Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 26 2018

Glitches are often double-edged swords – while at times, a glitch can open up unforeseen

possibilities, often, they cause more damage than good, and can potentially ruin your entire


What's the fun in breaking the game if it means you can't play it – realistically

for like a singular round.

But still!

Fortnite is no exception – the game has a history of glitches, some useful, some absolutely

irritating, and occasionally unavoidable.

So today, we're counting down the biggest most annoying glitches that players have encountered

in the game with our list of the top 10 Fortnite glitches that ruined the game.

Also worth noting that some of these may have been fixed since the time of this recording,

so if that's the case, well, hey, consider yourselves lucky that you won't be one of

the unfortunate players who runs into it during a match.

10 Waterfall Glitch One of the most well-known Fortnite glitches

is the Waterfall Glitch – a waterfall that exists at the top of the map that makes for

a great hiding spot.

It exists north of Anarchy Arcs and Risky Reels (technically in between them both, where

the rive that separates them lets out).

Being careful to not fall entirely off the map and into the water below, drop down to

the base of the waterfall and crouch, walking into the water itself.

The water goes deep enough to cover you entirely when you're crouching.

You can ever go behind the waterfall and stand up fully.

But be warned – if you don't have any resources, you won't be able to climb back

up, and you'll be screwed.

Some players even reported not being able to get back up from the water at all after

they entered it.

If you don't want to deal with the risk, you can always pull off an alternative trick

to this - other players who have used the other waterfalls in the game – like the

one at Loot Lake – to duck under and hide, becoming partially visible, which can be useful

from time to time.

9 Under the Map Glitch Another popular glitch that many a player

uses in Fortnite is hiding under the map.

This allows you to hind beneath the ground and take out other players without their knowledge

of you being there.

While some players use this glitch to troll others, sometimes you'll have the unfortunate

experience of someone using it to knock out all of the nearby competition.

It's not infallible though – often you'll be able to catch parts of these hidden players

sticking out from under the grass, and if you're quick enough, you can retaliate and

take them out.

If you're looking to try the glitch for yourself, there are a few specific areas that

work best when trying to get under the map – either by destroying the walls in the

basements of buildings or by crouching and walking through ledges on the map – regardless

of this, if you're on the receiving end of this glitch, it can be a really unfair

way to be eliminated.

8 Wall Glitch As pointed out by YouTuber Troll Ninja XeE,

there's a really simple way that you can 'become invisible' and take out a bunch

of foes.

In the clip, he heads over to Dusty Divot, hops inside one of the buildings, jumps up

onto a desk, crouches and shuffles himself inside the wall.

While you may not be entirely invisible, it's a great way to hide and take out opponents

who are hunting you down, or other players who aren't paying super close attention

to their surroundings.

It's not something you can pull off with all buildings in the game, but worth giving

a shot if you manage to find a similar looking edge elsewhere.

7 Unlimited C4s When you first hear about the unlimited C4

glitch, you probably can't help but think "well, wouldn't that be awesome?

How does that ruin the game when it makes it that much easier?"

Well, think about how much that would suck if you're on the receiving end of those


Yeah, not fun.

While it seems to have been patched now, when players were able to use it, they would have

to throw a C4 and hold down onto their throwing button (left mouse button on PC, R2 or RT

on console) and pick up another weapon nearby.

This would allow them to continue chucking C4s while still holding the new weapon, which

in turn could allow you to set up a massive explosion.

It appears that this was done while still having at least two C4s left in your inventory,

but also while having a full inventory.

If any of you guys have managed to figure this one out, give us a shout in those comments

below and tell us how you did it.

6 Hiding Spots There's no shortage of areas in the game

that players can use as hiding spots.

Every time there's an update, it's as if players find a new piece of the map where

they can sneakily slip into and become invisible, making it really easy to pick off your foes

without them being able to detect you without a bit of searching – and hey, by that point,

you'll likely have eliminated them.

While this tends to be reoccurring, there are a few spots in particular that have become

well-known – specifically ones under certain bridges that you can't climb back out of

– but for this number, we're taking a look at the crane in Junk Junction.

Back when the area first debuted, the large crane that you can find within it had a pretty

big glitch where players could slip inside of it and become invisible.

It did mess around with your own visibility a bit, but since you could enter and exit

it without fear of becoming stuck, it was a sneaky trick that many used to eliminate

other nearby players.

5 Glider Gone Wrong In a video by YouTuber JackoWacko343, we have

this unfortunate glitch concerning a glider.

In the clip, we see JackoWacko land on top of a roof in Retail Row, only to land and

immediately be teleported elsewhere – a little bit North of their initial landing

location, with their glider easing them onto the ground.

Which really sucks!

They're now in a fairly open field, without any cover, and no hint of loot anywhere in


For many players, where you land is a big part of starting off a match successfully

– it's the very first strategic choice many make right off the bat.

4 Disappearing Act Every time the game updates, there is always

a good chance of new items – or even old ones – glitching, especially when you play

around in the pre-game lobby.

This was the case with the LaunchPad – if you tested it out in the pre-game lobby, often

you'd start the game without a pickaxe – a pretty major disadvantage when it comes to

collecting resources and even navigating for loot.

The glitch would still show your avatar holding a their hands as if they were holding a pickaxe,

but the function of the axe was gone entirely.

Some players also reported that this prevented them from being able to build.

On a similar note-

3 Cozy Campfire Glitch Back when the Cozy Campfire was introduced,

players were quick to realize that it had a pretty major bug.

If you used the Cozy Campfire during the pre-game lobby, the game would glitch and give you

100 health and a full shield at the start of the game.

But, it was entirely aesthetic – your stats would appear this way to you, but the game

itself was unable to register that this was the case in reality – your stats would be

the exact same as they would be in a regular scenario at the start of a match.

It gets worse, though – players found that if they tried to drink a shield potion, it

wouldn't work, putting them at a serious disadvantage.

Luckily, it's been fixed since.

2 Frozen Gun From a video posted by Reddit user CleanestAlloy,

here we have a glitch of immense inconvenience.

Say you're in the middle of a heated standoff, and you need to bust out a sniper rifle to

get the job done.

You switch your weapon, but instead of being ready to fire some bullets into your foes,

this happens.

Your gun freezes mid-air, detaching itself from you completely.

According to CleanestAlloy, the only way to reverse the glitch after it happens is to

switch back from a weapon to the dropped weapon.

Despite that, this glitch can seriously ruin your match, especially when in close quarters

with other players.

1 Boogie Bomb Glitch Every so often, you hear about a glitch that

gives players a ton of stuff for free.

It's not super common, but tends to be big news for a day or two before the glitch is

patched up.

As of this recording, the latest glitch to fall under that category is the Boogie Bomb

glitch – it was a bug that caused players to have unlimited items, and forced Epic Games

to remove the Boogie Bomb from the game entirely.

It would come into effect when players used the Boogie Bomb on themselves, giving them

the ability to pick up an infinite amount of weapons and items without their inventory

ever getting full.

Talk about an easy way to score a major advantage.

Luckily as of this recording, Epic Games has stated that the boogie bomb won't be gone

forever – just until the bug is fixed.

So hey, if you're watching this in the future and lobbing boogie bombs right left and center,

we're really glad that got all sorted out.

There we have it!

Which of these glitches has messed with your game?

Know of one that tops the glitches we mentioned on this list?

Give us a shout in those comments below and let us know.

Dug this video?

Show us some love by hitting that like button, and subscribe if you wanna hang out with us

some more.

If you craving more Fortnite, why not hop on over to our channel by clicking that playlist

that's up on your screen right now, and take a look at the other Fortnite lists we

have, or head on over to our sister channel Fortnite Central for more in-depth coverage

of the game, featuring everything Fornite, from news to gameplay.

In the meantime though, thanks for watching!

Catch you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Fortnite Glitches That Ruined The Game - Duration: 7:29.



Dear children, ...

This is the day

May lord give me ...

To thank him ...

For each of you, ...

for those who have converted ...

and accepted my messages, ...

For those who ...

have started ...

on the path of conversion ...

... and holiness.

Rejoice; ...

little children, ...

for God is merciful; ...

he loves you all ...

of his immeasurable love ...

and he guides you ...

towards the path of salvation ...

... through my vein here.

I love you all ...

and I give you my son ...

for him to give you peace.

Thank you for answering ...

... to my call.

That was the message of June 25, 2018 in Medjugorje.

For more infomation >> MEDJUGORJE .. MESSAGE OF 25 JUNE 2018 ... ANNIVERSARY DAY - Duration: 2:29.


Steve Schmidt explodes after Florida Republican praises 'extraordinary kindness' of baby jails - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Steve Schmidt explodes after Florida Republican praises 'extraordinary kindness' of baby jails - Duration: 4:48.


Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique Navigatie/PDC - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique Navigatie/PDC - Duration: 1:07.


Call of Duty 2 (სტრიმი #1) Wolf_Games - Duration: 1:02:27.

For more infomation >> Call of Duty 2 (სტრიმი #1) Wolf_Games - Duration: 1:02:27.


Ford Transit - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit - Duration: 0:42.


How do you avoid the negative effects of caffeine? - Duration: 2:38.

Almost everyone drinks coffee.

The Dutch drink about 140 liters of coffee per person each year.

We drink it to stay awake,

to continue working longer,

or out of habit.

The stimulating effect of coffee is caused by the caffeine content.

We know many types of coffee,

and the caffeine concentration per cup can vary a lot.

For example, the caffeine concentration in espresso is higher than in filter coffee,

but the dose is often smaller.

Furthermore, even decaf coffee contains caffeine.

So, you can consume caffeine in different amounts in your daily life.

However, the stimulating effect of caffeine is not always good for you…

How do you avoid the negative effects of caffeine?

But first: how does caffeine actually work?

Normally, your brain receives a signal from the molecule adenosine.

This makes you feel sleepier as the day goes on.

The caffeine in coffee blocks the adenosine signal.

Because of this, you will feel more energetic after drinking coffee.

However, this effect of caffeine can disturb your natural sleep rhythm,

and can make you become dependent on coffee to feel energetic.

How is this possible?

Your energy level is influenced by the hormone cortisol in your blood.

A higher cortisol level will make you feel more energetic.

Due to your natural sleep cycle,

you have a high cortisol peak in the morning,

and a low peak in the late afternoon.

When you drink coffee,

the caffeine will increase your cortisol level.

This will give you more energy.

When you drink coffee during the cortisol peak in the morning,

the caffeine has little effect.

During this peak, you almost reach your maximum energy already.

In addition to the morning,

drinking coffee in the evening also affects your natural sleep cycle.

The caffeine increases your cortisol level,

making it difficult for you to fall asleep,

and causing you to sleep shorter and lighter.

In addition, if you drink a lot of coffee,

your brain will compensate by producing a stronger adenosine signal.

Without coffee, you will feel more sleepy than usual.

You will need more caffeine for the same energetic feeling.

To avoid the adverse effects of caffeine on your sleep rhythm,

and to avoid dependence,

it is important to consider the caffeine dose,

and the times at which you consume coffee.

The recommended maximum daily dose of caffeine is 400 milligrams.

In short, depending on the type of coffee, drink a maximum of 4 cups of coffee per day,

no earlier than 1 hour after getting up and no later than 6 hours before bedtime.

In this way, you can enjoy the energy of a cup of coffee,

without having the negative effects of caffeine.

Knowledge clip course Public Science Communication

For more infomation >> How do you avoid the negative effects of caffeine? - Duration: 2:38.


Ford Transit - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit - Duration: 0:59.


JANUARY 23 2018 TZBA - Duration: 43:04.

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CH-R/奕澤們靠邊,14萬圓奔馳豪車夢 - Duration: 5:45.

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TORCEDOR DE CADA SIGNO ⚽️🇧🇷 Signos na copa da Rússia e suas superstições | DRelacionamentos - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> TORCEDOR DE CADA SIGNO ⚽️🇧🇷 Signos na copa da Rússia e suas superstições | DRelacionamentos - Duration: 5:10.


Il triangolo Al Bano, Romina Power e Loredana Lecciso: tutto quello che è successo | K.N.B.T - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> Il triangolo Al Bano, Romina Power e Loredana Lecciso: tutto quello che è successo | K.N.B.T - Duration: 9:12.


Le maire de Ras El Ma démissionne après le scand,al,e des sexta,pe,s -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Le maire de Ras El Ma démissionne après le scand,al,e des sexta,pe,s -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 1:28.


Gossip, Loredana Lecciso parla di Al Bano e Romina: "Nozze? Non credo!" e... - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Gossip, Loredana Lecciso parla di Al Bano e Romina: "Nozze? Non credo!" e... - Duration: 3:40.


Limone, olio e aceto: rimedio ideale per i calcoli renali - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> Limone, olio e aceto: rimedio ideale per i calcoli renali - Duration: 8:21.


🔴Alexandre Garcia expõe porquê Gilmar Mendes não bate de frente com Sergio Moro e arrasa o ministro - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 🔴Alexandre Garcia expõe porquê Gilmar Mendes não bate de frente com Sergio Moro e arrasa o ministro - Duration: 5:25.


Gemma nel cast di Temptation Island 2018 e Giorgio spiazza tutti: 'Mi manca ancora' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

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Smartphone Samsung Galaxy J4 - Duration: 1:53.

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Depois Deste Vídeo, Você NUNCA MAIS Vai Jogar as CASCAS DE LIMÃO Fora - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Depois Deste Vídeo, Você NUNCA MAIS Vai Jogar as CASCAS DE LIMÃO Fora - Duration: 3:18.


Ecco come perdere dai 10 ai 15 kg espellendo le tossine - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Ecco come perdere dai 10 ai 15 kg espellendo le tossine - Duration: 2:10.


IGTV, parliamone - Duration: 16:31.

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Tresca in barca con Stefano (ex di Nilufar) e Lorenzo: Nicolò Ferrari criticato, smentisce - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Tresca in barca con Stefano (ex di Nilufar) e Lorenzo: Nicolò Ferrari criticato, smentisce - Duration: 4:43.


Primo registra Sasha Meneghel de biquíni e a elogia: 'Simples e linda' - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Primo registra Sasha Meneghel de biquíni e a elogia: 'Simples e linda' - Duration: 6:32.


Scarpa tem oferta da Arábia e pode deixar o Brasil após se liberar do Flu|x3and1baller - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Scarpa tem oferta da Arábia e pode deixar o Brasil após se liberar do Flu|x3and1baller - Duration: 2:57.



For more infomation >> ULTIMA CAMPAGNA PER NAVE EURO, AVIERE E DRIADE - Duration: 3:52.


WESTWORLD E O HIPER-REAL - Duration: 5:43.

Season 2 of 'Westworld' came to an end with some answers,

other questions, and as always,

many observations.

Before you continue, know that this video might contain a lot of 'Westworld' SPOILERS.

'Westworld' is based on a movie of the same name released in 1973,

written and directed by Michael Crichton, author of 'Jurassic Park'.

The story is set in a resort that simulates the American Old West

where Guests can interact with many characters and narratives played by those called 'Hosts',

human-like robots that have no idea that all that is just a simulation.

Until, just like in Jurassic Park, things get a little out of hand.

Little by little, Hosts get sentient about their condition and rebel,

going on a bloody undertaking to free themselves from humans.

The series raise issues about ethics, philosophy and even religion.

And, as works before it also did, like 'The Matrix', 'The Truman Show' and 'Inception',

it leads us to question reality:

how do we decide what is or isn't real?

This aspect of the show, and also the movie, can be analysed with the help of French author Jean Baudrillard's work

especially his book 'Simulacra and Simulation', published in 1981.

According to Baudrillard, a simulation isn't just something fake pretending to be real,

but that which makes it hard to distinguish real and fake.

As an example, he mentions Jorge Luis Borges' story,

in which a map is designed with such perfection and detail

that it ends up covering the land it was originally meant to portray.

At first, the 'Westworld' park seems like an illusion transposed over reality.

But it's actually its own world, apart from the real one.

What happens there is real to the Hosts,

even though it doesn't bring any real consequences for the Guests, initially.

Because it's something based on something real,

I mean, almost real, since it's based on the fantasy of the American Old West, and not the real American Old West,

and not a world that faithfully reproduces the real world,

it is, according to Baudrillard, a Hyperreality.

He says:

"Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being or a substance.

It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal.

The territory no longer precedes the map, nor survives it.

Henceforth, it is the map that precedes the territory - precession of simulacra."

Even though it's based on something known as real, the world of 'Westworld'

has it's own particularities,

that work better as a quote-unquote "free" form

than if it was something that replicated the exact reality.

Baudrillard, when talking about the simulacra's tridimensionality,

even says that the more we try to make the simulacra closer to the real,

more evident it is the differences between the simulacra and reality.

"In any case, there is no escape from this race to the real and to realistic hallucination

since, when an object is exactly like another, it is not exactly like it, it is a bit more exact.

There is never similitude, any more than there is exactitude."

On season 2, we were able to see a little bit of that.

The attempt to make a perfect replica of James Delos, William's father-in-law, fails in every version

differently from what happens to Bernard,

who has a narrative only based on the memories of Arnold, one of the park's creators alongside Ford.

When building Hosts to our image and resemblance,

we actually create much better versions of ourselves.

Exact copies, on the other hand, wouldn't work very well.

Besides all that, we find out that William's project this whole time

was to store Guests' copies and data in the Valley Beyond, or The Forge,

just like the Host's backups were stored in The Cradle.

As Dolores points out in season 2,

humans desire to be immortal just like the androids, in some kind of way.

But they forget that life is only worthy when there's the risk of losing it.

Just like for the Man in Black the game is only worth playing when the other side can fight back.

Which is one of the reasons the Hosts destroy their backups.

Baudrillard says:

"We dream of passing through ourselves and of finding ourselves in the beyond:

the day when your holographic double will be there in space,

eventually moving and talking, you will have realized this miracle.

Of course, it will no longer be a dream, so its charm will be lost."

-What is real?

-That which is...


If life is only worthy when it's just one,

or as William says, if life's a collection of choices,

or even further, independent choices that cannot be undone,

none of that counts if it comes from a previous programming.

It's in that belief that the Man in Black tries to exempt himself from all his bad choices,

including murdering his own daughter, when he's no longer capable of distinguishing what is real.

Baudrillard even analyses another well-known park:

Disneyland, opened in 1955 in California.

For him, the park is

"a perfect model of all the entangled orders of simulacra.

[...] Disneyland is presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real.

[...] The imaginary of Disneyland is neither true nor false, it is a deterrence machine

set up in order to rejuvenate the fiction of the real in the opposite camp."

And I believe we can say the same about Westworld, to an extent.

Even though it's a simulation at first,

it is, ironically, where the Guests are the realest – and in many cases the most depraved – versions of themselves.

A hyperreality.

What do you think about all that?

Did you also enjoy this new season?

Tell me in the comments below.

If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up, and subscribe to this channel if you're not a subscriber already.

Thank you so much for watching

and see you next time!

For more infomation >> WESTWORLD E O HIPER-REAL - Duration: 5:43.


Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI 95 pk SO CHIC | PDC | ECC | Cruise Control | Regen- en Lichtsensor - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI 95 pk SO CHIC | PDC | ECC | Cruise Control | Regen- en Lichtsensor - Duration: 1:11.


Tutti i porti chiusi alla Lifeline: "Rifiutati da Germania e Olanda" - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Tutti i porti chiusi alla Lifeline: "Rifiutati da Germania e Olanda" - Duration: 3:17.


Peugeot 208 1.4 e-HDi 2Tronic 3-Drs Active, LMV, Navi - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.4 e-HDi 2Tronic 3-Drs Active, LMV, Navi - Duration: 0:53.


Alessandra Negrini e Deborah Secco combinam vestido e sock boots em pré-estreia - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Alessandra Negrini e Deborah Secco combinam vestido e sock boots em pré-estreia - Duration: 4:28.


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI 4Motion R-Line DSG FULL PANO CAM DAB+ NAVI LEER LED '17 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI 4Motion R-Line DSG FULL PANO CAM DAB+ NAVI LEER LED '17 - Duration: 1:09.


Volvo XC60 T5 AWD AUT(8) R-DESIGN CAMERA/NAVI/XENON/20INCH - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 T5 AWD AUT(8) R-DESIGN CAMERA/NAVI/XENON/20INCH - Duration: 1:10.


Ana Clara recusa cachê de R$ 70 mil e decide abandonar carreira de ex-BBB - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Ana Clara recusa cachê de R$ 70 mil e decide abandonar carreira de ex-BBB - Duration: 4:54.


Top 10 Fortnite Glitches That Ruined The Game - Duration: 7:29.

Glitches are often double-edged swords – while at times, a glitch can open up unforeseen

possibilities, often, they cause more damage than good, and can potentially ruin your entire


What's the fun in breaking the game if it means you can't play it – realistically

for like a singular round.

But still!

Fortnite is no exception – the game has a history of glitches, some useful, some absolutely

irritating, and occasionally unavoidable.

So today, we're counting down the biggest most annoying glitches that players have encountered

in the game with our list of the top 10 Fortnite glitches that ruined the game.

Also worth noting that some of these may have been fixed since the time of this recording,

so if that's the case, well, hey, consider yourselves lucky that you won't be one of

the unfortunate players who runs into it during a match.

10 Waterfall Glitch One of the most well-known Fortnite glitches

is the Waterfall Glitch – a waterfall that exists at the top of the map that makes for

a great hiding spot.

It exists north of Anarchy Arcs and Risky Reels (technically in between them both, where

the rive that separates them lets out).

Being careful to not fall entirely off the map and into the water below, drop down to

the base of the waterfall and crouch, walking into the water itself.

The water goes deep enough to cover you entirely when you're crouching.

You can ever go behind the waterfall and stand up fully.

But be warned – if you don't have any resources, you won't be able to climb back

up, and you'll be screwed.

Some players even reported not being able to get back up from the water at all after

they entered it.

If you don't want to deal with the risk, you can always pull off an alternative trick

to this - other players who have used the other waterfalls in the game – like the

one at Loot Lake – to duck under and hide, becoming partially visible, which can be useful

from time to time.

9 Under the Map Glitch Another popular glitch that many a player

uses in Fortnite is hiding under the map.

This allows you to hind beneath the ground and take out other players without their knowledge

of you being there.

While some players use this glitch to troll others, sometimes you'll have the unfortunate

experience of someone using it to knock out all of the nearby competition.

It's not infallible though – often you'll be able to catch parts of these hidden players

sticking out from under the grass, and if you're quick enough, you can retaliate and

take them out.

If you're looking to try the glitch for yourself, there are a few specific areas that

work best when trying to get under the map – either by destroying the walls in the

basements of buildings or by crouching and walking through ledges on the map – regardless

of this, if you're on the receiving end of this glitch, it can be a really unfair

way to be eliminated.

8 Wall Glitch As pointed out by YouTuber Troll Ninja XeE,

there's a really simple way that you can 'become invisible' and take out a bunch

of foes.

In the clip, he heads over to Dusty Divot, hops inside one of the buildings, jumps up

onto a desk, crouches and shuffles himself inside the wall.

While you may not be entirely invisible, it's a great way to hide and take out opponents

who are hunting you down, or other players who aren't paying super close attention

to their surroundings.

It's not something you can pull off with all buildings in the game, but worth giving

a shot if you manage to find a similar looking edge elsewhere.

7 Unlimited C4s When you first hear about the unlimited C4

glitch, you probably can't help but think "well, wouldn't that be awesome?

How does that ruin the game when it makes it that much easier?"

Well, think about how much that would suck if you're on the receiving end of those


Yeah, not fun.

While it seems to have been patched now, when players were able to use it, they would have

to throw a C4 and hold down onto their throwing button (left mouse button on PC, R2 or RT

on console) and pick up another weapon nearby.

This would allow them to continue chucking C4s while still holding the new weapon, which

in turn could allow you to set up a massive explosion.

It appears that this was done while still having at least two C4s left in your inventory,

but also while having a full inventory.

If any of you guys have managed to figure this one out, give us a shout in those comments

below and tell us how you did it.

6 Hiding Spots There's no shortage of areas in the game

that players can use as hiding spots.

Every time there's an update, it's as if players find a new piece of the map where

they can sneakily slip into and become invisible, making it really easy to pick off your foes

without them being able to detect you without a bit of searching – and hey, by that point,

you'll likely have eliminated them.

While this tends to be reoccurring, there are a few spots in particular that have become

well-known – specifically ones under certain bridges that you can't climb back out of

– but for this number, we're taking a look at the crane in Junk Junction.

Back when the area first debuted, the large crane that you can find within it had a pretty

big glitch where players could slip inside of it and become invisible.

It did mess around with your own visibility a bit, but since you could enter and exit

it without fear of becoming stuck, it was a sneaky trick that many used to eliminate

other nearby players.

5 Glider Gone Wrong In a video by YouTuber JackoWacko343, we have

this unfortunate glitch concerning a glider.

In the clip, we see JackoWacko land on top of a roof in Retail Row, only to land and

immediately be teleported elsewhere – a little bit North of their initial landing

location, with their glider easing them onto the ground.

Which really sucks!

They're now in a fairly open field, without any cover, and no hint of loot anywhere in


For many players, where you land is a big part of starting off a match successfully

– it's the very first strategic choice many make right off the bat.

4 Disappearing Act Every time the game updates, there is always

a good chance of new items – or even old ones – glitching, especially when you play

around in the pre-game lobby.

This was the case with the LaunchPad – if you tested it out in the pre-game lobby, often

you'd start the game without a pickaxe – a pretty major disadvantage when it comes to

collecting resources and even navigating for loot.

The glitch would still show your avatar holding a their hands as if they were holding a pickaxe,

but the function of the axe was gone entirely.

Some players also reported that this prevented them from being able to build.

On a similar note-

3 Cozy Campfire Glitch Back when the Cozy Campfire was introduced,

players were quick to realize that it had a pretty major bug.

If you used the Cozy Campfire during the pre-game lobby, the game would glitch and give you

100 health and a full shield at the start of the game.

But, it was entirely aesthetic – your stats would appear this way to you, but the game

itself was unable to register that this was the case in reality – your stats would be

the exact same as they would be in a regular scenario at the start of a match.

It gets worse, though – players found that if they tried to drink a shield potion, it

wouldn't work, putting them at a serious disadvantage.

Luckily, it's been fixed since.

2 Frozen Gun From a video posted by Reddit user CleanestAlloy,

here we have a glitch of immense inconvenience.

Say you're in the middle of a heated standoff, and you need to bust out a sniper rifle to

get the job done.

You switch your weapon, but instead of being ready to fire some bullets into your foes,

this happens.

Your gun freezes mid-air, detaching itself from you completely.

According to CleanestAlloy, the only way to reverse the glitch after it happens is to

switch back from a weapon to the dropped weapon.

Despite that, this glitch can seriously ruin your match, especially when in close quarters

with other players.

1 Boogie Bomb Glitch Every so often, you hear about a glitch that

gives players a ton of stuff for free.

It's not super common, but tends to be big news for a day or two before the glitch is

patched up.

As of this recording, the latest glitch to fall under that category is the Boogie Bomb

glitch – it was a bug that caused players to have unlimited items, and forced Epic Games

to remove the Boogie Bomb from the game entirely.

It would come into effect when players used the Boogie Bomb on themselves, giving them

the ability to pick up an infinite amount of weapons and items without their inventory

ever getting full.

Talk about an easy way to score a major advantage.

Luckily as of this recording, Epic Games has stated that the boogie bomb won't be gone

forever – just until the bug is fixed.

So hey, if you're watching this in the future and lobbing boogie bombs right left and center,

we're really glad that got all sorted out.

There we have it!

Which of these glitches has messed with your game?

Know of one that tops the glitches we mentioned on this list?

Give us a shout in those comments below and let us know.

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Show us some love by hitting that like button, and subscribe if you wanna hang out with us

some more.

If you craving more Fortnite, why not hop on over to our channel by clicking that playlist

that's up on your screen right now, and take a look at the other Fortnite lists we

have, or head on over to our sister channel Fortnite Central for more in-depth coverage

of the game, featuring everything Fornite, from news to gameplay.

In the meantime though, thanks for watching!

Catch you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Fortnite Glitches That Ruined The Game - Duration: 7:29.



Dear children, ...

This is the day

May lord give me ...

To thank him ...

For each of you, ...

for those who have converted ...

and accepted my messages, ...

For those who ...

have started ...

on the path of conversion ...

... and holiness.

Rejoice; ...

little children, ...

for God is merciful; ...

he loves you all ...

of his immeasurable love ...

and he guides you ...

towards the path of salvation ...

... through my vein here.

I love you all ...

and I give you my son ...

for him to give you peace.

Thank you for answering ...

... to my call.

That was the message of June 25, 2018 in Medjugorje.

For more infomation >> MEDJUGORJE .. MESSAGE OF 25 JUNE 2018 ... ANNIVERSARY DAY - Duration: 2:29.


Steve Schmidt explodes after Florida Republican praises 'extraordinary kindness' of baby jails - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Steve Schmidt explodes after Florida Republican praises 'extraordinary kindness' of baby jails - Duration: 4:48.


Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique Navigatie/PDC - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique Navigatie/PDC - Duration: 1:07.


Call of Duty 2 (სტრიმი #1) Wolf_Games - Duration: 1:02:27.

For more infomation >> Call of Duty 2 (სტრიმი #1) Wolf_Games - Duration: 1:02:27.


Ford Transit - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit - Duration: 0:42.


How do you avoid the negative effects of caffeine? - Duration: 2:38.

Almost everyone drinks coffee.

The Dutch drink about 140 liters of coffee per person each year.

We drink it to stay awake,

to continue working longer,

or out of habit.

The stimulating effect of coffee is caused by the caffeine content.

We know many types of coffee,

and the caffeine concentration per cup can vary a lot.

For example, the caffeine concentration in espresso is higher than in filter coffee,

but the dose is often smaller.

Furthermore, even decaf coffee contains caffeine.

So, you can consume caffeine in different amounts in your daily life.

However, the stimulating effect of caffeine is not always good for you…

How do you avoid the negative effects of caffeine?

But first: how does caffeine actually work?

Normally, your brain receives a signal from the molecule adenosine.

This makes you feel sleepier as the day goes on.

The caffeine in coffee blocks the adenosine signal.

Because of this, you will feel more energetic after drinking coffee.

However, this effect of caffeine can disturb your natural sleep rhythm,

and can make you become dependent on coffee to feel energetic.

How is this possible?

Your energy level is influenced by the hormone cortisol in your blood.

A higher cortisol level will make you feel more energetic.

Due to your natural sleep cycle,

you have a high cortisol peak in the morning,

and a low peak in the late afternoon.

When you drink coffee,

the caffeine will increase your cortisol level.

This will give you more energy.

When you drink coffee during the cortisol peak in the morning,

the caffeine has little effect.

During this peak, you almost reach your maximum energy already.

In addition to the morning,

drinking coffee in the evening also affects your natural sleep cycle.

The caffeine increases your cortisol level,

making it difficult for you to fall asleep,

and causing you to sleep shorter and lighter.

In addition, if you drink a lot of coffee,

your brain will compensate by producing a stronger adenosine signal.

Without coffee, you will feel more sleepy than usual.

You will need more caffeine for the same energetic feeling.

To avoid the adverse effects of caffeine on your sleep rhythm,

and to avoid dependence,

it is important to consider the caffeine dose,

and the times at which you consume coffee.

The recommended maximum daily dose of caffeine is 400 milligrams.

In short, depending on the type of coffee, drink a maximum of 4 cups of coffee per day,

no earlier than 1 hour after getting up and no later than 6 hours before bedtime.

In this way, you can enjoy the energy of a cup of coffee,

without having the negative effects of caffeine.

Knowledge clip course Public Science Communication

For more infomation >> How do you avoid the negative effects of caffeine? - Duration: 2:38.


Ford Transit - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit - Duration: 0:59.


JANUARY 23 2018 TZBA - Duration: 43:04.

For more infomation >> JANUARY 23 2018 TZBA - Duration: 43:04.


CH-R/奕澤們靠邊,14萬圓奔馳豪車夢 - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> CH-R/奕澤們靠邊,14萬圓奔馳豪車夢 - Duration: 5:45.


BTCClicks Ödeme Kanıtı .! Bitcoin Kazanmanın Kısa Yolu .!!! - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> BTCClicks Ödeme Kanıtı .! Bitcoin Kazanmanın Kısa Yolu .!!! - Duration: 4:52.



For more infomation >> TRAMVAYDA RÖPORTAJ YAPAN AMATÖR SUNUCU ZORLANMADI !.. - Duration: 11:53.


Here's Why You Don't Mess With The Quiet Ones, They Are The Ones Who Actually Think - Duration: 4:54.

Quiet is associated with introverts, and you definitely should never mess with them.

As you may not know, the quiet person is the one who actually possess great ideas and they

can listen to everything that is going on around them.

We may have made all kinds of wrong assumptions about these people, and often times, people

thought of them as less intelligent.

Most people assume that quiet people are weak and submissive, but the truth is, quiet people

are usually strong and creative.

While they seem to be an easy target to bully or mistreat, they are not quite what they


Here's at least 8 reasons why you should never mess with the quiet one.

If you're new to our channel, Please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video until

the end to know the complete information.

Why You Don't Mess With The Quiet Ones, They Are The Ones Who Actually Think.

#1 - Quiet people are quiet.

From the outside, they are easy to spot, because they are being quiet most of the time.

They often can get through life without being noticed.

So, if you really think you can mess with the quiet one, when in fact you can't realize

what they're doing, or even their existence at all, then that is a terrible idea.

#2 - They listened a lot.

Quiet people tend to know more information than those who speak a loud.

The reason is simply because they listen as they do not get chance to speak up.

Additionally, quiet people tend to focus more on the content of the discussion instead of

roaming around out of the topic.

#3 - Observance.

They can understand people better than the louder counterparts.

They observe things in detail, in careful manner.

It is no wonder why they also can notice inauthentic behavior.

Picking up this subtle emotion is not easy, and it is worth noting that introverts upgrade

this skill throughout the course of their life.

#4 - They are not weak.

Even though quiet people probably will not say anything, they actually will.

It is only when the things go out of the track.

Sometimes conversation can be misleading due to saturated information expressed in a careless


Quiet people will speak up when they notice something that does not feel right.

#5 - Having different social skills.

Please do not compare social skills of quiet people and extroverts.

The reason is simply because they use different strategy.

Quiet people use social skills based on trust and respect.

In utilizing this skillset, it requires small number of people to work.

#6 - Determined.

When it comes to relationship, introverts or quiet people can create special bound based

on trust.

They also have ideas that must be realized.

When they do, they will make others surprised.

#7 - Intolerance.

Quiet people just cannot be manipulated easily especially if they are experienced and intelligence.

The reason is because they have values which cannot be denied or pushed over.

#8 - Quiet people can be loud sometimes.

Being quiet doesn't means they are not talking at all, in fact, they can be just as loud

as you when they want to be.

They do have a voice and when they decide to speak, usually it's something that mattered

to the situation.

They even can be the life of the party when they want to be.

Well, those are some of the reasons why you don't mess with the quiet ones, after all,

they are the ones who actually think.

So Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Here's Why You Don't Mess With The Quiet Ones, They Are The Ones Who Actually Think - Duration: 4:54.


Shonda Rhimes' MasterClass: Seen It? Heard it? Don't do it. - Duration: 0:38.

A cliche is anything you've heard or seen before.

So don't do it.

You know, any line of dialogue that you've ever

heard anybody say before is already a cliche.

So don't write it down.

It shouldn't be done.

Any scene, don't do, like, oh, I've seen this scene before,

so it's a really cool idea.

I'm going to just do something like that.

Do something original.

If you've seen it before, why would you do it again?

Someone's already done it.

Granted, there's almost nothing new under the sun.

But there are different interpretations,

and different ways of thinking of things that are new.

But your goal isn't to copy somebody that you admire.

Your goal is to be the thing that other people would

admire themselves.

For more infomation >> Shonda Rhimes' MasterClass: Seen It? Heard it? Don't do it. - Duration: 0:38.


Je sais pas si t'as vu... Neymar paye sa tournée #JSPSTV - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Je sais pas si t'as vu... Neymar paye sa tournée #JSPSTV - Duration: 1:36.


DON'T SUCK (web series) Episode 2 - Duration: 12:03.

Hey Greg! Do you remember when I was a freshman in high school and you were a senior

in high school and then you told me that you loved me, and then and then you broke

up with me two weeks after?



Good times.

Hey Greg, you remember how you asked me one time if I follow you to college and

I was like no.

Yeah, I lied.

Hey Greg! Remember that night that you

got wasted and spent the night in my dorm room and then I let you use my

favorite pillow? No? Yeah, cuz I do.

(Angry spit)


(singing) ----, ----, ----- me in the ass, ass.

----- me in the ass, ass. ------ me in the ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ass

-----, -----!

Tyler? You okay?

Uh...Yeah! Yeah, I just I didn't know that you had a duck to spit in the

sink, but you do.

What were you singing?

Oh! That I just - I just do this, like - I make up songs and that one I

sing when I'm, like., mad.

It's catchy. I like it.

Thank you.

Why are you wearing a towel?

Oh, I, like, just showered.

You just seem scared. I want you to know this is a safe place.

You just trying to see my wee wee?

No, yeah, I feel supes safe, Marco.


Yeah, I like it.

What are you getting ready for?

Um, a not date with a friend who I should definitely not date.



So, my website idea is, of course, for porn.

Of course.

And it is called....Porn on the Cob.

Ohhh, I'm listening.

Okay, so you go through

what are called "porn kernels" choosing, like, whatever turns you on in that

moment, okay? Like, whatever you're in the mood for right then

And then when you're done with the kernels, you're left with the cob, correct?


And the cob is the perfect porn for your current mood.

(singing) Porn on the Cob

This is honestly one of your better ideas.

Are you done pooping yet?

How did you know I was pooping?

Oh, Alex I always know.

Oh my god...I love you.

And now it is weird. Good byeee!

No, don't go!

No, I'm already here and I want to go in

and pee before it gets here.


Wish me luck, okay?

Good luck!

I love you! Bye!


Hey! Hi!

They were really weird about sitting in complete parties so I was just

like standing over here -

That's all of New York -

Well, yeah, but it's like empty.

I know! You haven't been waiting here

long, have you? We said 7?

Yeah. no, no, I just left early because I'm like freaked out

about getting lost.

Did you?

No, actually! So, 1 for Tyler, and 0 for New York!

I'm so proud of you.

Thank you.

What can I get you?

I'll have a Johnnie Walker, and...? Order whatever you want. It's on me.

Oh, um, I will have a

twisted, upside down. dry, wetted, then dried again, martini sour, on the rocks.


Can I just have something disgustingly sweet that does not taste like alcohol?


Thank you. I know a lot about alcohol beverages.

Yeah, I can tell.

Mhm, mhm.

Okay, so, first, you put your pinky up because we're classy as ----.

And then we're gonna go cheers, down, then

you look both ways -

Can we, like, link our pinkies?

Yeah, but then how can we cheers?

Okay, nevermind. Wait, what now?

So, cheers, down, look both ways, and then drink it.

Okay, ready? Pinky! Okay, go!

Oh my gosh!

Oh, you're a little bitch.

That is so gross!

This is - it's good!

It's like, um, like fingernail polish!

No, it's not! It's good alcohol -

Yes, it is! Yes, it is. So gross...

Ughhh -

No, he was so-

Shitty! He was shitty!

Oh my gosh, but they loved! Like, they loved him.

(singing) Ohhh...

Ah, no! That is exactly what he sounds like.

You haven't told me why you dropped out. Can I ask why?

Well, I think you just did.

I guess. Sorry - You don't have to say if you don't want to.

Yeah! No, no, no, it's fine.

Uh, it's amazingly complicated. So, um-

Okay, so in short, my parentals. I, like, finally came out to them

Well, like a long time ago now, like, in high school, but like it was no bueno.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Yeah, well, they like threatened a lot and said a lot of mean things and -

Oh my gosh, I was in Mr. Calvin's super awful movement class.

Oh, I loved that class!

No, it was terrible. It was awful, but -

Anyway, I was doing that, like, stupid ninja-like position. And, um -

And I was thinking about this horrible fight I'd had my parents that morning and like this -

Like, I'm poor as ----.

And I am piling on this debt with the stupid BFA in musical theater like

what am I gonna do with that? And so I pretended to get sick and left class.

And I went to the computer lab and I bought my plane ticket, kid you not,

for New York right then.

That's crazy.

Yeah, like a dumbass I dropped out of college

with a 4.0 GPA, I might add, so like doing okay. Very well, thank ya.

Now I am a drop out in New York City with a naked roommate talking with you.

So stupid.

It's not stupid. No, that sucks. I'm really proud of you, Tyler.

Well, I'm excited. There's so much I want to do.

That's great!

College was like so bizarre. Like, you go to

learn and be better, right?

Yeah, that's the idea.

Yeah, well, how was I learning by playing like a 40 year old man in a play?

Like, how does that help me as a young actor? Like, I wanna play my own age.

And I wanna write. I wanna perform my own songs! I have so much that I want to do

and I felt so stifled in college and that is like not what college should be like.

Oh, I loved College. I wish I could go back.

Yeah, well you were cast as a lead

in everything Mr. Favorite, so it's a little different.

I was not the favorite.

Okay, fine. But it's not like I had any friends or anything. Everyone was mad because I got

all this stuff. That part sucked.

Well, I mean I kinda hated it everyone so like

just faking my way through. Like, generally I kind of hate people.

Are you faking right now?

Gregory, I don't know how to tell you this -

Oh no -

But I don't really like you.


Like, you kind of suck.

I suck?

You suck so hardcore.

Can I tell you something?

I don't know, can you?


My first year of college was really hard.


I think I miss you a lot.

Yeah -

And I know that whatever happened between us like -

It was like really hard to get over.

I'm sorry. I know that I was stupid and I'm sure that you were probably hurt but -

I just - I just want you to know that

Uh, it was a really hard time for me.



No, um, I I don't know what to say exactly

but, um, thank you, I guess?

I think we could've been a really good couple.

Um...Are you seeing someone now?

No. No, I'm not really looking for anything right now. Um-

I'm just trying to figure myself out.

Yeah, I mean, me too, obviously. Obviously! This move is big and I'm just like trying

to figure out my messed up my messed up life.

Yeah - Do you want another drink?

Why the hell not? Bartender?

Bartender? Bartender? Ba-ba-ba-ba-bartender...Well, hello -

Thank you for hanging out with me!

No, thank you, Sir. I had fun.

Oh, "Sir?"

Me too. Let me know when you wanna hang out again.

Yeah, definitely! I will.


Uh, are you okay to get home?

I think so.

You smell so good.

Are you? Are you okay to make it home?

Oh, you think you're so funny!

Uh, maybe, yeah.




You are funny.

Good night.

What the ----?

He doesn't even live that way.

For more infomation >> DON'T SUCK (web series) Episode 2 - Duration: 12:03.


易烊千玺穿白T搭格子裤,清爽十足,网友:再也不抖了,走路带风 - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> 易烊千玺穿白T搭格子裤,清爽十足,网友:再也不抖了,走路带风 - Duration: 0:37.


Donald Trump stalls on US ambassador to Australia, but many don't mind the wait - Duration: 10:30.

Donald Trump stalls on US ambassador to Australia, but many don't mind the wait

Almost two years have passed since the US was represented in Australia by a permanent ambassador.

It is now conceivable that Australia will receive a Presidential visit before it gets an ambassador.

This is an unprecedented interruption.

It is tempting to observe that this is a pretty shoddy way for the US to treat arguably its most loyal ally.

At the very least, it is puzzling that the Trump administration does not recognise that Australia might quite reasonably feel it is being taken for granted — a sentiment perhaps reflected in the results of the Lowy Institute Poll which revealed the lowest ever level of trust in the US by Australians.

How did this happen?.

The most recent US ambassador to Australia, John Berry, left the post in September 2016.

That was just before the US Presidential election, so there was understandably a delay in the process of choosing his successor.

A year passed until, on February 9 this year, the Trump administration announced that it intended to appoint top-ranking US military commander Admiral Harry Harris to fill the post.

But on April 24, days before he was due to appear before the US Congress for a confirmation hearing, the appointment was cancelled.

Admiral Harris was to be reassigned as US Ambassador to South Korea.

No replacement was named.

Instead, the acting ambassador since 2016, career diplomat James Carouso, was asked to continue warming the ambassador's seat.

The Turnbull government has bitten its tongue about what could easily have been seen as a snub, accepting that the decision to reassign Admiral Harris reasonably reflected the Trump administration's strategic priorities.

However, privately there have been mumblings inside government about the failure of the US to quickly follow up with an alternative nomination for the Canberra post.

But this sentiment has been expressed with one important caveat: the government is just a little nervous about the Trump administration's second choice for ambassador to Australia.

A former senior diplomat put it this way: maybe it would be better to leave things as they are rather than end up with a "crazy Trump crony".

There is a view at senior levels of the Australian Government that it would be quite happy to see Mr Carouso promoted to fill the ambassador role, rather than have a controversial appointee.

What makes ministers and senior officials nervous is the tendency of the Trump team to choose people for key diplomatic posts who seem to see themselves as political players rather than as diplomats.

In a clear reflection of the Trump administration's lack of regard for convention, several diplomatic appointees have been behaving most undiplomatically in their posts.

These include Mr Trump's picks for his ambassadors to two of the US's most important allies — Germany and the UK.

In Germany, US Ambassador Richard Grenell has caused outrage by publicly advocating partisan political positions, including declaring his intention to use his post to "empower" conservatives in Europe.

A Trump devotee, Mr Grenell has made a number of statements considered interferences in domestic German politics.

Similarly in London, Trump appointee Woody Johnson has intervened in the heated domestic debate about Brexit, urging the British Government to cast off Britain's "defeatist attitude", take inspiration from Mr Trump's boldness and get on with leaving the European Union.

The president before an ambassador.

The expectation in Canberra is that Mr Trump will make his first presidential visit to Australia in November to coincide with the next APEC Leaders' Summit, to be held in Papua New Guinea on November 17 and 18.

Officials say they expect a new US Ambassador to be named well ahead of any visit to Australia.

Australian officials say that the initial appointment of Admiral Harris as US ambassador to Australia is an encouraging indication that the next ambassador will be "a serious appointee".

There is also a view in Canberra's diplomatic circles that the Trump administration has noted the Turnbull government's hard work to establish a good relationship with the US.

Australia has backed the US when other Western nations have chosen to be critical of the Trump administration, most notably in relation to Israel and the Israeli government's hard-line security measures.

And where Australia has had different views to the US, on issues such as climate change and the Iran nuclear deal, it has expressed them in careful diplomatic language.

Turnbull pulling punches on trade war.

Critics complain that Australia has been too soft, putting pragmatism ahead of principle.

The pressing need to keep the Trump administration committed to the Obama-era refugee swap deal, and the imperative to shelter Australia from US tariffs on steel and aluminium are said to have resulted in the Turnbull government pulling its punches, especially on protectionism and the Trump trade wars — issues on which Australia has a proud history of leadership and uncompromising advocacy.

But as on much else, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's foreign policy agenda has proven to be significantly more conservative than had seemed likely before he won the prime ministership.

In practice, Mr Turnbull has adopted a much more pro-American agenda than anyone would have expected from his speeches and statements prior to winning the top job.

Government insiders say that, particularly on issues relating to the US and China and Australia's strategic interests, in office Mr Turnbull has modified his views under the influence of the major Australian security agencies.

Australian trust in US declining.

Given the extent to which the government has worked to demonstrate its strong commitment to the US alliance, at a time when the Trump administration has upended other US alliance relationships, it would be a gratuitous insult to appoint as US ambassador to Australia someone who is obviously a "Trump crony" or political activist.

While Australians continue to believe the US alliance is vital to Australia's security, the 2018 Lowy Institute Poll shows that public trust in the US is declining.

The Trump factor is especially concerning, with less than a third of those polled saying they had confidence in the US President.

A third of those polled said Australia should distance itself from the US under Mr Trump.

The poll figures suggest, therefore, that the Trump presidency is a negative for Australia-US relations.

A politically stupid choice as the next US ambassador to Australia would not be good for public confidence in the relationship, and a potential unwanted political headache for the Turnbull government.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump stalls on US ambassador to Australia, but many don't mind the wait - Duration: 10:30.


Two Friends - Bandaid (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:17.

You're just a bandaid for my heart

You're gonna need a bandaid

You're gonna need a bandaid

You're gonna need a bandaid

One day weÕll laugh at all these marks, yeah yeah

Sorry for the pain IÕll cause

And then youÕll vanish like these scars

I put a bandaid on my heart

So youÕll need a bandaid for your heart, heart

ItÕs just IÕve been hurt too

No I don't mean to hurt you

Till you vanish like these scars

You're just a bandaid for my heart

Then say my goodbyes, I'm not gonna lie

I'm only gonna use you

Soon you understand your part

And i wish i wasn't like this, I really don't

Yeah there's a hole, cause someone left a mark

Yeah I might seem a little heartless

So youÕll need a bandaid for your heart, heart

ItÕs just IÕve been hurt too

No I don't mean to hurt you

Till you vanish like these scars

You're just a bandaid for my heart

Then say my goodbyes, I'm not gonna lie

I'm only gonna use you

But you should know, nothingÕs what I got

Now youÕll try to make it something

'Cause that's not what I want, hey hey

Don't say that you love me, baby no

For more infomation >> Two Friends - Bandaid (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:17.


Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4T 140PK COSMO NAVI/LEDER/PANORAMADAK/CAMERA - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4T 140PK COSMO NAVI/LEDER/PANORAMADAK/CAMERA - Duration: 1:08.


La statue géante de Johnny Hallyday va-t-elle bientôt perdre la tête ? - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> La statue géante de Johnny Hallyday va-t-elle bientôt perdre la tête ? - Duration: 2:49.


Trump Slurs His Way Through His Most Rambling, Incoherent Speech EVER - Duration: 4:15.

On Monday evening, Donald Trump headed over to South Carolina, where he gave another one

of his rallies.

Except, this time he may have given the most incoherent speech that he has ever given in

his life.

Take a look.

Here's just a small part of what I'm talking about.

And these guys were saying, "Unbelievable.


Do you believe this?

South Korea, remember they came in over from South Korea.

They stopped North Korea, South Korea.

The Olympics.

And, it started with the Olympics.

When Chairman Kim said, "We want to go to the Olympics."

I said, "That's nice."

It's a big difference from the dialog we were having, right?


It's slight.

They want to go to the Olympics.

And, the Olympics would have been a massive failure, and it turned out to be a massive


And, President Moon of South Korea gives us the credit.

They were not selling.

People did not want to be nuked in the stadium as they watched the opening ceremonies.

They didn't want to be watching the opening ceremonies and at the same time looking up

at the skies.

How long will this last?

They were not exactly selling tickets.

The minute that happened, and he said, "We'd like to be part of the Olympics," out of nowhere.

The minute that happened, the Olympics became a fantastic success.

It was a great Olympics.

It was a great Olympics.

And, we now have a good chemistry.

We have a good chemistry, and I think it's going to work out, and it's a period attempt.

It takes a while.

Takes a long time.

Not easy.

Not easy.

They've been doing this for many many decades, and not that easy, but-

Okay, now if you think that's bad, it actually managed to get slightly worse here.

I'm going to read you this next part.

This exact quote from Donald Trump during that speech.

"Not that easy, but they took down signs.

Anti-United States signs all over North Korea.

They're down.

They came down.

Anti-US signs.

Like I put up anti-media signs all over the place.

You're worse than I am.


We just want honesty."

That was an entire paragraph that the President delivered during that speech.

Now, I know Donald Trump doesn't like to read off a teleprompter, and a lot of people probably

think that most of this speech was just completely off the cuff, but as it turns out, we managed

to find Donald Trump's speechwriter for that South Carolina speech.

Here he is.

Have you ever had a dreams that, that you had, you'd, you would, you could, you'd do,

you would, you want, you could do some, you would do, you could, you want, you want him

to do so much, you could do anything?


All kidding aside, and no offense to the kid in that video there, but something was really

odd about Donald Trump in that rally in South Carolina.

He was slurring his words tremendously.

Go back, watch that clip, and listen to that.

That's not how that man usually speaks.

And, I know he always has trouble forming coherent thoughts into paragraphs, but something

wasn't right Monday night.

And if you can listen to that incoherent gibberish and think, "That's my guy.

This is the guy that's going to save this country," then there is also something clinically

wrong with you.

This is not an intelligent human being.

This is not a man who has answers for the big questions and problems facing this country.

This is a man who's out there trying to brag about things that he didn't actually do, making

claims from other people that they didn't actually say, all to make himself look better.

This has nothing to do about fixing the country, or making America great again.

This is all about boosting Donald Trump's ego.

But, as his mental prowess continues to slip, as it clearly was Monday evening, it's going

to be a lot harder for people to buy in to Trump's claims that he is the best and brightest

we have to offer.

For more infomation >> Trump Slurs His Way Through His Most Rambling, Incoherent Speech EVER - Duration: 4:15.


Comment Johnny Depp se ruine-t-il? - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Comment Johnny Depp se ruine-t-il? - Duration: 2:10.


POLISH COVER "Vague Hope (Cold Rain)" Nier: Automata 【MAYU ℒℯℯ】 - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> POLISH COVER "Vague Hope (Cold Rain)" Nier: Automata 【MAYU ℒℯℯ】 - Duration: 2:07.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE - Duration: 1:05.


[Expérience] STÉRILET CUIVRE : pose, règles et sexualité ♡ - Duration: 16:59.

For more infomation >> [Expérience] STÉRILET CUIVRE : pose, règles et sexualité ♡ - Duration: 16:59.


Top 10 Fortnite Glitches That Ruined The Game - Duration: 7:29.

Glitches are often double-edged swords – while at times, a glitch can open up unforeseen

possibilities, often, they cause more damage than good, and can potentially ruin your entire


What's the fun in breaking the game if it means you can't play it – realistically

for like a singular round.

But still!

Fortnite is no exception – the game has a history of glitches, some useful, some absolutely

irritating, and occasionally unavoidable.

So today, we're counting down the biggest most annoying glitches that players have encountered

in the game with our list of the top 10 Fortnite glitches that ruined the game.

Also worth noting that some of these may have been fixed since the time of this recording,

so if that's the case, well, hey, consider yourselves lucky that you won't be one of

the unfortunate players who runs into it during a match.

10 Waterfall Glitch One of the most well-known Fortnite glitches

is the Waterfall Glitch – a waterfall that exists at the top of the map that makes for

a great hiding spot.

It exists north of Anarchy Arcs and Risky Reels (technically in between them both, where

the rive that separates them lets out).

Being careful to not fall entirely off the map and into the water below, drop down to

the base of the waterfall and crouch, walking into the water itself.

The water goes deep enough to cover you entirely when you're crouching.

You can ever go behind the waterfall and stand up fully.

But be warned – if you don't have any resources, you won't be able to climb back

up, and you'll be screwed.

Some players even reported not being able to get back up from the water at all after

they entered it.

If you don't want to deal with the risk, you can always pull off an alternative trick

to this - other players who have used the other waterfalls in the game – like the

one at Loot Lake – to duck under and hide, becoming partially visible, which can be useful

from time to time.

9 Under the Map Glitch Another popular glitch that many a player

uses in Fortnite is hiding under the map.

This allows you to hind beneath the ground and take out other players without their knowledge

of you being there.

While some players use this glitch to troll others, sometimes you'll have the unfortunate

experience of someone using it to knock out all of the nearby competition.

It's not infallible though – often you'll be able to catch parts of these hidden players

sticking out from under the grass, and if you're quick enough, you can retaliate and

take them out.

If you're looking to try the glitch for yourself, there are a few specific areas that

work best when trying to get under the map – either by destroying the walls in the

basements of buildings or by crouching and walking through ledges on the map – regardless

of this, if you're on the receiving end of this glitch, it can be a really unfair

way to be eliminated.

8 Wall Glitch As pointed out by YouTuber Troll Ninja XeE,

there's a really simple way that you can 'become invisible' and take out a bunch

of foes.

In the clip, he heads over to Dusty Divot, hops inside one of the buildings, jumps up

onto a desk, crouches and shuffles himself inside the wall.

While you may not be entirely invisible, it's a great way to hide and take out opponents

who are hunting you down, or other players who aren't paying super close attention

to their surroundings.

It's not something you can pull off with all buildings in the game, but worth giving

a shot if you manage to find a similar looking edge elsewhere.

7 Unlimited C4s When you first hear about the unlimited C4

glitch, you probably can't help but think "well, wouldn't that be awesome?

How does that ruin the game when it makes it that much easier?"

Well, think about how much that would suck if you're on the receiving end of those


Yeah, not fun.

While it seems to have been patched now, when players were able to use it, they would have

to throw a C4 and hold down onto their throwing button (left mouse button on PC, R2 or RT

on console) and pick up another weapon nearby.

This would allow them to continue chucking C4s while still holding the new weapon, which

in turn could allow you to set up a massive explosion.

It appears that this was done while still having at least two C4s left in your inventory,

but also while having a full inventory.

If any of you guys have managed to figure this one out, give us a shout in those comments

below and tell us how you did it.

6 Hiding Spots There's no shortage of areas in the game

that players can use as hiding spots.

Every time there's an update, it's as if players find a new piece of the map where

they can sneakily slip into and become invisible, making it really easy to pick off your foes

without them being able to detect you without a bit of searching – and hey, by that point,

you'll likely have eliminated them.

While this tends to be reoccurring, there are a few spots in particular that have become

well-known – specifically ones under certain bridges that you can't climb back out of

– but for this number, we're taking a look at the crane in Junk Junction.

Back when the area first debuted, the large crane that you can find within it had a pretty

big glitch where players could slip inside of it and become invisible.

It did mess around with your own visibility a bit, but since you could enter and exit

it without fear of becoming stuck, it was a sneaky trick that many used to eliminate

other nearby players.

5 Glider Gone Wrong In a video by YouTuber JackoWacko343, we have

this unfortunate glitch concerning a glider.

In the clip, we see JackoWacko land on top of a roof in Retail Row, only to land and

immediately be teleported elsewhere – a little bit North of their initial landing

location, with their glider easing them onto the ground.

Which really sucks!

They're now in a fairly open field, without any cover, and no hint of loot anywhere in


For many players, where you land is a big part of starting off a match successfully

– it's the very first strategic choice many make right off the bat.

4 Disappearing Act Every time the game updates, there is always

a good chance of new items – or even old ones – glitching, especially when you play

around in the pre-game lobby.

This was the case with the LaunchPad – if you tested it out in the pre-game lobby, often

you'd start the game without a pickaxe – a pretty major disadvantage when it comes to

collecting resources and even navigating for loot.

The glitch would still show your avatar holding a their hands as if they were holding a pickaxe,

but the function of the axe was gone entirely.

Some players also reported that this prevented them from being able to build.

On a similar note-

3 Cozy Campfire Glitch Back when the Cozy Campfire was introduced,

players were quick to realize that it had a pretty major bug.

If you used the Cozy Campfire during the pre-game lobby, the game would glitch and give you

100 health and a full shield at the start of the game.

But, it was entirely aesthetic – your stats would appear this way to you, but the game

itself was unable to register that this was the case in reality – your stats would be

the exact same as they would be in a regular scenario at the start of a match.

It gets worse, though – players found that if they tried to drink a shield potion, it

wouldn't work, putting them at a serious disadvantage.

Luckily, it's been fixed since.

2 Frozen Gun From a video posted by Reddit user CleanestAlloy,

here we have a glitch of immense inconvenience.

Say you're in the middle of a heated standoff, and you need to bust out a sniper rifle to

get the job done.

You switch your weapon, but instead of being ready to fire some bullets into your foes,

this happens.

Your gun freezes mid-air, detaching itself from you completely.

According to CleanestAlloy, the only way to reverse the glitch after it happens is to

switch back from a weapon to the dropped weapon.

Despite that, this glitch can seriously ruin your match, especially when in close quarters

with other players.

1 Boogie Bomb Glitch Every so often, you hear about a glitch that

gives players a ton of stuff for free.

It's not super common, but tends to be big news for a day or two before the glitch is

patched up.

As of this recording, the latest glitch to fall under that category is the Boogie Bomb

glitch – it was a bug that caused players to have unlimited items, and forced Epic Games

to remove the Boogie Bomb from the game entirely.

It would come into effect when players used the Boogie Bomb on themselves, giving them

the ability to pick up an infinite amount of weapons and items without their inventory

ever getting full.

Talk about an easy way to score a major advantage.

Luckily as of this recording, Epic Games has stated that the boogie bomb won't be gone

forever – just until the bug is fixed.

So hey, if you're watching this in the future and lobbing boogie bombs right left and center,

we're really glad that got all sorted out.

There we have it!

Which of these glitches has messed with your game?

Know of one that tops the glitches we mentioned on this list?

Give us a shout in those comments below and let us know.

Dug this video?

Show us some love by hitting that like button, and subscribe if you wanna hang out with us

some more.

If you craving more Fortnite, why not hop on over to our channel by clicking that playlist

that's up on your screen right now, and take a look at the other Fortnite lists we

have, or head on over to our sister channel Fortnite Central for more in-depth coverage

of the game, featuring everything Fornite, from news to gameplay.

In the meantime though, thanks for watching!

Catch you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Fortnite Glitches That Ruined The Game - Duration: 7:29.


2018 French Grand Prix F1 Debrief - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> 2018 French Grand Prix F1 Debrief - Duration: 5:56.


Nightcore - Changes (XXXTENTACION/Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 1:48.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Changes (XXXTENTACION/Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 1:48.


HRVY "Hasta Luego" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 4:19.

I'm not Spanish at all.

So when we were writing the song, I really tried to kind of pronunciate the words kind

of Spanish-y but apparently I didn't do that right either in the comments.

But I gave it my best go.

I'm not bilingual.

I don't know any Spanish but I'd love to learn it one day because I think it's

such a sexy language.

Like a beautiful one.

Anything you say in Spanish sounds better than it is in English.

We were in a little town called Devon which is in England and it was like super rainy

and cold outside.

And we actually rented an AirBnb cause we wanted to write a few songs like a whole kind

of studio week.

And we wanted to write something that made us happy and that was gonna be right for the summer.

I always think the Spanish language reminds me of summer a lot.

When I grew up, I used to travel to Spain a lot for holidays and vacations.

And I don't know.

I used to hear that language all the time and it reminds me of the sun.

And it makes me happy.

So I really wanted to write a Spanish song.

Last year, Spanish and English songs were huge and they were doing really well and I

actually personally loved it.

I thought it was great.

I like the whole kind of concept of Romeo and Juliet.

I just think it's classic love stuff and I just think it's cool.

We started off speaking about her eyes 'cause I always like describing someone's features.

I think it's kind of powerful.

In my head when I was writing it, I was envisioning the music video for "The Way You Make Me Feel"

by Michael Jackson.

In the video, it's him kind of just chasing a girl and that kind of ends up being the

inspiration for the actual music video.

It's me chasing Malu.

I just imagined like a girl just dancing throughout the whole night, like just being so happy

and so in love that she never stops.

She's going to die dancing.

Obviously a party has to end, or when you're with someone during the day if you're out

on a date or if you're with anyone and you know it's gonna end, it's like you don't want

to say goodbye.

I know it's only one night.

I'm sure I'll see you again but that fear where you just want it to carry on and just

keep going and keep going.

That's kind of how I felt when I was writing it.

It only really comes to life when you kind of see it in the music video as well because

we're actually...

At that part in the music video we're together.

Most of the music video I'm following her throughout the whole thing and I'm literally

singing it to her face.

And we're basically just singing to each other.

And it's kinda cute.

You've met a girl and you're speaking to her and you're so invested in her and it's like

you've told her your whole life story.

She probably knows more than other people that you're, like, your best friends knows,

and you're like, "I don't even know her name" by the end of it.

She's gone and you're like, "I didn't even catch her name or where she was from."

You were so invested in talking to each other like you didn't even find out the basics,

like her name.

We'd written the "Bailamos, bailamos, bailamos and we dance."

We'd already wrote that and we loved it.

We thought it was great.

And we kept it and we were like cool.

And it was only until I played it to one of my best friends who actually grew up in Spain

for like 6 or 7 years.

And he said, "That's an Enrique Iglesias song."

Not like the melody but he says that.

It's a very famous song.

So we listened to it and I was like, "Okay cool."

We used the same kind of lyric.

But apparently as well he told me that it wasn't the right grammar "bailamos."


I don't know but, I mean, it sounded great so I was like, "Cool we'll stick it in."

What was kind of strange is like you meet these people, and within like 30 minutes,

I'm up in her grill and we're really dancing and I'm moving her about and ... It's weird

but you kind of break the barrier really quick, break the ice.

So the music video was pretty easy to do.

For more infomation >> HRVY "Hasta Luego" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 4:19.


Trump Says Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is "Weak" And He's Grading Her On Her Appearance - Duration: 2:45.

According to a new New York Times article where they spoke to insiders at the White

House, those closest to Donald Trump, Donald Trump allegedly believes that Sarah Huckabee

Sanders is incredibly weak because she refused to walk out of the recent White House Correspondents

Dinner when Michelle Wolf made fun of her.

So in Donald Trump's book, you are weak if you sit there and take criticism and instead

don't throw a tantrum and walk out the door, never to be seen again.

That is what constitutes weakness in Donald Trump's book.

Now here's the thing.

To her credit, Sarah Huckabee Sanders sat there during that White House Correspondents

Dinner and took it.

Yeah, she whined about it later.

But she didn't get up and walk out.

She sucked it up and sat through the rest of the thing, as have other people in the


I mean, hell, the whole reason Sarah Huckabee Sanders was up there was because Donald Trump

was too afraid to attend that Correspondents Dinner in the first place.

So yeah, you can attack Sarah Huckabee Sanders as weak on very many fronts.

But this isn't actually one of them.

If you want to call her weak, talk about how weak she is when she goes out there and faces

the press every day and insults them and lies to them.

That's weakness.

Weakness is not being able to stand up and tell the truth, even if it's going to make

you unpopular.

But she is unwilling to do that.

The New York Times article actually goes even further than that, though.

It's not just that he thinks she is weak.

It's that he has started asking other people in the White House how they perceive her.

"What do you think about her?

More importantly, what do you think she looks like on camera?"

According to the sources in this New York Times article, Donald Trump said he is going

to start grading Sarah Huckabee Sanders on her appearances on television.

Now this is not shocking.

We have known that Donald Trump praises members of his cabinet for how they look on TV, how

they dress, how they present themselves, how they defend him.

So it's not surprising that he would want to do the same for Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

It is, however, a little bit beneath the office of the President to base your entire opinion

on someone on how they look on TV, on how they sound on TV.

But that's what this Trump administration is.

It is a very bad and very poorly rated reality show that unfortunately everybody in this

country is being forced to watch.

For more infomation >> Trump Says Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is "Weak" And He's Grading Her On Her Appearance - Duration: 2:45.


Man Utd transfer news: Kylian Mbappe update given by French football expert - Duration: 1:51.

 That is according to French football expert Julien Laurens. Mbappe has been linked with a move to Manchester United in recent days

 Reports claim PSG cannot afford to sign the 19-year-old after he spent last season on-loan there from Monaco

 But Laurens disputes those claims and says Mbappe is a PSG player and will be next season

 "I'm not sure where those stories are coming from because there is no truth in it at all," he told FC

 "PSG have bought him, he's a PSG player now. "Yes, there's Financial Fair Play but PSG need to sell around €60million before the end of the month to be all okay for at least this year with FFP

 "They have almost done that, Javier Pastore is going to go to Roma for €24m, Yuri Berchiche is going to go to Athletic Bilbao for around €20m, and also (Odsonne) Edouard the young striker has gone to Celtic for around €10m

 "So in terms of sales, they are all in the clear and everything. "Kylian Mbappe doesn't want to leave, they don't want to sell him for sure

 "There's nothing in it at all, he will be a PSG player next season for sure."

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