't succeed since Vik is...

- Code-bound thief. The Gangist.

By the way,

if you liked that video, buckle up! There's more coming up.

It's already in production. And trust me, it's gonna be even funnier.

You think that was it th the dope-induced sh*it for today?

- Columbia Pictures presents...

A few days back, the Arzamas Studio did a real savage crash-test on a Machete sub.

- Purple Fart to you!

And you accuse us of doing drugs!

Even got Vik hooked up.

[V]: Those were nice drugs!

This should clear the air around where we get our supply.

[B]: It's all LSD!

God, they went to great lengths!

After frying the sub up quickly they took out an angle grinder.

Next came a whole arsenal of fireworks.

Speaking of. R2B used more powerful stuff.


Finally, they covered the sub with foil, stuffed coal in there and turned the sub into a grill.

- Nay, it don't smell of no coil. Come eat.

Sure, it all didn't come out from nowhere.

This was sorta prep work for the launch of the updated Machete subs.

There's a brand new review of those subs on Alphard Group's channel.

And this concludes our newsfeed.

Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel.

Bye, everyone. Live LOUD!

And don't do drugs!

[B]: Stop mocking us with drugs!

[B]: We ain't smoke no weed! We ain't!

For more infomation >> МЫ НЕ КУРИМ. ГРОМКИЕ НОВОСТИ @23 - Duration: 13:22.


【MUKBANG】 2KG OF DEEP FRIED OYSTERS & Plenty Of Tartar!! + Corn Soup [5Kg in Total] [7646kcal] - Duration: 6:11.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa! Y'all might remember I did a vid featuring Kanawa's oysters

I've got 2kg worth of their fried oysters which I'll be trying today

all ya gotta do is drop these in oil they're so EZ to make... let's get cookin'

these are Kanawa's breaded oysters

I'll be making some tartar to go with these

first chop an onion

I'mma use this super convenient food processor here

<3 this thing

its all chopped now. it was so amazingly easy to do

Microwave this for 1 minute to blunt the spiciness this may have

smush up these boiled eggs

don't read anything into the reason why I used 9 eggs here I just had 9 in my fridge so that's why I have 9 of them here

add the onion

my #BFFMayo

this might be a bit much?


Salt Pepper

You don't have to add this but sugar, if you like

soooo yummy I can eat a tonne of this tartar


and the tartar is all done

now for the our featured item Fried oysters

the oil is lookin good

let them fry up

They look so yummy

They're all done and look amazing

tadaa they're all done

freshly cooked deep fried oysters. there ain't nothing that can beat this

itadakimasu there are probably a few of you that want to see what it looks like

so I'll cut this in half I've got 50 oysters 1kg of corn soup and plenty of tartar

crispy looks amazing.... and dip

oops a bit much

It melts in your mouth

Ever since I was a kid I wanted to eat a tub of tartar sauce like this

usually I never get enough sauce so being able to make this on my own and eat as much

as I want is a dream come true

the bit of sugar brings out the yummy sweetness of it

corn soup do Y'all think that the stuff on top is parsley ?

Y'all wrong! I used up my parsley earlier so I tried some aonori herb

these oysters are so full of flavor I love these oysters from Kanawa

lets try this other (bulldog) sauce

the spiciness and sweetness of this sauce make it so yummy

these oysters are amazing with both sauces

Fried oysters are so juicy and so full of flavor

these remind me of the beautiful oceans near Hiroshima I wanna go there again real soon

Whenever I go out for fried oysters I never have enough sauce

I'm always wanting to really pile on the sauce I love how I can have as much sauce as I want today

Wat up with the name? tartar sauce? what does the tartar mean?

Ta-mago, Ta-manegi, (egg onion) oh it prolly doesn't matter its not even in japanese is it?

last mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita the deep fried oysters and tartar sauce were so delish

kanawa's oysters were so yummy and when you bite into them the yumminess just gushes out of them

and since it was freshly cooked the coating was so nice and hot and crispy

and since I made a tub of tartar I felt so #Blessed to be able to use as much sauce as I wanted

and thanks to the food processor I was able to make so much of this at once

I feel to #Thankful to be born in this age of convenience it was so yummy won't you all please give it a try as well

And as always thank you for watching there's anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in the comment section below

If you like this video please hit the like and sub buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 2KG OF DEEP FRIED OYSTERS & Plenty Of Tartar!! + Corn Soup [5Kg in Total] [7646kcal] - Duration: 6:11.



For more infomation >> ESCOLHAS ERRADAS TRAZEM CONSEQUÊNCIAS INDESEJADAS - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:35.


ALUSKY || Alaskan malamute + Husky siberiano - Duration: 10:34.

Alusky is a hybrid of two dog breeds Arctic, the Siberian Husky and the Malamute

of Alaska. It's a designer race and, like such, results from the combination of personality

and the physical features of their parents. The aluskies They are vigorous, social and friendly dogs,

also known for their resistance and nature energetic

The aluskies are good family dogs and get along with the children. They need

space and preferably a fenced yard to play. They are working dogs from the regions

Arctic and were used for sledding, haulage, cargo transport and racing. They also do

Good search and rescue dogs.

HISTORY. The date of origin of this crossing is unknown

and not much is known about the history of Aluskies. Still, they are a unique crossroads

resulting from the mixture of Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes, two dog breeds with

a rich history The Siberian Husky originated in Siberia in the nineteenth century, while the

Alaskan Malamute was recognized for the first time once as a race by the American Kennel Club

in 1935. The Alusky originates in the States United and exhibits features of their parents, distinguishing

of a mestizo. His wolf appearance, with its majestic coat and robust appearance,

It gives a unique identity.

The aluskies were originally raised to be working dogs, dragging sleds

in long distances, hunting seals and bears polar in cold climates. The aluskies are,

therefore, the result of the fortress and the resistance of their parents. This crossing

It is recognized by the American Canine Hybrid Club, the Designer Breed Registry, the Designer

Dogs Kennel Club, the Dog Registry of America Inc. and the International Designer Canine Registry.

GENERAL APPEARANCE. This striking cross is easily identified

for its thick and dense fur, its fluffy tails and his overall appearance as a wolf. The colors

of the most common layer are: Silver white, light brown, golden brown, cream red,

Salt gray and pepper. The aluskies have touching eyes, in

Almond shape, which can be brown or blue, similar to those of their parents. Their

ears are erect and wedge-shaped. its snout is wide and dark, and his legs are muscular.

Their tails are very covered with hair and their General appearance is compact and long.

TEMPERAMENT AND BEHAVIOR. The Alusky is a very social dog, it takes

Pretty good with someone you just met. In the same way, they are good with children.

Playful and energetic, the Alusky is a dog intelligent and friendly, who is willing

to please and act in a charming way and loving The aluskies are loyal dogs,

but, like their parents, they are vagabonds, so you should pay attention to the

gardens or gardens without fences, as they tend to wander and get lost.

Despite its social nature, generally They are quiet dogs, and they do not mind being

close to a lot of noise and activity. They have one "herd" mentality, which makes it

essential for owners to adopt the role of leader of the pack, so that your relationship

it can work without problems. The aluskies sometimes they can be somewhat independent in

your way of thinking They can become stubborn, stubborn and a little temperamental. As well

are known for their good memory, what can make it difficult for them to forget situations

unpleasant or severe treatment towards a behavior not wanted. They are also very sensitive and intuitive

and they have a strong instinct. This can do that the aluskies pursue small pets

that they can consider prey, so it is extremely important to socialize them from

an early age and teach them the limits with respect to other pets, especially

those that can be confused with small prey (ie, cats, rabbits, etc.). little ones


Aluskies are not good watchdogs, because of his ability to get along with

strangers. Also, they rarely bark. But nevertheless, they have a tendency to howl, which is related

with his "herd" instinct. This trend must be taken into account if one is the owner

of an Alusky in a densely built area or building populated. Aluskares like humans

and enjoy their company, so despite of being important to provide them space

outdoors, prefer to sleep indoors, next to his people. In addition, they may suffer from

be alone for long periods of time. When they are alone for a long time, they can

become destructive, due to boredom. They need a lot of attention and should be included

in the activities of the family.

The Aluskies have tenacity and resistance. They are energetic and need an outlet for

all your energy, both physical and mental. Canine games and sports, especially

those that most resemble your purpose original, such as sleds or races, are a

good idea. They will also be happier if they have access to a fenced yard and an area

where they can dig freely (for example, a sandbox).

TRAINABILITY As the Aluskies are eager to please

to their owners, they are not very difficult to train. However, they can be pretty thinkers

stubborn and independent, so generally They are not recommended for dog owners

for the first time, since they require an attitude firm or experienced. The owners must

make sure to be the leader of the pack, at the same time they are positive, patients

and reinforce their good behavior, since They are sensitive to punishment.

Also, because they have a good memory, they do not tolerate negative reinforcement and can become

resentful Consistency and reinforcement Positive are the key to successful training

to an Alusky. They must be socialized and trained from a young age, and it is also recommended

the basic obedience training.

HEALTH. The aluskies have a good general health,

since both parents are hard and healthy races. Its useful life is also generally reasonable:

They can live up to 15 years. Some of the most common health problems that can

have are:

HIP DYSPLASIA. Hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease,

complex in its nature and cause. Can affect both the Alaskan Malamutes and the

Siberian Huskies, so you can also move to the Aluskies. It is the consequence of

a joint of the hip abnormally formed that does not perform its function properly,

which leads to inflammation and, consequently, to pain and lameness. The condition can be

treat with anti-inflammatory medications, proper diet and physical therapy.

EYE PROBLEMS. Cataracts are an example of problems

eyepieces that may arise in the aluskies. Cataracts involve the opacity of the lens,

that can be small and localized, not affect your vision, or you can progress and affect

the whole lens. When this happens, the dog may have blurred vision or stay completely


The first sign is usually the dog that starts to collide with objects and furniture around

the house, which means that his vision It is becoming defective. The treatment

It is achieved surgically and is very effective.

EAR INFECTIONS. Like their parents, the Aluskies can

have a tendency to the problems of the ears, due to its very dense coat that

extends throughout the body, including ears. Because the air circulation

can be reduced due to excessive fur around your ears, there may be a

accumulation of dirt and moisture, which often it is the first step towards creation

of an environment favorable to bacteria.

LEVELS OF EXERCISE AND ACTIVITY. The Alusky is an athletic and agile crossroads. Can

be prone to weight gain and obesity if you do not do the exercise you need to

keeping fit. Aluskies like it Run, dig and interact with other dogs.

They are good companions for families that they spend time outdoors and like to run

and walk. In addition to physical exercise, it is important to provide these dogs

mental stimulation and toys are a good way to keep them entertained,

preventing them from getting bored and getting involved in destructive behaviors

CLEANLINESS. Aluskies pelecha much, throughout the year,

but even more seasonally. They should brush a couple of times a week (daily during

the seasonal pelechas) so that their coat Look good and healthy In addition to brushing,

the occasional bath whenever it is necessary and regular cleaning of your ears to prevent

Ear infections comprise the elements essentials of Alusky toilet.

SIZE AND WEIGHT. Height at the withers: They have a height of 66

to 71 cm. Weight: Weigh around 27 to 45 Kg.

For more infomation >> ALUSKY || Alaskan malamute + Husky siberiano - Duration: 10:34.


🎄 DIY WATERCOLOR CHRISTMAS CARD - Winter Village - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> 🎄 DIY WATERCOLOR CHRISTMAS CARD - Winter Village - Duration: 10:06.


Дефлектор капота Рено Трафик / Мухобойка Renault Trafic / AOM Tuning / Тюнинг запчасти / Обзор - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Дефлектор капота Рено Трафик / Мухобойка Renault Trafic / AOM Tuning / Тюнинг запчасти / Обзор - Duration: 0:43.


Are You Feeling Stressed or Blessed? - Duration: 4:06.

Good morning, it's Dr. James. Hey I hope you off to a beautiful start today. It's

great to see you. Thank you for your time and thank you for your energy. And this

morning I'm gonna do something a lot different than I traditionally do. It's

the time of the year we're thinking a lot about investing and gifts and

presents and things that we want to give to loved ones; and it's a beautiful thing,

I love this time of the year. I love celebrating full-on and full out but

because I have a lot of memories around this time of the year - they're also

not so pleasant, I want to give you a couple of science-based experiences that

you can create this time of the year if you are caught up in the STRESS versus

the BLESSING of the season; wondering about what it is that you want to be

doing in terms of gift-giving and its relationship to abundance happiness and

success. I know it's something we've never talked about before, but you know

what? We're between Thanksgiving or and thinking about Christmas, Hanukkah and

all the different things that are happiest time of the year and a lot of

us get really stressed out about this season wondering what we're gonna give.

Well here's what's really interesting. I came across a bit of research that

actually followed 265 different studies; 265 studies that talked about the

difference between giving a material gift in its relationship to happiness or

investing in experiences and its relationship to happiness. And it was

absolutely compelling. 265 studies suggested that when we put all of our

energy into material giving we don't necessarily feel so good about it. In

fact there's a lot of relationship to feeling a letdown, a sense of sadness,

even depression, after the holidays when all of it went into material giving. Well

here's the antidote or here's the healing opportunity or here's the the

experience that you can bring. I use that word experience very specifically

because the researchers who did those 265 studies they found out that when the

investment was given for experiences like, "hey

you know what? We're gonna take the money that we'd spend on gift giving and we're

gonna give the gift of an experience. We're gonna go someplace; we're gonna do

something; we're gonna be part of an experience that literally takes us

outside of the the gift giving and opening a present by actually

experiencing the present." So much of this research connected to going to some

place that you've never been before with loved ones, with your chosen family, with

your family and doing something that stretches you outside of your comfort

zone. I love this. So this time of the year when you're thinking about, oh my

gosh, you know what do I give this person?

Giving that personal lunch where you've never been before and giving them

undivided presence can give you incredible sense of happiness. If you've

got children you're thinking, you know what, I don't really want to just fill a

tree full of stuff. I want to go someplace and enlighten them and make

them feel a sense of connection and a sense of possibility a sense of

happiness. And it comes back to you many- many fold for providing that experience.

I love this time of the year and I love the research that's now connected with

the stress that so often happens with getting so caught up in the material and

moving away and moving into the experiential. And how the experiential

gives us a greater sense of happiness, a greater sense of satisfaction peace,

abundance, and interesting enough, a sense of success ... hmm and every way you want to

define it giving the experience is what gives us

the opportunity to create a life that we love. During the season of giving the

giving of experiences it was what makes us come most alive. So with that thank

you for the experience of serving you and serving alongside of you much love

and many blessings. Have an awesome day. Bye for now

For more infomation >> Are You Feeling Stressed or Blessed? - Duration: 4:06.


你覺得最走心的網劇是哪一部? - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 你覺得最走心的網劇是哪一部? - Duration: 5:05.


QUEL QUALCOSA IN PIÚ | Lezione di recitazione #61 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> QUEL QUALCOSA IN PIÚ | Lezione di recitazione #61 - Duration: 2:34.


إلينا من آفالور - الحلقة – الأميرة الفارسة 6 - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> إلينا من آفالور - الحلقة – الأميرة الفارسة 6 - Duration: 1:48.



You got presents for everyone but forgot the wrapping paper?

I'll show you eight last minute hacks

to save the day.

For instance you can use paper, which can be found in shoe boxes.

Rumple it and fleck the

surface with colour.

This way you create an awesome pattern on the paper.

With only a piece of newspaper you can additionally make a beautiful decoration.

You can make the wrapping paper

and the decoration in all kinds of colours.

Take a little box, as this one, which contained candy.

Dilute some paste with water and stick pieces of paper onto the box.

This will really upgrade your packaging.

With the same technique you can decorate

for instance a shoe box for bigger presents.

Take a piece of fabric,

light some colourful candles

and drizzle the hot wax all over the piece of fabric.

Before the wax is dry put some paper

and parchment paper on top of it and iron it.

The paper will be partly see-through and

it'll have a hint of colour.

Combined with a piece of parchment paper,

which can be recycled,

the wrapping paper looks really fancy.

To upgrade it a bit more,

rumple a thin piece of paper,

fleck it with colour

and make a bow out of it.

If you want to decorate your presents but

don't have any decoration material at home,

you can use old packaging of onions or garlic.

You can make little bows and decoration with it,

and no one will notice what it actually was.

Take an old blouse and cut out two long

pieces of fabric and use it as gift ribbon.

Take an old t-shirt, which has these little loops

at its shoulders and cut them out.

You can use them to tie up small bags

To make a last minute notelet,

reuse the ribbed inside of a carton,

which can be found in packages of cookies

and smarten it up with some colour.

That's it!

My favourite hack is hack number 5.

Which is your favourite hack shown in the video? the next video!!

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