Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 26 2018

Red Dead Redemption 2 - INCREDIBLE RDR2 LEAK!


(RDR2) 0:00:00.030,0:00:06.540

hey buddy come here come on we're gonna RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2

0:00:04.080,0:00:08.580 go for a walk we're gonna go for hey get

RDR2 0:00:06.540,0:00:22.050

the fuck back here we're gonna go for a RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAK

0:00:08.580,0:00:25.380 walk my friend ooh

RDR2 LEAK 0:00:22.050,0:00:27.019

that guy's talking shit about me this RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 NEWS

0:00:25.380,0:00:29.099 guy's gonna get pushed off the edge too

RDR2 NEWS 0:00:27.019,0:00:32.279

come on I know you want to fall off that RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 INFORMATION

0:00:29.099,0:00:38.250 cliff see ya holy shit

RDR2 INFORMATION 0:00:32.279,0:00:41.100

he stood up oh my god oh my god we have RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 INFO

0:00:38.250,0:00:43.320 a hacker in the campaign this guy

RDR2 INFO 0:00:41.100,0:00:46.800

sitting on the edge of a cliff what a RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 UPDATES

0:00:43.320,0:00:48.660 noob hey what's going on guys my name is

RDR2 UPDATES 0:00:46.800,0:00:50.460

Zack B you guys can call me hazardous RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAKED INFORMATION

0:00:48.660,0:00:52.440 thank you so much for tuning back on my

RDR2 LEAKED INFORMATION 0:00:50.460,0:00:54.120

channel and welcome back to another red RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAKED INFO

0:00:52.440,0:00:55.620 dead redemption - video here on the

RDR2 LEAKED INFO 0:00:54.120,0:00:56.670

channel today I hope you're all having a RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAKED NEWS

0:00:55.620,0:00:58.620 fantastic day

RDR2 LEAKED NEWS 0:00:56.670,0:01:00.180

thank you for eight thousand eight RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAKED UPDATES

0:00:58.620,0:01:01.890 hundred subscribers we hit actually hit

RDR2 LEAKED UPDATES 0:01:00.180,0:01:03.600

that milestone yesterday the channel is

0:01:01.890,0:01:05.159 growing super fast and I love all you

0:01:03.600,0:01:06.450 guys for it we have a fantastic

0:01:05.159,0:01:08.280 community here and it really just means

0:01:06.450,0:01:09.720 a lot to me to see everyone give me so

0:01:08.280,0:01:11.369 much love and support what I've noticed

0:01:09.720,0:01:13.110 recently too is you know cuz I haven't

0:01:11.369,0:01:14.549 been able to keep up with comets as much

0:01:13.110,0:01:15.689 as I've wanted to recently just cuz I've

0:01:14.549,0:01:17.430 been busy with work but what I've

0:01:15.689,0:01:18.990 noticed is that people are you know

0:01:17.430,0:01:20.220 talking to each other in the comments

0:01:18.990,0:01:21.960 and like you guys are having

0:01:20.220,0:01:23.280 back-and-forth dialogue talking about

0:01:21.960,0:01:24.689 you know what you want to see in Red

0:01:23.280,0:01:26.040 Dead Redemption - what you don't want to

0:01:24.689,0:01:27.720 see what you think will happen next week

0:01:26.040,0:01:29.340 etc and it just that's so cool to see

0:01:27.720,0:01:31.140 like I never really had that with a

0:01:29.340,0:01:32.670 youtube audience before and now I have

0:01:31.140,0:01:34.380 it with you guys and I'm just super

0:01:32.670,0:01:36.479 super thankful so thank you so much

0:01:34.380,0:01:38.040 today's video is about a recent Red Dead

0:01:36.479,0:01:39.930 Redemption - leak and I just want to

0:01:38.040,0:01:41.159 give a disclaimer some of you guys may

0:01:39.930,0:01:43.380 know about this already I've actually

0:01:41.159,0:01:45.570 seen a few comments referring to some of

0:01:43.380,0:01:47.909 the features included in this leak but

0:01:45.570,0:01:49.649 it just flew totally under my radar this

0:01:47.909,0:01:51.119 was actually updated right around the

0:01:49.649,0:01:53.100 time that I was just getting thing

0:01:51.119,0:01:54.540 organized in my life and just planning

0:01:53.100,0:01:56.189 for the future so I didn't even notice

0:01:54.540,0:01:57.420 this so I apologize we're gonna be

0:01:56.189,0:01:59.009 talking about it in this video we're

0:01:57.420,0:02:00.810 gonna be talking about AI and other

0:01:59.009,0:02:02.520 gameplay features in Red Dead Redemption

0:02:00.810,0:02:04.500 - so drop a like if you guys enjoyed

0:02:02.520,0:02:05.880 let's see if we can go for 100 likes on

0:02:04.500,0:02:06.960 this video as well as if you guys are

0:02:05.880,0:02:09.119 new to the channel and like all this

0:02:06.960,0:02:10.619 daily Red Dead Redemption 2 content feel

0:02:09.119,0:02:11.069 free to subscribe let's just jump right

0:02:10.619,0:02:13.470 in

0:02:11.069,0:02:15.420 so this elique I actually saw from play

0:02:13.470,0:02:17.070 station lifestyle they reported on other

0:02:15.420,0:02:18.720 leaked information that later became

0:02:17.070,0:02:20.340 confirmed Red Dead Redemption two

0:02:18.720,0:02:21.930 information in the past and this leak

0:02:20.340,0:02:23.910 comes from about two weeks ago but then

0:02:21.930,0:02:25.800 I clicked on the original post and I

0:02:23.910,0:02:27.360 actually comes from a Red Dead

0:02:25.800,0:02:29.520 Redemption two subreddit which was

0:02:27.360,0:02:31.410 posted there from the GTA forum so it's

0:02:29.520,0:02:32.730 like a whole you know inception like you

0:02:31.410,0:02:34.560 know I've been following the cookie

0:02:32.730,0:02:36.570 crumbs back to the original source so it

0:02:34.560,0:02:39.180 seems like it comes from the original

0:02:36.570,0:02:41.370 source of GTA forms but from a user by

0:02:39.180,0:02:42.990 the name of drip-drop drip-drop

0:02:41.370,0:02:44.700 like I said on the GTA forms and he

0:02:42.990,0:02:45.870 talks about a bunch of leaks and we can

0:02:44.700,0:02:47.910 break it down into three categories

0:02:45.870,0:02:49.530 there's gameplay leaks

0:02:47.910,0:02:51.240 there's customization leaks and then

0:02:49.530,0:02:53.010 there's also miscellaneous leaks which

0:02:51.240,0:02:54.690 we're gonna talk about all of it in this

0:02:53.010,0:02:56.220 video it's gonna be a little bit of a

0:02:54.690,0:02:57.690 longer one and we're gonna be reading a

0:02:56.220,0:02:59.550 lot of stuff I'll put it up on screen

0:02:57.690,0:03:01.050 for your guys ease of reading and just

0:02:59.550,0:03:02.340 so you know if you guys want to read it

0:03:01.050,0:03:03.720 yourself you don't have to listen to me

0:03:02.340,0:03:05.190 ramble on talking about all these

0:03:03.720,0:03:06.660 features but if you're doing something

0:03:05.190,0:03:07.860 you're making a snack you're doing

0:03:06.660,0:03:09.330 homework I'm sure everyone's out of

0:03:07.860,0:03:10.800 school at this point are almost out of

0:03:09.330,0:03:12.209 school cuz it's almost July or if you're

0:03:10.800,0:03:13.260 just driving on your way to work or

0:03:12.209,0:03:14.550 something and you're listening to this

0:03:13.260,0:03:15.600 video we're gonna be talking about all

0:03:14.550,0:03:17.550 these features and we're gonna be

0:03:15.600,0:03:18.870 breaking them down further this week

0:03:17.550,0:03:20.790 we're gonna be talking about the major

0:03:18.870,0:03:22.380 ones just cuz there's a lot here now I

0:03:20.790,0:03:24.000 don't know what's gonna be confirmed in

0:03:22.380,0:03:25.170 the future or not we're gonna be talking

0:03:24.000,0:03:26.430 about a lot of stuff so I know I've kept

0:03:25.170,0:03:28.350 you guys waiting let's just jump right

0:03:26.430,0:03:29.850 into this first we're gonna talk about

0:03:28.350,0:03:30.540 the gameplay leaks and to break this

0:03:29.850,0:03:32.970 down first

0:03:30.540,0:03:35.970 it says gunplay will consist of being a

0:03:32.970,0:03:37.920 hybrid between Max Payne 3 and GTA 5 and

0:03:35.970,0:03:39.930 we'll have more user involvement the

0:03:37.920,0:03:41.580 second thing here is that ragdoll models

0:03:39.930,0:03:43.799 won't be stumbling bumbling like the

0:03:41.580,0:03:46.530 first game but will be a reworked

0:03:43.799,0:03:48.060 version of the model seen in GTA 5 there

0:03:46.530,0:03:50.070 will be light destruction in the game

0:03:48.060,0:03:51.720 similar to Rainbow six siege for weak

0:03:50.070,0:03:54.090 materials players will be able to

0:03:51.720,0:03:55.500 puncture light cover chip pillars etc

0:03:54.090,0:03:57.180 depending on where the horse has been

0:03:55.500,0:03:59.280 shot there will be a decrease in the

0:03:57.180,0:04:01.080 performance of the horse for example if

0:03:59.280,0:04:02.790 a player targets one of the horses front

0:04:01.080,0:04:04.290 legs it will limp and artha will start

0:04:02.790,0:04:06.180 to curse and become frustrated and

0:04:04.290,0:04:08.100 currently that's being tested to find a

0:04:06.180,0:04:10.170 good balance something important here is

0:04:08.100,0:04:12.750 that fishing is close to being cut

0:04:10.170,0:04:15.299 content hand-to-hand combat is the best

0:04:12.750,0:04:16.859 in any Rockstar title players will be

0:04:15.299,0:04:18.450 able to swim so it seems like in this

0:04:16.859,0:04:19.799 league swimming is confirmed we'll have

0:04:18.450,0:04:21.810 to see if it's actually confirmed my

0:04:19.799,0:04:24.030 rock star the AI will also react to

0:04:21.810,0:04:25.740 sound better in stealth situations so

0:04:24.030,0:04:27.570 for instance Arthur is sneaking it's a

0:04:25.740,0:04:29.430 cover and on his way he knocks down a

0:04:27.570,0:04:31.620 model the AI will react to that and

0:04:29.430,0:04:33.750 investigate the scene in chases where a

0:04:31.620,0:04:35.280 transport involves wheels players will

0:04:33.750,0:04:36.870 be able to shoot at the wheels to break

0:04:35.280,0:04:38.610 them down into different shapes to

0:04:36.870,0:04:40.500 affect their handling for example a

0:04:38.610,0:04:42.570 shotgun can blow half a carriage wheel

0:04:40.500,0:04:44.550 off leaving the carriage unstable yet

0:04:42.570,0:04:46.830 controllable to not hinder the gameplay

0:04:44.550,0:04:48.570 experience law enforcement will be much

0:04:46.830,0:04:50.610 more human and not there to serve a

0:04:48.570,0:04:52.740 purpose as something to be wary of to

0:04:50.610,0:04:54.780 the player law enforcement can be seen

0:04:52.740,0:04:56.850 detaining AI if they've seen someone

0:04:54.780,0:04:59.160 cheating in blackjack and such the AI

0:04:56.850,0:05:00.810 can also run away or if things escalate

0:04:59.160,0:05:02.670 can result in a shootout certain

0:05:00.810,0:05:04.410 shopkeepers will charge you different

0:05:02.670,0:05:06.360 prices depending on your appearance if

0:05:04.410,0:05:08.010 you look clean and wealthy shopkeepers

0:05:06.360,0:05:10.560 will increase the prices of the items

0:05:08.010,0:05:12.540 and vice versa if you look dirty players

0:05:10.560,0:05:14.340 will be able to shoot while on the canoe

0:05:12.540,0:05:16.320 if you take on a heist with one of the

0:05:14.340,0:05:18.090 members of your camp and gang during the

0:05:16.320,0:05:19.890 heist he takes a lot of hits they will

0:05:18.090,0:05:21.900 be out of action from a few days to a

0:05:19.890,0:05:23.670 month of in-game time the healing

0:05:21.900,0:05:25.500 process can be sped up by regularly

0:05:23.670,0:05:27.360 helping to feed the camp and creating a

0:05:25.500,0:05:28.950 sense of community around the campfire I

0:05:27.360,0:05:30.210 actually talked about this in my Q&A and

0:05:28.950,0:05:32.160 it seems like my prediction was correct

0:05:30.210,0:05:33.780 on one of the questions that someone had

0:05:32.160,0:05:35.460 on they were wondering what happens to

0:05:33.780,0:05:37.080 the AI and the gang if they get injured

0:05:35.460,0:05:39.210 during one of the missions it seems like

0:05:37.080,0:05:40.440 they'll be unusable and uncalled before

0:05:39.210,0:05:42.000 a mission for a certain amount of time

0:05:40.440,0:05:44.070 so that's pretty cool we have three more

0:05:42.000,0:05:46.200 things to talk about here the NPC's

0:05:44.070,0:05:48.210 around towns can be heard talking about

0:05:46.200,0:05:50.850 different things that are or have been

0:05:48.210,0:05:52.680 going on in town for example if you kill

0:05:50.850,0:05:54.540 one of the shopkeepers come back two to

0:05:52.680,0:05:56.340 three hours later in-game and you'll

0:05:54.540,0:05:57.780 hear the NPC's commenting on that

0:05:56.340,0:06:00.030 depending on what day of the week it is

0:05:57.780,0:06:01.890 towns will be populated or empty for

0:06:00.030,0:06:03.420 example on a Friday evening expect bars

0:06:01.890,0:06:04.950 to be lively and town's to be warm and

0:06:03.420,0:06:06.660 alive with more law enforcement out

0:06:04.950,0:06:08.520 patrolling towns and then lastly in

0:06:06.660,0:06:10.080 terms of gameplay yes the leaked map is

0:06:08.520,0:06:11.220 real that's incredible news guys so

0:06:10.080,0:06:12.690 that's great we can finally put that

0:06:11.220,0:06:14.130 behind us I think it's almost confirmed

0:06:12.690,0:06:16.350 at this point that the leaked map is

0:06:14.130,0:06:18.420 real but some people still are skeptical

0:06:16.350,0:06:20.160 on it we will just have to see now we're

0:06:18.420,0:06:21.990 gonna talk about customization we

0:06:20.160,0:06:23.670 actually have six major features here in

0:06:21.990,0:06:25.350 customization to talk about so let's get

0:06:23.670,0:06:27.480 started due to the time period there

0:06:25.350,0:06:30.060 won't be much weapon customization such

0:06:27.480,0:06:31.860 as silencers etc however engravings and

0:06:30.060,0:06:33.360 weapon camo will take place and will

0:06:31.860,0:06:35.310 alter the weapons performance for

0:06:33.360,0:06:37.410 example players will be able to equip a

0:06:35.310,0:06:39.360 golden camo on their rifle for purely

0:06:37.410,0:06:40.919 visual purposes and then add-on and

0:06:39.360,0:06:43.020 engraving to alter the performance

0:06:40.919,0:06:44.879 for instance if I add a floral engraving

0:06:43.020,0:06:46.979 that might increase my range however for

0:06:44.879,0:06:49.110 the snipers and bolt-action rifles we'll

0:06:46.979,0:06:51.090 be able to add different scopes change

0:06:49.110,0:06:52.979 the magnifier and design of the bolt

0:06:51.090,0:06:54.419 this works in a similar way to the

0:06:52.979,0:06:56.009 weapon variants we've seen in

0:06:54.419,0:06:58.110 battlefield 1 but with visual

0:06:56.009,0:07:00.210 customization only and clothing will be

0:06:58.110,0:07:02.550 deeply customizable different horseshoes

0:07:00.210,0:07:04.169 will change the horses traction certain

0:07:02.550,0:07:05.490 shoes will give you a traction bonus in

0:07:04.169,0:07:07.050 the rain and others will give you a

0:07:05.490,0:07:09.389 bonus while traversing through mud when

0:07:07.050,0:07:11.340 slowing down etc horse capacity can be

0:07:09.389,0:07:12.689 upgraded to hold more items we have

0:07:11.340,0:07:15.419 three more things to cover here horse

0:07:12.689,0:07:17.129 carriage cart canoe armor and more will

0:07:15.419,0:07:18.840 be a thing which is crazy we're gonna be

0:07:17.129,0:07:21.090 able to have armor on everything and

0:07:18.840,0:07:23.340 then online only players will be able to

0:07:21.090,0:07:24.990 add Gatling guns to carriages and carts

0:07:23.340,0:07:26.370 I wish we could do that in solo but the

0:07:24.990,0:07:27.779 fact that we can do that in online is

0:07:26.370,0:07:29.370 gonna be crazy and then the last

0:07:27.779,0:07:31.469 customization leak here is that

0:07:29.370,0:07:33.479 single-player and online both feature

0:07:31.469,0:07:35.759 weekly hunting competitions to see who

0:07:33.479,0:07:37.560 captures the heaviest deer in town and

0:07:35.759,0:07:39.029 online players etc and then we have two

0:07:37.560,0:07:40.889 miscellaneous leaks here is that the

0:07:39.029,0:07:43.259 next GTA started development in early

0:07:40.889,0:07:44.909 2013 in early November development will

0:07:43.259,0:07:46.620 start picking up pace mid September and

0:07:44.909,0:07:48.900 expect another bully release before the

0:07:46.620,0:07:51.029 next GTA AI interactions in Red Dead

0:07:48.900,0:07:53.580 Redemption 2 will be more complex in the

0:07:51.029,0:07:54.930 next bully and then lastly the user goes

0:07:53.580,0:07:56.129 on to stay here that I don't know what

0:07:54.930,0:07:57.659 to think of this I don't know if it's

0:07:56.129,0:07:59.129 true a lot sounds good but the part

0:07:57.659,0:08:00.389 about engraving is changing the

0:07:59.129,0:08:02.250 performance of the weapons to have

0:08:00.389,0:08:03.990 better range etc sounds bullshit yeah

0:08:02.250,0:08:05.909 that sounds kind of bullshit to me as

0:08:03.990,0:08:07.589 well I think that the fact that you know

0:08:05.909,0:08:09.149 engravings are gonna be on the outside

0:08:07.589,0:08:10.800 of the gun maybe they could do it with

0:08:09.149,0:08:12.330 the rifle barrel or something like that

0:08:10.800,0:08:14.370 but I don't think the engravings are

0:08:12.330,0:08:15.599 gonna affect the gun themselves but let

0:08:14.370,0:08:17.219 me know what you guys think about all

0:08:15.599,0:08:18.719 these leaks there's so much in this

0:08:17.219,0:08:20.099 video I don't know this was like a lot

0:08:18.719,0:08:21.899 of reading on my part and I apologize

0:08:20.099,0:08:23.759 but I just want to get this video out

0:08:21.899,0:08:25.680 there because we're gonna be breaking it

0:08:23.759,0:08:27.419 down in the future and I just wanted to

0:08:25.680,0:08:28.800 give those feature videos context and

0:08:27.419,0:08:31.469 bring you guys like an official news

0:08:28.800,0:08:33.000 video on this juicy information first so

0:08:31.469,0:08:34.440 you guys saw it here but thank you for

0:08:33.000,0:08:35.849 watching thank you for eight thousand

0:08:34.440,0:08:37.409 eight hundred subscribers we hit that

0:08:35.849,0:08:38.849 yesterday there's tons more to come this

0:08:37.409,0:08:40.169 week so definitely stay tuned I also

0:08:38.849,0:08:41.640 have some important announcements to

0:08:40.169,0:08:43.500 make and I will make those and make them

0:08:41.640,0:08:45.209 live on the channel when the time is

0:08:43.500,0:08:47.070 right for now drop a like if you guys

0:08:45.209,0:08:48.750 enjoyed let's see if we can hit 100

0:08:47.070,0:08:49.920 likes on this video as well as if you

0:08:48.750,0:08:51.899 guys are new to the channel and like

0:08:49.920,0:08:53.730 this daily Red Dead Redemption 2 content

0:08:51.899,0:08:54.040 feel free to subscribe also a couple

0:08:53.730,0:08:55.810 worth

0:08:54.040,0:08:57.820 don't forget to follow me on Twitter if

0:08:55.810,0:08:59.350 you haven't already on Twitter I keep up

0:08:57.820,0:09:00.820 to date with you guys constantly I talk

0:08:59.350,0:09:03.100 to you guys all the time and honestly I

0:09:00.820,0:09:04.269 prefer it to the YouTube comments so you

0:09:03.100,0:09:06.970 definitely don't want to miss out on

0:09:04.269,0:09:08.589 that follow me on Twitter hazardous HGTV

0:09:06.970,0:09:10.480 my link is down in the description as

0:09:08.589,0:09:12.009 well as if you guys want to enter my Red

0:09:10.480,0:09:13.839 Dead Redemption - ultimate edition

0:09:12.009,0:09:15.819 giveaway the link to enter that with all

0:09:13.839,0:09:17.470 the rules are down in the description as

0:09:15.819,0:09:19.209 well I hope you all have a fantastic day

0:09:17.470,0:09:21.130 thank you so much for tuning in and I

0:09:19.209,0:09:25.800 hope to see you guys in the next Red

0:09:21.130,0:09:25.800 Dead Redemption - video adios amigos

0:09:29.910,0:09:39.329 somebody taught you a lesson come on

0:09:35.620,0:09:39.329 there partner come on

0:09:48.250,0:09:59.450 [Music]

0:09:58.230,0:10:12.419 [Applause]

0:09:59.450,0:10:12.419 [Music]

Red Dead Redemption 2 - INCREDIBLE RDR2 LEAK!


(RDR2) Red Dead Redemption 2 - INCREDIBLE RDR2 LEAK!



For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption 2 - INCREDIBLE RDR2 LEAK! RDR2 LEAKED NEWS, INFORMATION, UPDATES & MORE! (RDR2) - Duration: 10:11.


Its Time for a Montage - High Tunnel Build - The Project List - Duration: 5:50.

hi I'm Mike we have one more day of work left on the high tunnel

we're waiting on doors to come in and then it's time to put on the plastic and

wrap up this portion of the project list on our Wyoming Life

welcome back to the project list we have let the list be taken over by building

of the new high tunnel over the last few weeks there are jobs piling up behind it

and that's not good but then again that's kind of life around here things

seem to take priority and you find yourself out in the shop late at night

trying to make up lost time some projects go on forever well at

least what seems like forever weather time and other jobs sometimes team to

get in the way and the high tunnel project has been a perfect example of

that we started the project over a month ago by breaking ground on a new season

extender for Aaron's gardens giving her a place to further her winter growing

and now as we're at the end of it we can breathe a little sigh of relief make a

final push and get it done we left off last time as we are framing out the end

walls after placing the hoops and tying them all together over the past couple

of weeks we've had more rain slowed us down but now that the weather seems to

have broken and with branding and haines coming up and it's coming up fast

there's no more time to mess around and it's time to buckle down on this

building this is where this video is gonna be a

little bit different I have to get out and get this thing wrapped up we have a

few days of nice weather and frankly I'm tired of it looming over my head so

today you get a montage of getting the end walls up and complete which took a

few days of steady work while you're watching

I'll be out wrapping things up plastic hopefully goes on tomorrow and our next

video which will be out in a couple days will be putting on plastic and getting

the whole thing done thankfully Aaron will be able to start planting in here

and then it's off to the next thing let for now enjoy and I'll be back with you

in a couple minutes and I'll let you in on our next steps

with our windows on this end anyway to let in the late day Sun we're now on our

way to pick up our nine-foot garage doors to be installed on each end then

we can finish closing up the end walls and get our channel installed that'll

actually hold the wiggle wire which oddly enough holds on all the plastic

the end will be free be here for you on Thursday we're gonna put out to put this

monstrosity behind us and well actually not really because this is just the

beginning of a whole lot of work that's gonna take place in the side here but

maybe I can forget about it for a day or two wouldn't that be nice thanks for

coming along once again be sure to join us this weekend as we can't put off

branding any longer we're going to be live-streaming the entire process on

Saturday rain or shine we have a few returning players from last year

including Sam a former ranch hand who's on leave from the Army where he's

stationed in Hawaii you may remember him from last year as he took a hit for the

team I hope to see you then make sure you follow us on Facebook or Instagram

for updates and I apologize for cutting this one short today but I haven't

figured out how to add more hours to the day but when I do you'll be the first to

know we'll see on Thursday for the final venture into the high tunnel building

and until then have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming


For more infomation >> Its Time for a Montage - High Tunnel Build - The Project List - Duration: 5:50.


PLEEG - ADVENTURE - Duration: 3:03.

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For more infomation >> PLEEG - ADVENTURE - Duration: 3:03.


✅ "Agarren todo lo que les den y véanles la cara de pend...": Serapio Vargas - Duration: 1:55.

 Culiacán.- "Aprovechando la miseria en que mantienen los gobiernos actuales a miles de familias del Distrito 17, andan los priístas comprando votos hasta mil pesos, por eso les digo a toda esa gente que agarren todo lo que les den, y veanles la cara de pend

y voten por los candidatos del Partido Independiente de Sinaloa porque no hay forma de que se enteren por quién votaron'

     Serapio Vargas, candidato a diputado local del Partido Independiente de Sinaloa expresó lo anterior y dijo que el PRI está temblando porque sabe perfectamente que va a perder porque con el intenso trabajo de acercamiento con el pueblo, se logró revivirlos para que salgan a votar y cambien la historia de México

 "Llegó la hora de mandar al basurero al PRI, porque ese es el lugar que le corresponde por tanto daño que le ha hecho al pueblo que sufre de hambre, falta de empleo, corrupción, inseguridad, educación y este primero de julio hay que derribarlo con la fuerza del voto y demostrarle nuestro rotundo rechazo", dijo

 Serapio Vargas comentó que andan gentes del PRI comprando votos en las colonias donde existe más pobreza como Las Coloradas, La Cascada y otras, y les advirtió que grupos de ciudadanos voluntarios que se encuentran comprometidos con el Partido Independiente de Sinaloa rstán vigilando para realizar arrestos civiles a todo aquel "mapache" que sorprendan comprando votos, antes y el día de la elección

For more infomation >> ✅ "Agarren todo lo que les den y véanles la cara de pend...": Serapio Vargas - Duration: 1:55.


АСМР Звуки Рук | ASMR Just Hand Sounds - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> АСМР Звуки Рук | ASMR Just Hand Sounds - Duration: 5:24.


✅ Marta Manowska tym razem nie na polu, a na czerwonym dywanie - Duration: 1:06.

4 Zobacz galerię AKPA Zobacz więcej Marta Manowska prowadzi program "Rolnik szuka żony" od samego początku istnienia show w Polsce (2014 r

). To dzięki temu zna ją cała Polska. Mimo to stroni na co dzień od ścianek i imprez branżowych. Marta Manowska na czerwonym dywanie Zdjęcia do nowej edycji programu powoli dobiegają końca

Z tej okazji odbył się dzień otwarty planu programu dla mediów. Nie mogło na nim zabraknąć oczywiście Marty Manowskiej. Jak wypadła, wyjątkowo nie na środku pola, a na czerwonym dywanie? Zobacz zdjęcia

Źródło: Plejada.pl Grzegorz Dobek Dziennikarz Plejada.pl

For more infomation >> ✅ Marta Manowska tym razem nie na polu, a na czerwonym dywanie - Duration: 1:06.





E:D - The Great Galactic Census Motion Picture - Duration: 13:50.

For more infomation >> E:D - The Great Galactic Census Motion Picture - Duration: 13:50.





A TURMINHA DO SULCA 2 VISITA: João Colodel #3 - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> A TURMINHA DO SULCA 2 VISITA: João Colodel #3 - Duration: 1:58.


Além de Alice - SO2E6 - Reaproximação | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 10:02.

Well, since I don't like dodges, I'll get right to the point.

I already know that you are no longer with Alice.

And I want it to stay that way.

Do not even think of looking for her anymore.

We're going to re-start our marriage.

Now it's only a matter of time for everything to go right, girl!

And I want to make it clear that I don't want you getting in the way again!

Hey !

Are you crazy?!

Understand how you want, okay ?!

Hey! How are you?

Hey! I'm fine and you?

Me too! How was your trip? Did you arrive well?

It was goo! Everything was fine!

Do you know what I was remembering here? The time we went home to your aunts,

and they didn't know we were dating. We used to hide to get together. Haha It was very good!

I remember! I miss those times!



How are you girl?

Did you get together with Alice?

Not yet, right?

After the cut she gave me in the cafe!

I didn't even look for her anymore.

Wow! You are changed !

This is not the Anna I know!

You've been more persistent, my friend!

Are you going to give up that easy?

Oh I don't know, she was very angry with me!

She was! She shouldn't be anymore!

You know she doesn't keep her angry for so long!

You have to enjoy now that she is fragile!

Do you know where she lives?


So why don't you go there? !!

You're wasting time!

Stop being silly!

It's ... Who knows, right ?!

You are right!

I will go there now!

Yes! This is the Anna I know!

Thank you!

I'll call you later!

OK! Good luck!

Love! I'm here!


I'm here in the bedroom!

I'm coming!



What's up?

What's up?

How was your day?

Better now!

And yours??

Hum.. It was good too!



Today I'm going to make dinner for us!

Oh yes??


But why? Is today a special date, which I'm not remembering, by any chance?

No... I just want to please my girl!

Humm hahaha


go and take a shower, put on some nice clothes for me. Fine?

Yess man!

I'm going to the supermarket!


Come here!


If it goes on like this, I'll never leave!

No! Just a little bit more!

Just a little bit more!


(the bell rings)

You can sit here, I'll call her quick, okay?

No, no thanks...

I just wanted to surprise her!

Can you show me her room?

Ok... Is this one.

Ok! Thank you!

You're welcome!

Come in!

What are you doing here Anna?

We need to talk.

I don't have nothing to talk to you!

My love, I have solved everything!

Now no one is going to mess with us anymore!

Alice, I want to take care of you! Help you get out of this again!

Now it's just you and me, okay? Like before!

Now we don't have Luiza anymore to ruin our lives!

Why are you talking about Luíza?

Because I went to her house today. And we solved everything ...

You did what??

Love, she will not ruin our lives anymore!


"Nothing and no one can destroy the love I feel for you.

If time is in our favor,

nothing will be able to separate us".

"Forever, your Heitor."

Forgot the key right ?!

You just don't forget your head because it's stuck in your neck!

Hi Luiza!

Can we talk?

I don't think so, because Olivia is coming!

But I promise I will not be long!

Don't do that! Let me talk to you quickly!


Excuse me!


Look, I don't want to disturb you, I promise I'll talk fast ...


I ... I just came to apologize for what Anna did!

She's crazy, she showed up at my house ...

She screamed, said things, said she came here,

I just wanted to make sure everything was okay with you!

Anyway ...

It's okay!

Are you sure?

Yes, I do!

Don't you want to say anything?


Sorry, I think I'll ...

Honey, you have no idea how crowded the grocery store was.

I even thought ...

For more infomation >> Além de Alice - SO2E6 - Reaproximação | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 10:02.


At Least 4 Injured, 1 Critical After Explosion At Gatesville Hospital Near Waco - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> At Least 4 Injured, 1 Critical After Explosion At Gatesville Hospital Near Waco - Duration: 1:20.


Tre balli che aiutano a modellare gambe, glutei e vita - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Tre balli che aiutano a modellare gambe, glutei e vita - Duration: 6:01.


Pneu recauchutado ou remoldado, qual é a pior opção? - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Pneu recauchutado ou remoldado, qual é a pior opção? - Duration: 1:00.


A2-3-2. 應用 weil (因為)+ Nebensatz - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> A2-3-2. 應用 weil (因為)+ Nebensatz - Duration: 1:17.


How to Cleanse and Detoxify Your Kidneys with This Vibrant Juice - Duration: 3:20.

Despite its small size in relation to other organs, the kidneys are organs

essential for our organism.

It is through the kidneys that the blood is cleaned potentially harmful substances, in addition to

to regulate body fluids, among others functions.

One of the most recurrent problems is renal calculi, due to the accumulation of

substances such as calcium, which were not properly filtered through the kidneys.

Given its important importance, we must the kidneys to keep them healthy, because

complications in these organs. may produce no symptoms at first, and

only give signals when the problem has already worsened.

In addition to consuming an adequate amount of water daily, there are juices that can

help the kidneys perform their functions more effectively.

In today's video we will teach you how to prepare a juice that carries several natural ingredients

excellent not only for the health of the kidneys, as of the whole organism. Are they:

Lemon This fruit is rich in citric acid,

capable of dissolving and preventing the of kidney stones.

Earth Saffron Saffron, also known as turmeric,

has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in the prevention and treatment

of inflammations and infections in the kidneys.

Ginger Just like the earth's saffron, ginger

is an excellent natural anti inflammatory.

Cranberries Cranberries contain quinic acid, which

helps to break calcium and contributes to avoid binding substances together

in order to form the stones. The fruit like that like lemon can also prevent the emergence

of these stones.

Grape Grapes are rich in antioxidants that

strengthen the kidneys, may even reverse kidney damage. Now that you already know

the ingredients, let's recipe:

1 glass of cranberry juice; 2 teaspoons lemon juice;

½ scoop safflower tea powder;

1 teaspoon grated ginger; 1 cup of grape juice.

How to make In a jar, place the grapes and the

cranberry Add the turmeric powder, the lemon juice and grated ginger and stir


Let stand for 30 minutes so that the ingredients are infused together. Then,

filter the juice into a clean cup. It is recommended drink this juice all

the days!

For more infomation >> How to Cleanse and Detoxify Your Kidneys with This Vibrant Juice - Duration: 3:20.


Faz sentido? - 53 - O elo perfeito - Colossenses 3 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Faz sentido? - 53 - O elo perfeito - Colossenses 3 - Duration: 2:11.


Ellos son los futbolistas que más ganan por publicidad | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Ellos son los futbolistas que más ganan por publicidad | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:02.


Conselho Monetário define meta de inflação em 3,75% para 2021 - Duration: 3:01.

O Conselho Monetário Nacional (CMN) definiu nesta terça-feira (26) a meta de inflação em 3,75% para 2021

Esta é a primeira vez desde 2004 que a meta fica abaixo de 4%. Entre 2005 e 2017, a meta de inflação foi mantida em 4,5% e, em 2019, fixada em 4,25%

Para 2020, a meta é de 4%. Hoje, o sistema brasileiro de meta de inflação prevê intervalo de tolerância de 1,5 ponto percentual

Portanto, a meta será considerada cumprida em 2021 se ficar entre 2,25% e 5,25%. A redução da meta indica que o governo pode perseguir inflação mais baixa nos próximos anos

Na prática, a medida pode resultar em benefícios para consumidores e empresas, isso porque pode influenciar a formação dos preços e as taxas de juros cobradas pelos bancos

Metas de inflação Percentuais definidos pelo Conselho Monetário Fonte: CMN Meta de inflação e juros O Conselho Monetário Nacional é formado pelos ministros da Fazenda, Eduardo Guardia, e do Planejamento, Esteves Colnago, além do presidente do Banco Central, Ilan Goldfajn

O principal instrumento usado pelo Banco Central para cumprir a meta de inflação é a taxa básica de juros da economia, a Selic, definida pelo Comitê de Política Monetária (Copom)

A Selic serve como referência para todas as taxas cobradas das famílias e empresas

Quando a inflação está alta, o Copom eleva a Selic. Desta forma, os juros cobrados pelos bancos tendem a subir, encarecendo o crédito (financiamentos, empréstimos, cartão de crédito), freando o consumo e reduzindo o dinheiro em circulação

Com isso, a inflação cai mas há o risco de desestimular a economia. Quando as perspectivas para a inflação estão em linha com as metas estipuladas pelo CMN, o BC pode manter ou reduzir os juros

For more infomation >> Conselho Monetário define meta de inflação em 3,75% para 2021 - Duration: 3:01.


Folge Gott von ganzem Herzen (1) – Joyce Meyer – Mit Jesus den Alltag meistern - Duration: 28:50.

For more infomation >> Folge Gott von ganzem Herzen (1) – Joyce Meyer – Mit Jesus den Alltag meistern - Duration: 28:50.


Caixa organizadora no lugar da gaveta de roupas - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Caixa organizadora no lugar da gaveta de roupas - Duration: 1:47.


Las novedosas piñatas de candidatos presidenciales | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Las novedosas piñatas de candidatos presidenciales | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:45.


Miley Cyrus avrebbe sposato Liam Hemsworth249791 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Miley Cyrus avrebbe sposato Liam Hemsworth249791 - Duration: 2:53.


Türkiye'nin En Etkileyici 10 Tümülüsü - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Türkiye'nin En Etkileyici 10 Tümülüsü - Duration: 10:10.


#RitualDeResistência Estrella Galicia: Sai, zica - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> #RitualDeResistência Estrella Galicia: Sai, zica - Duration: 0:16.


PLEEG - ADVENTURE - Duration: 3:03.

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For more infomation >> PLEEG - ADVENTURE - Duration: 3:03.


Volvo V40 1.6 T3 R-DESIGN - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 T3 R-DESIGN - Duration: 1:09.


Volvo V90 D3 150pk Geartronic R-Design 19" Scandinavian Intro Line - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volvo V90 D3 150pk Geartronic R-Design 19" Scandinavian Intro Line - Duration: 0:55.


Renault Captur 90pk TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC TEL CRUISE VELGEN - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 90pk TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC TEL CRUISE VELGEN - Duration: 1:07.





Toys 'R' Us to close by Friday - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Toys 'R' Us to close by Friday - Duration: 1:41.


Red Dead Redemption 2 - INCREDIBLE RDR2 LEAK! RDR2 LEAKED NEWS, INFORMATION, UPDATES & MORE! (RDR2) - Duration: 10:11.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - INCREDIBLE RDR2 LEAK!


(RDR2) 0:00:00.030,0:00:06.540

hey buddy come here come on we're gonna RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2

0:00:04.080,0:00:08.580 go for a walk we're gonna go for hey get

RDR2 0:00:06.540,0:00:22.050

the fuck back here we're gonna go for a RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAK

0:00:08.580,0:00:25.380 walk my friend ooh

RDR2 LEAK 0:00:22.050,0:00:27.019

that guy's talking shit about me this RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 NEWS

0:00:25.380,0:00:29.099 guy's gonna get pushed off the edge too

RDR2 NEWS 0:00:27.019,0:00:32.279

come on I know you want to fall off that RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 INFORMATION

0:00:29.099,0:00:38.250 cliff see ya holy shit

RDR2 INFORMATION 0:00:32.279,0:00:41.100

he stood up oh my god oh my god we have RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 INFO

0:00:38.250,0:00:43.320 a hacker in the campaign this guy

RDR2 INFO 0:00:41.100,0:00:46.800

sitting on the edge of a cliff what a RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 UPDATES

0:00:43.320,0:00:48.660 noob hey what's going on guys my name is

RDR2 UPDATES 0:00:46.800,0:00:50.460

Zack B you guys can call me hazardous RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAKED INFORMATION

0:00:48.660,0:00:52.440 thank you so much for tuning back on my

RDR2 LEAKED INFORMATION 0:00:50.460,0:00:54.120

channel and welcome back to another red RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAKED INFO

0:00:52.440,0:00:55.620 dead redemption - video here on the

RDR2 LEAKED INFO 0:00:54.120,0:00:56.670

channel today I hope you're all having a RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAKED NEWS

0:00:55.620,0:00:58.620 fantastic day

RDR2 LEAKED NEWS 0:00:56.670,0:01:00.180

thank you for eight thousand eight RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LEAKED UPDATES

0:00:58.620,0:01:01.890 hundred subscribers we hit actually hit

RDR2 LEAKED UPDATES 0:01:00.180,0:01:03.600

that milestone yesterday the channel is

0:01:01.890,0:01:05.159 growing super fast and I love all you

0:01:03.600,0:01:06.450 guys for it we have a fantastic

0:01:05.159,0:01:08.280 community here and it really just means

0:01:06.450,0:01:09.720 a lot to me to see everyone give me so

0:01:08.280,0:01:11.369 much love and support what I've noticed

0:01:09.720,0:01:13.110 recently too is you know cuz I haven't

0:01:11.369,0:01:14.549 been able to keep up with comets as much

0:01:13.110,0:01:15.689 as I've wanted to recently just cuz I've

0:01:14.549,0:01:17.430 been busy with work but what I've

0:01:15.689,0:01:18.990 noticed is that people are you know

0:01:17.430,0:01:20.220 talking to each other in the comments

0:01:18.990,0:01:21.960 and like you guys are having

0:01:20.220,0:01:23.280 back-and-forth dialogue talking about

0:01:21.960,0:01:24.689 you know what you want to see in Red

0:01:23.280,0:01:26.040 Dead Redemption - what you don't want to

0:01:24.689,0:01:27.720 see what you think will happen next week

0:01:26.040,0:01:29.340 etc and it just that's so cool to see

0:01:27.720,0:01:31.140 like I never really had that with a

0:01:29.340,0:01:32.670 youtube audience before and now I have

0:01:31.140,0:01:34.380 it with you guys and I'm just super

0:01:32.670,0:01:36.479 super thankful so thank you so much

0:01:34.380,0:01:38.040 today's video is about a recent Red Dead

0:01:36.479,0:01:39.930 Redemption - leak and I just want to

0:01:38.040,0:01:41.159 give a disclaimer some of you guys may

0:01:39.930,0:01:43.380 know about this already I've actually

0:01:41.159,0:01:45.570 seen a few comments referring to some of

0:01:43.380,0:01:47.909 the features included in this leak but

0:01:45.570,0:01:49.649 it just flew totally under my radar this

0:01:47.909,0:01:51.119 was actually updated right around the

0:01:49.649,0:01:53.100 time that I was just getting thing

0:01:51.119,0:01:54.540 organized in my life and just planning

0:01:53.100,0:01:56.189 for the future so I didn't even notice

0:01:54.540,0:01:57.420 this so I apologize we're gonna be

0:01:56.189,0:01:59.009 talking about it in this video we're

0:01:57.420,0:02:00.810 gonna be talking about AI and other

0:01:59.009,0:02:02.520 gameplay features in Red Dead Redemption

0:02:00.810,0:02:04.500 - so drop a like if you guys enjoyed

0:02:02.520,0:02:05.880 let's see if we can go for 100 likes on

0:02:04.500,0:02:06.960 this video as well as if you guys are

0:02:05.880,0:02:09.119 new to the channel and like all this

0:02:06.960,0:02:10.619 daily Red Dead Redemption 2 content feel

0:02:09.119,0:02:11.069 free to subscribe let's just jump right

0:02:10.619,0:02:13.470 in

0:02:11.069,0:02:15.420 so this elique I actually saw from play

0:02:13.470,0:02:17.070 station lifestyle they reported on other

0:02:15.420,0:02:18.720 leaked information that later became

0:02:17.070,0:02:20.340 confirmed Red Dead Redemption two

0:02:18.720,0:02:21.930 information in the past and this leak

0:02:20.340,0:02:23.910 comes from about two weeks ago but then

0:02:21.930,0:02:25.800 I clicked on the original post and I

0:02:23.910,0:02:27.360 actually comes from a Red Dead

0:02:25.800,0:02:29.520 Redemption two subreddit which was

0:02:27.360,0:02:31.410 posted there from the GTA forum so it's

0:02:29.520,0:02:32.730 like a whole you know inception like you

0:02:31.410,0:02:34.560 know I've been following the cookie

0:02:32.730,0:02:36.570 crumbs back to the original source so it

0:02:34.560,0:02:39.180 seems like it comes from the original

0:02:36.570,0:02:41.370 source of GTA forms but from a user by

0:02:39.180,0:02:42.990 the name of drip-drop drip-drop

0:02:41.370,0:02:44.700 like I said on the GTA forms and he

0:02:42.990,0:02:45.870 talks about a bunch of leaks and we can

0:02:44.700,0:02:47.910 break it down into three categories

0:02:45.870,0:02:49.530 there's gameplay leaks

0:02:47.910,0:02:51.240 there's customization leaks and then

0:02:49.530,0:02:53.010 there's also miscellaneous leaks which

0:02:51.240,0:02:54.690 we're gonna talk about all of it in this

0:02:53.010,0:02:56.220 video it's gonna be a little bit of a

0:02:54.690,0:02:57.690 longer one and we're gonna be reading a

0:02:56.220,0:02:59.550 lot of stuff I'll put it up on screen

0:02:57.690,0:03:01.050 for your guys ease of reading and just

0:02:59.550,0:03:02.340 so you know if you guys want to read it

0:03:01.050,0:03:03.720 yourself you don't have to listen to me

0:03:02.340,0:03:05.190 ramble on talking about all these

0:03:03.720,0:03:06.660 features but if you're doing something

0:03:05.190,0:03:07.860 you're making a snack you're doing

0:03:06.660,0:03:09.330 homework I'm sure everyone's out of

0:03:07.860,0:03:10.800 school at this point are almost out of

0:03:09.330,0:03:12.209 school cuz it's almost July or if you're

0:03:10.800,0:03:13.260 just driving on your way to work or

0:03:12.209,0:03:14.550 something and you're listening to this

0:03:13.260,0:03:15.600 video we're gonna be talking about all

0:03:14.550,0:03:17.550 these features and we're gonna be

0:03:15.600,0:03:18.870 breaking them down further this week

0:03:17.550,0:03:20.790 we're gonna be talking about the major

0:03:18.870,0:03:22.380 ones just cuz there's a lot here now I

0:03:20.790,0:03:24.000 don't know what's gonna be confirmed in

0:03:22.380,0:03:25.170 the future or not we're gonna be talking

0:03:24.000,0:03:26.430 about a lot of stuff so I know I've kept

0:03:25.170,0:03:28.350 you guys waiting let's just jump right

0:03:26.430,0:03:29.850 into this first we're gonna talk about

0:03:28.350,0:03:30.540 the gameplay leaks and to break this

0:03:29.850,0:03:32.970 down first

0:03:30.540,0:03:35.970 it says gunplay will consist of being a

0:03:32.970,0:03:37.920 hybrid between Max Payne 3 and GTA 5 and

0:03:35.970,0:03:39.930 we'll have more user involvement the

0:03:37.920,0:03:41.580 second thing here is that ragdoll models

0:03:39.930,0:03:43.799 won't be stumbling bumbling like the

0:03:41.580,0:03:46.530 first game but will be a reworked

0:03:43.799,0:03:48.060 version of the model seen in GTA 5 there

0:03:46.530,0:03:50.070 will be light destruction in the game

0:03:48.060,0:03:51.720 similar to Rainbow six siege for weak

0:03:50.070,0:03:54.090 materials players will be able to

0:03:51.720,0:03:55.500 puncture light cover chip pillars etc

0:03:54.090,0:03:57.180 depending on where the horse has been

0:03:55.500,0:03:59.280 shot there will be a decrease in the

0:03:57.180,0:04:01.080 performance of the horse for example if

0:03:59.280,0:04:02.790 a player targets one of the horses front

0:04:01.080,0:04:04.290 legs it will limp and artha will start

0:04:02.790,0:04:06.180 to curse and become frustrated and

0:04:04.290,0:04:08.100 currently that's being tested to find a

0:04:06.180,0:04:10.170 good balance something important here is

0:04:08.100,0:04:12.750 that fishing is close to being cut

0:04:10.170,0:04:15.299 content hand-to-hand combat is the best

0:04:12.750,0:04:16.859 in any Rockstar title players will be

0:04:15.299,0:04:18.450 able to swim so it seems like in this

0:04:16.859,0:04:19.799 league swimming is confirmed we'll have

0:04:18.450,0:04:21.810 to see if it's actually confirmed my

0:04:19.799,0:04:24.030 rock star the AI will also react to

0:04:21.810,0:04:25.740 sound better in stealth situations so

0:04:24.030,0:04:27.570 for instance Arthur is sneaking it's a

0:04:25.740,0:04:29.430 cover and on his way he knocks down a

0:04:27.570,0:04:31.620 model the AI will react to that and

0:04:29.430,0:04:33.750 investigate the scene in chases where a

0:04:31.620,0:04:35.280 transport involves wheels players will

0:04:33.750,0:04:36.870 be able to shoot at the wheels to break

0:04:35.280,0:04:38.610 them down into different shapes to

0:04:36.870,0:04:40.500 affect their handling for example a

0:04:38.610,0:04:42.570 shotgun can blow half a carriage wheel

0:04:40.500,0:04:44.550 off leaving the carriage unstable yet

0:04:42.570,0:04:46.830 controllable to not hinder the gameplay

0:04:44.550,0:04:48.570 experience law enforcement will be much

0:04:46.830,0:04:50.610 more human and not there to serve a

0:04:48.570,0:04:52.740 purpose as something to be wary of to

0:04:50.610,0:04:54.780 the player law enforcement can be seen

0:04:52.740,0:04:56.850 detaining AI if they've seen someone

0:04:54.780,0:04:59.160 cheating in blackjack and such the AI

0:04:56.850,0:05:00.810 can also run away or if things escalate

0:04:59.160,0:05:02.670 can result in a shootout certain

0:05:00.810,0:05:04.410 shopkeepers will charge you different

0:05:02.670,0:05:06.360 prices depending on your appearance if

0:05:04.410,0:05:08.010 you look clean and wealthy shopkeepers

0:05:06.360,0:05:10.560 will increase the prices of the items

0:05:08.010,0:05:12.540 and vice versa if you look dirty players

0:05:10.560,0:05:14.340 will be able to shoot while on the canoe

0:05:12.540,0:05:16.320 if you take on a heist with one of the

0:05:14.340,0:05:18.090 members of your camp and gang during the

0:05:16.320,0:05:19.890 heist he takes a lot of hits they will

0:05:18.090,0:05:21.900 be out of action from a few days to a

0:05:19.890,0:05:23.670 month of in-game time the healing

0:05:21.900,0:05:25.500 process can be sped up by regularly

0:05:23.670,0:05:27.360 helping to feed the camp and creating a

0:05:25.500,0:05:28.950 sense of community around the campfire I

0:05:27.360,0:05:30.210 actually talked about this in my Q&A and

0:05:28.950,0:05:32.160 it seems like my prediction was correct

0:05:30.210,0:05:33.780 on one of the questions that someone had

0:05:32.160,0:05:35.460 on they were wondering what happens to

0:05:33.780,0:05:37.080 the AI and the gang if they get injured

0:05:35.460,0:05:39.210 during one of the missions it seems like

0:05:37.080,0:05:40.440 they'll be unusable and uncalled before

0:05:39.210,0:05:42.000 a mission for a certain amount of time

0:05:40.440,0:05:44.070 so that's pretty cool we have three more

0:05:42.000,0:05:46.200 things to talk about here the NPC's

0:05:44.070,0:05:48.210 around towns can be heard talking about

0:05:46.200,0:05:50.850 different things that are or have been

0:05:48.210,0:05:52.680 going on in town for example if you kill

0:05:50.850,0:05:54.540 one of the shopkeepers come back two to

0:05:52.680,0:05:56.340 three hours later in-game and you'll

0:05:54.540,0:05:57.780 hear the NPC's commenting on that

0:05:56.340,0:06:00.030 depending on what day of the week it is

0:05:57.780,0:06:01.890 towns will be populated or empty for

0:06:00.030,0:06:03.420 example on a Friday evening expect bars

0:06:01.890,0:06:04.950 to be lively and town's to be warm and

0:06:03.420,0:06:06.660 alive with more law enforcement out

0:06:04.950,0:06:08.520 patrolling towns and then lastly in

0:06:06.660,0:06:10.080 terms of gameplay yes the leaked map is

0:06:08.520,0:06:11.220 real that's incredible news guys so

0:06:10.080,0:06:12.690 that's great we can finally put that

0:06:11.220,0:06:14.130 behind us I think it's almost confirmed

0:06:12.690,0:06:16.350 at this point that the leaked map is

0:06:14.130,0:06:18.420 real but some people still are skeptical

0:06:16.350,0:06:20.160 on it we will just have to see now we're

0:06:18.420,0:06:21.990 gonna talk about customization we

0:06:20.160,0:06:23.670 actually have six major features here in

0:06:21.990,0:06:25.350 customization to talk about so let's get

0:06:23.670,0:06:27.480 started due to the time period there

0:06:25.350,0:06:30.060 won't be much weapon customization such

0:06:27.480,0:06:31.860 as silencers etc however engravings and

0:06:30.060,0:06:33.360 weapon camo will take place and will

0:06:31.860,0:06:35.310 alter the weapons performance for

0:06:33.360,0:06:37.410 example players will be able to equip a

0:06:35.310,0:06:39.360 golden camo on their rifle for purely

0:06:37.410,0:06:40.919 visual purposes and then add-on and

0:06:39.360,0:06:43.020 engraving to alter the performance

0:06:40.919,0:06:44.879 for instance if I add a floral engraving

0:06:43.020,0:06:46.979 that might increase my range however for

0:06:44.879,0:06:49.110 the snipers and bolt-action rifles we'll

0:06:46.979,0:06:51.090 be able to add different scopes change

0:06:49.110,0:06:52.979 the magnifier and design of the bolt

0:06:51.090,0:06:54.419 this works in a similar way to the

0:06:52.979,0:06:56.009 weapon variants we've seen in

0:06:54.419,0:06:58.110 battlefield 1 but with visual

0:06:56.009,0:07:00.210 customization only and clothing will be

0:06:58.110,0:07:02.550 deeply customizable different horseshoes

0:07:00.210,0:07:04.169 will change the horses traction certain

0:07:02.550,0:07:05.490 shoes will give you a traction bonus in

0:07:04.169,0:07:07.050 the rain and others will give you a

0:07:05.490,0:07:09.389 bonus while traversing through mud when

0:07:07.050,0:07:11.340 slowing down etc horse capacity can be

0:07:09.389,0:07:12.689 upgraded to hold more items we have

0:07:11.340,0:07:15.419 three more things to cover here horse

0:07:12.689,0:07:17.129 carriage cart canoe armor and more will

0:07:15.419,0:07:18.840 be a thing which is crazy we're gonna be

0:07:17.129,0:07:21.090 able to have armor on everything and

0:07:18.840,0:07:23.340 then online only players will be able to

0:07:21.090,0:07:24.990 add Gatling guns to carriages and carts

0:07:23.340,0:07:26.370 I wish we could do that in solo but the

0:07:24.990,0:07:27.779 fact that we can do that in online is

0:07:26.370,0:07:29.370 gonna be crazy and then the last

0:07:27.779,0:07:31.469 customization leak here is that

0:07:29.370,0:07:33.479 single-player and online both feature

0:07:31.469,0:07:35.759 weekly hunting competitions to see who

0:07:33.479,0:07:37.560 captures the heaviest deer in town and

0:07:35.759,0:07:39.029 online players etc and then we have two

0:07:37.560,0:07:40.889 miscellaneous leaks here is that the

0:07:39.029,0:07:43.259 next GTA started development in early

0:07:40.889,0:07:44.909 2013 in early November development will

0:07:43.259,0:07:46.620 start picking up pace mid September and

0:07:44.909,0:07:48.900 expect another bully release before the

0:07:46.620,0:07:51.029 next GTA AI interactions in Red Dead

0:07:48.900,0:07:53.580 Redemption 2 will be more complex in the

0:07:51.029,0:07:54.930 next bully and then lastly the user goes

0:07:53.580,0:07:56.129 on to stay here that I don't know what

0:07:54.930,0:07:57.659 to think of this I don't know if it's

0:07:56.129,0:07:59.129 true a lot sounds good but the part

0:07:57.659,0:08:00.389 about engraving is changing the

0:07:59.129,0:08:02.250 performance of the weapons to have

0:08:00.389,0:08:03.990 better range etc sounds bullshit yeah

0:08:02.250,0:08:05.909 that sounds kind of bullshit to me as

0:08:03.990,0:08:07.589 well I think that the fact that you know

0:08:05.909,0:08:09.149 engravings are gonna be on the outside

0:08:07.589,0:08:10.800 of the gun maybe they could do it with

0:08:09.149,0:08:12.330 the rifle barrel or something like that

0:08:10.800,0:08:14.370 but I don't think the engravings are

0:08:12.330,0:08:15.599 gonna affect the gun themselves but let

0:08:14.370,0:08:17.219 me know what you guys think about all

0:08:15.599,0:08:18.719 these leaks there's so much in this

0:08:17.219,0:08:20.099 video I don't know this was like a lot

0:08:18.719,0:08:21.899 of reading on my part and I apologize

0:08:20.099,0:08:23.759 but I just want to get this video out

0:08:21.899,0:08:25.680 there because we're gonna be breaking it

0:08:23.759,0:08:27.419 down in the future and I just wanted to

0:08:25.680,0:08:28.800 give those feature videos context and

0:08:27.419,0:08:31.469 bring you guys like an official news

0:08:28.800,0:08:33.000 video on this juicy information first so

0:08:31.469,0:08:34.440 you guys saw it here but thank you for

0:08:33.000,0:08:35.849 watching thank you for eight thousand

0:08:34.440,0:08:37.409 eight hundred subscribers we hit that

0:08:35.849,0:08:38.849 yesterday there's tons more to come this

0:08:37.409,0:08:40.169 week so definitely stay tuned I also

0:08:38.849,0:08:41.640 have some important announcements to

0:08:40.169,0:08:43.500 make and I will make those and make them

0:08:41.640,0:08:45.209 live on the channel when the time is

0:08:43.500,0:08:47.070 right for now drop a like if you guys

0:08:45.209,0:08:48.750 enjoyed let's see if we can hit 100

0:08:47.070,0:08:49.920 likes on this video as well as if you

0:08:48.750,0:08:51.899 guys are new to the channel and like

0:08:49.920,0:08:53.730 this daily Red Dead Redemption 2 content

0:08:51.899,0:08:54.040 feel free to subscribe also a couple

0:08:53.730,0:08:55.810 worth

0:08:54.040,0:08:57.820 don't forget to follow me on Twitter if

0:08:55.810,0:08:59.350 you haven't already on Twitter I keep up

0:08:57.820,0:09:00.820 to date with you guys constantly I talk

0:08:59.350,0:09:03.100 to you guys all the time and honestly I

0:09:00.820,0:09:04.269 prefer it to the YouTube comments so you

0:09:03.100,0:09:06.970 definitely don't want to miss out on

0:09:04.269,0:09:08.589 that follow me on Twitter hazardous HGTV

0:09:06.970,0:09:10.480 my link is down in the description as

0:09:08.589,0:09:12.009 well as if you guys want to enter my Red

0:09:10.480,0:09:13.839 Dead Redemption - ultimate edition

0:09:12.009,0:09:15.819 giveaway the link to enter that with all

0:09:13.839,0:09:17.470 the rules are down in the description as

0:09:15.819,0:09:19.209 well I hope you all have a fantastic day

0:09:17.470,0:09:21.130 thank you so much for tuning in and I

0:09:19.209,0:09:25.800 hope to see you guys in the next Red

0:09:21.130,0:09:25.800 Dead Redemption - video adios amigos

0:09:29.910,0:09:39.329 somebody taught you a lesson come on

0:09:35.620,0:09:39.329 there partner come on

0:09:48.250,0:09:59.450 [Music]

0:09:58.230,0:10:12.419 [Applause]

0:09:59.450,0:10:12.419 [Music]

Red Dead Redemption 2 - INCREDIBLE RDR2 LEAK!


(RDR2) Red Dead Redemption 2 - INCREDIBLE RDR2 LEAK!



For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption 2 - INCREDIBLE RDR2 LEAK! RDR2 LEAKED NEWS, INFORMATION, UPDATES & MORE! (RDR2) - Duration: 10:11.


Its Time for a Montage - High Tunnel Build - The Project List - Duration: 5:50.

hi I'm Mike we have one more day of work left on the high tunnel

we're waiting on doors to come in and then it's time to put on the plastic and

wrap up this portion of the project list on our Wyoming Life

welcome back to the project list we have let the list be taken over by building

of the new high tunnel over the last few weeks there are jobs piling up behind it

and that's not good but then again that's kind of life around here things

seem to take priority and you find yourself out in the shop late at night

trying to make up lost time some projects go on forever well at

least what seems like forever weather time and other jobs sometimes team to

get in the way and the high tunnel project has been a perfect example of

that we started the project over a month ago by breaking ground on a new season

extender for Aaron's gardens giving her a place to further her winter growing

and now as we're at the end of it we can breathe a little sigh of relief make a

final push and get it done we left off last time as we are framing out the end

walls after placing the hoops and tying them all together over the past couple

of weeks we've had more rain slowed us down but now that the weather seems to

have broken and with branding and haines coming up and it's coming up fast

there's no more time to mess around and it's time to buckle down on this

building this is where this video is gonna be a

little bit different I have to get out and get this thing wrapped up we have a

few days of nice weather and frankly I'm tired of it looming over my head so

today you get a montage of getting the end walls up and complete which took a

few days of steady work while you're watching

I'll be out wrapping things up plastic hopefully goes on tomorrow and our next

video which will be out in a couple days will be putting on plastic and getting

the whole thing done thankfully Aaron will be able to start planting in here

and then it's off to the next thing let for now enjoy and I'll be back with you

in a couple minutes and I'll let you in on our next steps

with our windows on this end anyway to let in the late day Sun we're now on our

way to pick up our nine-foot garage doors to be installed on each end then

we can finish closing up the end walls and get our channel installed that'll

actually hold the wiggle wire which oddly enough holds on all the plastic

the end will be free be here for you on Thursday we're gonna put out to put this

monstrosity behind us and well actually not really because this is just the

beginning of a whole lot of work that's gonna take place in the side here but

maybe I can forget about it for a day or two wouldn't that be nice thanks for

coming along once again be sure to join us this weekend as we can't put off

branding any longer we're going to be live-streaming the entire process on

Saturday rain or shine we have a few returning players from last year

including Sam a former ranch hand who's on leave from the Army where he's

stationed in Hawaii you may remember him from last year as he took a hit for the

team I hope to see you then make sure you follow us on Facebook or Instagram

for updates and I apologize for cutting this one short today but I haven't

figured out how to add more hours to the day but when I do you'll be the first to

know we'll see on Thursday for the final venture into the high tunnel building

and until then have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming


For more infomation >> Its Time for a Montage - High Tunnel Build - The Project List - Duration: 5:50.


PLEEG - ADVENTURE - Duration: 3:03.

Don't Forget To Like, Comment, and Subscribe

For More Interesting Music Check My Channel

For more infomation >> PLEEG - ADVENTURE - Duration: 3:03.


✅ "Agarren todo lo que les den y véanles la cara de pend...": Serapio Vargas - Duration: 1:55.

 Culiacán.- "Aprovechando la miseria en que mantienen los gobiernos actuales a miles de familias del Distrito 17, andan los priístas comprando votos hasta mil pesos, por eso les digo a toda esa gente que agarren todo lo que les den, y veanles la cara de pend

y voten por los candidatos del Partido Independiente de Sinaloa porque no hay forma de que se enteren por quién votaron'

     Serapio Vargas, candidato a diputado local del Partido Independiente de Sinaloa expresó lo anterior y dijo que el PRI está temblando porque sabe perfectamente que va a perder porque con el intenso trabajo de acercamiento con el pueblo, se logró revivirlos para que salgan a votar y cambien la historia de México

 "Llegó la hora de mandar al basurero al PRI, porque ese es el lugar que le corresponde por tanto daño que le ha hecho al pueblo que sufre de hambre, falta de empleo, corrupción, inseguridad, educación y este primero de julio hay que derribarlo con la fuerza del voto y demostrarle nuestro rotundo rechazo", dijo

 Serapio Vargas comentó que andan gentes del PRI comprando votos en las colonias donde existe más pobreza como Las Coloradas, La Cascada y otras, y les advirtió que grupos de ciudadanos voluntarios que se encuentran comprometidos con el Partido Independiente de Sinaloa rstán vigilando para realizar arrestos civiles a todo aquel "mapache" que sorprendan comprando votos, antes y el día de la elección

For more infomation >> ✅ "Agarren todo lo que les den y véanles la cara de pend...": Serapio Vargas - Duration: 1:55.


АСМР Звуки Рук | ASMR Just Hand Sounds - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> АСМР Звуки Рук | ASMR Just Hand Sounds - Duration: 5:24.


✅ Marta Manowska tym razem nie na polu, a na czerwonym dywanie - Duration: 1:06.

4 Zobacz galerię AKPA Zobacz więcej Marta Manowska prowadzi program "Rolnik szuka żony" od samego początku istnienia show w Polsce (2014 r

). To dzięki temu zna ją cała Polska. Mimo to stroni na co dzień od ścianek i imprez branżowych. Marta Manowska na czerwonym dywanie Zdjęcia do nowej edycji programu powoli dobiegają końca

Z tej okazji odbył się dzień otwarty planu programu dla mediów. Nie mogło na nim zabraknąć oczywiście Marty Manowskiej. Jak wypadła, wyjątkowo nie na środku pola, a na czerwonym dywanie? Zobacz zdjęcia

Źródło: Plejada.pl Grzegorz Dobek Dziennikarz Plejada.pl

For more infomation >> ✅ Marta Manowska tym razem nie na polu, a na czerwonym dywanie - Duration: 1:06.


Williamson County terminates contract with ICE, T. Don Hutto facility - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Williamson County terminates contract with ICE, T. Don Hutto facility - Duration: 2:48.


Giveaway: Win a signed Threadripper 2 T-Shirt! - Duration: 2:35.

hey Gordon can I propose what this is not for you to wax your car with why not

this is if you don't know a limited edition whoa extremely limited edition

second gen Rison thread Ripper create with heavy metal t-shirt give it away

to journalists and analysts at the announcement for thread Ripper the

second generation it's hard enough to call third upper - yeah but everyone's

got these shirts cord everyone's got him these shirts are so hard to get even

AMD employees told me they couldn't get them so this shirt wood is special and

check this out even better BAM whoa signed this shirt is actually

signed by Lisa sue I witnessed her signing it and Jim Anderson the people

giving you all that multi-threaded goodness so you're going how do I get

this shirt well I wish I could keep it for myself but we are actually giving it

away you can get this shirt so you can frame it on your wall you shouldn't wear

it it ruins the collectability don't open up those action figures either

folks go to PC world calm when does the contest end it ends July 10th so I can

also look in the description below the the gleam entry formal description what

else you know sorry folks lawyers told us us only you know but you

can sign up anyway just to make yourself feel good you cannot gonna be able to

get unless it's us address and what's the last thing oh you can get more

injuries if you sign up for if you subscribe to us on YouTube follow us on

Twitter or Twitter right so you could do all that you don't have you can just

sign up no purchase necessary to win give this never worn special edition

limited edition second gen rising thread Ripper crate with heavy metal custom

side by Eddie Van Halen David Lee Roth you know I'm making a van Hey

in reference for Millennials there is a popular rock band better than anything

you have today but check this out get it yourself only one only one excel but

super special I wish I had this shirt for myself I'd frame it if I had it

so until then can I borrow it

For more infomation >> Giveaway: Win a signed Threadripper 2 T-Shirt! - Duration: 2:35.


Kendall Jenner Can't Make Her Mind Up About Her Ex | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:56.






















NINE, 10.












































For more infomation >> Kendall Jenner Can't Make Her Mind Up About Her Ex | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:56.


Everything Coming To Netflix In July 2018 - Duration: 12:15.

July is quickly shaping up to be the hottest month of the year, and we're not talking about

the weather.

Netflix's upcoming release schedule is a firestorm of hot new movies and shows.

From bingeable new seasons of fan-favorite shows to great new Netflix original horror

thrillers, there's definitely a lot to get excited about in the upcoming weeks.

Here are all the new movies and shows coming to Netflix in July 2018.

The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter

From Danny McBride and Jody Hill, the duo behind HBO's Vice Principals, The Legacy of

a Whitetail Deer Hunter follows aging hunting legend and TV personality Buck Ferguson as

he heads up into the mountains to reconnect with his son… with Buck's cameraman, Don,

tagging along.

"Well, it HAS been two years, I dunno..."

"What you a human calendar?

Mr. Trapper Keeper.

I know how long it's been."

Sacred Games: Season 1

As India's first Netflix original series, Sacred Games continues the service's M.O.

of bringing international talent onto their diverse lineup.

The show is described as a dark crime thriller and is based on the bestselling novel of the

same name.

Samantha: Season 1

Netflix made a great decision when they brought on Brazilian series 3%, and it looks like

they're intent on tapping the country for even more of its programming.

Samantha is an upcoming Brazilian show about a former '80s child star who's desperate to

reach the level of fame she once had, leading her on some wild adventures as she does everything

in her power to get back into the spotlight.

Somebody Feed Phil: The Second Course

Most people probably know Phil Rosenthal as the creator of the long-running sitcom hit

Everybody Loves Raymond, but in recent years, he's been on a different sort of adventure.

In Somebody Feed Phil, Rosenthal jets off to exotic locations to check out the local

culture and cuisine.

Basically, it's like every other travel food show, with the distinction that Rosenthal

isn't an expert on either culture or cuisine.

He's just a guy who just likes food.

"Nothing wrong with that.

And you know we like anything on a stick."

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee: Freshly Brewed

Jerry Seinfeld's undemanding talk show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is rolling back into

Netflix with a freshly brewed batch of today's hottest comedians.

The series' fifth collection, "Freshly Brewed," will see Seinfeld chatting with Dave Chappelle,

Kate McKinnon, and Zach Galifianakis, to name a few.

First Team: Juventus: Season 1: Part B

Sports fans had a ball with the first part of Netflix's 2018 docu-series First Team:

Juventus, which follows the Juventus football club during their 2017 to 2018 season.

Each 40-minute episode goes behind the scenes to take an intimate look of the players and

coaches of the Italian soccer team.

Inside the World's Toughest Prisons: Season 2

They may not be too deadly to safely get a camera crew inside, but the prisons that journalist

Paul Connolly visits in Inside the World's Toughest Prisons definitely reek of danger.

In the first season, Connolly posed as a prisoner in four separate lockups around the world,

living face to face with dangerous inmates.

Season 2 will see the same approach with a new presenter - Raphael Rowe, a journalist

who himself actually spent 12 years in prison.

The Skin of The Wolf

This Spanish movie made its U.S. premiere in March 2018 at the Miami Film Festival.

The story follows a lonely hunter who's the last remaining resident of an abandoned town

at the top of a mountain.

Don't let the Spanish subtitles hold you back, because there aren't many lines to read - The

Skin of the Wolf features precious little dialogue, with long stretches containing none

at all.

Yet there's a raw, hypnotic quality to the film that keeps it from getting boring.

White Fang

Netflix's newest animated film is bringing Jack London's timeless tale to a whole new


Like the book, the narrative of the film is told from the perspective of White Fang, a

half-wolf sled dog who's adopted by a Native American tribe and learns to become a vicious


Nick Offerman, Paul Giamatti, and Rashida Jones lend their voices to the cast.

Make sure you check out The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter, Sacred Games Season 1, Samantha

Season 1, Somebody Feed Phil: The Second Course, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee: Freshly

Brewed, First Team: Juventus, Inside the World's Toughest Prisons: Season 2, The Skin of the

Wolf, and White Fang when they drop onto Netflix on July 6.

Drug Lords: Season 2

A look at the most notorious criminal kingpins in history, Drug Lords hones in on famous

names like Pablo Escobar, Frank Lucas, and Kath Pettingill, dubbed "Granny Evil" for

her iron grip on the Melbourne drug trade.

Season 2 will raise the stakes with even more of the head honchos of crime, from El Chapo

to Jamaican gangster Christopher Coke.

Look for it on July 10th.

How it Ends

Starring Theo James and Forest Whitaker, How it Ends is an action thriller that follows

a man who sets off on a journey across the country to find his pregnant girlfriend after

a mysterious apocalyptic event.

Check it out on July 13th.

Sugar Rush

Netflix has been piling on the cooking shows lately, with Nailed It and Ugly Delicious

premiering in early 2018.

Now Sugar Rush is joining the roster.

In this cooking competition, chef Adriano Zumbo and bakery owner Candace Nelson judge

participants who are racing against the clock to whip up the best desserts.

It should be a sweet time, and you can catch it all on July 13th.

Bonus Family: Season 2

In this Swedish series, family takes center stage as two divorcees with kids move in with

each other… and bring all their emotional baggage with them.

With everybody living under the same roof, there's bound to be plenty of drama and comedy


Take a look at Season 2 when it drops on July 15th.

The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale: Part 2

While Joel McHale's green-screened celebrity rants originally aired as weekly episodes,

Netflix is changing up the format for the next batch, dropping them all on the same


The series sees Community star Joel McHale poking fun at popular shows, reality TV, and

celebrities, interspersed with scripted comedy bits.

Look for Part 2 to land on July 15th.

Amazing Interiors

With The World's Most Extraordinary Homes, Netflix took viewers on a whirlwind tour around

the globe to visit a few of the craziest looking homes in existence.

With Amazing Interiors, the format continues - only this time, the crazy is all inside.

What will you find when you walk through the doors of these homes?

Find out on July 20th.

Dark Tourist

Instead of visiting the usual cultural highlights around the world, Dark Tourist pinpoints the

planet's most morbid settings, such as abandoned nuclear reactors and haunted forests.

Journalist and filmmaker David Farrier leads the charge, promising a weird journey into

the unexpected.

Take the plunge on July 20th.

Father of the Year

David Spade headlines this coming-of-age comedy, which sees two boys coming home from college.

When they get into an argument about who's father could beat up the other's father, one

of their dads steps up to the challenge.

Hijinks ensue.

Take a look on July 20th.

Last Chance U

For two seasons, Netflix tagged along as the troubled teens of East Mississippi Community

College, or EMCC, fought to return to Division 1 status and achieve their football dreams.

Nicknamed Last Chance U, EMCC offered many of these players their last shot at redemption.

For the third season, Netflix is releasing a two-parter.

The first takes a look at the players who left EMCC after the first two seasons and

is called, appropriately, Last Chance U: EMCC & Life After.

The second - Last Chance U: INDY: Part 1 - starts up the new season at a new school: Independence

Community College in Kansas.

The expectations are lower, but the stakes are higher than ever.

Look for both to land on July 20th.

The Warning

Keep your eyes peeled for Spanish thriller The Warning.

When a ten-year-old boy finds a note in a gas station that seems to predict his death,

he'll have to team up with a mysterious stranger to figure out what's going on before it's

too late.

Get ready for all the twists and turns when The Warning shows up on July 24th.


This sci-fi thriller stars Michael Pena as a father who's recurring nightmares about

an alien invasion come true.

When actual aliens attack the planet, he'll have to fight to keep his family safe from

the extraterrestrial threat.

Lizzy Caplan and Luke Cage's Mike Colter co-star.

Look for Extinction on July 27th.

Roman Empire: Reign of Blood: Master of Rome

Netflix's docu-drama series Roman Empire: Reign of Blood has spent two years thrilling

fans with its historical look at the beginnings of the fall of Rome.

The series uses actors and sets to play out the drama, while the occasional voiceover

or talking head pops in to provide documentary-style commentary on what's going on.

The upcoming Roman Empire: Reign of Blood: Master of Rome will follow the same format,

and this time, the focus is on Julius Caesar.

Queue it up on July 27th.

Orange is the New Black: Season 6

For five seasons, Piper and her friends have regaled audiences in one of the most engaging

and original shows in recent memory.

We've seen relationships form, flourish and wither, all within the halls of Litchfield


Judging by the brief teaser for the new season, the show will pick up right where fans last

saw Piper and the remaining inmates in the Season 5 cliffhanger.

Look for it on July 27th.

The Bleeding Edge

Through candid interviews with patients and medical professionals, The Bleeding Edge paints

a terrifying picture of medical devices rushed through safety testing and installed in hospitals

across the country.

There's nothing more terrifying than a medical horror story, so it's sure to be an eye-opening


Take a look on July 27th.

A Very Secret Service: Season 2

This goofy spy comedy is sort of like the French answer to Get Smart.

With both hard-hitting drama and absurd comedy, the first season of A Very Secret Service

built a loyal - if small - fan base.

The second season promises more of the same.

Don't miss it when it arrives on Netflix on July 30th.

Terrace House: Opening New Doors: Part 3

Inexplicably one of Netflix's more popular shows, Terrace House operates on the basic

premise that a reality show doesn't need any scripting whatsoever to draw in viewers.

This Japanese series is low key, drama free, and utterly hypnotizing for no discernible


Part 3 of the spinoff Opening New Doors hits on July 31st.

Original stand-up comedy

Netflix is offering a different take on comedy this July.

In addition to two full-length specials, Netflix is also releasing a stand-up collection titled

The Comedy Lineup, which will see multiple comedians take the stage for short sets.

That shows up on July 3rd, and you also can catch Jim Jefferies: This Is Me Now on July

13th, followed by Iliza Shlesinger : Elder Millennial on July 24th.

That wraps up all the Netflix originals arriving in July 2018, so let's turn to everything

else being added to the streaming service next month.

New movies

As far as Netflix is concerned, blockbuster season officially begins on July 1st.

The first of the month will dawn with classic action films like the Jurassic Park trilogy,

The Boondock Saints, and Van Helsing.

July 1st will also see the arrival of some great dramas, such as Menace II Society, and

We Own the Night.

Later in the month, you can look for Blue Valentine on the 5th, Gone Baby Gone on the

12th, and Her on the 29th.

For laughs, don't miss Ryan Reynolds' 2014 dark comedy The Voices, which sees Reynolds

as a slightly psychopathic blue collar worker.

"You know I'm a talking cat.

There's no such thing.

Everything I say, is really you."

"That's true buddy.

It's all you."


That's arriving on the first, alongside the return of Bo Burnham's stand-up special what.

Finally, Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain is dropping on the 13th.

Netflix is also rolling out plenty of options for the family to watch together.

Look for Finding Neverland, the two Scooby-Doo movies, and The Princess Diaries on July 1st,

followed by Disney's Bolt on the 22nd.

Unfortunately, July is going to be slim pickings for the horror fans in the room.

There are only two upcoming films on the docket: Deceived arrives on July 1st, and Scream 4

arrives on July 7th.

New television

If Netflix is coming up short in some of their movie categories, they're more than making

up for it with their television selection.

You can escape the summer heat with new seasons of Blue Bloods, Hawaii Five-O, NCIS, and Madam

Secretary on the first.

July 2nd sees the arrival of Season 4 of The Good Witch and Season 1 of The Sinner, and

July 6 will herald the addition of The Fosters: Season 5.

Finally, July 28th will bring the dysfunctional Gallagher family back home as Season 8 of

Shameless arrives.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Everything Coming To Netflix In July 2018 - Duration: 12:15.


Miami-Dade Officers Won't Be Charged In Rough Arrest Captured On Body Cam - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Miami-Dade Officers Won't Be Charged In Rough Arrest Captured On Body Cam - Duration: 3:08.


Why People Don't Want To Buy From You - Duration: 4:08.


I'm Sharon Jurd and welcome to my Biz Blitz video and today I want to talk to you about

why people aren't buying from you.

You might go, "I'm calling, calling, calling", "I'm seeing people", "I'm networking"

but they just don't want to buy from you.

Well, I'm about to share with you a few little tips and tricks around why that might

be the case.

Firstly, you don't need a load of clients.

What we tend to do as business owners is go out and try and get as many clients as we


We're talking to everyone, calling everyone and we're busy but they are never going

to buy from you.

What you need are clients who are really wanting to change.

Who have a need, who have pain, who have a reason to move forward – all of those things

that for them go, "yes I need you".

If you are talking to people who don't have a need or don't have a pain then they're

not going to be the clients for you, they're not going to have the outcomes that they need

or you need and they are not going to give referrals and be raving fans.

Secondly, you need to ask lots of questions initially.

You can't just think that someone needs fixing, if they're standing in front of

you, breathing and have a cheque book, they need your product or service.

That's not the case.

Spend some time to have the opportunity to find out about this person.

Do they really have a need for your service or product?

Can you really help them?

You don't need to fix them but you may be able to help them.

I always say to my coaching clients that are in business or are coaches or speakers, make

sure you ask lots of questions.

When we're coaching, when my SMJ coaches are coaching, we do a very detailed personal


We do a discovery session so we've got lots and lots of information about this potential

client to make sure that they are the clients for us so we can help them as much as we can.

If you don't have a lot of information about your client then you won't be able to help

them as best as you can.

And thirdly, choose your clients carefully.

After you've done the detailed personal history, after you've done the discovery

session, don't always say yes because they are standing in front of you because they

may not be the right fit for you and that's when you need to refer them out.

They may need someone who is more specialised in a different area.

It doesn't matter the amount of coaching you may do with them or the services you may

offer, you will never get them to the outcome that they need.

It's not ethical to take on a client that you can't help a hundred percent.

What I mean by that is, if you take on a client knowing in your heart you can't help them

a hundred percent then don't take them on.

Refer them out to somebody else.

Choose your clients carefully and make sure that those clients you are taking on you can

absolutely help a hundred percent.

So these are my shares for today.

Firstly, don't think that you need loads of clients.

You need clients who want to change.

Ask them lots of questions so you know how you can help them and then choose carefully

and make sure you're choosing the clients you can truly help.

I hope this video has helped you today.

If you think that this video would be of value to your friends, family or colleagues, please

share my video because I want to help as many people as I can and I need your help to do


I'm Sharon Jurd and we'll talk soon.

For more infomation >> Why People Don't Want To Buy From You - Duration: 4:08.


FUTURAMA | Season 7, Episode 1: Worse Than Dead | SYFY - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> FUTURAMA | Season 7, Episode 1: Worse Than Dead | SYFY - Duration: 2:56.


The Key to Recognizing & Destroying Cancer | Can you beat cancer with nutrition? Dr. Patrick Quillin - Duration: 8:57.

Ty Bollinger: Can you beat cancer with nutrition?

Not according to many conventional cancer doctors.

But our good friend Dr. Quillin thinks differently, and has years of experience working with cancer

patients to back this up.

Charlene Bollinger: Make sure you stay on to hear Dr. Quillin's story of two cancer

patients with the same diagnosis of multiple myeloma.

One lived only 18 months, while the other lived 14 years.

Find out what they did differently.

Let's have a look at our slides, please. Green button.

There we go.

What we're looking at here is "Beating Cancer with Nutrition."

We're going to talk about a well-nourished cancer patient can better manage the disease

and its therapies.

So, what I share with you is nutrition is not sole therapy against cancer.

It is essential, but it's not sufficient.

Patrick Quillin: So, nutrition should be an important part of everybody's integrative

comprehensive cancer treatment.

And a well-nourished—then a healthy human body is self-regulating and self-repairing.

What you'll see before we're through here is that miracles are going on in your body

every second, every day, and it's your job to nourish them.

So, what are we going to do here?

What's our outline?

Losing the War on Cancer.

We will spend very little time on that.

We'll talk about self-repairing mechanisms for cancer, major health vectors, nutrition

in cancer treatment, foods to eat, supplements, and wrapping it up.

That's where we're headed for the next few minutes.

So, what's the big picture?

Without your health, nothing else matters.

That's the big picture.

We have Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, Glenn Frey, co-founder of the Eagles.

Both of them incredibly talented people, both of them very wealthy, both died before their


Both lost their health, and I guarantee you, they would have given every dime they had

if they could have gotten their health back.

If you don't have your health, nothing else matters, and that's what we're here to

talk about.

So, what is this healthcare boondoggle we have?

We spend three trillion dollars a year on what we call healthcare.

It's actually "Symptom management with dangerous drugs" is what it really is.

And so, the healthcare system looks at trauma care, emergency room, or chronic care.

Trauma care, we get an A+.

If you're in any big city hospital in the world, trauma care is brilliant.

The other day, I applied for some dance lessons, and on the form, it said "Who to call in

case of an emergency."

And I wrote in "A very good doctor."

I don't see how any of my family members are going to do me any good.

So, trauma care is doing very well.

On the other hand, chronic care is not doing so well.

Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etcetera, we get somewhere between a C and an F, depending

on how you rate it.

Richard Nixon said that "We will have a cure for a major cancer by the bicentennial."

We don't have one.

Still don't, 45 years later, 800 billion in research of your money, and two trillion

in therapies, we're not there.

Increasing incidence of cancer in the U.S.

In the year 1900, five percent of Americans would develop cancer in their lifetime.

Today, it's 40%.

We're doing something wrong.

And I could spend 45 minutes as an autopsy on the War on Cancer, but I won't do that.

I'm just going to give you a couple of slides.

The first one here is from Guy Faguet, who was a board-certified oncologist who spent

his career at the National Cancer Institute, and when he retired, he wrote this book: The

War on Cancer: Anatomy of Failure.

This is from an insider.

What he said is that chemotherapy is curative in about two percent of cancer.

I think prayer does better than that.

But wait, it gets worse.

A recent study came out and they said "Actually, chemotherapy not only doesn't cure the cancer,

it probably causes metastasis of the cancer."

What happens typically is patient comes in, doctor says "We're going to do chemo."

Three months later, everybody's dancing in the streets.

"Your cancer has shrunk by 50%.

This is wonderful."

Six months later, they say "You know?

The cancer seems to be chemo-resistant.

Now it's twice the size it was in the beginning."

And we know why.

Literally, there is an aberrant effect of chemo on the cancer cells that induces metastasis.

A couple of patients, both were white males with multiple myeloma.

The gentleman on the left went—I worked with him extensively, diet, supplements, lifestyle.

He went through some medical therapies.

He lived 14 years, of which at least 13 years was excellent quality of life, which is well

beyond the two years that's expected with multiple myeloma.

The gentleman on the right, same thing, multiple myeloma.

But his oncologist said, "If you do any of this nutrition stuff, then I won't treat


And he died 18 months later, with his wife pregnant with twins.

Capitalizing on the abnormalities of cancer.

This is where we're going to win the War on Cancers.

We know that the—we can exploit the differences between cancer and healthy cells.

And you're going to hear a lot more about this in the next three days.

What we have is there's a four-fold increase in glucose metabolism in cancer cells.

We can starve the cells.

We know that they generate lactic acid.

We can change the pH.

We know that they're somewhat anaerobic, they're more like hypoxic, they use less


We can oxygenate the tissue and then change things.

Here's how we're really going to win the War on Cancer, folks.

There are extraordinary mechanisms inside of you that recognize cancer.

Since the dawn of time, cancer has been with us.

And what the War on Cancer has taught us is that the average adult has had about six bouts

of cancer in a lifetime, and yet, your body recognizes and destroys those cancer cells

for at least 60% of the population.

And here's how it does it.

And what the pathologists will tell us is that health deteriorates into anaplasia, metaplasia,


These are all abnormal cells.

Not good, but not ugly yet.

Neoplasia is cancer and then metastasis.

So, there's 50 shades of gray in between health and full blown cancer, and there's

a deterioration going on, and there is a ball rolling downhill in which we have—these

are the mechanisms built in to help your body prevent this deterioration from occurring.

DNA repair, for instance.

Vitamin D. The experts told us to avoid the sun.

Now we have epidemic proportions of vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D regulates 20% of the human genome, and many other nutrients.

Fish oil, selenium, folate, etcetera.

We're deficient in all of them.

Cell-to-cell communication.

Vitamin A is involved in that.

Macrophage engulfing.

Gobble up the cancer.


Programmed cell death.

Cancer cells forget to die.

We can induce that with things like vitamin E succinate and ellagic acid.

Collagen encapsulation.

If you can't kill the thing, wrap it in a tough envelope.

The body can do that.


Tumor necrosis factor.

These are just some of the many elegantly described mechanisms in the human body that

have all been elucidated in the best universities on the planet, and we know they're driven

by diet.

And so, we find that indole-3 carbinol, which is in cauliflower, broccoli, can reverse cervical

epithelial neoplasia, the beginning of cervical cancer.

We know that vitamin E can reverse fibrocystic breast disease, folate and cervical dysplasia,

vitamin A and oral leukoplakia, calcium and colonic crypts, and we could go on with a

dozen more examples.

The point is, what you put into your body changes these mechanisms that allow us to

recognize and destroy cancer.

Ty Bollinger: Dr. Patrick Quillin, thank you so much.

As you heard in his lecture, nutrition actually does have a huge impact on your overall health.

We can reverse cancer in many instances with nutrition, with our food.

Charlene Bollinger: Absolutely.

And Dr. Patrick Quillin-- Ty has had the honor of going to his house to interview him.

Yeah, I'm so jealous.

I want to taste that food.

I watched Ty take-- Ty Bollinger: Don't be jealous.

Charlene Bollinger: Well I can't help it.

He's got like the best gardens in the world and he had this big long berry.

What was that?

It's not a blackberry.

Ty Bollinger: It wasn't a blackberry. Charity Bollinger: Mulberry.

Ty Bollinger: Come here!

Get over here Charity.

Charlene Bollinger: What was it?

A mulberry.

Oh she's so smart.

Ty Bollinger: Oh she's so pretty.

Charlene Bollinger: Aww Charity.

So it was a mulberry.

That's right.

Ty Bollinger: He had this big mulberry bush in his backyard.

He grows oranges, lemons, limes, figs...

Charlene Bollinger: Everything.

And I'll tell you.

If you've seen The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, you've seen Ty interview him.

When he eats that mulberry, she has it etched in her heart and mind.

That's why you knew it. Huh, honey?

Ty Bollinger: Let's lift her up here so y'all can see her.

Charlene Bollinger: Aww ain't she cute.

Ty Bollinger: Thank you Dr. Patrick Quillin.

Charlene Bollinger: Yes, yes.

Ty Bollinger: We hope you all enjoyed it.

See you next time.

Charlene Bollinger: Yeah, until next time. God bless.

For more infomation >> The Key to Recognizing & Destroying Cancer | Can you beat cancer with nutrition? Dr. Patrick Quillin - Duration: 8:57.


Parents Arrested After Baby Severely Burned - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Parents Arrested After Baby Severely Burned - Duration: 0:36.


Roundabout Concerns In New Jersey - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Roundabout Concerns In New Jersey - Duration: 1:51.


Former Meck commissioner: Charlotte isn't ready to host 2020 RNC - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Former Meck commissioner: Charlotte isn't ready to host 2020 RNC - Duration: 1:44.


FAIRY TAIL opening 6 FULL ENGLISH DUB: "Fiesta" - Duration: 4:04.

We will cross the seven seas today

so will you come with me

to the island where we get sunshines everyday

We don't care about your skin, or the tongue you speak

just as long as you have fun and be free

Leave behind all the depressing days, we'll party all the way

and when we're done, we'll rest and do it all again

Let your feelings take you far, until you're happy with where you are

The sunset sky is red like the passion that we all have

So let's dance until the sun comes up again!

Following our compass, someday we'll reach the sun

We have no time to waste, so let's run, we deserve our freedom!

And every night, we'll gaze upon the stars and we'll know our destiny is not far!

We will watch the sun set again in the same spot

We don't know if tomorrow will be a better day or not

But we don't care, we can survive through every storm, be proud of every scar

Our perfect paradise is right here, wherever we are

It's too late to feel sad about all that happened in the past

So give in to the music and forget all the rest

You will feel so fine, you'll start to feel so light

You will almost feel as if you could fly

We'll climb the highest mountain we find

The biggest wave, We will ride

and we don't have to even stop to wonder why

Every challenge that we face is an important part of life

Energy comes from everywhere, even from the heavy rain

So let's dance until the sun comes up again!

Following our compass, someday we'll reach the sun

We have no time to waste, so let's run, we deserve our freedom!

And every night, we'll gaze upon the stars and we'll know our destiny is not far!

We will watch the sun set again in the same spot

We don't know if tomorrow will be a better day or not

But we don't care, we can survive through every storm, be proud of every scar

Our perfect paradise is right here, wherever we are

Following our compass, someday we'll reach the sun

We have no time to waste, so let's run, we deserve our freedom!

And every night, we'll gaze upon the stars and we'll know our destiny is not far!

We will watch the sun set again in the same spot

We don't know if tomorrow will be a better day or not

But we don't care, we can survive through every storm, be proud of every scar

Our perfect paradise is right here, wherever we are!

For more infomation >> FAIRY TAIL opening 6 FULL ENGLISH DUB: "Fiesta" - Duration: 4:04.



(Brad growls)

(Robyn screams)

- [Robyn] What are you doing, you spaz?

(upbeat music)

- We're here catching a horse and carriage

to the other side of the island

and our horse and carriage has just arrived.

(both laugh)

Our horse and carriage has just arrived.

Which one are we gonna go with?

- [Robyn] Let's let him decide.

- Alright, alright.

How cool is this? We're booking a horse

and carriage on Gili T to get from this side

of the island to the other side of the island.

I love it.

I love this horse.

- [Robyn] Can you take us to the place where the shops are?

I mean shops, like, the surf shop

and the pharmacy and like the centre.

They're cool.

(upbeat music)

(Brad whinnies)

(Brad whinnies)

- And again.

(Robyn whinnies)

(Brad whinnies)

- There it is! That was a good one!

- Ah, good.

- That was a good one.

(Brad whinnies)

- That is a good one.

(Brad whinnies)

- Now I'm gonna be--

(Robyn barks)

(Brad laughs)

- What the fuck is that?

- [Robyn] It's a poodle.

- Okay, so now we're at this place here, 69 Slam.

Apparently, fashionista here, by the way,

12 years working for Armani, says it's good.

- [Robyn] Perfect!

- [Brad] Oh, it's got the person watching.

You're on my level, you're on my level.

- Do you have bikinis that have a thin line? Just one line?

- Line?

- Like one.

- [Robyn] The African!

- Elephants. Of course, the South African girl is gonna go

with the bikini that has elephants on it.

I'm not surprised.

What, you're not going for the elephants now?

- Just let me look.

- She's having a look, we'll be here for three hours.

You guys watching this, you guys watching this?

- [Robyn] What do you think of...

- What?

(both laugh)

What about this one? I like this one.

- [Robyn] Okay.

- [Brad] It's super bright and colourful. I like that one.

Do you like that one? I think it looks nice.

- [Robyn] Yeah.

- Yeah, that's nice. That's super nice.

Do you think they go together?

- Because of the white?

You could get the white or it's this.

- [Brad] I trust you to know all this.

I'm like helping out the best I can here, I really am.

(upbeat music)

(Brad growls)

(Robyn screams)

- [Robyn] What are you doing, you spaz?

(both laugh)

Do you have my phone?

- Yeah, it's in my pocket.

Alright, we're finished, she's happy. Three bikinis.

How much did you spend? One point one?

1.1 million Rupiah.

Thank you very much.

How happy are you?

- I'm so happy!

- She bought three bikinis.

Actually, I bought two, I mean one, and she bought two.

She's happy.

(Robyn whinnies)

(Brad whinnies)

We're buying ice cream, everybody.

- Yeah, because we've been changing our experience.

- We're buying ice cream.

Last night, we had the shittest ice cream ever.

- [Robyn] Look look, sherbet, sherbet.

- [Brad] And now, look at this.

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait.

(Brad whinnies)

(both laugh)

We've got Ferrero Roche, Snickers, Oreo.

I like the Snickers more. Snickers, Snickers.

Oh, oh yes!

Heaven in a cup.

Heaven in a cup.

- [Man] Enjoy!

- [Brad] Thanks man.

- Enjoy.

- [Brad] Thank you. Thanks man, appreciate it.

Going in for the first bite, first bite.

Which one is it?

- Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.

- [Brad] Salted caramel?

- Oh my gosh.

- [Brad] Salted caramel?

- Oh, like, you have no idea.

- [Brad] Is it that good?

- It's sensational. Here, try.

- Let me try.

Mmm, that's really good. That's really nice.

- [Robyn] I know, right?

- That's really nice, give me some more.

- No more! This is... oops this is mine.

(upbeat music)

- We had ice cream, it was amazing.

So much so that I had a second serving of the Snickers.

Absolutely amazing.

We're in Gili T now, we're walking down the road

that's pretty much the road that runs

around the entire island here in Gili T.

And we're just walking right now.

(upbeat music)



メッシが待望の初ゴール、ロホが決勝弾! アルゼンチンが劇的勝利で決勝T進出! - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> メッシが待望の初ゴール、ロホが決勝弾! アルゼンチンが劇的勝利で決勝T進出! - Duration: 3:57.


Halsey - Strangers (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Lauren Jauregui | Rudely Bro Remix - Duration: 3:28.



















































♪ ♪

♪ ♪

For more infomation >> Halsey - Strangers (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Lauren Jauregui | Rudely Bro Remix - Duration: 3:28.


The Wonderful in You - Caro Emerald | Karaoke Higher Key - Duration: 3:27.




For more infomation >> The Wonderful in You - Caro Emerald | Karaoke Higher Key - Duration: 3:27.


Kym Johnson, Jennifer Lopez & More Celeb Moms Who've Snapped Back Their Abs After Having Twins - Dai - Duration: 2:19.

Kym Johnson, Jennifer Lopez and other hot celebrity mamas have proved that toned abs are still possible even after giving birth to twins by showing their own off in gorgeous photos

Check out some of our favorites here!    Kym Johnson, Jennifer Lopez and more celebrity moms of twins have impressively snapped their hot bodies back in all the right ways and have loved showing off their toned abs for the camera

Whether they're wearing work-out gear, bikinis or just crop tops, these ladies prove that having babies (even two at a time!) doesn't mean you have to give up being in shape

We've narrowed down some of our favorite post-baby bodies from mamas of twins and they're truly something to see!    Jennifer shared an amazing pic of her tremendous abs by posting a workout photo and we couldn't look away

Talk about working hard and staying fit! Kym loved not only showing off her incredible post-baby bod but also her twins in an adorable pic of her holding the precious bundles of joy! Beyonce always looks gorgeous no matter what she wears so it isn't surprising that her beautiful post-baby body pic caught our eye

She displayed her toned abs while posing in a stretch while wearing a cropped blue hooded sweatshirt and a tight knee-length black skirt

 Zoe Saldana's post-baby abs conservatively showed when she happily posed in a very low-cut dress on the red carpet of the Avengers: Infinity War premiere and Rebecca Romijn's modeling experience showed when she looked gorgeous splashing about in water and showing off her abs in a black bikini after having her twins

These hot mamas inspire us all and help us to remember that no matter how many babies a person chooses to have, it's still possible to look and feel great!

For more infomation >> Kym Johnson, Jennifer Lopez & More Celeb Moms Who've Snapped Back Their Abs After Having Twins - Dai - Duration: 2:19.


Breaking News - Controversial 10-ball over set to be scrapped as players fight plan - Duration: 7:30.

Cricket's governing body will almost certainly be forced to give up on including the gimmick of a 10-ball over in their controversial new 'Hundred' competition

The ECB have been told to think again by the players union as they attempt to go against cricketing convention and find a way of bowling a hundred balls per innings in the new concept they are determined to introduce in 2020

A delegation led by PCA chairman Daryl Mitchell told the ECB that the 10-ball over which was meant to be bowled at the end of an innings just will not work

'There's certainly strong opinion among the players that there shouldn't be a 10-ball over,' Mitchell told Sportsmail after the first meaningful talks between governing body and union since the ECB dropped their 'Hundred' bombshell

'People who are going to bowl at the death are concerned about that because of the physical demands and mental well-being

I don't think it would be possible to ask, say, Tymal Mills to bowl a 10 ball over at 92-93 miles per hour, especially if you throw in the odd wide or no ball

'Then it becomes 12 or 13 balls and I don't think that's good for the game as well as the bowler

You want the genuine quick bowlers to come steaming in because that's what people want to see and six balls is enough for them

' Other ideas were discussed in the meeting between six players from different parts of the country with varying experience in the game and the ECB's 'Hundred' blue-sky thinking marketeers in Sanjay Patel and Mike Fordham

'From what I hear I don't think they want to go too far away from cricket now,' said Mitchell, signalling a change in ECB direction for a format that is meant to be aimed at a non-cricketing family audience

'So they don't want 20 five ball overs. Maybe we could have eight-ball overs at the start and end of an innings to make up the hundred while another idea we discussed was for the captain to be able to call time on an over after four balls

'If then, say, Jos Buttler starts hitting someone all over the park the captain will be able to call a halt after four balls

That might add a tactical dimension but it's probably not simplifying the game. There's not really an easy way to get to a hundred balls and the fact it's not divisible by six does cause a problem

' Now the initial shock of an idea that seemed to come from nowhere has eased Worcestershire batsman Mitchell reports that opinions on the concept among England's 400 plus professional players are still 'mixed

' 'It's very difficult for us to say whether we like the idea or not when we still don't know what it's going to look like,' said Mitchell, who had earlier warned the ECB that they cannot have a new competition without the support of the players

'The momentum is turning in a positive direction but there are very much a number of sceptics among our members too

'The new competition needs us on board because it needs to fly and do very well

When the next broadcast deal comes around we have to have a vibrant domestic product as well as an England team that's doing very well

' That new bumper £1.1 billion five-year broadcasting deal, which starts in two years time, has enabled the ECB to promise counties an extra £1

3million a year if they support the Hundred, which very much seems set in stone. And Mitchell made it clear in an exclusive interview that the players want to make sure they see their fair share of that extra revenue

To that end the PCA recently put out a statement opposing proposed attempts by the ECB to avoid increasing county wages

'We put out a strong statement earlier this month and it was purposefully that,' he added

'That statement was in response to the suggestion from county chief executives that the salary cap was not going to go up

From our point of view that is not acceptable with the money coming into the game

'It's not how we feel things should be done. It's one of our non-negotiables. It was very justifiable for us to put that out and nothing that we hadn't already told the ECB but I do believe they are receptive to our point of view and it will be resolved eventually

Nobody wants a repeat of the Australian pay dispute in our cricket.' Meanwhile Sportsmail understands that a 'performance working group' which will include respected figures from across the cricketing spectrum will meet with the ECB early next month to try to thrash out how the Hundred will work

Those invited, as well as a strong PCA delegation, will include England assistant coach Paul Farbrace, head of women's cricket Clare Connor, Lancashire's director of cricket Paul Allott and, to represent broadcasters, former Hampshire captain and television presenter Mark Nicholas

For more infomation >> Breaking News - Controversial 10-ball over set to be scrapped as players fight plan - Duration: 7:30.


Toyota Megaweb - Must See Free Car Museum in Tokyo! Toyota Futuristic Technologies on Display! - Duration: 12:52.

Hi Everyone! I'm Steve.

I had a little free time today so I came to Toyota Megaweb in Odaiba.

Let's get inside and check it out!

This is a great place to see....

First of all it is completely free!

There are hundreds of cars to see....

and this place is just a lot of fun!!!

There are so many Toyota models that are not for sale in the USA.

It is amazing how many different models Toyota has.

Toyota's scale really is incredible!!!

One area Toyota is really pushing is vehicles designed that physically challenged people can drive.

I talked about the "Welcab" vehicles in a previous video too...

"Welcab"= Freedom of Mobility for Everyone!

Toyota is focusing on building vehicles for physically challenged people to enjoy as well.

This Voxy is fully equipped to handle easy wheel chair loading.

The Voxy is a small van, so you have space to use a ramp system like this....

but looks at small car like this!

The wheel chair gets automatically lifted and stored on top of the car inside of the roof mounted carrier.

This quite amazing!

I would love to see it actually working!

It's great to be able to help people who traditionally couldn't drive and enjoy a car on their own...

This model lets you drive your wheelchair in and and out.

Toyota has made a lot of capabilities in such small vehicles.

It looks pretty easy to just drive in and out.

Really incredible!

Check out this Welcab.

A swing out seat to easily get in and out of outside the car.

The passenger seat comes completely out of the car to make sitting or standing much easier...

I imagine it is all remote controlled too...

This technology is advancing so quickly!

I just realized something...

These cars are all Toyotas but the grill emblems are not Toyota...

Depending on the model of the Toyota, the grill badge is different.

But one theme is definitely apparent across all newer cars....

The grills are huge!!

I love it!!!

This Crown Royal Series grill is awesome!

Speaking of big grills....

Check out the Alphard's grill!!!

It's huge!!!!!

and a different emblem for the Alphard.

I wonder why the Alphard is not sold in America....

I think this would sell well in America.

It's really cool and there's a hybrid version too!

This is the Crown Athlete section.

This car isn't in America either....

It's cool and sporty!

This is a really good looking 4 door family sedan!!!!

and the grill is huge on this car too!!

Check out the Crown Athlete emblem!

It's big!!!!

The color of this car is unique and cool!

Pink? Purple?

I like it!

I wonder why this car isn't sold in America either?

This Esquire is a newer model.

I saw this vehicle yesterday for the first time...

for a small van it sure does have a HUGE grill!!

Big grills are the new design look!

I like it!! It looks very classic / retro!

Big grills were the thing on 50's American cars.

Stuffing a huge grill on a small car like this is cool!!!

Nice emblem too!!


I've never seen a Toyota IQ before.

This car has its own grill emblem too!

Every model has its own unique emblem!

What about the sides and rear emblems?

The wheels/hubcaps are Toyota emblems.

This car looks like a Smart car.

Toyota Smart Car!

Very cute!

In the old days so many cars in Japan were white!

But nowadays, there are so many bright colors.

Look at this one!!

Outside and inside are yellow!!! wow!

Yellow on Yellow!!!

This car really stands out!!

Neon green? neon yellow?

I've never seen a yellow quite like this.

I mentioned this Hydrogen car before; Mirai.

When I first saw this car it was still under development.

Recently I see more and more of these on the road in America too.

Mirai means Future... and this car is definitely futuristic.

Design aspects too are ahead of its time.

Very fitting name for a car like this.

Check out the sleek lights and black line down the side.

Very futuristic looking car!

and Hydrogen is futuristic too!

I wonder if Toyota was the first in the world to make this hydrogen vehicle?

The back is cool too!

Do you see a little BMW design in the rear?

This vehicle is so different!! So modern looking!

It's even got an F1 brake lamp!!!

I'm still a gasoline engine enthusiast!

I don't want the internal combustion gasoline engine to disappear!

That would be the end of classic cars... and that's not good.

New technologies like this are great but I am still a gasoline engine fan!

Its amazing to see how many new technologies Toyota is involved in!

Coming to Megaweb really shows you the tremendous power and vision Toyota has!

Do you ever stop and think....

it seems like for every 3-4 cars on the road today, 1 is bound to be a Prius.

There are so many Prius versions too now, I can't keep track!

Also I hate to say it... but Prius's are getting better looking recently too...

They definitely look better than they did when they first came out.

I'm still not a huge fan but they are getting a little better looking...

Also, until recently it seemed like all Prius's were white!

Now there are a lot of colors!

Prius X???

These cars have gotten bigger too!

It's a really long station wagon too!

4-5 people can easily drive in this car.

Nice color too.

Look at this TRD version Prius!

Cool wheels!

Nice color too!

I can't believe this is a Prius and a hybrid car!!!

I would never have paid attention to a Prius previously...

The rear end of these cars are really boldly designed!

I want to see one of these on the road.

Single person use.

Toyota has got their hands in everything!

I love Toyota Megaweb!

Pets became all the boom in Japan over the past several years.

Toyota picked up on the trend and is marketing to pet lovers too!!

This vehicle isn't for sale but it's a showcase for pet friendly vehicles!

"Dog Circle"

Pet Friendly vehicles by Toyota.

Toyota Factory Pet Products!!! LOL

Dog seat belts!

A very niche market that Toyota has picked up on!!!

Many people take their pets with them in the car....

safety for you and your pet should be important and Toyota realizes that and is developing products to support it.

Toyota is really incredible!

I only had about an hour today to kill but there are few better places to spend some time than Toyota Megaweb.

This is a car lovers paradise.

Today I only saw the new cars....

but there is a classic car "History Garage" as well!

If you have some time while in Tokyo, I highly recommend coming here.

This place is a lot of fun!!! See you again!!!

For more infomation >> Toyota Megaweb - Must See Free Car Museum in Tokyo! Toyota Futuristic Technologies on Display! - Duration: 12:52.


Take Me Away - Avril Lavigne | Karaoke Higher Key - Duration: 3:07.




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