Sunday, December 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 3 2018

Tribes have been a fixture of the human social structure since pretty much when we first


Tribes are essentially a precursor to the modern-day nation state, even though the term

has a bit of a… primitive undertone.

So, in the days of hearing about tribes in Africa and the Middle East on the news, and

native tribes in history classes the New World over, what exactly is a tribe?

The term "tribe" has come under scrutiny recently, as it is often attached to negative

connotations of primitiveness.

However, at the very base of the term, a tribe refers to a small group or subdivision, with

a common culture and ancestry.

Tribes are often either detached from their country/ies, but sometimes they can actually

make up an entire nation state.

However, going the other way, tribes can also be described merely as clans (we'll get

to this whole kizspazzle in a bit, though).

Tribes have been with humanity basically since the genus Homo (don't even) first evolved.

As social creatures, humans naturally band themselves into distinct social groups.

After all, humans aren't exactly the hardest creatures to take down in a fight, having

spent a vast amount of their evolution points into maxing their intelligence, leaving little

behind for speed, power, or defense.

Also, you of course can't build a pyramid by yourself (I've tried).

Anthropologists speculate that tribes most likely first developed as hunter-gatherer

bands, with some eventually gradually making the shift to agrarian societies, and often

huge civilizations.

One proposed classification for tracking the development of human societies throughout

the ages (you know, aside from my Patreon tiers) was proposed by anthropologist Elman

Service, and states that there are four different categories, based on how the groups get their

food, and how it correlates to their leadership structure.

The first tier are small band societies, who are basically small groups of hunter-gatherers,

with a very egalitarian society.

The next tier are horticultural tribes, generally with some sort of rank and leadership.

Then come stratified tribal societies led by chieftains, often called Chiefdoms.

Then finally come fully-fledged agricultural civilizations, complete with cities, and ruling

classes, and railroads, and stupid YouTubers, and Communism, and the like.

In native America, there were numerous different tribes spreading all across the continent

(well, actually both continents).

While they might not have gotten the chance to have gotten as complex as Europe or Asia,

that doesn't mean the whole continent was devoid of civilization.

I mean, there were numerous complex cities, and some parts of the US Constitution may

have even been based on the Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy (which I personally

find super cool).

Tribes may often make up the states that they're a part of, but that isn't always the case,

most notably in post-colonial Africa.

In colonial Africa, borders were drawn almost seemingly randomly, and for the benefit of

keeping the European powers from fighting each-other, but as a result, this split up

numerous tribes; splitting one tribe among two different countries, and combining two

or more tribes into one country.

Of course, as a result of this, most of the countries of Africa today are Frankenstein-style

creations made from very different tribes, as evidenced in how South Africa has 11 official

languages and how South Sudan really didn't want to be part of Sudan.

However, a tribe doesn't have to be an ancient, isolated community in the middle of nowhere,

as many take part in modern societies today.

Some of the most notable examples can be seen in America's native reservations, which

are kind of known for hosting huge casinos, even in states where gambling is illegal.

This is because, as the tribes kind of predate the concept of the United States, many are

allowed to run their own quasi-sovereign, domestic-dependent nations within the borders

of the states of the US.

The concept of a nation is an interesting one, as the modern nation state as we know

it is really more of a republic mostly populated by one people or group of people, who speak

mostly the same language, and who mostly share the same culture.

Think of countries like Poland or Vietnam, though not everyone in their territories may

identify as Polish or Vietnamese, it's more likely than not.

This is in contrast to a federation or an empire, which spans multiple cultures across

vast distances, like the United States or Russia or the Roman Empire, or even the Iroquois


However, the word nation has become more or less intertwined with the word country (at

least to most people who really don't care about this sort of stuff), which is why it

can be confusing when mentioning something like the Navajo Nation, which is called a

nation, despite having no real desire to secede from the Union.

In colloquial terms, a tribe doesn't always necessarily have to refer to a formally recognized

group, as you've probably heard many people referencing their "tribes".

One of Merriam Webster's definitions for the word tribe, other than a "social group

comprising numerous families, clans, or generations together with slaves, dependents, or adopted

strangers", also include "a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or

interest", which I guess could mean anything from religious groups to political parties

to Trekkies.

Though, be careful using a word like this in this way.

Thank you, as always, for watching this video.

Now, if you're curious as to what gave me the idea for this video, it's because the

Discord server has just split up into a bunch of rivaling tribes, and everyone's slowly

starting kill each-other, so be sure to go to the link in the description below to join

in on the fun!

Also, be sure to follow me on social media and subscribe to learn something new every


For more infomation >> What is a Tribe? - Duration: 5:00.


古天乐结婚了吗老婆是谁 和黄纪莹隐婚是真的吗 - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 古天乐结婚了吗老婆是谁 和黄纪莹隐婚是真的吗 - Duration: 6:35.


L12: Distributed Deadlock Detection | Path Pushing Algorithm in distributed system With Example - Duration: 11:30.




For more infomation >> L12: Distributed Deadlock Detection | Path Pushing Algorithm in distributed system With Example - Duration: 11:30.


Extensions to the International Phonetic Alphabet | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Extensions to the International Phonetic Alphabet | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 6:20.


Dieta di Natale: dimagrisci prima per non ingrassare (e fare rinunce) sotto le feste - Duration: 3:58.

     Pranzi e cene interminabili (e pure aperitivi, perché c'è sempre tempo per un brindisi), pandori, panettoni e torroni come se piovessero e a tutte le ore del giorno e della notte

E ci fermiamo qui, ma è già sufficiente tra calorie, grassi, zuccheri, carboidrati e chi più ne ha più ne metta, da prima del 24 dicembre a, minimo, il 6 gennaio

Per caso vi stiamo mettendo un po' di ansia pre-natalizia? Mica per la festa in sé, ci siamo capiti

Per la linea. Un classico: nonostante le migliori intenzioni e i mantra ("Questo no", "Questo lo evito", "Quest'anno fioretto") che ci accompagnano fino alla Vigilia, poi è quasi impossibile sgarrare

 E allora ci si ritrova così appena finite le feste, quando a gennaio riparte tutto: lacrime di coccodrillo e buoni propositi per l'estate, perché "da gennaio a giugno è un attimo", ci si autoconvince

Palestra e dieta ferrea per smaltire quel rotolino spuntato in pochi giorni e sgonfiare la pancia appesantita da tutti quei manicaretti

"Si rimangia a Pasqua. E non è nemmeno detto". (Continua dopo la foto) Proviamo a cambiare quest'anno? Proviamo

Il segreto per mangiare senza pensieri a Natale, dunque evitare i sensi di colpa, i sacrifici disumani del 'post feste' e anche di buttare all'aria tutti gli sforzi fatti durante l'anno per perdere quei chiletti in eccesso senza rinunciare a quei piatti e cibi deliziosi che vi passano davanti a tavola c'è

Basta purificarsi e sgonfiarsi prima in modo da arrivare 'preparati' e superare senza troppi rimpianti le feste con una dieta detox

Vediamola così: prevenire è meglio che curare. (Continua dopo la foto) Ora andiamo al sodo: come funziona la dieta pre-natalizia? Come si legge sul sito DiLei bisogna puntare sui cibi-amici, quelli che stimolano la circolazione, drenano i liquidi in eccesso, eliminano la cellulite e riattivano il metabolismo

Significa che per qualche settimana il vostro menù quotidiano farà a meno di bevande gassate, alcolici e degli alimenti ricchi di zuccheri e grassi, come i dolci, gli insaccati, le fritture e il burro

Limitate anche la carne rossa e i formaggi. (Continua dopo la foto) Sì, invece, a tanta acqua (almeno due litri al giorno), tisane, frullati e tè verde, perfetto per dare sprint al metabolismo

Nel dettaglio, a tavola non fatevi mai mancare 5 porzioni di frutta e verdura di stagione (lattuga, rucola, cicoria, broccoli, cavoli e verza hanno un altissimo potere depurante)

Ancora, mettete nella lista della spesa cereali integrali, legumi, probiotici e alimenti fermentati (thé kombucha, miso, kefir, tempeh e crauti), cibi fondamentali per migliorare il microbioma intestinale, innalzare le difese immunitarie e perdere chili in eccesso

 Dietro le quinte del potere      

For more infomation >> Dieta di Natale: dimagrisci prima per non ingrassare (e fare rinunce) sotto le feste - Duration: 3:58.


Cục diện bán kết AFF Cup VN thắng 2-1 Philp chỉ ra 'Đội' này mới chắc chắn vô địch và thu bội tỷ ! - Duration: 22:38.

For more infomation >> Cục diện bán kết AFF Cup VN thắng 2-1 Philp chỉ ra 'Đội' này mới chắc chắn vô địch và thu bội tỷ ! - Duration: 22:38.



Hi guys, next we´re seeing the interview we made with doctor Av. Singh

who was my professor of agroecology in a course I did here in Navdanya, India

Navdanya is the Earth University, wich is the center of doctor Vandana Shiva

Doctor Av specializes in organic agriculture in Canada, where he lives

and he brings us the perspective of agroecology as a systemic change, let's see a little bit of our conversation

Eu sou Av Singh e faço parte da família Navdanya aqui

sabe, quando você começa a pensar mudança sistêmica e com foco em

agroecologia, quero dizer, por definição a agroecologia é sistêmica, no fato de

que você está olhando para os aspectos sociais você está olhando para o meio ambiente e

você está olhando para impactos econômicos, assim, esse é o tipo de lente que tentamos

incentivar aqui no Navdanya é que quando olhamos para qualquer prática agrícola

que olhemos de uma lente do social, do meio ambiente, e da economia

a capacidade de ter alguma rota do capital financeiro em relação à prática

Então, uma das definições que eu uso para a agricultura orgânica é bastante

simplesmente uma evitação de problemas por design e a razão que eu acho que funciona tão bem na

mentalidade de sistemas é que você vai projetar seu sistema agrícola

para evitar problemas, então você está olhando o impacto social de cada decisão que

você está fazendo e isso é uma espécie de perspectiva agro-ecológica e que

difere da mentalidade comum que temos, se é um sistema orgânico

ou um sistema de agricultura convencional, a mentalidade de uma espécie de abordagem linear

para a maioria dos nossos problemas é uma que requer esta mudança de paradigma e

é muito mais difícil fazer isso do que dizê-lo, então sempre falamos sobre

mudanças de sistema, mas essa ideia de fugir de corrigir problemas para olhar

as causas desses problemas são uma ampla lacuna e uma que leva muito tempo e

prática e você se aproxima e, em seguida, você recua e é uma luta constante

Então, como eu estava mencionando, que o desafio entre um processo de pensamento linear

e um sistêmico é realmente uma batalha que acontece dentro de nós e

agora, a maioria dos humanos, definitivamente na América do Norte, estamos definitivamente com foco no lado esquerdo do cérebro

e nosso lado esquerdo do cérebro é nosso racional, lógico, nosso linear, nosso

lado objetivo do cérebro. E, você sabe, é a nossa mão direita. Quando você olha para o

lado direito do cérebro, seu lado direito é o seu lado subjetivo, é o seu

lado emocional, é o seu lado não-verbal, é o seu lado imaginário e esse é o seu

lado holístico e nós temos realmente nos tornado tão focados no lado esquerdo do cérebro, que estamos

esquecendo o poder do lado direito do cérebro, assim, em termos de, e eu caio

nesta armadilha muitas vezes, onde alguém pode me apresentar um problema e eu sou muito

rápido para dar uma solução muito linear para esse problema, uma solução orgânica,

no entanto, mas muito linear, eu não fiz perguntas suficientes para descobrir

qual é a melhor resposta holística para essa pergunta e podemos cair muito nessa

armadilha e se sentir bem sobre nossas soluções porque elas parecem

que são menos impactantes na terra, mas elas são a melhor solução? E assim,

às vezes, uma das melhores práticas é pegar um problema e tipo de se sentar com ele

e use a natureza como seu guia, a natureza funciona de uma forma muito baseada em sistemas

se sentar na natureza para observar padrões na natureza pode ajudá-lo a garantir que

você está respondendo a pergunta de uma forma mais holística. Eu sei que há outras pessoas que vão

passar mais tempo colocando as coisas na sua mão esquerda, desenhando com

sua mão esquerda, coisas assim definitivamente vão estimular o seu lado direito do cérebro

e eu acho que todas essas são maneiras realmente poderosas de tentar recuperar

algum equilíbrio interno entre a nossa energia masculina e feminina, bem como

obter um equilíbrio entre o lado direito e o esquerdo do cérebro

sabe, quando estamos tentando colocar a teoria na prática, para mim, é realmente

importante que sentemos com muitos de nossos próprios valores e antes de nós

nos envolvermos em qualquer ação, que obtenhamos um melhor compreensão da nossa própria pessoa

muito do que oferecemos aqui na Navdanya é muito sobre transformação pessoal

e é para poder sentar-se com qualquer problema que seja

algo que você quer resolver, seja mudança climática ou seja

biodiversidade, seja comida, segurança, para realmente sentar-se com isso e

então, ser capaz de sair para dizer qual é a chamada interna para ação

em direção a isso. Na filosofia hindu nós chamamos isso de dez centavos, é o nosso dever,

a beleza de fazer isso é que é uma ação autêntica

porque é algo com o qual você estava alinhado, então, eu acho

que isso é um grande foco é apenas fazendo, colocando o tempo e muito trabalho

para realmente entender a situação, compreender as questões bem o suficiente e

entender como isso se alinha com o suas próprias filosofias e valores e então eu

acho que é realmente importante, eu desenho muito de Wendell Berry, um agricultor e poeta americano

e ele descreve que quando você toma essas ações para pensar pouco

não se trata de criar um movimento no primeiro dia, você cria

esse movimento plantando sementes, plantando um jardim, ele muitas vezes nos lembra que essa

a mudança vai acontecer sem heróis, que são as pessoas que vão tomar

pequenas ações e que isso causará um impacto maior do que qualquer herói

que tentará criar grandes mudanças, então quando eu sempre penso em como

como fazer isso, é muito sobre, mais uma vez

recuperar o equilíbrio entre o feminino e masculino e o

equilíbrio entre o seu lado emocional e racional, seu lado lógico e

seu lado subjetivo e objetivo, então é tentando recuperar esse equilíbrio

e isso é uma chave para se certificar de que as ações que você vai estar

implementando serão autênticas, íntegras, holísticas

For more infomation >> Av. Singh, on Agroecology OLHAR A AGRICULTURA PELAS LENTES DO SOCIAL, DO MEIO AMBIENTE E DA ECONOMIA - Duration: 7:22.


4 злодея, которые были абсолютно правы - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 4 злодея, которые были абсолютно правы - Duration: 4:18.


Dota 2 Cheater - Phantom Assassin with CRIT HACK - 7.20! - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Dota 2 Cheater - Phantom Assassin with CRIT HACK - 7.20! - Duration: 10:06.


POWIĘKSZAM USTA | VLOGMAS 3 - Duration: 15:23.

For more infomation >> POWIĘKSZAM USTA | VLOGMAS 3 - Duration: 15:23.


Nativity Crochet Tutorial - The donkey (sub. English) - Duration: 13:49.

Hello everyone, in the tutorial today we do the donkey

It's part of the Christmas nativity scene,

which we're doing this year

It is a crochet Nativity, using mostly the amigurumi technique

if you have not seen the previous tutorials

find the link to the playlist in the information box and in the upper right corner

in the previous tutorial we learned how to do:

the Virgin Mary, and St. Joseph

Baby Jesus and the manger

and in the last tutorial we did the ox

the patterns of the ox and the donkey are very similar

in fact today we make the muzzle of the donkey,

which is peculiar to the donkey

then we will follow the pattern of the ox

in fact, the body and a part of the head are the same

so we can use the ox tutorial

also for the donkey's paws we can use the ox tutorial

they are the same, both the front and back ones

even the materials are the same

so stop the chatter and let's start the tutorial

for the snout, let's make a slip knot


starting from the 2nd chain from the crochet

and weaving in the back thread of the chains

round 1: 2 (3sc in each ch) (6)

this is the 1st round

we weave in a spiral, so I suggest you mark the beginning of the round with a marker or a thread

round 2: (1sc 1inc 1sc)x2 (8)

from the next round we start

to weave with the main color of the donkey

then we close the last stitch of the 2nd round

with the new color

round 3: 8sc (8)

and in the meantime we hide the yarn tails through the stitches

round 3: 8sc (8)

we hide the tail of white yarn,

through all the points of the 3rd round

and when the 3rd turn is woven,

we gently pull it

in this way we define the shape of the nose

round 4: 7sc 1inc (9)

round 5: (2sc 1inc)x3 (12)

round 6: (2sc 1inc)x4 (16)

round 7: 6sc (1inc 4sc)x2 (18)

round 8: 18sc (18)

when the eighth round is woven

we begin to follow the pattern of the ox,

starting from the 10th round (5':55'' of tutorial)

so we will shape the head

and to the body

this is the result when we weave the whole pattern of the body, of the ox

with a thin cotton thread, I embroidered the mouth

and nostrils

both for the front legs and for the back ones,

we use the scheme of the ox

in this case, I did 2 rounds with the white color,

but you can do them any way you like

for the ears: let's make a slip knot and ch4

starting from the 2nd chain from the crochet

we weave: 2sc

in the last ch weave: 1sc, 1hdc, 2ch, 1slst in the hdc, 1sc

we weave around the chains

therefore, we complete the ear by weaving 2sc

1 in each of the 2 chains

ch1 and cut a long yarn

let's weave another ear equal to this

for the tail we make a tassel

watch the video to see how, explain better than words

at the end we bring the yarn at the top, in the middle of the tassel

with this thread we sew the tail to the body

if you like you can leave the queue like that

cutting all the threads to the same extent

or, with the needle, we can comb the wool

in this way

comb the wool, until you get the result you like

and when we are satisfied,

with the scissors cut the wool to form the tail

now that we have all the pieces, we have to sew them

first we fix them with pins

I placed the front legs, as I did for the ox

as if he were on his knees

while I have paired the hind legs in this way

so when he will be in the Christmas Nativity

it will be lying this way

it is useless to show you how to sew the pieces,

we can use the ox tutorial

because the technique is the same

this time I'll show you how to sew the ear

let's place the ear

watch the video to understand how to sew

entering the chain of the 1st stitch, on the other side

bring the needle to the center, behind the ear

pull the thread well

we take one last stitch in the middle,

at the back of the ear

let the thread come out of the same hole,

from which the thread of the other ear comes out

we knot and hide the threads

this is the result, when we sewed all the pieces

as I told you, the legs I sewed in this position

and I sewed the tail with the long thread of the tassel

even for the donkey, we bend his head,

in the position we prefer

if we want we can bend the snout down, to improve the shape of the horse's head

let's fix the shape of the ears

we sew the beads for the eyes

and now let's see how to make the mane

cut some pieces of yarn, the color of the mane

we do not need a precise length, because then we cut them

as long as we are long enough to bend them in half

and hook them like a fringe

we take a thread, we fold it in half

and place it in the middle of the head

starting from the stitch that we prefer

we enter the stitch with the crochet in this way

we hook the thread

and let the threads pass through the loop

and we pull the threads well

in the same way we do a whole row of fringes

in this way, 1 fringe for each crochet work,

from where to where we want

we tighten all the nodes well

to make sure they do not come loose

we can put some nail polish on every knot

we wait for it to dry

we comb the mane with the needle

we are very careful not to ruin the body with the needle

when you like the result,

you can cut the mane to the length you prefer

this is the result

the donkey is ready!

for today the tutorial ends here

I really hope you like this little donkey

I think that together with the ox will make an excellent figure in our Christmas Nativity

I'm waiting for your comments below the video

and, as always, your photos

you can share them on my Facebook page or in Instagram

and please add:


so it will be easy to find your photos

I thank you for choosing to watch this video

and for the support you always give me

see you next week with a new tutorial

and in the meantime, I send you a big hug and a kiss


For more infomation >> Nativity Crochet Tutorial - The donkey (sub. English) - Duration: 13:49.


「他」開演唱會,聽眾不足10人,保安14個,網友怕聽眾跑了! - CN TV Today - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 「他」開演唱會,聽眾不足10人,保安14個,網友怕聽眾跑了! - CN TV Today - Duration: 5:22.


old communication tool when mobile and other systems was not available must watch - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> old communication tool when mobile and other systems was not available must watch - Duration: 1:49.


Are you planning a business in the international market? Top 5 business ideas for your business. - Duration: 2:15.

Hi, today's video is about best business ideas that work for an international business

There are dozens of great ideas to choose from when thinking to open a business at a

foreign market.

You may find a lot of them simply browsing the Internet.

In this video, we want to share the top five ideas which work for our clients.



We have clients that use this model when, for example, opening SPA salons or beauty

salons; car wash and vehicle maintenance services.

This is a great model for those investors who don't want to get personally involved

in the daily operations of their business.


Investments into real estate for future lease.

This is a profitable thing since the lease of residential premises brings 8-10% of ROI,

the lease of commercial real estate gives more than 10% of ROI.

So, if you have enough money to invest, buy some property and enjoy your profits.



Currently, starting an online business is a global trend.

E-commerce offers enormous benefits to business owners in terms of opportunities and profits.

It is possible to sell products and services from and to different countries.

4.5 Import and export services.

International trade is one of the hottest industries of the current century.

This model offers many benefits to business owners, for example, cost saving or ease of

trading special products (let's say sell bananas in Europe or German beer in the US).

It is easy to organize such a business – your products may arrive from different countries

to one distribution place, let's say, in Europe for further B2B sales.

So, if you are serious about starting an international business , consider all the options available.

Once you make your choice, be bold and don't let anything hold you back!

That's all for today.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to us for more details, contact us from

down below and don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Are you planning a business in the international market? Top 5 business ideas for your business. - Duration: 2:15.



For more infomation >> DRAG RACE! - NIU N1S VS PEUGEOT SPEEDFIGHT 4 R-CUP - Duration: 2:10.


What is a Tribe? - Duration: 5:00.

Tribes have been a fixture of the human social structure since pretty much when we first


Tribes are essentially a precursor to the modern-day nation state, even though the term

has a bit of a… primitive undertone.

So, in the days of hearing about tribes in Africa and the Middle East on the news, and

native tribes in history classes the New World over, what exactly is a tribe?

The term "tribe" has come under scrutiny recently, as it is often attached to negative

connotations of primitiveness.

However, at the very base of the term, a tribe refers to a small group or subdivision, with

a common culture and ancestry.

Tribes are often either detached from their country/ies, but sometimes they can actually

make up an entire nation state.

However, going the other way, tribes can also be described merely as clans (we'll get

to this whole kizspazzle in a bit, though).

Tribes have been with humanity basically since the genus Homo (don't even) first evolved.

As social creatures, humans naturally band themselves into distinct social groups.

After all, humans aren't exactly the hardest creatures to take down in a fight, having

spent a vast amount of their evolution points into maxing their intelligence, leaving little

behind for speed, power, or defense.

Also, you of course can't build a pyramid by yourself (I've tried).

Anthropologists speculate that tribes most likely first developed as hunter-gatherer

bands, with some eventually gradually making the shift to agrarian societies, and often

huge civilizations.

One proposed classification for tracking the development of human societies throughout

the ages (you know, aside from my Patreon tiers) was proposed by anthropologist Elman

Service, and states that there are four different categories, based on how the groups get their

food, and how it correlates to their leadership structure.

The first tier are small band societies, who are basically small groups of hunter-gatherers,

with a very egalitarian society.

The next tier are horticultural tribes, generally with some sort of rank and leadership.

Then come stratified tribal societies led by chieftains, often called Chiefdoms.

Then finally come fully-fledged agricultural civilizations, complete with cities, and ruling

classes, and railroads, and stupid YouTubers, and Communism, and the like.

In native America, there were numerous different tribes spreading all across the continent

(well, actually both continents).

While they might not have gotten the chance to have gotten as complex as Europe or Asia,

that doesn't mean the whole continent was devoid of civilization.

I mean, there were numerous complex cities, and some parts of the US Constitution may

have even been based on the Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy (which I personally

find super cool).

Tribes may often make up the states that they're a part of, but that isn't always the case,

most notably in post-colonial Africa.

In colonial Africa, borders were drawn almost seemingly randomly, and for the benefit of

keeping the European powers from fighting each-other, but as a result, this split up

numerous tribes; splitting one tribe among two different countries, and combining two

or more tribes into one country.

Of course, as a result of this, most of the countries of Africa today are Frankenstein-style

creations made from very different tribes, as evidenced in how South Africa has 11 official

languages and how South Sudan really didn't want to be part of Sudan.

However, a tribe doesn't have to be an ancient, isolated community in the middle of nowhere,

as many take part in modern societies today.

Some of the most notable examples can be seen in America's native reservations, which

are kind of known for hosting huge casinos, even in states where gambling is illegal.

This is because, as the tribes kind of predate the concept of the United States, many are

allowed to run their own quasi-sovereign, domestic-dependent nations within the borders

of the states of the US.

The concept of a nation is an interesting one, as the modern nation state as we know

it is really more of a republic mostly populated by one people or group of people, who speak

mostly the same language, and who mostly share the same culture.

Think of countries like Poland or Vietnam, though not everyone in their territories may

identify as Polish or Vietnamese, it's more likely than not.

This is in contrast to a federation or an empire, which spans multiple cultures across

vast distances, like the United States or Russia or the Roman Empire, or even the Iroquois


However, the word nation has become more or less intertwined with the word country (at

least to most people who really don't care about this sort of stuff), which is why it

can be confusing when mentioning something like the Navajo Nation, which is called a

nation, despite having no real desire to secede from the Union.

In colloquial terms, a tribe doesn't always necessarily have to refer to a formally recognized

group, as you've probably heard many people referencing their "tribes".

One of Merriam Webster's definitions for the word tribe, other than a "social group

comprising numerous families, clans, or generations together with slaves, dependents, or adopted

strangers", also include "a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or

interest", which I guess could mean anything from religious groups to political parties

to Trekkies.

Though, be careful using a word like this in this way.

Thank you, as always, for watching this video.

Now, if you're curious as to what gave me the idea for this video, it's because the

Discord server has just split up into a bunch of rivaling tribes, and everyone's slowly

starting kill each-other, so be sure to go to the link in the description below to join

in on the fun!

Also, be sure to follow me on social media and subscribe to learn something new every


For more infomation >> What is a Tribe? - Duration: 5:00.


古天乐结婚了吗老婆是谁 和黄纪莹隐婚是真的吗 - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 古天乐结婚了吗老婆是谁 和黄纪莹隐婚是真的吗 - Duration: 6:35.


L12: Distributed Deadlock Detection | Path Pushing Algorithm in distributed system With Example - Duration: 11:30.




For more infomation >> L12: Distributed Deadlock Detection | Path Pushing Algorithm in distributed system With Example - Duration: 11:30.


Extensions to the International Phonetic Alphabet | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Extensions to the International Phonetic Alphabet | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 6:20.


Globalize Your Portfolio

For more infomation >> Globalize Your Portfolio


함박눈 내린 날 집앞 찾아와 문 두드린 '아기 물개' 구해준 가족의 '구조 후기' - Duration: 2:23.

"똑똑똑. 저 좀 구해주세요!"

아침 일찍부터 세차게 두드리는 문소리에 집밖을 나선 남성은 눈앞에 새하얀 눈뭉치(?)를 보고 깜짝 놀랐다.

한참동안 쥐죽은 듯 부동자세를 유지하던 눈뭉치(?)는 이내 고개를 빼꼼 들어 자신의 진짜 정체를 밝혔다.

최근 온라인 미디어 나우루커는 함박눈이 내리던 날 운명처럼 찾아온 아기 물개를 구조한 가족의 짧은 육아일기를 소개했다.

지난 2월 핀란드만 동쪽에 위치한 고글란트(Gogland) 섬에서 엄마를 잃은 것으로 추정되는 아기 물개 한 마리가 가정집을 찾아와 도움을 요청하는 사건이 발생했다.

당시 아기 물개는 최소 3km 거리를 홀로 걸어왔으며, 사람이 사는 집앞에서 문을 두드리는 구조 신호를 끝으로 쓰러졌다.

처음 아기 물개를 발견한 남성은 탈수 증상을 보이는 녀석이 걱정돼 곧바로 동물구조단체에 연락을 취했다.

다행히 근처 해양동물 구조대에서 발빠르게 출동한 덕에 아기 물개는 목숨을 건질 수 있었다.

녀석의 상태를 확인한 구조대원은 "몸 상태를 보아 태어난 지 얼마 안 된 상태에서 엄마를 찾아 헤맨 것 같다"며 "발견되지 않았다면 이대로 목숨을 잃을 뻔했다"고 소견을 밝혔다.

아기 물개가 진정을 되찾은 후 구조대원들과 가족들은 녀석의 건강을 기원하는 의미에서 짧은 만남을 오랫동안 기억할 기념사진을 촬영했다.

실제 공개된 사진 속에는 사람의 품에 안겨 누구보다 환한 미소를 짓고 있는 아기 물개의 모습이 담겨 귀여움을 자아낸다.

사연에 따르면 구조된 지 2주 뒤 아기 물개는 눈에 띄게 건강을 되찾았고, 부쩍 자란 이빨로 물고기를 열심히 깨물어 먹는 등 밝은 모습을 보였다는 후문이다.

For more infomation >> 함박눈 내린 날 집앞 찾아와 문 두드린 '아기 물개' 구해준 가족의 '구조 후기' - Duration: 2:23.


mailbag monday #44 - Duration: 23:57.

welcome to another mail bag Monday off to a good start here I see hmm so while

that settles this is a grandpa's sweater oatmeal stout from barn hammer

brewing in Winnipeg I've had this one before and I think I've shared it on

here before I really like it it's it's just a nice easy drinking stout Oh

would you look at the cascade to the bubble cascade isn't that just beautiful

but that aside I guess we'd better get into what this mail bag's really all

about the mail well well that's settling itself down and I must say that is a

fairly excellent head it's a little excessive but it's holding its head well

like that so first actual mail bag thing

electrical testing equipment quantity

100 K it's a different variant on those Wagle lever nut connectors um these ones

here which I've been using fairly constantly actually on my little power

supply this is a slightly different kind so these ones they lift up and hold

while you're putting your way in and out and then click down these ones seem to

just come up while you're working with it and then drop down let me see if I

can find let's use some of this super lightweight wire here so pull that up it

doesn't take much to hold that once it's up shove them in clamp it down that's

solid I mean that's really solid

good let's try with a higher gauge where try it with what is this lamp cord

that's solely clamped into there - well you can actually see through the back

looks like way at the back there's where it makes its contact okay so then I

shoves my wire weight to the back and there it is actually touching the bat

let's see it there and then I clamp down and that's making a good contact okay so

the installation can go all the way in there that's cool and I just what they

get a package of five of those just to play with them I guess see how they

compare against these ones five pieces t / 3/5 way reusable spring leaver

terminal book electric cable connector wire I got the three-way and it is five

pieces and they're those ones this came from as is a twine nine nine nine zero I

did not pay $50 shipping it was free shipping when I bought them that's

shocking to see I paid a dollar 67 for the five of them with Free Shipping

let's pretend that I didn't just open this with the camera pause shall we

gee I wonder what's inside it says LED patch mmm it's a bag of LEDs that were

somehow inexplicably open and I just dropped some on the floor yeah it's okay

no that's gonna throw me off my game my start recording okay good so let's uh

here we go oh that's kind of bluey or purpley or something in here you tell me

and my old colorblind eyes what that is is that blue or purple or

is it impersonating ultraviolet maybe 50 pieces f5 5 millimeter round ultraviolet

LED UV light 392 395 nanometers purple lamp EMF from module fans I did pay a

dollar 75 and again I didn't pay shipping it was free shipping when I

ordered it so this is I don't know what's happened that's two in a row that

seemed to have shipping maybe it's because it's limited quantity remaining

that they've banned shipping fees on to it for now I'm not sure

anyway if you search around for these keywords up here and limit your ship

your search to free shipping you'll find them kind of like this I just pasted the

majority of that search term in there clicked on free shipping and there we go

somebody else who got a buck 76 for the seam for the same 50 pieces or somebody

else has though 83 with free shipping you know you can find them it doesn't

take that much effort you don't have to buy it from the guy that I bought it

from especially since he's swept on shipping charges that's just not right

when there's so many others with free shipping okay camera on check you're not

stealing check package check says Ellie do light okay that is entirely

reasonable Andy is a singular cob LED a big one with some chips and a bridge

Rick let's get any closer so you can see up there it says AC hundred and ten

volts alive in a neutral over here we're gonna breed rectifier a zero one

resistor a k-8 a wire a capacitor another a little resistor over here

I can't read and Tai zu Mian and an 8-pin chip so I'm pretty confident this

is one of those direct AC powered LED cobs that big Clyde was playing with a

while ago he was playing with some that had that were obviously 220 because

being on that side of the ocean that's the voltage shit there that comes out of

the hole in the wall but this being me in North America

I ordered 110 foot one and well obviously I'm gonna try it I am in fact

finished soldering it's scabby soldering but it's soldering nonetheless I had to

bring out break out the larger iron the 35 watt none temperature controlled

ironed the this little guy here just wasn't cutting it as soon as I touched

it to that circuit board that aluminum backed heatsink built in kind of circuit

board it just froze even with this thing I had to just kind of gob it on there it

wasn't pretty but it's on there and I've got this guy just sort of teep down so

that it doesn't escape and try and kill us all so let's plug it in and see what

happens shields up oh man

that is binding that's yeah let me just shut that off

Wow there's two layers of anti-static bag let's dammit that's even bright but

yes it is it is bright that makes sense to be twenty watts of LEDs what's it

feel like it's getting fairly warm already it's not crazy hot yet but

obviously wouldn't want to run that without it being on some sort of a

heatsink but yeah Wow

that's crazy braid and I think this is the one I ordered a couple of similar

ones where I think this is and this one has some choices too but I think this is

it 110 volt 220 volt LED floodlight 20 30 50 watt cool or warm white cob chip

smart IC driver lamp from BBK HK 0 0 8 underscore 9 you know one of those names

it just rolls right off the tongue at the moment it says does not ship to

Canada that's probably because the post office on straight right now I received

this one a while ago and it ordered it even longer I go oh I haven't been

telling you about that this one took about 3 months to get here I'll do the

math and and include it at the end but yeah it took a while I did in fact pay

two dollars and five cents Canadian for it and I'm pretty sure I got the 20 watt

and cool white option so what do we have to say about it down here color

rendering are a 80 ok CRI maybe so not great 90 and above is pretty good 20 30

50 watts white cool white I guess is 6000 6500 Kelvin probably what I ordered

and warm white would be 28 3200 beam 180 degrees so I spend 10,000 hours it's a

little bit um housing yeah it's an aluminum backed heatsink air in the back

circuit board and to connect directly to 110 or 220 volts depending on which one

you bought okay space has been made I have been refreshed next thing in is LED

light that looks a lot like the previous package

it doesn't feel quite the same oh

because there's Boyd there's three of them in there oh okay

so obviously these two since they're panelists are going to be the same thing

as each other this one has four of these chips on the side here these ones each

have two let me get brighter ones okay well I guess I'll have to do this again

so now since I want to test all three of these because now I don't know what I

got exactly I'm about to get sketchy here so if you're allergic to sketchy

dangerous electronics electrical stuff please avert your eyes okay for those of

you that are left I'm doing this as safe as I can

oh I've still got my connection my neutral connection solder on there

I've taken the live connection off put it through one of these terminal blocks

that I just got which I assure you are properly rated for the voltage they are

in fact capable of 450 volts at 32 amps so that's not too sketchy I've got then

I'm going through my meter I'm using a good meter with the good leads not that

one which isn't cat anything rated what else okay I've got a switch on the power

bar so it's off right now and I'll just turn it on only when we're playing so I

will turn the switch on now this is live I will touch that briefly there get a

hold and turn it off okay we're safe so 156 milliamps out of that today's of

voltage is 123 123 volts time it's point one five six seven those

nineteen point two watts so that one's not lying to us it's essentially yeah

it's one do you want cool twenty what cool white I need a bit of Sharpie okay

now then I'll just quickly disorder that soldered on one of those other ones

hopefully it's not so ugly to do and we'll just test all them okay here's one

of the ones that has two of these driver chips so if that was twenty watts with

one two driver chips the options were twenty thirty and fifty so two driver

chips probably thirty and four driver chips probably fifty but we'll try it so

power on and contact that also looks like cool white I'll hold that 250 1

milliamp s-- 123 volts times 0.25 1 9 amps is in fact 30 Wow just a hair over

30 watts 30 watt cool white and I'm gonna guess this guy's 50 but we'll just

check it anyway power on contact stupidly bright I'm

shielding you from it but there you go that's obviously cool white hold blink a

couple of times that says 545 milliamps power that off wow that's actually hot

how long was that on for not you seconds and that's hot to the touch on the back

Wow and then 23 volts multiplied by point

five four five - where's equal button

67 ones Wow that's even hotter than it was promised to be that's performance so

which one is that that is this one down here when we go to show extra it just

goes to a whole bunch but there's your search term 50 watt white smart I see

LED Cobb blahblah any of these things I guess I'll just link to this search here

and you guys can carry on from there if you choose to now that I can't see any

more let's let's open the next one um digital voltmeter module it says

that's neat I wonder I think I ordered some more of those little that's not a

digital voltmeter module at all that is a soldering kit

oh-ho and I think it's one that I was hoping would arrive sometime before now

it's a christmas tree-- soldering kit

those guys you know you get the idea so you got two tree shapes circuit boards

an A and a B that a bag of LEDs one two three four different values of resistors

another circuit board for the base some components a bunch of transistors bunch

of capacitors power switch not some bolts three double-a battery box

and if you don't want to do that and we have a USB power cord with it itsy-bitsy

teeny-weeny plug on it is the mate for that in there

oh it is - okay well that should be fun and clearly I'm going to be doing this

in the next month because that's why I ordered it

DIY 3d Christmas kit flashing white LED circuit 3/7 colours Christmas tree gift

Emma from module fans five dollars and seventy six cents is what I paid for it

it was it it's pretty close anyway I again I didn't pay twenty five dollars

shipping I in fact paid free shipping and yeah there was the actual price for

43 American so it's actually gone down here 3/7 colors and I ordered these

seven colors one yes I did are there any instruction there's one

bag of LEDs and they weren't separated out so that will check the three color

one yeah and it's got you know you can actually see that they're red mean in

yellow LEDs the seven color one though they will call the same hmm that's

interesting where are we here they have above okay there's no instructions or

anything but that's fine we don't need that let's go back to those LEDs and see

what kind of magical LEDs those are

oscillation circuit from okay okay so there's just uh three pairs of

transistors and capacitors charging and it's just a ring oscillator basically I

think well find out when we do it so both these LEDs

what are they that we're doing seven colors out of them no this does all know

there's no no way that these are just change the reverse bias against forward

biasing are they but that would want to give you two colors or three if they put

an AC across them but I don't think it's a fancy enough circuit to do that

can we see down inside this Oh II ve so there's what this LED looks like and

there's stuff going on in there see it's a little chip on the left side and some

bond wires going here and there I can't see too well through its lands

but just make note of that now here is a normal LED there's just the two pieces

of metal work coming up and the little chip and a single bond wire in between

there so obviously there's something special happening inside there let's

just see what happens when you give it some power oh it's a slow flash

color-changing led wait now it's a fast flash color-changing led and now it's

back to slow I've never seen these on eBay but I have seen them in one other

place in these things from the dollar store I ripped one apart a while ago not

on camera sadly but just well there's the LED out of it and let's just power

this guy up from the lithium battery here at 3 volts cr2032 then you see it's

doing the same thing slow flashing for a while and then only she goes blinky

flashing do that for a bit and then it should go back to slow again there we go

so that's kind of neat I don't know I haven't seen like I said I haven't seen

those particular LEDs on eBay just as a standalone item but obviously they exist

otherwise this kit wouldn't have them I don't know whether I want a bunch of

stand-alones with those are not they're little bit garish when they get rocking

and rolling there anyway something fun to play with and as

I mentioned earlier I get billed coming real soon to a channel near you okay

there is all the stuff from this mailbag I guess I should go over the time the

shipping times because I keep forgetting to do that one I'm actually talking

about the things the Christmas tree it took six weeks to get here the bag of

purpley pseudo travel alert LEDs to 57 days these lever lock pseudo Wako we go

kind of things they're not actually we go brand but they're kind of a ripoff of

that they took 72 days and these LEDs I ordered off ordered three separate

orders i herded them all on the same day and I ordered them from what I thought

was separate cellars but they all turn out to come from the same seller and

they all took exactly three months and two days to get here again a wide

variety of timings I hope you enjoyed hope I didn't bind you too badly or

offend you oh and I really apologize for the alcohol abuse at the beginning I'll

try really hard not to let that happen again that's just not called for thanks

everybody for watching down in the comment section as usual and if you want

to talk about any of this stuff but please don't beat me up too bad even

though I deserve it for spilling my beer that's just so wrong

thanks as always for these mailbags to my generous patreon supporters it's not

too many of you I'm glad to have you as home board you make it a lot easier for

me to be able to afford to buy all this stuff and show it to everybody so thank

you as always and to the rest of you and everybody thanks for watching I will

talk to you again

For more infomation >> mailbag monday #44 - Duration: 23:57.


'Unacceptable!' - Gary Neville says what all Man Utd fans are thinking after Palace draw - Duration: 2:25.

 Manchester United legend Gary Neville has suggested this is already looking like being an unacceptable season for the club after the weekend draw with Crystal Palace

 The former Red Devils defender made reference to Jose Mourinho's comments before the match, saying the club should finish in the top four of the Premier League this season

 While Neville admits that is now a realistic aim for his old club, he bemoaned the fact that that was the best they could hope for after all the investment that's gone into the team

 United have signed big names like Paul Pogba, Alexis Sanchez, Romelu Lukaku, Nemanja Matic and Fred under Mourinho, but the club have just the League Cup and Europa League to show for it in terms of major trophy wins

 MUFC finished a distant second in the league last season, and Neville says simply making the top four is not where they need to be

 'I think Jose gave the right message before the game saying they will end up in the top four,' Neville told Sky Sports

Jose Mourinho's Manchester United suffered another poor result at the weekend  Loading

 'I don't think it would have been acceptable at the start of the season, and certainly the start of last season, to say the top four is achievable, because he will have wanted to challenge for the title with the money that has been spent

That's where United need to be.  'But they're not near that level at this moment in time, and it typifies really what they are at the moment, which is inconsistent

'  Like Neville, most United fans will be used to much better from their club, and one has to wonder how long Mourinho can last if he doesn't start to deliver major trophies or put in a serious title challenge

For more infomation >> 'Unacceptable!' - Gary Neville says what all Man Utd fans are thinking after Palace draw - Duration: 2:25.


Franchisee Insights - "Always ahead of the game" PACK & SEND Franchise Opportunities - Duration: 1:57.

What makes PACK & SEND the leading franchise business is the same now as

five years ago when I started.

When I investigated franchises I didn't know

very much about franchising or how a franchise worked

I knew of franchises and

my initial investigations were I wanted to find a system and a franchisor that

was best practice and I believed at that time, and now I'm sure of it,

that PACK & SEND as a franchisor is best practice

so everything about the brand

the way that it's executed, the way our head office operates and the

forward thinking of our founder and the directors is absolutely amazing and I've

said this many times and I'll say it to anybody that will listen, we are always

ahead of the game is simply due to the fact that that head office puts us there

so they're the insight and the forward thinking is absolutely amazing and

that's what will carry us and and keep taking this where we need to go and

I just think we're going to improve and improve because the things

that we're getting, the things that are in the pipeline what's already being

provided especially in the last three years have changed the business and have

changed with the market and that means that we can meet the market we can

exceed the expectation that our customers now and we can attract more

customers and diversify our business because we have a service portfolio that

that can't be matched.

For more infomation >> Franchisee Insights - "Always ahead of the game" PACK & SEND Franchise Opportunities - Duration: 1:57.


Northland whānau concerned over cost of meningococcal vaccine - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Northland whānau concerned over cost of meningococcal vaccine - Duration: 2:03.


Chelsea legend reveals secret cancer battle | Goal91 - Duration: 3:19.

 Chelsea legend Gianluca Vialli has revealed he had a secret battle with cancer last year ahead of the release of his autobiography

 The Italian both played for and managed the Blues, becoming a real favourite in his Stamford Bridge stay between 1996 and 2000

 Chelsea fans will be relieved to hear Vialli now seems to be recovering well, with the 54-year-old explaining how he chose not to go public with his illness

 'It all happened a year ago but I am feeling well now. It would be better not to write it but it wasn't possible,' he told Corriere della Serra

 'It was a part of my life that I had to live with bravery, and I've learned something from it

 'I knew it was hard and difficult to say to my family. You don't want to see people that love you suffer

More Stories / Chelsea FC Maurizio Sarri sends transfer message to Chelsea after Tottenham wake-up call November 26, 2018 8:59 Video: Eden Hazard drops big clue over Chelsea future and reveals big transfer he rejected in the past November 26, 2018 7:27 Club chief holds talks with Chelsea over stunning triple transfer raid November 26, 2018 6:52  'You feel shame, you feel like the whole situation is your fault

I used to wear a sweater under my shirt so that people would notice nothing.  'I want people to see the usual Vialli

After a while, I've decided to say everything and write my story in the book.'  Vialli's playing career also saw him star for Juventus and the Italian national team, while he had a spell in charge of Watford as well after going into management with Chelsea

 Since then, however, he has focused on punditry, appearing occasionally on Sky Sports and generally showing himself to be a well-spoken and insightful analyst of the game, even in his second language

 Everyone at Goal91 and certainly our friends at Chelsea News and Talk Chelsea wish Vialli all the best in his continued recovery! More Stories / Serie A Jose Mourinho 'puts Manchester United in pole position' to HIJACK transfer after shock development November 26, 2018 8:22 Club chief holds talks with Chelsea over stunning triple transfer raid November 26, 2018 6:52 Chelsea transfer news: Serie A star waiting on a call from Maurizio Sarri November 25, 2018 19:10

For more infomation >> Chelsea legend reveals secret cancer battle | Goal91 - Duration: 3:19.


Life, Liberty & Levin 12/03/18 1AM | December 03, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:38.

For more infomation >> Life, Liberty & Levin 12/03/18 1AM | December 03, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:38.


A Level Crossing Pickle | Super Car Royce | Car Cartoons For Babies | Kids Channel - Duration: 5:51.

A Level Crossing Pickle - Super Car Royce

For more infomation >> A Level Crossing Pickle | Super Car Royce | Car Cartoons For Babies | Kids Channel - Duration: 5:51.


Arsenal news: Rob Holding mocks Tottenham on social media after north London derby win - Duration: 2:36.

 Arsenal beat Tottenham 4-2 on a pulsating afternoon in north London, with the Gunners prevailing from a stunning clash to take all three points

 Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang fired the Gunners into an early lead before Eric Dier and a Harry Kane penalty put Spurs in front

 Arsenal, however, are made of sterner things nowadays. Aubameyang levelled with a stunning strike before Alexandre Lacazette and Lucas Torreira capped off a brilliant afternoon

 Tempers flared during the match, with Dier's decision to celebrate his goal in front of Arsenal fans causing much controversy

 And Holding has now rubbed salt into Tottenham's wounds. Yesterday, before the game, he uploaded a tweet that said: "NLD Loading

" And, just moments after Arsenal had successfully put Tottenham to the sword, he added: "Loading failed

Your opponent left the match." Meanwhile, Graeme Souness has praised Arsenal players for their reaction to Dier's own mocking

 He said on Sky Sports: "I think it's fantastic. I've not seen this from Arsenal players for a long time

 "Okay, the purists should say they shouldn't be reacting to Dier celebrating, but that's what you want to see from your players

 "You want to see it matters to them. "From the first minute, Arsenal have shown that

There's been confrontation all over the pitch. "It's a derby day, this is how it used to be and this is how it should be - obviously without anyone getting into real trouble

 "For a supporter, you pay your hard-earned cash and you want to see them react like this

You want to see them caring."

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Rob Holding mocks Tottenham on social media after north London derby win - Duration: 2:36.


Devin Booker Injury Update: Will Booker Suit up Against the Lakers? | - Duration: 5:38.

Devin Booker Injury Update: Will Booker Suit up Against the Lakers? |

In what is now a sort of running joke, Phoenix Suns point guard Devin Booker missed the team's last matchup with a toe injury.

The injury didn't happen on the court, but in his hotel room before the team's game against the Clippers on November 28th.

"I stubbed it in my hotel room," Booker told

"Kicked it into the bed.

Worst I ever have.".

Booker is set to Play Against the Lakers.

Though the injury is a bit silly–Booker called it "childish"–at least it wasn't more serious.

He only missed one game and is set to play in tonight's game against LeBron and the Lakers.

He looked more than okay as he nailed this halfcourt shot during the team's practice yesterday:.

.@DevinBook hits from halfcourt after Saturday's practice.

#Suns — Duane Rankin (@DuaneRankin) December 1, 2018  .

Though the Phoenix Suns are currently sitting at the very bottom of the Western Conference–their record is an abysmal 4-18–Devin Booker is a standout.

The fourth-year player is averaging 24.5 points per game, along with 3.7 rebounds and 7 assists.

TJ Warren is Doubtful for Tonight with a Left Knee Sprain.

Though the Suns will have Booker back in the lineup, they'll likely be missing a different key player in TJ Warren.

Warren, who has a sprained left knee, missed Friday's game against the Magic and typically contributes about 17 points per game for the Phoenix team.

With the Lakers looking to extend their win streak to three and the Suns simply trying to claw out wins where they can, it'll be a tough matchup tonight without Warren.

That being said, center Deandre Ayton will play, and he's been putting up consistent numbers for the Suns.

He's averaging 16.5 points and 10.2 rebounds per game.

Suns are Struggling to Finish out Games.

Despite holding a fourth-quarter lead in four of their last six games, the Suns have lost four in a row and seven of their last eight.

The fact that they can't get a win is sometimes baffling considering the level of talent in players like Booker, Warren, and Ayton.

Ayton himself expressed frustration at the team's recent struggles.

"We've just got to finish out these games," Ayton said after the loss to Orlando.

"Sometimes I wonder, 'How did we lose?' It feels like everybody's competing, but I try to go back and look at some of the numbers, it's kind of confusing because I know everybody was playing hard.

… But we still lose.".

Lakers will have the home court advantage today, and they're a team that very much looked like it had found its identity throughout November.

After going 3-5 in October, they bounced back to go 10-4 in November after a few flashy team performances typically spearheaded by, of course, LeBron James.

The team also acquired veteran center Tyson Chandler in November, which gave them an additional X-factor on the defensive end.

The two teams will face off today at 12:30 pm PST.

READ NEXT: Joel Embiid Trolls Knicks Player After Step-Over on Giannis.

For more infomation >> Devin Booker Injury Update: Will Booker Suit up Against the Lakers? | - Duration: 5:38.


Are you planning a business in the international market? Top 5 business ideas for your business. - Duration: 2:15.

Hi, today's video is about best business ideas that work for an international business

There are dozens of great ideas to choose from when thinking to open a business at a

foreign market.

You may find a lot of them simply browsing the Internet.

In this video, we want to share the top five ideas which work for our clients.



We have clients that use this model when, for example, opening SPA salons or beauty

salons; car wash and vehicle maintenance services.

This is a great model for those investors who don't want to get personally involved

in the daily operations of their business.


Investments into real estate for future lease.

This is a profitable thing since the lease of residential premises brings 8-10% of ROI,

the lease of commercial real estate gives more than 10% of ROI.

So, if you have enough money to invest, buy some property and enjoy your profits.



Currently, starting an online business is a global trend.

E-commerce offers enormous benefits to business owners in terms of opportunities and profits.

It is possible to sell products and services from and to different countries.

4.5 Import and export services.

International trade is one of the hottest industries of the current century.

This model offers many benefits to business owners, for example, cost saving or ease of

trading special products (let's say sell bananas in Europe or German beer in the US).

It is easy to organize such a business – your products may arrive from different countries

to one distribution place, let's say, in Europe for further B2B sales.

So, if you are serious about starting an international business , consider all the options available.

Once you make your choice, be bold and don't let anything hold you back!

That's all for today.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to us for more details, contact us from

down below and don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Are you planning a business in the international market? Top 5 business ideas for your business. - Duration: 2:15.


Loreal Infallible Paints Liquid Lipstick Kit | Monday Must Haves? - Duration: 6:55.

hey everybody welcome back to my channel so this week's Monday must-haves is on

this cute little l'oreal infallible paints liquid lipstick kit comes with

four little mini so if you'd like to see some swatches and prices stuff like that

then please keep on watching also make sure that you guys subscribe to my

channel hit that notification about bookmark my page upload a video every

single day of the week I don't want you guys to miss any so

guys I did purchase this on Amazon and guys this little lipstick 4 piece set is

less than $11 I think this is so cute for a nice little holiday gift you know

honestly I can't afford really expensive gifts so honestly I always look for

gifts are under $20 and you know I think this little 4 piece little set for 11

bucks with prime I fence a really really good deal so each one of these little

lipsticks is 0.13 fluid ounces or 4 milliliters each okay so you do get some

you get 4 different shades here it's been really really cute packaging so

okay so guys cute little set here so you get this one right here is number 302

violent twist you got 326 sultry sangria 314 spicy

blush and 310 and the skull topless so I have a full size of one of these L'Oreal

infallible lip paints guys they are awesome they're so great a really really

cute little applicator same applicator as on the full-size okay so it's like a

little scooped out Delta okay and it's a nice package because it's kind like a

squeezy tubes so as you get down towards the very bottom of it you're gonna have

to be able to kind of squeeze it and get more product out really really nice

smells a little bit like a mixture between like vanilla and fruit really

nice Pleasant scent guys these do not dry down okay so it's not like a matte

liquid lipstick where it's gonna dry they stay tacky they stay moist on the

lips they're really comfortable they do have a nice wear time on them or they

don't dry down obviously guys they're not going to last all day long but

they're really nice they're easy to reapply they last a good five or six

hours on me that is with drinking coffee so let's go ahead and get into the lip

swatches so first thing I'm going to start out with is the 3:14 spicy blush

and guys a lot of people love this shade and guys honestly I can see why it's a

beautiful nudey pink shade and guys even though these are creamy and they don't

dry down they're very opaque they're not patchy they're not streaky okay guys so

here is spicy blush such a beautiful shade I love that you get two forward

totally completely different shades so I love like the two kind of nudie shades

and then the two darker shades great little array for especially for people

that love lip products so yeah I love spicy blush such a beautiful shade hey

guys this is topless such a beautiful cool toned darker nude shades so pretty

love it for especially this time of year such a gorgeous shade so this is 310

topless okay guys here is number 302 violet twist guys such a beautiful

comfortable formula guys even though with the darkest shades guys they don't

bleed they stay put even though they're really glossy super thin really really

comfortable and very very opaque fall color awesome

awesome formula so violet twist number 302 okay guys here's number 326 sultry

sangria love love love this shades such a beautiful rich bold deep burgundy

berry shade such a gorgeous shade number 326 sultry sangria

I absolutely left this adorable little lipstick kit form beautiful opaque

shades 11 bucks great for the makeup lover in your life absolutely love this

formula especially this time of year where you know it's getting cold and

like everything on me is drying out my skin my lips and guys this does keep the

lips nice and moisturize but you can still have a very nice bold shocking a

color statement on your mouth even the two nudes guys while they are lighter

shades guys they are full color full opaqueness just gorgeous gorgeous little

lip kit guys formula is great mixtape ax are really really well and they are

super comfortable and moisturizing on the lips guys perfect perfect holiday

gift less than 11 bucks online I think this was last year's little gift set

from L'Oreal they had a little gift sets but I absolutely love this they taste

great they stay put and they're so comfortable on the lips I absolutely

love this so guys you have a perfect gift so if you're looking for affordable

gifts I definitely think you should check this out

it is the L'Oreal Paris and fallible paints liquid lipstick kit great little

gift less than 11 bucks and the formula is top-notch great great formula I don't

think anybody would be disappointed I think anybody would love to get this as

a gift if they like lip color that as you know you know obviously don't give

this for someone that wants videogames that's that's silly but for the makeup

enthusiasts in your life they would absolutely love this or if your looking

for a inexpensive gift for yourself I think you would love this but anyway you

guys I hope you enjoyed this week's Monday must-haves is this kit a monday

must-have of course it is guys of course it is it is awesome

the l'oreal infallible paints liquid lipstick it guys is definitely when they

must have in my book guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it

if you did please go in and give this video a thumbs up also make sure that

you guys share this video I'm going to be doing lots of videos or gift-giving

since we're in the holiday season I can't believe it speaking of December

already it is crazy and guys also make sure you guys leave a comment down below

what are you hoping to get for a holiday gift I'm dying to know let me know down

below in the comments and guys also make sure that you guys follow me on my other

social media twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat it's all a bunch of client

babe I will see you guys tomorrow for another video have a great one guys

For more infomation >> Loreal Infallible Paints Liquid Lipstick Kit | Monday Must Haves? - Duration: 6:55.


シドニー展望台,オーストラリア,ワーホリ,留学,海外,天文台,gopro - Duration: 7:14.

Yeah finally Observer Tory with i Cam Shed

Hey talking too much about Japanese and becoming to forget English Because I was daringly talking in English I heard the scenery from here is pretty messy

Hey, I feel like this to tomorrow

The bride and groom L I have four pairs of 4 pounds that are impossible

I was beginning to walk I heard that it is a taboo wedding ceremony so

By the way it is already here just for this brightness 5 o'clock in the evening

Introducing it at summer time, it is not a good idea to catch the brightness of a cat by the instruction of a cat's night which has not been delivered so much.

That's why Japan is also a bit like someone who says it should be introduced absolutely

Although I do not know well I do not know well at the head office Now a little dirty face and face is not dirty That hat I only see the sound

Look at me and you look no more Again If the landscape is the bar bridge and the back armor bridge, what is on the lower left is called ruler park

That something with the oldest sound face written

As far as Gachcharev like an amusement park goes up

Observation desk It is free, if you go there in the daytime to have it there, there are golden kids, so it seems that you can get some kind of money going to the night

Although I was in a hurry ahead of time I was in a hurry Do not walk fast Even if you hurry it will only change for about 5 minutes without hurry

It does not have much meaning But where does it get from? It's a bit difficult Is not this

Where should I start from Everything is surreptitiously surrounded by Sakai City Wall and I do not know if I should put it in well Oh well Maybe I can enter from here

There is a high possibility in the entry I wrote that now the misunderstood is probably because I understood my words

Japanese or Nakai It has been a while since I went to the Japanese who was hungry or something

There is something stylish like this This is on Jiyugaoka There is such a feeling, is not it? Fashionable city dresses etc. Freedom is large I

10 luxurious classes Classes at his sound preparation school for 1 year or 1 Take a look at the streets of the 10-ka hill It's already crying for me to remember my days of study but such a thing is

Why do not you climb on the leaves?

Oe ___ ___ ___ 0

There are various things related to tools. My friend 's research group

There are some people in the psychic circle, but well I guess those people think it's awesome fun

Just when I see that star from that telescope I guess I guess it's pretty beautiful, but the Telescope Temple

Money is cool it looks cool but it looks like it for a long time I wonder what kind of hole experts knowledge is not because I can not talk

I want to go up to the second floor of the east way I do not know at all what to do

It seems that there are also stuff like that

Well this might be a strange flow Maybe this is Jesus and the dome Maybe even 5 o'clock Maybe it might get out Oko Ooooooo cool This is

But it's so cool about Gundam's sleeping again This is what I put in

Because Foods was probably inside and opened the door, so I put it in, but it has already passed since then Why did not you enter probably at that 5 o'clock? It's been around for 5 minutes at 5 o'clock, so for a moment

I was lucky now, it is awful Archer entry, right? Because there is something here

You should be able to get in from the top of the entry, but the way the way you live is completely different from the sound

I think I will ask her who was at the reception desk


If you decorate it on such a thing like a purchase is also a tool-like thing Nyan Horet wants you to be cool

This seems to happen quite awfully with the hose Looks like nothing goes around this width

This is the evolution of consecutive SUgo technology, I guess this is what this is still an eye

I'm sorry I never saw this too This is this This is amazing to see

I can feel the sound precision of this machine moving slowly It is amazing how truly the gathering of state-of-the-art technology

It's a spot here There are 8 such something here so we can go even further

This sounds ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

That person looks like a cool guy So if you have it in the house this is not this time now but from here it is forbidden

After invasion I think that it opens outside the individual sound domes such as shit-fucking fucking fish or a telescope looking out

It 's a little bit more Kinki' s households so here again later

Let's see if I should make a sound to go above this No wow, I found the stairs here is not Kinki's home from here

How do you go up to the roof You can not tell her I have to ask her today I will boil in a deceived story

I will join her ip month 3 how can i kake ad

Ufufu key Jig Naoe There is absolutely Nishi Kan to be the head of the god

There is a big value Pure, here it is said I told you there will be improvement as well Immediately these I found them

It is quite complicated to make It seems that it is a small building for small buildings so that we need to have a cat engaged in it

There is snow, but there is light pointing from that over there.

There is nothing good anymore so here

I also did a nice cat I went up Can I go up to the top Where there is nothing else where I got up No wonder lap

It's nice and beautiful.

Oh yeah, this is okay since I was a primary school student z With the voice I bought because I wanted to go

I want to climb over that sound but I got a busker I guess I supposed to be a busker So that's why for tomorrow around this bridge cross the bridge a little a little Rory

Let's go away from the war axes roll, so let's meet again later

Well, now I'm pretty sure it's a pretty video I guess this video is saved by the time I'm getting shit I think that the beauty you've eaten has been taken

Editing seems to be a little difficult a bit from now on Editing is not done anyway why do not you open up your personal computer, but you are not familiar with it a lot

A beginner is a bit tough for a moment

Well that's why again anti-groove 1009 by marsh Bullet Cin this video finding

this Kearney Cruel cheers cheering xv rare vide day

For more infomation >> シドニー展望台,オーストラリア,ワーホリ,留学,海外,天文台,gopro - Duration: 7:14.


Why has my toddler stopped napping? - Duration: 4:23.

Hi, I'm Amanda from Little Ones,

and today I'm going to be answering the question,

why is my toddler refusing to nap?

So it does depend quite a lot on obviously the age

of your toddler.

So if we're talking about a three to four year old,

preschool or toddler, then yeah,

they're refusing to nap because they aren't tired

and they don't necessarily need a nap anymore.

Maybe when they're sick or if they've had a late night,

then yeah sure, or a bad night, they will need a little bit

of a catch up nap in the middle of the day

when they reach that dip in energy levels.

But generally from the age of around two and a half

to three years old a toddler will be dropping their day nap.

That will of course mean that their bedtime however,

needs to be around 6:30, 7:00 o'clock at night

to ensure that they aren't getting overtired

and they will get overtired often when they're

just initially dropping their naps you'll need

to do a nap every second day or once a week.

It is quite a big transition

of when they are dropping their nap.

But if we are talking about a one or one and a half,

early two year old, dropping their nap or refusing to nap,

you're going to need to keep that nap in

for quite a bit longer.

So, around about one to one and a half

is when they go from two naps down to one nap

and often right around here is when if parents have been

still feeding to sleep or if their baby doesn't have

any ability to fall asleep by themselves,

they will start resisting, having that one nap a day,

but it's actually the optimal time to

then bring in the ability to get them

to start going to sleep by themselves,

because you can drop that morning nap out,

they'll be so tired by the middle of the day

and they will have to go to sleep,

so it's a great time to get them to learn to go to sleep

without their ability, sorry without the need

for you needing to do something.

Now, between 15 months to two years old,

even probably around 18 months to two years old,

there is a little bit of a regression in toddlers.

Now this is where they really start playing on,

playing up and they know,

especially if they've got older siblings,

they are having a nap and their older siblings are out

in the lounge playing.

So they do start to play up for you

and they will start resisting their naps,

but be consistent, keep doing what you're doing,

stick to the knitting, keep putting them in bed,

keep winding them down,

and making sure that they do still have a nap

and that good time to revive the energy

to get them through the rest of the day

because if they don't

then you will have one very overtired toddler

at the end of the day.

Then as I said, so you will need to keep that nap

in right until between,

earliest would be two and a half years old

to drop it to three years old.

I hope that answered your question.

Remember to subscribe to our Youtube channel

for more question and answers like this

and more free sleep advice.

You can go to our website,

For more infomation >> Why has my toddler stopped napping? - Duration: 4:23.


The Apprentice viewers shocked as they spot something X-RATED - Duration: 3:22.

The Apprentice viewers shocked as they spot something X-RATED

The Apprentice contestants were told by Lord Alan Sugar that they had to pick products and sell them on a shopping channel last night.

The Apprentice 2018 stars chose who would like to present on live TV, and for one team, Khadija and Tom decided they wanted to give it a go.

While Tom tried to demonstrate teeth whitening charcoal, Khadijah tried her hand on a sapphire necklace and a pink cushion.

But as she was instructed to sit in the chair, fans couldn't help noticing the cushion was in a very X-rated shape.

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They rushed to social media to ask others if they had noticed the cushion looked like large female genitalia as one posted: "And today on the shopping channel.

An inflatable vagina." Another added: "Oh hey, I have the same vagina inflatable lounger." A third wrote: "Tempted to buy the inflatable vagina.".

A fourth chipped in: "That's not an inflatable chair!! It's a giant vulva.

" A fifth agreed: "Why was she sitting in a giant vulva?" Khadijah sat herself in the seat to demonstrate just how comfortable it was, and her efforts paid off as they sol three of them at £10 each.

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However, they managed to sell two of the necklaces, which were around £850 individually.

But it seemed the other team's efforts paid off, as Tim sold a pair of earrings for £2700, but it was later disqualified as the order didn't go through.

Despite the knockback, they won the round by £135.

The Apprentice continues next Wednesday at 9pm on BBC.

For more infomation >> The Apprentice viewers shocked as they spot something X-RATED - Duration: 3:22.


The One Component Missing From Every Single Funeral Home Marketing Conversation | DISRUPTu! 056 - Duration: 16:15.

For more infomation >> The One Component Missing From Every Single Funeral Home Marketing Conversation | DISRUPTu! 056 - Duration: 16:15.


Что такое гуманитарная программа иммиграции в Канаду? - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Что такое гуманитарная программа иммиграции в Канаду? - Duration: 2:23.


TJ Warren Out: Suns' Starting Lineup Against Lakers Without Warren | - Duration: 4:06.

TJ Warren Out: Suns' Starting Lineup Against Lakers Without Warren |

The Suns will be looking to snap their four-game losing streak tonight and improve their record to 5-18.

It won't be easy, though.

They'll be playing on the Lakers' home turf at the Staples Center, and the Los Angeles team has been steadily improving after a tough start to the season.

Under the leadership of LeBron James, the young Lakers team went from a 3-5 record in October to 10-4 in November.

They're a team that is increasingly finding their identity, especially after the acquisition of veteran center Tyson Chandler to give them a boost on the defensive end.

The LA team is looking to grab their third win in a row, and with the Suns' recent injury troubles they're likely expecting a somewhat-automatic win.

It ain't over 'til it's over, though, and the Suns will be playing with their star player Devin Booker back in the lineup.

Though their second-leading scorer TJ Warren will be out as he continues to nurse a left knee sprain, the Suns will be coming out strong with Booker and Ayton holding down the lineup.

Here's a look at what the Suns' starting lineup could be for tonight as they face the Lakers in Los Angeles:.

Phoenix Suns Starting Lineup Without TJ Warren.

PG: Devin Booker. SG: Mikal Bridges.

SF: Trevor Ariza. PF: Josh Jackson.

C: DeAndre Ayton.

In spite of the team's less-than-ideal record (the Suns sit solidly at the bottom of the Western Conference), fourth-year player Devin Booker and rookie DeAndre Ayton are standouts in the league.

Ayton is averaging 16.5 points and 10.2 rebounds per game in his rookie year, and Booker is averaging 20.2.

Booker recently commented that he'd like a superteam to eventually end up in Phoenix and be built around him.

With him and Ayton holding it down, a superteam could be in the cards for the Suns.

For now, though, they're working on making that an attractive option for players in the future.

They're somehow managing to showcase their talents and still lose, making them undeniably high-potential, and also likely to secure high draft picks in the near future.

But until then, the Suns will face the Lakers today at 12:30 pm PST at the Staples Center.

READ NEXT: Joel Embiid Trolls Knicks Player After Step-Over on Giannis.

For more infomation >> TJ Warren Out: Suns' Starting Lineup Against Lakers Without Warren | - Duration: 4:06.


Why Do I Have To Wash My Hands | Momo Beats Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes And Kids Songs - Duration: 2:07.

Why do I Have To Wash My Hands

For more infomation >> Why Do I Have To Wash My Hands | Momo Beats Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes And Kids Songs - Duration: 2:07.


Franchisee Insights - "It's very much limitless..." PACK & SEND Franchise Opportunities - Duration: 1:09.

From a growth perspective, the business model is helpful because it allows scope

to take the business wherever we need to. There's a lot of options

in terms of the services that we can provide. It's very much limitless and

that means that, no matter what type of customer comes to us, we're able to look

after them.

We can do as much or as little as they need and we're always having more

and more tools and more and more options given to us to make sure that we stay

ahead of the competition. And there really is

nobody equivalent to the services that we provide anyway, but it just allows us

to work a lot smarter and be able to provide services that can't be found

amongst other carriers for example or courier services which only do courier


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