Simple Beautifull THE CARLETON WLT-6807 Park Home from Deer Valley Homebuilders
Fukusada No Oicho Ginkgo Tree - Wakayama - 福定の大銀杏 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:39.Fukusada No Oicho or in English: The Great Ginkgo tree of Fukusada,
is a beautiful 400-year-old lonesome tree located in the Tanabe district of Wakayama.
With a circumference of about 5.5m and a height of 22m,
Fukusada No Oicho is also the "protector" of the Hosenji temple located just beneath it.
Both a local and national treasure, Fukusada No Oicho is at its best in autumn around mid to late November.
This video was made in Cooperation with Wakayama Tourism Federation.
Learn more about Wakayama Prefecture at
*No Recoil* Truco Para ARs!! Fortnite: Battle Royale - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
野球ニュース - 【阪神】マルテ、初フリーで快音連発!「応えられるようしっかりしたい」 - Duration: 3:06.左でも打てる 同僚のキャ チボールに打 役で飛び入り たマルテは、 わむれに左打 へ入る 阪神の新4 候補・ジェフ ー・マルテ内 手(27)= ンゼルス=が 0日、来日後 のフリー打撃 行い、パワー 技術を見せつ た
「キャンプ初 に備えて、こ 日にやろうと っていた。し かり準備をし きた」と、ナ ーロらと甲子 室内で自主ト を行い、メジ ー通算30発 スイングを披 。引き締まっ ボディーで、 くも風格を漂 せた
嘉勢打撃 手の投げた球 、力強く、確 にバットで捉 た。外角にも きっちり腕を ばして反応。 内のため飛距 こそ不明だっ が、快音を連 した。先月中 までドミニカ のウィンター ーグに参加し たこともあり 嘉勢打撃投手 「(オフに練 を)やってき いるのが分か
パワーがある 。振れている ね」とうなず た。 日本 キャンプイン 、2月中旬の ジャーに比べ 半月ほど早い にもかかわら 、来日1年目 がら万全の調 ぶりを伺わせ
報道陣には「 キャンプイン 2月1日なの )分かってい 。早めに(調 )していた」 涼しい顔で振 返った。 縄・宜野座キ ンプは、2月 日の紅白戦が 実戦となる
「監督、コー に(出るよう 言われたとき 応えられるよ しっかりした 」と、意欲を せた。出場す ば、近年の助 人では昨年の 月7日の紅白 に出場したロ リオに並ぶス ード実戦
昨季はそのロ リオの大不振 泣かされたが 球団は今度こ Vの使者とし 期待している (嶋田 直人
¿Quién eres y a qué viniste? #6 – Propósito de la Triada Divina - Duration: 1:34.Who are you and why did you come here for?
Little Drop of Wisdom # 6 – Purpose of the Holy Trinity
(Its purpose is for) the DAUGTHER to travel, explore, discover and experiment
every corner of the cosmos manifested by Her FATHER,
in every instant of the eternal present, for Her to become conscious of the
living COSMIC EXPERIENCES. Through Her endless trips of
cosmic exploration, the DAUGTHER enables Herself, from Her ETERNAL and ORIGINAL STATE OF
INNOCENSE, to descend to the density of matter and then ascend
and EVOLVE HER CONSCIOUSNESS to reach the state that you call
WISDOM. We are aware of how much you enjoy metaphors. So, get ready: in the next Little Drop,
we will share one called "the diving suits at depths" so you can glimpse your intimate
relationship with such a fabulous instrument.
Emotivo reencuentro de madre e hija separadas en la frontera | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Salmos | SALMO 140 - "Contra Inimigos e Perfídias" - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Culto Cristão no Lar, 30 de janeiro, Bezerra de Menezes - Duration: 2:00:50.ingles
Lançamentos: 30 de janeiro de 2019 - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
BBB19: Diego diz ser alvo do paredão e faz desabafo após revelação sobre o jogo - Duration: 7:20.-------------------------------------------
Monster Hunter 3U | Wii U | Village #42 (Gameplay) - Ceadeus - Duration: 55:54.-------------------------------------------
Salvaje ataque de estudiantes a un menor de 12 años | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Encuentran túnel de huachicoleros | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
EE.UU. envía a primer solicitante de asilo a México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
El Barón, el criminal con clase que llega a Telemundo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Descubren túnel subterráneo que se dirigía a un banco | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Hombre mató a su esposa y luego se suicidó | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Pedro Capó, Farruko - CALMA (Pop Punk Cover) - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
Un oso predice el ganador del súper tazón | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Exhibición de arte exhalta la belleza de las pelirrojas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Cómo elegir la mejor ropa de cama | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Fukusada No Oicho Ginkgo Tree - Wakayama - 福定の大銀杏 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:39.Fukusada No Oicho or in English: The Great Ginkgo tree of Fukusada,
is a beautiful 400-year-old lonesome tree located in the Tanabe district of Wakayama.
With a circumference of about 5.5m and a height of 22m,
Fukusada No Oicho is also the "protector" of the Hosenji temple located just beneath it.
Both a local and national treasure, Fukusada No Oicho is at its best in autumn around mid to late November.
This video was made in Cooperation with Wakayama Tourism Federation.
Learn more about Wakayama Prefecture at
Exclusiva: Kate del Castillo da reveladoras confesiones | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
✅ Mayra Cardi mostra momento fofo de Sophia com seu filho mais velho, Lucas, e semelhança impression - Duration: 1:12.Após o nascimento de Sophia Cardi Aguiar, muitos internautas ficaram curiosos para saber como era o rostinho da pequena e se ela se parecia com o pai, Arthur Aguiar, ou com a mãe, Mayra Cardi
Quando o casal revelou o rosto da bebê, as opiniões divergiram sobre com quem Sophia era mais semelhante! Entretanto, na manhã desta quarta-feira, 30, a coach compartilhou vários cliques fofíssimos de um ensaio da família e um detalhe chamou a atenção
Entre uma das fotos está uma imagem do filho mais velho de Mayra, Lucas, segurando a bebê no colo e eles são parecidíssimos! Os internautas ficaram surpresos com a semelhança e deixaram mensagens de carinho
"Não tenho maturidade para tanta beleza em uma família! E a Sophia é uma versão mini do Lucas!", declarou uma seguidora
"Que ensaio lindo! Sophia está a cara do irmão, Lucas!", comentou outra fã
Simple Beautifull THE CARLETON WLT-6807 Park Home from Deer Valley Homebuilders - Duration: 4:31.Simple Beautifull THE CARLETON WLT-6807 Park Home from Deer Valley Homebuilders
最新消息:吴秀波丑闻,一个带着新花样的女人的母亲,为了救她的女儿,她用这个把戏打败了吴秀波! 网友们:恶心! - Duration: 17:58.-------------------------------------------
Fukusada No Oicho Ginkgo Tree - Wakayama - 福定の大銀杏 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:39.Fukusada No Oicho or in English: The Great Ginkgo tree of Fukusada,
is a beautiful 400-year-old lonesome tree located in the Tanabe district of Wakayama.
With a circumference of about 5.5m and a height of 22m,
Fukusada No Oicho is also the "protector" of the Hosenji temple located just beneath it.
Both a local and national treasure, Fukusada No Oicho is at its best in autumn around mid to late November.
This video was made in Cooperation with Wakayama Tourism Federation.
Learn more about Wakayama Prefecture at
野球ニュース - 【阪神】マルテ、初フリーで快音連発!「応えられるようしっかりしたい」 - Duration: 3:06.左でも打てる 同僚のキャ チボールに打 役で飛び入り たマルテは、 わむれに左打 へ入る 阪神の新4 候補・ジェフ ー・マルテ内 手(27)= ンゼルス=が 0日、来日後 のフリー打撃 行い、パワー 技術を見せつ た
「キャンプ初 に備えて、こ 日にやろうと っていた。し かり準備をし きた」と、ナ ーロらと甲子 室内で自主ト を行い、メジ ー通算30発 スイングを披 。引き締まっ ボディーで、 くも風格を漂 せた
嘉勢打撃 手の投げた球 、力強く、確 にバットで捉 た。外角にも きっちり腕を ばして反応。 内のため飛距 こそ不明だっ が、快音を連 した。先月中 までドミニカ のウィンター ーグに参加し たこともあり 嘉勢打撃投手 「(オフに練 を)やってき いるのが分か
パワーがある 。振れている ね」とうなず た。 日本 キャンプイン 、2月中旬の ジャーに比べ 半月ほど早い にもかかわら 、来日1年目 がら万全の調 ぶりを伺わせ
報道陣には「 キャンプイン 2月1日なの )分かってい 。早めに(調 )していた」 涼しい顔で振 返った。 縄・宜野座キ ンプは、2月 日の紅白戦が 実戦となる
「監督、コー に(出るよう 言われたとき 応えられるよ しっかりした 」と、意欲を せた。出場す ば、近年の助 人では昨年の 月7日の紅白 に出場したロ リオに並ぶス ード実戦
昨季はそのロ リオの大不振 泣かされたが 球団は今度こ Vの使者とし 期待している (嶋田 直人
*No Recoil* Truco Para ARs!! Fortnite: Battle Royale - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
¿Quién eres y a qué viniste? #6 – Propósito de la Triada Divina - Duration: 1:34.Who are you and why did you come here for?
Little Drop of Wisdom # 6 – Purpose of the Holy Trinity
(Its purpose is for) the DAUGTHER to travel, explore, discover and experiment
every corner of the cosmos manifested by Her FATHER,
in every instant of the eternal present, for Her to become conscious of the
living COSMIC EXPERIENCES. Through Her endless trips of
cosmic exploration, the DAUGTHER enables Herself, from Her ETERNAL and ORIGINAL STATE OF
INNOCENSE, to descend to the density of matter and then ascend
and EVOLVE HER CONSCIOUSNESS to reach the state that you call
WISDOM. We are aware of how much you enjoy metaphors. So, get ready: in the next Little Drop,
we will share one called "the diving suits at depths" so you can glimpse your intimate
relationship with such a fabulous instrument.
Eunyi "I don't want to kiss Jedong!" [Happy Together/2019.01.24] - Duration: 17:46.It's time for our ambitious segment.
We'll erase your embarrassing memories.
The stars who came on the show
were all very satisfied with our service.
You just have to pay 1.10 dollars.
It's 1.10 dollars per case.
- 1.10 dollars? / - Including tax.
- Including tax? / - It's expensive.
- It's hard work. / - I'm excited about it somehow.
- Are you? / - Yes.
I think we'll have a lot of work to do.
I know a few stories from Euni's dark past.
- Please tell us later. / - Okay.
Since I know some stories, I'll tell you later.
We'll offer Euni a free service for the first one.
This is what happened on Happy Together.
It's a legendary video.
It's the legendary hip slap incident.
- Her face was a mess. / - It was really funny.
- It was 2017, right? / - It was 2017.
- Lee Gyein was here too. / - That's right.
I've never seen it.
It's very funny.
- My goodness. / - That's Park Jungsoo.
My goodness.
That must have hurt so much.
- It must've hurt. / - A slap with his hips.
Her glasses were tilted.
- Her glasses were tilted. / - My gosh.
(The legendary meme was created.)
(It's a happy day for the show industry.)
(Her glasses were tilted.)
Why did you stand up?
(I think your face got a little longer.)
(Face lifting effect)
(I've never been slapped with the hips before.)
(Hip slap)
(He's crying.)
It's not easy to create such a legendary meme
- on a variety show. / - That's right.
It's not easy at all.
(Let's watch it again since it's funny.)
(Hip slap)
(It makes us laugh every time we watch it.)
- It's hard to do. / - It's not easy
to create such a scene like that.
Why do you want to erase that memory?
Honestly, I just accepted your offer
since you said you'd do it for me.
- But personally... / - You don't want this.
- No, I don't. / - I see.
I've had my career for the past 26 years
without a catchphrase of my own.
But in 2017, so many people liked that scene.
It was the best.
When I take a look back on 2017, I feel proud.
- Of course. / - I'm proud of myself.
It feels like I won an award.
You sounded like you were cool about it,
- but you got back at him. / - That's right.
She got back at Kim Yeongcheol.
- She went easy on him. / - She went easy on him.
- She's too nice to do it. / - She's so nice.
I couldn't sit right on his face.
When my mom watched the video clip,
- she got furious. / - Why?
"Why did Yeongcheol sit on your face"
"so many times?"
His action was repeated several times on the show.
(It's repeated through editing.)
- She didn't know. / - That's right.
- It was edited like that. / - Yes.
She thought he sat on my face repeatedly.
Her mother is so cute.
Euni's mother worries so much about her health.
- One day, she called me. / - What did she say?
She said,
"Can't you quit working as Celeb Five?"
I asked why.
"I worry about you too,"
"but Euni is much older than you."
"Didn't you see her limping?"
Does she limp?
I limp a little due to the muscle pain.
So I told her we've finished all the hard work
and that we'll be more careful.
She said, "I see. I still want her to quit it."
- She was worried. / - She was worried.
- She prays every day. / - Thanks to that incident,
the two of you went on a virtual marriage show.
In fact, the hip slap incident gave you the chance.
I got the chance thanks to that incident.
- That's true. / - Right.
(The hip slap brought them together as a couple.)
We were virtually married for six months.
- That's right. / - How was he?
It wasn't real, but how was he as a husband?
Has he ever made your heart flutter?
That question
- shows her intention. / - It might've happened
when she saw a new side to him.
Actually, he surprised me once.
(He made my heart flutter.)
- "What?" / - "Look at him."
"He's trying so hard because he's on camera."
- I know what she means. / - I was surprised.
- To look romantic? / - Gosh. Seriously.
Frankly speaking,
entertainers can't ignore it
- when there are cameras around. / - Of course.
We're used to being in front of cameras.
At first, it was hard for me to pretend that
there were no cameras and we were alone.
But I came to forget about the camera.
- That's the fun of it. / - Right. So...
- When we were alone... / - I know.
I did things I wouldn't have done on camera.
- That's right. / - Did you kiss him?
- What? / - Did you kiss him?
- You kissed him. / - We didn't kiss.
- We didn't kiss. / - Come to think of it...
We did lie down on the same bed, though.
That was all.
While we were filming the show,
Yeongcheol treated me with very good manners.
In real life, he's like a chatty,
immature brother to me.
But on that show, he was a gentleman.
(He turns out to be just like Choi Sujong.)
Euni didn't get angry even when Yeongcheol
- sat on her face. / - That's right.
But she had a moment where she burst with anger.
Do you remember what happened?
- I think I know. / - It happened in 2015
- on "Infinite Challenge". / - I remember that.
- This is really famous. / - Jaeseok called me
to invite me to an end-of-year party saying he would
- arrange a blind date. / - I'm sorry.
(Would you like to start dating someone?)
One of your cast members?
(Waving his hand)
(If I find someone I like,)
(and he's interested in me too,)
(I will date him publicly.)
- I mean it. / - I see.
- I apologize. / - He invited us.
- However... / - Bongsun
got angry about the men she was introduced to.
I even went on a diet before that.
I understand that Jaeseok did his best
to lead everyone as the MC.
But I got angry at him for the first time.
- We have the video. / - Okay.
(I bet you don't like us.)
(No. It's not that I don't like you.)
I meant every word I said.
(It's not like that.)
(It's different from that, you punk!)
I've never seen her get that angry.
Calm down.
(Can you date everyone you like?)
(I don't want to kiss Jedong!)
(I don't want to kiss him.)
- She meant that. / - That was unexpected.
She meant it.
Sangryeol is leaving.
- It was a total mess. / - Sangryeol is leaving.
I wondered if that could be aired.
She actually got angry.
- It was a mess. / - She was actually mad.
We admitted that we were at fault
and apologized to both sides
- before finishing it. / - You apologize so often.
If you type Euni's name in video-hosting websites,
"That's not the same" comes out on the list.
- It was really funny. / - It was hilarious.
Sangryeol, Yeongcheol and Jedong were there.
- What if... / - They're my friends.
- And I... / - Please don't cut me off.
- I'm very fond of them. / - Please let me finish.
If they were the only men left on earth,
which one of them would win your heart?
- I think... / - Don't be ridiculous.
I won't give any of them my heart.
What if they were only men on earth?
- I think none would. / - I don't want to.
None of them would win her heart.
- None of them. / - Right.
You just watched the video.
- She's getting mad again. / - Gosh.
- None of them. / - People are so funny.
- Listen. It's ridiculous. / - Stay out of it.
I like Jaeseok and Hyunmoo too,
but you don't date every man you like.
- Do you? / - What do you think of me as a man?
- What? / - As a man.
I'm just asking.
Do you think I have a crush on you?
I just want to know what you think of me as a man.
- "As a man". / - Calm down.
If she likes you, will you date her?
I don't see why not.
- Are you serious? / - Yes. If she likes me.
- You see... / - Really?
Why? Do you need a funny story to tell or what?
- I'm taken aback. / - In fact...
Euni is clear about her ideal type of man.
A lot of comedians want to date a woman
- like Euni. / - Really?
- Who? / - Who?
Be more specific.
- Nam Changhee? / - Which class is he in?
- I said he's a scammer. / - Does he speak formally?
- Which class is he in? / - Nam Changhee...
I'm sorry.
- Then... / - Yoonhee, go ahead.
I suddenly thought of
the time when I first met my husband.
I was sure we would never end up together.
- That's right. / - I strongly denied it.
- On Happy Together. / - I said it on this show.
However, I ended up marrying him.
- So you never know. / - Were you not dating then?
- We were not dating. / - They weren't.
Our personalities were so different that
I thought we were incompatible.
I doubted we could even become friends,
but now we're married.
So you shouldn't deny it so strongly.
But you are talking about Lee Donggun.
It's different from that, you punk!
(She got emotional.)
It's possible for Yoonhee to do that.
- But... / - In a moment...
That's Donggun you're talking about.
- You were mean. / - Yoonhee was bad.
- I thought she was right. / - She's the worst.
That really made me come to my senses.
It's different.
The men they are talking about are too different.
- You two are beautiful. / - Yoonhee is the meanest.
I didn't know about that. I am sorry.
She apologized, so it's fine.
Euni, you normally don't get angry, do you?
- Unless something big happens... / - Right.
I don't get angry
I've never seen her get really angry.
- Right? / - Never.
According to Bongsun,
she once yelled while working as Celeb Five.
Once she gets angry, she gets really angry.
She gets really angry.
- She's scary. / - That's why I try not to.
We have a chatroom
- specially for our group. / - A group chatroom.
Even though Euni is
much more experienced and older than us,
- she treats us like friends. / - Right.
We follow the Hollywood style.
- The Hollywood style? / - Do we do that?
- Hollywood style. / - I never knew.
- Calling by names. / - We are all friends.
(They are like Hollywood stars.)
But really...
You call that the Hollywood style?
- I am surprised. / - Hollywood might sue you.
They might.
It's because we didn't learn it well.
- Anyway... / - Whenever something comes up,
she always asks for our opinion.
"Girls, there's an event. Do we want to go there?"
- "Do you want this?" / - "Do you want to go?"
Some say yes,
and some say they don't have time.
We always have a discussion.
One day, Youngmi did something.
Euni asked if we wanted to attend an event.
And she said, "Not interested."
She said she wasn't interested in it.
- "Not interested." / - "Not interested."
- "Not interested." / - "Not interested."
She wasn't interested.
- I thought we were close. / - "Not interested."
Since Euni asked a question, I had to answer.
So I said, "Not interested either."
"Not interested either."
- She must've felt bad. / - From the screen,
I could feel the cold atmosphere.
- Did you feel that? / - Yes.
- From the group chatroom. / - The atmosphere was cold.
- It lasted for ten minutes. / - She read it.
She read it. She didn't say anything for ten minutes.
She said, "Isn't 'Not interested' rude?"
- She became quiet again. / - She got angry.
- Beep. / - "Youngmi..."
"How can you say, 'Not interested'?"
She was angry.
When I saw that, my hand started shaking.
- "What do I do?" / - I could even
imagine Euni's voice.
- You know it, don't you? / - I do know it.
I was thinking,
"I shouldn't have said 'Not interested either'."
"Not interested either."
I thought it was fine for me to say it.
"Not interested either."
We both became really scared.
Whenever something like this happens,
she's never involved.
But the important thing is this.
She's the one who is really naughty.
- She knows when to stop. / - She's the naughty one.
But when this happens, she always lay low.
"Gosh, it's rude to say that to an older person."
It's like you've practiced it.
I got all the blames.
I was good nine times,
and I made a mistake one time.
And I got into trouble.
Youngmi must've been really surprised.
She thought Euni was like an American,
but she turned out to be a typical Korean.
- Native Korean. / - Native Korean.
(She's very Korean.)
I am Korean.
Here's what made her angry.
They answered in such an annoying way
that even I got angry.
"Not interested. Not interested either."
I already knew what was going to happen.
- Then after ten minutes... / - If it's not work,
they can joke with me however much they want.
- I was asking about work. / - It was about work.
It was for work.
"Not interested" is not professional.
The problem was that I could imagine her typing it.
- Like this. / - Like this.
- She always does this. / - She always does this.
- "Not interested." / - And
she uses a phone case mothers use.
She puts cards in the case.
- This. / - This.
She typed "Not interested".
She even had a gold paper talisman.
It's gone now.
She always holds it like this.
Whenever we are not practicing, she does this.
I imagined her doing this when she read what I wrote.
"Not interested." When I thought about it,
- I suddenly got enraged. / - That would anger you.
She didn't seem to have given it a thought.
She knows me too well.
- She didn't think it through. / - I was upset
because I could picture how she replied to my text.
- Right. / - It wasn't so much about what she said,
it's that she answered
- without much thought. / - Exactly.
Then when Bongsun said, "Not interested either",
I just blew. "What's wrong with you too?"
- You should be careful. / - "They are unbelievable."
That's why you took
- ten minutes to answer back. / - I had to think.
I thought they wouldn't realize what's wrong
- if I don't tell them. / - Right.
- She wouldn't know. / - I wouldn't know.
Shinyoung, you realized what was wrong.
I knew what was wrong.
- She's really sharp. / - She's very sharp.
It's like this.
When we tease Euni,
it's fine if you only do this.
But they would do this.
(They tease her more.)
The anger would build up.
And Youngmi even does this.
(When Youngmi goes over the line...)
Then I step in and say, "That's enough."
Shinyoung starts it, but Bongsun gets yelled at.
(Bongsun is the one who always gets yelled at.)
No, I always get yelled at.
- Youngmi! / - I always do.
- We do it together. / - She's dull.
I start it.
She would start it.
Then Bongsun takes her lead and they tease her.
- "Gosh, Euni." / - "Song Euni."
They both do it.
At that point, I feel like I can join them.
But as soon as I do it...
- "Youngmi." / - "Don't do it."
"You can't do that."
I always get yelled at.
When will I be able to freely tease you?
It's like this.
Several days ago, Youngmi got upset
and asked Euni. "Why do you always yell at me?"
And Euni told her
- her true feelings. / - What did she say?
"Let me breathe."
"I need someone on my side, Youngmi."
- We are not on her side. / - She needs someone.
I heard Euni always had a tough time
because of Youngmi's secretive
- video messages. / - What's this about?
- You sent her videos. / - In the past,
when we were on "Infinite Girls"...
- At that time... / - She sent me so many messages.
What kind of messages?
- What messages? / - I sent her those videos.
- Pornographic videos? / - Yes.
- Why send her those? / - On "Infinite Girls",
my character wasn't defined.
And Euni helped me build that dirty girl character.
It was my first time being on a variety show.
So I thought I had to always be like my character.
- I was obsessed. / - The true professional.
I am actually not dirty like that.
I don't even enjoy watching porn.
- She's a good girl. / - Is she really?
- It's just my character. / - She's a good girl.
- The viewers might find this shocking. / - Really?
- It's shocking news. / - I am very conservative.
- Really? / - She's conservative.
Look at my legs nicely put together.
- The longer you know her, / - Really?
the more you realize that she only talks dirty.
- Right. / - She's not dirty.
- She's serious. / - Yes.
- She's serious. / - Is she really?
At the time, I was mistaken.
- About variety shows. / - I was like that too.
- About character. / - People had expectations.
You thought you had to always act dirty.
I thought I had to be like that in my real life.
So I kept sending her dirty videos.
When someone sends you a video
and you receive it while getting your hair done,
you just play it without thinking much.
- It... / - Oh, no.
You know there were groaning involved.
- They are in pain. / - Many people are in pain.
- They are ill. / - I would turn it off.
because they are burning with passion.
You opened it when there are many people around.
- Once... / - They groan.
Once, I opened it during a radio show.
There were guests, and commercials were playing.
"What did Youngmi send me?"
It was a video of someone lovesick.
- So... / - My goodness.
You played everything she sent you, right?
- She watches everything. / - She watches them all.
Later, she asked me why I'm not sending her more.
- Ma'am. / - My goodness.
Euni and Hwangbo were particularly sad.
Hwangbo too?
"Why aren't you sending me the videos anymore?"
And she reacts in a certain way
- that shows she doesn't mind. / - How does she react?
She would look at it.
"What is this?"
- "What is this?" / - As if it's the first time.
"What is this? My goodness."
"Come on, girl!"
(And she stares at the phone.)
- She blames me. / - She picks her nose.
"Hey. Hey."
"Don't send me these. We'll get into trouble."
She says that after watching everything.
- The video ends. / - The video ends.
She could just stop playing it.
- Instead... / - "Gosh!"
- "Don't send them." / - That's bad.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - #15: Haunted Blood - Duration: 34:09.piritsgap: Hello!
Lrrose20: Hello
piritsgap: You should be playing Monster Hunter World instead
piritsgap: A stream of you just fast traveling to the wrong zone again and a gain
piritsgap: Backtracking is technically gameplay!
BlueMagnusStormCrow: Isn't hammerlock's sister like comedic super villain level evil?
mrthelazyone: Good quest
mrthelazyone: That was real good
piritsgap: Lab 19 holds the horrible secret of space
Lrrose20: Stairs are the most canon thing of all
BlueMagnusStormCrow: Timed quests are just the "best"
piritsgap: Daww, who's an adorable destroyer
Edmond_SA: o/
piritsgap: Kaubocks really charfed it there
HistorysGr8estMonster: That's what happens when you don't play claptrap!
HistorysGr8estMonster: Suck a big one, Science!
piritsgap: Wow, suffocation really is a complete nonissue in this game
Edmond_SA: Gotta respect Törb
Kasemoch: space time
Lrrose20: What if these are actually New Zealand references?
Kasemoch: mah huzzban
Galeboomer: Oh hey, just in time for the most Australian of quests
Squirrel_Token: Are we Athena yet?
Squirrel_Token: Peepo
DeliciousBees: the banjo patterson lover has logged on
Squirrel_Token: Moon Australio
Kasemoch: was just thinkin about how good the art style and coloring is
DeliciousBees: it's about a sheep rustler
mrthelazyone: Does charf mean anything?
DeliciousBees: it's a super famous australian poem
DeliciousBees: that almost became our national anthem
Kasemoch: what's the name of this poem so I may peruse it
DeliciousBees: please forward all charf questions to kaubocks
Squirrel_Token: Please refill the billabong
Lrrose20: In the same way that Born to Run almost became New Jersey's state anthem?
DeliciousBees: also waltzing matilda has a lot of verses, but like a real national anthem we don't really remember the later ones
Squirrel_Token: Kaubocks charfs constantly
Edmond_SA: All I know about Australia is that they think kiwis talk weird
Edmond_SA: They're right, mind.
Squirrel_Token: Kiwi
mrthelazyone: All I know about Australia is that Gold Coast is pretty sick
Squirrel_Token: :^
DeliciousBees: for more information:
DeliciousBees: hmmm
Squirrel_Token: Tell me about AUs
DeliciousBees: everyone who worked on this game is unemployed or in the US now probably? that's the australian game industry in modern times
Edmond_SA: well that's fucking depressing
Squirrel_Token: Too weak
DeliciousBees: we shrunk from 5,000 people doing AAA stuff to 500 doing mobile games in under a decade
Lrrose20: Captialism!
Squirrel_Token: Makes sense
DeliciousBees: a lot of reasons why, but the dollar went crazy, the talent moved to the US, and publishers did less WFH for big games
Don't Leave in Car - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Dairy farmers fend off effects of freezing cold - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
UPDATE: City Lets Crossing Guards Go Home After A Cold Morning - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Absolutely Stunning Burleigh Holiday Lodges For Sale by Prestige Homeseeker - Duration: 3:44.Absolutely Stunning Burleigh Holiday Lodges For Sale by Prestige Homeseeker
Sweet Recipe | Around The World | Om Nom Cartoons For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 2:41.Sweet Recipe Around The World Om Nom
City's 'watchdog' department hasn't released a report in 7 months - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Many in the Valley couldn't avoid being out in the cold Wednesday - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Put 3 Lemons Under Your Bed, This Trick will Change Your Life Forever. - Duration: 2:16.The negative energy can affect prosperity, relationships and health as well as stagnate
the environment at home.
You've been brought up to believe in things that you can verify and understand.
Some rituals and remedies can't be comprehended by the rational mind and they are a real challenge
to logic.
In the following you will read about how lemon can neutralize the negative energy, restore
harmony and improve the economy.
Lemon has many benefits, not just for the beauty and health, but also for the energy.
The unmistakable aroma of the citrus should always get a place in your life and environments.
Its presence decrease negative energy as an irreplaceable ally.
And you only need green lemons.
There are many ways that you can use lemons neutralizing power.
The simpliest way is to place three lemons in different places of the house.
Replace and discard them when they become yellow or black.
Boil the peel in rainwater to get the benefits of the vapors.
If you find a small one you get it as an amulet.
However, lemon eliminates the negative energy and it is safe and quiet as bad waves won't
affect you.
You can also put nine lemons in clay or ceramic fret or a basket above the refrigerator on
a rice bed.
Put around eight lemons and one in the center, for wealth.
Put three lemons in a desk drawer or in your purse against envies at your job in order
to keep a balance.
Make an atomizer spray-water with juice of lemon and spray around the house especially
in the corners as it helps to change the bad energy.
In order to attract love, put three lemons in a glass vase or a bowl on your night table
and you should change the lemons when they turn yellow or black.
Ride-hailing drivers renting, buying new cars - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 (OTHER) things that happen... submitted by you! - Duration: 10:23.That was my reaction after posting my last video. That was my reaction after
seeing your reaction after I posted my last video. Guys
you are awesome, look at this, 1.4 thousand views. I was racking up
thousands of views every day. You guys were commenting and messaging
like crazy. It wasn't just exG.Os, it was current G.Os, it was people who weren't
G.O's at all even people who've been on all-inclusive vacations were saying
well we kind of go through that too when we come back from a vacation. After
seeing all of those messages and comments I took to Facebook and
Instagram and I asked you, would you be interested if I shared some of the
stories that you sent in and you all said yes so this video is about that. So
today we're going to share some other things that happen when you stop being a
G.O, submitted by you. At the end of the video, I'll share the top three things
that you all mentioned, the most common things that happen to everyon, it was
almost unanimous. By the way there's going to be a little bit of French in
there so you can switch on the English
captions. For those who speak French, know that you can add -
I'm too excited.
For those who speak French, know that you can add subtitles on Youtube
to understand the whole video if you aren't too comfortable in English.
And we also have...
subtitles. I have to look that up.
in Spanish. With Youtube, it's possible.
ahh... man, my Spanish is doing so well!
Alright, so, here are
some other things that happen when you stop being a G.O.
Number 10.
You won't be able to buy clothes without thinking
of the dress code.
Shopping without a dress code now is awesome,
but it can be a little overwhelming at time.
Like Marie-Hélène wrote,
Sometimes it feels like it would be much simpler with a dress code.
For those of you who are not aware, every
night at Club Med there is a special dress code. It's super simple
blue and white, or all black. Guests don't have to participate in that dress code,
but the G.O's do. So when you're packing for your G.O mandate, you have to pack or
in some cases buy the clothes that correspond to each dress code. As Nati
Marques wrote, every time you go to a store you find yourself choosing clothes
according to the colors of the dress codes. If it doesn't fit with a dress
code, you're not gonna buy it because when will you wear it. I mean you could
wear it on your day off, but you tend to wear more loung-y
clothes on your day off. Anyway but that's for another video. Nick von
Holstein wrote what about going out on a Friday night and you're the only one
dressed in white. That hasn't happened to me yet Nick but that might be because
our white nights were on Thursdays when I left. Alright number nine.
You'll miss taking naps every day. yeah Jojo wrote in that one. She says she
misses napping. I know what you're thinking. What?? G.O's have time to nap?
I know we tend to hear about how busy G.O's are and how crazy their schedule
is and it is but they also have breaks. It is customary to take a nap
during that break time. As Jojo says, real jobs don't allow that unless you crawl
into your parked car at lunchtime. yeah and here she is now.
This is Jojo, sneaking in a lunchtime nap. Go Jojo! Number eight. People told me they
actually left restaurants without paying. Roxanne told me that she left without
paying and had to come back, and she had to explain to the owner that she's just
not used to paying at restaurants anymore. Try explaining to the guy
that you're just not used to paying in a restaurant anymore.
It doesn't go over so well.
Number seven. You're constantly looking for your badge.
Katrien, I hope I'm saying this right, Katrien Van Thalen wrote she would always
think oops I lost my badge and she would look at other people's badges too. When
you're a G.O, you wear a badge all the time and the worst thing that can happen
is losing that badge. No, wait, the worst thing that can happen is walking to work
and realizing you forgot your badge in your room. Yeah... Anyway luckily no need to
worry about that anymore. Number six, you'll notice the details.
Matthew Fearnley wrote in with this one. He says you notice details at public events
like the tag showing on a tablecloth on stage. I agree. Club Med trained us well. I
personally picked up trash the other day without thinking about it. It was in the
street and my friends were kind of like what are you doing?I was like, I don't know.
Number five. You'll have to get used to the cold again. John Pearson wrote it
took a month for him to get accustomed to the cold. He went from Club Med
Huatulco. There's no longer a Club Med there but there used to be in Mexico, so
he went from there to North Carolina.
We're waiting for you, Jess!
Number four. You get out of your comfort zone. Kim wrote that Club Med
taught her how to get out of her comfort zone and to go for it, Crazy Signs and
all. Manolo Franco says that he is now more than he was as a person before the
experience I guess. There's a lot of things that you're like,
okay this is weird I'm going on stage and I'm dressed as... What was the weirdest
thing I dressed up as on stage...
yeah, there's been some weird costumes that
I've like not been a hundred percent sure about but you just go out there and you
have fun and you just sort of learn to not care. Okay number three, learning new
languages. I got this message from 3homersimpson. I'm guessing that's not
his real name. It's cool though. He wrote he was a G.O in Italy for one year and a
half, it was the best experience of his life and he improved his English there. I
know personally a lot of people who walked out of Club Med just knowing all
these brand new languages that they couldn't even speak a little bit of
before they started. Personally I developed my Spanish. My Spanish no es muy
bueno. I mean I can get by and understand it which is way more than when I started
Number two: following your passion. Alfonso Naterali wrote life in Club Med
is so easy and so good because he was able to do what he had a passion for.
I agree with that 100%. I mean I developed a passion for making videos
like this and now I just I love it. I don't know if I would have gotten into
this as much if it hadn't been for Club Med. And number one, you keep coming back.
Jenner Jensen wrote you forgot to mention how many times you will return
to Club Med after you stop. I was in Club Med from 1989 to 1995 but came back to
work a month or two each year for the next 12 years and he's getting ready to
do it again in a few weeks hopefully. That's a good one Jenner because I
actually know a lot of people who have done that.
G.Os will quit and say you know what I'm done with this and then you'll see
them a season or two later being like yeah I'm just gonna come back for one
season. So there you go those are the new things that you told me about. I don't
know about you watching but I can relate to all of those as well so those were
all really really good examples. And now here are the
top three things that so many of you told me. It kept coming back over and
over again. Before we get to into that though just don't forget to subscribe to my
channel please. Tap the notification Bell so you get notified when new G.Os
- when new videos come out. If you're not a G.O or an ex G.O but you made it
this far in the video - yaaaay! I promise there won't only be G.O videos on this
channel. I hope you're thoroughly entertained though. So here it is, the top
three things that you guys mentioned. Saying hello to everybody on the streets.
Lynne Elizabeth Reamy says the saying hello never goes away.
Gerandy, who is still a G.E. I keep mentioning G.O's but G.Es also go through
a lot of things too. Gerandy still works at Club Med as a G.E and he says he still
says hi to random people on the street when he's outside the resort.
I can totally see that happening. Number two, Crazy Signs have indeed changed your
lives. So many of you are dancing to Crazy Signs like like even years later.
Apparently it really does stay stuck in your head. I don't know if that's good or
bad. Kim said her husband and son say they
are used to her Crazy Signs. Katrien says Crazy Signs after dinner is a thing in
her home and she says she now cannot dance without an example in front of her.
Because when you're dancing Crazy Signs at Club Med you normally have a G.O in
front of you or on a stage so you're sort of following along it's pretty
funny. And Clemence Lou says, in French, she has an anecdote in the car with her
boyfriend, who is not a G.O. She sais when a Crazy Signs comes on the radio, she explodes crazy sign pasta like a gol explos -
with joy and she dances, and he doesn't understand what's going on.
I guess we could add to that, if you've never been a G.O, sometime it's hard to understand our behaviour,
or why we talk about it so much. Finally the number one thing - I am absolutely blown away I know
I mentioned this in my last video but now I have the proof. You really never
stop remembering your G.O experience. I have people, I'm gonna try to go through
this quickly, but you all commented on my last video telling me how much you
related to everything I was saying even if it had been years since you stopped.
Amy Martinez wrote I have been out for one year and something and I still miss
it so much. Titi tageux- nice name - he was a G.O from 2011 to 2017.
and he says he sees himself in the video. Elise Piccin says everything is true,
even 10 years later. Ashley Ginay Maxwell She was a G.O 10 years ago, she used to tell people
it was like you went far far away in a strange land
just came back and you're not sure how to live in a normal world anymore. new
Nourheddin Abdullahfez - I'm sorry if I'm saying your name wrong -
He was a G.O at Club Med Sinai Bay. It's a Club Med in Egypt that doesn't exist anymore.
So it's been a few years. He says it was awesome. I am always talking about this experience to
the world. Geneviève Couet, she says it's been 17 years since she stopped Club Med.
She's says it's still true, especially the Crazy Signs. Diana Girardi she says I can so relate
to this even after 25 plus years. She was born and raised in Montreal and spent
the early 90s as a G.O and she still appreciates the memories and experiences
like no other. Pam Keller says it's so true, she's been out for 30 years and she
still talks about it. Isabelle Fisher same thing, she says she still talks
about it after 30 years as well. Louise Ann Lemyre, she says she was a G.O from
1987 to 1995. She still talks about it with
as much joy and nostalgia. BillBurkholder he says the video was spot-on.
You stopped being a G.O when I was born. That's not that long ago,
obviously. Tim Purcell I've been out for 37 years still in contact with G.O's and
GM's. Sal Monella yes, she left Club Med after 14 villages,
in 1980. He still has friends all over the world, and he even married one. We have G.O kids.
And finally, Inca Sochon Stucker, I still talk about it even after 41 years.
That's insane guys, thank you so much for sharing your stories with me. I kind of
knew this already but now I can confirm we all go through the same things. So I
think we need to embrace everything that happened and appreciate all these
memories that we have because clearly it's a one-of-a-kind experience. I'm so
grateful and from what I'm reading so are all of you. If you're a parent, a
sibling, a child, a grandchild, a friend of an exGO, I hope this explains a lot. I hope
you get it now. Thanks so much for listening all the way to the end. Oh my
gosh that was long.
Plan with me | February 2019 Bullet Journal Setup | Elegant Swan - Duration: 9:44.Hi everyone!
I hope you had a super productive first month of 2019.
If you were struggling a little bit to get into a new routine, you were not the only
Let's use this February as another chance to try again and believe in ourselves a little
bit more.
This month, I decided to just draw what I wanted to draw, rather than trying to figure
out a timely event such as chinese new year or valentines day to be inspired by.
I wanted something simple and beautiful, so I chose an elegant swan.
Before I get into the setup, I wanted to thank you so much for all of the love for the enamel
pin collection!
I only have a few left of the bunny, bear, on the moon pin and I'm so excited to get
them to their forever homes.
So if you want them, check out my shop linked below!
We're going to start by flipping through last month's setup, If you guys missed the 2019
setup, I've decided to keep this year very simple.
I want the bullet journal to help me achieve my goals, versus something that causes me
And for the weekly setups, I do them as I go along.
This way I am not confined by any shape or size, giving me complete freedom as I go.
So this is what my weekly looks like through the month and I love it!
I use the keys to determine the status of the task and I may be updating that system
a bit as I go.
You're not going to see a whole lot of trackers or additional pages because I've tried that
before and they stay blank or half completed and there are so many other things I want
to dedicate my time and energy to creating, so once again, make sure when you're creating
your setup, design something that will work for you, versus what you think a bullet journal
should look like.
Everyone's should be a little different, because we all have different goals and needs.
The winds were calm and the sky was the perfect blue hue with clouds as fluffy as cotton candy.
It was a very important time of year as the new swans took their first flight as adults.
All of the beautiful swans drifted upwards effortlessly and elegantly, disappearing beyond
the horizon.
All but one little swan.
She didn't think that she could.
She had wings of course, but the sky just felt so far away and there was no way she
could ever reach it, she thought…
Using the 05 Micron and then a mix between the 02 and 08 micron pens, to draw the illustration.
I realized that if you use the 02 micron to go back and add shadows, it looks so much
better than using the same size for everything.
I then used a kneaded eraser to clean up some of the lines and then went back in with some
I'm using the tombow 942 and 761 and of course you gotta have the gold accent with
the gelly roll.
I absolutely love this gel pen, no spread is complete without some sort of metallic.
Keeping in line with the simple and intentional design of the layout, I'm using the same
print out for the 2019 setup but only the month of february for the calendar.
You can find all of the links to the supplies I've used down in the description, I also
list out the clear label paper that I use to make these stickers blend into my page
and you can also get this whole setup as a blank for any month or for february and get
the calendar in my shop.
I really do love making these available for you to use in your own special ways, so tag
me on Instagram if you have one!
This is the month I wanted to remind myself and all of us, to believe in ourselves.
Believe that we can be the person we want to become and achieve of the all of the goals
we want to achieve.
Underneath that are two of my favorite quotes about belief.
The first one is by Henry Ford and he says:
Whether you think you can or think you can't - you're right.
If you think something is not possible or out of your reach somehow, you're probably
not going to commit much time or energy to accomplish that goal.
And if you believed that you could, you would try your very best, with so much determination.
Martin Luther King, Jr, says, Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the
whole staircase.
And this is what I want to focus on this month, to begin a journey with all of my heart and
soul, even though I don't know for a fact where I would end up.
The only thing that I do know, is that if I don't try, I will not progress.
So starting right now, let us believe in ourselves.
Last month I decided to fill in my calendar with my milestones as it happened so that
I can look back and know the day it happened in order throughout the month.
I loved it, it looks like a visual milestone page!
For the black bars for the days of the week, I am using black cardstock paper and just
cutting about .25 inch strips across.
And then I'll cut them to size and double stick tape them into the setup.
Super simple, especially with my glider which is the perfect .25 inch size.
So the great thing about using black cardstock, is that the white gelly roll, goes on very
vibrant which doesn't normally happen with my tombow markers.
So if you want your white gel pen to be bold, try it on black cardstock.
On the right of the calendar are my goals for this month.
First and foremost, I want to continue to take moments to learn and think.
I've noticed that I've been working on a few things at once and moving onto the next
thing without a blink of an eye or a good refreshing break in between.
Which then leads to burnout.
So taking a moment to learn new things, read something fun, or to think will help me go
into my next task ready to conquer.
The next goal is to start illustrating my book, for real this time!
I have the final draft done, finally, and I cannot wait to get moving on that!
It's been forever in the making and there were so many other obligations that needed
to be prioritized and if you've been following me then you all of the things that have happened
But it's happening this month and I can't be more excited!
And then my last goal of the month is probably going to be a very difficult one.
I've always been a little self conscious on video and I'm no pro with makeup to express
myself the way I would like to, to the world, so this has been the hurdle that I've been
struggling with.
SO this month, I just want to toss the belief that I am not good enough or interesting enough
for vlogs, out the window and like nike says, just do it.
There is so much that I want to share with the world and I can't keep letting those
immature notions keep me from achieving that goal.
If anyone else feels the same way, let's conquer this together and seriously, just do it.
Be proud of yourself when you do and don't worry too much about others.
A little reminder to myself as well.
The little swan sits there alone as the sun slowly begins to set, turning the sky into
a magical mix of colors.
Colors so vibrant that she could only wish to twirl in them.
Being surrounded by this magical scene and her family, is all she longs for now.
Loneliness has taken over and she knew that if she doesn't at least try to fly now,
her family will be miles away and too far gone.
Fear turns to sadness, sadness then turns to anger.
Angry at herself for not even trying in the first place, for not believing in herself
and her abilities, and for being the reason why she was still here as the world continues
to go on.
She takes her anger and channels it into determination.
Lifts her wings high into the air and begins to fly relentlessly.
Up she goes, slowly towards the magic and eventually, gaining speed to rejoin her family.
Underneath the illustration for my weekly cover page is a final quote that completes
the intent of the setup by Eleanor Roosevelt.
She says, The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Because when you believe, you will find many ways to make your dreams come true.
When I started this journey a little over a year ago, I've been conflicted and torn
between journaling and storytelling.
It wasn't until I decided to combine the two, no matter what the standards were or
what anyone said, simply because I believed in it.
This past month, marks an incredible milestone when I started a monthly self-care package
over on patreon.
Happy mail that cheers you on to do great things and inspires you when you need it.
If you're looking for a goodie bag full of stuff, this is not it.
If you love my stories and want a thoughtful original story and journal prompt to take
you on a journey through self-discovery and goal setting, this is for you!
I am opening up a few more spots for the month of February, so if you want to join this journey
with me, click the link below!
I want to thank all of the special Blush patrons and everyone who have stuck by me through
thick and thin, joining me on this adventure in such a personal way!
As a thank you, leave a comment below answering this question: What is your dream job or dream
And I'll pick a winner to receive a signed mini print of this month's cover page in
the mail.
The winner from the January video will be announced in my next video, so stay tuned!
I hope this video inspired you to believe in yourself and to take the first step in faith.
Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time.
Best of the Best Series: Niche Foundations | SUQQU with Abby Bliss White! - Duration: 13:30.Hey guys, welcome back to my channel
So today I am starting a series a foundation series and it is going to be in collaboration with my friend Abby here on
YouTube and we have decided to
Pick a foundation every month for the entire year and we are going to review it at the end of every single month
These are not any average
Foundations. We are on the hunt for the best of the best Miche
just beautiful foundations that are not necessarily at every single counter all the time this so we're gonna start this series with
Suku and that is a japanese a skincare slash makeup brand and they put out some really
Beautiful foundation formulation. We are actually going to be reviewing their extra rich glow
foundation I am going to rewind it to this morning show you a demo of me putting it on and
Then we will come back and discuss the foundation further
I did do my eye makeup because I've been using this NYX the swear by it palette
I've been using it since I bought it and you guys it is so good. You're so good
I'm definitely going to do a full review and swatches and all of that stuff
But I have found that it has a little bit of fallout
So I've been doing my eye makeup first, which is completely not normal for me. I'm using my seraphic ghen aqua this
sunscreen and
It kind of does serve as a primer for me
I mean, it really gives my pores kind of a refined look at least for me. I love it. It's like 10 dollars
It's a fantastic 50 plus plus plus sunscreen
So this has been really really good with this foundation
the other thing that I'm doing before I put on my serif it obviously is I'm using a moisturizer and I am actually combining my
Obagi hydrate a pump of my Obagi hydrate and I'm putting a little bit of my
Sukiyaki Suhana the essence. I mean look at you guys. I'm almost out of it. Luckily. I have a backup because I'm like
anyway, I pour a little bit of this on top of my pump of this and
I mush them together until it turns into this
Milky consistency and I that as my moisturizer I could do that with lots of moisturizers
It doesn't have to be this hydrate. But any moisturizer at my cat, it's behind us making
Seriously anyway I
Could do that with almost any moisturizer
That's a little bit too thick or feels too thick going on thin it out with this seriously such a great coffee
So I am gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put on the color 102
I like to put some on the back of my hand. I dotted around my face and I like to spread this foundation out
Then go in with a sponge. I feel like if I just dot it and go in with the sponge
I'm working really hard not to have dots all over my face for a little while
So it's one that I kind of have to spread around
So let's look at what I have to cover. I have a
Lot of hyperpigmentation you guys the camera really makes my skin look better than it is
I want to tell you that so you can see if you really look you guys all kinds of hyperpigmentation. I do have a
Pimple that's healing but mostly I'm just trying to get rid of this uneven, you know hyperpigmentation
So I obviously have dark circles this foundation takes just a couple minutes and it starts to meld with your skin
it starts to kind of become one with your skin and the really crazy thing is
Over the hours of where I feel like it looks better and better. It's really bizarre
I don't think I've ever had a foundation where I actually think it looks better three four or five hours after
I first put it on and in real life you guys it just looks like really super hydrated. Good skin. This is again color 102
nation comes in seven shades and they range from
Fairly light to fairly tan. It definitely covers kind of that end of the spectrum
So I hope that Zuko will come out with some darker skin tone color offerings and I hope that they'll come out with even another
Pick more pale color. It is such a beautiful buildable coverage that I just think it wears well on
Anybody who is looking for a medium to a medium full coverage foundation?
It's kind of a whipped cream II texture that is just gorgeous layered
it definitely layers very very well without in my opinion looking cakey or
exacerbating or
Accentuating texture. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and conceal now
I'm using a trick that I picked up from Stephanie Marie and I love it. I'm actually
Combining a little bit of tart shaped tape and this is in the color light medium
With a little bit of the color science the total I three and one because this is too dry for me
it really just makes my under eyes look older and
I do have dry under eyes and I do have normal to dry skin
But when I combined it with this, it makes the most perfect concealer. It gives me just enough coverage
It gives me a little bit of SPF. It's just the perfect tone. I love it so much
So I mix a little tiny bit on the back of my hand and then I go ahead and conceals
Okay, so I'm gonna finish my face and what I've been doing lately you guys and I've been loving it
Especially with this foundation as I'm going in with the de corte. This is the I think it's called dippin highlighter
Dip in glow and this is in 0:01
it is literally just a beautiful kind of translucent with a little bit of a almost iridescent sheen but
It has a dry down
It doesn't stay super wet kind of like the West minute illy a which I also love the lit
This one has a little bit more of a dry down
so I've been putting this on kind of the higher points of my cheeks and
down a little
Just for a little bit added luminosity
and the other thing that I'm doing is I'm getting it out here kind of by where I would have crow's feet that kind of
thing and
Because it dries down and doesn't like sink into the lines or anything. It just makes that area look kind of hydrated and more youthful
So I love this very very subtle. This is not
Glow from the heavens kind of highlighter very appropriate for work
And it's just it's just really pretty it's very very youthful
It does have a little bit of a rose scent
A lot of the de corte stuff does obviously that lacks color anything like that. So I have to go in with my absolute all-time
favorite and using
Westman Atelier, this is the super loaded highlighter input apesh. Look at that you guys I
mean seriously
The amount of makeup that I have the makeup junkie that I am to hit pan is
Amazing. I love this so much you guys that I asked for one for Christmas as a backup
My mother-in-law she came through she bought me a backup. I have a backup of this because it is just
It's just that good of a product. So what I do I go in with my same
Beauty Blender that I just used for my foundation and
I use it. That's kind of a blush slash highlight and I love it combined with that de corte
I feel like it gives it kind of a gradient. It's so pretty
It just kind of gives your face lights you guys
This PO depeche is so pretty now go in like that and I don't know if you can see but that gives this subtle
Sheen and blush and almost kind of gives me a little tiny bit of a contour it like brings out my cheeks. I
Then take what's left on this and I go around
Here and I only do that just to give my face a little
Life then I'm going to finish my lips
And I got to go to work
So what I'm going to use on my lips today is I'm actually going to go in with this
visi art nudes lip palette
I'm gonna put a little bit on and I'm going to top it with some gloss and I'm gonna be out the door
So I'm actually going to go in with this color
I'm gonna do a whole review of this visi art lip palette you guys
It's awesome. It is
Such a good formula
It's expensive it's like $80, but you get through 12 colors. You can mix and match you can make any nude you want
So beautiful will last forever and a lot of high-end lipsticks are 30 or 40 dollars and you get all these options. I
Love it. Just a simple simple lip since I'm going to work. I'm going to top it with
Shantak eye charm the look charm from Shanta Kai
So you can see you guys it is a very hydrated foundation it's not tacky
It's not sticky it just to me feels like mice again. I love it
I just think it makes your skin look like good skin
So I will check back in with you guys right here in a few hours
It's actually been several hours since I put that foundation on and I'm ready to discuss this foundation now
Let me show you the packaging the first this is the beautiful pot that it comes in. It's just over an ounce and it does
Retail for somewhere between a hundred and one hundred and twenty-five dollars. It depends on where you buy it
It is a really creamy kind of whipped texture
This is the color 102 and this is the one that I did wear today
I also have it in the color zero zero or three. I did do a swatch on the back of my wrist
This is the color zero zero three and this is the color 102. You can see that zero zero three has more
Kind of peachy warmth and the 102 is a very neutral
Neutral medium. It's light medium. I
Love it with my de corte the highlighter and I love it with my Westman Atelier
PO de peche
I am normal to dry
Slash dry and definitely dehydrated and it's just the right amount of hydration
for my particular skin it has 12 ingredients that are
Remarkable in that they are all about hydration. It has camellia seed extract it has Japanese. Kelp it also has
Yuzu extract it also has high oleic acid and it does have a water soluble collagen
Not sure if I buy into the water soluble collagen
but what I do know is this foundation gets better over time during the day and
I just really love it on my skin very much. I'm super excited to bring you guys different niche foundations every month
I really hope that you will check out Abi's video next. It's pretty cool because she also has normal to dry skin
We are both in the same age range
but she also has sensitivities and she rosacea I get questions all the time about rosacea and sensitivities and
While I am an aesthetician and I can answer those questions clinically
I think it's a really great resource to actually have someone with the same skin condition that you are concerned about
So I'm excited to get Abby's thoughts on this foundation
It does contain mineral oil does not bother my skin at all
But if mineral oil is something that is a deal breaker for you. This foundation definitely does have it
It is occlusive and I think it might be partially responsible for the glow to me. There's no real discernible fragrance
It's not strongly fragrance. There's a light
Gentle fragrance that almost smells like the actual ingredients themselves like a lotion but nothing overly
Fragrant as in flowers or fruit or anything like that. I
Definitely think that this is beautiful in photography
it does have an SPF of 15 except for the color number 4 number 4 has an SPF of
13 now I did take some pictures right when I left work today in the full Sun
Just to give you an idea after several hours how it looked in the shining Sun on my skin
I think that that's a real telltale sign of a great foundation is if in the blaring
Sunlight your skin can just look like skin and not like makeup sitting on top of skin
Anyway, I hope that you guys are interested in this series. We have a an
amazing list
curated for
The next several months now if you have a foundation that you've really wanted to see reviewed
That is niche that maybe you can only get overseas that kind of thing. Definitely
Comment down below and let us know because nothing is off the table
We have so many fun high-end luxury niche not run-of-the-mill foundations that we are definitely going to be sharing with you guys
this one so far is a
Winner for me. I absolutely love it. It is such a good foundation. So I hope that you guys enjoyed this video
I definitely hope that you will go over check out Abi's channel. Definitely subscribe to her. She is
my luxury soul sister you guys she
Seriously, she almost my outdo me
She's wonderful. So I hope that you'll check out her Channel and her video as well
I hope you guys are having a wonderful wonderful day, and I hope you enjoyed this video. I'll talk to you again very very soon
Syracuse District Attorney Wants to Reopen Traffic Violation Case Against Pete Davidson After He Sla - Duration: 3:09.Is wanted in Upstate New York? Onondaga County District Attorney has called for the Manlius Police Department to reopen a case from last summer against the comedian after he bashed the city in an interview at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival
Davidson, 25, spoke about his disdain for the city — where he shot his new movie, Big Time Adolescence — during an interview with Variety on Monday, January 28
"It sucked … The whole town of Syracuse blows," Davidson bluntly told the publication, hinting that the police had targeted him while he was in town shooting the -directed comedy
"To be honest, they just found out I was there and tried to arrest me the entire time … There's nothing going on there so they were hunting me down the entire time
" Police captain confirmed to that the Saturday Night Live star was pulled over in August 2018 for violating vehicle and traffic laws
Though he wasn't charged at the time, his pal , was hit with "a violation for unlawful possession of marijuana and a fourth-degree felony for possession of concentrated cannabis
" Schafer noted to "When we stop a vehicle, we don't know who's in it
" Gay pleaded guilty earlier this month and paid $225 in fines to settle the case
Following Davidson's comments at Sundance, Fitzpatrick slammed him in an interview with CNY Central News on Tuesday, January 29, and explained his reasoning for wanting to reopen the case
"I just heard the comments of ," the district attorney said. "Not surprisingly, it was the first time I ever heard of , and apparently he doesn't like Syracuse
So I did a little background checking on him and, quite frankly, I'd be as likely to take tourism advice from him as I would marriage counseling from …" Fitzpatrick added: "However, I am going to ask Manlius police to look into the charges that were brought against Mr
Davidson and see if they can't be reopened. And then we'll see how much he really likes Syracuse
" He ten referenced 's Anchorman character, Ron Burgundy, and said, "Stay classy, Syracuse
How to Protect Your Car from Cold Temps - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
Break heart!big monkey bite small baby cry loudly and jump to the water,Wildlife Trailer - Duration: 11:01.Break heart!big monkey bite small baby cry loudly and jump to the water,Wildlife Trailer
Cold snap doesn't close soup kitchen in Youngstown - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Fukusada No Oicho Ginkgo Tree - Wakayama - 福定の大銀杏 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:39.Fukusada No Oicho or in English: The Great Ginkgo tree of Fukusada,
is a beautiful 400-year-old lonesome tree located in the Tanabe district of Wakayama.
With a circumference of about 5.5m and a height of 22m,
Fukusada No Oicho is also the "protector" of the Hosenji temple located just beneath it.
Both a local and national treasure, Fukusada No Oicho is at its best in autumn around mid to late November.
This video was made in Cooperation with Wakayama Tourism Federation.
Learn more about Wakayama Prefecture at
so pity!little baby hug mom on the chest for milk,mom waiting food very poor,Wildlife Trailer - Duration: pity!little baby hug mom on the chest for milk,mom waiting food very poor,Wildlife Trailer
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