Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 30 2019


Hello friends, you are on the Pepper (Russian Пер4ик) channel, Matvey is in touch with you

Under the past video, we scored over 66 likes

And to be precise, 72 likes

but alas Youtube decided to cut us

And now there's only 53 likes. And now there are only 53 likes, but in honor of 4300 subscribers and an asset

I decided to run a contest for you about this somewhere at the end of the video. Enjoy watching


And now as for the competition, in this competition

there will be 5 prizes. First place gets AWP

Viper after field tests, around 100 rubles / $ 1.51

Второе место получит Glock-18 | Caramel apple

Factory new. Third place will get

Desert Eagle | Directive after field testing

Fourth place will get AWP | African mesh

After field testing

Fifth place will get M249 | crocodile mesh a little worn

Minimal wear

Results we will summarize February 4, 2019

The day after the birthday of the channel) Birthday channel on February 3

And now for the conditions of the competition.

First subscribe to my channel and click on the bell

Second, like this video

and like the video link link in the conditions in the description

The third is to join the VKontakte group, as well as subscribe to the newsletter alert

Fourth, like and repost this video from the VKontakte group

Make screenshots of completed tasks, as well as subscribe to the sponsor

Thanks for watching, you are the best guys.

All to new meetings, bye for now, to communication) 💪🏻

For more infomation >> 99 людей не могут заметить ЭТО!? ➤ Зюзанутые фраги ► ⓀⓄⒽⓀⓎⓅⒸ - Duration: 4:03.


Provini con Roberto Ciufoli e Pino Insegno | CASA CRAI 2 Puntata 9 - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Provini con Roberto Ciufoli e Pino Insegno | CASA CRAI 2 Puntata 9 - Duration: 5:06.



For more infomation >> PAPAVERI E PAPAVERE - Nilla Pizzi (CANZONE ORIGINALE) - Duration: 2:59.


5 Value Proposition Examples Copy & Use That Engage Prospects and Close Deals - Duration: 9:01.

You know that moment

when you suddenly have the prospect's attention,

you know it's fleeting

but you've got them for maybe 15 seconds,

maybe less, maybe a little bit more,

what do you say?

I find that this is where many salespeople fumble around

with these long-winded, meandering monologues

that just confuse the prospect

and your ability to explain what you do

and then engage your prospect in a conversation

in under 20 seconds is so critical

and so, that's why I'm going to show you

a few examples by industry

of the kinds of value propositions

that truly engage prospects

in high-quality conversations.

These are some of my clients' value propositions

that we literally put together

and I'm going to show you exactly how they work,

so in this video, I'm going to show you

the five value proposition examples

that you can copy and use,

that engage prospects and close deals.

Check it out.


Number one, the marketing space.

I'm actually going to use the value proposition

for our outbound prospecting agency

that we have to give you an example

of how you might use a value proposition

in the marketing space.

So, the value proposition goes something like this. is a full-service,

outbound sales prospecting agency

that generates ultra high-quality leads for our clients.

And clients tend to come to us

when their sales teams struggle

to generate enough leads to hit goal,

they're frustrated by the quality of leads coming

through the door

and finally I just don't see a strong ROI

on lead generation efforts.

Do any of those issues ring true to you?

When we analyze that value proportion,

what you see is is there's basically one sentence

that lays out what we do,

who we are and what we do

and then there's the challenges

that we basically solve,

the reasons that people come to us

and what we're doing is we're laying out marketing

or in this case, sales marketing challenges

around getting enough leads

and then, lastly you'll see that we dig into

do any of these issues ring true to you?

You may have to rewind this video

and go back and watch it again

and I'm also going to walk you through a bunch more examples

in different spaces

that are going to show you a very similar pattern

that I think you're going to be able to start copy

and create for your own world.

Number two, the financial space.

This is an example from a client

that I've covered up their name

but here it goes,

XYZ Wealth Advisers helps clients

make smart financial decisions.

And clients typically come to us

when they don't know if they're getting the right return

on their money, they're concerned

about whether they're prepared

for the next downturn or finally,

they have a complex collection

of random accounts in different places.

Do any of those challenges ring true to you?

Again, what you're seeing is a pretty consistent pattern.

A simple sentence of who we are and what we do

and then the list of challenges that people face

and one thing that I want to point out

about the challenges in this particular value proposition

is they're really simple

in the financial planning,

financial advisor space,

there tends to be a lot of jargon

that people love to throw around,

big, fancy words

that really intimidate and ultimately turn off prospects

and so, what you want is to have that value proposition

that's really simple.

It just makes sense that last one

or they just have a random collection accounts

in different places.

It's really just something

that the typical retiree is saying to themselves,

yeah, that's exactly what we have.

And then we're closing it with do any of these challenges

ring a bell with you?

Again, engaging them in the conversation.

Number three, the imports space.

Again, this is another example taken

from one of my clients.

We changed the name so that way

it anonymize it.

XYZ Imports works with large importers,

manufacturers and retailers

to source specialty food ingredients

out of South America.

Our clients tend to come to us

when they're frustrated

by an unreliable supply of goods

out of South America.

They have persistent quality issues

in their supply or lastly,

they're just finding it difficult dealing

with different cultures, languages and timezones.

Do any of those issues ring true to you?

Now you're probably listening to that

and saying I have no idea

what you're talking about.

Well, of course

but this client is not selling to you,

they're selling to importers

who really do have those issues

and so, again what we're doing

is we're laying out those challenges

that this type of a big manufacturer

that's having trouble with the South American culture

or issues, they're trying to figure this all out

and so, when they hear something like that,

they're like yes, that makes sense,

it's exactly what we're dealing with

and it engages them in the conversation

which again is why we finish any value proposition

with do any of those issues ring true to you?

Just engaging them, sucking them into the conversation.

Number four, the landscape space.

I have a client who runs a landscape organization

and this is something that we put together

and it's I think really kind of different

than your typical landscape type of a value proposition.

So, it reads something like this.

I am a horticultural strategist,

partnering with companies

to create green, organic work environments.

Our clients come to us

when they're worried that their appearance

has lost its wow factor,

they're frustrated with their existing provider's lack

of consistency in maintaining a green work space

or finally, they're concerned

that they're just no longer getting

the promised white glove service.

Do any of those services ring true to you?

Now again, this is a client

who is selling to large buildings

and developers and hotels, let's say

and so, it's mostly for indoor landscape work

and so, what they're doing is they're trying

to suck the potential buyer in

to the fact that they look around their space

and they're like this is not getting it done.

Another thing that you will notice

is that he used the term

that he's a horticultural strategist.

Now that's a mouthful

but what I like about that word

is that no one really knows exactly what that means.

In their space they'll know

that the word horticulture means

that it has to do with plants and landscape

but other than that,

it's not like a typical term,

so there's no way to immediately cut 'em off

and just put 'em in a box

and that's a really beautiful thing

that gets the prospect to open up right away.

Number five, the consulting space.

This is a value proposition that I took

from another of the clients in our forum,

in the Sales Strategy Academy Forum

and I really liked it.

He writes, we are a business strategy firm

that works with catering companies

to create a game plan

that dramatically helps them book more events

throughout the year.

Our clients come to us

when they've hit a wall and can't seem

to book more events.

They don't have time to seek more opportunities

or finally, they're just short of staff

to handle more volume without going insane.

Do any of those issues ring true to you?

What I liked about this one

and this is not one

that we really worked together on,

this was one that was developed within the community,

getting feedback in the forum

but I really liked it

because first of all, it laid out very specifically

who they work with

which is kind of niche, the catering space

and then it laid out problems

that really are going to connect

with your typical caterer

who's saying yeah, we don't have enough leads

or we're not getting enough events.

It's not even using the jargon of leads,

it's about events

and that's ultimately what they care about.

And so, this is something

that's really going to engage that right prospect.

Looking at your own value proposition,

how can you take these ideas

and lay out your value proposition?

Again, if you're not sure exactly

how to structure it, go back through

and copy that same structure.

There are the five value proposition examples

that you can copy and use

that engage prospects and close more deals.

I wanna hear from you.

Which of these ideas do you find most useful?

Be sure to share below in the comment section

to get involved in the conversation

and if you enjoyed this video,

then I have an awesome free e-book

on 25 Tips to Crush Your Sales Goals.

Just click right here

to get it instantly, somewhere around here.

Seriously, just click right here.

Also, if you got some value,

please like this video below on YouTube.

It really helps me out

and be sure to subscribe to my channel

by clicking to my face right about here

to get access to a new video

just like this one each week.

For more infomation >> 5 Value Proposition Examples Copy & Use That Engage Prospects and Close Deals - Duration: 9:01.


Gigante No Mic - Autobiografia part. NB (Prod. Mortão VMG) - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Gigante No Mic - Autobiografia part. NB (Prod. Mortão VMG) - Duration: 4:56.


Como Expor Suas Fotos e Vídeos de Maneira Inteligente - Duration: 4:50.

With this, I've just lost

one exposure of the film for the vlog


you better feel special

another thing, I've been needing a haircut for a longwhile, but I didn't have the time to cut it

when I say it's complicated

to post every week,

I really mean it, time is really scarse

but what do you think?

I cut it my self, idk if it looks good

how's it back here?

hope it looks good

now to the video, today we are talking about

one sec

ETTR or Expose to the right

it's a technique I recommend to everyone, for photo and video

let's go

The idea is to expose your image the brightest possible

making sure that more light comes in and getting more of your digital sensor

This is essential if you wanna get the highest dynamic range possible

in a single photo, let's explain it!

first, before saying when to use

I wanna say when not to use it!

I can only think of on case of when not to use it

and it's when you won't modify your photo after capturing it

In these cases, it's better to photometer the way you think it's best for the scene

because you won't modify it later

With this said, we can conclude that ETTR is the first step of a shot

that later will be optimized in post-production

Initially the image on the camera might seem overexposed

but this just points out that we captured as much light as possible in the image

later in editing

we just need to reduce the exposure

to get to the intended exposure

and because we shot it with ETTR, this technique makes sure we don't lose any information

So we have a larger freedom in editing

to go up and down with shadows and highlights

In digital photography any info not capture is lost information

ETTR enables us to capture the most information possible

this, aligned with a flat profile, log or ideally RAW

assures us a great modification power

of colors and lights in post

1. "Ideal" exposure 2. ETTR

1. "Ideal" exposure 2. ETTR + adjustment

noise comparisson 1. "Ideal" exposure 2. ETTR

sorry about that, it's Adobe's fault

it's good to know that originally ETTR considers that you use the native ISO of your camera

not necessarily the native ISO is the lowest ISO value of your camera

Usually photography cameras have a native ISO of 100

and cinema cameras vary, some of them even have two native ISOs

The native ISO grants you the best image quality

with the less noise

There will be some situations that you won't be able to use it

even then, it's still worth it to use the ETTR principles

to shoot your image

there will be cases that, because of the lack of lighting resources, we'll need to choose something to blow

in this case your ETTR

should be made from the main subject

for us to capture the most information

on what's most important in the frame

one more thing, sometimes expose to the right might mean

that your photometer goes to the negative

for this, I advise you to set your cameras

to spot metering

With this it is possible to see the exposure

from different spots and decide the best exposition

to capture the most details

Summing up: analise all the spots from your scene

and expose the highest possible

to capture the most details and have bigger freedom

in your post-production

that's it for today, don't forget to comment the next subjects you want me to talk about

don't forget to like

share with the bros and subscribe to the channel

to see the weekly videos

i hope weekly, well maybe weekly

I intend for them to be weekly

wow, cool framing

oops, I forgot

see ya!

For more infomation >> Como Expor Suas Fotos e Vídeos de Maneira Inteligente - Duration: 4:50.


✅ Elisa Isoardi svela: verità su Salvini e futuro a la Vita in Diretta - Duration: 3:48.

Elisa Isoardi, l'intervista. La conduttrice a ruota libera: la risposta sulla Prova del cuoco e le voci che la vogliono a La Vita in Diretta e la verità sulla fine della storia con Matteo Salvini  Elisa Isoardi a ruota libera

La conduttrice de La Prova del Cuoco, al centro di diverse voci negli ultimi giorni (da un suo possibile approdo alla Vita in Diretta, ai sussurri che la vogliono ancora assieme a Matteo Salvini), ha rilasciato un'intervista al settimanale Oggi (in edicola da domani 31 gennaio), facendo chiarezza su diversi punti della sua vita privata e lavorativa

Prima di tutto ha parlato della relazione avuta con il Ministro dell'Interno. Sul rapporto è stato detto di tutto

Qualcuno ha addirittura ipotizzato che la coppia non avrebbe mai interrotto il legame

La realtà invece è un'altra, come già in passato Elisa aveva spiegato e come è tornata a ribadire, aggiungendo dei dettagli sulla fine della love story

"La parola fine è stata posta da un bel po'. Siamo arrivati insieme a questa decisione, quello che c'è stato c'è stato"  "Come si capisce quando una storia è finita? Non ne ho idea – spiega Elisa al settimanale Oggi – Forse col tempo… La parola fine è stata posta da un bel po'

Siamo arrivati insieme a questa decisione, quello che c'è stato c'è stato, e io non credo di aver mai lanciato messaggi provocatori con quel post perché non ne sarei capace

Mi spiace che questa cosa sia stata montata ad arte". La conduttrice fa riferimento al post Instagram con cui annunciò la rottura sentimentale

Un post che fece molto clamore perché giudicato da molti troppo intimo (la foto di loro due a letto)

 "Era solo la foto di un momento idilliaco della nostra storia e lui lo sa perfettamente – ha motivato -

Un'immagine nostra in cui lui non dorme e stiamo bene e basta. Non capisco perché ne sia stato fatto un caso… Non penso sia una delle foto peggiori che ha in giro… È decisamente la foto migliore che ha, perché lo umanizza

"   "La Vita in Diretta? Resto concentrata sul 'qui e ora'. Ma sono certamente una conduttrice versatile, potrei farlo!"  La Isoardi affronta anche le voci che, nella prossima stagione, la vorrebbero alla Vita in Diretta, aprendo alla Prova del Cuoco a un clamoroso ritorno di Antonella Clerici

"Io adesso penso solo a portare su gli ascolti della Prova del Cuoco, mica sono una pallina da flipper! Ora desidero far bene ciò che faccio, perché non è uno scherzo, controllo ogni singola cosa fino in fondo, quasi maniacalmente

Spero che il mio programma vada bene perché mi prendo la responsabilità in prima persona"

E la Vita in Diretta? "Resto concentrata sul 'qui e ora'. Ma sono certamente una conduttrice versatile, potrei farlo!"

For more infomation >> ✅ Elisa Isoardi svela: verità su Salvini e futuro a la Vita in Diretta - Duration: 3:48.


Alan acorda com dor de cabeça e pede ajuda no confessionário - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Alan acorda com dor de cabeça e pede ajuda no confessionário - Duration: 5:26.


Wrong Moo Cow! | That's the Wrong Sound! | Learn Animal Sounds - Duration: 3:31.

Moo moo moo, cow

What sound do you make

Moo moo moo, cow

What sound do you make



Moo moo moo moo


That's what you say, yeah

You're a moo cow

Neigh neigh neigh, horse

What sound do you make

Neigh neigh neigh, horse

What sound do you make


Neigh neigh neigh neigh


That's what you say, yeah

You're a neigh horse

Woof woof woof, dog

What sound do you make

Woof woof woof, dog

What sound do you make


Woof woof woof woof


That's what you say, yeah

You're a woof dog

Talk like an animal

Walk like an animal

Say what the animals say-ay-ay-ay

Meow meow meow, cat

What sound do you make

Meow meow meow, cat

What sound do you make


Meow meow meow meow


That's what you say, yeah

You're a meow cat

Quack quack quack, duck

What sound do you make

Quack quack quack, duck

What sound do you make


Quack quack quack quack


That's what you say, yeah

You're a quack duck

Talk like an animal

Walk like an animal

Say what the animals say-ay-ay-ay

Oink oink oink, pig

What sound do you make

Oink oink oink, pig

What sound do you make


Oink oink oink oink


That's what you say, yeah

You're an oink pig

Baa baa baa, sheep

What sound do you make

Baa baa baa, sheep

What sound do you make


Baa baa baa baa


That's what you say, yeah

You're a baa sheep

Hee haw, donkey

What sound do you make

Hee haw, donkey

What sound do you make


Hee haw, hee haw


That's what you say, yeah

You're a hee haw donkey

For more infomation >> Wrong Moo Cow! | That's the Wrong Sound! | Learn Animal Sounds - Duration: 3:31.


La storia tra Conte, Di Maio e Salvini sul caso del diciottesimo - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> La storia tra Conte, Di Maio e Salvini sul caso del diciottesimo - Duration: 7:21.


GROUP HYPNOSIS - Emotional Healing - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> GROUP HYPNOSIS - Emotional Healing - Duration: 4:24.


DEU DÓ DOS CARAS! WINGMAN com Gaules na TRAIN - Duration: 10:43.

I'm gonna record a 2x2 with Gaules now, guys! The King of Train

Gaules: Did you get that thing about "reacting" and the things starts to get up

The guys are "reacting" too fast, I can't beat them...

Gaules: Man, they're really fast. Right now, they could be already recording...

They already doing it, that's the worst. I set it to search... -Gaules: Rank up to Guardian, bro?!

D. Master Guardian, because I ranked up not long ago, just now I was Guardian Elite.

Gaules: Damn! Good, dude... - Fallen: Like it?! -Gaules: It found...

Look what map is it Gaules! Look what map it is...

Gaules: Fuck, it's Train, dude. -Fallen: Train, Train!

CS:GO seem to know who's gonna be playing... Let's be real

Gaules: Let's see who has more luck with love. Whoever has the higher Ping, has more luck with love.

"Whoever has the higher Ping has more luck with love." Let's see mine

Look how my Ping is, it's exploding

Gaules: WTF, 107... - Fallen: We're equal, mine is too!

Gaules: Damn! We have... Damn, both are "Leticia"

Both dates "Leticia", both have the same Ping, and both are the Kings of Train

Shit, dude! - Gaules: Shit, man!

We're really partners huh?!

Gaules: These guys are fucked. They matched against the King and the God of Train

Exactly! I'm feeling sorry for these guys. Last time they called us "cheaters"

They said "ASS" or something like that, I couldn't understand

Let's go Gaules. Only bombsite A.

Gaules: It's your bombsite A. - Fallen: I'm the king here.

Come here, I'm gonna boost you.

Gaules: What? Ok, boost.

They can come from Ivy Tunnel, too.

Gaules: Relax. Only one-tap here.

Gaules: Look! One-tap only... - Fallen: Ivy is clear.

Gaules: Man, do you want...

Gaules: I can kill myself, or you play...

It would be better if the guy could play.

Gaules: Exactly! But, if he shows up on my aim, I'm...

Gaules: I'm hot, man!

The guy asked if I'm real, I told YOU are.

Gaules: No!

C'mon Gaules, this guy is having a lot of patiance

Gaules: Real. He's is... - Fallen: I'm jealous! - Gaules: Me, too!

Gaules: He wants to win us with fatigue.

He wants, but he won't! We got stamina!

I'm getting back to bomsite.

Gaules: Fuck, man! He want us to be Uber drivers. I'll pick him up right over T spawn.

Let's go as Uber! Let's go! - Gaules: As Uber...

Show up!

Look it up! He tried to fake us with AFK. He thinks we born yesterday...


Gaules:Do you have something to say? Do you want me to win while you do some other thing?


Gaules: You can stay chatting...

I'll be hiding. I'll let you play first.

Gaules: Now you can give VIP's. It's a new system over Twitch, so the guy turns a VIP from your channel.

That's new for me.

Gaules: There's two in the middle. - Fallen: You deal with it. - Gaules: Ok!

Leave one to me! - Gaules: Wait! He crossed! He's there, just show up!

Damn! He just escaped, bastard!

Gaules: Damn it!

Gaules: Can you guess what the first one was doing it? - Fallen: What?

Gaules: I'll tell you, since we're already on the smartphones or curved screens

Gaules: Curved monitors...

I get it, they're gonna enter... Look! Look! I get it!

He was opening the livestream.

Gaules: Exactly! - Fallen: He was trying to see from the streaming.

What's up, a big hug to you that are playing against us. We're in this together!

It's great to have you with us.

Gaules: One more viewer. - Fallen: It's great to have you with us!

One more viewer. ♪ One more viewer, one more viewer, one mor... ♪

Gaules: You though he was AFK? - Fallen: At the end of day you manage a product

We sold a product to him, that is: Entertainment

Gaules: One A, Tunnel.

One more on Tunnel. I'm gonna operate him!

Gaules: Ok. I'll let you stab him.

No! You can throw a Flash on Tunnel I can get him!

Inside Tunnels! - Gaules: I don't have a Flash, man. I'm bad at teamplay

So a boost, c'mon! He's inside here.

On the second jump, the second. One first jump

Hey! You gotta jump again Gaules. That's not one of your strenghts

Movement is not one of your strenghts right?!

Gaules: Dude, I'm not used to run boost.

Your good at hittin that headshot - Gaules: He's asking if you speak Spanish...

(Yes I speak Spanish, my friend, what's up?)

Gaules: I'm gonna catch an enemy fallin... Aw man...

T spawn!

Gaules: He's ignoring me. - Fallen: ( Thank you!)

Are feeling bad Gaules? Maybe a little detached? - Gaules: No, no.

Is that quote: Some people born to shine, other to give shine. - Gaules: Exactly!

You get it, right?!

Gaules: They were so unlucky to get Train, right?! They could had got Lake, or...

They could had got Lake, Arctic, Subzero

Gaules: Yeah, Arctic, I don't know man...

Some reaction here!

I rubbed my dick! I rubbed my dick onto him! Once! - Gaules: I got it!

One more Tunnel, they were two, that's certain. You can go on "walk".

I managed to stab him! - Gaules: I think thgat clutch...

Fuck, you don't give a chance

Gaules: If goes to Youtube we got...Do you want an AWP?

I got it already! Thanks!

Hey Gaules, do you have any stickers of you so I can put on my weapon? -Gaules: I don't!

Don't have YET! I'll talk with Valve.

Gaules: Talk with them. I wanted a Sticker from the tribe, I think it's worth

It's worth! Next time I'll do some lobby at Valve's.

Gaules: Make a lobby. Say: "Make a "tribe" sticker, man!"

Gaules: I'm feeling like their gonna come from Popdog, dude!

Wow, what a bang "Verdadeiro"!

He even sent a "WOW"

Gaules: My spray is sharp.

My AWP is violent, too! Where it shoots, hair doesn't grow.

Gaules: Hey! Look this one. It's the Skull King.

Gaules: This one is calibrated. What? Did you ignored the AWP

Sorry! I was looking at some comments, let me try it out!

You put...You didn't put a sticker of "Verdadeiro"?!

Gaules: I'll put it! - Fallen: You fooled me!

Gaules: The guys said I shouldn't put a sticker on it, because it's a beautiful AWP.

Got it.

The fuck I got it!

Gaules: I have a sticker from Coldzera on my M4

And the AWP is gonna get a sticker from who?!

Gaules: Tarik from Heaven

Gaules: I "sent" a spray of 30 bullets

Gaules: But that's on the Lag.

Gaules: It's the tick rate... 69...

Damn it Gaules! Tick rate! - Gaules: Tick rate.

Tick rate. I missed... - Gaules: Tick rate. - Fallen: I missed 4 flick shots.

Gaules: Man, it's not GC ( GamersClub)

4 flick shots straight...

Damn it Gaules, I was playing with your AWP, right? - Gaules: Yes... - Fallen: It says a lot.

Gaules: Yes! It is calibrated to MY skill set, you see it.

Understand. Let's see!

Gaules: Now...FUCK! - Falen: Fuck.

He's yours!

Gaules: Look at Jorginho behind the E-box!

That's the exact position where Jorginho was born!

This one has a name it now, Gaules!

Gaules: This one? - Fallen: This one is Fallen.

Gaules: Here on A?! - Fallen: Now, here is Fallen!

Gaules: You stay there?! - Fallen: I did a lot of miracles here!

Look! I just saw him here!

Got it?! Did you got how the Fallen position works? - Gaules: Yeah!

Gaules: I liked! Both got 7, 7 and one assistance

Seven, seven, seven!

Everybody! Seven, seven...

There's one more seven waiting down there - Gaules: Shit, dude. - Fallen: It's true!

And I'll say even more: If you add 4 with 3 is a 7.

5 1 1= 7 and 2 2 2 1= 7 again!

Gaules: Damn, bro! Blessed be the cock

Bless be the cock. I'll rub my cock on them now!

Gaules: Man, I'm gonna give that little tap on someones head.

It was mine,?! In this case... From what I noticed

Gaules: No! It was 90 on them. Plant it to Tunnel, Gaules!

Gaules: I'm planting it. You happened to show on my aim!


Gaules: I was sending that...

I noticed! " I'm gonna tap onto someone's head...." You tapped mine! Bastard!

Let's make something fun Gaules, last round!

Gaules: Let's... I'm going with the Scout now. -Fallen: Scout?!

It's only allowed no aim, quick shots while flying. - Gaules: Only allowed no aim and all, alright!

Quick shot, quick shots . - Gaules: FLYING?!

NO. Flying is just if it's possible, only if it is possible.

Pedal ( PEDALA)! -Gaules: Aw fuck it man, where is the other one?

Gaules: He was blind! MOTHERFUCKER!

Gaules: He's Connector! He killed me! He killed while he was blind! Dude!

Gaules: I did such a beautiful Popflash.

That's a lie! It's a lie! IT IS A LIE!

LIE! I hit it!

You hit both already

Nooo.... I had hit the other. That round was mine! It was mine!

Worse than that, I hit 3!

Hey Gaules, give me some help here! To close this match! - Gaules: Ok, I'll do it! -

Gaules: I didn't knew that I could use the scope

It couldn't! But I'm appealing here, I'm a "try hard" - Gaules: Yes!

Gaules: Well, I wasn't using the scope. Now...

Pedaled him Gaules! - Gaules: You saw?!

With scope you gotta... C'mon!

I'm gonna operate him! I'll rub my cock... How is it....

Gaules: If it is to, try hard.

You decided! You showed talent!.

Gaules: Hats off!

GG friends

Gaules: Man, Train, they got...

They got unlucky...they got unlucky Gaules.

Gaules: It happens! 1-11.- Fallen: That was good!

Let me take the moment, you have Youtube? Do you have an Youtube Channel?

Gaules: Man! It only nedd 2 thousand to get...

That's it! Let me put here Gaules.

I'm gonna show on the screen now.

Gaules: They're let me dream with a Youtube Plate.

I'm gonna show on the screen, and I'm gonna leave on the description

This is Gaules Youtube channel. Subscribe there! It only needs 2521 persons to achieve the plate ( Award)

It doesn't take much. If the people that are here on the chat go there

Gaules is gonna win a plate

What plate it is? "Youtube's 100mi plate"


I have one like this! I have one like this Gaules.... Gaules: I promise I wont' cut it!

Don't cut it! Hold it!

That's it! We're in this together!

For more infomation >> DEU DÓ DOS CARAS! WINGMAN com Gaules na TRAIN - Duration: 10:43.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Banguela de Como Treinar o Seu Dragão 3 em Português de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Banguela de Como Treinar o Seu Dragão 3 em Português de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:22.


New report shows 78 percent increase in high school e-cigarette use (6:50 a.m.) - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> New report shows 78 percent increase in high school e-cigarette use (6:50 a.m.) - Duration: 1:31.


Language learning techniques: #4 - Cognates - Thousands of words you already know - Duration: 7:33.

Hi ! I'm Carmine and welcome back to my crash course on how to learn any language as quickly and easily as possible.

In the previous videos we saw a few tricks to boost your memory

and a few ways you can expand your vocabulary.

In this video we'll see how we can achieve the same thing through cognates.

And we'll see what cognates are in a minute.

When you're learning a language, try to find out if there are any cognates between your mother tongue

or any language that you already speak and your target language.

So what are cognates ? Cognates are words that you already know but you don't know that you know.

It's like you have a huge amount of words already stored in your memory and they're just there waiting for you to discover them.

Why is that ? Because cognates are the words of a language that sound a lot like their corresponding words in another language,

simply because these two languages are related.

You know how languages evolve. We certainly don't speak now as our great-grandparents used to speak.

Some words change, some words disappear, some new ones are created

and this is how one language slowly evolves into another language,

that is when it reaches such a point that it is impossible to identify it as the language that it used to be,

simply because its vocabulary, its grammar, its sounds have drastically changed.

This is how latin slowly died. Well, it didn't actually die, it transformed itself

into a bunch of new European languages such as Italian, Spanish,

Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian and so on.

So all these languages are sister languages

because they share a huge amount of words

that sound a lot like each other simply because they derived from the same ancient Latin words.

Also, the Normans who spoke a French dialect invaded England in 1066

and introduced over 10.000 new words of latin origin into the English language.

So even if English is not really related to Italian, Spanish or Portuguese,

it has a big number of cognates, thousands of words

that sound like their corresponding Italian, Spanish and Portuguese words.

For example, the English word definition and the Portuguese word definição are cognates.

They are related. You can tell that, because they sound almost the same.

And you can also see that we can obtain the Portuguese word by simply replacing the suffix -tion with the suffix -çao,

just like we can obtain the corresponding Italian cognate by using the suffix -zione: definizione.

or the French one by using the suffix -tion: definition.

So when you notice a pattern like this one, you can really guess hundreds of words in your target language

because most English words that end in -tion will end in -zione in Italian:

definition - definizione, but also destination - destinazione.

or station - stazione and so on.

And there are a lot more patterns that you can take into account.

For example, most words that end in -ism in English will end in -ismo in Italian:

organism – organismo, feminism – femminismo and so on.

Just pay particular attention to words that sound alike,

but because the meaning of one of the two words has shifted in time, they don't mean the same thing anymore.

This is what we call "false friends": two words that look alike but they have different meanings.

Yes, because when a language evolves, it's not just the way a word sounds that can change, but also its meaning.

You have to imagine a word like a box (which in linguistics is called a "signifier").

So this box, the signifier, has a physical form

which is the way it appears to us

in the case of a word it can be the sequence of letters that the word is made of.

For example, the word cat is made of the sequence C-A-T

or the sequence of sounds that the word is made of and in the case of the word cat the sequence of sounds is K – AE – T.

Now, this is the way the box looks, but the box (the signifier, the word) contains a meaning.

For example, in the case of the word cat, the box "cat" contains the meaning

"small feline that we can have as a pet".

Now imagine that two cognate words preserve the same physical form, preserve the same way the word sounds or appears to us

but the meaning changes.

So the "box" in one of the two word will contain a different meaning.

In that case we'll have "false friends".

You would think that the English word "camera" means the same as the Italian word "camera", but it doesn't.

In Italian "camera" means room and it's not a small device that we use to take pictures.

Actually these two words derive from the same latin word which is "camĕra"

and camĕra meant chamber so now you can see that a camera, a small device that we can use to take pictures,

looks like a small chamber.

It's like a small box where light can go in through an aperture and draw an image on a sensitive surface.

Now, whether one of two cognates changes its meaning or two words just happen to sound alike

but they are not even related,

in either case you would have "false friends".

Now, just like cognates, false friends are usually easy to remember

especially when you use the wrong word in a conversation and it results in an awkward and funny moment.

In that case, you will have no problem remembering that word in the future.

And why is that ?

Once again because we are attaching an emotional component to that word in the moment we are storing it.

That awkward and funny moment will result in an easier and more effective storage and retrieval of that word in the future.

Let's say you're talking to someone from Italy about canned food

and you want to tell them that a can of beans doesn't contain too many preservatives,

you might use the word "preservativi" thinking that it means "preservatives",

but you're really telling them that the can of beans doesn't contain too many "condoms".

Now, if that happened I'm sure you would never forget how to say "preservative" and "condom" in Italian.

Now, I would like to know from you if you have any examples of cognates and false friends between your mother tongue and your target language.

And if you've ever experienced any awkward moment because you used a "false friend" in a conversation.

Let me know by leaving a comment down here.

It's all for now and I'll see you in the next video where we'll talk about how we can start using all these words that we've learned in a conversation.

For more infomation >> Language learning techniques: #4 - Cognates - Thousands of words you already know - Duration: 7:33.


Retienen 16 billones de dolares a Maduro Y dice solo entregaran ha nuevo presidente Juan Guaido - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Retienen 16 billones de dolares a Maduro Y dice solo entregaran ha nuevo presidente Juan Guaido - Duration: 4:53.


Após ataque alérgico, Tiago Leifert imita blogueiras e ri de "novo visual" - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> Após ataque alérgico, Tiago Leifert imita blogueiras e ri de "novo visual" - Duration: 6:39.


Das PERFEKTE Pedalboard | Beste Effekte für E-Gitarre | FX Board Tipps und Tricks - Duration: 31:46.


My name is Tibor and I want to show you in this video why I believe

to have the perfect pedalboard.

Yeah, very presumptuous, I know ...

Of course, everyone has its own subjective standard.

For example, to me it is unimportant if the board is particularly compact as long as it can

be transported in a case.

Likewise, my dream pedalboard does not have to be as clean and tidy or as cheap

as possible.

I personally think the following criteria is important:

It should be easy to use to recall the different sounds

as quickly as possible. All pedals should be robust.

In particular, the sound quality of the effects matters the most to me

which goes along with the last point, namely having as many sound options as possible

starting with classic reverb through to totally crazy soundscapes,

anything what comes to your mind should be possible,

But you'll hear for yourself what I mean by that.

If you are only interested in certain effects, take a look at the video description

There I've listed all the time stamps for every individual effects pedal.

First, I want to explain my general setup

Then I'll give you an overview regarding the pedalboard

and then I examine the individual effects and showcase their sound briefly, too.

To get these pedals to their full potential you should

apart from a halfway decent guitar of course have a good amplifier, too.

The amp certainly has the biggest influence on your basic sound, followed by your

guitar and finally the cabinet used.

No effects pedal in the world can offer you a superior sound if the sound of your guitar

is shitty without any effects.

Currently, I mainly use a Schecter Backjack SLS C-7 -

a 7-string, that meets my needs by having passive

pickups that can be split.

One is a Seymour Duncan Full Shred and the other a Jazz humbucker, so

this means I can affect the sound of the guitar itself quite much.

For amplification I use the VX Kraken by Victory Amps - regarding its size it is sure

a wolf in sheep's clothing and a sly dog.

Lastly, the proper cab for this amp is called V212VV - also by Victory Amps.

All the sound samples I will record with two SM57 mics.

Let's have a quick listen!

(Without any effects pedal)

Yo, that's the "clean" channel. Technically speaking, there really is no true clean channel,

there is only gain 1 and gain 2. Gain 1 is already, well, I think at 10:30 ...

Yup, 10 o'clock. It's pretty crunchy already.

But as I said: With this guitar I can also switch to the jazz pickup, then we have ...

this sound. If I turn down the volume a bit,

it gets even softer and if I split the pickup, then ...

Ok, so much for the basic sound.

Now let's look into the board.

In the middle there is the MXR Iso-Brick.

This small inconspicuous box acts as the power supply of my pedalboard.

This power supply delivers up to 2700 mA for the connected devices; it has 10

isolated outputs, including 6 outputs with 9 volts, 2 with 18 volts and 2 with a steplessly variable

control with 6 to 15 volts.

For example, with this control you could

simulate that a connected fuzz pedal has a low battery, therefore you could

pimp the sound a bit if you want to.

Finally, it should be mentioned that the iso brick has a sturdy metal case and

doesn't need active cooling, even under full load.

It's just a f * ing power supply. So we don't need to scientifically overdo it.

Ok, next - you could easier overdo it with this thing:

The Boss ES-8 Effects Switching System.

The ES-8 is the central control unit of my board

You can connect up to 8,

after a firmware update even 9 different pedals to this unit

and simultaneously switch one or more of them on or off.

So you don't need to do a tapdance onstage if you want to switch more than 2 pedals

at the same time

Characteristically for Boss, on the ES-8 itself you sure could tap because this thing is

robust like a tank.

Yeah, this monster takes up a lot of space on the board, but trust me, it's worth it!

There are 8 patches per bank that you can program via USB on your computer or -

a little more cumbersome - with the buttons on the unit itself.

The ES-8 offers enough space for up to 100 banks of 8 patches each; you had to

play a veeeery veeeeery big set with umpteen different effects combinations

to push your limits here.

Strictly speaking, you are not really switching your connected units on or off, but

you activate them as needed, because each pedal is located in a separate fx loop.

Therefore, the connected pedals must always remain switched on.

Ingeniously, within the ES-8 you

can change the order of the individual fx loops per patch without needing to

replug your devices every time.

Of course, the ES-8 can also send and receive MIDI messages,

which I use frequently to control my Strymon pedals

that we will check out later. For example, I can use this function to

send several MIDI commands to different MIDI channels by activating a single patch,

to recall some effects, so send out a specific tempo to all devices or

even to change individual parameters that otherwise I would have to adjust

via the control knobs.

In addition, you can operate your effects pedals or your amplifier by

using the various expression and control outputs of the ES-8.

By connecting a stereo cable to one of the control outputs you can even send out 2 commands

to the same device.

A peculiarity of my amp is that it has 2 independent gain and

master channels.

That's why I can, for example

program within the ES-8 that a certain patch will activate gain 1 and master 2,

another patch will activate Gain 2 and Master 1 and so on.

And with that, of course, I save myself an extra pedal.

Well, from Victory ... I have not even unpacked it yet

That came along with the amp back then. With this I could switch Gain 1/2 and Master 1/2 as well,

and this is exactly what I can program with the ES-8 and so I do not have to

control something here.

There are many more features but they are beyond the scope of this video.

I certainly never want to go without a looper again.

Ok, so much for the control unit. This has yet nothing to do with the sound and the pedals.

That is next up on the agenda.

Let's go through the whole thing along the effects loop, from the guitar to the amp,

Let's just go through that from the front to the back.

So, the signal goes out of the guitar first and then into the Chromatic tuner.

This is not a device you can use to tune your chrome-plated car parts ...

but a simple tuner.

Then the signal from the tuner goes into the input of the ES-8 and

from there it is distributed to the individual effect devices.

Their order is irrelevant as I mentioned,

because you're still be able to change it via the ES-8.

If I want so switch on several or even all effects pedals I usually use

the following order.

In the first effects loop there is my wah pedal.

The Cry Baby CB 535 Q.

One of the most versatile wah pedals with great sound.

On the right side there is a larger control knob which determines the frequency center of the

Wah effect, as well as a small boost knob which you can adjust the signal volume with

for example, to boost a solo.

On the left side there are 2 small control knobs - with one you adjust the volume

of the boost button we just saw

and with the other knob you define the bandwidth filter.

Next there is the Boss Noise Suppressor,

a device for noise reduction.

This pedal has its own effects loop which a small compressor is located in,

namely the MXR Dyna Comp.

It makes sure that quite sounds are amplified and loud signals are muted.

Depending on the setting, the sound will be more or less compressed - that's why

it is caled compressor - and the guitar signal sounds denser, volume differences get

decreased and notes ring out slightly longer.

Due to this circumstance unfortunately unwanted noise gets heard easier,

so it makes sense to use that pedal in combinaion with the NS-2.

Let's take a listen to a bold example ...

Yeah? Now you aren't hearing much. But if I turn off the noise suppressor ...

that is a completely different game, right?

The next pedal is Boss's equalizer GE-7.

Being distinctive for equalizers, it allows you to regulate the volume of certain frequencies,

so for example, you can lower the bass and raise the treble ....

Now we'll do it the other way around.

Especially in combination with other effects you can create a very special sound with an equalizer

or mute unwanted frequencies.

Additionally, you also can use the GE-7 to boost the signal, thanks to the level control on the right side,

for example during a solo.

But you can also use this boost by kind of adding an

additional channel to your amplifier.

In my case, next to my crunchy 1st channel and the heavily distorted 2nd channel I get

a sound somewhere in between.

To achieve that I activate the pedal in combination with my 1st channel and get this sound.

You get the impression that I'm playing with a distortion channel,


Although it's actually my clean channel, which I also can play something like this with.

The next pedal is the Sub n Up from tc electronic.

It is an Octaver, that - as the name suggests -

adds octaves to your signal.

So you can make your guitar sound like a 12-string or like a bass guitar.

With the Sub n Up you can change the volume of 4 signals and blend them

into another: the dry output signal of your guitar, one octave above, one octave below,

and even a signal that is 2 octaves below the note you are playing.

Uber-rad, I think.

Of course it gets even cooler when you play distorted.

As you may have noticed at the end,

the Sub n Up works reliably even when playing chords.

That is working so well because we are currently using the so-called Poly mode.

There is also a Classic mode, which behaves like an analog octaver.

This mode has its difficulties with always keeping track of chords correctly.

In the middle position, the Sub n Up offers the so-called Toneprint mode as well,

which can only be edited via a free app or,

even more detailed, on your computer.

The big advantage is that you can choose between a large selection of modulation effects,

in addition to the core function, the octaver.

You want a quick sample?

Let's go on with a pretty brutal device: the Kaputt Monkey Fuzz by Leaf Audio.

This lethal pedal can't be purchased to this day, it only can be put together during a workshop

by Leaf Audio, which I warmly recommend to everyone,

to get an insight into the interior of effects units.

The Kaputt Monkey Fuzz delievers not only a totally sick name but also a crazy sound.

Very important: do not use it in combination with an overly distorted signal.

If this is not deadly enough for you and you would rather create a doomsday

you should combine the Kaputt Monkey Fuzz with an octaver.

Now that our guitar signal has come back to the ES-8 via the last smaller effects unit,

from there it is sent to the input of the amplifier.

Like almost every amp the Kraken also has its own fx loop,

which will be used to connect the remaining pedals.

Especially when it comes to time-controlled effects like modulation, reverb and delay you want to add those effects as possible

clean as possible onto the guitar signal which previously got its individual sound from the amplifier

and got distorted if required.

If you would go the other way around and for example

place your reverb in front of the distortion even your hall will be distorted.

Finally, located within this fx loop of the amplifier

there are the 3 bigger Strymon effects pedals on my board.

Even though these devices are extremely versatile, on closer inspection they are very specialized

in a certain effects type

and soundwise they're really fantastic.

All 3 Strymons offer countless banks with great presets and

options as well as essentially 12 machines each, adjustable with the knob

on the left side and defining the basic character of the chosen effect.

During the following sound examples I will briefly show you each of these 12 machines.

You should always keep in mind, that each machine can be be modified manifoldly

and that each of the Strymon devices offers several presets

of each machine.

The only downside here is that it is not possible to combine several machines

within one device.

Due to the almost infinite combination possibilities of the 3 Strymons

I've never seen a big problem and I'm glad to be able to cover

such a broad sound spectrum with only three devices.

As mentioned at the beginning, the Strymons are controllable via MIDI.

That's why I can recall certain presets on the ES-8, set a specific tempo or

even change individual parameters of the effects.

First, the guitar signal goes into the Strymon Mobius,

a modulation pedal with many different, partly common, partly very crazy effects.

Out of the 3 Strymons on my board it is probably the most versatile one, but take a listen yourself.

After the Mobius then the Timeline follows, a delay pedal.

Again, we'll take a listen to the 12 machines.

Before the signal is sent back to the amplifier

and is amplified for the cabinet, last but not least it goes through the BigSky, a reverb pedal,

generating first and foremost beautiful reverb.

Let me briefly summarize the whole thing

and collate it with my criteria from the beginning of this video.

The board can be easily operated via the central control unit, so with only

one single step I am able to switch the amp channels and at the same time

control multiple effects pedals or even change their order.

All shown devices also have a sturdy metal housing.

The most important thing still is the sound.

Of course you need a good amplifier and a halfway decent guitar.

So as long as you are satisfied with your basic sound, this setup will surely satisfy you.

If you don't overdo it with the compressor, you'll never

get any unwanted noise

and you can just enjoy the crystal clear sound of your guitar.

And as for the diversity of effects,

we only scratched the surface in this video.

We do not even have heard the Strymons with much distortion or combined with each other

and yet the sounds were already extremely versatile.

From classical chorus to fuzz to the atmospheric delay you can pretty much

create everything that comes to your mind - or create sounds that you have

never heard before.

If you want to check out more sound examples take a listen to the songs on my

channel where I am using my effects pedals in various combinations.

Additionally, I have listed every effects unit from this video for you

in the video description.

If you're planning to get one of these pedals and if you want to support me

you can get them with the links in the video description via Thomann.

And of course I'm just as happy if you leave a comment, a like or a subscription.

That's all for now. Thank you for watching and until next time. Ahoy!

For more infomation >> Das PERFEKTE Pedalboard | Beste Effekte für E-Gitarre | FX Board Tipps und Tricks - Duration: 31:46.


Литые диски RW H-583 цвета DMGM на AUDI Q7, Mercedes E-Class - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Литые диски RW H-583 цвета DMGM на AUDI Q7, Mercedes E-Class - Duration: 1:36.


WORMATE.IO Best Snake 🐍 - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> WORMATE.IO Best Snake 🐍 - Duration: 8:47.


Citroën DS4 1.6 e-HDI So Chic | Climate control | Navigatie | Stoelverwarming | - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS4 1.6 e-HDI So Chic | Climate control | Navigatie | Stoelverwarming | - Duration: 1:14.


Bjørnar Moxnes (R) blir utfordret av Jorunn Lossius (KrF) om revolusjon - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Bjørnar Moxnes (R) blir utfordret av Jorunn Lossius (KrF) om revolusjon - Duration: 2:05.


Bjørnar Moxnes (R) den nye regjeringserklæringen - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Bjørnar Moxnes (R) den nye regjeringserklæringen - Duration: 4:57.


Perdue: Dems don't want to fund border security issue because Trump wants it - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Perdue: Dems don't want to fund border security issue because Trump wants it - Duration: 4:06.


Adroddiad Addysg Cymru gan y Gweinidog Addysg Kirsty Williams (Cymraeg) / Education Wales Report - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Adroddiad Addysg Cymru gan y Gweinidog Addysg Kirsty Williams (Cymraeg) / Education Wales Report - Duration: 4:21.


LOL:巨魔6级太硬了?别怕,用这几个英雄让他没法开R! - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> LOL:巨魔6级太硬了?别怕,用这几个英雄让他没法开R! - Duration: 3:19.


Gangster Life | Style Part 1 | Velle Engineers - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Gangster Life | Style Part 1 | Velle Engineers - Duration: 4:31.


99 людей не могут заметить ЭТО!? ➤ Зюзанутые фраги ► ⓀⓄⒽⓀⓎⓅⒸ - Duration: 4:03.


Hello friends, you are on the Pepper (Russian Пер4ик) channel, Matvey is in touch with you

Under the past video, we scored over 66 likes

And to be precise, 72 likes

but alas Youtube decided to cut us

And now there's only 53 likes. And now there are only 53 likes, but in honor of 4300 subscribers and an asset

I decided to run a contest for you about this somewhere at the end of the video. Enjoy watching


And now as for the competition, in this competition

there will be 5 prizes. First place gets AWP

Viper after field tests, around 100 rubles / $ 1.51

Второе место получит Glock-18 | Caramel apple

Factory new. Third place will get

Desert Eagle | Directive after field testing

Fourth place will get AWP | African mesh

After field testing

Fifth place will get M249 | crocodile mesh a little worn

Minimal wear

Results we will summarize February 4, 2019

The day after the birthday of the channel) Birthday channel on February 3

And now for the conditions of the competition.

First subscribe to my channel and click on the bell

Second, like this video

and like the video link link in the conditions in the description

The third is to join the VKontakte group, as well as subscribe to the newsletter alert

Fourth, like and repost this video from the VKontakte group

Make screenshots of completed tasks, as well as subscribe to the sponsor

Thanks for watching, you are the best guys.

All to new meetings, bye for now, to communication) 💪🏻

For more infomation >> 99 людей не могут заметить ЭТО!? ➤ Зюзанутые фраги ► ⓀⓄⒽⓀⓎⓅⒸ - Duration: 4:03.


Perdue: Dems don't want to fund border security issue because Trump wants it - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Perdue: Dems don't want to fund border security issue because Trump wants it - Duration: 4:06.


Don't Start YouTube Before You Watch This - Duration: 6:00.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Don't start YouTube before you watch this video.

You see, I started on YouTube back in 2014.

I've been on YouTube for quite a few years now.

And during this time, I've made a lot of mistakes.

So if you are thinking about starting a YouTube channel,

or becoming a full-time YouTuber,

I wanna share with you five tips

that can help you tremendously on this path.

Tip number one, don't build your life around YouTube,

build YouTube around your life.

I see a lot of struggling YouTubers

where all they do is making videos

and coming up with scripts and coming up with stories

and they're with storyboard

and spend hours, and hours, and hours, editing and uploading

and worrying about, oh am I getting videos,

am I getting subscribers?

And they spend a bit way too much time on that.

You see, I don't build my life around YouTube.

Although, I upload a new video every single day,

I only, on average, spend about one day a week for filming.

Just one day a week.

Half-day here, and half a day there, that's it.

So I build YouTube around my life, around my passion,

around my expertise.

Tip number two, and that is, have a long-term view.

See, most people, they get on YouTube,

they give up way too early.

They upload a couple videos and no one is watching it

or they only have a few views,

they're like, oh my goodness, this is not working.

You see, it took me 18 months

to go from zero to 1,000 subscribers.

18 months!

And then it took me another eight months,

to go from 1,000 subscribers to 10,000 subscribers.

That is a long, long time, in the business world.

That's a couple years.

And then, it only took me

from 10,000 subscribers to 100,000 subscribers,

it only took me another 12 months, in less than a year.

And from 100,000 subscribers to a million subscribers,

another 12 months.

And now, on average,

I get more subscribers in just a few hours.

What took me 18 months, back then, to get 1,000 subscribers,

I'm getting that every couple hours.

So most people give up too early.

So if you're gonna become a YouTuber, devote the time

and plan a little bit long-term,

and commit, you know what, I'm gonna do this.

I'm not gonna try this, I'm gonna do this

for one, two, three years.

Because that exponential growth comes after a few years,

and if you give up too early, it's not gonna work.

Number three, don't buy into your own publicity.

Yes, as you grow more subscribers,

you will be more famous,

you will get more fans around the world.

You'll be getting more emails,

you'll be getting more comments.

You're getting a lot of likes.

Don't let that get into your head.

You are still you.

You see, you cannot be a YouTuber if you don't like people.

I believe being a YouTuber,

you have to be able to handle the fame.

That you're okay

that people walk up to you from time-to-time,

stranger who have been following you.

They've been watching your videos

and they are so excited.

Oh my god, you know, can I take a picture?

Yes, sure, knowing that that is going to happen

as your channel gets bigger.

And also, don't base your happiness

on views and subscribers.

One of the biggest mistakes I see YouTubers,

they look at the statistics.

And I look at the statistics too,

but don't get too hung up on that.

Oh, am I losing subscribers?

Oh, I'm getting a few more views.

Oh, I'm getting less views.

They have this emotional ups and downs.

No, when you wake up in the morning,

first you have to like yourself.

Tip number four, you cannot multiply zero.

If you're not making money

with a handful of subscribers that you have,

maybe that first three, four, five, 10,000 subscribers,

do not buy into the whole fantasy

oh, if I hit 50,000, 100,000, a million,

somehow it's always 100,000 steps,

or then a million steps,

then all my problems would go away,

and all of the money will start pouring in.

No, you cannot multiply zero.

If you don't have a solid offer,

if you don't have a business model

that's already making you money in some small way,

even when your channel is not very big,

just having more views, more exposure, more subscribers,

that is not gonna solve the problem.

More of zero, is still zero.

So make sure that you have a solid business model

from day one.

Number five, you will get haters.

I guarantee, as you grow, you will get haters.

You will get haters for no reason.

And usually haters, the ones that hate you,

they really hate you.

Especially because of the videos that you make,

if it's thought provoking.

If it's very attention grabbing.

You're gonna rub some people the wrong way.

Just knowing that haters don't hate you,

they hate themselves.

Just imagine when I have a million subscribers on YouTube,

when I'm getting millions and millions of views.

One million people, if even 10%,

let's say only 10% who hate me,

that is 100,000 people hating me.

That is a lot of people, that's a lot of people.

So knowing that, actually I'll be okay.

You live your life, you know what you stand for,

you know your values, you know what you're about,

that's okay.

To avoid criticisms, say nothing, do nothing

and be nothing.

Now if after that five tips,

and you say to yourself, you know what,

I still wanna be a YouTuber,

I want to make a full-time living from YouTube,

I wanna use YouTube to grow my business

or my personal brand.

Then click a link here or here

and join me for my master class,

where I'm gonna deep dive into exactly

how I have built my YouTube channel from zero

to where it is today.

So go ahead, click the link

and I'll see you in the master class.

For more infomation >> Don't Start YouTube Before You Watch This - Duration: 6:00.


Don't rush your brisket - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Don't rush your brisket - Duration: 4:55.


Don't eat these chicken nuggets! - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> Don't eat these chicken nuggets! - Duration: 0:19.


Feeling Sick In Cairo [Dear Diary] - Duration: 4:54.

I guess the idea here is to share with you that in life we often just portray

like the best bits like 'look at me I'm riding a camel I'm in Egypt'...

then like 15 / 18 hours later I'm in this hole I'm lying in bed I'm shivering...

changing positions and massaging my back and it's all very different


it's a Wednesday afternoon it's 3:30pm

you wouldn't think it's 3:30 because you'd say oo it's really dark and I introduced the

video in that way just to show you how dark my hotel room is. It has no windows

neither does the corridor outside so I've not got any natural light in here so it's

just like a hole basically...

I woke up early this morning to watch the sunrise and then I

shot a video with an American guy, it was a good, nice video but all day I've been

in a lot of discomfort, a lot of pain and I think discomfort is the main one

a little bit of worry as well because when you're traveling by yourself

there's no one to bounce things off and to watch you whilst you sleep...

if something happened no one's gonna know I could lie here for, well, days... as it

happens I'm checking out tomorrow so it would be about 24 hours maybe a bit less

but I've got stomach pains now so anyway I've got some pretty bad S&D

right now aka sickness and diarrhea I've been emptying my insides every

every half an hour 40 minutes for the last - what is it 12 hours basically since

this morning. This is the dark side of traveling. Not the dark side but it's the

downside it's the bit that most people don't see. I'm lying in bed, I'm freezing

cold I'm shivering and now I'm hot, I'm sweating

I've got back pain and it's pretty standard stuff right you know there's

nothing... touchwood it's nothing too bad so far

and part of what I hope this video will share is kind of give you the confidence

to think right it's just a period that you go

through and then you come out of the other end.

I've been moaning, I've been making noises I've been rocking backwards and

forwards in the fetal position in the shower and this... I don't know what

caused this food poisoning I don't know what caused it but you know these things

can happen when you go away... I don't know what I ate, could have been the water, I drank a

bit of tap water but I boiled it like three times so I don't really see how it can be that

I've been drinking a lot of bottled water and I presume that's actually bottled water

I had a club club sandwich last night in in the hotel I don't know what caused it

okay but these things can happen so when you go traveling take some precautions

sensible ones and don't freak out if something like this happens - I'm lucky

I've got a friend who's a paramedic so I've been talking to him

a similar thing happened in Malaysia which is a different story but it's good to have

someone you can kind of check up with but

I guess the idea here is to share with you that in life we often just portray

like the best bits like 'look at me I'm riding a camel and I'm in Egypt...'

and like 15 / 18 hours later I'm in this hole I'm lying in bed I'm shivering

I'm changing positions, I'm massaging my back and it's all very different

that's all I wanted to say

For more infomation >> Feeling Sick In Cairo [Dear Diary] - Duration: 4:54.


5 Value Proposition Examples Copy & Use That Engage Prospects and Close Deals - Duration: 9:01.

You know that moment

when you suddenly have the prospect's attention,

you know it's fleeting

but you've got them for maybe 15 seconds,

maybe less, maybe a little bit more,

what do you say?

I find that this is where many salespeople fumble around

with these long-winded, meandering monologues

that just confuse the prospect

and your ability to explain what you do

and then engage your prospect in a conversation

in under 20 seconds is so critical

and so, that's why I'm going to show you

a few examples by industry

of the kinds of value propositions

that truly engage prospects

in high-quality conversations.

These are some of my clients' value propositions

that we literally put together

and I'm going to show you exactly how they work,

so in this video, I'm going to show you

the five value proposition examples

that you can copy and use,

that engage prospects and close deals.

Check it out.


Number one, the marketing space.

I'm actually going to use the value proposition

for our outbound prospecting agency

that we have to give you an example

of how you might use a value proposition

in the marketing space.

So, the value proposition goes something like this. is a full-service,

outbound sales prospecting agency

that generates ultra high-quality leads for our clients.

And clients tend to come to us

when their sales teams struggle

to generate enough leads to hit goal,

they're frustrated by the quality of leads coming

through the door

and finally I just don't see a strong ROI

on lead generation efforts.

Do any of those issues ring true to you?

When we analyze that value proportion,

what you see is is there's basically one sentence

that lays out what we do,

who we are and what we do

and then there's the challenges

that we basically solve,

the reasons that people come to us

and what we're doing is we're laying out marketing

or in this case, sales marketing challenges

around getting enough leads

and then, lastly you'll see that we dig into

do any of these issues ring true to you?

You may have to rewind this video

and go back and watch it again

and I'm also going to walk you through a bunch more examples

in different spaces

that are going to show you a very similar pattern

that I think you're going to be able to start copy

and create for your own world.

Number two, the financial space.

This is an example from a client

that I've covered up their name

but here it goes,

XYZ Wealth Advisers helps clients

make smart financial decisions.

And clients typically come to us

when they don't know if they're getting the right return

on their money, they're concerned

about whether they're prepared

for the next downturn or finally,

they have a complex collection

of random accounts in different places.

Do any of those challenges ring true to you?

Again, what you're seeing is a pretty consistent pattern.

A simple sentence of who we are and what we do

and then the list of challenges that people face

and one thing that I want to point out

about the challenges in this particular value proposition

is they're really simple

in the financial planning,

financial advisor space,

there tends to be a lot of jargon

that people love to throw around,

big, fancy words

that really intimidate and ultimately turn off prospects

and so, what you want is to have that value proposition

that's really simple.

It just makes sense that last one

or they just have a random collection accounts

in different places.

It's really just something

that the typical retiree is saying to themselves,

yeah, that's exactly what we have.

And then we're closing it with do any of these challenges

ring a bell with you?

Again, engaging them in the conversation.

Number three, the imports space.

Again, this is another example taken

from one of my clients.

We changed the name so that way

it anonymize it.

XYZ Imports works with large importers,

manufacturers and retailers

to source specialty food ingredients

out of South America.

Our clients tend to come to us

when they're frustrated

by an unreliable supply of goods

out of South America.

They have persistent quality issues

in their supply or lastly,

they're just finding it difficult dealing

with different cultures, languages and timezones.

Do any of those issues ring true to you?

Now you're probably listening to that

and saying I have no idea

what you're talking about.

Well, of course

but this client is not selling to you,

they're selling to importers

who really do have those issues

and so, again what we're doing

is we're laying out those challenges

that this type of a big manufacturer

that's having trouble with the South American culture

or issues, they're trying to figure this all out

and so, when they hear something like that,

they're like yes, that makes sense,

it's exactly what we're dealing with

and it engages them in the conversation

which again is why we finish any value proposition

with do any of those issues ring true to you?

Just engaging them, sucking them into the conversation.

Number four, the landscape space.

I have a client who runs a landscape organization

and this is something that we put together

and it's I think really kind of different

than your typical landscape type of a value proposition.

So, it reads something like this.

I am a horticultural strategist,

partnering with companies

to create green, organic work environments.

Our clients come to us

when they're worried that their appearance

has lost its wow factor,

they're frustrated with their existing provider's lack

of consistency in maintaining a green work space

or finally, they're concerned

that they're just no longer getting

the promised white glove service.

Do any of those services ring true to you?

Now again, this is a client

who is selling to large buildings

and developers and hotels, let's say

and so, it's mostly for indoor landscape work

and so, what they're doing is they're trying

to suck the potential buyer in

to the fact that they look around their space

and they're like this is not getting it done.

Another thing that you will notice

is that he used the term

that he's a horticultural strategist.

Now that's a mouthful

but what I like about that word

is that no one really knows exactly what that means.

In their space they'll know

that the word horticulture means

that it has to do with plants and landscape

but other than that,

it's not like a typical term,

so there's no way to immediately cut 'em off

and just put 'em in a box

and that's a really beautiful thing

that gets the prospect to open up right away.

Number five, the consulting space.

This is a value proposition that I took

from another of the clients in our forum,

in the Sales Strategy Academy Forum

and I really liked it.

He writes, we are a business strategy firm

that works with catering companies

to create a game plan

that dramatically helps them book more events

throughout the year.

Our clients come to us

when they've hit a wall and can't seem

to book more events.

They don't have time to seek more opportunities

or finally, they're just short of staff

to handle more volume without going insane.

Do any of those issues ring true to you?

What I liked about this one

and this is not one

that we really worked together on,

this was one that was developed within the community,

getting feedback in the forum

but I really liked it

because first of all, it laid out very specifically

who they work with

which is kind of niche, the catering space

and then it laid out problems

that really are going to connect

with your typical caterer

who's saying yeah, we don't have enough leads

or we're not getting enough events.

It's not even using the jargon of leads,

it's about events

and that's ultimately what they care about.

And so, this is something

that's really going to engage that right prospect.

Looking at your own value proposition,

how can you take these ideas

and lay out your value proposition?

Again, if you're not sure exactly

how to structure it, go back through

and copy that same structure.

There are the five value proposition examples

that you can copy and use

that engage prospects and close more deals.

I wanna hear from you.

Which of these ideas do you find most useful?

Be sure to share below in the comment section

to get involved in the conversation

and if you enjoyed this video,

then I have an awesome free e-book

on 25 Tips to Crush Your Sales Goals.

Just click right here

to get it instantly, somewhere around here.

Seriously, just click right here.

Also, if you got some value,

please like this video below on YouTube.

It really helps me out

and be sure to subscribe to my channel

by clicking to my face right about here

to get access to a new video

just like this one each week.

For more infomation >> 5 Value Proposition Examples Copy & Use That Engage Prospects and Close Deals - Duration: 9:01.


OPK Clarification Or When Did I Ovulate? - Duration: 6:35.

if you get a positive on a Monday positive OPK and that's your first

positive and that's when the line the test line is darker than or the same

color as a control one can be lighter

hi thanks for clicking on Simply Tanika I am Tanika if you are new here welcome

hit that subscribe button let's hang out awhile if you are returning welcome back

what's that fertility BAM we got to do what lets get those babies ladies what's

up cam how are you I just recorded a video for one of our TTC sisters who

just got a BFP she called me I can't say her name yet because I don't know

when she's gonna announce it but um when you see me in somebody else's video in

this shirt you know who it is but a couple of things so when she called she

was like you were right about the ovulation ovulated later than I thought

and I was like why she called and tell me that she must be pregnant like how

does she know um so I was like wait are you pregnant and she is and it's a

beautiful thing but I thought you know what let me share with you guys because

the conversation I had with her about ovulation I think a lot of ladies have

the same issue and so I just wanted to talk through it with you guys when you

take a no PK which is an ovulation prediction kit right it's predicting

when you're gonna ovulate your ovulation is 12:00 anywhere between 12 and 48

hours after that and so the day you get the positive Opa is not the day of

ovulation so like if you're using an app and you want to put in positive opk you

put in that and it should put it two days later for your actual ovulation

date just so you have that window so for example if you get a positive on a

Monday positive opk and that's your first positive and that's when the line

the test line is darker than or the same color as the control one can be lighter

it's not like a pregnancy test where the line is a line if you get that positive

on a Monday you would count your ovulation day as Wednesday because by

the time Wednesday ends you should have ovulated and so that's what you would

put in your apps as your ovulation day so ovulation is the oh that we always

refer to in DPO it's days past ovulation and so Wednesday's

the ovulation date so that makes Thursday one DPO one day past ovulation

DPO and so you wouldn't really start testing until seven or eight DPL really

if you would like to just pee on a stick safest time to start is between 10 and

12 days dpo and of course it depends on how long your cycle is how long your

little basis if your luteal phase is only 12 days post ovulation you can

start nine or ten days testing if it's a longer little phase you can write like

you have 1516 days and the way you can figure this out if you're like what the

hell is the luteal phase what is she talking about little phases the time

post ovulation until your next cycle starts or until your period begins so if

you have one of those apps you can go back and look at it and see when you

ovulate it and then count the days after ovulation so you have one DPO two three

four ideally you want your luteal phase to be between 12 and 14 days or you want

to have at least 12 to 14 days after you ovulate so that way that you're a little

in baby if you were lucky enough to catch the egg has time to burrow into

your uterine lining does that make sense hopefully that does the other thing I

was talking about what says and she's taking these progesterone pills which I

took during my IVF so I have these and they look like that they're like little

white pills with you've been following me if you were with me through idea if

you know the pharmacy tried to give me yellow pills and red kills and the nurse

was like no which I'm so glad because if you see it they sometimes they leave a

little bit of a residue in your underwear and you'll panties and that's

the last thing you want to see is pink in your panties when you are trying to

be pregnant so these are the little white progesterone pills these are 200

milligrams I was taking three a day right after IVF which three times 200

means I was taking 600 milligrams of progesterone the day and I used these

so now I'm rocking these nails this is important if you have nails even if you

don't you may not want to stick your finger in you hoo-hah um and so these

little guys I use them there and you put the pill in there can you see that it's

there on the top looks like a little Easter egg and you have this and you

just put it in turn in your vagina and then you push the plunger up I'm not

gonna push it cuz it'll fall on the floor but there's that let's see if I

can show you there you see that in a little in the inside that plunger and

that pushes that and you could insert it vaginally that way so I just thought I

would come over and share that in case anybody else I know a lot of you guys

send me emails and dm's and we talked about this and I was like you know what

there are probably other people who need this information you haven't reached out

to me directly and I want to share it with you guys so that you guys can call

me and say you will write about ovulation and then I could say are you

pregnant and you could say yes um so yeah let's all let's get those babies

ladies all right I'm making for short and sweet

that's all I wanted to tell you and I can't wait for her to send there her

announcements but you know who you are girl congratulations this alright ladies

I will talk to you later bye mmm baby does to you are


For more infomation >> OPK Clarification Or When Did I Ovulate? - Duration: 6:35.


Laurence Nardon - Trump et le reste du monde - Les Experts du Dessous des cartes - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Laurence Nardon - Trump et le reste du monde - Les Experts du Dessous des cartes - Duration: 6:55.


Priyanka Chopra Jonas on Developing 'Wild Wild Country' as a Movie - Duration: 2:35.

It's such a great movie.

It's such a cute movie.

Isn't it romantic?

And it's got such a great message.

Explain what it is and who you are.

Well, it's a super cute movie coming out on Valentine's Day,

which you go with your friends.

And it's just got an amazing vibe

because it takes a flip on romantic comedies completely.

Rebel's character, Natalie, wakes up in a romantic comedy,

and everything is amazing in her life and she hates it.

And she meets my character, who falls

in love with her best friend, which is Adam's character.

And I play a yoga ambassador.

There's no such thing.

You can't be an ambassador for yoga.

She's just stupid.

And it was so great to play this like, I'm a role model.

I really believe in the underprivileged.

She's that character.

So I had so much fun doing it because I did it

between season 2 and 3 of Quantico

during my hiatus, which was just like 1 and 1/2 months.

So it was a quick beautiful project to do.

And I love Rebel.

And this is her first time producing.

So that's awesome.

I would totally do anything to support that.

Yeah, no, she was here.

She showed us a sneak peek a while ago.

And I thought what a great idea, to do

a take on a romantic comedy and that she's in it,

and it's great.

All right, so now you're doing--

there was a documentary on Netflix called Wild Wild


Did you see that, Wild Wild Country?

If you haven't seen it, it's really interesting.

It's a true story about a cult that happened,

and you're making a movie out of it.

Yeah, I'm developing a feature with Barry Levinson.

He did Rain Man, and he's iconic American director.

And we're developing it as the character of Sheila,

who was this guru who originated from India, his right hand


And she was just devious and created a whole cult

in America, brought people here.

He was called Osho.

I don't know if any of you've heard of him.

But it was amazing.

And I'm developing that next, for me to start

and I'm producing, which I think would be really cool.

Yeah, that's fantastic.

That's really incredible.

All right.

I got your wedding gift.

Did you?


You didn't have to.

Even though I wasn't invited to the wedding.

But I told you.

We were offended you didn't arrive.

If you don't stop lying.


I got you a wedding gift, and I think that y'all are going

to love it.

I don't know which home you're going

to hang it in because I know you have

a couple of places that you.



Oh, that's great.

Meanwhile, I'm doing what I do best.

Yeah, you're taking a shot, and we're just sitting there.

It's called Isn't It Romantic.

It's in theaters February 13th, and we'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Priyanka Chopra Jonas on Developing 'Wild Wild Country' as a Movie - Duration: 2:35.


What to Do At Your Super Bowl Party If You Don't Like Football || Foodcasting - Duration: 4:34.

- Ah yes.

Super Bowl Sunday.

Touchdowns, halftime shows, pig skins, all that stuff.

The day when everyone you know has to watch a sport on TV.

So, what do you do if you're not into football

and you definitely don't wanna be one of those people

that pretends to follow the sport

just one day out of the year?

It's gonna be okay.

You're gonna get through it.

This is a survival guide for those of us who

just really don't give a [bleep] about the Super Bowl.

First and foremost, start drinking.

The very cool thing about Super Bowl Sunday

is that football equals beer.

Do you usually spend your Sunday

busy with self-care rituals and meal prep

and other responsibilities?

Do you go to bed early with a good book

so you could get a fresh start to the week?

Well, not today.

Not today.

Super Bowl Sunday is a free pass to drink all day long

on a school night.

Worried about being hungover or unproductive

at work the next day?

Well, guess what?

So is everyone else.

So, crack a brew nice and early

and treat yourself.

Are you jealous because everyone around you

watching the game is super excited

and you're just kinda meh?

Well, there are ways for non-sports fans to get in

on the fun.

Not to be totally fixated on booze,

but how about a drinking game?

Set the rules before you get to the party.

For example,

Take a sip of beer every time someone curses at the TV.

"You stupid (bleep)!"

Finish your drink every time someone makes a touchdown.

Take a shot whenever fireworks go off.

Whatever you want.

It could be stuff you see on TV,

it could be things happening around you

and you can tailor it to your situation.

Got a buddy who yells at the ref?

"Come on! That was holding!"

Holding's a thing, right?

Shotgun a beer every time he does it.

Okay, onto the food

because a lot of people think that football is lame

but everybody loves food.

If you're going to a party remember

that most people are just gonna bring store bought stuff

'cause they're more focused on the game.

This is your time to shine.

Make something from scratch, have fun with it.

Did you know making dips is super easy

and only takes a few ingredients?

Mix these together

for a delicious, easy, no-cook Super Bowl crowd pleaser.

Recipe number one!

Lazy Tzatziki.

Start with two cups of Greek yogurt

and squeeze in the juice of half a lemon

or a whole lemon if you want it super acidic.

Add a heavy glug of olive oil,

about a quarter cup,

and a half a cup of chopped, fresh dill.

A little salt, a little pepper,

mix it with a spoon and you're good to go.

Kinda like Tzatziki's simpler cousin.

I'm Greek, trust me, you'll like it.

Recipe two.

Vegan Queso.

So, two cups of cashews for a few hours.

Maybe, overnight if you remember the night before.

Strain out the water

and toss the nuts in a food processor.

With one Chipotle in Adobo, one clove of garlic

and the juice of a lime.

Pulse until smooth and that's it.

Recipe three.


The food processor does all the work on this one too.

Strain a can of chickpeas

and dump them in the food processor.

With a tablespoon of tahini, a garlic clove, lemon juice,

olive oil, and salt and pepper.

Pulse 'till creamy and it's ready.

If you're having all this fun making these dips

and you truly wanna enjoy Super Bowl Sunday?

Call me crazy

but I think you should host a Super Bowl party.

Hear me out on this.

Having all your friends in one room is super dope,

but having to watch TV the whole time kinda sucks.

Maybe you'd rather be hosting?

While everyone is watching TV,

you could be restocking the booze bucket,

baking off some nachos

and sipping on all that delicious booze

that your friends brought over.

It's a fun way to keep busy and avoid the game.

Just think about it.

But most importantly,

whether you're playing a drinking game

or you're making some dank appetizers

or you're hosting a get together?

Keep your eyes peeled for fellow non-football enthusiasts.

They do exist!

You may feel like everyone in the country loves football

but you on that day but you'd be surprised.

Just ask around.

You may find some other anti-football friends at the party

to share in your sorrow and make it more fun.

So enjoy the wings and the drinks.

And if all else fails?

Just learn a few key phrases to make people think

that you know what you're talking about.

"Blue 42, set!


I'm Lee Kalpakis and that was "Foodcasting."

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel

and if you want more food coverage

check out the link in our description.

And if you like doughnuts, check out this video right here.

For more infomation >> What to Do At Your Super Bowl Party If You Don't Like Football || Foodcasting - Duration: 4:34.


You Should NEVER Throw Away Sprouted Garlic, Here's Why... - Duration: 2:06.

Have you ever bought garlic and noticed that there were green shoots coming out of it?

What did you do?

If you're like most people then you probably threw the garlic out, right?

Although these green shoots can make the garlic taste even more bitter, recent studies have

shown that sprouted garlic is healthier than regular garlic.

This is because when plants are sprouting their seedlings, they begin to develop new

compounds, including some that will protect it from harmful microorganisms.

Researchers believe that this also applies to garlic with green shoots.

Other studies have shown that sprouts and sprouted beans have a greater antioxidant

activity, causing researchers to trust the benefits of sprouted garlic even more than


To better understand this process, they let the garlic sprout for 5 days.

The conclusion was impressive: the garlic not only possessed more antioxidants, but

it also contained different substances that we don't find in common garlic, which protect

it from various types of harmful agents.

Garlic is an effective anti-inflammatory and also a natural antibiotic, chock full of health


Many of these benefits are derived from the active compound in garlic called "allicin",

which is great at fighting bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, and doesn't contain

the same toxic side effects as antibiotics.

In addition to reducing high cholesterol and triglycerides, garlic protects our heart,

controls our blood pressure, improves asthma symptoms, and fights some types of cancer,

such as cancer of the colon.

And, as if that weren't enough, you can even get greater antioxidant action from garlic

if you consume it with the green shoots, thus reducing premature aging and cell damage.

Would you consider including sprouted garlic to your diet?

For more infomation >> You Should NEVER Throw Away Sprouted Garlic, Here's Why... - Duration: 2:06.


Hair Colors You'll Be Asking For In 2019 - Duration: 5:43.

In 2018, we saw a rainbow of colors, rose golds, ash blondes, deep browns, coppers,

and purposeful grays.

And who can forget the actual rainbow-colored locks?

While some of these styles aren't going anywhere, here are some new options that hair experts

are saying will be on trend in 2019.

Natural locks

Rainbow combinations are going to hang around in 2019, yes, but that doesn't mean natural

shades are out.

When The List caught up with Fred Connors, renowned stylist and owner of, he


"There are a lot of trends I was hoping would go away but they are still popping up on the

streets of [Manhattan].

Unicorn hair, still here, cotton candy pink, ditto."

While they are still on trend, Connors recommends "hues that look like they were created by

nature" or "hair color you could actually be born with."

Of course, that doesn't mean your hair color will end up looking boring.

With colors like "rich deep browns, icy nordic blondes, chestnuts, and radiant reds," your

hair will make a statement without needing to be iridescent.

Most importantly, the hair expert says, make sure your hair shines because "dull matte

hair of any color is out."

Serums and gloss will be your best friends come 2019.

Ever so '90s

You may have accepted the return of '90s fashion, but how do you feel about the decade's iconic

hair making a comeback?

Diana Gallegos, hair stylist and editorial fashion hair expert of Twist, Cut, Extend

in San Francisco, California, confirmed its return to The List, saying:

"2019 is going to look more like the '90s!"

Although poker straight hair and other sleek styles will make their way into 2019, it's

not just the hairstyles that will be mimicking the decade.

The hair colors in 2019 will be just as bold.

For '90s-inspired hair inspo, you really have to look no further than The Spice Girls.

Victoria Beckham is your gal for jet black locks, Emma Bunton for "very white blonde,"

and, of course, Geri Halliwell for that feisty, fiery red.

Cold brew brunette

Celebrity stylist and hair expert Joel Warren told The List that coffee-inspired colors

are going to become incredibly popular in 2019.

Warren recommends converting your "old yellowy highlights" to the hue he's dubbed "Cold Brew."

The rich java-colored shade is even great for fall if you want to get ahead of the 2019


But, what if you're not one for single shades and are still looking for highlights?

Fortunately, these coffee hues will still work for you.

The stylist told The List that you'll want to opt for a color that is similar in appearance

to "café au lait."

This milky, almost chestnut, shade will, as Warren explained, "create volume and depth."

You can't get much better than that.

Well, unless the colors were actually caffeinated.

Cognac browns

For winter 2019, you might just be planning to trade in your lighter fall shade for a

deeper, darker color.

Connie Mitchell, master stylist at LOOK Style Society, predicts that 2019 will bring about

some healthy, and necessary, changes for our hair.

"[In 2018], it seemed like everyone was trying to achieve pastel colors, while also overusing

heating tools and styling products, which can break down the integrity of the hair."

It's true, we are our own worst enemies when it comes to caring for our tresses.

Nevertheless, Mitchell told The List:

"Darker hues can create a more healthy look for damaged hair."

And, thankfully, Mitchell says dark colors, like "mahogany and cognac browns," will be

in style come 2019.

"I'll drink to that."

Eggplant inspiration

If you're looking to cover up some of your overly processed and all kinds of damaged

pastel hair from yesteryear, just what dark color should you choose?

Before you think you're limited to one shade of boring brown, listen to what master stylist

Connie Mitchell foretells for 2019.

In addition to naming mahogany and cognac browns as the "it" colors in 2019, she also

says to watch for "eggplant," which is a shade that is anything but boring.

L'Oreal Paris further recommended a "glossy eggplant color."

The company went on to dub the color as "perfect for anyone who's not ready to kiss their dark

tresses goodbye, but sick of neutral blacks and brown."

Beachy blur

So what if 2019 is going to roll in with a blast of cold weather?

That doesn't mean you'll have to give up your beachy mane, now or ever!

Though, that said, you may want to try something a little different with your sandy locks come

the new year.

Mike Petrizzi told The List about an original look that is expected to be all the rage:

"Next year we are seeing two of the most popular hair color techniques come together for brand

new, exciting results: balayage and precision foiling.

This gives you the beachy blur… and the isolated, definition of foiling."

Well, ladies, book your appointments now and get a jumpstart on a fun new trend that will

have you perpetually in a beachy state of being.

Creamy buttery blondes

Platinum blondes may not be getting pushed to the wayside per se, but another shade of

blonde is certainly becoming their rival.

Cynthia Diersen, a creative artistic team member of CHI Hair Care told The List that

the blondes of 2019 are getting an update, saying:

"The icy blonde will start to transition into its healthier option, the Golden Blonde."

However, the desire for healthy hair isn't the main reason bright blondes are transitioning

to Goldilocks' signature color, Diersen revealed, saying:

"Fashion colors attach themselves better and will not appear so hollow and dull when applied

to a light yellow (not platinum) base making them longer lasting too."

Her suggestion?

To embrace your "creamy buttery blondes."

Hear, hear!

Check out one of our newest videos right here!

Plus, even more List videos about your favorite trends are coming soon.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one.

For more infomation >> Hair Colors You'll Be Asking For In 2019 - Duration: 5:43.


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T 180PK Business Edition NAVI 18" PARKEERSENSOR VOOR EN ACHTER CLIMA - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T 180PK Business Edition NAVI 18" PARKEERSENSOR VOOR EN ACHTER CLIMA - Duration: 1:11.


Tara Talks - Guided Reflection: Being with Vulnerability - Duration: 9:16.


It's possible to be free; it is possible to live with an undefended heart

and this is the exquisitely beautiful promise we get in every mystical tradition

it's possible to be free; we don't have to stay identified as the

armored dragon.

And the how for me, in a nutshell, is

that we respond to our vulnerability with loving presence

we respond with loving presence.

This is Rumi, he writes:

'Very little grows on jagged rock; be ground, be crumbled

so wildflowers will come up where you are.

You've been stony for too many years;

try something different; surrender.'

So the beginning of this trying something different, of beginning to

in a way, sense our longing to let go of some of the armoring

to be ground, to be crumbled - I love these words -

is to start noticing where the scales are

I mean, there's a possibility to come into a kind of

porousness, where really, life can flow through us

but we first have to recognize: well, where are they for us? And so

we begin to look.

And we can relate to vulnerability in a way, as Rilke says, we can love

the life that's here, in a way that really frees us.

If we're willing to be with,

we can then live with an undefended heart; we can have that porousness

that lets us truly be in love.

So we're going to close with a meditation

to, again, try this out.

So just as you begin to settle, sense the possibility of

creating a relationship with the

the human rawness, the place of uncertainty or insecurity

that's in all human beings and bodies

and sensing that, as you open, let that be a portal,

you discover this aliveness

and beauty and mystery, it's as

Rumi put it, the wild flowers can grow,

the light of your being can shine through.

So this human life is vulnerable

and it's possible to rest in a timeless presence.

Danna Faulds writes: 'Go in and in

be the space between two cells,

the vast resounding silence in which spirit dwells.

Go in and in and turn away from nothing that you find.'

So to practice this, again, to just bring to mind

the relational situation you were considering

or if there's a different one you want to, just any relationship that you want to be

able to be in with a less defended heart.

And I should add not to choose something that

feels traumatic to you, that you feel like you've

got a buried trauma under; that won't be serving you very well here..

Just a situation that brings up insecurity or discomfort, where

you know you contract into a more kind of ego, armored self

and pause it at a frame where you see that

you and the other person are together and where you might be most

unsure of yourself, where you're afraid of something bad happening.

You might see a look on the person's face,

hear some words that you know trigger you in some way,

and then just start exploring, pause; put the pause button on and just sense,

as you deepen your attention, just feel your body

your throat, your chest, your belly

you might sense: what am I most afraid is happening, is going to happen?

What's the vulnerable part of me afraid of?

Is it that you'll be rejected, that you'll be seen as lacking?


if you want to deepen the inquiry, you might put your hand on your heart

and just offer that touch as a kind of

support, where you're just

in some way, respectfully saying hello to the

vulnerability; you're saying 'I get you're here,

this is part of what everyone experiences'

and just begin to breathe with what you feel inside you

you might breathe in and let the breath really contact where you feel most

uneasy or insecure or fearful

it's usually in the chest, throat, or the belly

let the in-breath contact that

at the out-breath, just sense that there's space for it to rest, to float, to be

you might sense what that part in you most needs

and let your hand and your touch

your own heart, offer that inward.

What's the message you most want to offer, right this moment,

to the vulnerability within you?

Taking a moment to sense: who are you without the armor, without the scales?

What does it mean to rest in love?

Can you imagine possible ways of interacting with the other person

once your heart is less defended?

[bell rings 3 times]


For more infomation >> Tara Talks - Guided Reflection: Being with Vulnerability - Duration: 9:16.


Get AMAZING iPhone Photo Edits with NO EXTRA Apps - Duration: 0:52.

What's going on, guys!. Today I want to talk to you a little bit about your

Instagram theme so a lot of people want to know how to get their theme their

feed looking all nice and clean looking on the same well you can do it right on

your photos just go to edit often your worry says you give this a pretty

awesome presets right so we'll start with this dramatic form here we'll throw

it on you an awesome preset look and then you can go anymore and dial in all

of your different edits so you've got color you got light and adjuster shadows

do it all here right on your iPhone it's super easy to do you can start to give

yourself a nice look for your feed on your Instagram so give it a shot guess

For more infomation >> Get AMAZING iPhone Photo Edits with NO EXTRA Apps - Duration: 0:52.


Easy Valentine's Day Cake Making You Can't Miss | Yummy Valentine's Day Cake - Duration: 10:13.

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> Easy Valentine's Day Cake Making You Can't Miss | Yummy Valentine's Day Cake - Duration: 10:13.


Beautiful The Fully Solar Powered Tiny Home For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Beautiful The Fully Solar Powered Tiny Home For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:45.


Best Bloopers According to Kirby from "Weird But True!" | Weirdest Bestest Truest - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Best Bloopers According to Kirby from "Weird But True!" | Weirdest Bestest Truest - Duration: 2:19.


Language learning techniques: #4 - Cognates - Thousands of words you already know - Duration: 7:33.

Hi ! I'm Carmine and welcome back to my crash course on how to learn any language as quickly and easily as possible.

In the previous videos we saw a few tricks to boost your memory

and a few ways you can expand your vocabulary.

In this video we'll see how we can achieve the same thing through cognates.

And we'll see what cognates are in a minute.

When you're learning a language, try to find out if there are any cognates between your mother tongue

or any language that you already speak and your target language.

So what are cognates ? Cognates are words that you already know but you don't know that you know.

It's like you have a huge amount of words already stored in your memory and they're just there waiting for you to discover them.

Why is that ? Because cognates are the words of a language that sound a lot like their corresponding words in another language,

simply because these two languages are related.

You know how languages evolve. We certainly don't speak now as our great-grandparents used to speak.

Some words change, some words disappear, some new ones are created

and this is how one language slowly evolves into another language,

that is when it reaches such a point that it is impossible to identify it as the language that it used to be,

simply because its vocabulary, its grammar, its sounds have drastically changed.

This is how latin slowly died. Well, it didn't actually die, it transformed itself

into a bunch of new European languages such as Italian, Spanish,

Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian and so on.

So all these languages are sister languages

because they share a huge amount of words

that sound a lot like each other simply because they derived from the same ancient Latin words.

Also, the Normans who spoke a French dialect invaded England in 1066

and introduced over 10.000 new words of latin origin into the English language.

So even if English is not really related to Italian, Spanish or Portuguese,

it has a big number of cognates, thousands of words

that sound like their corresponding Italian, Spanish and Portuguese words.

For example, the English word definition and the Portuguese word definição are cognates.

They are related. You can tell that, because they sound almost the same.

And you can also see that we can obtain the Portuguese word by simply replacing the suffix -tion with the suffix -çao,

just like we can obtain the corresponding Italian cognate by using the suffix -zione: definizione.

or the French one by using the suffix -tion: definition.

So when you notice a pattern like this one, you can really guess hundreds of words in your target language

because most English words that end in -tion will end in -zione in Italian:

definition - definizione, but also destination - destinazione.

or station - stazione and so on.

And there are a lot more patterns that you can take into account.

For example, most words that end in -ism in English will end in -ismo in Italian:

organism – organismo, feminism – femminismo and so on.

Just pay particular attention to words that sound alike,

but because the meaning of one of the two words has shifted in time, they don't mean the same thing anymore.

This is what we call "false friends": two words that look alike but they have different meanings.

Yes, because when a language evolves, it's not just the way a word sounds that can change, but also its meaning.

You have to imagine a word like a box (which in linguistics is called a "signifier").

So this box, the signifier, has a physical form

which is the way it appears to us

in the case of a word it can be the sequence of letters that the word is made of.

For example, the word cat is made of the sequence C-A-T

or the sequence of sounds that the word is made of and in the case of the word cat the sequence of sounds is K – AE – T.

Now, this is the way the box looks, but the box (the signifier, the word) contains a meaning.

For example, in the case of the word cat, the box "cat" contains the meaning

"small feline that we can have as a pet".

Now imagine that two cognate words preserve the same physical form, preserve the same way the word sounds or appears to us

but the meaning changes.

So the "box" in one of the two word will contain a different meaning.

In that case we'll have "false friends".

You would think that the English word "camera" means the same as the Italian word "camera", but it doesn't.

In Italian "camera" means room and it's not a small device that we use to take pictures.

Actually these two words derive from the same latin word which is "camĕra"

and camĕra meant chamber so now you can see that a camera, a small device that we can use to take pictures,

looks like a small chamber.

It's like a small box where light can go in through an aperture and draw an image on a sensitive surface.

Now, whether one of two cognates changes its meaning or two words just happen to sound alike

but they are not even related,

in either case you would have "false friends".

Now, just like cognates, false friends are usually easy to remember

especially when you use the wrong word in a conversation and it results in an awkward and funny moment.

In that case, you will have no problem remembering that word in the future.

And why is that ?

Once again because we are attaching an emotional component to that word in the moment we are storing it.

That awkward and funny moment will result in an easier and more effective storage and retrieval of that word in the future.

Let's say you're talking to someone from Italy about canned food

and you want to tell them that a can of beans doesn't contain too many preservatives,

you might use the word "preservativi" thinking that it means "preservatives",

but you're really telling them that the can of beans doesn't contain too many "condoms".

Now, if that happened I'm sure you would never forget how to say "preservative" and "condom" in Italian.

Now, I would like to know from you if you have any examples of cognates and false friends between your mother tongue and your target language.

And if you've ever experienced any awkward moment because you used a "false friend" in a conversation.

Let me know by leaving a comment down here.

It's all for now and I'll see you in the next video where we'll talk about how we can start using all these words that we've learned in a conversation.

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