Saturday, June 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 30 2018

One of the main objectives of zoos such as Loro Parque,

in addition to conservation, is education.

At Loro Parque, we have a wide range of possibilities that allow us to create

emotional bonds between visitors and animals.

This gives us the opportunity to talk about them, explain their threats in nature and

be able to involve the public in their conservation.

During presentations with animals, taking advantage of the time

when we have the most attention from the public,

we try to transmit information that helps, not only to get to know better

the animals and their threats, but also to learn to respect them and protect them.

Furthermore, you can find signs and visual materials

showing information about the species all around the park.

We carry out different activities with schools, such as workshops and educational visits,

to teach students various aspects of animal biology in a fun way.

Our commitment with education goes beyond our facilities.

Through an innovative videoconference system we bring the natural world closer to schools worldwide.

We also develop interesting school projects about

biodiversity, its threats and conservation.

Although it is not an easy task, we believe strongly in the educational value of zoos and,

therefore, every day we strive to generate a positive impact on people

that translates, we hope, into greater protection of animals and their habitats.

For more infomation >> Education - Duration: 2:07.


[Opening] Pokémon Serie: Sol y Luna - Ultraaventuras (Castellano) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [Opening] Pokémon Serie: Sol y Luna - Ultraaventuras (Castellano) - Duration: 0:31.



For more infomation >> PROTECT YOURSELF WITH THE POWER OF ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. With Iris of the Soul - Duration: 26:54.


10 chứng bệnh kỳ quặc nhất thế giới - Duration: 6:05.

Health Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

The 10 most odd diseases in the world

According to medical statistics, there are 10 odd, strange disease in the planet.

These diseases are extremely difficult to cure, making life difficult, difficult and negative people.

However, these diseases are very rare, only a very small fraction of the population is affected by these diseases.

1. Identification of comprehensive BIID body disorder.

People with BIID want to cut off part of their body, because they feel parts like the arms or legs are superfluous.

BBID is like a sexually suggestive disorder, and it can also be a mental disorder.

Most patients have a severed part of their body.

They even have "surgery" to cure themselves.

Patients with BIID, deficient in body image in the brain,

Therefore, some parts of the body are not recognized by the brain, making them "thirsty" to cut off those parts.

2. Down syndrome fat.

This disease is also known as Hemiani Benjamin syndrome.

People with this condition look older than their age.

People with underlying fatty osteoarthritis lose the fat tissue beneath the skin.

It can cause fat loss on the face, neck pulling, causing wrinkles, bad wrinkles on the skin.

3. PICA Certificate.

People with PICA, are more likely to eat non-food items.

It usually occurs when a person suffers from stress, mineral deficiency or pregnancy.

The disease is becoming increasingly outrageous and dangerous.

In rare cases, patients with this disease have been reported eating patches, cement,

glass, paint, human body, feces, wood and many other odd things.

4. Vampire Disease.

Some people are very sensitive to sunlight and UV rays,

Diagnosed with dry skin pigmentation, also known as vampire disease.

Patients with this disease, must avoid sunlight in absolute terms,

Otherwise, they will burn and severe skin damage, leading to high risk of skin cancer.

5. Maggot maggot infection.

This is considered to be the most common of all bizarre illnesses.

Patients suffering from this disease are caused by maggots on the body,

Any place they want, like the mouth, hands, feet, face, and so on.

6. Cancer of the fossilized stone.

The disease is called fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive, or FOP.

People with this disease will develop bone tissue that grows in places such as muscles, tendons and other connective tissues, which can be metastasized.

People with FOP can not move, and they eventually turn into living statues.

Narcolepsy, nail-patella syndrome.

This disease, also known as genetic osteo-onychodysplasia,

is a genetic disease associated with mutations in the gene, coding the transcription factor LMX1B, mapping the long arm of chromosome 9, 9q34.

The manifestations include nail dysplasia, absenteeism or hypopituitarism,

horned cone presence of the posterior, and abnormalities of the radial head.

Patients are also at risk for kidney disease and glaucoma.

8. Death syndrome goes away.

People who have Cotard syndrome think they are dead, existence is just an illusion with empty bodies, no intellectual and cognitive.

Some patients claim that they have poisoned the whole world with poisonous breath,

or infect everyone on the planet AIDS.

Typically, patients deny the existence of the outside world,

They say that the earth is just empty sphere and that people have no soul.

In addition to these symptoms, the patient still experiences true distress.

According to doctors, Cotard's syndrome is an extreme form of depression,

And it is also considered a side effect of mental disorders,

It can be accompanied by dementia, as well as brain problems.

Cold allergy urticaria.

People with this condition, when exposed to cold or cold water, will experience severe body reactions.

The skin that is exposed to the cold rash, becomes red and itchy, extremely irritated.

Many people also have bronchospasm, which can not breathe, leading to death.

10. Hypertrichosis hairy syndrome.

Inborn congenital hyperplasia is a medical term that indicates excessive hair growth, spreading to the whole face.

This syndrome is also called waswolves.

As the hair grows all over the face, the patient will have the same face as the werewolf in the film.

The world has 50 cases of this syndrome.

Currently, no remedy can cure this condition.

Therefore, the sick person must live with his unusual form.

Ha Anh, According to Buzzfaze.

The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> 10 chứng bệnh kỳ quặc nhất thế giới - Duration: 6:05.


Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 - Ozuna, Bad Bunny, Maluma, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Wisin - Duration: 1:17:31.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 - Ozuna, Bad Bunny, Maluma, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Wisin - Duration: 1:17:31.


Cómo hablar mejor español con videos: Ana Julia convirtió su hobby en un negocio - Duration: 23:07.

For more infomation >> Cómo hablar mejor español con videos: Ana Julia convirtió su hobby en un negocio - Duration: 23:07.


How Baseball diplomacy brought two rivals together | Arriba Cuba - Duration: 7:20.

Baseball is a passion shared by all Cubans.

And the first-ever Olympic gold medal in baseball goes to Cuba!

Since baseball was introduced in Cuba from the US,

Cubans fell in love with it with such passion.

In Cuba, baseball runs through our veins.

And that's the ball game! Cuba defeats the United States.

There is no other public event in Cuba that draws as many fans

and as much commentary and public debate

as baseball during the last century.

Baseball is our national sport.

It's tied to our identity.

In many occasions,

it expressed the highest levels of national pride.

The victories and baseball were seen as proof of what Cubans

were capable of in the international arena.


Baseball is part of the identity of Cubans.

It became a sport around the 18th and 19th centuries.

And, like boxing, became popular

amongst low-income classes.

Since those times,

baseball has been part of our national identity.

Before the Revolution, there was a championship

with four professional teams.

After the triumph of the Revolution,

Commander-in-chief Fidel Castro banned professional sports.

That's how baseball was brought to the masses,

in a totally new amateur league which didn't feature

any of the pro players from the pro teams -

Havana, Almendares, Cienfuegos and Marianao.

The triumph of the Revolution in 1959, identified sport

as a source for the wellbeing of the people.

It declared sports a right of the people.

Sports were meant to bring joy to the nation.

It's no secret that Major League Baseball,

played in the US, is the best in the world.

Many have had to leave our country to be able to

play in the majors in the US.

There are many players shining there

who were trained here in Cuba.

Omar Linares was an extraordinary player.

He was one of those who stayed in Cuba, who didn't go to

the Major League, even though he was more than qualified.

He could have shined in the US.



I played with the national team for more than 17 years

and I received offers every year. I rejected all of them,

because this is where I got my education and training.

And here, I was given every opportunity to prove

that despite the embargo, Cuban sports are still alive.

Cuban baseball has proven that it's among the best.

I have always played here and I will remain here.

Ladies and gentlemen, the medals will be

presented by Mr James L Easton, International Olympic Committee

member of the United States of America.

Omar received multiple offers,

but wasn't interested in the money.

He felt bound to his country and his people

and he put his ideology first.

He knew the role he played in his country.

He received multimillion dollar offers,

but that proved one of his virtues.

That, for him, his Cuba was more important

than all the money in the world.

It'd be hard to imagine,

that the first visit in decades of a US president to Cuba

wouldn't include the cultural event that more closely

brings Cuba and the US together, and that's baseball.


Sports is an ambassador that creates ties between countries.

It didn't happen by chance.

It was a well-thought-out plan to create a symbol that

represented that, among our many differences,

there are also things that we share.

I hope that baseball can contribute somehow to bring

Cuba and the US closer.

It'll be long before anyone can forget

that the presidents of the US and Cuba took a break

during their negotiations to go to the old

Latin American Stadium to watch a baseball game.

But that baseball game meant much more,

it was a demonstration of the many things that unite us.

And one of them is baseball.

For more infomation >> How Baseball diplomacy brought two rivals together | Arriba Cuba - Duration: 7:20.


Dios te habla | Dios mismo, el único (X) Dios es la fuente de vida para todas las cosas (IV) Parte 1 - Duration: 39:48.

For more infomation >> Dios te habla | Dios mismo, el único (X) Dios es la fuente de vida para todas las cosas (IV) Parte 1 - Duration: 39:48.


MSP - Best Of des vidéos jamais postées ! - Duration: 6:14.


Today's video will be kind of special

You will be able to..

Make fun of me.

"y me - unfair"

Hold on..

I'm the one who chose to make this video..

Let's play this again

Now, only on Topvic's channel..

The best of my never-posted-videos!

Those videos will go from the oldest to the latest

Some are funny, some are not really

They'll probably end up with a "Ugh it annoys me"

Good evening!

Why am I recording, you might ask

Well, the answer is..


So let's talk to unicorns.

I have the pleasure to make you meet..

I dont even know their names.

In fact, I dont know anything



In fact this annoys me




For more infomation >> MSP - Best Of des vidéos jamais postées ! - Duration: 6:14.


INAI aprueba formatos para Declaración Tres de Tres - Duration: 4:53.

Compartir  El pleno del INAI aprobó los formatos para la presentación de la llamada Declaración Tres de Tres, que a su vez deberá aprobar el Comité de Participación Ciudadana (CPC) del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción en su próxima sesión de julio, los cuales serán para todos los funcionarios públicos

    Durante su sesión de este viernes, el pleno del Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI) dio la luz verde y agregó reactivos a los formatos preparados por el propio CPC

    Además, los comisionados acordaron que, al momento de presentarlos en el Comité Coordinador del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción, el presidente del INAI, Francisco Javier Acuña Llamas, deberá solicitar que estos formatos sean obligatorios para los funcionarios entrantes y salientes

    El comisionado Joel Salas Suárez, quien la víspera adelantó que el INAI aprobaría los formatos en su sesión de este viernes, explicó que originalmente, el CPC envió los formatos con un total de 555 reactivos que deberían llenar los funcionarios en las Declaraciones Patrimonial y de Intereses

    Sin embargo, luego de un largo análisis de todos los reactivos solicitados, el INAI encontró que debían ampliarse, por lo que aumentó 321 preguntas y por lo tanto el listado final quedó en 876 campos

    Al respecto, el propio comisionado Salas Suárez manifestó su preocupación por el manejo de algunos datos personales y sugirió que, en la declaración patrimonial, se preguntara a los funcionarios si ellos creían que alguna persona cercana a ellos pudiera implicar un conflicto de interés

    Sólo en ese caso el funcionario debería revelar datos personales de la persona de referencia, para no vulnerar la privacidad de quienes no son funcionarios públicos

    Con este mismo criterio coincidieron los comisionados Carlos Bonnin Erales y Patricia Kurczyn Villalobos y esta última, incluso, ejemplificó el caso del funcionario que tenga un familiar beneficiario del programa de apoyo a personas con VIH

    En ese caso revelar la identidad de esa persona vulnera sus datos personales, pero no abona a controlar la evolución patrimonial del funcionario, como se pretende a través de este instrumento

    Empero, el criterio no progresó pues se impuso la mayoría de los comisionados, quienes consideraron que la mayor publicidad es el criterio que debe prevalecer

    Al respecto, la comisionada Blanca Lilia Ibarra destacó que las declaraciones Fiscal, Patrimonial y de Intereses, que conforman la llamada Tres de Tres, son un instrumento fundamental para el combate a la corrupción, pues recordó que México ocupa el último lugar en este rubro de la OCDE

    Hizo suya la preocupación que planteó previamente el comisionado Salas Suárez, al indicar que de los tres mil 770 candidatos que compitieron en este proceso electoral sólo 13

61 por ciento presentó su Tres de Tres voluntariamente.     La comisionada Blanca Lilia Ibarra destacó que estas declaraciones ahora son obligatorias para los funcionarios de los tres poderes de la unión y de los tres niveles de gobierno, lo que significa un universo superior a cinco millones de personas

    A su vez, el comisionado Óscar Guerra Ford indicó que las preguntas incluyen información personal, intereses, ingresos, actos y pasivos de los funcionarios, aunque consideró que siempre hay posibilidad de que el conflicto de intereses se configure de manera "terciada"

    Es decir, explicó, que los conflictos de interés no se relacionen directamente con personas del entorno inmediato de un funcionario, pero sí de personas cercanas

    Antes de la votación el comisionado presidente Francisco Javier Acuña Llamas, destacó la importancia de este paso histórico para el combate a la corrupción en México

    El acuerdo se aprobó por unanimidad, aunque con votos particulares de los comisionados Joel Salas, Patricia Kurczyn y Carlos Bonnin

    DAMG Compartir

For more infomation >> INAI aprueba formatos para Declaración Tres de Tres - Duration: 4:53.


'GH VIP 6': Empiezan a sonar los nombres de los primeros concursantes - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> 'GH VIP 6': Empiezan a sonar los nombres de los primeros concursantes - Duration: 9:20.


tournament of the 3 magicians || end of the course || Dumbledore's speech - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> tournament of the 3 magicians || end of the course || Dumbledore's speech - Duration: 6:39.


SocialFish - Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated [Kali Linux] - Duration: 4:12.

Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated.

ngrok exposes local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels.

You download and run a program on your machine and provide it the port of a network service, usually a web server.

It connects to the ngrok cloud service which accepts traffic on a public address and relays that traffic through to the ngrok process running on your machine and then on to the local address you specified.

For more infomation >> SocialFish - Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated [Kali Linux] - Duration: 4:12.


Oddbods en Español - el Super Cohete Robado - Varios Capitulos Completos - Duration: 34:14.

For more infomation >> Oddbods en Español - el Super Cohete Robado - Varios Capitulos Completos - Duration: 34:14.


Macarena Millán, novia de Rafa Mora, arrepiente supuesto engaño: "Puedo ir a la playa con quiera" - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Macarena Millán, novia de Rafa Mora, arrepiente supuesto engaño: "Puedo ir a la playa con quiera" - Duration: 4:43.


Terelu Campos tiene un nuevo proyecto: dará vida a Bárbara en 'Paquita Salas' - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Terelu Campos tiene un nuevo proyecto: dará vida a Bárbara en 'Paquita Salas' - Duration: 2:48.


Pocoyo en Español 2018 | Adivina ¿Quién es? | Caricaturas para Niños - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Pocoyo en Español 2018 | Adivina ¿Quién es? | Caricaturas para Niños - Duration: 2:55.


Arc North & Polarbearz - Together Now (ft. Camilla) Subtitulado En Español - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Arc North & Polarbearz - Together Now (ft. Camilla) Subtitulado En Español - Duration: 3:48.


Bacon of Desire🐷 Weird ASMR | Mukbang | eating sounds - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Bacon of Desire🐷 Weird ASMR | Mukbang | eating sounds - Duration: 6:08.


유재석의 새로운 도전은 과연 실패인가? 아니면 성공일까? - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> 유재석의 새로운 도전은 과연 실패인가? 아니면 성공일까? - Duration: 8:42.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 Dynamic VVT-I - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 Dynamic VVT-I - Duration: 1:13.


Kia Rio 1.2 CVVT PLUS PACK - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2 CVVT PLUS PACK - Duration: 1:12.


[Chinese song] 童话(Tónɡ huà 동화) - 光良(Guāngliáng 광량) cover by. 토실토실아가펭귄🐧 - Duration: 2:42.

I forgot how long it's been

Since I last heard you

Tell me your favorite story

I have thought for a long time

I'm starting to panic

Wondering if I've done something wrong again

You told me, crying

That everything in fairy tales is lies

I couldn't possibly be your prince

But perhaps you don't understand either

Ever since you told me you loved me

All the stars in my sky have brightened

I want to become the one in the fairy tale

The angel that you love

I'm extending this pair of hands and turning them into wings to protect you

You must believe

Believe we will be like in a fairy tale

Where blessings and happiness is the ending

You told me, crying

That everything in fairy tales is lies

I couldn't possibly be your prince

But perhaps you don't understand either

Ever since you told me you loved me

All the stars in my sky have brightened

I want to become the one in the fairy tale

The angel that you love

I'm extending this pair of hands and turning them into wings to protect you

You must believe

Believe we will be like in a fairy tale

Where blessings and happiness is the ending

Where blessings and happiness is the ending

Thank you

For more infomation >> [Chinese song] 童话(Tónɡ huà 동화) - 光良(Guāngliáng 광량) cover by. 토실토실아가펭귄🐧 - Duration: 2:42.


仮想通貨ノアコイン最新情報!ついに取引所バイナンス上場!?NOAHバイナンスinfoで1位に!?価格爆上げでリップルネムと並ぶこともありえる?泉忠司詐欺確定ではなかった!6月7月最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 仮想通貨ノアコイン最新情報!ついに取引所バイナンス上場!?NOAHバイナンスinfoで1位に!?価格爆上げでリップルネムと並ぶこともありえる?泉忠司詐欺確定ではなかった!6月7月最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:28.


10 chứng bệnh kỳ quặc nhất thế giới - Duration: 6:05.

Health Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

The 10 most odd diseases in the world

According to medical statistics, there are 10 odd, strange disease in the planet.

These diseases are extremely difficult to cure, making life difficult, difficult and negative people.

However, these diseases are very rare, only a very small fraction of the population is affected by these diseases.

1. Identification of comprehensive BIID body disorder.

People with BIID want to cut off part of their body, because they feel parts like the arms or legs are superfluous.

BBID is like a sexually suggestive disorder, and it can also be a mental disorder.

Most patients have a severed part of their body.

They even have "surgery" to cure themselves.

Patients with BIID, deficient in body image in the brain,

Therefore, some parts of the body are not recognized by the brain, making them "thirsty" to cut off those parts.

2. Down syndrome fat.

This disease is also known as Hemiani Benjamin syndrome.

People with this condition look older than their age.

People with underlying fatty osteoarthritis lose the fat tissue beneath the skin.

It can cause fat loss on the face, neck pulling, causing wrinkles, bad wrinkles on the skin.

3. PICA Certificate.

People with PICA, are more likely to eat non-food items.

It usually occurs when a person suffers from stress, mineral deficiency or pregnancy.

The disease is becoming increasingly outrageous and dangerous.

In rare cases, patients with this disease have been reported eating patches, cement,

glass, paint, human body, feces, wood and many other odd things.

4. Vampire Disease.

Some people are very sensitive to sunlight and UV rays,

Diagnosed with dry skin pigmentation, also known as vampire disease.

Patients with this disease, must avoid sunlight in absolute terms,

Otherwise, they will burn and severe skin damage, leading to high risk of skin cancer.

5. Maggot maggot infection.

This is considered to be the most common of all bizarre illnesses.

Patients suffering from this disease are caused by maggots on the body,

Any place they want, like the mouth, hands, feet, face, and so on.

6. Cancer of the fossilized stone.

The disease is called fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive, or FOP.

People with this disease will develop bone tissue that grows in places such as muscles, tendons and other connective tissues, which can be metastasized.

People with FOP can not move, and they eventually turn into living statues.

Narcolepsy, nail-patella syndrome.

This disease, also known as genetic osteo-onychodysplasia,

is a genetic disease associated with mutations in the gene, coding the transcription factor LMX1B, mapping the long arm of chromosome 9, 9q34.

The manifestations include nail dysplasia, absenteeism or hypopituitarism,

horned cone presence of the posterior, and abnormalities of the radial head.

Patients are also at risk for kidney disease and glaucoma.

8. Death syndrome goes away.

People who have Cotard syndrome think they are dead, existence is just an illusion with empty bodies, no intellectual and cognitive.

Some patients claim that they have poisoned the whole world with poisonous breath,

or infect everyone on the planet AIDS.

Typically, patients deny the existence of the outside world,

They say that the earth is just empty sphere and that people have no soul.

In addition to these symptoms, the patient still experiences true distress.

According to doctors, Cotard's syndrome is an extreme form of depression,

And it is also considered a side effect of mental disorders,

It can be accompanied by dementia, as well as brain problems.

Cold allergy urticaria.

People with this condition, when exposed to cold or cold water, will experience severe body reactions.

The skin that is exposed to the cold rash, becomes red and itchy, extremely irritated.

Many people also have bronchospasm, which can not breathe, leading to death.

10. Hypertrichosis hairy syndrome.

Inborn congenital hyperplasia is a medical term that indicates excessive hair growth, spreading to the whole face.

This syndrome is also called waswolves.

As the hair grows all over the face, the patient will have the same face as the werewolf in the film.

The world has 50 cases of this syndrome.

Currently, no remedy can cure this condition.

Therefore, the sick person must live with his unusual form.

Ha Anh, According to Buzzfaze.

The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> 10 chứng bệnh kỳ quặc nhất thế giới - Duration: 6:05.


SocialFish - Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated [Kali Linux] - Duration: 4:12.

Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated.

ngrok exposes local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels.

You download and run a program on your machine and provide it the port of a network service, usually a web server.

It connects to the ngrok cloud service which accepts traffic on a public address and relays that traffic through to the ngrok process running on your machine and then on to the local address you specified.

For more infomation >> SocialFish - Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated [Kali Linux] - Duration: 4:12.


free robux codes | how to get robux roblox codes | free robux roblox promo codes - Duration: 5:20.

free robux codes | how to get robux roblox codes | free robux roblox promo codes

For more infomation >> free robux codes | how to get robux roblox codes | free robux roblox promo codes - Duration: 5:20.


Thương Nhiều Hơn Nói - Nhóm Nhạc ... (Đạt G, B Ray, Masew) | Đạt Còi Official - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Thương Nhiều Hơn Nói - Nhóm Nhạc ... (Đạt G, B Ray, Masew) | Đạt Còi Official - Duration: 2:49.


3 Efekty Uboczne Imbiru, o Których Nie Wiedziałeś - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 3 Efekty Uboczne Imbiru, o Których Nie Wiedziałeś - Duration: 2:25.


Update From WHERE? River & Grilling - Duration: 13:02.

well hello world you are not going to believe where I am right now

take a guess take take a guess you're probably wrong oh yes the official

Cologne of jaja jaja I'm here in Georgia guys I'm here at Keffer ban Kevin's

favorite spot he's from these parts well sandy bottoms campground yeah could not

get a waterfront site they are all booked all six of them up there

there's like seven that aren't but actually have access to the water like

my own private spot let's walk right down there so see there's my RV right

there and here's the Tallulah River beautimous it's a very form day it says

91 but feels like 99 so very humid here in Georgia never in my wildest dreams

that I thought I would be in Georgia in the summertime that does not fit my

whole chasing 70 degrees but I just come down soak my feet in the water up to my

knees there and then I kind of feel totally cooled off and I'll do this like

every 30 minutes now it just doesn't get much better than this this area of

Georgia up here near the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee this area is the only place

in the country I found that reminds me of home so much so to be here and see

green moss and and ferns and - the the temperatures and everything this is one

of the only places in the country where I feel at home might wear out where I

grew up and so this is really refreshing right now it's a good little reset but I

know you guys have lots of questions because I am well off of Lincoln Highway

we'll get to it just take a chill pill send all of your hate mail to me Eric

Jacobs one 4-6-3 it's gonna be okay I love the fact that no matter

where I'm at in the country what time of year what happens if something happens

or an opportunity arises I can change my plans at any time now I know the world

following me doesn't like that because if I don't stick to

the plan then people get really stressed and they want to voice an opinion and

all that but I just say get used to it and I don't mean that in a mean way it's

just guys this is my life and Lincoln Highway is still the route okay so I am

about ten hours south just not believe I'm here right now in the in the

southeast and summertime it's fine as I mentioned I'm gonna have to be a

little vague because some things have happened some changes have happened and

I need to be very patient I'm gonna be here for about two to three weeks still

I can't give away too many details right now because I don't want this to fall

through but what's going on here involves the RV and no don't even throw

out rumors or anything because you have no idea what's going on no idea it's a

good thing though I promise you yeah but I just have to be patient and we are

just going to make this up as we go so for right now we may stay here five or

six days it's 15 bucks a night's beautiful and actually don't have my

phone it's inside but I was texting with campervan Kevin I'm showing some

pictures and talking about this place and then randomly mid-conversation he's

like what wait how are you texting me from soggy bottoms campground in the

Chattahoochee National Forest like dude the booster the Wi-Fi the cell phone

booster now this is the first time that it's ever given me signal when there was

nothing nobody gets any service out here except me I literally went from no

service to two bars of usable 4G LTE service like in string Netflix texted

people send pictures I was surprised I was not expecting to get service out of

nothing that's not what we boost is supposed to do it's just supposed to

amplify what's argue there so pretty cool little bonus and that means that

for the next few days I can I can stay connected to what's

going on in the works and yeah so if I need to leave at the

last minute just put the bike back put the awning back up and we'll head out of

here if I need to until the the other thing is I still had the delay on my

video so don't if you're watching this right now don't come out to sandy

bottoms and did I call it soggy bottoms I might have don't come out here and

look for me cuz most likely I'm not going to be here I will have moved on to

the next phase of what's going on here in Georgia

but I'm still gonna shoot out a video every other day and be uploading it from

right here - - just to keep things going man I am so so excited but one thing

that happened when I got here yesterday was the camera system and all of my

stuff that runs off my inverter quit working it wasn't even on this guy that

I got in December in Texas the pure sine wave inverter from Amazon this is power

tech on don't get one of these guys I know they sell a bunch of them it only

lasted six months I opened it up it's got four thirty amp fuses in here that

are all good there's no reason for this to not work anymore but luckily I saved

my old Schumacher 750 water put that one back in it's not pure sine but it's

working and it works great I'm bummed about it but big ol honkin piece of

paperweight trash right there I'm gonna do some research and find find another

pure sine because I like it it's better cleaner power and it's quieter where

that 750 runs that fan all day all night no matter what this one only runs it

when you put a like a heavy load on it so I'll fix that later but I got it

covered I'm glad I did not throw away or donate or give away the Schumacher

inverter let me see other updates here going on oh I made a a Best Buy order so

I got to get to Best Buy here in about seven days I'm going to pick up a new

camera accessory one that you guys have been waiting a very long time for and

that is a stabilizer that is right I love everything about this camera and

they now have a stabilizer that will hold seven pounds it'll hold a DSLR

heavy lenses the shotgun microphone on top

have the flip out screen everything stabilized in one unit it's the last

step I can really make to have the best videos possible I've cleaned up the

color saturation and the exposure and all that kind of stuff I feel like I

have fine-tuned the m50 down so hopefully here in a couple videos I will

be showing you that piece of equipment and you will not be getting a headache

from the blurred corners background shakiness that goes on in the videos

just something I want to do I personally want to do it took me a while to get

there but yeah soon

what did you see what was it a bug Georgia bug okay what kind of bug you

don't know you want to tell him about it what do you know an ant I'm sweating are

you sweating well you're not even sweating you've met all this fern whoa

what is all this okay I'll get the comb all right Jax is all taken care of it's

about that time I go back to the river and dunk real quick

be back with you in a minute oh man I might have to switch it up and actually

go all the way in the water here at some point later I don't know how you guys

deal with the moist hot humidity that comes with the heat in the summer around

here that's just a whole different element that it makes you feel sticky

all the time granted this area isn't isn't bad there's one drawback to my

setup and that's that I'm not getting any solar so I mean I can't even run the

fans I mean I'm not getting any solar maybe an amp but I'm in the shade but

that also creates a lot more cooling inside the RV naturally it's not sitting

there baked in the Sun in a parking lot but in just like back home I get

Margaret McKinney I will have to run the generator and the speed charger for

about two to three hours a day just to maintain the DC battery so I can still

operate the things that run on DC inside the RV but still there's there's just

nothing like it this is of this a perfect spot to spend

five six days and

I love it I love it you know and if one of the water sites opens up here it's

gonna be easy for me to put the awning away real quick and move I may move down

to a water site I don't know the forecast says it is gonna rain several

days but it's not gonna rain all day so I can probably put up with it and now

it's getting dark the Sun has set and the Flies are out I'm getting ready to

close up shop for the night it still does not rained so I really lucked out

on my second day here with no rain thankfully watching some Vikings here on

the TV because it'd be a raining good out there

nothing like eat Mountain nature right

hmm oh man trying some new stuff following a guy on

YouTube obese to beast on YouTube he shares a bunch of these really easy

recipes for eating a little more healthier and all of them like like this

one I'm gonna get four meals out of what I just cooked so that the chicken the

broccoli and the rice four meals out that which is great and it's under four

dollars a meal which is a fantastic deal oh I think I forgot to mention got a

Riverside campsite now yeah I was just over there hanging out and all of a

sudden the people just left at like 3:00 p.m. from the Riverside SWAT like okay

like less than seven minutes later I was over here I brought the motorcycle over

parked it to kind of block the entrance and reserved it and then seven minutes

later I was over here yeah can you guys see the mist the fog on the water it's

kind of hard to see but there's no fog or mist anywhere except for right on the

water like all the way down the creek that's kind of creepy but yeah just

because you see green on my plate Here I am not changing everything it's still

gonna enjoy a pizza like once a week and another stuff but hey it's fun to change

it up sometimes mm-hmm I actually got some awesome news tonight everything is

still moving forward as planned so I'm really really excited with what the

future could hold discuss some great news tonight man I'm really enjoying

life I really am

guys have a great night Jackson I'll see you in a couple days with another update

from Georgia bye guys

For more infomation >> Update From WHERE? River & Grilling - Duration: 13:02.


Unboxing a LEGO parts purchase from Bricklink 📦 #233 - Duration: 6:54.

alright here we go again I has a box and in this box I can find Lego stuffs

because this box came from brick link at bricklink dot com I purchased an order of top-up

items and also some items that I want in general what's going on here a a few

days ago only and this just came in see what's in here in total I know one of

the things I don't know the the main reason that I initiated this order was

to see if there any pieces of paper in here packing material but there's any

paper in there it's top which is the opposite oh yeah I can see it I can see

let me see if I can just pull that out real quick packing material packing

material packing material piece of paper packing material weird piece of paper

this is the piece of paper that house seen as an invoice packing material

parts packing material parts off some of the parts are clear so this is a little

bit deceptive what I'm seeing inside ok and some of them look to be individually

packed which is great they're expensive less common parts that you don't want to

get scratched up so seller did well to pack these individually I appreciate

that very much it's just an indication of care you know

people who just care about what they're doing care about their customer care

about the products because some people don't some customers don't eat don't

even care about that and will defend sellers who are lazy and would just put

all of these in a box without any you know any packing material at all and

they get all scratched up and then I complain about it because all this

beautiful stuff has been scratched up and then people in comments are like

you're just being being too mean what do you expect it's

just piece of pieces of plastic for toys no it's not just pieces plastic toys pay

good money for this stuff and I appreciate sellers take care to get that

stuff to me in good condition now if I bought the stuff used I would expect it

to already be scratched out the scuffed up but these are new this is the reason

that I place this order to replace those two parts that are used on my elevated

my second elevated rail station back onto the the roller coaster from which I

stood in the first place this is one set of stickers from the

Ninjago city originally Ninjago city set spare there to use a new Mellanby

district I think they'll be useful and here are oh good some of those new

bumpers more pieces hopefully more than a couple of them in there but also these

bar pieces which are less than a year old corrugated steel panel pieces dark

grey useful generic color and then some cabinet pieces 2x3 cabinets

two or three by two and just regular reddish-brown more interesting stuff in

here some sand green stuff and some foliage pieces hats headgear obviously

some of these came from the Statue of Liberty set such as this hairpiece here

in recolored I wanted to have spare get in there in there another head-on piece

I don't know if I even ordered this this may have accidentally been including

their I think I did order it though but these these new foliage pieces I got

here in both the bright green and the regular green that regular green is less

common yet but I think it will become more common over time these are the

newer style of flower stalks they're more useful in my opinion and

those are in brown I've got a couple of these pigtail double I think the cola a

double pigtail hair pieces in dark orange from the from the row of the big

roller coaster said I believe this hair pieces from Ninjago city I believe used

as a topiary or hanging plant upside down but I'll probably try to use it as

an actual hair piece the Sabine air piece to do something a little different

and then some more sand green from the Lady Liberty set some of the tan one by

two rounded plate pieces I want lots more of those and lots of colors and a

couple little modified tile stud pieces with the bar on top cool and then these

should be round next yep now nits so I don't like how net

launchers work from Lego this shape didn't work any better than the old ones

the newer net launchers work better in general than the old ones but I didn't

get these to use in that logic so you got it because it's a shape it's a large

size and it also has some pattern in it just seems like something that would be

good to have so I've got a few of those as spares I have no particular idea for

for what to do with these or where I'm where I in particular will be putting

these but if I ever come across something in the future that needs that


some large window on a skyscraper or something they'll have some additional

cross members across it or something yeah it's good to to have the pieces

there we go these are just so valuable these are very valuable to probably even

more so but yeah I want to have some of those might even put up a second aviary

or increase the size of my aviary when I redo my suit but that's just it for this

order got more set reviews to do but I'm looking forward to the future to being

able to get back to some custom work as well my favorite stuff so I'll talk to

you soon

For more infomation >> Unboxing a LEGO parts purchase from Bricklink 📦 #233 - Duration: 6:54.



let's get to it now their headliner killing untimely lives on North Lawn

Senior Council the president joins us now from the White House and Kellyanne

good morning and welcome back it's it's a Friday and you are in you're in the

hot seat here okay so let's get to the Supreme Court first what is the state of

the process if there is not yet a short list of nominees where's the president's

head on this well you saw just last night the president returned from a

two-day trip out meeting with Americans and came here and met with senators from

both parties because it is the Senate's job constitutionally to advise and

consent the president on such matters and the president is taking to account

their advice at the same time it will be a presidential decision this president

owing back to the campaign for two straight years now bill has been very

transparent and therefore accountable with respect to the type of person and

indeed the specific individuals he would consider to put on the nation's highest

court yes as you just mentioned the elevated justice nail Gorsuch he's been

an outstanding jurist in his first term and a half on the Supreme Court but look

also at what the president has done in the u.s. circuit courts there are 21

confirmed judges on the US circuit courts one out of eight US Circuit

judges right now is a trump appointee and so we we already see the way the

president approaches this I think Neil Gorsuch and his confirmation hearings

put it best when it came to some of these hot-button issues like abortion

where he said it's settled precedent and it's not my job is not relevant whether

I like a particular precedent or don't and I know people on the other side who

are really losing and every turn these days politically then practically they

are going to try to make this about one or two issues we know that this that the

Supreme Court covers any number of issues under the Constitution in a given

term just this past week and last week they decided cases on the impropriety of

using unions use compelling people to use them for political purposes

obviously they they ruled in the president's favor and the travel ban

they have released opinions very recently on on internet taxes so the

court is very active breath of issues this president has says

he will choose from that list and he's been very clear in his appointments we

make to the type of jurists that he likes not to do does he make a decision

before the summit with Vladimir Putin into an athlete's he may I don't think

that the timeline has anything to do with a summit this is a president as we

all know is the original and unbelievably peripatetic multitasker he

does many different things at a given day moment and week I think the sheer

volume the velocity of the way he works is mind-numbing to many people I find it

to be a privilege so I don't think that a timeline is going to be according to a

summit so much as the president takes very seriously a Supreme Court vacancy

and knows that we should we should move with some dispatch in filling that

vacancy down as a maybe then based on the timeline for July 6 things was a guy

who moves with alacrity on everything as you know so maybe sooner maybe sooner

maybe sooner I think that person could be confirmed this year why not okay that

being said Kellyanne this upcoming summit with the president and Vladimir

Putin what does president Trump what is he heading into that summit hoping to

accomplish and get done the president has made very clear a couple of things

one is to improve relations with countries and its leaders where we can

where it makes sense for the United States of America and for peace-loving

people everywhere to improve relationships and this president

followed the same model that he that he did with the Singapore summit and mr.

Kim with Russia meaning he sent over one of his top diplomats one of his top

security officials in the case of North Korea secretary Pompeo in the case of

Russia NSC director NASA security adviser Ambassador John Bolton and that

person goes over there and lays the groundwork we got other people working

on logistics and this president has said from the beginning that he is willing to

talk to leaders when it is in the best interest of America if Russia and the

United States of America can work on national security issues together the

president will do that but at the same time this president has had no

reluctance whatsoever to push back when he has felt Susan

there's Russian officials I'd like to know that push your back on the side and

and I just want to say one more thing you had President Obama whispering and a

hot mic that he would have more flexibility after the next election you

have this president as transparent as can be on going away to be president but

to have a summit like this you gotta get some sort of win-win on each side and

what is the win/win for Vladimir Putin what is the win/win for President Trump

is it some sort of deal on Syria is that is that where the ground could move well

the wind winds and having the conversation to begin with but another

win would be the president's vision with respect to Syria this president has

pushed back on Assad twice when he's gassed his own people with the support

of Russia continuing the conversation about a nuclear capable North Korea and

nuclear capable of ran I mean this presidents been so active around the

globe to not involve Russia in some of these conversations and I'm sure because

this is what the media will say to is what are you talking about with respect

to interference and elections everything's on the table you know when

mr. Putin and President Trump met the last time that particular one-on-one

meeting lasted much longer than quote people anticipate on why they were

anticipating a certain timeline and it covered an array of topics and you can

expect that to happen again meanwhile what a hearing that was

yesterday Kellyanne you know Christopher Rea rod rose and signed the heads of the

FBI and the DOJ sat in a hearing room and faced a grilling from Republican

lawmakers with the president able to to witness a few of those exchanges what

were his thoughts when he looked at really the anger and frustration that we

continue to see in this case from House Republicans over lack of documents

getting handed over and lack of quite frankly questions getting answered well

again you see the transparency and accountability of the process that was a

televised a briefing folks are under oath when they're answering those

questions and director Ray and Deputy Attorney General

rod Rosen Stein made clear that they feel they are they are complying with

the request some of the Republicans and others disagree the house obviously

passed a bill yesterday or past a festival and it's evolution yeah

resolution yeah excuse me and and the fact is that people do it is true that

many Americans are tiring with the length of the process here that is

absolutely true if you look at the polls the number of people who are saying that

the investigation is a good idea has it gone on too long is it interfering with

other things fortunately the present United States

does not allow it to interfere with his major duties which is to be the chief

economic steward of our nation's economy it could not be doing any better than it

is we're having this six-month tax cut and Jobs Act anniversary together here

today grazie yeah Benghazi going on for two and a

half years that I know the Republic is it fresh to the comparison no specific

question I know the president was traveling Wisconsin yesterday did he

watch the hearing did he watch any of it Kellyanne well he can access clips any

time he wants and he's aware he's fully briefed on everything of that nature he

certainly knows that he certainly knew that the hearing was taking place he

certainly knows some of the highlights of not the specifics and everybody's

been playing on their choice and they're they're chosen and curated clips from

the last day so I think the president could not be more clear he tweets about

it and puts it on social media off and he talks about it freely often that he

believes this is a witch hunt and that there is no collusion he he goes back to

what we were promised at the very beginning of this which is that this

changed votes and he wasn't duly elected that's all a load of bunk and everybody

knows it he was duly and democratically elected he doesn't let any of it get in

his way of presiding over the strongest economy in generations if not our

lifetimes if not ever and continuing to meet with leaders here in America but

across the globe and at different summits to try to bring more peace and

prosperity wherever you men chief of staff what are the plans there

what is the president actively doing right now as as far as looking for a

replacement I don't understand these stories in that the media sort of like

ants on a sugar cube always go and focus on one thing it seems to come up every

month or two or three months if I went back and I looked at a bunch of

inquiries from February four December and now from June they all say

the same thing I try not to respond to them to allow the pressure op and others

to do that but here you got responses directly from the President and from our

chief of staff John Kelly yesterday that it's all news to them we have no talent

I'm sorry that this is popping out I'm delighted to serve under chief of staff

Kelly and I work with whomever the president asked me to work with here in

the West Wing and across his administration but I know that it's

easier and maybe more fun for folks to to play the Paula game and learning the

intricacies of policy since again stuff goes so quickly here but I guess

eventually everybody's going to leave it eventually everybody who said people are

going to leave will be right just not dominate the coverage I know the

Europeans felt like just just to be specific about it

general Kelly is staying is that what you're saying as far as I know general

Kelly wants to stay and he is staying he hasn't said anything differently to me

and I come here to work every day with the team that the president has asked us

all to work with and we do I find this place to be much more streamlined and

much more sophisticated and running in a very good way a year and a half into the

presidency and we don't run around wondering who's leaving next who's going

to be forced out we get to work every day and there's so much on our plate as

you know that's just not one of them okay you bet well what does the White

House have to say given the shooting in Annapolis just for you well it's a it's

a horrible tragedy what we're trying to I think us being all of America

is pieced together that this person the shooter this murderer had some kind of

grievance against this paper obviously it filed a lawsuit lost that lawsuit and

seems to have been very active on social media very threatening it seems to me

and about this paper and went in yesterday and did what he did the

president expressed his sympathies it continues to be briefed by the FBI and

others and we'll continue to talk about this as the different facts develop but

obviously people who go to work every day innocent Americans should not have

this as an occupational hazard and I think is our press secretary made clear

last night in a on innocent journalists innocent

Americans attack on all of us what's the president's plans next week a

lot of people a fourth of July week and he's gonna be making a trip out to

Montana yes the plan is for him to go to Montana on July 5th and the day before

the president the first lady will host for the second consecutive year the

military families here at a picnic and then later celebrate America's

Independence our 240 second year of our nation's independence out here on the

South Lawn the fireworks display for all to see and we're very excited because

it's a great celebration of our nation's independence and this president has done

a great deal to advance the cause of democracy and freedom everything from

economic freedom to national security and freedom and our ability to be free

and prosperous and should be a great joy yeah you came out to talk about taxes

six-month anniversary today what do you think the impact of the tax plan has

been on America today go ahead and sell it easy votes they're very it's been

very positive any metric that you look at the confidence number is historic

confidence numbers among consumers among small business owners among

manufacturers the job creation the growth numbers all the critics saying is

that you can never even get it above 3% that's fantasy its projected to be well

above 4% and that I think what it's done in addition to giving the millions of

Americans hardworking Americans the bonuses and the raises it has a

stimulated growth and a buoyancy and optimism in our economy that people feel

free to move around in the job market six point seven million available jobs

now it outpaces the number of actual job seekers so that gives people freedom to

think about their next job or the next career move

also the repatriation a word that Americans really should learn more

handily because you're going to hear a lot of it bill and Sondra repatriation

of 300 billion dollars so far that was wealth parked legally overseas that now

these companies can bring back the corporations that were that people said

they're not going to vet they're investing in their workplace or in

record investing in their workforce and and also you see this child care tax

credit people feel like they can make more free decisions I think the number

one the number one byproduct of tax cuts is freedom it's individual freedom and

liberty hey listen thanks for being here today we've covered a lot of ground and

have a great weekend happy July 4th to you and every bear



Why Have I Not Been Uploading? - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Why Have I Not Been Uploading? - Duration: 1:39.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0I DYNAMIC CROSS Sidebars Trekhaak Cruisecontrol - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0I DYNAMIC CROSS Sidebars Trekhaak Cruisecontrol - Duration: 1:06.


Peugeot 2008 1.2 i Allure 110 Pk, EAT-6 Automaat, Pano dak, Navi, Pdc, LM, etc - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 1.2 i Allure 110 Pk, EAT-6 Automaat, Pano dak, Navi, Pdc, LM, etc - Duration: 1:08.


Hyundai i10 1.1I 5DR Active - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1I 5DR Active - Duration: 0:57.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i Go! Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i Go! Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:12.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 Dynamic VVT-I - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 Dynamic VVT-I - Duration: 1:13.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:12.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 16v VVT-i Aspiration + Dynamic Pack - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 16v VVT-i Aspiration + Dynamic Pack - Duration: 1:09.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I TREND 100PK Safety Sense, Navi, LM Velgen - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I TREND 100PK Safety Sense, Navi, LM Velgen - Duration: 1:06.


How Baseball diplomacy brought two rivals together | Arriba Cuba - Duration: 7:20.

Baseball is a passion shared by all Cubans.

And the first-ever Olympic gold medal in baseball goes to Cuba!

Since baseball was introduced in Cuba from the US,

Cubans fell in love with it with such passion.

In Cuba, baseball runs through our veins.

And that's the ball game! Cuba defeats the United States.

There is no other public event in Cuba that draws as many fans

and as much commentary and public debate

as baseball during the last century.

Baseball is our national sport.

It's tied to our identity.

In many occasions,

it expressed the highest levels of national pride.

The victories and baseball were seen as proof of what Cubans

were capable of in the international arena.


Baseball is part of the identity of Cubans.

It became a sport around the 18th and 19th centuries.

And, like boxing, became popular

amongst low-income classes.

Since those times,

baseball has been part of our national identity.

Before the Revolution, there was a championship

with four professional teams.

After the triumph of the Revolution,

Commander-in-chief Fidel Castro banned professional sports.

That's how baseball was brought to the masses,

in a totally new amateur league which didn't feature

any of the pro players from the pro teams -

Havana, Almendares, Cienfuegos and Marianao.

The triumph of the Revolution in 1959, identified sport

as a source for the wellbeing of the people.

It declared sports a right of the people.

Sports were meant to bring joy to the nation.

It's no secret that Major League Baseball,

played in the US, is the best in the world.

Many have had to leave our country to be able to

play in the majors in the US.

There are many players shining there

who were trained here in Cuba.

Omar Linares was an extraordinary player.

He was one of those who stayed in Cuba, who didn't go to

the Major League, even though he was more than qualified.

He could have shined in the US.



I played with the national team for more than 17 years

and I received offers every year. I rejected all of them,

because this is where I got my education and training.

And here, I was given every opportunity to prove

that despite the embargo, Cuban sports are still alive.

Cuban baseball has proven that it's among the best.

I have always played here and I will remain here.

Ladies and gentlemen, the medals will be

presented by Mr James L Easton, International Olympic Committee

member of the United States of America.

Omar received multiple offers,

but wasn't interested in the money.

He felt bound to his country and his people

and he put his ideology first.

He knew the role he played in his country.

He received multimillion dollar offers,

but that proved one of his virtues.

That, for him, his Cuba was more important

than all the money in the world.

It'd be hard to imagine,

that the first visit in decades of a US president to Cuba

wouldn't include the cultural event that more closely

brings Cuba and the US together, and that's baseball.


Sports is an ambassador that creates ties between countries.

It didn't happen by chance.

It was a well-thought-out plan to create a symbol that

represented that, among our many differences,

there are also things that we share.

I hope that baseball can contribute somehow to bring

Cuba and the US closer.

It'll be long before anyone can forget

that the presidents of the US and Cuba took a break

during their negotiations to go to the old

Latin American Stadium to watch a baseball game.

But that baseball game meant much more,

it was a demonstration of the many things that unite us.

And one of them is baseball.

For more infomation >> How Baseball diplomacy brought two rivals together | Arriba Cuba - Duration: 7:20.


Interstate road rage ends in gunfire - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Interstate road rage ends in gunfire - Duration: 2:22.


Surviving 65: Construction starts tomorrow - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Surviving 65: Construction starts tomorrow - Duration: 2:02.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-I T-SPORT 5 DEURS, AIRCO, ABS, 4 AIRBAGS ... SPORTIEF autootje - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-I T-SPORT 5 DEURS, AIRCO, ABS, 4 AIRBAGS ... SPORTIEF autootje - Duration: 1:09.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I LINEA SOL Ecc Sp.Stoel Automaat-Airco-15inch-Cv - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I LINEA SOL Ecc Sp.Stoel Automaat-Airco-15inch-Cv - Duration: 0:50.


MSP - Best Of des vidéos jamais postées ! - Duration: 6:14.


Today's video will be kind of special

You will be able to..

Make fun of me.

"y me - unfair"

Hold on..

I'm the one who chose to make this video..

Let's play this again

Now, only on Topvic's channel..

The best of my never-posted-videos!

Those videos will go from the oldest to the latest

Some are funny, some are not really

They'll probably end up with a "Ugh it annoys me"

Good evening!

Why am I recording, you might ask

Well, the answer is..


So let's talk to unicorns.

I have the pleasure to make you meet..

I dont even know their names.

In fact, I dont know anything



In fact this annoys me




For more infomation >> MSP - Best Of des vidéos jamais postées ! - Duration: 6:14.


free robux codes | how to get robux roblox codes | free robux roblox promo codes - Duration: 5:20.

free robux codes | how to get robux roblox codes | free robux roblox promo codes

For more infomation >> free robux codes | how to get robux roblox codes | free robux roblox promo codes - Duration: 5:20.


Extreme Long Hair Cutting Transformation - Duration: 3:31.

please subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> Extreme Long Hair Cutting Transformation - Duration: 3:31.


Sheik renova com o Corinthians e anuncia que vai parar de jogar em 2018|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Sheik renova com o Corinthians e anuncia que vai parar de jogar em 2018|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:47.


Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #62 - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #62 - Duration: 6:57.


O Amar Bondhu go | ও আমার বন্ধু গো | Bangla Love Music Song 2018 | AF - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> O Amar Bondhu go | ও আমার বন্ধু গো | Bangla Love Music Song 2018 | AF - Duration: 5:09.


Os Médicos NÃO Querem Que Você Saiba: Veja Como Curar a TIREOIDE Com Apenas 1 Ingrediente! - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Os Médicos NÃO Querem Que Você Saiba: Veja Como Curar a TIREOIDE Com Apenas 1 Ingrediente! - Duration: 3:43.


3 Efekty Uboczne Imbiru, o Których Nie Wiedziałeś - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 3 Efekty Uboczne Imbiru, o Których Nie Wiedziałeś - Duration: 2:25.


Contratações e saídas agitam clubes paulistas durante a Copa do Mundo - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Contratações e saídas agitam clubes paulistas durante a Copa do Mundo - Duration: 6:21.


Unboxing a LEGO parts purchase from Bricklink 📦 #233 - Duration: 6:54.

alright here we go again I has a box and in this box I can find Lego stuffs

because this box came from brick link at bricklink dot com I purchased an order of top-up

items and also some items that I want in general what's going on here a a few

days ago only and this just came in see what's in here in total I know one of

the things I don't know the the main reason that I initiated this order was

to see if there any pieces of paper in here packing material but there's any

paper in there it's top which is the opposite oh yeah I can see it I can see

let me see if I can just pull that out real quick packing material packing

material packing material piece of paper packing material weird piece of paper

this is the piece of paper that house seen as an invoice packing material

parts packing material parts off some of the parts are clear so this is a little

bit deceptive what I'm seeing inside ok and some of them look to be individually

packed which is great they're expensive less common parts that you don't want to

get scratched up so seller did well to pack these individually I appreciate

that very much it's just an indication of care you know

people who just care about what they're doing care about their customer care

about the products because some people don't some customers don't eat don't

even care about that and will defend sellers who are lazy and would just put

all of these in a box without any you know any packing material at all and

they get all scratched up and then I complain about it because all this

beautiful stuff has been scratched up and then people in comments are like

you're just being being too mean what do you expect it's

just piece of pieces of plastic for toys no it's not just pieces plastic toys pay

good money for this stuff and I appreciate sellers take care to get that

stuff to me in good condition now if I bought the stuff used I would expect it

to already be scratched out the scuffed up but these are new this is the reason

that I place this order to replace those two parts that are used on my elevated

my second elevated rail station back onto the the roller coaster from which I

stood in the first place this is one set of stickers from the

Ninjago city originally Ninjago city set spare there to use a new Mellanby

district I think they'll be useful and here are oh good some of those new

bumpers more pieces hopefully more than a couple of them in there but also these

bar pieces which are less than a year old corrugated steel panel pieces dark

grey useful generic color and then some cabinet pieces 2x3 cabinets

two or three by two and just regular reddish-brown more interesting stuff in

here some sand green stuff and some foliage pieces hats headgear obviously

some of these came from the Statue of Liberty set such as this hairpiece here

in recolored I wanted to have spare get in there in there another head-on piece

I don't know if I even ordered this this may have accidentally been including

their I think I did order it though but these these new foliage pieces I got

here in both the bright green and the regular green that regular green is less

common yet but I think it will become more common over time these are the

newer style of flower stalks they're more useful in my opinion and

those are in brown I've got a couple of these pigtail double I think the cola a

double pigtail hair pieces in dark orange from the from the row of the big

roller coaster said I believe this hair pieces from Ninjago city I believe used

as a topiary or hanging plant upside down but I'll probably try to use it as

an actual hair piece the Sabine air piece to do something a little different

and then some more sand green from the Lady Liberty set some of the tan one by

two rounded plate pieces I want lots more of those and lots of colors and a

couple little modified tile stud pieces with the bar on top cool and then these

should be round next yep now nits so I don't like how net

launchers work from Lego this shape didn't work any better than the old ones

the newer net launchers work better in general than the old ones but I didn't

get these to use in that logic so you got it because it's a shape it's a large

size and it also has some pattern in it just seems like something that would be

good to have so I've got a few of those as spares I have no particular idea for

for what to do with these or where I'm where I in particular will be putting

these but if I ever come across something in the future that needs that


some large window on a skyscraper or something they'll have some additional

cross members across it or something yeah it's good to to have the pieces

there we go these are just so valuable these are very valuable to probably even

more so but yeah I want to have some of those might even put up a second aviary

or increase the size of my aviary when I redo my suit but that's just it for this

order got more set reviews to do but I'm looking forward to the future to being

able to get back to some custom work as well my favorite stuff so I'll talk to

you soon

For more infomation >> Unboxing a LEGO parts purchase from Bricklink 📦 #233 - Duration: 6:54.


Gustavo Scarpa aparece no BID e está livre para jogar pelo Palmeiras|x3and1baller - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Gustavo Scarpa aparece no BID e está livre para jogar pelo Palmeiras|x3and1baller - Duration: 2:37.


Corinthians acerta com atacante Jonathas por um ano|x3and1baller - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Corinthians acerta com atacante Jonathas por um ano|x3and1baller - Duration: 1:12.


How Baseball diplomacy brought two rivals together | Arriba Cuba - Duration: 7:20.

Baseball is a passion shared by all Cubans.

And the first-ever Olympic gold medal in baseball goes to Cuba!

Since baseball was introduced in Cuba from the US,

Cubans fell in love with it with such passion.

In Cuba, baseball runs through our veins.

And that's the ball game! Cuba defeats the United States.

There is no other public event in Cuba that draws as many fans

and as much commentary and public debate

as baseball during the last century.

Baseball is our national sport.

It's tied to our identity.

In many occasions,

it expressed the highest levels of national pride.

The victories and baseball were seen as proof of what Cubans

were capable of in the international arena.


Baseball is part of the identity of Cubans.

It became a sport around the 18th and 19th centuries.

And, like boxing, became popular

amongst low-income classes.

Since those times,

baseball has been part of our national identity.

Before the Revolution, there was a championship

with four professional teams.

After the triumph of the Revolution,

Commander-in-chief Fidel Castro banned professional sports.

That's how baseball was brought to the masses,

in a totally new amateur league which didn't feature

any of the pro players from the pro teams -

Havana, Almendares, Cienfuegos and Marianao.

The triumph of the Revolution in 1959, identified sport

as a source for the wellbeing of the people.

It declared sports a right of the people.

Sports were meant to bring joy to the nation.

It's no secret that Major League Baseball,

played in the US, is the best in the world.

Many have had to leave our country to be able to

play in the majors in the US.

There are many players shining there

who were trained here in Cuba.

Omar Linares was an extraordinary player.

He was one of those who stayed in Cuba, who didn't go to

the Major League, even though he was more than qualified.

He could have shined in the US.



I played with the national team for more than 17 years

and I received offers every year. I rejected all of them,

because this is where I got my education and training.

And here, I was given every opportunity to prove

that despite the embargo, Cuban sports are still alive.

Cuban baseball has proven that it's among the best.

I have always played here and I will remain here.

Ladies and gentlemen, the medals will be

presented by Mr James L Easton, International Olympic Committee

member of the United States of America.

Omar received multiple offers,

but wasn't interested in the money.

He felt bound to his country and his people

and he put his ideology first.

He knew the role he played in his country.

He received multimillion dollar offers,

but that proved one of his virtues.

That, for him, his Cuba was more important

than all the money in the world.

It'd be hard to imagine,

that the first visit in decades of a US president to Cuba

wouldn't include the cultural event that more closely

brings Cuba and the US together, and that's baseball.


Sports is an ambassador that creates ties between countries.

It didn't happen by chance.

It was a well-thought-out plan to create a symbol that

represented that, among our many differences,

there are also things that we share.

I hope that baseball can contribute somehow to bring

Cuba and the US closer.

It'll be long before anyone can forget

that the presidents of the US and Cuba took a break

during their negotiations to go to the old

Latin American Stadium to watch a baseball game.

But that baseball game meant much more,

it was a demonstration of the many things that unite us.

And one of them is baseball.

For more infomation >> How Baseball diplomacy brought two rivals together | Arriba Cuba - Duration: 7:20.


Oração Pelos Filhos orando pelos nossos filhos orando para Deus - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Oração Pelos Filhos orando pelos nossos filhos orando para Deus - Duration: 2:51.


PELE de Bebê em 2 DIAS! USE Esta Folha Para Remover MANCHAS e MARCAS na PELE - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> PELE de Bebê em 2 DIAS! USE Esta Folha Para Remover MANCHAS e MARCAS na PELE - Duration: 2:58.


SocialFish - Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated [Kali Linux] - Duration: 4:12.

Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated.

ngrok exposes local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels.

You download and run a program on your machine and provide it the port of a network service, usually a web server.

It connects to the ngrok cloud service which accepts traffic on a public address and relays that traffic through to the ngrok process running on your machine and then on to the local address you specified.

For more infomation >> SocialFish - Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated [Kali Linux] - Duration: 4:12.


[SFM FNaF] Savlonic - Epoch (RUS Cover) [The Living Tombstone Remix] - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> [SFM FNaF] Savlonic - Epoch (RUS Cover) [The Living Tombstone Remix] - Duration: 3:16.


tournament of the 3 magicians || end of the course || Dumbledore's speech - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> tournament of the 3 magicians || end of the course || Dumbledore's speech - Duration: 6:39.


Suicide Squad 2 Teaser Trailer (2019) Jared Leto | Movies Trailers 2018 - Duration: 1:24.

Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018

For more infomation >> Suicide Squad 2 Teaser Trailer (2019) Jared Leto | Movies Trailers 2018 - Duration: 1:24.


The Living Tombstone - Cut the Cord (на русском) - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> The Living Tombstone - Cut the Cord (на русском) - Duration: 3:44.


Arc North & Polarbearz - Together Now (ft. Camilla) Subtitulado En Español - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Arc North & Polarbearz - Together Now (ft. Camilla) Subtitulado En Español - Duration: 3:48.


Mr. Binek's Class 3DMM - Episode 28: Bag O' Weed - Duration: 3:06.

Class is dismissed, you bastards!

Those bastards are gone at last!

Now it's Binek Time!


The window curtains are closed and the door is locked!

Nothing can disturb me now!

Now that the lights are off, it's time to party!

Hey Mr Binek!

Holy shit, dude!

What the hell are you doing!?

You're not supposed to do that!

Yeah you bastard!



Ah dude!

Did you ever notice the cream filling in the Oreos?

They're like, creamy!

I'm creamy!

Man, this is some good shit!



It's the dancing weenie!

Ah cool dude!

Hey Weenie!

Dance for us you bitch!

Ah shit dude!

That was pretty cool.


So Weenie!

How have you been?

Whoa dude!

You've grown!

That's pretty groovy!

Oh boy!

I am riding a cow!

I am riding a cow!

Uh oh!


Ladodo riding a cow, yeah!

Stuff and stuff!

Oh man!

I love you guys!

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