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Rancho Las Lomas | Larrymanía | Universo - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Larry está listo | Larrymanía | Universo - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Preocupación en todo el país por la ola de frío extremo | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:48.-------------------------------------------
Charles Spurgeon - Luz en la oscuridad (SUB) - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
¡Le dan el último adiós a Fernando Gaitán! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Las pullita de Rosario Mohedano y Rosa Benito al arrepentimiento de Antonio Tejado en 'GH DÚO'! - Duration: 2:08.Al hacer la línea de su vida, Antonio Tejado reflexionó sobre sus días junto a Rosario Mohedano.
Una reflexión en 'GH DÚO' en la que entonó el mea culpa, asegurando que se comportó como un imbécil y que la relación me la cargué yo al 90%.
No le di buena vida, le fui infiel varias veces.... Era muy joven, un niñato.
Unas palabras que le llevaron a emocionarse y a desear arreglar las cosas con la madrede su hijo mayor,
con la que no tiene ningún tipo de trato y con la que se ha enfrentado en los tribunales en varias ocasiones.
Un deseo ante el que reaccionaron a través de las redes sociales y mediante indirectas, tanto Chayo Mohedano como su madre Rosa Benito.
¿Tenéis a algún sinvergüenza en mente?, preguntaba la cantante a sus fans enlazando al vídeo de Youtube con su canción 'Sinvergüenza'.
Unas palabras a las que contestó la cuenta oficial de 'GH DÚO', siguiéndoles ella el juego 'preguntando' al programa: ¿Vosotros tenéis a algún sinvergüenza en mente?.
Una frase que no hace falta explicar y con la que queda bastante clara su opinión sobre las palabras de Antonio Tejado y ese deseo de arreglar las cosas entre ellos y poder tener una relación cordial.
Por su parte, su madre Rosa Benito, no se ha quedado atrás. El zasca de Rosa Benito a Antonio Tejado.
La colaboradora de 'Viva la vida' ha lanzado una pullita muy clara a través de su cuenta de Instagram junto a una foto con su hija: Un sabio dijo....
El mentiroso cuando se ve descubierto, se enoja, llora o se hace la víctima.
Cómo acceder al modo seguro antes de que arranque Windows 10 u 8 | HP - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Băng huyết sau sinh - Duration: 7:10.-------------------------------------------
Guía Saint Seiya Zodiac Brave ; Pisces God Cloth Aphrodite - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
5 IDEE SAN VALENTINO Fai da te (2019) REGALI e ADDOBBI - Duration: 16:12.Looking for ideas for gifts or chores make from you for Valentine's Day?
Hi I'm Letizia, creative of the channel Live with Letizia where you can find many
creative recycling projects, DIY and tricks for home.
In this video tutorial today I show you one collection of gifts or DIY jobs for
Valentine's day.
You can use some as decorations, you can use others as original gift ideas
for you for Valentine's Day.
I also show you how to make a painting on one plywood support reproducing the image
of an artist that I love so much, that is Keith Haring.
If you like tutorials like this I recommend you to subscribe now to my channel by clicking
on Sign up and on the bell, so you do not get lost none of the upcoming videos.
If instead you did not like this video leave me your constructive criticism in the comments.
Now let's move on to the tutorial: keep watching!
If you like tutorials like this I will remind you that you can subscribe now to my channel by clicking
on Sign up and on the bell, so you do not get lost none of the upcoming videos.
You have already thought about what to give to yours or your girlfriend for Valentine's Day?
We'll see you next time.
浅田真央、"メリー・ポピンズ愛"熱弁 自身プロデュースの特別映像も制作 - Duration: 2:38.拡大写真 メ ー・ポピンズさな らの衣装で登場し 浅田真央 (C) RICON Ne S inc. フィギュアスケ ターの浅田真央が 1日、都内で行わ た映画『メリー・ ピンズ リターン 』(2月1日公開 前夜祭イベントに 席
2012~201 年シーズンのエキ ビション・ナンバ で『メリー・ポピ ズ』の楽曲を使用 るほどの同シリー の大ファンである 田は、作品さなが の衣装で登場し、 メリー・ポピンズ "を熱弁した
【動画】自身プロ ュースの特別映像 解説する浅田真央 22歳の時に、振 師から前作の楽曲 勧められ、同シリ ズの大ファンにな たと明かした浅田 「悩みとかいろい あって、うまくい ない時期だったん すけど、曲自体が ごく明るくて元気 もらえる曲なので っていてすごく楽 かったです」と振 返った
同作にちなみ、 法が使えたらどん 魔法をかけたいか いう質問に「食べ ことが大好きなの 、たくさん食べれ 胃袋をあと2つも って、食べても太 ない魔法を自分に けたいです」と笑
司会者から「色気 ロ!」とツッコま 、照れ笑いを浮か ていた。
Juliana et Valentina 109 VOSTFR - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
Con quỷ với bộ xương đẫm máu - Somthing Scary Vietsub (Snarled) - Duration: 6:38.-------------------------------------------
Julie Gayet et sa petite confidence que « peu de gens savent » sur François Hollande - Duration: 7:18.-------------------------------------------
ASMR FR - MUKBANG GALETTE DES ROIS.. la fève EN DIRECT!! - Duration: 17:20.-------------------------------------------
Río de camalotes - Mario Corradini (cover 2019) #Chamame - Duration: 2:54.River of camalotes
Matias Neiff
if I say green
that you do not think about the camalote
and if I say water
What do not you imagine the Parana
December rips it off and unties its knot
with the mother jungle
and with the water comes
the cutting time and the Yarará
to your uncertainty
slow lizard
black roots
hunger is turned on
the heavy air and the flood
that does not stop
your slow march
rubo for the sea
it's so similar
to our delirium to loneliness
let the wind push you
my thought or the temporary
off the shore
your clique
the river that cradles you
puts his tongue in the hamlet
under your plain
he plays the golden one hiding
silent army
water belly
mud legs
leaf mummy
green the waters of the invader
Do not stop your slow march
course for the sea
It is so similar to our delirium
in the loneliness
let the wind push you
my thought
or the temporary
off the shore
your clique
off the shore
your clique
Assassinos em Série - Vovó assassina de Hóspedes - Dorothea Puentes - Legendas em Português - Duration: 1:04:43.-------------------------------------------
Review #PLC Lollette FX3U 14MR / LE3U / FX3U / FX3UC: Part 1 Hardware : PDAControl - Duration: 5:19.we will resume the review of the lollette PLC LE3U 14MR6AD2DA or FX3UC 14MR 6AD2DA
I recommend these tutorials, installation GxWorks demo
I bought this PLC to test its quality and functionality
Works with 24VDC and is equivalent to a Mitsubishi controller
for less 40 dollars is a very affordable price for a PLC
Brings the PLC and a DB9 serial programming cable
It has 8 digital inputs - 6 relay outputs - 6 analog inputs not isolated - 2 analog outputs not isolated
It has RS485, RS232, RTC, To disarm, it has 4 screws
uses an ARM-Cortex M3 STM32F103 as CPU
The 8 digital inputs are opto-coupled and have LED indicators
Switch selector of Programming Mode and RUN Mode
an LM324, I suppose that for the DAC and ADC, the integrated reference is a bit blurry
a ULN2003 driver that controls the 6 outputs to relay
an integrated 4-pin that could be a MAX485
the area that has the transformer and capacitors is the DC-DC source
uses regulators LM25765 and AMS1117
an SP232ee equivalent to a MAX232
Terminal A and B correspond to the RS485
On the bottom side is the battery for the RTC
The terminals are removable. very practical
It has 2 potentiometers, addressed to PLC registers
The programming is RS232 serial with the GxWorks software that we already downloaded.
We need a cable USB to RS232 converter
a 24v source And it's ready to program
attention with the polarity of the feeding
in our next tutorial we will program the PLC with the GxWorks2
we will use the Ladder Language
Personally this would trust more this PLC than in any, adaptation of Arduino with module Rele
If you want to know the reason I invite you to see the detailed documentation in the PDAControl sites in the description
There are many possibilities
The idea is to integrate it with an ESP32 and implement the PLC protocol and integrate with platforms such as Node-RED
Also with the ESP32 allow a Serial-Wifi bridge and remotely program PLC Lollette
In the documentation will detail features and pros and cons of these equipment
for basic automation applications it's perfect
I could also try to connect it to a Raspberry Pi, good purchase links in the description and documentation greetings
SHROUD'U VURAN KIZ - Dünyanın En Güzel Pubg Oyuncusu - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
Cómo acceder al modo seguro antes de que arranque Windows 10 u 8 | HP - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
PUBG HDR Game play IN Redmi Note 5 pro in high setting ! - Duration: 6:55.hello
Nerf Rival Blasters Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Red Blue - Duration: 5:26.Nerf Rival Blasters Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Red Blue
[THE MEN DREAMS] HÃY ĐỂ ANH YÊU EM LẦN NỮA || THE MEN ft THU THỦY || DREAM 20 - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
5 IDEE SAN VALENTINO Fai da te (2019) REGALI e ADDOBBI - Duration: 16:12.Looking for ideas for gifts or chores make from you for Valentine's Day?
Hi I'm Letizia, creative of the channel Live with Letizia where you can find many
creative recycling projects, DIY and tricks for home.
In this video tutorial today I show you one collection of gifts or DIY jobs for
Valentine's day.
You can use some as decorations, you can use others as original gift ideas
for you for Valentine's Day.
I also show you how to make a painting on one plywood support reproducing the image
of an artist that I love so much, that is Keith Haring.
If you like tutorials like this I recommend you to subscribe now to my channel by clicking
on Sign up and on the bell, so you do not get lost none of the upcoming videos.
If instead you did not like this video leave me your constructive criticism in the comments.
Now let's move on to the tutorial: keep watching!
If you like tutorials like this I will remind you that you can subscribe now to my channel by clicking
on Sign up and on the bell, so you do not get lost none of the upcoming videos.
You have already thought about what to give to yours or your girlfriend for Valentine's Day?
We'll see you next time.
Uitspraken van Christus van de laatste dagen 'Gods werk, Gods gezindheid en God Zelf I' Deel vier - Duration: 52:51.-------------------------------------------
The Handcrafted Retreat Tiny House On Wheels | Living Design For A Tiny House - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
K/DA - "POP/STARS" (by łatka&Alice/English Cover) - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Cứ Thế Mong Chờ Remix ( MSC ) - Nguyễn Đình Vũ | Music Channel - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Vondráčková natočila další ledové video a hned se rozjely spekulace: „Má vyplakané oči!" - Duration: 3:10.I když je Lucie Vondráčková v drsné rozvodové bitvě s hokejistou Tomášem Plekancem, vždy si najde čas na své fanoušky, které pravidelně zdraví na sociálních sítích
Ve svém posledním postu se zpěvačka natočila uprostřed sněhové bouře v Montrealu: „Tak vás zdravím z minus třiceti!" Přestože se Lucie na videu snaží usmívat, a dokonce se ozývá hlasitý smích, její fanouškovská základna má o ni starost! „Má smutný oči, ale to zas bude dobrý," všiml si jeden z fanoušků
„Je na vás vidět únava, jste strašně smutná! Ať je lépe," povzbuzuje umělkyni další
„Ty uplakané oči!" vyděsil se někdo z obdivovatelů. „Když muž opustí rodinu, je to jeden z nejtěžších křížů!" vysvětluje jistá žena
„Přejeme hodně sil a ať je brzo veseleji!" povzbuzují ji další lidé. Má Vondráčková smutné oči? Je vidět, že podpora, jíž se Vondráčkové od obdivovatelů dostává, jí dodává energii, kterou poslední měsíce obzvlášť potřebuje
Zpěvačka se totiž zamotala do rozvodové tahanice, jakou náš showbyznys dlouho nezažil
Přestože ani ona, ani její stále ještě manžel na to nevypadají, jejich spory se stále vyostřují
Partneři se nemohli shodnout ani na místě, kde má probíhat jejich rozvod. Zatímco Lucie trvala na Kanadě, Tomáš Plekanec preferoval rozvod v Česku
Dál Vondráčková s Plekancem vedli bitvu o výši alimentů. Nakonec spory vyeskalovaly tak daleko, že hokejista svou stále ještě manželku žaloval u mezinárodního soudu v Haagu! „Podal skandální a nesmyslnou žalobu na vlastní ženu s tím, že měla unést své syny! Přestože to byl právě pan Plekanec, který už podruhé od svých dětí odjel za svou novou známostí
Na základě této žaloby pana Plekance byly oběma dětem odebrány pasy a byl jim znemožněn odlet jak na zimní prázdniny, tak případně do České republiky," uvedl právní zástupce Vondráčkové Petr Machálek
Těžko si představit, kam až boj Vondráčkové s Plekancem může vést v budoucnu. Doposud se zdá, že vzájemných sporů přibývá, namísto aby se je dařilo postupně řešit
Le savoir sacré des Innus | Pepeshapissinikan | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
घुड़सवारी के बाद अब बर्फ में स्की करती नजर आईं Kangna Ranawat - Duration: 0:55.घमासान.com
Flutter Tutorial - 08 Introduction to Widgets - Duration: 5:25.Hi friends how are you today this video is section eight about Flutter tutorial series
and today we are going to talk about Creating a Custom Application.
Which is Hello World as the very first flutter application.
I'm Abdul Aziz Ahwan from Indonesia and let's get started with my video.
In the previous section, we have disscussed about understanding project structure of flutter.
Now the main screen would look something like this.
So let us go through the library folder.
Inside the library folder we have one file here called the main dot dart.
Which is kind of like an entry point for the flutter application.
Further when we do start creating multiple screen application following a certain design
pattern we will have to create more files and folders inside this particular folder.
So to do that, we need to delete all code inside this main dot dart file here.
First we need to import a package, which is material dot dart package.
So this package consist all material classes that we need to create a flutter application.
It mean that we need always to import this package.
After this, we need to provide void main method.
This method is the main method that will be executed by program when we were running the
And inside this method we need to provide runApp().
So, runApp is a Widget.
So what is a Widget?
In Flutter, almost everything is a widget.
Yes, everything.
I define Widgets as the components or blocks that define the user interface.
The AppBar is a widget, the text on it is a widget, the style you apply to the text
is a widget, even the alignment of the text could be called as a widget.
In Flutter, anything that is a view or contributes to a property of the view is a widget.
We will discuss the widgets in detail in the next section.
So right now, we are going to create a text widget.
So we need to provide new Text.
So we need to provide a String here.
And don't forget to add a semicolon here.
And we need to provide text direction: And then,TextDirection.ltr.
Ltr it's mean left to right.
Ok, Let's start our app.
As we can see on the screen mirroring application.
Our text is on the left top corner.
There is a text "Hello World".
But how do we make it on the center?
To do that, we need to provide a Center widget here.
And inside the center widget, we need to provide a widget that we want to make it on center.
So, we cut text widget and paste inside a center widget.
But, this text is a child of a center widget.
So we need to provide child properties here.
Let's start our application again.
And now our text is on the center.
So I think enough for this section.
Our further videos we will discuss the widgets in detail.
If you have any questions or comments, write it down on the comment field.
Thank you so much and see you again on the next video.
Hack Any Games ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
রহস্যময় মাছের বৃষ্টি - ধাঁধায় পরে গেছে সারা বিশ্ব | FISH RAIN DOWN FROM SKY - real or fake - Duration: 3:02.রহস্যময় মাছের বৃষ্টি - ধাঁধায় পরে গেছে সারা বিশ্ব | FISH RAIN DOWN FROM SKY - real or fake
Ключница с танком\ Мастер-класс - Duration: 16:37.The workshop of Valeria Radyk "The Magic World of manual creativity"
Hello everyone, Valery is with you! Welcome to my magical creative world!
Today, we are going to tinker housekeeper for fans of the game World of Tanks.
We will need the following materials:
the basis of MDF is the size you need, the size of my base is 20 * 25 centimeters,
ready hooks, how to make them link in the description below the video,
as well as a tooltip will appear in the upper right corner of the screen,
paper towels or napkins, white glue (PVA), corrugated cardboard,
some thin cloth, twine, acrylic paint,
acrylic varnish, sponge, brushes, thermo-gun,
as well as various suitable small parts,
in this work there are no specific details, everything must be selected,
for the emblem of the world of tanks, you can use a flat wide cord,
or extreme bottom seam from annoying jeans,
as an option, the emblem of the world of tanks can be simply cut out of cardboard,
Getting Started:
Corrugated cardboard cut into strips,
need to cut perpendicular to the corrugation.
We paste over the edges of the base with paper towels or napkins,
You need to glue with white glue (PVA) diluted with water.
All smooth parts need to be scratched with sandpaper,
and then degrease (I use nail polish remover.
We made the emblem of the World of tanks,
further paint work in black,
and then apply the metallic.
I use acrylic enamel in a balloon.
On all the protruding surfaces, I applied a bronze paint first and then a silver one.
In the description below the video you will find links to workshops, in which I showed how to color such works.
If a metallic accidentally hits a black base, it should be blocked off with black paint, but by brush.
Next, we cover the work with acrylic varnish.
After drying the varnish work is ready!
I would be glad if you like my master class and come in handy :)
Such a key holder (key hanger) can be a wonderful gift for men who like the game World of Tanks.
I wish all my subscribers and guests of the channel peace, well-being and well-being!
And let the tanks remain only in the game and in the pictures.
Let the magic inspiration always be with you!
See you again!
Прожили вместе семь лет: Владимир Зайцев признался, что целовался с любовницей на глазах у жены - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
Useful english for tourism and hospitality Part 4 The Various Hotel Staff Positions and Work Respo - Duration: 4:30.Useful English for Tourism and Hospitality –The Various Hotel Staff Positions and Work Responsibilities
How To Pronounce Phenomenon - Duration: 0:15.How to pronounce the word PHENOMENON
The Flexibility of Travel Nursing-------------------------------------------
TRYING CANDIES I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! | JACQUELINE BUI - Duration: 17:02.-------------------------------------------
Cách mình luyện tập nói tiếng Anh - How I practice speaking English - Duration: 13:50.the most effective way
the Avengers
my favorite Iron Man and Captain America
Hey guys I know it's been a while since
I last made a video and the truth is that the last couple of weeks I've had
so many assignments to submit and I also had a really bad flu just a week ago and
I have not really fully recovered from it. However, I really need to make this video
because I wanted to do it a really long time ago but I never
really had a chance to. And it is about speaking. Because of the topic today
and because I have never made a full English speaking video before so I think
I would just talk in English instead of using Vietnamese like the previous
videos. Anyway, back to the topic today speaking long before I took my first IELTS
test, I had already be considered rather
proficient. Many of my friends including foreigners they said that I sounded very
very close to a native although I wasn't sure which native people they were referring
to... Now let's talk about the ways, methods that I have used to practice my
own English. Bear in my that these are things that I have tried before and they
all worked wonders for me so they may work for you they may not work for you
but it's imperative that you try all of them and see for yourselves. Now let's
take a look at them and try to analyze the pros and the cons. The first one
and also what I believe to be the most effective way is practice with natives.
It's very simple, you just find a native person, people, and you practice speaking
with them. You can talk about anything, try to make a
conversation and talk about your opinions on any topic in life, in daily
life, simple things and then you try to move to other more complicated things,
like history, politics and you know so on. And I think this method works for all
levels, from elementary to advanced levels. I myself I tried this when I was in
high school I think. Back then I had some neighbors who were Australians I believe
and then when I had the chance I always approached them and you know try to
engage in a conversation and that really helped a lot. You can see that many
English centers now still use this method
they send their students to Hoan Kiem Lake to find some native people and then you
know try to engage in a conversation. Anyway, let's talk about the pros and
cons. I think it's the most effective way to practice speaking because you can
really gain a fast and really natural progress in your studying. So you can, like
I said, go to HK Lake, try to find some native people and you know start a
conversation about anything or you can just you know hire a native teacher or
native tutor and pay them hourly just so they can, you know, talk to you and give
you feedback on your speaking. Although it's the most effective way, there
are some cons to be considered. First, I think, like I said, that this method is
meant for all levels from elementary to even defense levels but for people at
elementary level maybe they won't, you know, be that confident enough to
approach a native person or native people randomly on
the street, right? Or maybe you are just afraid of talking to new people in
general even if it's not English, even if it's your own mother tongue then you'd still
be shy however for people of intermediate level and above like
advanced level I don't think this is a problem. Another disadvantage of this
method is that some native people might get really annoyed if they're just
traveling, sightseeing on the street and then, you know, some random kid, random
Vietnamese person approached them and ask some random questions about
weather, about life, school, politics history etc. The reason I'm not using
this method anymore is because that I have lost contact with most of my native
English-speaking friends and I find it really difficult to engage some
random people on the street just to have conversation about anything, so
yeah, that's just me. You may be different than me then you can do that
but I don't think I can
Okay now moving on to the second method that I have used before and I'm still
using now. It's just simply listen and then repeat. First of all
you need to choose some source materials and then listen to them and then you
repeat after them. The source materials can be like a youtube video
some scenes in a movie. Now, you can always listen to the tape from some textbook but
it's not really what I do because you know I find textbooks really really
boring and you know I always almost opt for some YouTube videos on the
topics that I find interesting and you know I can just watch a movie, some
scenes in a movie, and I see what the characters say and then I try to repeat
after them so if you don't really want to watch a whole movie you can always
rewatch the scenes from a movie that you have already watched but just
you know select some scenes from the movies that you find memorable and you
can always look for those scenes on YouTube then rewatch them. Some of
you might not know this but I'm a big fan of superhero movies, especially
the Avengers. My favorite are Iron Man and Captain America so whenever I see, I hear
a memorable line from them I always try to repeat after them
try to resay whatever they say. Some may think that what I'm trying to refer to is
"shadowing" but "shadowing" is actually a completely
different term. In shadowing you have to repeat as fast as possible
without even hearing the whole sentences. I think shadowing is good if you want
to improve your reflex, your speed, but if the
speed is not of the essence then I think you should just listen and repeat
slowly. That way you can know better grammar and vocabulary. Personally I don't
like shadowing. I prefer listen and repeat. Now the pros of listen and repeat is
that you can practice anywhere you want, anytime you want, and you can always do
it alone. Actually it's better to do it alone. There are some certain cons as
well. What you learn is actually restricted to the source materials. You
can only learn what is in the dialog or in the lines of the characters in your
source materials. Another thing is that although it can be used from all levels
from elementary to advanced, but for lower levels like elementary and
intermediate levels you really need subtitles, and even for elementary levels
you might need both Vietnamese and English subtitles. For advanced
levels though, not really necessary. Maybe in my future videos
I will dig into how to choose source materials for this method, movie
scenes and YouTube videos, and how to effectively study from them. The final
method I want to talk about today is exactly what I'm doing right now:
simply just to record yourself. You can record the audio
only, you know, just your voice or you can record a whole video with your face in it and I think that you shoul
record a video instead of just audio. Once you've done recording
yourself you need to send a video to your friends or teachers or an
English-speaking forum or anything with people capable of speaking good English,
and then ask them to comment on your performance. The reason I think
video is better than audio is because that in the video with some visuals,
people can really see your emotions, see your mouth, and they can really
guess what you're trying to say, if you're not really making yourself
pretty clear. For people at elementary level you may find this whole video
making thing really intimidating, but you can just talk shortly about
just any topic and you know maybe just some short sentences would do.
For people of higher levels you can always try to outdo yourself, make a
longer video after the next, and talk about more complicated topics. I think
the greatest advantage of this method is that it really boosts your confidence and
your monologue skill, which is very important for your future jobs I believe.
Another good thing about recording yourself is that you can
always combine it with the method number one that I've talked about previously, which
basically means that you can make a video about anything and then
you send it to a native English-speaking person and then looking for
some comments from that person. So about the disadvantages though, first, I think
is, again, about confidence. If people are really afraid of speaking,
standing in front of the camera then this just no way to go. Second thing
though, is more like about the technical problems. I think that if you
want to record yourself you should invest in your camera and some audio equipment. If you
think your phone is good enough then it's good enough, but people who
you want to present the video to, maybe they will expect some high-quality
videos so if you give them some poor-looking footage then they might
not even want to see it, to hear it, so you know there is just no use in that. So
those are the three methods I want to talk to you about, there are actually more
that I use but I will save them for another video. Maybe part two of this
video maybe? Anyway I want to give you some advice on how to practice speaking.
First of all no matter what method you use you have to actively use them, which
means that you you have to want to practice. Don't just expect
someone to give you some homework and then you finish the homework and then
you just go to sleep and forget about all that you have done. You have to want
to do it and make it count! Second thing is don't be afraid of criticism. You are
allowed to make mistakes. Actually you have to make mistakes in order to get
better. You need to make mistakes and you
correct those mistakes. See criticism as feedback. And feedback is always
good because the purpose of feedback is help you improve. So yeah I really hope
you take my advice into consideration. And that's it for today guys, so if you
have any questions for me or any ideas to help me make better videos, just leave
your thoughts in the comment section below. Also don't forget to Like and
Subscribe if you find this video useful. See you in the next video.
Thank you, I need to get some rest and take my medicine now... Bye!
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-i Linea Sol Airco Trekhaak - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Create a custom made Ring with Rhino 3D Part II (2019): Jewelry CAD Design Tutorial #59 - Duration: 9:34.In this video we are going to continue the CAD model we were talking from last
video, and specifically talk about the production process, and how to make this
ring into this one. Are you ready? Let's get started!
if you haven't watched this video how to make this model. Don't forget to watch it
first. This video it's about the production process. Let's starting with
3D printing they are different kind of 3D printer there. I use B9 creation, and
this is the result image that I would like to show you. After that, I cast them
and get rid of the sprue, and this is the starting for finish. At a very beginning
you're going to find out on the casting, you have some line creating by the
printing layers. Depends on the resolution that you have, you always will end up
with some small lines and those lines are easy to remove by sandpaper. Here's my
homemade sandpaper by wrapping a stick with 280 grit sandpaper. Make sure they
are flat and tight, and I'm just going to some larger area you don't have to worry
too much inside, because my stone is not transparent. I just need to make sure
outside is nice and polished before I actually get into the stone setting. You
can see I try to smooth out as much as possible, and then you can go a little
bit finer after this one. You can go up to 400 grits. Anything after that I think
it's just personal preference. I would like to use polish machine to do the
rest of the job.
After that, I will use the brown polish wheel. I bought this from the Rio Grande,
and here's I will put the link below for you to check out them. Everybody have
the different preference. I've been using this for a while this is a little bit
abrasive. If you have minor scratches, it will be easy to remove. Be really careful on
one thing. Anything is abrasive that creates heat, so if your stone is heat
sensitive like opal, then you will be really careful once you have a stone in
there using this wheel, and I will show you just in few minutes. Now we finished
the outside. Let's clean the inside a little bit. You may have some rough
surface left from the casting. we don't have to polish in size because
it's opaque stone, however, I would like to remove any of the bumpy surface
inside if possible. so here I'm trying to use the ball bar to clean up inside, and
try to rough the surface a little bit. My stone is very soft so if inside is not
completely flat, or you have any of the imperfection close to the edges, when you
tries to push the metal against it, you will crack the stone and double make
sure the size is correct. Using the plastic hammer on the ring mandrel to
shape the ring. If your ring is not smooth you can use the file, and I
usually use half round file to smooth out the bottom, especially where you had
a sprue in there. Sometimes when you just cut off the sprue, it is not smooth
so I want to make sure the ring shank is tapered down smoothly. I just wanted
to work on it a little bit. The same rubber wheel you can shape it into a
smaller size or use the old one. You can shape the robber wheel with
the a piece of old file, and use that for shaping it. Here I want to make sure
all the corners are nice and round, so it's not gonna cut into the finger or scratch
the finger when the customer wear it. Once again, it's a lot of back and forth
filing smoothing and make sure everything's a nice and perfect before
we get into the polish machine, and I just realized my focus is on the stone
sitting behind. it not necessarily on the ring, so I apologize for not super focus
the ring. Here, I tried to fit it and see if that fit well. The ring looks fit
really well. Let's get on the buffing wheel, and again sorry to lose the focus.
We want to polish every part. I was using the white diamond and then I jumped into
a Fabuloustre, and I will put the link here in the bottom, and this is the images of
the polish compounds that I was using. now let's get to the stone setting. First of
all, examine and make sure everything's are nice and polished because the wall
is pretty thick for one millimeter or close to 0.8 millimeter, so I like to
use parallel pliers to bend them first because it's almost impossible just push
it against it. The regular bazel pushier is not going to work because
the thick wall looking so I try to get it as close as possible that I can still
slice the stone in. So pretty much is the top I try to bend it. The film is in
2X to 3X speed, so you don't have to sitting the whole section, but I
just want to show you some key point of it, so there will be a lot of trying
fitting. It won't be done at just once. At final we put the stone, and I would
like to tight it a little bit more because of the thickness on the wall I
won't use able to use the bezel pusher, so I actually use the hammer to hammer
on it. Be really careful for the angle that you are hammering it. If you hit the
stone the stone will crack right there. What I do is I use my finger to cover
the stone so if it does hit the stone it will hit my finger first. You rather to
have a blues finger instead of a cracking stone. Don't try to hammer
it too hard at once. What we like to do is bring it in close one by one, so you
want to hit a three o'clock and then nine o'clock and twelve o'clock and come
back to six o'clock. This orientation multiple times. You don't want to
push for example three o'clock all the way so your stone will be crooked, or you
won't be centered. Make sure you hit it at the right angle. You don't want it
the corner to hit the stone, and sometimes it is really helpful if you
have a smaller face of the hammer instead of a big face. When we get into
the tight corner instead of using a hammer, I will get the tracing hammer and
with the tracing tool, and then that will have the better control. So I will
having a hammer hitting on the end of the tracing hammer to push the stone
down to tight it, and this is actually the point you tight the stone, and make
sure that the stone is not moving. Then we can go into the polish process. Once
again I'm using the rubber wheel here. The rubber wheel will create heat and
this is really heat sensitive stone, so make sure that your finger is always
somehow testing the temperature of the ring that you are setting. You can see my
finger is always sitting there to make sure that it's not getting too hot. If I
feel is too warm or too hot I will really quickly to stop it. We want to get
rid of all the hammer marks that we have, and that's why I have this thick wall so
I can kind of smooth it out into the angle that I'd like, and I like to
have everything nice and round and more like an egg shape, so you can see that I
try to getting to not only remove the hammer mark, but also smooth it out to
the side, and once it is tight, and everything is smooth out, we can go into
the polish one more time. I'm using the white diamond first and then fabulous
start to shine up the ring things we already have it pretty polish and always
need to have a high polish before you set a stone. So when we the second time
when we polish we just need to polish off where we leave the hammer marks.
so your stone has the less chance to get too much heat.
Thank you for watching there are more making videos those linked here. I hope
you enjoy. Please like, share, and comment on my video let me know how I am doing and
what else you would like to see in my channel. Thank you for watching I will
see you next.
Jurgen Klopp hits out at snowy pitch and refereeing decisions after Leicester draw ● LFC News - Duration: 3:40.Jurgen
Klopp bemoaned the conditions following Liverpool's 1-1 draw against Leicester at Anfield and
also claimed his side deserved to have a penalty for a foul on Naby Keita.
Liverpool raced into an early lead courtesy of Sadio Mane's strike within the opening
two minutes but Leicester pulled level on the stroke of half-time through Harry Maguire's
well-taken finish.
Despite their best efforts, Liverpool could not regain their advantage and had to a settle
for a point – a result that moves them five clear of Manchester City at the top of the
The pitch wasn't in optimal condition after snowfall on Merseyside in the hours leading
up to the game and Klopp suggested that it played a part in the outcome of the game.
He said: 'The opponent was well organised, very deep defending.
The pitch was difficult and we needed to speed it up in the final third.
Our counter-attacks in the opening moments were defended more by the pitch than our opponents!
'We put them under pressure but they did really well.
We were unlucky with the goal in the last second before half-time.
You have to take it how it is.
I'm not sure.
It was a football game against a strong side on difficult pitch, that's how it is.
Today, when it started snowing during the warm up, it was all okay and then when we
came out snow was on the pitch.
'So we couldn't do anything against that and of course the team with possession, and
we had most of the possession in the game, struggles more with that than the other team.'
The state of the surface wasn't Klopp's only gripe during the game as he suggested
that Maguire could have been sent off prior to scoring the equalising goal for a trip
on Mane.
'Look I really don't understand why you ask me that because I'm not the referee,'
he said.
'You've [the interviewer] maybe worked longer in football than I have so it would
be interesting to know what you think about that.
'I'm not sure, is it smart?
I would say it's a 100% chance [to be a red card].
I'm sure not only was Sadio through but also Mo Salah on the other side but again
Martin Atkinson thought it was not a red card and gave a yellow card instead.'
That wasn't the only contentious decision that went Leicester's way as in the second
half Keita appeared to be tripped by Ricardo Pereira inside the penalty area.
Mohamed Salah has been accused of going to ground too easily to win penalties against
Newcastle and Crystal Palace recently but Klopp felt his side were unfortunate on this
'I don't think you need a VAR for Keita decision because of the position of the ref
on the pitch,' he said.
But he doesn't want to give to give it and I don't think VAR would have told him to
look at it again.
'I think we agree it was a penalty.
Very often I stand here, in the last couple of weeks when we've got a penalty and everyone
is asking 'was it really a penalty?' and stuff like that.
'This today was a very clear one so hopefully everyone is happy that we didn't get that
penalty and now we can carry on.'
The Secret To Gooey FUDGY BROWNIES - Fudgy Brownies Recipe - Duration: 2:39.hey guys today we're making chocolate brownies everybody loves a
good fudgy brownie I'm also going to show you and share
with you some tips on getting that thin crackly top and that gooey fudgy
chocolate Center that we all know and love in a fudgy brownie so we're going to
start out some good-quality dark chocolate you want to use a chocolate
that has anywhere between 50 and 70% cocoa I also have some butter and you
want to melt these together either over double boiler or in the microwave if you
are melting this in the microwave don't melt it all the way through leave a
couple of chunks stir and the residual heat will melt the chocolate this will
ensure that you don't burn the chocolate okay so once that has fully melted you
can add the sugar salt and coffee I like to use light brown sugar for my brownies
but any sugar of your choice will work perfectly
you will not taste the coffee it will however enhance that chocolate flavor
you want to mix until the sugar combines and then add the eggs this may seem like
a lot of eggs but that's only because we're making a big tray of brownies
today I love brownies so when I do make them I make a lot add the flour and
cocoa powder and mix until combined if you're new to my channel make sure to
subscribe and click the bell I post new videos every week ok so this is
basically ready you can add some chopped nuts if you want I personally love my
brownies all chocolate transfer this into a baking tray lined with parchment
paper and you do also want to lightly grease the parchment paper because
brownies sometimes can stick to the paper so I do recommend you lightly
grease it bake the brownies in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius or
350 Fahrenheit for around 30 to 35 minutes now the secret to making perfect
fudgy brownies lies in the toothpick test you'll know the brownies are done
when the toothpick comes out with gooey and moist crumbs if the toothpick comes
out clean it's over baked and if it comes out with liquid batter obviously
it's not done so we're looking for a gooey soft Center allow the brownies
cool for at least 45 minutes before you slice these they're incredibly fudgy and
gooey guys they're so delicious both cooled or warm but I think the best way
to eat a brownie is warm with some ice cream on top but let me know how you
guys like to eat your brownies
Nerf Rival Blasters Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Red Blue - Duration: 5:26.Nerf Rival Blasters Box of Toys for Kids Toy Guns Red Blue
IL TRONO DI ALESSIO IV, MAI FAR PROMESSE CHE NON PUOI MANTENERE - I DOGI DI VENEZIA EP.22 - Duration: 5:46.-------------------------------------------
How Generation X Quietly Changed the World - Duration: 7:39.We love to talk about the ongoing cultural and economic war between the Baby Boomers
and Millennials, and even the rise of the new Generation Z.
But there's one group that's often overlooked in these conversations, and that's Generation
X, the ones who grew up between Boomers and Millennials and like many middle children
was overshadowed by both.
In this video I'll cover why Gen X deserves more credit, both good and bad, for quietly
changing the world.
You're watching FutureNow, videos about the future of tech and society.
If you were confused by all these generation names at the start of the video, allow me
to break it down for you.
The specific years attributed to each generation vary throughout different literature, so I
will use the ranges defined by the Pew Research Center.
I should also mention that a lot of this video will be focused on the United States population,
because that's where I am, obviously these generations had different experiences in different
parts of the world.
Baby Boomers is the name given to the generation born between 1946 and 1964.
So called because they were part of the steep rise in population following World War II,
a literal boom in babies born.
Up until Millennials overtook them, they made up the largest portion of the world population
and as such had an outsized influence on culture, the economy, and politics.
Generation X is the population of people born between 1965 and 1980.
Appropriately, the X refers to something unknown, the name as resistant to definition as the
demographic that carries it.
Millennials, I'm sure you've heard of as the current largest demographic, referring
to those born between 1981 and 1996.
I made a whole video about Millennials and the often repeated phrase that they are killing
every industry.
So called because they grew up at the turn of the Millennium.
Lastly, Generation Z is the most recent demographic, those born after 1997.
That seems to be the name that's most used so far, although it's still too early to
see if it will stick, with other names having been used such as the iGeneration, referring
to this generation growing up with smartphones.
Part of the reason I wanted to make this video is because when I made my video titled "Why
Millennials Are Killing Everything" I fell into the same pattern others often do of talking
about the tension between Baby Boomers and Millennials while completely overlooking Generation
X, the middle child.
Baby Boomers inherited a country with a booming economy in the U.S. and quickly went to work ruining it,
along with the environment. They racked up the national debt, burn record amounts of fossil fuels ...
Many Gen X-ers pointed this out in the comments, and inspired me to dig a little deeper into
why Gen X is rarely discussed in popular media and how despite this have actually been and
continue to be incredibly influential.
Gen X-ers overall had a very different experience from their parents growing up, in that during
the 60s and 70s, the divorce rate skyrocketed in the U.S., leading to new family dynamics
and at the same time, it became more common for women to join the workforce rather than
stay at home.
Because childcare programs were not yet commonplace, many Gen X children spent a lot of their time
with little to no adult supervision as their parents were at work when they got out of
That's why some use the phrase "latchkey generation" to refer to this demographic
A "latchkey kid" is one who comes home alone after school because their parents are
at work, the name refers to the key the kids either carried with them or got from under
the mat on the porch to open the door.
Their adolescence was a tumultuous time in the United States with an ongoing crack epidemic,
an increase in violent crime, and the emergence of the AIDS epidemic.
At the same time, this was one of the most diverse generations in history thanks in part
to an increase in immigration and the first generation to grow up post-integration, after
the end to the racist Jim Crow Laws.
In their youth, the media characterized Gen X as disaffected, apathetic, cynical, and
They were the MTV generation, lived through the rise of music videos, grunge music and
hip hop.
They were rebellious and reluctant to grow up.
But eventually we all have to become adults and when Gen-Xers did, they proved everyone
wrong about the stereotypes they were boxed into.
Sure, your Gen X dad probably still wears his Nirvana t-shirt every now and then, but
does he still have that teen spirit?
Sorry, I tried to come up with a Nirvana joke, but that failed, nevermind.
According to a Stanford University study, Gen X youth were indeed more cynical and disaffected
than previous generations were in their youth, but they also found that all generations were
more cynical and disaffected during this time period, meaning it wasn't a uniquely Gen
X phenomenon.
In fact, perhaps the latchkey generation learned to work hard and be independent by being unable
to rely as much on their parents and that's what led to their success as adults.
Millennials and Gen Z are often defined by their affinity for the Internet and technology,
but Generation X were actually the first to grow up with computers and video games at
Generation X grew up to become the founders of the modern Silicon Valley tech industry
and lead the country's economic recovery of the 1990s.
Their previously negatively spoken about rebelliousness and disdain for authority actually spurred
innovation and disruption of many industries.
It's weird to think of Jeff Bezos, on the cusp of Gen X, as a disaffected young person
leading a revolution against traditional retail giants, when he's now the richest man on
Earth and seen by many of today's youth as representing corporatism incarnate.
In fact, some of today's most well-known leaders fall into the Gen X range, Elon Musk,
Larry Page, Susan Wojcicki, Jony Ive, Justin Trudeau, and ironically Jay-Z.
Let me know what other notable Gen X-ers you can think of in the comments.
It turns out that disrupting the status quo is a pretty good business model and a great
engine for innovation.
Because Gen-Xers grew up in an analog world before the personal computer, they have a
unique perspective on how to bridge the past with our future.
I believe this is a key behind their success, but also why they seem to be overlooked today.
Most people now take for granted the major changes made by Gen-Xers.
Gen-Xers were the first gamers, choosing to stay home playing with their Atari and Nintendo
video game systems.
The Gen-X demand for VHS tapes to watch their favorite movies and shows at home whenever
they want has evolved into today's streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.
Gen X-ers were also the first to start blogging about their lives and Ze Frank pioneered vlogging
before YouTube was even a thing with "The Show."
Good morning, it's Monday March 20th. I haven't showered, and my breath smells
like a poodle crapped in my mouth. Let's be friends as I tell you everything that you need to know
about today. It's just like TV, but with pimples.
And despite Millennials being inextricably linked to social media, it was actually Gen
X-ers who founded some of the very first platforms like MySpace, Twitter, and Friendster, which
Zuckerberg later used as inspiration for Facebook.
The real test of Generation X, however, is really starting to take shape now as more
and more of them take over the highest positions of leadership in the corporate and political world
Will they follow in the footsteps of the Baby Boomers who largely used their power to feed
their own self-interests, or will they be more conscious of their ability to change
the world for the better?
Early indications show that some of the companies and culture changes lead by Gen X could prove
The most obvious one being how the social Internet is affecting us on an individual
level, how we relate to one-another, and ultimately our politics.
Of course, the biggest offender seems to be Facebook right now, and that's lead by a
Silicon Valley has largely gone unchecked for the last couple of decades, but we're
starting to see a shift in this with laws like GDPR in the European Union and the increasingly
common hearings of tech CEOs before Congress.
To prove themselves different from Baby Boomers, Generation X will have to show that they are
willing to regulate the economic powerhouses they've created in a socially responsible way.
If you liked or hated this video, you'll enjoy my video on Millennials.
Hit subscribe and the bell to be notified when I post a new video and to vote on what
the next video will be on!
And thank you to Walter, Iain, and all my patrons for the support, join them at
to help the channel grow and I may read your name out next.
Proper pronunciation not guaranteed.
I'll see you in the future.
ESPERIENZE SESSUALI ORRIPILANTI | Vita Buttata - Guglielmo Scilla - Duration: 10:44.-------------------------------------------
★Ivoryyyyy★ Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas | Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram - Duration: 2:19.★Ivoryyyyy★ Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas | Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram
Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus
Uitspraken van Christus van de laatste dagen 'Gods werk, Gods gezindheid en God Zelf I' Deel vier - Duration: 52:51.-------------------------------------------
Dynamic Positioning - Duration: 1:43.[Chancellor Sharp] We're here at Texas A&M University Galveston to talk about something called
dynamic positioning it's a new certification program that students can take here.
[Kate Fossati] Dynamic position is the capability of a vessel to maintain its
position and/or heading. Any type of vessel these days can be fitted with an
arrant positioning. These vessels range from passenger bus ships to offshore
supply vessels to drill vessels including semi submersibles whose sole
purpose is to drill or provide support to a well.
[Chancellor Sharp] Texas A&M Galveston students have the highest starting salaries of any place in the state of Texas and one
of the reasons for that is not only the degrees that they get here within the
maritime academy but also certification programs like this.
[Daniel Rodriguez] We have a 14 week process here and versus having just learned in five days you get a more
in-depth understanding here and just so far being halfway through the class I
couldn't imagine learning this much in five days.
[Kate Fossati] They do have the opportunity to take a five day course they're going to
learn more and feel more comfortable on a DP vessel coming through a 14-week program.
[Erin Sullivan] Honestly I don't think I would have been asked repaired without this class it's definitely giving me
more knowledge and I would have had had I not taken it.
'CALL ME' Sza ft. Ella Mai type beat | (2019) - Duration: 3:39.Download this FREE SZA TYPE BEAT at
【男朋友】金振赫❤車秀賢 - 你,好不好? |《朴寶劍 X 宋慧喬》自制MV | Encounter FMV - How have you been? (ENG SUB CC) - Duration: 2:44.(Let's break up)
(Why do you abandon me?)
God knows, I can't stand it anymore
The regret is burning in my heart
I wanna hold you one more time
I would do anything you want
Can you continue to
cry to me
smile at me,
be nice to me?
Allow me to
think for you
get crazy for you
grow old with you
Would you still accept it, the good I'd give to you now
Yet I dare not hear your answer
I just want you
by my side
get crazy with me
play with me
Please don't use leaving me as the lesson of
losing someone important
Don't say you ever loved me (I treasure JinHyuk a lot too)
Let us turn back to that time (I cannot break up with you)
How have you been?
Can you continue to
cry to me
smile at me
be nice to me?
Allow me to
think for you
get crazy for you
grow old with you
How have you been? I really want to know
Do not rush to throw away my love
I just want you
by my side
get crazy with me
play with me
Please don't use leaving me as the lesson of
losing someone important
Don't say you ever loved me (JinHyuk, sorry)
Let us turn back to that time
How have you been?
NEW GUITAR PLAYTHROUGH (Teaser) - Duration: 2:43.Playing the New Guitar at the Park <Preview>
Tom Anderson Guitarworks ProAm 'Satin Inca Silver'
Recorded with Zoom H4N Pro Handy Recorder
Shape of You (Rock Version)
All for One, One for All
Night Glory
Canon Rock
See you at the Episode 1.
Future - Call the Coroner - Duration: 2:12.He always has been the largest drug kingpin, you know, out there
(Say fuck the drug test, gon' pass my gas mask)
I bet he's responsible for, for hundreds of quantities of drugs moving it into the United States
I wanna live like a drug lord but I wanna
be glorious Sometimes I feel like a kingpin I'm so victorious
I got a white and a black girl they look like an Oreo
I come through poppin' it off call the coroner You see these chains on my neck look like
Mardi Gras I'm throwin' the cash in the air like a volleyball
Pink shirt on me just to match my diamonds NASCAR Lamborghini when I'm drivin'
Big dawg but I feel just like a giant Withdrawals, pass my cup, I think I'm dyin'
Say fuck the drug test, go'n pass my gas mask Flat screen, I back back, I see my racks stacked
Super like Goldie Mack, hoe caught an asthma attack
Hoes gettin' their toes tagged, kill 'em dead at Hermes
Turn up on purpose, I have her nervous I don't have no stylist, make my own purchase
Low top my Gucci, I was wrapped in turban Knew she was a hoochie, I had to murk it
Now I got power, I feel like Curtis I gave her Pucci, I felt like she was worth it
I wanna live like a drug lord, but I wanna be glorious
Sometimes I feel like a kingpin, I'm so victorious I got a white and a black girl, they look
like an Oreo I come through poppin' it off, call the coroner
You see these chains on my neck, look like Mardi Gras
I'm throwin' the cash in the air like a volleyball Pink shirt on me just to match my diamonds
NASCAR Lamborghini when I'm drivin' Say fuck the drug test, go'n pass my gas mask
Flat screen, I back back, I see my racks stacked Say fuck the drug test, go'n pass my gas mask
Flat screen, I back back, I see my racks stacked (The WIZRD)
How to Make the Most of Your Layover in Incheon International Airport - Duration: 4:26.Hey guys, what's up?
I am now in Incheon International Airport on a layover en route to Cebu, and then Panglao
I'm snacking on my mom's banana bread.
Thank you so much mom, it's a life saver.
And right now, it's 6:30 in the morning.
Back home, it is 1:30 so kind of a time difference, my circadian rhythm is all whacked right now.
This last week, I finished my last day in the pharmacy and then immediately performed
at two events.
The first was the Bavarian Ice Festival in Leavenworth, WA and the second was at Whoopee,
a sex-positive variety show in Portland, OR.
I also got everything packed, and if you want to look at what my packing list entailed,
here's that.
I talked about it in last week's vlog post.
So I had a 12 hour layover in South Korea, and I'd have to say that I found some fun
ways to keep occupied.
If you ever have a long layover at Incheon International Airport, they have tons of exhibits
and weird things to make you look twice.
Some of my favorites were a virtual reality experience where you could BASE jump and fly
in a wingsuit, and a 360 dome where you could watch a presentation on space exploration.
Around 1 pm, I decided to go on a free Transit Tour that takes you into the city.
It's paid for by the airport, and they ensure that you only go on tours that won't interfere
with your flights.
Alright so I am on my layover in Seoul, and we are going on a little tour!
The first tour I went on was to a small temple about 30 minutes away from the airport.
One of the fun things that I learned is that people pray to this large tree called the
Grandfather Tree if they want to have babies.
The temple was originally named after a Jade Buddha that a fisherman found in the ocean,
but it got stolen years ago and was replaced.
The funniest fact that I've learned is that this temple is often busiest around Korean
Apparently parents and kids are in here frequently, praying for high test scores.
The second tour took us to an outlet mall for our first stop to tempt us to part with
our money.
I'm not a huge fan of shopping, but I made friends with some fellow travelers from Seattle!
On to the next stop!
So here we are at the Song-Do Hanok Village.
Rather than shopping, we tried to hunt for a geocache inside the strip mall.
Are we going geocaching?
We're hunting for lions right now.
We're hunting for lions in the wild!
Is it here?
So the geocache is not in the grate.
Okay so we were foiled.
We didn't have the information that we needed, but we got within 14 feet of it!
We think.
So then it was back to the airport.
On the way to and from the city, we get to cross a 19 kilometer-long bridge that gave
us some interesting views of the city and ocean.
It's supposedly one of the longest bridges in Korea.
They got us back to the airport with over an hour and a half to spare before our respective
Okay so now the adventure continues!
We have found a passport, and we are going to try and hunt the person down in the airport
and return their passport.
It's like geocaching for people!
So just an update on the passport situation, we pulled a Sherlock Holmes and figured out
what gate the lady was leaving from and then we just dropped the passport off there.
The guys just called her over the loudspeakers, so hopefully she gets her passport back!
Alright so it is almost midnight, and I have my stuff and I am through immigration and
I am going to find somewhere to crash out for a few hours before I catch the early morning
ferry to Panglao tomorrow and meet my new freediving family!
If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel, The
Sailing Siren for more freediving related content.
I'm doing the Zero to Hero internship for at least 3 months, so if you have any questions
about the whole process or you want me to cover anything, please feel free to leave
a comment or shoot me a message.
Okay so it is time for that nap.
Goodnight guys!
Was the Unicorn on 'The Masked Singer' Revealed Yet? | - Duration: 4:39.Was the Unicorn on 'The Masked Singer' Revealed Yet? |
The Unicorn is performing tonight on FOX's hit competition series The Masked Singer.
While there's been lots of speculation about the identity of the performer, the Unicorn has not yet been revealed.
Read on to learn about the most recent clues and the celebrities that viewers think may be under the costume.
"Here is the story of how I became The Unicorn," The Unicorn said during the first episode.
"My childhood should have been magical.
I grew up in one of the richest neighborhoods and when I was little, I dreamt of singing but someone I admired told me I was tone deaf." The Unicorn went on to say that she was part of the "graduated class of 1993", and that she "was born in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods.".
The Identity of the Unicorn Has Not Yet Been Revealed on 'The Masked Singer'.
The most commonly theorized celebrity is Tori Spelling, who rose to fame on Beverly Hills 90210 and whose father is popular TV producer Aaron Spelling.
To further draw comparisons between Spelling's career and the Unicorn's clues, a clip of Beverly Hills 90210 was referenced in her first clue video. The Unicorn also said, "my childhood should have been magical", implying that she underwent a difficult time as a kid.
Spelling detailed the extent of her unhappy early years in her 2008 memoir Stori Telling.
Another popular guess is actress Denise Richards. Richards became a popular candidate for viewers after the third episode, where the Unicorn said that she had lost her "sheen" and was going to exhibit "model behavior." Richards was formerly married to Charlie Sheen, splaying into the wordplay, and Richards began her career as a model.
The mystery performer was also holding three stuffed animal unicorns during the week three video, which may signify Richards' three children.
Tori Spelling & Denise Richards Have Been the Most Popular Candidates for Viewers.
The panel of judges seem particularly stumped by the Unicorn.
They've guessed a wide assortment of celebrities and performers who could fit the clues given.
Nicole Scherzinger guessed that the Unicorn could be Meghan Markle, while Jenny McCarthy guessed that Ireland Baldwin or Paris Hilton could be under the costume.
Robin Thicke honed in on the Unicorn's mentioning of her troubled childhood and threw out Lindsay Lohan as a possible candidate.
Other guesses include Gabby Douglas, Mary Lou Retton, Aly Raisman, and McKayla Maroney.
The latter pair were mentioned due to the fact that the Unicorn mentioned "going for the gold" during her performance, and that she has gymnastic skills.
The Unicorn later clarified that she is not actually a gymnast.
SUOMEN SUURIN HOPLOP RAISIOSSA - Duration: 4:35.-------------------------------------------
Auto elettriche e Tesla: sono veramente il futuro o è solo una moda? - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
REAGINDO AO ASSALTO - Duration: 4:32.Hon, you wanna go to Greece again?
-But I wanted! -Is there first class, even?
-But I like it... -Freeze, freeze, freeze!
Don't try anything! Freeze!
-Help! -Stop screaming, motherfucker!
Look, this is a family home...
Fuck off! Imma blow your brains off!
Go get the fucking dollars, euro, gold watches, whatever the fuck!
Look, friend, that's not how things go nowadays, okay?
Fuck the way things go!
Gimme your shit and don't try anything!
Haven't you been following the news, don't you know what's going on?
No, I fucking haven't! You trying to get cute?
Well, I happen to have a gun here. Now what?
What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?
What happened to ghetto Jesus Luz?
Where's the bravado, the threats?
You lose your boner?
Yeah, I got a gun here. Now what?
Shit, no way, bro.
Fuck, you got a...?
I'm not your "bro", I don't have lowlife brothers.
Got it? Lygia! Go get our gun, please!
Where is it?
It's in the safe!
You got a gun and a safe here?
Which safe?
The one in the closet!
Okay, just a sec!
What's the password?
-39... -39...
-6... -3...
No, Lygia, 6! Not 3!
Half a dozen! 6! Got it?
Right, 6, 6!
Then 39 again.
39 again.
-It's open! -Nice! Bring it here, will you?
Where're the bullets?
The bullets are...
Just a sec...
The bullets are inside a little cardboard box
in the first drawer of the white cabinet!
The one in the bedroom or in the study?
Either one, Lygia, Jesus!
Hon, I can't find it!
Lygia, I'm embarrassing myself in front of the robber!
Try the second drawer, then!
Maybe Clecia misplaced it after cleaning.
Women, right? Always moving your shit.
You leave everything organized, then they go...
You get it, right?
Found it, hon!
Great, hon, now bring it here.
Going down the staircase...
Put the bullets in, I don't know how to use this thing.
-Don't worry. -Fuck, hey, hey, hey!
Just a sec, I gotta unlock the safety. I don't know yet...
Fuck that! Put that away!
Julia, careful!
Lygia, for Christ's sake! You let her hold a blender?
Without shoes on, even!
This is why I can't trust you with stuff!
So irresponsible...
Does he know how to unlock this?
This is a comedy skit, but weapons are serious business.
Therefore, this is a PSA with some words of caution
about using this tool for self-defense.
Before plugging your weapon,
make sure the voltage is compatible.
Check if the speed settings are off
before plugging it.
Don't leave the weapon on in your absence.
Never handle the weapon with wet hands or barefoot.
This weapon is meant for domestic use only.
Commercial and professional use may risk your safety
and lose you your warranty.
Don't fill the weapon with hot liquids or food above 175°F.
Keep your hands away from the opening.
The weapon's lid must stay closed while it is on.
Don't put utensils such as knives, spoons, or forks inside the weapon.
This weapon is meant to blend foods.
PAVÊ DE BOLACHA MAIZENA do canal RECEITAS DE PAI - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
Vanilda Bordieri - Segredos da Alma (Live Session) - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Come accedere alla modalità provvisoria prima dell'avvio di Windows 10 o 8 | HP - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
Cómo acceder al modo seguro antes de que arranque Windows 10 u 8 | HP - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Fed's policy shift raising concerns about the US economic outlook? - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
Nejtěžší časy Jany Hlaváčové (80): Zabrání jí nemoc v rozloučení s Luďkem Munzarem? - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Your Name - City of Angels [AMV] - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
Barcelona 6 vs 1 Sevilla: Copa del Rey Final Score agg 6-3 REVIEW MATCH - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
🔴 Nightwish - Ever Dream (Música Vídeo) REAÇÃO. - Duration: 9:27.( Sorry if there was anything wrong with the caption, I tried to improve your understanding )
Hello guys. If you're new here welcome.
if you're already family, it's a pleasure to have you here again.
This time we will react to Nightwish - Ever Dream.
This video was suggested by Ann Whaychoff.
I know absolutely nothing about this song.
but it's nightwish so I'm calm
so let's continue our nightwish journey
Seriously, does she need to start like this?
She started by killing us.
It made me want to just close my eyes and listen to her voice.
It was the only thing that came into my head.
it's amazing
so good
and I'm already getting used to these changes that occur in song.
I'm getting comfortable with these changes
all the songs that I heard from romanticide the toy guitar appeared.
This is the work of destiny reminding me to buy it.
how can they do the whole concert without failing at least one song?
All the songs in this concert that I reacted were flawless.
Marco is the guy that I will always praise here, there is no way, I like him too much !!
I think I have to compliment everyone, actually.
I like their work too much.
I ... do ... not... know... how... they... can... do... that.
I really do not know.
but I always get the same feeling of lightness
and enjoying the song.
it's extremely rewarding
it's too much for me
I think I can finish the reaction. It's too much for me.
it's awesome
Emppu taking me to the heaven
The band is in my heart
when I think it's already great, they can still make it better.
how is Floor not without a voice?
I do not know what moment of the concert this song was played.
but all the song I saw her vocal quality was great.
it seems she can keep up very well in long concerts.
I quit.
I paused exactly when it was over.
I really liked the song.
I listened eight or nine songs (I'm lost)
and so far there has not been a song I do not like.
our journey is impeccable.
so , thanks for watching
if you enjoy, please subscribe and give a thumbs up
if you enjoy, please subscribe and give a thumbs up
and don't forget the leave a comment with suggestion for another reaction.
So that's it. See you next time.
Sıfır Bir 5 Sezon Efsane Müzik Remix - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Jane's Danglish (Dance & English) : Animal Song | KIDS SONG | 춤추면서 배우는 영어 - Duration: 4:24.Hello everyone!
Guess where I'm at.
You're right!
I'm at the zoo.
I see a lot of different animals from here.
Do you want to look around and learn about their characteristics with me?
Let's quickly warm-up and start the tour.
Going to the zoo is always entertaining!
Well, I better get going now.
Bye! See you later my friends.
Idee per un Rinfresco Economico - SOPRAVVIVERE CON STILE - Mino | Cucina da Uomini - Duration: 7:00.-------------------------------------------
Trouve la joie de la vraie existence - Conversations avec Shiva - Duration: 11:48.-------------------------------------------
Vondráčková natočila další ledové video a hned se rozjely spekulace: „Má vyplakané oči!" - Duration: 3:10.I když je Lucie Vondráčková v drsné rozvodové bitvě s hokejistou Tomášem Plekancem, vždy si najde čas na své fanoušky, které pravidelně zdraví na sociálních sítích
Ve svém posledním postu se zpěvačka natočila uprostřed sněhové bouře v Montrealu: „Tak vás zdravím z minus třiceti!" Přestože se Lucie na videu snaží usmívat, a dokonce se ozývá hlasitý smích, její fanouškovská základna má o ni starost! „Má smutný oči, ale to zas bude dobrý," všiml si jeden z fanoušků
„Je na vás vidět únava, jste strašně smutná! Ať je lépe," povzbuzuje umělkyni další
„Ty uplakané oči!" vyděsil se někdo z obdivovatelů. „Když muž opustí rodinu, je to jeden z nejtěžších křížů!" vysvětluje jistá žena
„Přejeme hodně sil a ať je brzo veseleji!" povzbuzují ji další lidé. Má Vondráčková smutné oči? Je vidět, že podpora, jíž se Vondráčkové od obdivovatelů dostává, jí dodává energii, kterou poslední měsíce obzvlášť potřebuje
Zpěvačka se totiž zamotala do rozvodové tahanice, jakou náš showbyznys dlouho nezažil
Přestože ani ona, ani její stále ještě manžel na to nevypadají, jejich spory se stále vyostřují
Partneři se nemohli shodnout ani na místě, kde má probíhat jejich rozvod. Zatímco Lucie trvala na Kanadě, Tomáš Plekanec preferoval rozvod v Česku
Dál Vondráčková s Plekancem vedli bitvu o výši alimentů. Nakonec spory vyeskalovaly tak daleko, že hokejista svou stále ještě manželku žaloval u mezinárodního soudu v Haagu! „Podal skandální a nesmyslnou žalobu na vlastní ženu s tím, že měla unést své syny! Přestože to byl právě pan Plekanec, který už podruhé od svých dětí odjel za svou novou známostí
Na základě této žaloby pana Plekance byly oběma dětem odebrány pasy a byl jim znemožněn odlet jak na zimní prázdniny, tak případně do České republiky," uvedl právní zástupce Vondráčkové Petr Machálek
Těžko si představit, kam až boj Vondráčkové s Plekancem může vést v budoucnu. Doposud se zdá, že vzájemných sporů přibývá, namísto aby se je dařilo postupně řešit
5 IDEE SAN VALENTINO Fai da te (2019) REGALI e ADDOBBI - Duration: 16:12.Looking for ideas for gifts or chores make from you for Valentine's Day?
Hi I'm Letizia, creative of the channel Live with Letizia where you can find many
creative recycling projects, DIY and tricks for home.
In this video tutorial today I show you one collection of gifts or DIY jobs for
Valentine's day.
You can use some as decorations, you can use others as original gift ideas
for you for Valentine's Day.
I also show you how to make a painting on one plywood support reproducing the image
of an artist that I love so much, that is Keith Haring.
If you like tutorials like this I recommend you to subscribe now to my channel by clicking
on Sign up and on the bell, so you do not get lost none of the upcoming videos.
If instead you did not like this video leave me your constructive criticism in the comments.
Now let's move on to the tutorial: keep watching!
If you like tutorials like this I will remind you that you can subscribe now to my channel by clicking
on Sign up and on the bell, so you do not get lost none of the upcoming videos.
You have already thought about what to give to yours or your girlfriend for Valentine's Day?
We'll see you next time.
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