Monday, January 28, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 29 2019

So if you want to transform your life

If you want to really take everything to the next level you need to work consciously with your sexual energy

And learn to channel that to all aspects of your life

Sexual energy is so powerful. It's the most powerful force we have available to us and we can tap into it anytime 24/7

we always have this force that we can work with and for most people it's it's

Very unconscious and it's mostly dormant within them. But once you strengthen your relationship with this sexual energy and

You start to channel it into every aspect of your life

You become a superhuman and you'll see amazing changes take place in your life

And this is something that many masters of the past have talked about a lot of ancient Yogi's

tantrikas the Taoist masters they talk about the enormous power and potential of sexual energy and

how you can use it to evolve yourself to step into higher consciousness states of higher awareness and


empower yourself and balance your life improve

your relationships with yourself and with others and really

step into your highest flow on earth sexual energy is so powerful and even more modern people you'll find

Talking about this concepts as well

people like Nikola Tesla

Napoleon Hill, they understood the power of sexual energy and they used this to

To help them with their amazing contributions. They made to the world even a lot of athletes

Will will not ejaculate


Performances people like Muhammad Ali where they would go weeks without sex and ejaculate

So that they would not disperse themselves of this powerful energy so that they could perform at their highest levels. So most men

do not have a conscious relationship with their sexual energy and

They have never experienced what it's like to have an

Abundance of the center have it really builds up within them because most men cannot go, you know

even if a day or a few days without ejaculating and

That's how powerful this energy is

it's like as soon as it starts to build up you you feel it and is its rising and it wants to move but

But most men unconsciously, you know, they can't handle that tension

They can't handle that that enormous expanse of energy and they just find an outlet for it. They find a way to

disperse it just as soon as it builds up, but once you train yourself and you're able to

To move this energy within you to disperse it internally without without

losing that energy so you recycle it within your body you move it through your energy channels and you can

consciously exchange it with with your partner's during sex and this energy just builds and it builds up and then

you have this incredible energy you have this radiant sexual energy and

You can you can do so much with it

You can accomplish so much, you know sexual energy is just it's like nuclear power it just amplifies

Everything by so much

So anything you're doing in your life when you start cultivating sexual energy and putting it into that you will just see it amplified

Tremendously I made incredible changes in my life when I started working with sexual energy

I used to be I used to be like most men. I just I looked at porn all the time

I used to drink alcohol and take substances. I just was not going anywhere with my life

You know, I was really broke all the time. I had no money. I couldn't do the things I wanted to do and then I

Learned how to work at my sexual energy. I stopped ejaculating all the time. I started to build

My energy up and I got clear about what I wanted in my life

I started working towards that and at the same time I was building up my sexual energy and doing all these powerful energetic

Practices and then pretty soon. I started to benefit the things that I wanted all these things started coming into my life

And now I'm I'm traveling the world. I'm at this incredible villa in Bali right now. I

Am so sustained. I am self-employed. I do. I don't have to do anything. I don't want to do I'm living

I'm very grateful for this life that I've created for myself. And anyone can do this. Anyone can do this. You just need to

step into your power take control of your life when you can take control of your

Sexual energy and your sexual impulses you can do it. Absolutely anything and you can manifest anything

because that is really I think the biggest challenge that most humans face is this

This issue of our sexual impulses and so many people make their life decision based on this

You know

Maybe they they marry someone who they're not necessarily

really that harmonious in that harmonious relationship with but they're there satisfying their sexual needs and so they you know,

they suffer so much in all other areas of the life just so they can get laid and things like this so so many people

They they do not have a conscious relationship their sexual energy. They do know how no how to fulfill themselves first of all because

nothing external can

can fulfill you you must fulfill yourself from within so when you learn to balance yourself, you have to balance your sexual energy and

Really fill yourself up with the endless life force that we're surrounded by


Your way that of the game and life flows very smoothly and becomes an amazing adventure

so if you're new to this and you're trying to

Start building your sexual energy

Trying to practice seeing their tension at least regulating your ejaculation

you obviously have to make some changes in your life to be able to handle this immense energy and

what I found was that keeping myself very busy with creative projects is very helpful because you

Want to do things that are challenging you, you know, if you're just living comfortably just sitting around watching TV

Hanging out with friends and just you know

Not really

Not really stimulating your mind not really stimulating your creativity. You're just going to fall back in your old habits, but when you

when you start to

Change yourself start growing and start challenging yourself

Learn something new get better at the things that you're already doing

you know find things that excite you and motivate you it makes it so much easier to

To not fall back into old patterns to not be controlled by lower impulses

Because you're you're living a purposeful life. You're growing you're learning you're

putting your energy into creative work and

It's it's just it's so powerful and so fulfilling and some other things that are very helpful of course are

Learning methods to move the sexual energy throughout your body and work with it very directly

No methods like Qi Gong sort of meditative methods and yoga and Tantra practices to help you

Breathe with the sexual energy and keep it flowing throughout your body

You want to keep your energy in a fluid state?

Because when it starts to get blocked you when it becomes stagnant, that's when you have problems

That's when you feel stuck in your life or you feel angry you feel negative emotions. So you need to keep things moving

So any sort of energetic movement practice is very helpful for this

So, I hope that this has helped you in some way thank you so much for watching this video

Please subscribe to my channel like this video and leave a comment below. Have a great day my friends

For more infomation >> Transformational Power of Semen Retention - Duration: 7:56.


Noticias Telemundo, 28 de enero de 2019 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 22:21.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 28 de enero de 2019 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 22:21.


How to Use Peerless Prolok66 Lever Load Binders - Duration: 3:12.

Securing loads with traditional lever load binders has always presented challenges due to their simplistic design.

The Peerless Prolok66 adjustable lever binder provides solutions to many of the common issues found with traditional lever binders.

In today's video, we'll talk about the Prolok66, its features, and how you can safely operate it for your application.

The Prolok66 offers two unique features that set it apart from traditional lever binders.

It has a built in knurled adjustment nut feature that allows the user to adjust the binder a full 2 inches, allowing for the best possible fit, and perfect tension when connecting the binder to chain.

The binder features a handle safety latch which is automatically engaged when the handle is closed, and then, easily disengaged when releasing the load.

The Prolok66 has a yellow powder-coated finish with drop-forged hooks which have size and grade markings forged into the hook.

The working load limit of 6,600 lbs is marked on the handle.

The Prolok66 is available to fit chain sizes 5/16 and 3/8 in both Grade 43 and Grade 70 chain.

Before operating, be sure to check and follow your equipments manual and all transportation regulations for the jurisdictions for which you'll be traveling.

To begin operation, open the lever binder and fully extend the binder hook by unscrewing the adjustable nut.

With the binder chain attached to the load at a 45 degree angle,

attach the binder hooks to the chain while taking up as much slack as possible.

With your head and body clear of the handle, use two hands to grab the top of the binder handle and pull the handle towards you until it has been completely closed and locks into place.

If the binder did not apply the desired tension, release the binder and retract the hook by turning the adjustable nut.

Repeat this process until the desired tension is reached.

Lastly, ensure that the handle is in the closed and locked position before transporting your load.

Before removing the binder be sure to stand clear of the handle as it can release violently.

Disengage the handle lock, slowly pull upwards on the handle, and guide the handle forwards until tension has been released.

For a full video with more information on proper load binding techniques, please click the link to the video that we posted below.

You can also visit our website and view the blog posts that we've made on there.

We'd like to give special thanks to Chauvin Brothers Tractor in Belle Chasse, Louisiana for allowing us to film at their facility.

As always, we hope this video has answered any questions or concerns you might have about the proper operation and features of the Prolok66 Adjustable Lever Binder.

I'm Tyler with E-Rigging. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> How to Use Peerless Prolok66 Lever Load Binders - Duration: 3:12.


La Viticultura in Val d'Aosta - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> La Viticultura in Val d'Aosta - Duration: 2:43.


62歲港星李兆基肝癌住院靠人接濟,采訪時最想感謝古天樂 - 藝人故事 - Duration: 19:33.

For more infomation >> 62歲港星李兆基肝癌住院靠人接濟,采訪時最想感謝古天樂 - 藝人故事 - Duration: 19:33.


Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies - Movie - Duration: 1:10:23.

For more infomation >> Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies - Movie - Duration: 1:10:23.


中川大志と松本穂香ドラム競演「ギャップもえして」 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:09.

 俳優中川大志(2 )と松本穂香(21 が29日、都内で出 するauの新CM発 会に出席した。 中 はこれまでも同社の Mに、ロン毛で何事 も細かすぎる細杉く 役で出演している

中川は「この役をや てから今までのどん 仕事より好評です。 分の代表作です」と 顔を見せた。新CM は細杉くんが華麗に ラムを演奏するシー がある。イベントで ドラムの腕前を披露

中川は「細杉くんの たな一面でギャップ えしてほしい」アピ ルしていた。 一方 松本は、CMでは細 くんが女子が苦手な 定とし、「今日、初 て(細杉くんと)目 合いました」とニッ リ

イベントでは中川に いて初めてというド ムを演奏し、決め顔 でする流れに。松本 「まさか自分がドラ をたたくことになっ しまい、しかもこん 気持ちでイベントを わることになるとは わなかった」と苦笑 ていた

 イベントには、C で使用される楽曲「 わE」を歌うロック ンド、ヤバイTシャ 屋さんのこやまたく 、しばたありぼぼ、 りもりもとの3人も 席した。

For more infomation >> 中川大志と松本穂香ドラム競演「ギャップもえして」 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:09.


看懂CSI影集-案發現場相關單字 輕鬆學單字#12 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> 看懂CSI影集-案發現場相關單字 輕鬆學單字#12 - Duration: 4:31.



For more infomation >> GARRY'S MOD: DARKRP ► ЧИТЕРСКИЕ БУДНИ ► ЧИТЕРИМ НА КЛАССИК ЛАЙФ - Duration: 19:32.


Phong Bụi | Giả Hiệu Trưởng Tặng 50 Giấy Khen Cho Học Sinh Cá Biệt - Duration: 13:50.

For more infomation >> Phong Bụi | Giả Hiệu Trưởng Tặng 50 Giấy Khen Cho Học Sinh Cá Biệt - Duration: 13:50.


Rangoli Designs: 13x1 Rangoli Kolam Designs with dots | Muggulu - Duration: 4:29.

Rangoli Designs: 13x1 Rangoli Kolam Designs with dots | Muggulu

For more infomation >> Rangoli Designs: 13x1 Rangoli Kolam Designs with dots | Muggulu - Duration: 4:29.


进口豪车也有良心货,对标奥迪A6L仅31万,豪华不输奔驰E级 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 进口豪车也有良心货,对标奥迪A6L仅31万,豪华不输奔驰E级 - Duration: 3:40.


Trump can declare border an active drug smuggling corridor to secure funding: Rep. Andy Biggs - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Trump can declare border an active drug smuggling corridor to secure funding: Rep. Andy Biggs - Duration: 5:45.



For more infomation >> GARRY'S MOD: DARKRP ► ЧИТЕРСКИЕ БУДНИ ► ЧИТЕРИМ НА КЛАССИК ЛАЙФ - Duration: 19:32.


Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Purpose And Anointing - Duration: 19:43.

For more infomation >> Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Purpose And Anointing - Duration: 19:43.


WHAT?? JAMILL invested in this website?? - Duration: 10:08.

Hello, this is Aiza Mercado.

Before we start, please do like this video

and if this is your first time on my Youtube Channel, consider SUBSCRIBING.

And today's video, i will make sa video review

about JAMILL's youtube video regarding "Adulting 101: How to save money"

So please, watch the entire video

so that you may be able to know the review and name of this website.

Do you want to earn extra money online?

Just click the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and the bell as well,

to get notified for my next videos where we can all earn extra money online.

Alright, so the name of the website which Jamill invested is called "Upstake".

First of all, disclaimer: This is just a review

and if you know to know more about Upstake

you can do your own research.

As I always say, invest what you can afford to lose.

Okay, so what is Upstake?

Basically, Upstake token are designed to increase in value over time.

Knowing the future token price doesn't create value,

it sets the stage to build great products and services which results in a better user experience.

Okay, this here in Upstake

its says that "are designed to increase in value over time"

Alright so

the value increases everyday and never lose down.

They started ICO $0.05 before

and today, its value is now $27.66

If i could just known this Upstake or Upstoken before

pretty much sure i invested a lot

but its okay

its never too late.

Their exchanging platform is located to the same site.

Basically, you need to sign up and see the exchanging platform on their website.

Question, how do they increase the token value everyday?

Answer: Every time someone trades their Upstoken into Bitcoin

they are getting 3% as an exchanging fee.

This 3% are distributed into 3 parts:

Affiliate fees, Administration fees, and Burned UPS token fees.

It increases it value when someone is

doing the buy and sell using Upstake exchanger.

So now, here is my Upstake Dashboard...

And i have invested 0.7 BTC on their website.

This 0.7 BTC is valued at 126,183.66 pesos

and I will just leave it all and trust my BTC to my

Alright, question: Why would i trust them

and why i invested a lot money in this site?

So for now, let me check first their exchanging platform and how i can buy UPStoken from there.

First you need to deposit BTC.

If you want to deposit and click the "deposit" button

then the QR code will appear.

and its up to you what amount you will make for an investment.

Well, take note: the minimum deposit now is

27.65 US dollars

or 0.008 BTC

I missed their ICO before

which is $0.05 per token

and today its value is $27.65

its a huge price diference.

Then here in exchange,

this will be their exchanger.

There is buy orders and sell orders.

So every time you sell your UPS

it will display here.

And every time you make BUY

it will display it here.

This timer

resets at 0:00

Incase you buy and sell your UPS token

you will see if your orders are completed once the timer resets.

Incase no one buys your Upstoken within that day

you just need to place another order to the next day

but dont worry, when your UPS still no one buys

its still value up everyday.

Question: who will buy your Upstoken?

#1: New investors

#2: Existing users who wants to buy another UPStoken

#3: Traders who wants to buy and sell everyday

There are some trader who wants to profit fast thats why they trades all the time in an exchanging platform.

Now, i will show you a full demo on how to buy a UPStoken

I have 0.7 BTC and

i want to buy using this BTC so im gonna click "all".

It will load and will display the amount of UPStoken you are getting with

and just click this BUY UPS TOKEN

then just click again BUY UPS TOKEN.

Order confirmed!

And here in my order history

you will see the status of whether your order is pending or completed.

So there, we will now wait until my order is now completed.

Hello and as you can see, the timer now resets


i just bought a upstoken.

Anyway, you need to wait until the timer resets

before your upstake tokens reflect in your available balance.

What i liked about this site is that

you can see the amount increased within a month.

For example, todays value is $27.67

in 3 months: $76.02

in 6 months: $180.60

in 12 months: $904.88

and so on...

Here, you will see a calendar

it displays here the increased value everyday.

And going back to my dashboard,

scroll it down and you will see the PROFIT CALCULATOR.

Enter your invest preferred amount you did earlier

I will just copy the amount

and paste it right here.

Here in profit calculator,

you will see your profit or earnings

everyday, or every month or every year.

Now is January 28,

I will make profit by tomorrow of $18.18 and it increased so fast with 1%

2nd day,

I will earn a profit of $45.70

Let's say within 30 days,

I will earn a profit of $956.36

and thats 40% increased.

Okay, the catch here is that

the more you hold your Upstake Token

ofcourse more profit you will earn!

So basically,

I myself will hold within 6 months or a year

and lets see what will I earn if i hold this in 1 year.

So... I have $2,4190.09

if i hold this amount within the year 2020

(thats 1 year)

my profit will be $76,461.61

I recommend that we should hold our Upstake Tokens long

and be sure that you invested the money you can afford to lose.

Alright, this is my review on

and no wonder why JAMILL invested in this website

because we can really make money here if we just hold our tokens for too long.

Thats it for now, i will just make another video update about Upstake

and if you guys want to get started, go ahead and check out my video description for links

so you can register and make a deposit.

For now, i will go ahead and chill

if ever, I will make another investment here once i got spare money.

Thank you again for watching, if this video helped you how to earn money online

hit the like button!

Also, SUBSCRIBE now to my Youtube and Telegram Channel.

This is Aiza Mercado again and have a great day!

For more infomation >> WHAT?? JAMILL invested in this website?? - Duration: 10:08.


Don't F@#k in the Woods - Movie - Duration: 1:12:37.

For more infomation >> Don't F@#k in the Woods - Movie - Duration: 1:12:37.


Roger Stone Ready To Give Mueller EVERYTHING? - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> Roger Stone Ready To Give Mueller EVERYTHING? - Duration: 10:08.


Set sail for the 2019 Seattle Boat show - KING 5 Evening - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Set sail for the 2019 Seattle Boat show - KING 5 Evening - Duration: 0:59.


「LIVE」Rewriting my chain simulator... - Duration: 2:21:10.

For more infomation >> 「LIVE」Rewriting my chain simulator... - Duration: 2:21:10.


Free spotify premium - spotify premium for free - spotify premium ios free - spotify++ - Duration: 3:19.

Free spotify premium

For more infomation >> Free spotify premium - spotify premium for free - spotify premium ios free - spotify++ - Duration: 3:19.


Liverpool's Abdulkadir Omur transfer stance revealed after reports of a done deal ● LFC News - Duration: 2:32.

The Reds have been heavily linked with a move for the 'Turkish Messi'.

Liverpool have rubbished suggestions they have sealed a £17million swoop for Trabzonspor's

Abdülkadir Ömür.

Reports in Turkey on Monday stated that the Reds had "shook hands" on a deal which

would see the young midfielder move to Anfield this summer.

They went on to state that Trabzonspor were keen to delay an announcement until after

the end of the season in order to avoid upsetting their supporters.

The fee agreed with Liverpool was reported to be £17m.

However, Anfield officials are adamant that there have been no discussions for the talented

19-year-old who has been dubbed the 'Turkish Messi'.

And we understands that Ömür is not currently a target for Jurgen Klopp.

The Reds boss isn't planning on adding to his squad ahead of Thursday's transfer deadline.

Liverpool have been repeatedly linked with Ömür in recent months with the player's

representatives clearly keen to drum up interest in securing his services.

Asked about the rumours, Ömür said: "Liverpool are a great club, one of the greatest in the


These offers are something Trabzonspor need to discuss.

"If the club give the go-ahead, talks can be held.

The club's interests take precedence.

"I'll do whatever is in the club's best interests.

If the club say leave, I'll leave.

If they say stay, I'll stay."

Ömür, who is under contract until 2022, enjoyed a breakthrough season in 2017/18 as

he clocked up 32 senior appearances for Trabzonspor.

Born in Trabzon in 1999, Ömür was scouted by Trabzonspor scouting team and he got a

chance to have trial matches.

After that, Ömür joined the Trabzonspor youth team in 2011.

Ömür earned his first call up for the Turkey senior team in March 2018 for a friendly against

Republic of Ireland.

He was an unused substitute as Turkey won 1-0.

For more infomation >> Liverpool's Abdulkadir Omur transfer stance revealed after reports of a done deal ● LFC News - Duration: 2:32.


Deleting Smartphone Data Isn't Enough To Protect Sensitive Info - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Deleting Smartphone Data Isn't Enough To Protect Sensitive Info - Duration: 2:24.


Arsenal transfer gossip: Defender linked, Perisic wage revealed and Emery update - Duration: 4:21.

 Arsenal boss Unai Emery admits they're looking at making up to two signings before deadline day this week

 Whilst Denis Suarez is clearly on their radar, there have also been reports of attempts to sign a Napoli right-back after Hector Bellerin's serious injury

 The developments in Ivan Perisic's situation have also made him a possible capture for Emery, and the huge wages he could earn at the Emirates have now been revealed

 After slow progress with talks so far this January, Arsenal will be in a hurry to speed things up as they aim to strengthen before the January window slams shut on Thursday night

 Here's a round-up of today's latest Gunners rumours. Agent drops huge Arsenal transfer hint with suggestion of contact   The agent of Napoli right-back Kevin Malcuit has dropped a hint that Arsenal have made contact with him in a bid to sign his client

 But the agent, Bruno Satin, also made clear the defender is not for sale after he signed for the Italian giants from Lille just last summer in a transfer worth £10million

 The cash-strapped Gunners are looking to be frugal this January but want to sign two players, according to manager Unai Emery

 One of these appears to be either Denis Suarez or Ivan Perisic, and the other could be a defender after Hector Bellerin was ruled out for the rest of the season

  Read more here. Perisic's 'wages at Arsenal revealed' should Gunners seal transfer   Ivan Perisic could stand to earn a hefty sum should he seal a move to Arsenal in January, according to reports

  The Inter Milan winger, who has been heavily linked with a move to the Gunners, handed in a transfer request on Sunday

 For one reason or another, the Croatian has failed to replicate his magnificent World Cup form at the Serie A giants this season, having only scored three goals in 22 appearances

 Clearly fed up at the San Siro, the 29-year-old handed in a transfer request on Sunday

  According to FC Inter , as per The Express, Arsenal are willing to offer the winger £2

5million until the end of the season.  With just 16 games left between Thursday (deadline day) and the end of the season, if the figures are true, Perisic would stand to earn as much as £178,000 per fixture

 If the winger impressed and Arsenal decided to make his signing permanent, his wages would rise to £5

6m-a-year (£107,000-a-week).   Full story here. Emery provides transfer update  Unai Emery has said Arsenal will sign between "zero and two" players before the transfer window closes on Thursday

  The Gunners are interested in signing Denis Suarez from Barcelona and Ivan Perisic from Inter Milan but only on loan deals

 Asked how many signings his club could make this week, Emery said: "Nil or the possibility of two

Between nil and two. Zero is they aren't coming to help us like we want, I would prefer that they don't come

 "And two because we are looking at two different players and the possibliity that they can come


For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer gossip: Defender linked, Perisic wage revealed and Emery update - Duration: 4:21.


Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Purpose And Anointing - Duration: 19:43.

For more infomation >> Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Purpose And Anointing - Duration: 19:43.


Veteran's family says they weren't invited to funeral - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Veteran's family says they weren't invited to funeral - Duration: 2:33.


Macomb County residents digging out after the storm - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Macomb County residents digging out after the storm - Duration: 2:30.


State College community reflects on lives lost in shooting - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> State College community reflects on lives lost in shooting - Duration: 1:45.


Antiquities - Movie - Duration: 1:33:03.

For more infomation >> Antiquities - Movie - Duration: 1:33:03.


Silhouette Studio Inches to Centimeters - Duration: 1:46.

hi guys! Welcome back to my channel Avanti Morocha.

This is a quick video.

Today I'm going to show you how to change the units in Silhouette Studio from inches to centimeters.

I'm going to click on the drawing tool and pick a rectangle.

As you can see the units are in inches.

To change them click "Edit" then "Preferences". Now change "Inches" to "Centimeters".

In this window, you can also change the language.

As you can see they are a lot to choose from.

click "apply" then "ok"

Now I'm going to draw another rectangle.

As you can see, the dimensions are now in centimeters.

One thing to keep in mind is that the dimensions on the mat will stay in inches,

however, the units that you are working with have been changed.

To illustrate the updated units, I'll give specific dimensions to this rectangle.

I'll open the transformation panel

and type the specifications dimensions.

10 x 4

As you can see the dimensions are in centimeters

I hope this video was useful.

Don't forget to visit my blog,

follow me on my social media,

Like this video and share it with your loved ones.

See you soon, chau chau

For more infomation >> Silhouette Studio Inches to Centimeters - Duration: 1:46.


BOY'S take a page from the Book - Duration: 2:14.

Ugh, books have ruined my expectation

on boys

why can't boys take a page from the books

Everybody knows that reading is


Reading is Great!

yeah if your a NERD!

Let's not have the boys be like the books

OKay OKay

Now let's take Fitz for example

from Keeper of the Lost Cities

He's really tall

popular, dark haired, Blue eyes, and is an elf

but were gonna pretend that he's a human

But he is a telepath meaning

he can read your mind!

Okay would you like having

someone reading your mind?

Yes, then he could buy me things

like I'd be thinking "oh just buy me a soda"

and then they'd buy me a soda

just like that

but he deals with his anger by lashing it

out on other people

do you really want a guy to get mad

and blame you for everything even tho it

is not your fault?


You don't want one

boy's should not be like a book character

okay we don't want all of that


I was thinking of more like feeling emotions

like Keefe

If a boy really needs advice

they should go on youtube

and look at an actual love expert

youtuber, just sayin

or take advice from a girl or something

isn't their like a doctor out there

who does love relationship advice?

and there's like a whole bunch of other boys who do it too

I mean they should just go there

Well you know how to bring sunshine to a rainy day

look I'm not saying they have to be exactly like the character

I'm just saying there's some attributes that they

look for and apply that to their own sistuation

when they're trying to ask a girl out

or trying to be nice to one

it could be really helpful

ugh why do they have to read a book

can't they just watch the movies?

everyone knows that theirs more information in books

than the movies


So go educate yourself and read a book

it might just keep you out of trouble

Well not the bad kind of books!

For more infomation >> BOY'S take a page from the Book - Duration: 2:14.


中川大志と松本穂香ドラム競演「ギャップもえして」 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:09.

 俳優中川大志(2 )と松本穂香(21 が29日、都内で出 するauの新CM発 会に出席した。 中 はこれまでも同社の Mに、ロン毛で何事 も細かすぎる細杉く 役で出演している

中川は「この役をや てから今までのどん 仕事より好評です。 分の代表作です」と 顔を見せた。新CM は細杉くんが華麗に ラムを演奏するシー がある。イベントで ドラムの腕前を披露

中川は「細杉くんの たな一面でギャップ えしてほしい」アピ ルしていた。 一方 松本は、CMでは細 くんが女子が苦手な 定とし、「今日、初 て(細杉くんと)目 合いました」とニッ リ

イベントでは中川に いて初めてというド ムを演奏し、決め顔 でする流れに。松本 「まさか自分がドラ をたたくことになっ しまい、しかもこん 気持ちでイベントを わることになるとは わなかった」と苦笑 ていた

 イベントには、C で使用される楽曲「 わE」を歌うロック ンド、ヤバイTシャ 屋さんのこやまたく 、しばたありぼぼ、 りもりもとの3人も 席した。

For more infomation >> 中川大志と松本穂香ドラム競演「ギャップもえして」 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:09.


Origami Heavy Duty 3Tier Rack 2pack - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Origami Heavy Duty 3Tier Rack 2pack - Duration: 12:42.


AGT: The Champions Kechi Okwuchi Before the Plane Crash | - Duration: 7:04.

AGT: The Champions Kechi Okwuchi Before the Plane Crash |

America's Got Talent is bringing back some of its past winners, former front-runners, and favorites for AGT: The Champions.

One of these contestants includes plane crash survivor Kechi Okwuchi, who previously appeared on the show as a singer.

While Okwuchi doesn't always have the best vocals in the competition, she wins over viewers with her inspirational story and the obstacles she has overcome.

Kechi Okwuchi is one of only two survivors from a plane crash that killed some of her fellow classmates in 2005.

The other survivor from the crash has not been revealed.

Because her body was covered in burns, she faced a long recovery, going through surgeries and painful moments, so Okwuchi used music as an escape.

The Sosoliso plane crash that Okwuchi was in claimed the lives of 107 passengers and Okwuchi was very lucky to come out of the incident alive.

She has had well over 100 surgeries because of the burns, which cover over 65% of her body.

The Nigerian flight that crashed was traveling between the cities of Abuja and Port Harcourt when it went down.

It crash-landed at Port Harcourt International Airport, as reported by CNN in 2005, and the reason for the crash was reportedly because the plane missed its approach.

This was because of "pilot error aggravated by windshear." After the plane crashed to the ground, it burst into flames.

As a result, a total of 60 of Okwuchi's schoolmates from Loyola Jesuit College died on board the plane.

In a blog on href="” target="_blank">Bella Naija, Okwuchi wrote about her experience in the crash that nearly claimed her life.

Okwuchi wrote:.

Fifteen minutes to the end of the flight, the pilot announced that we were soon to land in the Port Harcourt airport.

I remember I was sitting in an aisle seat, and my close friend Toke was on the aisle seat to my right.

The ensuing turbulence was getting very frequent, but I didn't think too much of it until someone from the back shouted 'Is this plane trying to land?' I couldn't see out the window from my seat, but now I think about it that was probably for the best.

Everything was so surreal in that moment.

I turned to Toke and we held hands, and I was like 'Maybe we should pray?' Before we could even start, there was this sudden shrill sound ringing in my ears, and next thing I knew, I was waking up in Milpark Hospital, South Africa.

To this day I don't remember the actual impact of the crash.

See a before photo of Okwuchi, prior to the crash, below.

Who remembers this pretty lady, Kechi Okwuchi before the crash, Sosoliso Air Disaster of 2007 that claimed 107 lives pic.


com/3M4JrScZ2n — Mischief Maker D 1st (@88ideass) May 24, 2015  .

Also in her blog, Okwuchi talked about what she remembered from after the crash.

Okwuchi recalled:.

The first voice I heard was feminine and unfamiliar; it was a nurse and she kept calling my name, asking me if I could hear her.

As I roused, I remember feeling completely numb and completely exhausted in a way I couldn't quite understand.

Eventually I saw my mom's silhouette; I could tell she was smiling, but I remember wishing I could see her face more clearly, 'cause my vision was very blurry.

As I lay there, I knew that things were pretty bad, but that she was right there beside me made me feel such relief, I can't even explain.

Okwuchi went on to recover, though she still has severe scars all over her body.

She became a college graduate and a contestant on season 12 of America's Got Talent.


For more infomation >> AGT: The Champions Kechi Okwuchi Before the Plane Crash | - Duration: 7:04.


Asal - Usul Hantu Pocong || Cerita Seru - Duration: 2:51.

good afternoon everyone ... assalmualaikum ..

as I promised in the previous video ... this channel will release ghost stories and fun stories .

just go straight to the ghost story that we will discuss this time ..

This ghost story will tell about the origin of legendary pocong ghosts in Indonesia

Pocong ghost is the most frightening ghost and the most scary for most people

it's all because of this type of ghost sightings reminds us of the picture of death in the future

in the wide community alone .. news about the origin of this phantom ghost starts from forgetting on the pocong rope somebody who is buried alias buried

so that the dead man rose from the grave and asked for help to relatives or people who participated to bury such

However ... it's not entirely true, friends.

there are also those who say that the appearance of this pocong ghost is the act of an evil genie that resembles the shape of a pocong and scares the scare of humans

Pocong itself will usually be seen in lush and gloomy places

like near lush banana trees

Many also tell that this phantom ghost will approach and chase people by jumping

the facts circulating about this one ghost are also a lot of misguided

some people assume every appearance of ghosts will smell like cinnamon

but for Pocong itself it's not like that

according to the testimony of people who have interacted with Pocong,

Pocong itself gives off a stinging smell and is also a creepy black face

instead of white as pale as depicted in films ...

well ... because of that don't like to come out malem-malem friends ...

For those of you who haven't subscribed to this channel ...

subscribe first ... to update other ghost stories ...

If you want to request a story, please leave a comment below ...

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