Sub 2 my channel for more lil peep type beats like this one!
How To Pronounce Iron - Duration: 0:14.How to pronounce the word IRON
Blog Matic Blogs e Sites Automáticos de Vídeos | BlogMatic Resultados - Como Usar - VEJA! - Duration: 12:46.-------------------------------------------
GUESSING PORTUGUESE WORDS || ADIVINHANDO PALAVRAS EM PORTUGUES - Duration: 9:14.-------------------------------------------
Soccer With Your Hands! - Duration: 10:01.Ahh get him
Presentan resumen de las evidencias contra El Chapo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Yalitza Aparicio se defiende de las críticas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
Ola de frío en EE.UU., la más poderosa en décadas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
Zuleyka Rivera y J Balvin podrían estar juntos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
Emma Coronel abre su cuenta oficial de Instagram | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 8:31.-------------------------------------------
El gran reventón de Lupillo Rivera por su cumpleaños | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
3D Print PUBG 4X Scope & Vertical Fore grip. 배그 4배율 / 수직 손잡이 3D 프린트 - Duration: 20:52.!! THIS IS NOT A REAL FIRE ARM !! It is a miniature replica of the Parts in 3D printed with plastic.
UV Cut Clear Coat Spraying
BBB19: Após saída do reality, Gustavo dedica emiji de cobra para Hana e repercute - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
15 Utilisations insoupçonnées du bain de bouche - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
TRAILER DO FILME PÂNICO 2 - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
✅ Após fim de Rouge, Aline Wirley vai trabalhar com Xuxa em novo programa - Duration: 1:43.O grupo Rouge chegou ao fim, mas Aline Wirley já tem novidades! Os fãs podem comemorar pois a saudade ficará por pouco tempo
Através de suas redes sociais, a cantora anunciou nesta segunda-feira, 28, que será uma das juradas do The Four Brasil da RecordTV
O programa é apresentado por Xuxa Meneghel. Animada com a novidade, a compositora abriu o coração e fez uma declaração para lá de especial
"Amores da minha vida, recebi um convite especialíssimo e estou feliz demais em compartilhar com vocês que, a partir do dia 06 de fevereiro estaremos sempre juntinhos (mais ainda)! Serei jurada do The Four, novo talent show da Record!", começou
Aline não conteve as emoções e confessou como está se sentindo com a nova jornada
"Estou apaixonada pelo formato do programa, que é muito incrível, inovador e tenho certeza que vocês vão se apaixonar assim como eu
Tenho que confessar que estou bastante apreensiva pela responsabilidade que é ocupar essa bancada
até porque já estive do outro lado e isso mudou minha vida! Mas também me sinto muito honrada por estar ao lado da Xuxa, Leo Chaves, João Marcello Bôscoli e de tantos outros artistas que nós 4 e todo o Brasil iremos conhecer logo mais! Ansiosa", finalizou
O grupo anunciou a separação na tarde desta quinta-feira, 24. Está é a segunda vez que as meninas separam o grupo
Camila Recabarren se refirió a la situación de Joaquín Méndez: "Va a tener mi apoyo siempre" - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
『P X X Y N A』Shiver - The Gazette 『FANDUB PT-BR』 - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
年度碰瓷事件!索尼7000元PS4套餐,你羡慕了嘛! - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Trump won't sign a bad deal on border security: Rep. Gaetz - Duration: 4:54.-------------------------------------------
หวยฮานอยวันนี้ 31/01/62 แนวทางหวยเวียดนาม(xổ số việt nam) - Duration: 11:27.-------------------------------------------
FREE | Lil Peep Sad Guitar Type Beat 2019 - Duration: 2:25.Sub 2 my channel for more lil peep type beats like this one!
How To Pronounce Iron - Duration: 0:14.How to pronounce the word IRON
Trump won't sign a bad deal on border security: Rep. Gaetz - Duration: 4:54.-------------------------------------------
The Batman June 2021 - NO Ben Affleck - Duration: 7:54.Don't worry, Batfleck stans!
This is good news!
Stunning 10-Foot Wide Big Tiny House The Vineyard THOW with Office Nook, Full Kitchen, And More - Duration: 5:05.Stunning 10-Foot Wide Big Tiny House The Vineyard THOW with Office Nook, Full Kitchen, And More
PASSION FRUIT (Frozen Milk Mukbang) Ice Eating ASMR 😋 - Duration: 2:03.PASSION FRUIT (Frozen Milk Mukbang) Ice Eating ASMR 😋
Japanese stores be like ....#2 - Duration: 2:52.Welcome!!!
OH MY GOD! I just love Japanese Culture. I JUST LOVE IT!!
They are just so polite and helpful!
Excuse me? Sumimasen
Yes.uhhhh... Japanese
Cotton Balls... uhh Cotton balls?
Kotton Boru?? ( Japanese hiss of death x2)
ummm .. not quite sureeee
(attempts Japanese pronounciation) Koto nu bo-ru ga arimasu ka?
Do you have Cotton balls here?
Kotonu bo-ru?
hsttt.. ummm ahhhh
(gestures getting cut and blood gushing )
mmm.. Medicine ..alcoh...
ahhh ahh ahh
Koton Boru..ahhhhh (japanese hiss of death)
Just a Moment please.
Man, these guys really are just amazing people
They just really go out there way to help you
Wait , whats going on here?
(suspense strike )
Why is there like ten people coming back with this person??
(suspense strike )
Butcher? Is that the manager? OMG
These people just don't know when to quit,
they wanna help you so much.(nervous laughter)
Yes, Sir.How may I assist?
Right!That's me. Ahh.. Do you have Cotton balls?
Cotton Candy? - NO No not Cotton Candy.
Do you have a picture ?
COTTON BALLS!! OH ! Yeah we have it here. Just a moment let me go get it.
What was I saying the whole time?
Isn't it weird that you have something slightly off
and they act like they don't understand anything you're saying???
That's Crazy!
Anyone Still There? - Duration: 2:25.Heeeeey everyone.
H-How is everyone doing today?
Doing okay, I hope?
These past three months sure lasted a lot longer than I thought they would, but yes!
This channel's not dead anymore!
As you may already know, I've been gone for about a year. Yeah.
I don't think I've ever been away from this channel for that long!
At first, I really didn't plan on being gone for so long, but unfortunately, those so-called
"three months" ended up becoming a year.
As you may know, I haven't kept my promises regarding when I'd come back, and when certain
videos would release, so to be perfectly honest with you -- if anyone's there -- I don't really
want to get into a long-winded story or anything.
No excuses!
The best way I can describe it is that I guess I just needed a break.
The Game Suite Zone videos took a lot of time and effort to create, for example, so I suppose
I just needed to spend some time doing other things for a change, and not constantly be worrying
about the standards I set and the quality of future episodes.
When the majority of my time is spent working on nothing but videos and anything related
to them, everything else that isn't related to them takes a backseat.
Not having to do that for a long time, I admit, was a nice change for once.
Now I don't want to talk about things that haven't happened yet to save you the fluff.
All I can tell you is that it's nice to be back!
I won't make any promises, or set any false expectations, but just know that I'm here
Live streams, on the other hand, won't be here for an undefined amount of time.
Well, that's probably the most believable thing I've said today, but with that stuff
covered, that's basically it!
I don't really have much to say, but you should just know that I want to deliver.
No more empty apologies.
No excuses.
I want to give you good content again, and I'm hoping to see you guys again!
Bye bye!
Lauren Elizabeth Shelley...Wonderful Summer Fashion Style...Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:33.Lauren Elizabeth Shelley...Wonderful Summer Fashion Style...Curvy Outfit Ideas
One Thing I Missed In Dragon Ball Super Broly - Duration: 9:21.Hey guys, in this video, I'll be sharing one thing that I did not like about Dragon
Ball Super Broly, but before going any further I would like to clarify some stuff so that
there's no misunderstanding.
I totally loved the movie as a whole, I enjoyed it in theaters multiple times and still have
plans to go watch it one more time.
I absolutely recommend every Dragon Ball fan to watch it, overall I'm really satisfied
with it.
There are some aspects I didn't like but despite that, the movie was still totally
worth the money.
Like, my Favorite Superhero movie is The Dark Knight, and I still could make a video about
a few stuff I didn't like about that movie; that doesn't mean I'm hating on or don't
like it.
The case here is similar, I loved the movie, but still I felt something was missing, and
I wanted to share my raw honest unfiltered feelings with all of your brothers in Dragon
In terms of how the action looked, be it the animation, the moves they used, all the effects,
everything considered was spectacular, there's no doubt about it, 5 star stuff.
But, the probelm I personally had was that the fight was between Goku, Vegeta and Broly
Also, a segment Frieza fights Broly as well.
That is I'm disappointed that all the other fighters on Earth, the human fighters, Gohan,
Piccolo and others didn't get any action at all; I do have a huge problem with that.
And the problem can be seen from different angles.
Even in terms of just how the fight, the action looks, Saiyans more or less have a similar
style, whereas other fighters could bring a lot of refreshing variations making it more
entertaining to watch.
Like, if Piccolo was involved in the fight he would make a badass entrance, which by
the way he did make in the original Broly DBZ Broly movie.
Then there are fighters like Master Roshi, who has a very limited power level, but still
are extremely skilled, Roshi himself made a mysterious power reveal in ToP and in a
way made a comeback as a fighter.
There are warriors like Tien who are nowhere near the level of Goku or Vegeta, and yet
loves fighting of so much they keep training non-stop and is ready to sacrifice their lives
if it comes down to it.
Then, there's Krillin who is cowardly by nature, who natural reaction is to be afraid,
he has fear in his heart of stronger opponents, and yet despite all that, he keeps fighting
He is afraid, but he doesn't let that stop him from being brave in order to help his
friends, the family.
Sometimes he is the sacrifice, sometimes he solar flares Frieza, buys time, cuts his tail
off, attacks Cell with everything, teaching Goku a new technique before the tournament
of power, almost cut off Napa, end up in crucial situations like Vegeta's life being on his
So, this childhood friend of Goku, who grew up pretty much being a training partner in
first half of Goku's life found ways to be resourceful despite his human limitations...
Growing up with Dragon Ball, I really did care a lot about all these characters, the
show to me wasn't only about Goku or Vegeta, but as the time goes on, I start finding out
most fans probably didn't as much or at all about these characters that I deeply did.
They only wanted the Saiyans or rather just Goku and Vegeta because we didn't even get
Gohan in this movie.
They didn't only keep them out of action, but we didn't even get to see them reacting
to this massive clash of powers.
Which I feel is extremely out of character for not only Gohan but also the rest of them.
I can't Imagine Gohan, even after the soyfication, simply ignoring this massive clash of power,
we have seen before that all our fighters can sense energy and would fly to check in
what's happening.
Even when the opponent is way stronger than them they are dumb or rather brave enough
to take a shot at it.
Whether Gohan got involved in the main fight or not, he should have at least arrived there
to check what's happening.
I mean although the original Dragon Ball Z Broly movie didn't involve the human fighters,
at least Gohan, Trunks and Piccolo fought, it wasn't just about Goku and Vegeta.
And what did Piccolo do there?
He didn't do much, but he did make an epic entrance, and at least had a few moments of
Glory before getting taken down.
You know that's the Piccolo I know and want, the Piccolo I know doesn't play safe.
Despite knowing he is of no use, he would check it out himself, not ask Goku telepathically.
They are all warriors too man, you can't just take that away from them like.
It is disrespectful.
Even in Buu arc of DBZ, Tien despite being nothing compared to Buu made an appearance
at least deflected away one attack of his.
That's all I'm asking, I'm not saying Piccolo or Krillin should go toe to toe with
There could just be a 5 minute-segment when both Goku and Vegeta is down on the ground.
Then everyone flies in Krillin, Master Roshi, Tien, Piccolo, Gohan, Majin Buu, Goten and
They go all at once and yet they fail, they just buy a bit of time, maybe Goku and Vegeta
is trying to do fusion on the side in a bit more tensed situation on the side while everyone
was holding Broly off.
You know what that would actually make a lot more sense, because I don't see how Frieza
alone was able to hold on Broly without being severely damaged for well over an hour and
half while Goku and Vegeta combined couldn't.
Also, all the Z fighters taking on Broly at once, would actually make Broly look monstrous
as we would see him throwing around everyone like a total beast.
A bit of this was in the DBZ Broly movie, but was missing on this one.
This one was spectacular to look in terms of animation, and the powerful attacks they
were using, but I feel the previous one managed to make him look more like a monster.
As they kept coming at him one by one only to get taken down.
I also liked how everyone got to contribute their energy in the original making them have
a part in Broly's defeat unlike this one.
They could have done it in this one as well, they could write out the Senzu beans, have
the Z fighters almost destroyed laying on the side, and Goku-Vegeta is recharged by
their energy contribution.
That would make it look more like a team game, and would also be a cool throwback to the
original movie.
I even respect what they did in Resurrection F, at least the other fighters got to make
an appearance and had a fight on the side.
Something better than nothing, but this one didn't even have it.
It's about time Dragon Ball, starts making other characters more relevant for real.
I bet 95% of the fans would love it if Piccolo got a major power upgrade and a transformation,
that would bring so much variety!
However, having that said that they might have had their reasons, and might as well
have plans for other fighters for later.
Perhaps they wanted to keep it Saiyan, Goku-Vegeta and Broly only because of how the story is
and how Broly mainly wants to take down Vegeta.
Maybe in future movie or series, others will get the spotlight, I mean ToP was a step in
the right direction, we got to see a lot of fighters in action who were out of it for
a long.
I'll admit I'm a bit biased, perhaps a bit tired of seeing Goku and Vegeta in all
the fights all the time, which is why I personally was really really hoping to see others in
action as well.
So, that was one thing missing for me personally.
I'm not claiming it to be a flaw of the movie, rather sharing my personal desires
and what I felt was required with you guys!
What do you think?
Share your opinion down below!
See you in the next, Dragon Ball video!
Will You Be Replaced? Dangers of Automation - Universal Basic Income - Duration: 3:26.robots are set to replace humans in the workplace by 2050 creating massive
Universal basic income may be the only answer to our problem
Really really truly this can't be the best solution the world can
come up with humans have an uncanny ability to be incredibly versatile and
creative while the robot has the ability to be many multiple times better than a
human at a specific job it cannot do thousands upon thousands of tasks like a
human and their creative ability is limited by what we give them to work
with without human intervention robots would have no creativity problem-solving
skills or capacity even roots teaching themselves tasks still require
parameters to follow and objectives to meet the creative destruction of
automation the replacing of humans with robots in the workplace is a real
problem for a lot of manufacturing jobs it leads to plant closures and small
towns built around these one source of income vanish into the Rust Belt many
like Elon Musk believe that robots will completely replace humans in the future
and we'll have to turn to a universal basic income to tackle massive
unemployment I do not think that we'll ever need to turn to a universal basic
income for a few simple reasons we will cover these in four phases what will
happen and how they will affect the world first let's take a look at what I
believe is the biggest killer of jobs to include specifically manufacturing jobs
in the United States this chart here from the feds site shows that during
downturns jobs that have been hit the hardest
these downturns were created by government regulations and monetary
policies gone wrong this is where I lay the blame but let's move on from that
and tackle the creative destruction that is removing workers through automation
these numbers are not taken from anywhere specific but it still manages
to illustrate the concept let's say you have 10 workers pre automation that
create a hundred tons of output we now add automation and all ten jobs are
destroyed it will now take two workers to create the same tonnage one to run
the manufacturing and make repairs another for administration and so forth
the economy is now net negative eight jobs now when we look at this chart it
illustrates the demise of traditional manufacturing with autumn ization
possibly scale exponentially without restraints if automation is allowed to
scale jobs will be created as people are needed to fix manage and direct work
this will be assuming a few things humans ability to consume is unlimited
to job creation will be allowed to continue at a faster rate than it is
being destroyed the best way to allow this is to fix the monetary system in
government flaw that create economic crashes and
slowdowns some government is needed to create stability which is the greatest
key to growth but too much government creates instability this also assumes
that the grid is upgraded to support the energy demands and the last and most
important piece is that the people involved are retrained and educated and
the education system is revamped to support this new style of workplace by
this rather than replacing the employee you create each workers output capacity
exponentially greater the key is to get the public to stop doing things that
make unemployment like getting Liberal Arts degrees, failure to seek new job skills
as jobs are being outsourced and companies failure to retrain staff this
also assumes that things like taxes will go down and allow money to flow into the
economy to create the demand for these products by this way people will not be
replaced but magnified perhaps more people will simply be on-call for 15
hours a week and address problems in the system then press the on button again
the key to humans is their resilience and ability to be versatile creative
organize and plan for the future while robots can do one job many multiples
better than a human its scope of use is very narrow I do not believe that we
will need to turn to a universal basic income for these reasons this has been
my noriko and don't forget to Like and subscribe to the channel
Disney On Ice and Healthy Snacking - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
Next with Kyle Clark full show (1/30/2019) - Duration: 27:10.-------------------------------------------
Where is God in the Dark Places of Life? - Duration: 2:12.In the expected and the unexpected places of life
is how David is describing it.
Yes, we might say the expected places are the heavens.
Well of course when I'm feeling heavenly,
I can be transparent, and God is with me
because I'm having a great day, a great season,
a great chapter of life.
I'm sensing that I'm riding high,
things are going well, yes, God is present with me.
But what about the unexpected places of life?
Which is so often a part of our journey as well,
if we're honest.
And here David paints a really stark picture.
He uses the word in the depths,
where if I make my bed, in verse eight.
If I make my bed in the depths, he uses the word sheol
in the Hebrew, sheol.
If I make my bed in sheol, is the place of the dead.
David said even if I am experiencing life
that I would describe it rather hellish
I'm in the place of the dead, God, you are there.
And isn't that real picture pointing towards Jesus?
Jesus literally went to the place of the dead to rescue us.
And David was experiencing that,
even to a limited degree in his relationship with God
in this particular Psalm.
Or in the darkness, surely the darkness will hide me.
And in the Hebrew, the darkness often
referred to, most often referred to,
places of chaos and tragedy, not that the room was dark.
But darkness meant that things were out of control,
things were chaotic, things were unexpected.
Tragedy had occurred.
Even in darkness, you are there.
In all of those experiences of life, God is present.
He doesn't abandon us, he doesn't leave us alone.
... (Full Score w/ English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:29.The hole's hands spill out,
Though its throat's thirst was quenched,
Even though the water wasn't sweet,
It continues to scoop and spill.
The hole's hands spill out,
Unable to obscure its vision,
The gentle heat
Burned away its optic nerve.
The pendulum's concealed third arm
Traces a backbone
Being pecked out
By a cold-hearted crow.
A pained sound rings out as
The concealed claw is thrust,
Having lost its essence, it relaxes,
A victim of nature's slow poison.
I only see what I want to see,
I believe what I want to believe,
I woke up too late,
I died.
And it's all your fault.
The hole's eyes spill out,
Running after a mirage,
Once it noticed how far away it was,
It slowed down.
The hole's eyes spill out,
Staring softly through the glass,
A meaningless word,
At an existenceless world.
Invisible though in broad daylight,
A scowling smuggler
Trespassed with muddy shoesー
They've returned.
But as dusk falls,
They ignore the stop sign,
Their heart avoiding it like a
Stake thrust into the wall.
A pained sound rings out as
The concealed claw is thrust,
Having lost its essence, it relaxes,
A victim of nature's slow poison.
I only see what I want to see,
I believe what I want to believe,
Their footsteps get louder
As they draw near.
陈凯琳怀胎9月现身闹市,独自逛街喝奶茶肚子竟看不出太大变化 - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
Gary Neville reveals six-month period that almost cost him everything - Duration: 2:16.Former Manchester United defender Gary Neville has opened up about the personal torment that caused a six-month slump in form
Neville is one of the most decorated players in British football history having racked up 17 major honours during nearly two decades at Old Trafford between 1992 and 2011
But it almost all came crashing down around him in 2000, when the break up of a relationship led to a torrid time on the pitch that included a nightmare performance at the Club World Championships and continued through to the end of England's dismal Euro 2000 campaign
"I had one massive dip," Neville told the Blank podcast . "I had a break up in a relationship after seven years and I gave two goals away [vs Vasco de Gama] in Brazil in the World [Club] Championships and we got knocked out
"It was just before the European Championships in 2000 under [England manager] Kevin Keegan
People probably won't remember it. I just went under, I was going onto the pitch distracted, thinking of other things
"Didn't want the ball, lacked confidence, my belief went, didn't know where my next good game was going to come from
I didn't know where my next good pass was going to come from. "I just really lost everything in a six month period and I needed the summer break after the Euros
"I remember just having that four-week block of doing nothing and just clearing my head and resetting
And then saying right I'm going to work harder than I've ever worked in my life, and that was it
"First day of pre-season I started doing triple sessions, I started having extra massages, extra stretching, extra weights
First game of the season got through it without making a mistake and went on from there
" Neville sought the help of a psychologist, who helped him relax and turn his form around
However, the Sky Sports pundit did not feel comfortable telling people until three years ago
He added: "At the time coming out to [my team-mates] and telling them I was seeing a psychologist would have been seen as a weakness
It would have been seen as a weakness in life not just football."
News24 - Lingard may have needed gloves for Burnley... but not for snow day - Duration: 3:25.Jesse Lingard may have needed gloves when he played against Burnley on Tuesday night but they weren't necessary for playing in the snow the following day
The Manchester United midfielder shared a story on his Instagram of him throwing a snowball at the camera in the cold, wearing just shorts and t-shirt
His United team-mate, Nemanja Matic, took a much more sensible approach to snow day with his family
Brave Jesse Lingard enjoys some snow-time in t-shirt and shorts Loaded: 0%Progress: 0%00:00PreviousPlaySkipLIVEMute00:00Current Time 0:00/Duration Time 0:00FullscreenNeed TextVideo QualityNo compatible source was found for this video
Foreground---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-OpaqueBackground---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparentWindow---WhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyan---OpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparentFont Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400%Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDropshadowFont FamilyDefaultMonospace SerifProportional SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional Sans-SerifCasualScriptSmall CapsDefaultsDone Wrapped up warm in a coat, he posed with his wife Aleksandra and their children next to a snowman wearing a United shirt
'We wish you a nice day,' he wrote next to the image. The Serbia midfielder played the full 90 minutes as United scored two late goals to salvage a 2-2 draw at Old Trafford on Tuesday
Lingard came on in the 63rd minute as a replacement for Andreas Pereira as late goals from Paul Pogba and Victor Lindelof salvaged a point for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side
He won the penalty for Pogba's goal which sparked United's fightback. Matic admitted afterwards that he was unimpressed with his side's display
'Today was not good enough,' Matic said. 'I think it is two points lost, we expect more from this game
'We wanted to win, but after 2-0 down we have to be happy with one point.'We should play better, we have to play better, see where we made mistakes, to improve and play like we have in last seven or eight games
'United are sixth in the Premier League, two points behind fourth-place Chelsea who are in action on Wednesday night away to Bournemouth
They return to action on Sunday against Leicester.
(#42) (Short) The Monty Hall Problem - improve your English: subtitles, script - Duration: 6:11.Hi.
Good morning everybody.
Today, I'm going to explain the Monty Hall problem to you.
Now this is not as confusing as people think.
The Monty Hall problem was based on a 1970s game show called "Let's Make A Deal" and the
host was called Monty Hall, hence the name of the problem.
Let's explain it first of all.
So, in the game show, you're presented with three doors.
Behind one of the doors is a prize.
Behind the other two doors is something you don't want.
So, behind my doors I have a prize.
And behind the other two doors I have a goat.
I mean who wants a goat?
They eat everything.
So, what the host does is, he asks you to choose a door.
All right?
So, let's say we choose door number one.
Then the host, who knows where the goats are, reveals what's behind one of the other doors.
So, in this case, let's open door number three, which is, of course, a goat.
Now, what the host does, Monty Hall, he says to you, "Do you want to stick with your choice,
door number one, or do you want to change to door number two?"
And this is where the problem starts.
Should you change or should you stick with your original choice.
Now the answer is, you should change.
And the why is interesting.
Now, most people think that because you have two doors, the chance that the price ... the
chance of the prize being behind the door you originally chose is 50% and the chance
of the prize being behind the new door is also 50%.
Doesn't matter if you choose or stay the same.
You're going to be right half the time and wrong half the time.
But, that's not actually true.
We have to look at the probability that the prize isn't behind the door that you chose.
Now, let's go back to the start of the problem.
Let's say we've chosen door number one.
What is the chance that our prize is behind door number one?
Well, of course, it's one third.
There are three doors.
One door is one third.
What is the chance the prize is behind door number two?
One third.
Door number three?
It's one third.
So, the chance that our prize is behind the door we've chosen is one third.
Now, what is the chance that the prize is not behind the door that we've chosen?
Obviously, there are two other doors, which means the chance the prize is not behind our
door is two thirds.
Now, that is important.
Now, when the host reveals what's behind one of the other doors, this doesn't change.
The chance that the prize is behind the door that you've chosen, is still one third in
favor or two thirds against.
That means, the chance that the prize is behind this door has changed because it's no longer
just one third.
The chance that the prize isn't behind this door is one third.
The chance that the prize is behind this door is now this door plus this door, which is
two thirds.
So, the chance the prize is not behind your original door is still two thirds, which means
you should always change.
You won't always be right, but two times out of every three times you will be right.
So, let's change to door number two.
What do we get?
We get ...yeah!!!
The prize!
Obviously, I set that up.
But if you try this yourself, it actually works.
If you sit down with a friend, make some doors, make some prizes and try this.
If you do it 30 times, 20 times, if you change, the prize will be behind the new door.
Ten times it will be behind the old door.
You will win more often than you don't.
Many people still have trouble understanding this.
So, let's try and make it a little bit clearer.
Can't get these off the board.
Let's try to make it a little bit clearer, by using more doors.
If I give you 10 doors and I ask you to choose one of the doors.
Let's say we choose door number one.
What is the chance the door is ... what is the chance the prize is behind the door you've
just chosen?
Well, obviously, it's 10%.
There is a 10% chance the prize is behind any of these doors because there are 10 doors.
What is the chance the prize isn't behind the door you've chosen?
Well, of course, it's 90% because there is a chance that the prize could be behind the
other nine doors.
Now, the host Monty Hall, he opens up eight of the other doors for you, to show you eight
And then he says to you, "Do you want to change doors?"
Now, remember the chance that the prize was not behind the door you'd originally chosen
was 90%.
That means the chance that the prize is behind door number two is 90%.
10% to 90%.
Why would you not change?
Of course, you would change.
Nine times out of ten, the prize is going to be behind door number two.
So, when you're faced with the Monty Hall problem, you've got to try and change the
way you think a little bit.
Don't think about the chance of whether the prize is behind the door you've chosen.
Think about the chance ... the probability that the prize isn't behind the door that
you've chosen.
And maybe it will be a little bit easier to understand.
I hope that made things a little bit clearer for you.
If you have a look in the description below here, there's a link to the MP3 for this talk
and also for the transcript.
You can read it, if you want.
Thanks very much.
If you want to subscribe, click "SUBSCRIBE".
See you next week.
Inside The Largest Caviar Factory In The World - Duration: 9:53.-------------------------------------------
When Liverpool needed them most, the Kop fell silent - Duration: 3:07.Jurgen Klopp had one request and spelt it out slowly. His pre-match media briefings invariably contain many soundbites but there was particular message he wished to convey
'It's 10 days since we played at home,' Klopp said. 'We are really looking forward to it and I really hope that our supporters feel the need for real support
'Klopp may have absolute faith in his players but he also knows what a potent force Anfield will be in the final punishing charge to the line; you can call it cliche when referencing Liverpool's fans but, undoubtedly, they can be a force of noisy inspiration
Do not think, though, that it is a place solely for positivity. Anfield, when the pressure intensifies and the stakes increase, can also be an uncomfortable place to watch football unfold, especially when Liverpool are labouring
The desperation for success does not lend itself to patience.It was clear, then, why Klopp made his plea
There will be no easy games now and Liverpool need every bit of assistance. What they got against Leicester, however, was tension and anxiety; there was no carnival to Manchester City's shock defeat at Newcastle
Leicester's travelling supporters crudely asked at one point why The Kop wasn't singing but the simple truth was the way Liverpool were playing not reassuring – look at the mistake goalkeeper Alisson Becker made in 25th minute that should have led to a goal for Jamie Vardy
The thing is Anfield should have been bouncing instantly. Liverpool's first goal – 28 passes before Sadio Mane flashed a drive past Kasper Schmeichel – left you wondering whether they were going to produce a display to evoke memories of City's 'ballet on ice' against Tottenham in December 1967
But the failure to add a second goal saw edginess grow. Each decision that went against them was greeted with a groan; every misplaced pass seemed to be the end of the world
If this is how it is in January, imagine what it will be like in spring. The crowd raised themselves belatedly in the second half yet it was not with the gusto Klopp might have expected
The nerves in the stands was reflected in nerves on the pitch and it was not overstating to say it was their worst Anfield display of the season
Yet, with all that in mind, they remain in the driving seat. Liverpool have seven games left at Anfield and they should be relishing the opportunity to make history
If they want to get over the line, they require a collective holding of nerve.
Arsenal transfer news: Emile Smith Rowe set for RB Leipzig move amid Denis Suarez blunder - Duration: 2:24.After an impressive pre-season, Smith Rowe made his senior debut for Arsenal in the Europa League in September
He then went on to play five more times and scored three goals. Injury has meant the 18-year-old hasn't played since November 29
But in a bid to give Smith Rowe more first-team experience, the Independent say the teen star is on the verge of joining RB Leipzig
The report says manager Unai Emery has given his blessing for the deal to go ahead and the player is on his way to Germany to complete the move
Smith Rowe's move to Germany follows Reiss Nelson's season-long loan at Hoffenheim
In December, Smith Rowe opened up on what Emery had been asking of him. "The manager has done one-to-one stuff with me a few times after training, working on one-v-one attacking and just being patient," Smith Rowe told Sky Sports
"The assistant manager [Juan Carlos Carcedo] has been helping me a lot too with turning on the ball when I play in the No 10 position
"It's good to get that help on the pitch, so I can actually practise it, instead of in the classroom
"But even in the classroom they have both had one-on-ones with me which I've found really useful
" Meanwhile, Arsenal appear to have completed a deal for Denis Suarez. At around 5pm, Barcelona released a statement on their website which said a loan deal for Suarez had been agreed
But within 30 mins, the article had been removed from Barcelona's website. It's understood the statement was published in error but the deal for Suarez will still go ahead and Arsenal will announce the transfer on Thursday
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