Thursday, January 31, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 31 2019

拡大写真 お い芸人・キートン   お笑い芸 のキートン(45 が30日、自身の イッターを更新

自らがピン芸日本 決定戦「R―1ぐ んぷり」の3回戦 落選したとし「意 的に落とされたと っている」と運営 イドや審査員への 満をつづった

   まず「毎年 ように落ちたらツ ッターで文句を言 ているが、今年は 当に酷かったので 140字におさま ないと思い手書き した」と断った上 、手書きの長文の 像をアップした

   この文書で 結果的に3回戦落 となったが、私は 図的に落とされた 思っている

なぜなら3回戦の は相当ウケたから と主張。その上で 自分で言うのもな ですが、あれだけ ケて落とされたら でも怒ります

こういう事を言う 色々と文句を言っ くる奴もいますが 3回戦を見た芸人 お客さんからは、 番ウケていたと言 てもらえたりもし

さすがにそれは褒 過ぎとは思いつつ 謙遜して言っても の日のベスト5に 入る笑いを取って たと思う

しかし、準々決勝 出者24名の中に ートンの名前はな った」と説明した

For more infomation >> お笑い芸人のキートン R-1批判「意図的に落とされたと思っている」 - Duration: 3:10.


R1運営批判キートンへ「売れて見返せ」志らく激励 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:41.

 落語家の立川志ら (55)が、お笑い 人のキートン(45 がピン芸人日本一決 戦「R-1ぐらんぷ 2019」の大会運 や審査員に対する不 感をあらわにしたと 受け、自身の経験を づるとともに「悔し だろうが売れて見返 しかない」とメッセ ジをつづった

 キートンは同コン ストの3回戦で敗退 たが、30日のツイ ターにアップした長 の文書で「私は意図 に落とされたと思っ いる。なぜなら3回 の私は相当ウケたか 」と主張し、怒りを ちまけた

 志らくは31日更 のツイッターで、こ 件に言及。「私も若 頃、落語の賞レース すさまじいウケ方を たのに賞にかすりも なかった事がある。 って二度と参加しな った

だがこんな事もある 浅草キッドと決勝に てキッドの方がウケ 。でも私が優勝。理 は大人の芸だったか 」と、審査される側 った当時の経験をつ った。 一方、昨年 「M-1グランプリ 018」では審査員 務めた志らく

「芸の審査は難しい ウケの量で判断する 内容で判断するか。 れを審査基準に明記 ておくしかない」と コンテストの審査基 について私見を述べ 「キートン、悔しい ろうが売れて見返す かない

M1のミキや和牛も らくのやつ、絶対売 て見返してやると思 ているはず。ダウン ウンだってやすしさ にそんなの漫才じゃ いと言われたんだか 」と諭した。

For more infomation >> R1運営批判キートンへ「売れて見返せ」志らく激励 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:41.


【伊克斯金融學院 - 吳若辛】程式交易 & 反轉指標 Fractal - Duration: 16:12.

For more infomation >> 【伊克斯金融學院 - 吳若辛】程式交易 & 反轉指標 Fractal - Duration: 16:12.


Superstição e Saúde, Sálvia! | Nô Figueiredo - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Superstição e Saúde, Sálvia! | Nô Figueiredo - Duration: 4:28.


Vertici 5S virano su salva-Salvini - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Vertici 5S virano su salva-Salvini - Duration: 7:39.


E THA MONSTAR - Im A Ball - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> E THA MONSTAR - Im A Ball - Duration: 3:30.


✅ Paola Di Benedetto e Federico Rossi in crisi? Arriva la smentita ufficiale - Duration: 2:40.

Paola Di Benedetto e Federico Rossi in crisi? Gli ultimi aggiornamenti sulla coppia più chiacchierata del momento  Da diversi giorni sul web gira voce di una possibile crisi tra Paola Di Benedetto e Federico Rossi

I due, come hanno notato i più attenti, avevano smesso di seguirsi su Instagram e, per un po' di tempo, non si erano mostrati più insieme

C'è da dire, però, che il cantante di Benji e Fede è stato impegnato in queste settimane con un progetto lavorativo che lo ha portato Oltreoceano (precisamente negli Stati Uniti)

La cosa che ha insospettito i fan, fino ad arrivare a far sostenere loro la tesi riguardante la presunta rottura, è il fatto che Fede sul suo profilo personale avesse scelto di togliere alcune foto e dediche fatte tempo fa alla Di Benedetto

Paola Di Benedetto e Federico Rossi non si sono lasciati: i due mettono a tacere le male lingue  Paola Di Benedetto e Federico Rossi, dopo giorni di silenzio, hanno finalmente deciso deciso di rispondere al gossip sul loro conto

Si sono lasciati? Stanno attraversando una crisi? Secondo il settimanale Chi la coppia avrebbe iniziato ad allontanarsi a seguito di Capodanno

Adesso, però, tutto sembrerebbe essersi risolto e appianato. Tra Paola e Federico ogni cosa è tornata alla normalità

Ai rumours riguardanti la fine della loro relazione, difatti, entrambi hanno risposto in questo ore pubblicando su Instagram foto e video dove si mostrano felici insieme

  Paola Di Benedetto e Federico Rossi: il motivo dietro la crisi di coppia  La causa scatenante la crisi di coppia tra Paola Di Benedetto e Federico Rossi? Stando a quanto emerso nelle ultime ore, i due avrebbero avuto degli screzi proprio durante le feste di Natale

Il fatto che l'ex Madre Natura abbia deciso di passare il Capodanno insieme all'amica Adelaide e a Stefano De Martino non sarebbe andata giù al fidanzato


For more infomation >> ✅ Paola Di Benedetto e Federico Rossi in crisi? Arriva la smentita ufficiale - Duration: 2:40.


RNG 111: A Secret Tactic - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> RNG 111: A Secret Tactic - Duration: 4:40.


The Old Rugged Cross (Rude Cruz) - John Cartney Instrumentals - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> The Old Rugged Cross (Rude Cruz) - John Cartney Instrumentals - Duration: 2:13.


[Frammenti#75] La Divina Misericordia per TUTTI! - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> [Frammenti#75] La Divina Misericordia per TUTTI! - Duration: 5:22.



Hello my loves, Welcome to my youtube channel, again

me pink moony, today we are going just talk about the orange peel but

before going into the thick of the subject think to subscribe. , like and comment, but

also think about the notification bell , think also of my new pink chain Moony


Cellulite gives the appearance of a skin orange to your skin. In women,

cellulite will settle on the hips, the thighs, the ankles, the nape, the

shoulders and arms. In humans too but no further farther than the size.

Rather harmless problem, cellulite affects the mind more often than the body.

In this sense, it is worth treating it. Sooner or later the body reacts negatively

to the attacks of the image of oneself.

But cellulite can also make you suffer physically if you are very sick.

It becomes essential to consult a specialist. Besides, know that

cellulite often results from bad diet and excess stress. In

all cases, this is another good reason to pay more attention.

Grandmothers Remedies Against Cellulite The following internal and external remedies

are worth as much as a cure preventive.

Food Avoid all that is farinaceous and too rich

in salt and oil, industrial products plan a vitamin cure B6, C, zinc,

manganese, magnesium,

A fast of a few days can greatly help eliminate cellulite in the long term.

In the absence of a fast in the water, a cure fruit juice or vegetable juice (fresh)

will do. When taking a bath, think about massaging

in the banana with soap if possible Castor oil is excellent for

the skin

It will allow to rub the fat pile

A remarkable remedy for fighting cellulite To fight cellulite, many beauticians

use combined Aloe vera jelly with ingredients quite similar to

those of poultices mentioned above. If you can not get such a

preparation with aloi vera, you can replace it by mixing a good amount

jelly of aloi vera (organic shop) with the indicated ingredients

Lemon and caffeine • Squeeze 2 lemons. Filter the juice and add

the same amount of coffee very strong. mix and

pour into a bottle that closes. a little cayenne pepper

Rub each day with this lotion the parts of your body affected by the

cellulite. Caffeine gets through of the skin and activates the destocking process

fat cells. Vitamin C that contains lemon drains junk waste

in the tissues. All will contribute to the elimination cellulite.

Tip: Prepare this lotion in small quantity because it quickly loses its

efficiency. Keep it for 2 to 3 days maximum, away from light and heat.

Spread generous amounts of your mixture on the parts to be treated.

Then cover them with cellophane paper. Stay extended for about 1 hour. Repeat

treatment every day, as many times that will be necessary.

Aloe vera has very powerful effects astringents, hence its ability to drain

excess water and toxins present in the tissues. It also promotes reconstitution

cell and cell proliferation healthy.

Note: The suggested mix will warm you up skin (sometimes a lot), do not worry

no, it's a sign that the mix is well his job. If you find the sensation

too uncomfortable, reduce the amount of cayenne pepper.

In internal use, you can combine these treatments with:

Cellulite, advice and more ... A state of mind and an anti-stress lifestyle

are also necessary to guard you against cellulite. Cellulite is the result

of a generalized intoxication of your system where negativity and stress

can play a major role.

Thank you for watching this video until the end, as you know my

videos are easy simple fast, very accessible, for everyone, that's why

I invite you to share this for this touch a maximum of person it will help a

save many lives and make the world better.



HULK SMASH~!! Thanos Appeared~! Thanos, Malekith, cable vs Hulk Fight~! toy for kids - Charles Toy - Duration: 11:49.

HULK SMASH~!! Thanos Appeared~! Thanos, Malekith, cable vs Hulk Fight~! toy for kids - Charles Toy

For more infomation >> HULK SMASH~!! Thanos Appeared~! Thanos, Malekith, cable vs Hulk Fight~! toy for kids - Charles Toy - Duration: 11:49.


【ログレス】火特選デスペラードボックスガチャまだまわしません!! - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 【ログレス】火特選デスペラードボックスガチャまだまわしません!! - Duration: 2:43.


Kebab & JDM - VLOG (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 7:01.

Hey Enzo, we're here

Ok, I'm coming

Nice sh***y weather

I'm going to censor that!

Giuseppe had an excellent idea: going out for dinner TODAY

You'll see tonight's programmes in a minute

Even if you can't see him, this is Giuseppe

Now you can slightly see him

We were about to call him

Because he...

That's Enzo

Giuseppe tonight... Why can't we use the car's lights?

Giuseppe proposed to go out together tonight, to eat some junk food

He had the idea, and he was late!

Keep calm, this is not a vlog about our not interesting dinner

The after-dinner will be the interesting part

I hope so

Ok guys we'll heat kebab

Bart says he'll have a vegetarian kebab, I don't trust him

This man right here even has the kebab shop fidelity card

You get a free kebab if you many purchases?

Every 15 purchases, I'm currently at 7

But only because last time I used this card was in 2013

What did you choose?

A Turkish pita

He's cooking my dinner

Last time I ate kebab was about 4 years ago

And...this is Bart's ''vegetarian'' dinner

His pita is called ''Pita Queen'', look how giant it is compared to mine

And because it was not enough for him, he'll even have a hot dog

It's a lie

Ok, I guess I won't show this video to anybody

Guys... Oh my gosh, you're such socialites, each one of you taking photos of food

You know, we're youtubers...

He gotcha!

After this huge dinner

Let's reach a special event

Thank you for not having spoilered anything!

Bart, slow down!

Slow down, we're in the city!

Slow do-

Ok, we arrived at the parking lot of a mall

Where Enzo usually meets his JDM owners friends

Enzo will show us this car

Well, this Corolla looks like any normal Corolla

It's actually a Corolla TS

This is pretty rare

From the outside it's similar to normal Corollas

Except for the wheels

They're just a bit sporty

The TS badge on the front grille

And then an exhaust tip slightly bigger than normal

But hides something interesting under the bonnet

The engine was developed together with Yamaha

A 1.8 190hp engine

They're not few on a Corolla, it even has a nice sound!

Right here there's a very interesting Nissan 200SX

Now I'll show you another interesting Toyota, very sneaky

Please, tell us in a minute what did you do to this very interesting Yaris

Ok, briefly, it has modifications which make it like the 1.5 version

Except, actually, for the 1.0 engine

Right now it mounts OZ WRC 15'' wheels

A Whiteline anti-roll bar

Koni street suspensions

Next week I'll mount Eibach springs to make it 3cm lower

Tail lights of the Japanese Vitz

Now it has two reverse lights instead than one, simmetry!

Mtech brake disks with Project Mu HC+ brake pads

HC+ in the front

I admit my ignorance about it, I don't understand 100% of these modifications, but the viewers will do it!

Then I got braided brake hoses

Upcoming: polyurethane suspension arms

I have to say it, Make Green Great Again

White wheels on that color called British...

British Racing Green

The original Toyota color is slightly darker

It does its job

It needs some works on the ruined body, but it's fine


For more infomation >> Kebab & JDM - VLOG (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 7:01.



hi what determines success in life be it work studies or life projects this is

Susan Brodar from SPEAK Languages & TRAVEL the World here to help you

improve your English with minimum effort maximum benefits now I'm lucky enough to

have been brought up in a very positive environment so I'm a natural optimist

but I was also encouraged to be optimistic in life to approach

everything with a positive attitude and now I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by

two examples first in my family and in my entourage of friends that I'm I've

got the example of a very very successful people on the other hand I'm

also surrounded by a lot of people who have been brought up to doubt their

capabilities and I'm sure it was the upbringing because I followed them as

they grew up so I know that it makes a huge difference the way you face things

and many many people believe that it's just a question of talents whether you

have success in your studies whether you have success in your job or any life

project instead I know that of course talent plays a part but certainly

attitude makes a huge difference very recently I met a young girl she was

about 16 and I said so what are your interests in life apart from studying

and she said well I used to be a really good swimmer but I gave up competition

swimming because now at high school there's just too much to study and it's

absolutely impossible to do a competitive sport together with very

good quality high school studies now I know the exact opposite I know at least

three people who have been very very good at school and it was a demanding

school not an easy school and who world champions European champions

national champions in their relative sports they are all three now at

university and they are all getting along with to three trainings a day five

to six days a week and managing to get good results in their studies but what

does that mean that they know exactly what their goal is they know exactly

what they want and they will do anything to reach that goal which means sometimes

getting up very very early to be able to do both sometimes feeling ill and

against doctors advice training anyhow which I actually disagree with and they

know that they'll be able to make it and this is what I think it's fundamental I

know also a lot of language learners who were told at a very young age you'll

never be able to learn another language you're just not talented for it forget

it just do the minimum to pass your exams at school and now I know that they

are polyglots so what I'm trying to tell you is success is very much determined

by your attitude if you really care to learn something well whatever it is be

it for your job be it for your studies be it for your passions or for learning

a language find the best way to organize your life so you can manage everything

and you can be able to reach your goals but you have to believe in yourself you

have to be able to organize your life and you will succeed

succeeding is very much an attitude okay so that's where I think it's very

important to a read up a read up on how other people manage to organize their

lives and consequentially organize your own life so that you can reach your

goals them so this is what I wanted to express don't think that you'll never be

able to learn a language for example no that's your attitude you will be able to

learn it it's just a question of how much you care about it and how you're

going to go about it traditional methods tend not to be as successful as finding

your own way there so if you now go on the internet there are millions of

videos of successful language learners who were doomed according to their

original teachers and they will give you a myriad of different ways of

approaching language learning which is not traditional but has led them to a

success so choose your own way and make sure you reach your goals that how about

writing in the comments below if you've had any successes if you know anyone

whose reach their goals despite being told they weren't going to it would be

exciting to read about it write in the comments below and don't forget to

subscribe and see you again in the next video bye

For more infomation >> WHAT DETERMINES SUCCESS? - Duration: 5:25.


Syda a recunoscut! S-a împăcat, în sfârșit, cu Elena Băsescu: „Relația mea cu Elena..." - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Syda a recunoscut! S-a împăcat, în sfârșit, cu Elena Băsescu: „Relația mea cu Elena..." - Duration: 4:01.


Бейблэйд турнир 2019 Волтраек В5 vs Саламандра / БЕЙБЛЭЙД БЕРСТ / BEYBLADE BURST - Duration: 3:20.

Hi cool labellers

Today we continue the tournament among 30 babbled

And in this issue

Group C Babbleys

Voltraek B5

Against the hellish salamander

Ready? Forward.

Three Two One Forward !!!

Three Two One Forward !!!

Three Two One Forward !!!


Salamander defeated Voltraek B5

With a score of 3: 0

And he earns two points

See the next video.

Battles babe d

Settomb vs Zeitron Z3

Write in the comments for whom you support.

Subscribe to the channel Two wise

Subscribe to the channel Two wise

Put likes

And do not forget to click on the bell until all

With you there was Plato and Prokhor

For more infomation >> Бейблэйд турнир 2019 Волтраек В5 vs Саламандра / БЕЙБЛЭЙД БЕРСТ / BEYBLADE BURST - Duration: 3:20.


Tablettes lave-vaisselle maison - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Tablettes lave-vaisselle maison - Duration: 1:29.


Pt saudações (feat. Jorge Aragão) - Leci Brandão - Canções afirmativas - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Pt saudações (feat. Jorge Aragão) - Leci Brandão - Canções afirmativas - Duration: 3:29.


SAHABAT - H. RHOMA IRAMA (cover by YEZ Grup) - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> SAHABAT - H. RHOMA IRAMA (cover by YEZ Grup) - Duration: 4:46.


Спилы дерева - Duration: 3:06.

After the craftsmen came up with the idea to make all sorts of original useful things from the wood cuts (with which you can earn up to $ 9,000 a month), the demand for the cuts themselves naturally increased. And this is proven by Google trends. It has been growing steadily since 2011. And if so, then the work (and money) of those who collect these cuts has increased. Including the inhabitants of Russia (after all, we have a lot of trees). I found on Etsy one Russian from the city of Murom, Vladimir region (his shop is, who in the last three years has sold more than 1,700 sets of cuts (he sells them both 5 and 100 pieces each). So if you have access to a sawmill (or to individual woodworking tools), you can try this interesting business in selling sawn wood. Either come up with an even more original and more profitable business - as one American artist came up with (see Imprint of a tree cuts), who managed to earn on it 113 thousand dollars for 3 years. Not only artistic prints are made of the wood cuts, but also guest books for the wedding and watches, original signs. You can create an original table or an original party stand from the cut of the tree. So harvesting wood cuts is also creativity (and what could be more interesting?).

For more infomation >> Спилы дерева - Duration: 3:06.


Cinto de segurança no banco traseiro: não usá-lo é colocar a vida em risco - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Cinto de segurança no banco traseiro: não usá-lo é colocar a vida em risco - Duration: 1:01.


Miche Kabbo | Ashikur Rahman | মিছে কাব্য | New Video Song | Love Song | Bangla Song | Official | MP - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> Miche Kabbo | Ashikur Rahman | মিছে কাব্য | New Video Song | Love Song | Bangla Song | Official | MP - Duration: 3:11.


お笑い芸人のキートン R-1批判「意図的に落とされたと思っている」 - Duration: 3:10.

拡大写真 お い芸人・キートン   お笑い芸 のキートン(45 が30日、自身の イッターを更新

自らがピン芸日本 決定戦「R―1ぐ んぷり」の3回戦 落選したとし「意 的に落とされたと っている」と運営 イドや審査員への 満をつづった

   まず「毎年 ように落ちたらツ ッターで文句を言 ているが、今年は 当に酷かったので 140字におさま ないと思い手書き した」と断った上 、手書きの長文の 像をアップした

   この文書で 結果的に3回戦落 となったが、私は 図的に落とされた 思っている

なぜなら3回戦の は相当ウケたから と主張。その上で 自分で言うのもな ですが、あれだけ ケて落とされたら でも怒ります

こういう事を言う 色々と文句を言っ くる奴もいますが 3回戦を見た芸人 お客さんからは、 番ウケていたと言 てもらえたりもし

さすがにそれは褒 過ぎとは思いつつ 謙遜して言っても の日のベスト5に 入る笑いを取って たと思う

しかし、準々決勝 出者24名の中に ートンの名前はな った」と説明した

For more infomation >> お笑い芸人のキートン R-1批判「意図的に落とされたと思っている」 - Duration: 3:10.


【伊克斯金融學院 - 吳若辛】程式交易 & 反轉指標 Fractal - Duration: 16:12.

For more infomation >> 【伊克斯金融學院 - 吳若辛】程式交易 & 反轉指標 Fractal - Duration: 16:12.


R1運営批判キートンへ「売れて見返せ」志らく激励 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:41.

 落語家の立川志ら (55)が、お笑い 人のキートン(45 がピン芸人日本一決 戦「R-1ぐらんぷ 2019」の大会運 や審査員に対する不 感をあらわにしたと 受け、自身の経験を づるとともに「悔し だろうが売れて見返 しかない」とメッセ ジをつづった

 キートンは同コン ストの3回戦で敗退 たが、30日のツイ ターにアップした長 の文書で「私は意図 に落とされたと思っ いる。なぜなら3回 の私は相当ウケたか 」と主張し、怒りを ちまけた

 志らくは31日更 のツイッターで、こ 件に言及。「私も若 頃、落語の賞レース すさまじいウケ方を たのに賞にかすりも なかった事がある。 って二度と参加しな った

だがこんな事もある 浅草キッドと決勝に てキッドの方がウケ 。でも私が優勝。理 は大人の芸だったか 」と、審査される側 った当時の経験をつ った。 一方、昨年 「M-1グランプリ 018」では審査員 務めた志らく

「芸の審査は難しい ウケの量で判断する 内容で判断するか。 れを審査基準に明記 ておくしかない」と コンテストの審査基 について私見を述べ 「キートン、悔しい ろうが売れて見返す かない

M1のミキや和牛も らくのやつ、絶対売 て見返してやると思 ているはず。ダウン ウンだってやすしさ にそんなの漫才じゃ いと言われたんだか 」と諭した。

For more infomation >> R1運営批判キートンへ「売れて見返せ」志らく激励 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:41.


The Trump-Putin Meeting We Didn't Know About - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> The Trump-Putin Meeting We Didn't Know About - Duration: 2:27.


WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A PARENT - #1 - Duration: 2:23.

As a parent it's so important to just acknowledge your kid.

We can be so busy with things all around us and miss the real important things.

This week I took a moment and saw how amazing my son Dash is becoming.

He's a gentlemen, so creative and so kind.

i can take very small credit for because my wife is an amazing mom and human.

But I noticed for the first time he was structuring some type of rhythm and melody.

He had gotten one of my ableton controllers and was pretending to perform like his dad.

With all of this said I'm not saying parenting is this beautiful fairyland dream.

It's by far been one of my greatest challenges in life.

You have days like this, but then you'll have moments like this.

For Kayla and I as a couple it was such a change for us, and more than ever before we've

had to fight for each other.

We'll dive more into that on a later video but for now we have a baby sitter so we're going to hit the town!!

The last three years with Dash have just blown by

and I know it's so important to take in every moment with him

because before i know it, he'll be all grown up

One of the big changes I'm making to my life this year

For more infomation >> WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A PARENT - #1 - Duration: 2:23.


The Most Emotionally Manipulative Super Bowl Ad Ever - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> The Most Emotionally Manipulative Super Bowl Ad Ever - Duration: 3:14.


Why You Should Buy Nokia 5.1 Plus / X5 In 2019 - Android 9 Pie Update Review - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Why You Should Buy Nokia 5.1 Plus / X5 In 2019 - Android 9 Pie Update Review - Duration: 6:46.


Bruder Construction Vehicles Toys for Kids JCB Backhoe Tractor Excavator Fuel Truck Action for Kids! - Duration: 10:50.

Bruder Construction Vehicles Toys

For more infomation >> Bruder Construction Vehicles Toys for Kids JCB Backhoe Tractor Excavator Fuel Truck Action for Kids! - Duration: 10:50.


Alexander the great Military Commander and King of Ancient Greece - Duration: 4:29.

alexander the great

For more infomation >> Alexander the great Military Commander and King of Ancient Greece - Duration: 4:29.


Trump sees 'decent chance' of N. Korea's denuclearization - Duration: 1:58.

president Trump apparently disagrees with his top intelligence chiefs who say

North Korea probably won't give up its nuclear weapons he tweeted Wednesday

that there's a decent chance that it will and he said he looks forward to

seeing Kim jong-un again emj reports

president Trump is projecting optimism about his ability to get North Korea to

denuclearize despite recent remarks by one of his top Intel chiefs Dan Coates

who told senators this week that Pyongyang is unlikely to fully give up

its nuclear weapons program in a flurry of tweets on Wednesday Trump said

Washington's relationship with North Korea is the best it has ever been and

there is quote a decent chance the north will Bandhan its nuclear weapons however

this week's comments by the Director of National Intelligence aren't the first

from a senior Trump administration official to suggest a North isn't

serious about denuclearization in a report released Wednesday the Center for

Strategic and International Studies citing commercial satellite imagery from

January 20th also said there has been no new dismantling activity at the missile

facility in North Korea's Tonkinese since August after their summit in

Singapore last June Kim jong-un committed to permanently shut down the

missile engine test site and launch pad under the observation of international

experts along with his optimism over North Korea's eventual demolition

president Trump also patting himself on the back for his other successes with

North Korea he held the North's lack of nuclear and missile tests the return of

remains of some American troops killed during the Korean War and the safe

release of American hostages calling it a whole different story

compared to the previous Obama administration President Trump said he

looks for to see the North Korean leader at their next summit easing Jay Arirang


For more infomation >> Trump sees 'decent chance' of N. Korea's denuclearization - Duration: 1:58.


How to whiten your skin Skin Whitening Turmeric Face Pack For Instant Fair & Glowing Skin - Duration: 2:03.

how to whiten your skin in this video I will show you how to whiten your skin

through turmeric and milk powder face mask if beautiful glowing skin is what

you desire to achieve then milk or milk powder should surely find a place in

your beauty regimen if you have observed majority of the beauty recipes for

glowing skin would have milk as an ingredient milk powder contains lactic

acid which has strong bleaching properties this face pack helps peel off

the dull dead skin cells to expose a layer of new and healthy skin cells when

it comes to beauty there is no match to turmeric for successfully giving you

lighter and glowing skin it is for this very reason that turmeric is applied on

the skin of Indian brides and grooms to give them a healthy glow on their big

day but turmeric isn't just meant to be used on special days a key ingredient in

Ayurveda turmeric has been used for ages for its countless health benefits and

beauty uses turmeric also has been proven effective in reducing the melanin

production that is responsible for a dark complexion or hyperpigmentation we

also need rose water for making paste rose water also contains a lot of

antioxidant and also a good toner for skin so now let's start to make the back

first take a bowl and add 1 TSP milk powder then add 1/2 TSP turmeric powder

and now add 2 TSP rose water

and mix them together to make fine paste the paste is ready to use now take the

paste and apply this paste on your face with a brush after application leave it

on for 25 minute then wash off with normal water it will gives you instant

glow on your face and you will get perfect white skin within seven days use

this face mask every day for best result hope you enjoyed my video if so then

give a big thumbs up and share it with your friends and don't forget to

subscribe my channel and press the bail icon for latest updates

For more infomation >> How to whiten your skin Skin Whitening Turmeric Face Pack For Instant Fair & Glowing Skin - Duration: 2:03.


BETTY BOOP Custom Painting With Jelly Lipstick ★ DIY Disney Doll Collection - Duration: 6:29.

Welcome to our channel.

Have a nice time watching video on Dolls Beauty Channel, where we show you our love of making custom dolls for kids!

You are watching the video "BETTY BOOP Custom Painting With Jelly Lipstick ★ DIY Disney Doll Collection"

Please Like, share our videos and do not forget to subscribe for not missing any.

For more infomation >> BETTY BOOP Custom Painting With Jelly Lipstick ★ DIY Disney Doll Collection - Duration: 6:29.


CLAY MIXER: HOUSE CONSTRUCTION BUILD 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:26.

Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode on Clay Mixer:


If you love this video. Please hit "Subscribe" and "Like"

buttons below to see better episodes on Clay Mixer.

And don't forget the ♪BELL♪

For more infomation >> CLAY MIXER: HOUSE CONSTRUCTION BUILD 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:26.


Funny Baby and Cat Playing Together - Cute Kittens Video - Duration: 3:47.

Hi Guy! Thanks for watching. Please subscribe, like and share our video

For more infomation >> Funny Baby and Cat Playing Together - Cute Kittens Video - Duration: 3:47.


Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri kept CFC team in dressing room for an hour after Bournemouth defeat - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri kept CFC team in dressing room for an hour after Bournemouth defeat - Duration: 4:05.


Man City News - History suggests Liverpool are on track to secure their first ever Premier League t - Duration: 3:41.

 Liverpool hold a five-point lead at the top of the Premier League at the end of January

 Here, we take a look back at how other teams have fared in the title race from this stage of the season in the competition's history

 In the 26 previous Premier League seasons, the side top of the table at the end of January has gone on to win the title on 20 occasions

 The exceptions were Manchester United, coming from behind to overhaul Norwich (1993), Newcastle (1996) and Arsenal (2003), and the Gunners pipping United three times (1998, 2002, 2004)

 Over those 26 seasons, the average lead held by the side at the top at the end of January is 5

2 points.  Liverpool's five-point lead puts them slightly below this figure.  The biggest gap enjoyed by any side at this stage is 15 points, achieved by Manchester City last season and United in 2001

 Chelsea were 14 points ahead in 2006 and United 13 in 1994.  Only one side with a lead of six points or more at the end of January has failed to win the title – Newcastle in 1996

 The Magpies were nine points clear, but famously capitulated in the run-in to allow United in

 Manager Kevin Keegan succumbed to United boss Sir Alex Ferguson's mind games, exploding with his oft-mimicked "I'd love it" rant

United eventually won it by four points.  The other most significant fightbacks saw United come from five points behind to overhaul Arsenal in 2003, while the Gunners recovered a four-point deficit at the end of January 1998 to pip United

 Not all statistics from this stage of the season can tell the full story, however, as leads can continue to change hands

 City led from United on goal difference only in 2012 before moving two points clear

They then surrendered that position to fall eight points behind, but they staged a remarkable recovery to win on goal difference

 Liverpool's current position compares favourably with that of other first-time Premier League winners

 Arsenal had to come from four points behind at the end of January for their first title in 1998, and United trailed Norwich by a point in 1993

 City led only on goal difference in 2012, while Leicester were three points ahead in 2016 and Blackburn four in 1995

 Only Chelsea, 10 points ahead in 2005, have had a huge lead.

For more infomation >> Man City News - History suggests Liverpool are on track to secure their first ever Premier League t - Duration: 3:41.


FOX TV - TOWIE's Chloe Sims reveals she is CLOSING her Essex beauty salon - Duration: 4:03.

TOWIE star Chloe Sims has confirmed she is closing her Brentwood beauty salon after five years in operation

Taking to Instagram Stories the star, 36, told fans she could no longer give the venture enough 'energy or commitment,' and so the salon would close for good in March

This makes Chloe only the latest TOWIE star to see her business shut its doors after James Lock's Romford cafe was forced to close in November last year

In her post Chloe said: 'End of an era! After 5 incredible years.Chloe's Beauty Bar is coming to an end! Our last day of trading will be Saturday, 2 March 2019

Share this article Share 24 shares 'It has been an incredible journey but with new and exciting opportunities right now we are no longer able to give the business the energy and commitment required

'We have thoroughly enjoyed the journey and would like to thank all of our wonderful clients, we couldn't have done it without you!' Chloe continued: 'In the meantime it's business as usual

We will be contacting all of our clients that are booked in after our close date and of course will honour all deposits

'We look forward to seeing you before this chapter closes! Lots of Love Chloe & Chloe xx

'Since her announcement Chloe also seems to have shut down the salon's website, as she also posted a grab of the company logo with the words: 'We're closing

'Chloe's business is only the latest venture from a TOWIE export to close his doors in recent years, after James Lock's cafe Lockie's Kitchen shut its doors in November

According to The Sun, the business went into liquidation in November in 2017, but a fan posted on TripAdvisor a year later a snap of a sign on the cafe's window, telling fans that they had ceased trading

And back in April Lucy Mecklenburgh's Brentwood shop Lucy's Boutique also shut its doors, with a spokesperson telling Essex Live that the brand would continue online

They said: 'Lucy's boutique is a family run business and will continue to be so,' a spokesperson on behalf of Lucy said

'The decision not to extend the lease on the shop was taken when it came up for renewal but the boutique will continue to be an online business with the same staff, which like many other stores in this era has always been the core of the company

'We value all our customers past and present and will continue to offer them the best in fashion online

'And back in 2016 Joey Essex's clothes shop Fusey closed after three years in operation, amid claims by neighboring shop-owner Nigel Clarke didn't want to get involved in the Brentwood community, according to The Sun

For more infomation >> FOX TV - TOWIE's Chloe Sims reveals she is CLOSING her Essex beauty salon - Duration: 4:03.


E THA MONSTAR - Im A Ball - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> E THA MONSTAR - Im A Ball - Duration: 3:30.


Vlog 12--Pharmacy Resources/Scheduling - Duration: 7:00.

Hey hey Kris P.

Brown here Med Preservation, Inc. coming to you live from

a Hampton Inn in the middle of nowhere.

Got these lovely curtains behind me again.

I got a couple two or three more months so you'll probably

see them again before it's all said

and done.

I took a little bit of time off recently had

a very successful go live

and then the holidays after that.

So it was pretty busy

and just didn't have time to

vlog...trying to get back into it.

So tonight I want to talk about resources

and specifically pharmacy resources.

I've been getting a lot of calls lately about

projects that are behind um

and they're trying to you know just throw a bunch of resources

out to get it caught up whether it be you know go

live or maybe you are getting ready

to do testing

and build those behind

and so they're looking for bodies to kind of try to help

that out. And so you know if you look

at these ready implementations that Meditech's,

uh, doing for EXPANSE

or whatever,

they have a staffing guide

and so often I'm not saying the staffing guide

is wrong but I think a lot of factors kind of play

into a project like this

one is you know the product so long

and you know maybe the resource

that you're using which is usually a staff pharmacist who

has other responsibilities

or maybe a director you know maybe they just can't see

the end of the project and they don't know how much work it's going to take

to actually get this project completed.

So that's definitely one thing I see.

So if this staffing guide has you know maybe

30 or 50 hours whatever it is dedicated to

your type of implementation you know that's

really dedicated hours that

you would want to be

just nonstop working on the project.

You know there's there's planning meetings

and build design meetings

and workflow meetings.

So a lot of meetings go into this upfront before

you can even really start building

and then once you start building there is

you know there's the drug build you have

you know charging

and billing numbers

and strings

and med string,

iv strings,

order sets you know all

those are

important pieces of the build that you know people

might know about but you also have probably

pharmacist documentation,

BMV medication scanning,

immunizations like don't underestimate that immunization

build especially if you have clinics involved

you know and also

with the bidirectional interface coming

here real soon, you want to build that immunization

piece out correctly so that you're able to

send and receive that information to other

hospitals or healthcare providers.

You know and then training is also another big

piece that I see

you know towards the end of the project that you have to dedicate some

resources and time to so you

know another mistake I see is people coming from client server

to EXPANSE take it for granted.

It is the same pharmacy module

but there's lots of different integration pieces that

you know you might not think about.

You know you can get respiratory involved

is one that comes to mind, surgery...that's

a big piece like if you're planning on bringing surgery

up electronic and they've never been

electronic before then there's definitely some workflow

issues and some build issues.

You know there that you're going to have

to talk about and kind of work through

and so I'm not sure if MEDITECH's

guide even really recommends a pharmacist for that piece

but pharmacist is

essential to that piece especially if you're doing like

hold cue orders which is new functionality in EXPANSE which

I really like. So you know all pieces to

think about.

So if your hospital has purchased

the oncology module

that is another big piece of the build

and rather cumbersome to

set up I would say.

I mentioned the order sets earlier

but you know you really want a part time

pharmacist dedicated to just building nothing

but order sets if you plan to know a lot

of sites I see going up

with you know 1 to 200 order

sets electronic. So that takes time

to build. And before you can even start building those

order sets you know those strings have to be there which

means the drug has to be built out

and you know the order strings themselves have

to be built out before you can

pull them into the order sets.

Now there is some mapping tools that


You know some pieces that work better than others

but ultimately what I find is you know it's a manual

process and people are having to go in

and clean up those sets

and pull in those strings so

don't take that order set build for granted because it'll

get ya.

Then if you have a ambulatory module

that is also a big build.

I don't think MEDITECH recommends much of a pharmacist

to help there but you know office injections

depending on how many offices you have

and how many office injections you want to build out

and that can be a very substantial piece of the build.

The billing units

and billing numbers all play a

role in that and depending on how you set it up

can be a little bit painful

or a little bit cumbersome.

So keep that in mind.

And then you know long term care facilities

if you have you know one

or two of those or whatever in the build,

too, that just complicates things even more so

really need to step back and look at how many pieces

touch pharmacy to kind of determine

what resources you need

and then you really want to bring somebody in there

with some experience that has been doing

MEDITECH for a while and knows how to kind

of set this stuff up.

And even you know even if you go from client server

to EXPANSE you know that's your opportunity to

clean that stuff up don't you know they say crap in

crap out like don't just put the same old stuff

that you have in client server

into EXPANSE that's that your time to

really clean it up and all of that stuff that you wish

it was a different way in client server,

this is your time. So take that time clean that information

up put it in correctly in EXPANSE

you know and do it the right way.

So lot of times it helps to bring in expertise

to do that. So we've been doing a lot of

these lately.

We've got some mapping down depending on the situation

we can do some scripting.

So if you're in a bind and you need some help

give Med Preservation a call.

Let's see what we can do for you.

And also you know even if you're

live already and it just didn't go as well as you'd like

and you want some optimization work done,

we've been doing some of that as well.

So keep us in mind give us a call

With that, I will sign off.

I hope everybody is doing well out there

and I want to remind you

to Be Kind,

Be Careful, and Always Choose Joy.

For more infomation >> Vlog 12--Pharmacy Resources/Scheduling - Duration: 7:00.


£40M Chelsea superstar eyed up by PSG as potential replacement for Neymar - Duration: 1:42.

 PSG are said to be eyeing up Chelsea's Brazilian winger Willian as a replacement for superstar forward Neymar, who's set for a spell on the sidelines after suffering an injury

 According to the Daily Mail, PSG have eyed up Willian as a potential replacement for Neymar, who they state is set to miss 10 weeks of action due to a foot injury

 The Daily Mail also note that Willian is valued by the west London club at £40M, and that an offer for Willian won't be looked at fondly by the Blues, something that won't be music to PSG's ears

 Neymar looks set to sit out both of PSG's clashes against Man United in the Champions League round of 16, thus, making a move for Willian makes complete sense

 The 30-year-old hasn't been in the best form of his life this term, however that still doesn't mean the player would be a bad signing for the French giants

Willian is wanted by PSG to replace the crocked Neymar in their side  Albeit in glimpses, Willian has shown this season that he's still got it in him to play at the highest level of European football for at least a few more years, something that PSG seem to have taken note of if this report is anything to go off

 Willian would provide an adequate replacement for Neymar should he end up signing for PSG, it just remains to be seen whether the winger will actually end up swapping Paris for London this window…

For more infomation >> £40M Chelsea superstar eyed up by PSG as potential replacement for Neymar - Duration: 1:42.


Бейблэйд турнир 2019 Волтраек В5 vs Саламандра / БЕЙБЛЭЙД БЕРСТ / BEYBLADE BURST - Duration: 3:20.

Hi cool labellers

Today we continue the tournament among 30 babbled

And in this issue

Group C Babbleys

Voltraek B5

Against the hellish salamander

Ready? Forward.

Three Two One Forward !!!

Three Two One Forward !!!

Three Two One Forward !!!


Salamander defeated Voltraek B5

With a score of 3: 0

And he earns two points

See the next video.

Battles babe d

Settomb vs Zeitron Z3

Write in the comments for whom you support.

Subscribe to the channel Two wise

Subscribe to the channel Two wise

Put likes

And do not forget to click on the bell until all

With you there was Plato and Prokhor

For more infomation >> Бейблэйд турнир 2019 Волтраек В5 vs Саламандра / БЕЙБЛЭЙД БЕРСТ / BEYBLADE BURST - Duration: 3:20.


Student's 7042 Video Essay - One Shot - Duration: 6:26.

Yahallo! My student number is 7042

Today I will be talking about

Genre Theory!

and how it can be used to categorize games

Just like in films!

However, before we dive into that whole debacle...

Let's define genre!

Genre is a French word

that means 'a kind', sort, or style.

So with this, we know it can be applied to...




and Music!

All types of media!

The game I will be presenting today is

dit duduuu

One Shot!

It is made by indie developer

Little cat feet!

Which is the most adorable dev name that I have heard

The plot is 'you are to guild a child through a mysterious world to restore its long-dead sun'!

I consider the game to be a take on the Fantasy Genre

Lets list some conventions and show some clips!

To take the audience to a netherworld, fairy tale places where events are unlikely to occur in real life.

Awe my chair doesn't do that...

The hero must ask for aid from powerful, superhuman forces, from the outside world.


no this is my video

ok fine

The complexity shows itself through

highly woven story lines and intense character developments

the dark side had popcorn

Wait a sec! Did I miss a quote?

In fantasy films, the hero often undergoes some kind of mystical experience...

okay im here now

Hiya Empress

Hi Atreyu you okay

yes Bastian is important and so is Atreyu


Oftening having an element involving



myth / legend




the extraordinary


and imaginary creations

No It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa

Not you too Harry

Not Wing-gar-dium-levi-sa

Thank you Hermione

Sometimes there is a quest surrounding a form of object, typically of magical origin!


Then you hold it, old man!

Oh okay this is fine

There tends to be characters of mythical and/or magical orgin


Bow down to me!

Oh gosh its a lion

Look at that dramatic entrance fabulous darling

I want to hug him

We now have a list of Fantasy Conventions to guide us!

A fairy tale place

Story rich character and plot

Aid from forces on the outside

Hero undergoes mystical experience

Non-human characters

elements of magic, myth, and so on

And a quest surrounding a form object

I will be playing some non-specific cutscenes and clips from the game as a lot of it goes into spoiler territory

As I said before, The plot of the game is to restore the sun to the world

You have to guide a child, which is Niko, to restore the sun, Which is the lightglobe.

To restore the sun, which is the lightglobe.

The games theme is about adventure, taking us to place to place in their own world.

In the beginning of the game

The world is dull and dark

its cold and mysterious.

even the terrain doesn't look like earth. but more of a moon.

Progressing in the game leads you to new and unfamiliar locations

As the player traverse the world

You come across many unique characters.

Either that be in personality or in looks.

The protagnist, Niko, is a cat child.

Or maybe they're just wearing a funny hat.

But that wouldn't explain the big golden eyes.

Compared to other characters,

Silver, has red hair and eyes and wearing armor but still appears very human...

Even though she's not, She's a robot!

Humans do still exist in the game though

But even more characters stray further from humans

as you see when you explore the world.

In order to progress in the game, you need to guide Niko to solve the puzzles that the game throws at you.

most are simplistic, but

there are a few that require you to think outside the box.

Niko will talk to the player directly numerous times as you venture on in the game.

This is a core feature of the game, as well in its story.

Which is why it has the genre 'metafiction'

AKA, fourth wall breaking.

This is to bring an immersive experience to the player,

as you have heart to heart moments with characters in the game

Rather than a throw away joke compared to most other medias.

As to why Niko can speak to the player,

It is because they are apart of a prophecy to restore the world's sun.

Due to this they have the ability to talk to the player,

The god of the world

as no other character in the game can

Sweet! The list is complete!

Time to wrap up this video! (I'm sorry Scout but I'm finally there!)

One Shot is an adventure, story rich puzzle meta game.

That would be best fitted to the fantasty genre

according to the ones common in film.

There's loads more to uncover in this game

So if ever given a chance,

I highly recommend to give this gem a shot

A One Shot!

Ayeeeeee ;D!

Sorry not sorry for the pun

Look at how famous I am

Wait no, please don't leave

You were my only fan

For more infomation >> Student's 7042 Video Essay - One Shot - Duration: 6:26.


Man Utd transfer news: Fresh hope in signing Philippe Coutinho from Barcelona - Balague - Duration: 2:39.

 The Barcelona star is not enjoying his football at the moment and can't seem to find his feet in La Liga

 There has been speculation that Manchester United could be set to offer the former Liverpool man a way out of the Camp Nou

 Since then, Ernesto Valverde seems to have given the attacker more of a run in his side and is attempting to let him play his way out of form

 Spanish football expert Guillem Balague has offered United fans fresh hope that a deal could materialise in the summer

 "Barcelona don't want to get rid of him now," he said on the GB Transfer Show. "That is the end of that obviously, that became very clear earlier in the transfer window

 "But there is a big but because the problem with Barcelona is they are increasing the wage list, having decreased it of course

 "But with the signing of [Frenkie] De Jong, they're trying to get [Adrien] Rabiot, they may have to get rid of some players

 "In fact De Jong was told by him coming in meant that two regulars were going to go

 "So in terms of Coutinho, they haven't got to that stage where they have to push, or want to push, Coutinho out

 "But the jury is out. It's not clear what his role is at Barcelona, he's not confident either

 "So unless you improve Barcelona may just decide that the other player that they want to get rid of is Coutinho

 "Right now that's not the case but let's keep an eye on it because the summer could be interesting

" Barcelona are desperate for it to work out for Coutinho but they know their hand maybe forced when it comes to Financial Fair Play restrictions

 Paris Saint-Germain are also said to be interested in the star and if there is any substance in rumours that Neymar could return to Barcelona, Coutinho could be used as a bargaining chip

 The 26-year-old scored twice during the Blaugrana's 6-1 win over Sevilla in the Copa del Rey on Wednesday night

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