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Warface: Несправедливая система начисления очков - Duration: 11:40.-------------------------------------------
Hajj o Umrah Jamarah e Aqabah Ki Rami Kay Masaail by Dr Farhat Hashmi جمرا عتبہ کی رمی - Duration: 17:54.
Hajj o Umrah Tawaaf Kay Masaail or Aqsaam by Dr Farhat Hashmi طواف کے مسائل
Hajj o Umrah,Saee Kay Msayl by Dr Farhat Hashmi سعی کے مسائل
Hajj o Umrah،Ayyaam e Hajj Kay Masaail 8 Dhul Hijjah by Dr farhat Hashmi ایام حج کے مسائل
Hajj o Umrah Arafat Kay Din Ky Msayl by Dr Farhat HAshmi عرفات کے مسائل
Hajj o Umrah 9 Dhul Hijjah Mudhdalfah Ki Raat Kay Masail Farhat Hashmi مزدلفہ کی رات
"砂拉越报告"提醒纳吉:不想在国际上丢脸,就认罪闭嘴! - Duration: 15:45.-------------------------------------------
#EwangeliarzOP | 29 June 2018 | (Jn 21:15-19) - Duration: 2:03.[Music]
Fine. Please, just forget you're a priest, a nun,
a father, a mother, a VIP CEO or
a philantropist. Forget it, it's not important now.
Stop playing your role, please. Be here and now, in front of me, and look into my eyes, listen when I speak to you,
to your heart and when I say your name.
This invitation resonates in today's Gospel scene.
Jesus addresses Peter not with his new name, associated with the role, mission, but He calls him
his original name and does it when Simon Peter is in crisis,
when the defeat of his mission blurres with his defeat as a human, a son of God and a friend of Jesus.
No, it's false. If your mission fails, it doesn't mean everything's over.
That's when you need to put your feet on a strong ground, a starting point
your identity is, the identity God keeps on giving you anew.
#LIS_DFM 18: C'è speranza per il DEAF POWER? [SUB ITA] - Duration: 5:03.-------------------------------------------
Access a full version of a website from an iPhone or iPad (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
The Domestics - Movie - Duration: 1:35:18.-------------------------------------------
The Crew - Movie - Duration: 1:40:44.-------------------------------------------
Black Water - Movie - Duration: 1:44:51.-------------------------------------------
Bossari fotografato con un'altra, la coppia smentisce: "Siamo tranquillissimi" - Duration: 2:13.Per qualche istante l'ombra di un (presunto) tradimento si è abbattuta su una delle coppie più unite e affiatate dello spettacolo: quella composta da Daniele Bossari e Filippa Lagerback, insieme da oltre 17 anni
A poche settimane dalle nozze, annunciate in diretta tv durante il Grande Fratello Vip e celebrate lo scorso 1 giugno con una romantica cerimonia a Ville Ponti, a Varese, il settimanale Chi ha pubblicato le immagini del conduttore durante un'uscita serale, a Milano, in compagnia di un'altra misteriosa donna
Che freschi freschi di nozze, l'ex vincitore del Gf Vip 2 e la soubrette svedese siano già in crisi? Assolutamente no
a varese Copyright © Come, sottolineato dallo stesso Bossari, interpellato sempre dal settimanale diretto da Alfonso Signorini, la donna in questione sarebbe solo una cara amica: «Eravamo con altre persone a ricordare le mie nozze, in macchina ci stavamo solo salutando, sarà durato in tutto 20 secondi, Filippa sapeva di questa mia uscita… Non c'è storia, escludiamo ogni tipo di ipotesi che non sia la realtà
Ci siamo salutati come saluto le persone che conosco, maschi o femmine. Certo, ci siamo abbracciati, ma non devo andare oltre con dettagli che non esistono, sapete benissimo cos'è il gioco di prospettiva», ha ribadito Bossari
Che, per mettere a tacere una volta per tutte i pettegolezzi ha prima pubblicato la foto di una scultura, accompagnata dalla scritta "Un amore granitico", e ha poi replicato via social con Filippa: «Noi siamo tranquillissimi
Spero lo siate anche voi», ha detto la coppia sfogliando il settimanale e ironizzando sulla qualità delle immagini pubblicate
PROFUMA BIANCHERIA ALLA LAVANDA - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
Telescópio Hubble Transfererindo Tecnologia para Humanidade - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Se sentir compétent à l'école : LA CARTE DU SUPER-HÉROS ! - Duration: 9:41.-------------------------------------------
[L'analisi] Euro e migranti, il cappio intorno al collo dell'Italia. Ecco perché il vertice Ue puòco - Duration: 11:01.Per l'Italia, il vertice europeo che si apre oggi a Bruxelles, è ad alto rischio. Improbabile che, nei due giorni di discussione, si arrivi a conclusioni definitive
Ma anche solo l'impostazione dei problemi secondo direttrici sgradite potrebbe poi costringere l'Italia, nei prossimi mesi, ad una dura battaglia in salita
E' un esito – questo sì – probabile: l'imperativo politico dei due giorni di summit è, infatti, come è stato detto, "salviamo la Merkel" (dalla sua opposizione interna) e i 27 leader che le saranno seduti accanto non vorranno, alla fine, tirarsi indietro
Anche se questo significasse "affondiamo l'Italia". Fra Berlino e Roma c'è infatti, in questo frangente, un viluppo inestricabile
I temi chiave del summit sono immigrazione e riforma dell'euro. Sono i temi su cui, oggi, l'Italia è più esposta
E sono, contemporaneamente, quelli su cui la Merkel gioca il suo futuro. Il problema è che la Merkel vince se l'Italia perde
E viceversa. La rissa generale sull'immigrazione Il presidente del Consiglio italiano si presenta a Bruxelles con una proposta forte e coraggiosa, che (finalmente) ribalterebbe l'impostazione della politica europea sui rifugiati
Tre i punti chiave. 1) Basta co n il trattato di Dublino che assegna gli immigrati al primo paese in cui sbarcano
Il mare di fronte alla Libia è un confine europeo. 2) Quindi gli immigrati vanno ripartiti fra i diversi paesi europei, secondo quote prefissate 3) Fine della distinzione fra chi chiede asilo e chi solo di immigrare, che allunga all'infinito i tempi burocratici e le cadenze dell'accoglienza
Varate queste modifiche, il problema degli immigrati secondari, che incendia il dibattito tedesco, dove la destra vorrebbe respingerli ai paesi di primo sbarco, perderebbe rilevanza: gli immigrati secondari – cioè quelli che con la domanda di asilo ancora pendente o respinta – diventerebbero, nel momento in cui ci fosse una redistribuzione degli arrivi fra i diversi paesi, numericamente molti di meno
Roma arriva, con questa proposta ambiziosa, nelle condizioni peggiori. Ha cercato l'appoggio di chi - come austriaci e ungheresi – non ha nessuna intenzione di accettare quote di immigrati
E ha ferocemente litigato con chi, come Francia e Germania, quasi certamente, la pensa allo stesso modo, ma si vergogna a dirlo e potrebbe fare qualche concessione
Giuseppe Conte potrà dire di non aver fatto un buco nell'acqua, se otterrà che la proposta italiana venga messa agli atti, in attesa di futura discussione
I rischi, però, sono nelle decisioni che verranno prese nel frattempo. Perché c'è un progetto alternativo che farebbe assai comodo alla Merkel e non solo e che, per l'Italia, è una trappola
I rischi per l'Italia Sono soprattutto quattro. Rischio numero uno: tutti sono d'accordo nel creare centri in cui le domande di asilo vengano processate, prima che gli immigrati si mettano in viaggio verso l'Europa
Ma gli sbarchi ci saranno comunque. Dove processare le domande di chi, comunque, è sbarcato in Europa? Il posto più comodo, per gli altri paesi europei, è l'Italia
Se il progetto alternativo passasse, Roma si troverebbe a gestire, anche nell'ipotesi di un calo degli sbarchi, decine di migliaia di immigrati irregolari
Rischio numero due: parte degli immigrati verrebbe redistribuita in altri paesi, ma solo su base volontaria, secondo convenienze e logiche politiche estranee alla gravità o meno del fenomeno e alle difficoltà italiane
Rischio numero tre: il 93 per cento degli immigrati non ha diritto all'asilo, pur avendolo chiesto
Questo vuol dire che, se escono dall'Italia e provano ad entrare in Germania, diventerebbero quegli immigrati irregolari che i tedeschi, infatti, vorrebbero rimandare nel paese di primo sbarco, ovvero l'Italia
In altre parole, l'Italia finirebbe per dover tenere dentro i suoi confini, comunque, il 93 per cento di chi sbarca e, soprattutto, di chi è già sbarcato ed è in attesa di veder processata la sua richiesta di asilo
Stiamo parlando, come minimo, di decine di migliaia di persone e di famiglie. Rischio numero quattro: quel 93 per cento di immigrati irregolari, alla fine, dovrebbe essere rispedito in Africa
Come? E chi lo fa? Il cappio di Meseberg Le linee di questa revisione furbesca della politica europea sull'immigrazione erano già visibili nella Dichiarazione di Meseberg che, nelle scorse settimane, ha rilanciato la cooperazione franco-tedesca
Ma quel documento firmato da Merkel e Macron contiene altre insidie che verranno allo scoperto domani a Bruxelles
Per quanto vaghe, le indicazioni sulla riforma dell'eurozona aprono scenari non rassicuranti per un'Italia con i conti in rosso
Come spesso accade in materia di riforma dell'euro, le motivazioni sono condivisibili, le indicazioni utili, ma il loro mix e il momento in cui cadono si traducono in un fucile puntato sull'Italia
E', infatti, importante che l'eurozona si doti di un bilancio comune e di strumenti di intervento in caso di crisi di singoli paesi
Ed è inevitabile che questi interventi siano "condizionali", cioè subordinati all'accettazione, da parte del governo che chiede aiuto, di interventi concordati con l'Europa
E' una questione di misura e di buon senso ed è qui che nascono i dubbi. A gestire gli interventi e a disegnare le condizioni non sarebbe la Commissione, ma i governi e l'esperienza greca ha già dimostrato che "governi", in questi casi, vuol dire soprattutto Berlino
Del resto, la Merkel non riuscirebbe in altro modo a far accettare in patria questo aumentato impegno europeo
Ma sappiamo già come ragionano, in questi casi, a Berlino e la conferma viene dal fatto che l'unico riferimento concreto, nella Dichiarazione di Meseberg, alle "condizioni" è la "sostenibilità del debito": un parametro su cui l'Italia è, già in partenza, comunque in difetto
Cosa può succedere Questo meccanismo può trasformarsi in una spirale pericolosa. Un'Italia in difficoltà, infatti, potrebbe vedersi imporre, in nome della "sostenibilità del debito" una ricetta di austerità feroce come quella che ha messo in ginocchio la società greca
Il problema è che, in base all'infernale meccanismo delle conseguenze non volute, la crisi può essere scatenata dalla stessa riforma dell'eurozona
Uno dei punti toccati a Meseberg, infatti, riguarda la possibilità di meccanismi di ristrutturazione del debito dei singoli paesi: in altre parole, di accordi con i creditori per tagliare l'entità o allungare le scadenze del debito pubblico
Anche questa è, in astratto, una innovazione utile per il futuro dell'eurozona. Ma delicatissima per l'Italia
Di fronte ad una potenziale taglio d'autorità del debito italiano, gli investitori potrebbero chiedere tassi più alti, mettendo in affanno il Tesoro
Se, contemporaneamente, si manifestassero altri motivi di diffidenza dei mercati (come nelle scorse settimane, al momento della formazione del governo) verso i titoli italiani, la possibilità, sia pure nel futuro, di una ristrutturazione del debito farebbe da moltiplicatore della diffidenza, portando alle stelle i tassi sui titoli e determinando una crisi, che fa intervenire l'Europa e imporre l'austerità
La tentazione di Conte Questo scenario semicatastrofico è puramente ipotetico ma dà l'idea dello stretto crinale su cui cammina il governo Conte e, con lui, il programma di governo di Lega e 5stelle
Ecco perché c'è chi non esclude che, in questi due giorni, a Bruxelles, il presidente del Consiglio sia tentato dall'idea di vendere la casa per un piatto di lenticchie
Ovvero, di cedere sull'immigrazione e sui colpi di coda futuri della riforma dell'euro, in cambio di una flessibilità immediata sui conti pubblici di quest'anno e dell'anno prossimo, che consenta di realizzare le promesse elettorali su cui il governo gialloverde fa riposare il suo futuro
Poco più di un anno fa, all'uscita dal suo concerto a Manchester, un terrorista uccise 22 persone. E - Duration: 8:05.Questo è un estratto dell'articolo di copertina del numero 26 di Vanity Fair, in edicola dal 27 giugno al 4 luglio 2018 Sulle alture di Beverly Hills sorge una villa che più da popstar non si può
Pochissimi mobili, un silenzio assoluto. Al cancello staziona la security, e in cucina una ventiquattrenne in soffici calzini rosa con i capelli raccolti in un metro di coda di cavallo mi prepara una tazza di tè
Oggi fa caldissimo, ma mentre Ariana Grande traffica con bollitore e bustine, nel suo nascondiglio di 600 metri quadrati la luce del sole non arriva
Top stories Il che non la disturba affatto. Ariana è la terza persona più seguita su Instagram (oltre 121 milioni di follower, in costante aumento; i primi due sono Selena Gomez e Ronaldo), e da subito mi colpisce
«Le piace il finto autunno che faccio durare tutto l'anno?», scherza in un volteggiare di coda
Una delle cose che i fan adorano, e che spesso i media faticano a cogliere, è che malgrado la sua dedizione all'eyeliner perfetto e ai broncetti da iPhone, lei è — per sua stessa ammissione — una tipa bizzarra
La cantante italoamericana ha scelto di vivere in una specie di Halloween permanente
È quasi estate, ma le sue elaborate ringhiere di metallo sono ancora coperte di finte ragnatele e ornate da numerose zucche di plastica
«L'autunno è la mia stagione preferita, vorrei che non finisse mai», spiega impassibile
Come esperienza, intervistare Ariana Grande ricorda un pigiama party tra adolescenti
I suoi discorsi sono punteggiati di frasi da ragazzina moderna come «Oggi serviamo grigio erica totale», con la mano puntata sul fianco come una rapper, per descrivere il suo look odierno
Quando parla del più e del meno, invece, dice spesso cose surreali. «Adoro le nuvole», riflette
«Un po' mi intristisce che lei sia venuto qui con questo sole», aggiunge tirando fuori il telefono, che vibra senza sosta, per mostrarmi un album di foto del suo giardino sotto un cielo coperto
Ha un'aria tenera, mentre sbatte le palpebre tormentandosi i capelli. È nervosa. Quando qualcuno usa l'espressione «l'anno in cui tutto è cambiato», non sono sicuro possa immaginare cosa siano stati gli ultimi mesi di Ariana Grande
Nella primavera 2017, l'ex bambina prodigio sembrava avere tutto. Una carriera discografica che l'aveva portata a vette di successo difficilmente superabili, un bagaglio di contagiosissimi pezzi pop venati di dance e R&B capaci di totalizzare diversi miliardi di ascolti in streaming, tour da tutto esaurito, linee di abbigliamento, e una mirabolante sequenza di video che sembrava raccontare la sua nobile battaglia per individuare la minigonna più corta al mondo
Nel frattempo collezionava un esercito di fan (gli Arianator: decine di milioni), una serie di pseudoscandali, alcune scelte curiose in fatto di fidanzati
Una gran bella vita, per una donna che aveva da poco superato l'adolescenza. Sfoglia gallery Poi, la tragedia
Il 22 maggio 2017, durante la tappa inglese del suo Dangerous Woman Tour, mentre il pubblico defluisce dal concerto alla Manchester Arena, un giovane di nome Salman Abedi entra nel foyer del palazzetto e fa esplodere un ordigno artigianale uccidendo, oltre a se stesso, ventidue persone tra fan e genitori, e ferendone altre cinquecento
È il più grave atto terroristico su suolo britannico dopo le bombe del 7 luglio 2005, e il fatto che Ariana Grande abbia un pubblico così giovane non fa che aggravare l'orrore
Ari, come la chiamano i fan, è una calamita per i ragazzini che si sentono diversi: ai suoi concerti le vittime di bullismo e altri problemi esistenziali possono lasciarsi andare
Spesso, un seguace Lgbtq fa coming out per la prima volta davanti alla cantante di Break Free, che lo abbraccia e proclama: «Stasera il concerto sarà una festa per il tuo coming out!»
Nelle prime ore del mattino dopo quella tragica notte, Grande twittava: «Sono distrutta
Dal profondo del mio cuore, mi dispiace tanto. Non ho parole». E poi ha annunciato che avrebbe organizzato un concerto speciale a Manchester, per commemorare le persone scomparse e raccogliere soldi per i familiari delle vittime
Sulle prime l'idea non è piaciuta a tutti. I poliziotti hanno sollevato dubbi sull'opportunità della scelta
Ma quando il gioco si fa duro, le dure cominciano a giocare. Radunati i nomi più grossi dell'industria musicale – dai Coldplay a Liam Gallagher, a Justin Bieber e Miley Cyrus – Ariana si è trasformata in una supereroina in jeans, felpa e tacchi altissimi
La sua esibizione con un coro scolastico cittadino è stata splendida, straziante e catartica
Grande è un'artista baciata da un successo che pochissime altre donne sono in grado di comprendere (forse solo Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lawrence)
Decine di milioni di dollari guadagnati ogni anno, un impero che si regge sulle sue minuscole spalle e un peso enorme nell'industria musicale
Pochi come lei godono di tanta venerazione digitale. «Io li amo, li amo, li amo! Ci parlo tutti i giorni, li saluto, metto cuoricini ai loro tweet», esclama
E sospira. «Finisco sempre per condividere troppo» (…) [traduzione Matteo Colombo] Il servizio completo sul numero di Vanity Fair in edicola dal 27 giugno al 4 luglio 2018 More
Environmental engineering - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
Blade 4: Underworld Teaser Trailer (2019) Wesley Snipes | Kate Beckinsale | Movies Trailers - Duration: 1:22.Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the latest Movies Trailers.
Warface: Несправедливая система начисления очков - Duration: 11:40.-------------------------------------------
Facebook వాడుతున్నారా ? || తస్మాత్ జాగ్రత్తా || Don't Do This Mistakes When You Can Use FB - Duration: hello Chalam and the Facebook Navarro and aru Connie on the Locanda
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Did Drake Know Michael Jackson? "Don't Matter To Me" Is Reportedly An Unreleased Track - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Kona 1.0 T-GDI 120pk 2WD PREMIUM NAV LEDER 18'' VELGEN - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Saab 9-3 Cabrio 2.0 T Vector 154 KW - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Renault Grand Espace 2.0T Initiale Automaat-6zitter-Panoramadak-Navigatie-trekhaak - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Marilyn Manson - Cry Little Sister - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
Hà Nội: 2 thanh niên tông cột điện t.ử v.o.n.g trong đêm - TIN HOT 24h - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
独紙、日本決勝T進出に「ばつが悪いぞ!」 W杯 - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
以高制快 中国女排赢巴西要靠这四条 - Duration: 9:16.-------------------------------------------
Manchester Orchestra - I Know How To Speak (Documentary) - Duration: 33:45.-------------------------------------------
Pippa Middleton's pregnancy: Everything you need to know - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
Big Brother - First HOH of the Summer - Duration: 9:15.-------------------------------------------
Searching 20K in Currency - More Rare $20 Star Notes Found! - Duration: 10:05.hey Rob can you do a currency search with $20,000 sure let's do it
hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and recently I had a viewer say
Rob can you do a 20,000 dollar currency search try to get all hundreds if you
can I did they only had 12,000 in the hundreds believe it or not and so I said
well do you have 20s and they said I think we do they go to the vault
they had 17,000 in 20s and instead of going through all the drawers and
finding the extra 3,000 they said well can I give you 3,000 in 50s they did I
put my own strap on there I got those from a $2 bill strap but it's 3,000 so
we've got 17,000 in 20s and 3,000 in 50s not searched yet we're gonna go
start with this stack we're hoping for star notes birthday notes radars
repeaters solids you name it I'll let you know what find something cool and
we'll loop you in along the way if we do so we're like on our fourth bill here I
think and always and I bring you in is because I just want to point out how
close this is to a radar the first three is 1 for 3 and the last for the last 3
backwards is 1 for 3 but as always is the case as a 4/9 had it been a 4/4 or a
99 or any pair in the middle it would have been a radar always look out for
radars they are valuable there are collectible and they're worth
a premium let's get back to the all right guys we're a few bills in still
and we found a trinary made up of 4 6 and 8 now I'm starting to get picky I'm
not keeping trinarys anymore I have so much cash tied up in to trinarys I'm
sending it all back to the bank I'm only keeping binaries or better I'll point
out my tinarys when I have them because some trinarys look awesome and
I'll keep them but in this case other than the 6 6 6 in the middle which I'm
not a fan of there's really not much to point out on this and other than the
fact it's a trinary the inking is good the back centered it's not an old
bill whatsoever it's only a 2009 so it's good
go back I don't keep trinary twenties anymore I only keep trinarys
of one dollar denominations because it's just not tying up a lot of
money let's get back to the hunt I'll point out though I'll pull out my Trinarys
for this search just what we see how many we get now let's get back to
the hunt all right guys this first bag of
twenties just kind of proven fruitful I'll bring this bill in because this is
what's called a broken ladder if you can see here and if you look at the numbers
and I'll point them out we've got a one two three it's missing the four but we
got a five six seven eight nine broken ladder it's only missing the four to be
consecutive numbers or to be every number in an eight in a row sequence
that's a broken ladder we'll pull it aside because it is something I'll
probably end up keeping that when I do keep broken ladders let's look for some
more here first stack is done we're using this thousand dollar strap as a
replacement for the bills that I pull out of each strap let's go with the
second strap now second bill in or the second strap we've got a star note and
as you guys know at the end of every video I'll be checking the print run and
the rarity of all my star notes so I'll pull this aside it's good to see a star
note already we're on the sixth note in and it's got some marking on it but it
is another star note so pull that aside the second star note of the stacks
second strap was a good one to start notes still replenishing from the
thousand dollar stack let's move on to stack number three yeah almost halfway
through the third stack and we've got another star note so we'll add the star
note to the star note collection third strap is down a couple of older bills in
one star note let's go on to the fourth strap two-thirds of the way through the
fourth stack and we've got a new trinary with five eight and seven so we'll add
that up here to the extra finds and look for some more here
another trinary one eights and nines again not the greatest but we'll take it
for now finish the four stack move it on with the fist stack fifth
stack yielded nothing noteworthy so let's go on to the sixth stack
three-quarters of the way through the fifth stack and we've got another star
note here so four star note of the stacks let's keep looking got a start on
that stack let's move on to stack number six seven stack number seven so many
stacks next notice a trinary four nine and eight we're gonna go and pull it
aside as well alright guys we got our first quad double it's got four sets of
doubles eleven forty four, 44,99 obviously if the last two were eleven or
the first two were ninety-nine we'd have a lot better of a situation going on
because then we would have a radar with a quad double but it's still a double or
a quad double we'll pull it aside not a bad find I do want to point out
that I also look for bookends I just don't keep them because they're really
only worth maybe one and a half two times face value and I know that's
pretty good money but on a twin our bill in this condition they'd have to be an
uncirculated condition to fetch any price a bookend is when the last two and
the first to match so in this case 77 and 77 but when it's in this condition
is basically face value so if I find a bookend it's really got to be almost an
uncirculated condition for me to consider keeping it now that we've
covered that let's keep punting seven stacks down move it on the stack eight
and obviously with the finds the replacement stack is running low but
that's okay we still gotta look through that let's go look through this first
humming this eights that guys we got another start out it's now our sixth
start out of the stacks and it's a low serial number doesn't mean it means
anything but let's look for some more all right now we got our six star note
right there no add to the star notes and keep looking
alright guys eight stacks of 2,000 done at 16,000 with a thousand here in
twenties not really because we pulled out a couple of hundred here and then
we've got 3000 in 50's so let's knock out these 20s and then
we'll knock out the 50s all right I send out the 20s for the ones I want to keep
again we'll check the rarity and print run to the star notes but first let's
knock out the $50 bill see if there's anything worth keeping in this stack the
top bill is in 1996 bill and $50 with no special serial number I won't be keeping
this but let's look to it anyway I don't know but I think it's pretty cool that I
got a star note in the 50s this is only my second fifty dollar star note ever Oh two
seven four seven nine seven eight we'll be checking its rarity
all right $20,000 worth of notes search 17,000 and 20s 3,000 in 50s here's what
we're gonna keep overall we're gonna keep this note here because it's a
broken ladder we're gonna keep this note here because it's a quad double I
decided to keep these to trinarys because in my opinion they look a little
bit more cool I don't know why but it's just me I guess with the three 7s and
that bottom one and a bunch of eight 9s and that one and both only have one
number off being a binary they're just the best of the trying areas that I've
kept and then we've got a fifty dollar star note that we're going to search for its
rarity and then we've got 6 $20 star notes that I'll check for their rarity give
me a second I'll do some research and I'll be right back
alright guys I'm pretty excited here so the $50 bill star note not rare at all
part of a 3.2 million print run these two 2009 20 bills are part of a 3.2
million print run as well not rare and these two 2004 are part of a 3.2 million
per run not rare either but here's why I'm excited I've got some pretty rare
star-notes here guys this 2013 star note if you go to my currency collection com
you can look it up this star note here 2013 MB zero zero zero six three nine
five nine star is part of a six hundred forty thousand print run so
right at the middle of the rarity so it's gonna fetch pretty good premium
that's nice and all but I'm super excited about this one the reason why is
it's also 2009 mg zero zero zero two five one one one and this one is part of
only a three hundred and twenty thousand print run it's way up on the rarity
scale I don't know the exact value of it yet but I'll tell you this much it's in
pretty good shape it does have a crease of course it is circulated you can see a
crease here and a little bit of folding here and a little bit of creasing here
but at the end of the day it's still in relatively good condition there's no
markings on it there's no stains on it it's just got
some folds and it's still gonna fetch a pretty good premium at three hundred
twenty thousand on the print run so that's pretty cool
at the end of the day I hope you enjoyed the hunt with me if you did please give
the video a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching
Gorilla Boy & Gorilla Girl - Duration: 49:21.-------------------------------------------
Behind The Story of Episode 4: The Cost of Living | American Woman | Paramount Network - Duration: 2:18.You have this declaration
of independence on Bonnie's part.
And now, by the time we're reaching the middle
of the season, everything that could go wrong
is going wrong, and she's starting to become overwhelmed.
And how is she going to react to that?
What's she gonna do?
How's she actually gonna deal with it?
We don't need your father to buy groceries.
I'm taking care of things around here.
Oftentimes in movies and television shows,
the moment of the decision of independence,
they declare their independence and then they go,
that's the end, that's the celebration.
Well, we begin with that, and then we show what those
costs are when you make that decision.
Not that they're going to destroy you,
but that they are real.
Where did all my money go?
To taxes.
Uncle Sam believes it's important we learn to share.
With him.
And she's angry about the situation that she's in.
It's not fair.
It's not what she thought was gonna happen,
and we're catching her right in the middle.
I was hoping I might be able to pay it installments.
That's not possible.
Sorry, Mrs. Nolan, I don't make the rules.
Of course you do.
You're the goddamn principal.
And it was tough for Alicia, because she was asking
why am I lashing out at the other people
around me that I really care about.
I just wish that when you met someone,
you knew right away, so you won't get disappointed
if it doesn't work out, do you know what I mean?
You want to be prepared for whatever shit life dumps on you.
And we said 'cause it's honest, and that's what happens.
And you end up saying things you have to apologize for,
because you're drowning and angry
and think maybe you've made the wrong decisions.
What are we celebrating?
Jessica booking her first commercial,
and you being her amazing mama.
Am I the goddamn mother of the year?
Is that what we're celebrating?
So it's funny and painful.
I'd like to give special thanks to my daughters,
who couldn't be here tonight, because one
was so exhausted from hawking orange juice,
and the other won't speak to me
because she thinks I've driven her father away.
You're a little drunk.
You should just sit down.
It's one of those, you know, cringeworthy humorous scenes.
So what's for dessert?
Foods and Nutrients for Mania and Depression - Duration: 9:43.Foods and nutrients for mania and depression
the highs and lows of bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition marked by varying highs known as mania and lows
Known as depression mood stabilizing medicines and therapy can help control these emotional swings
Making a few changes to your diet is another way to help manage manic episodes
although foods won't cure mania choosing
The right ones may make you feel better and your condition easier to handle whole grains whole grains
Aren't just good for your heart and digestive system. They may also have a calming effect on your mind
Carbohydrates are thought to boost your brain's production of serotonin
This feel-good chemical helps to ease anxiety and may leave you feeling more in control
So the next time you're feeling a little jittery or overwhelmed grab some whole-grain crackers to nibble on other
Good options include whole grain toast
whole-grain pasta oatmeal
brown rice Qin, OA
Omega-3 fatty acids the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid
EPA and Doukas eggs inoa Cassatt
DHA play an important role in your brain
They're an essential part of nerve cells and they help facilitate signaling between those cells
Researchers continue to study whether omega-3s can help treat depression bipolar disorder and other mental health conditions
So far the results on omega-3 supplements for bipolar disorder have been mixed
Adding omega-3s to mood stabilizers does seem to help with symptoms of depression
Although it doesn't have much of an effect on mania
Because omega-3 fatty acids are healthy for your brain and your heart in general. They're worth incorporating into your diet
Coldwater fish contain the highest levels of this healthy nutrient good food sources include salmon tuna
Sardines flax seeds and their oil eggs
selenium rich foods
Tuna halibut and sardines are also rich sources of selenium a trace element that's essential for a healthy brain
Research finds that selenium helps to stabilize mood
Selenium deficiency has been linked to depression and anxiety
Adults need at least 55 micrograms
Mcg of selenium daily, which you can obtain from foods such as these Brazil nuts
tuna halibut
sardines ham
shrimp steak
turkey beef liver
Turkey turkey is high in the amino acid tryptophan which has become synonymous with the sleepy feeling that comes over you
After Thanksgiving dinner aside from its supposed sleep inducing effects
Tryptophan helps your body make serotonin a brain chemical that's involved in stabilizing your mood
Elevating serotonin might help during depressive episodes of bipolar disorder
There's also some evidence
Tryptophan can improve mania symptoms if you want to try tricked off and but aren't a big fan of Turkey
You'll also find it in foods such as eggs tofu and cheese beans
What do black beans lima beans chickpeas soy beans and lentils have in common
They're all members of the legume family and they're all rich sources of magnesium
Early research suggests that magnesium may reduce mania symptoms in people with bipolar disorder
More studies are still needed to confirm whether magnesium rich foods improve mood in the meantime
Adding fiber and nutrient rich beans to your diet is unlikely to hurt
Bins may make you gassy when you first increase them in your diet, but that will diminish if you continue to eat them
Probiotics the human gut is teeming with millions of bacteria
Some live harmoniously with us while others make us sick this gut biome is hot now in research
Scientists are trying to better under stand how these healthy bacteria promote health and immune function including reducing inflammation
People with depression tend to have higher levels of inflammation
Increasingly researchers are finding that the types of bacteria that reside within us help control the state of our emotional health
Some bacteria release stress hormones such as norepinephrine
While others release coming chemicals such as serotonin
One way to tip the balance in favor of healthy bacteria is by eating probiotics foods containing live bacteria
these include yogurt kefir
sauerkraut kimchi
Miso herbal tea chamomile has been used for centuries as a folk remedy for upset stomach
anxiety and insomnia
Preliminary research suggests that a chamomile extract can also help relieve depression and anxiety
Although this hasn't been proven. If you find that sipping on something hot soothes your mind
It can't hurt to sip on some chamomile tea
Dark chocolate chocolate is the ultimate comfort food and dark chocolate is particularly calming
Nibbling on an ounce and a half of dark chocolate daily may help lower stress according to a study in the journal of proteome research
Learn which ingredients to look for when shopping for dark chocolate nuts
Almonds cashews and peanuts are high in magnesium an essential nutrient for people with mood disorders
Magnesium comes an overactive nervous system and helps regulate the body's stress response by keeping cortisol levels in check
Nearly half of Americans don't get enough magnesium in their diet and this deficiency may affect their stress levels as a result
the recommended daily amount
RDA for adults is
420 milligrams mg in men and
320 milligrams in women
Safran Safran this red thread-like spice is a staple in dishes from India and the Mediterranean
In medicine saffron has been studied for its calming effect and antidepressant properties
Some studies have found saffron extract to work as well against depression as antidepressants such as fluoxetine prozac
Ketogenic diet the ketogenic diet is a very high-fat
Low-carbohydrate diet that mimics the state your body would go into if you are fasting
When you cut out carbs your brain uses fat instead for fuel
In theory the ketogenic diet might help with bipolar disorder
It works in much the same way as lithium and other mood-stabilizing drugs
By lowering sodium levels in the brain in one very small study women with bipolar disorder had greater
Improvements in mood while on the ketogenic diet than while on medication
Much larger studies are needed to confirm whether this diet helps with bipolar disorder
foods to avoid
Not all foods make you feel better when you're wired certain foods and beverages can rev you up even more
Including those that are high in caffeine or alcohol
Caffeine is a stimulant that can produce generate feelings
It can amp up your anxiety levels and make it harder for you to sleep at night
Might think alcohol will take the edge off a manic episode
And relax you but having a few drinks can actually make you feel more on edge
Alcohol can also cause dehydration
Which can negatively affect your mood some foods
Don't pair well with bipolar medicines if you take monoamine oxidase inhibitors
mice avoid tyramine
The drug can cause levels of this amino acid to spike which could lead to a dangerous rise in blood pressure
Dearman is found in aged cheese's cured processed and smoked meats
Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi
soy beans
dried fruit also limit high fat and sugary foods in
Addition to being unhealthy overall. These foods can lead to weight gain
Research finds that being too heavy especially around the middle can make your bipolar disorder treatment less effective
Ask your doctor whether you need to avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice
This citrus fruit is known to interact with many different medicines including ones used to treat bipolar
Disorder the take away certain foods might help calm your mind
But there are no replacement for your doctor's prescribed treatment plan
Don't make any changes to your regular therapy without talking to your doctor first
Instead consider adding mood friendly foods to your diet to complement your other treatment strategies
Keeping Your Kids Safe As They Walk to School - Duration: 4:19.Keeping your kids safe as they walk to school
Well, you may feel your child is old enough to walk to school without having to worry about their safety think again children
Between ages five and nine haven't yet developed the skills and experience to judge the speed and distance at which vehicles are moving
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Says that one-quarter of children between ages five and nine who are killed in traffic crashes are pedestrians. In fact
Pedestrian injury is the second leading cause of injury-related deaths in children of this age group
according to Indiana University Health older children are even at risk more than
25,000 children between ages 5 and 14 are injured each year while walking according to the US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention CDC
Yet walking to their destination is a great way for kids to get exercise and to help keep cars off the road, too
The solution is to teach your children safe pedestrian skills while ensuring that they have adult supervision when needed during their commute
consider the following
Pointers 1 teach the rules of the sidewalk while knowing the rules of the road are vital to driving safety
Children should learn the rules of the sidewalk for safe walks to and from school
These rules include crossing the street with an adult until age 10
Looking to the left then to the right and to the left again before crossing
Learning to use traffic signals and crosswalks properly rather than jaywalking never running out into the street
Even to chase a ball or pet always walking on the sidewalk never entering the street between parked cars
Watching driveways to ensure no cars are backing up making eye contact with drivers when crossing the street to
encourage kids to walk in groups their safety in numbers
Consider partnering your kids up with other kids in the neighborhood who walk the same route the buddy system can help save lives
establish emergency contact
ensure that your child knows what to do in case of an emergency and make sure their walking buddies do to
Establish safe houses along the route that children can call on if problems arise if your child has a cell phone program
emergency numbers in it such as parents work numbers neighbors numbers and
911 and provide instructions as to how to access each number four
Stick to one route
Stress the importance of sticking to a predetermined route and not deviating by shortcuts or on alternate roads
you can determine the safest route in advance based on factors such as
fewer street crossings more neighbors along the route know desolate stretches 5
organize adult chaperones
Responsible adults should always accompany kids under 10 on their walk to and from school
neighbors can trade-off the chaperone role to accompany their child as well as others 6
provide crossing guards traffic can be particularly heavy near school grounds as cars enter and leave parking lots if
Your child's school has crossing guards. Make sure your child knows them
Enforce the importance of crossing at the crosswalk if your child's school doesn't have crossing guards
Talk to school administrators or partner with neighbors to ensure adult chaperones help children cross to and from school grounds
Safely 7 partner to enforce speed limits if speeding near the school and in your neighborhood is a problem
Organize parents to partner with local police to enforce speed limits
The CDC can help with these and other issues through its program kids walk to school
God Moves In A Mysterious Way - Graham Kendrick (with lyrics) - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
England vs Belgium: Gary Neville worried for Gareth Southgate - He could get crucified - Duration: 3:32.GETTY/ITVEngland vs Belgium: Gareth Southgate has made eight changes to his starting XI Southgate made eight changes to the England team for the final Group G game
John Stones, Ruben Loftus-Cheek and goalkeeper Jordan Pickford were the only three players to keep their place
Both teams are competing for first and second in the group and are level on points, goals scored and goal difference
Some believe finishing second would be better going forward for England, as they would avoid a potential quarter-final with Brazil
Gareth Southgate says he will be going out to win but Neville believes he has taken a huge risk with his starting XI
England vs Belgium LIVE: World Cup updates Related articles England team vs Belgium: Confirmed lineup, Kane on bench, Rashford in World Cup 2018: How much do England players get paid? I didn't think Gareth would make that many changes at all Gary Neville on the England team vs Belgium "Brave
I think that's the first thing to say," Gary Neville said on ITV. "Over the last two or three days everyone's talked about 'England must play their strongest team', maybe make one or two changes, 'they must top the group, they must have momentum and can't afford to mess around'
He's done just that. "I didn't think Gareth would make that many changes at all. "But he's misled us over the last few days, I like that
ITVEngland vs Belgium: Neville is worried Southgate's team could come back to haunt him "He said he was going to make one or two changes, I like that as well
"I think a lot of Gareth anyway, he's actually gone up in my estimations. "Tonight he's taken a risk, because people will say, if the result doesn't go well and we don't play well in the second round, 'that was the game we lost momentum' and he's going to get crucified for these changes
"But all the good will is with him and I think it will pay off for him, because it is a good plan
" England went on to lose the game 1-0, and will face Colombia in the last-16 on Tuesday
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