429 regalos para los Reyes y sus hijas en 2017: éstos son los más destacados y sorprendentes - Duration: 8:07.-------------------------------------------
Harry y Meghan: ya puedes irte de fiesta con sus nuevas figuras de cera - Duration: 10:10.-------------------------------------------
El PP vuelve hacer el panoli y es vapuleado por la izquierda - Duration: 6:12.-------------------------------------------
Subvencion para comprar Visualfy Home en Ceuta y Melilla -Visualfy - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
La boda de Nina y Ben.Parte 3 (Subtitulado español) - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Charlotte Cambridge toute mignonne en Une de « OK ! » -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Stop Motion Cartoon for Kids with Pepa & PJ Max | New Episode for Children - Duration: 10:04.Stop Motion Cartoon for Kids with Pepa & PJ Max | New Episode for Children
CHÚ ĐẠI BI CHỮ TO DỄ HỌC TRÊN SMARTPHONE .1 BIẾN. Thầy Thích Trí Thoát - Duration: 4:13.-------------------------------------------
Beaumont da la puntilla a Sánchez poniendo las cartas democráticas sobre la mesa - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Pékin Express 2018. Pas vu à la télé : Thierry révèle les (vraies) raisons qui l'ont poussé à - Duration: 4:43.Rebondissement de taille dans Pékin Express ! Ce jeudi soir,
M6 diffusait le septième épisode de Pékin Express 2018.
Lors de cette ultime course aux Philippines, avant de rejoindre le Japon,
quatre binômes s'affrontaient pour une place en demi-finale.
A l'issue d'une course effrénée, Maurice et Thierry, handicapés (après avoir échappé à l'élimination la semaine précédente) par une statue de 24 kilos qu'ils devaient porter tout au long de l'étape,
le père et son fils sont arrivés en dernière position.
Mais au moment de sélectionner le binôme qu'ils devaient affronter lors du Duel Final,
Thierry a annoncé à Stéphane Rotenberg qu'il préférait "déclarer forfait".
Une décision radicale qui a mis fin au parcours du binôme et qui a envoyé Medhi et Oussama,
les copains, Christina et Didier, la patronne et son employé et Gabriel et Florian,
les inconnus qui ne se connaissaient pas avant le début de l'aventure, en finale. ? Exclu.
Thierry (Pékin Express 2018) : "Maurice, mon père, ne m'avait jamais dit "je t'aime" avant l'émission" "On était prêt à aller jusqu'au bout,
et même gagner Pékin Express 2018, nous explique Thierry.
Mais faire le duel final avec ce handicap qui nous encombrait, c'était perdu d'avance.
Je savais la difficulté que c'était. J'avais déjà passé trois jours avec.
J'ai demandé à Stéphane Rotenberg si le duel final était avec le handicap.
On m'a dit que je devais le garder jusqu'au bout. Je pensais m'en débarrasser.
Je savais que ça ne serait pas possible. Les dés étaient pipés d'avance.
Donc j'ai réfléchi et je me suis dit que ce n'était pas la peine de se tuer à la tâche.
J'ai dit à mon père : "On va déclarer forfait.
On ne va pas prendre le départ à cause de ce fait de course"".
Un choix qui s'est fait "d'un commun accord".
"On en avait discuté avant avec Maurice, ajoute-t-il.
Je sentais que mon père était arrivé un peu au bout.
Il m'avait dit que si on devait arrêter, ça ne le dérangeait pas.
Moi, j'aurais fêté mon anniversaire pendant la demi-finale,
donc avec quelqu'un qui m'aurait poussé un peu, j'aurais tenté le duel.
Mon père avait déjà réussi à venir jusque-là. Je suis déjà fier.
A son âge je ne connais personne qui est capable de faire ça. On a fait notre Pékin Express.
Quand il m'a dit qu'il était d'accord, j'ai dit ok, on se retire".
Au final, Thierry garde tout de même un "super souvenir" de Pékin Express.
"Si c'était à refaire, je le referais. Je serais prêt à repartir demain.
Mon père aussi, il est ok si on repart demain, mais pas après demain", conclut-il dans un éclat de rire.
Sacré Maurice !
Sánchez arrincona a los demócratas con los consejos de 'Echeminga'.... - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
Anita Matamoros habla de la separación de sus padres por primera vez - Duration: 2:29.Un mal momento para Anita Matamoros. Si hace tan solo unas semanas la veíamos disfrutar de su 18 cumpleaños en una colosal fiesta y estrenando mayoría de edad a bordo de un lujoso coche, parece que el anuncio de la separación de sus padres le está pasando factura
La influencer, que intenta pasar a un segundo plano en todo lo que respecta a este asunto, ha sido preguntada por los reporteros a la entrada de un local madrileño
"Estoy bien, de verdad. Es que yo no hablo", decía la hija de Kiko Matamoros que ha confirmado encontrarse junto a su padre en estos difíciles momentos
A la pregunta de una posible reconciliación entre el defensor de la audiencia de 'Sálvame' y su esposa, la joven titubea con un esperanzador "no sé"
Parece que la ruptura sentimental de sus padres está afectando bastante a la hija de la pareja, que cuenta cómo están viviendo cada uno de sus progenitores esta situación: "Lo llevan diferente", afirma
Escueta y sin muchas ganas de hablar Anita respondió a una última pregunta que hacía referencia a la posible mudanza de su padre a Málaga, un cambio de domicilio que la instagramer ha negado
Una complicada situación la de Anita Matamoros, que siendo la única hija del matrimonio de Makoke y Kiko ve cómo la que parecía una idílica relación se deshace en mil pedazos
Un duro mazazo para la artífice del ya famoso "¡Hola bombones!" que parece estar muy pendiente del estado emocional de sus padres
TOP 10 MOST POPULAR BELIEFS - Duration: 13:23.What are the top 10 most popular religious beliefs around the world? By the end of this
video, you will know the most popular religion in the world by population.
If you've seen my channel before, you know that I'm a Christian. So, why should a Christian
care about other religions? Well, it's extremely important to understand the beliefs of others
if we are to effectively witness to individuals with compassion and respect.
Consider how many religions are there in the world. Did you know that it is estimated to
be over 4200? Therefore, it's important to understand what the more popular religions
As an additional bonus, I'm also going to teach you how to look really cool. Just like
James Bond, I've been working on my super cool slow motion swimming pool reveal.
I think it's really going well.
Let's do this thing! These are the top 10 most popular religious beliefs.
10. Juche With approximately 19 million adherents, Juche
is the official ideology of North Korea. It promotes the idea that "man is the master
of his destiny". Loosely translated, it means "self reliance".
Juche was made popular in 1955 by Kim Il Sung, the first supreme leader of North Korea and
grandfather of current North Korea leader Kim Jong Un. Juche ascribed a deity status
to its 'Supreme Leader' and any supernatural occurrences are attributed to him. It has
been compared to Stalinism, Maoism, Marxism, Nationalism and even fascism. It was created
by Kim Il Sung in order to prevent the influence of communist Russia and China from entering
North Korea. Juche holds Sung in a cult of personality as the 'Eternal Head of State'
as if he were a kind of messianic liberator and whose 'godlike spirit' lives on through
his descendants. The number of actual Juche adherents is commonly criticized because it
is forced upon the population of North Korea rather than having actual converts or practitioners.
9. Sikhism Sikhism is one of the largest religions with
approximately 25 million practitioners known as Sikhs (translated it means: 'learner)'.
Sikhism was founded in the Punjab region of India in the 15th century by Guru Nanak who
was the first of ten successive Gurus. These Gurus were believed to be of one single spirit,
the last of which was Guru Singh who died in 1708. The sacred scriptures of Sikhism
are the Guru Granth Sahib. Often confused with Hindus or Muslims, Sikhs worship only
one God who is free of gender. In contrast to Christianity, Sikhs believe that we are
gods rather than children of God and that life is a path of discovery to develop personal
divinity. The place of Sikh worship is Gurdwara and has historically been a refuge for the
homeless. Sikhs believe in reincarnation and each cycle of life is bound to the concept
of karma. Hell is not to be feared, and heaven is not to be desired.
8. Indigenous African beliefs You might wonder, what is the biggest religion
on the African continent? Surprisingly, it's Christianity, however it is estimated that
approximately 100 million individuals adhere to traditional African beliefs. They are complicated
and difficult to fully define as there are over 50 countries in Africa and well over
3,000 different tribes, many with their own individual practices and religious applications.
Their beliefs typically consist of tales that are passed down rather than actual writings
or scriptures, as well as the use of magic even in medicine, and the belief in some kind
of creator, spirits and interaction with the dead.
7. Primal beliefs Ranging anywhere from 100 to 450 million followers,
the classification of primal beliefs include the religions of shamanism and paganism. Shamanism
originated from the Tungus tribe within Siberia and is devoted to ancient healing traditions
and connecting oneself with nature. A shaman is believed to be able to achieve supernatural
powers through trace-like experiences gaining the ability to not only heal and communicate
with the dead, but also escort souls to their final resting place. Paganism in itself is
also a diverse community of individuals that can include Wiccans, Odinists and Druids.
Pagans are typically described as a follower of polytheism, the belief in multiple Gods,
and commonly practice witchcraft.
6. Buddhism Over 2,500 years old and with 480 million
practitioners, Buddhism comes in at number 6 in the top 10 religions in the world. From
the word 'bodhi', meaning to "wake up", Buddhism is the philosophy of awakening. The
founder of Buddhism was Siddhartha Gautama, who became known as "Buddha" or "Enlightened
One", was born in Nepal, India to a royal Hindu family around 500 B.C. Buddhism focuses
on teachings known as the Dharma with the true path to enlightenment being found in
dispensing with any attachments to this physical life and the removal of all personal wishes.
The result is personal Nirvana, or a state of freedom from all suffering.
Buddhism relies on the Four Noble Truths: To live is to suffer
Suffering is caused by desire One can eliminate suffering by eliminating
desire Lastly, desire is eliminated by means of the
Noble Eightfold Path which is a list of 8 instructions such as, one should make a conscious
effort to improve or speaking in a non-hurtful, truthful way.
There are quite a few different schools of Buddhism, such as Zen Buddhism, but they are
all considered primarily anth-ro-po-centric or human centered, through practices such
as meditation and no real belief in a God. Buddhism, however, does believe in the doctrine
of rebirth, and karma.
5. Chinese Folk Religions With anywhere between 450 and 500 million
adherents, Chinese folk religions can be somewhat challenging to define. Though Buddhism is
popular and technically separate, Chinese folk religions primarily include Taoism, Confucianism,
Feng Shui as well as superstitions. Taoism has achieved some popularity through martial
art type practices such as T'ai Chi and (chee-gong) Qigong and is considered to be
a religion and philosophy. Taoism involves 'going with the flow' in accordance with
the Tao, the cosmic force which flows through all things. Confucianism was created by a
teacher from 551 BC known as Confucius wherein he teaches the importance of loyalty and obedience
to hierarchy. Some don't consider it to be a religion but, rather, a philosophy..
Confucianism is a system of ethics and humanism that is often incorporated into other beliefs
such as Buddhism and Hinduism. Confucianism relies on the fact that humans are fundamentally
good people. Feng shui is a Chinese set of laws associated with the flow of energy, or
qi (chi), and it's incorporations with the spa-tial arrangement of rooms and buildings.
4. Hinduism Hinduism boasts over 1.1 billion followers
worldwide and is said to be one of the world's oldest religions. Hinduism is the major religion
originating from India with many variances in beliefs and rituals. It can be a very interesting
religion to research as it incorporates that all life is sacred, the existence of karma
and reincarnation, and that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others,
but that all paths are facets of God's light and deserve to be tolerated and observed.
There are over 33 million gods within Hinduism as Krishna, the supreme being, has put into
place. These powerful beings possess the necessary abilities to manage their assigned areas of
creation. The primary texts of Hinduism are called the four Vedas.
3. Secular Beliefs With over 1.2 billion adherents, the category
of secular beliefs include non religious and agnostic individuals, as well as atheists.
Agnostics retain the view that any ultimate reality, such as God, is unknown and probably
unknowable. Nonetheless, many agnostics have a wide knowledge of other religions as they
desire to know more. Atheism, on the other hand, is the disbelief or the lack of belief
in the existence of God or gods. The population of atheism has roughly doubled in the past
7-10 years.
2. Islam Islam professes over 1.5 billion followers
called Muslims. The Arabic term 'Islam' means to surrender and illuminates the Muslims
call to surrender to the will of Allah. Islam was professed by the 7th century Prophet Muhammad.
In a monotheistic approach, Allah is viewed as the sole God of the world and the will
of Allah is made clear through the Islamic sacred texts known as the Quran. Muhammed
is considered to be the last in a series of prophets that includes the likes of Adam,
Noah, Moses and even Jesus. Islam also contains practices such as the 5 Pillars that include
the profession of faith, daily prayers, giving, fasting during the holy 9th month of the Islamic
calendar, and the pilgrimage to Mecca known as the Hajj. A Muslim making it into heaven
or hell is heavily dependent on the deeds performed in their worldly lives. It is believed
that by 2060, Islam will become the world's largest religion primarily through population
1. Christianity With over 2.2 billion believers, Christianity
is the world's largest religion. The Christian faith is unique in that the One True God,
Jehovah, paid the price for man's sin by sending His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die
by crucifixion as the sacrificial lamb of God.. Belief in the life death and resurrection
of Jesus offers the believer salvation through faith in Him as Savior. Christianity relies
on a close walk with God through His Word, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and spiritual
growth not just worldly deeds. Entrance into Heaven is dependent upon the acceptance of
the finished work of Christ on the cross as a payment for the debt of an individual's
sins. The sacred scriptures, the old and new testaments of the Holy Bible, tell of the
history of the world, the nation of Israel, the life, teachings and miracles of Jesus
and offer direction on how a Christian is to live and conduct themselves in the world.
Examples are love one another as God loves you, forgiving one another, servitude, mercy
and the Ten Commandments. Christians face adversity from Satan, also known as Lucifer,
a prideful and arrogant angel, who wanting to be like God caused ⅓ of the angels, now
demons. to fall from heaven to earth, Satan and his demons cause suffering in the world
and delude non believers into worshiping false gods.
Good people, I thank you so much for watching this list, I hope you enjoyed it and if you
did, please share it with a friend! If you didn't enjoy it, share it with a friend,
so we can annoy them together.
Comment your thoughts down below, did you learn anything new?
Thank you again, I love you much and as always don't forget to subscribe!
God Bless and madLuv!
George et Amal Clooney, un troisième bébé pour sauver leur mariage -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Cảm giác bị tê bàn tay và các ngón tay khi ngủ tuyệt đối không nên chủ quan - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
Panistas apoyan recortea bancadas… sin opacidad - Duration: 2:45.Compartir La diputada federal electa por el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), Marcela Torres Peimbert, dijo que respalda la propuesta de reducción de salarios y gastos en los grupos parlamentarios, como propone Morena, pero advirtió que deberá ponerse atención en el destino que tendrán los ahorros
Entrevistada en el marco de la reunión plenaria de los diputados de Acción Nacional que se llevó a cabo en la sede del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional, la senadora saliente adelantó que presentará en la próxima legislatura la propuesta de ahorro que ya había hecho en el Senado, junto con el Grupo Anticorrupción, integrado por legisladores panistas
"La propuesta es reducir al 50%, porque ahorita en Morena empezaron con 50%, luego 40%, ahora ya van en 30%
Nosotros nos vamos a sostener la propuesta que hicimos, hace más de un año, que la reducción sea de 50%"
Aunque aclaró que hablaba a título personal, expresó que al menos ella, así como los diputados entrantes Juan Carlos Romero Hicks y Ernesto Ruffo sí están dispuestos a aplicar la reducción en sus salarios, pero lo trascendente, enfatizó, "es transparentar el dinero que se maneja de manera discrecional y opaca en los grupos parlamentarios, tanto en el Senado como en la Cámara de Diputados"
El qué pasará con ese dinero, producto de los ahorros, continuó, es la batalla que viene; e incluso sugirió que eso podría someterse a consulta, y "no el tipo de consultas técnicas que está planteando ahorita el Presidente electo (Andrés Manuel López Obrador); creo que eso sí nos corresponde a todos"
Que se pregunte si se quiere infraestructura y de qué tipo, si ese dinero se va ir a becas para estudiantes de maestrías en el extranjero o nuevamente a un programa social, tipo Progresa, que no combate la pobreza, pero que sí compra voluntades electorales, cuestionó
Por su parte, Juan Pardinas, director del Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad (IMCO), quien acudió a impartir una plática a los panistas, adelantó que la próxima semana presentarán un estudio sobre el gasto en Congresos y una conclusión apunta a que "es obsceno lo que se ha invertido a nivel legislativo en los últimos años"
"Morena planteó 50%; creo que es una buena cifra por dónde empezar. Hay que revisar qué se recorta y qué no", pero resaltó que lo primero es tener objetivos claros de gobierno, y propuso destinar los ahorros al combate a la desigualdad y a fortalecer los cuerpos de seguridad
LEG Compartir
Omoakin ft Harmonize x Skales in Sisi Maria Remix-------------------------------------------
Taking RV Onto A Certified Truck Scale - Duration: 14:47.oh that's that's pitiful look at the belly look at them Oh before we get
started with this video though guys just wanted to let you know since I'm back in
the Auburn main area I decided to take the RV back to Greeley's and bribing the
mechanics to fix my RV that's right yeah to have them also do the front component
the rotors and the pads ceramic pads and the calipers and wheel bearings and
everything so now the entire chassis is Chevy OEM there are mechanic that I
trust and this is more preventive maintenance there wasn't really anything
wrong with the front brakes but because they did so good and they have the
capabilities to put those parts on I just decided to make Maine the place
where we just start from scratch and make Yoda as good as she's gonna be so
feeling good about that but Jackson I spent another entire day in a lobby
which wasn't necessarily fun for us but lucky for you you didn't have to sit
around for an extra day and see any more of that so back to normally scheduled
programming right now here's the plan for today to get our day started I'm
gonna go away this RV it has been about six months since I have weighed the RV
every RV out there has a maximum weight that you can load that RV and actually
physically way where that's located in every RV I don't know but for my
Fleetwood Tioga it's right here in my cupboard on this little white piece of
paper right here see there is my cargo carrying capacity so the most important
number on this is going to be the gross vehicle weight rating this first one up
here which is twelve thousand three hundred pounds that means this RV should
never weigh more than twelve thousand three hundred pounds fully-loaded
anytime on the road at any point also look at this it actually has the old
water weight on here thirty six gallon tank 8.33 pounds per gallon means this
RV started at 300 pounds of water you may also remember last summer I swapped
out that 36 gallon stock for a 58 gallon water tank which added some physical
weight right let's talk about that weight real quick let's do some math if
my 58 gallon water tank was all the way full which it has never been
full and never maybe when I'm boondocking out in Arizona but if it's
all the way full at eight point three three pounds per extra gallon then I
added a total of 183 pounds to the water capacity on top of that three hundred if
it's full so is that a three hundred I could potentially have 483 pounds of
water but let's look at something else so look at this the RV is also already
rated for five people at 154 pounds a person giving me seven hundred and
seventy pounds of people weight well although Jax and I may both be
overweight I weigh 183 pounds Jax weighs twenty four point two pounds
we're nowhere near that seven hundred and seventy pound weight right there so
what's another hundred and eighty three out of the water when we haven't even
began to dip into the already allowed people weight on this list let's keep
going also it's letting us know what the front gross weight and the rear gross
weight axles are allowed to have each so forty three hundred on the front and up
to eighty six hundred on the rear that is important to know as well underneath
that is the hitch rating 3,500 pounds of towing max tongue weight three hundred
and fifty pounds also talk about that one real quick the motorcycle weighed
the TW two hundred weight 287 pounds with a 40 pound carrier I was never over
the 350 pound weight we talked about the water thing I added also I have five AGM
batteries in here it came stock with two and I think 55 pounds apiece and I have
added three more so there's another additional one hundred and sixty pounds
and three extra batteries on board I'm just trying to think weight wise what
else I have added okay so I got rid of the entire dinette and put in a couch I
don't think the couch weighs any more than the old dinette would did the table
certainly weighs a little more the TV weighs more I've got two solar panels on
the roof that weigh 55 pounds apiece so you know we're starting to add up but I
mean it is curious you know have we overloaded this RV so at this point
right now I have got this thing pretty much fully loaded as much as possible
the water tank is about three cord spoiled that's about as full as I ever
get it on a regular basis as far as cargo yeah I've got beer and soda stored
up and cat food and other essentials that I have to have on the road food and
groceries and let's do the math of the old motorcycle so 287 pounds plus 40
pounds on the weight of the carrier a total of 327 pounds were on the bat
but right now I haven't gotten rid of that entire weight because I've added 40
pounds of two carriers in a 38 pound bike so that's 78 pounds that are still
on the back I have reduced the weight on the back right now but technically a
month ago I did have more weight on the back so this becomes the moment of truth
no matter what happens at the scales I am going to show it to you guys I am
gonna reveal what happened I think I'm underweight if I'm
overweight then a lot of you were right and I was wrong but I mean that's a good
thing to know we need to know right so I'm gonna show you the process for
driving this thing over to the cat scales get it officially and certified
weighed here we go all right Jax let's go get weighed suck
it in go ahead and go and suck it in Jax yeah okay cool all right so we'll pull
into this Irving gas station but it's also a cat
certified weigh station and you know the only reason I picked this one is because
I called around I don't need to set up an account with cat like a professional
driver and get weighed you know every single day on the road I just want to do
it one time every like six months or something like that probably so this
would allows you to just go through get weighed come inside and pay cash isn't
that awesome okay here we go so this is one of the ones that weighs each axle so
I get my front wheels up to one scale and then my rear axle will be on another
scale so I'll just show you what this is like it's been about six months since
I've done it
there we go
I gotta get out and push a button though yes it is
we'll just call it RV 69 yes
thank you okay so I'll just pull into one of these trucks slots right here
go inside pay my eleven dollars get a printout and I will share that
information with you when I get back inside
here we go all certified I will go over this in detail I want to head back to
Renee's place there I will just say I am underweight in every single category
here but there are still some things I want to talk about once we get parked
and kind of go over this and the exact specifications for this RV so something
really important hang on hang on just a second trying to fix the glare the
bottom one is the one we're looking at can you see that says twelve thousand
one hundred pounds and also the driveaxle 80 260 the front steer axle 38
40 again max gross weight 12 300 we are currently just 200 pounds underneath the
maximum weight of this RV total we are allowed 4,300 pounds on the front axle
and we're at 38 40 and on the rear axle we are allowed eighty six hundred pounds
and were at 80 to 60 so what does this tell us a couple things first of all
neither of my axles are overweight that's great news
secondly as of this second right now my Rd is not overweight not overweight by a
whopping 200 pounds which is fine right now
but remember how I was talking about what's the added difference right now
with the motorcycle and the bike I told you guys I was gonna eat my words if I'm
wrong right okay well a month ago today compared to right
now with the change from the motorcycle and carrier with the current bicycle and
carrier is a difference of two hundred and forty nine pounds
add two hundred and forty nine pounds to twelve thousand one hundred and we would
have been over the weight allowed on this RV this time goes you start to pick
up more stuff covered is a little bit heavier and I
just acquire more things so this is one of those things that's making me be a
little more mindful about what I carry with the RV as well as how I acquire
stuff in the RV I got sidetracked earlier sorry I forgot where I was going
with that but what I've been doing is working on reducing some of the weight
in the RV down a little bit what I can do and that means coming to two
conclusions let's go inside essentially going through some things and
reevaluating their enjoyment of quality of life on the road so I have actually
removed all of my magnets and these steel plates they were here the ones
that were on the vent those steel plates right here for the magnets and the
magnets 14 pounds of 5 years worth of collecting magnets I don't know how many
total tapes I have these hold 42 apiece and this holds 120 and then I've got
some extras down below I've got my two tape players and stuff like that this
was a hard choice for me but after talking with my friend Renee here he's
gonna let me store some stuff in his basement downstairs so that I don't have
to sell it or get rid of it or lose it but it's gonna free up some some weight
in the RV because I had to think about the quality of life with the cassette
tapes I love listening to music I love my cassette tapes it makes way more
sense than having the cassette tapes just have the tiny little iPod full of
way more music and to play them through speakers and stuff or headphones inside
the RV so for the time being until things change if they change but in this
RV right now I'm gonna do what I can do to take the weight off and to test the
theory of that weight I have borrowed a little foot scale here I'm gonna weigh
myself and then I'm gonna grab some items and see how much weight difference
so let's see what I weigh first one eighty four point six I gained a
pound since yesterday Oh two fifty seven point two
all right now we'll do the last take deck and the two players two forty one
point eight I also filled a garbage can there full of garbage I've got two more
garbage cans down here I'm gonna get rid of one of my three fans cause it's
getting winter time anyway and I realize that I only really used two non-stop in
the summertime when I needed this table there's another thing it's incredibly
helpful sometimes but guess what I literally use this four times in the
last year total only four times that I bring this outside the RV and set it up
so the added weight of all of this let me go check 68 pounds total right there
as well so there we go what we done today we have released 14 pounds of
magnets 73 pounds for the first tape hand held stuff 57 pounds so the second
thing in my hands and another 68 pounds total at the table and the garbage and
the stuff that I'm donating two hundred and twelve pounds I just freed up on my
RV might not sound like that much but remember when we got weighed I was only
200 pounds under the limit so now I'm more than 400 pounds under the limit
right now and that is huge but you got to think I mean I'm literally thinking
about small stuff now like the extra three or four bags of cat food that I've
got in the back I do that because it's cheaper to buy it when I can get it
rather than paying you know a heftier price later or stocking up things on
barley pop or Gatorade or back when I had multiple cases of soda ready to go
all that weight adds up and you really don't have much to play with in an RV
okay I think I'm allowed up to like 1,800 pounds of extra cargo capacity
pounds once the RV is all ready to go you know so for camping and little trips
that's gonna be great but for living in it and having solar and batteries and my
entire life is in this RV it's really tough and tricky to think about reducing
it down that much more so for today I have released another 212
pounds off the RV I had mentioned that my main travel plans for the summer had
changed a little bit because of the brake issues eventually we're gonna have
to start heading south as the temperatures cool off here and summer
comes to an end so see you guys soon you know my plans changed in Maine because
the autofocus is focusing on han Solo there's a box around Han Solo space but
not mine hey I want to be in focus Canon look at
my there we go that's so funny it's back on Han Solo's
face I love autofocus face tracking awesome may the force be with you
Engineers Are Making Squishy, Bio-Inspired Robots, Here's How They Work - Duration: 4:01.When you imagine the robots of the future what do you picture?
Humanoids made of steel?
Massive metal monsters?
Turns out, they might be a little squishier.
If you haven't noticed, evolution of biological life has done a pretty good job at making
things perfectly equipped to interact with our world.
And now, robotics is starting to follow suit, in an emerging field called soft robotics.
You've probably seen this little guy from MIT swimming through your social media timelines.
Look at him go!
This autonomous fishbot can swim right alongside marine life, giving biologists a whole new
way to observe this ecosystem.
And there's other tech helping scientists study the ocean, like this underwater microphone
aboard the Seeker Vessel!
Long distance swimmer Ben Lecomte and crew are on an expedition to gather data to raise
awareness about ocean health.
Their hydrophone records the secret sounds of the deep.
Hydrophones and soft robots could be important conservation tools in the future, because
they're uniquely suited to work with their environment.
And these bots in particular draw inspiration from nature for their designs.
But before I get into all that, let's tackle how these squishy bots actually work in the
first place.
The main characteristic of a soft robot is that, well, it's soft.
Instead of traditional materials, the body is constructed out of rubber, polymers, and
sometimes even fabric.
But it's harder to adapt the components that make the bot move, like the actuators
- These have to be radically rethought for soft bots, since traditional robots tend to
use electric motors that are difficult to downsize.
So, instead some use hydraulics or pneumatics to push air or water through the soft body
parts in a way that creates predictable motion.
Others use shape memory alloys that change shape when exposed to heat, so when a limb
is heated, it will unfurl or coil up in a particular way.
Some researchers are even looking into replacing actuators with soft, LIVING MUSCLES, which
is [WHOA], and, a whole video of its own.
When it comes to the power source, some of these guys- like our friendly robo fish - rely
on small lithium ion batteries.
But there's also a lot of experimentation in this part of the field - from hydrogel
batteries (which we've covered on the channel before) to ditching batteries all together
and using chemical energy from hydrocarbons.
But, soft robotics still has some limitations.
Many robots still require tethers to electrical or pneumatic devices because we haven't
figured out how to integrate these onboard the robot, just yet.
That hasn't stopped engineers from tinkering with new robots, and there are some really
cool ones in action!
One such example is the octopus robot from BioRobotics.
Inspired by the squishy but strong nature of octopus tentacles, This robot uses synthetic
arms that rely on shape memory alloys to grasp, and even crawl- allowing the robot to travel
Octopuses have also inspired gripping robots,like this one from Harvard- that can gently pick
up marine life from the ocean floor so biologists can study them.
What makes all of these robots so promising is the way they easily adapt to new tasks
and environments, unlike traditional robots that would need to be frequently modified
or reprogrammed.
This also means they have a ton of applications.
They could one day be used in rescue missions that require squeezing through small spaces
and traversing over rugged terrain.
Or these soft, biocompatible robots could be used inside your body for medical diagnosis
& treatment.
To be honest, I'm kind of surprised it's taken us this long to start making soft robots.
I mean when you look at animals--which are debatably the best examples we have for adapting
to new environments -- they're pretty much all soft!
Humans ourselves are less than 15% rigid material!
But, I suppose, biological evolution did take millions of years, and to be fair, robot evolution
has only just begun.
To stay up to date with the latest soft robot updates, subscribe!
And to check out the crazy sounds Ben and his crew recorded with their hydrophone- watch
their latest episode here.
This data will help us learn about our largest ocean's marine life AND help us to protect
Can't get much cooler than that.
Thanks for watching.
25 gym exercises to help you swim faster. Workout #10. Free PDF guide - Duration: 5:28.If you want to swim faster, I believe that the most important thing is perfecting your
swimming technique.
But having strong muscles also helps.
Welcome to our workout videos.
On this video we will go over 25 gym exercises to help you gain muscle and swim faster.
you can add these to your weekly routine so you can improve your swimming.
You can download the free pdf guide through the link in the description below where you
will find instructions on the number of repetitions and number of sets.
If you want the workout guide in korean please message us on
If you don't want to miss any of our videos be sure to be subscribed and ring the bell
One of the most used and essential muscle groups in swimming are the core muscles.
So we will go over 8 different core exercises.
cable russian twist - this is an excellent exercise for your whole core but mainly internal
and external obliques
flutter kick - this works your rectus abdominis -- the front sheath of your abs otherwise known
as six pack and also the hip flexors
Modified V-Up - entire core but mainly abs russian twist - With this exercies you will
feel your obliques burning hollow rock - this is to stabilize your core
muscles, this is very close to a streamline position.
back up or super man - This works mainly on your lower back.
weighted sit up with arms up - This will work your whole core including hip flexors and
knee raises - On this exercise you will work on your core plus your forearms
another very used group muscles are the shoulders.
You will want to strengthen them to prevent injuries in addition of the benefit of swimming
We will go over 3 exercises that all work on different parts of the deltoids.
lateral flyes - Use light weight on these ones and do them in a controlled manner.
front flyes - Use the same light weights on this one as you did on the lateral.
arnold press - This is an excellent exercise for most of the shoulder.
Don't forget to twist and squeeze while going up.
back flyes- these will work on the posterior deltoids
To compliment the shoulders we need strong biceps, triceps, chest and traps.
bicep curls - The biceps are small muscles but there are intense ways to work them out.
Check out the pdf guide for more.
tricep extensions - Make sure you are getting the full range of motion on these.
chest flyes - for these use a weight that you can handle.
push ups - There are many ways of doing pushups.
Try changing them up to work different parts of your chest, triceps and shoulders.
shrugs - These will work on your traps quite nicely.
If you want to pull water easier you need stronger back muscles.
pull ups - This is an excellent option to strengthen your lats and shoulders as well
as the forearms.
standing lat pushdowns - This is a very similar movement to the butterfly stroke movement.
Do this to strengthen your back muscles.
dumbbell rows - These will strengthen your scapular muscles which are very important
to balance all the front of the body exercises that we normally do.
The more balanced you are the less shoulder injuries you will get.
Last but not least the legs, these are obviously an important part of any stroke.
And you need strong legs to get the propulsion you want.
db squats - These are excellent to strengthen your glutes and quads.
You need good form for these so I'll out a link on the description to help you with
these, but the most important part is to keep the entire foot on the ground throughout the
squat, keep your back straight and make sure your knees don't bend inwards.
db Lounges - These are difficult but effective at working many parts of your legs.
one leg db deadlifts - These will work on your coordination, stabilization and your
wall sit - Bend your knees on a 90 degree angle and just lean with your hips against
the wall.
You will feel the burn on your quads after a few seconds.
Remember if you want to download a free PDF workout guide of these exercises so you know
how often to do them and how many reps go to the link in the description, where you
will also find other free workouts.
Also if you want to check out our swim cap designs and other swimming merch go to
Thanks for watching!
See you next friday!
Plyvy bystroh!
मटर पनीर पुलाव | Matar Paneer Pulao Recipe | How To Make Paneer Pulao | Veg Main Course | Archana - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Lancia Musa AUTOMAAT 1.4 - CLIMATE - CRUISE - PARK ASSIST - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
[ENG SUB] GRBOYZ EP.04 - You worked hard, No:el - Duration: 15:18."Getting rap lessons from Personality HipHop pioneer Giriboy"
You really don't know anything..omg
you're lacking in the theory
OK let's start
2018 August Rookie artist "NO:EL" in the studio
(reading his comments) "the level of noel's lyrics..."
"You're calling this a song?"
You try making a song yourself then..!
Jvcki wai..
I shall study (music) listening to this person's songs
This nuna's gestures are so weird
This guy's so fucking handsome
He's so skinny tho (shameless)
He's insane
Do I need to do something like that
(swings poster from the upgrade 3 album on the wall in his studio.. lol)
Ah.. I'm ruined
I'm good usually
But I rapped too much
so I can't think of the lyrics
I'm really sorry, for not showing you my best
(PDs) What do you think of getting rap lessons?
Rap lessons?
From who?
We invited a rapper that you really like
Shall we go?
Oh sh*t
oh fuck, Giriboy?!
Isn't that Giriboy?
Be quiet
I was in the middle of image training
Who are you?
I'm NO:EL who's actively promoting in Hongdae
Ah really? I don't watch TV so..
Sit comfortably
(NO:EL kneeling on the floor lmao)
Sit here
So what's up?
I'm here for rap lesson
Rap lesson? Oh..
Do you have anything you can show?
Should I do it without music?
That's up to you
That's not for me to decide
It's predictable you see
It's predictable
Try again bro
They're all so predictable
Do something new
I'm Jung Sangsoo
Representing busan
Oh that was good!
You're quite good
But one thing about you is
you're lacking in the theoretical part
you're sorry?
Don't touch your ring
You have tattoo?
You tattooed all these?
No, this is just a scar
repeat after me
scar arms
scar aRMS
scar aRMS
too many tat.. tattoo..
too many tattoo
too many TATtoo
too many TATtoo
thats right
I mentioned that theory is important right
I can't just teach you..
There's this thing in hiphop culture
there's a culture called Deposit
NO:EL: I'm hongdae hiphop so I'm not familiar with that
Ah... you don't know..
I'm just saying.. there's a culture like that
You have Toss? (*an app that you can transfer money to other bank account)
- Toss? - Yea
Yes I do
I'll offer you a cheaper price
I'll teach you at 800 thousand won (~716 USD)
Then I shall.. deposit in via Toss
Tell me once the deposit's done
Yep, I just deposited it.
Okay! I'll start!
First, the definition of hiphop
(he writing it as Hippop instead of hiphop LOL)
What is hiphop?
Try again
That's true too.. but I'll tell you accurately
Definition of Hiphop
which means
(at loss of words)
Hiphop is EGG.
There's a saying in Hiphop
Does the egg come first or the chicken?
Fried chicken comes first.
You got it?
Hiphop is Fried Chicken!
Where do you see lots of this?
album that will be released on 22nd july, there's a song called fried chicken
There's 4 main components of Hiphop
what is it
fried chicken
half seasoned chicken
you're a rapper right
Whats the second?
whats next
your equipments have to be good
whats the last one
you're really clueless..
What's the last one
So what does a rapper do?
they rap and make albums
and go clubbing. that's a rapper
Lapper - the act of going clubbing
aka Giriboy
This is Rapper.
What's Producer?
the act of making beats
or Giriboy
you're getting pretty good at this
so what's equipment
thats a little difficult
difficult right?
if you don't have equipments, you cant rap
you shouldn't rap
you should do it with good equipments
that's equipment also known as equipment manias
which means Lapper also means equipment manias
I should note this down
You haven't been noting down??
yes, write it
(noel's writing "wow he talks loads of bullshit)
the last one Dodeok (which means Moral)
whats the full word of this? (*Dodeok = Dok2 and the Quiett)
Dok2 The Quiett
Oh...? I got it correct?
We can test your morality
How many hate comments do you have?
you know rappers like swings?
monster rapper
for swings, all these applies to him except moral
for rappers like Swings, they have around 600 thousand hate comments
(he wrote "Monster Rapper Swings OUT")
we'll do a test now
Choose the person that has the greatest moral
1. Swings who greet people well
2. Swings who has great manners
3. Swings who wears I4p clothes
4. listening to Giriboy's album instead of Flex brings me more money
thats right
correct answer
why do you think this is wrong?
he greets people well, but he doesnt listen to giriboy's album
and also, the most important one, (bcs its swings)
what about this?
the same, bcs its Swings
why is 3 wrong?
if Swings wears I4p clothes, they won't sell
I didnt think of that
That's too mean to Swings
What I had in mind was he doesn't match the clothes
so its wrong.
so the right answer is
repeat after me
Listening to Giriboy's album instead of Flex brings in more money for me
You should say Giriboy instead of me
whats coming out on july 22nd?
high tech..
people still dont know about it
because it got buried by Flex
So now you know basically everything about Hiphop
You're already good
Even your eyes look different now
Aigoo I'm scared
Do you wanna eat something?
I'll make you something nice
I'll make you kimchi fried rice
Why are you looking so intimidated
Be comfortable
You can't feel intimidated meeting a giant
OK it's starting
OK put this in
cut it in pieces
you're still a baby right
an adult like me, we eat big pieces
but you're still a baby
thats why im doing it like this
you're not really outspoken
you're quite shy right
yep, i'm shy. - thats good
it's not good to talk too much
what happens if you talk too much?
become like swings
are you hungry?
yes im hungry
then should i put 2 servings of rice or only one
well, if hyung is hungry then..
i'm not going to eat
if you're not going to eat, then i'll only have one
I'll show you the skills
you do hiphop right
what did I say about hiphop
Hiphop is egg.
We put in the hiphop egg
you dropped eggshells in it..
it doesnt matter
this is the khiphop scene
this is hiphop
we'll go in
the hiphop's coming in to ur body
what u gon do? shdnt u prepare to receive it?
are u ready?
ok 1 2 3
OK we became one
we have to wait now
shd we taste it
i'll give u meat
its good right
i'll give u the egg
should we go eat in the room?
use this book to put the pan
isnt this important to you?
try it
how is it
its good!
it's good?
should I have a bite
isnt it good?
do we have an extra spoon?
I'm not going to eat
are you on diet?
- yes - me too.
it's so difficult to lose weight
but still we have to try hard to do it
eat moderately
got it?
do exercises.
- oh hyung you exercise now? - yea
if you exercise, the male hormones get released, do you see this?
I hit the wall, no joke yesterday
too many hormones secreted
everyone's avoiding me
and this I tried to do something out of my comfort zone
thats so hardcore
its important to have a reversal charm
i look scary but behind the stage, i'm cute
you cannot just have a strong character like me
there's no charm to that
losing weight is really hard
but even so, i overcame it
this is tasty
you ate a lot?
you ate a lot?
yes i ate a lot
i made this because of you
but now it looks like i made it for myself to eat
we finished eating.. you ate well right
you should clean up
should i send you home?
really? - yes
omg i'm honoured (soul-less)
you should take this notebook too
you learned a lot today right
yes you helped me so much
if you dont listen to me, you'll become like that
with long hair
you worked hard
this is nothing much but its something u need when u make music
its a book (title: Personality is a skill)
its a good book, a hiphop book
Personality's a ski- hahha
and this is when u write lyrics
it's good when u write lyrics
hyung if you dont mind, can i -
i mind, but what is it?
can you take a picture with me?
upload the second one if youre uploading it
hyung i'm really grateful, can I hug you?
thats what those people who do ballad does
yes thats it
and here
go in
i love you
to NO:EL, you worked hard, continue doing well in the future too
"Mancherai!". Ancora sangue sulle strade italiane. Stefania Mollica muore a 26 anni. - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
EXO 엑소 PLANET #4 The ElyXiOn DVD Unboxing - Duration: 3:41.Hello, I'm Unboxing Nano.
Today, I will unbox about EXO's EXO PLANET #4
The ElyXiOn, 4th concert, on November, 2017.
[EXO PLANET #4 The ElyXiOn]
Let's look at together.
Before watching, plz click to "LIKE"&"SUBSCRIBE".
I think it's a luxury design.
The CD is luxurious too.
36 Special color postcards
I'll keep this hidden for a moment.
It looks generous and high-quality.
It is carefully designed to the back.
It's in high quality of materials, and The picture has good quality too.
Photocard member is
Let's look at the poster.
Poster is so beautiful.
Until now, I'm Unboxing Nano.
See you next, Bye♥♥♥♥♥
[Juno ASMR] What Happened In My Lover's Empty Place EP.1 [Korean ASMR/Roleplay/Mature/Kiss] (SUB) - Duration: 5:57.This video is a ridiculous (makjang) drama which contains unrealistic storylines and mature depictions. Please go back if you are uncomfortable with that.
Please use earphones. Please like and subscribe!
Juno ASMR Makjang Miniseries - 'What Happened In My Lover's Empty Place'
Episode 1
Where should we go now?
Your place?
What about your parents
not home?
Let's go
(Going up)
(50th floor)
(The doors are closing)
I'm... nervous
Can't you feel my hands shaking?
It's my first time going to your place
It's kind of fascinating
and nerve-wracking
Are you sure your parents aren't home?
(This is the 50th floor)
(The doors are opening)
Babe, you live in such a nice place
Can I look around?
It's really nice
Um, what should we do now?
Should we just watch TV in the living room?
Can I have some water?
But what if your parents come home suddenly?
It's my first time seeing them
It would be so awkward
Before your parents come home
I better leave
From one perspective
this is really thrilling
When did they say they're coming home?
Well then
there's two hours left
What should we do?
Want to...
do something...
more thrilling?
We got time anyways
On this sofa...
I want to just do it right now
So sexy
Don't want to do it?
Didn't you bring me here because you want to do it?
Let's do it
Open up
You're trying to seduce me?
It's so good
It's okay to do it here?
In the living room?
Should I
put it in right now?
Take off your clothes
So good
What the f...
(Same time next week...)
Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe! ^^
Indonesia Vs UEA, Garuda Muda Siap Hadapi Dua Faktor Non-teknis - Duration: 2:26.Indonesia Vs UEA, Garuda Muda Siap Hadapi Dua Faktor Non-teknis
Asisten pelatih timnas U-23 Indonesia, Bima Sakti, menyebut timnya tidak akan terpengaruh dengan perubahan waktu dan tempat tanding di Asian Games 2018.
Setelah lolos dari Grup A, Indonesia akan berhadapan dengan Uni Emirat Arab (UEA) pada babak 16 besar.
Laga ini akan berlangsung di Stadion Wibawa Mukti, Cikarang, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jumat (24/8/2019) sore.
Menurut Bima Sakti, perubahan waktu pertandingan ini akan mempengaruhi Indonesia.
Namun Bima Sakti optimistis Hansamu Yama ddk bisa beradaptasi.
Kami juga sudah beberapa kali bermain sore, mungkin ini hal baru bagi kami di Asian Games, semoga pemain bisa beradaptasi," kata Bima Sakti dikutip dari
Selama fase penyisihan Grup A, Indonesia selalu bermain malam hari pukul 19.00 WIB.
Terakhir kali, timnas U-23 Indonesia bermain sore saat berlaga dalam SEA Games 2017 Malaysia yang digelar pada Agustus tahun lalu.
Kendala kedua yang akan dihadapi Indonesia adalah perpindahan tempat pertandingan.
Pada babak penyisihan Grup A, Stefano Lilipaly dkk bermain sebanyak empat pertandingan di Stadion Patriot, Kota Bekasi.
Menurut Bima Sakti, perubahan ini tidak akan banyak mempengaruhi penampilan Indonesia.
Kami juga pindah venue ke Cikarang dan tadi pelatih Luis Milla berharap dan menyampaikan bahwa tim ini sudah bagus, treknya juga bagus," ujar Bima.
Tim ini semuanya juga bagus.
Jadi kami mohon dukungan dari suporter," kata mantan pemain Persema Malang ini.
Jika berhasil mengalahkan UEA, Indonesia akan berhadapan dengan pemenang laga Banglades versus Korea Utara pada babak perempat final.
합리적 가격대로 시장 공략하는 중국산 미니밴..소비자 인기 비결은? - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Artifact Beta Keys - AMI's Song for Valve (dota 2 card game) - Duration: 2:17.Whats poppig gaben
as i watched the opening ceremony of ti8 and beta keys were announced, i realized my
fate cus im european and ti is not
neither is pax, this game lacks, equal beta shots
dont get me wrong valve, i dont think i should just get one for free
its not about me, its about geographic opportunity id easily pay 20, id pay 80, id pay anything
for a chance at a key, like americans
i really hate to beg, and thats why im not im just letting you in on the shared artifact
reddit thoughts if youre gonna be unfair dont expect no repercussion
so youd be wize to listen to your fans discussions
we do not expect the game for free all we ask of you is equal opportunity
oh gaben hear my plea worldwide artifact beta keys
oh gaben hear my plea worldwide artifact beta keys
oh gaben hear my plea worldwide artifact beta keys
oh gaben hear my plea worldwide artifact beta keys
tell me valve, why are we left out, indeed
what youre doing is global cuckoldry
tell me valve, why are we left out, indeed what youre doing is global cuckoldry
Peace, guys… world peace.
Bóng đá Olympic Việt Nam đối đầu Olympic Syria,Tứ kết Asiad 2018,Park Hang -Seo quyết tâm hạ đối thủ - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Angst vor Baby-Drama: Die Katze umzäunt ihren Pool ! - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Audi A1 Sportback Basic Adrenalin 1.0TFSI 95pk LEDR+STOELVERWM. - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Paper Boat Making Tutorial That Floats | Origami Boat Easy Instruction For Kids - Duration: 3:00.Welcome to origami art. Today i show you how to make
an origami boat. Diy paper boat super easy
tutorial for kids. If you want to make this boat
please watch full video.
Don't forget to like, comment and share if you like this video.
Thank you very much for watching this video.
Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S-line - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne gossip, cosa sta succedendo tra Federico e Clarissa? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Škoda Citigo 1.0 60pk Greentech Ambition - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, Beatrice Valli come Belen: nuovo incredibile traguardo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
BEST METAL PLUGIN I'VE EVER TRIED - Fortin Nameless Suite Plugin - Duration: 11:39.Hi I'm Ola and welcome to my video.
Now if you've been following my channel you have probably heard about the genius that
is Mike Fortin, he designed my Satan amplifier among of a ton of other cool pedals
We have the Zuul Noise gate, we have the 33 pedal,
Not that one.
Now Mike has designed a lot of really cool amplifiers during the years, and today I'm
happy to be first to try out his new Fortin Nameless Suite amplifier plugin made by
Neural DSP together with Fortin Amplification
For this test I'm using this Solar A1.7 Artist into the input of my Apollo 8 interface into
Logic Pro X and that's it basically, I also have a plugin noise gate
just to save you guys from hum and noise during my speaking segments of this video.
So , ok lets go...
So first thing we see when we load up the plugin is the face of the amplifier here with
it's controls, You have a Master volume control that you
can pull for more gain.
Presence, bass, mid and treble knobs and it has two gain knobs Gain 1 and 2, and depending
on which input you're using, you can switch between high and low input here.
in High input mode the two gain knobs work together, and on the Low mode only gain 2
is active.
With that said the amp controls are fairly simple it's more about finding the perfect balance with
the gain 1 and gain 2
Up here you can switch over to the microphone settings, two sides where you can use two
microphones in stereo or just one in mono or blend two in mono, there's a lot to do
here, and you have a bunch of different microphones to choose from ,and you can also upload your own Impulse Response
You can Set position, you can either drag the microphone here or just these knobs
You can set mic level, panning, phase reverse, so there's a lot to do here..
And in before the amp and microphone block you have a pedal block, where you will the
famous Fortin Grind pedal, I have it here, it's an awesome pedal.
that you can switch on and off.
And if you're not familiar with the Fortin Grind, it's basically a set pre-filter boost
that gives a little extra push and tighter low-end.
It's an excellent pedal!
So this is the amp without the Grind Pedal engaged...
Sounds really good...
Ok lets try out the Gain knobs a little..
A little bit too much.
So the point here is to set a good mixture between the two...
Then when you've found a good mix of the gain knobs, maybe you can use the Grind pedal
Just crank the hell out of it...
The Grind ads a little more of that glassy type of sound...
Alright, lets turn some knobs...
Presence knob.
Yeah that sounds really good.
Alright lets try out the different microphones...
Lets start with just one.
Sounds good
Yeah I like that
You know what I really like about this?
It sounds real.
The response feels real too.
Like how I hit on the strings.
Yeah that's sick...
I can't play that song!
Yeah that's sick
Ok and you're saying like: Ola you f*k face, you only play like in drop Q
Ok, lets plug in another guitar...
This is in standard E, so no complaints now
That sounds amazing...
Alright let me if I can..
..upload my own impulse response
oops sorry!
Aooops sorry!
That's just a lot of fun!
Alright, because I'm a Swede, lets play a blue guitar as well.
Alright so let me set this in Low Input
Shut off this...
So if you use the Low Input and set Gain 2 to somewhere beneath 12 o clock
And not have the Grind engaged , you should have a plexi sound going.
Isn't that Dream Theater?
That's nice... I really like that.
It's nice that you can do that with this plugin, it's a metal amp
but you can still go full plexi if you want to.
Alright so there you have it, you're probably already saying, Oh Ola you could plug into
a cat and it would still sound this awesome, I know,
maybe that's a good idea for the next video.
but honestly if you're into modern metal this is probably the best distortion plugin I've
tried so far, and I'm usually a bit reluctant to use plugins for rhythm guitar tone, I like
to use real amplifiers when I record because I just think they sound a lot better, but here
is a plugin that I can see myself using for rhythm guitar on a production, it sounds frigging
awesome to be honest.
If you want to know more about this check out
It's been an absol...
It's been an absolute pleasure to try out this plugin, thank you so much for watching
and smash that subscribe button,
Brush fire burning on I-5 N near Boeing Field - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
Network Marketing Tipp 44 I Gelassenheit - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
Russian Textbook "I love Russian / Я Люблю Русский язык" by Liden & Denz - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
「LIVE」Puyo Puyo Chronicle (#13): Got some time to stream before work...! - Duration: 41:11.-------------------------------------------
1. E' VERO CHE PIERSILVIO BERLUSCONI INTENDE VAGLIARE I NOMI DEI CONCORRENTI DEI REALITY PER EVITARE - Duration: 8:53.1) Gira voce che a Cologno Monzese sia cambiato il vento e che Piersilvio Berlusconi abbia deciso di vagliare personalmente i nomi dei concorrenti dei reality del Biscione
Pare voglia evitare casi simili a quelli accaduti nell'edizione nip del Grande Fratello condotto da Barbara D'Urso
2) Gira voce che nel prossimo giro di nomine Ludovico Di Meo, vicedirettore di Rai1 responsabile della fascia mattutina, dovrebbe incassare una direzione di rete
Sogna Rai2 ma in alternativa punterebbe alla poltrona di Rai Gold, ora occupata da Roberta Enni
3) Gira voce che il futuro di Flavio Insinna nel preserale potrebbe non essere roseo
Al di là degli ascolti de L'Eredità il suo nome sembra traballare ancora prima del debutto
Se dovesse spuntarla e presentarsi ai nastri di partenza potrebbe essere ridimensionato a stretto giro
Sarà vero? "Buone vacanze. Vi sto preparando una bellissima sorpresa per Natale
Vi abbraccio", ha twittato Raffaella Carrà lo scorso 10 agosto. I numerosi fan della signora Pelloni hanno subito pensato a un nuovo impegno televisivo, un meritatissimo one woman show su Rai1
Pur non potendo escludere qualche comparsata televisiva come ospite, stando alle nostre fonti la sorpresa annunciata dalla Carrà riguarderebbe un nuovo progetto discografico
Sarà vero? Sky punta su una nuova serie internazionale "I Diavoli", tratta dal libro di Guido Maria Brera e coprodotta da Lux Vide, con Alessandro Borghi e Patrick Dempsey tra i protagonisti
Le riprese inizieranno a Londra a fine settembre ma spulciando la lista degli sceneggiatori salta agli occhi un nome particolare: Daniele Cesarano
Stiamo parlando del direttore della fiction Mediaset che ha lavorato a una serie di punta della concorrenza
Dalla società di produzione dei Bernabei fanno sapere che avrebbe collaborato prima della sua promozione come dirigente del Biscione
In tv non ci sono più barriere. Dal 10 settembre Elisa Isoardi debutterà, o meglio ritornerà, alla conduzione de La Prova del Cuoco che, stando alle indiscrezioni, ridurrà di molto l'aspetto "caciarone" che tanto ha funzionato in questi anni
Al fianco di Lady Salvini arriverà l'ex rugbista Andrea Lo Cicero. Una curiosità? Lo Cicero nel 2016 era a un passo dalla poltrona di assessore della giunta Raggi ma la sua nomina saltò dopo essere finito nel mirino per alcune frasi omofobe: "Ci sono molti giocatori, specie quelli più giovani di me, che usano le protezioni per le spalle
Roba da frocetti". Ironia della sorte sarà proprio la compagna del vicepremier leghista a dargli una possibilità televisiva importante
Come se la caverà? "L'Altro Sabato.di Domenica" un modo per omaggiare lo storico varietà ideato da Renzo Arbore e scritto con Ugo Porcelli
Il programma con la conduzione di Silvia Salemi, realizzato dalla struttura di Adriano De Maio, è stato trasmesso da Rai1 a notte fonda e in replica a seguire su RaiPremium
Arbore in un collegamento ha ricordato l'ideazione della trasmissione: "Inventai L'Altra Domenica per un esame scritto che mi doveva fare entrare in Rai, una sorta di telegiornalone che al posto dei collegamenti con Ruggero Orlando e Demetrio Volcic da Mosca si collegava con Isabella Rossellini a New York o con Silvia Annichiarico a Milano
Feci lo scritto e non fui ammesso neanche all'orale. Quando Rai2 mi richiamò, dopo cinque anni di esilio, per vedere se avevo un'idea per fare un programma nuovo e rivoluzionario dissi a Massimo Fichera, inventore della seconda rete, ce l'ho bello e fatto
Così nacque e diventò un grande successo tanto che Domenica In fu inventata per fare concorrenza a L'Altra Domenica
" 1) Nonostante i buoni risultati auditel delle ultime due stagioni Reazione a Catena quest'anno non ha avuto (e non avrà) il suo torneo in prime time
Il motivo? Un aspetto legato al budget e la poca fiducia sulla conduzione di Corsi ritenuto non ancora pronto per una prima serata su Rai1
2) I cambi di scuderia sul piccolo schermo sono frequenti, a volte decisi dagli agenti altre dai conduttori
Fuori dall'Arcobaleno Tre di Lucio Presta la presentatrice Monica Leofreddi che si è affidata al manager Lo Cascio, ha lasciato invece la Vegastar dei Capecchi la conduttrice Georgia Luzi
3) "E poi c'è Cattelan" tornerà in onda su Sky dal 25 settembre testando una nuova location teatrale
Tra gli ospiti dovrebbe esserci anche lo scrittore Roberto Saviano. 1) A Milano si mormora che una bella signorina, con una partecipazione a un reality sul curriculum, sia l'amante di un famoso direttore
Per nascondere il flirt negli ultimi mesi le hanno trovato diversi "fidanzati" mediatici
Storie finte pompate da due settimanali, di chi stiamo parlando? 2) Dopo aver lavorato alcuni mesi con una famosissima conduttrice la costumista, vittima del suo caratteraccio, si è dovuta rivolgere ad uno psicologo e iniziare un corso di autostima
I danni della tv. 3) Il famoso e discusso conduttore teme per il suo futuro e ha iniziato il giro delle sette chiese e dei sette colli per restare al suo posto
Chi è? Gli addetti ai lavori si chiedono quali siano le differenze tra La Prima Volta, Vieni da me (entrambi format di Magnolia) e Italia Sì (prodotto originale)? I programmi di Parodi, Balivo e Liorni sulla carta presentano molte similitudini e cercano tutti storie comuni
Chi ha copiato chi? La differenza dicono la farà il budget.
Anticipazioni Una Vita: grazie a Ursula, vengono ritrovati i cadaveri di Manuela e German - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO SCULPT A RUSSIAN ALMOND - TRAINING COURSE TUTORIAL - Duration: 28:09.-------------------------------------------
2 Grocery Hauls with Sophia - Duration: we just went to Publix and we wanted to show you what we got for what
we have is some strawberries some meat chicken Shibata bread we got some tomato
wraps yeah for lunches and we got buy-one-get-one-free broccoli
cauliflower and carrots that's not strawberry what cherries and then what's
back here sweet butter lettuce buy one get one free over here so I can tell you
all about this we wanted to make our own lemonade so we got one of these
basically what you do is keep the lemon and you store and you put it down and
start squeezing it event these will come in here thank you
yeah so and then that's why I've got women's we got some sugar it's like our
yeah yeah it's a sweetener we barely we're it written out um that is like the
last one there's our three berry muffins and chocolate chip and now what else
we have no mm-hmm we have cinnamon rolls that we're gonna make and also have some
cheese that was buy one get one free society to get it Mexican blend yeah and
then I got me some sushi for lunch and that's my favorite
youngja tempura yeah okay okay guys we just went to Walmart and I wanted to
show you the home okay first off Sofia was with me so we got stuff that we
didn't need we got some toaster strudels and some pancakes we also got some brown
and serve maple sausage links some hot dogs some ricotta cheese Greek yogurt
regular cheese some butter we also got some eggs some hot dog buns some baby
Bell cheese coconut cake Jason loves his coconut cake I also got these we've
never had these before so we're gonna give those a try for lunches also some
blue cheese some canola oil another thing of regular sandwich bread YUM I
feel Fault in the air not really it's like a hundred degrees out here but
hopefully soon fall will come Sophia wanted these coconut or Coco yogurt
raisins some gravy I have beef and chicken I like to keep those in the bag
so that way if they spill over we don't have to worry about it some extra virgin
olive oil I also got some oven ready lasagna noodles some four cheese
rice-a-roni I got three of those because the kids will love them I wanted to get
shell knock Shelby got the kitty some treats Allyson needed some
composition books so I got four of those and then her birthday's not until March
but I want to go ahead and get these why they were out this is a happy birthday
banner Harry Potter I got plates and more plates and
potatoes yes so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this
video if you did give it a thumbs up and subscribe
The Most Underrated American President - Duration: 12:39.Jimmy Dore: The way to oppose Trump is to offer people something else
He ran to the left of Hillary Clinton on foreign policy
He wanted to end our foreign wars
according to his rhetoric in his campaign
He wanted to give everybody healthcare, remember?
Everyone's going to get healthcare and it's gonna be cheaper.
That was his plan. And of course he's doing the exact opposite.
Joe Rogan: Yeah
But who does the thing they say they are going to do?
Who ever?
Who's ever done it?
No one. Mr. Beat Yeah!
Freaking politicians.
But then I came across this article on Go ahead. Go ahead, show it.
Apparently that's not true. The article says politicians do keep their promises most of the time.
The author based it off a study looking at campaign promises over a period of 50 years.
During those 50 years, Presidents at least attempted to fulfill around 2/3 of their campaign promises
But why am I even bringing this up?
Well when I think of American Presidents who kept their promises, the first one that always pops in my head is the 11th President, James K. Polk.
He had such a big impact on the United States, yet today most Americans don't even know about him.
He's so obscure, that my song about him is one of my worst performing videos on YouTube.
It has just like 4,000 views.
(James Polk song)
Ok, so maybe it's a bad song, but still, James Polk is underrated.
So in this video, I'm going to give him some much needed recognition.
Polk was born literally in a log cabin near Pineville, North Carolina on November 2, 1795, the oldest of ten kids.
When he was ten, his family picked up everything and moved west to the Tennessee frontier.
They took the 500-mile journey by wagon, and it sucked.
However, James' dad did well in Tennessee, living the American Dream, eventually owning thousands of acres of farmland and lots and lots of slaves.
Polk was sickly growing up.
At 17, he had horrible gallstones and had to have them surgically removed.
This was before anesthesia, ok. They cut open his body and removed the gallstones while he was completely conscious, strapped to a table and holding his dad's hand.
But the good news is his overall health recovered quite a bit after this.
At 18, he barely knew how to read or write, but he really kicked it into gear at that age, studying his butt off and becoming proficient in English, Greek, and Latin.
He ended up graduating from the University of North Carolina with first honors in both mathematics and classics.
Next, Polk studied law and found himself becoming more and more interested in politics.
He was always a fan of Thomas Jefferson, but he was quickly becoming inspired by a family friend named Andrew Jackson.
By the time Polk was in his twenties, Jackson was a war hero who was looking to become President.
After being a lawyer for a bit, Polk aligned himself with Jackson when he ran for the Tennessee legislature in 1823.
He won that election and became popular in Tennessee, becoming a Representative in Congress for Tennessee's Sixth District two years later.
While in Congress, Polk was one of Andrew Jackson's biggest supporters, earning him the nickname "Young Hickory," you know...since Jackson was "Old Hickory?"
So clever, I know. After Jackson became President in 1829,
Polk was right with Jackson on every major decision, including the decision not to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States.
His support made Polk one of the early leaders of the newly formed Democratic Party.
Polk's colleagues elected him to Speaker of the House in 1835, and he greatly expanded that role.
In 1839, Tennessee residents elected him governor.
However, he lost his re-election bids the next two times as many blamed the Democratic Party for the economic depression of the late 1830s and early 1840s.
In 1844, Polk became the first dark-horse Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, meaning at the beginning of the Democratic Party national convention no one thought he had a chance but by the end of it he was their guy, mostly because Polk wanted to annex the country of Texas, adding it to the United States.
Yes, it was a country at the time.
So in 1844, it ended up being Polk versus Henry Clay, the Whig Party candidate who had a history of losing presidential elections.
Sorry Clay.
During his campaign, Polk made no effort to hide his ambitions. He was very clear.
"He wanted Texas, California, Oregon, yeah all of it!"
He was a firm believer in manifest destiny, or the belief that the United States expanding across the entire continent was the right thing to do and destined to happen.
Polk wanted to expand the country's border whenever and wherever possible, and most Americans seemed to agree with him.
Polk promised he was only running for one term, but if elected, during those four years he would 1) cut tariffs
2) re-create an independent U.S. Treasury
3) add some or all of Oregon Territory to the United States
And 4) somehow get California and New Mexico from Mexico and add it to the United States Or put another way
"James Polk reduce the tariff, James Polk free the treasury, James Polk acquire new land"
These were four ridiculously ambitious goals that few thought Polk could actually pull off, especially in four years.
Well, I have a video about the Election of 1844. Yeah, so go ahead and go check out that video and come back.
Welcome back!
so, as you saw in that video you just watched, Polk won the election in a very close race, becoming the youngest President in American history up to that point.
So yeah, let's look at those four promises Polk had. Could you put them back up on the screen please? Thank you.
Yeah, so number 1 was "cut tariffs"
Yep, even though it was a hard-fought victory, Polk signed the Walker Tariff of 1846 after his Vice President, George Dallas, cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate.
The Walker Tariff moved rates down to 25%. It was one of the lowest tariffs in American history. Success.
2) re-create an independent U.S. Treasury Well this one was easier, and I probably should note that in 1844 the Democrats took back over their majority in Congress.
So yeah, Congress brought back the Independent Treasury and Polk approved it of course.
This was a system for the federal government to take care of the money supply in a way that was independent of banks and financial systems.
It was a solid system that ended up lasting until the Federal Reserve System replaced it 67 years later.
3) add some or all of Oregon Territory to the United States
So Great Britain and the United States had both occupied the territory since 1818, but the majority of settlers there were American, not British, so Polk had the upper hand with negotiations.
When Polk and Britain started talking about what to do with Oregon, Polk said he wanted all the territory, all the way up to 54°40'.
This was totally a bluff, but it scared Britain, who did not want to get into another war with the United States.
Instead, on June 15, 1846, they worked out a deal and split the territory in two, right down the middle.
Britain got north of the 49th parallel, and the United States got south of it. That easy.
Polk almost single handedly got the United States what would become the states of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington, three states with lots of resources and control of the Columbia River drainage basin.
4) somehow get California and New Mexico from Mexico and add it to the United States
This would not be easy, but Polk knew if he wanted California and New Mexico, it first had to be through Texas.
He had already helped get Texas to join the United States- it became the 28th state on December 29, 1845.
But there was still a border dispute between Texas and Mexico. Texas, and Polk, I should add, said its southern border was the Rio Grande, but Mexico said the border was further north, at the Nueces River.
Polk sent troops there just north of the Rio Grande, in the disputed territory, also sending a dude named John Slidell to settle the border dispute, as well as negotiate to straight up buy California.
However, the majority of Mexicans weren't having it.
In April 1846, Mexican troops crossed the Rio Grande and killed eleven American soldiers.
According to Mexico, the Americans had invaded their land. Well, Polk didn't see it that way.
On May 11, 1846, Polk went before Congress to passionately argue for the United States to go to war with Mexico, saying THEY were the invaders who "shed the blood of our fellow-citizens on our own soil."
Yeah, Congress declared war on Mexico, a war that became known as the Mexican American War.
In a war that lasted just under two years, the United States straight up kicked butt throughout most of it.
At the end of it, American forces led by Major General Winfield Scott were able to overcome extremely difficult resistance from the Mexican Army just outside Mexico City, the capital.
But after Scott was able to capture Mexico City, the war was over.
While some Americans talked about taking over ALL of Mexico during peace negotiations, ultimately the United States acquired just the northern half of Mexico.
Just, huh...we're talking a huge amount of land. Look at all that.
So yeah, James Polk he got his way.
So here's the United States without Polk being President.
Here's the United States with Polk being President. Good golly Polk.
The country grew by more than 1/3, and Manifest Destiny seemed fulfilled.
All four promises kept, and even though he had all four checked off, he didn't stop working.
He was a workaholic up until his last day in office, when he signed a bill creating the Department of the Interior.
Also as promised, Polk did not run for a second term. He retired, and went on a trip across the South.
While in New Orleans, Polk contracted cholera, a horrible bacterial infection of the small intestine.
Polk had serious stomach issues, but shrugged it off as he had had stomach issues for most of his life.
Well, the sickness did not go away. He ended up dying from cholera on June 15, 1849, exactly three years after getting Oregon and just three months after leaving the Presidency. He was just 53.
A few months ago I released a top 10 greatest American Presidents video
and you may remember that James Polk did not make that list.
And, mostly because I just think he was one ruthless dude.
Sure, he kept his promise to the people, which is pretty gnarly, but he straight up misled Congress when he convinced them to go to war with Mexico.
I mean, he said that Mexico invaded the United States and invaded them on their soil
but the Mexicans said that the Americans were the ones who invaded THEM and they were just defending their land, so
You know, he was kind of a jerk.
and despite what you say about that, there's no doubt that he was extremely important to American history.
He was underrated, and he simply does not get the credit he deserves, maybe because of being sort of a jerk.
I want to give a shout out to John Johnson. He suggested this great video topic, and I took it not only because it was good, but because he is one of my George Washington-level supporters on Patreon.
YouTube keeps taking down my videos or demonetizing them, so Patreon is becoming more and more important with regards to making this worthwhile.
So, thank you to all my Patreon supporters.
It means so much.
And if you can't support, don't worry. If you want to
Just look me up on Patreon, search "Mr. Beat."
But thank YOU for watching.
with the green shirt on.
"The first day of my marriage, he slapped me" – Sarah's story | A Mile in My Shoes - Duration: 11:43.-------------------------------------------
Cuba Bicycle Tour 2018 - Guanabo to Havana - Part 3 - Duration: 10:37.We're on our way to the Havana today - very exciting. About 35k it's a really
busy road we're not that excited about this road...
I have to admit! But hopefully it's gonna be fine!
We are leaving Guanabo on our way to La Havana, here we go!
[muffled singing in Spanish]
That's onions and garlic he's selling.
Pare [Yield]
In some ways it's probably better if we ride side-by-side.
We really take up space. Right.
We've got 25 km to our Airbnb in Havana!
This is the first traffic signal we've gone through on our whole bike tour
Day four: light number one. And it's green.
Seller: Mi amigo Mike: Cuánto? Seller: un peso. Mike: un peso?
Seller: [laughs]
Mike: Peso Cubano? Seller: Peso Cubano.
Woah! That was close.
All over the place there is garbage like this in beautiful Cuba.
We gotta do something about it!
I don't know.
This way?
[muffled talking]
We're leaving the Via Blanca! Onto the...
...something monumental via monumental I think? Or something like that.
Maneje con cuidado. That means drive with caution.
Substantially busier, but actually better because there's three lanes and most of
the traffic seems to be in the left two lanes and we basically got this lane to
But this is a short tunnel I think.
I think this is the way we came last time Lise!
So, thirteen kilometers away from our
destination. We're about to go through a that should be interesting.
I think this is not like a Dutch bicycle tunnel.
This will be Cuban tunnel.
Mike: Listos muchachos! Family: Listos!
We just saw a red bus going the other way
full of bikes. I'm pretty sure he told us that the bus will come back this way,
and we can get on the bus that will take us through the tunnel.
We're in a bus that is specifically for bicycles and motorcycles,
in order to get over the tunnel or through the tunnel that will take us
into central Havana. Here we go!
Lisa: Yeah I see why they didn't want us driving through here. Mike: Yeah it would be bad.
Lisa: and everyone is going stop it stop it! [laughs] Gracias!
Mike: Did you pay? Lisa: Yeah
Mike: How much? Lisa: 5...whatever
Welcome to Havana
This bus it kind of makes a little loop, it goes around and then keeps taking all
the motorcycles and bicycles back and forth under the
tunnel and back into Havana after and just keeps looping around.
We were lucky to figure this out but we are in Havana we made it guys! Woo!
Our last 6-8 km to our homestay.
We're on a major road right now, right by the water
so the waves are crashing up, we might actually end up getting wet.
So traffic lights have countdowns, for the red light and the green light
So we've got 13 to get this one here we go! Go!!
We go to the right now.
I think we're there. It gets quiet quickly.
We've arrived at our accommodations in Havana. This is Calle 25. There's a little look at what the
street looks like here.
We're just off that Main Street that we were biking on.
This is our place, our host is Jennifer
Mike: Oh just introducing you to the camera
Jennifer: Oh! So my name is Jennifer [laughs]
Welcome to my house!
I'm very glad to receive you.
Mike: Alright!
We have a nice big kitchen. We're gonna get some eggs and stuff; we're gonna make
our own breakfasts here.
One bedroom...and another bedroom.
We're on our way to hear some music in Miramar.
Casa de la música de Miramar. Should be interesting and fun.
Here we are.
Lisa: Tell us what just happened Mike.
Mike: Oh we got denied entry because we have kids. 18 and over only. Bummer!
Lisa: And they have this incredible tree I'm walking towards.
I do not know the name of this tree.
It's insanely big. And the trunk is like no other trunk I've seen before.
So here we are in a park. It has a Wi-Fi hub and instead of people talking to each other
now everyone's doing what everybody in the West does anyway. On their phones,
plugged in. Us too I suppose. look at that everyone just glued to
their phones. To the Internet.
A country that a couple years ago had no access at all,
and now they have this.
Lisa: What are you eating Kyle? Kyle: Ice Cream.
Lisa: How is it Mike? Mike: Sabrosa [yummy]
Many Cubans claim that they have learnt to speak English by listening to the
Beatles and we're now at John Lennon park.
There he is. John lennon.
Mike: I'll sit on his lap.
Mike: The ice is--the water is turning to ice because the glass is so cold!
Mike: We're here at the Havana Jazz Club...
waiting at the show to start!
Have a look around here.
[rhythmic clapping]
JOKE OF THE DAY | Missing Toes! - Duration: 3:49.What do you say? What do you say? It's Friday!
Hey there, friends, neighbors, cousins, Martians, etc.
I'd like to welcome you to episode number 24 of "The Joke of the Day" aka "The Friday Funny (Missing Toes)!"
I am your personal MC Shawn, also known as Bits of Real Panther.
For today's episode.... thank you. For today's episode...
No, no, you're much too kind...
Oh, did you want to....?
Yeah, yeah, I got this -- you just run along, pretty boy.
You sure this thing is recording?
Hey y'all! I'd like to welcome you to this here Friday Friday.
I'm Clyde. It's Clyde with a "C".
I guess first things first, I'm supposed to do somebody a drink.
Fortunately, I just happen to have one right here. [Pabst Blue Ribbon!]
This drink goes out to...
Is that really a name?
Dulce Amor Gamez... Whatever.
Anyway, Dulco, bottom's up.
That was good.
Next I'm supposed to give you some kind of Friday Funny fun fact:
Truth is, I ain't got on my toes on one foot...
I got all my toes on BOTH foots.
Well I liked it.
Last I'm supposed to tell you a joke.
You're supposed to like put down below some kind of rating like a 5 or whatever.
Oh, Real Panther there... Bits of Panther... whatever.. he's saying it's gotta be like 0 through 5, so...
I tell you the joke; you put that below.
Alright, so here we go -- hope y'all's excited.
How do you know the toothbrush was invented by a hillbilly? (Say it twice.)
Because it's called a TOOTH-brush. Because it's called a TOOTH-brush.
I don't get it.
Anyway, there's your joke -- like rate it and whatever.
[Reggae Fusion Type Beat] "Ziggy Riddim" (Prod. Benn-i) | Roots Reggae Beat - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
What i eat in a day in NYC : Healthy & Easy Recipes! - Duration: 6:55.
this new video is about
it's been a little while that
thanks to my friend Enzo from IPersonal Trainer
i decided to eat certain things during the week
except for one day
usually Saturday or Sunday
today is Monday
i start the week with a fruit, a hot tea
and a yogurt
i like to drink the Earl Grey Tea, my favorite
Soy yogurt or coconut yogurt
This is the one i usually use
since i am lactose intolerant
but i eat it regardless sometimes
that's why it happens that i feel sick
i got strawberries today
4 things that unfortunately i can't eat during the week are
you can't understand, you can't understand
can't wait for the weekend so that i can eat what i want for a day
it's only Monday but Saturday is very close
time for a snack!
it's 10.45am
about 15 almonds
5 meals on my day:
breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner
here with Nadia and Valeria from Veneto
We are at my favourite Roasting Company in Brooklyn
they are having an unhealthy snack but i can't since i have to wait till Saturday
Look how many delicious things
i love waffles
they are sooooo good
with a lot of sugar and Maple Syrup on top (if you like)
there is a chocolate brownie
madeleine are very good as well
ok let's wait for Saturday!
it's finally LUNCH time, i'm starving
can't wait to eat
spinach frittata, some sauteed spinach,
parmigiano and some bread
parmigiano i can eat since it has no lactose, only cheese i can eat during the week
i usually eat whole grain bread
but today i have Pan Bauletto from Italy
i'm hungry and i am about to eat this great dish
as you can see i ate everything!
actually... i'm still hungry
i wanted to show you how many km i walked today in 4 hours
10.6 km
15.431 steps
waiting for my next meal!
it's time for meal #4 of the day
which is my afternoon snack
this is a snack i used to eat a lot when i was a kid
only thing is that
i haven't used sugar at all but only lemon juice
i cuted strawberries and bananas
left it in the fridge for about half hour
to have some juice
i'm supposed to eat only one fruit and not mix 2, i decided to mix them today
i wanted to enjoy a good fruit salad
after 12.3km walking
and 13km riding my bike
i'm ready for an amazing dish of
chickpea, cherry tomatoes and olives
i love eating, i love eating, i love eating!
in your life
to stay fit you gotta eat well
to treat your stomach good, you should eat well
that means that during the week i do my best to eat better
and i do my best to eat healthy
i would have had a burger from Burger Joint now
or maybe a pad see ew and masaman from Enthaice
or a pizza from Beebe's
but i can't! i've got chickpea for dinner
today is Monday
only 5days away till Saturday
and then i'll eat what i want!
last night i put chickpea in a bowl of water
today i had to cook them for 2 hours
i am about to show you how i flavour them
dinner is ready!
here is my bowl of chickpea
i hope you liked the video
don't forget to let me know what you think about the video in the comments
and drop a like
let me know if you want to see What i Eat on a CHEAT Day
i need a dessert, i need a dessert
ok i'll wait for Saturday!
50 Is The New 18! Celebrate your Mid Life Crisis! - Duration:'s time to get excited about growing older because I'm going to explain to
you why 50 is the new 18 hi I'm Schellea this is fabulous 50s a lifestyle channel
that explores fashion beauty and lifestyle for women over 50 and if
you're a woman over 50 click subscribe and click the bell and you'll be alerted
every time there's a new video and they'll all relate to you today I'm
going to touch on a very very big topic for women in our age group I want to
talk about the transition that we're all going through now that we're in our 50s
and I want to talk about what that means and shine a light on the similarities
between our 18-year old cells and our 50-year old selves because I believe
that there's something here that we've all been missing at 18 our bodies are
going through this a massive hormonal change and then again at 50 were going
through a very similar change we all know about it right we're right in the
middle of menopause and this is Nature's Way of preparing us for what's next at
18 we transition from being part of our family to be more independent and self
focus we still love our family but when we get to 18 it's time to go out and
start focusing on our self and when we enter into our 50s we enter another big
transition our life conditions change our families change and pretty much we
change so this becomes a new time in our life and just like our 18 year old self
we have a desire to be more independent and self focus menopause is a natural
transition in a woman's life and we're meant to begin a new life around the
biological marker of our last period and for most women that's at age 52 this
statement was written by dr. Christiane Northrup who is an expert in menopause
and like our stage of life in fact dr. Northrup says at the age of 52 we feel
like we've experienced the death of our old self it happens to men and women but
as women we've got to take time to feel all this change and to process it so
we've got to take lots of self-care lots of rest lots of being by ourself to
work out what's going on and the big thing we've got to do is accept
ourselves for who we are right now because everything you do and everything
you say and think actually matters life at 18 is daunting
yes but it's so exciting because we have no idea what's ahead and we're literally
starting from scratch to reinvent ourselves as an adult and life at 50
seems to be just daunting we forget to get excited about it just like at 18
we've got no idea of what's ahead of us we see that as a huge disadvantage but
it doesn't have to be it appears that society is feeding back
to us that we don't matter anymore but maybe we just think that we don't matter
and there are so many of us in our age group who are feeling lost because we
can't really work out where we fit in anymore I just recently had a comment in
my private Facebook group and a lady wrote that she was struggling because
the children had grown up and she didn't know where she fit in she feels like
she's really lost her sense of self and she got dozens and dozens of comments
from women who are in our age group they weren't only offering support which they
did but they were offering solutions too so like the struggle is real yes but
there are solutions too we've got to let go of the stuff we're hanging on to and
treat yourself as somebody who matters decide what you want and then take one
step every day to get where you want to go I know for a fact that we weren't
born to be paralyzed in fear and we weren't born to lock ourselves inside
and not interact with the rest of the world and we certainly weren't born to
beat up on ourselves for things that we haven't achieved or things we haven't
done or things we got wrong we are here though to make a difference to create to
contribute to have fun it doesn't matter what you've done in the past let that go
what matters now today is what we can plan for the future and whatever we're
planning for the future is happening in the present with the thoughts we're
thinking the thoughts were thinking about ourselves and the thoughts were
thinking about other you came here for a reason and you have
a purpose and if you're not going to make changes now at 50 or 55 or 60 when
are you going to we're biologically designed to start a new life at age 52
our bodies were made that way and nature is never wrong we're still the same
person as we were when we were 18 we're just better smarter and wiser you
couldn't even imagine when you're 18 that you'd know what you know today
think about your 18 year old self as a circle a two-dimensional object now see
yourself at 50 you're still the same person
you're still a circle but your circle is laid with all of your life experiences
love joy heartache pain happiness winds losses and through all of those
experiences you have become so much more and all of those experiences combined
become a sphere where a beautiful complex rich deep layered sphere and
we're thinking that's a bad thing no this is what we've got to celebrate I
remember seeing my mum at this age around when she was 50 she didn't do
what she wanted to do because she felt obliged and she felt fearful and I think
for her one of her big things was she felt dutiful and we wanted her to go off
and have lots of adventures but she just couldn't get past the fear of doing that
because her duty was to be a wife and to be a mother but we were all grown-up we
just wanted to see her having some fun and she honestly thought that my dad
wouldn't be okay if she went travelling cuz he wouldn't be able to make his
dinner or his lunch and that's crazy cuz I look back on that and that's
helped shape who I've become she had this burning passion inside of
her to get out there and just do life once we'd grown up but I'm so sad that
she didn't get to do that and she took her regrets with her I really wish that
she had the courage to let go of her fear and let go of her guilt and just do
what she wanted to do and I'm sure if she had her time again she would have
done it buried differently so treat yourself as someone who actually matters
because you do so here is where we are it's time to tell a different story
something that we can all do starting today is self-care just take it
in baby steps and if guilt is one of your things start doing something little
every single day just for you start planning your future start deciding what
you want to be when you grow up and guess what we don't need permission from
anybody else I think most people get stuck like my mum did because she needed
to give herself permission but she couldn't just take that next step my mum
thought that it mattered what everybody else thought and she was only processing
what she thought they thought through her filters and that's why I say you
don't need another person's permission for you to do what you want to do you're
50 or 60 or 70 we don't need permission anymore this is all about us this is our
time it's time for self after 50 many of us have spent the last 30 years caring
for and looking after others for all this time putting everybody else first
putting ourselves last working hard striving trying to be perfect trying to
get everything done trying to raise decent human beings and in all of that
we get lost in ourselves and that's why the lady in my Facebook group feels lost
because she like many of us have just spent our lives doing that so who are we
when that's all gone that's the question that's what we have to work out and
that's what we have to make a conscious decision to decide who are we going to
be and what are we going to do about it so 50 really is the new 18 just better
it's your time to shine please give a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and
share it with any of your girlfriends who are going through menopause thank
you so much for watching and have a beautiful week
[LEGENDADO] I'M FINE - BTS - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Marvel Tribute | "Rock You" - Duration: 1:14.Buddy you're a boy make a big noise
Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo' face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place
Singin' We will we will rock you
We will we will Rock You!
Darlin' We will we will Rock You!
We will we will Rock You!
We will we will Rock You!
Subscribe ^_^
What Is a Creatine Non Responder? [Creatine not working?] - Duration: 1:57.Hey guys, Paul from Ultimate Fat here and today I'm answering the question,
"What is a creatine non-responder?."
I'll be right back with the answer in just a couple of seconds, stick around... please
don't go anywhere.
Welcome back.
Thanks for sticking around.
So, what the heck is a creatine non-responder?
Well, as the name suggests, it's someone for whom creatine supplementation has no effect.
This person is taking an effective dose of a high quality
product and they're performing anaerobic activities like strength training, power lifting and
bodybuilding - for which creatine is usually great - and
No effect.
Sweet FA.
So why is this?
Well, no one really knows for sure.
But scientists speculate that some people - an estimated 15% of the population in fact
- have abnormally high stores of creatine in their muscle cells
already - remember, our bodies make creatine daily and it's also obtained from our diet
in meat and fish.
So for these people, supplementing with creatine doesn't result in any performance benefits,
because it doesn't increase muscle saturation levels
any further - they're already completely saturated.
If this is true it isn't a bad thing, since it means you're already receiving the full
benefits of creatine without having to buy and take the stuff.
Alright, that's it for this video.
I really hope you enjoyed it.
if you did a thumbs up or a share would be awesome.
If you have questions or comments please leave them below...
I do my best to answer them as soon as possible.
Before you go, if you haven't subscribed to this channel, it would be awesome if you did.
It would be great to have you on board.
Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you really soon.
Fact Checking The Fact Checkers... #factcheckfriday Snopes Is Biased. - Duration: 6:21.Why? Why are fact checkers so bad? Why? Hey! Thanks for watching. So, today it's Friday-
Fact-Check Friday and so again I will be exposing fact checkers for the shills
that they are and today I'm gonna go back to Snopes I know I get a lot of
heat every time I do a fact-checking video on Snopes people leave comments
saying of course Snopes is garbage they've been biased for a long time and
and I realize that but most people don't realize that you know most of my videos
get a couple hundred views and I don't see anyone else really exposing them for
who they are so most of the world doesn't know just how bad Snopes is and
so I decided to do a very very simple video that anyone can get to show you as
an example of just how bad their fact-checking is so for this example I
pick something this week did Aretha Franklin work for Donald Trump on
numerous occasions now right off the bat why do we even care why are they
bothering to fact-check this this is dumb this is a silly story and again all
fact-checking they have a very specific claim and then they rate that claim the
claim is the late songstress Aretha Franklin worked for Donald Trump on
numerous occasions seems pretty straightforward Snopes rating mixture
mixture really this rating indicates that a claim has significant elements of
both truth and falsity to it such that it could not fairly be described by any
other rating well i'm immediately calling BS on this one
the claim is Aretha worked for Trump so she either worked for more she didn't
it's pretty straightforward but here's what they say is true during
her long career singer Aretha Franklin was occasionally contracted to perform
at Trump owned venues such trump castle the Trump Taj Mahal casino
and Trump International Hotel and Tower okay so aretha worked for the Trump
properties what's false Aretha Franklin was never an employee of Donald Trump's
no more so than Frank Sinatra Liza Minnelli Michael Jackson or any other of
the scores of other entertainers who performed at Trump properties over the
years yeah no kidding that was never the claim the claim is very simple did she
work for Trump yeah she worked for Trump a couple of times it's true the claim is
not that she was an employee of Donald Trump the claim is did she work for
Trump did she work for Trump yes the claim is true but that's the crazy thing
this story is just it's a silly story and it should be a very simple fact
check did aretha work for Trump she did a couple times true but this writer for
Snopes can't even agree with that well who wrote the story a guy by the name of
David Emery he has been a fact checker for Snopes for a long time in fact he's
been doing this fact-checking so long he has the Twitter handle @debunker but yet
he can't get a very very simple fact check correctly but just to see what a
fair individual this David Emery is let's go over to his Twitter account
well here's a post from July 14th macroeconomics at work and it is a link
to a hill article and it says MAGA hats made in China to increase in price
because of Trump tariffs now David's not a real popular guy that's got no likes
it got no retweets but obviously he's putting this out this is what he thinks
he's passing along this fake news just like anyone's mom on Facebook and how do
I know that it's fake news well because Snopes did an article on it
our Donald Trump's make America great again caps made in China
while some hats sold by third parties that support Donald Trump were made in
China the campaign's official merchandise is proudly made in the USA
claim the hats for Donald Trump's campaign are manufactured in China
rating false see that's how you do a fact check
you know Snopes is not always wrong I'm not gonna say that they're always wrong
they have some good employees that actually do fact-checking unfortunately
you don't know when you go there whether you're gonna get some good fact-checking
or some biased fact-checking but David Emery should know that this is
a false story but he passes it along on his personal Twitter page as if it were
true now I don't know if he knows that this is a fake story or not he obviously
didn't fact check it against his own website he didn't do a simple Google
search before posting it on Twitter and that just shows me that he's not really
good at being a fact checker now I hope next week to make a more in-depth
fact-checking video about a different news source hopefully I won't go back to
Snopes because they're too easy to discredit but I think that I've made a
good case today a very simple example that anyone can understand now currently
my videos they're getting a couple hundred views I would love it if they
got several thousand views and you can help me out if you think that this video
is important if you have friends that think that Snopes is legitimate please
share this video with them and if you have suggestions for future
fact-checking articles let me know in the comments peace
Help me reach my goal of 1 million- of 2,000 subscribers, by clicking the like
button and subscribing. Thanks
Um dos retrocessos no país é o saudosismo da ditadura, diz Marina no Recife - Duration: 4:42.-------------------------------------------
Como a Europa pretende desafiar o 'supertanque de Putin' - Duration: 6:02.-------------------------------------------
✞Zig Z LF✞ - Penso - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
10 alimentos para melhorar o funcionamento do intestino - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
LULA: "NÃO ADIANTA A GLOBO TENTAR ESCONDER MINHA CANDIDATURA" - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Brad Pitt e Angelina Jolie chegam a pré-acordo de custódia - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Bingo | Dog Song For Children | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | Bingo - Canción Infantil HooplaKidz - Duration: 32:55.There was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh
There was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh
There was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh
There was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh
There was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!
And Bingo was his name oh
in my little garden now promise you won't laugh I haven't any flowers I am
but now we're to take and plan
they'll be won by apple - pineapple sweeping out the store tried an apple
pineapple seven thing apples are one fine Apple - pineapple pineapples for
life pineapple six pineapple seven find out it's more
I have an implant
one Apple to read out the favorite Apple star flavored Apple six red apple to lay
out the sleeve and apples bar fly for Apple six red apple seven with apples
in my little farm now promise you won't laugh I haven't any flowers I haven't
any grass but now I'm going to take and plant in tune I'll have a show a bit of
Sun a bitter flame there'll be a lovely Wow one potato two potato sweet potatoes
are five potatoes six potatoes seven potatoes one potato two potato three
potato four five potato six potato seven potato more
those fruits back in the back
began to cry oh mother dear we sadly fear that we have lost our mittens you
naughty kittens shall handle hi
and they began to cry oh mother dear we sadly fear that we have lost our strain
and you shall
you shall have
they wash their socks and they began to cry
dear we sadly fear that we have lost our socks what luck here stop the box and
you shall
up here we have found our things great lovely
we shall
they have sharpened
as I was walking down the street down the street down the street a very good
friend I chanced to meet I hope I hope why city
kiss my auntie and hug mango kiss my auntie and hug mango mango under the
Eiffel Tower activated
authentication code accepted
jump jump jump jump jump jump and slide
one more time
little turtle his name is Tiny Tim Burton and the doctor to see if he could
swim he drank up all the water and ain't a bar
I had another turtle is weighing the billy-bob I put him in his bed and he
began to snore he woke up on the street and looked around
I had two little turtles Billy Bob and Tiny Toons I cook them in the bathtub
and Bay began to swim they play in the water and splashed on each other
when they pop the bubble they both sang together
the jelly on away DeLeon away
flip it over package it
noodles on
honey on
pumpkin downhill
shoulders knees and toes knees and toes head shoulders knees and toes and eyes
arms fingers legs and lips
and tensions antigen feet
on his tractor
and on your sake
but in a year he renamed Aaron
this is Mike why when little thin my car and push the
kyboot I strap on my belt
- towns and rich green
the back
if the break the signal of the cops by the cop when there's a speed bump I'd
ride really slow on a straight road with the flow
go round and round
yellow purple
and then turns yellow the Queen and it's
go really really fast that I stopped my car solicit people
I love to ride through the town
beep-beep-beep plot the baby in the car is fast asleep fellas mind if I
I turn left and right I Drive happily with sunshine bride
Mind Reader Blows This Guys Mind - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
8 ORE A VENEZIA ⏰ [ENG subs] - Duration: 6:58.8 hours in Venice
Hi everybody, welcome back on In Viaggio Col Tubo
Since is August the Milano's Pocket Guide takes a break, so we are in Venice
Why Venice? Brcause we found on GoEuro an offer called Super Venezia
every FrecciaRossa and FrecciaArgento for train departing from or arriving to this city is 50% off
And we know that is already in the middle of August , since we were very busy
but if you want all this news live or want to know what we are doing right now, you have to follow us on Instagram and Facebook
Our tour starts in Piazza San Marco, but now we are in front of the train station
So to get there we'll take a water bus
and to get the ticket without wasting paper, we use the AVM app to buy the mobile ticket
and the ticket is 7,50€ p.p.
To Get to Piazza San Marco we could take the water bus 2 from the jetty B, sailing on Canal Grande
But we decided for the water bus 2 from the jetty A, that goes in the other direction.
it takes more time, but is less crowded
We arrive in Piazza San Marco from the water as the foreign ambassadors did in ancient times
the first thing that catches our eye, after the bell tower, is the Palazzo Ducale
symbol of the power of Venice
To enter the square we pass trough two large columns surmounted by the effigies of the patron saints of the city
San Todaro
and San Marco
on our left is the Marciana library
and, further on, the San Marco bell tower
from the top of which, in 1609, Galileo showed the Doge how a telescope works
Well, actually this is not THAT bell tower, since in 1902 it collapsed
The bell tower was rebuilt right after and, from 1912, the square returned to its original appearance
The buildings that surround the square on three sides are called Procuratie, because here were the houses of the procurators
but the highlight of the square is, of course, the basilica of San Marco
This church was born as a private chapel of the doge
and only in 1809, by Napoleonic edict, it became a basilica
This is one of the best known examples of Italo-Byzantine architecture
prooving the intense trade relations between Venice and the East
For its opulent gold ground mosaics, the building has been known by the nickname Church of gold
You can enter here for free but the row is always very long, and when we get out is lunch time
On the way for the restaurant we pass by the famous Ponte dei Sospiri.
We choose the restaurant Bacarandino, because here they serve gluten free pasta
I've got gluten free pasta with mushrooms and prawns
and I've got spaghetti with squid ink, enjoy and see you later
After lunch we continue our tour from Piazza San Marco
north of the square is the clock tower inaugurated in 1499
we cross the passage under the tower and we find ourselves in the Mercerie
During XVIII century people said that you could find in these commercial street any goods from any part of the world
Le Mercerie link Piazza San Marco to the Rialto Bridge, but we make a detour
because we want to show you a bookshop that calls itself the most beautiful bookshop in the world
the instagram famous Libreria Acqua Alta, that is very beautiful indeed
We know it thanks to instagram and we wanted to see it with our own eyes
But let us know if you think it's the most beautiful in the world or if know better looking bookshops
in the meanwhile we go back to the road for Rialto Bridge
This is the most famous and the oldest bridge on Canal Grande
walking across the Rialto Bridge we arrive in San Giacomo di Rialto Square
where the ships coming from the Est brought their goods to be sold to Venetian merchants
The square is named after the church that it said was built in 420 A.D
even if the first documents referring it are from 1152
In this square there's also the hunchback of rialto
a sculpture with a lectern from which important documents were read
and from San Giacomo di Rialto square we finish our short video about Venice
It was pretty hard day for us
We know the video is short but it was hard to shoot because August in Venice is very hot
more or less as any other italian city
So remember your sun screen and to drink a lot
Of course Venice should be visited in more than one day
but if you have only few hours that's what you can see
We hope you enjoyed this break from your work, 'cause if you're at home in August you're probably working...
... probably
We hope we can come back in Venice soon to shoot one of our long travel guide
as we like
... like 40 minutes long
no, not true, we never made a 40 minutes long video
...until now
Anyway, thank you for watching. See you in the next video, bye
Che grafico usare nel trading? - Duration: 5:45.-------------------------------------------
Safadão organiza agenda para acompanhar nascimento do 3º filho: 'Prioridade' - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
4 conselhos para prevenir a osteoporose - Duration: 6:19.-------------------------------------------
Terremoto de 7.1 grados sacude frontera entre Perú y Brasil. 24 ago 2018 09:59 GMT - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
"As pessoas deveriam começar a trabalhar ou estudar às 10h da manhã", aponta pesquisa - Duration: 5:21.-------------------------------------------
Guitarrista do 'Virgulóides' morre após cair tomando banho - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Gratis Website QuickScan van ProjectAttis (4k) - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
Luiza Brunet rebate críticas de Luciana Gimenez e Val Marchiori: "Feias e desumanas" - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
Google Home gets a new feature and it's very good news ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:00.GOOGLE Home has received a brand new feature that is sure to be good news for owners of
the speaker.
Google Home is a rival of Amazon Echo and Apple's HomePod - the device allows anyone
to harness the power of the tech giant's Assistant at any time just by saying "hey Google".
The smart speaker is regularly updated, giving owners new functionality that can be incredibly
But now users have received a new feature dubbed "tell me something good" that will
prompt the Google Assistant to scour the web for news stories its algorithm deems positive.
Google insisted the addition is part of an "experiment" that could "bring some good to
your day".
In a blog post introducing the new feature, the tech giant wrote: "The news has always
played an essential role in our lives, keeping us informed about the world and the issues
we care about.
Google added the Solutions Journalism Network will play a part in filtering the stories
that will be offered to those that ask for it.
The Silicon Valley firm continued: "The stories come from a wide range of media outlets, curated
and summarised by the Solutions Journalism Network.
They're a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to spreading the practice of solutions journalism,
which highlights how problems are solvable and that doing better is possible.
"Solutions journalism empowers and energises audiences, helping to combat negative news
"It's an important part of a balanced news diet, so we're exploring how to incorporate
more solutions journalism wherever you access Google News."
The functionality will be present on all devices capable of running the Google Assistant.
This includes Google Home, smartphones and smart displays.
Unfortunately the feature is currently only available on the US but has
asked Google if the feature is being planned to rollout in the UK.
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