Friday, June 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 30 2018

Hey everyone, it's Betosky here Welcome back to another Mobile Legends Tutorial

So after this latest big update, there were a lot of changes

Which means I had to change my Cyclops build This is the new Cyclops build

And what better way to debut my new build Other than playing SOLO Q in rank

With 4 epic teammates 2 marksman

While going against 3 Mythical Glory Players And 2 Legends

Ehmm.. yup, I did confirm it after the match

This was a pretty intense, energy-draining game

So I had to be 100% focused to even have a slight chance

Of carrying my team and make an epic comeback I believe you guys would really enjoy this

gameplay And learn a lot from it

By the way, this is how I setup my mage emblem

So in this particular match, I decided to use retribution

Instead of flicker, because I felt like I need to farm

As fast as possible, and I can't really let my random

Epic teammates steal my buff and farm

I like to start off by taking the small camp first,

Using the second skill at 27-28 seconds mark That will allow me to take the jungle minion

As fast as possible

Here they are trying to steal my buff, because They know I am the biggest threat to their

team And also like I said they are 3 Mythical glory

And 2 legends player Fortunately, I timed it right, and I got the

buff So now that they failed and my teammates are

here To back me up, it's time to chase them down

Okay don't be fooled by this good early start

You will see soon how hardcore they will start Feeding them at top

Just wait and see

Here I am waiting for Gusion to take the bait And engage the Jawhead, I was 99% sure

He would take it because our Jawhead is just level 2

While he is level 3 and is one of the best tank killer

Now pay attention to the Top lane, that's the start

Of the feeding fest But, while they are preoccupied with Top

I took this chance to take the turtle, This game is all about timing

Welp, Martis is really fed now…

Here I was being very cautious Because I believed Gusion and Haya might

Try to contest the crab So I was waiting for the right time

Another Triple kill by Martis, Rip Rip Well, you might be wondering, why don't

you Help your teammate and defend top then?

To answer your question, Cyclops is a hero That depends way too much on farming

Even if I were to go top and try to defend, It would have been futile and a waste of time

Here you can see my farming is starting to payoff

But even if I am really farmed I still have to be very cautious about my

positioning Remember Cyclops is a mage, not a tank or

charger And at this point if I die, it will literally

means Game Over

Well guys, I believe I gave you enough explanation And really good tips

Now, if you want more of these amazing tips and video

Pause the video and hit that like and subscribe button

It will change your Mobile Legends experience forever

Thanks and enjoy the rest of the match This was truly a hard carry game.

For more infomation >> *NEW* Ultimate Cyclops Tutorial - New Insane Build! | Mobile Legends (Eng Sub) - Duration: 13:52.


Poli Grappa: Le grappe aromatizzate - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Poli Grappa: Le grappe aromatizzate - Duration: 2:46.


Sinfonia - Joyce Zanardi | COVER - Renovo de Deus - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Sinfonia - Joyce Zanardi | COVER - Renovo de Deus - Duration: 3:38.


Main Khiladi Tu Anari Remix 🔥 Hard Bass DJ 🔥 DJ Song 🔥 Dance Mix DJ 🔊 Old Is Gold - Duration: 5:16.

Main Khiladi Tu Anari Remix 🔥 Hard Bass DJ 🔥 DJ Song 🔥 Dance

Main Khiladi Tu Anari Remix 🔥 Hard Bass DJ 🔥 DJ Song 🔥 Dance

Main Khiladi Tu Anari Remix 🔥 Hard Bass DJ 🔥 DJ Song 🔥 Dance

Main Khiladi Tu Anari Remix 🔥 Hard Bass DJ 🔥 DJ Song 🔥 Dance

For more infomation >> Main Khiladi Tu Anari Remix 🔥 Hard Bass DJ 🔥 DJ Song 🔥 Dance Mix DJ 🔊 Old Is Gold - Duration: 5:16.


28/06/ Jogo Astro F.C (Veteranos)4 x 3 Hidralima - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> 28/06/ Jogo Astro F.C (Veteranos)4 x 3 Hidralima - Duration: 7:06.


Martin Garrix Greatest Hits - Best Songs Of Martin Garrix - Duration: 50:15.

For more infomation >> Martin Garrix Greatest Hits - Best Songs Of Martin Garrix - Duration: 50:15.


✅ Robbie Williams mit Schock-Interview: Autist, Zwänge, Geisteskrankheit? WAS ist mit dem Weltstar l - Duration: 2:42.

 Es gab eine Zeit in seinem Leben, da hatte (44, "Love My Life") mit Problemen wie Depressionen, Angstzuständen, Drogen- und Alkoholsucht zu kämpfen

Inzwischen ist der Sänger glücklich verheiratet und stolzer Vater zweier Töchter - doch noch immer hat er manchmal mit sich zu kämpfen

Im Interview mit "BBC Radio 2" verriet Williams jetzt: "Irgendetwas fehlt in mir, ich habe große Schwachpunkte."  Ist Autist?  Er vermutet sogar, dass mehr dahintersteckt - eine komplexe Entwicklungsstörung

"Es kann sein, dass ich das Asberger-Syndrom oder Autismus habe. Ich weiß nicht genau, was davon - aber irgendetwas habe ich", vermutete der 44-Jährige weiter

"Es ist ziemlich anstrengend in meinem Kopf zu sein, ich habe einen interessanten Zwang, Sucht und Geisteskrankheit, würde ich sagen." Er hätte das auch, wenn er kein berühmter Musiker geworden wäre, ist er sich sicher

Auch Jürgen Drews hat übrigens schon ein Mal darüber spekuliert, Autist zu sein. Diese verrückte Macke hat  Laut "" hat er zusätzlich eine weitere Macke, die ihm zu schaffen macht: Er durchforstet Google nach negativen Kommentaren über sich

"Ich liebe den Rausch, wenn ich über mich lese, dass ich ein Idiot bin, nicht singen kann. Der Zwang ist Fluch und Segen zugleich, denn er bringt mich vorwärts und hat mich zu dem Menschen gemacht, der ich heute bin." : Hat er wirklich das Asperger-Syndrom?  Das Asperger-Syndrom (AS) ist eine Form von Autismus

Die Betroffenen haben Schwächen mit sozialer Interaktion und Kommunikation. Oftmals geht aus der Erkrankung aber auch eine Hoch- oder Inselbegabung hervor

Ob das aber auf den Weltstar wirklich zutrifft? Immerhin hat er in "Take That"-Zeiten ja jahrelang mit den vier anderen Mitgliedern die Welt erobert

und seine Frau Ayda Field leben mit zwei Kindern  Heute lebt er mit seiner Frau Ayda Field (39) und seinen Kids Theodora Rose (5) und Charlton Valentine (3) zusammen

Vieldeutig sind aber einige seiner Albumtitel in dem Zusammenhang: "Intensive Care" und "In and Out of Consciousness"...  Lesen Sie auch:ROBBIE WILLIAMS Hotel brennt! Hier muss der Pop-Star flüchten  Folgen Sie schon bei Facebook, Google+ und Twitter? Hier finden Sie brandheiße News, tolle Gewinnspiele und den direkten Draht zur Redaktion

 gma//spot on news

For more infomation >> ✅ Robbie Williams mit Schock-Interview: Autist, Zwänge, Geisteskrankheit? WAS ist mit dem Weltstar l - Duration: 2:42.


6/29/18 5:17 PM (6707 E 50th Ave, Commerce City, CO 80022, USA) - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> 6/29/18 5:17 PM (6707 E 50th Ave, Commerce City, CO 80022, USA) - Duration: 11:16.


Ex-BBB Ana clara faz 'carão' e desdenha da imprensa após ser contratada pela Globo - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Ana clara faz 'carão' e desdenha da imprensa após ser contratada pela Globo - Duration: 3:50.


Politano all'Inter, già oggi le visite mediche - Duration: 1:25.

MILANO - Accelerata per Matteo Politano all'Inter: il giocatore è arrivato a Milano Linate intorno alle 17 e in questi momenti è al Coni per sostenere le visite mediche

 Politano è praticamente un giocatore nerazzurro, manca solo l'ufficialità che arriverà dopo i test fisici di rito

L'attaccante arriva in prestito oneroso dal Sassuolo, dove è pronto ad accasarsi l'attaccante della Primavera nerazzurra Jens Odgaard che questa mattina ha incontrato la dirigenza neroverde

Sul danese l'Inter manterrà il diritto di recompra. I nerazzurri per riscattare Politano dovranno versare 20 milioni di euro

Politano, che ha esordito in Nazionale lo scorso 28 maggio contro l'Arabia Saudita, è un attaccante mancino, capace di giocare su entrambe le fasce: in tre anni con il Sassuolo ha totalizzato 110 presenze con 24 gol

For more infomation >> Politano all'Inter, già oggi le visite mediche - Duration: 1:25.


whxami - the way it goes (prod. killedmyself) [AMV] - Duration: 2:24.









































[Captions by DDX]

For more infomation >> whxami - the way it goes (prod. killedmyself) [AMV] - Duration: 2:24.


Rómulo Herrera, relato del abusador sexual. (ACTIVAR SUBTITULOS) - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Rómulo Herrera, relato del abusador sexual. (ACTIVAR SUBTITULOS) - Duration: 6:01.


L'attrice è tra le centinaia di donne che sono state fermate a Washington durante la manifestazione - Duration: 2:45.

 Tra le 575 donne arrestate a Washington c'è anche Susan Sarandon. L'attrice e le altre stavano protestando a Washington contro la politica sull'immigrazione della «tolleranza zero» di Donald Trump, all'interno di un ufficio del Senato presso il Dipartimento di Giustizia

Durante il sit-in lei e gli altri manifestanti hanno chiesto la chiusura dei centri di detenzione per i migranti, al confine col Messico

Lì, infatti, sono stati rinchiusi oltre 2 mila e 200 bambini, figli di migranti, che negli ultimi mesi sono stati separati dai genitori

Top stories     Prima che l'indignazione degli americani (e del resto del mondo) facesse in modo che Trump firmasse un ordine esecutivo che ha interrotto la (brutale) pratica di separare le famiglie

       «Cosa vogliamo? Famiglie libere», «Allontanare i bambini dai genitori è inumano», «A noi interessa», con riferimento alla controversa giacca (I don't care») indossata da Melania Trump durante la prima visita ai bambini nei centri di detenzione, questi i cartelli agitati dai dimostranti, prima dell'intervento delle forze dell'ordine

  «Sono stata arrestata. Resto forte. Continuo a lottare», ha fatto poi sapere l'attrice 71enne via Twitter, dopo il rilascio

   Non è la prima volta che il premio Oscar mostra la sua «ostilità» nei confronti di Trump

Anche subito dopo la sua elezione, aveva fatto sapere di essere in disappunto. All'epoca, però, l'attrice aveva ricevuto qualche critica, con l'accusa di aver contribuito a «disperdere i voti»

Lei, infatti, aveva appoggiato la candidatura del leader del Partito dei Verdi, Jill Stein, dopo aver dichiarato al Guardian che Hillary Clinton fosse «pericolosa»


For more infomation >> L'attrice è tra le centinaia di donne che sono state fermate a Washington durante la manifestazione - Duration: 2:45.


【牛顿B班】军舰 - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> 【牛顿B班】军舰 - Duration: 1:53.


林燕妮举殡 冯宝宝派林12金句悼亡友 - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> 林燕妮举殡 冯宝宝派林12金句悼亡友 - Duration: 3:55.


嫌机场饭菜难吃 冯小刚飙骂地勤10分钟 - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> 嫌机场饭菜难吃 冯小刚飙骂地勤10分钟 - Duration: 1:32.


Understanding Gut Health (5 Things Most Doctors Don't Know) - Duration: 6:27.

You guys ready to play a game?! Of course you are! It's called "Name That Organ".

You've got 5 clues to figure it out: 1. What organ produces ¾ of our body's

neurotransmitters? It Contains more than ⅔ of our body's immune system? It Has as many

cells as the rest of the body combined? This organ Houses a genome 100-150 times larger

than our own human genome? And five, it has a metabolic activity greater than that of

the liver? Any guesses? Well, you're just going to have

to watch the video to find out! And for the latest in fitness, nutrition, and functional

medicine, be sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel. Make sure you hit the bell to be

notified of when I release a new video every Friday.

Hi everyone, I'm Dr. Riva Robinson, functional medicine physician and NPC bikini competitor.

Today's video is "Understanding Your Gut Health (Five Things Most Doctors Don't Know)".

It's Sad, but true, but most doctors don't know the widespread impact gut health has

on every other system in the body. Today you'll be getting an overview of this amazing system,

so you can learn how transform your overall wellbeing starting with the gut….and even

educate your doctor the next time you have a checkup with them.

So what comprises the gut exactly? It includes everything from your mouth to anus - so that's

your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus - plus your

liver, gallbladder, and pancreas playing major accessory roles.

At the Institute of Functional Medicine, we have a special mnemonic for remembering the

gut's primary functions, DIGIN: Digestion and absorption, intestinal permeability, gut

microbiome, immune modulation and inflammation, and nervous system.

We'll dive into each of those functions in future videos, but for now let's revisit

those 5 facts about the gut from before. Fact 1: Your gut produces ¾ of the neurotransmitters

in your body - now those are the chemical messengers that travel from your neurons (or

your nerve cells) throughout all the rest of your body. Take the neurotransmitters serotonin

and dopamine, which greatly impact mood. So guess what: if your gut is compromised, you're

at greater risk for mood disorders, and that's exactly what the evidence shows!

Fact 2: Your gut contains ⅔ of your body's immune system - pretty wild, huh? Everything

you eat is screened by the immune cells in your gut to make sure that you aren't introducing

a bug, a poison, or something else dangerous to the rest of your body. But if there's

gut dysfunction, you also create immune dysfunction, and that's just how autoimmune diseases

are triggered. Quick sidebar: grave's disease, hashimoto's thyroiditis, lupus, celiac, rheumatoid

arthritis, sjogren's disease, and many more! Fact 3: Your gut has as many cells as the

rest of your body combined! Now that's a massive, complex system. To give you a better idea,

that's the same surface area as half a badminton court! Just think, that's A LOT of surface

area that gets exposed to the many insults from the outside world.

Fact 4: Your gut houses a genome that's 100-150 times larger than our human genome due to

the bacteria residing there. These trillions of bacteria aren't just silent residents

- their genes actually influence our own . Crazy fact: if you transferred the feces (yes, poop)

from an obese person to an average sized person, (this is a thing we actually do in Medicine

called fecal transplant), but studies show that when you transfer feces from an obese

person to an average sized, the average sized person would have a greater chance of becoming

obese and developing metabolic syndrome, and other complications like diabetes. Now that

is due to the influence of those bacterial genes on our own. It's pretty wild to understand

how powerful they are! An Finally, Fact 5: the gut has greater metabolic

activity than that of the liver. When we talk about metabolism, we mean the process of converting

the building blocks from our food into energy that powers rest of the cells in our body.

So if the gut isn't healthy, you have a HUGE roadblock in your body's energy production

highway. So there you have it, folks! I've just shared

with you the basics of understanding gut health (5 things your doctor might not know), so

that you can live your healthiest life yet. But how do you know if your gut isn't healthy?

Click the link below in the description to take my Gut IQ quiz, to find out where you

stack up. But note, this is not intended to diagnose any issues. But if you have questions,

please feel free to contace me. If you liked this video, write down in the

comments below "Gut health rocks!" And also, be sure to give it a thumbs up, subscribe

to my channel, and share this video with your friends.

That's all I have for you this week. I'm Dr. Riva Robinson, thanks for sticking around

- I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Understanding Gut Health (5 Things Most Doctors Don't Know) - Duration: 6:27.


Trùm ma túy ở Loóng Luông liên quan t.ử t.ù Nguyễn Văn Tình như thế nào? - TIN HOT 24h - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Trùm ma túy ở Loóng Luông liên quan t.ử t.ù Nguyễn Văn Tình như thế nào? - TIN HOT 24h - Duration: 4:09.


'You Can Spit Though' ft. Lupe Fiasco Ep. 9 Official Clip | Just Another Immigrant | SHOWTIME - Duration: 2:49.

- I'm Romesh. How you doing? - I'm good.

I think you've been speaking to my publicist.

Thank you very much for sorting out a ticket.

- Um, I do a podcast... - Right.

...called Hip Hop Saved My Life.

It's named after one of Lupe's songs, obviously.

Um, I was wondering if there's any chance I could get a chance

to, like, just ask him

to be on the podcast.

Are you an artist? Do you, like, rap?

I'm really into hip-hop.

Like, I used to do a bit of stuff myself

and things like that, so...

You think you can, like, rap for me?


Y'all wanna hear him freestyle?

[woman] Yeah, what-what-what you got?

Shit, you want me to actually do it now?

- Yeah. - Yes!

I can't really rap, so I'm just giving it a go, because...

[man] Spit the bars, my -----



♪ My name's Romesh and I'm hot like Tabasco ♪

♪ I'm at the Belasco backstage at Lupe Fiasco ♪

♪ I love Lupe, but Lupe don't know me ♪

♪ So I'm gonna announce and pronounce my name slowly ♪

♪ Romesh Ranganathan, hip-hop is my heaven ♪

♪ An Uber driver told me I look like I work in 7-Eleven ♪

- Bars. - Thank you very much.

♪ I come rotten like a sheep shaggin' some mutton ♪

♪ My style is super memorable, your style is soon forgotten ♪

♪ It's not on, I rock on ♪

♪ Any track I drop on ♪

♪ Scary like a prison guard about to strap his cock on ♪

♪ But facing away ♪

♪ I come wicked, like the devil's ejaculate ♪

♪ The immaculate conception of my form is uncompassionate ♪

♪ To mediocrity, hypocrisy, or monotony ♪

♪ Stepping to me first in this cypher is false economy ♪

♪ Ask your friends about me ♪

♪ They'll tell you that I'm the nicest ♪

♪ I'm MC Colonel Sanders ♪

♪ I've got flavor like 11 herbs and spices ♪

- [cheering] - [man] Whoo!

[Romesh] Thank you, that's it. That's all I've got.

- [cheers and applause] - Cheers, mate.

[Ben] You were surprisingly good.

[Romesh] Thank you.

[Ben] You were quite lucky that

the venue was called Belasco.


Also lucky

that one of my favorite hot sauces is Tabasco.

[Romesh] Thank you. Holy shit.


Oh, shit, what's up, bro?

- How you doing? - [Lupe] What's up, man?

- What's your name? - Romesh.

- Romesh? - Yes, um...

I do a podcast that's named after one of your tunes,

Hip Hop Saved My Life.

Okay, okay. Thank you.

And it would be an absolute honor

if you'd be on it, man. That'd be amazing.

I don't know, man. Um...

I got my mum--uh, my mum was the last guest on it,

to be honest with you, 'cause she likes it.


But she can't really spit, so...

But you can spit, though.

- Uh, well, I gave it a go. - [Lupe] You got some bars.

- You got a little bar. - I used to do a bit, you know.

So look, I jump on on your show.

You come on my show, yeah?

For more infomation >> 'You Can Spit Though' ft. Lupe Fiasco Ep. 9 Official Clip | Just Another Immigrant | SHOWTIME - Duration: 2:49.


斗羅大陸,最強武魂融合技即將誕生,唐三團隊的壓軸絕技 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 斗羅大陸,最強武魂融合技即將誕生,唐三團隊的壓軸絕技 - Duration: 2:34.


Scott Pruitt Is Just Following President Donald Trump's Lead | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Scott Pruitt Is Just Following President Donald Trump's Lead | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 2:14.


Absolutely Stunning Brand New 12x32 Cabin for sale in Kerrville, Texas - Duration: 1:30.

Absolutely Stunning Brand New 12x32 Cabin for sale in Kerrville, Texas

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning Brand New 12x32 Cabin for sale in Kerrville, Texas - Duration: 1:30.


'And He Thought Of A Box' Ep. 9 Official Clip | Just Another Immigrant | SHOWTIME - Duration: 1:42.


Oh, my God.

- Surprise. - This is amazing.

[Romesh] When we were talking about ideas

and you said maybe you could do a van...

- [Rags] Yeah. - [Romesh] had already

- arranged this. - [Rags] You like it?

[Romesh] I love it.

What the f--k is this?

It is a glass box.

No, I know that, but what I mean is,

why is it on the back of this truck?

Well, you're gonna get in there.

I'm gonna take you for a spin.

Then pretty much telling the people that--

- Okay, okay. - You know what I mean?

I knew that there had to be

- a f--kup somewhere. - Why?

I am not getting in a box, Rags.

If we would've just take that without that

- and you not in it-- - It would be great.

It would be perfect. Yes, correct.

It's like a f--king body without a head, mate.

No, it isn't.

The head's right there on the side of the van.

But you got to be in it

to actually sell the tickets, man.

No, you don't.

You just drive around in the van.

It says "Romesh in America."

- Ticketmaster. - Did you hear what I said?

Thursday, 21 December, Greek Theatre.

My face. This is a f--king terrible idea.

- You're mental. - I'm not mental.

You're mental if you think I'm getting

in a glass box in the back of a f--king truck.

[Rags] What the f--k's wrong with you?

[Ben] You wanted him to think outside the box.

Yeah, and he thought of a box.

How many tickets have you f--king sold

so far?


For more infomation >> 'And He Thought Of A Box' Ep. 9 Official Clip | Just Another Immigrant | SHOWTIME - Duration: 1:42.


#Pride Rewind Tag - Duration: 9:23.

Welcome back to the night. I decided to make this spooky and by decided I mean I

only had time to film now. Gosh heckin dang it it is still Pride Month and

I'm gonna participate. I was tagged by Annie Elainey to do the pride rewind tag

and I'm finally getting to it. I love a good classic tag video. It's just

call and response. It's simple enough and we get to talk about gay stuff which is so

fun. How do you identify? Pronouns are they/them. I identify as non-binary

gender and bisexual sexuality. You're like whoa non-binary bisexual.

Those are weird labels. I agree. As I've discussed many many times on this

channel over the years, the labels mean less to me than what

they represent essentially. I have found so much comfort and support in the

bisexual community in particular, and now in the non-binary community. And these

are words that describe or at least attempt to describe the things that I'm

experiencing. And they do it the best in my opinion, but in the end they are

just words and the most important identifier that I have is myself. And I

say that as somebody who does that imperfectly.

I have a very interesting relationship with myself, especially my gender,

especially my sexuality, all of it. And it's not perfect and I never want anyone

to think that it's perfect. When I first came out as bi like it was so fast that

all of a sudden everybody started asking me for advice about bisexuality. And I

loved talking about it. I still do love talking about it. But I felt

pressured to kind of give off this vibe that like I knew what I was doing and I

didn't and I still don't. The things that we're talking about here extend

beyond relationships and attractions. This is how we see ourselves in

the world. This is like a radical change difference to what is the norm and what

is dictated to us, so there's just so much unknown. I'm still very confused but

I'm okay with that confusion and I feel comfortable in asking the questions

and answering those questions honestly. And I just love it. Share a story

of you doing something that probably hinted to everyone around you that you

were queer/trans/etc. Can I just like paint a broad stroke over my

entire childhood? I've been described as flamboyant for

most of my life. That's a recurring adjective. It was one used against me in

my youth while I was undercover with the straights. I'm struggling to think of one

particular activity or thing that I did. People tended to just zero in on my

sensitivity and just call that gay which I don't I still don't get. I don't know I

think people just clocked that I was a just a little bit different than

the average individual and pretty much from birth. OH I got one! I just

remembered it in this moment and it's my favorite thing ever. When I was born I

had very curly blonde ringlet hair and and I had two older sisters and these are

anecdotes that were told to me years later that were always funny but now are

even more funny. We'd be walking around town and it would be my mom and the

three of us and and people would consistently say your three daughters

are beautiful. And oh it's so funny. It's always been funny because it's like "Oh

I'm pretty," but now it's like oh a little sometimes. When was

the first time you had an inkling you were different?

Hmmm fifth grade. In the very limited sex education that I had, I I think

homosexuality was brought up in passing briefly, and I just remember being

terrified. And I couldn't place the fear but I just remember being so scared.

It was the first time I ever asked myself the question "what if I'm gay" and

it was done out of fear ,which is so sad to me. And I just remember when I would

develop crushes on girls I would be relieved.

I would be like a "phew!" moment and and again still very sad to me, but yeah.

Fifth grade I think was when it kind of became like an actual question I asked

myself. When did you first learn about being gay/queer/etc?

I've pretty much always been like at least exposed or just aware

of it as a concept. I'm talking more just sort of traditional like gay and lesbian.

And like even when I was younger I kind of had an understanding of people who

were a different gender to what everybody thought they were. But in a

very kind of binary sense, like the very kind of classical sense. I wasn't really

exposed to things like bisexuality until a lot later. Like I mean I kind of always

had an understanding like of the nature of things and I think

also just I just kind of knew myself, like that it made sense to me. But it

wasn't until high school that I had even like any kind of understanding of

what bisexuality meant. And I wasn't really exposed to non-binary genders

until like 2014, so like still I'm a baby with all of this stuff. But I

just remember being so drawn to androgyny. Like the moment that the

concept was introduced to me I just like it's like my heart soared, and I just

felt, like not at the time I wasn't like "oh that's me!" It was

like I just I want to be around this and I can't entirely explain it. And of

course like inspired me to ask those questions of myself and yeah eventually

it got to the point that it was like no this is my community, and it's been my

community this whole time. And that was like two years ago when I first

kind of like had that sort of like yeah no that's it is a real thing for me.

I just look back on those sort of like early moments like four years ago when I

discovered that I could be something else other than male or female

and there was just like stars in my eyes. And I just want to

feel like that all the time. That's a feeling that I wish I

could bottle up and I turn into this scent and just spritz all over me at all

times. Who was your first queer celebrity crush?

Oh my gosh yeah. When I was in high school I was obsessed with the show

Heroes on NBC. And I just remember being very like invested intensely

in the character arc of Peter Petrelli in that show played by Milo Ventimiglia,

of course, who we all have crushes on I feel like. It was an interesting

situation because in the character I saw a lot of

myself like as a person and the kind of person I wanted to be. But it was

like more than that and then I realized later on the more than that was just gay

stuff. And I was like oh I wanna just kiss him the whole time. I did.

That's like the first like bonafide oh yeah that was gay a sort of moment

for me. And all the other ones were like not really celebrities but like

friends of mine, so I don't know really want to talk about that because that's talking

about other people and that stresses me out. Oh my god all of my

friends who were androgynous and when I first like kind of was introduced to the

concept and even those who didn't identify his non binary but especially

those I was just like I kind of in love with all of them. Still am to this day.

Tag four people to do the tag too! Okay Ava Gordy, Rachel Whitehurst (you

don't make youtube videos anymore but maybe I can coax you back because that's

what I'm trying to do), Alayna Fender. Just all my bi-bies all of them. And then

the fourth I'm gonna tag all of you to do it as well. From the bottom of my

heart holy heck happy Pride Month. Holy heck

happy Pride Month. To anyone out there who is is proud in whatever way whether

that's a very private way or in a very public way, whatever way you exist, I love

you. I'm proud of you, and yeah I just feel like we should all take the chance

to just look at ourselves and say, regardless of our circumstance, regardless of what's

happening, we're alive. We're here. We're kicking it. And in so many ways, the

world doesn't want us to be doing that and yet we still are and that's amazing.

And I love all of us so much. Socks is here. She wasn't in the last video. She

was napping the whole time. I did not want to disturb her, but she came right

up next to me and here she is. Thanks to Annie for for tagging me in

this and also thank you to all my new patrons on patreon oh my gosh holy heck.

Thank you guys so much. I'm gonna put your names on the screen right heckin now.

I also really appreciate y'all's just response in general to me trying to find

a new direction here with making videos. I feel good about it. I wasn't at VidCon

this year for the first time since 2012 and that was like emotional in its

own way and also inspiring and motivating. As always in conjunction with

this video there is a bonus video that's going to be available for patrons only

on patreon, so if you want more info about that or ways to suggest ideas for

videos, anything like that you can check out my patreon link in the description.

But that's about it for me and this perfect little cat. If you like this

video give it a thumbs up or share it or whatever you heckin want

to do and leave a comment with your thoughts. And if you want to answer the

questions in comment form, totally welcome to do that. I would love to see

that. But yeah I'm gonna go now love you guys bye

For more infomation >> #Pride Rewind Tag - Duration: 9:23.


Amazing Stunning Small Home Design in Wanaka, New Zealand - Duration: 1:43.

Amazing Stunning Small Home Design in Wanaka, New Zealand

For more infomation >> Amazing Stunning Small Home Design in Wanaka, New Zealand - Duration: 1:43.


Lingke Family & Listen and draw EP1 | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 11:28.

Lingke Family & Listen and draw EP1 | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Lingke Family & Listen and draw EP1 | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 11:28.


🆕 [Spoiler] Nanatsu no Taizai 273 English Subbed 🔥 - Duration: 2:03.

Could you be… I think it's a nice name…

The memories of him as a Demon turn into those of him as a Goddess.

The memories made with his brother Meliodas turn into those made with his brother Ludociel.

It's Mael of the Four Archangels. The perfidious memory suddenly comes through the head. The broken down mind's on the momentum to destruction.

For more infomation >> 🆕 [Spoiler] Nanatsu no Taizai 273 English Subbed 🔥 - Duration: 2:03.


Trump Signs Executive Order Overnight – DC Stunned - Duration: 11:15.

Trump Signs Executive Order Overnight – DC Stunned

During his time in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama allowed millions of people to

get on welfare and freeload off of the hard work of American taxpayers.

This week, Trump signed an executive order that will overhaul Obama's safety net program.

CNN Money reported that Trump signed an executive order on Monday that calls on federal agencies

to promote employment for those on public assistance.

With this order, Trump demanded that officials enforce work requirements that are already

in the law and review all waivers and exemptions to such mandates.

In addition, Trump asked agencies to consider adding work requirements to government aid

programs that lack them.

"The federal government should do everything within its authority to empower individuals

by providing opportunities for work, including by investing in federal programs that are

effective at moving people into the workforce and out of poverty," the order read.

Agencies will have 90 days to comply with Trump's new order.

The order describes nine "Principles of Economic Mobility" that include improving

employment outcomes and economic independence, promoting marriage as a way of escaping poverty,

reserving benefits for those truly in need and empowering the private sector to find

solutions to poverty.

Robert Doar, who used to oversee New York City's public assistance programs, applauded

Trump for encouraging people on welfare to get jobs, as he believes this is the first

step they need to secure financial independence.

"People can't rise out of poverty if they are only receiving SNAP and Medicaid," said

Doar, now a fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

"These programs were meant to supplement earnings, not replace them."

Liberals, of course, are furious about this as they seem to want to have as many people

on welfare as possible.

SHARE this story if you support Donald Trump's new executive order!

H/T easternreport

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is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

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a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Trump Signs Executive Order Overnight – DC Stunned - Duration: 11:15.


How I began learning English on my own - Duration: 4:59.

Hi! I am Alex and welcome to my vlog where I practice my English.

Today I'm going to tell you a short story about how I started learning English.

The thing is I have tried learning English many times. I studied English in school, college,

different courses. But I failed over and over again. Finally, about three years ago

I decided to change my approach to learning English.

I said to myself: "Alex

there is no the only one right way to learning English.

Stop looking for the

best and the easiest way. Just choose one and don't stop until you get to the end.

And I started by listening to dialogues.

Let me give you an example.

That's what it looked like: I listened to a dialogue a

few days and try to understand every word.

My task was not to understand the

meaning but to divide the sentences into separate words.

The method has a

condition: you have to listen to a dialogue a few days before you read the

text of that dialogue. After listening I

tried I repeated the dialog aloud checking myself with the printed text.

I spent about 6 months on all dialogues.

My next step was the grammar. I found a textbook

from my old English classes I have attended. And again I stuck with the

grammar book until I finished it.

After that I began looking for a language

exchange partner on the internet. And I got lucky. I found a mentor.

I used to think it's possible only in books. My mentor's name is Harry and he's

from Greece. He's awesome guy and he helped me to start speaking English.

I really appreciate him. If it weren't for him I would have made much less progress

in my spoken English. We talked to each other on Skype every weekend almost a

year. Thank you Harry!

Speaking of Harry

I should mention another great guy. His name is Dmitriy. He is Russian and lives in

Cheboksary. He didn't teach me English but he introduced me to Gary.

Thank you Dima!

To recap, my approach is not the only way to start learning English.

But I got a good lesson: "Stick to the plan and you will be fine."

And if somebody or something tells you to change your mind just say to yourself:

That's all for today. Thanks for watching!

Maybe someday I'll share with you how I am learning English now.

Take care. Bye!

For more infomation >> How I began learning English on my own - Duration: 4:59.


Sonex used to work at Burger King? (oc animatic shitpost) - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Sonex used to work at Burger King? (oc animatic shitpost) - Duration: 2:24.


Hillary Clinton Just Lost Her Last Major Ally, Now Her Career Is Over - Duration: 12:05.

For more infomation >> Hillary Clinton Just Lost Her Last Major Ally, Now Her Career Is Over - Duration: 12:05.


Former WWE Star Matt Cappotelli Dies After Battle with Cancer: He 'Went Home to Be with Je... - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Former WWE Star Matt Cappotelli Dies After Battle with Cancer: He 'Went Home to Be with Je... - Duration: 3:25.


Simply Ming 10piece Healthy Cookware SoftGrip Design Lig... - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> Simply Ming 10piece Healthy Cookware SoftGrip Design Lig... - Duration: 8:41.


Simply Ming 10piece Healthy Cookware SoftGrip Design Lig... - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Simply Ming 10piece Healthy Cookware SoftGrip Design Lig... - Duration: 4:50.


HDR in Photography Explained - Duration: 3:04.

Let's learn a little thing in photography that is called high dynamic

range, HDR. So pretty much what HDR photography and your smartphone does is

the same thing that is done professionally in let's say Photoshop.

Let me explain for your mobile device since most of us have an iPhone or an

Android device that has HDR capability for their photography. Now

what your iPhone does or what your Samsung or Pixel does it pretty much

just takes three different photos at three different exposures to give you a

good dynamic range something similar to what your eye sees.

Now what Photoshop does it's pretty much the same, when you take your photos

from your camera you take them at various different points of exposure and

then you compile them inside a photoshop, and photoshop merges the photo into a

photo that has high dynamic range to match something that you'd see in your

eye. Now one thing to know about HDR is that you do not really want to take

photos of things that are moving quick if you want to do them HDR it's

more for something like landscape photography you don't want

a lot of movement because it's gonna look really weird in your HDR photo, as

well as humans they kind of look tend to look a little weird in HDR photos. But

it's all for you you do what you do- it's your own photography just giving you

guys little tips of what kind of looks good in HDR it's things that are still

and don't have a lot of moving things in the background or foreground that will

mess up your photo and make it a little blurry or a little motion blur that you

do not necessarily want in your photography. Because again

you merge two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 20 photos into one to

get that exposure of high dynamic range. So again just to recap you pretty much

take in my example over here that I'm going to show you three different

exposures a little bit of underexposed to the right exposure and overexposed

you merge those three photos into one photo that looks good and has a high

dynamic range, because not every camera can capture that dynamic range with this

just the sensor itself that's why if you merge them it has a better chance of

having that more realistic photo. But again it depends on

your sensor and how the dynamic range of your camera is so if you want to play

around with the high dynamic range go ahead do it

play around merge all the photos you want and make it as nice as possible.

Aright I hope you guys enjoyed hope you guys learned something today I hope you

guys like and share photos I kind of like HDR photos they're nice alright see

you guys, bye. :)

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