Friday, August 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 3 2018

Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a video with Construction vehicles.

In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles Truck Trailer and Excavator Backhoe Digger will be unboxed and played in funny video for kids.

Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it

Click on the picture to see other funny videos

For more infomation >> Funny Clown Bob Construction vehicles Excavator Backhoe Digger & Truck Trailer Unboxing Kids Video - Duration: 4:40.


Expectativa por la presencia de Cristina junto a Moyano en un acto de Smata - Duration: 1:25.

 "Moyano y Cristina son las únicas personas que le pueden poner un freno a este modelo económico, por eso el ataque constante del Gobierno y de los grupos mediáticos", sostuvo Pablo Moyano tras anunciar que su padre y la ex mandataria se volverán a mostrar juntos

Pablo Moyano Pablo Moyano en C5N  "Ellos son los que pueden llevar adelante la unificación del peronismo para que el año que viene un dirigente del peronismo vuelva a conducir los destinos del país", señaló el adjunto de Camioneros

 Cristina será la principal oradora del acto que tendrá lugar este viernes a las 17 en el predio recreativo de Smata, en la localidad de Alejandro Petión, en el partido de Cañuelas

 Otros invitados por Smata son la ex CEO de Aerolíneas y de General Motors, Isela Constantini, y el ex presidente de la Cámara de Diputados, Julián Domínguez

For more infomation >> Expectativa por la presencia de Cristina junto a Moyano en un acto de Smata - Duration: 1:25.


L'optimiste dit Merci ! - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> L'optimiste dit Merci ! - Duration: 1:43.


Espagnol d'Argentine 🇦🇷 Différences et Particularités ! (avec Guido) - Duration: 14:01.

For more infomation >> Espagnol d'Argentine 🇦🇷 Différences et Particularités ! (avec Guido) - Duration: 14:01.


El alivio de la artritis está en la naturaleza - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> El alivio de la artritis está en la naturaleza - Duration: 8:25.


Meghan Markle et prince Harry « un divorce à 500 millions de dollars » ? -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle et prince Harry « un divorce à 500 millions de dollars » ? -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:35.


Dandelions in watercolor - Duration: 11:27.

Hello everyone and welcome on De Papier et de Rêves' channel

I'm ursula and today i'll be painting with you some weeds

No it's not a joke ! usually i'm painting flowers

but today i wanted to paint weeds

I've seen those during a walk and found that they were very interesting

They look like thistle or dandelions i'm not sure

they are at the end of flowering and the seeds are ready to be spread by the wind

So they have big stems with at the top some woolly white stuff that are the seeds

and i thought it was very interesting to paint

because there is transparency and softness in it

but with some character to it as it is weeds

If you want to see what those weeds really look like

check out the blog, i'm writing a post on this video

and you'll be able to find the reference image on it

not a long time ago i did learn that it is possible to open whites and make very soft gradient by using vinegar

and it's from that technique i had the idea of painting this image

i wanted to try this

and i didn't work at all. I did try it out several times before

i just can't see any differences between with vinegar or without

Once again check the blog post where i explain everything

I've put some detail pictures of some of my test and overall it's interesting

so for this painting i'm not using vinegar as it doesn't work as i expected

i'm using only water to open those whites

I'm trying to keep my paper as wet as possible in order to have this softness in the gradient

But as it is so warm right now i keep spraying my paper with my water spray

If not i would create a imbalance of water between my paper and my brush and create blooms

For my first layer i start by putting some light color as the yellow

and slowly i add blues and greens and starting to build the colors softly

i've kept some white areas for the dandelions. I'm really not sure how to call them

And i try to keep all the gradients very soft, and extra soft in the seeds areas

so that i have a very soft painting for now

In order to have lots of different greens but keeping them cohesive

I'm using the same yellow all the time but with different blues

So cobalt blue, ultramarine blue and even at some point some cerulean blue

So my greens have a common point but still with variations

You can see that my paper is drying very fast as my last brush strokes

with a darker color stay in place and doesn't bleed

I'm ending this first layer by sprinkling a little bit of salt in order to get more textures in some areas

Once this first layer as dried you can really see the effect of the salt on the bottom right corner

You can also see that the gradient on the dandelion's head are really soft and nicely blurred

Now my work is all about adding some details in order to understand the image better

As it's quite an abstract one

I'm not sure that one can tell right away that there are dandelions

I'm starting with shaping the white balls

I'm adding a little bit of shadow at the base to give the impression to be attached to a stem

And then i'm adding a light shadow on the side to give an idea of light and reinforced the wooly feeling

I'm also adding darker colors in order to creates a big contrast with the white wooly balls

The more dark i put on the side the more bright and light the dandelion's heads will appear

To obtain this dark very dark green color

I'm using a mix of winsor yellow

ultramarine blue and neutral tint which will darken the color a lot

And then i can tweak this color with cobalt blue or viridian

in order to get a cooler tone or a greener tone

i like to vary the color for a more natural effect

to create all the stems, leaves and twigs in this painting

It's a work with my brush

A very light pressure on the brush or a heavy one

will vary the size of my brush marks

It's almost a calligraphic work and a very good exercise to learn how to paint with a brush

to learn what it can do and all the shape it can paint

Here i'm using a very flabby brush as it is natural squirrel hair

It has a tendency to keep the shape i gave to it when a bit dry

it can be a benefit or a flaw depending on what i'm doing

But it is a dream when doing this kind of calligraphic marks

I've tried a lot of brushes during this past two years

Synthetic hair and natural hair (but not a lot of natural hair as they are expensive)

And i have to say that if there's only one brush a beginner could buy it should be this Raphael 803 nº2

It can paint large areas and small details

So it's a multifonctions brush

And more i use it, more i found new way to use it. It's a must have for me !

Let's talk about supplies. At first i've used an Escoda aquario nº18 brush for the largest areas

And then a Raphael 803 nº2 for details

For the colors i've used cobalt blue

Ultramarine blue

Cerulean blue


Winsor yellow deep

Burnt sienna

Neutral tint

For the paper i've used Arches rough

And i keep adding details steps by step and where i feel like it

I think at this stage in my painting i totally forgot about filming

i was painting without thinking like i explain it in my previous video about the sky

where i was explaining that painting can be a tool against stress no matter what the final painting looks like

So i was in the same state of mind right now

So i'm adding some stems some flower buds, i'm blending some areas so that the painting is aerial and soft

i'm playing with colors so that when i paint on yellow the thing i paint is more green and vice versa

This way the different element are "speaking" to each other and become harmonious

I was a bit apprehensive before starting this painting

Because i didn't know if i would be able to paint the softness of this weeds

But at this point in my painting i knew it will be a success no matter what

I think the wooly feeling of the dandelion's head are nicely shown

I love the contrast between warm and cool color, warmer on the top part and cooler on the bottom

It's like the sun is hitting the wooly heads and the stems are in the shadows

it's interesting

And it helps to make those white heads pop on the colorful background

This painting could be seen as chaotic as there's is a lot of things going on

But it's faithful to the image i had in mind. It's weeds and weeds are a bit chaotic

This video is ending, thanks for watching and i hope you like it

Check all the information on the blog post, link in the description below

See you soon !

For more infomation >> Dandelions in watercolor - Duration: 11:27.


Come portare il gelato a una cena ed evitare figuracce - Duration: 6:45.

 In letteratura c'è poco di più sexy di un gelato. Sarà per questo che in tempi di magra e di promiscuità ridotta all'osso, il gelato si è imposto svelando il suo significato libidinoso

Aspetto eccitante che ne nasconde un altro, più prosaico ma altrettanto interessante

Sempre in tempi di magra, stavolta economica, a poco prezzo il gelato sostituisce un pasto, fa meno poveretto di una pizza e a parità di varietà bizzarre resta un classico meno scontato

Persino nell'asporto.      Trend che vai, galateo che trovi: come si offre, come si mangia, come si regala e come si impiatta

Ogni cibo che si porta in tavola prevede un certo tipo di protocollo, regole di galateo ferree che interessano quanti si recano a cena da amici e hanno avuto la dabbenaggine di offrirsi come portatori di gelato senza sapere di incorrere in una serie di trabocchetti

Dalle due persone in su non ci sarà mai chi dichiarerà di amare gli stessi gusti per poi mangiare tutti lo stesso

Ci sono i fanatici delle creme e i finti salutisti dei fruttati ai quali si aggiungono coloro che lo vogliono strano: allo zenzero, al peperoncino, al foie gras, al wasabi, al bacon e olive, al cheddar

Tra le creme bisogna distinguere quelle a consistenza più burrosa dalle altre più lattose a meno che non si sia devoti al veganesimo o al "lattosio che gonfia"

Dieci persone a tavola, al minimo tre vaschette per una scelta più ampia. Con i classici si va sul sicuro ma non è detto

Ricordarsi di portare le cialde di decoro e una panna che non smonti nel tempo del tragitto

      Intanto la padrona di casa avrà predisposto i cucchiaini a forma di paletta sopra al piatto e avrà lavato le classiche vaschette in vetro, meglio se trasparenti, da sistemare sopra un piattino

Le creme hanno il vantaggio di sposarsi bene con Marsala, brandy e whisky per un affogato vintage mai da disprezzare

In terrazza il gelato sprigiona fantasia nello styling meno contratto, va bene il vetro colorato, coni e coppette di biscotto

È fondamentale l'uso che si fa del freezer perché troppe volte il piacere risulta vanificato da un gelato che è un blocco compatto di ghiaccio

O al contrario, un moscio frappé. La giusta consistenza la si ottiene spostando il contenitore del gelato, dal freezer al frigo 20 minuti prima di servirlo

No al cucchiaino di plastica da gelateria, sì al gelato proposto dopo l'arrosto. Non mancano vademecum sulla postura ottimale per il mangiatore di gelato da marciapiede, che va dalle gambe divaricate alla lontananza di sicurezza che protegge dallo sbrodolamento

In ogni caso, mai perdere il controllo del gelato perché è sulla strada che il galateo dà il meglio di sé

      Per sfuggire alle cadute di stile meglio appellarsi al New Yorker che nel numero del 24 agosto del 1968 s'occupò dell'annoso tema

Mentre il mondo tremava per l'occupazione sovietica di Praga, su quelle dotte pagine si discettava sul modo corretto di mangiare un cono gelato con tanto di istruzioni dettagliate, per la verità colme di ironia, riservate alle famiglie

Va detto che il giornale si avvalse della penna raffinata di Lawrence Rust Hills che marcava la differenza persino sull'offerta, allora considerata all'avanguardia, che tacciava di esotico il mix fragola-cioccolato

      È solo un saggio comandamento quello che recita: «Mai assaggiare i coni degli altri

Se sono più buoni del vostro vi rimarrà il rimpianto; se sono più cattivi vi resterà il sapore

E se sono uguali non vi sarete persi nulla». Uno studio acconcio si è persino incaricato di tracciare l'aspetto psicologico del gelato attraverso il suo consumatore

La più fine introspezione la fece Pupo cantando: «Gelato al cioccolato dolce e un po' salato, tu, gelato al cioccolato»

Celebrava la vita dolce e amara a forma di cono.  [Numero: 137]

For more infomation >> Come portare il gelato a una cena ed evitare figuracce - Duration: 6:45.


7 raisons courantes pour lesquelles vous vous sentez tout le temps ballonné. Et comment y remédier. - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> 7 raisons courantes pour lesquelles vous vous sentez tout le temps ballonné. Et comment y remédier. - Duration: 8:57.


[Nouvelles ] || Jade Hallyday a 14 ans : son si triste dernier anniversaire avec son père ? - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> [Nouvelles ] || Jade Hallyday a 14 ans : son si triste dernier anniversaire avec son père ? - Duration: 3:28.


Thanh niên giết thím, cướp 60 nghìn ở Lào Cai - TIN HOT 24h - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Thanh niên giết thím, cướp 60 nghìn ở Lào Cai - TIN HOT 24h - Duration: 2:19.


Juez inicia proceso penal contra Eduardo Esperón por el delito de peculado - Duration: 2:13.

 CUIDAD DE MÉXICO (apro).- El juez de Control Octavio Armando Rodríguez Gaytán inició un proceso penal en contra de Eduardo Esperón González, exsecretario de Comunicaciones y Obras Públicas de Chihuahua, por el delito de peculado agravado

El presunto desvío es por 20 millones de pesos del erario.  De acuerdo con el Ministerio Público, en diciembre de 2015 el excolaborador de César Duarte participó en el desvío del dinero público, previo acuerdo con diversos servidores públicos, que fue entregado a uno de los contratistas que trabajaban en la construcción del Centro de Justicia del estado de Chihuahua

 Según la causa penal 2550/2018, la dependencia a cargo de Esperón recibió los recursos y sin justificación expidió el cheque número 14928 con fecha 18 de diciembre de 2015, a nombre de Infocom Sistemas de Información S

A. C.V., que fue cobrado el mismo día.  La acusación resalta que la intención fue cumplir un compromiso personal del exgobernador César Duarte Jáquez con el representante de la empresa

 Eduardo Esperón tramitó y formuló la salida del recurso ante la Secretaría de Hacienda estatal, y autorizó y entregó el dinero a la compañía mencionada, por lo que está acusado de intervenir como coautor

 El imputado fue detenido la noche de este miércoles en el cruce de las avenidas Juan Pablo II y Fuentes Mares, cuando viajaba en un autobús procedente de Durango, entidad donde laboraba dentro de la Secretaría de Obras Públicas

 El juez le impuso como medida cautelar la firma semanal y la garantía económica de ocho millones de pesos, además de que se le colocó el brazalete electrónico por un año, y fijó el próximo martes 7 como fecha para la realización de la audiencia de vinculación o no a proceso

For more infomation >> Juez inicia proceso penal contra Eduardo Esperón por el delito de peculado - Duration: 2:13.


D'anciens squelettes chinois découverts à Londres pourraient réécrire l'histoire romaine - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> D'anciens squelettes chinois découverts à Londres pourraient réécrire l'histoire romaine - Duration: 5:07.


Natalia Klimas bardzo chciała zostać żoną! W końcu marzenie się spełniło! - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Natalia Klimas bardzo chciała zostać żoną! W końcu marzenie się spełniło! - Duration: 6:32.


ODDEEO | Chinatown Blues (Wesley Dreamers Album) Synthesia - Duration: 3:42.


Your Mustang witnessed as we're eye to eye

Tell me why

Your lack of intuition burns me white

Only you

Can make me burn just like the sun

Only you

Can piece me back to one

No matter what you do, I'll stay

This isn't up to you, today

It hasn't always been this way

I've got a lot to prove today

Oh, I'll never go

(I'll stay) Oh, I'll never go

I wanna hold you close

(Today) I wanna hold you close

I won't let you go

(This way) I won't let you go

Come on, let's give 'em a show

(Today) Come on, let's give 'em a show

Roll the dice

Let's see how far you'll push my nerves this time

Heavy sigh

I always lose when you apologize

Only you

Can make me burn just like the sun

Only you

Can fix me when I'm undone

No matter what you do, I'll stay

This isn't up to you, today

It hasn't always been this way

I've got a lot to prove, today

I'll stay


This way


Even if you let me go..

(I'll stay) Even if you let me go...

I want to hold you close...

(Today) I want to hold you close...

I want to keep feeling...

(This way) I want to keep feeling...

I want to keep loving, and loving...

(Today) I want to keep loving, and loving...

No matter what you do, I'll stay

This isn't up to you, today

It hasn't always been this way

I've got a lot to prove, today


Your Mustang witnessed me embrace you tight

(I'll stay) Your Mustang witnessed me embrace you tight


Hazy eyes...

I think I'll pass out in your arms tonight

(This way) I think I'll pass out in your arms tonight


For more infomation >> ODDEEO | Chinatown Blues (Wesley Dreamers Album) Synthesia - Duration: 3:42.


TOP 10 Největší domy na světě - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 Největší domy na světě - Duration: 10:02.


Plišani Medvedić - Pesme za bebe - Dečije pesmice na srpskom | HeyKids - Duration: 25:35.

For more infomation >> Plišani Medvedić - Pesme za bebe - Dečije pesmice na srpskom | HeyKids - Duration: 25:35.


How to be HUNGRY COVERS and MICHAEL RYBAK - Youtuber Impression - Duration: 4:03.

And of the redeems today's video is about to youtube music colleagues of mine and we will discover their deep dark and dirty secret

So if you ever had a deep wish to be like me carry back from the Ukraine or Hungary covers

You should stick with me until the very end of this video because at the end of this video you might be able to do

What you ever wished for stay tuned without further ado. Let's start with a video

Hey this means today

I'm here at McHale's and he has no idea that I'm here because he probably has no idea who I am

But I know who he is. I know that he left his windows wide open while leaving the house. Great jump dude. Great jump

Ok. Now without further ado. Let's start doing some music before he comes back and probably called some police as well

In the dark

Being like hungry covers isn't that difficult just get yourself a sweater west and feel comfortable

While looking like a librarian who sings along to his favorite heavy metal song he'll and yes

you should never ever under no circumstances come what ever may

Hmm erase or delete the original vocal track from the original finger. That's all there is to it. Let's have a look


You can never be I can be


Enjoy you can never be can be

Oh, I

Am so got them wasted right now because I worked my butt off and didn't get any sleep tonight. I

Had to finish this project in quite a hurry because I'm going to go on vacation

Soon and I had to yeah have this project done before I go so I can upload it from real will be then


This is the first time I did some more entertaining content just like you wished for on Instagram

Please tell me your feedback in the comment section down below and say if you liked it

Or if you could hardly enjoy it at all would be quite nice to know

Anyway, stay tuned. See you

next video a month or so

Jeannot out

Can't even lay my hand on this length properly. Sorry

Don't kill what you see don't be alone inside a road. I stood with my leg

Guys never fear I'm candy

By this time

For more infomation >> How to be HUNGRY COVERS and MICHAEL RYBAK - Youtuber Impression - Duration: 4:03.


Masters De Petanque 2018 Finale Sarrio and Montoro - Duration: 1:50:44.

For more infomation >> Masters De Petanque 2018 Finale Sarrio and Montoro - Duration: 1:50:44.


Audi A5 Sportback Sportback 3.0 TDI quattro 286pk Tiptronic Sport | Full Options | - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Sportback Sportback 3.0 TDI quattro 286pk Tiptronic Sport | Full Options | - Duration: 1:10.


Como Crear Un Logotipo Con Venngage | CONSEJOS - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> Como Crear Un Logotipo Con Venngage | CONSEJOS - Duration: 10:50.


Makeup Products for College Girls Under 500 Rs/ | Srishti's Diary - Duration: 7:31.

Music Hello friends Welcome back to my channel My today's video is affordable makeup products

for college girls those who are new on my channel my name is srishti and you are watching

Srishti's Diary I make videos on fashion lifestyle and makeup so stay tuned and don't forget

to subscribe my channel the topic of this video is affordable makeup product for college

girls and i tried to keep all the makeup products under 500 rs i will put the link of all the

makeup products in the description box you can check it from there so lets start the

video 1st step of the makeup is primer here i am showing two primer which is very affordable

and very suitable for all skin types 1st patanjali aloe Vera gel, you can use it as your primer

and the second one is garnier cream this is garnier skin natural light complete serum

cream and it has spf 19 after applying the primer next step is foundation but i prefer

bb and cc cream because it contain less chemicals but i will show you both the option for the

bb cream there are two option 1st is garnier bb cream and 2nd is lakme 9 to 5 weight less

mousse foundation sometimes i feel dry so i use this garnier bb cream when i feel oilyy

i use lakme bb cream It works as a bb cream and this is the best bb cream in the market

so i like this one the most the garnier bb cream is little bit oily and lakme one is

little bit dry so if you have oily skin you can use lakme one if you have dry skin you

can go for garnier one.Now come to the foundation this is maybelline fit me foundation this

is one of the best foundation in the market in a affordable range with good quality you

can feel something on your face because it is foundation it is not a light weight foundation

it has full coverage and it is good foundation for all skin types also again for one of my

favorite makeup product, it comes in a wide range of shades which is also a good point

of this foundation.

lets come to the concealer I dont prefer concealer for office makeup but if you have dark under

eye area or somewhere dark sports on your face then you use concealer to hide those

sports this is again from maybelline fit me concealer best concealer in the market it

also comes in a affordable price which you can afford it very easy and there is sale

going on nykaa you can buy it at less price i show you the brush of this concealer and

it comes in two three or four shades i am not sure but yes you will get your shade . lets

come to the face powder this is one of my favorite lakme absoulte face powder it comes

in 6 or 7 shades this is very nice face powder.

it comes with the puff also so you can use it with the puff if you are searching under

200 for face powder then this lakme one is also good option i have huge range of lakme

products i have lakme skincare products lakme makeup products and now lets come to the lipsticks

i have posted a video of my skincare routine and i am using all the product of lakme absolute

i will put the link you can check it from there this is again very affordable lakme

lipstick this is lakme absolute lip pout matte the color of this lipstick is magenta magic

she the shade this is very very nice shade you can use for college and office even i

have reviewed this lipstick.

i will put the link you can check.

now lets come to the kajal mera makeup bina kajal ke kaise ho sakta hia to using this

mayebelline one fine i mau sing this again long lasting very affordable and it comes

with this brush thisis the maybelline product which i love lets come to the eyeliner liquid

eyeliner to this is the lakme liquid eyeliner it has a very nice smooth brush with very

nice tip so you can apply it very easily you can make your wings very easily and this is

good for college girls it is matte black colour thisis not smudge proof it can remove very

easily the makeup yes right now i am using the maybelline total clean express makeup

remover thisis water proof now lets come to the brushes if you are a beginner or if you

are a college going girl you dont have so much time to tke so many brushes and apply

so many make up products i use only 2 brushes first is miniso brush this is a flat foundation

brush i bought it for 150 rupees from miniso it makes the foundation very easily but it

is not so soft i would not say this is one of the best brush but it is okay for beginners,

Thew 2nd one is i bought from new you store and it is very nice brush i use it as fan

brush or compact brush or foundation brush this for 120 / rs that is all last but not

the least i dont prefer applying blush on my cheeks while going for office or college

but i just want to show you the option this is incolor blush but unfortunately it got

broke today this is the pigment of this blush and this is again very affordable price.

these are the makeup products for the beginners and for

the college going girl for the office going girls all are very affordable and all comes

in under 500 rs/ all the products are tried and tested lakme maybelline i am searching

for some good makeup spray can you suggest me under 500 rs let me know in the comments

below if you are new on my channel pls subscribe my channel till then keep watching bye bye.

For more infomation >> Makeup Products for College Girls Under 500 Rs/ | Srishti's Diary - Duration: 7:31.


Bùi Tiến Dũng phải tập riêng, nguy cơ ngồi dự bị trận mở màn giải Tứ hùng | Tin tức Bóng đá - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Bùi Tiến Dũng phải tập riêng, nguy cơ ngồi dự bị trận mở màn giải Tứ hùng | Tin tức Bóng đá - Duration: 1:17.


Tường thuật trực tiếp giải bóng đá U23 quốc tế cúp VinaPhone 2018,U23 Việt Nam vs U23 Palestine - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Tường thuật trực tiếp giải bóng đá U23 quốc tế cúp VinaPhone 2018,U23 Việt Nam vs U23 Palestine - Duration: 8:47.


How can I end this war against the rabbit? [Hello Counselor Sub:ENG,THA/2018.07.30] - Duration: 24:14.

"A Girl in a Crisis."

"My Rabbit-like Child."

Hello. I'm a mom in my 40s with 3 kids.

My kids are in middle and high school,

so I thought I could rest now.

But a year ago, I was struck by catastrophe.

Her eldest daughter. As soon as she comes home...

"Mom! This is Andre.

He's our youngest family member now."

Andre, whom my 19-year-old daughter brought,

has a white face with big eyes and chubby hands.

He's a rabbit.

- It's a real rabbit? / - A real rabbit.

This Andre is driving me crazy.

"I got fur all over my clothes.

Try to get it off with this tape!"

"Mom, my throat hurts from all this fur!

Ah! I stepped on poop again."

"Mom. Andre chewed on the air conditioner cable.

Even a hair dryer!"

That's dangerous.

My daughter insists on keeping Andre in the room,

so our house is a big mess with rabbit fur,

rabbit poop and chewed cables.

That's not all.

"Daughter. Clean up Andre's poop."


"Sweep up his hair, too!"


All she does is say okay and

then I end up cleaning up after Andre.

"I can't handle it anymore.

Why don't we send Andre to a better home?"

"No way! Andre is my brother.

If he dies, I'll die with him."

My stubborn daughter won't listen to me.

How can I end this war against the rabbit?

This is her concern.

Have you ever had a pet?

Not myself,

but my cousin actually raised a rabbit for 12 years

and it died very recently.


So I know a lot about rabbits.

- You're the rabbit expert. / - No, not that far.

Let's meet this mother and hear her out.

Please come on out.

(There have been so many concerns about animals!)

(This time, it's a rabbit)

(I'm an expert on animals!)

(Who's concerned about her daughter and rabbit?)

(Kim Hyeseon)


So the rabbit's name is Andre?

Yes, Andre.

Is there a reason for naming him that?

I don't know the reason.

A stationery store does paper raffles.

My daughter won a rabbit and brought him home.

(They do that?)

The rabbit was so cute at first.

- When he was small? / - Yes.

She is in love with the rabbit.

Maybe the stationery store owner didn't want it,

so he wrote "rabbit" on every single paper.

Anyone and everyone who draws it...

The daughter fell for it.

When she comes home, instead of greeting us,

she goes to her rabbit first.

- She loves him. / - That's all she cares about.

She takes the rabbit and goes into her room.

She stays in the room even on hot days?

Yes. At first, we kept him out in the balcony.

But in the winter, it's too cold and

in the summer, there are too many mosquitoes.

So she keeps bringing him inside the house.

So it's fine as long as he stays on the balcony?

Yes, for now.

You just want her to get rid of the rabbit, huh?

(Could you tell?)

It's tough because I work

and then I have to clean the house.

But my daughter doesn't clean up at all.

I'll find a fistful of rabbit fur around the house.

They shed so much.

Do rabbits shed that much?

- Between seasons they do. / - Yes.

Our laundry has white fur all over it.

So every time

I fold laundry, I have to remove fur with tape.

The rabbit also chewed on charging cables,

internet cables and air conditioner cable.

That's so dangerous.

He even chewed on a hair dryer cable.

My daughter grabbed it and got shocked.

(That was a close call!)

Rabbits don't get electrocuted?

That's why we...

(Like this!)

Then he wouldn't chew on it anymore.

We're also worried about the rabbit.

So you do worry about him.

Because it's a live animal.

- And your daughter loves him. / - Yes.

You said you have three kids.

Are the other kids okay with the rabbit?

They all have atopic dermatitis.

Since my eldest daughter loves the rabbit,

she wears a surgical mask...

A mask?

Yes, and my younger daughter has atopic dermatitis,

and she has a rash on her thighs.

(That's a concern...)

We asked for pictures of the house.

(Chewed up cables)

- That's dangerous. / - That's dangerous.

They are all exposed.

Oh my.

(Ripped wallpaper)

He chews up wallpaper, too? You didn't say that.

He even chewed up wallpaper.

- He even chews up wallpaper? / - Yes.

Oh my.

- That's rabbit poop, right? / - Rabbit poop.

They can be contained if the rabbit is in a cage.

This is quite serious.

He stays in your eldest daughter's room?

Rabbit poop is all over the floor when she sleeps?

(Her daughter is wearing a mask)

That pee pad looks very dirty, too.

(This is how we live)

Let's meet her 19-year-old daughter

who loves Andre very much. Hello.

(Who's the daughter that's in love with Andre?)

You look nice, but selfish.

Do you understand your mother's concern?

Rabbits are like hamsters and chicks.

That's why I brought him home.

I don't understand her concern.

You promised to keep him in the balcony at first.

But if I keep him in the balcony,

in the fall, temperatures drop drastically.

One morning, it was cold and I saw him sneezing.

A rabbit can die from catching a cold.

We live on the 1st floor, so there are many bugs.

I was worried that bugs might bite him.

He's like family to me, so I brought him into my room.

Kyubok, why don't you ask a question?



(His first question on an entertainment program!)

(What will he ask?)

What question do you want me to...

(Entertainment experts have a fit of laughter)

Ask anything you can think of.

He's asking you what you want to be asked.

Tell us what you want to be asked.

You've been listening to everything, right?

Yes, but I am not curious about anything yet.

Can I ask later when I think of something?

He's an honest actor.

Listen to it a bit longer and

ask a question when you think of one.

You may be happy to be with the rabbit,

but your mom is suffering from the mess.

She used to clean up after him before.

But I do it now that he's living in my room.

In the end, it's my room that's messy.

It didn't look so clean in the picture earlier.

There was poop above your head.

(Boo hoo)

The rabbit chewed up all the cables.

It looks so dangerous.

So I keep all cables on the desk now.

What about the air conditioner?

Air conditioner... My family...

Even when we would turn it on,

mom would tell us to turn it off after 3 minutes.

We never really used that air conditioner.

Now that the rabbit has chewed up on the cable,

she wants to turn it on.

So you made the rabbit chew on the cable then.

You're lenient on what the rabbit does.

But you got shocked by a hair dryer.

I was shocked when I plugged it in.

That's dangerous.

It only stung a little.

So I just wrapped the cable with tape.

She's a very positive person.

(She's frustrated)

If you have to wear a mask at home,

you must be suffering, too.

I normally catch colds easily,

so my throat hurts when he sheds a lot.

But if I can be happy with him by

wearing a mask and a scarf,

I'm willing to do it.

But you...

You thought of a question to ask, Kyubok?

(He finally opens his mouth)

You have a question!

(Lee Kyubok asks his first question)

He's curious about something.

You have to wear a mask at home.

Your sister is suffering from atopic dermatitis.

Aren't you being too inconsiderate?

She's not suffering from it because of Andre.

She's has that for 17 years since she was born.

It has nothing to do with Andre.

Andre could've made it worse.

No, it hasn't worsened. She's always had it.

I know.

Kyubok, she says it didn't get worse.

Why don't you apologize to her?

I'm sorry.

He's the star today.

We asked her to bring Andre here today.

(How cute!)

He's very sensitive to noise.

He gets scared. We have to stay quiet.

(Here comes Andre)

Have a seat over here.

Look at his big eyes. Oh my.

His eyes are so big.

(Big and cute)

He is cute.

I'm impressed that she raised him so well.

What is Andre's charm?

If you look at him...

(My brother Andre)

(Wiggles his nose when he's happy)

(I may be shy despite my big body)

(But I'm quite energetic once I get to know you)

He has long hair that comes out like this.

Do you see it?

(His hair comes down to the front)

Do you remember Moon Heejun's hair from H.O.T?

He's so cute.

I call it the Moon Heejun style.

When I give him food, he runs towards me.

It's so cute. He licks me, too.

(Not happy)

Does he recognize you?

He won't stay away from her.

He'll stay put even when he's far away from me.


(Staying still)

(I'm always very quiet)

Andre. Andre.

(Testing how close he is with the daughter!)

(Will he go to his owner?)

There he goes!

(Andre is on the move!)

(Is it Sejeong?)

(Is he going to Sejeong?)

(Where are you going?)

Is he going to Sejeong?

("Animal Farm" emcee wants to join in)

(Where is he headed to?)

He recognizes his owner. Look!

(To his owner)



(Going towards his owner...)

(Then he turns right)

(I'm on an entertainment program)

What is his favorite food?

(He goes towards Dongyeob)

Yes, I'm the host of "Animal Farm."

(I've been a fan of yours for a long time)

He went to Shin Dongyeob.

What's his favorite food?

He usually eats dry grass.

Hay. Or rabbit feed.

He also likes fruit, so that's what I feed him.

Oh my! Isn't this for us to eat?

Oh my! Isn't this for us to eat?

(Hang on, Yeongja)

We got hay, rabbit feed and fruit.

- What does he like? / - He's eating the apple.

It's such a big piece. Look at him!

He's so cute! (Yum yum)

Isn't it amazing?

What about carrots?

(Second dish: Carrot)

He's ignoring the carrot.

He's ignoring the carrot.

In fairy tales, rabbits like carrots, right?

He won't eat the carrot.

He likes grapes, too?

He likes grapes, too?

Did you grab it so that you can eat it?

If he's not going to eat it, then...

Let's try giving hay to him.

(Third dish: Hay)

(I don't want it)

He's been raised in a house.

A banana.

(Fourth dish: Banana)

Oh my!

(Bananas are my favorite)

He snatched it from me.

Oh my! Look at him!

He's eating so well.

("Andre's Eating Show" begins now!)

(She is in love with Andre)

He doesn't seem to shed much, but I guess he does.

- Hop, hop. / - How amazing.

(Hopping away to digest the food)

How amazing.

Oh my.

(Thank you for the meal)

He's so cute.

If he poops, our ratings would go up a bit.

I hope he poops.

Look at him.

(The only one who isn't smiling)

Is Andre cute in your eyes?

Yes, he is cute.

But my daughter becomes so sensitive

when it comes to the rabbit.

So I can't consider the rabbit to be cute.

When her dad complains of the loose fur,

she yells at him.

She gets mad at us for not being understanding.

She yells at you?

She yells and talks back to us.

- Hey. / - Yes?

Isn't it wrong to yell at your parents and

glare at them because of Andre?

I don't do that. I just complain a little.

(Then it wouldn't be so concerning)

Our younger daughter.

Do you argue with your sister a lot over the rabbit?

I think she's lost her mind.

Why do you say that?

She loves Andre so much that it's inconvenient.

When she sleeps over at her friend's house

she calls me at night

and asks to video call with Andre.


She won't let me sleep, so we always argue.

When we're in the room together

she orders me around like Andre's butler.

She orders me to clean the room

or get water for Andre or clean up his poop.

His poop smells so bad and I can't stand it.

(It's a concern)

You once got mad because of Andre?

I'm NCT's fan and Andre chewed up my NCT poster.

He chewed up 10 headphones, too.

He even chewed up my jacket, so I got mad.

My sister yelled at me for yelling at Andre.

- She yelled at you? / - It was so unfair.

She even put rabbit poop in my pencil case.

(She put rabbit poop in her pencil case)

(She's causing so much trouble)

What does that mean?

Rabbit poop doesn't smell at all.

I'm used to it now. I can even touch it.

But why did you put it in her pencil case?

Kids hate it when it comes to poop.

So I would joke around and hold it in front of them.

Then they get grossed out.

I was just fooling around.

Andre chewed up your sister's NCT poster.

Why did you get mad at her?

Andre chews on everything.

We all leave our stuff on top of things.

But she always leaves her things on the floor.

She should take better care of her things.

He wouldn't understand even if she yells at him.

But she keeps cussing and yelling at him.

So you're saying that it's her fault.

My sister and I both have the same NCT posters.

I took good care of mine. Mine is fine.

She just left hers on the floor.

Then why don't you give yours to her?

Yes. That would solve the problem.

(She isn't responsible like that)

Let's talk to the younger brother now.

Does your sister order you around?

She tells me to feed him or give him water.

I put it off and she yells at me for not doing it.

She once pulled my hair.

She pulled on hair?

One time, I accidentally kicked Andre

and my sister saw me.

She hit me on the back of my neck with her hand.

- With her hand? / - Like this?

Like this?

You must be the one with the biggest concern.

Here's the true victim.

(We're all victims!)

My sister sometimes leaves school early to see Andre.

She leaves school early?

To see her rabbit?

I don't get to see him much during the day.

I didn't leave school early.

I just came home a little earlier than usual.


I have no choice. He's all I can think about.

So that's why I come home early.

Maybe you're just using him as an excuse.

You hopped out of school to see your rabbit?

(How corny)

(That gave me chills)

I've been looking for the right timing to say it.

I was thinking of making that joke, too.

I'm glad I didn't make the joke.

You skipped school at times, too, right?

No, I never skipped school.

What about private classes after school?


- She did. / - She must have.

What do you think of this?

She's our first child,

so I didn't know how to raise her.

You've been lenient on her?

Yes, so she grew up to be selfish.

When do you think she's most selfish?

When she thinks she's right,

she never changes her mind.

When we eat out, she insists on choosing what we eat.

- She does? / - Yes.

She used to attend arts high school

and then she dropped out.


She didn't want to spend so much time at school.

So she's studying for her GED.

She needs to study, but she's busy with her rabbit,

- so we're... / - You're worried.

(What should I do with my daughter?)


What is it that you want from your daughter?

I want her to leave Andre in the balcony.

Andre in the balcony.

I also want her to focus on studying for the exam.

Can you keep Andre in the balcony

as your mom wishes?

I don't know.

You should compromise that much.

You're missing something though.

I've been hosting an the animal program for years.

Many times, what the owner does for their pet

was actually making the pet suffer.

For Andre?

How would you feel if Andre is suffering

because he's staying in the room with you?

What if you're doing something that he hates?

Right? You'd be sad, right?

So I will ask you some questions to see

how much you know about rabbits.

(Quiz: All about rabbits)

What's the right temperature for a rabbit?

You can find it on the internet very easily.

An owner would know that.

She loves him so much.

- I'm sure she knows the answer. / - Sure.

How many hours of exercise does a rabbit need daily?

Two hours?


- Nope. / - She got all of them wrong.

In order to keep a rabbit in a house,

you must maintain 25 degrees Celsius in the room.

Keeping a rabbit in an unventilated room

could be bad, too.

A rabbit needs 4 hours of exercise per day

so it's better for him to be in a larger space.

Why don't you want him in the balcony?

There are so many bugs in the balcony.

Rabbits aren't susceptible to heartworms.

He's safe.

Rabbits are more immune to bugs than dogs are.

But you will have a lot more work to do

if you keep him in the balcony.

You must keep the right temperature in the balcony

and keep it a safe environment for him.

But it'll be more beneficial for Andre.

My cousin raised her rabbit in the balcony

for 12 years.

Keeping him in the balcony isn't as dangerous as

you think and it has more benefits for him.

(Keep him in the balcony for Andre's sake!)

Let's start with you, Kyubok.

I think it's a concern.

It's a concern for the mother.

I think it's a concern, too.

It's a matter of being responsible.

You must take responsibility for Andre.

You must study if you dropped out of school.

It's a concern for mom.

Press the button if you think it's a concern.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop.

Please say a word to your mother.


I didn't know you were so worried about me.

Oh my gosh...

She feels really bad.

She loves her parents.

She cares about her parents, too.

- Why are you crying? / - Tell us.

She didn't want to hurt her family.

You knew this all along, right?


but I didn't know the balcony was better for Andre.

Your mom wants you to keep Andre in the balcony.

Answer her.

I'm sorry, Mom.

I'll work harder from now on.

I'll keep him in the balcony.

Please show us how many votes they got.

What's the result?

They got over 100 votes.


(They got 137 votes)

(Warm applause!)

For more infomation >> How can I end this war against the rabbit? [Hello Counselor Sub:ENG,THA/2018.07.30] - Duration: 24:14.


He has always treated me as if I don't exist..[Hello Counselor Sub:ENG,THA/2018.07.30] - Duration: 29:47.

This one is titled, "Relieve My Grudge!"

I have a role for you. Be confident.

The husband is a bit curt.

- Me? / - Yes.

All right.

Hello. I'm a woman in my fifties from Seoul.

I am here today thinking that

I could end my marriage of 29 years.

I have been terribly heartbroken by my own husband.

The door opens. Ring.

"Honey, you're home."

Her husband.

(Let's see)

There's just an ellipses.

It's the hardest thing to act.

- You want me to do this? / - Yes.

You have no lines but you must express it.

"You're home, honey."

Here we go.

(Acting his best)

"It was hot today, right?

Honey, how was work?"

It's another ellipses...

(The end of acting curt)

Yes. My husband never says anything.

He has always treated me as if I don't exist.

He is a quiet person.

He's so cold and quiet.

"Oh, my head. Honey.

I feel ill. Can I have $3 to buy medicine? Honey..."

I don't have it.

When I am sick,

he won't even give me $3. But...

"Hey, sis! You're moving?

Okay. I'll wire it right now."

He wired $1,000 when his sister needed money.

When he said he doesn't have $3?

One time, I was driving and he was next to me.

We got in a car accident.

"Hey! I had my signal on."

"What? You crossed the lane first."

"Hey! I...

Honey! You talk to him. Listen to him."

"It was your fault. What's wrong with you?

Apologize to him."

My husband has never taken my side.

Please help me relieve my grudge of 29 years.

This is the concern she sent us.

How is your husband, Jihye?

My husband thinks what I say is the law.

(How sweet)

I'm sorry.

If you're so happy, why are you here today?

Are you here to get the audience's love, too?

Kyubok, I'm very curious. What are you thinking about?


(He's a rookie who spaces out at times)

I was reminded of my father when I heard this.

Your father is a man of few words, too?

Yes. When my friends came over

and I said, "My friend is here," he went...


He would just look and walk away.

I was stressed out a lot because of that.

I still don't know why he did that.

Let's bring her out now.

Please come on out.

(Who has a grudge against her husband?)

(Lee Insuk)


She looks so serious from the start that

I don't know what to say to her.

Tak Jaehun played the role of your husband.

Is your husband more curt than that?

Or was Tak Jaehun more curt?

My husband is more curt.

Tell us how curt and indifferent he is.

I think you're more curt.


Hold on.

It's going to be a long day.

We've been married for 29 years,

but he still doesn't know when my birthday is.

He doesn't know when our anniversary is.

Our kids told him when my birthday is, but...

- He's indifferent? / - He just doesn't care.

(That's terrible)

I got in a car accident and got hurt.

I was hospitalized for a week,

but he never came to see me.


That's terrible.

I had a stomachache and asked him to get me medicine.

(She can't help but sigh)

He said, "Are you a doctor?

Go see a doctor. Don't ask me to get drugs."

He wouldn't even give me $3 for the medicine,

so I bought it myself.

But he wired $1,000 to his sister?

His sister called him to say that she's moving

and he wired her $1,000 right away.

But he didn't even give $3 to you.

(You think it's a waste to give me $3?)

When he comes home, you speak sweetly to him?

"Honey, you're home?"

"It was cold today. How was work?"

He said, "It wasn't cold!"

What more can I say to him?

How is he with other people then?

Is he kind to other people?

He's very kind to other people.

We go to church. At church, he does the dishes,

talks to others and does volunteer work.

He is very kind and generous

to strangers.

But not to me.

He never buys me things.

So he always speaks negatively to you?


Then tell him, "Honey, let's go to church."

"No church! We have to go to a temple!"

He doesn't say that?

(No reaction)

Dongyeob, you must be embarrassed.

You made a joke.

I wanted her to smile.

She could've laughed, but she didn't.


Just the look she had...

She has so much anger piled up in her.

Did you wrong your husband somehow?


What do you mean no?

I didn't!

(Stop joking around)

She smiled. She smiled!


(She finally smiled)

She smiled! She smiled!

(Taekyun made her smile)

Shin Dongyeob, you failed.

Failed. You did it!

When you got in a car accident,

he didn't take your side?

The car made a turn without turning on his signal.

So I got hurt.

Instead of asking, "Did you get hurt?"

he said, "It's all your fault!"

And he wanted me to apologize to him.

Just out of the blue?

- In front of the other driver? / - Yes.

That's quite upsetting.

Rather than saying who's right or wrong...

"You must've been surprised. It's okay."

It would've been nice to say that instead.

If he apologized for you,

then you wouldn't have been so upset, right?

(This is why I have such a huge grudge)

It sounds like there are many other cases

when he took other people's sides.

Here's another example.

In our alley...


When you think back on what grudge you have...

Anger! Anger!

Think about it.

There's a stationery store on the corner.

A mailbox was located right in front of it.

My car got scratched every time I turned.

Other people got their cars scratched, too.

So I reported it and it all worked out.

But my husband said to me,

"You embarrass me. Why did you report it?"

So I explained to him. "I had no other choice.

It was an inconvenience to other people, too.

I didn't hurt anyone else in the process."

He should've taken my side,

but he kept taking other people's side.

Then is he at least sweet

- to your kids? / - No.

Kids run up to their dad when he comes home.

He says, "Go away! I'm tired!"

So my kids were heartbroken many times.

That's why my kids told me

to divorce my husband.

That must've been upsetting to you.


Did your kids raise a rabbit when they were young?


(Unexpected jab at her)

Can you show the two of us on the screen?

Can you see that her body is turned towards me?

Her husband is sitting to her right.

She doesn't want to look at her husband

because it makes her mad.

Her husband isn't looking at her either. He's frowning.

(Where did we go wrong?)

Let's meet her husband.

What do you call him?

(What does she call him?)

"Hey, pig!"

(A pig?)

(Where is the pig?)

(Bursts into laughter)

She smiled.

She smiled.

(Good job, Yeongja)

Hey, pig.

She calls him "Pig."

Piggy, where are you? Mr. Pig.

Nice to meet you.

Is everything she said true?

Yes. I am indifferent to my wife.

You should be good to her. She's your beloved wife.

How can you say that with a smile?

Why are you so indifferent to your one and only wife?

She's so pessimistic when she talks.

He has a grudge, too.

Has she upset you in some ways? Be honest.

I cook my own breakfast and dinner.

When I ask her to cook for me,

she says, "Do you not have hands?

Why can't you cook for yourself?"

That still upsets me.

When she said that to you,

she must've had her reasons, too.

I said that because

he was indifferent to me when I was sick.


When I was in the hospital...

She's upset, too.

Like she said earlier, she was hospitalized

for a week because of a car accident.

You really didn't go see her?

I think I was too busy with work.

You could've taken some time off

to see her at least once. She was hurt.

The hospital would take good care of her anyway.

It was too hard to go see her and go to work.

Pardon me for asking, but what do you do?

I'm a mailman.

- I see. / - Oh, a mailman.

He makes deliveries.

You could've gone, but you just didn't want to.


Do you know when her birthday is,

but haven't cared to tell her?

I know it roughly.

(How can you know it roughly?)

What do you mean by you know it roughly?

When is her birthday?

I think it's May 4.

Is he correct?

No. It's May 3.

(He's off by one day!)

He really does know it roughly.

He knows it roughly.

You were a day off.

Do you know when your anniversary is? Roughly?

I think it's around March 23.

Is he right?

Is he right?

It's March 24.

(He's off by a day again!)

He does know it roughly.

He could get it right if he wanted to.

Is he playing hard to get on purpose?

He is off by just one day.

He never knows the exact dates.

Let me ask you instead.

Do you know when his birthday is?

October 16.

Is she right?


She knows the exact date.

My husband has a liver problem,

- so I went to catch marsh snails. / - That's hard.

It's cold in the water in November.


I have to catch 10kg of snails to get extract.

So I had to go 5-6 times to catch 10kg of marsh snails.

I nearly died from a cold.

In November.

He could've thanked me for doing that,

but he never did.

- Did he drink the extract? / - He did.

- He drank it all? / - Yes.


I took for granted that she did that for me.

Going to catch marsh snails 5-6 times

in November is something to take for granted?

Then why didn't you do anything for her birthday?

I'm not good at expressing my feelings.

But she said that you're good to other people.

You even do volunteer work at church.

It's not volunteer work.

I'm a deacon at church so I have to do it.

So you're kind to others at church

because of your position at church?

Yes. I can't neglect the duties of my job.

(He's not doing his task as a husband)

But she says you side with strangers more.

Right. Tell us about the mailbox.

Somebody else could've reported it.

I asked her why she was the one to do it.

- "Why did she report it herself?" / - Right.

I work at the post office,

so what would my colleagues think if they found out?

I have a bad reputation in my neighborhood.

She always steps up and does things.

What else was there?

There was a sewer construction by our house.

The cement water got all over our vegetables.

Got all over?

So some of our vegetables died.

My wife wanted to report it to the police.

She always wants to report things to the police.

Do you call the police often?


I do it because when I see something is wrong...

- You can't help it? / - No.

It's not that what she did was wrong.

You just have different personalities.


Your kids must have something to say, too.

Let's meet them.



In your opinion, whose concern is this?

My mom's.

When I was young, he never spent time with me.

When I asked him to hold me, he said, "Go away."

- You never felt loved by your father? / - Yes.

You must've been curious

why your dad treated you that way.

You must've had many concerns, too.

She is very upset by her father, too.

Let me ask you.

Why don't you tell us how your father upset you?


When I was in 4th grade, I had an appendectomy.

(In tears)

Both the mom and daughter have grudges.

She is so upset with Dad.

I don't understand.

When your children asked you to hold them,

you told them to go away?

Well, I don't hate them. They're my kids.

He doesn't speak nicely.

How can you say you "don't hate them"?

It's because he's too shy.

I think he's been pretending to be a bad boy

to his wife for the past 29 years.

You stopped crying now. Why don't you tell us?

You have to get everything out today.

When I was in 4th grade, I had an appendectomy.

I was hospitalized for a week and he never came.

He never asked me if I was okay.

Did you ask him why he never came to see you?

- You didn't, right? / - No.

You just ignored it?

I thought it could hurt both of our feelings.

You just endured it.

See? If one person starts to shut someone out,

they just stop speaking for years.

And they misunderstand each other.

Do you talk to your father often?

We don't talk much.

He mostly talks to grandma.

Your dad?

You've lived with his mother for 29 years?

Yes, for 29 years...

We live on separate floors now.

He always goes to his mother first.

When he gets home from work?

He's supposed to talk to me about things.

But he always talks to his mother first

and just notifies me later.

My mother listens to me without judging me.

If I talk to my wife, she starts nagging at me

about every little detail.

But didn't you two talk to each other

a lot when you two dated?

We met through a matchmaker.

I chose to marry her because...

I went on 30 blind dates before I met her.

It was 50 times, not 30.

You went on 50 blind dates.

How does the daughter know?

She wasn't even born then.

Most women don't want to live with their in-laws.

When I told her, she said she'd live with my mom.

I didn't marry her because I love her. I...

How could you say that?

Wait. Hold on, everyone.

(How could he say such a thing?)

(Oh, my wretched fate)

Even if that's true, you should be grateful

and apologetic to her for that.

So you should see her as lovely for doing so.

But, you see...

When I do something wrong,

she doesn't blame me for it.

She says, "Did your mom teach you that?"

She's so pessimistic about everything.

She said that his mom taught him wrong.

So she said that your mom taught you wrong?


My father passed away when I was 3.

My mom worked hard to raise the three of us.

So I got very upset.

Ma'am. How could you say that to him?

Ma'am! Ma'am!

I wouldn't say it if he didn't do anything wrong.

But he keeps giving me a reason to.

- Who? / - My husband.

Even so, badmouthing a spouse's parents is

something that's just off-limits.

It's because...

It's because...

We had a small lot in Jangwi-dong.

I suggested that we sell it

and he agreed.

So we sold it and moved.

Then he cussed at me and said,

"You sold that on your own."

- Who? Your husband? / - Yes.

He cussed at you?


Was that the only time?

He always cusses at me.

Why did you cuss at her, sir?

Well, I don't remember saying that.

(How frustrating)

I don't remember cussing at her.

But I do cuss at times when we argue.

Do you cuss because she cusses at you?

Or are you the only who cusses at her?

I do it first and she cusses back.

(This is so difficult)


If this were a recent problem,

I'd say what's right and what's wrong.

But it's been 29 years.

We don't know who did wrong first.

You gave us a difficult task. You know that, right?

This is hard.

Let's try to unravel this little by little.

(Will they be able to knock down this wall?)

What do you think, son?

From elementary school to college,

he never came to my entrance or graduation ceremonies.

Maybe it's because he never knew the dates.

On weekends when he has his days off,

he just leaves the house by himself.

He never tells us where he's going.

He doesn't talk to us, so it's frustrating.

Did you ever try to talk to him to resolve this issue?

Man to man?

I suggested we have a drink together many times.

- So the two of us talked. / - That's good.

He said, "Why aren't you taking my side?"

I try to explain, but he never listens.

At the end of the worship,

we all hold hands together.

I've never seen the two of them hold hands ever.

So I tried many times to get them to hold hands,

but they just pulled away from me.

I'm sure they didn't pull away at the same time.

I'm sure one of them did that first

and the other one did as well.

If he holds your hand...

Are you willing to hold his hand?

Will you hold his hand no matter what?

- I'm willing to hold hands. / - Why?

Even though you hate him so much?

But we have kids together.

I'd do anything for our kids.


What I'm most curious about is...

What? Kyubok.

When he says he's curious, he really means it.

He sighed about 200 times already.

You may act indifferent and be curt,

but you're a family.

You must care for them. But hearing you talk,

you sound like you don't care about them at all.

Do you not care about them?



It sounds like you concluded that he doesn't care.

(Entertainment programs are tough...)

Sir, the way you talk, it sounds like

you are upset with your children, too.

Why don't you get it all out?

Yes. My wife treats me badly,

so my kids seem to belittle me, too.

That's upsetting.

Is that why you leave without telling them?

Sure. I want to rest after work,

but I feel as though they leave me out.

When you're at home?

(If you were nice, the kids wouldn't be like that!)

It's so frustrating.

I really want this issue to be resolved somehow.

- But there's a big wall. / - It's so hard.

I will give you two some time to talk.

We'll stay out of it. Tell him what you want from him.

Why don't you look at him, ma'am?

So we should stay out of it, right?

He doesn't like that you're pessimistic.

Do you want to start, sir? Take the courage.

She was brave enough to come here.

Talk to her. "Honey."


Honey, until now...

(Oh my!)

Honey. I'm sorry that

I didn't express myself well until now.

- Oh my. / - That was fast.

We never really talked to each other.

He talks so well.

I hope we can resolve this by talking.

Ma'am. Speak as you look at him.

(He's apologizing after 29 years)

She's finally looking at him.

Let's not interfere.

(Will they be able to tear down the wall?)

(It's not easy for her to begin)

- Honey. / - That's great.

(The first step to tearing down the wall of 29 years)

I hope you put into action what you said here today.

I do admit what I did was wrong.

I'll be good to you, too.

"I love you."

That's too out of the blue.

They do love each other. Look at each other.

He's looking at you.

Let's love each other now.

He's still looking at you, ma'am.


Please look at him.

He should be the one to open up to her first.

Please answer her.

I love you.

(I love you, I love you)

He's a romantic.

He knows how to say it.

I think he was being cold on purpose.

Let's get this ball rolling.

Sir. Why don't you say a word to your daughter?

(No, no)

It may feel awkward, but you have to do it.

Tell your kids

to go sleep somewhere else tonight.


Go sleep at your grandmother's place.


Call out your daughter's name. Be sweet.


Sumi, I love you.

- Look at him. / - Your son now.

Call out his name.

Siyeong, I love you.

He is able to express love.

(Getting loved by Dad for the first time)

(They look very awkward)

(But he's expressing his love)

(As best as he can for the first time)

Call out to your father, son.

He called your name with love.

Dad! Let's travel a lot from now on.


Daughter. Why don't you say something?

He just didn't know how to do it.

No one taught him how to show love.

He couldn't do it on his own.

That's why he was bad at expressing his love.

He was actually very lonely

and suffering all by himself.

That's how he has lived his life.

Reach out to him.

She holds a built-up grudge inside her.

Of course.

Someone has to open up first.

Dad. I'll do my best to be good to you.

So please be good to mom.

All right.

(Please remember each other's sincerity)

(And do not shed tears anymore...)

I'm sure you all felt this way.

He told us earlier that

his dad passed away early and his mom raised them.

That was a big event in his life.

You telling him his mom taught him wrong

really broke his heart.

It feels like you were trying

to put yourself above him.

Maybe that's what suppressed him.

I hope you live happily from now on

for your kids' sake.

You have to be good to your wife

or you won't be able to get a meal from her.

You must see the big picture here.

That's why I think it's a concern.

Be understanding of each other.

I hope you live happily from now on.

I think you two need to talk to each other more,

so I think it's a concern.

You never knew how to express your feelings.

I don't want to think that this is a concern.

If you think it is a concern,

please press the button!

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop.

Can you come up and hold her hand?

She won't refuse this time.

Come only if you want to.

If not, you don't have to do it.

(I'm coming)

(He's a romantic!)

It was nice that she was willing to accept your mom,

but you liked her looks, too, right?

- No? / - She was beautiful.

She was beautiful. Of course.

She is beautiful even now.

Call out to her, please.



(One step closer)

I love you, honey.

(They now see their true feelings for each other)

(Why did it take 29 years to see it?)

(Please live happily from now on!)

How many votes did they get?

Please show us the result.

(Announcing the result)

The winner currently has 137 votes.

(Will they get more than 137 votes?)

If they get 142 votes...

(What is the result?)

(They got 152 votes)

Please give them a round of applause.

(We hope you become a happy family!)

For more infomation >> He has always treated me as if I don't exist..[Hello Counselor Sub:ENG,THA/2018.07.30] - Duration: 29:47.


'DISGUSTING! I was EARLY and waiting for the Queen!' Trump hits back over royal criticism - Duration: 3:25.

 The Queen met with the US President last month after Donald Trump travelled to the UK

 Thousands of people took to the streets to protest the US President's visit. The US President has been critical of media coverage of his meeting with Her Majesty, with some reports suggesting he "overstayed" during his time with the Queen, as well as turning up late

 Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania on Thursday evening, the US President said: "I was asked to have tea with the Queen, who is incredible by the way

Incredible.  "I landed and I'm on the ground and I'm waiting with the King's and the Queen's guards, wonderful people

I'm waiting. "I was about 15 minutes early and I'm waiting with my wife and that's fine

Hey, it's the Queen, right? We can wait. But I'm a little early. "So I then go up and meet the Queen and she is fantastic We then go up and we have tea

And I didn't know this, it was supposed to last 15 minutes but it lasted like an hour

Because we got along. And she liked our first lady and our first lady liked her. "But we got along fantastically well

But the time went by, you know, sometimes you get along and there is good chemistry and time goes by

So we were there for about an hour.   "So here's the story, remember I got there early, and the Queen's guards waited with me

In fact, we took a helicopter, you see these secret service guys, they are not late, they don't believe in being late

They believe in being early not late. "So here was the story by the fake news, 'The president was 15 minutes late for the Queen'

Wrong. "And then, here's the rest of the story, 'The president overstayed'. "So I was late and I overstayed

But honestly, folks, it was such a beautiful, beautiful visit and afternoon. But they can make anything bad because they are the fake, fake, disgusting news

"   During his visit in July, Donald Trump held a key meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May before he claimed their relationship as the "highest level of special"

 Tens of thousands of protesters lined the street raging against the US President's visit to Britain

 During an interview with Piers Morgan, the US President spoke out about his meeting with Her Majesty

 He said: "Let me tell you she is an incredible woman. She is so beautiful, inside and out, she is a beautiful woman


For more infomation >> 'DISGUSTING! I was EARLY and waiting for the Queen!' Trump hits back over royal criticism - Duration: 3:25.


**free nintendo eshop codes I nintendo switch eshop [games] - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> **free nintendo eshop codes I nintendo switch eshop [games] - Duration: 4:37.


Soy Luna 3 Lunie śni się jak tańczy z Matteo i Michaelem odc 49 /Tłumaczenie PL - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 3 Lunie śni się jak tańczy z Matteo i Michaelem odc 49 /Tłumaczenie PL - Duration: 2:29.


Taiwanese Food: Cooking in Foodie Heaven - Duration: 14:35.

We're in Taipei and we're here at How Living Club.

We're going to do a cooking class, which I'm so excited about.

I love food and I love cooking.

So we're going to try making our own.

We're going to make beef noodles with a cucumber salad and bubble tea.

When I heard we were going to make bubble tea I couldn't imagine it but we're going to meet a chef

who's going to show us how it goes.

I feel like we're starring in our own TV show. -Hi everyone, I'm York.

I'm York.

He's our chef.

I feel nervous about my knife skills being beside a chef.

Please don't look too closely.

I'm ready.

You beat me!

He put this onion in the freezer for an hour?


So it's…I'm not crying.

Thank you very much.

It would be only tears of joy.


So much possibility in an empty pot, don't you think?

Olive oil to start. -Olive oil is best!

He says one tablespoon so I'm going to eyeball it here.

Maybe two.

Maybe two?

Maybe two.

Let's just go bananas.

That sizzle though.

Smells good.

Now we're cookin'!

Now you're a real chef.

So scallion, chili, is this ginger?

Ginger, yes.

Oh I love ginger.

And this one ice sugar.

Sugar and salt.

They're like little gem stones.

It's snowing.

Looks like Canada.

Make the…

Give it a stir?

Make the sugar caramelize.

It's so nice to cook 'cause when you're travelling you don't have a kitchen all

the time and I just find it so relaxing.

I love cooking.

That one is Taiwanese way.

Big one, big size.

If you're ever wondering how the Taiwanese way is to cut beef that's you're perfect

cut right there….size.

Perfect size.

It's perfect.

I was going to cut it again and York was like, 'Don't cut that!

Don't cut that.'

So we're using the pot to do the vegetables on one side and then the beef on the other

and I just dropped them all in and he said don't touch them for the first…

Just like making a steak.

…couple of minutes.


Yeah, just like making a steak when you fry every side.

So the beef has been sitting here for a little while.

I wish you could smell this right now.

We need smell-o-vision, but we want all of the beef

to look like that.

So the sugar that we put in earlier is just caramelizing on the outside of the beef and

giving it so much flavour so York says to just let it sit a little while until it all

starts to look that nice brown colour.

So I'm just going to wait.

Just added the water so now the stock is really starting to…to build.

It smells so good.

So while the stock is getting a lot of flavour building, we're to make cucumber salad?

Yeah, cucumber salad.

For the side?


This one's sugar, garlic, and rice vinegar.

Rice vinegar again?



We cut the cucumber.

You can cut anyway you like.


Someone cut like this, some cut like this but I…this way is my favourite way.

This one's too big.

There - that looks better.

Kitchen no rules.

No rules, ok.

No rules.

I'll fit right in.

You have to be careful not to…your wrist.

Yeah, don't slice yourself.

So garlic, sugar, rice vinegar with the cucumber that we crushed.

This is sesame oil.

So I'm allowed to try it?

Yeah, try.

If I could…

Oh that's good.

If I could I try a lot.


Try a lot.

Yeah, 'cause you're the chef, right?

I mean…

We're going to make pan-fried dumplings.

We're going to make that?

Of course.

It's easy.

Today is my first time to teach someone to cook.



Oh you're such a good teacher!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Are you serious?


This is your first time?

Yes, my first time.

This is my first time too…making them.

Don't be so shy.

So this is white pepper in there, can you see?

That has a lot of flavour.

We use white pepper a lot in Taiwan.

White pepper, rice wine…

It's so satisfying when you see all the ingredients start to mix together.

I'm kind of nervous about this part.

It's easy.

This for you, this for me.

Don't put too much…otherwise you…difficult to eat.

How's that amount?


A little more?

Yeah, bit more.





Oh to make it sticky.



Just one push.

Just one push.

Push, push, and push.

Like that?

Yeah, put together.

That doesn't look that bad!

Sort of.

Yeah, it's ok, it's ok.

First time.

Let's compare our dumplings.

For the first time it's good.

We're taking a poll: which one is better?

Which one is York's and which one is Eileen's?

It's not that hard to tell.



That looks pretty good!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Just two.

Just two - ok.

Two ok.

The other way.

Look how good it looks!


Ok, I don't want to mess up the other side.

That looks real.

It looks like a real dumpling.




Push like this?

It sounds like you're in labour right now.

I am labouring over this dumpling.

K there's my second one.

Oh that's nice!


I'm getting the hang of this.

Dumpling master.

You can now call me 'dumpling master.'

While we've been making the dumplings over there our soup has been simmering on the stove

and I'm going to taste the broth again now.

Mmm I wish you could taste this.


This is all the ingredients you need for bubble tea?


You need water, sugar, this one.

So first of all we mix the flour together.

So this is flour?

Yeah, uh potato…

Potato, oh, starch?

Potato starch.


I cannot conceive of making bubble tea.

I can't believe that we're making bubble tea right now.

It seems like a really complicated thing to make.

It's easy, it's easy.

Trust me.

He says it's easy.

It's more easy than the soup and dumplings.



Just mix for you, boil the water, add brown sugar.

This reminds me a little of maple syrup.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's so good - and this looks a little bit similar.

For the waffle?

Yeah, for waffles, pancakes…I put it on everything.

Fried chicken, fried chicken.

Fried chicken, yeah.

Is _________-

I think York and I need a cooking show.

Yeah, this is your pilot.


This is our first time.

It has like a taffy texture.

So sticky.

Oh sweet lord.

Want to try?


Take this one, cut.

You use the bubble tea straw?!


So we have the dough for the little bubble tea balls and as a cookie cutter we're using

the bubble tea straw which is perfect.

Yeah, it's perfect.

Because then it's the perfect size to get up when you're drinking it.


My mind is…I had no idea that's how they made them.

Ok now repeat one hundred times.

A thousand times.

Yeah, a thousand times.

Your very own tapioca 'M'.


I've always wanted one.

We're going to fry the dumplings now.: part two.

Part two.

These are going to get fried in here.

You made a spiral sun.

Just like that.

Just all in?


Be careful the elephant.

This is why you don't make enormous bubbles.

For this reason.

We also made a heart, an elephant, and I made a little sand dollar, here's Marc's M,

and this looks like a little clover.

This is just a mistake.

I don't know why this is in here.

I think it looks like a skull.

Ok, it's a skull now.

And this we're going to call a smile.

Look how big the elephant is!


So beautiful, right?

That's beautiful.

So I'm putting some vegetable oil in.

Look at these noodles.

Now that's a noodle.

For you.


Look how beautiful that looks.

Mix it?


I need to be alone.

And the bubbles fit perfectly through the straw and now I know why.

So we're going to plate the cucumbers and York says to let them sit like at least three

hours and if you crush them then the flavour absorbs more quickly so you could let them

sit for a little less time.

But the longer they sit the more flavour they take on so overnight is even better.

These are going to be delicious.

Final touch for this soup: sprinkling the scallions.

Look at that!

We just finished the entire meal and I cannot believe that, with York's help, that we

made all of this together.

This is the beef noodle soup, these are the pan-fried dumplings, the cucumber salad with

a bit of chili sauce on the side and then the bubble tea and we actually learned how

to make the little tapioca balls in the bottom of this.

I cannot wait to eat this.

I mean I have been, you know, tasting it like you're supposed to as you go but to actually

see this all laid out in front of me and know that now I know how it's made I feel like

I'm going to appreciate this food every time I see it now in a whole different way.

Thank you.

Thanks for being my first teacher.

Yes, my first student.

Thank you so much.

I'll give you another hug.

Enjoy your lunch.

Thank you.

Nice to meet you.

This has been so much fun.

I still can't believe that I made all of those dishes with the help of York.

I'm going to try this at home and I'm probably going to miss him very much.

But thank you so much York and to How Living for this absolutely unforgettable experience.

For more infomation >> Taiwanese Food: Cooking in Foodie Heaven - Duration: 14:35.


Bupa health insurance - why do I need a GP referral? - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Bupa health insurance - why do I need a GP referral? - Duration: 2:13.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

and today I'm going grocery shopping believe it or not from

this seat right here I am so excited my store started checklist so I can go

online put everything that I want in my cart just like you know shopping online

my favorite hobby so I just pick a time to pick up all of my groceries and I

show up at that reserved time in the little parking spot that is reserved for

just me for pickup and they will deliver it right to your car I'm pretty excited

so I think probably my main concerns are pretty typical of anybody trying this

for the first time is will you pick my produce the way that I would pick my

produce and will you pick my meats the way that I would pick my meats I think

those my only hang-ups everything else is just you know junk on a shelf right

so we're gonna give it a try I'm going to do my full review on after I get my

groceries another thought that I had is are we just gonna use a bunch of plastic

bags again because yeah I've been using the reusable bags which I love and I love

not having to you know waste all those bags so that is another question that I

have and do you tip the person I know sometimes the baggers are not allowed to

get tipped like if they help you out to the car and stuff but we'll see I'm

gonna try to hand them money why not

so go ahead subscribe thumbs up check all the

links down below let's grocery shop from home guys this

is gonna like save me like an hour and a half of my life so I actually already

loaded my coupons I always just come to the website and go through all the

different coupons so I have some in here already load load load see we got some good

stuff happening so these are all the coupons that I have loaded already it

doesn't mean that I'm gonna buy it but they're in there

okay so shop department grocery okay so we are here in grocery so we have all

the different departments it looks like so view all start my cart oh my gosh

this is all stuff that I already buy ah stalker wow that's pretty cool though

because you know you always kind of buying the same stuff

coupons okay so shop

by beverages so that is stuff I already buy oh my gosh that's crazy oh

and it tells me that I have a coupon already that's nice

frozen treats wow you guys are really gonna know what I buy aren't you

featured brands oh so these are all the Kroger stuff that I would normally buy

that is too cool okay okay okay okay so I guess I guess let's go to what I

usually buy right okay so here is all the stuff that I usually buy there is

18,000 things in grocery that's not everything that I buy that's just like

everything I think but yeah they have it all by category and then looks like you

could do a search that's pretty cool okay alright so we actually do need hot

dogs or buns so Add to Cart there it goes over there and change how

many you want we need some milk I usually get like three of those we need some

cheese hmm I also get other kinds of cheese I kind of wish that you could do

that here because what if I forget what if I forget the other cheese okay see so

I have a coupon for this so we're gonna add that okay I should be marking this

off because it's kind of it's not the same order as this store so it's kind of

messing me up so okay so this was also something that I was kind of worried

about was the produce I don't know how many pounds

we usually get oh wait okay so they have it by each banana so I usually get a

bundle of six bananas or eight bananas okay hang on hang on

so I usually get like six apples oh okay I see what they're doing so they have it

separated so like I was saying the apples their $1.29 a pound but then that

means they're about 59 cents each so you would order six apples alright so I

think I am done I think I found everything honestly I really don't know

because it's kind of out of order it's messing with my brain a little bit I

usually have my list in order of the store so I'm a little messed up I didn't

I didn't start checking off things so I kind of had to go back through the list

we have a total of 107 items at $246 it does say that our prices may change

probably produce weights and like the chicken weight and all of that stuff

alright so I think we're gonna view cart let's see what that looks like we have

our pickup time set up tomorrow at 12 so yeah so check out now oh we have to put

our name and our phone number continue to payment section okay so we

put in our card this is actually pretty cool it says that I can make changes

until midnight tonight so if I happen to forget something or I'm like oh you know

what that actually sounds really good I can add it or take off anything out of

my cart until midnight tonight so that's actually pretty awesome I'll go pick it

up tomorrow and then and then we'll I'll show you everything we got

alright guys we are on our way to the grocery store I don't know why but I'm like nervous why

am I nervous I don't know so I'm here at the store we just gotta wait a few

minutes I called in let them know that I was here so we're just gonna wait a few

minutes and I guess get my delivery god this is so weird

I'm so nervous I don't know why

we have our groceries we're done we're done dude oh my gosh

so it's all rung up we're good no worries

everything was found oh this is great this is crazy alright I'm gonna go

home we're gonna put these away and I'll I'll tell you all about it

that was my grocery shop with the checklist oh my gosh I'm ecstatic I

smiled the whole way home like a giddy little girl yeah so that was awesome

I usually take about an hour an hour and a half to do my big shop I left the

house I think it like 12:30 and the groceries are all done put away and it's

one o'clock boom boom oh my gosh so awesome so so what there's a five dollar

charge my husband just pointed out would you do somebody's grocery shopping for

an hour for five dollars heck no it's totally worth it oh my gosh

I'm so excited this is going to make life so much easier online throughout

the week throughout the month I can just continually add things to my list you

know instead of writing it down on a piece of paper and losing the piece of

paper and not knowing what I needed and you know so you can just go to the app

on your phone or on your computer and just put it on the list you won't forget

because it's already on the list so that part's super awesome I like that they're

using the paper bags instead of the plastic bags at the very least we can

definitely reuse those and and make something creative with those so that is

better than the little plastic ones all over the place so I'm happy with that

and I did ask the gal I totally forgot to bring my coupons but I did ask her if

we can use the paper coupons and she said of course so when you call and let

them know that you're there just say hey I got coupons and they'll come out grab

your coupons they'll run them through and and get your grand total for you

they do not have to have your debit card again or anything like that because they

already ran it through so you're good an amazing experience I'm very excited

unfortunately we cannot tip them she shaved some work off of my life and

I didn't get tip her but oh well it's policy that's what you can do but she

did say that I could fill out a survey and tell them she was super duper so

that does help her out so I'll at least do that grocery shopping is not going to

be terrible anymore so excited I really really would have wanted this with like

the babies when they were babies I always wished that like I could go to

Walgreens pharmacy window or something and just be like yeah can I just get a

gallon of milk please please don't make me get these babies

out of my car so I can see this really really helping with the young moms I do

have a couple negatives they're not the biggest deal in the whole wide world but

if I had to be nitpicky the biggest thing that kind of stinks is that the

comparative shopping is not there I guess if you took your time and went

through it all you could do that but you know it's obviously a lot easier in the

store you go to lunch meat section you're like oh well I usually get the

Kroger brand and but the name-brand is the same price this week I get the

name-brand right so there is a bit of that because I'm not very brand loyal I

am money loyal in my pocket so that's kind of a big thing but other than that

awesome awesome awesome I will pay the extra few bucks to be done with grocery

shopping in and putting it away mind you in 30

minutes actually driving to the store getting it driving back and putting away

in 30 minutes boom I think it's pretty cool so let me know if your store has it

if you tried it if you love it if you hate it I don't I don't know why you

would but anyway that's my experience I loved it I'm excited so thank you so

much for watching go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links

down below and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> ONLINE GROCERY HAUL // CLICKLIST // STAY AT HOME MOM - Duration: 12:58.


Animaljam DRAWING/GIFTING WARS/ TRADING/ SINGING - Duration: 1:40:26.

For more infomation >> Animaljam DRAWING/GIFTING WARS/ TRADING/ SINGING - Duration: 1:40:26.


Agnieszka Radwańska wkrótce zostanie mamą? - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Agnieszka Radwańska wkrótce zostanie mamą? - Duration: 3:43.


TF2: Weapon Balances in Zombie Survival - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> TF2: Weapon Balances in Zombie Survival - Duration: 8:53.


Очи чёрные "Ulls negres" (subtítols en rus, català i castellà) - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Очи чёрные "Ulls negres" (subtítols en rus, català i castellà) - Duration: 2:45.


Love Island's Georgia Steel wears plunging swimsuit for pool party - Duration: 3:08.

She proclaimed herself to be 'loyal' throughout much of her time on Love Island and Georgia Steel was certainly loyal to the island as she returned on Thursday

The 20-year-old party animal lived it up at BH Mallorca where she was pictured wearing a plunging swimsuit which was covered in giant gems

She teamed it with a sheer skirt which gave a glimpse of her toned legs as she greeted fans of the record-breaking hit show

Her skirt had high splits running up the front and while she had a group of friends with her on the day, there was no sign of her personal trainer beau, Sam Bird, 25

Georgia might not have won the show, but she certainly looked like she was wining at life as she drank cocktails in the sunshine

She tottered around the pool wearing a sky-high pair of killer wedges and balanced a pair of sunglasses atop her perfectly blow-dried hair

At one point she took to the stage to address the crowd at the hotel, which is favoured by the likes of Mark Wright, Vicky Pattison and DJ Tom Zanetti

The Islanders have all been busy doing their own thing since the show ended on Monday, where Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham were crowned winners

Her outing comes as Georgia has already cast doubt on her relationship with Sam by admitting she wouldn't feel obliged to stay with him for the sake of her career

Speaking on Tuesday's Lorraine, Georgia said her own personal identity is more important than that of her relationship, and would call things off if the relationship was no longer working

The drama student said: 'Being with Sam was amazing leaving the villa.However, I do think it's very important to have your own identity in the industry and be yourself

'At the end of the day if our relationship works, amazing.But if it doesn't I'll still have my own identity as well

' Georgia's determination comes following reports that she is being mentored by TV presenter Mark Wright, with sources telling The Sun last week that he is keen to make her the next big star

The source said: 'Mark has offered to give career advice to Georgia and to help her where he can

'Obviously Mark has been hugely successful in American and that's something Georgia looks up to a lot

'I think Georgia loves Mark's career route and it's something she'd want for herself

For more infomation >> Love Island's Georgia Steel wears plunging swimsuit for pool party - Duration: 3:08.


(engsub) July Favorites 2018 - Duration: 7:40.

Hi guys so today i'm going to talk about my July Favorites. It has been a tough month but i'm so glad that i have reached August. Have a great month guys

The first item is an electronic device which is my gaming system Nintendo Switch

At a very expensive price, Nintendo didn't let me down. I'm a games-aholic and i play almost everyday

Although it doesn't have so many games and they have so many negativities which are the price of each individual game in the console but i still enjoy playing with it.

I love everything about this device from the design to the content. Its such a high quality product.

I'm currently building my own house in Minecraft - old but super gold game

Lets move on to the beauty corner. My first favorite skincare item is Clinique Moisturizer Cream

The first impression about it was the strong alcoholic smell but it doesn't really affect the quality. I think this is more suitable for night time routine as you wake up the next morning with a sooth silky skin

It has a very light texture and it dries on our skin really fast which doesn't bring us the uncomfortable feel when you apply an oily base

The packaging was excellent because its firm and stable - you can barely drop it.

The second item is Bioderma Eyes and Lips make up remover . This is perfection right here. It has a cute bottle packaging and it is devided to 3 colors

Blue for Dehydrated skin. Green for oily and pink for sensitive skin. I use prink because i just feel like i suit that and i actually can not define which type of skin i am

It doesn't have a smell

It creates a little bit greasy feelings when you apply it on your face but it absolutely cleans all of the makeup and you just have to clean your face with cleansing foam afterwards to make sure all the greasy things disappear.

The last item in this category is the Benefit High Beam Highlighter. I bought a minisize one to try the product first and i was not expecting that to be so glowy on our skin

It doesn't bring out the shine too much like the others but its absolutely reach my expectation. It has a relaxing smell and the color is cute.

As you can see when i apply on my hand, it glows. The minus point for this is it doesn't stay all day on your face its kinda blurrier after 2-3 hours.

I think maybe because i don't use setting spray but i think this is a good product and im gonna buy the full size

Move on to this handy fan which is the Carat Fan. The weather in my country right now is getting hotter and hotter, it can reach 40 degrees and i sweat a lot

When you go outside, you should have this on your hand. It has a firm hand stick to hold the fan more stable

The color is nice i just wish if it was serenity and rose quartz it would be amazing combination

t has 3 options as 3 levels of fan. The first one is cool enough but the other 2 are even better for a hot day.

It is charged by your computer or any plugs that suitable for it. You can still order it through a lot of websites so don't forget to check it out.

Thats the end of the video. I hope you guys like it and please subscribe my channel. Love you. Byee

For more infomation >> (engsub) July Favorites 2018 - Duration: 7:40.


You & I - 제이멜로우(Feat. 슬라임 영) - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> You & I - 제이멜로우(Feat. 슬라임 영) - Duration: 4:08.


Moonchild wants to open an 'adult club' to break stigmas in black culture - Duration: 3:10.

Moonchild wants to open an 'adult club' to break stigmas in black culture

Moonchild wants to open an 'adult club' to break stigmas in black culture.

  Moonchild Sanelly, who is unapologetic about her identity and is ever ready to to flaunt her uniqueness wants to open a 'club for adults' to break stereotypes especially in black communities.  "What I have noticed in my research is that there's a lot of old white couples in this space.

And, I am sure that there are a lot of people like me, who want to go out and be naked and not care (about) their body shape or about being violated," she said on Metro FM.  Moonchild explained that such clubs were safer for people to embrace nudity because when a creep or some danger emerged he/she was immediately removed from the premises.

The singer has never been scared to flaunt her body or speak about sex - topics that are usually considered "taboo" in most black communities.

Moonchild said she planned on having a franchise and venturing into sex toys as well.

"I want to make it normal for the black community, because you hardly see black people there.

I want to kill the taboo idea of it because it's actually a very safe space.

No one cares about your body shape and you can just walk around in your leotard or whatever you want and just be free.

Not be violated." The artist has previously told TshisaLIVE that she's all about breaking boundaries, which  is part of her brand identity.

"I would love to have my own TV or radio talk show about sex, but my schedule is too hectic to kind of start it myself.

It would be great to be offered the opportunity.

It's important for us to talk about it otherwise women won't know what it is that will pleasure them.

It is taboo for so many people and you have conversations with people who don't know what an orgasm is.

I would love to be part of a show that liberates people sexually.

"   And while we're still here. talking about strip clubs and stuff.

Moonchild's dance moves are as saucy as they come and this performance at a strip club in Johannesburg is A LOT!.

For more infomation >> Moonchild wants to open an 'adult club' to break stigmas in black culture - Duration: 3:10.


Preeti Jhangiani Compilation I Preeti Jhangiani Never Seen Before Compilation Ultra HD I - Duration: 3:05.

Hot Compilation of Preeti Jhangiani

For more infomation >> Preeti Jhangiani Compilation I Preeti Jhangiani Never Seen Before Compilation Ultra HD I - Duration: 3:05.


Skeem Saam's Pretty opens up about harassment in the industry - Duration: 3:16.

Skeem Saam's Pretty opens up about harassment in the industry

Skeem Saam's Pretty opens up about harassment in the industry.

  Skeem Saam actress Lerato Marabe says sexual harassment in the entertainment industry has become such a norm that people often joke about it among themselves.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE at the start of women's month, Lerato said she hadn't personally experienced sexual harassment but knew a few people who had.

"A lot of the time, the people in the industry will promise them jobs or whatever it is and be like you know what? If you sleep with me I will give you a job.' Women even laugh about it.

It wasn't like a serious thing.

I was like: 'Are you guys serious? There's so many ways that you can go about it, why would you sleep with someone?'" She said that awareness campaigns like the #MeToo movement came and went but harassment continued.

"In this industry, it is one thing that is still going on.

It is not like the beginning when we were all shocked.

I feel it is so normal that females are even laughing about it.

It is still happening." She kicked off women's month by visiting a school in Katlehong this week to offer advice and empowerment to young girls.

  "It was so touching being there.

Skeem Saam is an educational show and highlights some of the issues these children face.

So, it was great to see them response to us.

I really enjoyed motivating and giving back to my community." She said it was important for those already in the industry to speak out to protect those who were coming through.

"I would tell young actresses to do things the right way and to be patient.

A lot of the time people are so hungry for fame that they do not give themselves enough time.

Just be patient because your break is coming.

Don't let someone have power over you.".

For more infomation >> Skeem Saam's Pretty opens up about harassment in the industry - Duration: 3:16.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY 5 deurs climate navi lmv - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY 5 deurs climate navi lmv - Duration: 1:12.


Oculus Go Review | Evil Dead Virtual Nightmare - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Oculus Go Review | Evil Dead Virtual Nightmare - Duration: 1:07.


VAR entra em ação, Palmeiras perde pênalti e jogo contra o Bahia termina sem gols. - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> VAR entra em ação, Palmeiras perde pênalti e jogo contra o Bahia termina sem gols. - Duration: 6:27.


Bailarina do Faustão vai deixar o Brasil para viver com o jogador Rodriguinho - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Bailarina do Faustão vai deixar o Brasil para viver com o jogador Rodriguinho - Duration: 1:58.


Theo, filho de Sandy e Lucas Lima, resolve imitar o pai de forma hilária em vídeo - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Theo, filho de Sandy e Lucas Lima, resolve imitar o pai de forma hilária em vídeo - Duration: 1:45.


Justin Bieber e Hailey Baldwin já estão planejando o casamento - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber e Hailey Baldwin já estão planejando o casamento - Duration: 2:05.


Casada desde janeiro, Daniella Cicarelli homenageia o marido - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Casada desde janeiro, Daniella Cicarelli homenageia o marido - Duration: 0:53.


Podul de piatră - Cantece pentru copii de gradinita - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Podul de piatră - Cantece pentru copii de gradinita - Duration: 2:10.


TOP 10 Největší domy na světě - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 Největší domy na světě - Duration: 10:02.


07 SECRETS OF CHAMPIONS - ufc boxe jiu jitsu fight muay thai - Duration: 2:26.

07 Tips For You To Become An Amazing Fighter!

get number one: be unpredictable, do something your enemy is not expecting

if your blows are not working, do something he does not imagine


tips number 2: never underestimate your enemy, it may be too late!

tip number 3: do not be afraid of ugly face

Tip Number 4: Trust You and Your Training

tip number 5: stay calm and focused

tip number 6: never give up! fight until the end! You can win!

tip number 7: keep training for as good as you think it is. No one is invincible.

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