Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion was released not long ago.
Many of you had already downloaded it and started playing this DLC.
Some of you may have finished it already.
But thanks to that, we can see many players already sharing their experience on the web,
because, indeed, with more than 80 challenges to complete,
well, the way you pass you tests may be different from one person to another,
and in this video we are going to talk about various ways to pass 5 tests of this Octo Expansion.
They won't be regular ways to do so, on the contrary, we are going to focus on
players who decided no to finish it the way everybody else does, using their very own strategy.
We'll try to understand how they did it, and see if it is really that useful,
and if it is easier to play it that way than the way it is supposed to be played initially.
So, let's go! Let's begin right away with the first video.
We are going in the Station C04: Move it Move it Station, in which you have to
stay alive for 30 seconds without being touched by the sanitized ink.
This is not the hardest level but you may fail many times before succeeding,
and here, one of these strategies is to turn into your octopus shape,
and if you stay at a precise location on the field,
well, the sanitized shots will bounce above you.
Doing so, it won't be necessary to move for a fair amount of time.
But, be careful.
Not all the shots will bounce above you.
Those ink shots are bouncing, and they are bouncing on the same spots,
and all the shots are bouncing more or less at the same spots,
so if you stay here, well, it is likely that most of the bounces
will keep on bouncing above you, but some bounces won't sometimes,
so you have to be very careful.
Sometimes, some bounces will touch you if you stay still.
Here's the strategy: stay at that distance, away from your enemies.
Swim from one side to another, right and left, and if you are careful enough,
well, most of their shots will bounce above you
Try to dodge them, you know, just for fun.
But let's say, at least half of them will never get the chance to touch you
and it makes this station way easier.
For the second level of this video, we are going to the C10 Station: McFly Station
in which you have to stay alive again for 30 seconds dodging rolling balls.
Here, this player's trick is quite clever: thanks to his Ink Jet,
he manages to ink the side of the platform and being in here, well,
he has nothing to worry about and neither the rolling balls, nor the sniping octarian
are a threat to him.
Doing so, he can survive for 30 seconds vry easily, and that is really smart.
As for me, I tried to do it and it was not that simple actually,
you know, hiding in a such small ink blot on the side.
I found it easier to play this level the regular way than trying
to do this trick, but now you know that you can do it
and it's quite interesting.
For the next level, let's visit Station D02: One-Shot Station,
in which you must destroy all the crates in one rifle shot.
Well, once again, this is not the hardest level at all.
In order to pass the test, you have to get when is the exact moment
to shoot.
I realised that it works almost every time
when I aim one specific crate, the third one from the bottom and the left.
I'm aiming with my rifle the center of this crate and as soon as the balloon is here,
well, I release the pressure on the trigger, the baloons blows, and almost every single time,
well, you get it right.
But sometimes, you may have noticed that one crate remains unbroken,
and the player we are going to see found the trick, actually:
in fact, if there is one remaining crate, you still have time
to shoot one more time and blow it
before Q. Cumber realises your mistake.
So, what you must do is aiming at the balloon, and right after
get ready to shoot again at right or left bottom corner,
because it is where they are likely to fall, and if you are fast enough, well,
you can fool Q. Cumber and pass the test shooting twice.
For the fourth stage, let's visit Station E06: Swass 8-Ball Station, in which you have to line-up three 8 balls
in some sort of giant pinball machine.
You have to shoot on the balls to make them go in the holes, in order to fill three holes
all lined-up to if you want to pass the test. There is a little trick, actually:
if one ball goes in a hole, well, it's not too late to
take it back.
If you shoot again on it, especially if you shoot on its side, well, you will be able to
take it out of the hole in order to have a second chance
of putting it wherever you want it to go in.
You have to be careful though, sometimes doing so, you can eject the ball from
the pinball machine, and you will fail the test.
But it is possible to take advantage of it so that you can line up
the balls as you want.
As long as it's not the fourth ball you are trying to put in the holes,
you are still able to make them come out and try again.
For the last stage of this video, let's focus on Station J03D08: Girl Power Station
in which you have to protect the orb from an army of Octolings,
I think it's one of the hardest levels of this DLC and many people
complained about its difficulty.
Well, in fact, you can use a little strat to make it a little bit easier,
in order to do so, you have to select the curling bomb at the beginning because it will enable you
to set it up.
You will need a long range weapon which kills in one shot.
Choose the Splat Charger or the Blaster.
The strat is really simple actually, well, in theory, but really tricky to play.
At the beginning, the first seven Octolings attacking you
are in fact all lined up on the far back wall of the arena.
The idea is to go there as fast as possible, and even before
they could make any move and Super jump, well take your charger,
or your blaster, and splat them immediately.
So, you will get rid of seven Octolings very quick,
and if you do well, you will have several seconds ahead of the second
Octoling wave.
So you will be able to prepare yourself more easily, by inking the turf
and picking some shields and the right special weapons.
But you have to keep in mind a detail which makes it a bit tricky:
the Octolings can "feel" it when they're aimed at.
So, if you miss your shot with your charger or your blaster ans you don't splat them
in one shot very quickly, well, the fact that you are aiming at them for too long
will make them super jump and come way sooner than expected in the arena
and they will attack you, sometimes two or three of them at the same time, so it will be harder for you.
So you mustn't miss them and have to shoot some perfect Charger shots
that will splat them in one shot without any second try.
It really technical to do so with the Charger, you must be acquainted with it,
it is a bit easier with the blaster.
Anyways, what we are sure of is that if you succeed, seven Octolings down are
quite a relief, and you can go on without worrying about them.
Then you just have to attack the remaining Octolings and grab some
special weapons that will enable you to ink the orb so that it remains yours
until the end of the test.
That's it for these 5 strats, some are bold, and some are useful.
I hope you enjoyed this video, feel free to let everyone know by liking, sharing and
leaving a message in the commentay section.
I'm gonna make other Octo Expansion videos very soon, especially about its story,
so subscribe if you don't want to miss it.
It was EvilSquid speaking, see you soon in a next video.
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