Thursday, January 31, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 1 2019

Autoridades fronterizas de los Estados Unidos decomisaron 115 kilogramos del opiáceo sintético en el puerto de ingreso ubicado en Nogales, Sonora

     Estados Unidos.- Autoridades fronterizas norteamericanas decomisaron 115 kilogramos de la droga sintética conocida como fentanilo, un opiáceo con una potencia hasta 100 veces mayor que la morfina

 El hallazgo, el más grande de la historia, fue detectado en una caja de vegetales originaria de México, misma que se dirigía al estado norteamericano de Arizona

 La potencia del fentanilo es tal, que apenas 2 miligramos de la sustancia, el equivalente a unos cuantos granos de sal, puede ser fatal, de acuerdo a datos de la DEA

 En medio de una fuerte crisis de adicción a los opiáceos en los Estados Unidos, originada por la prescripción excesiva de medicamentos contra el dolor como el Oxycotin, esta sustancia ha sustituido a otras drogas más comunes, como la heroína

 El Centro de Control y Prevención de las enfermedades de EU ha señalado que el fentanilo es la droga que más sobredosis causa en los Estados Unidos, responsable de 18 mil de las 63 mil muertes por sobredosis en el 2016

For more infomation >> Decomisan 115 kilogramos de fentanilo en frontera entre México y EU - Duration: 1:50.


El reencuentro de Gabriel con Carmen en "Pacto de Sangre" - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> El reencuentro de Gabriel con Carmen en "Pacto de Sangre" - Duration: 1:41.


Con un exabrupto, Alfredo Casero cruzó a Enrique Pinti por criticar la situación económica del país - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Con un exabrupto, Alfredo Casero cruzó a Enrique Pinti por criticar la situación económica del país - Duration: 2:59.


Diego Reinhold se incomodó con una pregunta, abandonó un móvil pero volvió - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Diego Reinhold se incomodó con una pregunta, abandonó un móvil pero volvió - Duration: 3:42.


Meghan Royals Es - El padre de la mujer asesinada en la Catedral de Bariloche tiene custodia mientr - Duration: 4:18.

Juan Coppa, padre de Valeria Coppa, la mujer asesinada por su ex pareja el martes último frente a la Catedral de Bariloche, aseguró que se hizo cargo del cuidado de sus nietos y que se encuentra custodiado por la policía porque el principal sospechoso del femicidio "es un hombre peligroso y todavía permanece prófugo"

"Yo vivía con mi hija y ahora me quedé a cargo de los chicos, tengo a la policía afuera de mi casa

Mientras no lo agarren (a ) las cosas van a seguir así. Solo espero que lo encuentren muerto", explicó Coppa en declaraciones a Télam

El hombre detalló que en la relación de cuatro meses que mantuvieron su hija y Cordi no ocurrieron hechos que los alertaran sobre una posible conducta violenta del hombre

"No nos enteramos de que fuera violento, no sabíamos nada de esto", aseguró. Funcionarios de la provincia explicaron a Télam que Cordi se dedicaba a hacer en su casa (una casilla del tipo trailer) armas artesanales diversas, entre ellas pistolas de bajo calibre, como la

22 que usó para asesinar a Coppa. Una fuente de la investigación lo definió como un "demente", mientras que la fiscal a cargo del caso, Betiana Cedón, lo calificó en conferencia de prensa como una persona "extremadamente peligrosa"

Un investigador relató que en el propio terreno en el que vivía Cordi enterró trampas cazabobos que podrían haber herido gravemente a la policía de Río Negro si los agentes no las hubieran detectado a tiempo

En tanto, se estableció que la pistola calibre .22 que utilizó Cordi que utilizó para asesinar a Coppa estaba construida de modo muy rudimentario con elementos que semejarían una lapicera, indican fuentes oficiales

La investigación ya confirmó que ambos mantuvieron una discusión alrededor de las 16 junto a las escalinatas de la entrada principal de la Catedral y que cuando Coppa dio por concluido el encuentro y se dio vuelta para agarrar su bicicleta, Cordi le disparó desde atrás a la cabeza a escasos centímetros de distancia y ante decenas de turistas y vecinos

Justo en ese momento se realizaba una batucada compuesta por unos 15 artistas, cuya música hecha a partir de tambores tapó la estampida del arma, sospechan los investigadores

Por estas horas el hombre es buscado en la periferia de Bariloche por personal policial y de Gendamería Nacional y durante el día se hicieron diligencias en el paraje Ñirihuau donde Cordi vivió algunos años, ubicado a unos 15 kilómetros de la ciudad

SEGUÍ LEYENDO:  La citó en el centro de la ciudad para hablar y la asesinó: la historia del femicidio en la Catedral de Bariloche

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - El padre de la mujer asesinada en la Catedral de Bariloche tiene custodia mientr - Duration: 4:18.


HAPPY Chocolate Day 2019 Shayari SMS Status Quotes - Valentine Day Shayari Status - Duration: 2:51.

HAPPY Chocolate Day 2019 Shayari SMS Status Quotes

For more infomation >> HAPPY Chocolate Day 2019 Shayari SMS Status Quotes - Valentine Day Shayari Status - Duration: 2:51.


Sabal – mało znane lekarstwo na prostatę i problemy układu moczowego - Duration: 6:05.

Prostata – co to takiego? Prostata jest seksualnym gruczołem człowieka, który po przekroczeniu wieku 50 lat może ulec przerostowi.

Ze względu na bliskość prostaty, cewki moczowej i dna pęcherza, zachodzą zmiany w moczu. Wpływa to negatywnie na drogi moczowe.

Strumień moczu zmniejsza się a następnie pojawia się silne uczucie pieczenia.

Nagromadzenie moczu powoduje wzrost bakterii i pojawianie się innych objawów, takich jak gorączka i ból w dolnej części miednicy.

Wszystkie te objawy kliniczne są dość denerwujące, ponieważ zakłócają sen w nocy i powodują dyskomfort podczas oddawania moczu.

Bądź więc czujny na te objawy! Kiedy mężczyzna osiąga 50 lat, zaleca się pójście do urologa w celu przebadania prostaty.

Za pomocą prostych badań krwi i pewnych testów obrazowych mających na celu ocenę wielkości prostaty, można uniknąć pojawienia się raka tego ważnego gruczołu.

Czym jest sabal? Sabal lub palma sabalowa to roślina pochodząca z Florydy i Meksyku.

Jest to dość mały krzew o łatwej adaptacji do zmian klimatycznych.

Amerykańskie plemiona od czasów starożytnych potwierdzają jego korzystny wpływ nie tylko na zdrowie starszych mężczyzn, ale także kobiet w ciąży.

Nawet dziś Indianie zachowują tradycję przyjmowania tej rośliny.

Sabal zawiera ekstrakt liposterolowy (rozpuszczalny w tłuszczu), kwasy tłuszczowe, żywice,

szczawiany wapnia, gumy, garbniki, sterole i estry. Jego spożycie pomaga zmniejszyć stan zapalny,

zapobiega proliferacji bakterii i zmniejsza liczbę receptorów estrogenowych.

W jaki sposób sabal zmniejsza objawy łagodnego wzrostu gruczołu krokowego? Istnieje wiele badań naukowych,

które wykazały silne działanie przeciwzapalne sabalu na prostatę. Zmniejsza niedrożność cewki moczowej i objawy podrażnienia.

Występuje poprawa w odczuwaniu silnego parcia na mocz i zmniejszeniu przepływu moczu.

Roślina działa poprzez hamowanie hormonu DHT (dihydrotestosteron), który bierze udział rozwoju prostaty.

Dlatego, zmniejszając poziom testosteronu, zapobiega się pojawieniu się raka prostaty.

Wykazano w ten sam sposób, że sabal ma korzystny efekt jako stymulant seksualny, ponieważ utrzymuje on erekcję i poprawia ejakulację.

Niektórzy mężczyźni twierdzą, że ich życie w związku poprawiło się na skutek regularnego stosowania tej rośliny.

Czy sabal jest również przydatny do leczenia infekcji dróg moczowych? W Chinach przyjmowanie tej rośliny w formie kapsułki przez 12 tygodni było wystarczające,

aby wykazać poprawę jakości życia, poprzez zmniejszenie objawów infekcji dróg moczowych.

Sabal zapobiega wzrostowi komórek prostaty. W konsekwencji, ustępują uciążliwe objawy wtórne związane z podrażnieniem pęcherza moczowego.

Mężczyźni cierpiący na problemy z prostatą wykazują poprawę podczas oddawania moczu. Ta roślina zwiększa przepływ moczu i zapobiega osadzaniu się resztkowego moczu.

Jak należy przygotować sabal? Przygotowanie sabalu jako domowego lekarstwa jest dość proste. Należy go spożywać w postaci naparu.

Składniki: 2 szklanki wody (500 ml), 1 łyżka suszonych pokruszonych jagód sabalowych (15 g), 1 łyżka miodu (25 g).

Przygotowanie: Podgrzewamy wodę razem z jagodami sabalu, aż się zagotuje.

Następnie usuwamy napar z ognia, pozostawiamy do ochłodzenia, a następnie przecedzamy napój i dodajemy miód.

Przyjmowanie dwóch szklanek dziennie tego naparu, jednej rano i jednej wieczorem, wystarczy, aby odczuć korzystne działanie rośliny.

Dodatkowe porady: Sabal jest dość bezpieczną rośliną i wykazuje niewiele niepożądanych reakcji.

Należy jednak pamiętać, że może on powodować krwawienie, jeśli stosujemy go w połączeniu z miłorzębem dwuklapowym (Ginkgo biloba), lekami przeciwzakrzepowymi lub czosnkiem.

Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, skonsultuj się z lekarzem.

Jeśli masz zaburzenia prostaty, spróbuj zastosować sabal na poprawę stanu zdrowia tego gruczołu i układu moczowego.

W porę zajmij się swoją prostatą, a sabal będzie Twoim wielkim sprzymierzeńcem! Pomoże Ci on oczyścić mocz i poprawić zdrowie.

For more infomation >> Sabal – mało znane lekarstwo na prostatę i problemy układu moczowego - Duration: 6:05.


日本街头的中文广告牌,中国游客:能帮忙翻译下吗,真的看不懂 - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 日本街头的中文广告牌,中国游客:能帮忙翻译下吗,真的看不懂 - Duration: 3:08.


Hacked Games ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Hacked Games ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:00.


Download free Hacked Games For Ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Download free Hacked Games For Ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:00.


Retired Kaua`i Police Chief recovering at The Queen's Medical Center - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Retired Kaua`i Police Chief recovering at The Queen's Medical Center - Duration: 0:31.


7 days in Italy for 23,000 Rs | Alitalia - Business Class - Duration: 9:47.

I am at Delhi airport. Its 2:45 am

10:15 pm in Italy

My week-long trip has ended

In comparison to US & Kazakhstan, Turkey and Georgia trips, this was very short

As usual, this was a different trip

Many of you who follow me on Instagram

must be knowing how this trip happened

Alitalia invited me on their direct flight between Delhi and Rome

I also happily accepted the offer

They offered me Business class while coming back

Thanks to Alitalia who made this trip possible

but before that

Thanks to all of you

because of whom I got this trip

Alitalia invited me because of you

So a big thanks to all of you

then thanks to Alitalia

now let me show you the glimpse of the series

actually even before starting of this trip

there were news of torrential rains in Italy

it badly affected many areas of Italy

Venice was flooded

many tourists were trapped

Many regions said that the situation was alarming like emergency!

so I couldn't visit the famous tourist attractions like...

I visited another place

I read about it in a in-flight magazine

so don't forget to go through such magazines

you may get some new travel ideas

I visited Alberobello

There is something special about this place

You will see it in the series

Stayed for 2 days in Rome

visited Vatican city, another country

so you can say, I visited 2 countries during this trip

Vatican city is the world's smallest country

lies in Italy

wait for the series to know more about it

I visited Colosseum

one of the 7 wonders of the world

I prepared expenditure report during the 7 hour long return flight

it takes more time while going to Rome

probably 8 hours

takes 7 hours while coming back to Delhi

this variation is because of Earth's rotation

So in total, I spent 23,000 Rs

This doesn't include Air Tickets

as Alitalia invited me for the flight

23,000 is bit higher than what I spend on other trips

as I do budget travelling

This time I enjoyed luxury

like my Egypt trip

I also paid 4,000 Rs for a night stay in a hotel

though for a different reason

wait for the videos

23000 Rs is equivalent to 280 Euros

Euro is the currency valid all over Europe

Rome is the part of European Union, so Euro is accepted

There are still a few countries in Europe which still have their own currency

I spent 280 Euros for travel, accommodation and food

I paid 74 Euros for travelling

I travelled in luxury buses

travelled in local trams in Rome

used public transport

so this time I didn't hitchhiked

now let me tell you about expenses on food

I ate pizzas, pastas, icecreams, etc...

i bought raw food from supermarkets..

prepared them in my hostel

wait for the videos

paid 45 Euros for food

Out of 23,000 rs, I spent 10,000 on food and travel

rest 13,000 rs were spent on stay

1st night was in a hotel in Rome

next 2 nights in Alberobello

that place is popular for a reason

for that reason I stayed at a special place

though it was expensive but totally different experience

I took separate rooms in hotel

paid 138 Euros for that

Spent 23 Euro for stay in hostel

almost 1900 RS

So this was the total expenditure report

You will like this series, if you are not adventurous

if you prefer direct flights over layovers

I will tell you how you reach Rome

how to travel from the airport to the city

where to stay in Rome?

how much to pay for a stay

where can you travel in Rome?

how to travel in Rome?

which are the low cost airlines in Italy?

How expensive are trains or buses !

how is the journey in buses!

all this ... coming up in this series

i hope you will like the videos

youll love the short series on Italy

For more infomation >> 7 days in Italy for 23,000 Rs | Alitalia - Business Class - Duration: 9:47.


I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change!/你咪理, 我愛你! Movie Review - Duration: 5:25.

It doesn't matter that there's no story.

It's a Chinese New Year movie!

Hi! Welcome to The Silver Spleen. My name is Roger Hammerstein and this is my review of

I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE. That's the last time I'm saying that rather unwieldy title.

From here on out it's 'this movie.'

It's Chinese New Year season again in Hong Kong and I couldn't be happier I know I'm not Chinese. That's not my point.

my point is that Chinese New Year movies are generally

family friendly entertainment that are light silly and if we're honest

disposable I always enjoy Chinese New Year movies because no matter how

ridiculous they might get my mind simply says that's Chinese New Year and I don't

get anywhere near as bothered as I would otherwise so this movie gets the Chinese

New Year discount and well it needs it let's be honest up front

I don't like musicals I just don't so going into this movie I knew it wasn't

gonna be a pleasant experience for me it's also the directorial debut of Wang

Cho Lum a local actor who made a name for himself gender-bending on TVB which

sounds vaguely like some kind of weird drug experience but I digress I'm not a

fan of a lot of his work but on those occasions when he's not indulging in the

flaming metrosexual shtick that's not a euphemism I have enjoyed his work this

film is based on a film that's apparently based on an off-broadway play

of the same name I don't know because I don't do theatre I know you find that

shocking right but this play was actually performed in Hong Kong after

being translated into Cantonese a process Wong Coulomb apparently took

pardon so he was probably the best person to direct this film adaptation

that said I don't think he necessarily did a great job of it let me try and

explain why member this is just my opinion I don't

think Wang Cho LOM is a fan of loud music I say that because artists as

different as Nirvana and Metallica have both made it clear that you need quiet

parts in a song to make the loud parts seem louder and you need slow parts to

make the fast part seem faster you know variation well this movie is

with very few exceptions chronically loud it's exhausting of it's 88 minutes

of screen time at least 83 minutes of it is just jazz hands

there is one segment that brings it down several notches and it's a very good

segment it features Teresa Moe in a very serious and very impressive scene that

calls to mind her performance in tomorrow is another day

unfortunately this movie then resumes its scene chewing for the remainder of

the runtime and even I felt a little bad at how relieved I was when the first

end-credit came up I felt like I had survived an ordeal and I've seen

Motorhead life more than once but you know what a lot of other people in the

cinema seem to really enjoy it and hey it's Chinese New Year there are you know

a ton of cameos in the film and there's a lot of family-friendly kind of comedy

there's jokes that go down easy if only because you've heard them a million

times before or you can see them coming from a mile away but that's what people

want and that's what people like and that's what they get also Chinese New

Year movies tend to be loud unsubtle Affairs and on that level this movie is

a great Chinese New Year film so it's probably gonna work really well for its

intended audience which of course I'm not you might really like it I mean the

dance numbers are kind of impressive the cinematography is not bad the segment

with Sammy Cheng was kind of fun too and it was just you know nice to see her on

a big screen again go see it in a cinema you know with your family during Chinese

New Year on a big screen because do you would want to watch dance numbers on

their phone this is a movie that's designed for the Chinese New Year

holiday and that's how it should be seen I can't imagine

as I said watching this on your phone on the MTR in July it's not really that

kind of movie but if you like musicals if you like plays maybe it is I don't

know okay so I'm admitting my ignorance oh and as long as we're talking about

ignorant do me a favor and be dumb enough to give me some money click on my

patreon page and fill it out and send me a little money because I think I deserve

it you probably don't but I do so you know

which one of us is right it's up to you if you enjoyed this review please let me

know and if you didn't please let me know if you enjoy the channel please

subscribe and please have a wonderful Chinese New Year don't hate Holly

For more infomation >> I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change!/你咪理, 我愛你! Movie Review - Duration: 5:25.


Independence Day vs. War of the Worlds - Duration: 37:11.

The Franco-Prussian war was a conflict between the second French empire and the Northern

German confederation led by the kingdom of Prussia, which owing to the Germans' superior

strength and numbers, quickly led to the capitulation of the French Empire and the capture of the

Emperor, Napoleon III.

The conflict culminated with the Seige of Paris in the winter of 1871 in which the German

troops invading the french capital.

Months later the German states unified into a German Empire shifting the balance of power in Europe towards a now unified,

powerful Germany.

Britain, who mostly stayed out of it, of course kept a close eye on the conflict, and all

the major newspapers, journals, and magazines reported at length on the course of the War

of 1870 and on the prospects for the British in the changed Europe of 1871.

Out of this national obsession with the conflict in Europe emerged a short story written by

ex-soldier George Tomkyns Chesney - "Battle of Dorking"—in 1871.

The Battle of Dorking recounts the final days before and during a fictionalized devastating

invasion of Britain by a German-speaking enemy, retold 50 years after the fact by a nameless

narrator to his grandchildren, who have grown up in a contested Britain that is now a heavily-taxed

annex of The Enemy.

The German-speaking invaders are never named, and are instead referred to obliquely as The

Other Power, or The Enemy.

"Battle of Dorking" was not only an overnight national sensation and controversy - Most

readers saw the idea that the greatest imperial power in the world could be invaded, let alone

could cease to exist was ludicrous - but for many it was an indictment for nationalistic

hubris; for even more it was an outrage, unmerited judgment and a betrayal of Great Britain.

But "Battle of Dorking" would set off a trend of its own - one that literary historians

would eventually call "invasion literature" - fiction that spoke to the taboo and the

thrill of the obviously ludicrous idea that the sovereign empire of britain could ever

fall to a foreign power ahahaha - but what if?

Between 1871 and 1914, over 60 works of fiction for adult readers describing hypothetical

invasions of Great Britain were published.

During that time, British writer HG Wells combined the popularity of invasion literature

with the widespread interest in the idea of life on mars to pioneer a whole new genre,

one that has endured in popularity in some form ever since - the alien invasion.

A supposition:

Aliens in fiction are never just aliens

Just as monsters in fiction are never just monsters

So while I think it's not very interesting to reduce a text to a one to one allegory,

it is important to be open to textual metaphor, especially where aliens come in, be they sympathetic,

threatening, beyond comprehension, or total gibberish.

Aliens as a narrative device can reflect a historically colonized people, they can be

the innocence of childhood, they can be some sort of spiritual revelation, they can be

a class oppressed by poverty, or the ravages of poverty itself, or they can DUMB AS ROCKS

There is the literal function within the narrative, of course, but then there is that layer of

metaphor, of significance to the culture that the work is being presented to, a significance

that may not even be obvious to either the author or the audience until some time later.

With that in mind, let's go back to the OG, a Mr. HG Wells and his invading martians.

Author and professor of English Frank McConnell describes Wells' Martians as "what you fear

most , what your culture and environment have taught you is the worst thing that could happen

to you, the situation over which you would have the least degree of control (135)"

Wells was writing for an audience of Victorian Britons, whom he describes in the opening

of the novel, "secure in their Empire over this Earth."

Wells was writing for an audience for whom the very idea that intelligent beings from

another planet could be capable of launching an attack on the most powerful nation on Earth

was a most bizarre and outlandish notion.

But the invasion narrative is a manifest of different cultural anxieties in different

eras - Invasion of the Body Snatchers came at the height of the McCarthy era - and is

just one of a ton of invasion narratives that came out during the beginning of the Cold


HOWEVER when I say an alien is never just an alien, I don't mean that an alien is

a one to one metaphor for something else - and that is a trap a lot of people fall into.

Interpreting Animal Farm as a metaphor for totalitarian communism is great for your 8th

grade English class, but we can apply a little more nuance than that, right?

I'm less interested in what invasion narratives MEAN so much as how invasion narratives capture

the ecosystem of the culture in which they were made.

And to do that we're going to compare the seminal alien invasion movie of the 90's,

and the seminal alien invasion movie of the 2000's

Title one

Independence Day is 1996 film directed by Roland Emmerich, starring Will Smith, Jeff

Goldblum and Bill Pullman, each playing characters experiencing different perspectives during

an alien invasion: that of a soldier, a scientist, and the president of the united states, respectively.

Over the course of the film, the invading alien horde wipes out most major cities on

the planet, and all hope seems lost until the scientist devises a computer virus, which,

with the help of the soldier, he is able to upload into the mothership, disabling all

subordinate ships.

This enables the American military not only to destroy the local ship threatening them,

but also to instruct the rest of the world on how to do the same.

The invasion is thwarted, and the remnants of humanity celebrate.

It is dumb as a bag of rocks and it is one of my favorite movies.

I love it.

War of the Worlds is a 2005 film directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Tom Cruise.

The film follows dock worker and inadequate father Ray Ferrier on the rare weekend when

he has custody of his two children as he tries to protect them during an alien invasion.

As their circumstances become increasingly desperate, they narrowly escaped certain death

several times until Ray is eventually separated from his oldest child.

The film concludes when all family members are reunited, and the aliens die from their

lack of immunity to the planet's pathogens.

It is a stone cold bummer and I also kind of love it.

So at the outset I would like to suggest: War of the Worlds '05 is better than you

remember it.

Or at least, the first half

Despite taking place over a century after the novel takes place, the bones of Wells'

story remain in tact - the invasion is seen the perspective of one character, Tom Cruise's

Ray, it is more an episodic survival narrative than anything else, the tripods are fairly

faithful, the narrator is tested by another character driven to madness whom he must kill

in order to survive, and the invasion is stopped not by human ingenuity but by a lack

of immunity.

But War of the Worlds isn't like Les Miserables, where it's the same characters and basically

the same story each time.

War of the Worlds is not a classic STORY, per se--it's more of a classic premise,

and the characters themselves are totally different in each iteration.

Spielberg himself has pointed out that adaptations of War of the Worlds tend to come about in

times of cultural stress - with the two most well-known adaptations besides the '05 version

being Orson Welles' radio drama from 1938 and the film adaptation from 1953.

And of course there was the original - a twist on a trend in invasion literature, released

during a period of growing international tension in Europe where everyone kind of sensed that

a Great War was on the horizon.

So while the 1890's was technically a time of peace in the UK, it was peace squished

between recent violence and the massive sense of tension growing throughout Europe.

But War of the Worlds is also read as a biting critique of British imperialism, encouraging

the reader consider the world from the perspective of a people being invaded by colonizers.

Wells states this explicitly in the first chapter of the novel:

And before we judge them [the Martians] too harshly, we must remember what ruthless and

utter destruction our own species has wrought, not only upon animals, ... but upon its own

inferior races.

The Tasmanians, in spite of their human likeness, were entirely swept out of existence in a

war of extermination waged by European immigrants, in the space of fifty years.

Are we such apostles of mercy as to complain if the Martians warred in the same spirit?

I bring this up because the context in which War of the Worlds the novel became a success,

and the context in which Independence Day became a success, are perhaps more analogous

than the 2005 adaptation.

Both Independence Day and Well's novel came about during times of relative peace and prosperity,

for and by people living in a dominating world power of the day.

And both preceded violent upheavals that would completely change those cultures forever.

Of course the huge difference between Independence Day and Wells' original novel is that Wells

encourages the reader to reflect on their own position as citizens of an imperial power

built on the exploitation of other people--Independence Day, not so much.




In an invasion scenario, they represent an Other, just as in Chesney's Dorking the

invaders are literally called "The Other Power," and The Other must threaten something

the audience values.

In America's case, that thing tends to be… landmarks

In Independence Day - the aliens less reflect a broad cultural anxiety so much as arrogance

- yes, this incomprehensible technological force is impressive, but it cannot withstand

the might of american ingenuity and hegemony - a bizarre and outlandish notion

So what do the war of the worlds aliens reflect?

"is it the terrorists?"


kyind of?


1996 > 2005

The America of 1996 and the America of 2005 may as well exist in different dimensions.

Here is 90's batman

vs. 2000's batman

The 90's had a very different, shall we say, mouthfeel.

The white middle class filmgoing public of 1996 didn't have much to worry about!

Cold War's over, economy's booming, every middle school dance is getting jiggy with

a charming little ditty called the Macarena, and hollywood is spending a lot of time in

thought exercises of "what if x disaster?"

We got tornadoes, we got volcanoes, we got sharks, we got asteroids, we got more asteroids

- just destroy everything, it's fun!

Here was an ecosystem in which both a movie like Mars Attacks, released the same year

as Independence Day, can just blow up congress willy nilly and hey it's funny!

Americans were bored and disconnected from any kind of real social anxieties, and disaster

movies were an effective outlet to get some quick, easy thrills and enjoy some blameless


It's a FUN-pocalypse!

So compare this to the genuine, visceral terror we see in War of the Worlds.

There isn't really any horror in seeing these symbols of American hegemony destroyed

in the most complete and terrible way.

Even now it's not framed to be an uncomfortable thing to watch.

Look at the marketing.

In fact it's… kind of awesome.

Here was a film where little children stare upon the smouldering ruins of the only home

they've ever known and say things like "What happened, Mommy?"

Here is a film in which tens of MILLIONS of people have died, and this man whose family

is missing, presumed dead responds with: "just want to whoop ET's ass"

Aliens show up

ominously and our dingbat president doesn't evacuate the cities, but it's okay because

he heroically plays a saxopho--I MEAN flies a plane and shoots the aliens and America


the day.

So playing on this idea of movie monsters, and invading aliens in particular, embodying

cultural anxieties, why is the tone of the invasion narrative so different in 2005…

as it is from 1996?

This is yet another entry into my ongoing series called:

9/11 ruins everything!

Ignoring the seriousness of the massive loss of life and scar to the national psyche, Another

pop culture casualty of the most destructive act of terrorism in history, at least for

a time - the disaster movie.

Gone were the days of goofy action movies like Independence Day and Godzilla and Wild

Wild West.

No more disaster movies for these jaded masses--The few stragglers that were in production before

9/11 and crept in afterward were released, ignored and forgotten just as quickly.

According the Los Angeles Times in 2002, "the public appetite for plots involving disasters

and terrorism has vanished."

Obviously this did not stick, but for a while, filmmakers did not know how to approach mass

destruction in film so they just… didn't.

When Big, Destructive action movies DID eventually begin to edge their way back into the theaters…

things were different.

A movie like Independence Day no longer makes sense in a post-9/11 world in which audiences

have actually lived through watching the destruction of familiar landmarks and mass casualties

on live television.

So Spielberg wanted to create an invasion narrative that worked in a post 9/11 world.

But there's a problem - see, Independence Day is a harder act to follow than you might



War of the Worlds had a really hard act to follow … called Independence Day

War of the Worlds is, in many ways, a response to, if not refutation of, Independence Day.

This (lets light the fires big daddy) evolves into this (we gotta get back at them)

This (what happened mommy?) evolves into this (AAAHHHH)

This (need a lift) evolves into this (scene with car)

And this, my favorite subtle dig - (it's like the fourth of july)

Here's what MY aliens do to independence day!

One of the biggest differences is the focus on what is being destroyed, in independence

day, it's landmarks, buildings, cities.

In war of the worlds, there is much more focus on the loss of human life - the closest thing

we get to a landmark is the bayonne bridge -

the horror comes not from mass destruction, but from individuals - we see their faces

as they are zapped out of existence.

We see crowds as they are vaporized en masse.

Roland's extermination is one of symbols - spielbergs, of human life.

The most obvious refutation is the tone, which turns big optimistic 90's bombast into a

low-saturation death march.

Where, as with all of Roland's movies, the fall of civilization brings people together,

in War of the World's the fall of civilization turns people into self-serving animals.

Which becomes a problem with the film in and of itself - we'll get to that.

But at the same time, Independence Day established a lot of generic staples and shorthand, which

War of the Worlds certainly borrows

For instance there's this - shield Long scene introducing the alien crafts - sets

up a tone of awe, very inspired by ID4 Followed by the powering up sounds of the

primary weapon (revving up sound effect) The initial attack scene has no score

The military destroy the tripod in a way reminiscent of independence day - well now we know how

to destroy them, let's ue morse code to tell everyone else

And of course, there is the design of the invaders.

(design of the aliens being near identical to ones in ID)


This is not to imply that the independence day aliens are the most original desing ever.

Again, they're basically just Roswell aliens only a little slimey - in part because it's

implied in Independence Day that the Roswell aliens inspired our pop cultural ideas of

what aliens look like.

But in War of the Worlds, there's no in-universe reason for them to look the way they do.

Only the real world context of coming out after Independence Day, and of Independence

Day setting a standard.

So they look pretty identical, only these guys have mouths.

So they can go blaah

The aliens themselves also show up a little too late in the film to be anything really


This is a balancing act in any visual medium when you have a non-human creature--the more

alien they look, the more time the audience has to spend getting used to them, for them

to feel tangible, believable.

District 9 is a good example of this done well - the design of these aliens are relatively

unfamiliar, but the audience is INUNDATED with images of them, so by the time we introduce

Christopher Johnson, the audience has already accepted the idea that these can be characters

we are meant to empathize with.

In War of the Worlds they don't show up until act 3, so they pretty much have to look

like our preconceived idea of alien, but after an hour of the sheer unadulterated awesome

that are the tripods (fucking love those guys(=), they were bound to be disappointing no matter

what they looked like.

I'd personally rather not have seen them, maybe a hand in

the end and that's it.

But we saw em in Independence Day so… guess we better do it here too.

So War of the Worlds already has the problem of existing in the shadow of Independence

Day - now it has to walk the tightrope of that… and also existing in a post-9/11 hellscape.



…. For the first half.

Updated ID4 for a post-9/11 world

In a time as complicated and confusing as the mid-Bush administration years, it's

not as simple as saying the War of the Worlds aliens are really embodiments of terrorism.

Spielberg's intent here is less to say that terrorists are literally invading aliens than

to tap into that sense of helplessness and impotent desire for retaliation americans

felt after 9/11.

"we get back of them!"

There's the misguided impulse to get back at any enemy you don't understand or even

know how to fight.

The rage and terror that something could threaten all the power and security that you never

really had to begin with.

And in terms of sheer imagery there is a LOT in here.

Even the very first shot of the film, we swoop in on the backdrop of the place where the

World Trade Center isn't any more.

Taking it a step further….

Well, this image of Cruise covered in gray dust … is um… loaded.

And this one.

It's Spielberg's ultimate statement on living in an America that no longer feels


We can't mindlessly enjoy the destruction of a major city or landmark as large movie

crowds gape up in wordless horror, because we had just gone through the same thing in

real life.

But none of these things are the deal breaker.

Obviously mass destruction of cities made their way back into movies eventually, and

a dark tone in a monster movie is a totally valid creative decision.

With War of the Worlds, I think most people agree that it sours in the second half.

People like to complain about the illogic of aliens burying tripods underground or wouldn't

they have known about the common cold, that sort of thing, but if a movie with so much

good in it I can forgive that in the same way I can forgive it in a movie like, well,

Independence day.

No, where War of the Worlds goes wrong is honestly a little simpler than that.

What went wrong

One clear example of the problem with the structure of the story is the inconsistent

theming - in direct contrast to Roland's optimism of disaster bringing humanity together,

here disaster turns humans into animals.

Throughout the film we keep seeing increasing intensity of this thing - Ray must protect

his children from other humans as much as he does the aliens.

Before the end, he must kill another man to protect his daughter.

But the more

Buhhhhht then we work together when the plot needs us to.

Suddenly at the end of the movie, with no change in circumstance, humans aren't barbarous


Suddenly it's teamwork!

So are humans monsters or aren't they?

So unlike Roland's trademark cast of thousands, War of the Worlds features a cast of… four.

Well, I take that back.

You had two A-listers, one … this kid, and Tim Robbins, whose introduction brings the

film's momentum to a screeching halt to which it never recovers.

So War of the Worlds is about this one guy's relationship to his children and how that

is tested by… apocalyptic alien invasion.

This is relevant because the aliens are, at the emotional core of the film, what tests

the strength of the family unit.

Ray, the inadequate father, is forced for the first time in his life to take responsibility

for his family.

Can he do it?

It's a solid conceit, and for the first half of the film, it executes this question

fairly well… but unfortunately, the screenplay didn't have an answer.

Look at that ending.

And no, I don't mean how the aliens went down.

Although I'm not a stickler for faithful adaptations, that's not the problem - the

resolution for the characters is the problem.

We didn't need humanity to save the day, we just needed a satisfactory arc for these

three characters we spend the entire movie with - and that, and not how the aliens are

defeated, is the core of the narrative.

And… it's kind of a hot mess.

For instance, with Rachel - mom clearly thinks she's incapable, dad says she can get it-

almost like we're setting up a character arc here.

Like Rachel's gonna realize that she could, indeed, get it even though mom and therapists

coddle her to the point of being a complete deer in the he-- nope.

Rachel can't get the bag.

A realistic kid and well rounded character in the first half, she's relegated to little

more than macguffin in act 2 and basically a doe-eye trauma figurine in what resembles

Act 3.

Kind of a problem for the second majorest character in your movie.

And here is the one spot where Independence Day is the superior film - despite having

the trademark roland cast of thousands, all of the character arcs are complete and…


They're silly, don't get me wrong, but they are complete.

Unlike Roland's other movies, which always have one clear protagonist, Independence Day

has three.

Roland managed to give all of them a starting point and a culminating moment.

President Clintmore is faced with a country beginning to doubt his adequacy (i.e, "elected

a warrior and got a wimp") and through a series of trial and error, including the use

of nuclear weapons, whoopsie daisy, he literally gets to become the warrior the country needs.

Captain Hiller aspires to fly the space shuttle, despite political crap, and after a series

of conflicts arguably becomes the most qualified person on the planet to fly the alien shuttle.

And Jeff Goldblum starts with his father and his ex wife berating him for being a lazy

genius, but in the end not only does he rise above his inadequacy, but his genius saves

the world.

There are three separate and distinguishable arcs here, and they are all set up flawlessly

so the audience is very clear about who's accomplishing what based on whose skill set

by the time act 3 rolls around.

Hell, even the randy quaid subplot, which seems genuinely pointless for most of the

film, ends up being one of the most important elements in the movie.

His motivation by way of his kids, why he's drunk all the time, his skill as a pilot,

all of it--we see all of it for a reason, so when it culminates, we're like… oh,




War of the Worlds, for all its masterful tension-building, beautiful cinematography, genius sound design

and pretty good first half of a screenplay, does not have the same level of buildup and

payoff as independence day.

So compared to these plots, each cheesy but complete in its own little world, what is

Ray's culminating moment?

He is set up as an inadequate father, a blue collar kinda guy who doesn't know how to

take care of his children and only endures his custody weekends out of obligation.

And when the aliens invade, he is forced into a situation where he MUST care for his children,

all the while said children--a teenage boy on the verge of manhood and a confused neurotic

pre-teen---are actually acting their age.

Ray does not know how to take responsibility for them, but through this situation he is

forced to.

Annnd…. the screenwriters didn't seem to know where to go with that.

And this is where the movie falls apart.

Robbie is constantly wanting to get out and break free and … be a man, but break free

from what?

Ray's not an overbearing father--he doesn't even give Robbie a slap on the wrist when

he steals his car.

"I'll slap my hand at you"

Nor is Robbie is given any motivation to find some kind of greater calling in Act 1.

He doesn't lose anyone or see the initial carnage Ray saw--so this? "we get back at

them" is the idiotic macho blathering of a teenage boy who has no idea what he's

talking about.

Shortly thereafter, Ray lets him drive--which ends up being a mistake as Robbie driving

ultimately loses them the car.

So by the time the movie starts to fall apart, Robbie has shown no maturation.

Then this happens.

Robbie no, Robbie come back, Robbie you're going to ruin the movie.

What do you think you're going to do?

What are you going to be the randy quaid of this movie?

This isn't 1996 anymore, Robbie!

Don't be a hero, Robbie!

So then Robbie is basically out of the movie, and despite idiotically running into a fireball,

don't worry, everyone makes it to grandma's house.

Robbie's fine.

It's not even that Robbie needed to die after leaving his father and sister--it's

that he needed a different story arc altogether.

If they wanted it to be "Ray realizes Robbie's a man", they should have built to that - because


Every action he takes is immature, spiteful and wrong-headed.

The movie begins with him stealing Ray's car, and he does not mature past that.

He never once earns the trust that Ray deigns to give him, there's never a moment where

Robbie and Ray learn to respect each other as men.

So this? "let me go" it's like… [freeze frame]

….where the hell did this come from?

Let go?

Did Ray need to let go all along?

Is that what Ray needed to do?

Is that what Robbie needed?

Let's draw a comparison to cinema's most famous "you need to let go" moment

When marlin and dory are trapped in a whale and marlin has to make a metaphorical leap

of faith.

"you have to let go"

This is a culminating moment for marlin's character.

Marlin is an overprotective father.

He's overbearing, he's overcompensating, he's neurotic, he's already endured the

horrible loss of his wife, which makes the loss of Nemo his greatest fear, and literally

the worst thing that could happen to him.

So Marlin letting go in the face of uncertainty is a signifier of character growth

Ray on the other hand is the polar opposite of that.

He's a bad father, he makes no room in his life for his children, he is a poor caretaker,

does not care for their health and wellness, and takes no interest in their lives.

So what sense does this make for it to be any kind of culminating moment? it's this

kid trying to break free from a dad who… never really was there for him in the first


And eventually Ray's like… okay.

And more or less gives into his own inadequacy.

You can see the movie trying to push that it's Building Up that this is … robbie

crossing into manhood and ray learning to respect him as a man, but this doesn't work

given how obviously wrong headed his moves to be a man are.


So here we trade in Robbie for Tim Robbins and spend the next forty minutes in a basement.

He slides into the role of Robbie in the narrative as the party who wants to fight back, against

the wishes of ray who is just trying to not die, and it is the worst thing.

Only we have no emotional attachment to this guy.

He is crazy and … just showed up.

His character reveals "cruel barbarous truths" about humanity in desperation, I guess, but

this theme gets totally undercut one scene later.

So rather than making it a story about how Robbie and Ray reconcile these two approaches

to, you know, alien invasion, all the while trying to keep the helpless girlchild safe

from the barbarousness of humanity, we got tim robbins

So pretty much no matter what happens after this, it's not going to be satisfying to

the audience as a story, even if it is tense, because the payoff does not work, either logically,

thematically or emotionally, with what was built up.

So this isn't the real problem - it's this.

I'm not saying it would have been better if Robbie never came back- well it would have,

shown Ray that his inadequacy actually has a consequence - but rather that Ray steps

up and is the goddamn dad,

like no, I've always been shitty and inadequate but not this time, you know, in order to survive

we have to stay together, and then maybe later when this happens Robbie plays some integral

role and helps Ray out, and then they all three realize that yeah, they did need each

other something something and father and son develop a sense of something something mutual

respect, you know, SOMETHING that pays off the setup.

And it's not a bad setup.

But it needs to find some sense of organic resolution or your audience is gonna be pissed

that they spent the last two hours with these people.

Which is more or less what happened.

The problem of invasion narratives in general - they're really difficult to resolve in

ways that aren't just transparently… unrealistic.

Especially when a movie like War of the Worlds does such a great job of creating such an

unfathomable horror of an invader like it does in the first act… in the end it creates

an undefeatable enemy.

An enemy we neither can nor want to understand.

And in 2005, that's not what we were here for.

But moreover, especially for American-made films, "revenge" is often a key element,

and helplessness is never good - we want revenge against the invaders, and War of the Worlds

'05 doesn't deliver, it just kind of peters out, as does the narrative about Ray and his


Both the invasion narrative and the character narrative just kind of slops out at the end

like this alien out of a tripod.

But moreover, especially for American-made films, "revenge" is often a key element

- we want revenge against the invaders, and War of the Worlds '05 doesn't deliver,

it just kind of peters out, as does the narrative about Ray and his family.

Both the invasion narrative and the character narrative just kind of slops out at the end

like a dying alien out of a tripod.

American audiences in 2005, jacked up on war on terror propaganda and seeking narratives

that provide a sense of "revenge", were left cold by this film upon release.

In the fourteen years since, feelings have softened on it to the point of a sort of cultural

amnesia of how much people hated it at the time - but a more positive reevaluation is

deserved in my opinion - except, of course, the resolution.

Nowadays, invasion narratives tend to be secondary to the main conflicts, like Avengers, Transformers

or even Man of Steel - the "invasion" only happens in the third act, and ALL of

these involve superpowered beings or giant anthropomorphic robots protecting earth.

Moreover, the villains in these films are not like "locusts", they are not intellects

vast and cool and unsympathetic, they are, in effect, human - their motivations are clear

and completely understandable to the audience.

The more straightforward alien invasion, as seen in Edge of Tomorrow, tend to be commercial

failures - Edge of tomorrow flopped so hard its blu ray release saw a retitle into its


It's not that the alien invasion motif is gone - but it's nothing like war of the

worlds or independence day.

Now audiences want a twist, and the ones you do see tend to be low budget suspense thrillers

that have more in common with the horror genre and character studies than action scifi, like

A Quiet Place and 10 Cloverfield Lane.

We are not interested in villains we can't understand anymore - we have culturally stared

down an event that we were unprepared and incapable of adequately resolving, in part

because comprehending it would mean facing our own societal evil.

So an incomprehensible villain - mass audiences just don't want it.

I can think of a number of reasons why that might be

For more infomation >> Independence Day vs. War of the Worlds - Duration: 37:11.


45周年だからHELLO AGAIN!【ハローアゲインプロジェクトのこと】 - Duration: 0:31.

Hello! Everyone!

Do you remember Kitty?

When did you meet Kitty for the first time?

That Kitty you got a souvenir!

I wonder if that girl who liked Kitty is fine.

You were with Kitty in sports day and excursion.

Well, Kitty is 45th anniversary this year!

So I want to "HELLO AGAIN" with everyone!

Kitty will be sent to you from the person you really like.

Everyone, join "HELLO AGAIN"!

For more infomation >> 45周年だからHELLO AGAIN!【ハローアゲインプロジェクトのこと】 - Duration: 0:31.


How to make Roasted Pumpkin Salads in jars |2 Salad in a jar recipes! - Duration: 9:09.

let's begin with the pumpkin

just clean up the seeds

and wash it thoroughly

let's slice it

turn it over

and just

slice it with a to and fro motion

once they are all done

line a baking tray

with aluminum foil

and place the pumpkin pieces

I'm using sea salt

season the pumpkin pieces


some vegetable oil or olive oil

and just

rub the pieces with the oil

and the seasoning

on both sides

throw in a few cloves of garlic

and just coat them with the oil and the seasoning

that's there on the tray

that's ready for the oven

bake at 200 degrees C

for about 20 minutes or till they are done

just get rid of the skin

from the garlic

chop up the pumpkin

into smaller pieces

if you want you could get rid of the skin

or leave it on

that's completely edible

and I just like it with the skin on

chop it into big pieces or small pieces

the charred bits are the best pieces

I tell you

so that's the pumpkin all chopped up

for the dressing

heat some oil

in a small pan or a Tadka ladle

add in split black lentils

keep the heat on absolute low

while that's frying up

add in some mustard seeds

and just turn off the heat

add in the curry leaves

and that's ready

we'll just let it cool down slightly before using it

for this salad and using

some red onions sliced

tomatoes sliced

boiled peas

chopped green coriander

turmeric root or fresh turmeric

chopped green chillies

and some lettuce leaves

salted roasted peanuts

and some leftover rice

I'm using a jar

to build my salad

so that I can have it later on

to begin with

I'll add in some rice


add in some peas

chopped lettuce leaves

use a spoon to just

get them in place




add in some chaat masala


more of the lettuce leaves

push it down to fit it in

repeat with the tomatoes



chopped coriander leaves

some turmeric shreds

top it with rice



top it with the oil

that we had flavored with the curry leaves

this is our dressing

and add in the green chillies

this one is done

you could just put a lid on it

and store it till it's time to serve

for the dressing

some extra-virgin olive oil


dried basil

dried parsley

Worcestershire sauce



and just give it a mix

for this one I'm using some

spring onions


bell peppers and capsicum

some corn chips

and I'm using some roasted almonds


some kish mish

or raisins

add in some of the pumpkin

right at the bottom

press down with your spoon

to fit it in

so that we can accommodate

the other ingredients

some bell peppers and capsicum


some of the spring onions


and some raisins

bell peppers


spring onions

more almonds and raisins

finally the pumpkin

I'll just press it down with the spoon

give the dressing a final mix

and just pour it on top

all of it

just make some space for it to flow down

I don't want it to be stuck at the top

that's it

now for the corn chips

I don't want the corn chips to turn soggy

so I'll just put a layer

of corn chips at first

then add in more

so that the ones on top

remain crispy

that's it

the salad jars look stunning don't they ?

you could store them in the fridge

for three to four days

right before serving

empty the jar into a large bowl

and give it a toss

check the seasoning and serve

For more infomation >> How to make Roasted Pumpkin Salads in jars |2 Salad in a jar recipes! - Duration: 9:09.


Sabal – mało znane lekarstwo na prostatę i problemy układu moczowego - Duration: 6:05.

Prostata – co to takiego? Prostata jest seksualnym gruczołem człowieka, który po przekroczeniu wieku 50 lat może ulec przerostowi.

Ze względu na bliskość prostaty, cewki moczowej i dna pęcherza, zachodzą zmiany w moczu. Wpływa to negatywnie na drogi moczowe.

Strumień moczu zmniejsza się a następnie pojawia się silne uczucie pieczenia.

Nagromadzenie moczu powoduje wzrost bakterii i pojawianie się innych objawów, takich jak gorączka i ból w dolnej części miednicy.

Wszystkie te objawy kliniczne są dość denerwujące, ponieważ zakłócają sen w nocy i powodują dyskomfort podczas oddawania moczu.

Bądź więc czujny na te objawy! Kiedy mężczyzna osiąga 50 lat, zaleca się pójście do urologa w celu przebadania prostaty.

Za pomocą prostych badań krwi i pewnych testów obrazowych mających na celu ocenę wielkości prostaty, można uniknąć pojawienia się raka tego ważnego gruczołu.

Czym jest sabal? Sabal lub palma sabalowa to roślina pochodząca z Florydy i Meksyku.

Jest to dość mały krzew o łatwej adaptacji do zmian klimatycznych.

Amerykańskie plemiona od czasów starożytnych potwierdzają jego korzystny wpływ nie tylko na zdrowie starszych mężczyzn, ale także kobiet w ciąży.

Nawet dziś Indianie zachowują tradycję przyjmowania tej rośliny.

Sabal zawiera ekstrakt liposterolowy (rozpuszczalny w tłuszczu), kwasy tłuszczowe, żywice,

szczawiany wapnia, gumy, garbniki, sterole i estry. Jego spożycie pomaga zmniejszyć stan zapalny,

zapobiega proliferacji bakterii i zmniejsza liczbę receptorów estrogenowych.

W jaki sposób sabal zmniejsza objawy łagodnego wzrostu gruczołu krokowego? Istnieje wiele badań naukowych,

które wykazały silne działanie przeciwzapalne sabalu na prostatę. Zmniejsza niedrożność cewki moczowej i objawy podrażnienia.

Występuje poprawa w odczuwaniu silnego parcia na mocz i zmniejszeniu przepływu moczu.

Roślina działa poprzez hamowanie hormonu DHT (dihydrotestosteron), który bierze udział rozwoju prostaty.

Dlatego, zmniejszając poziom testosteronu, zapobiega się pojawieniu się raka prostaty.

Wykazano w ten sam sposób, że sabal ma korzystny efekt jako stymulant seksualny, ponieważ utrzymuje on erekcję i poprawia ejakulację.

Niektórzy mężczyźni twierdzą, że ich życie w związku poprawiło się na skutek regularnego stosowania tej rośliny.

Czy sabal jest również przydatny do leczenia infekcji dróg moczowych? W Chinach przyjmowanie tej rośliny w formie kapsułki przez 12 tygodni było wystarczające,

aby wykazać poprawę jakości życia, poprzez zmniejszenie objawów infekcji dróg moczowych.

Sabal zapobiega wzrostowi komórek prostaty. W konsekwencji, ustępują uciążliwe objawy wtórne związane z podrażnieniem pęcherza moczowego.

Mężczyźni cierpiący na problemy z prostatą wykazują poprawę podczas oddawania moczu. Ta roślina zwiększa przepływ moczu i zapobiega osadzaniu się resztkowego moczu.

Jak należy przygotować sabal? Przygotowanie sabalu jako domowego lekarstwa jest dość proste. Należy go spożywać w postaci naparu.

Składniki: 2 szklanki wody (500 ml), 1 łyżka suszonych pokruszonych jagód sabalowych (15 g), 1 łyżka miodu (25 g).

Przygotowanie: Podgrzewamy wodę razem z jagodami sabalu, aż się zagotuje.

Następnie usuwamy napar z ognia, pozostawiamy do ochłodzenia, a następnie przecedzamy napój i dodajemy miód.

Przyjmowanie dwóch szklanek dziennie tego naparu, jednej rano i jednej wieczorem, wystarczy, aby odczuć korzystne działanie rośliny.

Dodatkowe porady: Sabal jest dość bezpieczną rośliną i wykazuje niewiele niepożądanych reakcji.

Należy jednak pamiętać, że może on powodować krwawienie, jeśli stosujemy go w połączeniu z miłorzębem dwuklapowym (Ginkgo biloba), lekami przeciwzakrzepowymi lub czosnkiem.

Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, skonsultuj się z lekarzem.

Jeśli masz zaburzenia prostaty, spróbuj zastosować sabal na poprawę stanu zdrowia tego gruczołu i układu moczowego.

W porę zajmij się swoją prostatą, a sabal będzie Twoim wielkim sprzymierzeńcem! Pomoże Ci on oczyścić mocz i poprawić zdrowie.

For more infomation >> Sabal – mało znane lekarstwo na prostatę i problemy układu moczowego - Duration: 6:05.


Sounds Our Body Makes 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ English Vocabulary with JenniferESL - Duration: 18:08.

Have you ever been part of a large audience?

Have you noticed that even when everyone is trying to be quiet during a speech or a

performance, there's never really silence, right?


Because people make noises.

We can't always help it. Our body makes noises. And let's face it...

Some noises are more embarrassing than others.

Let's go over some of the sounds our body makes.

We cough when something gets stuck in our throat.

We cough when we're sick. We cough when there's something in the air.

When I was a girl, I was taught that you should cover your mouth whenever you cough.

Later the advice changed. Now we're told that you should use your arm. the crook of your arm.

This leaves your hands free of germs, so you can safely shake hands with others or touch things like doorknobs.

Cough is a verb and a noun. I can't stop coughing.

When you have a cold, you might have a stuffy nose and a bad cough.

Do you know how to get rid of a bad cough?

People also cover their mouths when they sneeze.

We can use achoo to represent the sound of a sneeze.

Sneeze is a verb and a noun.

Cold air makes me sneeze.

This is true.

I have a loud sneeze. I got it from my father.

So what do you do about a loud sneeze?

Well, you can say, "Excuse me" if your sneeze interrupts someone.

But it's actually good manners for those around you to say, Bless you" after you sneeze.

The full expression is "God bless you," but most people just say, "Bless you."

Whether you're religious or not, saying bless you is just a ritual expression.

It's a way of wishing someone good health.

Do you have a loud sneeze?

When you sneeze, do you sneeze only once or do you usually sneeze a few times?

I mentioned a stuffy nose before.

When you have a stuffy nose, it's hard to breathe freely through the nose. And so you might sniff a little

until you find a tissue.

Sniff is a verb and a noun.

If you have a runny nose, you definitely need a tissue.

That's when you need to wipe and blow your nose every two minutes.

It's awful.

If you have a runny nose,

you still sniff.

Lots of sniffs can become sniffling. Sniffle is a verb and a noun.

Sometimes people talk about having the sniffles...when they have a bad cold and their nose is runny.

You might sniffle during a sad movie.

You're trying to hold in your tears. You hold in everything, but you can't help but sniffle a little.

Do you sniffle and cry when you watch a sad movie?

One of the most annoying sounds made with the nose is snoring.

Snores a verb and a noun.

My husband snores.

His snoring disturbs my sleep.

A loud snore can wake me up out of a deep sleep.

Does anyone in your family snore?

There's one more sound we can make with our nose. It's a sound that could either be funny or rude.

Have you ever heard someone snort?

It's a loud kind of breathing through the nose.

We often associate snorting with animals, like pigs.

Some people snort when they laugh. I don't usually snort but let me try.

Sometimes people snort it in a rude way to show that they have a low opinion of something.

Snort can be a verb or a noun.

Besides pigs, what other animals snort?

Let's move back to sounds we make in our throat. What's this?

I'm clearing my throat.

Sometimes we clear our throat because there's something preventing us from talking clearly.

Other times we clear our throat to get someone's attention.

When or where might you signal someone by clearing your throat?

Here's a rather unpleasant sound.

That's a groan.

Groan can be a noun or a verb. A groan expresses frustration,


displeasure...something negative. It's a deep sound in our throat comes out of our mouth.

In what kind of situation might a child groan?

Okay. Here are two sounds that might be confused.

We might gulp out of fear. Gulping is a loud swallowing motion.

Burping can be loud or soft. It comes from the stomach.

Babies burp after eating.

We might burp after eating a large meal.

Gulp and burp are two more words that can be verbs or nouns.

When you burp you should say, "Excuse me."

Many people try to cover their mouths or keep their mouth closed when they burp to keep it quiet.

But there are other people and there are many children who think that burping is funny.

They think it's hilarious. In fact, they have burping contests.

I've known people who've tried to say the whole alphabet while burping. Can you imagine burping the alphabet?

Do you think burping loudly is funny or disgusting?

Somewhat similar noise is hiccuping, like this.

What do you do if you can't stop hiccuping?

Note that hiccup is both a verb and a noun.

We can also talk about the hiccups.

Having the hiccups. I have the hiccups.

Do you know a good way to get rid of the hiccups?

A list of bodily sounds would not be complete without farting.

This sound can be a source of embarrassment for many people, but again for children it can be quite hilarious.

There are plenty of kids who think it's funny to make fart sounds.

Farting is an everyday word for passing gas. Fart is both a verb and a noun.

In recent years, the expression "brain fart" has gained use in conversation.

If you can't think straight, if you can't recall information easily,

you're having a brain fart.

But don't use this expression in polite company, okay?

Have you ever had a brain fart at a really bad time?

Here are two sounds you should recognize.

Tsk tsk is how we represent this clicking sound.

A tsk tsk sound

expresses that we don't like something, we don't approve of something, or perhaps we feel sorry for someone.

As in...

That's too bad.

This clicking sound is made with our tongue against the roof of our mouth.

In contrast, if we use both of our lips,

we get a smacking sound. Se smack our lips.

We might smack our lips after eating something messy, like chocolate.

When else do people smack their lips? Here's a hint: think of ladies putting on makeup.

Now let's contrast two breathing sounds. First, a gasp.

It's a strong intake of breath.We gasp in surprise.

Second, a sigh.

It's the opposite. It's a long gentle exhale.

Sigh and gasp...again, we have two words that can be verbs or nouns.

I heard a gasp of surprise. I gasped in surprise.

I heard him sigh. He sighed in relief.

When might someone sigh in relief?

There's an action that we do when we're tired,. It produces a sound that could be very quiet or very loud.

What am I doing?

I'm yawning.

They say if you see someone yawn, it's hard not to yawn yourself.

Do you think yawning is contagious?

Yawn can be a verb or a noun.

Please cover your mouth when you yawn.

She let out a big yawn and stretched her arms.

Sometimes our stomach grumbles and the sounds can be quite loud.

If your stomach is grumbling and people around you hear, you can say, "Excuse me."

You can also joke and add something like, "I guess I'm hungry."

Or "I guess my stomach knows it's almost lunchtime."

People make some sounds on purpose. Do you know anyone who likes to crack their knuckles?

The sound of someone cracking their knuckles makes me wince in discomfort, but some people like doing this.

Some people even crack their necks.

Do you crack your knuckles?

Let's end with two fun sounds: hum and whistle. Do you know the difference?

We hum with our lips closed. We usually hum when we're happy or bored.

We whistle with our lips in a tight circle.

Some people can whistle a whole song.

We whistle when we're happy, or we can also whistle to get someone's attention.

Some people know how to whistle through their fingers.

Can you whistle very well? Do you know how to whistle through your fingers?

It's time to wrap up.

If you have a study partner,

you can practice by asking each other my questions. If you're studying alone,

choose three of the questions and post your ideas in the comments.

We'll end here. Please remember to like this video and subscribe. If you know others who are trying to build their

vocabulary skills in English,

please share this video.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Become a member of my learning community. Click the JOIN button to become a member of my YouTube channel English with Jennifer.

You'll get a special badge, bonus posts,

on-screen credit, and a monthly live stream. Note that YouTube channel memberships are not available in every country at this time.

I'd like to say a very special. Thank you to the current members of my channel.

Hopefully, more of you will join us for the next live stream.

Follow me and gain more practice on Facebook and Twitter. I also have new videos on Instagram.

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notification of every new video I upload to YouTube.


For more infomation >> Sounds Our Body Makes 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ English Vocabulary with JenniferESL - Duration: 18:08.


Nearly naked man spotted rollerblading along Chicago's lakefront in subzero temps - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Nearly naked man spotted rollerblading along Chicago's lakefront in subzero temps - Duration: 0:20.


El_KhowaGa I 60 دقيقة - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> El_KhowaGa I 60 دقيقة - Duration: 3:11.


I pick up Serena after school & we go on a LoL Hatchimals Pikmi Pops Shopping Spree (ENABLE CC) - Duration: 4:49.


Lets bring the kids with us

I'm sure

Race ya kids!!!

I won

I like ?????

These are my fav

Those ones and these ones


And marshmallows

I want these ones

These are my favorite

I want these kind of ones


Super Girl

Could I get one of these


Two of these?

Two of these?

Her name is Raquel

I'm going to have

This one

And she going to have this one

I do

I think so

I think I need it

One for Raquel and one for me

We can get these tomorrow

Yeah I

One for Ra

These are Pikmi Pops

One for Raquel and one for me

I'm sure I want these


We still have some toys to get

Two of these?

I get this one


This ones for



Yes I do

I'm sure

One for me


One for Raquel


I don't know

I was



For more infomation >> I pick up Serena after school & we go on a LoL Hatchimals Pikmi Pops Shopping Spree (ENABLE CC) - Duration: 4:49.


I DARE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE//400+ WINS - Duration: 47:53.

For more infomation >> I DARE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE//400+ WINS - Duration: 47:53.


YUGI H5 - Tuyển tập những trận đấu hay của các thể loại NGHI THỨC (01.02.2019) - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 11:02.

For more infomation >> YUGI H5 - Tuyển tập những trận đấu hay của các thể loại NGHI THỨC (01.02.2019) - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 11:02.


Arsenal tried to include THIS bizarre clause in deal to sign Ivan Perisic - David Ornstein - Duration: 3:28.

 Last Saturday, it was reported by the BBC that the Croatia international is attracting interest from Arsenal

 They claimed the north Londoners made an approach to sign the 29-year-old on loan until the end of the season

TRANSFER NEWS LIVE - UPDATES AND LATEST FROM YOUR CLUB ON DEADLINE DAYDEADLINE DAY - THE COMPLETED DEALS SO FAR ON DEADLINE DAY Perisic was keen on a move to the Emirates and even handed in a transfer request in an attempt to force through a move

 Arsenal have been locked in talks with Inter over the last few days to hash out a deal for the 29-year-old, who they value at £35million

 However, those talks have collapsed over a dispute over the Gunners' structure for a loan deal with an option to buy, which Inter wanted to be guaranteed in the contract

 "Perisic to Arsenal off," the BBC's David Ornstein wrote on Twitter earlier today

"Inter ended all player talks yesterday. "Arsenal's attempts to structure loan + option (+ penalty fee if option not taken) of no interest

" Arsenal boss Unai Emery has turned his attention to signing Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Christopher Nkunku, who he managed during his time in charge of the Parisian club

 But according to Ornstein, the north Londoners are facing an uphill task to sign the 23-year-old before the window closes

 He added: "Nkunku efforts ongoing but now very unlikely." Ornstein then went on to confirm that Gunners midfielder Emile Smith Rowe will join Bundesliga side RB Leipzig on loan for the remainder of the season

 He said: "Smith Rowe [to join] RB Leipzig on loan, no option to buy." RB Leipzig boss Ralf Rangnick has revealed that Smith Rowe is currently undergoing a medical with the club, saying: "Yes, I can confirm that the player is in Leipzig

 "And that we'll carry out the medical today. "Then we'll have to see that we have everything available to be able to complete the transfer today

 "If that is the case today, we do not have that much time left - everything must be done by 6pm (German time when the window closes) - then the player can come to us

 "At the moment this is not the case and I cannot confirm this transfer yet. "If everything will work out, then I can still say something about it tomorrow

" Arsenal will next be in action on Sunday, travelling to the Etihad to take on second-placed Manchester City

For more infomation >> Arsenal tried to include THIS bizarre clause in deal to sign Ivan Perisic - David Ornstein - Duration: 3:28.


윌리엄, 샘해밍턴과 귀염뽀짝 데이트 '인형 착각 부를 만' - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> 윌리엄, 샘해밍턴과 귀염뽀짝 데이트 '인형 착각 부를 만' - Duration: 1:32.


코딩 독학 어떻게 시작하면 좋을까? 코딩 공부법! - Duration: 5:06.

Many people want to start study coding

but they do not know how to start

So this time, I would like to introduce how

to start coding and what is good coding study method

To do study programming efficiently

1. Set goals for study coding

2. Choose which programming language to start learning

3. Choose a coding study method. Let's take a closer look at each step

If you have any goals or motivations

you can progress much more fun and quickly

Coding is the same

There is a big difference between

starting with a goal and starting with no goal

For example, user A, who started coding with a specific goal

to make OO app

and user B, who started coding study

simply because of the popularity of coding

would be quite different

It would be the same to start with

a basic coding study

but user A will take the additional study related to

it in order to make an OO app

and if group B finishes the basic study

he or she will start to worry about what to study again

Not only that, but it will be even more interesting

if you study with a feeling of

approaching your goals one step at a time

In a nutshell, even if it is simple

please decide something you want to make

Whether it's a web application, an iPhone or an Android app

If you have set up something you want to create

there will be a programming language suitable for creating it

For example, to create an iPhone app you'll need a Swift language

and to create an Android app you'll need Java or Kotlyn

There are so many different kinds of programs

that you can create to describe every single language

you need to create a program, and it doesn't mean anything

It's one ability to search for yourself and

find out if you need this programming language to create this program

In conclusion, we search and investigate

programming languages ​​to achieve goals

Now is the time to start study coding

There are two main ways to study coding

It is self-taught and

taking place at school or academy

I don't really recommend one of them.

It's because each person has a different approach

I've done all the school classes, lectures, and self-study.

Self-study was the best fit for me

When I was studying at a school or academy

it was not efficient because I had to accept the contents first

and then learn again by myself

However, I was able to concentrate on saving my time

and make effort writing my own code because

I could make my own at the same time as accepting the contents

Self-study with book and self-study with videos

Among books and videos I prefer books

If you want to go faster, you can go faster

If you want to go slower

you can go slower because you can adjust

the speed with the book

However, when the progress is slow or uninteresting

the videos were also helpful

Personally, I recommend trying out all the methods

and choose the method that works best for you

From here on, individual patience and

consistency will have a big impact

The process of studying can be tedious

and you may end up creating a targeted app

However, no matter what difficulty you have

towards the goals you set

you will be able to grow one step if you study and study silently

When development becomes tedious or clogged,

we do not want to forget that we have a very big helper, Google and the Internet

Searching for Google may take a while

but it can solve a lot of problems

On the Internet Each coding community can also help you

with support or problems

If you have finished the first project

I suggest that you plan and proceed with

another new project to explore new areas

But if you get tired of it

you can organize a team to work on a group project

or if you get networking opportunities

it's highly recommended that you get a mentor that's right for you

I'm going to finish this content with this

As I posted in the Instagram

I'm recently learning how to apply Machine Learning to iOS

I'll also upload related content soon.

So get more content on the MacKer site,

YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, and

do not forget to subscribe, follow and communicate

See you in the following content.

For more infomation >> 코딩 독학 어떻게 시작하면 좋을까? 코딩 공부법! - Duration: 5:06.


Bắt Ve Chó Như Vậy Mới Thích | TQMT Tập 374 - Duration: 11:06.

Hello friends

My aunt 5 is catching ticks

ticks are gone

I am very happy for this

I was overwhelmed today

Aunt 5 is very funny

Aunt 5 single

Aunt 5 has itchy feet

Thanks for watching the video

For more infomation >> Bắt Ve Chó Như Vậy Mới Thích | TQMT Tập 374 - Duration: 11:06.


AW Bell's participation in the F-35 Program - Duration: 1:36.

AW Bell manufactures high-strength aluminium and steel casting for the F-35 program.

The investment casting process uses a wax pattern, which is the same geometry as the finished part.

From the drawing, we manufacture an aluminium tool

that provides the cavity for the wax pattern.

Once we have that pattern out of the tool, we then melt each component onto a supporting structure

and then this is coated in ceramic.

Once the shell's completed and we've removed the wax from the interior of the shell

we then fire the shell in a oven to get the shell up to temperature

the metal is prepared in the furnace

once it passes the metal specification that we need, we take the shell out of the oven

and pour the hot metal into the shell.

We then allow the shell to cool naturally. Once the metal has solidified we remove the ceramic mold

and we cut off our part.

All parts for the F-35 program complete dye penetrant inspection,

magnetic particle inspection, x-ray inspection and after a final visual and dimensional check

the part is then ready to be sent onto our customer.

I'm David, from AW Bell and this is what we do for the F-35.

For more infomation >> AW Bell's participation in the F-35 Program - Duration: 1:36.


Cydney Gillon. IFBB Figure division. Part # 3.2 - Duration: 3:52.

Hi guys, Nature of Bodybuilding channel with you.

And in this video, I will continue talking about the representatives of IFBB female divisions.

So, the next item or the category on the agenda is figure division, which is less subjective

than bikini division as here, there is more focus on the physique of participants.

Cydney Gillon is 2 time Ms Figure Olympia and for that reason I've chosen her for

this video.

Let me again start with her biography.

So, she was brought up by parents who were also competing bodybuilders.

Unfortunately, I haven't found any credible information about their bodybuilding accomplishments.

But judging by these photos, her parents definitely have been in bodybuilding for long.

Anyway, she has been keeping fit and following a bodybuilding diet almost since her childhood.

Even in her childhood she already made a decision to compete and chose to be a fitness model

but because of lack of gymnastic background she turned to the figure division.

And at just 14, she competed in her first competition.

Then while studying at the University of Pennsylvania, she took part in competitions among sprinters.

In addition, in 2012, while still being a student, she received her pro card.

Gillon won the NPC Nationals that year, just imagine at only the age of 20.

For instance, look at these photos comparing her conditioning in NPC in 2012 and her recent


Let me circle back, so, she graduated in 2014 with a Bachelor's degree in psychology.

As I've already mentioned, she is 2times Ms Figure Olympia.

She won it is 2017 and 2018, which is really outstanding bearing in mind that this category

is less subjective than bikini.

Apart from grace and beautiful look, it is necessary to have great physique and quality

of muscles.

For instance, in bikini division, it is possible to cover the back with hair as the muscles

on the back aren't judged.

On the other hand, Figure's contestants have to show almost every part of their body

to judges.

In my opinion, to be the winner in Figure division is a bit more difficult.

The judges cannot simply be charmed with the participants' beauty and manners.

Having some muscles and lines is obligatory.

But after looking at Cydney Gillon, I can say that not only some.

Look at her, I think that if she had a bit more muscle mass and quality, she could even

compete in our next more muscular divisions.

I mean in women's physique or even in bodybuilding.

For instance, standing at a height of 160 cm or 5'3" her competing weight is 61

kg or 135 lbs.

For instance, 2000 Ms Olympia winner Andrulla Blanchette, had the same weight with approximately

the same height.

Anyway, Cydney Gillon is really successful in her division.

She is 2 time Ms Figure Olympia and also she has been placed in the top ten of every pro

show she ever competed in.

Finally, I want to point out the she is also known for her appearance on the TV reality

series Survivor.

Gillon finished in fourth place.

Well guys, thank you for watching.

I am really glad to familiarize you with the information about female divisions and top

ranking representatives of these divisions.

I hope you like this video.

Also, subscribe to my channel and wait for the next subparts about fitness, women's

physique and bodybuilding divisions.

Good luck.

For more infomation >> Cydney Gillon. IFBB Figure division. Part # 3.2 - Duration: 3:52.


"인생 최고의 축복".. '이상한 나라의 며느리' 이현승♥최현상, 감동의 출산기 - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> "인생 최고의 축복".. '이상한 나라의 며느리' 이현승♥최현상, 감동의 출산기 - Duration: 3:49.


✅ Renan nega que conversas com Joesley o incriminem: "nunca cometi mal feito" - Duration: 1:51.

 O senador Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL) negou nesta quinta-feira (31) ter tido conversas incriminatórias com o empresário e dono do grupo JBS, Joesley Batista, conforme mostram interceptações telefônicas feitas pela Polícia Federal e reveladas em reportagem do jornal Folha de S

Paulo. "Não há nenhuma gravação minha em nenhum lugar que me incrimine ou seja desfavorável ao interesse do Brasil", declarou ele ao chegar para a reunião da bancada do MDB, em Brasília

O encontro deve definir o candidato do partido à Presidência do Senado

 Renan disse ainda que "as pessoas tensionam porque não o conhecem" e que "sempre teve uma participação na formatação do país do ponto de vista institucional"

 "Nunca cometi mal feito", disse o parlamentar. Renan repetiu que ainda não se considera candidato do MDB à Presidência do Senado e que a decisão caberá à bancada

Nos bastidores, ele trava uma batalha interna com a senadora Simone Tebet (MDB-MS), que se lançou na disputa antes da decisão partidária

 "Por isso que eu não me coloco como candidato. Quem vai decidir é a maioria da bancada

Por isso não postulo e não cogito." As gravações obtidas pela reportagem da Folha revelam conversa entre Renan e Joesley em que o senador discute com o empresário uma nomeação para o Ministério da Agricultura, pasta de alto interesse para os negócios da JBS

Os áudios são de 2014. Em 2017, Joesley, seu irmão, Wesley, e outros cinco executivos afirmaram ter pagado milhões a deputados e senadores em eleições em troca de vantagens para a JBS

Renan consta entre os delatados. Ouça a conversa de Renan com Joesley TV Folha

For more infomation >> ✅ Renan nega que conversas com Joesley o incriminem: "nunca cometi mal feito" - Duration: 1:51.


ELEKTRA | Cómo retirar dinero en Elektra - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> ELEKTRA | Cómo retirar dinero en Elektra - Duration: 1:51.


Praey for the Gods Acesso antecipado Gameplay - Duration: 20:02.

For more infomation >> Praey for the Gods Acesso antecipado Gameplay - Duration: 20:02.


Self-styled investigator in Michelle O'Connell case found shot dead - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Self-styled investigator in Michelle O'Connell case found shot dead - Duration: 1:47.


"Credo, tá parecendo uma calopsita", diz Paula sobre cabelo de Diego - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> "Credo, tá parecendo uma calopsita", diz Paula sobre cabelo de Diego - Duration: 8:38.


Rodrigo reclama de picada de marimbondo e pede ajuda a Danrley - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Rodrigo reclama de picada de marimbondo e pede ajuda a Danrley - Duration: 8:14.


Sabal – mało znane lekarstwo na prostatę i problemy układu moczowego - Duration: 6:05.

Prostata – co to takiego? Prostata jest seksualnym gruczołem człowieka, który po przekroczeniu wieku 50 lat może ulec przerostowi.

Ze względu na bliskość prostaty, cewki moczowej i dna pęcherza, zachodzą zmiany w moczu. Wpływa to negatywnie na drogi moczowe.

Strumień moczu zmniejsza się a następnie pojawia się silne uczucie pieczenia.

Nagromadzenie moczu powoduje wzrost bakterii i pojawianie się innych objawów, takich jak gorączka i ból w dolnej części miednicy.

Wszystkie te objawy kliniczne są dość denerwujące, ponieważ zakłócają sen w nocy i powodują dyskomfort podczas oddawania moczu.

Bądź więc czujny na te objawy! Kiedy mężczyzna osiąga 50 lat, zaleca się pójście do urologa w celu przebadania prostaty.

Za pomocą prostych badań krwi i pewnych testów obrazowych mających na celu ocenę wielkości prostaty, można uniknąć pojawienia się raka tego ważnego gruczołu.

Czym jest sabal? Sabal lub palma sabalowa to roślina pochodząca z Florydy i Meksyku.

Jest to dość mały krzew o łatwej adaptacji do zmian klimatycznych.

Amerykańskie plemiona od czasów starożytnych potwierdzają jego korzystny wpływ nie tylko na zdrowie starszych mężczyzn, ale także kobiet w ciąży.

Nawet dziś Indianie zachowują tradycję przyjmowania tej rośliny.

Sabal zawiera ekstrakt liposterolowy (rozpuszczalny w tłuszczu), kwasy tłuszczowe, żywice,

szczawiany wapnia, gumy, garbniki, sterole i estry. Jego spożycie pomaga zmniejszyć stan zapalny,

zapobiega proliferacji bakterii i zmniejsza liczbę receptorów estrogenowych.

W jaki sposób sabal zmniejsza objawy łagodnego wzrostu gruczołu krokowego? Istnieje wiele badań naukowych,

które wykazały silne działanie przeciwzapalne sabalu na prostatę. Zmniejsza niedrożność cewki moczowej i objawy podrażnienia.

Występuje poprawa w odczuwaniu silnego parcia na mocz i zmniejszeniu przepływu moczu.

Roślina działa poprzez hamowanie hormonu DHT (dihydrotestosteron), który bierze udział rozwoju prostaty.

Dlatego, zmniejszając poziom testosteronu, zapobiega się pojawieniu się raka prostaty.

Wykazano w ten sam sposób, że sabal ma korzystny efekt jako stymulant seksualny, ponieważ utrzymuje on erekcję i poprawia ejakulację.

Niektórzy mężczyźni twierdzą, że ich życie w związku poprawiło się na skutek regularnego stosowania tej rośliny.

Czy sabal jest również przydatny do leczenia infekcji dróg moczowych? W Chinach przyjmowanie tej rośliny w formie kapsułki przez 12 tygodni było wystarczające,

aby wykazać poprawę jakości życia, poprzez zmniejszenie objawów infekcji dróg moczowych.

Sabal zapobiega wzrostowi komórek prostaty. W konsekwencji, ustępują uciążliwe objawy wtórne związane z podrażnieniem pęcherza moczowego.

Mężczyźni cierpiący na problemy z prostatą wykazują poprawę podczas oddawania moczu. Ta roślina zwiększa przepływ moczu i zapobiega osadzaniu się resztkowego moczu.

Jak należy przygotować sabal? Przygotowanie sabalu jako domowego lekarstwa jest dość proste. Należy go spożywać w postaci naparu.

Składniki: 2 szklanki wody (500 ml), 1 łyżka suszonych pokruszonych jagód sabalowych (15 g), 1 łyżka miodu (25 g).

Przygotowanie: Podgrzewamy wodę razem z jagodami sabalu, aż się zagotuje.

Następnie usuwamy napar z ognia, pozostawiamy do ochłodzenia, a następnie przecedzamy napój i dodajemy miód.

Przyjmowanie dwóch szklanek dziennie tego naparu, jednej rano i jednej wieczorem, wystarczy, aby odczuć korzystne działanie rośliny.

Dodatkowe porady: Sabal jest dość bezpieczną rośliną i wykazuje niewiele niepożądanych reakcji.

Należy jednak pamiętać, że może on powodować krwawienie, jeśli stosujemy go w połączeniu z miłorzębem dwuklapowym (Ginkgo biloba), lekami przeciwzakrzepowymi lub czosnkiem.

Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, skonsultuj się z lekarzem.

Jeśli masz zaburzenia prostaty, spróbuj zastosować sabal na poprawę stanu zdrowia tego gruczołu i układu moczowego.

W porę zajmij się swoją prostatą, a sabal będzie Twoim wielkim sprzymierzeńcem! Pomoże Ci on oczyścić mocz i poprawić zdrowie.

For more infomation >> Sabal – mało znane lekarstwo na prostatę i problemy układu moczowego - Duration: 6:05.


"Foi a noite mais difícil", diz Tereza sobre ronco de Rodrigo - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> "Foi a noite mais difícil", diz Tereza sobre ronco de Rodrigo - Duration: 9:27.


Symptoms in the Mind 1-1화 - Duration: 22:05.

For more infomation >> Symptoms in the Mind 1-1화 - Duration: 22:05.


マルチマネー対応コカ・コーラの飲料自販機にてnanacoモバイルで飲料水購入 - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> マルチマネー対応コカ・コーラの飲料自販機にてnanacoモバイルで飲料水購入 - Duration: 0:26.


✅ ''Faço negócio em todas as áreas da minha vida, menos nesta'', desabafa Anitta sobre papo de BBBs - Duration: 1:54.

 Anitta compartilhou com os fãs nas redes sociais um desabafo sobre os seus relacionamentos amororos na manhã desta quinta-feira, 31

   A cantora se mostrou insatisfeita ao ver um diálogo recente, entre os participantes do Big Brother Brasil 19, sobre os seus ex-namorados

Segundo disse em vídeo, os brothers criticaram as escolhas da funkeira, o que a desagradou bastante

 "Estava aqui passeando pela internet, porque demora cinco horas pra ficar desse jeito (em referência ao novo visual, divulgado hoje) e não tem nada pra fazer

Aí estava vendo um vídeo da galera do BBB que viralizou. Era o 'bofinho' falando dos meus bofes e as meninas falando: 'É a Anitta, meu!'

O menino falava que ela pegou fulano e beltrano e que, por se tratar de Anitta, tinha que parar com alguém mais importante", explicou a cantora, com o semblante nada simpático

   Muito insatisfeita com o comentário, ela desabafou: "Olha, faço negócio em todas as áreas da minha vida, menos nesta

Eu quero grana, vou trabalhar. Quero status, vou trabalhar. Quero acrescentar algo na minha imagem, vou trabalhar

Não pego pra isso. Bofe eu pego pra ser feliz, pra me fazer feliz, por vontade e não por necessidade

Eu, heim?", disse.  E continuou: "A essa altura do campeonato, já estou aqui feliz na minha vida, vou ter que escolher nível de importância de bofe

Jurou, né?".   A cantora, que se separou do empresário Thiago Magalhães ano passado, apareceu, recentemente, em foto íntima ao lado do novo affair, o produtor Ronan Carvalho

Após o vazamento da foto, Anitta se pronunciou.

For more infomation >> ✅ ''Faço negócio em todas as áreas da minha vida, menos nesta'', desabafa Anitta sobre papo de BBBs - Duration: 1:54.


NBA All-Star reserves announced: Familiar faces and notable first-timers - Duration: 14:13.

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USA TODAY CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMOREWe now know the reserves for the upcoming NBA All-Star Game

Let the debates begin about who got snubbed.After starters and captains were announced last week, the rest of the rosters were announced Thursday night on TNT

There are plenty of familiar faces, along with some notable first-time All-Stars selected by the league's coaches

From the Eastern Conference: Bradley Beal, Washington Wizards; Blake Griffin, Detroit Pistons; Kyle Lowry, Toronto Raptors; Khris Middleton, Milwaukee Bucks; Victor Oladipo, Indiana Pacers; Ben Simmons, Philadelphia 76ers; and Nikola Vucevic, Orlando Magic

From the Western Conference: LaMarcus Aldridge, San Antonio Spurs; Anthony Davis, New Orleans Pelicans; Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets; Damian Lillard, Portland Trail Blazers; Klay Thompson, Golden State Warriors; Karl-Anthony Towns, Minnesota Timberwolves; and Russell Westbrook, Oklahoma City Thunder

CLICK & ROLL: Get exclusive content in our NBA newsletterWestbrook will be making his eighth career All-Star appearance, and Aldridge was picked for the seventh time

Davis was selected for the sixth time days after he sent the league into a frenzy with his demand to be traded from New Orleans

Among the East reserves, Griffin was picked for the sixth time, while Lowry will make his fifth career appearance

Oladipo was selected for the second consecutive year, but he will miss the All-Star Game after suffering a season-ending knee injury last week

D'Angelo Russell of the Brooklyn Nets and the 76ers' Jimmy Butler are considered the top candidates to replace Oladipo

Jokic, Simmons, Middleton and Vucevic were picked for their first All-Star appearances

Dallas Mavericks rookie Luka Doncic was denied in his attempt to be the first rookie All-Star since Griffin in 2011, despite finishing second among West frontcourt players in fan voting

Only seven rookies have been an All-Star in the last 30 years: Griffin, Yao Ming, Tim Duncan, Grant Hill, Shaquille O'Neal, Dikembe Mutombo and David Robinson

Announced last week, the starters from the Western Conference are LeBron James, Los Angeles Lakers; Steph Curry and Kevin Durant, Golden State Warriors; James Harden, Houston Rockets; and Paul George, Thunder

In the East, the starters are Giannis Antetokounmpo, Bucks; Kyrie Irving, Boston Celtics; Kemba Walker, Charlotte Hornets; Kawhi Leonard, Toronto Raptors; and Joel Embiid, Philadelphia 76ers

James and Antetokounmpo are the captains in the second year of the All-Star Game's draft format

They will select their teams Feb. 7 on TNT from the entire pool of players, regardless of conference

The All-Star Game is Feb. 17 in Charlotte.Follow Matt Eppers on Twitter @meppers_

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