I'm going for the Pink Diamond, dog. I need it, I need it!
Buy Xbox One, get NBA 2K19.
For more infomation >> NBA 2K19 MyTEAM: Shaquille O'Neal 20th Anniversary Pack - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
FDA gets 'F' on e-cigs - Duration: 0:23.
Dead by Daylight para Xbox One - Duration: 0:45.
Prazo para reenquadramento no Simples Nacional acaba amanhã 31 - Duration: 2:04.
Transição capilar faz mulheres voltarem as suas raízes cacheadas - Duration: 2:55.
Il Principe George cambia nome: Da oggi in poi lo dovremo chiamare Archie, la rivelazione - Duration: 10:28.
Frío extremo azota a gran parte de EEUU | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.
Hallan túnel de huachicoleros en México | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:17.
Lazy Weekend | Couple VLOG - Duration: 10:49.
Let's make some babies.
**** this.
This reminds me of a Instagram story that we made one year ago.
It's so great when your Mum goes for vacations and we can stay at her flat.
Thank you auto-focus...
I think there is steam on the lense.
Nevermind. It's the auto-focus.
That's... not better.
So, we are at his Mum's place. She's not home... We should put this music "When Mum Is Not At Home"!
*imitates music*
We should better make a home party.
I am making a home party already. I am sitting in the bathtub.
I want to feel like a teenager again... throwing parties at my Mum's place.
Did you do this?
Yes. Once or twice.
How did she react?
Well... she doesn't know about it.
Now she will know!
Now it really looks like the Instagram story we made!
I am laying exactly the same way. I even have the same wine glass!
But we were listening to "Lykke Li".
One Year Ago
Meow, come here. Your Spotify doesn't work.
Well, that's your problem now.
I also want to listen to music!
So listen on your phone.
But I need Spotify for this. When you use my Spotify I don't have access to it myself!
This is why we should use "Apple Music" instead.
"Apple Music" sucks.
Tim Cook is going to **** you so hard.
(Evil Mastermind Plan - Cold Hand Attack)
Are you retarded?
**** you.
Stupid puppy.
Stay still! This will make a great thumbnail!
What are we going to eat?
*coughs* I don't know.
So, let's eat and then record something. Would you like us to record something?
You realise there is no point in asking them, right?
Stop it, it's unpleasant!
We could also do breakfast at home...
Are you done?
We have to cure you from the coughing.
This reminds me of the VLOG I made a year ago.
You look older though.
Can you believe he will turn 27 in one month...
No, wait! In one and a half week!
He will be twenty f*cking seven on the 7th of February!
You're so old!
We decided to stay this weekend at my Mum's place. The reason for that is that my Dad came to Berlin due to some health related issues and decided to stay at our place... and we felt like taking a break from him.
I can't find anything in this kitchen!
Where is everything!?
What for did you turn on the TV? You don't even understand what they are saying.
Find me some plates!
They're right there.
Look at these!
They don't even fit you!
But they keep my feet warm!
I really want to go on a ship tour.
Only if we both don't have sea sickness.
I'm sure I don't. I've got a strong stomach.
It has nothing to do with the stomach.
It's about your vegetable system.
Vegetable system???
I don't know how to pronounce it...
Let's ask Siri.
Hey Siri, can you translate something from German to English?
I can translate from German, but when it's been set as the main language.
На хуй.
I think I am spelling it wrong in German... this doesn't make sense.
I suck at typing...
So! It's called... "vegetative nervous system"! I am surprised.
Happy breakfast!
This is so pervert...
Alright, let's go out!
We tidy this place here and then go to our place, how about that?
Yes sir.
Yes sir.
I look so handsome from this angle!
I know I am terrible...
I am sometimes so narcissistic .
Yes. No... wait... I don't know how to pronounce it!
Hey Siri! How to spell narcissist?
Analysis. A - N - A - L....
Hey Siri! How to spell narcissist?
Narcissist. N - A - R - C - I - S - S - I - S - T.
Look at this.
No, sorry. I like this position. I will stay here.
Just give me the camera.
No, I will not give away this view!
I want to show everyone what Amazon does!
I was here the whole day and night. And yet, somehow it says that I signed a package at a different address.
It was probably signed by my Dad or Natsumi.
Yes, but that's the thing! It was a third person. Not me!
Look at this.
I can't move my head, sorry. This angle is perfect.
You're discharging the battery for nothing.
For nothing!? Look at me!
Сука. I'm going to upload this.
What am I supposed to see?
There is nothing.
Because you closed it!
That's not my fault. It's the narcissist inside me.
I'm just a poor boy - nobody loves me.
He's just a poor boy from a poor family!
Okay, **** this.
So here is the thing: one of Vitalii's friends happens to be visiting Berlin and we are about to meet him.
We found our friend from Moscow and we are going to eat now.
We finally arrived at the burger place. Hopefully it will be as delicious as this vegan promised it.
I do.
This burger place used to be a public WC. So... we are waiting now for burgers in a bathroom.
As I see everyone is already very excited.
Wow. A vegan eating meat.
Smells very nice...
But doesn't taste nice.
So, we just eat very delicious burgers! Did you like it?
So if Jakub is saying yes then they must be delicious.
It was great. We really recommend this place. And now... we are going home!
Sorprende corta defensa de El Chapo | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:44.
Vaping raises risks of stroke, heart disease and attacks by up to 70% - Duration: 13:44.
Vaping raises risks of stroke, heart disease and attacks by up to 70%
Vaping e-cigarettes raises the risks of having a heart attack, stroke, or heart disease, a new study finds. About one in 20 US adults use e-cigarettes and many of them claim to do so because they are 'healthier' than combustible cigarettes.
But the devices are still relatively new and poorly understood. As more and more research on them comes out, it becomes increasingly clear that 'safer' doesn't mean safe.
The latest study, conducted by the American Heart Association, found that heart attacks are nearly 60 percent more common among vapers, who are at a 71 percent higher risk of stroke.
When e-cigarettes started appearing on the shelves of smoke shops and convenience stores, they were often advertised as a cessation aid for smokers.
But now, it's become clear they are more likely to be an addition to, rather than substitute for, combustible cigarettes.
The American Heart Association (AHA) study found that people who vape are twice as likely to also smoke traditional cigarettes as are those who don't vape.
In all likelihood, the high rates of dual usage contribute to a number of poorer health effects seen in e-cig users.
Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer because inhaling smoke from burned plant matter is highly carcinogenic, so vapor from e-liquids so far seems somewhat safer for the longs.
But a growing body of research suggests that e-cigarettes are just as bad for the heart and cardiovascular system as traditional cigarettes.
Last year, the American Heart Association found that both combustible and e-cigarettes corrupt the lining of the blood vessels, preventing them from dilating and inhibiting the flow of blood.
This narrowing of blood's passageways makes the heart have to work harder and damages it over time. Now, Association's largest study on e-cigs and stroke confirms the link between vaping and potentially fatal blood clots.
In its survey of 400,000 people, the AHA found that nearly 66,795 respondents who vaped had a 71 percent higher risk of stroke. The same group was at a 59 percent higher risk of having a heart attack or angina.
And they were at 40 percent greater risk of developing heart disease. Although the rate of stroke among e-cig users was notable - 4. 2 percent had suffered one - the researchers could not conclude that vaping kills.
Worryingly, rates of e-cig use are highest among the young people. Just 4.2 percent of adults vape, as compared to 11.3 percent of high school students.
That may mean that that generation will face more heart disease, stroke and heart attack than those that came before them. 'It's obviously quite concerning,' said Dr Larry Goldstein, chairman of the department of neurology and co-director of the Kentucky Neuroscience Institute.
'This is a potential chip of the spear, of a wave of cardio-vascular disease, that may be coming in the future, especially since this has been so attractive to young users.
He advised the public health officials must continue to push for a ban on sweet flavored e-liquids that are so enticing to younger users. 'This is the first real data that we're seeing associating e-cigarette use with hard cardiovascular events,' he added.
'But it's quite a concern, especially since nationwide now we've seen a leveling off in, and in many instances an increase in the risk of stroke-related mortality in the country.
It's hard to know what contribution this has to that, but it doesn't appear to be safer, or safe right now from the data that's available.'.
Vaping e-cigarettes raises the risks of having a heart attack, stroke, or heart disease, a new study finds. About one in 20 US adults use e-cigarettes and many of them claim to do so because they are 'healthier' than combustible cigarettes.
But the devices are still relatively new and poorly understood. As more and more research on them comes out, it becomes increasingly clear that 'safer' doesn't mean safe.
The latest study, conducted by the American Heart Association, found that heart attacks are nearly 60 percent more common among vapers, who are at a 71 percent higher risk of stroke.
When e-cigarettes started appearing on the shelves of smoke shops and convenience stores, they were often advertised as a cessation aid for smokers.
But now, it's become clear they are more likely to be an addition to, rather than substitute for, combustible cigarettes.
The American Heart Association (AHA) study found that people who vape are twice as likely to also smoke traditional cigarettes as are those who don't vape.
In all likelihood, the high rates of dual usage contribute to a number of poorer health effects seen in e-cig users.
Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer because inhaling smoke from burned plant matter is highly carcinogenic, so vapor from e-liquids so far seems somewhat safer for the longs.
But a growing body of research suggests that e-cigarettes are just as bad for the heart and cardiovascular system as traditional cigarettes.
Last year, the American Heart Association found that both combustible and e-cigarettes corrupt the lining of the blood vessels, preventing them from dilating and inhibiting the flow of blood.
This narrowing of blood's passageways makes the heart have to work harder and damages it over time. Now, Association's largest study on e-cigs and stroke confirms the link between vaping and potentially fatal blood clots.
In its survey of 400,000 people, the AHA found that nearly 66,795 respondents who vaped had a 71 percent higher risk of stroke. The same group was at a 59 percent higher risk of having a heart attack or angina.
And they were at 40 percent greater risk of developing heart disease. Although the rate of stroke among e-cig users was notable - 4. 2 percent had suffered one - the researchers could not conclude that vaping kills.
Worryingly, rates of e-cig use are highest among the young people. Just 4.2 percent of adults vape, as compared to 11.3 percent of high school students.
That may mean that that generation will face more heart disease, stroke and heart attack than those that came before them. 'It's obviously quite concerning,' said Dr Larry Goldstein, chairman of the department of neurology and co-director of the Kentucky Neuroscience Institute.
'This is a potential chip of the spear, of a wave of cardio-vascular disease, that may be coming in the future, especially since this has been so attractive to young users.
He advised the public health officials must continue to push for a ban on sweet flavored e-liquids that are so enticing to younger users. 'This is the first real data that we're seeing associating e-cigarette use with hard cardiovascular events,' he added.
'But it's quite a concern, especially since nationwide now we've seen a leveling off in, and in many instances an increase in the risk of stroke-related mortality in the country.
It's hard to know what contribution this has to that, but it doesn't appear to be safer, or safe right now from the data that's available.'.
Vaping e-cigarettes raises the risks of having a heart attack, stroke, or heart disease, a new study finds. About one in 20 US adults use e-cigarettes and many of them claim to do so because they are 'healthier' than combustible cigarettes.
But the devices are still relatively new and poorly understood. As more and more research on them comes out, it becomes increasingly clear that 'safer' doesn't mean safe.
The latest study, conducted by the American Heart Association, found that heart attacks are nearly 60 percent more common among vapers, who are at a 71 percent higher risk of stroke.
When e-cigarettes started appearing on the shelves of smoke shops and convenience stores, they were often advertised as a cessation aid for smokers.
But now, it's become clear they are more likely to be an addition to, rather than substitute for, combustible cigarettes.
The American Heart Association (AHA) study found that people who vape are twice as likely to also smoke traditional cigarettes as are those who don't vape.
In all likelihood, the high rates of dual usage contribute to a number of poorer health effects seen in e-cig users.
Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer because inhaling smoke from burned plant matter is highly carcinogenic, so vapor from e-liquids so far seems somewhat safer for the longs.
But a growing body of research suggests that e-cigarettes are just as bad for the heart and cardiovascular system as traditional cigarettes.
Last year, the American Heart Association found that both combustible and e-cigarettes corrupt the lining of the blood vessels, preventing them from dilating and inhibiting the flow of blood.
This narrowing of blood's passageways makes the heart have to work harder and damages it over time. Now, Association's largest study on e-cigs and stroke confirms the link between vaping and potentially fatal blood clots.
In its survey of 400,000 people, the AHA found that nearly 66,795 respondents who vaped had a 71 percent higher risk of stroke. The same group was at a 59 percent higher risk of having a heart attack or angina.
And they were at 40 percent greater risk of developing heart disease.
Camila Recabarren apoyó a Joaquín Méndez por filtración de supuesto video íntimo: "Es súper morboso" - Duration: 3:10.
Breaking Celeb News | G-Eazy spotted 'flirting with everybody' at Sundance party - Duration: 1:38.
Now United | Beautiful Life - Bastidores em Panorama (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 3:51.
Pronóstico del tiempo bajo frente ártico | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:08.
İstanbullu Gelin / Istanbul Bride - Episode 70 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.
- Did Fikret prepare a surprise for me? - Yes!
He was so excited!
You should have seen him. He was behaving like a little kid.
If both of you cannot accept your mistakes, how can you two compromise, dear?
When a person is in despair, they hurt the people they love the most.
It seems like they won't be able to surface without hitting the rock bottom.
They will surface, though. Is that so?
Since they are like a tornado, it's clear that there is love.
If there is love, there is hope.
I am sorry.
Don't act like this.
I don't want to lose you.
Shall we start over?
This time...
...really like brothers.
Guerra na Síria - Documentário: O Terremoto de Aleppo - Duration: 1:30:32.
Kim są KASZUBI? - Duration: 33:17.
Hyundai i10 1.0 I-MOTION 5DRS AC/CV/RADIO.CD/NW.MODEL! - Duration: 1:11.
Don't miss bourbon and bacon at the Taubman Museum - Duration: 3:14.
Cody Johnson - Fenceposts (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:58.
You've always said that you'd love to live out here
and these here fenceposts
Stays between you and me
Anything that happens, baby, when we get this close
What do you say we lay a blanket down?
Ain't nobody 'round to see us now
And these here fenceposts
But right now it's between you and me
When the time is right, we'll let 'em know
Don't tell your daddy 'til the paperwork goes through
So don't tell your mama yet, I'm begging you
If it makes you smile
Whatever it takes, I'll go that extra mile
could always use some help
And Mr. Fuller down the road
got a couple things I can sell
Don't worry 'bout the money
And these here fenceposts
But right now it's between you and me
When the time is right, we'll let 'em know
Don't tell your daddy 'til the paperwork goes through
But don't tell your mama yet, I'm begging you
But I've got a plan
It might take a while to clear this land
Leading to a house with flowers on the windowsill
Can't you just see a drive winding up that hill?
Sure looks good on you
And that sun shining through that crystal blue
Where you can smell the morning glories in the air
You've always said that you'd love to live out here
HOW2: How to be Funny! - Duration: 3:00.
DIY Bunny Treats and Bini meets Lennon the Bunny - Duration: 10:04.
Oh my god - look so cute
Hey can I help you?
Hi yeah - I just moved in next door, I'm your new neighbor
Welcome! -Thank you
I was wondering if I could borrow a cup of oats
Yeah, sure what are you making?
I'm making bunny treats for my rabbit...
You have a rabbit?
-Yeah I have one also!
-Are you serious? Yeah
Can you teach me how to make it?
That's amazing, of course!
So let me show you Bini!
So now he's sleeping. It's noon.
Awww hi sweetheart!
You are the sweetest bunny ever...
He smells a leftover treat on my hand.
Here, you can give him some parsley.
Want some parsley sweetie?
Oh you are happy to take that off of my hands weren't you?
OK Lorelei, welcome to the neighborhood!
And I'm so happy to have you here and on our channel
Can you tell us what we're going to make today?
Thank you! Yes.
Today we are going to make some healthy bunny treats
So, we're using fresh veggies and fresh fruit
I make these for Lennon all the time
We're also going to use some whole oats
and timothy pellets -Wow
And the rest is kind of up to us
We can be creative
Can we eat it also?
I wouldn't -No -Yeah
Unless you like timothy pellets...
Yeah well I don't really
Yeah I know.
Ok Wow, I'm excited!
We'll put this here while it dries off.
Well that is actually a lot of carrots
Maybe just one.. -Well you don't know Bini
He's very hungry
Um...where are the berries?
We'll need those -How can I help you?
I know I'm like doing everything... -Yeah
We'll make different cookies. -OK so we have a blender here.
And we are going to grind the pellets.
This'll be your bowl. -So this is for lazy people
Well that's convenient.
If any of you guys watching this video have any really cool bunny recipes
Comment them below. Maybe Shai and I will try them.
Oh what a mess. - Two quarter cups of whole oats
-Mmm -And I'll pour some of this into mine.
Yummy Bini -Parsley in yours
And I put carrots in mind already.
Yeah a bit more.
Two quarter cups of blueberries
It smells good. -It does smell good.
Really yummy
So, some for me, and some for you
We'll do half a banana on mine
The other half for you.
It's good to season it a little bit
A little bit of oat hay, this is perfect.
So just smash the banana in there.
And we'll create your dough
It smells like bananas, blueberries, and...
But I'm sure they are going to like it.
We did add a little bit more water.
Just so that we can have a bit more of a doughey consistency
OK so let's make our cookies
Sounds good
People think that if I have a bunny, they can just give me anything that looks
like a rabbit
Lennon gets Christmas gifts from my family
But like for her. -Yeah?
Like not for me, nobody gets me anything ever.
I'm so excited for the bunnies to finally meet.
Yeah, I really hope they like eachother!
Well they have to, right? It's funny
You know because when I first got Bini
People told me yeah, you need to wash your hand after you touch your pet.
But today I was hands before I touch him.
Oh I touch Lennon all the time
We like share food, -Yeah I know
Rabbits are so clean you guys
So actually just do this...so
Just kind of like, don't be afraid to just grab it and do this.
It could be...
I'm just going to peel out the rest.
Does Lennon sleep in the afternoon like Bini?
-Yeah Like during the day
-Yeah her nap time begins around noon
-Yeah exactly.
She goes off into hibernation mode
and I don't see her for like eight hours.
Wow eight hours is a lot! -Yeah
I know, she's...a heavy sleeper.
-Wow -Yeah
Yeah, so Bini sleeps like from like noon to
...like around four or five
-Oh, OK -like four hours
and then he eats, and plays basketball.
That sounds like a nice life to me.
-So we have finally completed our treats
-Yeah -Mine are little balls
and his -I have a lot of flowers
-He has little shapes
-And this is supposed to be a carrot
-It's supposed to be -Supposed to be
But hopefully the bunnies won't notice -Yeah, they won't care
So we just put a fresh sheet of parchment paper here
and we're just going to set these down
You know what, we should see what they like more
Yeah, we'll see whose treats tastes better to them
Oh yeah a contest
OK so while we are waiting here, we can eat some blueberries
-Perfect. The nice thing about having a rabbit is
you always have fresh fruit and veggies at home
and a lot of lettuce
-Romaine -Yeah
I know I actually just like eat out of the same spring mix that Lennon does
When I make my salads.
I feel bad sometimes that I'm taking her food
But then I'm like wait, I bought this
I see he already got to the other side of it
-Yeah so he decided that
he needs another entrance
-Ha I love that
-And -Does he kiss you?
-Yeah all the time. All the time.
-Aww Bini's so sweet.
OK so let's check on them
Oh wow they're looking good -Yeah
Too bad you can't smell it, but it really smells good
Let's give them the food
-Oh you like it?
-Wow -Aww OMG Bini!
-Perfect, well let's go pick up Lennon
-Hello! -Hi!
Look who's here
This is Lennon
Should we do high fives? -High fives!
This is another bunny
-This is another bun bun -What do you think about it?
Look how cute she is
They are in a neutral territory that neither bunny has ever been to before.
that way they don't get aggressive with one another
because bunnies are very territorial
And -They are still pretty shy
Look this is Lennon
She's like what are you doing in there
Do you want to play basketball?
OK Bini
So -Ok ready? -Yeah let's do it
and this is what you made
This was your treat
And look at Bini
Look at...
OMG look at him, he's so cute
Lennon is the opposite right now
OMG, Bini!
He really likes it
And we can dip
-Wow -Here it is
Not too much -Yeah
That's it
Don't worry
Look this is Lennon
It's funny how like even their fur feels different
OK Hoppers, I hope you liked the video
Many of you asked us for this collaboration
And I'm really happy to have you guys here
-Thank you!
- and Bini now you have a new friend
Check out Lorelei's video on Lennon the Bunny's channel
We're going to try to teach Lennon some tricks
Bini you may have new competition
Don't worry, you'll always be my best bunny
OK, so now let's clean up everything
Florida Republicans Want Students To Learn "Alternatives" To Climate Change & Evolution - Duration: 4:08.
A group of Republican lawmakers in the state of Florida have put forward legislation that
would make school districts teach what they call alternatives to things like climate change
and evolution.
The legislation is being pushed mainly by a state senator by the name of Dennis Baxley,
who, uh, if you're not familiar with Florida politics, he's also the guy that gave us the
stand your ground law back in 2005.
Uh, he's done a lot of horrible things during his time in office and now he is trying to
tell us through his legislation that these controversial topics like manmade climate
change, uh, yeah, we've got to teach the alternative to that as well.
So to that, to this legislation, I have to ask a Baxley here.
What's the alternative to manmade climate change?
Death by flooding, death by fire, death by hurricane.
Because those are really the alternatives to not understanding and learning about climate
That's what we're looking at here.
Is that what you want to teach kids like, no, no, no, no, no.
Don't worry about that.
Just worry about how to hunker down.
The next time a super storm comes in, slams into our state, which pretty much happens
every single year.
Somewhere in the state of Florida.
This man is absolutely insane.
Dennis Baxley, republican state senator for the State of Florida is a complete nut job
if he thinks we need to be teaching our kids alternatives to climate change.
Now, evolution also absolutely ridiculous to want to teach an alternative to that.
That is considered a scientific fact, but evolution has been the Republicans boogeyman
in public school for about a hundred years now, so that's to be expected, but we're talking
about a state that at current projections will be mostly underwater within the next
100 years, 100 years.
I know Baxley won't be around at that point, but there are residents of the state of Florida
right now who might be in Baxley, doesn't want to teach them about climate change and
this whole thing is actually being pushed by this group here.
The Florida citizens alliance now.
They have been working for several years in our state to a kind of screw up the curriculum
of public schools.
Now they claim that this grassroots organization, 20,000 people, uh, you know, we just want
kids to learn better.
We want school districts, they actually push this bill back in the fall.
We want parents to be able to challenge school districts about their textbooks and if enough
parents object, they have to change the textbooks.
That's something that they pushed for and got passed.
So to be honest, I feel like this alternative climate change teaching thing, we'll also
past, we're a state that is completely run by idiotic Republicans who would rather keep
us stupid then give us a proper education.
But nonetheless, this Florida citizens alliance has received aid from the heartland institute.
It's received aid from the Koch brothers and oil industry.
So yeah, no wonder they don't want us to learn about climate change because God forbid, we
ask who's responsible for it.
And it would turn out to be the same people who are providing material aid for this Florida
citizens alliance.
And of course our republican state Senator Dennis Baxley himself.
These people want to keep us ignorant about the issue because the people paying their
bills are the ones who caused the crisis to begin with.
Frenship - Wanted A Name (Lyrics) feat. Yoke Lore - Duration: 3:03.
Cause I still need you
Needed you
Needed you
Needed you
Cause I still needed you
Could you love me like you used to
Could you love me like you used to
Could you love me like you used to
But it only takes one of them to hold me
This road isn't homely, I got ten thousands onlys
And I know that I chose this, And I want it
And pretend that I own it
And I feel like the moment
I wanted a name
I've never been good with the change
And nothing is ever the same
Now that I'm on my way
And tell you it's fame
I'll take all the blame and keep all the shame
And now that I learn it's a game
Tell me this is the way
Cause I still need you
Needed you
Cause I still needed you
Could you love me like you used to
Could you love me like you used to
Could you love me like you used to
Could you love me like you used to
But it only takes one of them to hold me
This road isn't homely, I got ten thousands onlys
And I know that I chose this, And I want it
And pretend that I own it
And I feel like the moment
I wanted a name
I'll fake any smile and sign it away
I'll break any neck to play
Tell me this is the way
Show me the gold to take, I wanted a name
A young gun with something to say
Guess I was born this way
Parents Say Son Is An Adolescent Living In A 41-Year-Old's Body - Duration: 3:16.
James Charles Reacts To PRIVATE Tape Leaked On Twitter - Duration: 3:40.
Apparently, theres a private tape circulating on twitter that supposedly shows james Charles.
If this tape is the real deal, it is a big deal.
James Charles is only 19 years old, and he's one of the most popular youtubers around,
despite what the daily mail says about him.
Im going to tell you about this tape, and james Charles reaction, but first, the intro.
Welcome back to informoverload where we talk about the biggest viral news stories on the
web, I'm charlotte dobre, why don't you hit that subscribe for updates on news going
on in our youtube community.
We also throw in some stories about science, celebrities and space.
Basically any news stories we find on the internet that we think are cool as hell, we
report them for you.
So with that, lets talk about james Charles and the rumors about a private tape of him
circulating online.
james Charles is one of the most influential youtubers right now.
He's a makeup guru who does makeup tutorials and he has 13 million subscribers.
James charles just released a palette in collaboration with morphe that sold out almost immediately.
All of this is pretty impressive considering he's only 19 years old.
Because he's so popular, James Charles has been the topic of some serious conversation
Hes definitely not a stranger to drama.
Over the weekend, during his first visit to the UK, his meet and greet in Birmingham caused
pretty much the whole city to shut down.
Traffic was piling up everywhere, it took one driver three and a half hours to drive
one mile.
People driving had to abandoned their cars because the city was gridlocked for hours.
All because of the 8 thousand screaming fans that were waiting to catch a glimpse of him
at the opening of the morphe store in Birmingham city center mall.
The mall had to bring in extra police, there were rows upon rows of security guards and
boys in blue.
Shoppers had to cancel their plans.
I mean I would probably go shopping on a different day too.
All three floors of the mall were stacked full of people.
Thankfully, the local police reported that there were no incidents and no arrests, so
it was a pretty tame meet and greet.
But its pretty insane that people waited for hours upon hours to see james Charles, and
his appearance only lasted about 30 seconds.
So it seems like kind of interesting timing that a supposed private tape of him was leaked
and was circulating on twitter.
People started tweeting things like.
Ya'll I think I just saw james charles' tape.
Im crying.
Did james Charles tape leak.
I opened my insta feed and someone posted it.
There were literally hundreds of tweets about it until james Charles had to chime in and
address the rumors.
James Charles shut down the rumor with one, very epic tweet.
Apparently my tape is going around??
This is exciting news to me considering im still very much a virgin lol.
The tweet has gone viral and has over 300 thousand favorites at the time of this recording.
So I think that its safe to say that these rumors, are nothing more than rumors.
We scoured the internet for the tape, and we found it, but the version we found only
shows someone with their face blurred out.
It did resemble james Charles…but According to people commenting on the tweet, james Charles
has freckles all over his body, the person in the tape doesn't.The person who shared
the tape seems to have deleted their account.
Well guys that is all I have for you on this, I'm going to wrap up this video by responding
some comments.
Wii Shop One Last Time - Duration: 1:43.
All things I hold dear, they're no longer here
It all disappeared
This shop channel's the place to cry
Now that the Internet has died
Virtual Console has been set free
New additions? Nope none for me
[For me]
Filled with woe
Moping to and fro
Scrolling down, I guess I should move on
[Move on]
[From this silly song]
The shop channel was just a fad
With no more games, it's really sad
We used to click for adventures and more
Now we don't even have a store
[No store]
Can't buy now
Guess I should've bought it last time
I will miss this song
But I must be strong
You were once the best
Now you lay and rest
Woman Says 41-Year-Old Brother Has Gone From Living In A Storage Unit To Living In His Car - Duration: 3:47.
Sheriff Alex Villanueva Stands Ground on Fired Deputy Reinstatement - Duration: 2:37.
Duke just doing sweet milk why make baby sad like this | Duke angry pull milk out |Monkey Daily 2485 - Duration: 10:22.
Why Happiness Drives Your Success - Duration: 1:10.
El Chapo's wife describes falling in love with him when she was 17 - Daily News - Duration: 6:44.
El Chapo's wife has given an 11th hour interview where she paints him as a loving father and doting husband as he prepares to spend the rest of his life locked up in an American prison
Closing arguments begin at the drug lord's Brooklyn trial on Wednesday and will continue into Thursday before a jury retires to decide his fate
They will deliberate 10 separate charges which include criminal enterprise, use of guns, drug money laundering and internationally distributing more than 40 tones of cocaine
The trial, which has lasted three months, has included testimony about how El Chapo, whose real name is Joaquin Guzman, has ordered countless murders, buried people alive and run an unimaginably violent drug enterprise for decades in Mexico
But in her interview and accompanying photo-shoot with The New York Times, his wife, Emma Coronel Aispuro, says he is nothing like the man prosecutors have painted him to be
'I don't know my husband as the person they are trying to show him as. 'But rather I admire him as the human being that I met, and the one that I married,' she said in Spanish
Coronel, who has attended every day of the proceedings, also spoke about their fiercely protected twin daughters - Emali and Maria Joaquina - and how Guzman, 61, adores them
'He always was a father very present to the attention of our daughters. 'They are] the adoration of their father and he is the adoration of them,' she said
She and Guzman married when she was 18 in a 'simple ceremony'. They had met a year earlier, when she was underage and he was on the after pulling off his first of two prison escapes
Share this article Share He was in his 40s at the time but the age difference did nothing to stop them becoming close
Coronel described the start of their relationship as a 'lovely friendship'. 'With the passing of months we became girlfriend and boyfriend
And when I turned 18 years old, we married in a very simple ceremony with family and only close friends,' she said
She gave birth to the girls in her early 20s. Coronel, a beauty queen, was born in California but raised in Mexico
She described her own family as 'unified' and spoke gushingly about her siblings
Over the last three months, she has been in Brooklyn while her daughters are cared for in Mexico
The girls have been the only visitors permitted to see their father in the undisclosed location where he has been held since he left the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan at the start of the trial
THE CHARGES EL CHAPO'S JURY WILL DELIBERATE Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman was charged with 10 criminal counts, including:Drug trafficking Most of the counts in the indictment allege that Guzman trafficked more than 40 tons of cocaine, marijuana and heroin internationally and domestically
Criminal enterprise He is accused of leading a continuing criminal enterprise responsible for importing into the United States and distributing massive amounts of illegal narcotics between January 1989 and December 2014
Money launderingHis money laundering charges relate to the bulk smuggling from the United States to Mexico of more than $14 billion in cash proceeds from narcotics sales throughout the United States and Canada
Weapons offensesHe is also charged with using firearms in relation to his drug trafficking
They had not lived as a family for years beforehand. El Chapo broke out of prison - allegedly with his wife's help - for a second time in 2015
He hid out in the Sinaloa mountains until he was finally arrested in 2016. Coronel said of their prolonged separation: 'I don't consider myself a single mother
'More so, a mother who in this moment doesn't have the support of her husband, but trusts that the family will be well
'Obviously, our life changed.' She has spent her time in New York keeping a low profile and going to bed early most nights, she said
Asked if she liked the nightlife in Manhattan, she said: 'I prefer to sleep'. She was heard 'rejoicing' at the end of one week because it was Friday which meant she could sleep in the following day and not have to wake up early to go to court
Her husband's defense team took just 30 minutes to make their case on Tuesday before the jury was sent home for the day
They called just one witness - a retired FBI agent who they questioned about a report he wrote on a debriefing of one of the cooperators who testified against Guzman
On Wednesday, the prosecution, which called 50 witnesses throughout the trial, will summarize its case
Guzman's lawyers will give their closing arguments on Thursday before the jury is sent away
LAPD Chief Says Its Unclear Whether Race Complaints Linked to Crime Reduction - Duration: 2:11.
Game of Thrones 6x3 REACTION ¨OATHBREAKER¨ - Duration: 15:59.
Who's that?
Hello everyone! Welcome to my reaction channel!
My name is Pilar.
And today I'm going to be reacting to episode 3 of season 6 of Game Of Thrones.
Welcome back Jon.
Is Melisandre dead?
Did she sacrificed herself for him?
That's a nice back.
Is he naked?
Hello my little love.
Ghost has red eyes!
Hello Jon.
It is HIM!
Dear God.
Prince Jon Snow.
It doesn't matter Jon.
It doesn't matter.
You just have to learn as you go.
Yazz Davos.
I love him.
Now what?
Everyone's gonna be like: Oh Hail Jon Snow.
He's a God.
Oh Jesus.
Everyone's like-
Let's see- who of you stabed me?
Hug him.
Yayy hugs♥
Another hug?
I also want a hug from Jon Snow.
Why is his hair black then?
Is that the Targaryen-
Or are they just like Targaryen soldiers or something?
Is that Lyanna?
Oh ok so does he literally travels to the past?
Hello- to you!
and your beautiful necklace.
Is that the horses door?
So that's the place where she met-
No. She didn't met him there.
I meant-
Was that the place where she married Khal Drogo?
Agh, can't wait for Daenerys to go to Westeroes.
MY goodness.
When will this happen?
No wait. Don't answer that.
So his little birds were the children?
I want to see his face.
I don't like Pycelle. I hate him.
No wait. They are going to lock this kid now.
Tywin said that if a king needs to say that he is the king, then he is not the true king.
Henry VIII?
Is he trying to win Tommen's trust?
This reminds me of Toph and Aang's blind training sessions.
But whoever drinks that will die, right?
So if ¨no ones¨ drink that and don't die?
She got her eyes back.
**goat fuckers** lol
Good one. I like that. Fuck kneeling.
Is it Theon?
Who is it?
Is that-
Oh God. That smile my Goodness.
What a misfortune dear Lord.
Sir Davos I love you man.
Is he going to execute them rn?
He is going to hang them.
That's quiet honorable.
That was good.
Sorry I'm clapping but-
I think that honorable of him to say.
Look at that hateful face he has.
He is so mad.
He's not going to say anything?
I love that sword's sound.
Is he going to cut the rope?
He is going to cut someone's rope.
Oh No.
What does that mean?
Is he not going to be-
Lord Commander anymore?
What are you doing Jon?
Wait, wait, wait, wait,
Is the title name ¨Oathbreaker¨ named like that because of him?
Cause he left?
Or why?
Who's the Oathbreaker?
What is he going to do know?
I'm like- I don't even know what to predict from this.
Well, I don't have a clue where is Jon Snow gonna go now.
Like, I'm trying to think of somewhere and I can't think of one single place.
Where is he heading to now?
Not a single place comes to mind.
Is the name Oathbreaker after him?
Anoher thing. Osha and Rickon on Ramsey's hands.
That's really unfortunate.
Please stop killing direwolves-
and Starks.
Like.. stop it.
I just realized something.
is heading right now to-
to the Night's Watch.
To Castle Black.
And Jon Snow just left.
That's bad luck. Such a bad luck. This cannot be true.
Okay so about Ramsey and Rickon...
I'm asuming that-
Ramsey will just get rid of Rickon-
Cause what use is to him to keep him alive?
There's not a single person who know Rickon is there.
There's no one who can possible go and rescue him.
Ramsey blackmails Jon regarding Rickon.
And say: ¨I have your brother, if you don't come here I will kill him?)*
Oh God. I hate Ramsey. SO. MUCH.
Another thing. I'm LOVING Branns flahbacks.
They are not actually flashbacks aren't they?
They are more like they travel to the past adn watch it. Right?
Is like he is present in the past and-
Cause he said: ¨Father¨, and Ned turned around.
So it would seem that he actually travels to the past.
That's cool.
Regarding the power at Kingslanding...
I think that everything is so messy... like wtf is going on there?
I mean regarding the stability of power and authority in Kingslanding.
Tommen lacks of power and authority.
When he said: ¨I'm the king¨
Tywin said it himself:
¨Any king who need to say that he is the king, is not the true king.¨
We will see then what's Cersei and Jamies next move-
cause their authority decreses more and more.
They can't make big desitions, they are not even allowed to sit in the small council.
Oh and about Cersei and Jaime's uncle-
he is like too-
He is weird.
Like which said is he on?
What's his true intention?
What's his objective right now?
Oh God.
Everything is a little messy...
Margaery and Loras are still freaking imprisoned!
I mean...
How hard can it be to the most powerfull family in Westeroes-
(I mean... to the Lannisters.. and the feaking king...)
to introduce and army, kill all those religious freaks and get them out of there??!!!
Is that too hard for them to do?
I mean...
Margaery is imprisoned!!!
The freaking queen.
It's ridiculous.
Great episode you guys. But I don't have a clue about what's coming next.
Like. I don't have any other prediction.
I'm dying to see the next one.
So I'm probably going to watch it now..
Right now.
I'll pause this. And watch it.
So that was all for now!
As always thank u so much for watching until the end!
Don't forget to leave your comments down bellow.
And for those of you who would love to see more reactions,
I'm a couple of episodes ahead on my Patreon.
So there you can already find all of season 6 reactions.
So, yeah guys! Thank you so much for watching!
And I'll see you soon for episode 4!
Big kiss to you all!
Most of Clemson's black players refused to attend Trump's 'hamberder-feast' - Duration: 3:00.
Many of the black players in Clemson's national championship-winning team did not attend Donald Trump's dinner at the White House - it has been revealed
According to the Root only 15 of the reported 57 black players on the Clemson roster attended, with those who skipped the fast-food meal citing 'racism' and 'divisive politics'
'It wasn't like we had a team meeting or anything,' one player said.'Players were talking amongst each other,' he said
'Everybody was like: 'I'm not going to that.' The Clemson Tigers' White House trip wound up making national headlines after Trump decided to offer the team a fast food feast, which he paid for, on account of the government shutdown
But the President's now infamous meal was widely mocked on social media after he posted a tweet misspelling '1,000 hamburgers' as 'hamberders'
Clemson's coaching staff reportedly let the players decide whether they wanted to go to the White House or not
A school spokesperson, Joe Galbraith, said Tuesday: 'We had 76 student-athletes (approximately two-thirds of the team) make the trip to DC
' 'On the championship game roster, 26 players had already received their bachelor's degree, and had no planned obligations on campus beginning that week,' Galbraith said
'Other student-athletes had class obligations as the spring semester began the week prior
' According to The Root, however, all three athletes that spoke to the site 'acknowledged' that their professors would have excused the absences had they gone to DC
'You think players just wanted to go to classes so bad?' one of them asked in jest
'Folk just didn't want to go.'
Toxic Masculinity - Duration: 15:44.
hello ladies gentlemen and persons in between I'm back and I'm here today to
talk about what it is to be a man in this episode of Serious Issues so it's
been a while hasn't it yeah December was a really busy month
for me because I moved to Portland yeah Here I am I made it and yeah a lot of
stuff going on didn't really have time for video I mean I thought about it but
I was busy I literally rented the moving truck for
the day after Christmas so busy busy busy didn't even get to go home to
Minnesota to see my friends and family now I was gonna try to do a video that's
sort of Christmas themed I kind of want to do a Christmas themed video every
year although I don't know there's sort of a limited number of topics and I was
going to talk about what it means to be a Christian but I decided to strike
while the iron is hot Bell warm tepid I decided to strike
while the iron is tepid and talk about the Gillette commercial by now you've
all seen it the infamous Gillette commercial featuring men being at least
somewhat dickish to women and also to other men now there's been a lot of
pearl clutching from a lot of men mostly on the machismo obsess right of course
they seem deeply offended at the idea of being asked to be nicer people now
personally I thought the commercial was a little preachy and not very subtle but
it's hard to imagine being so deeply offended by a commercial whose basic
message was don't be an asshole but many were offended and I think I understand
why so I'm here to mansplain some of the nuances that I think those guys missed
first of all you guys need to understand that there is a world of difference
between masculinity and toxic masculinity there's nothing at all wrong
with being masculine that's not what the commercial was criticizing and it's just
a little bit disturbing that some of you apparently think that what masculinity
is is getting into fights with your friends and talking down to women and
beating up guys who don't fit your idea of what am
is let me just give you a working definition of toxic masculinity off the
top of my head toxic masculinity is the idea that men
are absolutely strictly forbidden from having or doing anything normally
associated with femininity the idea that men are not allowed to have or share
feelings for example toxic masculinity is the idea that any man who exhibits
any hint of feminity must be immediately bullied and ridiculed and beaten
toxic masculinity is ridiculing and beating other men for not being
masculine enough and ridiculing or beating women for not being feminine
enough it's okay to be a man it's not okay to be an asshole let's look at some
examples of the difference between masculinity and toxic masculinity
masculine building and fixing things fine nothing in the world wrong with
that now right away I can hear some of the people on the left saying but Tim
can't women build and fix things isn't that kind of masculine well yeah they
can and it kind of is but who cares who gives a shit I don't care that's that's
fine I don't give a shit if a woman can build and fix things or any of these
other masculine qualities that I've got listed here so one example of
masculinity is building and fixing things if you're the sort of guy who
knows how to fix his own car or fix the washing machine or the lawn mower
kudos great toxic masculinity bullying not all examples of being an asshole or
a bully are toxic masculinity it's usually based on gender it's it's based
on you're not masculine enough or you're too feminine or not feminine enough if
you're a woman I don't know but in general a lot of bullying is based on
toxic masculinity I saw this great Twitter thread where this guy talked
about his ten-year-old son who in every other respect was a pretty normal
masculine average boy but he liked to paint his fingernails it's just a thing
he was into he liked to paint his nails okay but he stopped doing it because the
other boys at his you'll tease the shit out of him for it
that is toxic masculinity the idea that boys are not allowed to paint their
nails or do anything associated with femininity it's okay to have your own
ideas of what's masculine and what's feminine it is absolutely not okay to
ridicule and bully and beat people who don't fit that another masculine quality
confidence women like a guy who's confident there's nothing wrong with
being confident toxic masculinity beating your wife or girlfriend
that's generally you know I have to prove that I'm a man I have to control
my woman I have anger issues because my dad never hugged me or something I don't
know beating your wife or girlfriend is generally toxic masculinity a couple of
other masculine qualities being capable and decisive a guy who can take charge
of the situation and get things done great wonderful that's the sort of man
you are good for you there's nothing in the world wrong with being capable and
decisive toxic masculinity sexual harassment and sexual assault it is in
no way acceptable to flirt with a woman in a way that makes her feel
uncomfortable and a woman does not owe you anything it is in no way acceptable
to put your hands on a woman who hasn't given you permission it's not acceptable
to show your penis to a woman who didn't ask to see it it is absolutely not
acceptable to tell a woman what you would like to do to her it's not
acceptable to do or say anything to a woman that you wouldn't do or say to
another man because it would be disrespectful to him treating a woman
like an object instead of a person is not cool that is toxic masculinity
another masculine quality being brave in the face of danger nothing wrong with
that everybody loves it here all right cool toxic masculinity being
condescending to women if you talk down to a woman and assume that she doesn't
know what she's talking about because she's a woman that's toxic masculinity
that is being disrespectful to her based on her gender masculinity being good at
contact sports sure
you know you've good football player good wrestler may be good at martial
arts fine that's pretty masculine nothing wrong
with that toxic masculinity as the commercial pointed out the whole boys
will be boys attitude I'm not saying that no normal boy behavior is
acceptable it's the part where they get into fights and sort things out by
punching each other that's kind of toxic you need to find more constructive ways
to deal with your anger now don't get me wrong I'm not a pacifist
I I do believe that violence is called for but it's supposed to be avoided as
punching is not supposed to be your go-to solution to a disagreement
masculine being physically strong again nothing wrong with that if you're a
bodybuilder and you like being a beefcake you're Dwayne the rock Johnson
great buy go ahead knock yourself out toxic masculinity transmuting all of
your emotions into anger it's a myth that women are more emotional than men
men are just as emotional we just tend to lean toward the anger side of
emotions our emotions tend to be more aggressive that's how we deal with our
emotions we get angry at ourselves for having them and so we transmute them
into anger and hit someone or insult them or whatever women talk things out
rather than punch each other as you should another example of toxic
masculinity doing literally anything just to prove that you're a man don't do
that don't do anything just to prove that you're a man don't give in to that
pressure the guys who are pressuring you to do something just to prove that
you're a man that's toxic masculinity being disappointed in your sons for not
being interested in sports that's toxic masculinity if your son plays with
Barbies and wants to be an artist instead of a football player and you're
disappointed in him then there's something wrong with you not him
almost all homophobia is based on toxic masculinity the idea that gay men are
too effeminate and need to act more like man
Amen yeah that's toxic masculinity and by the way there are plenty of gay men
out there who are more masculine than you will ever be there are plenty of gay
men out there who are hairy beefy muscular bearded guys chomping on
cigars riding motorcycles chopping down trees and belting MOG cabins with their
bare hands guys who could kick your ass from here to next week but they like
dick and that's fine the profound need to prove that you are a man is toxic
masculinity the idea that being a man and proving it is very very important is
toxic masculinity are you an example I kind of hate the taste of beer I think
it tastes like piss I don't know how it's fit for human consumption I don't
know why anyone pretends to like it except I do they feel like they have to
like it to prove that they're men I used to get so much shit when I was in my 20s
from guys who were beer drinkers and didn't feel that I was masculine enough
because I wasn't drinking beer I'm sorry that I don't define my masculinity by my
ability to drink large quantities of something that tastes terrible I prefer
to define my masculinity by my ability to drink what I want and not care what
assholes think about it
now if you're a man watching this and you're thinking to yourself wait a
minute Tim I'm not that kind of asshole I don't disrespect women I don't bully
other men for not being masculine enough I'm a very live-and-let-live kind of guy
then the commercial wasn't talking to you
that's something these fragile snowflakes need to understand the
commercial wasn't talking about all men it was talking about assholes if you're
not the kind of man who treats other men like shit for not being masculine enough
then the commercial wasn't really talking to you if you are man who is
respectful to women and treats them well the commercial wasn't really talking to
you I mean it was talking to you in the
sense that it's really up to us to teach the toxic ones not to be toxic we have
to do that the toxic men are not going to listen to the women so it's up to us
and the commercial was talking to us in that respect the guys who are
complaining about this commercial are just so fragile that's what it is it's
fragile masculinity toxic masculinity is fragile masculinity if you feel
threatened and offended by this commercial it's because your masculinity
is fragile a man who is truly secure in his manhood doesn't need to prove it to
other men doesn't care what other men think about his manhood you remember
when I said earlier about confidence being masculine the guy's complaining
about this commercial lacked that confidence a guy who is truly confident
in his own masculinity in his manhood doesn't need to do all this toxic shit
those guys are afraid of not being seen as masculine enough they're afraid of
being seen as weak they're afraid to cry crying and masculinity are not mutually
exclusive I mean if you cry at the drop of a hat there may be a problem but it's
not one that you should be beaten for bully for there are times when it is
perfectly legitimate and okay to cry but some guys hold it in and they've
transmute that into anger and take it out on someone else that is toxic
masculinity so yeah the point of the commercial isn't to say that
all things men do are toxic the commercial wasn't attacking all men it
was only attacking the asshole men the assholes who are super obsessed with
being a man and proving that they're a man if that's not you then the
commercial wasn't really talking to you what is wrong with you that you could be
so deeply offended at the idea of being asked to not be an asshole what is wrong
with you that being a better person is too much to ask if you want to run
around beating your chest and firing guns and drinking beer while watching
football with your friends fine god bless you do what you like but don't
give shit to the guys who aren't interested in that yeah I'm wearing a
Seahawks Jersey but it's not because I give a shit about football I don't I
just like jerseys this is my this is my pajama top basically I wear this around
home I've got my Seahawks Jersey and sweats that's my standard uniform when
I'm home doing nothing toxic masculinity is not being okay with other men not
fitting your idea of what a man is to not be toxic is to have a live and let
live attitude that says hey this guy doesn't like beer fine that's there's
nothing wrong with that this guy doesn't watch football fine who
cares this guy likes to paint his nails whatever who cares this guy likes to
dress entirely in drag III don't have no problem with that
that's fine this commercial was not attacking masculinity it was attacking
toxic masculinity it was attacking being an asshole because you're a man
that's all I don't know how any of you could be offended by that so that's
enough of that tell me what you think in the comments below do you understand the
difference between masculinity and toxic masculinity do you think that it's too
much to ask to not be an asshole what do you do to combat toxic behavior in other
men thank you very much for joining me for this conversation if this is your
first time on my channel welcome it's great to have you here I hope that you
will subscribe join me for future conversations and
check out my previous videos for more if you are a current subscriber welcome
back I'm sorry I've been away for so long I still want to do this at least
once a month I'm thinking of doing another video for this month to make up
for the fact that I didn't have any in December yeah I'm still working on
learning animation I'm hoping to show you something like that by the summer if
not sooner yeah it's and then thank you for your
continued support thank you for sticking around if despite the fact that I have
been significantly less active lately I will try to pick it up okay thanks for
joining me everyone see you next time
Income Taxes for Limited Liability Companies (Texas LLC) - Duration: 4:14.
LLCs are responsible for federal income tax the same way individuals are.
Every year, you, as an individual, report your income to the Internal Revenue Service
and pay the associated taxes.
Well, LLCs have revenue also that needs to be reported to the IRS and the associated
taxes paid.
Now, how that revenue is reported and how those taxes are paid depends on the structure
of the LLC.
The rules for reporting and paying taxes come from the Internal Revenue Code, which is Federal
This federal law doesn't exactly follow state law regarding LLCs.
Remember it's the Texas Business Organizations Code that allows for LLCs to be legal business
So, the IRS doesn't have rules specific for how LLCs are taxed.
The IRS does have rules for how individual people are taxed, how partnerships are taxed,
and how corporations are taxed.
This means that LLCs are either taxed by the IRS as an individual person, partnerships,
or corporations.
How do we know which way the LLC is going to be taxed?
By the number of people who are Members of the LLC.
If the LLC only has one member, the IRS taxes the income from the LLC as the income of that
one Member.
It's like the LLC doesn't even exist and the income belongs to that one member.
This is called a "disregarded entity".
The revenue of the disregarded LLC is reported on the single member's personal income tax
If the LLC has more than one member, the IRS taxes the LLC income as the income of all
the members together, like a partnership.
Each member is responsible for paying income tax on that partner's share of the revenue.
This is called "pass through" taxation.
In this case, the LLC does have to prepare a tax return and a Schedule K-1 for each partner.
These are the default rules the IRS follows: "disregarded entity" for one-member LLCs;
and "Pass through" for LLCs with more than one Member.
But remember, I mentioned that the federal tax rules allow LLCs to be taxed as corporations.
Corporations are recognized by the IRS as their own individual entities.
Corporations file their own federal income tax return and pay the taxes on that income.
However, this results in a double taxation, because, when the Corporation pays a distribution
of profits to the owners, like paying a dividend to shareholders, the owners must report that
distribution as their personal income.
This is called a double tax, because taxes are paid twice, once at the corporate level
and a second time at the owner or shareholder level.
Small corporations can elect to be treated as Pass-through entities to avoid this double
When a corporation makes this election, it is referred to as an "S-Corp".
This Planning Guide is designed to help you prepare for organizing a new LLC.
The Planning Guide is made up of 5 parts.
Each part has sections.
Each section has an instructional video.
These instructional videos start by explaining the underlying legal concepts for that section.
Each video also includes a demonstration for how to fill out that section of the planning
In each demonstration, I'll show you how I would use the guide to plan an LLC called
"Fake LLC".
Pluto, Comets, Asteroids, and Other Things That Are Not Planets - Duration: 10:40.
Hey it's Professor Dave, let's wrap things up with the solar system.
We've just completed a survey of all the planets in the solar system.
We started with the terrestrial planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
Then we jumped over to the gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
But is that all there is out there?
Not even close.
There are unfathomable numbers of small objects that can be found at very specific distances
from the sun, so let's do a quick survey of these objects now.
To start, let's quickly address the object known as Pluto.
For decades, Pluto was regarded as the ninth planet of our solar system, named after the
Roman god of the underworld.
This happens to also be the name of a beloved cartoon dog, which may explain the public
backlash when it was eventually declared in 2006 that Pluto is actually not a planet.
Far from any anti-canine sentiment, this decision had a firm logical basis.
Besides Pluto's tilted and eccentric orbit, Pluto is much, much smaller than any of the
planets, with a mass less than one tenth of the smallest planet, Mercury.
Pluto is smaller even than our own moon, although it actually has several moons of its own.
The largest of these, Charon, is named after the boatman who ferries dead souls across
the river Styx into the underworld.
But more important than all this, orbiting at a comparable distance to Pluto are many
other objects that are quite similar, some of which rival Pluto in size.
What are these things?
They are planetesimals and other small objects, remnants from the birth of the solar system,
and they form a region called the Kuiper belt, extending from around 30 to 50 astronomical
units from the sun.
Pluto is one of three dwarf planets in this region, and it is thought that several moons
in the solar system also originated from this region, and were captured by planets, like
Triton around Neptune, and Phoebe around Saturn.
Beyond these dwarf planets, there are at least a hundred thousand smaller objects that are
over a hundred kilometers in diameter, sharing the same composition as Pluto.
This understanding required that rather than adding dozens of new planets to the solar
system, we should revise the definition of the word planet, and we decided that in order
to qualify as a planet, an object must clear the region near its orbit of other debris.
As Pluto is surrounded by planetesimals, some of which are similar in size and also have
their own satellites, it was determined that Pluto should not qualify as a planet, but
will rather be referred to as a dwarf planet, as will several other large objects in the
Kuiper belt.
Beyond the Kuiper belt is a region called the scattered disk, extending to one hundred
astronomical units from the sun.
This region contains another dwarf planet called Eris, which is slightly more massive
than Pluto.
Much farther still is the theoretical Oort cloud, a spherical region tens of thousands
of astronomical units from the sun.
And there you have the outer regions of the solar system, which probably make it quite
a bit larger than you may have thought.
Starting with the Kuiper belt and moving outwards, all of these regions contain what we refer
to as trans-Neptunian objects, which just means anything beyond the orbit of Neptune,
and it is these outermost regions that comets come from.
Objects orbiting as far as the Oort cloud can still have their orbits perturbed by the
gravitational influence of the gas giants, or even by other stars in the Milky Way that
are passing by, and are then sent towards the sun in highly elliptical orbits.
As they originate far away from the sun, they are very icy, but as they get closer to the
sun, they heat up, which melts the ice.
Once they are about as close as Jupiter, this vaporized water, along with the gas and dust
trapped within, gets pushed out by radiation pressure from the sun and becomes the tail
of the comet, which can grow as long as an entire astronomical unit, held in place by
the solar wind.
This tail emerges from a cloud of gas called the coma, which is thousands of kilometers
across, even though the nucleus of the comet itself is very small, maybe around ten kilometers
across, a block of ice and gas that melts as it approaches the sun and then freezes
again on its way back to the outer solar system, only to return many years later, often millions
of years later.
But it's not just the outermost region of the solar system that contains small objects.
In between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, there is the asteroid belt.
This is comprised of thousands of small rocks just like the kind that came together to form
planetesimals in the early solar system.
They range in size from around a thousand kilometers across at their largest, like an
asteroid named Ceres which is large enough to qualify as a dwarf planet, down to very
small rocks just a few meters across.
There are also two patches of asteroids called Trojan asteroids that lie directly on Jupiter's
orbit, and orbit with the same period as Jupiter.
Most asteroids are too small to be crushed into spheres by their own gravity, so they
have irregular shapes, and frequent collisions blast away chunks to form new irregular shapes.
Some asteroids are very rocky, some have lots of metal, and some have both.
So why didn't these rocks gather to form a planet like they did for the other planets?
The explanation for this lies with the immense size of Jupiter.
Its strong gravitational pull must have constantly disrupted the process of accretion within
a certain distance, making it impossible for these asteroids to accumulate sufficiently.
On the whole, the solar system is quite a balanced system.
Planets continue in their orbits without disturbance for millions of years.
But sometimes small objects can be jostled by the gravitational influence of larger objects,
and are sent on rogue trajectories.
Once in a while, such a trajectory could result in a collision with a planet, even Earth.
When such an object enters Earth's atmosphere, we call it a meteor.
So really, a meteor is just any rocky object, like an asteroid, that makes it to Earth.
These are visible in the night sky as brief streaks of light, and they are often referred
to as shooting stars.
This is because they are so small relative to the stars that they resemble stars in the
night sky, even though they are within Earth's atmosphere, but once again, they are just
bits of rock that heat up from all the friction due to colliding with particles in the air,
which leaves behind a trail of vaporized material.
Sometimes Earth passes through a trail of dust that was left by a comet approaching
the sun, and in such an instance, many particles will rain down in a short period of time.
This is called a meteor shower.
But even under normal circumstances, Earth is constantly being bombarded by these types
of objects, thousands of them every minute, but most of them are very small, smaller than
a marble, and are usually completely vaporized in the atmosphere.
But if they are large enough, some remnant of the meteor will make it to the ground,
and once a meteor touches the ground, it's called a meteorite.
These objects are quite valuable for studying the early solar system, because they are remnants
from that time, and analyzing the radioactivity of these objects is one way we can determine
the age of the solar system.
We have even found amino acids inside meteorites, which means that the basic building blocks
for life might have come from space, which is the basis for the panspermia hypothesis.
It's not all laser shows and space parties with meteors, though.
Every few thousand years, a meteor that is ten to a hundred meters across will collide
with the Earth.
When meteors are this large, they release an enormous amount of energy on impact.
A meteor the size of a house would yield an impact with the same explosive power as a
thermonuclear bomb.
There is strong evidence of meteors much larger than this colliding with the Earth in the
past, and we believe that such a catastrophic event involving an asteroid ten kilometers
across is responsible for the mass extinction visible in the fossil record 65 million years
ago, resulting in the end of the age of dinosaurs, and the rise of the mammals.
Luckily, no event quite so jarring has occurred since then, or us mammals probably wouldn't
be here to learn about it, so let's move forward and learn about some of the things
humans are able to do today, with all of this knowledge.
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