Thursday, June 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 28 2018

Have I ever shown you my Kylo Ren croquette? It's a big-sized Tsum-Tsum,

and it's my Kylo Ren croquette. You can pull its cloack down and up.

I call him "Croquetylo Ren"

Hi people! Misi, what are you doing? Will you let me record this video?

No! Violent cat.

Hi people! How are you? It's hot in here,

but well, I'm a creature of warmth, so I'm dealing well with it.

But sometimes my face starts sweating, and

that's a problem when you're wearing so much makeup.

Today I was going to talk about a graphic novel, but then I looked at my bookshelves and realized

that a lot of new books have been added up in a very short time

and I never showed them to you. So, since you seem to like these

"free buffet" videos, as I call them, I'll show them to you. See, I'm so excited,

because I bought more volumes of BRIDE STORIES, a girly manga

about girls in Central Asia who fall in love, get married... Sometimes they have

to deal with arranged marriages and then they realize they like each other, or

find a compromise, and it's very pretty. It's funny, look, for example, we have these

two twins, who are the funniest characters in the series

so far (they're all very endearing). They're here at their wedding, and they're supposed

to stay sittin under that sheet, but they were bored of waiting while

everyone else danced and ate, so they've tied mattresses in their place

so the guests can greet them while the twins stuff themselves with food

behind the curtain, with the help of their grooms. It's all so amusing, so cute.

The drawing is beautiful and, since I couldn't wait, I bought the next four volumes

following the ones I already had. I love BRIDE STORIES, they're so

pretty. The author is Kaoru Mori. Then we have this novel by Jean Kwok,

named GIRL IN TRANSLATION. It's a story of Chinese immigrants

in America. The protagonist, as she grows up,

will have to learn the new rules, save as much as she can, work super hard

to secure a future for herself. Then, this one seemed interesting,

so I bought it a few months ago: THE WAVE IN THE MIND by Ursula K LeGuin.

I don't know if it's "LeGueen" or "LeGuhn"...

"On the Writher, the Reader and Imagination." It's a compound of

short essays, speeches and autobiographic stuff by this writer,

Ursula K LeGuin. I've never read anything by this woman... I guess I'll have

to, in the future.

But well, she seems an interesting woman worth listening to,

hopefully I'll learn something from her. You can never have too many

books about writing. And then there's this book everyone was talking about

nonstop in (my) social media, named THE HEART OF THE BANSHEE (Spanish)

by Raquel de la Morena. It's about a girl who makes a deal and becomes a banshee,

and she falls in love with a Scottish gentleman, and she'll have to choose between making a mess

with the Scottish, or making a mess being a banshee. I'm not really sure

what it's about, but people said it was amazing, and it seems to be

a paranormal romance, so I bought it and time will tell.

Then the other day at the comic shop I bought... here it is. BIOMEGA.

This is the first compilation volume of the series, which are kinda cyberpunk

destroyer CyberMadMax of the future; there's some kind of virus

screwing with survivors, and there's a guy with an armor and a foldable motorcycle

who goes around rescuing those who remain uninfected by the

plague or something like that. I don't know, I really liked the setting when I started

reading it, so now I bought this.

I'll tell you more about it when I finish it. I have problems with comics,

when I enter a comic shop it's like "Aaaw so many colors, so many stories, which should I take with me?"

and in the end I go crazy. Then, I was borrowed this novel:

A SUITABLE BOY by Vikram Seth. It's an Indian story

about a bunch of people moving through weddings,

arrangements, India's first elections... and all of that is like

a portrait that tells you a bit of everything that was going on

in the country back then. And, as you can see, it's a brick. A brick with

tiny letters.

This one looks really good. I started reading it, but who knows

when will I be done with it. And it's a bit embarrassing, because it's borrowed,

so I should hurry up, but it's SO BIG. Well, I'll be glad to read it.

I'll tell you more when I finish it. And last, but not least,

here's SECRET HEROINES OF SPANISH HISTORY by El Fisgón Histórico (The Historical Snooper)

I pre-bought this book because I was so excited

to have it. The author is a guy who uses his drawings to

share little-known facts and anecdotes about History, and especially,

Spanish History, and you learn a lot by following him. You can find him in

social media as El Fisgón Histórico; in Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Besides, I really wanted to

get this book because my friend Noemí Toral has worked with the author,

providing him with information about historical women and historical

stuff in general. So, as you see... (This is the Historical Snooper)

As you can see, it's all illustrated with info, women... he's included women of

all political leanings, from diverse social backgrounds, and you learn so much by reading it.

Besides, it's rather funny. I recommend it to you.

Everything the Fisgón Histórico does will make you more educated.


by El Fisgón Histórico, whose nose is red from snooping so hard.

The book tower I have here is...

pretty considerable, isn't it? All these books I have to read,

added to the pile I already had from before.

Oh my God, why do I keep buying new books, my God... Well,

a lady must have her vices. And this was today's video. I hope you liked these

books, despite them being showcased so quickly, and well, next week

I'll bring you something new. Then, by the middle of July, I'll have to make a stop

because I'm leaving for the Avilés' Celsius Festival, an event attended by

many many fantasy-horror-fiction writers, Spanish and foreigners.

It's a big festival; sometimes they bring George RR Martin, Joe Abercrombie,

Carlos Sisí... so many writers go there that I'd like to meet,

at least from afar, and say "Oh, there he is..." And this year I'll be there! It's at the

opposite end of Spain, but well, with our sweet little car we'll get there.

And since I'll be there, I might

record some small videos to show you, but, as you'll understand, I won't

be home to make booktube videos or speedpaints.

But well, wish me luck! We're trying to find a spot,

see if I can present some of my novels in there, but well,

if we can't, at least I'll be presenting CRÓNICAS DEL FIN with its writers.

If you're attending the Celsius Festival too,

we'll meet there! It's from 11th to 14th of July. Then when I return home

I'll go back to video-ing. Wish me luck again!

Thank you so much for watching me once more. See you next week!

Bye-bye! :D

For more infomation >> Libros nuevos y un futuro festival - Duration: 9:37.


'Pesadilla en la cocina': deudas y problemas familiares en "La Casuca" - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> 'Pesadilla en la cocina': deudas y problemas familiares en "La Casuca" - Duration: 2:30.


Putin y Trump pactan primera cumbre - Duration: 3:17.

Compartir  Washington.- El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, dijo hoy que su reunión con su homólogo ruso, Vladímir Putin, podría producirse en Helsinki o Viena, y que será "probablemente después" de la cumbre de la OTAN, prevista para el 11 y 12 de julio en Bruselas

    El Kremlin anunció hoy que Trump y Putin mantendrán próximamente su primera cumbre bilateral en un tercer país, y el presidente estadounidense confirmó que la cita podría ser en Finlandia o en Austria, los dos lugares más rumoreados

    "Podría ser (en Helsinki). O en Viena", afirmó Trump al ser preguntado por los periodistas al comienzo de su reunión en la Casa Blanca con el presidente de Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

    "Probablemente nos reuniremos en algún momento alrededor de mi viaje a Europa" en julio, para visitar el Reino Unido y asistir a la cumbre de la OTAN, subrayó Trump

    Preguntado por si la reunión con Putin será antes o después de la cumbre en Bruselas, el mandatario respondió: "Probablemente después"

    Trump dijo que espera hablar con el mandatario ruso sobre "Siria y Ucrania", entre otros temas, en una cita destinada a mejorar las maltrechas relaciones bilaterales

    "Desde el primer día he dicho que llevarnos bien con Rusia y China y con todo el mundo es algo bueno", insistió

    El mandatario también opinó que Rusia está "haciendo un trabajo fantástico con el Mundial" de fútbol, que se celebra en ese país, y aseguró que él luchó "muy duro" para lograr que Estados Unidos fuera elegida para organizar junto a México y Canadá la Copa del Mundo de 2026

    Trump y Putin se reunieron por primera vez en julio pasado durante la cumbre del G20 en Alemania, pero no se han visto desde entonces y ahora buscan un encuentro bilateral más amplio

    Durante la cumbre del G7, a comienzos de junio en Canadá, Trump propuso que Rusia se reincorpore a ese grupo de las principales economías del mundo, del que fue expulsada en 2014 tras la anexión rusa del territorio ucraniano de Crimea

    Aunque EE.UU. mantiene duras sanciones a Rusia, Trump se ha mostrado deseoso de mejorar las relaciones, algo que ha inquietado a la oposición demócrata debido a la posibilidad de que el entorno del actual mandatario facilitara la injerencia rusa en las elecciones de 2016, algo que investiga el fiscal especial Robert Mueller


For more infomation >> Putin y Trump pactan primera cumbre - Duration: 3:17.


El partido Brasil - Serbia, lo más visto con 36,6% y 'Pesadilla cocina' (12,5%), máximo temporada - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> El partido Brasil - Serbia, lo más visto con 36,6% y 'Pesadilla cocina' (12,5%), máximo temporada - Duration: 2:03.


Mundial de fútbol: el grupo F definió su orden de clasificación - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Mundial de fútbol: el grupo F definió su orden de clasificación - Duration: 3:08.


Jacque Fresco - Opiniones, Especulación, Dinero (Aplicación de la Relatividad) - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> Jacque Fresco - Opiniones, Especulación, Dinero (Aplicación de la Relatividad) - Duration: 9:36.


We Need Better Ethical Decision Making | Ethics and Autism - Duration: 7:37.

I recently presented on an ABA ethics panel at the ABAI conference in San Diego, so today

I'm going to get on a soapbox regarding one of the most common ethical issues I've seen

in the past two decades in the autism world.

Hi, I'm Dr. Mary Barbera, autism mom, board certified behavior analyst, and best selling


Each week, I provide you with some of my ideas about turning autism around, so if you haven't

subscribed to my YouTube channel, you can do that now.

If you are a board-certified behavior analyst, you probably are aware that you need to follow

the BACB compliance code, and you need 4 hours of Type II BACB ethics CEUs every two years,

to recertify as a BCBA.

I don't know about you, but I've been to some pretty dull ethics workshops since 2003, when

I was first certified, so I recently put together a four-part ethics interview series, with

four Type II BACB Ethics CEUs, but before I tell you more about this series, I want

to tell you about one of the most common ethical issues I see, which you're probably not aware

of and probably never considered as an ethical issue before.

Let me tell you about a 200-pound teen I'll call Billy.

Billy was in a private ABA school, and the district that was funding him to go there

wanted an independent educational evaluation and an FBA, a functional behavior assessment,

which I agreed to do, because the school was concerned that the private ABA school was

asking to increase from two-to-one, two staff on Billy, to three-to-one staff, three staff

for just Billy.

I think he was about 15 years old, and he was still an early learner, not speaking at

all, and his problem behaviors included aggression and property destruction.

He also eloped from the home a few times.

I went to the home first, to evaluate Billy, and found a very distraught mother.

Billy towered over her, and they also had a younger brother who was not home at the


But Mom really was frightened of Billy, and to be honest, I was kind of frightened of

Billy too, when I was in the home, because without large staff to control Billy's behavior,

it was very unpredictable what he was going to do.

I then went to his school, and what I found there was a very elaborate restraint over-correction

protocol that required a two-to-one ratio, but now it was going to require a three-to-one


And worst of all, the data showed that this protocol appeared to be reinforcing, so the

problem behaviors were going up instead of down.

There was just a general lack of concern for what was happening at home, where it was just

Mom trying to control Billy with a younger sibling at home.

There was a failure to pair, and mand, and to conduct a verbal behavior assessment, which

I would have recommended.

And I was particularly concerned that there was no response to the current data, which

was clear, that the restraint procedure was actually leading to more problem behaviors.

Billy ended up in a residential treatment facility, and I doubt he ever lived at home


And I have, unfortunately, dozens of stories like Billy's, where well-meaning professionals

and BCBAs develop protocols that are either not individualized or not created looking

at the whole child in terms of providing programming and treatments that will work in all settings,

and there's a failure to work together with families to ensure optimal treatment.

As BCBAs, we're required to work with families and other team members to thoroughly assess

and program for each child and to make data based decisions on the progress or lack of

progress for each client.

If you're using one-size-fits-all protocols or have protocols in place that aren't working

to increase or decrease behaviors, I think you should look at this as an ethical situation

and evaluate some ways to change your own behavior as a BCBA.

As I talked about a few minutes ago, I've recently created a four-part ethical interview

series, and up until now, this ethical series has only been available as part of my verbal

behavior bundle course membership, which includes all 32 BCBA CEUs.

In the ethical series, four BCBAs with ethical expertise give their advice.

Dr. Eileen Schwartz created an ethical decision-making matrix, and covers this matrix in interview

number one of the series.

So, let's talk about the matrix and how it would relate to a child like Billy.

Part of Dr. Schwartz's ethical matrix involves asking myself why Billy's situation triggers

my ethical radar.

This is triggered because Billy's safety, and the safety of his mom, brother, and staff

members, are all at risk.

It's also an ethical issue to me because of Billy's dignity, the impact of escalating

problem behaviors on his relationships, and his overall outcome.

One of the most profound things Dr. Schwartz said during her interview was that BCBAs are

spending way too much time focusing on the little things, like, "Can I accept a cup of

coffee from a client", or "Is that a gift I must decline?"

instead of looking at larger ethical issues, like ensuring that ABA treatment leads to

dignity and quality of life for our clients.

The other three individuals I interviewed included Rosemarie Griffin, who's an SLP and

BCBA, and Drs. Megan Miller and Amanda Kelly.

For more information about the ethical series, please visit

and if you want to learn more about the verbal behavior bundle, which covers assessment and

programming for early and intermediate learners, sign up for a free online workshop at

Leave me a comment, give me a thumbs up, and share this video to help me get the word out,

and I will see you next week.

For more infomation >> We Need Better Ethical Decision Making | Ethics and Autism - Duration: 7:37.


#09 Generación automática de informes de procesos de negocio - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> #09 Generación automática de informes de procesos de negocio - Duration: 0:22.


Как БЫСТРО выучить АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык бизнесменам-предпринимателям №20 из #300бизнессоветов - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Как БЫСТРО выучить АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык бизнесменам-предпринимателям №20 из #300бизнессоветов - Duration: 3:39.


#03 Detección de rutas urbanas seguras mediante LiDAR - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> #03 Detección de rutas urbanas seguras mediante LiDAR - Duration: 0:31.


#08 Predicción automática del nivel de servicio en las vías gallegas - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> #08 Predicción automática del nivel de servicio en las vías gallegas - Duration: 0:25.


#11 Spin-off: Situm Indoor Positioning - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> #11 Spin-off: Situm Indoor Positioning - Duration: 0:37.


SINGAPOUR en 3 min | Karinny ANK - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> SINGAPOUR en 3 min | Karinny ANK - Duration: 4:15.


5 excelentes ejercicios que requieren poco espacio - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> 5 excelentes ejercicios que requieren poco espacio - Duration: 7:01.


Sebastian Yatra Grandes Exitos || Mejores Canciones De Sebastian Yatra - Duration: 1:03:31.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Sebastian Yatra Grandes Exitos || Mejores Canciones De Sebastian Yatra - Duration: 1:03:31.


Pourquoi devait porter du noir? Brigitte Macron sobre et chic au Vatican - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi devait porter du noir? Brigitte Macron sobre et chic au Vatican - Duration: 2:35.


Vanessa Paradis, comment fait-elle pour protéger ses enfants ? - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis, comment fait-elle pour protéger ses enfants ? - Duration: 1:26.


SA TAKIE DNI W TYGODNIU - U. SIPIŃSKA zespół/teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info.Kramsk sala OSP DW266 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> SA TAKIE DNI W TYGODNIU - U. SIPIŃSKA zespół/teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info.Kramsk sala OSP DW266 - Duration: 3:19.


বলিউডের যে ১০ জনপ্রিয় নায়ক চুলের সার্জারি করেছে |এই গোপন তথ্য হয়ত আগে জানতেন না - Duration: 1:49.

Alltoppersbd present

For more infomation >> বলিউডের যে ১০ জনপ্রিয় নায়ক চুলের সার্জারি করেছে |এই গোপন তথ্য হয়ত আগে জানতেন না - Duration: 1:49.


Игровые приколы №40 [18+] Баги в играх | Моменты под музыку - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> Игровые приколы №40 [18+] Баги в играх | Моменты под музыку - Duration: 6:39.


Ranbir Kapoor Vs Ranveer Singh Comparison - Duration: 7:00.

Ranbir Kapoor Vs Ranveer Singh Comparison

For more infomation >> Ranbir Kapoor Vs Ranveer Singh Comparison - Duration: 7:00.


Как БЫСТРО выучить АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык бизнесменам-предпринимателям №20 из #300бизнессоветов - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Как БЫСТРО выучить АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык бизнесменам-предпринимателям №20 из #300бизнессоветов - Duration: 3:39.


München unterwegs: So sieht die Baugrube am Sendlinger Tor aus (Folge 2/2018) - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> München unterwegs: So sieht die Baugrube am Sendlinger Tor aus (Folge 2/2018) - Duration: 11:09.


Top 100 Best Of U2 Songs - U2 Greatest Hits - Full Album U2 - Duration: 1:45:24.

Thanks for watching my video ! Please Share my chanel on Social sites (Facebook, Google +, Twitter etc...) to more person could listen and enjoy it! Thank you for reading and have an awesome day!

For more infomation >> Top 100 Best Of U2 Songs - U2 Greatest Hits - Full Album U2 - Duration: 1:45:24.


|Funny Video - Distuerbing Others|Video By Riswan Ali | FunFlicks Media | 2018 - Duration: 1:03.

|Funny Video - Distuerbing Others|Video By Riswan Ali | FunFlicks Media | 2018

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

English Music

For more infomation >> |Funny Video - Distuerbing Others|Video By Riswan Ali | FunFlicks Media | 2018 - Duration: 1:03.


Jacque Fresco - Opiniones, Especulación, Dinero (Aplicación de la Relatividad) - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> Jacque Fresco - Opiniones, Especulación, Dinero (Aplicación de la Relatividad) - Duration: 9:36.


♦げきりゅうゲッコウガに憧れて♦初心者アナログ③ - Duration: 24:29.

For more infomation >> ♦げきりゅうゲッコウガに憧れて♦初心者アナログ③ - Duration: 24:29.


Odjíždíte na dovolenou? Ochraňte svou domácnost proti zlodějům - Duration: 5:25.

 Těšit se na dovolenou je naprosto přirozené, stejně jako sdílet nadšení na veřejnosti

V tomto případě však raději rozebírejte datum vašeho odjezdu a délku pobytu jen s těmi nejbližšími

Vyhněte se publikování informací na sociálních sítích a fotografie z dovolené raději ukažte až po návratu

Pro zloděje totiž není lepší dárek než neúmyslné pozvání do nehlídaného bytu.   Autor: shutterstock  Odjíždíte-li na delší dobu, nezatahujte žaluzie

Domluvte se se sousedy nebo známými, aby vám pravidelně vybírali poštovní schránku

V ideálním případě jim svěřte klíče a požádejte je, aby vám například na odpoledne otevřeli okno, nebo k večeru zapnuli televizi

Na první pohled bude vaše domácnost „na oko" působit živě, čímž zloděje odradí.   Autor: shutterstock  Základním prvkem zabezpečení vaší domácnosti jsou vchodové dveře

V naprosté většině případů zloděj do domu či bytu pronikne právě dveřmi, jejich výběr proto není radno podceňovat

Klasické dveře jsou velmi snadnou překážkou, přes kterou se nezvaný návštěvník dokáže dostat i za několik vteřin

Bezpečnostní dveře oproti tomu vzbuzují respekt už od pohledu. Zloději se snahám o jejich překonání většinou vyhýbají

Pořídit si bezpečnostní dveře není nejlevnější záležitost, získáte díky nim ale mnoho výhod

 ● Bezpečnostní třída 3 vás ochrání proti nejpoužívanějším náčiním zlodějů jako je šroubovák, páčidlo nebo ruční vrtačka

● Bezpečnostní trny zabrání vysazení dveří.● Dveře obsahují až 15 zamykacích bodů

● Kromě ochrany proti útokům zlodějů vám dveře poskytnou i skvělé tepelně-izolační vlastnosti, protihlukovou a protipožární ochranu

● Dveře se vyrábí v mnoha různých dekorech, hravě je tedy sladíte s ostatními prvky interiéru

  Autor: HT Dveře s.r.o.  Pokud jste se rozhodli pořídit si nové dveře, kupujte je u specializovaných firem

Hledáte-li špičkovou kvalitu za férovou cenu, obraťte se na firmu HT dveře. Jejich pobočky najdete po celé České republice, vše s vámi zdarma prokonzultují a sestaví vám nabídku na míru

Dveře vám přijedou namontovat specializovaní montážníci, kteří vám bezplatně vymění i zárubeň dveří

Díky tomu vás budou bezpečnostní dveře chránit před zloději během dovolené i mnoho let poté


For more infomation >> Odjíždíte na dovolenou? Ochraňte svou domácnost proti zlodějům - Duration: 5:25.


[MV] Kim Na Young(김나영) _ Because I only see you(그대만 보여서) (김비서가 왜 그럴까 OST Part.5) - Duration: 3:51.

Why are you doing this? Please explain...

Should I explain everything to you?

I just hate it because I hate it

Do you think I've lost my mind? I won't see you again

I'll quit and return to Korea

Find another person, ass hole

Even if I close my eyes I keep thinking of

Your smile I can't sleep

I can only see you As if I'm dreaming step by step

Before I know it I come closer to you

Maybe my heart has fallen for you

Even if I try to go back

My heart keeps coming closer to you

I can only see you

Little by little step by step

I'm so close that I can touch your hands

Los es, Los...

Hm, never mind

It's too awkward to say it, isn't it?

Because you haven't said it

To me it's I'm sorry

I've never said it before

I want to say

But I can't say anything like a fool

Maybe my heart has fallen for you

Even if I try to run away

My heart keeps coming closer to you

One step behind

I'm standing like this

Can I endure this feeling?

I hide my feelings for you

Maybe my feelings are exposed to you

My heart is fluttering

I keep trying to tell you

That I have loved you

Because you're the only one I've been watching

For more infomation >> [MV] Kim Na Young(김나영) _ Because I only see you(그대만 보여서) (김비서가 왜 그럴까 OST Part.5) - Duration: 3:51.


Die Bio-Rasenmäher von Waldbronn I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Die Bio-Rasenmäher von Waldbronn I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:35.


Funken mit Astro-Alex I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Funken mit Astro-Alex I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 2:44.


Wie sicher ist Busfahren? I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Wie sicher ist Busfahren? I Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 3:22.


Language learning - misconceptions: "I can't learn any language." - Duration: 1:56.

I am not good at learning languages.

I can't learn any language.

I have been struggling with learning a foreign language.

I have to realize that I cannot learn that language.

I am simply not talented, so I'll give up.

Well, let's see what talent means exactly!

How would you define a natural talent in learning language?

Someone who learns a language easily and quickly.

Oh yes, but how does he or she do it?

Is he or she born talented?

Well, maybe.

I will not say that being born talented in language learning, is something that doesn't


But what is also possible is that he or she acquired that -let's say- talent by learning


Don't forget: being a genius is only 1% talent and 99% diligent.

Bilinguals are definitely better subjects for language learning because they acquire

languages from their early childhood, but it doesn't mean, you can't reach a very

high, even native speaker level in a foreign language.

What bilinguals or natural talents do, is being exposed to the language all the time.

You can create a similar environment in your home, for example.

You can watch your TV in your target language, you can make friends even on the internet,

you can read books in your language.

The most important thing is enjoying what you do for learning.

If you enjoy it, you will be more motivated.

If you have a high level of motivation, you will progress very fast.

Most so-called talented people are actually doing well in languages because they have

a high level of motivation and they enjoy their language.

You can do the same!

For more infomation >> Language learning - misconceptions: "I can't learn any language." - Duration: 1:56.


Rimedi naturali contro i cattivi odori del corpo - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> Rimedi naturali contro i cattivi odori del corpo - Duration: 9:00.


Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella - Duration: 1:00.


Møt Per-Karsten, leder for Pride at Accenture i Norge - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Møt Per-Karsten, leder for Pride at Accenture i Norge - Duration: 0:48.


Honda Accord Tourer 2.0i Special Edition - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Honda Accord Tourer 2.0i Special Edition - Duration: 1:11.


I am not affected by link-up rumours with Alia Bhatt: Ranbir Kapoor - Duration: 3:42.

I am not affected by link-up rumours with Alia Bhatt: Ranbir Kapoor

I am not affected by link-up rumours with Alia Bhatt: Ranbir Kapoor Ranbir opened up saying that 'Sanju' is a big film for him and he hopes people like it.

New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor is all geared up for the release of his most ambitious project 'Sanju', a biopic based on the life of superstar Sanjay Dutt.

The actor will be seen in the titular role of Dutt, who has had many ups and downs in his personal and professional life.

His controversial life journey will be presented in the 70 mm format before the audiences.

Talking about the film to Zee News, Ranbir revealed that 'Sanju' is his most special film and will stun the audiences.

Director Rajkumar Hirani said that they showed the biopic to Sanjay Dutt a day before and he got emotional after watching it.  Besides his professional life, Ranbir is also in news for his love life.

The rumour mills are abuzz these days about him dating Alia Bhatt.

When asked whether such rumours affect him, he said, "I am not affected by link-up rumours with Alia Bhatt and it doesn't put any pressure on me."  He refrained from saying anything further on it.  When asked whether 'Sanju 2' is also in the pipeline, Ranbir said, "if the makers decide to make it then my life is set".  Further, producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra said that if the audience likes it and wants to see more then there will be 'Sanju 2, 3 and 4'.

The Kapoor lad has transformed himself so much so that it becomes hard to make any difference between the reel and the real Sanjay Dutt.

Expectations are high from this one as Ranbir has put in a lot of hard work to completely transform himself into looking like the real-life Dutt.  Ranbir opened up saying that 'Sanju' is a big film for him and he hopes people like it.

"If the film is good then it becomes Number 1 on its own", said Rajkumar Hirani.

Although he confessed to being a little nervous ahead of the big screen release.  Ranbir said that his parents have been very happy with the way it has shaped up and his mom Neetu Singh has even prepared a guest list of who all to invite for 'Sanju' special screening.

Daddy Rishi Kapoor, who is currently in Mauritius will be able to watch the film only on July 1, 2018.  The makers maintained that the entire Dutt family cooperated with them throughout the making of 'Dutt'.   .

For more infomation >> I am not affected by link-up rumours with Alia Bhatt: Ranbir Kapoor - Duration: 3:42.


New2018😱FREE ROBUX CODES -ROBLOX KEY 2018😱 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> New2018😱FREE ROBUX CODES -ROBLOX KEY 2018😱 - Duration: 3:29.


Subaru XV 2.0i Luxury Plus AWD AUTOMAAT! 1e eigenaar! dealer onderhouden! navigatie! trekhaak! 150 P - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Subaru XV 2.0i Luxury Plus AWD AUTOMAAT! 1e eigenaar! dealer onderhouden! navigatie! trekhaak! 150 P - Duration: 1:04.


Anche i pesci hanno emozioni - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Anche i pesci hanno emozioni - Duration: 2:58.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Exclusive leder,ecc,el-pakk,pdc - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Exclusive leder,ecc,el-pakk,pdc - Duration: 1:08.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Comfort (Airco/5-Deurs) - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Comfort (Airco/5-Deurs) - Duration: 0:47.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / *APK TOT 5-20 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / *APK TOT 5-20 - Duration: 1:11.


Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0i-16V PHEV Premium Autom. ECC Cr.Control PDC 18"LMV 5jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0i-16V PHEV Premium Autom. ECC Cr.Control PDC 18"LMV 5jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:14.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-I TERRA 7 Pers. (130pk) Clima/ Cruise/ Elek.Pakket/ Getint glas/ 17''LM - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-I TERRA 7 Pers. (130pk) Clima/ Cruise/ Elek.Pakket/ Getint glas/ 17''LM - Duration: 1:05.



For more infomation >> ВСЁ ОБ УЛЬТРА-КОММАНДОС ГВАРДИИ СЕНАТА. - Duration: 10:31.


Kellogg's Honey Smacks Cereal Recall Warning - Duration: 1:09.

Kellogg's honey smacks cereal recall warning which honey smacks are recalled why be a prepper stockpile food

hi it's AlaskaGranny here's another recall that I wanted to warn you about

Kellogg's is recalling Honey Smacks cereal because there's Salmonella the

recall affects 15.3 ounce packages with the UPS code three eight zero zero zero

three nine one zero three and twenty three ounce packages with the UPS code

three eight zero zero zero one four eight one zero both have a best used by

date from June 14 2018 through June 14 2019 so if you have any Honey Smacks

cereal please check the codes and the dates and make sure you don't have the

Honey Smacks cereal that has been contaminated with salmonella do not eat

it you're advised to throw it away and contact Kellogg's for a refund

learn more at please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel

For more infomation >> Kellogg's Honey Smacks Cereal Recall Warning - Duration: 1:09.


Żona Marcina Kwaśnego żąda rozwodu - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Żona Marcina Kwaśnego żąda rozwodu - Duration: 2:40.


RUMOR/ Pai de Neymar está negociando o astro com o Real Madrid|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> RUMOR/ Pai de Neymar está negociando o astro com o Real Madrid|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:53.


O Mάριος Φραγκούλης στα Χανιά (3) - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> O Mάριος Φραγκούλης στα Χανιά (3) - Duration: 4:32.


Arena Portugal - Pedro num estranho dilema: entre o Brasil e a Alemanha - Duration: 2:45.

Um brasileiro a sofrer pela Alemanha? Pelos amigos faz-se tudo. Pedro juntou-se aos companheiros alemães nesta hora difícil O jogo Alemanha x Coreia do Sul estava no intervalo e ainda não se sabia, portanto, da inusitada eliminação dos campeões mundiais

Por entre a chusma de alemães havia um adepto que sobressaía por envergar uma camisola da Mannschaft e uma bandeira do Brasil enrolada no corpo

Uma combinação espantosa, sobretudo após a hecatombe causada pelos 7-1 dos alemães aos brasileiros no "seu" Mundial

 Mas Pedro é o rei o 'fairplay', explicando que estava rodeado de amigos alemães e por isso vestiu a "camisola da paz"

"Já passou, é passado. Levámos 7-1 e levamos muitas goleadas dos alemães, porque eles são melhores que nós em muita coisa

Eu espero que eles sigam em frente mas, sim, verdade, não gostava de os reencontrar"

 Um desejo atendido dada a eliminação precoce da atual campeã do Mundo. Pedro, que se mudou há uma semana para Lisboa, é fã doentio de bola

"Amo futebol, vejo tudo o que posso", contou o paulista e adepto do Palmeiras e de

CR7. "Neymar? Ronaldo é o melhor do Mundo. Tenho 22 anos e nunca vi ninguém tão perfeito e completo como ele

Força Portugal", atirou este verdadeiro adepto multinacional.

For more infomation >> Arena Portugal - Pedro num estranho dilema: entre o Brasil e a Alemanha - Duration: 2:45.


Ice Cube Breaks Down When to Use His Stage Name and When to Use O'Shea - Duration: 7:12.

-I want to say happy belated birthday to you.

Yeah, you had -- [ Cheers and applause ]

-Yeah. Thank you.


June 15th. -June 15th.

Happy, happy birthday. -Yeah. Yeah.

-Did you -- How did you celebrate?

How does Ice Cube celebrate his birthday?

-I don't really want to do too much.

You know what I mean? Hang out with the family.

We went and ate Mexican food. You know what I mean?

-Oh, really? -Yeah, yeah.

-Yeah. -It was cool. We had --

-That's your jam? -Yeah, I love it.

-What do you order when you go to a Mexican restaurant?

-You know, I like quesadillas and...

-Yeah. -...burritos and chimichangas.

[ Light laughter ]


-Yeah! [ Cheers and applause ]

Yeah, I'll -- I'll do -- I'll do a tequila or two.

What's the -- What is a chimichanga?

I always forget what is.

-Chimichanga is like -- it's like a burrito.

It got chicken in it. I get chicken chimichangas.

-Yeah. -And they --

-I mean, I love Mexican. -They deep fry it,

cut it in half, and give it to me.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

-Yeah. -Deep-fried burrito. I'm in.

I was wondering, when you -- when you talk to your parents,

do they call you Ice Cube or no? [ Laughter ]

No, they don't do that. They call you Cube?

-No, they call me O'Shea, my real name.

-O'Shea. -That's my real name.

Yeah, O'Shea. [ Cheers and applause ]

-They do. -Unless...

Unless, like, it's a movie premiere or they want something.

Then they'll be like, "Hey, uh, Cube."

You know, my pops will be like,

"Hey, Cube, I want to go to Jamaica."

[ Laughter ]

I'm like, "All right." -Yeah, yeah, Cube.

-All right, yeah. -Yeah.

Do your kids throw your name around?

-No. You know what?

My kids do not use my name enough.

I'm, like, "Did you get in?"

"No, we didn't get in."

"Why? Why you didn't use my name?"

"Oh, man, I don't want to do that."

-Really? -I'm like, "Y'all are just..."

[ Scoffs ] Man, if I had a famous father,

I'd be using their name all the time.

[ Laughter ]

Like, for everything. You know what I mean?

It's like people will be calling me --

"Did your son -- Did you -- your son order a Maserati?"

"Yep." [ Laughter ]

-Is that right? -It'd be me.

-Dude, I got to say -- you did a really cool thing.

You went to Australia.

You performed at the Sydney Opera House?

-Yeah, yeah.

-And you're the first rapper ever to perform there.

-That's what they say. -A little history, man.

[ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah, it's pretty cool.

-That's awesome. What was that like?

-It was great. You know, we did --

We did four nights in a row, so it was cool.

Sold out every night. So it was great, you know?

-Do you get to go to Australia much?

-I go about every couple years. -Yeah.

-You know, so...

I mean, the only person they can have now is The Roots.

You know, everybody else -- it's down from there.

You know what I'm saying? [ Cheers and applause ]

You need The Roots out there. Y'all would kill it.

-Yeah. -Kill it.

-The Roots go out there all the time.

You go -- -Y'all play the Opera House?

-Not Sydney Opera House. -Oh, yeah.

Y'all got to get it. -That's crazy. That's awesome.

-They finally not just playing opera up in there.

[ Laughter ] -Yeah, I was gonna say.

Then you're like...

[ Operatically ] ♪ Today was a good day ♪

[ Laughter ] Yeah, yeah.

[ Laughter continues ]

[ Operatically ] ♪ Didn't have to use my AK ♪

-Yeah. -Yeah.

[ Cheers and applause ] Do they do --

Do you do BIG3 over there or no? -Not yet.

You know, we trying to get BIG3 all over the world.

-Show the back -- the back of the jacket.

-Oh, the back of the jacket? -Yeah, exactly.

-Oh, you know I got to advertise.

-BIG3. Come on. -You know?

[ Cheers and applause ] -I hit 'em up.

-'Cause this is -- this is a cool thing that I love about --

you came on the show to promote this --

I guess the first season of BIG3.

-Yeah. -And it was like...

-Year one. -...such a giant idea.

I go, "Oh" -- I mean,

I don't know how you can take on all this.

It's like -- Explain the idea of BIG3, just...

-The BIG3 is professional 3-on-3 basketball.

Now, anybody and everybody that's played basketball

usually played more three-on-three

than five-on-five.

So, I was like,

"Why hasn't this been elevated to the professional level?"

So, you know, we start thinking about that idea.

And we was like, "Yo, let's use former NBA players,

guys who still got the hunger in they heart,

the love for the game,

still in shape, and ready to play.

Let's use them as our players."

And it's been a big hit, man.

Big hit, yeah. -It's crushing. It's so good.

Because, well, there's a lot of factors to the whole thing.

One is, I think, it's affordable.

-Yes. Definitely an affordable ticket.

You get four games for the price of one.

You know what I mean?

And you get to see all these great NBA greats, you know?

-Did you go to games when you were a kid?

-I couldn't afford a lot of games, you know?

-Yeah. -But what was cool

is my next-door neighbor's big brother, like,

worked at The Forum,

the L.A. Forum where the Lakers play,

or used to play back in the day.

And he would -- he would, like, let us sneak in.

You know what I mean? [ Light laughter ]

-Oh, he'd run security? -Yeah, no, he was at the --

he was taking tickets -- ticket taker.

-Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

-So we would walk around The Forum looking like,

"Is your brother -- Is he working? Is he working?

Which window? Which door? Which door? Which door?

Here you go. Boom!" [ Laughter ]

We'd go in -- We'd go in the door.

And I'd say, "Hi."

And he'd look at me like, "Get -- Get in here.

You're not even supposed to know me. Go."

[ Laughter ]

You know? So...

And we'd be in there, you know, walking around.

-Did you ever get to meet any of the Lakers?

-No, no. But -- But I did --

One time, I was -- We snuck down low.

It was a blowout. The Lakers was blowing them out.

We snuck down low.

And Magic -- after the game, they was leaving --

they was, like, leaving the court,

going in the tunnel, and I was right there.

And I was like, "Yo, Magic, what's up?"

He was like, "Hey, little dude."

And he hit my hand. [ Laughter ]

-Yeah. -And when I --

when I shook his hand, it felt --

it was soft as a baby's butt, man.

[ Laughter ]

I was like, "This man has never worked a day in his life."

[ Laughter ]

-I mean, he's got to grip the basketball or something.

-'Cause, yeah, my pop's hands feel like cheese graters.

You know what I'm saying? [ Laughter ]

Like... -He had soft hands.

That's fantas-- -It was like --

So, you know, that was my only encounter, you know?

But I'm a big basketball fan, and this league is special.

You know, we on every Friday night live.

-Well, now, you're on TV. -Yeah.

-'Cause at first, it was a couple specials.

-Yeah. It was -- We was tape-delayed.

So it was like we played on Sunday.

They would show it on Monday nights.

But now it's Friday nights live.

We on big Fox this week. And it's great, man. It's great.

-Where is it this -- this week? -We're in Chicago.

-Whoo! -So what's cool is the --

the league goes from city to city.

We started right here in Brooklyn

our first game last year. -Brooklyn!

-I know you did that. -Yeah. Yeah.

-Well, I -- 'Cause I saw a couple of things.

'Cause the players would actually go up to the fans, too,

and sign autographs and take -- -Yeah.

-I go, "This is insane." -It's like --

-This is so fun.

-It's like a basketball festival.

I mean, we got so much history.

You know, we got Hall of Fame coaches

like Dr. J and Iceman, Rick Barry, Gary Payton.

-Oh! -And our players -- you know,

it's like Chauncey Billups and Jermaine O'Neal

and Amar'e Stoudemire and Nate Robinson.


-And, you know, it's like "Birdman," Chris Andersen.

You know, so we got some great players.

-Well, the championship is August 24th...

-Yep. -...back in Brooklyn.

-Right here in Brooklyn. -It comes back to Brooklyn.

-We're bringing the championship right here.

-Back to Brooklyn, New York.

[ Cheers and applause ] -Yes.

-And Ice Cube has a special gift.

Everybody in the audience tonight

is getting a ticket to the championship August 24th...

-Yeah! in Brooklyn!

That's the way to do it right there!

-BIG3, baby. -That's how you do it.

[ Cheers and applause ]

That's how to do it good. Come on!

That's how you do it right there!

-Yeah! -Ice Cube, everybody!

For more infomation >> Ice Cube Breaks Down When to Use His Stage Name and When to Use O'Shea - Duration: 7:12.


🔥 Rocket fuel from peanuts, gelatin bears or chewing gums, which is better? - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> 🔥 Rocket fuel from peanuts, gelatin bears or chewing gums, which is better? - Duration: 10:04.


Colômbia x Senegal: transmissão do jogo da Copa do Mundo AO VIVO|x3and1baller - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Colômbia x Senegal: transmissão do jogo da Copa do Mundo AO VIVO|x3and1baller - Duration: 2:17.


Flu volta a trabalhar a parte física e confirma realização de dois amistosos |x3and1baller - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Flu volta a trabalhar a parte física e confirma realização de dois amistosos |x3and1baller - Duration: 3:57.


【MUKBANG】 [Gin No Sara] 100 Sushi!!! [Chutoro, Engawa, Salmon Roe..Etc] 6788kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 4:42.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa a 100 pieces sushi haul

I ordered these 'sagami' and 'odori' from Gin no Sara

and to drink I have some plum tea itadakimasu

lets kick things off with this 50 piece spread of sushi

The first one that I will eat is tuna

It's so thick and yummy I love that undescribable mouthfeel from the sushi

next up is ikura egg

They pop in your mouth And the flavor soaks right into the rice


I love the chewiness

amaebi shrimp

It's so sweet it has such a nice texture

sushi goes so nicely with wasabi

since I'm having sushi today.... I wore this matching t-shirt

I've just started telling me this and it would make me so happy if you would wear them as well


It's very crunchy

salmon Such a pretty color

It's got such a nice layer of fat and is so yummy

anago eel

The meat is so tender and The sweet sauce on it tastes so nice

negitoro onion and tuna

It's so light and the tuna is so yummy

And this is one of my favorite flounder

It's so fatty and I love it so much


This is also so nice and fatty as well

now for this platter that is here for a limited time this is called 'odori'

It comes with some large raw shrimp

Look at how ginormous this shrimp is

the rice is coming out of it as well

its so plump and tender

its so very tasty

The things that are the same in this dish are the fish egg tuna and onion and salmon

flounder and tuna this is salmon

This is a flame broiled large shrimp

the added flavor is so yummy

this came with ponzu citrus soy sauce


It's so sweet and yummy


It's so fresh


It's so fatty tender and melts in your mouth

last one itadakimasu this is their chutoro tuna

gochisosamadeshita The hundred pieces of sushi was so yummy

The one I liked the most was the tuna

They didn't have any Otoro tuna so the chutoro hit the spot

I also love the Flounder salmon and yellowtail

I really much prefer the fattier pieces

All of these pieces of sashimi come from things that have lived in the same ocean and

its amazing how they all have such varying flavors I totally understand how squid and clams could be different

but all the different fishes have such differing flavors

This is all so yummy want you all please give it a try And as always thank you for watching if there's anything

You want me to do or eat please tell me in the comments Section below if you like this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Gin No Sara] 100 Sushi!!! [Chutoro, Engawa, Salmon Roe..Etc] 6788kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 4:42.


Só Seleção Brasileira escapou de maldição que persegue campeões neste século|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Só Seleção Brasileira escapou de maldição que persegue campeões neste século|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:24.


马蓉王宝强离婚, 她才是幕后黑手, 网友: 藏得挺深 | 娛樂新聞HK.Entertainment - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 马蓉王宝强离婚, 她才是幕后黑手, 网友: 藏得挺深 | 娛樂新聞HK.Entertainment - Duration: 4:23.


Alemanha prede por 2 a 0 para a Coréia do Sul e dá adeus ao mundial |x3and1baller - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Alemanha prede por 2 a 0 para a Coréia do Sul e dá adeus ao mundial |x3and1baller - Duration: 5:01.


Eliminação alemã surpreende jogadores do Brasil: - Spica TV - Duration: 4:27.

Depois de Espanha, Portugal e Argentina garantirem vaga às oitavas de final da Copa do Mundo no sufoco, com muito drama, nessa quarta-feira a Alemanha ficou pelo caminho ao perder para a já eliminada Coreia do Sul

Os atuais campeões mundiais terminaram a primeira fase na lanterna do grupo F e deram adeus à competição em um vexame histórico

Saiba maisO resultado alemão repercutiu bastante dentro da Seleção Brasileira não só pela tradição dos europeus, mas também porque a equipe algoz do Brasil na Copa do Mundo de 2014, no fatídico e inesquecível 7 a 1

A seleção europeia era uma possível candidata a se colocar no caminho do time de Tite já nas oitavas de final

"Difícil, surpresa para todos, Alemanha foi campeã na Copa passada, mostra que o futebol está evoluindo a cada ano

A gente está vendo nessa Copa o quão difícil está sendo cada jogo", comentou William, ao deixar o estádio Spartak, depois da vitória canarinho em cima da Sérvia

"Era uma das favoritas, assim como outras grandes tiveram dificuldades: Portugal, Espanha, Argentina… Não tem time bobo", disse Renato Augusto, usando até mesmo o triunfo brasileiro dessa quarta como exemplo do que precisa ser feito em campo para não acabar com uma campanha frustrada

"O gol dá uma tranquilidade maior. A equipe conseguiu trabalhar mais a bola, depois do gol a Sérvia teve de sair um pouco mais, a Sérvia ficou mais aberta, mas temos de estar preparado para todas as situações

Essa Copa é meio louca", avaliou, sucinto, também ao ser questionado sobre o México, adversário dos pentacampeões na segunda-feira, às 11h (horário de Brasília), pelas oitavas de final

"Time forte, surpreendeu a Alemanha… Copa louca, temos de estra preparados para tudo", concluiu

Já Gabriel Jesus evitou qualquer comentário tanto sobre os alemães quanto sobre os mexicanos

Para o camisa 9, que ainda não marcou gol nessa Copa do Mundo, a Seleção Brasileira não tem de ficar olhando para o lado

"Eu confesso que eu não fico estudando confrontos, o que pode dar não dar, a gente não tem de escolher adversário

Quem vier a gente tem de enfrentar da mesma maneira, com o objetivo de ganhar", encerrou o jovem centroavante do Manchester City


For more infomation >> Eliminação alemã surpreende jogadores do Brasil: - Spica TV - Duration: 4:27.


Raul Gil tenta apaziguar treta com Sonia Abrão e ignora crítica: "Dou beijo" - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Raul Gil tenta apaziguar treta com Sonia Abrão e ignora crítica: "Dou beijo" - Duration: 2:55.


Putin y Trump pactan primera cumbre - Duration: 3:17.

Compartir  Washington.- El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, dijo hoy que su reunión con su homólogo ruso, Vladímir Putin, podría producirse en Helsinki o Viena, y que será "probablemente después" de la cumbre de la OTAN, prevista para el 11 y 12 de julio en Bruselas

    El Kremlin anunció hoy que Trump y Putin mantendrán próximamente su primera cumbre bilateral en un tercer país, y el presidente estadounidense confirmó que la cita podría ser en Finlandia o en Austria, los dos lugares más rumoreados

    "Podría ser (en Helsinki). O en Viena", afirmó Trump al ser preguntado por los periodistas al comienzo de su reunión en la Casa Blanca con el presidente de Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

    "Probablemente nos reuniremos en algún momento alrededor de mi viaje a Europa" en julio, para visitar el Reino Unido y asistir a la cumbre de la OTAN, subrayó Trump

    Preguntado por si la reunión con Putin será antes o después de la cumbre en Bruselas, el mandatario respondió: "Probablemente después"

    Trump dijo que espera hablar con el mandatario ruso sobre "Siria y Ucrania", entre otros temas, en una cita destinada a mejorar las maltrechas relaciones bilaterales

    "Desde el primer día he dicho que llevarnos bien con Rusia y China y con todo el mundo es algo bueno", insistió

    El mandatario también opinó que Rusia está "haciendo un trabajo fantástico con el Mundial" de fútbol, que se celebra en ese país, y aseguró que él luchó "muy duro" para lograr que Estados Unidos fuera elegida para organizar junto a México y Canadá la Copa del Mundo de 2026

    Trump y Putin se reunieron por primera vez en julio pasado durante la cumbre del G20 en Alemania, pero no se han visto desde entonces y ahora buscan un encuentro bilateral más amplio

    Durante la cumbre del G7, a comienzos de junio en Canadá, Trump propuso que Rusia se reincorpore a ese grupo de las principales economías del mundo, del que fue expulsada en 2014 tras la anexión rusa del territorio ucraniano de Crimea

    Aunque EE.UU. mantiene duras sanciones a Rusia, Trump se ha mostrado deseoso de mejorar las relaciones, algo que ha inquietado a la oposición demócrata debido a la posibilidad de que el entorno del actual mandatario facilitara la injerencia rusa en las elecciones de 2016, algo que investiga el fiscal especial Robert Mueller


For more infomation >> Putin y Trump pactan primera cumbre - Duration: 3:17.


Będzie ciężko! [CS:GO] #18 - Duration: 15:14.

For more infomation >> Będzie ciężko! [CS:GO] #18 - Duration: 15:14.


#04 Sensores autónomos mediante microrrecolección de energía ambiental - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> #04 Sensores autónomos mediante microrrecolección de energía ambiental - Duration: 0:42.


We Need Better Ethical Decision Making | Ethics and Autism - Duration: 7:37.

I recently presented on an ABA ethics panel at the ABAI conference in San Diego, so today

I'm going to get on a soapbox regarding one of the most common ethical issues I've seen

in the past two decades in the autism world.

Hi, I'm Dr. Mary Barbera, autism mom, board certified behavior analyst, and best selling


Each week, I provide you with some of my ideas about turning autism around, so if you haven't

subscribed to my YouTube channel, you can do that now.

If you are a board-certified behavior analyst, you probably are aware that you need to follow

the BACB compliance code, and you need 4 hours of Type II BACB ethics CEUs every two years,

to recertify as a BCBA.

I don't know about you, but I've been to some pretty dull ethics workshops since 2003, when

I was first certified, so I recently put together a four-part ethics interview series, with

four Type II BACB Ethics CEUs, but before I tell you more about this series, I want

to tell you about one of the most common ethical issues I see, which you're probably not aware

of and probably never considered as an ethical issue before.

Let me tell you about a 200-pound teen I'll call Billy.

Billy was in a private ABA school, and the district that was funding him to go there

wanted an independent educational evaluation and an FBA, a functional behavior assessment,

which I agreed to do, because the school was concerned that the private ABA school was

asking to increase from two-to-one, two staff on Billy, to three-to-one staff, three staff

for just Billy.

I think he was about 15 years old, and he was still an early learner, not speaking at

all, and his problem behaviors included aggression and property destruction.

He also eloped from the home a few times.

I went to the home first, to evaluate Billy, and found a very distraught mother.

Billy towered over her, and they also had a younger brother who was not home at the


But Mom really was frightened of Billy, and to be honest, I was kind of frightened of

Billy too, when I was in the home, because without large staff to control Billy's behavior,

it was very unpredictable what he was going to do.

I then went to his school, and what I found there was a very elaborate restraint over-correction

protocol that required a two-to-one ratio, but now it was going to require a three-to-one


And worst of all, the data showed that this protocol appeared to be reinforcing, so the

problem behaviors were going up instead of down.

There was just a general lack of concern for what was happening at home, where it was just

Mom trying to control Billy with a younger sibling at home.

There was a failure to pair, and mand, and to conduct a verbal behavior assessment, which

I would have recommended.

And I was particularly concerned that there was no response to the current data, which

was clear, that the restraint procedure was actually leading to more problem behaviors.

Billy ended up in a residential treatment facility, and I doubt he ever lived at home


And I have, unfortunately, dozens of stories like Billy's, where well-meaning professionals

and BCBAs develop protocols that are either not individualized or not created looking

at the whole child in terms of providing programming and treatments that will work in all settings,

and there's a failure to work together with families to ensure optimal treatment.

As BCBAs, we're required to work with families and other team members to thoroughly assess

and program for each child and to make data based decisions on the progress or lack of

progress for each client.

If you're using one-size-fits-all protocols or have protocols in place that aren't working

to increase or decrease behaviors, I think you should look at this as an ethical situation

and evaluate some ways to change your own behavior as a BCBA.

As I talked about a few minutes ago, I've recently created a four-part ethical interview

series, and up until now, this ethical series has only been available as part of my verbal

behavior bundle course membership, which includes all 32 BCBA CEUs.

In the ethical series, four BCBAs with ethical expertise give their advice.

Dr. Eileen Schwartz created an ethical decision-making matrix, and covers this matrix in interview

number one of the series.

So, let's talk about the matrix and how it would relate to a child like Billy.

Part of Dr. Schwartz's ethical matrix involves asking myself why Billy's situation triggers

my ethical radar.

This is triggered because Billy's safety, and the safety of his mom, brother, and staff

members, are all at risk.

It's also an ethical issue to me because of Billy's dignity, the impact of escalating

problem behaviors on his relationships, and his overall outcome.

One of the most profound things Dr. Schwartz said during her interview was that BCBAs are

spending way too much time focusing on the little things, like, "Can I accept a cup of

coffee from a client", or "Is that a gift I must decline?"

instead of looking at larger ethical issues, like ensuring that ABA treatment leads to

dignity and quality of life for our clients.

The other three individuals I interviewed included Rosemarie Griffin, who's an SLP and

BCBA, and Drs. Megan Miller and Amanda Kelly.

For more information about the ethical series, please visit

and if you want to learn more about the verbal behavior bundle, which covers assessment and

programming for early and intermediate learners, sign up for a free online workshop at

Leave me a comment, give me a thumbs up, and share this video to help me get the word out,

and I will see you next week.

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