Saturday, January 26, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 26 2019

Roger Stone ama giocare d' anticipo. I detrattori più gentili lo considerano una «figura odiosa»; gli altri addirittura «un topo» del sottobosco politico di Washington

Stone, 66 anni, non si è mai scomposto: «Lo so, sono uno sporco imbroglione». Nel 2016 ha concesso una lunga, sorridente intervista agli autori di un documentario che lo faceva praticamente a pezzi: Get me Roger Stone , prodotto da Netflix

Vecchia scuola, si potrebbe dire: mai prendere di punta i nemici, mai arrabbiarsi in pubblico, mai mostrarsi vulnerabile

Stone ha costruito il suo personaggio in più di quarant' anni di attività politica, rimanendo sempre un passo indietro, ma comunque attento a non uscire dalla visuale diretta del leader

Ha raccontato lui stesso di aver cominciato all' Università di Georgetown, che ha lasciato senza laurearsi

Già all' epoca pensava più alle relazioni, al «network», che ai libri. Faceva parte di un club di giovani repubblicani, entrò in contatto con il comitato elettorale di Richard Nixon e nel 1972 ottenne un incarico alla Casa Bianca

Stone è nato a Norwalk, nel Connecticut, ma è cresciuto a Lewisboro, nello Stato di New York

Famiglia cattolica, con qualche ascendenza italiana. Un ragazzo della middle class che ha attraversato la grande protesta giovanile degli anni Sessanta e Settanta, affascinato dai particolari eccentrici, dagli abiti di sartoria dal taglio antico

Oggi ne ha oltre 400, allineati, come in una boutique, nella sua casa di Harlem e nella villa di Fort Lauderdale, in Florida

Per larga parte degli americani, conservatori compresi, Nixon è stato il peggiore capo di Stato nella storia recente degli Stati Uniti

Roger, anticonformista sistematico, si è invece fatto tatuare il ritratto del presidente del Watergate sulla schiena

Non sappiamo se Stone abbia un vero archivio. Se ce l' avesse sarebbe una porta preziosa per entrare nel retrobottega della politica americana dai tempi di Nixon, appunto, passando per Ronald Reagan, George Bush senior, fino ad arrivare a Donald Trump

Oltre alla politica, e ai vestiti, Stone si è dedicato a fare soldi, un mucchio di soldi

Negli anni Ottanta ha messo insieme un team di spregiudicati avvocati e consulenti

Il suo partner principale era Paul Manafort, anche lui arrestato nei mesi scorsi dal Super procuratore Robert Mueller

Fu Stone ad avere l' intuizione milionaria: diventare i portavoce, i lobbisti dei leader più impresentabili, ma anche tra i più facoltosi del mondo

Dittatori come Mobutu, dell' allora Zaire, o figure sinistre come il leader dei ribelli angolani, Jonas Savimbi

A un certo punto, intorno al 1983-1984, lo studio Manafort-Stone incrocia un ambizioso e spregiudicato costruttore del Queens: Donald Trump

A quell' epoca «The Donald» stava sviluppando il business dei casinò, nel New Jersey e nello Stato di New York

Stone, in particolare, provò a bloccare il progetto di una casa da gioco gestita dai nativi americani a Catskills: un' insidia diretta per il casinò trumpiano di Atlantic City

Lo fece a modo suo. Risultato: la Commissione di sorveglianza sulle attività di lobbying lo multò con 250 mila dollari per «condotta irregolare»

Ma intanto tra Trump e Stone era nato un sodalizio destinato a durare più di trent' anni

Fin dall' inizio Roger spinse «Donald» verso la politica. Nel 1984 gli chiese, per conto del partito repubblicano di New York, se fosse interessato a sfidare Mario Cuomo per la carica di Governatore dello Stato

«No, punto», fu la risposta. Nel 1999 Trump mise in piedi un comitato per «esplorare» la candidatura alla Casa Bianca con il Reform Party

Al suo fianco c' era Stone. Poi, nel 2008, arrivarono i giorni del distacco. Trump diceva di «essere disgustato» dai metodi del suo consigliere

Tutto superato nel 2015: Roger è tra i più convinti sostenitori del tycoon nelle primarie repubblicane, questa volta vincenti

Non ha mai ricoperto, però, incarichi troppo esposti. Si è sistemato nella sua collocazione ideale, smarcandosi dalla folla di postulanti e di amici dell' ultima ora

È sicuramente una delle persone più informate sulle manovre del comitato elettorale nel 2016 e, come sempre, sulle opere e i pensieri di Donald Trump

Il primo a esserne convinto è il Super procuratore Mueller .



Shroud returns to CS:GO but Swag ruins it... - Duration: 10:02.


For more infomation >> Shroud returns to CS:GO but Swag ruins it... - Duration: 10:02.


Early Bird - Erkenci Kus 28 English Subtitles Preview - Duration: 0:52.


Give me the usual, but two this time

I've been dreaming of this for a long time, you won't believe it

Is that so?

What else have you been dreaming of?

And also...

Let me not give you two, it would be to much

How about I give you one only? Is it possible?

Where were we?

I'm impressed. It was a very good move I think

Really good

For more infomation >> Early Bird - Erkenci Kus 28 English Subtitles Preview - Duration: 0:52.


No BBB19, Tereza debocha de Gustavo pelas costas: "Se achou importante" - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> No BBB19, Tereza debocha de Gustavo pelas costas: "Se achou importante" - Duration: 3:08.


REACȚIONEZ LA K-POP! BTS, EXO, IU - Duration: 13:19.

Happy Thursday everyone, I am Andreea Coscai and today I will do something different from what I've posted until now

I will react to KPOP videos because I don't usually watch them and I never really entered this world

but I want to see what it's like and I thought it would be funny for you to see my reaction

The first video I will react to is DNA by BTS

I know they exploded in the States last year, I heard of them and I know it's their song but I've never watched this video so let's see

What an intro

I like it

Damn the way the camera moves

and those eyes

It's already catchy

How many are there?

I see those dance moves

everything is super funky

It's catchy

I want to learn this choreography

ah sorry

I'd like to know what they're saying

Let's see. Are there subtitles?


I still don't know how many of them are in the group


They really have their own style

I like how the colors come together

Okay, it's over.

Conclusion: super funky

super colorful

super dope choreography

dope choreography, I have a question I wonder if they are well wearing color contact lenses

but I like their style and the song is catchy, I got into it

Changing the artist, I'm gonna react to IU's BBIBBI

I'm sorry I know I'm probably not pronouncing it correctly

Okay let's see does this one have subtitles too?

Not in Korean thank you, in English

again super colorful

I like this combination of Korean and English

and I really like the way it was shot and the setting

It kind of reminds me of Taylor Swift

She talks about like haters and fuck haters

Now she's Dua Lipa

Not saying she's copying anyone

Okay I think I got the idea

I told you it reminds me of

Ariana Grande in a way, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa

but she has her personal style, I like how the video was shot and the aesthetics

Okay and the last one I will react to today is Loveshot by EXO

Let's see

Ohoo where did he climb up?

7? Okay

but I like it by far

Damn those moves

Okay boys

This choreography is the bomb

and the shots man

This song is sensual


and that drop

These shots kill me

Ah one of them stayed at the that one is more...I don't know how

Conclusion is

I like it, I really like it

and I will listen to more of it

and if you enjoyed watching my reaction

give this video a thumbs up

or if you want to see more videos

of me reacting to KPOP give this video a thumbs up

Leave a comment with what else you want me to react to and idk observations you made during the video

Click on the bell to be the first ones to know when I upload a video

and yeah, in conclusion


funky, really creative

it's clear that a lot of work is put into these videos

the music is catchy, the lyrics are...

the way they are

Kisses and see you next week!

For more infomation >> REACȚIONEZ LA K-POP! BTS, EXO, IU - Duration: 13:19.


Can Christians Have Opinions? - Duration: 6:19.

Hi, my name is Stephanie and today I wanted to explore the question: are

Christians allowed to have opinions? One of the comments I received not too long

ago on a video that was a little bit controversial on my channel, was at the

moment I said the words "I think," I had gotten away from the Bible. So,

apparently, we are not supposed to have opinions or think for ourselves. In fact,

the moment you start with the words, "I think," you better go run back to the

Bible to find something to quote. I can understand this

objection when it comes to people trying to make doctrine when they say something

crazy like, "I think God would like us all to dress up as magical unicorns in the

month of June." That doesn't make any sense. There is no biblical standing for

it. It's a bunch of nonsense, and though that sounds crazy, in my opinion, there's

a lot of people who have passed a lot of really crazy, weird, random, and stupid

things for people to do and consider necessary to be Christians. But are

Christians allowed to have opinions? Are we allowed to have independent thought?

Can we start a sentence with "I think" and still be in right standing with God? I've

run across a lot of Christians who seem to think that using your mind or

thinking or using a logical thought process is just a plain evil and wicked

thing to do. Apparently, using our minds is wicked and we just must do what the

Bible says. But I think more accurately what they tend to mean is we should

think and do the things that my pastor says the Bible says. Here's a problem

with not being able to think for ourselves. People who have that education

or have the smarts or whatever capitalize on the ignorance of others

and twist scripture or make up completely bogus things and say that the

Word of God says to do that and basically enslave you to some ridiculous

ideas like they did in the days of Martin Luther. It takes people who are

willing to look at the scripture themselves and that think for

themselves to be broken free of those kinds of lies. Now, beyond

just the ability to have independent thought, what of opinion? I've actually

run across some people who defended denominations when I said that I wasn't

a fan because they said that it allows them to be with a group of people that

they don't have to debate certain issues with because they all agree on those

issues. Basically, they don't have to confront anyone with an opinion that is

different than theirs. Are we allowed to grapple with life and current events

with our own thoughts views and opinions? I was challenged on having my own

thoughts concerning the whole Lauren Daigle being on The Ellen Show issue.

Quite frankly, we aren't given a play-by-play in the Bible about a singer

who is Christian going on a secular TV show to sing a song. So, what do we do?

This is where we apply biblical principles and discernment. We use this

thing called our brain. No, we don't lean solely on our feelings or whatever about

the situation. We let ourselves be influenced by the scripture and the

spirit concerning everyday life issues, but we are still going to have a

disagreement here. Some people will see Lauren as mixing with the world and the

scripture says that someone who agrees with, encourages, and does worldly things

is not in right standing with God. So, they've applied scripture to the

situation. Then we see over here the example of Christ, who ate with sinners

and was among them when the Pharisees were freaking out about this idea. Now, of

course, he didn't do the things that those sinners did, but he did come to set

them free, something that the Pharisees could never do. But he wasn't doing that

from the synagogue. Again, we've applied Scripture and biblical principles to the

situation. So, how do we decide if what Lauren did was right or wrong? Can we

have an opinion on the matter? We can definitely have an opinion on the matter

as long as it's grounded in biblical truth. It can seem to us that Lauren is

mixing with the world and it can seem to us that

Lauren is just reaching the world and here's where only God knows what's

happening behind those closed doors as to what the exact matter is or where her

heart is. However, we can have an opinion and if you don't agree with me, that

doesn't mean you're not a Christian. Because we've both come to these

opinions grounded in our perspective and biblical context. So, the moral of the

story is this: we can have independent thought and opinions, just let them be

influenced by Scripture. God did not create us with a brain and

ask us not to use it. In fact, there are multiple instances within parables where

we're asked to use basic logic to arrive at a conclusion to be able to understand

some of his kingdom principles. As Christians, scripture and the Spirit

should influence our thoughts and opinions. However, at the end of the day,

we may still disagree. So, for those of you who do not believe that Christians

can come to different conclusions or have different opinions, I encourage you

to check out Romans chapter 14. And for those of you who think that your mind is

just pure wickedness, I would suggest that you pray that God renews your mind,

as that is scriptural. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, go ahead and give

it a thumbs up and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Remember,

everybody, let's respect the fact that people can have other opinions and that

is okay as long as they're grounded in scriptural truth. Okay? Okay. Anyway. if you

are interested in seeing me every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday here on

YouTube, go ahead and hit that subscribe button and the notification bell if you

want to receive notifications every time that I upload. I hope that you're having

a wonderful week and I hope that you'll see me in my next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> Can Christians Have Opinions? - Duration: 6:19.


Hana reflete: 'Talvez o pessoal do nosso grupo seja mais do alvo do que lá' - Duration: 1:02.

Hana e Alan continuam conversando na sala. "Talvez o pessoal do nosso grupo seja mais do alvo do que lá, do que o outro grupo que, no caso, são os outros meninos, a Tereza, a Isabella e a Carol

E a Elana", diz a Líder. "Tu acha?", pergunta o Anjo. "A Isabella votou na Elana", responde a carioca

Após alguns segundos de silêncio, Hana se questiona: "Será que eles vão votar na Elana? Na Elana, no Ro ou na Rízia"

A carioca aposta na força da alagoana. — Foto: TV Globo

For more infomation >> Hana reflete: 'Talvez o pessoal do nosso grupo seja mais do alvo do que lá' - Duration: 1:02.


Anonymous. Update Jan 26, 2019. Moloch LIVES in America. A Warning From The Collective - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> Anonymous. Update Jan 26, 2019. Moloch LIVES in America. A Warning From The Collective - Duration: 12:46.



For more infomation >> DEV EKRANDA BÜYÜKANNE'DEN KAÇIŞ ! (VLOG) - Duration: 3:01.


PUBG Mobil THOMPSON CHALLENGE [Games challange #2] - Duration: 15:09.

For more infomation >> PUBG Mobil THOMPSON CHALLENGE [Games challange #2] - Duration: 15:09.


you don't want to because of her? - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> you don't want to because of her? - Duration: 1:31.


Ivanka Trump Hit With New Ethics Complaint For Enriching Herself From Trump Policies - Duration: 3:34.

The group citizens for responsibility and ethics in Washington has filed yet a another

complaint against Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump, for allegedly violating conflict

of interest laws over what this administration calls these opportunity zones.

Now occasion, not familiar with it, which I wasn't myself, had to do a lot of research

into this, but basically these opportunities zones.

This is a program that the Trump administration announced shortly before the midterms, and

what it is is they were offering me massive tax breaks to any developer real estate.

Whoever it is, would go into poor communities and start buying up real estate.

If you do that, go buy this real estate.

We're going to give you a massive tax break.

Well, who do we know that's in the real estate business that has a lot of money willing to

go around and snatch up all these properties?

Oh yeah.

Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump's husband, and in fact, cushner actually owns an interest

in a company called contrary according to this crew complaint that was willing and able

and ready to take advantage of these opportunities zones because they have programs specifically

designed to help people get loans.

And buy up these opportunities zone properties, Ivanka Trump, again, according to the crew

complaint, was working behind the scenes to help this administration draft this plan to

come up with the plan and to help sell it to other members of the Trump administration.

Therefore, her involvement directly in this and her husband's involvement by directly

financially benefiting from this was 100 percent in illegal conflict of interest.

And they all knew it.

She didn't recuse herself, he didn't sell his interest, she pushed it, he profited.

So thereby she profits a little bit off it as well, obviously.

And that's where we are today.

And that is why crew has been out there as one of the leaders with these particular complaints.

I mean, they've done it with Kellyanne Conway, with her of violating the Hatch Act.

They've had to do that multiple times with her.

Um, they've done it with the emoluments clause lawsuits.

They've done it multiple times with Ivanka Trump herself.

They are staying on top of things as they have for years now.

And that is sorely needed, especially in the environment that we have in Washington dc


We need these outside watchdog organizations like Cru, like public citizen out there showing

the corruption, highlighting the corruption, but more importantly, taking the corruption

to court, filing the complaints because it is one thing to point it out and hope that

the media picks it up, but it's another to say we don't care if the media talks about


We've got lawyers and we're going to try to do something about it to put an end to it

because make no mistake.

The only reason people like Ivanka Trump and jared Kushner in the White House today is

because they think they can profit off of it.

Hell, a very strong argument could be made that the only reason Trump is in the white

house is because he thinks he can profit off of it and according to other crew complaints

and lawsuits in the past, he has.

He has a lot.

He's making a ton of money off being the president of the United States and Ivanka Trump and

jared kushner are using every possible opportunity that they have to do the exact same thing

as her dad.

For more infomation >> Ivanka Trump Hit With New Ethics Complaint For Enriching Herself From Trump Policies - Duration: 3:34.


Strange Things About Dove Cameron's Relationship - Duration: 3:52.

The almost unnaturally beautiful Disney stars Dove Cameron and Thomas Doherty may seem like

they were created in a lab as a specimen of perfect human love, but they're romance isn't

all flowers and horse-drawn carriage rides.

In fact, there are some downright strange things about this relationship.

"Weird" together

Cameron and Doherty's romance began to blossom when they met on the set of the Disney Channel

Original Movie Descendants 2.

But Cameron told People magazine that as far as she was concerned, it definitely wasn't

love at first sight.

"So on the first day when I met him, I didn't really think much of it.

Ya know!"

In an interview with Kode, Doherty used some interesting words to describe his affection

for Cameron, saying,

"She's so kind and loving, funny, extremely talented, has the most beautiful eyes, and

puts up with me being weird.

She's also weird, that's why it works so well."

He wasn't kidding, either.

We've seen their weirdness in action in photos and videos posted to their online accounts.

Don't get us wrong, it's great that they're not afraid to let their weird flags fly when

they're together, but are their idiosyncrasies enough to help their relationship stand the

test of time?

Terrible jokes

You would probably think that two movie stars would have their first date at a fancy restaurant,

but Doherty and Cameron's first outing was low-key, way low-key.

Doherty told Kode,

"Our first date was at a pancake cafe."

Being in such a casual setting meant they could both relax a bit without the added pressure

of trying to impress one another.

However, Doherty told the publication,

"It was one of those things were she was sat opposite me, drenched because it was raining

outside, making terrible jokes that I was obliged to laugh at, and I kinda just fell

in love with her."

"Oh my god!

That is so funny.

I can't, I just can't even.

She's gonna hate me for that."

It's a little surprising he actually admitted her jokes were awful, but it's even more shocking

that he felt "obliged" to laugh at her corny punchlines.

"I do remember that sort of absolutely terrifying feeling when you're starting to fall in love

with someone, it's like NOOO!"

Future work

Though fireworks erupted when the couple teamed up to work together on Descendants 2 and Descendants

3, Cameron was apprehensive when it came to even entertaining the thought of starring

alongside her beau in the future.

She told Access Hollywood in July 2017 that they were so in love with each other that

it would, quote, "be easy to collaborate with him again."

However, she was quick to add,

"But honestly, professional, personal, he's the love of my life, so I'm good not working

with again, too."

A little bit of distance and separate projects might spice things up a bit, but you've got

to wonder if there's a deeper reason why she wants to separate business from pleasure.

Pesky breakup rumors

For a year following Cameron's public announcement that she and Doherty were indeed an item,

their relationship appeared to be moving along swimmingly, until it wasn't.

Sadly, it didn't take long for the alleged cracks in their Disney-made romance to begin

to show.

By June 2018, fans had noticed that the cute, lovey-dovey social media posts between the

once-smitten couple were few and far between.

Rumors that they had split became so rampant, Cameron felt the need to address the allegations

head on.

She tweeted, in part,

"No we are not broken up yes we are still together no we are not fighting we are madly

in love and better than ever please stop speculating/spreading rumors when you have absolutely no basis."

Of course, we want to believe her.

But after going from feverishly tagging each other in social media posts to near radio

silence on both ends, it sure seems like they had hit a least a tiny bump in the road, and

where there's smoke, there's fire.

Too hot for Disney

Before they became an official couple, Doherty and Cameron ignited sparks all over the set

of Descendants 2.

Cameron told J-14 that their chemistry was so fierce during one part of the movie that

the scene almost ended up on the cutting room floor.

Disney execs didn't want audiences to think the film's storyline was centered around a

romance between their characters.

She explained,

"Me and Thomas' chemistry was so intense, [...] but we didn't know it.

But people were like, 'When you guys walk into a room together, it's insane.

Have you ever talked to him?'

And I'm like, 'No, not really.'"

They finally figured out they were perfect for one another.

But how strange is it that they were the last ones to realize they were majorly attracted

to each other?

For more infomation >> Strange Things About Dove Cameron's Relationship - Duration: 3:52.


Making a Coca Cola Cupcake for ELLE MILLS | FoodTube - Duration: 7:19.

Hi. I'm Lindsay Daly.

And welcome back to FoodTube,

the series where I make dishes

for some of my favorite channels here on YouTube.

And today, I'm making a Coke can cupcake for Elle Mills.

Elle is a Canadian YouTuber who makes videos about

her life, her family and her friends,

including one where she legally marries her sister's boyfriend,

one where she turned her home into the house from Up,

and a video where she came out in a style that only Elle could.

Hi. I'm Elle Mills, and I'm bisexual.

Recently I was getting a lot of comments

comparing me to Elle,

and I think it's mainly because of the way my voice sounds

in this one particular video.

Okay. Let's do this.

And personally, I don't really see it,

but I'm totally flattered to be compared to her, so – I'll take it!

And while my content isn't nearly as amazing as Elle's,

I felt compelled to fulfill my apparent destiny,

and I became Elle Mills for a day.

So Elle has said that she's a big fan of John Hughes films,

and she's even mentioned that she likes to describe her videos

as "Ferris Bueller if he had a YouTube channel."

So with "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" in mind, I'm here at my old high school.

On my day off.

Also, I'm way too old to be here,

just like Matthew Broderick was when he was actually in the film.

I don't have a red convertible,

because it turns out they cost like $1,000 to rent,

even just for a day, so

I figured my Honda Civic would be just fine.

But I'm also here because I figured it was just the right place

to read this letter, which I wrote to myself in senior year just before graduation.

They had everyone do this,

so it was kind of like a little activity,

but there's some interesting stuff in here.

Particularly, this one answer that says –

"What do you hope to accomplish by the time you graduate from college?"

I feel like I had clearly very little ambition,

but my answer was – and I wish I was kidding –

"Have a really active YouTube channel with a lot of subscribers"

and then parentheses I said, "think small lol".

Good thing I thought small,

but yeah, I mean it's hilarious to me – I don't know, I –

I don't know what to say.

I think what I'm trying to say is that

I think my high school self would be proud of me.

Now let's make some cupcakes.

So it's kind of Elle's thing that she wears a lot of clothing

with the Coca-Cola logo on it.

Some of her merch is even designed

to look like her name written in the Coke logo font.

So for these cupcakes,

both the cake and frosting include Coke

as one of the ingredients.

The great thing about this cake recipe

is that it's meant to be made all in one pot,

which in theory would be great for washing less dishes,

but I'm making this video,

so I have everything in little clear bowls,

which increases my dishwashing tenfold.

Why do I do this to myself?

So I'll start by turning the burner to a medium-high heat

to melt our butter into,

then adding the oil,

and finally the Coke,

mixing all three of those together and bringing it to a boil.

Now it's time to whisk in all the sugar until fully combined,

followed by the flour and baking soda.

Once that's all combined

I'll take it off the heat,

let it cool down for a little bit before I add my eggs,

and once I've successfully ensured that I haven't just made Coke-flavored scambled eggs,

I'll add in the rest of our ingredients,

like the cocoa powder,

the milk

(definitely don't drop the whole fucking bowl in there like I did)

white vinegar,


and a pinch of salt.

After a final mix,

I'll pour the completed batter into two greased cake pans

and bake them in the oven at 350° for about a half an hour.

While that's baking,

I'll take some time to make the frosting,

which also has a little bit of Coke in it,

but significantly less than the cake.

Once I've beaten in the butter,

I'll add the sugar,

the Coke,

the vanilla,

and a pinch of salt.

Give everything a mix,

make sure it's nice and smooth,

and then we're pretty much ready to assemble.

So I've let the cake cool for a very long amount of time,

I leveled off the tops,

and to make this look like an actual Coke can,

or as close as my clumsy ass can get it,

I've basically taken a cookie cutter that has about the same diameter of a Coke can,

cut out five separate circular layers,

and I'll be icing them all together with the Coke frosting.

Once I assemble all the layers,

I'll give it the sloppiest crumb coat you've probably ever seen,

and let it cool in the fridge.

So here comes the nightmare segment –

this is fondant, I'm not very good at using this,

but I rolled out some of this red fondant,

cut it into a nice rectangle,

and painted on some details with this metallic food paint.

After adhering it to the main part of the cake,

I cut out some little details,

like the top of the can,

and the pull tab,

and colored those using what is likely

a toxic amount of that metallic paint.

Not really what I was hoping for,

but there was an attempt: a Coca-Cola cupcake for Elle Mills.

Honestly, it is kind of hilarious to me how spectacularly shitty this turned out,

but I do feel bad for not really doing Elle justice here.

Baking I like to think I'm okay at,

but the decorating is definitely where I hit a wall, so,

I'm so sorry about this monstrosity,

but if nothing else, it definitely tastes like Coke.

Lastly, to Elle, if you're watching,

you inspire the hell out of me,

I love what you do,

I think that you are the best of what a YouTube channel can be,

and I think Ferris Bueller would be proud.

For more infomation >> Making a Coca Cola Cupcake for ELLE MILLS | FoodTube - Duration: 7:19.


The Truth About Whataburger - Duration: 4:43.

Whataburger might not have the same brand recognition as some of America's heavy hitter

burger joints, but it still has quite a history.

It's a story of Texan fans, hungry politicians, secret menus, and, obviously, a whole lot

of burgers.

This is the untold truth of Whataburger.

"There's only one way to describe a hamburger, and that's Whataburger."

Whataburger's story began in 1950, when founder and entrepreneur Harmon Dobson opened a burger

joint in Corpus Christi, Texas.

And the restaurant's name came from pretty much exactly where you'd expect: He wanted

to create a burger that was so big, that when a customer picked it up they'd exclaim: "What

a burger!"

"We have them everywhere from plain to loaded."

Considering there are only eight burgers on the Whataburger menu, you might think there

aren't many options, but you'd be wrong.

In 2009, the company launched a month-long campaign boasting all the ways to do a Whataburger,

once you account for all the special requests you can make, such as grilled onions, jalapeños,

triple meat, and extra cheese.

"We actually calculated it, and it is 36,864 ways to make a Whataburger."

Indeed, customization has been a point of pride for the chain.

Customers at Whataburger get to design their burger, from the bread, to the meat, to the

size, to the toppings, with each burger made to order.

Other fast food chains might have hopped on the customization bandwagon in more recent

years, but Whataburger did it first.

"They make it the right way every time."

If you're considering tasting your very first Whataburger, just make sure you end up at

the right place.

"We drove 1,500 miles in the city of Houston."

If you live in Virginia or the Carolinas, you might find yourself at a chain of burger

joints called What-A-Burger… with hyphens in the name.

The two restaurants initially talked about a potential soft merger but settled for an

agreement in which What-A-Burger (with the hyphens) would deck out their restaurants

in subdued colors, while Whataburger without the hyphens would forge ahead with its bright

orange scheme.

Whataburger has locations all across the American South, but it's Texas in particular that holds

a particular affection for the restaurant.

"I just told em that we never found a better hamburger, and the fact that we'd eaten here

7,000 times made them think we were pretty good fans."

It's even turned into something of a cultural icon in the Lone Star State.

"We eat at Whataburger every day."

So much so that according to the El Paso Times, it became a point of contention in the state's

2018 senate race between Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke, who was dubbed a "Triple Meat Whataburger

liberal" by his rival.

Many were shocked to find, however, that a 2017 study published by Business Insider suggested

that In-N-Out had taken Whataburger's place as the most popular fast food chain in Texas.

Whataburger responded via Twitter, demanding a recount.

Thanks to Hot Ones, at least we know how Post Malone voted.

"Whataburger or In-N-Out?"


In-N-Out is like a f---in' little f---ing frilly little patty, bro, I need something

with some f---in' hair on its chest, cuz."

Further testament to the popularity of Whataburger with Texan residents, was the visit of Melania

Trump and Karen Pence in 2017.

Business Insider reported that after meeting with victims of Hurricane Harvey, Trump and

Pence stopped by at Whataburger for lunch.

The PR stunt had Corpus Christi P.D. boasting that "Flotus knows a good burger."

"It was an amazing trip, and they were very happy I came there."

But many who had previously enjoyed Whataburger's off-kilter social media antics, criticized

the restaurant's official Twitter account for welcoming Trump and Pence into their restaurant.

Whether the other Trump, who's famously a fan of McDonald's, had anything to say about

the visit, remains unconfirmed.

Of course Whataburger has a secret menu!

There are a whole load of things you can get from Whataburger if you just ask, starting

with the burgers themselves.

They're fully customizable, remember?

That means if you ask for three heaps of pickles inside two buns, or basically anything at

all, you'll get it.

"I met my husband while we were working at Whataburger.

Now we have a Whataburger baby."

But if you want to stick with the "official" secret menu, there's a vegetarian burger,

a grilled cheese, chicken and waffles, or the honey BBQ chicken strip sandwich.

Getting the idea here?

Customization means customization, and that means anything.

That's kind of the whole point of Whataburger.

Step inside your local branch, ignore that menu on the wall, and just go wild.

For more infomation >> The Truth About Whataburger - Duration: 4:43.


How Chelsea squad has been affected by Monaco's decision to sack Thierry Henry - Duration: 2:06.

 Fabregas joined Monaco, managed by his former Arsenal team-mate Thierry Henry, on a three-and-a-half year deal earlier this month

 But 10 days after the midfielder signed, Henry was gone. The Arsenal legend won just four of 19 league and cup games and the club are facing relegation, three points from safety

It was that which prompted them to pull the trigger. Johnson believes Fabregas only joined because of Henry and said: "I think it [the sacking] is going to have a big impact

 "I think Fabregas wouldn't be at Monaco if it hadn't been for Henry." But it's not just Fabregas' move which has affected the two clubs

 Striker Michy Batshuayi wanted to link up with his former assistant boss for Belgium but that move now appears to be off

 "Batshuayi, as I understand it, was keen to go. His links with Henry from their time with the Belgium national team did play in Monaco's favour," Johnson added

 "But Chelsea weren't favourable to loaning him out again so that move, regardless of whether Henry stayed or not, was not going to happen

" Leonardo Jardim was kicked out of office in October to make way for the former Gunner but the club's owners have made a U-turn to take him back to avoid the embarrassment of a drop into the second tier

 Johnson thinks he will be given cash to spend and said: "I think now Jardim, having watched from afar, is probably going to go in there with a couple of targets in mind

 "The squad will already be stronger than the one he left behind and it could be that Monaco back him for one or two signings and that may well give him enough manpower and quality to keep them out of trouble


For more infomation >> How Chelsea squad has been affected by Monaco's decision to sack Thierry Henry - Duration: 2:06.


★Thehoneyloaf★ Wonderful fashion Style & Looks | Summer fashion style | Value Fashion - Duration: 2:22.

★Thehoneyloaf★ Wonderful fashion Style & Looks | Summer fashion style | Value Fashion

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Thehoneyloaf★ Wonderful fashion Style & Looks | Summer fashion style | Value Fashion - Duration: 2:22.


THAT'S UNEXPECTED... | Death Trips - Duration: 4:58.

Hello! This is MD

So, this game is called Death Trips

This is scary game

Because it have "Death"


I can't wait to see what happens in this

So, Enjoy!

October 31, 2008

(MD reading)


Lady Death..

(MD continues reading)

Cheap hotel..

(MD continues reading)

Still there..?

Oh no..

Lets do it!

Looks nice hotel

Which pop do I want?


I can't go in there..


I can't hear because I am deaf..

Ok, lets go in..

No buttons?


I don't like this..


(That moment MD is fucked.)





That's it..?

"Thanks for playing"

Are you kidding me..



I will play one more.. one more..

There's no way..

Lets see one more..

Oh... she fell..

(MD finally realized) Oh that's why this game called "Death TRIPS"

(MD facepalms)

So, that was Death Trips..

(MD facepalms again)

Ok then...

Thanks for watching me play Death Trips

If you have games, short games..

Let me know in comments section below!!

Game (link) in description below the video!

So, I hope you like this video!

Share this video!

Thank for watching...

As always..


For more infomation >> THAT'S UNEXPECTED... | Death Trips - Duration: 4:58.


Self-kindness inside grief (and any other kind of hardship) - Duration: 4:20.

caring for yourself showing up with love and tenderness for your own excruciating

pain won't fix anything that can't be fixed but for all you've lived for all

you've had to do the phone calls the decisions the funeral plans the life

evaporated in an instant all of everything you've had to live you

deserve kindness you deserve the utmost care and respect you deserve love and

attention try as they might the people around you don't always show you that

kind of love the world itself with its random acts of pain and violence and

general stress won't always show you that kind of love but you can you can do

as author Peter Pouncy writes be to your own sad self hereafter kind you can be

kind to yourself kindness is self-care kindness is

recognizing when you need to back off a bit it's allowing your pain to exist

without judgment in trusting yourself and in saying yes to what helps and no -

what does not kindness means not letting your own mind beat you up and self

kindness is seriously difficult we can talk all day about how other people

deserve kindness but when it comes to ourselves forget it we know too much

about our own shortcomings the ways we've messed things up just how badly

we're doing everything we treat ourselves far more harshly than we would

ever allow anyone else to treat us everyone struggles with this it's not

just you for many people being kind to others is far far easier what if we loop

back to that fourth form of compassion, upekkha. Equanimity, that calm quiet

attention to what cannot be changed well that describes kindness grief requires

kindness self-kindness for all you have had to

live kindness for self might be allowing yourself to sleep as much as you need to

without yelling at yourself for it it might be saying no to a social

engagement it might be turning the car around right after you arrived in the

parking lot having decided that getting groceries is just too much for you to

bear right now it might mean cutting yourself some slack backing off of the

demands you place on yourself it might also mean pushing yourself sometimes

taking yourself out of the softer nest of distraction into the bigger landscape

of pain what kindness looks like will change but

your commitment to it that's where your safety is that's where stability exists

inside this wholly bizarre and shaken world knowing that you won't leave

yourself kindness won't change anything but it will make things easier on your

heart and your mind so today if even just for a little while

can you offer yourself kindness can you take a moment to ask what being kind to

yourself might mean turn toward it even if you can't make it all the way there

turn yourself in the direction of kindness hold on to it you might write

your response to this question what would kindness to myself look like today

in this moment


For more infomation >> Self-kindness inside grief (and any other kind of hardship) - Duration: 4:20.


An Exploration Of Cyber Risks ( w/ Jeremy Samide) | Interview | Real Vision™ - Duration: 20:41.

Hey, everyone.

Just wanted to let you know about our new video on cybersecurity.

We got to check out a cybersecurity control center, so that's where they screen for massive

worldwide cyber attacks.

We also got to speak to a bunch of hackers, and actually see a hack happen live.

But before we get into that, we wanted to share some of our previous videos on cybersecurity

from some experts in the field.

So this episode originally aired on August 4, 2016.

Hope you enjoy, and remember to also check at to watch the new season

of Discoveries, where we dive into the implications of the internet of things.

That's everything from smart thermostats to internet connected cars and Wi-Fi coffee makers.

It's definitely something you don't want to miss.

So make sure to sign up for your 14 day free trial.

You know, cybersecurity has really become mainstream today.

There's a lot of buzzwords out there that are making it in news publications, the internet,

social media.

And I think that a lot of people don't understand what cybersecurity really means.

There's a lot of terminology, there's a lot of vernacular that's coming out that really

is confusing to senior management, to boards of directors, to executives of companies.

And it's causing a lot of confusion in the space, as far as what they need to do, how

they need to protect themselves.

And there's people like myself that are here to translate what the global cybersecurity

threats are.

As computers and technology have evolved from simple desktop computers to very simple operating

systems, you know, the attack vectors, which is the way the bad actors are looking to get

into the systems, was very simple.

So we were using modems, you know, floppy disks.

Very little storage, bandwidth was not there.

So they were very limited as to what they could do.

As bandwidth has increased, operating systems have got more sophisticated.

Mobile devices, IoT, or the internet of things, where everything is connected through the

advent of the internet.

Email, big, large databases, online shopping, things of that nature.

There's become a number of different vectors or subterfuges where vulnerabilities exist.

And that has proliferated significantly into how we conduct our business.

Again, online shopping, online banking, different types of transactions, the information sharing,

health care, the legal profession, manufacturing, supply chain, all of that is connected.

And it's everybody's information out on the internet, or passing through the internet,

that becomes vulnerable.

Yeah, security today is really, in my opinion, we sacrifice security for convenience and

a very exciting user experience.

So what I mean by that is, when we install applications, most people don't really look

at the questions that are asked before the installation.

So it's can I have access to your contact list, can I have access to your microphone,

can I have access to your email, things of that nature.

So we accept those things in order to have that user experience, so when we're walking

in New York City and we're walking by a specific restaurant, we'll get an email for a specific

advertisement that says there's a special going on at a certain venue.

You know, those are things that are becoming more intrusive in our lives, and those are

things that we accept.

And what's happening is the bad actors are exploiting those types of applications and

exploiting that information, and they're getting geolocation and they're getting our privacy

information, and they're learning more about who we are in order to provide methods of

attacks so that we click on certain things and install, surreptitiously, software that

then controls or steals information from us.

The younger generations, there's, you know, vanity.

The way we look at vanity today is you'll get a simple text message saying that you've

won an iPad or you've won an iPhone, click this link to redeem your prize.

And most people will click on that.

Our research shows that 62% of people will click on bad links or malicious links or links

from people that they don't know who they're from.

And it's the curiosity.

It's I've really won something, someone really cares.

And you know, if it's written well, you know, people will fall for that.

And they think it's harmless because I'm clicking on a link, what does that really mean, how

does that really hurt me.

If I didn't really win, who cares.

But what's really happening on the back end of that is there's people that are looking

to install something.

They want you to visit that site so that they can slip something into your phone, and then

ultimately into your email, and then kind of intrude on your private life.

You know, steal passwords, things of that nature.

And that's on a very individual scale.

And you know, if they can mass produce that to hundreds and thousands of people, 62%,

the rate of return is pretty good.

The cybersecurity threat landscape is education and training and awareness.

And that's something that we provide as part of our firm, is that cybersecurity education

and training.

It's very important because it starts with the human.

If you don't educate your user base or individuals on spotting a piece of malware or spotting

a piece of fake email from someone that doesn't quite look like it's from the person that's

really sending it, trash it.

They're just electrons.

If it's really something important, they'll send it again.

One of the big mistakes that companies make is there is a disconnect between executive

management, so board level, and the IT and security department who are trying to-- they're

there on the front lines.

And there's budgetary constraints, there's the translation of what really that the organization

needs, there's risk is not translated or assessed properly.

And it's really an educational gap.

And you know, organizations typically do what they can do.

A lot of times, they're left with what they can fight with, and what they can defend with.

It's not always what they want, it's what they get.

And to truly assess that risk is very important.

And that has to be translated all the way up to the board level.

And we're not seeing that.

We're just starting to see that, where boards of directors, CEOs, CFOs are starting to have

to know what those risks are in cybersecurity.

Many years ago, they didn't want to know.

Now, it's a duty that they have that they need to know what's going on.

The next level in state-sponsored type attacks is very sophisticated.

You have many countries participating in the cyber war.

The Eastern Bloc, China, Russia, Pakistan, even the United States participates in the

cyber warfare that's going on.

And different levels of skill are present in different organizations and different countries,

but their common goal is to gather as much information as they can on the adversary or

on a specific country.

And their attacks are very motivated, they're very focused, and they're very sophisticated,

and they're very hard to thwart.

The possibility of cyber attacks on our critical infrastructure are very real.

The threat is very real.

We have, certainly in the United States and in other countries, critical infrastructure

is aging.

And it's become a problem where cyber attackers or bad actors or even state-sponsored attackers

are interrogating those systems, and are able to either shut them down or able to get in

and take control of specific systems.

Those systems, some of them run on proprietary systems and some of them run on very common

operating systems.

So it's really a combination of both.

And they're connected to the network.

They're connected to the internet.

So there's exposure either way.

If you had a persistent state-sponsored hacker or organization, state-sponsored organization,

that was interested in doing that, in shutting down a country, the first thing you would

attack would be the critical infrastructure components-- power, water, financial.

Those are main critical systems of-- transportation.

All of those are connected, and those are the critical components of critical infrastructure

that they would attack.

There are so many cyber attacks today that they come and go.

So the particular attack on the Bank of Bangladesh, which involved the SWIFT network, which is

an intermediary third party that helps with the banks in transferring international money,

was exposed.

So there was a specific cyber attack against the SWIFT network, in which bad actors were

able to siphon-- I believe was $81 million out of the bank.

And through our research that we did, we predicted that this wasn't the end.

And sure enough, two weeks later, you have half a dozen banks, 10 banks that were affected

by the same network, because the SWIFT network is connected to all the banks.

And as a result, the SWIFT network was the network that was compromised, that was then

getting into the other banks.

So look, it's Bank of Bangladesh today, it's, you know, large health care system tomorrow.

It's really just running very rampant.

And every day is something new.

Different variants of malware, different variants of viruses and trojans and different types

of attack vectors are becoming prevalent.

And the bad actors, they know what they're looking for.

And it's specific information that they can sell, they can use to exploit, and in many

cases they use to exploit and publish that information.

The phenomenon with something like Wikileaks, you know, I believe that fuels the cyber attacks

because what they're doing is, you know, they're exposing information regarding sources and

methods that have been used in the past by organizations or governments of all kinds.

And you know, it becomes a recipe book, or a playbook for the bad actors to then exploit

those types of vulnerabilities, or attack those specific sources and methods that were

being used.

And in many cases, it can dismantle operations that have been happening in specific governments

and organizations.

So it's more of an exposure of those types of things that are then used by the bad actors,

whether they're out for financial gain or they're out for just, you know, defacement

or, as we call it, hacktivism, which is more of an ideology.

So it really perpetuates and fuels that specific opposition.

The most common threat we see today is probably it comes in a couple different forms.

One of them is what's called phishing, which is when it's more or less a social engineering

or an email type campaign, where mass amounts of email are sent to organizations masquerading

as specific people or as a specific outreach for something that users will click on a specific

link, a specific attachment, and then that launches a campaign or a malware type attack

on the inside of an organization that then allows the bad actors to phone home and then

to create back doors into an organization.

So you know, there's so many different things to protect in an organization.

It's not about the perimeter anymore.

It used to be just let's get a firewall, we're OK, everything's good.

We're going to lock the front door.

It's not the case anymore, because there's so many different angles that we have to protect.

And we have to be right 100% of the time.

The bad actors, you know, can get lucky.

So that's one of the main areas that we see today, phishing.

It's definitely on the rise.

It comes through email.

It's hard to detect.

And that's one major way.

You know, social engineering, which is more of a non-technical method that's being used

today, we as humans want to help.

We want to be helpful to people.

And you know, the hackers are looking at creative ways to have people divulge specific pieces

of information.

And they're connecting the dots.

And as they do that, they get little pieces of information.

They make something appear legitimate.

And it's really a 24/7 campaign for them.

You know, I was an avid, die-hard PC user, and then went cold turkey many years ago and

switched to a Mac.

That used to be the case.

You know, Mac was perceived as being more secure because the market share was only 10,


And Microsoft, you know, owned the market.

So like anything, you're going to go for the big picture.

You're going to go for the touchdown.

And the best place to get the most bang for your buck was to exploit, you know, Microsoft


You know, 90% of organizations run on a Microsoft platform.

That's changed.

You know, they're running more on Linux operating systems and open source systems, Macs, you

know, those types of things.

So the paradigm is shifting where we're starting to see specific exploits and vulnerabilities

in, you know, the Apple iOS and Mac and those types of devices from that manufacturer.

So the tides are shifting, although you know Microsoft still has the majority of the market

share, so it's still a very, very large target because they can attack the masses.

As far as Macs being safer, I think that they are probably less picked on.

So there are probably less attack vectors toward a Mac.

But again, as the paradigm shifts, you know, it's not about the Macintosh anymore, or Apple

anymore, or the iOS.

It's let's attack through the email system, right?

It gets a link or a PDF attachment in which they're attacking-- now they're not attacking

Apple anymore, they're attacking another vendor, like Adobe, or going to a third-party website

to download something in your Chrome browser or your Firefox browser.

So many, many different subterfuges, many, many different layers of access here.

And you're talking about it's a smaller population of hackers, but again, they know the types

of systems that people are using, and they use that to their advantage.

I think, back to your initial question about cybersecurity, again, I think awareness is

very important.

I think it's important to convey that the threat is real, and that there are bad actors

out there looking to destroy, disrupt, or exploit data.

I think reputational risk is going to become something very, very serious, as it is currently

today, but it's going to get more serious as it relates to an organization's reputation,

as an individual reputation.

The ability to conduct yourself on the internet in an anonymous fashion I think is a very

serious issue today.

The ability to put something out on the internet that's not true, whether it be about an organization,

about an individual, I think is only going to become more prevalent.

And it's a real problem.

It's going to become an epidemic.

And the internet is full of good things and it's full of garbage.

We need to be more prudent about what we're looking at, and what's real and what's not,

because it's very hard to tell today.

Cyberbullying is a real problem today, as well.

And we see that.

And as part of our organization, we've taken up, you know, that as a very important cause,

is cyberbullying and, you know, cyber crimes against children.

We take that very seriously.

It's going to become a big problem.

People need to be more vigilant about what they're looking at, what they click on.

You know, they say think before you click.

I think that's very important.

When you're surfing the internet, you know, not everything you read on the internet is


And that's something that people need to take into consideration when they're looking up

things, looking at different things.

There's a lot of deception, there's a lot of untruth on the internet.

And part of it is unethical, unprofessional, and there needs to be some change in that


Technology is changing so fast that it's very difficult for some people to keep up.

And as things change, people aren't changing with it.

And that causes problems.

That causes, you know, errors, that causes exploitation.

You know, just people can't keep up with the technology.

For more infomation >> An Exploration Of Cyber Risks ( w/ Jeremy Samide) | Interview | Real Vision™ - Duration: 20:41.


iKON (아이콘) - I'M OK - Dance Cover by Frost - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> iKON (아이콘) - I'M OK - Dance Cover by Frost - Duration: 4:19.


The Best Free Quick Instagram Intro - Awesome Free Intro Templates - Duration: 1:08.

The Best Free Quick Instagram Intro - Awesome Free Intro Templates

For more infomation >> The Best Free Quick Instagram Intro - Awesome Free Intro Templates - Duration: 1:08.


Canelo Alvarez to face Daniel Jacobs on May 4 - Duration: 2:49.

Canelo Alvarez will face Daniel Jacobs on May 4, with the WBA, IBF, and WBC middleweight titles on the line, with Alvarez and DAZN, which will stream the fight in the United States, both making the announcement today on social media

Mark Your Damn Calendar #CaneloJacobs​— DAZN USA (@DAZN_USA) January 17, 2019 Alvarez (51-1-2, 35 KO) holds the WBA "super world" and WBC middleweight titles, while Jacobs (35-2, 29 KO) holds the IBF belt

This is the fight that many asked to see on May 4, so I'm expecting fans will be largely happy with this announcement

Alvarez, 28, fought twice in 2018, scoring a debated win over Gennady Golovkin on Sept

15, and then moving up to super middleweight for an easy wipeout of overmatched Rocky Fielding on Dec

15. Jacobs, 31, also went 2-0 last year, beating Maciej Sulecki on April 28 and Sergey Derevyanchenko on Oct

27. This is a fight that was publicly turned down by Alvarez's promoter Oscar De La Hoya in December, as he said Jacobs would not be Alvarez's May opponent, and that they had "a plan

" But many suspected that plan was David Lemieux, who had to cancel his fight on the Canelo-Fielding undercard due to dehydration trying to make 160 pounds

After that, and with past issues making weight, it would be downright reckless of Golden Boy to try to schedule Lemieux in a major middleweight main event

So Jacobs clearly became the most attractive option, and perhaps the only serious option for a May 4 bout, at least if Alvarez was coming back to 160, which was always the plan

There's also a trilogy bout with Golovkin, but GGG and his team haven't officially made their minds up yet about a broadcast partner

Canelo-GGG III may still come in the future, of course, but it's not happening in May

This is the sort of matchup fans have been wanting to see more of, as Jacobs is a legitimate threat to Alvarez, who is the sport's biggest active star

On paper, this thing could conceivably go either way. So let's hear it: who ya got in this one?

For more infomation >> Canelo Alvarez to face Daniel Jacobs on May 4 - Duration: 2:49.


NBA fines Taj Gibson $25K for flipping off official in Friday's game - Duration: 1:39.

 Taj Gibson couldn't contain his emotions Friday.  The Timberwolves forward was fined for making an obscene gesture aimed at a referee in Minnesota's 106-102 loss to the Jazz

NBA has fined Minnesota's Taj Gibson $25K for obscene gesture toward ref in recent loss to Jazz

— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) January 26, 2019 Read This http://images.performgroup


jpg?t=-2010224008&w=178 NBA wrap: James Harden continues scoring tear; Rockets top Raptors in Houston Ameer Tyree http://images

jpg?t=1419333160&w=178 Stephen Curry to compete in NBA All-Star 3-point shootout, report says Bill Marx  Gibson was ejected in the loss after disagreeing with the call

He flipped off the referee on his way out. He finished with eight points, four rebounds and one assist on the night

 The Timberwolves dropped to 24-25 in the loss and will get a rematch with Utah on Sunday at 7 p

m. ET.

For more infomation >> NBA fines Taj Gibson $25K for flipping off official in Friday's game - Duration: 1:39.


Chelsea vs Sheffield Wednesday: Where to Watch, Live Stream, Kick Off Time & Team Injury News - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Chelsea vs Sheffield Wednesday: Where to Watch, Live Stream, Kick Off Time & Team Injury News - Duration: 5:05.


Marvel Superhero Toys for Kids Learn Color with Wrong Heads #TinyToyHero - Duration: 2:05.


Oh no!

Marvel Superhero Toys for Kids Learn Color with Wrong Heads #TinyToyHero


oh no!

oh no!

oh no!


Captain America



oh no!

oh no!\


Iron Man



And away we go!


oh no!



Oh boy!


Yee haw!









*smashing sound

*children cheering

For more infomation >> Marvel Superhero Toys for Kids Learn Color with Wrong Heads #TinyToyHero - Duration: 2:05.


Leeds and Liverpool lead the way in weird quirk achieved today - Duration: 2:50.

 Luton Town have gone top of League One today after beating Southend, taking advantage of Portsmouth being in FA Cup action

 And it means the top five tiers of English football all have a leader beginning with 'L'

 Liverpool sit top of the Premier League as they look to win England's top-tier for the first time since 1990

 The Reds currently sit four points clear of Manchester City with the Premier League title race set to go down to the wire

 In the Championship, Leeds are leading the race with their 2-1 win over Rotherham extending the gap at the top to three points

 Lincoln City lead League Two and stay top of the pile despite a 3-3 draw with promotion-chasing Bury

 And in the National League it's Justin Edinburgh's Leyton Orient sitting pretty at the top

 While Liverpool currently top the Premier League, Tim Sherwood doesn't think they will keep hold of their lead

 He believes they are at a disadvantage compared to City, who finished top of the pile last term

 And Sherwood says it will once again be City who come out on top in May. "Yeah I think it does [put Liverpool at a disadvantage]," Sherwood said

 "You know the experience of the team that's coming up behind you. "But you're going to have to win sooner or later and I believe they're winners in that Liverpool squad

 "They've shown that, they've come very close to winning stuff over the last few years, especially the Champions League final last year

 "Them head-to-head games are huge, in those big games I think Liverpool can really turn it on

 "It's going to be key, between now and the end of the season, the games against those top-four sides

 "I said Manchester City at the beginning of the season and I'm not changing my mind

 "I just think they will catch Liverpool."

For more infomation >> Leeds and Liverpool lead the way in weird quirk achieved today - Duration: 2:50.


New photos show holes in sunken yacht of Brit sailor who killed honeymoon bride - Duration: 4:54.

 New photos show open escape hatches and holes in the hull of the yacht of a Brit sailor who killed his bride on honeymoon

 Prosecutors previously alleged Lewis Bennett intentionally inflicted the damage to sink the vessel in the Bahamas in 2017

 The 41-year-old has already pleaded guilty to killing Isabella Hellman on their honeymoon in the Caribbean

 He reached a deal last November in which he said his wife's death was an accident caused by negligence - and he didn't witness what happened

 However, a court in Florida was shown new evidence today by prosecutors seeking a maximum term in a sentencing hearing next week

 Kurt Lunkenheimer urged a judge to go above sentencing guidelines, reports CBS 12

Lewis Bennett pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter (Image: Broward Sheriff's Office) Prosecutors have released the pictures ahead of a sentencing hearing next week (Image: US COAST GUARD) Escape hatch on the yacht was found wide open (Image: US COAST GUARD) Read More Family of mum killed by Brit sailor husband ask judge to reject manslaughter plea    The court was also shown pictures of the life raft where Bennett was found with his luggage and provisions

 In the papers filed to court, Lunkenheimer argued 'the fact that the defendant would pack all of these items into a life raft, but not actively and diligently look for his wife" was among reasons requiring an eight-year sentence

 As part of his plea, Bennett agreed to ask for no less than seven years in jail

The couple had recently got married and had a young daughter (Image: Facebook) Holes can be seen in the bottom of the vessel (Image: USCGSoutheast)  Until his deal he had long maintained he had no knowledge of how his bride disappeared from their 37-ft catamaran as they sailed from Cuba to Florida

 However, last week week Isabella's family wrote to the judge asking him to reconsider the plea deal and instead class her death as murder

 According to the letter, they want Bennett to go through a trial and be acquitted than to allow him to plead involuntary manslaughter

Bennett pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter (Image: US COAST GUARD) Bennett with Isabella (Image: Facebook) Read More British sailor Lewis Bennett admits killing wife at sea on Caribbean honeymoon    "That Lewis Bennett is being allowed to plead to involuntary manslaughter is outrageous to us," the letter read

 "While our lawyer has explained to us that these facts are circumstantial and may not result in a conviction of murder, we strongly believe that a plea to involuntary manslaughter is not only insufficient but actually less consistent with the facts than an acquittal or a murder conviction would be

"  Hellman's family also say they have struggled with being unable to see Emelia, Hellman and Bennett's daughter

She currently lives with Bennett's family in the UK. Isabella Hellmann vanished in May last year, but her body was never found Read More British sailor 'to admit to killing his new wife who vanished on honeymoon'    According to the criminal affidavit, US prosecutors believed Bennett intentionally sank their boat

 He was able to save himself and £75,000 worth of silver and gold coins.  They had come from a vessel he was a crew member of in St Maarten in 2016

Cops later found 162 more coins at the Florida home he shared with his American wife

 The US coast guard called off its search for Hellmann after four days of being alerted to her disappearance

 Bennett claimed his wife was at the helm as he slept, but he was jolted awake to find the boat badly damaged and no sign of her

Coastguard pictures show the wreckage of the catamaran (Image: USCGSoutheast)  Bennett, a Bangor University graduate, told the US Coast Guard that Hellmann was on deck and wearing a life jacket as he went to bed at 8pm on May 14, just a few hours after they had left Havana

 He placed a distress call five hours later and was alone when a helicopter crew pulled him from the sea, about 70 miles south of Florida, in the early hours of May 15

 Hellmann's body has never been found. Bennett's sentencing will take place on January 29 in Miami

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For more infomation >> New photos show holes in sunken yacht of Brit sailor who killed honeymoon bride - Duration: 4:54.


Собчак устроила скандал в гримерке НТВ, сообщили СМИ - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Собчак устроила скандал в гримерке НТВ, сообщили СМИ - Duration: 1:20.


News24 - Video of Jesse Lingard outside the Emirates has made Man Utd fans love him even more - Duration: 3:40.

 Manchester United's remarkable revival under caretaker manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer continued on Friday night against Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium

 The Red Devils went into the FA Cup fourth-round tie as narrow underdogs, despite winning all of their seven previous fixtures, but made it eight victories on the spin thanks to another impressive team performance

 Former Arsenal forward Alexis Sanchez opened the scoring on the half-hour mark before Jesse Lingard netted United's second goal of the night minutes later

 Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang pulled one back for the Gunners shortly before half-time but Anthony Martial's finish in the closing stages of the match ensured United will be in the hat for the fifth-round draw

 United's players have rediscovered their swagger since Solskjaer replaced Jose Mourinho last month

 They're all playing with smiles on their faces, and some of the goal celebrations against Arsenal suggest they're currently having the time of their lives

 Lingard celebrated his goal with a Michael Jackson-style moonwalk, which was perfectly captured by one supporter in the stands

 The England international then further antagonised Arsenal supporters by posting a photo of his celebration on Instagram, tagging the Emirates as 'Dancefloor'

 Lingard, who was involved in a spat with some of the Arsenal fans during the second half, was then filmed outside the Emirates later in the evening

 Just as he was about to board the team coach, Lingard can be seen the clip performing the moonwalk in the Emirates car-park to Jackson's 1980s classic 'Billie Jean'

 Watch it here.  Needless to say, Man Utd fans couldn't stop laughing at Lingard's pure 'disrespect' for the Gunners

 However, Lingard has ensured that he'll receive a hostile reception from the Arsenal fans the next time he steps foot inside their home stadium

 Solskjaer, though, was only concerned with Lingard's performance and hailed the 26-year-old as a 'big-game player' after the match

 "Jesse's a big game-player," the Norwegian coach was quoted as saying by the Manchester Evening News in his post-match press conference

"He's shown that for England, for us. He always pops up with goals, was it last year counter-attack goal against Arsenal?  "So Jesse is someone we never, never hesitate to put in a Man United team and he's been brought through this system, he knows what this means, he knows the club, he knows this history, he knows all the counter-attacking goals we've scored against Arsenal

 "He knows everything about the club and he's someone we'll look after."

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