Saturday, June 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 30 2018

Hi! Welcome to my channel. In this vlog I'm going to read Illuminae by Amie Kauffman and Jay Kristoff.

Honestly, I don't know much about this book. Only that everyone talks wonders about this trilogy.

What I know is that it's sci-fi, that it's in another planet, and that's it.

And that its edition is beautiful, from the outside and its inside. I have the hardcover edition

and this came as a surprise to me because I didn't know it was like this.

It has this kind of plastic dust jacket.

Oh, right, this is an epistolary book.

Meaning that the way its narrated is through letters or files. Not so much describing what's going on.

And I guess that's why we have these looks, front and back.

It's beautiful!

Besides when you put this on,

it has these see-through spaces to see what lies beneath

So in this section we can see this text.


because they're archives and files and so, it has a lot of editorial design.

I'm really excited to read this book because everyone talks wonders about these books.

Specifically about the last book that came out this year

and to get to it I have to read the first 2.

Ok, I've finished the first chapter so I know a bit more what's this about.

We have an ice planet with an ilegal establishment.

And suddenly a spaceship arrives to attack the whole planet.

And we have our 2 main characters, apparently.

Who turn out to be exes, since 3 hours before this occurs.

I just had a dejá vu about this story.

These character are 17 years old, so they're telling us their planet's destruction,

as well as the drama from their relationship at the moment.

And this will be the atmosphere in these books.

Of teen characters

and a company that wants to get rid of something and acquire, I still don't know what they wanted to achieve with the attack.

But the way it starts, with an interviewer with Kady, our main female character

and with Ezra, our main male character, but apart from each other.

So we're learning the version of what happened from these 2 voices intertwining.

And that's dealed in a funny way. Suddenly the ideas complement each other, and I don't know it made me laugh.

So I'm waiting for action but also comedy in this book.

I'm going to see my boyfriend.

I read a bit more because he arrived moments after the last time I checked in with you guys.

But the point is that, 2 government spaceships rescued the survivers from the attacked planet.

The ice planet, how was it called? Kerenza.

The planet is called Kerenza.

And let's see if I can read a bit, if not, then I'll read until I get back at night before going to bed.

Hey! It's Tuesday. Yesterday my boyfriend and I watched the first episode of Mr. Robot.

That is on Amazon Prime.

It's about a hacker and how he'll try to take down society

thanks to his hacker power.

It looks like it's really good and it goes well with Illuminae.

Because our main character is also a hacker.

So I found some similarities regarding that.

I'm in page 100. I didn't read so much, they're 600 in total.

But still, is quite a fast reading because all the pages are from compiled files.

It has a lot of blank spaces like this part at the top.

Or, for example...

Things like this.

So it really is a fast read, but I haven't had much time to do so.

They were 3 ships that rescued the survivors.

And looks like there's a conspiracy, something is going on in one of the ships

thst's what Kady is trying to find out with her hacking.

Kady ended up in one ship and Ezra in another one, so they haven't seen each other after the accident,

well, the attack.

So there's where our characters and our situation are.

It's a bit doubtful the loyalty of the ships that rescued them, that are from the government.

I guess that's what we're going to find out througout the rest of the book.

I just read page 157 and I found a surprise I hadn't heard from anyone before.

They just showed us someone's file

and the name of that person is...

Laini Taylor, which is the author of "Strange the Dreamer".

And I thought it was a fun Easter egg, and wanted to share it with you.

Ok, I was reading a creepy part, and the lights went off.

How appropriate. And it's raining.

So meanwhile I'm going to use this lamp to keep reading

because I'm not going to stop reading only because I don't have light.

Wow, I don't know what just happened

I got to half of the book, page 307.

It seems like it has ended but I'm halfway through. Idon't know what else is going to happen.

This was so intense.

There were 2 threats for the ships.

And both have arrived to the ships.

And this last part I read was like, where everything collapsed

and got solved, or not, a lot of things.

I lost track of time and it's really late.

But I want to keep reading. I want to hnow what happens.

I just want to point out one part that I loved how it was solved, editorially.

Because, as you know, this is an epistolary book. And we're only seeing files and letters and recordings

So there's a battle, and the way they solved it is like this.

Those lines represent the ships' trayectories, and at the same time, everything they say inside because it's the audio recordings.

I found it a very creative approach.

Because besides following the idea of us just reading the archives

they also solved the graphic part showing us the trayectories.

I think I'll be checking up tomorrow because I have to go to sleep.

What did I say yesterday? That I was going to sleep?

Well, I'm on page 400, that's because I kept reading a while longer before going to bed

and I lost track of time again.

And I slept much later.

But I'm finding out that having Artificial Intelligence as another character is becoming one of my favorite themes.

Even more if we have chapters from its point of view, which this book does.

Because the books I've read with AI, and chapters from their point of view

are more appealing to me. I feel it's a subject a bit unexplored in books.

For the moment I'm liking that. Maybe some day I'll get sick of it.

But for now, it feels new.

This is page 400. This is what's left.

I'm in page 510.

And the AI is having some weird thoughts.

Some I'm not sure to believe.

I feel like it couldn't happen.

I don't know, I'll have to see what happens in the end.

But now I really want to see this book adapted to a movie. It's a very cinematographic script.

I don't know if they're doing a movie.

Wow, ok this news is from 2015. But it says Brad Pitt's production: Plan B Entertainment

started doing an adaptation.

Well, actually it already appears in IMDb the movie status: in production.

So it's planned. So I hope one day I'll be able to see it as a movie.

Because sometimes they get cancelled out of nowhere.

Ok, I've finished Illuminae.

And the end leaves you so hooked up, to buy the next books.

The ending is something that felt inevitable.

And I just wanted something to happen. Which in the end does happens and it didn't disappoont.

And yead, I really liked this book. I love books that take place in space.

I may not understand much of what's going on in the universe.

I think that's why I love more reading this type of books.

Because it's something I don't know.

And at least I have it in books, movies or etc.

There were things that I felt like an AI couldn't feel

because I fell like they can't feel

and this one did have some reflections that led you to believe it was feeling something.

That's the only thing I didn't buy.

But, it doesn't matter. I still loved this book.

What I really need to point out it's its whole graphic design.

I fell in love with it. It's what captured me the most.

From its cover with the blank spaces. And the hardcover that sticks to the epistolary theme with annotations.

And inside the book itself. The way it approached certain obstacles it had to describe things.

Look at this.

Can you see? It's "The Scream" by Edvard Munch.

Each time I turned the page there was a new surprise.

And that's part of the experience I loved the most.

Even the fact that the pages that are from the AI's point of vew, are differentiated by the pages' colours.

If it's on black, then it's from the AI. And if it's on white it's from a human.

Everything is so well thought.

I gave it 4 stars in Goodreads. Although for me it really was a 4.5 stars.

Thanks for joining me in my reading.

See you in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> Vlog - Leyendo Illuminae - Duration: 12:34.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #37: Side Sitting - Duration: 1:54.

Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I'm a pediatric physical therapist.

I'm here with my co-instructor, Myla, who just turned a year old. She has Down

syndrome. We are going to work on side sitting.

So usually Myla sits symmetrically. I have seen pictures of her in which she's

not sitting asymmetrically which means her legs are either both out straight or

both tucked in. I want to have her practice sitting with one leg different

than the other. The classic position is side sit. That's where one leg is turned

out and one leg is turned in. It's a great transition position to go in and

out of hands and knees for crawling. She is not quite ready for it yet and

she'll probably think it's rude, but we're going to start introducing it . So I'm

going to take one leg and turn it out to the side which...oh, heavens...I'm going to take the other

leg and turn it in. So she's side sitting...uh-huh..and able to

stay up. Now when kids are not as strong as Myla, they can't stay up when you put

their leg in sidesit. They may have to prop on one arm to be able to stay

there, but Myla is strong get out of it on her own... but stay there with

out having to prop on her arm. Oh sweet pea! I do the same on both sides

practicing side sit. Myla says we are finished with this segment. I'll see you later.

I hope it's a simple idea that you can use. Bye-bye!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #37: Side Sitting - Duration: 1:54.


OLD SKULLS - EPK 2018 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> OLD SKULLS - EPK 2018 - Duration: 4:26.


T rex Vs Indominus rex Resouned - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> T rex Vs Indominus rex Resouned - Duration: 3:24.


ФИФА оштрафовала Россию за дискриминационный баннер на матче с Уругваем - Duration: 2:45.

 Международная федерация футбола (ФИФА) оштрафовала Российский футбольный союз (РФС) на 10 тысяч швейцарских франков

Об этом сообщает «Интерфакс» со ссылкой на пресс-службу организации. Штраф был наложен за появление дискриминационного баннера во время матча Россия — Уругвай 25 июня

О каком баннере идет речь — не поясняется. Также ФИФА на 20 тысяч франков оштрафовала Футбольную федерацию Сербии «за баннер с политическим и оскорбительным подтекстом» на матче с Бразилией

Федерация Мексики будет вынуждена заплатить 15 тысяч франков за то, что болельщики кидали предметы на поле во время матча с Швецией

Марокко оштрафована на 65 тысяч франков за выход на поле техперсонала после финального свистка и за метание болельщиками предметов на поле

 24 июня ФИФА завела дисциплинарное дело в отношении инцидента с участием двух футбольных чиновников, представляющих сборную Германии на Чемпионате мира-2018

Пресс-секретарь бундестим Ульрих Фойгт и менеджер Немецкого футбольного союза (DFB) Георг Бехлау спровоцировали перепалку с представителями сборной Швеции

Двое немецких чиновников, празднующие гол Тони Крооса, принесшего немцам победу на пятой добавленной минуте матча против Швеции, позволили себе ряд грубых жестов в сторону скамейки шведов

 Чемпионат мира проходит в России с 14 июня по 15 июля. Турнир принимают 11 городов страны

Больше важных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дня». Подписывайся!

For more infomation >> ФИФА оштрафовала Россию за дискриминационный баннер на матче с Уругваем - Duration: 2:45.


Уругвайский тренер предъявил команде жесткий ультиматум перед матчем с Россией - Duration: 2:29.

 Главный тренер сборной Уругвая Оскар Табарес поделился ожиданиями от предстоящей встречи с российской командой

По его словам, он рассчитывает только на победу, передает «Теперь мы будем играть с Россией

Этот матч надо выиграть или умереть. Мы хотим в этой встрече показать хороший футбол и выиграть

Можно уже сказать, что мы играем на высоком уровне. Мы в хорошей форме на этом чемпионате мира», — сказал Табарес после победы своих подопечных в игре с Саудовской Аравией

 Уругвай обыграл Саудовскую Аравию со счетом 1:0. Единственный гол на 23-й минуте забил нападающий Луис Суарес

 Победа южноамериканцев обеспечила сборной России досрочный выход в стадию плей-офф турнира

 Чемпионат мира продлится до 15 июля. Матчи третьего круга с участием команд группы A пройдут 25 июня

Сборная России в заключительном матче группового этапа встретится с Уругваем. Встреча пройдет в Самаре и начнется в 17:00 по московскому времени

Больше важных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дня». Подписывайся!

For more infomation >> Уругвайский тренер предъявил команде жесткий ультиматум перед матчем с Россией - Duration: 2:29.





The Bargain/El trato (1914, EE. UU.) Reginald Barker. - Duration: 1:19:32.

For more infomation >> The Bargain/El trato (1914, EE. UU.) Reginald Barker. - Duration: 1:19:32.


|Smok Alien| CZ Recenze - Duration: 6:21.

Welcome in this video

smok alien

here is box from alien

here is alien

We can find here


here is head and charging cable


For more infomation >> |Smok Alien| CZ Recenze - Duration: 6:21.


Sepultaron en Ecuador los restos de los periodistas asesinados por disidentes de las FARC liderados - Duration: 3:33.

Sepultaron los restos de los trabajadores del periódico El Comercio (AFP) Familiares y amigos sepultaron este viernes los restos de los tres miembros del equipo periodístico del diario El Comercio de Ecuador, cuyo asesinato en cautiverio perpetrado por rebeldes disidentes de las FARC en Colombia consternó al país

El periodista Javier Ortega, el fotógrafo Paúl Rivas y el conductor Efraín Segarra fueron enterrados juntos en un panteón del norte de Quito, tras varios homenajes que les rindieron amigos y colegas luego de que sus cuerpos fueron repatriados desde Colombia el miércoles

Por Paúl, Javier y Efraín "¡nadie se cansa!", gritaban familiares y amigos de los trabajadores del diario El Comercio luego de la última misa de cuerpo presente que ofrecieron en su honor

Alrededor de los ataúdes, fotógrafos con sus cámaras en alto disparaban ráfagas con sus flashes

(Reuters) (Reuters) Los cuerpos de los tres ecuatorianos fueron recuperados, tres meses después de su secuestro, de una fosa común en medio de la selva colombiana y rodeada de minas

Su identidad fue confirmada plenamente este lunes en la ciudad de Cali. Aunque aún no ha sida establecida la fecha exacta del crimen, el gobierno ecuatoriano anunció la muerte del equipo de prensa el 13 de abril, tras la difusión de unas fotografías que mostraban a las víctimas encadenadas y ejecutadas

El hallazgo de los cuerpos puso fin a meses de zozobra, en los que familiares y periodistas salieron a las calles para pedir justicia, en medio de quejas por la información contradictoria que ofrecieron los gobiernos de Ecuador y Colombia desde el secuestro ocurrido el 26 de marzo

(AFP) (AFP) El equipo periodístico fue capturado por un grupo que dirige el ecuatoriano Walther Arizala, ex guerrillero de las FARC conocido con el alias de "Guacho", cuando realizaban un reportaje en la frontera con Colombia

En la zona operan bandas del narcotráfico y desde enero han sido atacados retenes y patrullas policiales y militares

Los captores pretendían la excarcelación de allegados a Arizala presos en Ecuador, a cambio de la liberación de los rehenes

Según los disidentes, la negociación se frustró por los operativos militares. Tras el secuestros del equipo periodístico, Quito y Bogotá lanzaron una cacería contra "Guacho", a quien se le acusa también de tener secuestrados a los ecuatorianos Óscar Villacís (24) y su compañera Katty Velasco (20)

Sin un mando unificado, los rebeldes disidentes operan en apartados puntos de Colombia donde disputan las rentas del narcotráfico y de la minería ilegal

Estos grupos estarían conformados por unos 1.200 combatientes. MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Incautaron armas y droga de los disidentes de las FARC liderados por alias "Guacho"

For more infomation >> Sepultaron en Ecuador los restos de los periodistas asesinados por disidentes de las FARC liderados - Duration: 3:33.


Asesinan a niño de 7 años en Armería, Colima - Duration: 3:01.

 COLIMA, Col. ( Mientras jugaba afuera de su vivienda, un niño de siete años de edad fue asesinado a balazos la noche del viernes en la comunidad de Cofradía de Juárez, perteneciente al municipio costero de Armería

 Según información preliminar, el menor murió poco antes de las ocho de la noche cuando un grupo de hombres armados rafagueó la fachada de su domicilio, entre las calles Jalisco y Michoacán de ese poblado

 Los pistoleros dispararon desde un vehículo en el que llegaron y posteriormente huyeron, dejando el cuerpo del niño tendido en la calle y numerosas huellas de impactos de bala en el inmueble atacado

 Los peritos de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE) localizaron casquillos percutidos calibre

223, que generalmente se utilizan en armas de alto poder, entre ellas el rifle AR-15

 Horas después del ataque y del levantamiento del cuerpo de la víctima, no se había informado oficialmente de los hechos ni de la detención de los probables responsables

 Por otra parte, la madrugada del viernes en el municipio vecino de Tecomán, Colima, fueron encontradas dos bolsas negras con restos humanos, en la calle Palma Cambray de la colonia Palma Real

 Tras el reporte de vecinos a los números de emergencia, acudieron elementos de los cuerpos de seguridad, quienes revisaron la escena del hallazgo en el interior de un predio y levantaron los restos

 En la capital del estado, mientras tanto, un hombre armado baleó a una mujer y a su hijo en el interior de la vivienda de éstos en la colonia La Albarrada, al sur de la ciudad

 Ambas víctimas fueron trasladadas a un hospital para recibir atención médica, mientras que el agresor huyó de la escena del atentado

For more infomation >> Asesinan a niño de 7 años en Armería, Colima - Duration: 3:01.


como quisiera ser miembro :c - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> como quisiera ser miembro :c - Duration: 0:20.


The Expanse: The Razorback - Official Breakdown - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> The Expanse: The Razorback - Official Breakdown - Duration: 5:09.


Rosenstein Cops Attitude During Testimony, So Gowdy Smokes Him - Duration: 3:18.

Rosenstein Cops Attitude During Testimony, So Gowdy Smokes Him.

Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina may have announced his retirement from the House,

but that didn't stop him from taking a few parting shots at the so-called "deep state"

on Thursday.

During a high-strung Capitol Hill hearing that pitted frustrated Republican lawmakers

against FBI director Christopher Wray, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Gowdy

unleashed his legendary indignation against the two bureaucrats for perceived bias in

the Trump-Russia probe, that has dragged on for over a year.

Showing clear frustration for month after month of the probe into unproven collusion

between Trump, and Russia during the 2016 campaign, the outspoken lawmaker had a clear

message for Rosenstein and his compatriots: Wrap it up, or we'll do it for you.

"We've seen the bias, we need to see the evidence," Gowdy scolded the two officials

during the House Judiciary Committee meeting.

"If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to

the damn grand jury," Gowdy continued, his patience wearing thin.

Gowdy isn't one to mince words, and he got straight to the point in his quintessential

blunt style.

"If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American

people … Whatever you got, finish it the hell up.

Right now this country is being torn apart," the Republican declared.

Rosenstein is the man who appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate

alleged, but vague wrongdoing on the part of Trump's team during the race for the

White House.

While the investigation has yielded precious little evidence against Trump, it has ironically

revealed a treasure trove of evidence against the Department of Justice and the FBI.

For example, there are now pages and pages of publicly-released text message transcripts

documenting clear bias within the FBI against Trump, and in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Agents routinely referred to Clinton as "the president" before the election occurred,

and expressed their disdain for both Trump and his supporters.

FBI officials including Peter Strzok also declared that they would work to "stop"

the new president, with the ends apparently justifying any means.

In response to Gowdy's grilling, Rosenstein — a career un-elected bureaucrat — had

mostly excuses.

Taking on the role of the bullied victim, the public servant complained that his staff

was doing their best despite months of having no answers.

"As with most things in Washington, the real work is not done on television and it

is not all done by me," Rosenstein said.

"Trump administration officials are meeting and talking to your staffs every day, to accommodate

requests and produce relevant information to this committee, other committees, and several

Senate committees," he continued, essentially complaining that having oversight was an inconvenience.

This is what Gowdy does best: Take the outrage of the American people and focus it where

it belongs, directed at the sanctimonious paper-pushers who need a reminder of who they

work for.

Sometimes, that's exactly what we need.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Rosenstein Cops Attitude During Testimony, So Gowdy Smokes Him - Duration: 3:18.


Protesters hit streets in cities across U.S. over Trump immigration policy. | News Headlines - Duration: 5:45.

Thousands of protesters across America, moved by accounts of children separated from their

parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, marched Saturday -- in major cities and tiny towns

-- to demand President Donald Trump's administration reunite the divided families.

More than 700 planned marches are expected to draw hundreds of thousands of people across

the country, from immigrant-friendly cities like Los Angeles and New York to conservative

Appalachia and Wyoming under the banner Families Belong Together.

Thousands dressed in white and gathered early Saturday morning in sweltering 90-degree heat

in Lafayette Park across from the White House in what was expected to be the largest of

the day's protests.

"What's next?

Concentration Camps?" one marcher's sign read.

"I care, do you?"

read another, referencing a jacket the first lady wore when visiting child migrants amid

the global furor over the administration's zero-tolerance policy that forced the separation

of more than 2,000 children from their parents.

Her jacket had "I really don't care.

Do you?"

scrawled across the back, and that message has become a rallying cry for Saturday's protesters.

"We care!" marchers shouted outside city hall in Dallas.

Organizer Michelle Wentz says opposition to the administration's "barbaric and inhumane"

policy has seemed to cross political party lines.

Marchers carried signs that read "Compassion not cruelty" and "November is coming."

In New York City, thousands began chanting "shame!" and singing "shut detention down!"

before their planned march across the Brooklyn Bridge.

Smaller groups came together in city parks and downtown squares in every state, a total

of 703 places across the country, and photos quickly started ricocheting around social


Some carried tiny white onesies.

"What if it was your child?" was written on one.

"No family jails," said another.

Children joined in.

A little girl in Washington, D.C., carried a handwritten sign: "Honestly, I am blown


I have literally never seen Americans show up for immigrants like this," said Jess Morales

Rocketto, political director at the National Domestic Workers Alliance, which represents

nannies, housekeepers and caregivers, many of whom are immigrants.

"We just kept hearing over and over again, if it was my child, I would want someone to

do something."

Saturday's rallies are getting funding and support from the American Civil Liberties

Union,, the National Domestic Workers Alliance and The Leadership Conference.

But local organizers are shouldering on-the-ground planning, many of them women relying on informal

networks established during worldwide women's marches on Trump's inauguration and its anniversary.

Tyler Houlton, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, welcomed interest in

the immigration system and said only Congress has the power to change the law.

"We appreciate that these individuals have expressed an interest in and concern with

the critical issue of securing our nation's borders and enforcing our immigration laws,"

Houlton said.

"As we have indicated before, the department is disappointed and frustrated by our nation's

disastrous immigration laws and supports action."

Trump took to Twitter on Saturday morning to show his support for Immigration and Customs

Enforcement amid calls from some Democrats for major changes to immigration enforcement.

Tweeting from New Jersey, Mr. Trump said that Democrats "are making a strong push to abolish

ICE, one of the smartest, toughest and most spirited law enforcement groups of men and

women that I have ever seen."

He urged ICE agents to "not worry or lose your spirit."

In Portland, Sharaf and other mothers who organized the rally hope to attract 5,000


Right-wing activists with the group Patriot Prayer also have a permit to march later in

the day Saturday and the Portland Police Bureau said Friday they planned to have a heavy police


Sharaf and co-organizer Erin Conroy have coordinated with immigrant advocacy groups.

"This is not my wheelhouse," Conroy said.

"As far as I'm concerned, this is a national emergency that we all need to be focused on

right now."

Immigration attorney Linda Rivas said groups have met with U.S. authorities, congressional

representatives and other leaders to discuss an escalating immigration crackdown that they

say began decades ago.

But the family separation policy has been a watershed for attracting a broader spectrum

of demonstrators, she said.

"To finally have people on board wanting to take action, marching, taking to the streets,"

Rivas said.

"It's been motivating for us as advocates because we have to keep going."

On Thursday, more than a thousand people and organizations including the ACLU, the ACLU

of Texas and United We Dream gathered in Texas to demand that separated families be immediately

reunited, the ACLU said in a news release.

They gathered in Brownsville, which according to the ACLU is one of the "hardest hit" areas

under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy.

"The administration doesn't have a plan to reunite families.

But we have a plan," said Terri Burke, executive director of the ACLU of Texas.

"We are going to keep fighting.

Refugees are welcome here, immigrants are welcome here.

We won't stop until every single child is reunited."

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Protesters hit streets in cities across U.S. over Trump immigration policy. | News Headlines - Duration: 5:45.


What's New to Netflix: July 2018 (Original Series & Movies) - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> What's New to Netflix: July 2018 (Original Series & Movies) - Duration: 5:29.


Quick Potato Harvest - One bed, 12 Pounds - Duration: 5:48.

I can't win guys it's a hundred degrees out today and we've got a storm moving

in and yesterday it stormed all day it was like a hundred degrees but it still

it's raining it's crazy so I need to harvest my potatoes before it's too late

I took a peek under the soil I found some pretty good ones

I found some one with those scabbing on them I found ones that were rotten the

plants died back on half the plants probably a few weeks ago maybe three

weeks ago so I should have been getting these guys out of the ground but it's

just been too hot to do that kind of digging up and then we got so much rain

in the last couple days and I can't win so now I have wet soil it's gonna be

more wet if I don't get the potatoes out I have an AC unit that just refuses to

stop leaking on it because it's so hot the condenser is just well it's just

just just dripping fluid and I just can't stop it so we're gonna have some

wet potatoes we're gonna get in the mud I'm gonna do all I can to get these guys

out of the ground before it's too late anyway let me show you what I'm looking

at I'm hoping for 10 to 15 pounds of potatoes if we're lucky and wish me luck

all right everyone it's time to get these potatoes harvested we had several

plants die back here anyway I was taking a look and if you recall we got yukon

red chieftain and adirondack blues the ground soaked and the next two days

we've got a big storm coming in I've got an hour maybe to pull as many of these

out as possible before they rot away I've already dug around right here by

hand and I had a rotten potato so the moisture is not good for them

now that the plants have died back here so the first thing we're gonna do is

just cut off all these tops and really I'm just gonna harvest them all right

we've dug up the four adirondack blue plants potato plants and we've got a

pretty good amount of Adirondack blue potatoes here I was already starting to

get into the red ones so let me go ahead and now harvest the red potatoes and see

what we got in there should be a little bigger harvest

alright guys we got the bucket of red ones here I noticed that I'm encroaching

on the Yukon Gold so now we'll grab the rest of the Yukon

Gold as well and see what we got alright guys pretty good amount of Yukon Gold

some nice ones in here too so let me go and take my Yukons my red

potatoes and my Adirondack blues get them a slightly rinsed off and then

we'll get you a look at them and away and and see how they look alright

everyone sorry about not doing a time-lapsed harvest video but I had to

hurry this harvest before the storm came in so I didn't have a lot of time and I

want to set the tripod to risk any damage but anyway we got the Yukon Golds

here we got some nice potatoes in there I'm pretty happy with those I even got

one that I really love get it love all right we got some my Adirondack blues

you know some of these are not in great shape and I noticed that because of the

moisture in the ground that we had some splitting and we had some of these uh

this scaling or these pock marks on the potatoes they get when they've been in

too much moisture so lesson learned we got to get that AC unit fixed so it

doesn't continually drip water in this and keep that ground constantly moist

I think the Yukons did the best considering we only had four plants of

those four plants of those and eight plants of these this was in the heart of

the wet area did the worst this has been the most worth the last couple of weeks

let me get these wait up to it the total take is we'll do individual weights and

then I'll do a combined total potato harvest I'm Adirondack blue two pounds

eleven and a half ounces on the Reds despite they don't look the greatest

four pounds four and a half ounces and on the Yukon Gold five pounds three and

a half ounces so five pounds three and a half and then four four and a half make

nine pounds eight and about eight ounces and then we had two pounds eleven and a

half ounces the other one so the

like 11 and a half pounds between all the potatoes this time again wasn't a

monster harvest by any means but you know what

couple of things I learned about this potato harvested about these potatoes

not that I learned I kind of already knew that but I didn't get things

squared away in time one I need to keep the moisture level down especially the

last few weeks before the harvest a lot of these guys would have cured better

they wouldn't had some of these bumps on them we wouldn't have lost probably two

or three of the Adirondack blues and three or four of the red chieftains who

would have lost those to rot and then finally probably could have added a

little bit of acidity to the soil because of the moisture content I'm sure

the pH level was more toward seven it would've been nicer as more acidic it

wasn't that would have helped potatoes along but you know what I'm not

disappointed guys about twelve pounds of potatoes on a three foot by eight foot

bed is not that bad that's a half a pound every every square

foot so I'm not too bad about that next step is to let these sit out and air dry

a little bit then we'll bring them inside and some of the ones that have a

little bit of issues we'll have to use these tonight I absolutely love potatoes

if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up and that is always happy

gardening and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Quick Potato Harvest - One bed, 12 Pounds - Duration: 5:48.


Isme Tera Ghata Mera Kuch nahi jata Volume#01 Musically Gajendra Verma New Song 2018 - Duration: 6:10.

Isme Tera Ghata Mera Kuch nahi jata Volume#01 Musically Gajendra Verma New Song 2018

Isme Tera Ghata Mera Kuch nahi jata

Isme Tera Ghata Mera Kuch nahi jata Volume#01 Musically Gajendra Verma New Song 2018

For more infomation >> Isme Tera Ghata Mera Kuch nahi jata Volume#01 Musically Gajendra Verma New Song 2018 - Duration: 6:10.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95 PK Highline | R-line | Beats | Active info display - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95 PK Highline | R-line | Beats | Active info display - Duration: 1:12.


Seat Leon 1.8 TSI 180PK DSG-7 Automaat | Xcellence | Navigatie | Pano - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.8 TSI 180PK DSG-7 Automaat | Xcellence | Navigatie | Pano - Duration: 0:55.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! Executive | Airco | Cruise Control - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! Executive | Airco | Cruise Control - Duration: 1:12.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 75PK 5D Automaat High up! | Navigatie | Cruise Control | - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 75PK 5D Automaat High up! | Navigatie | Cruise Control | - Duration: 1:13.


How To Make Money Online with Youtube Channel Art Banner 2018 in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 6:50.

Hello & Assalam O Alekum Friends!

Do you know that.. By designing a Youtube Channel Art

You can Earn Money Online.

You just have to design a simple cover,.

Whether you call it Youtube Cover or Youtube Banner.

You just simply design it and sell out

in the Online Market to your customers.

Besides selling it online..

you can also sell covers offline by dealing with individuals

In this video, I will provide guidance about

How to create Youtube Cannel Art

& How to sell it in Online Market.

First of all, I may show you some proofs that

whether people are actually earning by using

this method in the Online Market or not?

and How much do they earn from it..?

For this purpose, Lets open the browser

and I'll show you a website.

here, in the search bar, I will type "Youtube"



Then I'll press enter.

Now it will show us some examples

of the gigs belonging to different persons.

How they are working and how many orders they have comleted

Here we already have some Top-Rated Sellers*

Who sell theses services

They create simple covers & sell them. Its just simple designing

It is not too hard just simple designing which they sell for..

20$ per banner.

25$ , 30$

As you can see, these are all simple designing..

Nothing too hard or complicated.

Simple designing is being sold here in the Online Market.

I may show you some of these seller's designs.

This person is from Romania

He started his account in 2013

His average response rate is about 3 hours

& he has completed his last order about 2 hours ago

You can see that his covers are simple

and he sells them in the online market

for a price of 25$.

He delivers the orders under 2 days

Now I will tell how to design a coveror

or create a youtube channel art & sell it in the Online Market

First, open any Photoshop version

that you have installed

To create a youtube channel cover just keep in mind

the size you should work on.

The size of youtube channel art.

You may note it down or

save it somewhere.

1546 pixels (Width)

423 pixels (Heigt)


This is the proper size for youtube channel art for official use.

Which we work about

and do our designing.

So, you can change

or add colors in it.. like

I am

adding black color.

Now I will type something here.

When the customers gives you order

for creating channel art

they will provide you their own text or logo.

You will have to use them instead.

So friends, exactly this same way You can also create

attractive and unique covers & sell them in the online market.

Which ever buyer provides you order

He will provide you instructions that

about what logo and what texts you have to use

& you will complete the order according to their instructions and then sell it.

Just like this, you can also contact different youtubers

to design covers for them and sell them.

or if you want to just re-edit this design then I will

provide you this exact design in the description

of this video in .psd file format.

You may download it from

the description below

and re-edit it or

change it according to the needs of your customers

Do you know that, By typing a simple article

You can earn money online

This account belongs to Minahil Ahmed

who's operating from Pakistan.

She created this account in 2016

She can charge a maximum fee

of about 195$ per article.

To solve Math's problems and questions

Just download the PhotoMath app

Scan the Math's problem

and you will get the answer within seconds

along with step by step instructions

These are amazing features.

For more infomation >> How To Make Money Online with Youtube Channel Art Banner 2018 in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 6:50.


Killing a Hacker on Prison life Roblox (Turn on subtitles) - Duration: 6:16.

There's a noclip hacker in the game

(Fail #1)

*me* hacker

*me* you making the game not fun

*Girl* Exactly


*me* yes i got him


For more infomation >> Killing a Hacker on Prison life Roblox (Turn on subtitles) - Duration: 6:16.


Dance Moms: Chloe's Contemporary Solo - "Am I Here to Stay?" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Chloe's Contemporary Solo - "Am I Here to Stay?" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 1:13.


Quick Potato Harvest - One bed, 12 Pounds - Duration: 5:48.

I can't win guys it's a hundred degrees out today and we've got a storm moving

in and yesterday it stormed all day it was like a hundred degrees but it still

it's raining it's crazy so I need to harvest my potatoes before it's too late

I took a peek under the soil I found some pretty good ones

I found some one with those scabbing on them I found ones that were rotten the

plants died back on half the plants probably a few weeks ago maybe three

weeks ago so I should have been getting these guys out of the ground but it's

just been too hot to do that kind of digging up and then we got so much rain

in the last couple days and I can't win so now I have wet soil it's gonna be

more wet if I don't get the potatoes out I have an AC unit that just refuses to

stop leaking on it because it's so hot the condenser is just well it's just

just just dripping fluid and I just can't stop it so we're gonna have some

wet potatoes we're gonna get in the mud I'm gonna do all I can to get these guys

out of the ground before it's too late anyway let me show you what I'm looking

at I'm hoping for 10 to 15 pounds of potatoes if we're lucky and wish me luck

all right everyone it's time to get these potatoes harvested we had several

plants die back here anyway I was taking a look and if you recall we got yukon

red chieftain and adirondack blues the ground soaked and the next two days

we've got a big storm coming in I've got an hour maybe to pull as many of these

out as possible before they rot away I've already dug around right here by

hand and I had a rotten potato so the moisture is not good for them

now that the plants have died back here so the first thing we're gonna do is

just cut off all these tops and really I'm just gonna harvest them all right

we've dug up the four adirondack blue plants potato plants and we've got a

pretty good amount of Adirondack blue potatoes here I was already starting to

get into the red ones so let me go ahead and now harvest the red potatoes and see

what we got in there should be a little bigger harvest

alright guys we got the bucket of red ones here I noticed that I'm encroaching

on the Yukon Gold so now we'll grab the rest of the Yukon

Gold as well and see what we got alright guys pretty good amount of Yukon Gold

some nice ones in here too so let me go and take my Yukons my red

potatoes and my Adirondack blues get them a slightly rinsed off and then

we'll get you a look at them and away and and see how they look alright

everyone sorry about not doing a time-lapsed harvest video but I had to

hurry this harvest before the storm came in so I didn't have a lot of time and I

want to set the tripod to risk any damage but anyway we got the Yukon Golds

here we got some nice potatoes in there I'm pretty happy with those I even got

one that I really love get it love all right we got some my Adirondack blues

you know some of these are not in great shape and I noticed that because of the

moisture in the ground that we had some splitting and we had some of these uh

this scaling or these pock marks on the potatoes they get when they've been in

too much moisture so lesson learned we got to get that AC unit fixed so it

doesn't continually drip water in this and keep that ground constantly moist

I think the Yukons did the best considering we only had four plants of

those four plants of those and eight plants of these this was in the heart of

the wet area did the worst this has been the most worth the last couple of weeks

let me get these wait up to it the total take is we'll do individual weights and

then I'll do a combined total potato harvest I'm Adirondack blue two pounds

eleven and a half ounces on the Reds despite they don't look the greatest

four pounds four and a half ounces and on the Yukon Gold five pounds three and

a half ounces so five pounds three and a half and then four four and a half make

nine pounds eight and about eight ounces and then we had two pounds eleven and a

half ounces the other one so the

like 11 and a half pounds between all the potatoes this time again wasn't a

monster harvest by any means but you know what

couple of things I learned about this potato harvested about these potatoes

not that I learned I kind of already knew that but I didn't get things

squared away in time one I need to keep the moisture level down especially the

last few weeks before the harvest a lot of these guys would have cured better

they wouldn't had some of these bumps on them we wouldn't have lost probably two

or three of the Adirondack blues and three or four of the red chieftains who

would have lost those to rot and then finally probably could have added a

little bit of acidity to the soil because of the moisture content I'm sure

the pH level was more toward seven it would've been nicer as more acidic it

wasn't that would have helped potatoes along but you know what I'm not

disappointed guys about twelve pounds of potatoes on a three foot by eight foot

bed is not that bad that's a half a pound every every square

foot so I'm not too bad about that next step is to let these sit out and air dry

a little bit then we'll bring them inside and some of the ones that have a

little bit of issues we'll have to use these tonight I absolutely love potatoes

if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up and that is always happy

gardening and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Quick Potato Harvest - One bed, 12 Pounds - Duration: 5:48.




Miała już prawie 40 lat, gdy zaszła w nieplanowaną ciążę.

To dość późny wiek, jak na macierzyństwo.

Halina Rowicka (66 l.) i Krzysztof Kalczyński (81 l.) mieli już wtedy dwoje właściwie "odchowanych" dzieci i wcale nie myśleli o powiększeniu rodziny.

A tu zdarzyła się taka niespodzianka!.

Chociaż Halina Rowicka stworzyła wiele ciekawych kreacji, dla wielu widzów pozostanie na zawsze Ewą Talar z niezapomnianego serialu "Dom".

Grana przez nią postać nie dosyć, że zmagała się z poważną chorobą, to czuła się niekochana przez męża Andrzeja, który nie mógł zapomnieć o swojej pierwszej żonie Basi (Jolanta Żółkowska).

Na szczęście to tylko scenariusz filmowy, który z prywatnym życiem aktorki nie ma nic wspólnego.

Bo Halina Rowicka cieszy się dobrym zdrowiem, a co najważniejsze, od 45 lat jest kochana przez tego samego mężczyznę! Jest nim mąż pani Haliny, aktor Krzysztof Kalczyński, czyli Jeremi Konarski z serialu "Na Wspólnej".

Poznali się na obozie studenckim w Olsztynku.

Ona była po pierwszym roku warszawskiej szkoły teatralnej.

On był instruktorem.

Od razu zrobił na niej piorunujące wrażenie.

Zauważyła, że też się nią zainteresował.

Ale o przystojniaka zabiegały inne koleżanki.

Stwierdziła więc, że nie będzie się ustawiać w takiej kolejce.

Tym bardziej, że na brak powodzenia nie narzekała.

Po powrocie do Warszawy zapomniała o nim, ale Krzysztof Kalczyński nie mógł zapomnieć o niej.

Jak się później okazało, trafiła go strzała amora.

Zaczął robić wszystko, by się do niej zbliżyć.

Niby przypadkowo wpadał do szkoły teatralnej, aż w końcu zorganizował spotkanie towarzyskie, na którym chciał ją bliżej poznać.

Zadbał osprzęt grający i nastrojową muzykę.

Kiedy tylko się pojawiła, porwał ją do tańca i niemal natychmiast się oświadczył! Była zdziwiona, ale nie przeciwna szalonemu pomysłowi.

Dwa tygodnie później byli już zaręczeni! A pobrali zaraz po jej dyplomie, w 1973 roku.

Od tamtej pory idą razem przez życie.

Jak im się to udaje?.

− Miłość ma różne oblicza. Kiedy mija pierwsze zauroczenie, zaczyna się patrzeć na drugiego człowieka krytycznie.

Wtedy potrzeba wiele tolerancji, żeby małżeństwo mogło trwać − szczerze wyznaje pani Halina. A nie jest to łatwe.

Zwłaszcza jeśli małżonkom, takim jak oni, zdarza się razem pracować. Wtedy o sprzeczki nietrudno.

Choć bywają też spięcia twórcze.

− Jestem energiczna, na wiele rzeczy reaguję żywiołowo.

Krzysztof jest bardziej stateczny i czasem narzeka, że wszystko robię pod prąd.

Na dodatek na każdy temat mam własne zdanie − śmieje się aktorka.

Początki były trudne, ale z czasem nauczyli się siebie nawzajem.

On przywykł do jej impulsywności, ona do jego uporu.

Pan Krzysztof potrafi w milczeniu przeczekać wybuch złości żony.

Znają się do tego stopnia, że ona wie, o co mąż może się obrazić! Doceniają się nawzajem i wspierają.

Mąż imponuje pani Halinie tym, że kieruje się w życiu niezłomnymi zasadami.

Jest człowiekiem niezwykle uczciwym.

Ona uwielbia go za duże poczucie humoru i rewelacyjne umiejętności kucharskie, choć sama jest także niezłą kucharką.

Wszystkiego w życiu dorabiali się powolutku, bo najważniejsze były dla nich dzieci.

A szczególnie ich edukacja, na którą nigdy nie żałowali pieniędzy.

Najpierw urodziła się Anna (42 l.), potem Filip (41 l.).

− Z planowania mam niedostateczny − śmieje się aktorka.

−Dzieci dorastały, wydawało się, że wszystko mamy poukładane i nagle niespodzianka w postaci silnej i energicznej osóbki, której na imię Marysia (28 l.).

Nie planowaliśmy trójki potomstwa.

Późne macierzyństwo było dla mnie niezwykłym doświadczeniem − dodaje.

Pani Halina uważa, że jeśli aktorka decyduje się na dzieci, to musi się pogodzić z tym, że w jej karierze będą przestoje i telefon nie będzie za często dzwonił.

Ale jest szczęśliwa, że spełniła się zawodowo i, co ważniejsze, jest kochającą żoną i dumną matką.

Najstarsza córka Anna ukończyła lingwistykę stosowaną na UW i dziennikarstwo na uniwersytecie w Bostonie.

Po studiach odbyła staż w prestiżowej instytucji − w Komisji Europejskiej w Brukseli w dziale prasy i komunikacji.

Zdobyte doświadczenie zaprocentowało.

Dzisiaj jest dziennikarką TVN. 11 lat temu wyszła za mąż za Macieja Maciejowskiego, szefa TVN Warszawa.

Mają troje dzieci: syna Jana (8 l.) oraz córki Hannę (6 l.) i Krystynę (5 l.).

Syn Filip z kolei chciał pójść w ślady rodziców, ale gdy nie został przyjęty do szkoły teatralnej, zdecydował się na studia marketingowe.

Dziś, podobnie jak siostra, jest dziennikarzem TVN oraz ojcem Mateusza, Tymoteusza i Józia.

Z kolei najmłodsza córka Maria uczy się pięciu języków.

Studiowała prawo i ekonomię na uniwersytecie w Barcelonie, kształciła się także w Tuluzie i Kopenhadze. Świetnie jeździ konno.

Pani Halina podkreśla, że dzieci są ich najlepszą życiową inwestycją.

Razem z mężem cieszą się, że trójka ich pociech jest bardzo ze sobą zaprzyjaźniona i może na siebie liczyć.

Lubią spędzać czas z dziećmi. Cieszą ich rodzinne, rowerowe wycieczki za miasto, pływanie i narty.

Są naprawdę szczęśliwi, kiedy siadają razem przy rodzinnym stole.

Miejsca jest dosyć, bo kiedy dzieci się rodziły, państwo Kalczyńscy podjęli decyzję o budowie domu.

− Jako młoda dziewczyna mieszkałam w akademiku, potem w internacie i zawsze tęskniłam za domem.

Brakowało mi bezpiecznej przystani.

Dlatego starałam się ją stworzyć dzieciom − mówi pani Halina.



Team Rynkeby News: 400 ryttere gjorde starten i København til den største nogensinde - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Team Rynkeby News: 400 ryttere gjorde starten i København til den største nogensinde - Duration: 2:56.


Can I be a cricketer or a footballer? ESP Subs - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Can I be a cricketer or a footballer? ESP Subs - Duration: 1:07.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 165 TS+ i-active sense pakket - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 165 TS+ i-active sense pakket - Duration: 1:10.


I'm Lost In Your Love ; Violet x Luculia - Duration: 1:01.


I am caught off-guard by you


like a wave I'm pulled into

[Luculia speaking over music] "She changed my life forever."


[Violet speaking over music] "Luculia."

You're taking my heart by storm

I'm lost in your love, lost in your love

I can't hold back anymore

I'm lost in your love, lost in your love

You're taking my heart by storm

You're taking my heart

For more infomation >> I'm Lost In Your Love ; Violet x Luculia - Duration: 1:01.


I'm a mess // MSP VERSION - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> I'm a mess // MSP VERSION - Duration: 3:16.


Giulia De Lellis contro i fan su Instagram: 'Siete pesanti come le m***e' - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Giulia De Lellis contro i fan su Instagram: 'Siete pesanti come le m***e' - Duration: 4:18.


Citroën C4 Aircross 1.6 I 2WD COLLECTION! NAVI/LM/PANO.DAK! RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Aircross 1.6 I 2WD COLLECTION! NAVI/LM/PANO.DAK! RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I TERRA - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I TERRA - Duration: 1:06.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i S-Line - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i S-Line - Duration: 1:06.


Avengers 4 END GAME TITLE REVEALED!? Avengers 4 End Of The AVENGERS!? - Duration: 3:59.

the biggest movie in the world is full of action and laugh this is a friend of

mine tree I am Steve Rogers be a part of cinematic history and see it again

Avengers infinity war with a pg-13 now play

what is good youtube Warstu here with another video on the Marvel Cinematic

Universe and the Avengers for title I'm sorry guys but we do cover everything on

this channel so today on the Internet the Avengers for title was revealed and

leaked yet again supposedly so it's come out

that supposedly the title is avengers endgame that's a title Avengers for

basically sim sim photographer guy for Avengers 4 had it listed on his website

that Avengers 4 was endgame I'm gonna link to the Instagram account where I

got it from quite a cool dude I'm gonna link his bio and stuff down below and

you can go see this post and then all of a sudden this person who did a lot of

work for Avengers 4 change the title to Avengers for now the funny thing here

guys is we know the Kevin Feige said the title for vengeful won't be coming out

till after the Captain Marvel teaser then Jeremy Conran who we do use his as

source quite a lot shared an interview with the Russo brothers and it says is

the title for the fourth Avengers ever spoken in infinity war Joe Russo no okay

because people have been looking for clues in the dialogue Anthony Russo it's

certainly grounded in a narrative leapin follow following throughout the MCU very

well grounded so is this a reveal no is this a leak

no is it confirmed no we're not it's not going to come out till later on this

year now I understand there's a lot of good designers and graphic designers who

can make some forge kind of thumbnails and stuff I'm gonna be using one for it

to kind of draw you in but guys seriously stop saying that the Avengers

for title is endgame and it was revealed because Joe Russo said it wasn't spoken

in infinity war so how could it be endgame because remember when dr.

streets Doctor Strange said it endgame Tony Stark it's not actually endgame I'm

also going to link down the MCU cosmic link because it's in a much better

quality in a higher image so Trent who's the cinematographer for Avengers 4 had

it titled as endgame and changed it to Avengers four he's worked

on infinity war Civil War and lots of like Marvel properties with the Russo

brothers so it's not been revealed but sorry for the title but it's just

annoying everyone saying oh the titles revealed it's finally been revealed

Avengers for endgame no it does end game scare anyone the title is supposed to

scare us like annihilation with scare is all end of world or world war or the end

of the world or Avengers forever taken away or this is it or something like

that so guys let me know in the comment down below what do you think the title

for Avengers 4 is do you believe it's actually going to be endgame because

quite frankly here on this channel I do like to talk about infinity war Avengers

4 all that kind of stuff but I'm getting sick and tired of having to talk about

subject but you guys seem to love this so guys let me know do you think it's

real but we know it's not real because of the interview that was shared where

Joe Russo said that the title of Avengers 4 wasn't directly spoken about

in infinity war so like always guys please like subscribe and comment any

video requests button down below and I'll be sure to get to them as fast as

possible I did post an area video arrow video before this one but I haven't done

arrow videos for months so it's probably not gonna get as much traction I like to

be transparent with you guys and not fake so yeah I mean I love making our

videos so hopefully the traction picks up so anyway guys please like subscribe

and comment I will catch you in another video of very soon guys catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 END GAME TITLE REVEALED!? Avengers 4 End Of The AVENGERS!? - Duration: 3:59.



what's going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video T we got

another killer video for you guys full of information I'm gonna be talking

about is this the recovery the cryptocurrency market has been waiting

for what are the things we have to look out for well to be talking about V chain

neo ontology and tons of other news that went on in the cryptocurrency space but

guys before we start with that if you want to enter a chance to win some free

Bitcoin all I gots have to do is number one be subscribe to the channel and have

your notifications turn on number two give this video a thumbs up and number

three leave a comment down below saying something related to the video guys

we're gonna be picking the winner in tomorrow's video so make sure you guys

are tuning in tomorrow to see if you did win some free Bitcoin but let's jump

right into this because we have a lot of news going on and honestly a pretty good

amount of good news happening today maybe that's why the market is up maybe

it's price manipulation we're gonna be talking about all that later on in the

video but first bid thumb recovers half of the stolen funds and promises full

compensation for a hack victims now I wanted to give bit them credit for this

this article obviously isn't one that will I mean I think it does spread

positive news into the market which is great but I wanted to give bit them the

credit they deserve one for tracking down and getting back and recovering

half of the stolen funds but two for the full compensation they are giving to the

hack victim so that way nobody's losing their faith in the cryptocurrency market

here nobody is losing their money everyone is going to be compensated and

I think that is a great thing for victim to do one for the community to help the

community you know help grow the community help build trust in the

community and to for themselves build trust with bit them so people know that

they are all they always have the customers best interest at hand I think

this is great to see it I'm very happy to see bit them do this so

congratulations if anyone from bit them is watching this congratulations to what

you guys are doing next piece of news I have for you guys is 27% of England's

male men male Millennials say bitcoin is a better investment than property but

first I'm going to just disclose they are two very different investments I

think both of them have a place in your portfolio if you can afford the

obviously property is a little expensive to get into pretty

to buy a house depending on whe what your income level is depending on how

old you are it's not that easy but I think both of them have a good place in

a portfolio and in the future I do plan on having both cryptocurrency and

investment rental properties in my portfolio but still the fact that 27

percent of male millenials are keep in mind this is male as well I think the

the cryptocurrency community does have more males than it does females at the

moment I don't know why that is maybe I'm wrong I just believe just from

looking at my audience insights there are more males than females watching me

at least and I think other YouTube channels you will find the same thing

but 27% of male Millennials pull the belief Bitcoin represents a better

investment than property and this is really cool to see so this is growing

this is growing adoption for the cryptocurrency community and it shows

how much people actually have faith in a now 27% of male Millennials that is a

very small section that is probably the sector that would have the highest the

highest fate and the highest adoption of cryptocurrency so as to that I do think

this still gives us a lot of room to grow first up just in the male male

Millennials - but also into the female Millennials and just everyone overall I

think one thing if that's important to keep in mind is as as we get older as

you know the generation as my generation right now moves older we start having

kids that I think obviously the kids at that time will be better a doubt will be

easier to adopt them to cryptocurrency since they will be born in a time where

this is already in place it'll be less hard to convince people that they have

that this is a better system which is obviously people don't like change so I

think in time as well it's gonna help play a role in the cryptocurrency

adoption and how many people are involved how many people are invested

which of course will increase the amount of the total market cap of

cryptocurrency as well moving on though we have another cryptocurrency article

and I think this one you guys are going to really like

one of the biggest VC firms says that cryptocurrency can be worth trillions of

dollars now they don't they are not actually this this um this exact VC firm

they are not actually making a fund for this but there are other ones

unlike Horowitz right here you can see another leading VC firm that created a

300 million dollar fund committed to the cryptocurrency sector this this fund

itself let's talk about in the article which is called Wegener they're not

planning to do it said Wagner referring to the creation of a separate and

independent fund for the cryptocurrency sector we see a lot of upside to keeping

it under the same roof now one thing I did want to talk about with this article

is the next part which they say they added that whichever cryptocurrency

survives and weathers large bubbles that will emerge in the future will be worth

several trillions of dollars so we see we talk about all the time how the

market is expecting a lot of money to come into it in the next few months and

also the next few years we think the market is going to grow and

you know in ten years there's several people saying the market could be worth

tens of trillions of dollars now the more exciting part with that is not

every project is going to be around there's going to be a lot of projects

I'm gonna go ahead and say the majority of projects are going to fade out in the

long run even in the coming years they're slowly going to start fading out

because one they're either going to get exposed to there's a show they weren't

actually here for the right reasons and there's a lot of just you know for lack

of better terms shit coins out there in the market that

a lot of people are invested and they can make you a ton of money in the short

short run but I don't think they're going to be around forever

I think the crypto currencies that do end up lasting everything blasting the

ten years lasting the bubbles lasting all the good and the bad news they're

going to be worth trillions of dollars so that's going to mean there's gonna be

less cryptocurrencies and a larger market cap which shows that what you

give that each cryptocurrency is going to have a larger percent dominance of

the overall cryptocurrency market meaning that if the whole market is at

you know say forty trillion dollars maybe bitcoins gonna be like twenty

trillion dollars worth of that which would be insane

think about the price pick who would be at if the market cat was at 20 Chilean

dogs now this is obviously far down the line I think there's still a lot more

things to happen in the cryptocurrency sector we saw we're still waiting for

regulations before we get a lot more money thrown in I think it's gonna be a

key factor to it but I do think down the line we're gonna have less projects

which when the market cap grows that's going to mean that each individual

cryptocurrency whichever ones are at the top at the time are going to have a

larger percent dominance of the market than we are seeing them have right now

because right now there's a lot of cryptocurrencies out there that and like

I said I think a lot of them are not going to be around for as long as people

think next up is an article from bit mixes Arthur Hayes he predicted that

bitcoin is gonna be at $50,000 by the end of 2018 now I know that sounds

absolutely crazy but keep one thing in mind we've seen a lot happening

cryptocurrency in the last you know simply the last few months there's been

a lot that happened at cryptocurrency so he does make a pretty good point when he

says I think that I think something that can go up to 20 K in one year can have a

correction down to about 6 K I I think it definitely found a bottom but with

one positive regulatory decision a way to climb to 20 K or even 50 K by the end

of the year so 20 K we got without any regulations without any Wall Street

investors we got all the way up to 20 K now that was from a lot of different

reasons we had a lot more people you know think they were gonna get Lambos

really quick don't worry we're still on the road to the lambo a lot of people in

that position sold already a lot of people are now calling Bitcoin scam

I still see comments on every single one of my videos I started not I'm sorry to

just let them sit there because I think it's hilarious to see the people that

sold at no they bought at the top they sold at the bottom and now they think

cryptocurrency is a scam simply because they kind of reversed you're supposed to

buy low sell high not buy high sell low some people get that confused but still

anyways I do think he has a good point that's something that did reach 20k can

correct down to 6 K because of the crazy growth we had last

the end of last year even not even just the whole last year at the end of last

year specifically was when we had that huge moonshot that obviously we can

correct back down as well and nothing stopping us from at the end of 2018

having another huge huge run may be even bigger than the last one who knows

what's gonna happen like you said we are one positive regulatory decision away so

he's agreeing regulation is gonna be one of the key driving factors to grow in

the cryptocurrency market I think that's something very important to keep in mind

as it's something we've been talking about for a very long time now the next

thing I have for you guys is a webpage that I actually don't open much on the

chance we usually just just just use coin market cap but I wanted to use two

things this time because look at this guy's if I click here look at all the

green I wanted to emphasize how much green we are having in the market today

how much growth we are having in the market so I wanted to share this where

you can see all of the green in one screen let me know what you guys think

of this give a thumbs up to the video right now if you guys are happy to see

some green in the market I know a lot of you guys are but still we take a look at

coin mark app again everything pretty much is in the green now this does make

me a little cautious and I am going to say it right now guys this might be a

bull trap still too early to know but make sure we are not a hundred percent

out of the bear market by any means because of this has this happened

several several times before in the cryptocurrency market and I'm sure you

guys are well aware you guys have seen this happen a ton so you guys know that

now is not the time to sit here and think that way 400 percent clear this

might be a bull trap it's all about playing things day by day do I still

think cryptocurrency has the possibility to continue to grow from here to

continue to increase from today's growth yes I do think that is definitely

possible looking at some technical analysis of that I was doing before

recording this video I think that might be the case honestly I can they can make

a case for both sides of this moment which is why I say taking things day by

day there is definitely an opportunity for cryptocurrency to fall but on some

indicators it's actually also showing that it could rise so I'm not gonna make

any prediction on what's gonna happen today but let me know what you guys

think in the comments down below while you guys are watching this video we do

we're gonna have a red or a green next 24 hours it's hard to predict it's gonna

be in the green because of so much growth I am expecting to have a little

bit of a pullback that's just normal but in the long run let's hope we do see a

lot more green if we do click on 24-hour change though

power ledger is up 61 percent guys I know a lot of you guys hold power legend

I actually remember talking mentioning in the comments a few times seeing some

people say that they were picking up power ledger

it's up 61 percent that's insane it's a good cryptocurrency so forest for a

change we are seeing a good cryptocurrency as the number one gainer

usually we see cryptocurrency that I don't know much about I mean by all

means maybe they are great but I don't know much about this time we're seeing

power ledger up 61% 0 X another one I like up 34% wax up 30% guys silica up

19% it is very hard to be upset one chain up 16% bands ik attention token up

16 card on o up 15 it's very hard to be upset today with the growth look at this

we're scrolling and were still in the double-digit gainers and then moving

down you guys can see everything is in the green today guys everything

droppable is up five almost six percent over here tron up six almost seven

percent can up 7% nebulus upset guys today is a great day to look at the

green obviously portfolios are still gonna be down because this is one day of

growth only but still a start we need to start somewhere

keep in mind might be a bull trap not fully out of the bear market yet

but it this is always always welcome to see such growth now a few pieces of news

I have from specific crypto currencies number one is V change so at exactly

eight zero zero zero nine the first block was successfully mine the V chain

Thor block shape has officially launched so congratulations the V chain

foundation here to all you guys holding V chain I know this is probably an

exciting moment for you guys too the chain Thor blockchain officially

launched I just want to share with you guys that that that has gone

successfully so far and also there's going to be the second Ont airdrop

scheduled for July 9 so that in the neo council has announced that the second

phase of its Ont token air Jah will end on July 9th the addresses will receive

0.1 Ont for every neo coin they hold at the time of the synapses so the first

one the first air job they did 0.1 of the ratio as well and now at 0.1 so in

the end if they didn't change if the neo balance did not change then every neo

investor will receive 0.2 Ont tokens for every neo coin that they have so very

cool to see that happening both seeing some very good growth today as well 10

10 and a half percent growth for Neil at just over $30 still I believe a steal I

think in the long run we're gonna see you know these numbers change a lot I

think Neil could be a $300 cryptocurrency by the end of the year

and then people are going to really regret not getting in at the $30.00

level and on told you as well super super cheap right now even though it's

up ten percent down to five point two six dollars still under a billion

dollars in market cap another steal I believe as with most crypto currencies I

think even if you look at one we talked about yesterday one of my favorite ones

right now nano up twelve percent to two dollars and forty one cents so I'm glad

I picked up some more yesterday when it was getting close to that two dollar

level I think was the perfect time to pick some up I believe we did get yet to

two dollars eleven was I think the lowest went to I got something like 215

so already seeing some nice growth with that cryptocurrency as well and I hope

it's going to continue to grow I'm not selling it just yet but I am getting

more and more bullish on nano but guys if you did enjoy this video don't forget

hit that like button also leave a comment down below in order to enter a

chance to win some free Bitcoin and of course be subscribed and have your

notifications turn on and come back tomorrow when you get notified that I

post tomorrow come back tomorrow to see if you did win some free Bitcoin guys

thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video



Opel Zafira 1.8i ENJOY AIRCO ECC CRUISE CD TREKHAAK LMV16 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 1.8i ENJOY AIRCO ECC CRUISE CD TREKHAAK LMV16 - Duration: 1:11.


The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video In The World | Oddly Satisfying Videos Ever Compilation - Duration: 11:38.

The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video In The World

For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video In The World | Oddly Satisfying Videos Ever Compilation - Duration: 11:38.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Business Automaat 7 persoons - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Business Automaat 7 persoons - Duration: 1:06.


Splatoon 2 - Ranked / League? - Duration: 1:59:09.

For more infomation >> Splatoon 2 - Ranked / League? - Duration: 1:59:09.


最新更新【巫統黨選公布主席最新成績】緊張局勢 - Duration: 13:18.

For more infomation >> 最新更新【巫統黨選公布主席最新成績】緊張局勢 - Duration: 13:18.


What's New to Netflix: July 2018 (Original Series & Movies) - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> What's New to Netflix: July 2018 (Original Series & Movies) - Duration: 5:29.


O problema da Victoria Song que você não conhece- legendado pt-br - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> O problema da Victoria Song que você não conhece- legendado pt-br - Duration: 0:33.


Meghan Markle: la drástica y dramática decisión que podría tener que tomar - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle: la drástica y dramática decisión que podría tener que tomar - Duration: 3:50.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #37: Side Sitting - Duration: 1:54.

Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I'm a pediatric physical therapist.

I'm here with my co-instructor, Myla, who just turned a year old. She has Down

syndrome. We are going to work on side sitting.

So usually Myla sits symmetrically. I have seen pictures of her in which she's

not sitting asymmetrically which means her legs are either both out straight or

both tucked in. I want to have her practice sitting with one leg different

than the other. The classic position is side sit. That's where one leg is turned

out and one leg is turned in. It's a great transition position to go in and

out of hands and knees for crawling. She is not quite ready for it yet and

she'll probably think it's rude, but we're going to start introducing it . So I'm

going to take one leg and turn it out to the side which...oh, heavens...I'm going to take the other

leg and turn it in. So she's side sitting...uh-huh..and able to

stay up. Now when kids are not as strong as Myla, they can't stay up when you put

their leg in sidesit. They may have to prop on one arm to be able to stay

there, but Myla is strong get out of it on her own... but stay there with

out having to prop on her arm. Oh sweet pea! I do the same on both sides

practicing side sit. Myla says we are finished with this segment. I'll see you later.

I hope it's a simple idea that you can use. Bye-bye!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #37: Side Sitting - Duration: 1:54.


Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Still You Turn Me On(Legendado) - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Still You Turn Me On(Legendado) - Duration: 3:09.


Opinión | Hazlo tú, si sabes; por Juan Tallón - Duration: 5:42.

 España parece dividida entre quienes saben qué tiene que hacer Hierro para ganar a Rusia, y quienes también saben qué tiene que hacer Hierro

Se trata de cosas muy distintas. Es una de tantas historias sobre quién lleva la razón

¿Hay que mantener el rumbo? ¿Hay que cambiarlo antes de que sea tarde? Llevar razón es una vieja obsesión

La razón es la razón y la queremos. Nos agrada pensar que nos pertenece. Días atrás, de visita por España, Fran Lebowitz contaba a Inés Martín Rodrigo que mucha gente la considera una escritora, tal vez porque se espera desde hace treinta años que publique un libro, pero ella en realidad encuentra que "mi profesión es tener razón"

Vive de discutir. Tener la razón le encanta. No solo a ella. Todos hallamos estimulante acalorarnos, y si tenemos mangas, remangarnos, y explicar cómo son las cosas o cómo hay que hacerlas

 La alineación de España es un asunto muy relevante. Aunque, ¿qué no lo es? Hace años, en un pueblo de Rusia detuvieron a un profesor sospechoso de matar a un amigo tras una discusión sobre ¡géneros literarios! Habían estado bebiendo, felices, pero en un momento dado la víctima afirmó que "la única literatura verdadera es la prosa"

Su amigo, apasionado de la poesía, lo acuchilló. Quiero decir con esto que no existen las riñas menores

Hierro tiene opciones distintas para jugar contra los rusos. O la original o la nueva

Ambas presuponen incertidumbre, porque la primera no funcionó hasta la fecha, y la otra en cierto sentido aún no existe

 Todos tenemos las cosas clarísimas hasta que hay que hacerlas. Incluso el sentido de la vida, hasta que hay que vivirla

Hace unas semanas vi a un amigo usar un taladro modernísimo para agujerear una pared en la que colgar unos cuadros

Pan comido. Su hermano le daba indicaciones enormemente útiles desde abajo: "Así no", "así", "pero qué haces", "mal, fatal", "qué burro"

Harto, aquel bajó de la escalera y le entregó el taladro al hermano. "Hazlo tú, imbécil", le dijo, sin amargura

Y vaya si lo habría hecho, pero no supo encender el taladro.  Nada evita que alrededor de la selección el debate esté clarísimo desde todas las partes

En fútbol, nos parece que algunas cosas tienen a su favor que se hacen con un dedo, chas

No pueden ser más fáciles. En contra, yo le veo que la gente, cuando llega la hora, a menudo no sabe hacer chas con el dedo

Es dificilísimo. En La fuga de Alcatraz, al compañero de celda de Frank Morris, Butts, le encargan que silbe cuando se acerque un vigilante, y así Morris podrá dejar de excavar el agujero por el que se fugará, y regresar a la cama para hacerse el dormido

Butts acepta el encargo. Es sencillo. Pero cuando el vigilante se acerca, y ha de alertar a Morris, junta los labios sin éxito

Nada. ¡No sabe silbar! ¡Es dificilísimo!

For more infomation >> Opinión | Hazlo tú, si sabes; por Juan Tallón - Duration: 5:42.


Testemunho de Antonio - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Testemunho de Antonio - Duration: 7:53.


How To Make Money Online with Youtube Channel Art Banner 2018 in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 6:50.

Hello & Assalam O Alekum Friends!

Do you know that.. By designing a Youtube Channel Art

You can Earn Money Online.

You just have to design a simple cover,.

Whether you call it Youtube Cover or Youtube Banner.

You just simply design it and sell out

in the Online Market to your customers.

Besides selling it online..

you can also sell covers offline by dealing with individuals

In this video, I will provide guidance about

How to create Youtube Cannel Art

& How to sell it in Online Market.

First of all, I may show you some proofs that

whether people are actually earning by using

this method in the Online Market or not?

and How much do they earn from it..?

For this purpose, Lets open the browser

and I'll show you a website.

here, in the search bar, I will type "Youtube"



Then I'll press enter.

Now it will show us some examples

of the gigs belonging to different persons.

How they are working and how many orders they have comleted

Here we already have some Top-Rated Sellers*

Who sell theses services

They create simple covers & sell them. Its just simple designing

It is not too hard just simple designing which they sell for..

20$ per banner.

25$ , 30$

As you can see, these are all simple designing..

Nothing too hard or complicated.

Simple designing is being sold here in the Online Market.

I may show you some of these seller's designs.

This person is from Romania

He started his account in 2013

His average response rate is about 3 hours

& he has completed his last order about 2 hours ago

You can see that his covers are simple

and he sells them in the online market

for a price of 25$.

He delivers the orders under 2 days

Now I will tell how to design a coveror

or create a youtube channel art & sell it in the Online Market

First, open any Photoshop version

that you have installed

To create a youtube channel cover just keep in mind

the size you should work on.

The size of youtube channel art.

You may note it down or

save it somewhere.

1546 pixels (Width)

423 pixels (Heigt)


This is the proper size for youtube channel art for official use.

Which we work about

and do our designing.

So, you can change

or add colors in it.. like

I am

adding black color.

Now I will type something here.

When the customers gives you order

for creating channel art

they will provide you their own text or logo.

You will have to use them instead.

So friends, exactly this same way You can also create

attractive and unique covers & sell them in the online market.

Which ever buyer provides you order

He will provide you instructions that

about what logo and what texts you have to use

& you will complete the order according to their instructions and then sell it.

Just like this, you can also contact different youtubers

to design covers for them and sell them.

or if you want to just re-edit this design then I will

provide you this exact design in the description

of this video in .psd file format.

You may download it from

the description below

and re-edit it or

change it according to the needs of your customers

Do you know that, By typing a simple article

You can earn money online

This account belongs to Minahil Ahmed

who's operating from Pakistan.

She created this account in 2016

She can charge a maximum fee

of about 195$ per article.

To solve Math's problems and questions

Just download the PhotoMath app

Scan the Math's problem

and you will get the answer within seconds

along with step by step instructions

These are amazing features.

For more infomation >> How To Make Money Online with Youtube Channel Art Banner 2018 in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 6:50.


[#2] INTRO PARA By irving | HAGO INTROS GRATIS 3D [Por 亲Rainbow GFX] - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> [#2] INTRO PARA By irving | HAGO INTROS GRATIS 3D [Por 亲Rainbow GFX] - Duration: 1:31.


Wałęsa zapowiada, że pojawi się w Warszawie, by bronić SN. Śniadek: On kompletnie rujnuje swój mit - Duration: 5:25.

 Jeśli w jakikolwiek sposób obecna ekipa zaatakuje Sąd Najwyższy 4 lipca, to ja po godzinie 15:00 udaję się z Gdańska do Warszawy

Dość niszczenia Polski. Staję na czele fizycznego odsunięcia głównego sprawcy wszystkich nieszczęść

By tego dokonać musi być w Warszawie zgromadzone ponad 100 000 zdecydowanych i zdyscyplinowanych chętnych

Przy otwartej kurtynie, pokojowo i zdecydowanie musimy tego dokonać na oczach świata

Jestem w gotowości i wiem jak do tego doprowadzić – napisał Wałęsa w sobotę na portalu społecznościowym

 Janusz Śniadek, poproszony przez PAP o komentarz do zapowiedzi Wałęsy powiedział, że patrzy z wielkim smutkiem na to, jak były przywódca Solidarności i później prezydent kompletnie rujnuje swój mit

Kiedyś zastanawialiśmy się, czy można zniszczyć mit Lecha Wałęsy. Były powtarzane takie pytania

Ja wówczas mówiłem, że tylko sam Lech Wałęsa może ten mit zniszczyć i w tej chwili, mam wrażenie, doprowadził to już do skrajnie niskiego poziomu

Coraz trudniej w ogóle go komentować, nie wiem czy warto w ogóle – powiedział też Śniadek

 Zgodnie z ustawą o Sądzie Najwyższym, która weszła w życie 3 kwietnia, w trzy miesiące od tego terminu, czyli 3 lipca, w stan spoczynku przechodzą z mocy prawa sędziowie SN, którzy ukończyli 65

rok życia. Mogą oni dalej pełnić swoją funkcję, jeśli w ciągu miesiąca od wejścia w życie nowej ustawy, czyli do 2 maja, złożyli stosowne oświadczenie i przedstawili odpowiednie zaświadczenia lekarskie, a prezydent RP wyrazi zgodę na dalsze zajmowanie stanowiska sędziego SN

W SN orzeka obecnie 74 sędziów, spośród których 27 osiągnęło ten wiek. Część sędziów SN, którzy ukończyli 65

rok życia nie złożyło oświadczeń lub nie przedstawiło zaświadczeń lekarskich.  I prezes SN Małgorzata Gersdorf, która już ukończyła 65

rok życia, powiedziała, że nie złożyła i nie złoży wniosku do prezydenta ws. dalszego zajmowania stanowiska sędziowskiego i funkcji prezesa SN

Konstytucja gwarantuje mi to stanowisko, bardzo zaszczytne, na sześć lat i nie widzę powodu, żebym miała zgłaszać się do władzy wykonawczej z prośbą, to w ogóle nie wchodzi w grę - podkreśliła Gersdorf

 W czwartek Zgromadzenie Ogólne Sędziów SN jednogłośnie przyjęło uchwałę mówiącą, że sędzia Gersdorf pozostaje zgodnie z Konstytucją RP I prezesem SN do 30 kwietnia 2020 r

 Zgodnie z nowelizacją nowej ustawy o SN, która weszła w życie w połowie czerwca, prezydent ma obowiązek zasięgnięcia opinii Krajowej Rady Sądownictwa przed wyrażeniem zgody na dalsze zajmowanie stanowiska przez sędziego SN, który osiągnął wiek przejścia w stan spoczynku - 65 lat

"KRS przekazuje Prezydentowi RP opinię w terminie 30 dni od dnia wystąpienia przez Prezydenta RP o przedstawienie tej opinii

W przypadku nieprzekazania opinii w terminie, o którym mowa (.), uznaje się, że KRS wydała opinię pozytywną" - głosi przepis

For more infomation >> Wałęsa zapowiada, że pojawi się w Warszawie, by bronić SN. Śniadek: On kompletnie rujnuje swój mit - Duration: 5:25.


Straszna śmierć na bramie stoczni. Ostrzegli Donalda Tuska, że też tak skończy - Duration: 10:45.

Koledzy wspominają go jako osobę niebywale dowcipną, towarzyską, oczytaną i wrażliwą

Z jednej strony zakładał Ruch Młodej Polski, Ruch Obrony Praw Człowieka i Obywatela, tworzył struktury Solidarności, a z drugiej - organizował życie kulturalne drugiego obiegu

Pisał eseje i wiersze, ale nie tylko słowem sprzeciwiał się dyktaturze. Jan Samsonowicz zorganizował np

strajk głodowy w Gdańsku, którym wymógł na władzach uwolnienie więźniów politycznych (m

in. Leszka Moczulskiego, czyli szefa Konfederacji Polski Niepodległej). Słynął z poczucia humoru

Zresztą, swoją pracę magisterską poświęcił „Funkcji ironii w twórczości poetyckiej Zbigniewa Herberta"

To właśnie drwiący stosunek do władzy mocno ją irytował. Jan Samsonowicz potrafił zuchwale wejść do kasyna dla funkcjonariuszy MO i SB, wśród których był doskonale znany

Siedzących w kasynie tak zamurowało, że nie wydusili z siebie słowa. Samsonowicz w milczeniu rozdawał funkcjonariuszom ulotki konspiracyjne, po czym po prostu sobie wyszedł

Mieszkanie Jana Samsonowicza było swoistym - jak wspomina to Zenon Kwoka, działacz Solidarności, który był asystentem Lecha Wałęsy w czasie stoczniowych strajków - "salonem polityczno-literackim"

Bywali tam: Janusz Szpotański, Andrzej Czuma, Leszek Moczulski, Bogdan Borusewicz, Lech Wałęsa, Wiesław Chrzanowski, Krzysztof Wyszkowski czy Andrzej i Joanna Gwiazdowie

Razem z żoną Haliną tworzyli - jak sądzili wówczas ich przyjaciele - rodzinę, której nie da się rozbić

Nie załamały ich szykany SB, rewizje, kłopoty w pracy i niebywale energochłonna oraz stresogenna konspiracja, wewnątrz której - jak się potem okazało - Jan Samsonowicz organizował tajne struktury

A przecież Samsonowiczowie mieli troje dzieci, które potrzebowały uwagi i troski

Dźwigali więc ogromny ciężar. Zmęczenie i zniechęcenie musiało w końcu ich dopaść

Samsonowicz dość często zmieniał miejsce zatrudnienia. Pracował w Wojewódzkim Przedsiębiorstwie Hurtu Spożywczego, Gdańskim Przedsiębiorstwie Budownictwa Przemysłowego, Miejskim Ośrodku Sportu i Rekreacji, w Przedsiębiorstwie Spedycji Międzynarodowej C

Hartwig w Gdańsku jako ekspedytor w Porcie, w końcu jako zaopatrzeniowiec w Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku

I to właśnie w AMG został przewodniczącym komisji zakładowej NSZZ Solidarność. Tam też poznał Barbarę Iwanek, absolwentkę Wydziału Psychologii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego

Samsonowicz zaangażował się uczuciowo, co doprowadziło później do rozwodu (sędzia stwierdził, że „tak kulturalnego rozwodu jeszcze nie było")

Po tzw. karnawale wolności w życiu Samsonowicza zaczęły się dziać naprawdę złe rzeczy

W nocy z 12 na 13 grudnia 1981 roku, został internowany w Strzebielinku koło Wejherowa, a potem przeniesiono go do Iławy

Siedział tam do lipca 1982 roku. Wrócił odmieniony. Jak wspomina Zenon Kwoka (jego przyjaciel z czasów internowania w Iławie) Samsonowicz mówił, że obawia się o życie swojej córki

- Niedawno, w czasie prowadzonych przeze mnie badań, dowiedziałem się, że fakt ten potwierdza relacja nadzorującego go funkcjonariusza SB - stwierdza Kwoka

- Jak wynika z dokumentów SB, Jan razem z Piotrem Dykiem prowadził komórkę wywiadowczą, co było powodem podjęcia przez SB w czerwcu 1981r

akcji dezinformowania i działań operacyjnych celem rozbicia tej komórki. Po wyjściu z internowania powiedział żonie i bliskim przyjaciołom, w tym Darkowi Kobzdejowi i Mirkowi Górskiemu, że SB nie przepuści mu tego co zrobił, że poznał tajemnicę (do dzisiaj nie wiadomo jaką, jak mówią plotki – dotyczyła ofiar grudnia 70 r

, identyfikacji ważnego agenta, a jeszcze inna rozliczeń finansowych w Solidarności)

Obawiając się o konsekwencje powiedział byłej żonie, aby nigdy nie uwierzyła, gdy będą mówić iż popełnił samobójstwo, czy zginął w tajemniczym wypadku

Później wielu działaczy, w tym Donalda Tuska, funkcjonariusze SB straszyli mówiąc „będziesz wisiał jak Samsonowicz - napisał Zenon Kwoka w referacie na konferencję popularno–naukową pt

„Współtwórcy NSZZ Solidarność". 30 czerwca 1983 roku odnaleziono ciało Jana Samsonowicza

Wisiało na pasku przewieszonym przez pręty ogrodzenia jednego z obiektów stoczni

 Większość mieszkańców Trójmiasta przyjęła tezę o mordzie politycznym (tak jak podało Radio Wolna Europa)

Ale wśród władz podziemnej Solidarności, nie było co do tego zgodności, bo np. Bogdan Borusewicz (późniejszy marszałek i wicemarszałek Senatu) przyjął wersję o samobójstwie

Skąd przekonanie o tym, że Samsonowicz mógł sam odebrać sobie życie? Zmarły miał się bowiem dowiedzieć o podejrzeniach kolegów, co do współpracy jego ukochanej, czyli Barbary Iwanek, z SB (ona sama wyemigrowała potem do Kanady)

Ponadto - jak twierdzi Zenon Kwoka - 30 czerwca 1983 r. była żona Samsonowicza brała ślub z nowym partnerem, który był wcześniej jego przyjacielem

Barbara Iwanek z kolei przyjęła w dniu poprzedzającym śmierć pierścionek zaręczynowy, ale - jak stwierdziła w śledztwie - oświadczyny odrzuciła

Jaka jest więc prawda o śmierci Jana Samsonowicza? Jego nazwisko znalazło się w tzw

raporcie Rokity, czyli spisie skrytobójczych mordów, których dokonano w czasie stanu wojennego

W raporcie wymieniono około 100 nazwisk ofiar PRL-owskich zbrodniarzy (co ważne - choć w raporcie wymienione są nazwiska SB-ków, żadnego z nich dotąd nie skazano)

Wśród wymienionych ofiar komunistycznego reżimu jest też Jan Samsonowicz. Tekst powstał m

in. w oparciu o Referat na Konferencję popularno–naukową pt.„Współtwórcy NSZZ Solidarność", zorganizowaną z okazji 25-lecia Solidarności przez Zarząd Regionu Gdańskiego NSZZ „Solidarność" w dniu 27


For more infomation >> Straszna śmierć na bramie stoczni. Ostrzegli Donalda Tuska, że też tak skończy - Duration: 10:45.


Isme Tera Ghata Mera Kuch nahi jata Volume#01 Musically Gajendra Verma New Song 2018 - Duration: 6:10.

Isme Tera Ghata Mera Kuch nahi jata Volume#01 Musically Gajendra Verma New Song 2018

Isme Tera Ghata Mera Kuch nahi jata

Isme Tera Ghata Mera Kuch nahi jata Volume#01 Musically Gajendra Verma New Song 2018

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