Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 27 2018

Hello, you want to see our airbnb

silly me trying to figure out camera lol

Not the best airbnb, but it was only $20 a night. Owned by a college student. She was VERY nice and helpful.

our room

2 beds - that's all you need, right??

$20 a night, so I got it for 3 nights

Then we will go to Seville (I think that's the right name) - south of here

*us on the train!!!* Look at all the people

Hello, we are here at the Chocolateria San Gines

See what we got

I thought it was hot chocolate

but no, it is hot melted chocolate

Churros to dip in hot melted chocolate


Vienna coffee

Of course, mama must have her coffee!

haha Piper is taking pictures for her Instagram

Hello, we are here at the Plaza Mayor *yes I spelled it Manor* oops me!!

It's beautiful here - the architecture - wow - and the colors


This was built during Philip III's reign in 1617 - 1619. It was used for bullfights, soccer matches, and even public executions.

*equestrian statue of Philip III in center of square*

*stamps on doll*

For more infomation >> 740248E2 513A 4726 A1D1 EBC8D0F32DB0 - Duration: 4:48.


PARE DE USAR ÓCULOS ➜ Beba Isso e Sua VISÃO Vai Melhorar 97% - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> PARE DE USAR ÓCULOS ➜ Beba Isso e Sua VISÃO Vai Melhorar 97% - Duration: 2:55.


폭우, 그래도 달려본 벤츠 뉴 E 300 아방가르드 - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> 폭우, 그래도 달려본 벤츠 뉴 E 300 아방가르드 - Duration: 8:51.



For more infomation >> VISITEI O RESTAURANTE DA PAOLA CAROSELLA - ARTURITO | Go Deb! - Duration: 18:14.


POR QUE NO E SUBIDO VIDEOS - Duration: 0:45.


For more infomation >> POR QUE NO E SUBIDO VIDEOS - Duration: 0:45.


Vendas Proibidas - Fael, Dablio L, Emipê, TZ, Samura MD, Maca e Vinta (Vídeo Oficial) - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Vendas Proibidas - Fael, Dablio L, Emipê, TZ, Samura MD, Maca e Vinta (Vídeo Oficial) - Duration: 5:50.


Saiba como fechar o capô corretamente sem danificá-lo - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Saiba como fechar o capô corretamente sem danificá-lo - Duration: 1:31.


La vera scena dei post-it (Rudi e Alice || Guille y Tete) fan edit w/ sub - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> La vera scena dei post-it (Rudi e Alice || Guille y Tete) fan edit w/ sub - Duration: 3:27.


U&D Luigi e Sara giunti al capolinea, lui dichiara: 'Innamorato della persona sbagliata' - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> U&D Luigi e Sara giunti al capolinea, lui dichiara: 'Innamorato della persona sbagliata' - Duration: 4:29.


Audi Q7 3.0 TDI E-TRON QUATTRO S-Line EX BTW 15% Bijtelling Leer Memory Camera - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi Q7 3.0 TDI E-TRON QUATTRO S-Line EX BTW 15% Bijtelling Leer Memory Camera - Duration: 1:13.


COSTA RICA - San Jose| RISOTTO de COENTRO fácil e saboroso e RECEITA bônus! [T6 EP6] - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> COSTA RICA - San Jose| RISOTTO de COENTRO fácil e saboroso e RECEITA bônus! [T6 EP6] - Duration: 7:14.


Entrevista BOSSA HITS Andy Timmons, Sydnei e Carmen Carvalho - Duration: 14:23.

For more infomation >> Entrevista BOSSA HITS Andy Timmons, Sydnei e Carmen Carvalho - Duration: 14:23.



For more infomation >> RESULTADO DO SORTEIO DE NUTTELA VIRTUAL! - Duration: 3:54.


Penelope - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Penelope - Duration: 1:06.


Rap do Momoshiki Otsutsuki (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) | Prod. Sidney Scaccio - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Rap do Momoshiki Otsutsuki (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) | Prod. Sidney Scaccio - Duration: 2:08.


✅ Acusada de pacto, Xuxa faz revelação sobre sua fé ao falar da morte da mãe e anuncia grande mudanç - Duration: 2:51.

 Há muitos anos, vários pastores, de diferentes vertentes, acusaram a apresentadora Xuxa Meneghel de ter feito um pactos com entidades, em busca da fama, do poder e do sucesso

No entanto, no final de 2017, ela se manifestou sobre o assunto e negou tudo. +   Ao abordar o assunto com a Contigo!, a loira disparou: "Não entendo quando idiotas falam que tenho pacto com o diabo

Isso me deixa chateada, porque é tanto amor que recebo, de gente de todas as idades, religiões, raças, que não pode vir do 'cara lá de baixo', só do 'cara lá de cima'"

 Agora, para a Caras, Xuxa resolveu falar da sua fé ao ser perguntada sobre como superou a morte da sua mãe, dona Alda, em maio deste ano

 Questionada sobre onde busca forças para superar a perda, ela limitou-se a responder: "Não sei… Na minha fé"

 "A gente não sabe quando é a hora de retomar… Não se prepara, não pensa nisso… A gente vai seguindo, não tem outro jeito

A vida é pra se viver mesmo, então… Não tem outra maneira a não ser seguir em frente", desabafa a loira

 "Sua filha, Sasha, também ficou bastante abalada e Xuxa conta que ela foi uma das pessoas que mais lhe deram apoio "A gente se apoia em tudo

A perda foi o que mais mexeu comigo. Eu já sabia que isso iria acontecer, mas a gente nunca está preparada

Nunca", relata.  Já sobre os planos para 2018, ela conta que segue na Record: "A quarta temporada do Dancing Brasil começa agora em setembro

Em agosto, a gente deve estar gravando a abertura. Ainda estou com o pé quebrado, então não sei se vai dar pra dançar muito"

 E anuncia uma grande mudança na carreira musical: "Volto com a turnê que começamos e que, por conta do trabalho, não conseguimos fazer direito este ano

 Nosso XuChá agora vai virar Xuxa Show". Vamos aguardar!

For more infomation >> ✅ Acusada de pacto, Xuxa faz revelação sobre sua fé ao falar da morte da mãe e anuncia grande mudanç - Duration: 2:51.


Hora de Brincar #4: Elástico - com Libras - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Hora de Brincar #4: Elástico - com Libras - Duration: 5:01.


Il Supplente, Flavio Insinna in cattedra: anticipazioni ultima puntata 27 giugno - Duration: 2:45.

 E' Flavio Insinna il professore per un giorno nell'ultimo appuntamento con Il Supplente, il programma di Rai2 ideato e prodotto da Palomar Entertainment in onda mercoledì 27 giugno alle 21

50. Insinna si presenta come supplente all'Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Leopoldo Pirelli" di Roma, nella classe 5A, al posto dell'insegnante di italiano

Il Supplente ultima puntata 27 giugno: anticipazioni  Tra un'interrogazione sulla Divina Commedia e la lettura di una poesia di Umberto Saba, il tema della lezione di Flavio Insinna è il saper fare squadra: di quanto sia importante nel lavoro, in famiglia, nello sport e nelle amicizie

Come fra lui e il suo amico Fabrizio Frizzi, "che ha vissuto e lavorato pensando allo spirito di squadra" e che, con la sua generosità, racconta, gli ha cambiato la vita

Il Supplente, il format  Il Supplente è un nuovo factual di Rai2 che offre l'occasione di gettare uno sguardo sul mondo della scuola e sui giovani studenti, sulle loro speranze e i loro sogni, e lo spunto per un confronto autentico su temi importanti e poco frequentati dalla scuola

Anche i supplenti si mostrano in una veste insolita: svelano sfaccettature inedite e imprevedibili della loro vita e la loro generosa condivisione di conoscenza ed esperienze si trasforma in una preziosa lezione di vita

 Per mantenere l'effetto sorpresa, agli studenti viene detto che verranno effettuate delle riprese per fini istituzionali e di documentazione

Il giorno della registrazione i ragazzi sanno che le telecamere sono lì, in classe, per riprendere una normale lezione con il loro professore

Quando invece si presenta il supplente, gli studenti, e con loro lo spettatore a casa, vivranno un'esperienza autentica e indimenticabile

For more infomation >> Il Supplente, Flavio Insinna in cattedra: anticipazioni ultima puntata 27 giugno - Duration: 2:45.


✅ Após morar em casa humilde, ex-BBB Gleici "exibe" apartamento onde está morando - Duration: 2:19.

 Quem acompanhou a 18° edição do Big Brother Brasil deve ter feito parte do time que torceu pelo romance de Gleici Damasceno e Wagner Santiago

O casal começou a se envolver dentro da casa mais vigiada do país e mesmo com o fim do reality show os dois continuam juntos e bem apaixonados

 +  Os ex-participantes do BBB estão atualmente no Rio de Janeiro e já fazem vários planos para o futuro

A campeã do programa da Globo tem usado suas redes sociais para mostrar vários cliques do casal e dividir com os seguidores um pouco da rotina a dois

Os fãs, evidentemente, adoram os cliques.  +  Recentemente, surgiram boatos de que ela estaria grávida

Imediatamente, Gleici resolveu desmentir a notícia. "Não estou grávida e nem vou casar, viu? Sem limites vocês", desmentiu ela

 Agora, ela resolveu exibir o apartamento em que "comprou" no Rio de Janeiro, de forma indireta

Na verdade, eles não estão desembolsando nada por isso. A acriana e o curitibano fecharam uma parceria com uma empresa de telefonia que está pagando a hospedagem dos dois

 +  Gleici ainda não mexeu no prêmio de R$ 1,5 milhão que ganhou do reality show

Ela está pagando o aluguel da casa de três quartos que alugou para a família em um condomínio em Rio Branco, no Acre, com o dinheiro dos trabalhos publicitários que tem faturado com o Instagram

For more infomation >> ✅ Após morar em casa humilde, ex-BBB Gleici "exibe" apartamento onde está morando - Duration: 2:19.


Survival Friends #1: O começo de duas aventuras épicas! - Duration: 12:09.

For more infomation >> Survival Friends #1: O começo de duas aventuras épicas! - Duration: 12:09.


HNW Fulda: Steuernews-TV Juli 2018 - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> HNW Fulda: Steuernews-TV Juli 2018 - Duration: 1:16.


FBI agent Peter Strzok addresses anti-Trump texts - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> FBI agent Peter Strzok addresses anti-Trump texts - Duration: 2:51.


Will Justice Kennedy be replaced before the midterms? - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Will Justice Kennedy be replaced before the midterms? - Duration: 3:58.


Jaguar XF Sportbrake 2.0D R-SPORT || InControl Touch Pro + Meridian Digital - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XF Sportbrake 2.0D R-SPORT || InControl Touch Pro + Meridian Digital - Duration: 1:14.


East Pittsburgh Officer Michael Rosfeld Charged With Criminal Homicide In Fatal Shooting Of Antwon R - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> East Pittsburgh Officer Michael Rosfeld Charged With Criminal Homicide In Fatal Shooting Of Antwon R - Duration: 2:43.


Volvo V60 bjr 02-2015 7% Bijtelling/Incl.BTW 2.4 D6 AWD 210kW/286pk Aut6 PIHV R-DESIGN CLIMA + CRUIS - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 bjr 02-2015 7% Bijtelling/Incl.BTW 2.4 D6 AWD 210kW/286pk Aut6 PIHV R-DESIGN CLIMA + CRUIS - Duration: 1:14.


PUBG Mobile. Минус каска, Бро! #2 - Duration: 2:48:00.

For more infomation >> PUBG Mobile. Минус каска, Бро! #2 - Duration: 2:48:00.



For more infomation >> Renault Twingo 1.0 SCE COLLECTION AIRCO R&GO NAVI PARKEER SENSOR TEL - Duration: 1:11.


740248E2 513A 4726 A1D1 EBC8D0F32DB0 - Duration: 4:48.

Hello, you want to see our airbnb

silly me trying to figure out camera lol

Not the best airbnb, but it was only $20 a night. Owned by a college student. She was VERY nice and helpful.

our room

2 beds - that's all you need, right??

$20 a night, so I got it for 3 nights

Then we will go to Seville (I think that's the right name) - south of here

*us on the train!!!* Look at all the people

Hello, we are here at the Chocolateria San Gines

See what we got

I thought it was hot chocolate

but no, it is hot melted chocolate

Churros to dip in hot melted chocolate


Vienna coffee

Of course, mama must have her coffee!

haha Piper is taking pictures for her Instagram

Hello, we are here at the Plaza Mayor *yes I spelled it Manor* oops me!!

It's beautiful here - the architecture - wow - and the colors


This was built during Philip III's reign in 1617 - 1619. It was used for bullfights, soccer matches, and even public executions.

*equestrian statue of Philip III in center of square*

*stamps on doll*

For more infomation >> 740248E2 513A 4726 A1D1 EBC8D0F32DB0 - Duration: 4:48.


Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T N-Connecta *Schuif-/kanteldak + Elektrische achterklep* NIEUW MODEL - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T N-Connecta *Schuif-/kanteldak + Elektrische achterklep* NIEUW MODEL - Duration: 0:55.


Alfa Romeo Giulia 2.0T Super 200pk (Pack Lusso - Navigatie 8,8" - Apple Car Play - 18" Velgen) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulia 2.0T Super 200pk (Pack Lusso - Navigatie 8,8" - Apple Car Play - 18" Velgen) - Duration: 1:14.


Alfa Romeo Giulia 2.0T 200pk Super Automaat (navigatie 8,8" - Luxery pack - 18" Lusso) - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulia 2.0T 200pk Super Automaat (navigatie 8,8" - Luxery pack - 18" Lusso) - Duration: 1:10.


Citroën C3 Aircross PT 110 A/T Shine Navi/leder/PDC/17"LMV/Colorpack - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Aircross PT 110 A/T Shine Navi/leder/PDC/17"LMV/Colorpack - Duration: 1:11.


I Don't Wanna Lose You * BAD BOYS BLUE (romanian) - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> I Don't Wanna Lose You * BAD BOYS BLUE (romanian) - Duration: 3:18.


Volkswagen T-Roc € 3.279 prijsvoordeel 1.0 TSI Style 115 pk (vsb 19632) voorraaddeal - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc € 3.279 prijsvoordeel 1.0 TSI Style 115 pk (vsb 19632) voorraaddeal - Duration: 1:07.


Volkswagen T-Roc €3.304 prijsvoordeel 1.0 TSI Style 115 pk (vsb 18738) voorraaddeal - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc €3.304 prijsvoordeel 1.0 TSI Style 115 pk (vsb 18738) voorraaddeal - Duration: 0:51.


The Truth About Impractical Jokers - Duration: 7:32.

From a low-budget show on TruTV to a globe-circling phenomenon, Impractical Jokers is this century's

little comedy show that could.

Compulsively watchable and impossible to watch at the same time, the good-natured cringe

comedy stars lifelong pals Joe Gatto, James "Murr" Murray, Brian "Q" Quinn, and Sal Vulcano,

who grew up performing comedy together in Staten Island, New York.

Together, the four produce and act out some of the best grown male buffoonery you can

find on television today.

"I run a project where I bring pictures of girls in bikinis to prisoners in exchange

for woodworkings."

From their original intentions for the show to the most angry mark they ever pranked,

here's the facts you didn't know about Impractical Jokers.

"Let the ceremony begin!"

Jokers: The Next Generation

You know what Impractical Jokers doesn't have?

A really prim and proper narrator.

But in their original pitch, they wanted one, and had the perfect guy in mind.

"When we first created the show, we wanted the narrator to be Patrick Stewart, and we

wanted him to hate us."


As fans are aware, it didn't work out but it was a pretty inspired idea.

In the Jokers' minds, Stewart would spend the episodes hating the show, openly disparaging

the Jokers as they went about their pranks.

"He would introduce every challenge and he'd be like these d---- are at it again".

To Stewart's credit, he's already had more than enough of a guy named Q.

Murr's cringeworthy debut

On paper, James "Murr" Murray is the most professionally put-together of the Impractical

Jokers, with his position as a seasoned producer and an ample amount of showbiz savvy.

Of course, even talented people have to work up to their biggest successes and what comes

before the success can be really rough.

Murr got a harsh reminder of his indie film roots with a challenge involving his disastrous

first feature film, Damned!, which he wrote, produced, and directed in 1998.

As part of a punishment in the episode "Damned If You Do," Murr was forced to watch a packed

screening of his first movie, suffering through an embarrassing Q&A session in front of the

audience after it wrapped up.

"Possibly the budget was very tight."

The budget was about $25,000 to $30,000."

Following the misadventures of a modern-day teenage Jesus, Murr's expensive debut is embarrassing.

The most incredible thing about the movie is that it cost $30,000 to make.

From the look of the finished product, it's like only fifty dollars ended up onscreen.

"Orson Welles was in his 20s when he made Citizen Kane, what's your excuse?"

After the episode, TruTV uploaded the entire 52-minute movie to its website for free streaming,

kicked off with a new intro from Murr.

So if you want to see the story of the Bible, but with a lot more butt rock on the soundtrack,

you, and only you, should definitely check it out.

Shut down at the ball game

Much of Impractical Jokers' tension lies in peoples' reactions to the pranks, and waiting

to see whether they're going to play along or throw a punch.

"Who threw the chicken at me?

I want the guy right now."

"Ah I'll be on the lookout."

Turns out, seeing someone absolutely lose it on the Jokers is actually extremely uncomfortable.

According to Joe, the angriest person the production ever encountered took place at

Citi Field.

The prank, a punishment for Joe, involved stealing baseballs autographed by Mets pitcher

Noah Syndergaard from the funniest possible victims little kids.

The sight of Joe casually robbing young baseball fans of their souvenirs is one of those atrocious

ideas that the series is so good at but things went off the rails when one mark went full

mama bear on him.

"You cannot do that!

Give me the ball!

That's wrong!

This one?"

According to Joe and executive producer Pete McPartland, the mother was so furious that

the whole production was derailed.

"No, Never, ever, in a million years has anyone been that upset at anyone on Impractical Jokers."

That is… until this happened.

"Do you think this is funny?

Do you think this is f------ funny?

No, see what it is ...come here!"

Even after the situation was explained, the anonymous, giant gentleman waited outside

for Murr to appear so he could finish the job, and wouldn't allow his face to be on


Sexist or racist?

Cringe comedy is baked into Impractical Jokers' DNA, but it can still make the show torture

to watch.

The Jokers never look worse than the times they're forced to personally antagonize people

based on their gender or race.

"The Michelle Obama thing… she got there because she ah ah ah… slept with a man."

In one "Ask the Jokers" aftershow, Joe was asked by a viewer whether it's more difficult

to pretend to be sexist or racist.

"I'm trying to think of the right answer here, because either way feels like a trap."

After a couple minutes of thinking about it, Joe came to the conclusion,

"It's probably harder to pretend to be sexist."

It's not too surprising of an answer.

These jokers are Italian boys from Staten Island, after all.

Of course they defend the honor of their mothers and sisters first.


"Hey Ma, what are you doing?"

"I'm at work."

"I hate you you bitch!"

Background focus

One accusation that's dogged Impractical Jokers over the years is the same one that gets lobbed

at every reality show: "This is fake."

For the most part, these accusations are off-base but sometimes viewers can raise real questions,

especially when they spot the same extras participating in completely different episodes.

Fortunately, you don't have to be too skeptical about the show.

Q addressed the issue head-on in 2018, saying,

"We don't use actors.

We use the people who go to focus groups a lot and sometimes the same person shows up.

But they never realize they are on the show for some reason."

"Can I tell you where I think I know you from?"


"But not right now.

Because where you think you know me from is happening."


The last resort

Impractical Jokers' sole mission is to be weird in public and get the funniest footage


Once the production gets that footage, they'll go to just about any length to make sure they

can use it.

In order to show interactions in their unobscured glory, the production has to get signed releases

from every mark they want to use onscreen which can be pretty tricky after they've spent

five straight minutes making someone angry on purpose.

Asked on Reddit if the production ever hands out money to people that they're pranking,

Sal said,

"Usually people are pretty cool when they find out it's a show.

The few who get mad we try to convince otherwise, or they get blurred, or cut from the show.

On rare occasion[s] if the person was gold, we try and throw them a few bucks to coerce


Our advice?

Keep that info in the back of your mind, just in case the Jokers ever happen to pull a prank

on you.

No matter how you really feel about it, your best move is to get mad, stay mad and get



Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Impractical Jokers - Duration: 7:32.


Would a White Man Married to a Black Woman Move to an All-Black Neighborhood? - #AskJohnnySwirl 60 - Duration: 5:21.

alright let's get moving here today on ask Johnny swirl hey I saw you can't

laugh the cameraman can't laugh today on ask

Johnny swirl we got a good question miss ripped miss r.i.p i like the caller

has struck again with a good question and we're going to talk about the usual

white guy approach when he well forget it let's just go into it let's get to

the show let's do it baby

right welcome back to ask Johnny swirl and today we got a question from Miss

alright Pete she just killed the club no alright I'm

so stupid alright anyways here's the question


all right this is a good question I mean this is a very very good question in my

opinion but now remember as always on swirl Network and this is a disclaimer

with squirrel Network is that there's always gonna everybody come from

different backgrounds even if they're the same ethnicity race you know

whatever right so if you're if a black woman married a white guy who say grew

up in a predominantly black neighborhood you know quote the hood or even it was

just a black suburb or he was one of the only white kids you know he's get it's

gonna be more likely that he'll feel more comfortable raising his mix child

with his white black wife in a predominately black neighborhood

excluding that guy I can honestly say any white guy from any other background

is most likely going to want to live in either a mixed area or predominately

white area I just and I know that for a fact like I I don't I mean correct me if

I'm wrong in the comment section but I really don't see that any other way just

because I know the white guys I know and stuff do I think a mixed child growing

up in a diverse area is important I do I think that's a good thing so I'm not

like against it or anything I think it's it's excellent for the kid and and and

because of his situation and because of the you know the different the

interracial parents but most white men they're going to do that or they would

prefer a all predominantly white neighborhood or alway neighborhood

versus they all predominantly black neighborhood so that's what's going to

end up happening would they put pressure on their black wife or woman yeah

absolutely I think they would most like most of them I think they're they be

very they would compromise you know but I I guarantee they went live in a

predominator I don't see any white men that you know that didn't grow up in an

all-black environment move to an all-black environment you know and I

mean as this is the way it is I don't see that any other way but at the same

time I also think marriage and relationships are about compromise

because there may be a lot of black women they wouldn't want to move to an

all-white neighborhood either so I think that

you know it's something that they would they would have to talk over and figure

out I think I personally think Mary's relationships are tough I mean these are

thinking you got to go over this is just one of the many things you have to go

over when you're in that relationship you know and sometimes if two people

totally disagree on some it's pretty tough that's a situation where he's

gonna yeah he's probably gonna put pressure that's the way he wants it to

be but you also remember when you when two people get together there's a reason

they are connected a lot of times they think very similar so I think that

because the way the question was phrased was almost like is a white man gonna

pressure his black wife into moving into a particular area or whatever and I

don't think that's the case I think if they got together most likely they sort

of have the same views and same thoughts on the situation you see what I mean it

would already work itself out from the beginning it wouldn't be a lot of issues

or problems in that situation definitely I mean I love to see the comments on

this and what other people say and I have any of you ever experienced a

situation like this I know me personally I you know I live in Cleveland Heights

University Heights area which is a suburb very mixed suburb I love the

diversity that's me I just prefer that no matter what that's just me but then

again I'm also somebody who likes to date interracially

so that makes more sense you know what I mean so you know I really I don't know I

don't see you know if they got together usually they're gonna connect on some

level and this isn't gonna be a huge problem because the question kind of was

phrased in that like is he gonna pressure you so if I mean that wasn't

what it was it's not what it was but anyways that's my view on the subject

please leave a leave a comment on this you can I mean let me know what do you

think and have you seen this or is this any problems or was I wrong in any of

this I know me I don't I'm this channel is all up for discussion I like I like

the conversation and bringing things up and having dialogue so so leave a

comment subscribe if you haven't already we're gonna keep the videos coming and I

will see you on the next ask Johnny swirl

For more infomation >> Would a White Man Married to a Black Woman Move to an All-Black Neighborhood? - #AskJohnnySwirl 60 - Duration: 5:21.


How to Make The Best Grilled Vegetables | The Stay At Home Chef - Duration: 3:19.

Today on The Stay At Home Chef

I'm showing you how to make

Grilled Vegetable Salad

This recipe can be used to make grilled vegetable salad

or grilled vegetable skewers

Either way it's super simple and super tasty

The best part about grilling is that the grill itself

adds so much flavor, you don't have to do much to

the meat or veggies to get a dish that will wow!

First I'm going to quarter some mushrooms

And I like using these brown crimini mushrooms because

well, they are just really pretty

If you have smaller mushrooms you'll want to halve them

It looks like we have a nice healthy mix between quartered and halved today

Transfer all of this to a large mixing bowl

Then we'll cut up some more vegetables

Next we'll cut up a red onion

Red onions work best on the grill

So we'll cut this in half and you want to make big chunks

so just cut it in half again and then do thirds this way

We'll put all of this in with the mushrooms as well

Next we're going to slice up two zucchini

Zucchini is the epitome vegetable of summer

so we gotta have that in our grilled salad

Cut off the end and toss that

Then I like to cut fairly thick slices so that they'll cook

a little more evenly with the rest of our vegetables

Toss all that into the mixing bowl and then

we're going to cut up some bell peppers

Today I'm using a red and green one but you can use

whatever colors you'd like

Slice off around the edges so that we can toss away the core

And then I just cut these into chunks

Last but not least we'll add in a pint of cherry tomatoes

Or you can use grape tomatoes, whatever you have

Just a few more ingredients to go before head on out to the grill

I like to keep the seasoning for these vegetables super simple

and let the grill add most of the flavor

Drizzle on 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

add in 1 teaspoon of salt

1/2 teaspoon of black pepper

1/2 teaspoon of onion powder

and 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder

Then toss this all together

Preheat an outdoor grill to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and then

you can either use a grill pan like so to cook up your

grilled vegetable salad or you can thread it onto skewers

If you're using skewers just thread the vegetables

on like so and I like to alternate what's there

so you get a nice beautiful little pattern

Then we are ready to head on out to the grill

Scoop your vegetables directly into a grill pan or grill basket

If you're using skewers you'll place them directly onto the grill

Close the lid and let the vegetables cook for a total of

15 to 20 minutes until the vegetables are tender crisp

and the tomatoes start to pop

Give your vegetables an occasional stir and if you're

using the skewers rotate them every 3 to 4 minutes

And then you're ready to eat!

Thank for watching!

You can find the full written recipe in the video description

Be sure to subscribe, like, and follow

and check out the rest of my videos where you can find hundreds of

restaurant quality recipes you can easily make at home

See you later!

For more infomation >> How to Make The Best Grilled Vegetables | The Stay At Home Chef - Duration: 3:19.


Vlogging After My Breakup - Duration: 5:59.

Wait. is this the intro?


Francis Cade was here the other day.

He is traveling through California and his vlogs...

quality of his vlogs are getting to be f*cking amazing

but anyway we were talking about YouTube and life

and breakups and that's what got me to finally tell you what's going on

Elliott: Vlog time! Vlog time!

Kym: fun amazing sometimes boring Vlog time!


we're housing three Brits sorry two Brits and one Italian

who came to town to race the next SoCal fixed gear crit which is the Sunday

That's how big this series is getting- international guest riders.

or I guess competitors. it's crazy

I'm taking a quiet moment while all the guests and everybody are out to talk about what's been going on why haven't I

been making videos bulla I just have to vomit this out I feel like by saying

this putting it out there and getting this footage off my computer is gonna

help Elliot and I broke up I wish him the best I wish we were still together

but I am starting to see why it's a good thing we've known each other for 10

years and I truly thought we were going to get married live happily ever after I

mean I'm not so naive to think that that's actually what happens but I was

ready to take the challenges and the bumps along the way with him is my

partner I decided I'm gonna propose to Elliot last night I recorded part of a

vlog will have met nine years ago in on April 1st so that's like three weeks

away I'm picking out rings right now figuring out his ring size is close to

impossible I found the ring that I want to get

I just have to figure out what size I thought we wanted the same things and it

turns out I was wrong

purring I picked out was really cool it does not take my word for it

the hardest part I think is adjusting expectations now I'm just trying to

figure out what's next feels like there's a lot of things I

can't control right now but I can control how I speak to others and how I

relate with others and I am trying to be kind and be grateful and to show up for

my friends and show up for my family and to be involved and not completely shut

people out because when you're sad it's easy to do

that and the this channel speaking to this channel in the Internet has been

honestly the hardest part and I haven't been able to do it I've been trying to

keep my personal life my personal life to myself and not share that not share

everything because this channel is all about bike racing and training and it's

not about tears even though I'm sure some of you guys would say I've made you

cry with some of my ab workouts but in trying to be forgiving of myself I am

allowing myself to speak to you guys about this it's only fair to you because

I know that a lot of people watching this video right now we're gonna be like

I have been there or I felt the way you feel and social media can be so

one-sided it can be so like everything's great everything's awesome and I'm doing

so great and you don't always see all the other sides there's always that one

person on Facebook who complains about every freaking thing in their life and

you're like why are you bringing this negativity to me so obviously there's

balance but I'm trying to have a balance here I now have three cats and I'm

single my dad sent me an e-card have to go to

work now thanks for watching this as always like this video or don't like it

seems weird to like this video actually and stay tuned for a big announcement


For more infomation >> Vlogging After My Breakup - Duration: 5:59.


Nick Massie: Instant Pot Beef Stew - Duration: 5:33.

All right, guys. Here we are. I've got Carlene Mathews in the house.


Big smile. She's got her big guns out.


Have you been working out or what?

Up next, stick around for our Instant Pot beef stew.

Carlene's gonna man the bowl. I'm just gonna throw the ingredients in. She's gonna mix like a maniac.

Hopefully it'll all turn out nice.

First we've got beef,

some beef-stew beef.

Have you ever seen those at Costco or Sam's? It's all cut up.

Yeah. It's super simple.

I love it. It's the easiest thing in the world.

Okay. Then with that, I want to get our seasonings in here:


some coarse ground black pepper.

Putting these guys in first because we want to get that meat seasoned.

- Season that meat.

And then once the veggies cook, it'll all kind of...

- Poof!

Garlic. Okay, how about some balsamic vinegar?


a gluten-free soy sauce.

What do you, think? Onions next?

- Yeah.

Do you have an Instant Pot?

- Yes.

Do you ever use it?

- Uh... I don't know how to use it very well.

Kind of tricky, right?

- Yeah. My husband tried it one time and we just didn't have success.

But I really want to start using it more, so this is perfect.

[Massie]: Hopefully this'll help out.

Green peas. Good.

What do you want next? Carrots?

Some carrots,



- Shroomis!

Are these yams or sweet potatoes? - Yams. Yams. They're yams.

Okay, yams. - Don't get 'em mixed up.

Then we'll go tomato puree.

And then tomato paste.

Do you make beef stew a lot at home?

- No.

Not too much?

- Not very much.

Growing up, how about growing up?

- Growing up, no we never--

We didn't eat any beef.

Oh, really?

- Nope. Yeah, my mom never ate any beef.

So once I got to college, then we ate more-- or I ate more, as I was on my own. Yeah.

Well let me do-- I'm gonna hold this up now.

If you can kind of scoop or—what would you call this, like a slide?

- Funnel. Funnel it in.

Now what we're looking at is kind of thick

but the moisture is gonna come out of the meat and the veggies

and kind of mix with that thick tomato paste and give us a nice

nappe consistency.

You know what nappe is, right?

- No, I have no idea.

Okay. Nappe is like when you dip a spoon in some soup—

on the back side of the spoon you can run your finger--

- Okay.

And your finger mark will stay there.

We're going for nappe.

We're gonna throw the lid on.

We're going 35 minutes on the "meat stew" setting.

Then we'll show you what it looks like. Good job, Carly.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

All right, guys. Here we are. Carlene, what do you think?

- It smells good.

Should we crack it open and take a look?

- Yep.

There we go. A little steam. Let me take this for you.

Go ahead and stir that up.

- Yeah.

Looks good. Nice and chunky, is that too thick or about right? You like it like that?

- No, that looks-- Yep. What was that word again?

Nappe. - Nappe.

Yeah. So let's test it.

We've gotta get... Let's go on the front.

Like this. If I put my finger—look.

- Okay, yep.

Did the line stay? - Yep.

Perfect. Nappe.

Nappe pro over here.

Okay. What I'm doing--

I got some Italian parsley going, a couple of sprigs, I'm gonna chop this up.

Don't you think a little fresh color?

- Yeah that would be really good

just to add that bright green in there.

Then what we're gonna do...

What's going on over here? You wanna explain that situation?

- Yeah. We're gonna put half of it over some rice, a cup of cooked rice.

And then half, we'll portion out without the rice.

The rice is just gonna add you some extra carbs.

Well it's good for you, right? You were saying... We measured it out and this is gonna be a 50-30-20, carbs-protein-fat.

- Yep, so 50 percent of that is gonna be carbs.

And then you're gonna go 30 protein and 20 fats.

This one's gonna be more Zoned out, so 40-40-20.

40-40-20, so still off a little bit, but good.

Okay, so let's do this. - Yeah!

Go ahead and fold that in.

[Mathews]: Now that's beautiful.

Isn't that crazy, how it changes everything? -Yeah, it just brightens it up.

My husband's gonna be so proud that I learned how to cook.

Does he do most of the cooking or what?

- He does it all.

Okay. The thing about slow cookers is that they're... - Slow.

Oh! There ya go.

There's slow, right? So I encourage you guys to get the Instant Pot.

We're gonna do our best to keep turning these videos out so that you know how to use it.

We're gonna find great ways and great recipes and share them with ya.

It just saves time, right? Took 35 minutes instead of four to eight hours.

- Yeah.

Then breaking it down like this—I loved Carlene's idea:

If you need the carbs, here; if you don't, have this one.

Seal these babies up, throw them in your freezer and they're ready when you are.

- Easy. Yeah.

This has been our Instant Pot beef stew with Carlene Mathews.

Thank you so much.

You guys, give it a shot.

It's super simple

and as Jacques Pépin always says,

"Happy cooking!"

For more infomation >> Nick Massie: Instant Pot Beef Stew - Duration: 5:33.


England vs Belgium: David Platt reflects on iconic goal in previous World Cup clash - Duration: 5:01.

 Twenty-eight years ago this week, Platt's last-gasp volley in extra time against Belgium put Bobby Robson's team into the quarter-finals of Italia 90 and gave the then Aston Villa midfielder a platform to forge a successful and lucrative career in Italy

 There was some irony in the way things panned out for Chadderton-born Platt, who had been discarded as a youngster by Manchester United but ended up becoming something of a goal scoring talisman for his country as a replacement for injured Bryan Robson, dubbed 'Captain Marvel' by both United and England

 Robson had been injured in the group stages when Platt twice featured as a substitute

He was on the bench again for the last 16 clash with the Belgians in Bologna, the last time the two sides met in a tournament, but his big moment arrived when he was sent on for Steve McMahon in the 71st minute – with the game still goal-less

 He has recalled the balmy June night many times: "I can remember little snatches of the game: John Barnes having a volleyed goal harshly disallowed, Belgium hitting the woodwork twice, I can still see Enzo Scifo hitting the post with a tremendous strike from 25 yards

" "I was at the other end of the bench from Bobby Robson and didn't have much contact with him

Having since been a manager I now know that the emotions he must have been going through were far more intense than mine

 "In the last minute of extra-time there was a free-kick in the centre. Gazza [Paul Gascoigne] was on it

I was in the box trying to get a yard or half of space. I was spinning, the ball dropped over my shoulder and I just tried to get something on it

There wasn't a great deal of power. It was all technique. I saw it going in and fell to my knees

 "Everything was intuitive, the way I met and hit the ball and then dropping to my knees

Instinct just took over. I'd never ever dropped to my knees after scoring before, I don't know why I did

 "But when you score a goal like that you just go outside yourself for a bit, everything is surreal

The adrenaline surge is so great it's as if I really was in a different place, a different world

 "Don't get me wrong, the goal wasn't a fluke. I had an eye for getting on the end of that sort of ball and the technical ability to finish those chances off

I worked hard on practising overhead kicks and volleys in training at Aston Villa but, even so, if I had re-enacted that chance against Belgium 10 times in training the next day there's a very good chance I wouldn't have scored once from it

It was just one of life's rare, perfect moments." Unfortunately, Platt could not share the euphoria with his team-mates after the final whistle because he was nabbed by the dope testers

 Platt had earned his place in the starting XI and went on to add another goal with a header in the quarter-final win over Cameroon, convert a penalty in the losing shoot-out to West Germany in the semi-final before heading another goal in the third place play-off defeat to Italy in Bari

 His performances put him on the transfer radar of several Serie A clubs and it was Bari who bought him from Villa for £5

5m the following summer. Platt also had spells with Juventus and Sampdoria, where he forged a life-long friendship with Roberto Mancini, who appointed him as his No 2 during his spell as Manchester City manager between 2010 and 2013

 As he has said: "If I hadn't scored that goal, I might still have ended up playing in Italy but, realistically, I'm sure it was the catalyst

Italian clubs were looking for international names and, before that goal, I was only really known as a club player with Aston Villa

The goal was a big catalyst." Gareth Southgate's England will be hoping for a similar moment of inspiration

For more infomation >> England vs Belgium: David Platt reflects on iconic goal in previous World Cup clash - Duration: 5:01.


East Pittsburgh Officer's Attorney Doesn't See Antwon Rose's Death As 'A Murder Case' - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> East Pittsburgh Officer's Attorney Doesn't See Antwon Rose's Death As 'A Murder Case' - Duration: 2:16.


Help Barbie to close her eyes! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:04.

Help Barbie to close her eyes! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Help Barbie to close her eyes! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:04.


Are you wearing the right sunglasses? - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Are you wearing the right sunglasses? - Duration: 1:43.


Gel nail extension on short damaged nails - Duration: 5:55.

hi I'm Anastasia today I will show you how to fix this damaged nail and turn it

into this with hard gel if you would like to know how stay with me

here we have damaged nails it happened because of the chemical burn caused by

using of non professional products if you would like to hear the whole story I

will leave the link down below so you can hear the story of this girl and I

already did the prep now I apply dehydrator and non-acid gel primer I'm

using balance bond by NSI and first thing we need to do is to sculpt the

free edge because it's extremely hard to place the form right here because there

is no free edge at all so I take a small drop of clear builder gel and try to

create the free edge I do not go too far on the skin

mostly I'm working like on the air so it is important that the gels is not

supposed to touch skin too much only in the center and then immediately cure it

for 30 seconds in LED and now we can easily place the form just imagine that

this nail was there all the time and place the form the same way you are

always doing it like this is the free edge of the natural nail so make sure

that the form goes under the nail not on top. Make sure that in the corners it's

also not touching the product or the nail it should be completely under it if

it's not please check maybe sometimes you need to cut it with the scissors

deeper and we are going to do short square shape I'm going to do it in the

two steps first I will take a large bead and place it in the center and first

create the free edge I'm using the same clear builder gel as you can see the

consistency is rather thick and it's very good and comfortable to work with

it as it is not running all over so I am creating a soft square shape make sure

that all the sides and all the corners are worked through and I am not touching

the cuticle area yet only building the and extensions and do not make it too

long when you are done cure it for one minute in LED and now we can carefully

remove the form be careful as the nail is not completed yet we only did the

free edge at this moment basically we created a tip just without actually

gluing a tip so now I'm taking the same gel and first I apply a thin layer all

over the nail so it will be more comfortable to apply it as the gel they

like when the surface is slippery rather than when it's dry and take another blob

of gel and place it in the center so first I move my brush back and forth to

warm it up a little and then it will be so much easier to create a nice smooth

surface so I do the cuticle area first and then moving back and forth right to

left I am carefully going down to build the

whole structure keep in mind that the apex area which is the center should be

the thickest one and on the free edge it should be slightly thinner check for the

sidewalls for the corners if it's all good fully cure it for one minute in LED

and then we need to remove the sticky layer with a cleanse and nail wipe make

sure that there is no sticky layer left as if it will be in your stud filing it

will go in the dust and might cause allergic reactions and now it is time to

file I'm using 180 grit gels are usually so easy to file do not forget to measure

it with another thumb and just keep filing until we reach the desired shape

when you finish filing do not forget to remove all the dust and now it's time to

apply the color so we are applying this coral color first apply a first coat of

the gel polish make sure it's thin and then cure it in LED for one minute and

then we will apply the second coat which is the same but second coat can be

slightly thicker and after that do not forget to seal it with the top coat and

cure as well and if your top coat has a sticky layer also do not forget to

remove it with the Klan's and this is the result that we have usually in this

cases people use tips but I showed you a different way so we had a short damaged

nail that didn't have any free edge it looks like this and now we fixed it

using gel without any tips only forms I hope this tutorial was helpful for you

let me guys know if you use hard gels for fixing broken or damaged nails or

maybe you prefer a different product thank you so much for watching if this

is your first time on my channel consider subscribing as I post

educational videos just like this one every week see you in my next video


For more infomation >> Gel nail extension on short damaged nails - Duration: 5:55.


Hailey Baldwin's Celebrity Crush Isn't Justin Bieber Or Shawn Mendes, So I'm Confused - Duration: 6:53.

Hailey Baldwin's Celebrity Crush Isn't Justin Bieber Or Shawn Mendes, So I'm Confused

Well, color me confused.

Hailey Baldwin has been making some waves in the media with recent developments in her love life.

First, it was Shawn Mendes, then it was Justin Bieber, and now.

well, now, she's talking about setting her sights on an entirely different celeb.

But Hailey Baldwin's celebrity crush isn't someone you'd initially expect, mainly because he's about nearly double her age and, oh yeah, married.

But before we start making our way onto the speculation train, let's all just chill out for a moment, because clearly, it was all in good fun.

The 21-year-old model was featured on LOVE magazine's #LOVEFM radio call-in show via Instagram, where she wore her hair in a full-on '80s crimp, a power-suit blazer, and the most fabulously oversized glasses the world has ever seen.

She's absolutely having fun with this interview, twirling the chord on what looks to be a house phone, and playing with her crimpy locks.

When asked who her celebrity crush is, she said, "My celebrity crush, has to be.

Ryan Gosling!". Girl, same.

But in case you didn't know (or are desperately trying to forget), Ryan Gosling is married to actress Eva Mendes and have two children together, so I'm *thinking* that he's pretty unattainable — for Hailey Baldwin, and for the rest of the female species.

Sorry, ladies.

The reporter then asked Baldwin, "Ooh, what do you think you're going to be doing with him? He's married!".

"Umm, I don't know, maybe like, just sit around," Baldwin jokingly responded.

"Just stare into each others eyes and fall in love.".

I actually can't argue with this statement at all.

I mean:.

I'd literally want to do the exact same thing with Ryan Gosling.

Hi, gorgeous!.

But we of course know that Hailey Baldwin was just talking about a crush and not someone she's actually setting out to date (I hope).

You can watch the interview and obsess over Baldwin's iconic ~lewk~ in the clip below:.

And for those of you who think that Hailey Baldwin and Shawn Mendes might still have a shot at dating, I'm here to burst your bubble.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Hailey Baldwin deleted all the photos of Shawn Mendes from her Instagram, sparking many fans to wonder whether this is confirmation that they did in fact date at some point (which both vehemently deny), and if Justin Bieber was the mastermind behind Baldwin deleting the photos, since now Baldwin and Bieber seem to be stirring up some romance.

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin were both spottedkissing on Saturday, June 16, during a trip to New York City, so fans are putting two and two together, assuming that Justin Bieber's jealousy is what caused Hailey Baldwin to crop out and delete all photos of Mendes on her Insta.

While neither Bieber nor Baldwin have confirmed that they are dating, Baldwin did open up in her interview with The Times UK in May, where she talked about it took "quite some time" for her and Bieber to be back in a good place together.

She said,.

Justin and I were friends for a long time.

I met him when I was really young and he was one of my best friends.

Everybody knows that at a certain point in time that turned into something else, but that just happens when you're 18, 19.

It was what it was.

We went through a long period of time when we weren't friends.

We didn't speak for quite some time and there was a lot of weirdness that went on.

We've moved past that.

I'm pretty much here for anything that Hailey Baldwin wants to do.

Do some heavy Instagram re-organizing? OK, cool.

Date Justin Bieber? Sure, why not? Stare longingly into Ryan Gosling's eyes? Honey, if you can do it, do it.

I'll just be here living vicariously through you.

For more infomation >> Hailey Baldwin's Celebrity Crush Isn't Justin Bieber Or Shawn Mendes, So I'm Confused - Duration: 6:53.


Parents of College Quarterback Who Died of Suicide on His CTE Diagnosis: 'We Let Him Play Football' - Duration: 4:33.

 Even at eight years old, Tyler Hilinski was sweetly attuned to the emotions of others

 His mother poignantly recalls one morning when they were carpooling to football practice, and her son was focused on her stress level: He put his hand on top of his mom's, tracing circles on her skin

 Fast forward a decade, the little boy had grown into a star quarterback. But he still asked his mom to drive him to school, and he proudly accepted the packed lunches she provided

 Two years later, he's the quarterback for Washington State, carrying his team to a triple-overtime comeback against Boise State

This "comeback kid" called his parents almost every morning as he grabs McDonald's after practice

 Less than a year later, he took his own life.  This nightmare is the new reality for Kym and Mark Hilinski, who lost their 21-year-old son to suicide on January 16

Not only are the parents grieving, but they are now coming to terms with a harrowing diagnosis: A Mayo Clinic test found that Tyler Hilinski had chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative brain disease that can develop from brain trauma

Depression is a Stage 1 side effect of CTE.  Family of College Quarterback Who Died of Suicide Reveals His CTE Diagnosis: 'We Didn't See It"   "At first it was shock," Kym tells PEOPLE of opening the diagnosing letter from the Mayo Clinic

"I got it in the mail and I remember opening it and reading it and finding out that he did have CTE

And at first it was shock, because honestly you think, "we let our child play football

We let him play football."  A small moment of peace also came with the diagnosis: The family had an answer as to why Tyler, with no outward signs of depression, had taken his life

Kym and Mark, however, do not fault football for the death of their beloved son.  "Did football kill Tyler?" Kym tells Sports Illustrated in a new documentary

"I don't think so. Did he get CTE from football? Probably. Was that the only thing that attributed to his death? I don't know

"  Kym and Mark have racked their brains for signs they missed, but there was barely any indication of their son's suffering

 "He had college stress," Mark says. "Those are life learning moments, they are not 'oh my goodness we've got to get him psychiatric help immediately

' "  Even with the CTE diagnosis, the Hilinski family is determined not to live in fear

Ryan, Tyler's younger brother, is suiting up to play football for South Carolina State as their quarterback — and he will be wearing his brother's number three

 "I love this sport," Ryan tells Sports Illustrated. "This is not what hurt him

I'm going to do everything that Tyler wanted to do with football."  Mark and Kym, however, were less enthused about their son's decision to keep playing

But ultimately, they support Ryan and his love for the sport.  "People ask us if you knew this when your children were younger, would have they played football?" Kym says

"Mark says he would have probably pushed them toward baseball. But that's not what our life is

"  Now, the Hilinski's are channeling their sadness into action with the Hilinski's Hope Foundation, which helps raise funds for mental health programs across the country

 While the family hands out Hilinski's Hope wristbands, celebrates #TylerTuesdays and looks to fund peer-to-peer mental health programs, the family continues to look fondly on the sport Tyler adored

Kelly, Tyler's older brother and best friend, tells Sports Illustrated that he will, without a doubt, let his future children play football

And if he has a son, Kelly has a name all picked out: Tyler.  If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), text "help" to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 or go to suicidepreventionlifeline

org. Tags News Sports Sports Illustrated Suicide

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