Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 26 2018

Argentina, de extremo a extremo, es una fiestota después del épico triunfo de la albiceleste ante Nigeria

En Rusia las tribunas se pintaron de blanco y azul celeste, los cánticos de los argentinos se dejaron escuchar hasta el silbatazo final, que marcó realmente el inicio de la fiesta

La prensa, que fue tachada por los directivos de la Selección Argentina por ventilar una supuesta fractura al interior del equipo y publicar un supuesto "golpe de estado" de los jugadores hacia el técnico Jorge Sampaoli, también se unió a los festejos después del triunfo de la albiceleste

Pese a que esta vez Lionel Messi dio un partidazo y se echó el equipo al hombro y marcó su primer gol en el mundial de Rusia, la mayor parte de los medios digitales de Argentina reconocieron a Marcos Rojo, autor del gol del triunfo en los últimos minutos del partido

Con su gol, Argentina llegó a cuatro puntos, superó las tres unidades que tenía Nigeria y el punto con el que se quedó Islandia

"Rojo pasión", publicó el diario El Día, mientras que Crónico tituló: "¡Al Rojo vivo!"

El Diario Olé, el más popular entre el público deportivo, escribió: "Milagro Mundial"

Clarín destacó el hecho de que Argentina venció "con toda la angustia" y profundizó sobre Marcos Rojo, quien "consiguió una volea a cinco minutos del final el 1-2 definitivo que puso a Argentina en octavos de final

For more infomation >> La prensa argentina se vuelve loca con Marcos Rojo y el triunfo albiceleste - Duration: 2:13.


El corrido de Luis Pulido (Allá en el rancho la Peña) Pelicula Exclusiva Youtube - Duration: 1:24:54.

For more infomation >> El corrido de Luis Pulido (Allá en el rancho la Peña) Pelicula Exclusiva Youtube - Duration: 1:24:54.


Dulce María revela cómo se lleva con las hijas de su novio y si se casará - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Dulce María revela cómo se lleva con las hijas de su novio y si se casará - Duration: 3:52.



For more infomation >> ESTE VIDEO SE BORRARÁ EN UN MOMENTO - Duration: 3:35.


Croacia tampoco perdona a Islandia - Duration: 4:57.

Crónica Directo  Jugando al trantrán, demostrando muchas de sus virtudes y sostenida por el azar en momentos puntuales, Croacia acabó con el recorrido mundialista de Islandia con una actuación burocrática

Ese espíritu casi funcionarial se impuso sobre la pasión islandesa, que se agigantó por momentos y demostró que más allá de su entrega también hay fútbol en algún que otro par de botas

No le llegó, sin embargo, para alcanzar el sueño de llegar hasta octavos, aunque durante más tiempo del esperado lo acarició con la yema de los dedos

 Clasificada para octavos tras dos exhibiciones previas, Croacia se presentó con nueve cambios en su once respecto al último partido —solo repitieron Modric y Perisic—, que si bien no desdibujaron su esquema de juego, sí señalaron algunas de sus carencias

Su línea defensiva suplente resultó algo voluble y sus laterales no lograron ampliar el campo lo suficiente para generar esa superioridad en el centro del campo que tanto beneficia a sus volantes

 Frente a una Islandia entregada a la causa física, la secuencia permanente de pases de Croacia generó una superioridad aplastante en la posesión, pero no suficiente para acogotar a su rival

Hasta el gol de Badelj, que cazó un balón desde el punto de penalti minutos después de enviar un disparo al larguero, Croacia no presentó grandes credenciales ofensivas

Sí lo hizo Islandia, que tuvo en la cabeza de Ingason dos oportunidades perfectas para mover el marcador

La segunda se topó con el larguero tras imponerse por enésima vez en el juego aéreo

La presencia de Corluka en la línea central junto a Caleta-Car rebajó la contundencia de una línea que sufrió en cada jugada a pelota parada

 Sostenida por la pierna izquierda de Hallfredson y a la cintura de Sigurdsson (el futbolista del Everton) Islandia llevó la batuta del juego en muchos instantes

Con la omnipresencia de Bjarnason en el costado izquierdo (que se llevó un golpazo en el rostro de Pjaka en la primera mitad que le tuvo sangrando gran parte del encuentro) poco a poco achicó terreno el combinado nórdico y se fue presentando ante el meta Kalinic con mayor asiduidad

 Aun así, el empate lo logró de penalti, tras una mano evidente de Lovren que convirtió Sigurdsson

No se quedó ahí el conjunto nórdico, que se volcó al ataque y pudo ponerse por delante si Bjarnason hubiera acertado a dirigir a portería un gran centro de Finnbogason

Una temeraria decisión de Hallfredsson, que tiró un recorte improcedente en zona caliente, derivó en una cabalgada de Perisic y en un zurdazo imparable que acabó con cualquier opción para Islandia

Croacia, que tampoco pierde en su versión B, se enfrentará invicta en octavos a Dinamarca el domingo

For more infomation >> Croacia tampoco perdona a Islandia - Duration: 4:57.


¿Necesitas dinero urgentemente? Estas opciones te serán de ayuda - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> ¿Necesitas dinero urgentemente? Estas opciones te serán de ayuda - Duration: 5:25.





¡Argentina lo logró, se metió a octavos!: 2-1 a Nigeria - Duration: 4:33.

La selección argentina de fútbol logró este martes una agónica victoria 2-1 sobre Nigeria en el Grupo D con un gol de Marcos Rojo y se metió en los octavos de final cuando parecía encaminarse a una inevitable eliminación en primera ronda

Nada mal, de momento.Sábado, 30.06#URU - #POR#FRA - #ARGDomingo, 01.07#ESP - #RUS#CRO - #DEN#Rusia2018 pic

twitter.com/spja8RfRCk— Copa Mundial FIFA 🏆 (@fifaworldcup_es) 26 de junio de 2018 Argentina vs

Francia, uno de los grandes duelos de octavos de final Con el triunfo, la "albiceleste" quedó segunda en su zona con cuatro puntos y en octavos de final se medirá con Francia, ganadora del Grupo C

Por su parte Croacia, que cerró su paso por el Grupo D con marcha perfecta y nueve unidades tras vencer 2-1 a Islandia, jugará en octavos de final con Dinamarca, escolta en el Grupo C

"Este triunfo vale muchísimo, lo necesitábamos (.) Ahora empieza la Copa para nosotros", dijo a la transmisión oficial Rojo

"En la semana le había dicho a los chicos que iba a meter un gol (.) Esto es increíble, recién empieza"

Un golazo de Lionel Messi tras un tremendo cambio de frente desde campo propio de Éver Banega a los 14 minutos puso en ventaja a los sudamericanos, que jugaron mejor en el primer tiempo

Grupo D - Jornada 3#CRO#ARG#NGA#ISL¡Las emociones fuertes existen!Nigeria e Islandia tuvieron opciones hasta el último instante 👏 pic

twitter.com/cSBUKkKscU— Copa Mundial FIFA 🏆 (@fifaworldcup_es) 26 de junio de 2018 Pero al inicio de la segunda parte, un tiro de esquina cedido por una desinteligencia defensiva derivó en una falta de Javier Mascherano sobre un rival

Victor Moses empató de penal a los 51 con un remate rasante. A partir de allí la "albiceleste" se desdibujó y pareció que volvía a mostrar su nula capacidad de recuperarse de las frustraciones

Pese a la necesidad de clasificar, Argentina prácticamente no pateaba al arco. Y cuando todo parecía perdido, a los 86 minutos Rojo empalmó un centro desde la derecha cerca del punto del penal y le dio la clasificación a Argentina


For more infomation >> ¡Argentina lo logró, se metió a octavos!: 2-1 a Nigeria - Duration: 4:33.



Hello friends, welcome back again

the lock I have for you today is this awesome vintage padlock

made from brass, it's completely brass, as you can see, it only has one inscription

a number, the 45, I think that corresponds to the number of the key

do not carries manufacturer's marks

I do not know anything about it

the plug resembles that of the RGM

the key would be flat

and I do not know anything about the time either, but ...

what I do know is that it is very very beautiful and very unusual

I like it very much, I'm very happy to have got this padlock

it's heavy, it's big, as you can see

It is five pinner

here you have five pins, this one holds the plug in place

Well, as you can see the tolerances leave much to be desired

the holes are not aligned, nor much less,

so the picking is very very easy

but, as always, the object of the video is more to show the padlock

an pretty old padlock,

that the picking over on itself

let's pick it, anyway

and we see how it behaves, let´s see

let's place it like this

there we are, it's closed

has no springs

I'm going to use this commercial wrench, I think it's from SouthOrd,

does not matter

any tool can be valid for this

and this pick of a cheap Chinese set that I use regularly

let´s see, from the front,

first nothing

the second one click

third nothing

fifth is binding

and by setting the fifth

it´s open, there are a couple of pins that are set from the beginning, there it is ...

has no difficulty, it is a padlock

As you can see, very simple, very vulnerable

there we can see ...

it's the plug, when it rotates, the one that fits there, in the shackle

I'm going to turn it...

ah, it's like that

I'm going to turn it halfway, to see what it looks like, there it is

the end of the plug is the one fits and

fits here, and close the shackle

there it is, we turn it, we close it, and it remains closed,

Well, a awesome padlock

it´s a shame not knowing anything else about it, and not have the key

although it will not be difficult to make a key

all in brass, with this number, the 45, engraved

and this wasn the picking of this vintage brass padlock

pretty cool one

I hope you enjoyed it, that it will be useful and thank you very much for your time


For more infomation >> 261 VINTAGE PADLOCKS PICKING SERIES - CASA MAÑACH - sub eng - Duration: 4:37.



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

We'll talk about the next topic ginger to lose weight

abdominal but this is what you have not been told exactly so do not go and

stay with us until the end of this video where we will be developing

this interesting topic now we go with the information

Without a doubt, ginger is the leader in terms of medicinal plants

we refer to this is widely used in the world of natural remedies

for all its properties among them we can mention its great potential for

eliminate abdominal fat however this is just one of its many

applications below we tell you the benefits of ingesting ginger in

any of its forms ginger and weight loss apart from contributing

to burn fat the ginger helps us to feel satisfied by what it reduces

the anxiety already to corroborate these effects a study affirms that this

Plant acts as a natural appetite suppressant unlike suppressants

The natural ones are safe and have no side effects

free of calories something more that we can say about ginger is that

it is practically free of calories for it when consuming it in our meals or

in the form of tea we have certain advantages to lower

of weight for its thermo genetic properties we can say that ginger

is synonymous with weight loss this means that it raises the temperature

body by burning more fat than normal improves digestion

and this fabulous spice has regulatory effects that help the movement of

the food through the stomach and intestines since you are expelling

all the toxins in your body can lose weight quickly so that

We can conclude that ginger has beneficial effects for the system

digestive that if you should be careful not to ingest it while you're

pregnant or breast-feeding unless you have medical supervision

you should refrain from consuming it in these the reason is that this is rich in fiber what

which increases gastrointestinal motility by accelerating our

metabolism burns the stored fat in our body what is not quite

good in pregnancy or breastfeeding ways to prepare a wonderful

way to prepare it is in lemonade for it mixes a bit of grated ginger

with lemon juice you can sweeten it with cane juice or

honey and add a little water as a result you will have a powerful

lemonade burns fat especially abdominal fats other forms of

prepare it is in infusions salads and other recipes

we can also add it to rice mix it with soy sauce, oil,

olive and garlic to prepare seasonings we have plenty of ways to

prepare it just enough to search the internet for some recipes to find

our favorite we can even use them on vegetables to give them that touch

exotic but healthy to our meals on the other hand it never hurts

to mention its fabulous taste in tea we can make it black green red or

white all give the same result now well since ginger gives us

energy is not advisable to take it in the night to do it we could pass the

night unveiled what is not good to lose weight

you had an idea of ​​all this share this information with your

family and friends in your social networks

do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comment section, I like it and

subscribe to our channel see you in a next edition this is

remedies easy 24 thank you very much



4 remedios con vinagre para combatir los piojos de manera natural - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> 4 remedios con vinagre para combatir los piojos de manera natural - Duration: 7:16.


Uncharted 4: A Thief's End #15 - Duration: 20:03.

For more infomation >> Uncharted 4: A Thief's End #15 - Duration: 20:03.


The Great Balloon Hunt - Upcoming Children's Book - Duration: 3:49.

As a kid diagnosed early in life with autism, the ocean, well it saved me.

so making this book, it's my way to return the favor.

I was born from water. In fact, we all were. Each of us started out cradled

within a world of water... within the protective womb

of our mothers.

For me, the transition into this world, the new sensations were just too much.

It was within the waters of our mother ocean that I first found peace.

Like all good mothers, she too safely enfolds and cradles us

nurturing and sustaining all our lives.

Without water, without our mother ocean...

all of this, all of us,


Humanities very existence relies on the cycle and flow of life.

Too few of us know this truth. Fewer still are the children.

Think about it, we children are the future caretakers of this planet.

Yet most of us know next to nothing about this deep connection.

Our ocean mother continues to keep us safe

and it's going to be up to us to keep her safe for everyone's sake.

So me, my sister, and my family...

We're making stories!

This first story is a book that tells the truth about the ocean

and the dangers it's facing, and what we could do

to get it back up and running again.

These are stories for the kid in all of us.

You see, I've been working hard to protect this ocean for most of my life

and a while ago I started this foundation to help connect with kids and grown-ups

and show them just how awesome the ocean and its critters could be!

Along with with my pals, partners, and family

I've been doing a lot of crazy cool stuff kids love!

All to spread the word.

We make educational films

We talk and share with other kids

Clean beaches

Pick up trash under the surface

Even junk really deep down below the surface

We speak to adults and the news

And even come together to protest, when that's what it takes.

Along the way I learned something truly wonderful...

As soon as they learn how awesome it is

most kids absolutely love to pitch in, to save our ocean!

It's really just a matter of getting the word out there.

I'm super stoked to be bringing you this first book in our brave new series

and even more excited to be offering you this opportunity to join our family

in bringing these stories to life!

Becoming a pledge not only gets you a wonderfully crafted educational book for your favorite kids

it's your contribution that allows our foundation to connect with even more kids

Our stories are chock-full of funny stuff

fun stuff, and all the truly important truths about our ocean and what's happening to it right now

These stories will show the kid inside each of us that right now

that together, we have the power to protect this awesome wonderland

and save our own butts at the same time!

For more infomation >> The Great Balloon Hunt - Upcoming Children's Book - Duration: 3:49.


Maradona, hospitalizado después del triunfo de Argentina - Duration: 1:41.

Diego Armando Maradona fue uno de los presentes en el estadio de San Petersburgo durante el juego de Argentina y Nigeria, el cual nos regaló un torbellino de emociones, pues se definió de forma dramática en los últimos cinco minutos con el gol de Marcos Rojo

El juego tuvo diversos pasajes a lo largo de los 90 minutos. Como Argentina estaba obligada a ganar para clasificarse a los Octavos de Final el partido comenzó con una gran dosis de nerviosismo del cual habría sido víctima Diego Armando Maradona

La leyenda del futbol argentino observó el partido desde uno de los palcos de lujo del estadio, donde no se le vio en óptimas condiciones

Durante los últimos minutos del partido, los acompañantes de Diego lo llevaron al interior del palco debido a una supuesta descompensación de acuerdo con Clarín

"Maradona armó su prpio show y se descompensó", publicó Clarín en su nota, la cual ilustró con una fotografía de Maradona recibiendo asistencia médica

 "Le bajó la presión después del gol de Rojo y se lo tuvierón que llevar a una sala para atenderlo"

For more infomation >> Maradona, hospitalizado después del triunfo de Argentina - Duration: 1:41.


MEN VERSUS WOMEN - Duration: 6:18.

Hello family !

Even with many women struggling to have a place in society equal to that of man.

There are still many differences between both sexes.


These differences exist in points that do not interfere when they are recognized by society.

See now !

Some differences between men and women.


While for women to put on a perfect outfit is a real ordeal.

And it takes hours and hours to master each of the clothes with accessories and shoes.

Men all they need is a pair of pants.

A shirt.

Good pair of shoes.

And they are ready for all kinds of occasions.

Since a formal event.

Even a casual outing with friends.


The same principle applies when preparing the suitcase for any type of trip.

Men seem to have the ability to carry only what they really need.

While women prefer to wear clothes for all kinds of occasions.

Including a jacket and a coat.

When in fact she is traveling to the beach.


Women in the bathroom.

Forty minutes.


Three minutes.

Someone knows the mystery behind it.

This situation usually happens anywhere in the world.

Because when a woman goes to the bathroom.

It seems like all the other women want to go at the same time.


I do not know if you noticed.

But most women generally have their work space clean and in order.

Besides always have some decorative flower.

Or even a couple of photos.

Making your workplace something pleasant and homey.

As for men.

We'd better not even talk.


The organization of the work table seems to be something they do not care about.


While men can only identify basic colors.

Like yellow.

The green.

The blue.

Or the red one.

Women will always be able to identify a wide range of color tones.

Such as red.

The red red.

Or the red rose.

For them the options are endless.


Of course there are differences here as well.

Just watch what happens when a woman does not access any of your social networks.

After a few days of inactivity.

It is guaranteed that they will have several messages and requests for friendship.

While men.

They will have only meaningless notifications.


A research from the University of the United Kingdom.

Held with 5,000 women in 96 countries.

He confirmed that men definitely feel more physical and emotional pain after a breakup.


Contrary to what you believed.

Men are the slowest to recover

Even if the initial blow is more difficult for women.

Men often repress emotions.

Resulting in a longer period to recover from separation.


If your partner always turns to see other women.

Even when he's with you.

Do not worry !

Several studies have argued that men's brains forget quickly.

Besides that !

Their brains are structured to identify features and figures.

What if he just noticed the face.

Or physical aspects.

He will forget in a few hours.

Or even in minutes.

The women.

Unlike men.

They will focus on the details of the clothes and accessories.

And they will not worry about any other detail.

And now that we have reached the end of the video.

I would like to know your opinion.

Let me know.

Writing in the comments.

If you liked.

Leave your Like!

Share with your friends.

See you in the next video.

For more infomation >> MEN VERSUS WOMEN - Duration: 6:18.


✅ Vamos por una visión 100 % local en el campo: Mario Zamora - Duration: 4:03.

 Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- En un encuentro con el sector campesino, el candidato al Senado, Mario Zamora, garantizó que con la Reforma al Campo se dará lo que merece a todos aquellos que trabajan la tierra

  Los productores agrícolas recibirán los pagos que se merecen una vez que José Antonio Meade llegue a la Presidencia del país y que Mario Zamora tenga lugar en el Senado de la República

   "Esta administración le ha quedado a deber al campo y eso es porque el negocio en el mundo se ha venido transformado, y quedó pendiente hacer una Reforma al Campo

Queremos transformar todo el entramado legal para poner en el centro de todo al productor y que el sea el primero que gane, por justicia

Al campo le vamos a pagar y le vamos a pagar bien. Que se sienta en su bolsa que le estamos respondiendo a la gente del campo porque sabemos que ustedes nos van a responder

"  Añadió que hay que crear políticas locales, en lugar de seguir trabajando en el sector con una visión nacional

  "Vamos a proponer una visión cien por ciento local. El campo de Guasave, de Ahome, que es de riego y siembra más que todo granos, poco tiene que ver con el de Escuinapa, que es más de temporal y manguero o de chile

Y el campo de Sinaloa poco o nada tiene que ver con con el de Quintana Roo. Por eso no podemos tener políticas nacionales

José Antonio Meade es alguien que ya ha transformado en los hechos una institución, como fue Banrural al convertirlo en la Financiera Rural, que da mucho más crédito, más barato y transparente

Y en su administración lo mismo ocurrirá con el Campo".  Zamora remachó diciendo que los candidatos de la alianza de la que forma parte son personas que tienen muchos años de trabajo y resultados

  Vamos a ganar todo en Ahome: Álvaro Ruelas Álvaro Ruelas, candidato a la reelección como alcalde, expresó que en Ahome se concretará el cinco de cinco para la alianza

  "Sigo siendo el primer priista de Ahome y en base al trabajo que he hecho tengo el derecho de pedirles el apoyo

Porque vamos juntos a ganar el cinco de cinco. Este primero de julio vamos a ganar todas las elecciones en Ahome"

  Ruelas Echave agregó que se requiere votar también por Mario Zamora, candidato al Senado, y el resto de candidatos para que haya recursos para el municipio

   "Hoy quiero que entiendan que vamos juntos como familia. Es por eso que les quiero pedir todo el apoyo para mi y para los otros candidatos también, porque los necesitamos para que nos traigan presupuesto para las obras que ustedes nos piden todos los días

Necesitamos a Mario Zamora y Ruben Félix para que inicien con la Reforma al Campo que tanto necesitan, pero sobre todo necesitamos que José Antonio Meade llegue a la Presidencia para tener certidumbre en todo el país"

  En la reunión también estuvieron los candidatos a Diputados Marcial Liparoli, Fernanda Rivera, Rubén Félix Hays, Gilberto Irazoqui y Marco Tordecillas


For more infomation >> ✅ Vamos por una visión 100 % local en el campo: Mario Zamora - Duration: 4:03.


MOONLIGHT-XXXTentacion Spanish Cover By Realo - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> MOONLIGHT-XXXTentacion Spanish Cover By Realo - Duration: 2:17.


No está presa por lavado de dinero?":Eduardo Feinmann destrozó a una famosa figura de la tv - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> No está presa por lavado de dinero?":Eduardo Feinmann destrozó a una famosa figura de la tv - Duration: 2:19.



yeah there you go Boris let's get you something to eat buddy wait what wait

what Boris Boris Boris help me barris

I'm very sorry I didn't mean to im sorry girl on let me put another top on you hold

on hold on cuz that is a bit exposing right so we'll put this top on you for

now okay and then we'll change your top I'm very sorry im sorry errrr laughing the first colour ok lets sort your top out now that

you're not exposed and you're good again oh no no I'm sorry oh gosh quickly

oh I am in the northern part United States of africa right now and its 10 am oh more laughing cookie i said africa didn't i

god it's America what are you doing

that's what you get when your brains just completely gone when you just the

one world's most crazy person and its like you just cannot remember anything and

then you're like wait I didn't say Africa I said America what are you

talking about you said Africa when you said America I should've known I mean

America are like a der okay

oh my god as soon as i see the emoji it makes me laugh even more because I'm

like wait they're rolling on the floor laughing you no whats funny though I

didn't make all the other sims buff I only made Lexi buff like she's all the

way up to the top nearly like i gave her some abs i hooked u up thats so funny

like damn girl keep them on like hell yeah lexi buffnuss is ab goal

that would be funny they're like if you had your ambition trait could be like

buffnuss that would be awesome like yeah worlds

Heavyweight Champion of buffnuss

did you know that you could do this to your booty watch oh that's a big booty

and it's making your Sims booty come out and skirt is like out too

we shouldn't do that just in case like guys trying to look up your skirt

that wouldn't be good we'll give you a little bit a booty

damn girl you got the muscles in your back look at that too early in the

morning to be laughing this hard I'm sorry ill be good ok i will be a good girl

girl now if you choose a two-piece you're gonna

have them abs to show off you no what im saying so when you get into the apartment you can even work out

more and get your abs up more and then they'll be like really tight and be like

damn girl you've got eight pack you've got 12 pack now when you get that and

then it's gonna be like all on your sides and your back like yeah look at me

then you're gonna be the biggest person in Sims that buff and then you could take on

the biggest person and then the biggest just kick the door down huh

kicks the door down dude were you waiting for it's all that needs to be

done oh yeah punch him

get him get him whats that pig doing on my chair

wake up piggy piggy hes like ohh hey bigbee yeah you are get out laugh what the heck hes just moving so slow he just plops down hes like oh forget this im sorry but thats funny what the pig is smoking

i guess shes living large thats so funny

oh that's messed up pig yeah hey I like ice cream what you trying to say hey bonbon

go get get em what whats that from

oh stop being horrible thats messed up what would u do if she came on youtube and see's this video and then she see's your name and like see's what you write that would be funny that would be

hilarious shes on top of the food chain oh my stomach is hurting because im laughing so hard

For more infomation >> NEW CHANNEL INTRO ,LOTS OF LAUGHING, FAILS,LOTS OF FUN - Duration: 8:15.


Bennett's Feed Store - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Bennett's Feed Store - Duration: 4:45.


ንባብ በግእዝ ቋንቋ ዘፍጥረት ፩÷፩-፰/Reading in Geez Language Genesis 1:1-8 - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> ንባብ በግእዝ ቋንቋ ዘፍጥረት ፩÷፩-፰/Reading in Geez Language Genesis 1:1-8 - Duration: 5:36.


Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S-line - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S-line - Duration: 1:06.


✅ Maradona måtte ha legebehandling etter VM-drama - Duration: 2:04.

Argentinas mest profilerte supporter Diego Maradona måtte ha legebehandling etter å ha fulgt landslagets dramatiske vei mot VMs cupspill fra tribuneplass

 Den argeninske TV-kanalen TyCs viste bilder av en fullstendig utmattet Maradona som omgitt av førstehjelpspersonell sitter på en stol i en VIP-losje på stadion i St

Petersburg, mens en av dem tar pulsen hans. Ifølge ubekreftede meldinger måtte Maradona innom sykehus etterpå

 Den tidligere superstjernen, som i 1986 løftet Argentina til VM-tittelen, hadde kjørt sitt eget lille show på tribunen før og delvis undetr kampen mot Nigeria

 Under oppvarmingen satte han sosiale medier i kok da han inviterte en kvinnelig Nigeria-tilhenger opp til losjen sin og danset med henne

Scenen ble vist på storskjermen og frydet begge lags tilhengere. Mange filmet den med mobilkameraer og delte bildene på sosiale medier

 Maradona jublet vilt da Lionel Messi ga Argentina en tidlig ledelse, men det virket som energien tok slutt, og han var mindre synlig utover i kampen

I pausen ble han sittende med lukkede øyne, som om han sov. Nigerias utligning på et omstridt straffespark og VAR-analysen som snøt Nigeria for nok et straffespark lå sannsynligvis bak da Maradona etter Marcos Rojos dramatiske vinnermål viste fingeren til tribuneradene under sin seksjon

 Deretter ble det altså legebehandling for den 57-årige tidligere storspilleren. (©NTB)

For more infomation >> ✅ Maradona måtte ha legebehandling etter VM-drama - Duration: 2:04.


Škoda Fabia 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk Drive Navi - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk Drive Navi - Duration: 1:10.


Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 4WD AUT Dynamicline Nap Navi Cruise - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 4WD AUT Dynamicline Nap Navi Cruise - Duration: 1:13.


Kia Picanto 1.0 First Edition Nap Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 First Edition Nap Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:09.


Kia Sportage 2.0 Exclusive Nap | Clima | Navi - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 2.0 Exclusive Nap | Clima | Navi - Duration: 1:05.


Seat Altea 1.6 75KW Stylance Clima - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Seat Altea 1.6 75KW Stylance Clima - Duration: 0:53.


Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S-line Edition AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S-line Edition AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:08.


Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk AVANT AUT S Line | LED | Navi | Parkeerhulp - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk AVANT AUT S Line | LED | Navi | Parkeerhulp - Duration: 1:09.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK Move up! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK Move up! - Duration: 0:53.


Volkswagen Transporter | Dubb Cab. | Euro 6 | Cruise Control | Airco - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter | Dubb Cab. | Euro 6 | Cruise Control | Airco - Duration: 1:04.





Kia Niro 1.6 Executiveline Nap Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Kia Niro 1.6 Executiveline Nap Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:13.


Kia Picanto 1.0 Design Edition Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 Design Edition Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:08.


Volkswagen Transporter | TTR | DSG 204 | Navigatie | Leder | Airco | Dubbele Cabine | - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter | TTR | DSG 204 | Navigatie | Leder | Airco | Dubbele Cabine | - Duration: 0:55.


박지윤 젊다 예쁘다. 박지윤 고향 나이 데뷔에 대해서 - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> 박지윤 젊다 예쁘다. 박지윤 고향 나이 데뷔에 대해서 - Duration: 2:41.


Kia Picanto 1.2 Sportsline Nap Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.2 Sportsline Nap Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:09.


【UTAU Original】I'm Tired【Karasu Yuutsukoe】+UST and BANDCAMP! - Duration: 3:29.

There's only dissatisfaction here.

An incomplete puzzle game.

I'm nothing like you,

You look at me with indifference.

The seasons continue to change, but

You're still the same bad person.

I can barely hold on,

but I can't let go.

I'm too exhausted

to feel anything.

I'm nothing like you,

You look at me with regret.

The seasons continue to change, but

I'm still the same bad person.

I can barely hold on,

but I can't let go.

I'm too exhausted

to feel anything.

I'm so damn tired.

I'm so damn tired.

I'm so damn tired.

For more infomation >> 【UTAU Original】I'm Tired【Karasu Yuutsukoe】+UST and BANDCAMP! - Duration: 3:29.


Melania Trump Zaszalała I Odsłoniła Boskie Nogi W Cukierkowej Stylizacji! - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump Zaszalała I Odsłoniła Boskie Nogi W Cukierkowej Stylizacji! - Duration: 3:58.


Książę Louis Będzie Miał Chrzciny Jakich Nie Mieli Nawet George I Charlotte. Istna Rewolucja! - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Książę Louis Będzie Miał Chrzciny Jakich Nie Mieli Nawet George I Charlotte. Istna Rewolucja! - Duration: 3:18.


Lightning causes apartment fire on 38th Street near I-465 on Indianapolis west side - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Lightning causes apartment fire on 38th Street near I-465 on Indianapolis west side - Duration: 2:51.


I have 9 cats - Duration: 2:49.

Tom AKA Mr. Raisins (father of the other cats)

Charlotte AKA Mrs. Raisins (mother of the other cats) she has 2 colored eyes.

Mini Raisins (mixture of them two)

One of the girls from the first batch (Cindy)

Mini Mini Raisins and his sister

The raccoon (he looks like a raccoon lol)

Mini Charlotte lol

Mindy (she looks just like the other cat from the window... I know)

I have some pictures on my fridge of my kitties

Mini mini when he was a kitty

Mini mini hugging Cindy when they were younger

Charlotte and her beautiful eyes...

For more infomation >> I have 9 cats - Duration: 2:49.


I 4 semi con più potere anticancerogeno - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> I 4 semi con più potere anticancerogeno - Duration: 6:49.


Hyundai i20 1.2 LP i-Drive Cool - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2 LP i-Drive Cool - Duration: 1:06.


Opel ADAM 1.2 Glam AIRCO, I LINK, CRUISE - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel ADAM 1.2 Glam AIRCO, I LINK, CRUISE - Duration: 1:08.


I'm starting a ABC sm64 series - Duration: 1:29.

so i am making a series

where i will keep you updated

on how good i am doing


its about how many times i press A




im done

For more infomation >> I'm starting a ABC sm64 series - Duration: 1:29.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS Plus AIRCO - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS Plus AIRCO - Duration: 0:52.


Mammografia: i rischi superano i vantaggi? - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> Mammografia: i rischi superano i vantaggi? - Duration: 7:09.


Honda Civic 1.8i VTEC Sport - GT - AUTOMAAT - Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.8i VTEC Sport - GT - AUTOMAAT - Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:13.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 16V VVT-I 5DR Sol NW. APK! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 16V VVT-I 5DR Sol NW. APK! - Duration: 1:08.



Hello friends, welcome back again

the lock I have for you today is this awesome vintage padlock

made from brass, it's completely brass, as you can see, it only has one inscription

a number, the 45, I think that corresponds to the number of the key

do not carries manufacturer's marks

I do not know anything about it

the plug resembles that of the RGM

the key would be flat

and I do not know anything about the time either, but ...

what I do know is that it is very very beautiful and very unusual

I like it very much, I'm very happy to have got this padlock

it's heavy, it's big, as you can see

It is five pinner

here you have five pins, this one holds the plug in place

Well, as you can see the tolerances leave much to be desired

the holes are not aligned, nor much less,

so the picking is very very easy

but, as always, the object of the video is more to show the padlock

an pretty old padlock,

that the picking over on itself

let's pick it, anyway

and we see how it behaves, let´s see

let's place it like this

there we are, it's closed

has no springs

I'm going to use this commercial wrench, I think it's from SouthOrd,

does not matter

any tool can be valid for this

and this pick of a cheap Chinese set that I use regularly

let´s see, from the front,

first nothing

the second one click

third nothing

fifth is binding

and by setting the fifth

it´s open, there are a couple of pins that are set from the beginning, there it is ...

has no difficulty, it is a padlock

As you can see, very simple, very vulnerable

there we can see ...

it's the plug, when it rotates, the one that fits there, in the shackle

I'm going to turn it...

ah, it's like that

I'm going to turn it halfway, to see what it looks like, there it is

the end of the plug is the one fits and

fits here, and close the shackle

there it is, we turn it, we close it, and it remains closed,

Well, a awesome padlock

it´s a shame not knowing anything else about it, and not have the key

although it will not be difficult to make a key

all in brass, with this number, the 45, engraved

and this wasn the picking of this vintage brass padlock

pretty cool one

I hope you enjoyed it, that it will be useful and thank you very much for your time


For more infomation >> 261 VINTAGE PADLOCKS PICKING SERIES - CASA MAÑACH - sub eng - Duration: 4:37.


Arsenal transfer news: Mexico star Miguel Layun gives update on future amid Emery interest - Duration: 1:49.

 Layun has been one of Mexico's key men at the World Cup, helping them to two group stage wins

 Last season, the 30-year-old spent the second half of the campaign on loan at La Liga side Sevilla from Porto

 And Arsenal are now understood to have registered an interest in signing Layun.   He told Spanish radio station Cadena Ser: "I'm just like everyone, waiting for something to be confirmed

 "In a tournament like the World Cup, totally focused on what I want to achieve here, but of course there is always that issue of knowing what will be of my future

 "They are the ones who have to make a comment, I try and I am always as professional as possible, I gave myself totally to the club and I lived a very nice moment in my career

 "Participating in such an important club in Europe for me was very special, I expressed it, for me it was a dream to be able to continue with the team

 "I still have not ruled out the possibility of staying in Seville, because for me it would be very nice

 "It's complicated. I think if they had the intention they would have already communicated with me, with my agent


For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Mexico star Miguel Layun gives update on future amid Emery interest - Duration: 1:49.


BMW X6 M 4.4 i Automaat Schuifdak #Full Options# - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 M 4.4 i Automaat Schuifdak #Full Options# - Duration: 1:07.


Diego Maradona: Argentina hero is a LAUGHING STOCK after swearing - Gary Lineker - Duration: 1:36.

 That is the opinion of former England striker and Sport presenter Gary Lineker. Maradona was lively as ever in the stands during the match in St Petersburg

 He celebrated wildly for Lionel Messi's opener but went a step too far with Marcos Rojo's late goal

 The 57-year-old stuck his two middle fingers up at the Nigerian support below.  And Lineker was not impressed when reviewing the incident after the game

 "I think he might make the papers for a different kind of celebration," he said. "There's a danger of him becoming a laughing stock I'm afraid in many ways

 "But Argentina, a marvellous evening for them, got through and did what they had to do

"  Rio Ferdinand, who was working as a pundit, was equally disappointed with Maradona

 "That I think will make a lot of the news as well unfortunately," Ferdinand said

 "His career on the pitch as a football player was up there with the best. "But unfortunately there are moments like this that do arise and it is not nice to see that


For more infomation >> Diego Maradona: Argentina hero is a LAUGHING STOCK after swearing - Gary Lineker - Duration: 1:36.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-I LINEA LUNA INCL 1 JAAR APK. 100% ONDERHOUDEN **BUDGETDEAL** - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-I LINEA LUNA INCL 1 JAAR APK. 100% ONDERHOUDEN **BUDGETDEAL** - Duration: 1:07.


Robert Lewandowski nie zagra podczas meczu Polska-Japonia? - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Robert Lewandowski nie zagra podczas meczu Polska-Japonia? - Duration: 2:50.


Forza Horizon 2 live stream Let's Race! - Duration: 1:34:03.

For more infomation >> Forza Horizon 2 live stream Let's Race! - Duration: 1:34:03.


O'Charley's donates thousands to Riley - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> O'Charley's donates thousands to Riley - Duration: 0:25.



For more infomation >> SE O MUNDO ACABASSE AMANHÃ - Duration: 7:28.


qualidade servico eletrica - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> qualidade servico eletrica - Duration: 3:31.


Como me Posicionar no Mercado - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> Como me Posicionar no Mercado - Duration: 9:13.


Depois de tudo - Episódio 1 - O Conceito - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Depois de tudo - Episódio 1 - O Conceito - Duration: 2:21.


Revisar el móvil de tu hijo: ¿sí o no? - Noticias del Vida - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Revisar el móvil de tu hijo: ¿sí o no? - Noticias del Vida - Duration: 7:14.


Laura Breszka odchodzi z Na Wspólnej do O mnie się nie martw - Duration: 4:08.

Laura Breszka nie będzie dłużej grać w "Na Wspólnej"!

Aktorka ma już za sobą ostatni dzień na planie.

Pożegnalną scenę nakręciła kilka miesięcy temu, ale dopiero w 2715 odcinku "Na Wspólnej" widzowie zobaczą śmierć Natalii Popławskiej!

Kochanka Marka (Grzegorz Gzyl) zginie w wypadku.

Ale Breszka wcale nie zniknie z telewizji.

Właśnie dołączyła do ekipy serialu "O mnie się nie martw" w TVP2.

Dlaczego Laura Breszka odchodzi z "Na Wspólnej"?

O tym, że Laura Breszka żegna się z "Na Wspólnej" głośno zrobiło się już pod koniec marca.

Aktorka na swoim profilu na Instagramie napisała, że nakręciła już swój ostatni odcinek.

Nie ujawniła dlaczego odchodzi z "Na Wspólnej", ale pojawiły się spekulacje, że domagali się tego wierni fani serialu.

Powód? Natalia naraziła się wszystkim fanom "Na Wspólnej", którzy nie mogli znieść, że kobieta zniszczyła małżeństwo Danusi (Lucyna Malec) i Marka.

Nie powiodły się próby ocieplenia jej wizerunku.

A kiedy Natalia urodziła Markowi syna Szymka (Oliwia Glanowska) to przelało czarę goryczy.

Początkowo scenarzyści "Na Wspólnej" przewidywali, że Natalia zostanie w życiu Marka na stałe...

W 2715 odcinku "Na Wspólnej" widzowie usłyszą o śmierci Natalii.

Bo sceny wypadku nie będzie w serialu.

Niespełna pół roku po odejściu z "Na Wspólnej" Laura Breszka dołączyła do obsady "O mnie się nie martw".

W kręconym właśnie nowym 9 sezonie pojawi się w wątku Sylwii Małeckiej (Aleksandra Adamska).

Wygląda na to, że bohaterka grana przez Laurę Breszkę będzie klientką prawniczki, ale może zostanie w serialu dłużej niż tylko w jednym odcinku.

For more infomation >> Laura Breszka odchodzi z Na Wspólnej do O mnie się nie martw - Duration: 4:08.



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

We'll talk about the next topic ginger to lose weight

abdominal but this is what you have not been told exactly so do not go and

stay with us until the end of this video where we will be developing

this interesting topic now we go with the information

Without a doubt, ginger is the leader in terms of medicinal plants

we refer to this is widely used in the world of natural remedies

for all its properties among them we can mention its great potential for

eliminate abdominal fat however this is just one of its many

applications below we tell you the benefits of ingesting ginger in

any of its forms ginger and weight loss apart from contributing

to burn fat the ginger helps us to feel satisfied by what it reduces

the anxiety already to corroborate these effects a study affirms that this

Plant acts as a natural appetite suppressant unlike suppressants

The natural ones are safe and have no side effects

free of calories something more that we can say about ginger is that

it is practically free of calories for it when consuming it in our meals or

in the form of tea we have certain advantages to lower

of weight for its thermo genetic properties we can say that ginger

is synonymous with weight loss this means that it raises the temperature

body by burning more fat than normal improves digestion

and this fabulous spice has regulatory effects that help the movement of

the food through the stomach and intestines since you are expelling

all the toxins in your body can lose weight quickly so that

We can conclude that ginger has beneficial effects for the system

digestive that if you should be careful not to ingest it while you're

pregnant or breast-feeding unless you have medical supervision

you should refrain from consuming it in these the reason is that this is rich in fiber what

which increases gastrointestinal motility by accelerating our

metabolism burns the stored fat in our body what is not quite

good in pregnancy or breastfeeding ways to prepare a wonderful

way to prepare it is in lemonade for it mixes a bit of grated ginger

with lemon juice you can sweeten it with cane juice or

honey and add a little water as a result you will have a powerful

lemonade burns fat especially abdominal fats other forms of

prepare it is in infusions salads and other recipes

we can also add it to rice mix it with soy sauce, oil,

olive and garlic to prepare seasonings we have plenty of ways to

prepare it just enough to search the internet for some recipes to find

our favorite we can even use them on vegetables to give them that touch

exotic but healthy to our meals on the other hand it never hurts

to mention its fabulous taste in tea we can make it black green red or

white all give the same result now well since ginger gives us

energy is not advisable to take it in the night to do it we could pass the

night unveiled what is not good to lose weight

you had an idea of ​​all this share this information with your

family and friends in your social networks

do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comment section, I like it and

subscribe to our channel see you in a next edition this is

remedies easy 24 thank you very much



Carlos Cuesta critica las falsas primarias del PP: "Tienen miedo a que el militante exprese .. - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Carlos Cuesta critica las falsas primarias del PP: "Tienen miedo a que el militante exprese .. - Duration: 3:18.


¿Necesitas dinero urgentemente? Estas opciones te serán de ayuda - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> ¿Necesitas dinero urgentemente? Estas opciones te serán de ayuda - Duration: 5:25.


Você já fez Caminhada com Raquetes na Neve? Gear Tips Experience em Serre Chevalier, na França - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Você já fez Caminhada com Raquetes na Neve? Gear Tips Experience em Serre Chevalier, na França - Duration: 5:02.


[KPOP IN PUBLIC] BLACKPINK - 뚜두뚜두 (DDU-DU DDU-DU) Dance Cover - Duration: 3:33.


We don't know the reason for this,. only know that they are two homeless. After this, each one got out and nothing more happened!

I waited they leave to back to record

For more infomation >> [KPOP IN PUBLIC] BLACKPINK - 뚜두뚜두 (DDU-DU DDU-DU) Dance Cover - Duration: 3:33.


WHO adds 'gaming disorder' to list of mental health conditions - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> WHO adds 'gaming disorder' to list of mental health conditions - Duration: 3:55.


Entrevista com Lincoln Murphy - Octadesk - Duration: 51:25.

For more infomation >> Entrevista com Lincoln Murphy - Octadesk - Duration: 51:25.





Mayor Emanuel Announces Chicago's Minimum Wage to Increase to $12 on July 1 and Rise to $13 in 2019 - Duration: 8:02.

Two weeks ago we're at another restaurant establishment having our it

was my third or fourth Chamber of Commerce Little Village meeting we were

talking about the economic development on 26th Street here in Little Village,

the heart of Little Village community and a week prior to that the alderman

and I visited Zapata school the new modernization that's going on but not

only the modernization of the school but also talking about a new park associated

with that school and like all good alderman but he's a great alderman

heroes a new playground out of me on that visit it's a costly visit any time

you're with all the Romano's and you should know that he does a great job

representing the community here so a little fact that everybody should know

outside to Michigan Avenue I called 26th Street the two magnificent

miles it produces more sales revenue for the city of Chicago in the state of

Illinois than any other Street but Michigan Avenue and it's the little

businesses and the small businesses and the mom-and-pop restaurants and all the

other pieces of the business that make up little village that drive the economy

and the quality of life in little village and a lot of people when the

alderman myself and Andy's up we're advocating raising the minimum wage oh

you're gonna knock out small businesses you're gonna destroy small businesses

well first of all we should pay people 825 an hour not we but that was the

minimum wage starting July 1 it goes up to $12 a 45 percent increase

no parent who works full-time should raise a child in poverty that should be

a basic and the incomes I just like everybody to know all the people all the

naysayers all the cynics all the critics jobs are up in Chicago the minimum wage

is up in Chicago poverty is down in Chicago and 36,000 fewer kids are in

poverty today than when we started when we 825 everybody to know as the chart

shows you minimum wage in Illinois is still 825

this is turn right back here that's the difference the blue is Chicago the red

is Illinois if you work in Chicago and starting right here on Sunday

it goes up to $12 start at 825 next year will be $13 in Illinois they don't have

an increase in the minimum wage Chicago were ensuring that if you work work pace

that should be a basic I worked for President Clinton when there wasn't a

minimum wage increase when I was a member of Congress I voted for a minimum

wage increase we did a commission there are some people that disagreed with it

but we pushed ahead and all the dire predictions that the sky was going to

fall businesses were gonna shut her jobs were gonna flee the opposite and more

importantly than the jobs grew people's income grew and poverty overall and

poverty specifically among children declined there is other things that went

into it a healthy growing economy the expansion of the Earned Income Tax

Credit then also complements the minimum wage but more importantly than anything

else in a home where there's a person working for a minimum wage and a child

we all know this is socialized that child now goes up in a home knowing that

work counts and work pays rather than the opposite and that's a very important

value you just cannot study just by looking at a chart I do want to say what

is complementary to this is not just to Earned Income Tax Credit that's about to

school and other schools starting this fall

if you work we're gonna also ensure your child has full-day free universal pre-k

so that if you work your child is not penalized and not having early childhood

education if you have if you're poor there's headstart if your work you're

left up to a sister that cost $13,000 a child we're gonna make sure it's free

it's full-day and over a four-year period Universal but we're going to

start with working parents to complement so you can be both a good employee and a

good parent and it's not an opposition and it's about the school is an example

in the neighborhoods a little village in the community are gonna be complemented

to that area and in that investment and I think this is important also to note

then in the period of time the minimum wage went out a dozen eggs back in 2014

was $2.99 if you go out that's about what it is today but that's not true for

the minimum wage the minimum wage is now $12 an hour not 8:25 back in 2014 a

gallon of milk was about 279 it's about that price today meaning as the minimum

wage has gone from 825 up to $12 milk and eggs that prices stayed stable

it's not true about energy and we know that so it's not all so it's not exactly

always the same so we have to ensure that people who work at the minimum wage

are getting a raise their children are getting daycare universal pre-k and

we're making sure that more importantly than just the wages we're also growing

jobs we're growing jobs throughout the city of Chicago the aldermen and I were

not far from here when Unilever expanded their mandates factories we're not far

from here where we also opened up the people's gas training facility for

people they're going to be pipe fitters throughout the city of Chicago so these

are all complementary investments this is an example from sapota to Unilever to

people's gas to this restaurant to having a marketing strategy around the

Midwest for the little village community of growing jobs growing the minimum wage

and making sure that if you work work pays here in the city of Chicago it's

now my honor because a lot of the complaints sometimes are critic

are those who say that small businesses get worse affected and Kenya runs our

small businesses in the chief administrator for that I do then though

want to make one comment the Laura talked about because you can do all the

other things but miss out also on an important value because the minimum wage

is not just economics not just a pocketbook it's whether you stand by the

principle of work that's a value it's also a value in the sense of what we say

to immigrants from around the world who come to Chicago and today the Supreme

Court made a decision I disagree with

and I say that by also saying one other thing elections count and we had a

different election we'd have a different Supreme Court that was a decision that

was 5-4 and I can tell you a different president would have a nominated a

different Supreme Court justice a former president had an opening and made a

nomination that I think that also that decision would have been different I

don't agree with this decision but we are a nation of laws and therefore it's

a Supreme Court but I think it very importantly to complement the values

that go behind an increase in the religious of values that also reflect

that we are a nation of immigrants who come here work hard almost half the new

businesses and small businesses are started by immigrants you cannot be pro

small business and not Pro immigration and so I say that I mean letting know

that I I disagree with this decision and I know this is the kind this is the

first result of you can see of a consequence of a decision because with a

different president you would have a different nominee and a different

nominee you would have a different decision first of all you would never

have had a travel ban the first if Hillary Clinton would not

have approached it that way that said do not have a Supreme Court it would have

rolled five for the way they did today

For more infomation >> Mayor Emanuel Announces Chicago's Minimum Wage to Increase to $12 on July 1 and Rise to $13 in 2019 - Duration: 8:02.


✅ Na Rússia, Celso Portiolli visita hotel da Seleção e tieta Neymar - Duration: 2:40.

  tem conseguido conciliar o Domingo Legal, exibido aos domingos, com qualquer outro compromisso que precise ter durante a semana

Nesta, por exemplo, o apresentador do SBT está curtindo folga… na Rússia! + Público rejeita Thaís Melchior no lugar de Milena Toscano em As Aventuras de Poliana  Celso publicou em seu Instagram um registro onde aparece ao lado de vários jogadores da Seleção Brasileira

O artista esteve no hotel da Seleção e tietou o craque , o nome mais falado no Brasil nas últimas semanas

 "Seleção Brasileira chegando aqui no hotel em Moscou! Obrigado pelo carinho @neymarjr @edugaspar@renatoaugusto8! Vamos Brasil!!!!", escreveu Portiolli

O Brasil joga sua terceira partida nesta quarta-feira, 27, contra a Sérvia.      Rafael Zulu, velho conhecido dos brasileiros pelos seus papéis marcantes em telenovelas, também é amigo do maior jogador do país,

Ele e o craque fazem parte da Diretoria, grupo que ainda conta com o cantor Thiaguinho, o apresentador Luciano Huck, o surfista Gabriel Medina e o jogador de vôlei Bruninho

+ Acusado de engravidar jovem, Padre Reginaldo Manzotti relembra polêmica: "Alguém próximo que queria me destruir"  Em conversa com o site Gshow, Zulu fez uma revelação sobre : "Ele é amigo dos amigos dele

É louvável e acho que é para a gente guardar. Por isso que a gente se sente tão feliz de ser amigo de um cara tão especial aqui, no mundo, em tudo quanto é canto", contou

 Thiaguinho, por sua vez, contou como o grupo se formou: "A primeira amizade do grupo sou eu e o Bruno

Depois conheci o Ney. Eu conheci o Zulu através da Fernanda (Souza). Zulu e Bruno se conheceram em Floripa

Um dia chamei o Bruno para praia e ele trouxe o Zulu. Em Santa Catarina, conheci o Medina pelo Ney", revelou

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