Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 26 2018

Compartir  Después de que Argentina pende de un hilo, el primer gol del mismo fue por parte de Messi

 Gracias a un pase de Banega y el gol del número 10 al minuto 14 del juego, Maradona entra en crisis por el esfuerzo del país para seguir en el Mundial de Rusia 2018

    "Gol de Messi y Diego entra en trance", compartió un usuario. GOOOOL DE MESSI y DIEGO ENTRA EN TRANCE #MARADONA #Messi pic

twitter.com/HzMkXwOOc4  — Sebas Maspons (@MaspiTV) 26 de junio de 2018    TFA Compartir

For more infomation >> Maradona celebra exaltado gol de Messi y entra en trance (+video) - Duration: 1:09.


Local organization devoted to helping youth gets a well-deserved surprise from Mike Rowe - New Day N - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> Local organization devoted to helping youth gets a well-deserved surprise from Mike Rowe - New Day N - Duration: 8:55.


Exercise Physiology Principles for Singers | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> Exercise Physiology Principles for Singers | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 7:09.


Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Demo Review: Cyberpsychosis - Duration: 8:35.

Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadQueen show!

I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu, we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 video for you,

as usual

and today we're going to discuss Cyberpsychosis in Cyberpunk 2077

with the information that we could see in

the demo of the game that was privately shown this E3

Before we start explaining how Cyberpsychosis was implemented in the demo and the possible

ramifications on that, in case you don't know what Cyberpsychosis is you can visit

this video first to learn about that, you will also find a link in the description

And for the slower people of the class, yes I did see the demo myself, I said I got sick

in the first 10 minutes of the demo not that I left the room,

if I couldn't stand uncomfortable situations

I wouldn't go to E3 in the first place

According to the demo, cyberpsychosis is going to be present in the game

At one early point of the demo, while the main character V and her companion Jackie

were walking down the streets of Night City we could see a team of police officers that

were investigating a crime scene of a cyber psycho killing rampage

With this, I believe that is safe to assume that NPCs will have the possibility of going

cyberpsycho and we may encounter some killing rampages during the game, and when we do so,

we will decide how to act, because, after all, cyber psychos are the responsibility

of the Psychosquad

unless you're in the Combat Zone

On the other hand, at some point in the demo, V went to see her ripperdoc, that is how MedTechs

are called in this universe when they don't have a respectable position, she went to see

her ripperdoc to buy some implants, in the case of the demo we saw, V acquired a cyberlink

for her weapon and a Kiroshi eye implant

In this scene, V was lying on the doctor's couch and in the upper part of the screen

you could see a menu with the different options of cyber-implants available, and, good news,

they had a humanity cost associated

In terms of gameplay, and I explain this again because I am not sure if I explained that

in the Cyberpsychosis video, I think that there is only a lore explanation, in terms

of gameplay, your character has associated a certain amount of empathy points, and this

empathy determines how well do you relate to other people, and empathy is the stat that

rules actions such as romancing, convincing, lying or leadership

For each point in empathy you have ten points in humanity, meaning that for every ten points

of humanity lost, you lose a point in empathy

How do you lose humanity points?

Every cybernetic enhancement has associated a cost in humanity that, as I said before,

appears in the demo, that can be lower or higher depending on the nature of the cyber implant

How fast can you browse the new Cyberware catalogue?

Watch a film?

Maybe cheking your neural implants?

Watch the News?

maybe Sports?

The new Portable Dataterm™ moves as fast as you do

Portable Dataterm™ Faster. Smarter. Click

The thing starts to get bleak when you reach the

threshold of 3 empathy points

When you have 3 empathy points you're a cold person, but incredibly cold

With 2 points, you're forbidding and unpleasant to others and when you reach 1 point of empathy

you're a vicious and violent sociopath, that needs to constantly fight himself to

keep from committing violent acts of murder

How does that sound?

If you reach 0, this is final death, you lose control of your character and that's it

In terms of lore, you gave your character sheet to the game director to break it and

start a new character

According to Adam Badowski, game director of Cyberpunk 2077, the game is not going to

allow the character to reach this zero level of empathy, because if it did so, then you

would totally lose control of your character and "game over" arcade style, and that

is a way to treat cyberpsychosis that makes complete sense with the lore

However, all the questions and comments I read regarding becoming a cyberpsycho in Cyberpunk

2077, of people that say that they'd like to have the option of becoming a cyberpsycho,

are not describing the lowest level of empathy, which is zero, but empathy one, where you

need to constantly control yourself to keep you from going over the edge, and you even

may "accidentally" kill a meatbag or two

That's the closest you can get to be a cybepsycho and I think that's close enough, you still

have a decent control of yourself to be able to perform actions, but be careful because

the thirst of blood may take hold eventually

Becoming a cyberspsycho is not a black or white thing, you're not the most lovely

and sympathetic person in the universe and then

one day you wake up and start killing people

It's a degradation where you're losing humanity gradually, and this gives a lot of

shades of gray to play with

Although we know that this way of losing humanity is going to be implemented in the game, or

at least was implemented in the demo, we don't know yet all the possible ramifications this

will have in terms of gameplay, but if you reach empathy 3 you can forget about romancing

or being convincing when you lie

Apart from that, considering the amount of different approaches, and dialogue options

that we have, is more than likely that the differences in empathy would open different

dialogue options, while a high empathy pool may give you more sympathetic and human dialogues,

with a low empathy you could use the word "meatbag" a little too much, express yourself

in an especially violent way or be quite a sociopath in general

In terms of lore, there are ways to regain your empathy in case you got too far and,

no, removing implants is not enough, if you go psycho you have to go to therapy that usually

includes braindance and drugs

This is in the lore but, unfortunately, we don't know yet if it's going to be in the game

Another of the consequences of going cyberpsycho

is that the psychosquad may put an eye on you

A bullseye

For the safety of us all

Depending on how illegal your edgerunner activities are, you may not want this branch of the Night

City Police Department to have you constantly monitored in case you enhance yourself a little

too much

Again, this, as well as therapy, are options that are in the lore but we don't know if

we're going to see them in the game

Apart from the gameplay mechanics, there are also storytelling implications in the implementation

of Cyberpsychosis that we discussed in the previous video and you can find in this link

and also in a link in the description

Well, folks, thanks for watching

If you like what we do and you'd like us to keep doing it, please consider supporting

us on Patreon

See you in next videos and stay being amazing!

For more infomation >> Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Demo Review: Cyberpsychosis - Duration: 8:35.


¿El Pollo Álvarez provocó una nueva crisis de pareja entre Lourdes Sánchez y el Chato Prada? - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> ¿El Pollo Álvarez provocó una nueva crisis de pareja entre Lourdes Sánchez y el Chato Prada? - Duration: 2:26.


Cirujano Hierro - Duration: 12:09.

 Tan a dieta se ha puesto España con el balón que ha llegado a octavos en los huesos

Avanza por el Mundial, sí. Pero tan desvalida que la pelota ya no intima ni con Iniesta, como en la jugada del gol inicial de Marruecos

El mal tufo de la primera fase suscita una cirugía sobre la marcha, tan repentina como súbito ha sido el devenir español desde el intempestivo enlace entre el Real Madrid y Julen Lopetegui

 A cinco días del cruce con Rusia en su salsa de Moscú, la Roja tiene que replantearse los reclutas, aunque ello suponga abdicar, solo de forma transitoria, del pensamiento propio que hizo de este equipo una celebridad

Un conjunto que se ha presentado en la pasarela de Rusia con su mejor frac. Con los mejores intérpretes a tiro, aunque ello supusiera presentar ante Portugal y Marruecos alineaciones titulares con una media de edad de 29,79 años y 29,71, respectivamente

Pese a la brillante fase de clasificación, el ayer no ha despejado un hoy inquietante

A veces, por distintas circunstancias, hay que dar un paso lateral para recobrar la confianza y volver a ser uno mismo

 Visto que por su ruta no da con el camino más adecuado, España debiera corregirse a tiempo

Sin ir más lejos lo ha hecho Alemania, el campeón. Para forzar su supervivencia, y antes de que fuera tarde tras la derrota con México, Joachim Löw no dudó en aparcar a jerarcas como Özil y Khedira

No es cuestión de que tal o cual jugador se sienta señalado con cruces. El cortoplacismo de un Mundial obliga a decisiones instantáneas que no tienen que ver con la trayectoria de un futbolista determinado, sino con su momento de forma, físico y mental

Lo mismo da que se llamen De Gea, Carvajal, Thiago, Silva o Diego Costa. Todos estupendos futbolistas que seguirán siendo magníficos jugadores

Pero ahora no hay otro mañana que el hoy en Rusia.  El mal diagnóstico de España no remite a uno o varios futbolistas concretos, sino a un fallo multiorgánico —ni los implicados atinan con las causas— que ha afectado más a unos que a otros

El equipo ha perdido el subsidio de la pelota. Se ve extraviado y corneado como nunca

Es hora de saber si Fernando Hierro y sus centuriones son capaces de forzar un tratamiento de choque que corte a tiempo la hemorragia

No se trata de poner en jaque el formato que encumbró a esta selección, pero sí de dejarlo entre paréntesis a la vista del desencuentro, quizá momentáneo, entre el balón y quienes eran sus cofrades más distinguidos

Tiempo habrá de revisar qué ha fallado para que la pelota ya no silbe igual y haya dejado de ser la mejor coartada ofensiva y defensiva para no ir en tanga

Sea contra CR, Irán o Marruecos.  Antes de que intervengan los oportunistas de la razón a la carta, no conviene olvidar que el flirteo de la Roja con el balón nunca fue una cursilería, como sostenían con saña esos cainitas corifeos del fútbol machote

Aquellos que desde sus atalayas con alcanfor eran tan interesadamente amnésicos con los días de furia y barbecho

De nada le sirvió a la selección ser un conjunto cachas, siempre se topaba con alguno más forzudo

Todo lo contrario desde que decidió que con la pelota en su caja fuerte hasta los hercúleos alemanes se vencían como nunca

 Si España escaló entre la élite fue por una exclusiva contrarreforma que la hizo tan singular como universal a partir de la mejor añada de futbolistas de su centenaria historia

En Rusia, desde que tuvo que cambiar de muda a la carrera, Hierro ha querido que la letra perdurara, pero la música no ha sonado igual por mucho que se perpetúen reputados intérpretes

Ya desafinó en los amistosos previos ante Suiza y Túnez, aún con Lopetegui. El aire telonero de aquellos envites restó gravedad a los síntomas

 Llegados los partidos oficiales han aflorado las costuras. Paradójicamente, antes de que la Roja se quedara sin sus sedosos pies ya se había quedado sin manos, las de De Gea

Contra Portugal, se sobrepuso a su modo, adiestrando la pelota para colonizar el juego durante el tramo final del primer tiempo y el inicio del segundo

Fue el último rastro de la España más natural de la década. Solo fue un espejismo ante lo que estaba por llegar

Fisuras y más fisuras  Las citas con Irán y Marruecos dispararon todas las alarmas

De un conjunto sinfónico a once soledades. De la clásica España hipotensa con el balón a una España intemperante

Con De Gea momificado bajo el larguero, y Ramos y Piqué ejerciendo como nunca de antidisturbios en su área

Para cuidar el tendal del portero y el suyo. Nada de tocar la corneta en dirección contraria, siempre más engorroso para los zagueros cuando no notan las espaldas seguras y el escudo de la posesión de la pelota ya no les protege por delante

 Por el camino, Busquets, en una selva que no es su hábitat, ya no fue la baliza acostumbrada

El hombre proclamó en público su filia con Koke en la misma conferencia de prensa en la que Hierro exponía a su lado: "No somos un equipo de músculo"

Así que ante Marruecos Busi hubo de bailar con un irrelevante Thiago, guardián en los últimos dos años de las genuinas esencias

Pero nada se ha olido de aquella fragancia, sin Silva a la vista y solo algunas teclas de Iniesta

Las últimas gotas de aquel elixir han llegado por Isco, pero de forma muy dispersa

En su afán, el malagueño ha querido ser Isco, Iniesta, Silva, Thiago, Busquets y hasta Ramos

Contra Marruecos fue llamativa su vocación por canalizar el juego en ocasiones desde la coronilla de los centrales

 Todo muy confuso, resuelto en gran parte por la puntería de Diego Costa, contra Portugal e Irán más dispuesto para el gol que para enraizar con el estilo, que ha terminado por ser tan fatigoso como el propio delantero hispano-brasileño

Y lo que quedaba de andamiaje se fue el garete cuando con Marruecos el equipo ya no tuvo ni pizca de gracia, ni pizca de Costa

No hubo manera de rebajar el debate sobre De Gea y, cuando parecía cerrada una tregua sobre el ariete emergió Aspas como flotador

 Demasiados embrollos a resolver mientras el equipo ensaya esta semana en la sopera de Krasnodar (cerca de los 40 grados)

Todo tan inextricable que a Hierro le ha llegado el turno de ser Hierro a secas, sin ataduras con su amigo Lopetegui

Es hora de que presente su enmienda. Si no a la totalidad, al menos parcial. Si el balón ya no susurra habrá que pedirlo a gritos


For more infomation >> Cirujano Hierro - Duration: 12:09.


Meghan Markle eclipsa a Isabel II en Buckingham con un look de Prada - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle eclipsa a Isabel II en Buckingham con un look de Prada - Duration: 2:42.


¡Qué shock! Cande Tinelli sorprendió con un look completamente diferente - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> ¡Qué shock! Cande Tinelli sorprendió con un look completamente diferente - Duration: 1:17.


Why Are Cylon Basestars So Useless? - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Why Are Cylon Basestars So Useless? - Duration: 3:47.


Supreme Court says California abortion notice law is likely unconstitutional - Duration: 6:09.

Supreme Court Just Made Monumental Ruling That Has Now Crushed California.

In a monumental decision for religious freedom and free speech, the Supreme Court in favor

of pro-life groups that counsel pregnant women to make choices other than abortion.

This ruling invalidated a California law that required pro-life centers, such as pregnancy

medical clinics, to prominently post information on how to obtain a state-funded abortion.

In a 5-4 ruling, the court ruled the state law was a violation of the Constitution.

The decision will have far-reaching effects casting doubt on the validity of similar laws

in place in Hawaii and Illinois.

The decision marks the first time the country's highest court chose to hear an abortion-related

case during the Trump administration.

Pro-life advocates, including The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA),

praised the Supreme Court for their decision in NIFLA vs. Becerra in what it considers

a "critical free speech case."

NIFLA founder and president Thomas Glessner, J.D, in a statement – "California's

threat to pro-life pregnancy care centers and medical clinics counts among the most

flagrant violations of constitutional religious and free speech rights in the nation.

The implications of the Supreme Court's decision, in this case, will reverberate nationwide,

to similar unconstitutional laws in Illinois and Hawaii."

The California law from 2015 dubbed the "Reproductive FACT Act" (AB 775) previously required all

pro-life pregnancy centers to post signage notifying their patients where and how they

can receive state taxpayer-funded abortions.

The law applied to hundreds of privately funded pregnancy centers.

California has a significant bias in maximizing abortions in their state and it shows.

Many California lawmakers receive campaign donations directly from Planned Parenthood.

Lawmakers such as Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Senator Kamala Harris are among

the recipients.

Abortion is not the only option and should never be promoted as such.

Adoption is also an option, as is education and job training options for young mothers.

Many consider this a major blow to the eugenics agenda against the evil of Planned Parenthood

and their life stealing agenda.

Pro-life groups across the country praised the Supreme Court's decision to affirm life,

free speech, and religious freedom today.

Pro-life centers petitioned the Supreme Court to hear their case after the San Francisco-based

9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against them last year.

The court sided with the state in a 3-0 ruling, saying that the state was acting within its

power of regulating medical providers.

The appeals court also ruled similarly stating that abortion advertisements in pro-life centers

did not violate free speech rights because such signage stated facts without encouraging

women to actually seek an abortion.

However, after hearing the case the Supreme Court did not agree.

The Pacific Justice Institute filed a request for the Supreme Court to review the law.

They argued that the state had effectively stripped pro-life centers and the people who

run them of their right to free speech, much like Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil

Rights Commission which was also recently ruled on by the Supreme Court.

Alliance Defending Freedom petitioned the Supreme Court to halt the law, arguing that

it forced the pro-life centers to act contrary to their core mission and violated their constitutionally

protected freedoms.

Alliance Defending Freedom's Senior Counsel Kevin Theriot welcomed the Supreme Court's


Theriot said in a statement –

"Forcing anyone to provide free advertising for the abortion industry is unthinkable—especially

when it's the government doing the forcing.

This is even more true when it comes to pregnancy care centers, which exist specifically to

care for women who want to have their babies.

The state should protect freedom of speech and freedom from coerced speech.

Information about abortion is just about everywhere, so the government doesn't need to punish

pro-life centers for declining to advertise for the very act they can't promote."

Ashley McGuire, Senior Fellow with The Catholic Association, said that she hopes this Supreme

Court decision will "put an end to these unwarranted free speech assaults so that the

centers and their staff can go on helping women without harassment from the abortion


Recent efforts to force America's pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion isn't

just an attack on free speech, it's an attack on the vulnerable women who find help and

healing in them.

These centers offer pregnant women in crisis a true choice in addition to dignified care

and do so with no profit motive and no political agenda, unlike their abortion clinic alternatives."

Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life, also praised the decision.

"These benevolent centers, which exist solely to provide love and support for women facing

unexpected pregnancies and have no financial interest at stake, should not be forced to

violate their first amendment right to freedom of speech and conscience.

March for Life will showcase the heroic work of the pregnancy care movement at the 2018

March for Life with the theme 'Love Saves Lives,'" she said.

Catherine Glenn Foste of Americans United for Life said she was "pleased" to hear

the decision, stating – "Pregnancy Care Centers provide holistic care, resources,

and hope for vulnerable women who are facing unplanned pregnancies, and they should not

be compelled to promote the abortion industry's agenda by posting signs that violate their

mission and core values."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Supreme Court says California abortion notice law is likely unconstitutional - Duration: 6:09.


¡Por primera vez, Araceli González mostró a su bellísimo hermano! ¡Bombonazo! - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> ¡Por primera vez, Araceli González mostró a su bellísimo hermano! ¡Bombonazo! - Duration: 4:13.


Ford Ka 1.2 Grand Prix s/s Nap Lmv Airco Radio/Cd - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Ford Ka 1.2 Grand Prix s/s Nap Lmv Airco Radio/Cd - Duration: 0:49.


ॐ WISH mantra for WISHES COME TRUE with Green Tara Goddess mantra - Duration: 15:32.

Be blessed All 💖💖💖


For more infomation >> ॐ WISH mantra for WISHES COME TRUE with Green Tara Goddess mantra - Duration: 15:32.


Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 110pk Ambition Business DSG | Navi | - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 110pk Ambition Business DSG | Navi | - Duration: 1:12.


Fiat 500 0.9 TwinAir Lounge Nap Lmv Airco Cruise - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 0.9 TwinAir Lounge Nap Lmv Airco Cruise - Duration: 0:53.


✅ Odchudzony Michał Piela na zlocie fanów serialu "Ojciec Mateusz" - Duration: 1:12.

Michał Piela (39 l.), aktor znany z roli aspiranta Nocula w serialu "Ojciec Mateusz", wziął się za sobie po tym, jak lekarz zdiagnozował u niego cukrzycę

Schudł ponad 30 kg. "Nie było wyjścia i musiałem zmienić nawyki żywieniowe. Gotowanie zostawiłem małżonce, bo jestem smakoszem kuchni śląskiej, a ta jest dość kaloryczna

Moja żona świetnie sobie poradziła, przystosowała się do mnie, co na pewno bardzo mi pomogło w samodyscyplinie. Choroba nie jest zaawansowana, ale jednak gdzieś tam z tyłu głowy wiesz, że musisz się pilnować, dbać o zdrowie" - wyznał w jednym z wywiadów

Na pierwszym zlocie fanów "Ojca Mateusza" w Sandomierzu aktor zaprezentował się w lżejszej odsłonie.

For more infomation >> ✅ Odchudzony Michał Piela na zlocie fanów serialu "Ojciec Mateusz" - Duration: 1:12.


Uomini e Donne, Sossio Aruta innamorato? Le parole forti per Ursula | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Sossio Aruta innamorato? Le parole forti per Ursula | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.


豊田自動織機、フォークリフトなど7月16日より値上げ 平均3.0% - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 豊田自動織機、フォークリフトなど7月16日より値上げ 平均3.0% - Duration: 1:57.


Direct Confidential: i segreti del cellulare di Chef Rubio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Direct Confidential: i segreti del cellulare di Chef Rubio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:40.


Nozze Al Bano-Power, la risposta della Lecciso: 'Lo escludo ma non entro nel merito ' - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Nozze Al Bano-Power, la risposta della Lecciso: 'Lo escludo ma non entro nel merito ' - Duration: 3:42.


Seat Leon ST 1.0TSI 132PK StyleConn|LED|17INC|DAB|Camer - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon ST 1.0TSI 132PK StyleConn|LED|17INC|DAB|Camer - Duration: 1:10.


RUSSLAND vs SPANIEN - Militärische Stärke - 2018 (Fußball) - Duration: 3:35.

Military Power Comparison

Russia vs Spain

Military Ranking

FIFA Ranking

Total Population

Defense Budget

Active Military Personnel

Nuclear Weapon


Armored Fighting Vehicles

Multiple Rocket Launchers

Self-Propelled Artillery

Towed Artillery


Attack Aircraft

Transport Aircraft

Trainer Aircraft


Attack Helicopters

Air force

Aircraft Carriers






Patrol Boats


World Cup appearances

World Cup victories

For more infomation >> RUSSLAND vs SPANIEN - Militärische Stärke - 2018 (Fußball) - Duration: 3:35.


Deschamps reconoció que no quisieron correr demasiados riesgos - Duration: 2:13.

 "El objetivo era quedar primeros y lo logramos", dijo en la rueda de prensa posterior al partido, en la que explicó la pasividad mostrada en algunos momentos por los suyos con la premisa de "no tomar riesgos innecesarios" que hicieran peligrar el liderazgo en el Grupo C del Mundial

 Admitió que el partido fue "aburrido al final", pero argumentó que también a otras grandes selecciones como España y Alemania les ha costado en este Mundial jugar contra combinados que se cierran bien en defensa

 "Incluso España y Alemania se han encontrado con dificultades en esta fase de grupos con equipos que se cierran", dijo , al comentar la incapacidad de Francia de meter gol a una Dinamarca bien armada en defensa

 Con todo, destacó que su equipo tuvo "siete u ocho oportunidades de marcar" ante una Dinamarca que "se cierra bien atrás"

 "Nos faltó movilidad y rapidez en el pase. Por otra parte, he dejado descansar a los jugadores que disputaron los dos primeros partidos", señaló en un claro toque de atención a Dembélé y Lemar, que saltaron esta tarde al césped de Luzhniki como titulares y que no aprovecharon la oportunidad para demostrar su valía

 Por otro lado, explicó que tuvo que sentar en el banquillo a tres jugadores para evitar que vieran una tarjeta amarilla y no pudieran jugar los octavos

 "Tuve que defender a los que tenían la tarjeta amarilla y el resto de los jugadores también merecían una oportunidad para jugar", apuntó al respecto

For more infomation >> Deschamps reconoció que no quisieron correr demasiados riesgos - Duration: 2:13.


Em Segundo Sol, Laureta (Adriana Esteves) não dá ponto sem nó! Assim que fica sabendo que Luzia (Gio - Duration: 3:49.

 Em Segundo Sol, Laureta (Adriana Esteves) não dá ponto sem nó! Assim que fica sabendo que Luzia (Giovanna Antonelli) vai se encontrar com Manu (Luisa Arraes) em um hotel, a poderosa liga para Karola (Deborah Secco) e entrega tudo

 "Karola, me escuta… Galdino tá aqui do meu lado! Ele confirmou o endereço onde Ícaro fazia programa com a cliente que só queria conversar! E daí que essa cliente é a mãe dele! É, a marisqueira

Anota o endereço…"  "U-hum. Sei onde fica. Acabou a mariscada! Vou mandar a polícia lá!", responde a loira, animada

Confira o resumo do capítulo desta terça-feira (26/06):  Luzia se preocupa com Manuela

Dodô reclama do interesse de Clóvis por Gorete. Um homem entrega um pacote para Remy

Remy questiona Gorete sobre Dodô, e desconfia. Laureta revela a Karola que Ícaro se encontrou com Luzia

Clóvis e Gorete se beijam. Karola não deixa Laureta falar com Valentim. Valentim defende Rosa para Beto

Luzia/Ariella aconselha Manuela a marcar um encontro com a mãe biológica. Ionan tenta defender Maura de Viana

Maura confidencia a Ionan que é lésbica. Dodô não consegue explicar sua implicância com Gorete para Remy

Karola tenta seduzir Beto. Rochelle provoca Manuela, e Zefa tenta acalmar a menina

Manuela diz a Cacau que deseja falar com a mãe. Laureta descobre o endereço de Luzia e avisa a Karola

Manuela vai ao encontro com a mãe. Ionan e Maura recebem uma denúncia sobre Luzia

Luzia chega ao hotel e Groa tem um mau pressentimento. Fique por dentro!  Fique por dentro de tudo o que rola na sua novela favorita

Os resumos, novidades e últimas notícias de Segundo Sol, aqui no seu Área VIP!

For more infomation >> Em Segundo Sol, Laureta (Adriana Esteves) não dá ponto sem nó! Assim que fica sabendo que Luzia (Gio - Duration: 3:49.


Rafonix planuje powrót na YouTube i będzie robił streamy na wersalce *Dru.nk stream* - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Rafonix planuje powrót na YouTube i będzie robił streamy na wersalce *Dru.nk stream* - Duration: 1:48.


How to Use Google Home Continued Conversations - Duration: 4:58.

Hello everyone. Thanks for tuning in again. If you have a Google Home, then

I'll almost guarantee that you've been looking forward to Continued

Conversations by Google. Now this feature has been rolled out and I'm going to show

you today how to use Continuous Conversations on your Google Home, how to get Continued Conversations enabled, and of course I'm going to

show you a few of the quirks about it that you might not know right out of the

box. So let's get going. Google's continued conversations feature is

relatively easy to get set up. I'm going to show you on an iPhone here. In the Google

Home application, you just need to head to the menu, and then more settings. Once

inside there, you're going to see your Preferences menu option, and then you're

going to head into Continued Conversation. In this section of the Google Home app you can

see which devices you own where this is available, or going to be available.

Continued Conversations only works on English US devices, so you have to set

your language to that, and then they will show up here. Once they have the

right firmware on board, I had to have 1.32

at least or better in order to get this working. So you just need to take this

slider at the top to the righ,t and then you've enabled Continued Conversation on

your device. That's it. Once I head out of my preferences, I can slide down

to the devices, here's where your assistant language is. I went into my

basement home device, and you can see I have English United States selected. Even

though I'm in Canada, this is still working for me. I just have to have that

language selected. So let me show you a demo, and then I'll show you some of the

nuances about this with the Google Home. "What's the weather like?" "Currently in New

York City it's 81 and partly cloudy. Today it will be partly cloudy with a

forecasted high of 82 and a low of 62." "And what about tomorrow?" "In New York City

tomorrow it'll be mostly sunny with a high

of 77 and a low of 64." "Is there rain in the forecast?" "No it won't rain tomorrow in

New York City." "Thanks Google." "No problem." Now here just on the Google Home support

page, again Continued Conversation is available only when your Google Assistant

language is set to English United States. You're going to wake your device with the normal wake

words that you use. The only difference is once Google Home has completed

answering your question or your query, it's going to listen for about eight

seconds, or up to eight seconds for any follow-up questions. What I've noticed

using the device is it's much less than eight seconds unless your room is quite

noisy. How do you end this? Otherwise it will continue to listen for

eight seconds and continue the conversation. So you can end it by saying

"thank you", "thanks Google", or "I'm done". Any of those will stop the device which you

saw me use in the demo. There are a few things you can't use with continued

conversation. Basically they call it an active session, so during a phone call,

during alarms or timers, when they're actually going off, when it's ringing, or

when you're listening to music or video on your Google Home. One thing to note is

the only visual notification you get is that the lights on the top of the Google

Home will stay on when the device is listening. This doesn't change anything

from before, it's just that you will notice that those lights remain on

for much longer now. One last thing to tell you about, this is pretty

interesting, one person can ask a question, and then a second person can

ask the follow-up question. So you can basically have a multi person

conversation with Google Home. The only thing is you'll need to be wary of is when

asking for personal information. Once you have your voice assistant trained to

your voice, if person one asks about like a calendar event and

then person two within that same query with continued conversation enabled asks

about their calendar, that's not going to work. You're going to need to basically

stop the session, and then let that second person go ahead and ask their


For more infomation >> How to Use Google Home Continued Conversations - Duration: 4:58.


What It's Like To Have LASIK Surgery - Duration: 7:56.

This video is going to be about my experience with LASIK.

If you're squeamish about things around the eyeball, probably not the video for you.

I found a lot of information about how the procedure works medically but I couldn't

really find much about what it was like to be a patient during the procedure. So

the first thing that you need to know is whether or not you're a candidate.

There's lots of reasons you might be disqualified but the biggest one is that

you need to have stable vision for three years. A consultation is the first thing

that you're going to do. There they're going to measure your eyes and look into

your medical history to see if you're a candidate for LASIK. If you're someone

who wears contacts, the week before that appointment you should not be wearing

your contacts. This is because contacts actually change the shape of your eye

and so they want to see a more natural shape. At that consultation if you're

ready, then you can set up the appointment for your surgery at that

time. They'll tell you your cutoff date for when you're not allowed to wear

contacts anymore. For some people it's only gonna be two

weeks, for me it was actually a full month. Now you're gonna have to order some

medicated eye drops so that you have them on the day of your procedure. My eye

doctor actually shipped them right to me. You're also going to have to buy a

million artificial tears. I recommend getting the big box at Costco. They said

at least thirty and then I ended up needing like nine thousand. And then the

week before your surgery you're going to have a pre-op appointment with either

your regular doctor or your surgeon. That appointment is a lot like any other

regular eye doctor's appointment. They're really just measuring your eye, checking

it out, and then they dilate them. Which is always super trippy so it's best not

to drive after you've dilated your eyes. Surgery day! One of the weirdest things

about LASIK is that scents can affect the laser so you can't wear perfume or hand

lotion or even deodorant. I was extra careful and I didn't even wash my hair

with shampoo that day because I didn't want to take any risks. Expect to spend

two or three hours there but the actual procedure was only five to ten minutes

for me. They're gonna re-measure your eyes, give you some numbing drops

possibly offer you some drugs. They gave me Valium, which they said was less for

pain and more to help me sleep after the procedure. Once we were actually ready to

do the surgery they took me into a dark surgical room that wasn't actually super

surgically. We had to wear the booties, but I didn't wear a gown or anything.

There was this machine that you kind of had to slide into a little bit and then

they taped your eyelids open or closed depending on which eye they were using.

For me they did right-left, right-left. The first part of the procedure and the

most uncomfortable is the creation of the flap. There are other kinds of LASIK

that don't involve the flap, but this video is

not about them. So to start, after taping my eye open, they put suction around the

white part of your eye, I'm not sure what it's called. Like I said, this is not a

medical video. That section is the most uncomfortable part of it, but it holds

your eyeball in place so that you don't move it around and screw it up. That

suction also caused some bruising which I'll put a picture of over here. I'm two

and a half weeks away from my appointment and I still have a teeny bit

of bruising, but it should clear up in the next week. I will show you.

So once the suction was on, they asked me to focus on a light which was super

blurry. Then they used the laser to create air bubbles under the surface of the eye.

This assists in creating the flap which allows them to open up the eye. Once the

flap is created for one eye, they then switch to the other to create the

other flap. Then they move back to the original eye and do the actual changing

of the eye shape. There they remove tissue in order to change the shape of

the eye. So let's say this here is your eyeball. The light comes in comes in at a

point and this is where it needs to end up. What's happening when you have poor

vision is that it's not quite landing where it's supposed to. So they're

removing tissue to change that focal point. The weirdest part about the

procedure for me was that I felt like I was blinking, and they would of course

tell me not to move my eye, but I would move the muscles that cause blinking and

it wouldn't actually cause me to blink because I had the suction around my

eyeball. So it was a really weird sensation because I felt like I was

blinking, but I wasn't. The procedure was uncomfortable, but if you've ever taken

contacts out after sleeping in them it's kind of the same feeling. Removing the

tape off my eyelids was the most painful part. So you can't drive home from your

surgery. If you need a ride and you've never used Uber or Lyft, I'll put some

referral codes around here. If you use the Lyft one it supports me directly. You

have to start using the eye drops immediately after the procedure, every 15

minutes. They also will give you these super attractive goggles. These goggles

are for sleeping in so that you don't accidentally hurt your eyeballs. The

biggest risk following LASIK, especially right after it, is opening up that flap.

So you have to sleep in these goggles for at least a week. It's recommended you

also wear the goggles during the day, but you don't really need to as long as

you're not doing anything high-risk that could hit your eyeball. Like maybe having

kids. I didn't want to look quite that ridiculous but I did still want to

protect my eyes so I went to a store that does kind of costumey things and I

got some glasses there were no prescription so I wouldn't accidentally

stab myself in the eye and it would help me remember not to rub my

eyes. The drops that you need to use are Durezol, which is a steroid that you

need to take three times daily. Zymaxid, which is an anti-inflammatory which you

need to take four times daily, and artificial tears which you need to take

every 15 to 45 minutes. I'm really bad at taking things when I'm supposed to so I

used an app called Medisafe. So it has an alarm that goes off but more importantly

it has a reminder alarm if you don't actually mark it as taken. That's a very

helpful for me. The next day after surgery they'll ask you to come in for a

post-op appointment. Your eyes should already have improved a

lot and you can drive right to that appointment, which is exactly what I did.

I went to my post op and then I went to work with no problems. At the post op

they were really just checking out my eyes and it gave me the opportunity to

donate my glasses. Definitely donate your glasses instead of throwing them away so

they can get some reused by someone who needs them.

One week after my appointment they asked me to come in for a post-op at my

regular eye doctor. My vision certainly hadn't reached its peak but it was

significantly better and I didn't need my contacts or glasses. I'll continue to

have post-op appointments for in the next few months. For me those

appointments were all included in the cost of my surgery. Your eyesight is

expected to continue improving for up to three months, in some cases it can even

be six months. There is a chance that you may need a follow-up procedure. Sometimes

something goes wrong and they'll ask you to come back. I didn't have that happen,

but if I did it would have been included in the cost of my surgery. So, again, this

is my personal experience. Many people have had different experiences, many

people event unsuccessful experiences. But me two and a half weeks in, it's been

extremely successful! I only just learned what 20/20 vision

actually means so I figured I'd share that with you in case you didn't know.

20/20 is considered normal or perfect vision. So a person with 20/20 vision sees

at 20 feet what they're expected to see at 20 feet, but a person with 20/40 vision

sees at 20 feet what the average person sees at 40 feet. So the bigger that

number is, The worse your vision is. Before LASIK my vision was around

20/280 to 20/300. So I could see clearly at 20

feet what the normal person could see clearly at 300 feet. Now my

vision is 20/20--- in one eye and 20/25+++ in the other. So I'm

hovering right around 20/20 but not quite there yet. But it's only been two

and a half weeks so my vision is expected to improve as my eye continues

to heal and change shape. Now let's get into some money break down. I'm gonna

move over so I can put some stuff over here. The expenses for the procedure

were the surgery, which was $3660.

additionally there was the pre and post-op appointments which were

$500. The medicated eye drops cost me $55 total between the two

and the artificial tears cost me $20, on sale at Costco four dollars off. I have

vision insurance which took off $732 dollars. So the

total for my procedure was $3503.

If I had not had insurance my total would be $4235.

LASIK is not necessarily forever and you're still

likely to need reading glasses when you hit about 40. There's also no guarantee

that it will fix your vision and you could actually have vision loss. However

it's the most common elective procedure and these cases are extremely rare. There

may be permanent side effects. Haze, glare, halos. Light sensitivity and

dryness are the most common. But honestly if you can handle contacts you can

handle LASIK and what dryness I have had hasn't even been that much of an issue.

Like I said, this isn't the medical side. I'm not a doctor, I'm just telling you

about my experience so you have a better idea of what to expect going in. If

you've any questions, feel free to put them in the comments but I might not be

able to answer everything about this topic. As always, feel free to suggest

video ideas, reach out to me via email. I have a website now where I'm selling a

board game which is kind of cool. Be safe, drive safe, be happy.

For more infomation >> What It's Like To Have LASIK Surgery - Duration: 7:56.


CAN VIRTUAL YOUTUBERS FALL IN LOVE?? #AnswerMeSenpai (feat. Kizuna Ai) | キズナアイのギリギリ質問コーナー! - Duration: 17:17.

Joey: And again we welcome!

AI-chan: Hai Domo, Virtual YouTuber Kizuna AI here!

Joey: Yay 2nd Video Collaboration with Kizuna AI

AI-chan: Yayyyyy

Joey: Last time we did a Kanji Test together and I won with no challenge at all

AI-chan: Ummm, did we do that?

Joey: Yeah yeah we did

So for those who missed out on the previous video please check it out in the descriptions below

Well this time, we're gonna have a bit of a chatting session and answer a few questions

AI-chan: Wow sounds so much fun compared to the last video we did!

Well it was fun but it got boring when I lost

Joey: Yeah at the end it was quite boring

AI-chan: Ehh please cut that part out

Joey: Ok this time we're gonna pick up a few questions that I gathered from my listeners from Twitter

I want to ask AI-chan this question! kind of questions

AI-chan: That sounds like fun!

Joey: Have you actually answered any Q&A sessions just for overseas fans?

AI-chan: Just for overseas fans? No I have done a few Q&A sessions before

and I have answered a few questions from overseas fans

Just a Q&A session for overseas fans? No haven't done one before

Joey: So this will be your first time then?

AI-chan: Yeap my first time

Joey: What kind of questions will pop out I wonder

AI-chan: Yeah looking forward to hearing them!

Joey: Alright let's get straight to them then

AI-chan: Let's go!

AI-chan: Ehhhhh

Well I wouldn't say it's not possible

I might 1 day be able to come over to the real world

and I might be able to experience romance like everybody else

Joey: Yeah that might happen

AI-chan: So yeah possibility speaking it's not zero

Joey: You'd really prefer someone who can go over to the real world and virtual world right?

AI-chan: Yeah if I'd be the only one to go back to the virtual world on my own I'd get pretty lonely

I really don't like long distance relationships

Joey: Well yeah, I'm in a long distance relationship myself so

AI-chan: Ah that's right, that's really amazing

and speaking of which when is your 2nd Year Aniversary?

Joey: Our 2nd Year Anniversary will be on the July 2nd this year

AI-chan: What you gonna do on your anniversary?

Joey: Well on the first week of July in the states there's this big Anime event called Anime Expo

AI-chan: Yes I have heard of it!

Joey: That's where we actually decided to ask each other out

So for our 2nd Anniversary we're just gonna go around during the event

AI-chan: That's so nice! Having something to do for your anniversary

That's so nice So lovey dovey

Joey: How would you be celebrating your anniversary AI-chan? If you decide on dating someone

AI-chan: How would I celebrate it?

I would love some flowers, lots of money and a room filled with girls

Is how I'd love to celebrate my anniversary

Joey: An anniversary filled with girls? Is that OK for you?

AI-chan: Can't I just have multiple wives?

Joey: If you're okay with that then no problem I guess

AI-chan: Yeap no probs

AI-chan: My most favorite manga huh, there's just lots

Erghhh not sure...

The one that I am reading at the moment by the way is

My Hero Academia

Joey: Ohhh yeah that is an interesting maga

AI-chan: Yes it is and

It's a series that I am in actually

A manga called Mahou Shoujo Site is quite interesting

A series I am actually in


Joey: You slipped in that announcement very easily there

AI-chan: No that wasn't an announcement, I was asked on what my favorite manga was so I just answered that

Joey: Oh is that so

Alright then let's leave it at that then

What's your least favorite manga then?

AI-chan: I don't have a particular manga series I dislike

If we're talking about genres, I do love girls

If it is interesting than anything goes for me

But like a manga series where there's lots of boys in it

I really don't read those kinds

Joey: So Reverse Harem?

AI-chan: Yeah reverse harem I don't particularly read

Joey: I see

AI-chan: Don't read em don't need em

But if the content itself is interesting then I don't mind if it's full of boys or not

AI-chan: Do an impression ww

So basically an anime character that resembles you?

Joey: Basically yeah and I guess who resembles you

AI-chan: Ehh who do you resemble...

Joey: AI-chan...

You are basically an anime so...

Ai-chan: I am not an Anime

because I am alive

Joey: Well previously I collabed on your channel

We uncovered the undeniable truth that

AI-chan is not a Tsundere

AI-chan: Ah yeah that's right

I really was bad at it

First off you are half Japanese

Joey: Is there an anime character that's half to begin with?

I get told by other people that

Is it an anime character? It's actually a game character

I look like the Protagonist from the game Persona 5

But I think it's my hair though

Cause looks kinda messy

AI-chan: Yeah it does

So let's go with Persona then

Joey: Alright Persona then ww

AI-chan: If you look over at Twitter

My looks resemble a character from Aikatsu, Ichigo-chan

Cause we both got ribbons

and personality wise I resemble a lot like Aqua-chan from Konosuba

So am I being praised here?

Joey: Yeah I'm not sure If you are being praised or not but I am certain

That you both are absolutely similar

Now that you mention it your personalities are similar

But yeah that's basically praising you to be honest

AI-chan: Yosh I am being praised! So happy!

Joey: I personally like Aqua too

AI-chan: Ah yay!

Joey: You look good with Twintails though is what I think

AI-chan: Ahhhh I want Twintails!

Twintails do look good on me, Ponytails too


and a Fluffy Perm

or some Feminine Buns I wanna do lots!

Joey: I am a guy so can't change my hair that easily

AI-chan: I want you to do that


Joey: Afro ww

AI-chan: No good?

Joey: Well I think I can do an Afro

But I don't know

AI-chan: Let's do it, Afro

The Anime Man, tried doing an Afro

Joey: Then I'd have to change my name to The Afroman

AI-chan: Afroman ww

AI-chan: Yeah well gotta go for my girls at Keiyakizaka 46

Their new song

Garasu wo Ware! is the choice for me

Joey: I really thought you were going to say Keiyakizaka

AI-chan: Hehehehe Correct!

AI-chan: Myself

Joey: Okay how about a historically great person?

AI-chan: Historically great person?

Hmm the person who created the computer!

Joey: The person who created the computer ww

Not sure about his name though (It's this guy btw)

AI-chan: Uhuh, but if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have existed in the first place

I think the person who created the computer was really great

You have my utmost of praises

AI-chan: Ehh where should I go?

Ah I would love to go to Love Live's world

or Nagi no Asukara's world

Joey: Nagi no Asukara is a good choice

AI-chan: Yeah it's so pretty!

Joey: Yeah so pretty

The underwater scenes are so good

AI-chan: Yeah the swimming and there's a lot of fishes around, so pretty

Where do you wanna go Anime Man-san?

Joey: Ehhh where do I want to go?

Speaking of which Shounen Anime's

Most of them have like pretty dangerous worlds right

AI-chan: Ah yeah pretty dangerous

Joey: Tokyo Ghoul is a no, Attack On Titan is too a no

AI-chan: Yeah

Joey: Sword Art Online is a no too

AI-chan: You wanna go to a world that is pretty

Joey: Ah but Konosuba's world is pretty interesting

Has that RPG kind of world kind of

and has that Sword Art Online feel

But the dangers are a bit less

AI-chan: Yeah that does sound fun

AI-chan: I'd go to the future and gather all sorts of info

And become a prophet

Joey: Ah I see but if you think of it this way, ain't it a bit scary?

AI-chan: Is it scary?

Joey: You'll be treated as a weird person

AI-chan: But if I get it right

"Oh shoot she's the real deal"

Cause I'm already weird in the first place

Joey: Yeah now that you mentioned it definitely ww

Wops i just said definitely

AI-chan: You did say definitely, YOU DID

Joey: Mario Cart for sure

AI-chan: I wanna play some Mario Cart!

Joey: A bit of a warning, I'm pretty good at Mario Cart

AI-chan: Alright let's not do Mario Cart then.

Let's play Bomberman instead

Joey: Ah Bomberman, yeah let's play Bomberman

AI-chan: Alright Bomberman

Joey: Alright we might be playing Bomberman

AI-chan: Might be

AI-chan: Ehhh what would I do

I'd probably just do a Live Stream

Joey: You'd do a Live Stream and die afterwards?

AI-chan: Because If I didn't

I wouldn't be acknowledged by anyone

and disappear just like that

So yeah I'd do a Live Stream and

all the videos that I've said no to, video's that I'm still editing

and stuff that I haven't announced yet

will put them all out then die off

Joey: That's a very YouTuber-ish way of dying ww

AI-chan: Cool right

AI-chan: I don't have a goal at the moment

Joey: YouTuber's usually don't have any goals

AI-chan: Yeah they don't

Joey: YouTuber's do basically anything whenever they possibly can

AI-chan: Well once you've done everything you can and want to just quit I guess you can call that a goal

AI-chan: I don't know because I don't know how ugly or cool guys are

I think you're cool?

Joey: You think ww

Am I being praised?

AI-chan: Cause if you're not then you couldn't have gotten a girlfriend

And you being half Japanese half Australian is a big plus

Multiple countries good traits

Joey: It's not all that convenient you know?

AI-chan: Is it not?

Compared to others, aren't you quite on the convenient side?

quite on the convenient side? ww

Apparently I'm a very convenient half

Joey: Is there anyone who hates Ghibli films?

AI-chan: Yeah never heard of anyone hating Ghibli films

Joey: Cause Ghibli is like world recognized kinda

and they're like liked by everyone worldwide

AI-chan: I liked Spirited Away by the way

Joey: Ah yeah that was a good one

My favourite Ghibli movie is Princess Mononoke

AI-chan: Ah Princess Mononoke

I really like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke

I love how their worlds are

AI-chan: I am Dere Dere

Joey: Apparently she's Dere Dere


My favorite Pokemon?

Hmmm this is hard


Joey: Pichu is cute

So you like the cute types?

AI-chan: Yeah I do!

I like that Pokemon as well

Goes like this

Joey: No I don't know ww

Could you tell me more about it's characteristics?

AI-chan: It's a Pokemon that can use Earthquake

Joey: A Pokemon that can use Earthquake?

There's a lot of em!

AI-chan: Kinda looks like this

Joey: Like that?

AI-chan: For those who know which Pokemon this is you're amazing!

Joey: Please guess in the comments below what Pokemon AI-chan is describing

AI-chan: Please write it down and

I like the Pokemon Jirachi !

Joey: Yeah Jirachi is pretty cute

AI-chan: Jirachi is cute!

Joey: I like Celebi too

AI-chan: Celibi is cute too

But the new Alola region

has different variations of past Pokemon

Joey: Yes they do

AI-chan: Vulpix is white right?

I thought that it's so cute

Joey: Personally I like Diglett Alolan form though

There's actual hair growing on top of it's head

AI-chan: Yeah when I saw that the first time I thought there's hair on it's head ww

Joey: I wonder how the next new Pokemon will look like

AI-chan: Yeah It might have an afro

AI-chan: Alright let's go

If you lose this Anime Man-san,

You have to put out a video about you talking about your girlfriend

Joey: Ehhh!

AI-chan: A video about your love for her

For more than 15 minutes

Joey: Wait wait wait hold on hold on

*Inaudible speech pattern*

What happens if you lose?

AI-chan: If I lose

I'll put out a video about me talking about my love for Keiyakizaka 46

but I have done a video about it before

Joey: Alright let's go

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Both: Scissors

Joey: Seems that we have a draw

AI-chan: One more time!

Joey: Paper AI-chan: Scissors

Oh shoot I lost

AI-chan: All right everyone be expecting THEANIMEMAN-san to talk about

his beloved girlfriend for more than 15 minutes

Joey: 15 minutes that's long!

AI-chan: Please look forward to it

Joey: Ok so I'll do an impression of your intro

AI-chan: Oh alright!

Joey: I bet It'll hurt though

AI-chan: Please do the movement too!

Joey: Alright I'll do it and AI-chan you'll judge how it is out of a 100 points

AI-chan: Ah ok ok!

Joey: Alright let's go AI-chan: Do it cute please

What'd you think of that?

AI-chan: Hmm well

About 2 points?


AI-chan: Well I wouldn't say bad

I just think that it's sad that

The original work isn't even completed yet

and It still gets an anime anyways, stuff like those

Usually gets it's own original anime ending right

and there are some works that do end halfway resulting in the anime to end halfway as well but

The ones that have their own original endings

Eh AH why did it have to end like that!?!? Kind off are quite bad

Instead of the content itself being bad

Well there might be some adult complications happening there

"We really wanted to follow the original end etc" kind of excuses

Joey: So yeah rather wait for the original to finish off first than start the anime right

AI-chan: Yeah and there's one

There's this manga called Mahou Shoujo Site

Why are you laughing?

Joey: Well actually

I have read the Mahou Shoujo Site's manga

It's quite interesting

AI-chan: It's interesting right?

Joey: It's interesting so I'll say it

Go and watch Mahou Shoujo Site guys!

AI-chan: Go watch it! Yattaaa!

Anime Man-san is so nice!

AI-chan: My height? 156 cm!

Joey: Oh so you're 156 cm?

AI-chan: Yeap

Joey: But compared to my girlfriend you're actually taller than her

AI-chan: So small! How tall is she?

Joey: She's 150 cm tall

AI-chan: Cuttteeel! That's actually quite rare? Since she's a foreigner

Joey: Hmm well she's Filipino and

Asians do have a short height average

AI-chan: So cute!

How much of a height difference do you both have?

Joey: Height difference

I am 182 cm tall

So we have 32 cm height difference

AI-chan: Wow

Joey: It's a big height difference

AI-chan: So does your neck hurt cause you look at small girls?

Joey: No no

I take that into consideration and match my gaze with hers

You so nosy ww

AI-chan: Eh what can you do to make anime real?

Let's just destroy the whole world

and remake the world with anime stuff from scratch

*building noises*

Joey: But AI-chan you are basically on that side

You're in the Virtual world but at the same time communicating with the real world

AI-chan: Yeah you're right

So the correct answer is to become AI-chan

AI-chan: become AI-chan

AI-chan: Love interest, yes I do

Joey: You do?

AI-chan: Yes I do

Joey: Who is it?

AI-chan: Do you wanna know?

Joey: Yes I do wanna know

AI-chan: Ehh what should I do

Joey: Yes please do tell

AI-chan: Actually...

I love all of my human viewers!

Joey: Ah so It's like that

Alright let's go to our last question

AI-chan: I do know what is a dab

Joey: You know what a dab is?

AI-chan: Yes I do

Joey: Alright let's go then

3, 2, 1

*intense dabbing*

Hey you do know how to dab

AI-chan: Yeap I do

Joey: Where'd you learn it from?

AI-chan: I Googled it ww

Joey: Oh you googled it ww

Alright and that concludes the Q&A session

AI-chan: Ah that was it?

Joey: Yeap

AI-chan: That was so much fun!

Joey: Yeah it was!

And that was the Q&A session

We might do another collab in the future

So stay tuned

So see you guys soon!

For more infomation >> CAN VIRTUAL YOUTUBERS FALL IN LOVE?? #AnswerMeSenpai (feat. Kizuna Ai) | キズナアイのギリギリ質問コーナー! - Duration: 17:17.


do ha & mika • all i gave you is gone - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> do ha & mika • all i gave you is gone - Duration: 3:42.


Dad Picks Up 6-Yr-Old From School Only Teachers Notice His Pants & Suddenly Realize Situation - Duration: 2:32.

Dad Picks Up 6-Yr-Old From School Only Teachers Notice His Pants & Suddenly Realize Situation.

As parents, there's nothing we wouldn't do to make our children happy and comfortable.

So when Ben Sowards, a husband and father from Utah, got a call from his 6-year-old

daughter's school that there had been a bathroom accident, he knew that he had to pick her

up right away.

Ben also knew that he had to make his daughter Valerie feel better after the embarrassment

of wetting herself.

That's when a brilliant idea popped into his head...

Before jumping in the car and heading off to Valerie's school, Ben splashed a little

water around the crotch of his pants.

In an interview with Huffington Post, Ben explained that the key to making his little

girl feel better was in making her laugh!

"Honestly, I knew she was mortified, but I thought if I could make her laugh everything

would be fine."

This would surely do the trick!

As soon as Ben walked into the principal's office, he asked to borrow Valerie's backpack.

He quietly whispered to his daughter that he needed to hide something.

At first, Valerie didn't understand why her dad needed to hide anything!

Then she looked down and saw his pants.

Ben told Huffington Post that the moment Valerie saw his pants, everything was okay.

She felt comfortable standing up and walking out of the school with confidence.

"She was totally exasperated.

But, once she saw my pants, I got that look from her where I knew everything was OK.

All dads know what look I'm talking about.

And we just strolled out of the school like nothing was happening."

All Ben had to do as a father was drive down to the school and pick up his daughter.

Wetting his pants with water was the extra step he took to make sure his she wasn't embarrassed

by something most children experience.

We need more fathers like Ben in the world!

For more infomation >> Dad Picks Up 6-Yr-Old From School Only Teachers Notice His Pants & Suddenly Realize Situation - Duration: 2:32.


WHAT DID I DO?! tattletail (read description!!) - Duration: 3:27.

here we are.

we are on a hill

and the sky.

jumping seems to be faster

i did not plan for this to be happening

why are we going around in circles??

ok im going this way

(i dont know what i said)

i really cant see anything


WHAT THE HECK. i took a breath. thats the sound you heard btw

i was so scared that i stopped talking. :0

im no longer looking...

wait what?? ill have to play this back through ((and watch))

what the heck??

what the heck did i just do guys??

well that just scared the heck out of me...

im not- im not going to play that again..

im thinking of.. taking a break of that..

just for a few days

that scared the heck out of me.(im not lying, that did)

For more infomation >> WHAT DID I DO?! tattletail (read description!!) - Duration: 3:27.


Robert Lewandowski i Kuba Błaszczykowski toczą wojnę? - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Robert Lewandowski i Kuba Błaszczykowski toczą wojnę? - Duration: 3:55.


91-year-old gives sperm sample to his concerned doctor – 3 days later he gets the shocking news - Duration: 2:36.

91-year-old gives sperm sample to his concerned doctor – 3 days later he gets the shocking


As you get older, you start to have all kinds of body problems.

That's why it's so great that you don't need to work when you're a retiree – taking

the right pills, vitamins and treatments can be something of a job in itself.

Okay, that might be exaggerating it a bit – but once you reach a certain age, you

deserve plenty of free time to do whatever you want to.

But to do that, you need to be healthy and be able to smile and laugh at life, or you

won't appreciate the free time you have.

As my grandma used to say, shared joy is double joy – and I definitely think she's right

about that.

This story sure made me smile, and I hope you'll like it too!

A 91-year-old man was requested by his doctor for a sperm count as part of his physical


The doctor gave the man a jar and said, "Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample


The next day the 91-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's office and gave him the

jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day.

The doctor looked at the jar quizzically and asked, "What happened?"

The old man explained, "Well, doc, it's like this – first I tried with my right

hand, but nothing.

Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing.

Then I asked my wife for help.

She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing.

She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, still nothing.

We even called up Arleen – the lady next door – and she tried too, first with both

hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezin' it between her knees, but still


The doctor was shocked His eyes wide, the doctor asked, "Excuse


You asked your neighbor?!?"

With a big smile, the old man replied, "Yep, none of us could get the jar open!"

He sure wasn't ready for that one!

SHARE to brighten a friend's day!

For more infomation >> 91-year-old gives sperm sample to his concerned doctor – 3 days later he gets the shocking news - Duration: 2:36.


Direct Confidential: i segreti del cellulare di Chef Rubio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Direct Confidential: i segreti del cellulare di Chef Rubio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:40.


LEGO Batman 2019 set - Bad choices by LEGO... but it's not this set's fault. - Duration: 1:50.

Hello, just2negative here, sorry we're doing it two days in a row.

But today they revealed a 2019 LEGO Batman set, which will retail for 40 bucks.

There's some interesting choice surrounding this set.

Speicifically, this minifigure.


Do you notice the new piece on this guy?

Let's think.

What minifigure could have used that so much better than the helmet they used this year.




Like yeah, we would've had printed glass designs still, but the Wasp minifigure would've looked

so much better using this piece.

Now, I hope Wasp has a big role in Avengers 4 so that they use this piece in the LEGO


Second off.

After five friggin' years.

The Flash FINALLY has his boots.

I have ZERO idea why the set from this year didn't have it.

It seems kind of scummy that they're like, hey, yes we're releasing the same figure as

last year, but now he has dual-moulded legs so you have to buy this set.

Notice how these are problems not specifically with the set itself though.

So is this a bad set in general.

I don't think so, but it's a set I don't have interest in besides the minifigures.

I'm just kinda sick of mechs, especially the Nexo Knights ones, and this is basically a

Nexo Knight one.

It's weird, this set looks like a MOC in a way.

Which I think is interesting...

Poison Ivy's stand thing doesn't interest me as well, again it looks very MOC like.

Oh, and for the minifigures, the one I really only want is Firefly I guess, and Flash's


Poison Ivy is the same as the DC Villains game, in which she looks really bland, her

face print isn't even new.

I have the LEGO Batman Movie Poison Ivy and that is a billion times better than this figure.

Honestly, I'm sort of done buying these DC Super Heroes sets 40 bucks or over at full


They always hit clearance and I only want the minifigures.

The pictures are from The Brother Brick, and what do you guys think?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

I'll see you guys later.

Peace out.


For more infomation >> LEGO Batman 2019 set - Bad choices by LEGO... but it's not this set's fault. - Duration: 1:50.





To najbardziej stylowa rodzina w Polsce? Anna Mucha z dziećmi i partnerem zadali szyku na ulicy! - Duration: 0:37.

 Anna Mucha coraz częściej na celowniku paparazzi! Niedawno paparazzi przyłapali aktorkę "M jak miłość" wraz z całą rodziną na ulicach Warszawy

Na uwagę zasługują stylizację całej czwórki - zarówno gwiazda, jak i jej partner, Marcel Sora oraz dzieci - 4-letni Teodor oraz 7-letnia Stefania - w lato stawiają na biel! Wyglądali naprawdę uroczo - zobaczcie zdjęcia z letniego spaceru popularnej rodziny!  Zobacz także: Teodor i Stefania to już duże dzieci! Zobacz sielankowe ZDJĘCIA Anny Muchy z Marcelem Sorą

For more infomation >> To najbardziej stylowa rodzina w Polsce? Anna Mucha z dziećmi i partnerem zadali szyku na ulicy! - Duration: 0:37.


Honda Civic 1.0 i-VTEC - Executive - Connect Navigatie - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.0 i-VTEC - Executive - Connect Navigatie - Duration: 1:13.


La foto in bikini di Elena Santarelli preoccupa i fan: 'È troppo magra' - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> La foto in bikini di Elena Santarelli preoccupa i fan: 'È troppo magra' - Duration: 4:28.


Mazda MX-5 1.8I 15inch-Cv-Hardtop-Stuurbekrachting 1998 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 1.8I 15inch-Cv-Hardtop-Stuurbekrachting 1998 - Duration: 1:10.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Comfort 68 pk navigatie tom tom airco elec pakket 5 deurs mv 14 inch 1 e eigen - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Comfort 68 pk navigatie tom tom airco elec pakket 5 deurs mv 14 inch 1 e eigen - Duration: 1:07.


"Leda och motivera på distans" Avsnitt 4 i serien Work in Progress - Duration: 17:47.

For more infomation >> "Leda och motivera på distans" Avsnitt 4 i serien Work in Progress - Duration: 17:47.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I ANNIVERSARY 5 drs. Climat Control Trekhaak LM velgen - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I ANNIVERSARY 5 drs. Climat Control Trekhaak LM velgen - Duration: 1:06.


Durczok jednak wrócił do dziewczyny? Fani komentują: "DZIECINADA. Dzik i jednorożec" - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Durczok jednak wrócił do dziewczyny? Fani komentują: "DZIECINADA. Dzik i jednorożec" - Duration: 4:50.


Qual o projeto do PCdoB? - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Qual o projeto do PCdoB? - Duration: 1:26.


Ela Passou CREME DENTAL na Pele 3 Dias, e no 4º Dia NÃO ACREDITOU no Resultado ❤️ - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Ela Passou CREME DENTAL na Pele 3 Dias, e no 4º Dia NÃO ACREDITOU no Resultado ❤️ - Duration: 2:31.


Travou! E agora? - Duration: 30:59.

[Music] Hello dear students of the channel Fernando K,

Today I'm going to show you a subject which is very important, which is a

business calls Watchdog, but after all What is this business coming to?

Security dog? You see that a dog here is not atoa, watch dog, watch dog means a watchdog

guard. What happens here people, we Let's talk about a problem that occurs

with their microcontrollable circuits I already did a test, I

I left it with ESP8266, with ESP32 and left it on my desk

sending, sending, sending something to the server, One fine day it hangs, why does it hang?

A lot makes a microcontroller crash people, is often an interference

electromagnetic radiation, can be a problem of power supply is not very good, it can

a lot and do the circuit brake.

So that's what happens, that's what I'll talk, here's the montage photo.

of one of the assemblies and I input Is this correct with you guys today?

So let's go! People in order to is a dog will implement the watchdog,

Using an interruption by time, by time, for a while and create a

example to simulate a lock and a watchdog I'll simulate with a little

The moment I trigger the key I go enter an infinite loop and there it will stay as

if I had set up a lock, okay? Good the staff is the next thing to do

if the program is frozen? And how to restart ESP32 without you

You have to reset physically, you will not ctrl + alt + del there right?

Understood? Even more knowing that an endPoint, with an ESP device, it may be

far away, it may be miles away from distance from you and is very

difficult then you have to have this mechanism, so the watchdog is for that, it's

that the translation is here I already told you guard dog and if it locks the

business here it will restart automatically and then we'll explain

how are we going to do it. Good how it works is this I'm not going here

too ... This is a little book, so I write only something,

because if you take the PDF later, you You know what I said here, you go.

remember. On this screen it is important talk here and I put it in red not to

forgetting is because we will use a interruption of time, an interruption

hardware, we will use a timer, a timer own ESP32 and I've been searching the

internet about ESP32 has almost no nothing, almost nobody talking about

interruption, I found it very important from here because

so professional use, let me speak here O

Professional use, people can not give you use a professional circuit micro-

controlled without you using the wacthdog why? Because watchdog it

prevents the system from locking and stays there stopped the eternal understood? So is

necessary to implement in many many cases, it is necessary to implement

watchdog and you will see that it is not difficult, not complicated, I'll explain

here, it's perfectly that or you'll get this piece of source code there and goes

to start using it is logical you have to know the criteria, I will explain that in your

criteria if you take this piece of my

source code and put it on your. So if there's already something working with ESP32

put on the watchdog it will get more stable. Well then here folks have some things,

some lines that are very important, Here I am initializing, I do

control of time, so I get This guy's pointer here, that hw_timer

and I initialize this guy already as NULL

because this guy is the one who will do the interrupt control, then I have a

timer here, that I have to make a timer, a timerBegin ie I play for

inside timer, the result of timerBegin to where i have 0 that is ed,

this zero is not zero time or nothing is a ad, the 80 is the 80 mega-hertz, knows how

config in arduino IDE? If you want a ESP32, because it has mega-hertz and the

ESP32's standard 80 mega-clock in there he multiplies this business

more frequently, but one official is that 80 megahertz you have to

Put this, I tested it, it's true and true. because you are enabling counter

progressive the timerAttachInterrupt, is as follows, it's here

this, function here, the true you have to set the timer You set to stay here and the resetModule

that's the guy who's callback him who function is it that will be called in

when the interruption occurs, which what time is it? What time does the interruption occur? At

time that time blows and I go explain well there in the source code, calm right,

but it's the next is three seconds 3 seconds,

passed these three seconds this function & resetModule here it

will be called. So, what happens? You have timeAlarmWrite

that's where you are setting what? 3 million micro second,

people I even put the 3 million micro second is a thing that three

seconds and true is because this will repeat always or always will tell

up to 3, count up to 3, count up to 3, but until he get up to 3, because so he is an accountant,

this guy is an accountant he is equal to C = C + 1 He's going to count the

time this guy counts the time if that face get to three seconds if he

reach for three seconds "pow" it resets so I can not ... How does this work?

The principle is this how it works? I can not let this timer get to

three seconds, he adds up microsecond by microsecond and goes, goes,

Go, it will arrive one hour, 3 seconds will reset. So why does it reset? It is for

if you can not increase the counter because your program

fought the "But fernando my program caught and how does he know he's going to

reset? Because it is hardware people, this timer is not a software, this timer

he is a physical accountant who has inside the chip understood that? Your program

being stopped, the time of it is rising. TimerAlarmEnable, or

timer enables interruption this is only enable function,

not here, that timerWrite what, that he does? Folks this is not a program, right? I'm

explaining function by function for later inside the program you do not get

lost, but all this is going to do meaning for you the time that people

starts to enter the source code, this does not It's the program yet, I'm just showing you how

is that we use the functions of interruption for time, right?

TimerWrite then I put timer that is that structure that I played there and this 0 ... there yes that

0 is an AID that 0 is a reset, I'm zeroing the accountant, the accountant was there

so many millions of seconds ... now Did he understand that?

B people Now I want you, more or

less with it in my head than I said I watched the video and let's go. This is

our assembly today, one of the assemblies huh?

Where do I have an ESP32, two LEDs, two managers and a push button here, then it's the next, what do I do? That

man over here, he's on a three-timer. seconds ie if I keep tight

less than three seconds it will not restart.

Now if I pass and burst the time of 3 seconds with finger pressing here that

push button what will happen? He goes restart and when it restarts it turns on

this green LED we will see? Look I'm going to keep tight the finger here, three seconds lit the green

Look, it's trashed, okay? What did I do? Everytime I rebound lights the green LED,

but look how interesting, dude that I like this pet, it restarts

Too fast, too fast, huh? So so, here again,

I pressed but I did not hold it? Now I'll hold the green LED will light up and

rebuked, so this is the watchdog already Working, okay? Well this one's personal is

following, it was an assembly I made of a master slave with a BME280, so I'm

sending temperature, humidity, pressure and This guy asks for this one and this one from here.

Send this one and I'm printing on both and here I did the following, I

I put watchdog of five seconds here and five seconds. It means that,

let's suppose that the endpoint hangs, passed, had electromagnetic interference

very big and this guy crashed, so I I'll simulate ... how do I simulate the

locking up I keep holding the inner loop

for five seconds, look, rebounded, restarted and is already sending

he has received and sent I am seeing? So if he had caught, he would

Do you understand the importance of watchdog? It's so much to teach that I should

have taught it here since the beginning. So here's the next one, here

caught, caught. You realize that you've caught on here? Catching can not go, rebounded

ready reducer is already receiving, already asked and already received back, see?

So you can crash here, you can crash here, that he always recovers, this is very

important when you have a device is miles away from

distance but rise above the building, on top of a

roof to stay giving ctrl + alt + del huh? So this here is the watchdog people,

this one is security, all the assembly that you do have to have a watchdog.

This is our montage today. Now that you've watched,

Let's continue here, let's continue. Here I want to give a message,

enter my blog fernandok se sign up with email to receive you have to

Verify your email there you will receive I'll send you an email, you confirm.

There are the following people, me too ... I I created my instagram now, so put it there.

the instagram, put on the screen the my instagram.

I want you to come into my instagram, in my facebook, did you understand? Because now I

I started recording some business, another day, boy. I received,

Dude, I got a st. I'm sleepless, man, I'm done.

sleep as long as I do not program this I do not know, I do not know. So I

ave maria I really like ST and the worst is that I I like ESP32 too.

So you'll like things like that there. far. But understand the instagram,

Facebook. In instagram I will show every time

receive a small plate from china USA I'm going to lay there first

no no instagram and then I want you to accompany, if

You have not subscribed to my channel if you subscribe and click on the bell, give

a jewel if you're liking my Video is good? Come on then, come on.

continue here. Pinout always right? What is my PDF? Booklet

huh? So here's my pinout of ESP32, the assembly that people

Did you see that I also talk about that LoRa then I both put watchdog

here in the assembly, in this simple assembly like ESP32, how much I put on the watchdog,

in the assembly of the ESP32 LoRa which is the same ESP né,

only one more chip, one LoRa chip I've already mentioned this in other videos right?

People the simplicity of the circuit, right? uses of GPIO03, GPIO04 and everyone goes

being happy is not true. So let's go ha ... I remembered one

business, i remembered a deal, The other day, I always said, I stayed

very happy because you look at mine. surprise a lot of people from portugal, put the

the flag here, a lot of people portugal is watching my videos

dude and I was very happy to know that my video crossed the sea

arrived there in portugal and it is very "spin" that right? Does not the Portuguese say that?

very cool, am I using the expression correctly? "Turn" there in

portugal means legal looks like a cool, beautiful thing, I do not know, something like that

so I'm talking like this already, I'm learning some expressions of portugal and a

hug to all our brothers Portuguese who are watching the

our video, my video and then I stayed Very happy, I get back, I get back.

I receive email from portugal I was really happy, even

Angola I already received, because after all we all we speak the same language, with some

difference or other there but it is the same language, We can understand each other, right?

So this is a big hug to you all. Let's go here,

continuing here and here is our program. We will have one each

interaction, we will, power reset our timer and

Let's use that business for that. of the lock button you already saw this on

video there, have watched, so it's a really cool business to us

will do the ESP restart is right?

Now let's start the source code. Here the source code is

here is the following the pinButton, the button I'm putting there,

I have red led, I have a green led I have to

set the pin. On here It's that timer that we defined it.

at start up as null and setup here It's not difficult, is not it, the thing is simple

until, I have serial.begin, there logic has pullup no input_pullup

because it's the button I'm going to tighten there you are

Red LED, green LED right? They have to be output right? Then I'll give you a delay.

500 milliseconds and then I do? I give a timerBegin to where?

This 0 is not an accountant 0 people, this one what is it? It's a timerID! Why is that?

timerID Fernando? Because if you want you can use four timers

You can pick up a timer every 2 Microsecond looks cool, the

every 2 microseconds I want to generate a wave, it generates a wave there with a timer,

so long, I want to do such a thing you can because you have a

control at the microsecond level, it is need? You need this business, you must,

you can trust it here. Division by 80, because it is 80 megahertz and

true it's because you're giving an okay on that guy. The timerAttachInterrupt you are passing the

timer, you already set this guy in there above, the callback function that is resetModule and

true because you're enabling this guy also and timerAlarmWrite because here

Write could be SET, could be timerAlarmSET, but I do not know what the guy wanted and put

Write, beauty same thing the structure of the timer there, 3 million microseconds that is

three seconds, I put it here also true because you're putting this in

as being true. TimerAlarmEnable hence I already agree with this writing and

I'm passing the timer argument right? Because I am enabled, from

from here this guy starts to work, only the from this Enable here, there is the following

what I do? Soon after I do the green LED

blink I give it a light on it.

he waits a second and erases, so much is that When he rebels he passes through here, then

the green LED lights up you saw in the video there the led green, did not they see? So that's all,

It's a simple thing, people. Here in the loop, now that the guy is going to stay all

repeating time, thank God it all fit into a screen, our face I love, that's why I do

code, think if I loop that has ten pages of loop you are

fried to understand this business Why do I even have to change the screen?

every time is complicated, so I always I do the programinha pequinhoininho so

What is didactic, right? I'll even make a comment here, let me do it

comment is the following face you've seen what the hell

when you take a code ... get one source code that is there in github

of a complicated trick, picks up the LoraOne protocol that is in github, wants to see

other business GRBL né for arduino there you take there face

Then you start trying to understand that business. giant code, huge code a lot of file

and such, what's wrong with that? You're not dumb, are not you, if you do not

you see stay calm you will not go to sleep

because of this, already noticed all you go on github and picks up a closed deal, who see a deal,

the firmware of a 3D printer, almost face nobody understands that "bagasse" there, but knows

because? The guy did not start doing the source code with 5,000 lines, with 10,000

line, he started with a program small, then it was increasing

increasing, increasing, increasing there is a business that has 20 thousand lines there,

complex, You go there to try to understand and not

Can you understand and what are you dumb? It is not! It is not! You know what this is, because the

complexity ... the guy started small and was increasing, increasing, increasing,

increasing, even these guys later, they other source codes in github and

they do not understand the other day I talked with a face

"I could not understand encryption algorithm, I did everything from

new Fernando, all over again I implemented everything again

I could not understand what the guy did there in the github there in encryption

there the guy took it and implemented it all over again,

Do you understand that? So stay calm. if you do not understand this lot of source code,

program soon so, because the guy presents everything in a single step, then you go crazy, but

It's not you, what's the problem, do you understand? O problem is that there is no didactic

look at a code made once its only, we know that the documentation you have

these guys over there github of life that faces "pindura" code

source there, there is no documentation, but neither a powerPoint

with the diagram does not have ne? Complicated that right? I think it was an outburst, this was broken because I too

I get code also in github that I do not understand, it's a hell not understand code and sometimes it is not because there is that

because the guy wrote the 3D printer code there, which is well done no, it is not! I get a lot, very, very, poorly written, but it works,

Everybody uses understood? There's a lot like this, there's a lot

thing in the world. Good continuing here people,

the first thing I do then, timerWrite, I count zero, first thing

I have to clear the counter, After what I do, I'll take the

current size, I get the current size ... sorry,

second thing I do here I get the current time, the initial time of the

loop, then what do I do here? I I check in this while line here,

digitalRead, I'm reading the pin and I'm Wondering if I'm squeezing the

button, because if I push the button, if I stay pushing the button it will stay

stuck in this tie and detail stuck in this loop is logical I give serial.println

that I am pressing the button and the digitalWrite the

the red LED I will turn on the LED red

I keep it 500 milliseconds on né and I continue my loop, if I take the

finger I can get out of this loop, I'm still going keep another second this guy here,

I'll turn red and then I'll put so "time spent inside the loop

milliseconds " Because? I took the time, because I got the

time up there and then I get the time down here are you seeing? I'll get the

current time minus the time I had taken up there, give me the amount of

time I got stuck there, so I give serial.println in this timer,

here in that time and after I do I turn off the red led and there it goes

so my loop, this way this while here, what does this while do?

It simulates your program crashed! It is logical that a program sometimes hangs and

does not mean that he got into a loop at Sometimes he caught, caught; an instruction pointer

there the "guy" is there everything "ragged" does not know nor where it goes,

does not always mean that he is in the loop, but the loop simulates a

blocking, because when locking happens the moment it crashes?

It prevents the timer from being reset, the team counter is reset, it goes

increasing, increasing, increasing, increasing, arrived at 3 seconds, he speaks ready now I

rebound, callback callback, callback function callback are you understanding?

So folks this is business here, so so logic and there is a business

Let's suppose, now you have a business. important that I have to talk,

let's suppose you have there a lot of thing you're doing in your

program there and you take more than three seconds then your time can ... your

Time burst can not be three seconds and let's assume another situation

that you do business very fast and you do not need to make a burst

of the time of a second can suddenly have a time overflow for example

200 milliseconds will then depend, this time here depends on your program,

then there are applications whose time It's very fast, it does not have to be the order.

seconds, was that clear? Depends on your application, okay? So let's go

over there, now we still have ground here, still

There's a LoRa business I'm going to talk about. People there are the following, right?

here the callback function reminds me that I already Did I tell you about this guy here, too? When you

puts this IRAM_ATTR this callback function, it is allocated in the

memory in a way that it calls Too fast, okay? So this here is a

issue of optimization. Ets_printf the same thing as printf tai I do not

I do not even know why I used this function here, I think To explain to you that you have her.

Also, here it is in this guy here in esp_restart_noos here you

restarts, here it resets in fact the ESP32 understood? I'm so sorry.

it's super simple, here people are the next time, to shoot the computer I

I thought it was not didactic, here a example of ESP32, where I turn it on, I

I call it, it does a lot of startup there after what happens? It's running here.

running setup is running and then he is in the loop to each one according to him

print loop here right, then what happens? I pressed the

button, at which I pressed the button it starts the counter and makes 0 500ms,

1 second, 1 second and a half, two seconds, two seconds and a half, 3 seconds "pow" burst.

Burst the time because I kept holding more of three seconds, look at the three here right? 3

second, here it happens, in that this guy will restart, then reboot and

appears a bunch of hexadecimal numbers of new and then it all starts over again

that's right? So here's to see for this place here. See if you can

increase here, it's terrible when you have small letter I do not think

didactic but I did not find another way to do this business here.

Here it's the same thing, here is as follows, holding down the

less than three seconds, so for example I rebutted, no, I started it, it was there, I called, I called, I called

I pressed the button, but here I I pressed the button and instead of

button when it gave a second I let go, I let out "pimba" what happened? When

I let it go, it was 2,500 milliseconds, it was close to locking

But I let it go, then he continued on loop, continued in the loop there it did not have the

treatment did not have to rebound, then situation here is ... there the first screen it

The 3 seconds burst, here he does not I told you before, did you understand? I wanted to

you understand the simple logic and It was here at 2500

milliseconds is fine. Now it's the following recalls in the video I showed

both, the two ESP32 LoRa a trading card

with the other there, BME280 né the endpoint so it's important that you

watch this video and understand the there because that's where I did

on here? I include the watchdog inside ... Because dude think about it, you have two lora

talking, you think this guy is not going to lock up

You think? Imagine the following you take and places in the middle of the pasture, a business

with the battery, you think this guy does not will lock

He will lock my friend! It is certain that Do you have any life that this guy is going to?

to brake so you have to have the wacthdog

connected on it, the other day I bought a Chinese radio of 5 watts, dude, have you seen 5Watts LoRa? Chinese

It makes a crazy deal right? Radio 5Watts LoRa is not LP ONE nor

here in China, where they did radio, have you thought of that?

But anyway the guys did I'm here in Brazil I I do not know, I'm going to record this video, 5 watts

1 watt but not lp one is not it not low power understood? It is not!

It's not low power anymore, understand? But Finally let me come back, let me go back, let's go back

here, watch this video here it is important.

Well then, let's go people now, now it's the next to implement whatchdog in the project, what we

let's do it? In the file ... remember that on here? Whoever watched the video remembers him,

LoRaSendReceiveBME280.im, what do you will do in it? You will add this

source code, people look there timer = NULL the people callback function, the

callback function, here we will have it, function that sets the timer,

I have already explained, the timerBegin, the timerAttach, the timerAlarmWhite

could be SET but they put it the name Write, timerAlarmEnable, beauty enabled and everyone

Go be happy. You start the serial and here you

calls all warm functions and set Whatchdog, which was a function

what did we do and people here? has timerWrite and the timer,

The timer you reset here is at that time. But when you zero ... Fernando when that

I zero my timer? It depends! You have to have a notion, do the following go with milles there, go

how much your principal bond spends, "to Fernando I My Head Tie It

is spending around 400ms. Beauty then put a burst

of 600 ms, cololoca one more time, one more time. You have security, 600ml

if you are sure the time maximum of your loop is 400ms. 400,

400ms you put 600, for you to have a margin understood? But it depends

much of the ... if you're messing with engine step, if you're messing with telekom,

you have great timeout time, everything This you have to analyze, why? Because

you have to keep clearing this counter, this little devil of that accountant there, I should not have

spoken of devil right? Anyway, good people look, it was not so

It's complicated, is not it? Was not, it was not, I do not know why I did not say that

matter before people are so important. But you You know why I did not? Because I do not

I could record two more videos for because you do not even have time to prepare

the "heck" of the video. Then it's the following

I want to thank the comments again cool fantastic that you are me

sending and until the next video [Music]


For more infomation >> Travou! E agora? - Duration: 30:59.


Polska aktorka walczy o życie córki. Zapadła w śpiączkę - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Polska aktorka walczy o życie córki. Zapadła w śpiączkę - Duration: 3:23.


Kamil Durczok eksplodował! Napisał o związku z 22-letnią partnerką - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Kamil Durczok eksplodował! Napisał o związku z 22-letnią partnerką - Duration: 3:22.


Rayanne Morais e Douglas Sampaio terminaram o relacionamento em novembro de 2016, mas as acusações d - Duration: 2:29.

  e terminaram o relacionamento em novembro de 2016, mas as acusações de agressões da atriz voltam a ficar em evidência após a queixa da atual namorada do ator, na última segunda-feira, 26

+ Público rejeita Thaís Melchior no lugar de Milena Toscano em As Aventuras de Poliana  Na época, a polícia foi chamada por conta de uma confusão no apartamento onde os dois moravam, em Curicica, Zona Oeste do Rio, e os dois foram conduzidos até a 32ª DP, no bairro da Taquara, onde prestaram depoimento

 Douglas chegou à delegacia com o pai, o irmão Diego, um amigo e um advogado, e não quis conversar com a imprensa

Ele se irritou com um fotógrafo e mostrou o dedo do meio, juntamente com o pai e o amigo, e depois, foi irônico

+ Direção da RedeTV proibiu apresentadora de usar cabelo cacheado e ela tomou atitude surpreendente  Rayanne estava acompanhada da amiga Carla Prata, ex-companheira de confinamento, e sem advogado

Ela estava sem maquiagem e com o rosto abatido. Também não comentou o assunto e sua assessoria afirmou que não comenta a vida pessoal da cliente

 Mais cedo, Douglas havia detonado a ex em uma rede social. "Se eu servi de escada, pô, que bom! Tudo de melhor, mas não vou viver uma vida dupla: para mídia isso e pessoalmente aquilo

Não tenho saco e nem macaco! Muito menos danço kuduro. Minha vida é o que eu vivo, não tenho sangue de barata", escreveu ele

For more infomation >> Rayanne Morais e Douglas Sampaio terminaram o relacionamento em novembro de 2016, mas as acusações d - Duration: 2:29.


Tecnología láser para quitar manchas en la piel - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Tecnología láser para quitar manchas en la piel - Duration: 5:30.


EU ESQUEÇO TUDO!!! | Cabeça de mãe, memória e stress - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> EU ESQUEÇO TUDO!!! | Cabeça de mãe, memória e stress - Duration: 5:06.


Meghan Markle eclipsa a Isabel II en Buckingham con un look de Prada - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle eclipsa a Isabel II en Buckingham con un look de Prada - Duration: 2:42.


"Let's go to Hell" / "Vamos pro Inferno!" - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> "Let's go to Hell" / "Vamos pro Inferno!" - Duration: 3:25.


✅ Filho de Cristiano Ronaldo vira meme na internet - Área VIP - Duration: 2:08.

 O filho do jogador Cristiano Ronaldo, acabou virando meme na internet. Isso porque, o garoto sempre aparece nas fotos publicadas pelo pai, nas redes sociais, com cara de poucos amigos

 No Twitter, usuários encheram a rede com memes, onde fala sobre os "possíveis" diálogos entre CR7 e o filho mais velho

Cristiano, vale dizer, é amplamente conhecido por ser excessivamente vaidoso. Veja os memes na galeria a seguir! 1 of 6  Ele, vale dizer, já compartilhou com os seus seguidores nas redes sociais, os seus rituais de beleza, onde usa inclusive, creme antirrugas, faz clareamento nos dentes e modela as sobrancelhas

 Ontem (25), Cristiano usou a sua conta no Instagram, para comemorar a classificação de Portugal para as oitavas de final, na Copa do Mundo 2018

"Objetivo cumprido. Unidos e focados para as oitavas de final. Vamos, Portugal!", escreveu ele na legenda da publicação

  'Mané'  Recentemente, Cristiano Ronaldo realizou em seu Instagram, uma live para cerca de 400 mil seguidores

Entre eles, estava o ator da TV Globo, recém contratado pela emissora carioca. Na ocasião, Fhelipe Gomes comentou chamando Cristiano de "robozão" e o filho do craque de "robozinho"

 No momento em que Fhelipe comentou, Cristiano estava batendo bola com o filho mais velho

O jogador do Real Madrid então, respondeu em tom de brincadeira e em bom "carioquês": "Robozão e robozinho! Beleza, Mané! Tudo nosso!"…Saiba mais! Leia também:

For more infomation >> ✅ Filho de Cristiano Ronaldo vira meme na internet - Área VIP - Duration: 2:08.


Cirujano Hierro - Duration: 12:09.

 Tan a dieta se ha puesto España con el balón que ha llegado a octavos en los huesos

Avanza por el Mundial, sí. Pero tan desvalida que la pelota ya no intima ni con Iniesta, como en la jugada del gol inicial de Marruecos

El mal tufo de la primera fase suscita una cirugía sobre la marcha, tan repentina como súbito ha sido el devenir español desde el intempestivo enlace entre el Real Madrid y Julen Lopetegui

 A cinco días del cruce con Rusia en su salsa de Moscú, la Roja tiene que replantearse los reclutas, aunque ello suponga abdicar, solo de forma transitoria, del pensamiento propio que hizo de este equipo una celebridad

Un conjunto que se ha presentado en la pasarela de Rusia con su mejor frac. Con los mejores intérpretes a tiro, aunque ello supusiera presentar ante Portugal y Marruecos alineaciones titulares con una media de edad de 29,79 años y 29,71, respectivamente

Pese a la brillante fase de clasificación, el ayer no ha despejado un hoy inquietante

A veces, por distintas circunstancias, hay que dar un paso lateral para recobrar la confianza y volver a ser uno mismo

 Visto que por su ruta no da con el camino más adecuado, España debiera corregirse a tiempo

Sin ir más lejos lo ha hecho Alemania, el campeón. Para forzar su supervivencia, y antes de que fuera tarde tras la derrota con México, Joachim Löw no dudó en aparcar a jerarcas como Özil y Khedira

No es cuestión de que tal o cual jugador se sienta señalado con cruces. El cortoplacismo de un Mundial obliga a decisiones instantáneas que no tienen que ver con la trayectoria de un futbolista determinado, sino con su momento de forma, físico y mental

Lo mismo da que se llamen De Gea, Carvajal, Thiago, Silva o Diego Costa. Todos estupendos futbolistas que seguirán siendo magníficos jugadores

Pero ahora no hay otro mañana que el hoy en Rusia.  El mal diagnóstico de España no remite a uno o varios futbolistas concretos, sino a un fallo multiorgánico —ni los implicados atinan con las causas— que ha afectado más a unos que a otros

El equipo ha perdido el subsidio de la pelota. Se ve extraviado y corneado como nunca

Es hora de saber si Fernando Hierro y sus centuriones son capaces de forzar un tratamiento de choque que corte a tiempo la hemorragia

No se trata de poner en jaque el formato que encumbró a esta selección, pero sí de dejarlo entre paréntesis a la vista del desencuentro, quizá momentáneo, entre el balón y quienes eran sus cofrades más distinguidos

Tiempo habrá de revisar qué ha fallado para que la pelota ya no silbe igual y haya dejado de ser la mejor coartada ofensiva y defensiva para no ir en tanga

Sea contra CR, Irán o Marruecos.  Antes de que intervengan los oportunistas de la razón a la carta, no conviene olvidar que el flirteo de la Roja con el balón nunca fue una cursilería, como sostenían con saña esos cainitas corifeos del fútbol machote

Aquellos que desde sus atalayas con alcanfor eran tan interesadamente amnésicos con los días de furia y barbecho

De nada le sirvió a la selección ser un conjunto cachas, siempre se topaba con alguno más forzudo

Todo lo contrario desde que decidió que con la pelota en su caja fuerte hasta los hercúleos alemanes se vencían como nunca

 Si España escaló entre la élite fue por una exclusiva contrarreforma que la hizo tan singular como universal a partir de la mejor añada de futbolistas de su centenaria historia

En Rusia, desde que tuvo que cambiar de muda a la carrera, Hierro ha querido que la letra perdurara, pero la música no ha sonado igual por mucho que se perpetúen reputados intérpretes

Ya desafinó en los amistosos previos ante Suiza y Túnez, aún con Lopetegui. El aire telonero de aquellos envites restó gravedad a los síntomas

 Llegados los partidos oficiales han aflorado las costuras. Paradójicamente, antes de que la Roja se quedara sin sus sedosos pies ya se había quedado sin manos, las de De Gea

Contra Portugal, se sobrepuso a su modo, adiestrando la pelota para colonizar el juego durante el tramo final del primer tiempo y el inicio del segundo

Fue el último rastro de la España más natural de la década. Solo fue un espejismo ante lo que estaba por llegar

Fisuras y más fisuras  Las citas con Irán y Marruecos dispararon todas las alarmas

De un conjunto sinfónico a once soledades. De la clásica España hipotensa con el balón a una España intemperante

Con De Gea momificado bajo el larguero, y Ramos y Piqué ejerciendo como nunca de antidisturbios en su área

Para cuidar el tendal del portero y el suyo. Nada de tocar la corneta en dirección contraria, siempre más engorroso para los zagueros cuando no notan las espaldas seguras y el escudo de la posesión de la pelota ya no les protege por delante

 Por el camino, Busquets, en una selva que no es su hábitat, ya no fue la baliza acostumbrada

El hombre proclamó en público su filia con Koke en la misma conferencia de prensa en la que Hierro exponía a su lado: "No somos un equipo de músculo"

Así que ante Marruecos Busi hubo de bailar con un irrelevante Thiago, guardián en los últimos dos años de las genuinas esencias

Pero nada se ha olido de aquella fragancia, sin Silva a la vista y solo algunas teclas de Iniesta

Las últimas gotas de aquel elixir han llegado por Isco, pero de forma muy dispersa

En su afán, el malagueño ha querido ser Isco, Iniesta, Silva, Thiago, Busquets y hasta Ramos

Contra Marruecos fue llamativa su vocación por canalizar el juego en ocasiones desde la coronilla de los centrales

 Todo muy confuso, resuelto en gran parte por la puntería de Diego Costa, contra Portugal e Irán más dispuesto para el gol que para enraizar con el estilo, que ha terminado por ser tan fatigoso como el propio delantero hispano-brasileño

Y lo que quedaba de andamiaje se fue el garete cuando con Marruecos el equipo ya no tuvo ni pizca de gracia, ni pizca de Costa

No hubo manera de rebajar el debate sobre De Gea y, cuando parecía cerrada una tregua sobre el ariete emergió Aspas como flotador

 Demasiados embrollos a resolver mientras el equipo ensaya esta semana en la sopera de Krasnodar (cerca de los 40 grados)

Todo tan inextricable que a Hierro le ha llegado el turno de ser Hierro a secas, sin ataduras con su amigo Lopetegui

Es hora de que presente su enmienda. Si no a la totalidad, al menos parcial. Si el balón ya no susurra habrá que pedirlo a gritos


For more infomation >> Cirujano Hierro - Duration: 12:09.


Wings for Life World Run 6.5.2018 app Bratislava, barefoot - Duration: 10:37.

At 1.00 p.m. app should be triggered automatically

so exactly at 1.00 p.m., we will run out of this black gate

towards up.

Hi there! Greetings from the start of

today's fantastic run

Wings for life world run.

It runs at the same time in the whole world.

So I look forward to it.

I'm curious how many kilometres I will run,

till the catcher car catch me.

So I'm excited. See you.

[So we can make one more applaud before the start,]

[so let's go and jump, hey, hey...]

[all hands up...]

[come on, come on, up, up...]

[come on...]

[And now, just waving.]

[From one side to another. Let's go.]

[Two minutes till the start.]

So Wings for the life has started,

let's go.

Together with runners around the world.

Go on! Go on!

Go on!

Hi! Run, run!

Two more kilometers and the Catcher car catches me.

So let's gonna run.

The Catcher's car got me.

The car caught me, already.

Fantastic! Celebrate, relax.

So, it was hard work, but worthy of the effort.

Beautiful environment, here.

The asphalt was mostly fine,

on this road, I used these marginal strips.

so, running conditions were good.

I am glad...

Fine cooling wind is blowing here.

The route was mostly in shadow.

So it was great, I'm happy that I was here,

and I could contribute to a good intention.

So I'm happy.

I believe I'll run next year, too.

Gonna take some breath.

Go on!

[Another great runner with 24 km, ]

[so it were 4 rounds.]

Go on!

I lost GPS signal.

[So applaud to this lady,]

[still fighting with catching line,]

[the phone didn't notify her to stop...]

[But it looks that Daniela already stopped her app.]

[Congratulations to her, dear friends.]

[Another lady finished 4 laps very bravely.]

[She did 24 km.]

She's good!

[And it is not little.]

[For someone it is too much on the bike.]

[There are coming more and more runners,]

who cannot continue to run,

[because app said stop.]

Fantastic Danielka, congrats!

OMG, it's so cold.

They forgot to tell you that warm water feels differently.

Sue, do you do this on a voluntary basis after the run?


And hold on!

It is fantastic.

Take a deep breath.

Yes, I do, just overacting. It's amazing.

Also on your calves.


Oh, it is good, enough of enjoyment.

THANKS to Daniel & Danielka for their great company.

For more infomation >> Wings for Life World Run 6.5.2018 app Bratislava, barefoot - Duration: 10:37.


ॐ WISH mantra for WISHES COME TRUE with Green Tara Goddess mantra - Duration: 15:32.

Be blessed All 💖💖💖


For more infomation >> ॐ WISH mantra for WISHES COME TRUE with Green Tara Goddess mantra - Duration: 15:32.


Luźne granie i gadanie w GTA online/Włącz napisy i czytaj opis ;-) - Duration: 21:12.

For more infomation >> Luźne granie i gadanie w GTA online/Włącz napisy i czytaj opis ;-) - Duration: 21:12.


Mundial 2018. Łukasz Fabiański: Chcemy sprawić trochę radości [Wiadomości] - Duration: 2:10.

Jest niemal pewne, że na boisko w meczu z Japonią wyjdzie . Nowy bramkarz West Hamu United przegrał według trenera rywalizację o miejsce w bramce, jednak to on będzie bronił honoru Polski

Dla wielu kibiców była to niesprawiedliwa decyzja Adama Nawałki. podczas Euro 2016 zagrał kilka świetnych spotkań i również jemu zawdzięczamy sukces drużyny narodowej

Ale Nawałka zawsze wolał Wojciecha Szczęsnego, więc było do przewidzenia, że to bramkarz Juventusu dostanie szansę

Ale teraz, gdy reprezentacja Polski nie ma już szans na grę w 1/8 finału MŚ, między słupkami stanie "Fabian"

Lepsze to niż nic. Dla niego to druga taka sytuacja, że kadra zagra na mundialu w meczu o nic

Tyle, że w 2006 roku Paweł Jans nie zdecydował się na zmianę bramkarza i we wszystkich spotkaniach bronił Artur Boruc

- Na pewno każdy z nas liczył na całkiem inną atmosferę. Teraz nie jest najlepsza, wszyscy jesteśmy świadomi tego, co się wydarzyło, że to rozczarowanie

Jest  niedosyt - mówi. Dodaje jednocześnie, że mecz na mundialu w jakiś sensie zawsze jest wyjątkowy

- Jakby nie było, jest to kolejna szansa dla nas zawodników, by sprawić choć odrobinę radości i dać trochę pozytywnych wspomnień - mówi

Poproszony o analizę rywala, zaznacza, że to mocny zespół. - To klasowi zawodnicy, którzy grają w silnych drużynach, są tam wiodącymi postaciami, jak choćby Okazaki, Honda, Kagawa

Drużyna bardzo ciężko pracuje, jest bardzo mobilna i to pokazała na tej imprezie - zaznacza

Piłkarze w wolnych chwilach oczywiście oglądają inne mecze. Fabiańskiemu najbardziej podobają się Chorwaci

- Są świetni w każdym elemencie. Jakbym miał kogoś wyróżnić na tym turnieju, tona pewno Luka Modrić - dodaje


For more infomation >> Mundial 2018. Łukasz Fabiański: Chcemy sprawić trochę radości [Wiadomości] - Duration: 2:10.


Durczok jednak wrócił do dziewczyny? Fani komentują: "DZIECINADA. Dzik i jednorożec" - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Durczok jednak wrócił do dziewczyny? Fani komentują: "DZIECINADA. Dzik i jednorożec" - Duration: 4:50.


Meghan Markle nominowana do nagrody "IKONA STYLU" Teen Choice Awards! - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle nominowana do nagrody "IKONA STYLU" Teen Choice Awards! - Duration: 5:08.


Co się dzieje z Kingą Dudą? Córka pary prezydenckiej nagle zniknęła z życia publicznego. - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Co się dzieje z Kingą Dudą? Córka pary prezydenckiej nagle zniknęła z życia publicznego. - Duration: 2:50.


Thiago Messi vs Cristiano Ronaldo Jr,Skills,Lifestyle - Duration: 11:53.

Cristiano Ronaldo Jr vs Thiago Messi - Who Is Next?????

Cristiano Ronaldo Jr is the son of Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal striker and Thiago Messi

is the son of lionel messi argentina Striker both are upcoming star in football.

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