hey guys tody i wanna show you my hrfun tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
itsnewand upgrade video for your businss
hr tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
hrfun tv Funny videos 2017:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails#17 - Duration: 10:14.hey guys tody i wanna show you my hrfun tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
itsnewand upgrade video for your businss
hr tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
hrfun tv Funny videos 2017:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails#16 - Duration: 11:25.hey guys tody i wanna show you my hrfun tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
itsnewand upgrade video for your businss
hr tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
Silence For more infomation >> Silence-------------------------------------------
Build Your Dreams With Lego For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Dynamic Business Panorama - Duration: 1:50. For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Dynamic Business Panorama - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Weekly Thoughts: How do you define yourself? - Duration: 4:56.Hey ya'll, so this past week the main thing
that I've been thinking about is how do
i define myself as a person or you know
what makes me "me", who am I, all the
questions of course like not like I got
it figured out but just...this is what
I've been thinking about and the reason
the main reason why it kind of got
brought up was I had a voice lesson on
Tuesday and in the voice lesson i was
messing up on a lot of things that I had
you know previously not been like all
these certain techniques and things that
I was just having trouble with and my
breathing and and my teacher was
commenting on it and I just got really
frustrated throughout the whole lesson
and after the lesson I'm just thinking
about you know all the bad things I was
doing and blah blah i'm just i was so
whatever you know that that cycle that
everyone gets into and I started
wondering you know what would happen if
I lost the ability to sing then I
started you know thinking like well what
about my other talents what if I lost
those who would I be without these
things that i put my self worth and
value in and I don't think it ever
really hit me how much I put my
self-worth into my talents and things
that I make (until now) and I don't think it's
bad to be proud of stuff that you make or
you know be proud of your talents and
want to get better and whatever but
whenever you start putting your self
worth as a human into your talents or
things that you make
I think that it can be really bad for
your mindset and stuff because you know
what if you are having an off day and
your singing is bad like mine was
Tuesday or all you know what if you
create something and you think it's
terrible like all the sudden your self
worth of yourself...you're thinking you're
and you know got me thinking like well I
don't think that people that don't have
the same talents as me are worthless i
think everyone inherently has worth and
that you know no matter how much talent
or whatever you create like everyone has
you know worth and it got me thinking
you know first off about the whole like
you know what am I putting my self-worth
in how am I looking at myself and then
the other thing where I was like if this
is how I define myself what am i without
those things if I didn't have the
ability to sing or paint or whatever if i
didn't have those specific things like
who am i without those if i'm defining
myself by the things that I can do I
guess basically what i'm trying to say
is what do you think you know defines a
person what do you think makes a person
who they are you know is it is their
talents is it their looks
is it their mindset is it their
experiences I don't know...you know and
then then and then whenever you start
thinking about that you're like well how
much of myself that I think of myself as
unique or under my control I don't know
is actually completely manipulated by my
circumstance-situation-experiences you
know how much of me is truly "me" and not
nurture what's so cool is that we can
constantly remake ourselves and change
ourselves and and be more like we want
to be and I think that's awesome but at
the same time sometimes it makes you
kind of be like well who am i if I'm
constantly changing myself like what is
the real me
I don't know basically...basically I don't
know who i am and this is a very
confusing weekly thoughts video because
i am confused but it's what I've been
thinking about so I'm just going to kind
of put this out there and ask like you
know whenever people ask you who are you
how do you respond you know most
most of the time it's it's kind of like
well I am...I am this name i am a mother
I'm a sister I have this job you know I
am these things but what happens if
those things go away or I don't know
it's just so interesting how people
define themselves you know like what
they use to answer those questions and
right now i mean i don't really know the
answer to that question and I think that
it's okay not to know and not have all
the answers you know and that sometimes
you should just sit with things and be
okay with that *thank you*
Undefeated: 5 Pound Zeus Fries Eating Challenge (Good Greek Grill in Los Angeles) | FreakEating - Duration: 10:11.what's up everybody here we are at the good greek grill
and we're going to try 5 lbs of zeus fries
with no further fanfare, no BS and no Stalin
let's get down to it
it was a dark and stormy day but the
show must go on
so I drove out to the good Greek grill
in Los Angeles to attempt a brand new
challenge you're looking at five pounds
of boost rise the owner of the
restaurant actually wanted to see this
happen so we made a David I don't know
jack about you surprised i assume
they're like french fries him to the
greek cuisine attached in my mind i
imagining something like chili cheese
fries in 15 tries dressed in Greece and
cheese and very easy to eat
oh why was this is what you need to
research your food before you dive in my
first time meeting boots drives an
educational experience I learned quite a
substantial food and definitely not
soaked in Greece
to make this drive you take a better
french fries and cover them in feta
cheese that vsauce onions tomatoes and
the meat of your choice
we need our children that day was lamb
lamb has a texture steak with a much
smokier flavor
I don't eat it too awesome so when I do
I relish the opportunity
did you catch the pun there let's not
miss the big story big story about do
strive isn't sticky sauce
you've never encountered before that
vsauce basically made from yogurt and of
that was that sneaky you mix in some
cucumbers and garlic and dill maybe some
vinegar and oil and you have an
incredibly rich and flavorful sauce that
goes well with just about any me toward
the only problem is that it's fairly
thick not something that makes your food
soggy wet and when combined with french
fries and meet it will make a dish that
is very filling in dense i enjoyed the
mixture of flavors a sensation of deals
powerful I don't usually eat still
accepting my pickles the feta cheese is
salty yogurt with a little bit sour the
meat was smoking and the fries are
warming crisp the thing is this isn't
food that lends itself to be eaten in
large quantities as time went on the
deal slaver becomes much more noticeable
almost hard to keep eating the french
fries state very firms throughout the
whole experience and from The Culinary
or dining standpoint that's awesome
it's a great dish because it holds up
for a very long period of time you can
get them to go and it's still going to
be excellent when you get home or going
to get some leftover next time but the
challenge is a very difficult food to
continue with nothing is wet here
nothing gets soggy and there's only
natural way to moisten what you're
eating you're not going to give the
seven water
that Vicki gives additional very savory
flavor without ruining any of the
texture is completely different chili
fries with a degree from the chili and
the melted cheese help soften this ride
and make flowing easier
you got to proceed carefully with new
strategy you could end up choking
the owners and staff of the good great
grill were incredible people they
treated me the great hospitality during
a visit but most of all that fascinates
at the idea someone trying to eat five
pounds of Zeus rise at first they
weren't sure if i do the distance that
want me to hang in there no matter how
long it took
we also discuss future key challenges
including some tag-team etops involving
authentic Greek cuisine and honestly
that's the nicest thing about this
challenge getting a chance to sample
authentic Greek tea it's not something
that comes up too often restaurant
challenges or competitive eating
I know there are some big euro
challenges back East but those are there
and definitely not looking to where I
live and that's the other thing this it
tasted really spectacular it wasn't just
a huge nasty miss majic junk
this is something i actually wanted to
eat again and in my opinion that's how
it should be
food should be appealing whether you're
eating a plate of it for a whole
catering tree
I know 2017 has only just begun induced
riser a delectable way of beginning the
if you're interested in reaching and
you're the los angeles area check this
place out
they have two locations near the
hollywood area and their menu and
expenses with all times food to try i
really want to try to be pleased
sometimes I regret traveling restaurant
or challenges because I see all the
other good stuff they got I really can't
try any we got to the challenge with
this time was different though I got the
chance to try to send the hero that will
be my reward for finishing the zoo
strands challenge so what do you think
the restaurant should name the challenge
it could be called 911 challenge for
this challenge I guess that we keep
things simple I like to the zoo surprise
reflective decent balance of protein
carbs and fat
it's like a real balanced meal this
isn't just a ton of Greece sugar
designed to beat you down
black tie
nobody hit recording and reporting music
all you got to get Wow 171 your war
everyone here and people now that drive
drive for the hole 02
before you go hit that like button and
share the video with someone who loves
include I never has do strides before
but I'm definitely a believer off the
all of you in the next video thanks for
joining me on today's journey stay in
school don't do drugs and like a freak
Suicide Story [Notice how people feel!] - Duration: 0:53. For more infomation >> Suicide Story [Notice how people feel!] - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Kissinger 'Terrorists Are People that Reject the International System' - Duration: 3:56.Kissinger: 'Terrorists Are People that Reject the International System'.
By Aaron And Melissa Dykes.
Kissinger�s definition of terrorism might surprise you.
Then again, it might be exactly what you thought it would be.
The clip below is from a 2007 AKBank convention in Istanbul, Turkey held right before the
annual Bilderberg Meeting which took place there that same year.
In it, former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, as well as member of the:
Bilderberg Group Council on Foreign Relations
Trilateral Commission Bohemian Grove,
...among others, Henry Kissinger can be seen giving the following speech:
�In the Middle East, we live in a different world.
The nations do not represent historic entities in the same sense that European nations did.
Turkey of course does, and Iran in a considerable extent does.
But in the region in between, the borders were drawn by the victors of World War I on
the basis largely of what would facilitate their influence.
So therefore, the identities of these countries, and of their borders, can be challenged more
easily.� �What we in America call terrorists are
really groups of people that reject the international system, and they�re trying to regroup it
to a radical Islamic fundamentalists kind.� Clearly Kissinger is saying that, because
many Middle Eastern countries do not have what appears to be in his view the �historical
significance� of older countries, they are wide open for attack, regime change and re-ordering.
Only a few years later, we have witnessed the Western-backed Arab Spring, which has
turned over numerous North African and Middle Eastern nations.
After nearly two years of semi-covertly arming al Qaeda fighters in Syria, most recently
Western support and provision of arms for Syrian Rebels (who admittedly used their own
chemical weapons) are becoming public knowledge now that a mythical �red line� has supposedly
been crossed by Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.
Remember how America �freed� Egypt and Libya?
Well Syria is wash, rinse, repeat.
On top of that, Kissinger is also saying the word �terrorist� is really someone who
would reject the �international system� � a New World Order.
Part of that order appears to be American empire building and the spreading of our nation�s
brand of �democracy� throughout the rest of the world� whether they like it or not.
How do you think someone with Kissinger�s perspective would see American patriots who
reject the United Nations or central banking system?
Surely, he sees them as �terrorists� as well.
Further, if the State held similar views and used the �terrorist� label � which is
used in this country like screaming �fire!� in a theater to circumvent the Constitution
on a daily basis � such resistors to the new world order would be instantly criminalized,
marginalized and marked for imprisonment
or death.
760 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 1 Part 4 Book 64 - The Abrahamic Covenant - Part 2 - Duration: 28:34. For more infomation >> 760 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 1 Part 4 Book 64 - The Abrahamic Covenant - Part 2 - Duration: 28:34.-------------------------------------------
JACK DOMECRACK!- Resident Evil 7 Playthrough Part 3 (PS4) - Duration: 16:16. For more infomation >> JACK DOMECRACK!- Resident Evil 7 Playthrough Part 3 (PS4) - Duration: 16:16.-------------------------------------------
Device to Cloud, Hands-On. Part 5: Tunnel in Tunnel in Tunnel and Other Security... - Duration: 29:30. For more infomation >> Device to Cloud, Hands-On. Part 5: Tunnel in Tunnel in Tunnel and Other Security... - Duration: 29:30.-------------------------------------------
[Pirates] SP: Captain Tommy vs Captain Uni - Duration: 6:00.I AM REALLY PROUD OF THIS PIC. PLEASE GIVE ME LOVE
hrfun tv Funny videos 2017:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails#18 - Duration: 11:55.hey guys tody i wanna show you my hrfun tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
itsnewand upgrade video for your businss
hr tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
hrfun tv Funny videos 2017:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails#17 - Duration: 10:14.hey guys tody i wanna show you my hrfun tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
itsnewand upgrade video for your businss
hr tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
hrfun tv Funny videos 2017:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails#16 - Duration: 11:25.hey guys tody i wanna show you my hrfun tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
itsnewand upgrade video for your businss
hr tv Funny videos 2016:funny pranks,Try not to laugh challenge Funny fails
Darkness Radio - New January 2017 - FREE RADIO #10 - Duration: 1:30:40.thank for watching video
Darkness Radio - New January 2017 - FREE RADIO #9 - Duration: 2:06:23.thank for watching video
Defrag: Encryption, Backups, Distance Support - Duration: 27:24. For more infomation >> Defrag: Encryption, Backups, Distance Support - Duration: 27:24.-------------------------------------------
If Boys and Girls Switched - Duration: 4:40.I join as AJHQ
That should fix
SEVENTEEN HOSHI (세븐틴 호시) Fanchant guide. - Duration: 1:00.GUIDE WILL START ON 0:32
★How To BEAST With The Bayonet In Battlefield 1! [Battlefield 1 Tips] [G-Legend]★ - Duration: 4:04.so the bayonet it's all over battlefield 1
laughs you want that like it a
lot of people that do not like it i
personally do not really use it but I
know how to be tactical with it i spent
many hours trying to figure this out i'm
gonna show you guys easy right now and
like a five-minute video so definitely
stay tuned for that but first we need to
talk about the cons to actually using
this thing so we'll definitely get into
that now the number one con of actually
using this thing is the aim down sights
time it's it's affected and everybody
knows this or at least a lot of people
know this but if you don't notice I'm
telling you right now man
the aim down sights is affected the time
is effective negative fashion so I don't
think it's worth it but you might I mean
it may work for you for me know because
i like sniping I like to quickscope and
just go aggressively and I need that aim
down sights time fast you know I need it
fast so now tips for actually be seen
whether you've chosen to be so with this
thing now i'm gonna give you guys some
tips to actually beast with first thing
that I can say do not be in that charge
when there's multiple enemies you will
die for sure with only landing one kill
if that all right now i know that you
know in the heat of the moment it's hard
you know you're going to actually see a
lot of people here and I want to like
instantly just go bayonet charge and try
to get one of them i would not blow your
cover for that I would just say shoot
you know don't you gotta pick your
battles basically you have to make sure
that you know what you're doing in terms
of that number two don't use it to run
faster across open areas right when you
pay an extra charge
you have to cool down 48 seconds
immediately after which you already know
but it does not increase your speed at
all man compared to have to just you
know sprinting the whole time if you
were to sprint the whole time it will
not change the the if you actually your
bayonet charge across they're all they
were all is good for if it is if you're
in a sticky situation right it will work
to get you a cover fast but over long
distances it does not go
it does not do anything but negatively
affect you man
so do not run across like across open
fields and stuff like that with the band
charge thinking that you're gonna get
you know across further because you're
not bro you're not you're going to be
exactly the same and
it's actually gonna hurt you it's gonna
affect you negatively man definitely
keep that in mind
number three you want to also keep in
mind that if you an enemy are both being
that charging head-on with each other
the one who has been bayonet charging
the shortest time will always win I've
tested this out myself several times man
like 20 times around like 20 times that
I tested this out all right
the thing is that the person has been
paying that charging the least will be
the winner if you guys are being that
charging head-on so definitely keep that
in mind if somebody's been charging at
you you can go ahead and charge on him
and you will win number for this is the
last one for you guys you'll be a
monster when you know one enemy is
chasing you around the corner and you
bayonet charge him when he comes around
he won't even see that coming
it'll be a total surprise attack you'll
have the element of surprise on your
side and the good thing is that a lot of
people they're not careful man they're
just not careful they see stuff amet
stuff and shoot at stuff man if you can
you know refrain from that if you can
learn to put your brain into a mindless
game like this you can feast and you
will beast because you will have your
brain on your side other people just
going to like see something and they're
gonna want to shoot at it you know what
I mean like if it moved shoot at it
that's basically what people think in
these kinds of games and FPS games of
you've got to be careful with that and
the thing is that if you are careful you
will be smashed so i hope you guys enjoy
don't forget to drop a like and
subscribe for more battlefield one daily
content and i'll catch guys in the next
Bob The Train For more infomation >> Bob The Train-------------------------------------------
Kid Catches Huge Snook For more infomation >> Kid Catches Huge Snook-------------------------------------------
Espiritualidade em Gotas / Ep. 80 - Existem Demônios? - Duration: 3:55."Are there demons?"
"Are there demons, in the sense of this word?"
It's question 131 of The Spirits' Book.
[♪ Soft Music ♪]
Spirituality in drops
- If there were demons, they would be works of God ...
And the answer follows in the elucidative
speech of the benefactors of humanity.
Demons, like angels, are two expressions that
in modernity have gained typification, differentiated
considering that in ancient Greek,
these two words once characterized
spirit, intelligence, genius.
Over time,
it was consecrated that demons would be
evil spirits and angels would be good spirits.
From the perspective of spiritist understanding,
however, all are evolving spirits;
There is no entity devoted to the evil
perennially, nor a satan
who coordinates the demons, who exists
all the time as if it were a
power disputing with the Divine.
This is a small apprehension of the Godhead.
The Creator, in being unique, He co-ordinates
the Universe, and the unity of the Cosmic Laws
enables us to perceive that Cosmic
formation rests in a single cause.
Thus, it is impossible to conceive a
satan and devils consecrated
eternally to the evil, considering that God
is sovereignly good and just;
could never create a being who
was perennially devoted to
persecuting people, doing evil ...
In short, to be excluded from an evolutionary
movement, beautification,
growth and enlightenment throughout
the evolutionary process.
Thus, in the spiritist perspective,
we understand
that we have within us
these two characteristics:
sometimes we are like demons, when we
are hooded, inclined to the bad,
sometimes lost of ourselves; And sometimes we are
when we assume a position of
solidarity, when we reach the
stature of the good, when we can
establish the beautiful ...
These two polarities, in short, exist within
ourselves, and they are the changing circumstances of
the evolution of the soul that are
perfectly changeable, since the
devil in us will soon be an
angel; It is a question of time, effort,
dedication, application, persistence ...
And this transformation is going on.
The demon of today will be the angel of tomorrow!
The angel of today, the archangel, was once
a demon, that is, an imperfect, immature
being who was devoted to evil.
Finally, the Divinity created us all to participate
in a great orchestration of perfection,
of cosmic harmony.
Demons and angels
are mere manifestations of our
light and shadow, all condemned to a
process of integration with the Divine
in a movement of continuous improvement.
[♪ Soft Music ♪]
President Donald Trump Latest News Today 1/28/17 ,, Tonight , - Duration: 15:19.
MÃE DEIXA EU DANÇAR - Duration: 2:38. For more infomation >> MÃE DEIXA EU DANÇAR - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
Breaking Tonight , President Donald Trump Latest News Today , Judge Jeanine Pirro & Kellyanne Conway - Duration: 24:08.
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