Sunday, January 27, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 28 2019

Hello aces!

This time I am interviewing the brand director of the Ace Combat series!

I'm making this interview with the producer of the Ace Combat series.

This interview will be done in Japanese so be sure to enable the subtitles!

So let's get started...

Ace Combat 7 was released just a few days ago,

how do you feel now based on the reactions you've seen from the players?

What is the current atmosphere of the Project Aces team in these last few days?

So umm, I finally felt relieved, since I've been nervous for so long.

I've been nervous for so long, but it was released in Japan yesterday, and was released today in the US, and I finally felt a little at ease.

Project Aces itself is looking at reactions from around the world, and is currently in the middle of considering "what kind of adjustments should we make?"

And the next question is: How do you compare the finished version of Ace Combat 7 with the early concept of the game?

What were the main challenges and most enjoyable parts of developing the game?

Well... The initial build of Ace Combat 7 did not work out so well, so we discarded all of it.

The fact that we discarded it and rebuilt the game was the most difficult part.

But overcoming that difficult period made the joy of finally completing it all the more greater.

You must be so relieved now then.

Yes, definitely. And since people from all over the world are very happy about the game, I was really able to relax.

And now let's go for some more personal questions about yourself...

When and why did you decide to get into the gaming industry?

How did you get yourself involved with Ace Combat series?

The reason I decided to get into the game industry was that, I was studying design in college, and I decided to enter the industry as a designer.

I already liked pictures, but as I was working on pictures and art, my interest in scenarios,

games, and a lot of other things grew, and in the end, I wanted to become a director or a producer.

And the next question is:

Kono-san began work on the Ace Combat series as an Art Director, and now Kono-san is the overall Brand Director for the entire series.

How has your previous position influenced your current work on AC7 and potentially beyond?

Well, I was working as the art director, the art director of Ace Combat 04, Shattered Skies, and ultimately I think the art direction of Ace Combat was solidified there.

So through 04, 5, Zero, 6, and Ace Combat 7, I think the [art] design was maintained relatively well.

So, thinking about how people around the world enjoyed the Ace Combat I helped create as art director in 04,

and how people still are enjoying it, makes me happy and is something I'm proud of.

Next question is...

Tells us more about your passion for aviation, where did it come from?

Have you ever thought about joining the Self-Defense Forces?

Well, the thought of wanting to become a pilot never crossed my mind; it is really difficult to become one.

It's just that...I really liked mechas and mechanical things, and I first got involved in Ace Combat with very little knowledge [of aviation].

But as I learned the workings of, for example, the Raptor or the Flanker's thrust vectoring nozzles, I became engrossed and captivated.

Now, I can easily tell the model number of the aircraft from looking at its silhouette, and am well-informed about a lot of things.

Next is...

Actually recently,

I tried VR, and I had a slight desire to become a pilot.

The same thing happened to me! The exact same feeling!

Ace Combat is known for its collection of original aircraft, what is your favourite one and why?

Let's see...

my favorite has to be the Wyvern, the X-02.

The classic Wyvern or the new Wyvern in Ace Combat 7?

The Wyvern that was in 04.

04 was the first time I went all-out as an art director, and inputted my own thoughts into the Wyvern design itself,

and ideas like making it have digital camouflage was my idea, and I have fond memories of it.

What is the process Project Aces uses when designing a new original aircraft?

New aircraft… oh, original aircraft.

Yes, so basically we start with a cool-looking design.

Of course we have no intention of making an unattractive aircraft, so we begin with the design and then add minute details,

or make the layout so that it could actually fly, and put things together like that. But the first step is making it look good.

How has been your overall experience with the Ace Combat community?

What is the most remarkable thing that has happened?

The Ace Combat community, yes, so these days… hmm... the past, we would communicate our message in a one-sided fashion through media, but now, I think the community's message is more important than our message.

In the end, no matter how much we explain, it will be no match for the words and voices of the community's real fans.

So from now on, 7 just released, but when thinking about how to continue the Ace Combat series, the fan's community is absolute,

and I want the community and us the developers to come together and think about how to keep making Ace Combat new. The community is an important presence.

Regarding plans for future DLCs, we know some story missions will be added

but how will they relate to the main story of the game? Will we be playing as Trigger or another character?

Also, there will be more VR missions, correct?

The VR missions are hard to make, so we are not considering those for the current DLC.

Right now, we are making the DLC for the season pass, I'll tell this only to the community, but Trigger will be the protagonist.

Trigger and the "most evil" character in Ace Combat history will be featured in a proper story in the 3 missions that will be added.

Video game preservation is a current hot topic for digital games being removed.

Some Ace Combat games have been removed digitally. Will Ace Combat 7 be removed a few years after release as well?

We haven't really thought about the distribution of games being stopped,

but I think the age of archiving them to the cloud will be probably coming in the next few years,

and I think what the fans and people who love games consider as problems and inconveniences will be solved by everyone.

Ace Combat 7 had some very cool collector's editions, including the Aces at War book which was translated to several languages and the diecast model of the Arsenal Bird

and as fans we really appreciate having these collector's items that help out supporting the franchise.

Has there been any thought of selling Ace Combat merchandise like books and superweapon models after the release of the game?

Honestly, Aces at War, the one included in the Collector's Edition, making that was really difficult, and was even localized into English and Korean.

According to the staff that made it, they said that they don't want to make one again, it was that laborious.

It hasn't been decided yet, but I would like to increase the number of Ace Combat-related things while thinking about what things would make the fans happy.

But since 7 just released, and we still have the season pass to work on, as well as World News updates that everyone is waiting for, I think we still have a lot of work to do.

Ace Combat Infinity's multiplayer mode was a remarkable step for the Ace Combat series

as there are was a great sense of belongingness when playing together with friends on co-op missions.

Are there are any plans to bring co-op missions back to Ace Combat 7?

Are there other types of matches that you want to introduce in the Multiplayer mode such as naval assault, ring battles or races?

In its current state, we haven't thought about adding things other than the current battle royal and team deathmatch modes.

The system of the co-op missions is very complex, and the online system of Ace Combat Infinity and Ace Combat 7 is a little different.

So putting in co-op missions on top of Ace Combat 7's online and expanding it is honestly extremely difficult.

The way aircraft are "mounted" is different, and Infinity's and 7's online has a different structure. But I know a lot about how people in the community formed teams and clans through co-op missions,

so if we were to do it, I think we would create a new online-type game using Ace Combat 7's data, or something separate like that,

otherwise it would be probably be difficult.

Also about Ace Combat Infinity, the story of the game was quite memorable because of the references to previous games and the suspense after each mission.

Since progress on Infinity's story was stopped in order to develop Ace Combat 7, are there plans to complete the story mode of Infinity?

Could we potentially see it as a DLC to Ace Combat 7 or see it as a standalone game?

Umm… Infinity's campaign is actually more or less finished in that state, but fans aren't done with it, they want to know more.

However, there definitely was a time when Itomi, Itomi from Project Aces and I thought about the aftermath of Infinity, but apparently Itomi and I had a huge fight over this, though I don't remember this at all.

And apparently this story a little after Infinity exists, although I don't know where the data for this went.

So, I don't know whether it will be announced as a game or a story, but the continuation supposedly exists.

Since 7 is set in Strangereal, I don't think bringing in Infinity's world into it can be done.

Because of the different worlds...

Infinity is set in reality, on Earth.

What about a book with story of Infinity?

I will think of something.

Thank you.

Traditionally Ace Combat games allow the player to select one special weapon,

but has there been any discussion on carrying multiple special weapons?

Umm…we do have talks during staff meetings, but we want to maintain the simplicity of "which special weapon should I take?"

We want you to resupply and change weapons, and having multiple special weapons increases the number of button assignments.

Even now, it is a game in which you use all of the buttons, and it'll only add more complexity in using the buttons, so we want it to be it as simple as possible for the player.

However in the future, if an idea pops up, it might be possible for the player to switch to a different special weapon.

And that's also for the new players, right?

As long as the idea can make it simple even for new players.

I know Kono-san gets asked for remasters of previous Ace Combat games very often which is of course a very hard task to accomplish.

But assuming Ace Combat 7 does very well and you have the chance to do a remaster, which game would you choose and why?

Hmm…if we were to do one, I think it would be Ace Combat 04.

The reasoning is simple: the fans say they want it.

I didn't call them like this, but Ace Combat 04, 5, and Zero are called the "trilogy." So I think delivering the trilogy somehow to all the fans is something desired from me.

Of course the focus of the Project Aces team now is to continue work on Ace Combat 7,

but has there been any theme or historical period that Kono-san or the team have wanted to cover in a future Ace Combat game, either a numbered title or a spin-off?

So everyone is focused on making the season pass right now,

but Producer Shimomoto, [VR] Producer Tamaoki and myself are

in the middle of asking "what should we do about Ace Combat's future?" and thinking about the strategy for the next 3-4 years.

So we have many ideas, we can't announce anything yet.

My last question would be asking about Ace Combat's future but I guess you already answered that.

It's the same thing I have always been saying, but Ace Combat is for all the fans,

and will continue as long as the fans wish for it.

So it won't continue because I worked hard for it, or Project Aces worked hard for it, but I think the Ace Combat series will continue into the future as long as fans wish for it and support it.

That's it. Kono-san, thank you so much. The fans really appreciate all the hard work and soul that you and the team have put in the Ace Combat series.

Me as well. I'm always thankful to the fans and I'm thankful to the community as well.

Your work has inspired a new generation to take to the skies as either pilots,

aerospace engineers, aviation enthusiasts and most importantly:

you have made us realize a dream that most of us can't achieve in real life which is to soar through the skies at supersonic speeds and fight for a worthy cause.

This isn't much to show how grateful we all are but I brought in a little gift to the team.

We all know how Kono-san likes the Sukhoi jets... You can open it.

What is it? Oh this is cool! Thank you so much, I love Sukhois. I like this part of Sukhois. Yes, thank you.

That is all. Kono-san, any last words?

Yes, so 7 has been actually released and I feel relieved, and on top of continuing Ace Combat,

I decided within myself to continue engaging with everyone in the community, so by all means,

let's work together and do our best for Ace Combat and its future. Thank you very much.

It was my pleasure, thank you.

That is all folks. Special thanks to Kono and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Interview with Ace Combat brand director: Kazutoki Kono - Duration: 23:05.


Jacline Mouraud lance son propre parti à Orléans - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Jacline Mouraud lance son propre parti à Orléans - Duration: 5:30.


Wedding Showcase: Studio E Photography - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Wedding Showcase: Studio E Photography - Duration: 2:23.


✅ Filho caçula de Zezé e Zilu, recebe homenagem no dia de seu aniversário das irmãs e namorada - Áre - Duration: 3:11.

 Neste dia 27 de janeiro, o filho caçula de Zezé e Zilu, Igor está completando mais um ano de vida e pelas redes sociais recebeu muitos parabéns de seus familiares

Amabylle Eiroa, namorada de Igor, publicou em seu instagram um click super romântico ao lado do amado e na legenda se declarou e o parabenizou

 "A vida é repleta de surpresas e a maior delas foi um dia ter te conhecido!! Então, no dia do seu aniversário, sou grata por sua vida e por sua presença em meu caminho!! E que Deus nos proteja para que possamos juntos continuar a andar de mãos dadas em busca dos nossos sonhos sempre unidos, buscando a paz e o real sentido da vida!! Parabéns Baby @igor_ci !! Amo vc!!", escreveu

 Confira o registro:    A irmã Camilla Camargo, que está grávida de seu primeiro filho, também parabenizou o irmão com um click de seu casamento e com uma emocionante mensagem

 "Lembro como se fosse hoje o dia que vc nasceu… eu fiquei tão feliz, tão apaixonada por você

Aí você foi crescendo e aquela criança que não saiba de baixo [email protected] pernas, que me chamava de dadila, e que queria dormir comigo sempre , se tornou esse homem lindo, inteligente, humano, e faz meu coração transbordar de amor

Hoje vc não precisa mais do meu colo, e nem precisa pedir pra dormir comigo, mas saiba que eu vou sempre precisar da sua presença e agora eu que preciso do seu colo

Te amo", escreveu ela.  Confira o registro:    Wanessa Camargo, relembrou um click de quando eram pequenos e publicou em seu instagram

 "Esse menino cresceu tanto, olho pra essa foto e me traz tantas lembranças

Meu irmão querido, você em minha vida foi como ter um primeiro filho

E a cada ano te vi crescer… e de repente, você é o homem que é hoje. Com tanto caráter, é incrível ver essa pessoa linda que você está se tornando a cada dia que passa

Como desejo que tudo de melhor aconteça em sua vida, justamente por ter um coração tão real e tão puro, que não mudou nada desde quando era criança

Te amo mais do que você consegue imaginar. Feliz aniversário da sua irmã que te admira e te quer sempre por perto", homenageou ela

 Confira a publicação:   Zilu Camargo se declara para o filho em post emocionante; veja clicks  Neste domingo (27), Zilu Camargo usou seu Instagram, para prestar uma homenagem ao filho caçula, Igor por seu aniversário

 A empresária publicou várias fotos e um texto se declarando para o filhão

Confira! Zezé Di Camargo parabeniza o filho Igor: "Meu filhão"  Zezé Di Camargo usou seu instagram neste domingo, 27, para parabenizar seu filho caçula Igor, que está completando mais um ano de vida

 O sertanejo compartilhou uma foto em que aparece de mãos dadas com o filho e na legenda, fez uma belíssima declaração

Confira! Confira também:

For more infomation >> ✅ Filho caçula de Zezé e Zilu, recebe homenagem no dia de seu aniversário das irmãs e namorada - Áre - Duration: 3:11.


This is Not the End - Duration: 1:49.

When overcast skies turn to raining turn to snowing, keep going.

When you're praying and you're hoping, keep going.

When you've disappointed yourself, keep going.

When there's money you're owing, keep going.

When no one else believes you, keep knowing.

When you can't see the shoreline, keep rowing.

When dying embers fade, keep glowing.

When the fruits of your labor spoil, keep growing.

When life bursts at the seams, keep sewing.

When all you feel is self-loathing, keep going.

Even if your pace is slowing, keep going.

When the current gets rough, keep going.

When the going gets tough, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going.

Keep going.

Keep going.

Hey, I'm Ahsante and this year, for me is off to a not so smooth start.

So I'm just making this little motivator for myself and for you that - it's ok if

your new year starts after January 1st.

It's ok if you need a minute, or two minutes, or 3 minutes.

But then, keep going.

And in an effort to keep things moving, I've actually been doing Daily Dance Outs on Instagram,

just to keep my spirits up and stay motivated and it's basically been the main thing keeping

me from feeling depressed right now.

So, if you do want to see more of me you should follow me on Instagram, and if you're feeling

down or you're feeling in a rut I would encourage you know, just to do a little dance, make

a little love, get down tonight, owwww, get down tonight.

Actually just the doing the little dance part, is fine.

And even though I'm not where I thought I would be, life is what happens while you're

busy making other plans, I'm going to keep going.

I hope you'll go with me.

This is a work in progress.

More to come soon.

Remember to live spiritedly, and think creatively, and I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> This is Not the End - Duration: 1:49.


Interview with Ace Combat brand director: Kazutoki Kono - Duration: 23:05.

Hello aces!

This time I am interviewing the brand director of the Ace Combat series!

I'm making this interview with the producer of the Ace Combat series.

This interview will be done in Japanese so be sure to enable the subtitles!

So let's get started...

Ace Combat 7 was released just a few days ago,

how do you feel now based on the reactions you've seen from the players?

What is the current atmosphere of the Project Aces team in these last few days?

So umm, I finally felt relieved, since I've been nervous for so long.

I've been nervous for so long, but it was released in Japan yesterday, and was released today in the US, and I finally felt a little at ease.

Project Aces itself is looking at reactions from around the world, and is currently in the middle of considering "what kind of adjustments should we make?"

And the next question is: How do you compare the finished version of Ace Combat 7 with the early concept of the game?

What were the main challenges and most enjoyable parts of developing the game?

Well... The initial build of Ace Combat 7 did not work out so well, so we discarded all of it.

The fact that we discarded it and rebuilt the game was the most difficult part.

But overcoming that difficult period made the joy of finally completing it all the more greater.

You must be so relieved now then.

Yes, definitely. And since people from all over the world are very happy about the game, I was really able to relax.

And now let's go for some more personal questions about yourself...

When and why did you decide to get into the gaming industry?

How did you get yourself involved with Ace Combat series?

The reason I decided to get into the game industry was that, I was studying design in college, and I decided to enter the industry as a designer.

I already liked pictures, but as I was working on pictures and art, my interest in scenarios,

games, and a lot of other things grew, and in the end, I wanted to become a director or a producer.

And the next question is:

Kono-san began work on the Ace Combat series as an Art Director, and now Kono-san is the overall Brand Director for the entire series.

How has your previous position influenced your current work on AC7 and potentially beyond?

Well, I was working as the art director, the art director of Ace Combat 04, Shattered Skies, and ultimately I think the art direction of Ace Combat was solidified there.

So through 04, 5, Zero, 6, and Ace Combat 7, I think the [art] design was maintained relatively well.

So, thinking about how people around the world enjoyed the Ace Combat I helped create as art director in 04,

and how people still are enjoying it, makes me happy and is something I'm proud of.

Next question is...

Tells us more about your passion for aviation, where did it come from?

Have you ever thought about joining the Self-Defense Forces?

Well, the thought of wanting to become a pilot never crossed my mind; it is really difficult to become one.

It's just that...I really liked mechas and mechanical things, and I first got involved in Ace Combat with very little knowledge [of aviation].

But as I learned the workings of, for example, the Raptor or the Flanker's thrust vectoring nozzles, I became engrossed and captivated.

Now, I can easily tell the model number of the aircraft from looking at its silhouette, and am well-informed about a lot of things.

Next is...

Actually recently,

I tried VR, and I had a slight desire to become a pilot.

The same thing happened to me! The exact same feeling!

Ace Combat is known for its collection of original aircraft, what is your favourite one and why?

Let's see...

my favorite has to be the Wyvern, the X-02.

The classic Wyvern or the new Wyvern in Ace Combat 7?

The Wyvern that was in 04.

04 was the first time I went all-out as an art director, and inputted my own thoughts into the Wyvern design itself,

and ideas like making it have digital camouflage was my idea, and I have fond memories of it.

What is the process Project Aces uses when designing a new original aircraft?

New aircraft… oh, original aircraft.

Yes, so basically we start with a cool-looking design.

Of course we have no intention of making an unattractive aircraft, so we begin with the design and then add minute details,

or make the layout so that it could actually fly, and put things together like that. But the first step is making it look good.

How has been your overall experience with the Ace Combat community?

What is the most remarkable thing that has happened?

The Ace Combat community, yes, so these days… hmm... the past, we would communicate our message in a one-sided fashion through media, but now, I think the community's message is more important than our message.

In the end, no matter how much we explain, it will be no match for the words and voices of the community's real fans.

So from now on, 7 just released, but when thinking about how to continue the Ace Combat series, the fan's community is absolute,

and I want the community and us the developers to come together and think about how to keep making Ace Combat new. The community is an important presence.

Regarding plans for future DLCs, we know some story missions will be added

but how will they relate to the main story of the game? Will we be playing as Trigger or another character?

Also, there will be more VR missions, correct?

The VR missions are hard to make, so we are not considering those for the current DLC.

Right now, we are making the DLC for the season pass, I'll tell this only to the community, but Trigger will be the protagonist.

Trigger and the "most evil" character in Ace Combat history will be featured in a proper story in the 3 missions that will be added.

Video game preservation is a current hot topic for digital games being removed.

Some Ace Combat games have been removed digitally. Will Ace Combat 7 be removed a few years after release as well?

We haven't really thought about the distribution of games being stopped,

but I think the age of archiving them to the cloud will be probably coming in the next few years,

and I think what the fans and people who love games consider as problems and inconveniences will be solved by everyone.

Ace Combat 7 had some very cool collector's editions, including the Aces at War book which was translated to several languages and the diecast model of the Arsenal Bird

and as fans we really appreciate having these collector's items that help out supporting the franchise.

Has there been any thought of selling Ace Combat merchandise like books and superweapon models after the release of the game?

Honestly, Aces at War, the one included in the Collector's Edition, making that was really difficult, and was even localized into English and Korean.

According to the staff that made it, they said that they don't want to make one again, it was that laborious.

It hasn't been decided yet, but I would like to increase the number of Ace Combat-related things while thinking about what things would make the fans happy.

But since 7 just released, and we still have the season pass to work on, as well as World News updates that everyone is waiting for, I think we still have a lot of work to do.

Ace Combat Infinity's multiplayer mode was a remarkable step for the Ace Combat series

as there are was a great sense of belongingness when playing together with friends on co-op missions.

Are there are any plans to bring co-op missions back to Ace Combat 7?

Are there other types of matches that you want to introduce in the Multiplayer mode such as naval assault, ring battles or races?

In its current state, we haven't thought about adding things other than the current battle royal and team deathmatch modes.

The system of the co-op missions is very complex, and the online system of Ace Combat Infinity and Ace Combat 7 is a little different.

So putting in co-op missions on top of Ace Combat 7's online and expanding it is honestly extremely difficult.

The way aircraft are "mounted" is different, and Infinity's and 7's online has a different structure. But I know a lot about how people in the community formed teams and clans through co-op missions,

so if we were to do it, I think we would create a new online-type game using Ace Combat 7's data, or something separate like that,

otherwise it would be probably be difficult.

Also about Ace Combat Infinity, the story of the game was quite memorable because of the references to previous games and the suspense after each mission.

Since progress on Infinity's story was stopped in order to develop Ace Combat 7, are there plans to complete the story mode of Infinity?

Could we potentially see it as a DLC to Ace Combat 7 or see it as a standalone game?

Umm… Infinity's campaign is actually more or less finished in that state, but fans aren't done with it, they want to know more.

However, there definitely was a time when Itomi, Itomi from Project Aces and I thought about the aftermath of Infinity, but apparently Itomi and I had a huge fight over this, though I don't remember this at all.

And apparently this story a little after Infinity exists, although I don't know where the data for this went.

So, I don't know whether it will be announced as a game or a story, but the continuation supposedly exists.

Since 7 is set in Strangereal, I don't think bringing in Infinity's world into it can be done.

Because of the different worlds...

Infinity is set in reality, on Earth.

What about a book with story of Infinity?

I will think of something.

Thank you.

Traditionally Ace Combat games allow the player to select one special weapon,

but has there been any discussion on carrying multiple special weapons?

Umm…we do have talks during staff meetings, but we want to maintain the simplicity of "which special weapon should I take?"

We want you to resupply and change weapons, and having multiple special weapons increases the number of button assignments.

Even now, it is a game in which you use all of the buttons, and it'll only add more complexity in using the buttons, so we want it to be it as simple as possible for the player.

However in the future, if an idea pops up, it might be possible for the player to switch to a different special weapon.

And that's also for the new players, right?

As long as the idea can make it simple even for new players.

I know Kono-san gets asked for remasters of previous Ace Combat games very often which is of course a very hard task to accomplish.

But assuming Ace Combat 7 does very well and you have the chance to do a remaster, which game would you choose and why?

Hmm…if we were to do one, I think it would be Ace Combat 04.

The reasoning is simple: the fans say they want it.

I didn't call them like this, but Ace Combat 04, 5, and Zero are called the "trilogy." So I think delivering the trilogy somehow to all the fans is something desired from me.

Of course the focus of the Project Aces team now is to continue work on Ace Combat 7,

but has there been any theme or historical period that Kono-san or the team have wanted to cover in a future Ace Combat game, either a numbered title or a spin-off?

So everyone is focused on making the season pass right now,

but Producer Shimomoto, [VR] Producer Tamaoki and myself are

in the middle of asking "what should we do about Ace Combat's future?" and thinking about the strategy for the next 3-4 years.

So we have many ideas, we can't announce anything yet.

My last question would be asking about Ace Combat's future but I guess you already answered that.

It's the same thing I have always been saying, but Ace Combat is for all the fans,

and will continue as long as the fans wish for it.

So it won't continue because I worked hard for it, or Project Aces worked hard for it, but I think the Ace Combat series will continue into the future as long as fans wish for it and support it.

That's it. Kono-san, thank you so much. The fans really appreciate all the hard work and soul that you and the team have put in the Ace Combat series.

Me as well. I'm always thankful to the fans and I'm thankful to the community as well.

Your work has inspired a new generation to take to the skies as either pilots,

aerospace engineers, aviation enthusiasts and most importantly:

you have made us realize a dream that most of us can't achieve in real life which is to soar through the skies at supersonic speeds and fight for a worthy cause.

This isn't much to show how grateful we all are but I brought in a little gift to the team.

We all know how Kono-san likes the Sukhoi jets... You can open it.

What is it? Oh this is cool! Thank you so much, I love Sukhois. I like this part of Sukhois. Yes, thank you.

That is all. Kono-san, any last words?

Yes, so 7 has been actually released and I feel relieved, and on top of continuing Ace Combat,

I decided within myself to continue engaging with everyone in the community, so by all means,

let's work together and do our best for Ace Combat and its future. Thank you very much.

It was my pleasure, thank you.

That is all folks. Special thanks to Kono and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Interview with Ace Combat brand director: Kazutoki Kono - Duration: 23:05.


Salmos | SALMO 137 - "Saudades da Pátria" - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Salmos | SALMO 137 - "Saudades da Pátria" - Duration: 1:31.


Kuzgun - Teaser (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:00.

My name is Kuzgun. (*Kuzgun means raven.)

My death will take three days... rebirth will take twenty years.

The wolf survives the winter but does not forget about the frost.

I haven't either.

You smell like my childhood.

I remember how I fought hunger, the cold...

...and how I lived without an identity.

Who are you?

I am Akça Kuzgun.

I am back.

For more infomation >> Kuzgun - Teaser (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:00.


홍성건목사 ► "신앙은 우연이 아니라 선택입니다" | 성경을 공부하라 - Duration: 40:02.

For more infomation >> 홍성건목사 ► "신앙은 우연이 아니라 선택입니다" | 성경을 공부하라 - Duration: 40:02.


Addio labbra screpolate!!! - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Addio labbra screpolate!!! - Duration: 5:42.


Exile of dreams - Duration: 4:20.


For more infomation >> Exile of dreams - Duration: 4:20.


Bedam Shah Warsi Sufi kalam - Tum jo chaho toh mere dard ka darmaan - Duration: 8:52.

Tum jo chaho toh mere dard ka darmaan

For more infomation >> Bedam Shah Warsi Sufi kalam - Tum jo chaho toh mere dard ka darmaan - Duration: 8:52.


O Ses Türkiye Kamera Arkası 2019 - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> O Ses Türkiye Kamera Arkası 2019 - Duration: 3:27.


반듯한 자세와 멋진 민소매가 어울리기를 원한다면! 제이스와 함께 어깨,팔운동 해보아요! - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> 반듯한 자세와 멋진 민소매가 어울리기를 원한다면! 제이스와 함께 어깨,팔운동 해보아요! - Duration: 4:46.


Interview with Ace Combat brand director: Kazutoki Kono - Duration: 23:05.

Hello aces!

This time I am interviewing the brand director of the Ace Combat series!

I'm making this interview with the producer of the Ace Combat series.

This interview will be done in Japanese so be sure to enable the subtitles!

So let's get started...

Ace Combat 7 was released just a few days ago,

how do you feel now based on the reactions you've seen from the players?

What is the current atmosphere of the Project Aces team in these last few days?

So umm, I finally felt relieved, since I've been nervous for so long.

I've been nervous for so long, but it was released in Japan yesterday, and was released today in the US, and I finally felt a little at ease.

Project Aces itself is looking at reactions from around the world, and is currently in the middle of considering "what kind of adjustments should we make?"

And the next question is: How do you compare the finished version of Ace Combat 7 with the early concept of the game?

What were the main challenges and most enjoyable parts of developing the game?

Well... The initial build of Ace Combat 7 did not work out so well, so we discarded all of it.

The fact that we discarded it and rebuilt the game was the most difficult part.

But overcoming that difficult period made the joy of finally completing it all the more greater.

You must be so relieved now then.

Yes, definitely. And since people from all over the world are very happy about the game, I was really able to relax.

And now let's go for some more personal questions about yourself...

When and why did you decide to get into the gaming industry?

How did you get yourself involved with Ace Combat series?

The reason I decided to get into the game industry was that, I was studying design in college, and I decided to enter the industry as a designer.

I already liked pictures, but as I was working on pictures and art, my interest in scenarios,

games, and a lot of other things grew, and in the end, I wanted to become a director or a producer.

And the next question is:

Kono-san began work on the Ace Combat series as an Art Director, and now Kono-san is the overall Brand Director for the entire series.

How has your previous position influenced your current work on AC7 and potentially beyond?

Well, I was working as the art director, the art director of Ace Combat 04, Shattered Skies, and ultimately I think the art direction of Ace Combat was solidified there.

So through 04, 5, Zero, 6, and Ace Combat 7, I think the [art] design was maintained relatively well.

So, thinking about how people around the world enjoyed the Ace Combat I helped create as art director in 04,

and how people still are enjoying it, makes me happy and is something I'm proud of.

Next question is...

Tells us more about your passion for aviation, where did it come from?

Have you ever thought about joining the Self-Defense Forces?

Well, the thought of wanting to become a pilot never crossed my mind; it is really difficult to become one.

It's just that...I really liked mechas and mechanical things, and I first got involved in Ace Combat with very little knowledge [of aviation].

But as I learned the workings of, for example, the Raptor or the Flanker's thrust vectoring nozzles, I became engrossed and captivated.

Now, I can easily tell the model number of the aircraft from looking at its silhouette, and am well-informed about a lot of things.

Next is...

Actually recently,

I tried VR, and I had a slight desire to become a pilot.

The same thing happened to me! The exact same feeling!

Ace Combat is known for its collection of original aircraft, what is your favourite one and why?

Let's see...

my favorite has to be the Wyvern, the X-02.

The classic Wyvern or the new Wyvern in Ace Combat 7?

The Wyvern that was in 04.

04 was the first time I went all-out as an art director, and inputted my own thoughts into the Wyvern design itself,

and ideas like making it have digital camouflage was my idea, and I have fond memories of it.

What is the process Project Aces uses when designing a new original aircraft?

New aircraft… oh, original aircraft.

Yes, so basically we start with a cool-looking design.

Of course we have no intention of making an unattractive aircraft, so we begin with the design and then add minute details,

or make the layout so that it could actually fly, and put things together like that. But the first step is making it look good.

How has been your overall experience with the Ace Combat community?

What is the most remarkable thing that has happened?

The Ace Combat community, yes, so these days… hmm... the past, we would communicate our message in a one-sided fashion through media, but now, I think the community's message is more important than our message.

In the end, no matter how much we explain, it will be no match for the words and voices of the community's real fans.

So from now on, 7 just released, but when thinking about how to continue the Ace Combat series, the fan's community is absolute,

and I want the community and us the developers to come together and think about how to keep making Ace Combat new. The community is an important presence.

Regarding plans for future DLCs, we know some story missions will be added

but how will they relate to the main story of the game? Will we be playing as Trigger or another character?

Also, there will be more VR missions, correct?

The VR missions are hard to make, so we are not considering those for the current DLC.

Right now, we are making the DLC for the season pass, I'll tell this only to the community, but Trigger will be the protagonist.

Trigger and the "most evil" character in Ace Combat history will be featured in a proper story in the 3 missions that will be added.

Video game preservation is a current hot topic for digital games being removed.

Some Ace Combat games have been removed digitally. Will Ace Combat 7 be removed a few years after release as well?

We haven't really thought about the distribution of games being stopped,

but I think the age of archiving them to the cloud will be probably coming in the next few years,

and I think what the fans and people who love games consider as problems and inconveniences will be solved by everyone.

Ace Combat 7 had some very cool collector's editions, including the Aces at War book which was translated to several languages and the diecast model of the Arsenal Bird

and as fans we really appreciate having these collector's items that help out supporting the franchise.

Has there been any thought of selling Ace Combat merchandise like books and superweapon models after the release of the game?

Honestly, Aces at War, the one included in the Collector's Edition, making that was really difficult, and was even localized into English and Korean.

According to the staff that made it, they said that they don't want to make one again, it was that laborious.

It hasn't been decided yet, but I would like to increase the number of Ace Combat-related things while thinking about what things would make the fans happy.

But since 7 just released, and we still have the season pass to work on, as well as World News updates that everyone is waiting for, I think we still have a lot of work to do.

Ace Combat Infinity's multiplayer mode was a remarkable step for the Ace Combat series

as there are was a great sense of belongingness when playing together with friends on co-op missions.

Are there are any plans to bring co-op missions back to Ace Combat 7?

Are there other types of matches that you want to introduce in the Multiplayer mode such as naval assault, ring battles or races?

In its current state, we haven't thought about adding things other than the current battle royal and team deathmatch modes.

The system of the co-op missions is very complex, and the online system of Ace Combat Infinity and Ace Combat 7 is a little different.

So putting in co-op missions on top of Ace Combat 7's online and expanding it is honestly extremely difficult.

The way aircraft are "mounted" is different, and Infinity's and 7's online has a different structure. But I know a lot about how people in the community formed teams and clans through co-op missions,

so if we were to do it, I think we would create a new online-type game using Ace Combat 7's data, or something separate like that,

otherwise it would be probably be difficult.

Also about Ace Combat Infinity, the story of the game was quite memorable because of the references to previous games and the suspense after each mission.

Since progress on Infinity's story was stopped in order to develop Ace Combat 7, are there plans to complete the story mode of Infinity?

Could we potentially see it as a DLC to Ace Combat 7 or see it as a standalone game?

Umm… Infinity's campaign is actually more or less finished in that state, but fans aren't done with it, they want to know more.

However, there definitely was a time when Itomi, Itomi from Project Aces and I thought about the aftermath of Infinity, but apparently Itomi and I had a huge fight over this, though I don't remember this at all.

And apparently this story a little after Infinity exists, although I don't know where the data for this went.

So, I don't know whether it will be announced as a game or a story, but the continuation supposedly exists.

Since 7 is set in Strangereal, I don't think bringing in Infinity's world into it can be done.

Because of the different worlds...

Infinity is set in reality, on Earth.

What about a book with story of Infinity?

I will think of something.

Thank you.

Traditionally Ace Combat games allow the player to select one special weapon,

but has there been any discussion on carrying multiple special weapons?

Umm…we do have talks during staff meetings, but we want to maintain the simplicity of "which special weapon should I take?"

We want you to resupply and change weapons, and having multiple special weapons increases the number of button assignments.

Even now, it is a game in which you use all of the buttons, and it'll only add more complexity in using the buttons, so we want it to be it as simple as possible for the player.

However in the future, if an idea pops up, it might be possible for the player to switch to a different special weapon.

And that's also for the new players, right?

As long as the idea can make it simple even for new players.

I know Kono-san gets asked for remasters of previous Ace Combat games very often which is of course a very hard task to accomplish.

But assuming Ace Combat 7 does very well and you have the chance to do a remaster, which game would you choose and why?

Hmm…if we were to do one, I think it would be Ace Combat 04.

The reasoning is simple: the fans say they want it.

I didn't call them like this, but Ace Combat 04, 5, and Zero are called the "trilogy." So I think delivering the trilogy somehow to all the fans is something desired from me.

Of course the focus of the Project Aces team now is to continue work on Ace Combat 7,

but has there been any theme or historical period that Kono-san or the team have wanted to cover in a future Ace Combat game, either a numbered title or a spin-off?

So everyone is focused on making the season pass right now,

but Producer Shimomoto, [VR] Producer Tamaoki and myself are

in the middle of asking "what should we do about Ace Combat's future?" and thinking about the strategy for the next 3-4 years.

So we have many ideas, we can't announce anything yet.

My last question would be asking about Ace Combat's future but I guess you already answered that.

It's the same thing I have always been saying, but Ace Combat is for all the fans,

and will continue as long as the fans wish for it.

So it won't continue because I worked hard for it, or Project Aces worked hard for it, but I think the Ace Combat series will continue into the future as long as fans wish for it and support it.

That's it. Kono-san, thank you so much. The fans really appreciate all the hard work and soul that you and the team have put in the Ace Combat series.

Me as well. I'm always thankful to the fans and I'm thankful to the community as well.

Your work has inspired a new generation to take to the skies as either pilots,

aerospace engineers, aviation enthusiasts and most importantly:

you have made us realize a dream that most of us can't achieve in real life which is to soar through the skies at supersonic speeds and fight for a worthy cause.

This isn't much to show how grateful we all are but I brought in a little gift to the team.

We all know how Kono-san likes the Sukhoi jets... You can open it.

What is it? Oh this is cool! Thank you so much, I love Sukhois. I like this part of Sukhois. Yes, thank you.

That is all. Kono-san, any last words?

Yes, so 7 has been actually released and I feel relieved, and on top of continuing Ace Combat,

I decided within myself to continue engaging with everyone in the community, so by all means,

let's work together and do our best for Ace Combat and its future. Thank you very much.

It was my pleasure, thank you.

That is all folks. Special thanks to Kono and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Interview with Ace Combat brand director: Kazutoki Kono - Duration: 23:05.


Jacline Mouraud lance son propre parti à Orléans - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Jacline Mouraud lance son propre parti à Orléans - Duration: 5:30.


This is Not the End - Duration: 1:49.

When overcast skies turn to raining turn to snowing, keep going.

When you're praying and you're hoping, keep going.

When you've disappointed yourself, keep going.

When there's money you're owing, keep going.

When no one else believes you, keep knowing.

When you can't see the shoreline, keep rowing.

When dying embers fade, keep glowing.

When the fruits of your labor spoil, keep growing.

When life bursts at the seams, keep sewing.

When all you feel is self-loathing, keep going.

Even if your pace is slowing, keep going.

When the current gets rough, keep going.

When the going gets tough, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going.

Keep going.

Keep going.

Hey, I'm Ahsante and this year, for me is off to a not so smooth start.

So I'm just making this little motivator for myself and for you that - it's ok if

your new year starts after January 1st.

It's ok if you need a minute, or two minutes, or 3 minutes.

But then, keep going.

And in an effort to keep things moving, I've actually been doing Daily Dance Outs on Instagram,

just to keep my spirits up and stay motivated and it's basically been the main thing keeping

me from feeling depressed right now.

So, if you do want to see more of me you should follow me on Instagram, and if you're feeling

down or you're feeling in a rut I would encourage you know, just to do a little dance, make

a little love, get down tonight, owwww, get down tonight.

Actually just the doing the little dance part, is fine.

And even though I'm not where I thought I would be, life is what happens while you're

busy making other plans, I'm going to keep going.

I hope you'll go with me.

This is a work in progress.

More to come soon.

Remember to live spiritedly, and think creatively, and I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> This is Not the End - Duration: 1:49.


Absolutely Stunning 2019 Kropf Island Series 4425 For Sale Off $16k - Duration: 3:29.

Absolutely Stunning 2019 Kropf Island Series 4425 For Sale Off $16k

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning 2019 Kropf Island Series 4425 For Sale Off $16k - Duration: 3:29.


I love Driving Truck when it's a Beautiful Sunrise like this Trucker Rudi 01-20-19 Vlog#1659 - Duration: 15:51.

hey good morning good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome to the show

are you guys seeing what I'm seeing I know this camera does not do justice

on what it really looks like but there is a beautiful beautiful sunrise out

there and I just pulled over there for a minute and I went out and I took me a

few pictures and that is a gorgeous view I love it beautiful beautiful colors

then you know when you have the clouds just right there over where the Sun is

rising it gives that really nice bright orange pinkish coloration it's just

absolutely gorgeous to watch I mean this camera obviously doesn't do good justice

on what I'm seeing right because I have tested this many times before even when

I take pictures it almost never looks exactly the way I see it right and so I

know my vision is still fairly good so you know to me that's just absolutely

gorgeous to look at something like that you know but anyways we have just got

going here a little while ago it was still dark when I took off and

we're just cruising down the road here and I figured out it's such a beautiful

view I can't resist not taking a few pictures of that you know I mean who in

their right mind could resist that right so I did certainly did I figured I turn

on the camera and show you guys a little bit I appreciate you guys tuning in

stick around for the rest of the show and see what else we come up with today

we are almost home we will be home this afternoon anyways so see what we will be

up to today right time for us to make us a little bit of a pit stop guys

we are now in Whitewood Saskatchewan and I decided while I'm out of food right so

I'm gonna go in here and grab me some breakfast but I know it's crazy windy

out here so I'm gonna go ahead and make it short let's go in get us some

breakfast all right guys unfortunately I

completely forgot to show you guys my breakfast yeah what a bummer but I did

take a picture so if I do not forget the picture should be popping up right now

so hopefully you guys got a good deal of that if I didn't forget to put the

picture up right sometimes you know I get home or whatever and I get busy

editing and and I don't forgot about that I was gonna put a picture in there

right or something oh that's right and so this time what I actually did is I

took the picture right and I just just dawned on me here so before I got going

here obviously I quickly emailed it to myself I thought okay Dan I went quickly

to my computer and downloaded the picture and put it in today's folder

where my today's video is going to go into right so this way at least it's

going to be in there so I should see it when I go to put my video together right

so that way I shouldn't forget at least to put the picture in there I don't know

why I guess I was just distracted or something and had my camera sitting

there at the edge of the table and you know as long as I got my got my food I

just started digging in and I finished it about halfway and I'm like darn it I

was gonna go show you guys my breakfast this morning and say man why did I

forget to show you guys that was so good too and well that's just how it goes

sometimes you forget to show some thinner and on anyhow I always try to

show you as much as I can I know sometimes it may be boring because I'm

just showing you guys going down the road a lot but I have tried recently to

show you guys a little bit more and I have also showed you guys when I feel

and all that stuff so I just recently had somebody say well you need to show

us more feeling it's the one show that every so often in minutes

you can only show that so many times before you know you get sick of that too

right but anyways I do try to take you guys

out like we just like I showed you guys when I stepped out of the truck and

started walking towards the truck stop to go have breakfast and all that right

and then I totally forgot to show you guys my breakfast but I do love showing

you guys food right I love food and most of you guys do know that but anyways we

got 400 clicks to go that is collimators to Winnipeg terminal

and will drop this trailer and go home I gotta find out yet if if

they're gonna have a pre-loaded trailer that they want me to bring back to the

yard it's typo or not but and I mean while we're gonna go ahead and hammer

down get on down the road finally the wind has died down a little

bit it's not nearly as windy is what it was this morning and yesterday and so

that makes me kind of happy now we don't have any more snow drifts and stuff like

that there is still a good breeze going on

don't get me wrong but great here you'll see a little bit of a spot where the

snow is kind of well it was visible there for a second but then the car went

through it and then it kind of disappeared but

he had a few spots here and there where does a slight amount of snow still

drifting over the road but nothing compared to yesterday I mean I kid you

not yesterday we had at some place we had like two foot drifts snow drifts and

too bad it was dark because otherwise I would have probably uh-oh it not

probably I would have shown you guys but it was dark

right so with these GoPros because they got such terrible quality for at night I

don't even bother really turning on the camera because you're not gonna really

see much anyways so it's kind of useless to me

in my opinion anyways but you know I tried to show you as much as I can

through throat today right and somebody asked me

the other day well why don't you ever drive at night while I do like yesterday

especially in winter we do well I mean I don't drive throughout the night but I

Drive into the night like 10 o'clock at night or something like that yesterday I

drove till 9:30 or until at least I went off duty anyways I drove till about

quarter after 9:00 I got to the fly nope filled her up and all that right my time

I was done with all of that it's 9:30 right well that's kind of late already

especially considering in winter time up here it gets dark already here on five

o'clock sharp an hour and driving a few hours when it's dark but it's just kind

of a hassle trying to show you guys anything with this GoPro it just it

really doesn't work out that good I tried it many times and it's like he can

barely see the road you know like so because

it's got such a terrible low light capabilities I don't hardly ever turn it

on unless I'm driving to a city and there's some lights and whatever then I

occasionally will turn it on but up here what do you see is what you get all day

long pretty much go through a little bit of a tone here and there but not much

light or whatever right so it's kind of useless even try to turn on the Canon

Prabhat nice enough for that oh look at that there's some lines right there

where somebody got into the ditch right there I saw a few cars last night in the

ditch and one semi-truck - so the roads were definitely treacherous that's for

sure and if specially if you go too fast grabbed you so quickly you won't know

what happened right that's what I keep telling you guys you gotta pay attention

to the road when it gets like that especially when you're late

got a slow we're down some people they just go too fast for the conditions

right then things happen but we made it through there safely because we're a

professional right I mean no I'm not trying to brag I'm just saying you ought

to use common sense I mean things can happen to be too rare very quickly to

write it you know I mean I could be going to pass

myself right so far knock on wood for the last ten

years we're doing pretty good so anyways let's continue on cruising

along here and go to Winnipeg drop our load and if I note if they have

something for me to bring back to the yard and go see the family go see

Jessica and Diego and the white Ethan I'm sure jessica is going to be all

super excited to see me again and I'm going to try to do a live show

tonight but we'll see how that turns out but any Oh Richard you guys sticking

around so far look at here guys we are now coming into Winnipeg or we are

actually a little bit in Winnipeg already now we are beautiful sunshine

still I love it I love it it is not as cold anymore as what it was this morning

this morning it was - 31 up here in this area

let me just right now it's only -21 sells yourself not quite as crazy as

what it was this morning at least 10 degrees warmer that's a big difference

but it is still bloody cold and I'm almost at the terminal here so that

means I'll be getting out of the truck here in a minute and dropping my trailer

and having to be out there in the cold yeah that's right well sometimes that's

just how Gil was right but I talked to this patch already and they told me that

I can just Bob Taylor home sweet home so I don't have to waste time here trying

to switch trailers or whatever and do all that so that's kind of nice and the

way I was saying to my buddies there it's like when you want to bobtail home

like the other day I actually wanted to then know then you gotta take a load but

no I wouldn't mind taking a load home no no I can bobtail home yeah well you

know that's just how it goes no need to complain about it right if

for some odd reason somewhere I've got some sort of vibration in the truck

whenever I'm pulling a little bit I get a little bit of a vibration and your you

guys may not be able to hear it but I hear it and it drives me crazy all the

time when I have some sort of vibration somewhere and it only does it when I'm

pulling but I guess that's what the freight liners are known for right

that's why they call them Freight shakers and then because they're pretty

rough right in you know we're very close to the terminal and by looking at those

flags up there on the left it looks like it's still fairly good wind gust doesn't

look like it's like extreme wind but those big flags takes a good amount of

wind to get them going like that so yeah they're blowing pretty good up there I

bet you it's still 20 plus kilometers an hour wind which is not terrible but it's

good enough to get a good wind shield going right I don't know what the

eventual is but it can cut through your skin pretty good with that heavy wind

when it's windy like that and then close with the cold temperatures right buddy

yeah let's go drop a load in bottle home look at here guys I have made at home

sweetheart just came and picked me up yeah that's right now we're gonna go

home and spend the time with the family

yeah I bet she's not with us right now yeah she's at home but with her brother

right now so yeah let's go home and see her I bet you she's gonna be seeing

something when the camera comes on and almost guarantee you I'm sure she misses

me yeah be preparing for a nice screaming match now she's in her own way

she's talking to us right and that's her way of talking to us so it makes it kind

of fun I like it I know a lot of you guys like hearing her and the videos

from seeing her so yeah makes it kind of interesting anyways so

it's gold and see her and then do you alright guys here we go

you just got home let's go see a little girl is gonna be excited to see us

hopefully I can open the door I got something in my hand right there we go

that's here listen that's listening we can hear her ah see their shoes

she's already coughing yeah that's close see who did you hear over here Jesse

then you hear daddy coming into the door yeah did you hear that you know I know

alright mommy Jesse

oh yeah so let's go get all my stuff into the house and yeah look at that the

big boys gotta help yeah that's right anyways I gotta go help too and then

talk to you guys in a few all right guys it is time to have supper with the

family Yeah right Jesse it is time to have supper isn't it yeah

that's what I figured yeah and guess what we're having we're having this a

lazy man kind of supper we got some chicken chef and my son has got a friend

over right yeah so that's how was a fantastic supper and then after that

we're gonna probably do our life show I'm open so anyways

For more infomation >> I love Driving Truck when it's a Beautiful Sunrise like this Trucker Rudi 01-20-19 Vlog#1659 - Duration: 15:51.


Countries I've Been To For FREE!!! - Duration: 4:40.

Do you want to know what countries and cities that I have been to

because of this job?

I'll share it with you…

Hi guys welcome to my channel my name is Aileene

and on this video, I will answer the question

that most of you are asking me.

Especially... even those who know me and

my neighbors in Dubai, a lot of them are asking me this question.

And that is:

If I can really travel because of my job,

and the answer is yes.

Most of the time, most of the people they think that because I am a Filipino,

I only travel from Dubai to the Philippines.

And they think that I don't stay in the Philippines

that I just go directly from there to Dubai.

While some people, for example I flew with these passengers

we are heading somewhere in Europe or in the US

they think that we won't stay long in that country

and will immediately fly back.

I received a weird comment before, because I always bring two suitcases with me - a big one and a small one.

So the person was wondering, she asked me,

"Why are you always carrying two suitcases?

You only stay in the aircraft and head back to Dubai, right?"

That time I just came from Auckland, Auckland New Zealand

that's 17 hours away from Dubai

and sometimes even more

when the weather is not good. Sometimes the flight will take longer than expected.

So these are the usual questions that I receive,

even with the two suitcases that I always carry with me,

I am still being asked, asked, "Do you stay in one country or just in a hotel? Or maybe just in the aircraft?"

The answer is YES

we can travel.

We can go sightseeing.

We have time for those, they give us time, also to rest

it's always a minimum of 24 hours depending on the country

It also depends on how far the country is.

There are countries where we are only given 24 hours to stay

while there are others where we are allowed to stay for four or five days.

Although I haven't experienced that yet.


For me

The maximum layover that I prefer is 30 hours.

If in case I get more than that I look for a different flight.

We can exchange flights as long as it's legal.

Legalities depends whether you have enough days off before and after the flight

It's already a different topic, though.

Just disclaimer guys,

not all of the pictures that I have shown you are personally taken by me

because four years ago my camera was not that good

so the quality of the pictures is not that impressive too.

So I just took some shots from Google since I don't want to include them on this video.

So that's it!

Everything that I said,

all of the destinations that I mentioned are the ones that I visited for free because of this job.

There are still a lot of destinations that I can visit that I haven't been to yet

and that's why I'm still in love with this job.

Thank you so much for watching guys.

For more videos like this just click the subscribe button so you can watch my following videos.

On my next video,

we will talk about how to make an effective or a short and simple resume

for an upcoming open-day or walk-in application.

That's all.

See you guys next week,

or within this week.

I don't know when am I gonna upload this video

or the next one.

But thank you so much for watching guys and see you again.

For more infomation >> Countries I've Been To For FREE!!! - Duration: 4:40.


Tenkeyless, RGB, Mechanical Keyboard… Typewriter?? - Duration: 4:35.

If you've been searching for a mechanical keyboard with typewriter-style keys...

First, you have very esoteric desires and second, your search is over.

Howdy howdy guys ponchato here, and today we'll be looking at the Z-88 retro mechanical

keyboard from Huo Ji.

Thanks to them for sending this over for review, and let's get started with the unboxing.

The box is very simple, with just the color and switch type listed on the back.

The inside is protected by a cardboard sleeve, and under that we have the keyboard in a bubble

wrap pouch.


The cable is held with a velcro tie, always a nice touch.

Under the keyboard we have another bubble wrap pouch with a keycap puller and, interestingly,

a key switch puller along with a few replacement switches.

I'll go over those in a minute.

Finally there's the straightforward user guide that explains how to change the LED lighting


In terms of build quality the keyboard feels nicely made.

The backplate is metal and has a classy beveled edge, the keycaps are doubleshot ABS, and

the switches are reminiscent of Cherry MX - not quite as high of quality, but not bad


The cable is about 6 feet or 2 meters long, has the standard rubberized sleeving, and

can be routed out either side of the keyboard or straight out the back.

It would've been nice to see them use a USB-C connector rather than micro USB, but ultimately

it's not too big of a concern, since the other end of the cable is a standard USB A connector


In keeping with the typewriter aesthetic, this keyboard actually has a completely flat


Keyboards normally have a bit of a curve with the back rows sitting higher than the front,

but with this one it's just... not curved.

It is a little weird tpying on it at first, but you get used to it within a few minutes.

After all, it is a very subtle difference.

Looking at the lighting effects, the Z-88 has 10 different RGB modes, most of which

can be modified to some extent with the function keys.

By pressing function and page down it cycles through the standard solid color, breathe,

WASD only, and rainbow wave along with a few other effects, and the for the effects that

support it, the color can be switched with function and plus or minus.

An interesting effect here is that despite the keys only allowing a little light through

the label, the keyboard still lights up pretty well due to the mirror surface on the edges

of the keycaps reflecting the light from the LEDs.

They could've made it much brighter overall if they had the LEDs at the front of the switches

instead of the back, but then the key labels wouldn't have been as bright, so it's a tradeoff.

Using the included keycap puller, you can easily pop off any of the keys for replacement.

And, since they use the standard Cherry MX keycap mount, you can mix in other keycaps

to make something goofy like this.

As a quick side note, the typewriter keycaps are slightly taller than standard keycaps,

so that's something to keep in mind if you plan on replacing them.

Underneath the keycaps, though, is where it gets pretty interesting.

The Z-88 lets you replace not just the keycaps, but also the switches themselves.

It includes a tool to pull the switches out along with a few replacements (though it's

unlikely you'll ever need them since they're rated for 50 million clicks).

They come out pretty much just like the keycaps; pull straight up and they pop out.

What this means is you could, if you were so inclined, replace the WASD switches with

blues, or put reds on the larger keys like the spacebar, or alternate all 3 switch types

to make your keyboard harder to use.

The possibilities are endless.

Now to see what it sounds like, here's a bit of typing with the brown switches.

[Sound test] Nothing out of the ordinary there, though

maybe a bit less "thumpy" than usual because it's such a small model.

Because of the odd key design which basically puts the edges of the keys closer together,

it is a bit easier to mistype on this than on a standard keyboard, but like the flat

design, you figure out pretty quickly.

The good news is the Z-88 promises both 81-key anti-ghosting and N-key rollover.

Indeed, you can mash this entire thing and every key will register properly.

The Z-88 is a pretty good keyboard in its own right, but its main purpose is to be different

than... pretty much everything else.

With its flat layout and typewriter keycaps, I'd say it accomplishes exactly that.

If you're a hipster and want to probably ensure that you never encounter anyone with the exact

same keyboard as you, the Z-88 may be your best shot.

And it's actually pretty decent to use and has good build quality, unlike a lot of keyboards

with whacky designs.

You can pick it up for about $50 and it's available with blue, brown, or red switches

and also comes in a white color scheme if you like cleaning your keyboard every week.

Follow the link in the description to pick one up for yourself.

Hit subscribe and click the bell icon to get notified of new videos as soon as they're


If you liked this video hit the like button, if you want to see more hit subscribe, and

I wanna hear from you.

Blue switches, brown, or red: which ones are your favorite?

Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for watching, I hope I helped, and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Tenkeyless, RGB, Mechanical Keyboard… Typewriter?? - Duration: 4:35.


How to generate more clients - Duration: 1:29.

How to generate more clients?

Generating more clients, isn't actually as difficult as you may think.

You may see a lot of things on Facebook with strategies here

and tactics here and do this and do that. But actually it's much much simple than that.

You don't do a marketing agency, you don't have to offer extra services, you simply

need to contact your existing and lapse clients and say "hey, how are you going?

What was the last project? How did that go for you? What were the outcomes

what worked well, what didn't work well? Just try to check in with you."

If you check in with your existing clients and simply ask them how they're doing,

but do it every three months, you would be amazed at how much what you get.

I had a client who joined me who hadn't had worked for three months. The very first

thing we did is we constructed a list of his existing clients we'd not be in

touch with for a year. Because generally what happens is creators do a job they

finish up and they go "client was happy, they know where I am." But if you go and

connect with those clients and just check in and ask how the project went,

you'd be back in their radar and I guarantee you, you'll end up with a load

of work as a result. This client of mine, went from no clients in three

months to spending a month working with us and suddenly was booked out three

months in advance. Now there's a lot of other things we did, but fundamentally

connect with your existing clients today. Do it today,

let me know how you got on in the comments

For more infomation >> How to generate more clients - Duration: 1:29.


Chelsea transfer news: Callum Hudson-Odoi's 10 word response when asked about Bayern Munich transfer - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Callum Hudson-Odoi's 10 word response when asked about Bayern Munich transfer - Duration: 3:08.


Her Moment In Fortnite - Fortnite Daily Fails And Victory Royale #17 - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Her Moment In Fortnite - Fortnite Daily Fails And Victory Royale #17 - Duration: 5:28.


News24 - Herrera's answer when asked about his future has gone down a treat with Man Utd fans - Duration: 3:21.

 Like almost every Manchester United player, Ander Herrera's performances have improved dramatically since Ole Gunnar Solskjaer replaced Jose Mourinho as manager

 Herrera was used sporadically by Mourinho but, he has become a crucial figure in Solskjaer's squad

 The Spanish midfielder has started six times in Solskjaer's eight games as Man United boss

 He has been impressive alongside Paul Pogba and Nemanja Matic in midfield.  However, there is a chance that he may not be at the club much longer

 Herrera's contract runs out in June, meaning he is free to negotiate with clubs from abroad

 But when reminded that he has just a few months left on his contract, Herrera produced a superb answer

 "I'm not going to talk about my contract," he said, per "We have more important things happening now than my contract so I just try to perform

 "My priority is to beat Burnley, Leicester… and if I deserve a new contract, the contract will come

 "I'm not a selfish guy, I want the team to keep winning games, I don't go crazy about my contract

"  That is pure class from Herrera. The Spanish midfielder is clearly not concentrating on his future

 The only thing that matters to him is helping United win games.  It certainly is a refreshing approach and one that has gone down well with United fans

 It is understood Herrera's preference is to extend his stay at Old Trafford and Solskjaer was very complimentary of him earlier this month

 "As a midfielder, he's a bit different to Paul (Pogba), to Nemanja (Matic) with their physical attributes," said United's interim manager, per the Evening Standard

 "But he runs and he runs, he wins the ball, plays it simple, he makes some good runs into the box as well

 "Hopefully he will continue like this. I've always enjoyed watching Ander from when we signed him from Athletic Bilbao

 "I thought he did really well against us when he played for them as well so he caught my eye then

"  Do you want Herrera to extend his stay at the club? Have your say by leaving a comment below

For more infomation >> News24 - Herrera's answer when asked about his future has gone down a treat with Man Utd fans - Duration: 3:21.


Kuzgun - Teaser (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:00.

My name is Kuzgun. (*Kuzgun means raven.)

My death will take three days... rebirth will take twenty years.

The wolf survives the winter but does not forget about the frost.

I haven't either.

You smell like my childhood.

I remember how I fought hunger, the cold...

...and how I lived without an identity.

Who are you?

I am Akça Kuzgun.

I am back.

For more infomation >> Kuzgun - Teaser (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:00.


Kipper Nichols struggles - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Kipper Nichols struggles - Duration: 0:56.


Journalist made a concerning point about Coutinho vs Girona and it involves Messi - Duration: 4:46.

Football News24/7  Let's not beat around the bush, Philippe Coutinho had another afternoon to forget for Barcelona during their win over Girona

 It's become common knowledge that the Blaugrana's record signing has come down with 'second season syndrome' and the fact his performances are being watched even closer, isn't exactly helping

 Sunday afternoon marked a brilliant opportunity for Coutinho to make a positive impression on Ernesto Valverde with Ousmane Dembele missing the trip to Estadi Montilivi

 Goals from Nelson Semedo and Lionel Messi ensured that Barcelona took all three points, but Coutinho missed a number of glorious opportunities to find the back of the net

 Many supporters believe a goal from open play would be the key to Coutinho regaining his confidence and he could have done just that after a superb pass from Messi in the first-half

Girona 0-2 Barcelona  Nevertheless, he failed to beat Bono with a tame one-on-one finish, something Messi didn't struggle with when he scored a delightful chip after the break

 And even more glaring miss came during the close stages of the match, with Coutinho miscuing after rounding the goalkeeper

 As a result, there was plenty of criticism for Coutinho from journalists after the game as well as Barcelona fans on Twitter

Worrying point about Coutinho  But aside from all the expected hyperbole, many made an interesting point about Coutinho 'third-wheeling' on the left wing, therefore disrupting Messi and Jordi Alba's sensational partnership

 Journalist Rik Sharma made that very point in his match report for Goal and plenty of supporters will agree with him

 He wrote: "Operating on the left of the attack there were a couple of occasions where it just seemed like Coutinho was in the way, the third-wheel, as Messi and Jordi Alba tried to link up on the left

 "The connection between Messi and Alba has long been a source of Barcelona joy and as they tried to combine in the second half Coutinho had to scurry out of the way

"  Check out Barcelona fans making the same point below:    Considering how important the Messi-Alba relationship has been for Barcelona over the years, it's certainly not ideal to have Coutinho offsetting their flow

 Thankfully the Brazilian didn't tread on their toes for the entire game with Messi finding the net from - you guessed it - a pass from Alba

 Nevertheless, there seems to be great displeasure with Coutinho being used on the left wing and fans would much prefer to see Dembele given more game-time

   Nothing will go right for the former Liverpool man right and getting in the way of Messi certainly won't help

   Do you think Coutinho has a future at Barcelona? Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Journalist made a concerning point about Coutinho vs Girona and it involves Messi - Duration: 4:46.


What to include in your business plan - with examples! - Duration: 10:07.

Hey guys today. I wanted to spend some time talking about business plans.

I'm not going to get too deep into it. I just kind of want to talk about the main aspects,

Or how I create my business plans. I think this is such an important step

of starting a new business

I know that there would be a lot of businesses out there that have been running for a long time and they've never actually

written a business plan.

I do encourage any new business owners and even if you're watching this and you started a business years ago,

this is a great opportunity to just

Sit down and reflect on your current business and look to the future and see where you want to take it.

If you are a goal-oriented the type of person business plans are going to be really helpful for you.

They help keep you on track, they lay a really solid foundation

for your business.

I personally love our

business plan because it shows from

Inception to now how much we've grown over the last four years and you know, we're still a very small

start-up; so, I feel like in 20 years time, our business plan will look a lot different to how it does now.

and that's the beauty of it. It's something that keeps changing, keeps evolving with your brand... and the way that I like to do

business plans is, I kind of combine

the business and the brand aspects together and put that all in one space.

The purpose of a business plan for me is to encompass the whole

experience from the client purchasing the item to your competitors

So how you feel about growing your business

now and in the future and what you want to achieve on a personal level and you know for society

If that's one of your aspirations. You don't have to get that in depth with a business plan. You can keep it as simple as

you want.

There are a lot of things- if you Google one page business plan

There are plenty of examples out there of people having a really concise

document. I think it's important to not spend too long on this and procrastinate over it and keep putting it off. Just

Sit down one day put it together, and you know, try and finish it in that one session. It should

Really touch on the major points, which is what we're going to talk about today, which is your vision statement your mission statement

some core values and a little bit of competitor analysis as well in there.

A great place to start with your business plan is the vision statement.

So, this is one of my favorite parts of the business plan, it is quite aspirational and it's a look into the future, you know, 20 to

50 years from now.

What do you want to achieve? What do you want to do with your business?

It's even something that

once you pass away or your hand your company over to someone else

your vision usually lives on in the business and it's one of those things that may change a little bit but it

stays pretty foundational and at the core of your business.

Our vision statement for Division 1 is to 'entertain, educate and empower people through creating memorable experiences'.

This is something that I think

will always remind the same. This is one of the reasons why we started this

In the first place. We have a passion for all of those individual elements and it's something that even as our company grows

Our vision will always stay the same.

Another way to look at your vision statement, is the 'purpose' of your business.

Some people do these two things individually.

Some people combine them into one statement.

It's up to you how long you want your vision statement to be,

I usually would say keep it to a short sentence or two.

But it's really up to you. There's no rules for these things so,

Go with what feels right for you and your business.

Next thing to move onto would be your mission statement.

so this is a little bit more specific. It might actually mention the product or service that you are involved in; and

it gets really down into detail with what you want to do with your business and

Usually includes the customer in the statement as well.

Mission statement for Division 1 is 'to create the ultimate entertainment experience; showcasing world-class art, performance,

design, technology, and music. I know that's a lot but I'll company really does a touch on each individual aspect of that

especially the music.

So, everything from a mix tape to a live performance, we always have our mission statement front of mind.

Another important part of your business plan is identifying your ideal customer. This is important and it's something I struggled

with for a long time. A lot things online talk about demographics and identifying things like people's age, their location

and their sex

For us

Our product is a lot more complex.

And I think marketing to a demographic doesn't necessarily work for every business. So I encourage you guys to think of

the mindset of your client. I might actually be better to write down your ideal client mindset. So things like

What these people's interests are, what their hobbies are,

what day do you know for work, what they spend their money on, what they talk about with their friends, and

Think about the language that they use as well.

If you can put that all into an avatar or a made up

character and put that on a piece of paper, that will really help you to go back and reflect when you're doing things like

ad campaigns or even just in our creating material for your brand. You can use that language that your will ideal customer

understands best. Something that I learnt from Tony Robbins is to really ask and think about this question which is...

What business are you really in?

For personal trainers you might actually think

"Okay, my business is fitness".

But really? You're you're in the business of transforming people.

For musicians, this is something that you need to think about.

If you really want your business to be different, because I think if you can work this part out, then your clients will

really love you and you can always deliver

a better product to them.

At the moment the best that I've kind of come up with for the Division one group, so not necessarily

the music side of things but

the overarching group...

Is that 'we're in the business of curation'

So, with our music. We want to curate the best mixes and music possible.

with apparel, we want to kind of

take little parts of design and inspiration and put it into a t-shirt. So it always taking from other places and creating

something new.

I also think we're in the business of experiences.

and it doesn't - it's not just a listening experience it's

a sensory experience as well. Another part of your business plan to spend some time on is a SWOT analysis or a competitor

analysis. It's important not to just limit yourself to your current industry. You should pick people from a range of

different Industries and everyone from local to global and just compare your strengths and weaknesses,

and that'll help you to progress your business into the future.

Something else I included in our business plan is 'core values'. I think, you know, especially if you want to employ people

eventually, this is a really

Key part

of a business. Of course, you can change this as time goes on, as you have more people in your team.

But, I think it's a great thing to have early as well.

It's definitely come in handy for us

When we have to make a decision on something, I we're not sure

if it actually does fit our brands values, we can always go back to what we put on paper, you know, when we had a clear mind


I think a lot of customers appreciate it as well. We share this sometimes with people. We used to have it on our website and

I'm thinking of putting it back up on there again.

Just so people can see what we really stand for and how we operate

as a business

If you're interested in our values, we have six core values. I will

I'm happy to send them to you if you shoot me an email or

leave a comment below

I'm happy to share any of this

with you guys. I'll send you my business plan, just so you can use it as a template.

It doesn't have to be fancy can be on a Word document. I've done a few business plans for companies and made them look

really nice, but it doesn't have to be like that. Like I said earlier, it can be a one-page document. So don't

over-complicate it. Just try to get it done in one session if you can and don't keep putting it off, just get it done.

Obviously you can go in your way deeper into a business plan. You can get more detailed, but I think if you can get

those parts completed you're off to a great start.

Just to finish off this video

You know, I think business plans are awesome. They really keep us grounded and bring us back to why we started the business

in the first place. For a lot of creatives, we can get a little bit carried away with idealistic views,

you know, "I want to be a writer so I can just sit on a beach and

write my book"

But you know, this actually makes it realistic for us about what

what we going to be doing day-to-day, who are competing against, and what we stand for as a brand.

Something else. It's really important is that

Two people can have the same business but have completely different goals. So that's why it's awesome to just to lay everything

out and reflect on what you really want personally.

For more infomation >> What to include in your business plan - with examples! - Duration: 10:07.


FREE Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD) || NEW 2019 Prod Zombiie x Nick Mira - Duration: 3:14.

Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD)

For more infomation >> FREE Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD) || NEW 2019 Prod Zombiie x Nick Mira - Duration: 3:14.


Bedam Shah Warsi Sufi kalam - Tum jo chaho toh mere dard ka darmaan - Duration: 8:52.

Tum jo chaho toh mere dard ka darmaan

For more infomation >> Bedam Shah Warsi Sufi kalam - Tum jo chaho toh mere dard ka darmaan - Duration: 8:52.


Flying Carpets - Dear Jade (Let's get it done) - Duration: 3:16.

Dear Jade, let's get it done I would never speak of others if I'm wrong

Dear Jade, let's get it done You know, I'd never speak of others if I´m wrong

He doesn't love you

And that everybody knows

Dear Jade, let's make it right Living is a way of saying goodbye

Dear Jade, let's make it right Living is a way of saying goodbye

And you keep saying it To me all the time

Either way, every day I'm dreaming that I walking through the glade

Either way, every day I'm dreaming that I walking through the glade

And I watch you As you come away

Dear Jade, all this time Do you still got that snapshot in your mind?

Dear Jade, all this time Do you still got that snapshot in your mind?

Cause I'm feeling Like I've wasted all my life

Yes I'm feeling Like I've wasted all my life

For more infomation >> Flying Carpets - Dear Jade (Let's get it done) - Duration: 3:16.


Kylie Vs Kendall Jenner: Which Pulls Off Poofy Red Dress For Holiday Makeup Campaign Best? - Breakin - Duration: 1:59.

In pictures a little more than a year apart, both Kylie and Kendall Jenner wore poofy red dresses. See pics inside!

There's nothing like a little bit of sibling rivalry! While they used to have more similar style tastes back in the day, Keeping Up with the Kardashians reality stars Kendall Jenner, 23, and Kylie Jenner, 20, have developed their own fashion preferences over the years after growing up in the spotlight. But when Kylie dropped photos promoting her upcoming Valentine's Day line for Kylie Cosmetics, we were reminded of Kendall's Estée Lauder dress just a little over a year ago!

Kylie, in her Kylie Cosmetics photo shoot, wore a strapless red tulle gown by Monsoori. The vibrant red hue of the gown matched the new collection's matte lipstick and The Love set, which were appropriately color-schemed red and pink for the holiday of love! Kylie posed sitting down, just like her big sis Kendall did in her red dress shoot!

Kendall, in her picture from Dec. 2017, wore a red poofy dress as well! However, hers was for a promotion with Estée Lauder, and seemed to be more timed around Christmas than Valentine's Day. Kendall's dress featured flower straps as opposed to Kylie's strapless dress, but both were poofy and red all over!

For this fashion battle, we have to go with Kylie as the winner! The strapless design of the dress balances out the poofiness of it, while Kendall's with the flower detailing – while pretty – made the model appear to almost overflow in fabric! But we can't lie, both Jenner sisters can make practically anything look good, so it was definitely a close call for this one!

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