Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 1 2018

Paper is made of wood fibers, so can you saw it?

For this project, we go full protection, and we will be using some of my old school year


Our first tool candidate is the coping saw.

Or maybe not.

I forgot that I broke my saw in an earlier project, so we will directly move to the next

candidate: the jig saw!

We want to be soft and gentle, so I'm choosing for the fine wood cutting blade.

For all my cuts, the book will be tightly clamped so that it does not move, making the

cut safer to execute.

The plan is to cut a square in the book and review how the tool behaved.

Let's go.

That went pretty well.

While we will discuss feedback later, one thing to observe is that it did generate a

lot of really fine paper dust, so we will need to step up our breathing protection.

Let's now go for the big baby, the circular saw!

The saw is fitted with an old wood cutting blade that I keep for tests.

Still needs to bit of finishing as the plunge cuts typically do not reach into the corners.

But there you have it, the square has also been cut, and caused this time a lot more

of heavy dust.

So which method worked best?

With the jig saw, the cut was easy to make, provided a good cut quality, but did require

initial holes to me made to insert the blade, and created a really fine unpleasant dust.

For the circular saw, the cut feels considerably more dangerous as the tool gives a really

aggressive cut that tears its way into the paper.

The final cut is of lesser quality, and took a lot more time to execute!

So for me, sorry to say, but the jig saw is the winner.

And if you wondered why cutting a square in old books was needed?

Because that is the best way to hide my guacamole...

For more infomation >> Can You Cut Paper With A Saw? HOW TO Cut Paper And Books The Easy Way #DIY #HOWTO - Duration: 6:04.


✅ Где лучше жить: в России или в США? - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> ✅ Где лучше жить: в России или в США? - Duration: 6:10.


ANTISTRESS against the ROBOT! Destroy by any method - Kick the Buddy funny black Kik ze Badi - Duration: 11:51.

For more infomation >> ANTISTRESS against the ROBOT! Destroy by any method - Kick the Buddy funny black Kik ze Badi - Duration: 11:51.


Fiat 500 1.0 Twinair Pop Airco/Lmv - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 1.0 Twinair Pop Airco/Lmv - Duration: 1:06.


Ecco come vettorializzare un'immagine con Illustrator - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Ecco come vettorializzare un'immagine con Illustrator - Duration: 6:00.


"가격 말고 뭣이 중헌디?" BMW, 중형 세단 경쟁서 1승 - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> "가격 말고 뭣이 중헌디?" BMW, 중형 세단 경쟁서 1승 - Duration: 8:45.


Hasbi Rabbi Jallah part 2 HD WhatsApp Video Status - Duration: 1:01.

Simtay Nabi abu Jahall gya,

Aaqa say us nay ye kaha,

Tum ho nabi batlao zara, meri muthi main hai kya,

Aqaa ka farman huwa, aur fazl-e-rehman huwa,

Muthi say pather bola La Illaha Illallah

For more infomation >> Hasbi Rabbi Jallah part 2 HD WhatsApp Video Status - Duration: 1:01.


Kanji of the week #2 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> Kanji of the week #2 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 7:23.


車世界 ✭ 【動画】英国より、リバティーウォークが自社のために作った「フラッグシップGT-R」、もちろんオーバーフェンダー - 車のエンタメ&面白 - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 車世界 ✭ 【動画】英国より、リバティーウォークが自社のために作った「フラッグシップGT-R」、もちろんオーバーフェンダー - 車のエンタメ&面白 - Duration: 5:07.


【Yukkuri prank】Don't hit my hip - Duration: 3:23.

※WARNING This work contains little grotesque representation. This movie is put english sub. please watch from setting. Thank you for watching.

I tried to put Yukkuri voice. Yukkuri prank "Don't hit my hip"

Human: Hey, Umi. It's time to eat.

Umi: UMYYYYYYYY! I can not wait anymore! Please! Hurry!

OK. As you always say, thank the food and eat cleanly.

Yammy! It's Yammy!

Bacon should thank me, because Bacon is eaten by me!

Dance a dance of appreciation!

Fu×k'in Yukkuri!

Burp! I was satisfied enough!

Why? I can't move! Old fart! Release me!


Why I am in this situation... But I have not done a bad thing...

I will escape! I will yukkuri escape!

UBYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Don't hit my hiiiiiiiiiiiiiip!!!


My I can't do Yukkuri...

Hey! Umi! It's time to eat.

I can't wait anymore. Please lunch hurry!


For more infomation >> 【Yukkuri prank】Don't hit my hip - Duration: 3:23.


Magic Tricks | Om Nom Stories | Episode 6 | Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:39.

Om Nom ...

For more infomation >> Magic Tricks | Om Nom Stories | Episode 6 | Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:39.


Why we don't have 12-month contracts - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Why we don't have 12-month contracts - Duration: 2:58.


Discover the 4 Unconventional Signs of Breast Cancer - Duration: 4:43.

Discover the 4 Unconventional Signs of Breast Cancer


Itchy Breast, Redness and Pain

The American Cancer Society mentions that while the most common symptom of breast cancer

is a new lump, other possible symptoms include skin irritation and dimpling, as well as redness,

scaliness or thickening of the breast skin.1

It's common for breasts to be sore and sensitive during menstruation, but this symptom could

mean something more serious if you have sore breasts sensitivity that persists after that


There may also be swelling involved with skin that is warm to the touch, indicating the

less common (about 3% of cases) forms of inflammatory breast cancer.


Pain and Tenderness in the Armpit

According to studies, the first place breast cancer spreads to is the axillary lymph nodes

(or armpit lymph nodes).

The axillary lymph nodes indicate breast cancer in the same way the lymph nodes in the neck

and throat indicate a flu, making the axillaries an essential place for onset discovery.

The journal of Clinical Oncology reported about the significance of axillary lymph node

metastasis in primary breast cancer saying that axillary lymph node status is the single

most important prognostic variable in the management of patients with primary breast


The American Cancer Society says that sometimes a breast cancer can spread to lymph nodes

under the arm or around the collarbone and cause a lump or swelling there, even before

the original tumor in the breast tissue is large enough to be felt.1 Therefore any pain

or discomfort in the left or right armpit is something that should definitely be tested

and you should also be aware of the other causes of armpit pain.

The first thing to do is to compare the painful armpit to the other armpit.

If the difference is persistently evident, it's worth consulting an expert.

There is sometimes a hard lump that appears in the armpit and tissue surrounding it that

won't move when touched.

There may also be tissue that is thicker and dense when compared with the other armpit.

A sore spot could indicate many things that aren't a tumor.

But it never hurts to be safe and get a medical evaluation, as the underarm tissue does have

a close connection to breast tissue.


Nipple Discharge or Changes

One of the most common locations of breast cancer is beneath the nipple.

The presence of a cancerous lesion may cause changes in appearance and sensitivity of the


Different texture, color and shape might occur.

The nipple may also feel much more tender and have an unusual texture.

Some women describe a lack of sensitivity within the nipple, especially during intimate


The American Cancer Society mentions nipple pain, nipple retraction (nipple that turns

inward) and redness, scaliness or thickening of the nipple as possible signs of breast

cancer.1 WebMD also mentions itching, a burning sensation, or ulceration in the nipple.3

A discharge of clear liquid, blood, or milk that doesn't happen during breast feeding

might also be a sign of breast cancer.

According to WebMD, unusual discharge from the nipple is usually caused by benign conditions,

but may also indicate breast cancer in some cases, in which the discharge can be clear,

bloody, or another color.


Breast Changing Shape

Many women around the world believe that an easily visible and touchable lump close to

the surface of the skin is a sign of a breast tumor.

Far less women, however, report the fact that one breast has taken on an elliptical shape

while the other remains normal.

Other women have reported the progression of breast tissue on one side of the breast,

looking uneven.

Some women notice a change in appearance and feel when they put a bra on.

Many times it's the spouse that notices these physical indicators instead of the patient.

The NHS says that a change in the size or shape of one or both breasts should be checked

by your doctor.9

WebMD mentions that some of the signs of breast cancer are change in the size, contour, texture,

or temperature of the breast, as well as an area that is distinctly different from any

other area on either breast.3

Breast cancer Foundation NZ mentions that the change in the shape or size of your breast

can include unexplained swelling or shrinkage of the breast, particularly in just one breast.10

For more infomation >> Discover the 4 Unconventional Signs of Breast Cancer - Duration: 4:43.


Recycling Gifts to Prevent Clutter - Do's and Don'ts of Regifting - Duration: 8:24.

Recycling gifts.

What is the etiquette for recycling gifts when you want to keep your house clean and

tidy and free from a bunch of clutter of stuff somebody gives you that you never wanted and

you can't use?

Great question and we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, today's show is brought to us by

Talking about gifts, if you'd like to give a gift that is completely recyclable, Savvy

Perks is a great gift to give your employees.

It's an employee discount program that has partnered with America's largest employee

discount network, which has over 250,000 vendors that are restaurants and movie theaters, getting

your oil changed, getting your tires rotated, it's clothing, it's apparel, it's shoes, all

different kinds of things.

And it's a great incentive package for your employees as a gift from you to sweeten the

pot, so your employees are loyal to you.

It's like an employee rewards loyalty program.

All right,

Okay, on to today's show, which is a question that's a really valid question; what do you

do with gifts people give you that you don't want.

All right, that's a really super sticky situation, because people give us gifts out of one of

two reasons: they love and they want us to have this gift, or they're giving it to us

out of obligation.

Now, we probably all have relatives that we've given gifts to out of obligation.

Those people ironically are people that we either know really well, or we don't know

them at all.

And so if you know them really well, you know exactly what to get them.

And if you don't know them very well, you have no idea.

So over the last few years, it's become really popular to give gift cards, because a gift

card, somebody can say, "Oh, well, there's a value attached to this, and I can take this

and I can either regift it or I can use it."

But it's not like storing trinkets and knick knacks and things that are going to collect

dust that a house cleaner would have to clean.

Also it doesn't take up space.

So a gift card is a wonderful gift, if you don't what kind of a gift to give someone

and you're on the edge wondering what to do.

Also there are people that are hard to buy for, because they have everything money can

buy and they don't need or want anything.

And so that's a lovely problem to have; what do you get those people?

So, you got to get to know those people, because there's probably something that they use,

but it might be something like stamps for their business, or it might be something like

hosting for their business, for their websites or something like that, that would be meaningful

to them, but you wouldn't know that unless you really know them.

So when people give you gifts, let's say that you get things like umbrellas, and candles,

and bath and body design products with smelly stuff or whatever.

I bring that up because I have a relative that every holiday gives me a bunch of perfumes

and potions and stuff that have sense to them, they smell funny, and I can't use them because

I am allergic to those things.

And so immediately when I get them, I say, "Thank you so much."

I write a thank you note, I appreciate it, and then I tag the product.

And I say, "Hey, I got this from so and so, and I got it on this day."

Because I don't ever want to give this product back to the same person that gave it to me, right?

And then I want to go one step beyond that.

If I'm going to regift this package of sweet smelling stuff, I want to regift it to somebody

that's not in the same family.

Now, if we were sitting around at Christmas and somebody sees me open this lovely gift,

and then they get it the next Christmas, that's super tacky.

So, I want to give it to a different family member that's like on the other side of the

family, or I want to give it to a friend or a someone else that's not in that same circle.

So, these are the rules of regifting: Number one, you want to be very gracious for whatever

it is that you received.

Whatever the reason is that you don't want it, you don't want it, you can't use it, you

don't need it, whatever.

Okay, that's fine.

But first of foremost decide right up front, am I going to use this product?

And if you're not going to use it, don't open it.

Don't open it and make it unused, because then you can't regift it.

So if you decide, "Hey, this is not for me," then the very first thing that you do ... and

I always put it on my kitchen counter.

It stays on my kitchen counter until I write a thank you note.

And that's usually a day or two.

But then I want to get it off my kitchen counter, because I don't need it, I don't want it,

and I can't use it.

So write the thank you note first and say, "Dear so and so, thank you so much for thinking

of me, lovely gift, I appreciate the thought or the spirit in which you gave it."

And so once you send the thank you note off, then I take the item itself, the package,

and I label it with that person's name; this came from so and so.

That way I can turn around and regift it to someone else.

Then I have a storage shelf, and the shelf is inside a closet in my home, and I call

it the gift shelf, because everything on that shelf is brand new, and it looks lovely, and

it's gift-ready, it's already like in a little package with like the little bows around it,

and it looks fancy and whatever.

Okay, so that's great.

Let's say that a new neighbor moves in and you want to go give them a little welcome gift.

You don't know them, they don't know you, and they don't know that somebody that you

know gave you this gift.

They don't know where it came from.

So you can take the little Post-it note off, and I just use a Post-it notes so it doesn't

leave a sticky residue, I put a new note on and say, "Hey so and so, welcome to the neighborhood."

And then I go over to them like, "Hey, welcome to the neighborhood, and I regift them this gift."


Because that way I get it out of my house, I'm able to pass it on, and maybe that person

loves this scent.

Now, if they don't, they can regift it to someone else.

I've often wondered when I receive a gift, like where in the regifting line am I?

Am I like number seven or am I number one?

Did someone go out and buy this gift for me, or has it been regifted so many times that

now finally I'm just the recipient?

Like musical gifts, it's kind of funny.

And so, the key is you want to get rid of it as soon as possible, and you want to make

sure that it never gets back to the person that gave it to you.

So if you are a regifter, and I know I am, I think a lot of people that are organized

are, because we all get stuff that we don't need, don't want, and can't use.

So, the key is, if you have a gift bag, don't actually write anyone's name on the gift tag,

because if they're going to regift it to someone else, they can put their own sticker or their

own label on it, and that way they can just keep the packaging and the wrapping and everything

all as it is.

Also if you're giving a gift card, it's great to write the amount in.

But you don't need to write to so and so, from so and so.

That can go on the outside of your card.

And the reason I say that is because gift cards also get regifted.

So for example, let's say that you give me a gift card to a particular ice cream store

or something, I'm making this up.

But let's say that I'm not eating sugar at the time.

So, I'm not going to be using that.

So, your gift card, although you spent the money, and although you gave it to me in the

spirit of fun and excitement, I'm not going to use it.

And so instead of it going to waste, I could turn around and regift that to someone else.

But if you've written in a magic marker or something, on the gift card itself, "To Angela

from so and so," I can't really regift it.

I can't use it and I can't regift it.

So that's just your money down the toilet, just you wasted it.

So, the key is you want to make it possible for your gifts to be regifted and recycled.

And so not only do you want to regift and recycle, you want to make sure the gifts that

you give are regiftable and recyclable.

All right, that is the etiquette of regifting.

Don't ever tell the person that gave it to you that you regifted it, and don't ever tell

the person you're giving it to that is a regift.

You want them to think they are number one on the regifting cycle.

All right, that's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Recycling Gifts to Prevent Clutter - Do's and Don'ts of Regifting - Duration: 8:24.


Noclip Production Classes: Learn How We Film Our Docs! - Duration: 1:54.

- Hey there, YouTube.

So, for the past two years here at Noclip,

we've spent our time traveling around the world,

and asking developers about how they make their games.

But if there's one question I've been asked on here

more than anything, it's how we make our documentaries.

Myself and Jeremy have been doing this type of work

for years, and with that experience,

we've learned how to produce high-quality videos

in short amounts of time, without breaking the bank.

It's how we're able to make hours

of quality gaming documentaries each and every year.

We don't consider ourselves to be the best filmmakers

in the world by any means, but what we are good at is

making stuff fast and in-budget and make it look kinda good,

and we'd really like to show you how to do this, too.

We've heard from aspiring video game developers

that they enjoy our docs because it gives them insight

into how the creative process of video games works.

But as people who work in games coverage, we'd also

like to inspire the next generation of journalists.

We'd love it if more people did this type of work.

So, in an effort to help you along, we're gonna show you

how the video sausage is made, mm.

We're launching Noclip Production Classes,

video tutorials on everything from the cameras we use,

to how we film and light our subjects,

the tricks we incorporate during editing,

even down to the design of our thumbnails.

Patrons will get access to these episodes

ahead of everyone else, they are funding all of this work

after all, but they also told us that they wanted

these classes to be free to anyone who wants to watch them,

so, thanks to them, you'll be able

to watch them here on YouTube, too.

We're still working on video game documentaries,

don't worry about that, but we thought these classes would

be an exciting, fun addition to the channel

and perhaps inspire many of you

to do this type of work yourselves.

Who knows, if you get really good

at it, we might hire you someday.

That's Noclip Production Classes,

coming to this channel very soon.

(mellow percussion music)

For more infomation >> Noclip Production Classes: Learn How We Film Our Docs! - Duration: 1:54.


[3x37] Mi corazón hace wow wow / Lyrics + Translation - Duration: 3:02.

This had to happen at some point

Suddenly you arrived without permission, without warning

My heart goes "wow wow"

When I have you here just for me

My heart goes "wow wow"

When I have you here just for me

Wow wow, wow wow My heart pounds like this for you (x2)

Listen queen, I've never failed you

And I know because of what you've been through

Listen girl, you're the princess

From the fairytale that's just beginning

You can hide what you think of me

And I can't deny that I'm crazy for you

My heart goes wow wow

When I have you here just for me

My heart goes wow wow

When I have you here just for me

Wow wow, wow wow My heart pounds like this for you (x2)

What I've told you is what I feel

You know, my life, that this is feeling

You can tell that I have my heart

It feels alone and sick

I want to breathe, to have you with me forever

Woman I beg you never distance yourself from me

Please baby I beg you

My heart goes "wow wow"

When I have you here just for me

My heart goes "wow wow"

When I have you here just for me

Wow wow, wow wow My heart pounds like this for you (x2)

For more infomation >> [3x37] Mi corazón hace wow wow / Lyrics + Translation - Duration: 3:02.


Parking Garage Collapses in Irving Near Dallas, Texas | - Duration: 2:34.

Parking Garage Collapses in Irving Near Dallas, Texas |

A parking garage collapsed in Irving near Dallas, Texas, crushing at least 21 cars.

After an initial search, officials are hopeful there aren't any victims or people trapped inside, but they are conducting a second search to make sure.

The cause of the collapse isn't yet known.

The garage collapsed around 11:30 a.m., on the 4500 block of Fuller Drive , NBC DFW reported.

Here is a map of where the parking garage that collapsed is located at 4545 Fuller Drive in Irving, Texas.

At least 21 vehicles are involved in the collapse, but officials are hopeful that no one was injured, said Irving Fire Department Assistant Chief J.


A primary search was clear of victims, but officials will conduct a secondary search soon.

Sources say it was the second story of the garage in Las Colinas that collapsed.

A 40 foot by 40 foot section fell onto the first floor of the garage, Dallas News reported.

Helicopter footage shows what appears to be a large concrete section of the garage broken away, KXAN reported.

These photos were shared on Facebook by Bonnie Flores, who witnessed what happened.

She wrote: "The parking garage just fell in Irving! I heard a crash and looked up and saw the cars falling! Omg! I hope nobody was in there.

This is a developing story.

For more infomation >> Parking Garage Collapses in Irving Near Dallas, Texas | - Duration: 2:34.


Learn Shapes | Learning Videos for Kids | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:29.

We are shapes you can see us everywhere...

We are shapes ...

I am a square I am a square you can see me everywhere

I have four side am, a square , I am, a square .

I am a circle I am a circle I go round and round and round

I have no sides I am circle I am circle !

I am triangle triangle, I am a pointing little shape

I have got three sides I am triangle triangle .

We are shapes!

You can see us everywhere

We are shapes!

I am rectangle rectangle, I am like curvly long square...

I have four sides i am rectangle rectangle .

I am a star I am a star in the sky so over far

I have five pointing arms . I am a star I am a star

I am a heart, I am a heart, I am so curvy and so smart

I am a really lovely shape . I am a heart, I am a heart.....

I am a diamond I am a diamond you can see me on a ring

I am so shining I am so bright .I am a diamond, I am a diamond....

We are shapes you can see us everywhere....

We are shapes!

For more infomation >> Learn Shapes | Learning Videos for Kids | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:29.


Wheels On The Bus | Speedies Cartoon Videos for Children - Duration: 1:01:24.

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

Round and round round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

All through the town.

The people on the bus go up and down

Up and down,up and down

The people on the bus go up and down

All through the town

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep,

Beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep,

All through the town

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish;

Swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish;

All through the town

The signals on the bus go blink, blink, blink

Blink, blink, blink Blink, blink, blink

The signals on the bus go blink, blink, blink

All through the town

The motor on the bus go zoom, zoom, zoom

Zoom, zoom, zoom Zoom, zoom, zoom

The motor on the bus go zoom, zoom, zoom

All through the town

The doggy on the bus go woof, woof ,woof

Woof, woof ,woof Woof, woof ,woof

The doggy on the bus go woof, woof ,woof

All through the town

The kids on the bus go yaya, yaya ,yaya

Yaya, yaya ,yaya Yaya, yaya ,yaya

The kids on the bus go yaya, yaya ,yaya

All through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round,

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus | Speedies Cartoon Videos for Children - Duration: 1:01:24.


SuckSeed 2 (2013) | (Subtitle Indonesia) | Thailand Movie Comedy - Duration: 22:39.

For more infomation >> SuckSeed 2 (2013) | (Subtitle Indonesia) | Thailand Movie Comedy - Duration: 22:39.


KAI, 싱가포르 에어쇼 참가…T-50 등 전시 - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> KAI, 싱가포르 에어쇼 참가…T-50 등 전시 - Duration: 1:54.


KAI, 태국 수출기 T-50TH 전력화 완료 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> KAI, 태국 수출기 T-50TH 전력화 완료 - Duration: 2:43.


關於凹凸世界模型穿模 T字骨格設置 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 關於凹凸世界模型穿模 T字骨格設置 - Duration: 3:56.


광주서 공군 훈련기 T-50 추락…조종사 2명 순직(종합4보) - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> 광주서 공군 훈련기 T-50 추락…조종사 2명 순직(종합4보) - Duration: 6:45.


Hector Bellerin on how David Haye's fitness advice has him feeling better than ever as a new Arsenal - Duration: 4:04.

Hector Bellerin decided to turn vegan a year ago after a chat with former world heavyweight champion David Haye And, 12 months on, the Arsenal star is in such good shape because of his new diet that he's ready to pack a real punch on the season

Bellerin said: "I realised as I was getting older, I was eating healthier and healthier, and I realised I didn't really need to eat meat

"I learned a lot about it and asked other athletes, such as David Haye. I spoke to other people involved in the movement and I decided to take the step

My goal was to try for three weeks, but the difference I felt in my body was massive, so I decided to stick to it

The recovery after games in my muscles and the long-term injuries I have had before started to recover much quicker

Why would I change something that is working for me?".Team-mates Laurent Koscielny and Nacho Monreal would goad Bellerin by putting meat on his plate in the early days

Even the Spaniard's parents were dubious.He added: "They didn't really understand it but now, after spending a long time with them this summer, they have actually ditched a bit of meat from their own diets

People seem to feel better when they do it, so if it makes them feel better, I'm happy

Football isn't known for its openness to new ideas, and there were plenty of sceptics when former boss Arsene Wenger tried to introduce yoga sessions at the Gunners

But these days it is commonplace, with Bellerin among those who practise.He said: "If I feel there is something to help me recover better or make me a better athlete or player then I will always try it

"I have done yoga for four years now. Players like Per Mertesacker introduced it to the club and there are now six or seven of us who do it each week

It helps us with our flexibility and to keep our mind off things for a little bit

"Every generation is more open to new things. Yoga has been done for thousands of years and if people keep doing it, it must mean it works

It is all about seeing the progress and it has really helped me since I added it to my routine

There is one major change everyone at Arsenal has had to accept this summer with Wenger leaving after 22 years and Unai Emery coming in

Bellerin added: "It has been very different for everyone. Loads of things have changed

The training has been way different. We work on different things to how we did with the boss

Both coaches have philosophies that are completely different."We are getting used to it, working really hard, understanding how they want us to train and play

Everyone is doing really well and everyone is really excited. It's different in many different ways

"Arsene Wenger was a manager that took a lot of inspiration from players, he gave you a lot of freedom

Unai Emery is a bit more tactical. We are going to be more organised on the pitch and they are different philosophies that have worked for them both

For more infomation >> Hector Bellerin on how David Haye's fitness advice has him feeling better than ever as a new Arsenal - Duration: 4:04.


Tiffany & Ahmed - Duration: 44:06.

For more infomation >> Tiffany & Ahmed - Duration: 44:06.


范冰冰陷风波,李晨消失了?风光时有你,落难时怎么不见动静! - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> 范冰冰陷风波,李晨消失了?风光时有你,落难时怎么不见动静! - Duration: 4:54.


Throat Infection Remedy At Home | How To Get Rid Of Throat Infection Naturally | Top Home Remedies - Duration: 2:52.

say goodbye to throat infection pain and swelling sore throats are one of the

most common reasons people go to the doctor and they tend to affect children

the most a sore throat is usually considered a minor complaint until you

have one and every swallow induces pain pain that may seem unbearable

unfortunately the only option is to treat the symptoms and rest until you

recover some of the common symptoms of a throat infection or swelling of the

tonsils swollen lymph nodes in your neck throat planes and inflammation and pain

in your ears these are the most common symptoms which

may be a confined by other side effects like fever muscle pain fatigue headache

watery eyes runny nose or cough fortunately there are many natural

remedies that cancelled Assad would marshmallow root the marshmallow plant

has been used to treat sore throats and other conditions since the Middle Ages

its root contains a gelatin like substance known as mucilage which quotes

and lubricates the throat when you swallow it here is a recipe for

marshmallow root infusion to soothe their painful throat the ingredients

water one cup dried marshmallow root preparation fill their one liter jar

with drinking water place the marshmallow root in cheesecloth and tie

up in a bundle love the bundle into the water just until it's completely

submerged in the water infused overnight or for at least eight hours and then

remove the bundle hold desired amount into a glass add sweetener of choice if

desired when this is ready you can slip it on it toward the day to help reduce

your symptoms ginger root tea ginger is a spice with antibacterial and

anti-inflammatory effects that may help relieve throat pain ginger tea can be

purchased from most markets or online retailers you can also make your

own from fresh ginger for this we need fresh ginger root 1 liter water 1

tablespoon honey or sweeper of choice one tablespoon of lemon juice peeled

ginger root and break into a small bowl boil water in a large saucepan then

remove from heat place 1 tablespoon grated ginger into the saucepan and

cover with lid let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes strain the tea into a cup add

sweetener and lemon juice then steady to combine this T can be reheated as needed

or served cold thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more


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