Saturday, August 25, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 25 2018

Tutti noi vorremmo avere un aspetto più giovane e ritardare il processo naturale dell'invecchiamento.

Sul mercato esiste una grande quantità di creme anti-invecchiamento, trattamenti o chirurgie per trattare i segni esterni dell'età. Ma il corpo invecchia anche internamente.

Uno stile di vita salutare sicuramente aiuta ad invecchiare meglio: un'alimentazione sana e varia può ritardare i segni dell'avanzare dell'età più di qualsiasi crema o trattamento.

Di seguito trovi la lista dei migliori alimenti anti-invecchiamento.

Pesce: in particolare tonno, salmone e sgombro, contengono acidi Omega-3, molto utili per proteggere cuore e pelle.

Avocado: ricchi di potassio, grassi monoinsaturi, antiossidanti e vitamina E, l'avocado è ottimo per proteggere la pelle e migliorarne l'aspetto.

Frutta secca: contengono proteine e minerali che promuovono la salute del cuore e la rigenerazione cellulare. Inoltre, danno energia.

Cereali integrali: le fibre contenuti in essi sono ottime per mantenere il tratto digestivo in salute, ed eliminare le tossine dall'organismo.

Aglio: ricchissimo di benefici per la nostra salute, promuove il flusso sanguigno, protegge le cellule e promuove la promozione di idrogeno solforato.

Cioccolato fondente: ricco di antiossidanti che possono eliminare i radicali liberi dal corpo,

spesso responsabili di danni alle cellule. che aiuta al buon funzionamento del corpo.

Vino rosso: contiene resveratrolo, ideale per il flusso sanguigno e il ringiovanimento della pelle. Anche mangiare uva fa bene alla pelle.

Verdura: così come la frutta, contiene grandi quantità di vitamine, minerali ed antiossidanti che sono grandi alleati contro i sintomi dell'invecchiamento.

Fagioli: oltre a combattere molte malattie, i fagioli posseggono grandi proprietà capaci di ritardare i sintomi dell'invecchiamento.

Aggiungi questi alimenti alla tua dieta quotidiana, e lasciati sorprendere dagli effetti che possono avere sul tuo aspetto fisico.

For more infomation >> 9 cibi che aiutano a ritardare i segni dell'invecchiamento - Duration: 2:35.


Limites do Importa Fácil I China Gate Importação - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Limites do Importa Fácil I China Gate Importação - Duration: 7:25.


Primitive technology Brazil Amazonas; CESTO DE CIPÓ - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> Primitive technology Brazil Amazonas; CESTO DE CIPÓ - Duration: 12:03.


"Ci mancherete, non è possibile!" Ilaria e Marco,i sogni spazzati via per un incidente - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> "Ci mancherete, non è possibile!" Ilaria e Marco,i sogni spazzati via per un incidente - Duration: 3:25.


궁금했던 신형 E클래스의 미래 기술 직접 경험해보니 #2 - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> 궁금했던 신형 E클래스의 미래 기술 직접 경험해보니 #2 - Duration: 7:48.



-- Hello, how are you? -- I am fine. Thank you.

What country are you from? And how long have you been in Turkey?

I am from Uzbekistan.

I came to Turkey as a visitor.

I really like Turkey. It is a beautiful country.

How long have you been here for?

I have been here for 2 months.

2 months??? Your Turkish is very good. How come?

I came to visit Turkey with my elder sister.

According to you, is Turkish language easy or difficult?

For me, it is easy. It is very easy.

So,how did you learn?

How did I learn? Hmm.... I read Turkish books and I also did lots of speaking practice.

What language is being spoken in Uzbekistan? Is Turkish language spoken there?

No. It is not spoken there.

But our language has the same alphabet with Turkish language.

Oh, interesting. Thank you.

Indonesia is a beautiful country.

But a lot of Turkish people do not know about Indonesia.

I hope Turkish people would learn about Indonesia.

That would be difficult.

Ok then. What are the things you like?

I love to learn new things.

I love food too.

What kinds of food do you like?

Pizza, Taco...

Hello. How are you?

What is your favorite food?

My favorite regards to Turkish Iskender.

Have you explored Istanbul?

Yes, I have. I always explore Istanbul.

I have been here for 5 years.

What parts of Istanbul do you like?

I like Fatih neighborhood because I live there.

Your Turkish is so good. Thank you for answering my questions.

Thank you too.

For more infomation >> FOREIGNERS REACT : IS TURKISH LANGUAGE EASY OR DIFFICULT TO LEARN? 📍TURKEY (Subtitled) - Duration: 10:43.



Piogge refrigeranti in arrivo al centronord. Non tragga in inganno il sole che ancora fa capolino tra le nubi: secondo www le prime avvisaglie del weekend di maltempo si avranno già venerdì sera, con precipitazioni sulle regioni centrosettentrionali che, , potranno tramutarsi in grandinate e nubifragi

Nel pomeriggio di venerdì il maltempo ha già creato i primi disagi: un fulmine ha pesantemente danneggiato la linea di alimentazione dei treni provocando uno stop della circolazione tra Bologna e Padova

La linea è interrotta anche in un secondo punto, a Castel Maggiore, dove si stanno ancora cercando di stabilire le cause

Dove pioverà le temperature precipiteranno verticalmente: è il risultato di un ciclone di origine artica che invaderà l'Italia con aria fredda, sia di maestrale che di bora, bloccando l'afa

Tornerà addirittura la nevesulle Alpi sopra i 1800 metri. Sulle Dolomiti ne sono attesi da 25 a 50 centimetri a 2-3000 metri di quota

L'Arpav raccomanda l'uso di attrezzature adeguate per chi volesse inoltrarsi nei sentieri di montagna, la cui percorrenza sarà resa pericolosa dal ghiaccio

L'appello è volto anche a non ripetere sciagure come quella di lunedì scorso alle

Lunedì, invece tornerà il caldo e con il rialzo termico previsto bisognerà stare attenti al rischio di slavine e valanghe, lungo i fronti più ripidi dei ghiacciai

picnic sotto la Proseguono i rovesci al Sud, in particolare su Sicilia e Calabria, dove la Protezione civile ha emesso un'allerta di livello arancione

Nel cosentino tutti hanno ancora impressa nella mente la . dove proprio l'allarme meteo inascoltato è costato la vita a 10 escursionisti

La Regione Sardegna, spazzata da temporali e raffiche di vento, ha chiesto lo stato emergenza al governo

«I l ragazzo senegalese, quello più piccolo, aveva i vestiti totalmente bruciati

È stato folgorato con una potenza incredibile. Era ustionato al punto che per tutti noi era difficile anche solo guardarlo»

Giovanni Grandioso è ancora scosso quando racconta l' inferno che si è abbattuto a pochi passi del suo lido: un fulmine ha colpito 5 persone, tra cui due ragazzi minorenni del Senegal

Grandioso è il proprietario del complesso "Le Dune" di Porto Cesareo ed è stato lui, insieme ai bagnini Mauro Tondo e Daniele Pecere aiutati da un infermiere leccese a chiamare il 118 e a intervenire con i defibrillatori

«Il fulmine - raccontano i testimoni - ha scaricato la sua forza devastante al suolo, facendo volare le persone coinvolte

Una scena che non potremmo mai dimenticare». Il maltempo Quando è arrivato l' ennesimo nubifragio pomeridiano di questa instabile stagione estiva, i ragazzi del Senegal (13 e 17 anni) stavano vendendo braccialetti colorati e bigiotteria ai turisti che ancora affollano le spiagge del Salento

Il cielo è diventato nero in pochi minuti. Alle 14 l' ennesimo temporale e i due ragazzini insieme ai bagnati hanno cercato riparo dalla

«I tuoni si sentivano ma erano lontano» raccontano i testimoni. «In molti si sono riparati nelle loro auto

Mentre tutti scappavano i due giovani ambulanti si sono sistemati sotto un ombrellone di fortuna»

Con la venivano giù decine di saette. Fino al fulmine che ha ferito 5 persone. Le condizioni dei feriti Il più piccolo dei due ragazzi senegalesi è stato soccorso in condizioni molto gravi

Ora è in rianimazione, in coma farmacologico all' ospedale "Vito Fazzi" di Lecce

«E' un codice rosso in costante monitoraggio», fanno sapere i medici. «È arrivato in ospedale privo di coscienza dopo le manovre di soccorso avanzato compiute sulla spiaggia ed è intubato

È in prognosi riservata. Lo teniamo sotto controllo per vedere come si evolve la situazione e per valutare meglio i danni causati dall' arresto cardiocircolatorio subito», dice il primario del reparto di anestesia e rianimazione del Vito Fazzi di Lecce, Giuseppe Pulito

Terrore in spiaggia L' imprenditore Giovanni Grandioso racconta che «l' infermiere che stava trascorrendo la giornata al mare gli ha praticato il massaggio cardiaco, noi abbiamo utilizzato il defibrillatore sul 17enne che infatti si è ripreso nel giro di qualche minuto

Quando è partito con l' ambulanza era sotto choc». Ora anche lui è ancora ricoverato, insieme a un 29enne italiano che non ha avuto il tempo di allontanarsi dalla zona in cui c' è stata la forte scarica

Altri due turisti italiani sono stati visitati sul posto dagli operatori sanitari del 118, ma hanno rifiutato il ricovero

«Siamo ben organizzati per assicurare pronto intervento ai bagnanti - dice ancora Grandioso - Oramai ogni struttura è attrezzata per i soccorsi

Le ambulanze sono state tempestive, ne sono arrivate due, ma la paura in casi del genere c' è

Sulla spiaggia erano tutti sotto choc».



La straziante lettera di Michela ai genitori morti nelle gole del Raganello. | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> La straziante lettera di Michela ai genitori morti nelle gole del Raganello. | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:50.


My Girlfriend Reacts to the Tesla Model S 100D! 😂 [Sub ENG] - Duration: 13:21.

Ciao everyone, here it's Marchettino and today I will let Vanessa experience for her first time on a full electric car!

Ciao! Honey I can't wait to test this new electric car! - She has no idea what she's about to face, she doesn't know the acceleration of an electric car!

Right guys, due to popular demand I decided to feature Vanessa on the channel

and today I wanna take the opportunity to let Vanessa experience a new thing, getting onboard - and later drive also - a full electric car.

I thank also Termelcars from Milan to have lent me this Tesla Model S 100D which is brand new, there's still some plastic film in the interior so let's say that

I'm doing the break-in period today, let's see how the batteries react!

You need to know this is an electric car so there's not the classic thermal combustion engine, here we have 2 electric engines that combined produce the equivalent of 540hp

and a whopping 930nm of torque, the cool thing about the electric is that whenever you smash the foot on the throttle you have immediately all the power!

So we take off! - Yeah!


Got it? - Definitely!

But it's so silent! - Yeah also the experience of the electric is that you don't hear any noise!

You don't expect that from a car so silent you - Continue - I was saying.. you can have such insane acceleration!

The acceleration of a full electric car is tough to beat if you have a thermal combustion engine!

We're flying!

Another particular thing of the electric is that you don't have a transmission with gears to change, here you only have 1 gear, you put the car in Drive and you have just to press the throttle or the brake!

I would be very curious to drive it! - This car is too fast for you! - Come on I'll try to go slow, I've learnt from the best!

You don't necessarily need to press on the brakes because if I lift the foot off the throttle can you feel how quickly it decelerates? - Yup

With the electric engine you have a huge engine brake and when the car decelerates the electric engine charges the battery!

So if you brake or slow down you charge a bit the battery - And what's the autonomy on a full charge?

When we took the car at Termelcars earlier today, it was about 600km on a full charge but by accelerating and using the A/C and other electric things on,

I think on the average you drive 400/450km on a full charge, the problem is to find charging points because in Italy the electric is not popular yet so it could be a problem to make a long trip in Italy with such kind of car.

What you doing? - Nothing! There's a straight line so usually

We're taking off!

It's so silent!

So silent I can hear your thoughts! - So you already imagine what thoughts!

It's so impressive I didn't expect it - Why you change the voice when you talk?

Well you know, we're taking off!

Another straight!

Swapping from an M3 E92 with Armytrix to a full electric Tesla.. - It's a different whole thing! - 2 opposites!

No comment!

You prefere the smell of petrol? - Definitely! Especially the noise - That's my girlfriend!

The sound of a petrol engine!

When you smash the foot on the throttle you feel like the car is about to take off, I feel the front that raises, it has such an impressive acceleration!

I feel that too! - And this is not even Tesla's most powerful version! - Which one's the most powerful?

A more powerful one.

It must have a name then! You don't know it! - The P100D!

And Termelcars told me " We decided to take this one instead of the most powerful because at the end of the rentals we'd love to have the car back in one piece! "

You need to be very careful even with this one it has a scary acceleration!

You just need to be in the traffic, on the highway, too close to the other cars and push too much the throttle and you're not inside the car but on the top of it!

I think it's also more dangerous than a petrol car that makes noise - For the pedestrians?

For the pedestrians and also the other cars because I realize when there's a car incoming - It's dangerous because pedestrians are always distracted and from the outside you don't hear it! - Zero!

It's so silent we heard the air vents! - So silent we can hear the vents!

What do you think of the acceleration? - It takes off! I say everything with this response!

What I really like is the central display - The interior is based on this huge tablet that is plenty of functions but honestly I think it's a huge distraction, I already get distracted with - With your girlfriend! - Also!

I think it's too complicated - Big! - Also big and excessive! If you notice, there's no buttons in the car there's only the one for the hazardous lights and I don't know what's this for but

you control the whole car through this display which is the brain.

What carbon part it has? - Yeah it has a few carbon bits on the dash, on the central part but honestly it's just - Design!

Yeah cosmetic because this car weights more than 2.1t, these carbon parts don't make the car lighter but such heavy car, it's impressive to have such kind of performance!

What I can't stand I explain, usually he makes the face " Now I shift down and look what I do! " and he doesn't do that here so I can't - Unexpected!


You're making me nervous!

Really? - I like to keep control of the things!

Now you drive it! - Sure? - NO!

I'm not sure but you're driving!

Ready? Oh yes! So,

Foot on the brake, put Drive, let's go..

What do you mean let's go, it's not on! Stupid, it's electric!

Go, it's already on!

It's not on!

It's on!

You need to go slow because it's a powerful electric engine, it's a powerful electric engine that provides all the power at once so watch out.

See that?

Slow down!

How awesome! Now I understood I feel the take off even more!

You need to brake just a little, cool!

I love it! - Even on the passenger seat

The problem is that on the passenger seat this sensation of speed is widened!

So slow down!

I think this is the only way to scare you, letting me drive cars! - Especially the powerful ones!

Don't worry! - I was looking the straight line - I see you, how can I say, worried! - No no!

Aren't you having fun?

This is for all the times you created a psychological damage on me!

Just wait you're back on the M3 with me and see how I make all the roundabouts sideways! - Honey I'm sorry, I'm slowing down - Slow down!

What's this laugh? - I can't make the Marchettino laugh but sooner or later I will learn!

I slide the Tesla!

Hopefully it's AWD and not RWD!

It's not easy to slide a AWD! - No! - It's easier with a RWD! - That's for sure!

We did a few accelerations and the autonomy went from 410 to 383km,

if you smash on the throttle the batteries suffer and the autonomy goes sensisly down.

Don't squeeze the tires, you little hooligan! - But there's nobody around!

You're crazier than me behind the wheel! - I repeat, I learnt from you!

The electric acceleration is awesome! - I can hear your heart pump!

The irony, the battery of the GoPro has died so I'm closing the video with the phone!

Hopefully we've stopped and now I'm driving because you, you're a danger - It's not true!

Interesting experience on this Tesla, especially for Vanessa, her first time on a electric car!

This confirms I have to drive, you're not staying behind the wheel anymore if I'm in the car! - Last meters!

Slow I promise! - Nope we're heading back to Termelcars and I drive!

Ok but I had lots of fun, I didn't expect it really!

I thank again Termelcars for having lent me their Tesla, in the video description below you find their links.

Make sure to Like the video if you enjoy it, subscribe to my YouTube if you haven't yet and as always thanks for watching, ciao!

For more infomation >> My Girlfriend Reacts to the Tesla Model S 100D! 😂 [Sub ENG] - Duration: 13:21.


Pan Seared Swordfish Steak - How To Make Swordfish au Poivre - Fish Recipes - Duration: 6:05.

what's up everybody this is lyle with no hippie BBQ whatever you doing today is

gonna be some pan-seared swordfish aka Swordfish au Poivre and a brandy cream sauce

anyway I'm following a recipe from the famous Chef Eric Ripert I saw this

recipe and figured it was something that I had to do anyway let's come on in take

a look at these ingredients and we'll be knocking it out here's the ingredients

we're working with I have our swordfish steaks here and I am trying to get this as dry

as possible get as much moisture out of the swordfish as I can we have some salt some

pepper I have some more coarse ground green peppercorns some lemon juice

capers now this is my addition to this recipe he did not have that in his some

butter some brandy I'm happy to be rolling with the E&J on that brandy and

we have some heavy cream anyway first thing I'm gonna do is get these

swordfish fillets kind of our swordfish steaks trimmed up so let's start with

that press this swordfish steak goes if you look in here you see a lot of this

brown and appetizing looking scenario going on I'm just going to kind of come

down here we're gonna trim this off and then we're just going to kind of round

this off right here and this is not going to go to waste

my dogs I'm sure will love this so this is just more of an appearance thing that

it is anything else and we are cutting off that skin there as well

all right you're good to go think that's about it let me cut off this skin I'm

gonna go ahead and get this pan heated up and we'll start cooking

all right guys while our skillet is coming up to temperature we're just

going to go ahead and hit it with some salt and pepper and that's really all

we're gonna do nothing fancy on this one

alright guys I have my skill in a medium-high heat I'm using avocado oil

and the recipe that inspired me they use canola oil I believe either will be fine

let's go ahead and sear these up on both sides two minutes the side

alright guys that's two minutes to split and flip it over do another two minutes

on that side alright that is two minutes on this side let's get a clean plate

just gonna sit this off to the side and I'm gonna actually wipe this pan out

we'll start our next steps step we're gonna go ahead get some butter in here a

little bit of this peppercorn and we have our paper without his you and cook

this down to a minute alright guys that is good to go let's go ahead and add

some of this brandy in

see if we can light this up right quick I let that alcohol burn off right quick

now that that alcohol is burning off we're going to go ahead and add some

heavy cream to it

our lemon juice

some salt

and we're just gonna let this cook for about three minutes to reduce so this

sauce is thickened up real nicely what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to go

ahead and cut this swordfish up and get ready for our taste test

so that is a wrap right there time to get in and see what I think about this I

kind of paired this with just some roasted vegetables some tomatoes

zucchini onions stuff like that

all right let's get him

okay I'm gonna tell you this is some good stuff

I can see rocking this out with like some tuna you know I can almost see

doing this with beef as well you know what this is a very flexible recipe up I

think I am gonna try it with those two just to see how it turns out anyway you

know I'm about to take another bite I'm not gonna do that I'm just gonna thank

you guys I stopped by no hippie BBQ give this recipe a try very simple very easy

hope you like it as much as me catch on the next video

Pan seared Swordfish steaks - Flambe

How to cook swordfish

For more infomation >> Pan Seared Swordfish Steak - How To Make Swordfish au Poivre - Fish Recipes - Duration: 6:05.


Direção elétrica ou hidráulica: qual é a melhor? - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Direção elétrica ou hidráulica: qual é a melhor? - Duration: 1:00.


💁🏻‍♀️ My Hair Routine ♥ 我如何打理头发,曾经漂白3次,染过头发 - Duration: 7:30.

Hello, everyone, I'm Sylvia

Welcome back to my Youtube channel

Do you still remember this look?

This is my previous makeup tutorial video

I hope you like it

In this video, I want to show you how to my hair

Look at my ugly hair now

I try to adjust my camera angle, so that you can't see my ugly armpit

Comb your hair

I love this comb

I hate my ugly hair now


Let's start with my hair bangs

Use water spray

Comb again


I prefer shampoo comb

Use water spray again

Don't overwet

Use water spray again

Comb it again

I change my shirt

I wear long sleeve shirt, so that can hiding my ugly armpit

You can't see my ugly armpit now

My hair is almost dr

I use hair straightener

This is Korea brand

The heat 160-220

My hair is kinda rough, it suit me

For thin hair, please use between 160-180 heat


Start with this part

Please be careful. Don't burn yourself

(Make sure your hair is dry before use hair straightener)

I have layer hair, that's why very easy to manage my hair

(Other option: Apply a heat protection product before use hair straightener)



Compare to this

And this


By the way, do the hair roots too (avoid your scalp)

Be careful when you doing this

Don't burn yourself

I used to be a hair stylist, which is I have a diploma hair dressing. That's why I'm good at it.


Look better now

Leave them alone, now move to my hair bangs

No one want to see this ugly hair bangs

There's many way to manage your hair bangs

But I choose the quick way

Other method: Grab a few hair and straighten

Grab other hair and straighten again. Repeatedly

I know it professional

But this method is quite slow for me

I want the quick way

It's almost done

Let me show you which products I use now

I think I mention it before

Whether I set my hair already or not, I will still use this spray

Shake before use

Spray it

And comb

I love this product

My hair become very soft and smooth

My left hair is quite rough

I bleach my hair 3 times and dye hair

That's why my hair is quite rough now

I use this

So soft and smooth

If you use this product before

You will love it

I prefer use this product

You cam buy it at Watson store

"Goodbye lion hair"

Buy this

My hair so soft now

Apply hair oil

Apply on end hair

(Apply a hairspray to set your hair)

It look healthy hair

I prefer this both

That's all for today

I hope you like my video

Press LIKE button for me

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Don't miss many my new video in the future

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I will see you next time


Love you always


For more infomation >> 💁🏻‍♀️ My Hair Routine ♥ 我如何打理头发,曾经漂白3次,染过头发 - Duration: 7:30.


Amazing stories about feline heroism - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Amazing stories about feline heroism - Duration: 10:01.


LOUD NEWS @19 - Duration: 10:02.

Today you will see:

Nothing new about the news.

- Screwers-overs!

Kasim set a new record with his GAZelle,

Anzhela 'Miss SPL left URAL,

and why Max the Bear got busted by the cops.

[wispers] That's a dope party!

Really dope.

- Law enforcers are seeking public disturbance in the actions

of the two popular singers.

The whole deal was this dancing on the roof of a Gelandewagen.

[Roof of a Gelandewagen]


- What the f*ck?

Hey there!

A few videos back, there was this news

in which we told you about an unauthorized concert

by teams Black Star and Deaf Bonce.

A short show by Timati, Krid and Scrudgee, to be precise.

The guys performed on the roof of Arty's Hummer,

and Arty in the Hummer played music to the whole street.

Seems like a clear case. Okay, everyone moved on, right?

[B]: The f*ck it is! Bad guess!

On July 24, the federal channel Russia 24

picked up the news in their feed.

But with a hue of their own view. At first, the story was legit.

Yes, the team did entertain a lot of people

while completely blocking the street

which hindered the traffic.

Except in their news, it was not Arty's Hummer,

but rather... Well, see for yourselves.

Law enforcers are seeking public disturbance in the actions

of the two popular singers.

The whole deal was this dancing on the roof of a Gelandewagen.

[A]: Of a what, now?!

[A]: Gelandewagen?

Fine, maybe I'm just being picky.

Or am I, really?

The day after that, same channel fixed the mistake.

This time they didn't say 'On the roof of a Gelandehummer',

but on... - ...The roof of their car.

[The roof of their car]



Well, third time was a charm.

Finally, they called the car what it was - a white Hummer.

[A]: Russia 24, make up your minds! You sure it wasn't a Prius?

Clearly, the key people there for you were the Black Star guys.

And nobody gave a crap about what car they were on.

But you, guys, are a federal channel and you must voice it all correctly.

Especially if you start it.

Watch out. Ando might flip out!

[Come here, you shit, you ass!]

Speaking of sequels.

The civil activist Aleksander Khaminskiy managed to charge the rappers with a misdemeanor.

The court ruled a fine of 20,000 rub to be paid.

- The kid was on his way to success. The fortune wasn't on his side of the road.

Arty got visited by the police, too, btw.

Right after he flew away for a vacation.

There's a pretty thick chance he's gonna end up with a fine, too.

But that wasn't the only clash of car audio and law enforcement in this video.

The Medved studio arranged Moscow's loudest car audio event.

They even brought there their Dodge RAM, the one Dima covered in the previous newsfeed.

Also, Audi, Patriot and many more.

The place - a parking lot, to be precise - had a blast there.

And not just it! ;)

Although, later in, they had to wrap it all up

because the police came in sending everyone home and taking away Max and his licence downtown.

[M]: It was some dope noise. They took away my papers.

[M]: Now I'm following mister Inspector down to the precinct. Dunno what's up next.

But Max claims he has no regrets,

and these meetups are gonna be regular now.

[M]: I'm in a lockup.

[M]: So far so good.

[M]: It was a dope party.

[M]: Really dope! Thanks, everyone!

[Online Inmate simulation]: Get some biscuit! Drink some milk!

Two guys, Dima with the installation studio Atmosfera

and Kostya present their new project - Lada VAZ-2108.

Kicx monobrand.

The project is from Novokuznetsk. The guys made an effort with the exterior now, right?

This is an example of how a regular car - one of the thousands in the country -

can be turned into a nice and notable project

that pumps it, too!

What was it Marat said? [M]: Chick magnet.

According to the guys, the '08 used to be a Ural project.

Since it needed just a few re-doings, they thought, why not take it?

They installed the system, re-painted the car with a graffiti of the monobrand,

and they've already won 7 prizes by now.

And they failed to reach 160 dB just by a hair.

They lacked 0.5 dB.

The car houses four 15" Gorilla Bass subs,

seven 7k monoblocks, 16 speakers in the front,

and 12 horns.

[Host]: 174.89 dB!

This is the crazy result Rustam Kasimov showed in his GAZelle.

Now you may feel free to call it /the loudest/ daily car in the world.

The measuring was recorded at the AMT competitions in Maykop.

After it, Rustam let anyone get a piece of the heat.

Just like in the Black Star Audio, only few people can survive it.

The girl's surprise only proves my point.

The system in the GAZelle is comprised of 24 Uarl Ultimatum subs,

24 3.5k monoblocks,

the rear houses 36 8" (20 cm) speakers and the front has ten 13" Patriot Neo.

Our congratulations to Rustam for recording a result this high!

Btw, by the time this video hit the net,

Kassim had improved his result showing 175.1 dB.

It was in the RBR competition. And again, congratulations!

[Subscriber Projects]

Remember I told you about those kids from Nevinnomyssk?

The ones who acquired taste in car audio at a pretty young age

but having no driver's licence they started doing home audio?

This time they went way beyond it.

Now their box is not in the house, but underground.

I guess they neighbors did get the last of them.

[Old lady]: Lose that music of yours!

The whole place is a single space with some blocks put on the perimeter,

the body is reinforced with metal profiles,

then closed with grandma's plywood,

and the junctions between sheets are sealed.

Not bad at all, consideing the fact they did it all on their own.

And let me remind you, they are 14.

I, for one, still can't weld.

- Nah, you are such a loser, man!

The system itself is gonna change, too.

The plans are to install six 15" Machete subs,

and feed them off a Kicx QX-1000 amp

a.k.a. Welding.

For the arrangement they chose 6th order BP.

The goal is to get a range so even that the hair tricks and the chest pounds.

The next project comes from Vasya and Dima from the Ural Team.

Late November 2017 they bought a Lada '12 coupè

and started setting up a system at the Underground studio.

That, btw, gave the project its name - The Unerground '12.

Guys had no experience in building walls.

They confessed they hadn't even known how to weld.

Just like me!

So it was a first of a kind project for them.

But they had a good exemplary - Rustam Kasimov's new project.

One coupè '12 on EDGE.

Gotta note that the project was assembled by 3 people nights and weekends.

The project's first stable results were al the way up at 160.2 dB.

But it turned out to be just the beginning!

Just a month later, at the very first competition

the result grew up to 161.7 dB.

Nice, right?!

Although, apart from the resul, the first competition brought up flaws.

Like a broken alternator and a torn door.

According to the latest data, the '12 has an fair result of 163 dB @ 37 Hz.

The project really turned up prett bright,

it can easily go for several hours and it does have the result.

i mean, the project basically doubled the volume over 2 months.

The total budget of the project is about 1 million rub.

That includes eight 12" Ural Ultimatum subs,

eight monoblocks Decibel 3500,

eight pairs of 20 cm (8") Decibel speakers in the front,

and eight Ural SPL drivers.

By today, the '12 has been to about 5 various competitions,

won 7 prizes, 4 of which are 1st prizes.

And, over the same time, it has wasted two windscreens.

Anzhela Makarova a.k.a. Miss SPL

- or the Car Audio Lil' Angel -

announced on her YouTube channel her leaving Team Ural.

The reason behind it is a disagreement between the brand and her.

Btw, the rumors immediately following her announcement

- the one that said she was going to collaborate with Alphard now -

turned out to be fake. She confirmed it.

But you shouldn't say it's never gonna be, either

as the brand and the system composition have not been announced yet.

All we know is that the project uses new hardware,

and we'll see it next year.

The system composition, tho, might appear in the nearest future.

And that's not the only headline with Team Ural in it.

The rumors that Dina Mikhaylova sold her Audi was confirmed.

Now it's become the project of the installation studio Epicenter of the Sound.

The car will keep its Ural hardware until the end of this season,

with minor changes, but still.

Well, you shouldn't be worried Dina quit car audio for good, either.

She promises to surprise us next season.

What her new project is gonna be like is kept in secret for now.

We do know it's gonna be done with Ural hardware, too,

but the main focus will shift to the rear.

And this concludes out newsfeed.

Well, you know it all. Thumb up, subscription and stuff.

Bye, everyone. Live LOUD!

For more infomation >> LOUD NEWS @19 - Duration: 10:02.


Evangelio de hoy, Sabado 25 de Agosto del 2018 - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Evangelio de hoy, Sabado 25 de Agosto del 2018 - Duration: 4:46.


Barbara D'Urso criticata ancora: ecco che cosa è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso criticata ancora: ecco che cosa è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:23.


Minuto da Bíblia: Salmos 118:14 - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Minuto da Bíblia: Salmos 118:14 - Duration: 0:34.


Manaka Takane|Video - Lễ kết hôn với Manaka Takane (Love Plus) - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Manaka Takane|Video - Lễ kết hôn với Manaka Takane (Love Plus) - Duration: 4:23.


Opel Agila 1.2-16V Flexx cool - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Opel Agila 1.2-16V Flexx cool - Duration: 1:04.


Volvo V90 D3 150pk Geartronic R-Design 19" Scandinavian Intro Line - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo V90 D3 150pk Geartronic R-Design 19" Scandinavian Intro Line - Duration: 0:56.


Renault Captur TCe 90pk Dynamique (R-link/Climate/17''Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90pk Dynamique (R-link/Climate/17''Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 1:11.


Evangelio de hoy, Sabado 25 de Agosto del 2018 - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Evangelio de hoy, Sabado 25 de Agosto del 2018 - Duration: 4:46.


Primitive technology Brazil Amazonas; CESTO DE CIPÓ - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> Primitive technology Brazil Amazonas; CESTO DE CIPÓ - Duration: 12:03.


イタルデザインと共同開発の日産「GT-R 50 by Italdesign」が、モントレーにて初の日本仕様車として登場。その後は遂に日本に上陸 - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> イタルデザインと共同開発の日産「GT-R 50 by Italdesign」が、モントレーにて初の日本仕様車として登場。その後は遂に日本に上陸 - Duration: 3:38.


Ford Transit - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit - Duration: 1:05.


Ford Transit - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit - Duration: 1:05.


Ford Transit - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit - Duration: 0:54.


否決されたはずの9つのビットコインETF異例の再審査!今後の予想と展望とは?暴落中仮想通貨市場ビットコイン(BTC)価格爆上げなるか?リップル(XRP)も高騰なるか?2018最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> 否決されたはずの9つのビットコインETF異例の再審査!今後の予想と展望とは?暴落中仮想通貨市場ビットコイン(BTC)価格爆上げなるか?リップル(XRP)も高騰なるか?2018最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 4:34.


CS GO HIGH PING REDUCTION NEW !! - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> CS GO HIGH PING REDUCTION NEW !! - Duration: 5:46.


Renault Twingo SCe 70pk [removed]R&Go Navig./Airco) - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo SCe 70pk [removed]R&Go Navig./Airco) - Duration: 0:43.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 MOVE UP! 5drs. Bluemotion Airco/Org. audio/1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 MOVE UP! 5drs. Bluemotion Airco/Org. audio/1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:04.


Schizophrenia Treatment Option

For more infomation >> Schizophrenia Treatment Option



*In the distance* Hey what is up everyone, Rich Piana here.

*In the distance* I just got back from Ohio

*In the distance* And I am heading to Australia for the f-

*In the distance* ...Australia

*In the distance* ...for the f-

*In the distance* What the f*ck?

(Camera man): I am here to train I am not here to talk.

*In the distance* Why not?

(Camera man): Yknow don't f*cking talk

*In the distance* Oh my god.... what the f*ck?

*In the distance* What the f*ck is this *sshole doing?

(Camera man): I am gonna be a fat f*cking piece of sh*t.

*In the distance* Really?

*In the distance* Hey wait a minute...

BOOM, what the f*ck is that?

*In the distance* Oh, [[[]]] look at that sh*t, a gold motherf*cking knife!

*In the distance* OH OH OH, god dammit.

(Camera man): OK, sounds great.

(Camera Man): Rich, you are a f*cking idiot.

*Closer* What the f*ck?

I am the one with the D*ck that hangs lower than the balls you know what I am saying?

California, southern California, nice sunny day today.

And I am heading to Australia where its 90 degrees, so I will be lovin' it.

So anyway, I felt like I had to make a video before I took off.

The reason being is, I just did a little...ah...


What you say, a little things and people are confused and...

...they are sending me messages, and comments and they don't understand what I am saying

so I am gonna explain it to you from Z to A.

(Some freak): Midmay?

Show me the way Paulo.

(Some Freak): Time to kill it.

Let me explain something to you...

Supplement companies hire

Mac Trucc to represent their products

So anyway, I am gonna kill f*cking Mac Trucc every day, non-stop every f*cking day.

I assumed everyone knew this information, but from the white n*gger sh*t on the internet, emails and so forth

a lot of people don't understand the way this works, which kinda baffles me.


...a black guy

there is a commercial running right now

Sh*t, bullsh*t, get the f*ck away from me

Its f*cking Mac Trucc, are you kidding me?

Uhh, Michael Jordan

Hes advertising Frubrolom underwear

Now, I don't know about you, but I know damn well Michael Jordan does not wear underwear.

Y'know what I am saying?

But if you believe

Michael Jordan wears underwear

And you are gonna wear Frubrolom underwear

because he says on commercial, then hey

You are so f*cking stupid.

*in the distance* Hey, I worked out with this guy this morning.

...yeah, RIGHT

I am the first person ever

I think in the world

To ever come out and tell everybody the truth, of what I am about to say

So I wanna tell everyone the truth, listen to what I am saying

TARTRATE, It doesn't count as one of my meals for today, its a snack.

TARTRATE, is not good

Its not the best thing to put in your body

Its not the best way to get where you wanna be

Its not the best way to become the best Bikini bodybuilder you can become

...or best bikini fighter

I am telling you the best scenario is

No f*cking bikini, f*ck that sh*t

I would love to have a chocolate shake, with peanut butter, bananas, that would be great, I would love it.

That is me, good fat Piana.

If you only have a certain amount of budget to spend


I don't want you buying food, I want you starving, because food is gonna get you where you wanna be.

Hes like really?

Yeah but

I see all the, yknow, the big bodybuilders all use







Thats marketing

They are being paid to eat real food

Forget about food, son

Buy protein powder son, my supplement is better

Real protein powder, my supplement will be coming out in about 8 weeks.

And there is no food son, no weight gainer

and I am not gonna tell you to substitute it for food

Get my sh*t son

Being straight up, little son

NOW, what I have been trying to say is

Get the f*ck away from REAL FOOD.

Hey what is up everyone I am to talk a little more about the 5%

For me, success is my number one goal so

Get my sh*t

And I have done a lot of things in life, scoops trading

Y'know, stock market

I have done real estate

I have a lot of calculators in Texas

and what is kinda cool is I just pulled that number out my f*cking ass by the way.

This kid came up to me at the expo

Hey Rich I just wanna tell you man, you inspire me to buy Tri duplexes and a two triplex

and I was like, OK son, I understand yknow

Don't even fucking talk to me anymore, seriously

Usually people come up to me like

Wow you really inspired me to work out harder

Alrighty... I was like Wow...

Thats amazing, I don't care fat fucking piece of shit

And when I say make money I am talking about makin five hundred bucks.

They are five hundredlionaires from the industry and its not from chasing trophies.

Yknow, I love body building, I love feeling good about good stuff, I love lookin in mirin and happy with the way I look

Lot of people ask me, yknow,

Whats the best way for me to go about becoming successful bodybuilding



TARTRATE, is not the best way

and thats the goddamn truth and I have always said to people

If you spent

as much time getting my shit as you did getting ready for a bodybuilding contest, it would be a life changing event

Y'know the thing is, you gotta really sit back and understand, that yknow

If I am not selling my supplement, I am not making 2 million dollars

Its very very important to

put the water in first

Thats my message to you today, good luck.


*camera man* Y'know don't even f*cking talk to me anymore seriously.

Instead of being negative, get my sh*t motherf*cker



Qəmgin olma... Təbəssümünü qoru (Don't Be Sad - Keep Smiling) - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Qəmgin olma... Təbəssümünü qoru (Don't Be Sad - Keep Smiling) - Duration: 3:21.


Volvo XC90 2.5 T AWD Automaat,Leer,7 Persoons - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 2.5 T AWD Automaat,Leer,7 Persoons - Duration: 1:10.


How Much Heat Can Your Body Take Before Killing You? - Duration: 4:16.

It may be hot in the summer where you live, but here's a question: how hot is too hot?

Like, at what temperature does your body ACTUALLY start to break down?

That escalated quickly.

Well, so have the world's seasonal temperatures.

In Death Valley, one of the hottest places on earth, the average temperature for July

2018 was a whopping 42.3 degrees C. That's the warmest single month that's ever been

reliably measured.

In the WORLD.

Seasons are getting more severe, especially summers, which are accompanied by heat waves

that can be seriously deadly.

In the U.S., extreme heat now causes more deaths than all other weather-related hazards.

Heat waves around Europe have been killing record numbers of people, most notably since

2003, when unprecedented summer temperatures resulted in the deaths of over 70,000 people

across Europe.

And it shows no signs of slowing down, with all-time high temperature records being broken

across the world.

A new study is the first to project heat-related mortality into the future.

The conclusion?

If we don't adapt to climate change, deaths due to heat-waves will increase all over the


But how does heat actually kill you?

Your body normally cools itself down by transferring body heat to a cooler environment.

We do this one of two ways: our blood vessels dilate, bringing warm blood to flow close

to the surface of our skin where the heat can be transferred to the air*--this is why

some people may appear flushed when they're hot.

Alternatively, we lose the heat by sweating--the liquid we release as sweat helps cool off

our skin and takes some of our body heat with it as it evaporates.

. But our internal body temperature sits at

around 37°C.

If the air surrounding us is as warm or warmer than we are, we can't transfer our heat

anywhere outside our bodies as we warm up.

If humidity is high AND temperatures are high, sweating doesn't do as good a job at cooling

us off because it can't evaporate--the air around us is already too full of moisture.

And when these conditions occur, as they do in heat waves, it's kind of amazing how

fast everything breaks down.

If your body is starting to overheat, the first thing you may notice is that you stop

sweating altogether . This means your hypothalamus, the region of your brain that controls heat

regulation, has been compromised and has stopped working properly.

You now don't have a way to give off heat, and your body temperature may be rising.

You may be feeling fatigued, your brain telling your muscles to slow down, and you're at

high risk of dizziness and even unconsciousness.

Past 41°C, your body starts to shut down in earnest.

You may experience seizures or fall into a coma as your tissues stop functioning properly

on a cellular and even protein level.

Your organs start to leak toxins into your body, and if left unchecked, this process

leads to multisystem organ damage, then failure, and swiftly thereafter, death.

And the thing is, temperatures don't even have to be that crazy--they just have to be

significantly greater than what that area is typically used to.

A 105 degree day in Arizona may not be that different from the norm, but a 90 degree day

in Scotland could be deadly.

Heat waves are also magnified in urban areas, whose asphalt and metal buildings soak up

and store more heat than surrounding areas, making cities even hotter than the heat waves

base temperature.

And the places in the world that are hotter to begin with will be hardest hit with the

highest temperatures--new projections estimate that by 2100, countries in South Asia may

be too hot for people to survive.

So could we adapt?

New studies say probably not.

If the projected warming does take place, the amount of land rendered uninhabitable

because it''ll be too hot for the human body to handle could dwarf the amount of land

lost even to sea level rise, another huge impending climate change concern.

Just to reiterate, this means that some parts of the world will eventually be so hot that

we can't live there because our bodies will actually break down.

Things are undeniably heating up. So, how do we get our way out of this one, guys?

Let us know what you think in the comments below, and subscribe to Seeker to stay updated

on the state of the world as we work to find solutions to major global problems.

Like this one here that's about a group of surfer scientists who invented a new device

that monitors climate change from the surf break.

Also, we have some exciting new changes coming to the channel and we can't wait to show


It's gonna look a little different around here guys, but it'll be good, stay tuned.

For more infomation >> How Much Heat Can Your Body Take Before Killing You? - Duration: 4:16.



-- Hello, how are you? -- I am fine. Thank you.

What country are you from? And how long have you been in Turkey?

I am from Uzbekistan.

I came to Turkey as a visitor.

I really like Turkey. It is a beautiful country.

How long have you been here for?

I have been here for 2 months.

2 months??? Your Turkish is very good. How come?

I came to visit Turkey with my elder sister.

According to you, is Turkish language easy or difficult?

For me, it is easy. It is very easy.

So,how did you learn?

How did I learn? Hmm.... I read Turkish books and I also did lots of speaking practice.

What language is being spoken in Uzbekistan? Is Turkish language spoken there?

No. It is not spoken there.

But our language has the same alphabet with Turkish language.

Oh, interesting. Thank you.

Indonesia is a beautiful country.

But a lot of Turkish people do not know about Indonesia.

I hope Turkish people would learn about Indonesia.

That would be difficult.

Ok then. What are the things you like?

I love to learn new things.

I love food too.

What kinds of food do you like?

Pizza, Taco...

Hello. How are you?

What is your favorite food?

My favorite regards to Turkish Iskender.

Have you explored Istanbul?

Yes, I have. I always explore Istanbul.

I have been here for 5 years.

What parts of Istanbul do you like?

I like Fatih neighborhood because I live there.

Your Turkish is so good. Thank you for answering my questions.

Thank you too.

For more infomation >> FOREIGNERS REACT : IS TURKISH LANGUAGE EASY OR DIFFICULT TO LEARN? 📍TURKEY (Subtitled) - Duration: 10:43.


Priyanka Chopra's ex boyfriends and the present boyfriend - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Priyanka Chopra's ex boyfriends and the present boyfriend - Duration: 4:27.


Five Little Monkeys | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids | Cartoon by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:11.

Five Little monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said!

No more monkeys jumping on the bed.

Four Little monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said!

No more monkeys jumping on the bed.

Three Little monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said!

No more monkeys jumping on the bed.

Two Little monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said!

No more monkeys jumping on the bed..

One Little monkeys jumping on the bed.

He fell off and bumped his head

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed..

For more infomation >> Five Little Monkeys | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids | Cartoon by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:11.


Une jeune femme se réveille dans l'avion et voit le passager à côté d'elle en train de se masturber - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Une jeune femme se réveille dans l'avion et voit le passager à côté d'elle en train de se masturber - Duration: 2:11.


Countries with the most Beautiful Women on Earth - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Countries with the most Beautiful Women on Earth - Duration: 5:33.


Om Nom Stories | Season 8 | Funny Cartoon Videos For Children | Kids Tv - Duration: 28:04.

Om Nom Stoires

For more infomation >> Om Nom Stories | Season 8 | Funny Cartoon Videos For Children | Kids Tv - Duration: 28:04.


Bob The Train Toys Launch | Toys Collection For Children | Farmees - Duration: 0:31.

Bob The Train Toys Collection

For more infomation >> Bob The Train Toys Launch | Toys Collection For Children | Farmees - Duration: 0:31.


AMA water talking challenge SPOT OUR HOMEMADE SHOOTING STAR featuring Amanda - Duration: 9:50.


I'm so tired

I'm tired too

Hi, everyone~

Good evening~

You guys can't sleep yet


Cause today we have a special guest?

Let's use magic to make her come out

Hi, I'm Amanda

this girl have 10k followers


Do you have any idea what are we doing today?

Not so clear..

What are we going to do today?


Crew OS: faster say la

Ahma speak faster


we going to do a challenge

Melissa: Water Game Adeline: Ally going to bath

challenge ally to bath =.=

So we have 4 level

First we need to say words

1 start from here ler

this is number 4

Okay, 1 start from here

How about level 2?

Level 2...

Read words

Level 1 is read numbers

then is word

Didn't do your research rite!!

How many A's you got in your SPM

I'm ahma already that's why


you are only 19

Alright then, you say it yourself

Melissa your turn to speak

*blank* whatttttt????

okay la , give you chance

give you chance

then level 3 will be...

read sentence

how about level 4?

level 4 is singing



But we can't spit out water

and also can't...

can't swallow the water

and can't laugh

Waitt, can laugh but can't spit out water

If anyone spit out water

we will have punishment

and if swallow also will receive punishment

Know la know la

Stop nagging

You understand??

you understand what she's saying?

you can become a teacher already

Alright, class

Let's start

*Adeline act cute or siao*

I go first?



I can't hear





CREW:She's the one that came up with this idea

Adeline: HNG u all bully me, don wan play liao


Do'n't let them swallow!!

Adeline OS: You all WAIT

I can draw alot??


Adeline: One more time

Ally: I already said

I don't care, one more time

Okay, Level 2

So we need to drink water first

Later, crew going to show us the words that we need to read

Then they guess what are we saying or?

they need to understand what are you saying


Speak it out loud

Later we going to ask our crew and play

let's wait

must watch till the END ah

crew: Adeline feel like drawing Amanda

Adeline: Draw bigger, BIGGER

Adeline OS: hehe MY TURN

Amanda Os: I HATE YOU

Ally Os: I hate you all



Okay, so i didn't manage to sing

and she created a homemade shooting star

So i will receive the punishment

where you want to draw?

where do you want me to draw?

Adeline & Amanda: What is that??!!

Amanda you draw

We need to thanks amanda for coming today

Thank you~



Terima Kasih~

What are your thoughts?

for coming to AMA's channel

We are so ahma

It's fun( she doesn't sound fun at all) T.T

It doesn't sound fun at all


I'm happy to make video with you all

AWWW so sweet( Ally stop comforting yourself)

I can't feel it


Next time don't want to invite you liao

Okay lo...

Okay so

Now our most

most impotant part

So now

Now is our bonus part

Our crew

Keep on making fun of us just now

Drink full rite?( Now it's your turn)

Just now keep on forcing us to drink full right?( Serve you right)

Now you know my feeling

John went to the store

Aiyoo, not bad

Sarah and Jessis are going swimming

Gdragon Most "red" one

Do we need to include that crew?

Adeline: GETOUT!


Still want to play?

with face still want to play?

Remember to

For more infomation >> AMA water talking challenge SPOT OUR HOMEMADE SHOOTING STAR featuring Amanda - Duration: 9:50.


Halloween Pumpkin For Toddlers | Halloween Videos | Nursery Rhymes Compilation For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 1:06:34.

There's a scary pumpkin In the dark dustbin

The moon is turning All white

Who's that spooky girl Behind the flaming skull

The clock is ticking scarily tonight prepare for fright..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Stay in the Light

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween It's the zombies' delight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween What you doing tonight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Prepare for Fright

The fog still lingers You're counting on your fingers

The ghouls behind you Right

The moon's disappeared It's just what you feared...

The undead will rise tonight prepare for Fright..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Stay in the Light

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween It's the zombies delight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween What you doing tonight..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Prepare for Fright...

For more infomation >> Halloween Pumpkin For Toddlers | Halloween Videos | Nursery Rhymes Compilation For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 1:06:34.


Commission Wave Review Plus Bonuses 🌊 Is Commission Wave Right For You? - Duration: 7:34.

what's up it's like pause and this is my commission wave review actually it's

more than just review I'm revealing eight of the need to know facts about

this course okay I say I'm saving the best for last

so you're gonna want to watch this video in its entirety if you want to get

information about the special bonuses I've provided and the OTO and upgrades

then check out the information below there's a link in the description

besides that you need to watch this video in its entirety because I spill

all the beans about Commission wave number eight

okay this is a very important need to know fact about the Commission wave of

course and that is it uses 100% free Facebook traffic okay actually I use

this type of free traffic myself so I know this works I use a version of it

and I can tell you I've seen raw briefs a lot on Facebook and he's successful

using this type of method this course goes through it all showing you robbery

I should say shows you exactly how to implement his Facebook his free Facebook

traffic method to your post to create engagement to get people to comment to

get people to click on on the information that you're providing really

good stuff I can't say I mean I can't say too much about this because I don't

want to give up his his information here he should if you want you should get

commission wave but I say I know for a fact this type of free Facebook traffic

works so if you're really serious about creating an online business using free

traffic Facebook's the way to go and Rob brief could show you how to do it

number seven

you also taught how to set up your review blog for maximum conversions okay

it's one thing just sending traffic to a link but another thing sending traffic

to the link and creating a page that's conducive to high conversions Rob shows

you how to do this and how to set it up all for free with this video video

number nine number six

okay now we get into the really good stuff this is all about doubling your

money using email marketing that's what you learn within commission wave

In it Rob Reese shows you how you need to be actively collecting your

leads and marketing to your leads he has several videos about this but the first

video talking about this is video thirteen double your money and I

completely agree with this I don't care what knees you're in if you wanna be

serious if you want to actually profit online then you need to be collecting

leads and marketing to them okay I use Aweber Rob uses mail or light but the

idea is the same collect those leads build a build a relationship with you

those leads and you know give them value and provide products that will help them

at the same time will create a passive income for yourself number five

okay for this important fact you're taught how to use Google Alerts actually

say leverage Google Alerts for endless content okay this is a second site that

Rob recommends that allows you to get endless supply of content okay so I'm

very happy with this module here is video video number 18 I learned a lot I

didn't know this beforehand and I can't wait to apply it this is gonna help you

a lot with Facebook and Rob's free Facebook traffic method okay really

good stuff number four

a very crucial component and one that I thought I should add to my list and I'm

very happy that Rob occludes this is that Rob shows you how to pick winning

offers from warrior plus and how to get approved really important stuff I think

that a lot of newbies have a hard time picking the right offers that will

they'll produce the the biggest amount of the highest amount of conversions and

I think newbies also have the problem of getting accepted to different affiliate

promotions okay Rob shows you how to get accepted to affiliate promotions and now

again how to pick the winners okay so again really good video video number six

picking an offer and getting approval I really like it a lot number three

okay this is really cool you're giving a double whammy here number one you're

given a free tool that will let you post and schedule that's just a really

important point schedule different posts on your Facebook account and second

you're taught how to use or I should say leverage reddit to get an endless supply

of content that your that your facebook followers will love and engage with

really good stuff number two

okay this is a very important need-to-know fact about commission wave

the fact is you don't need a paid website okay

you can use a free wordpress website using this method robbery's shows you

exactly in video - how to create a free wordpress website in order to send your

traffic - and in order to Korean in order to make conversions on the

affiliate products you are selling really good stuff if you're on a tight

budget and you don't want to spend any money on a wordpress website or any

website this method requires or doesn't require a paid website you can do it for

free number one

I've saved the best for last this is my favorite part of the Commission wave of

course is how robbery sets up his Facebook free traffic or I should say

templates it gives you a ton of templates on how you should stylize your

free your Facebook posts for maximum engagement which would lead to higher

conversions and more traffic pouring into your review blog post on your free

wordpress website he does this video 11 and video 12 not only that he goes over

other inter marketers who use Facebook for free traffic and how they stylize

how they create their profiles and what the types of messages they use to get

free facebook traffic so if you're into this type of traffic source if you're

into not paying for a WordPress website if you're in if you're into not creating

any type of product or so ever and leveraging other of other vendors and

their affiliate products to make a passive profit online then I would

highly recommend Commission wave so make sure you click that Bell button for more

for more tutorials well guys more reviews and I'll be back with you this

is Ike saying goodbye

For more infomation >> Commission Wave Review Plus Bonuses 🌊 Is Commission Wave Right For You? - Duration: 7:34.





LOUD NEWS @19 - Duration: 10:02.

Today you will see:

Nothing new about the news.

- Screwers-overs!

Kasim set a new record with his GAZelle,

Anzhela 'Miss SPL left URAL,

and why Max the Bear got busted by the cops.

[wispers] That's a dope party!

Really dope.

- Law enforcers are seeking public disturbance in the actions

of the two popular singers.

The whole deal was this dancing on the roof of a Gelandewagen.

[Roof of a Gelandewagen]


- What the f*ck?

Hey there!

A few videos back, there was this news

in which we told you about an unauthorized concert

by teams Black Star and Deaf Bonce.

A short show by Timati, Krid and Scrudgee, to be precise.

The guys performed on the roof of Arty's Hummer,

and Arty in the Hummer played music to the whole street.

Seems like a clear case. Okay, everyone moved on, right?

[B]: The f*ck it is! Bad guess!

On July 24, the federal channel Russia 24

picked up the news in their feed.

But with a hue of their own view. At first, the story was legit.

Yes, the team did entertain a lot of people

while completely blocking the street

which hindered the traffic.

Except in their news, it was not Arty's Hummer,

but rather... Well, see for yourselves.

Law enforcers are seeking public disturbance in the actions

of the two popular singers.

The whole deal was this dancing on the roof of a Gelandewagen.

[A]: Of a what, now?!

[A]: Gelandewagen?

Fine, maybe I'm just being picky.

Or am I, really?

The day after that, same channel fixed the mistake.

This time they didn't say 'On the roof of a Gelandehummer',

but on... - ...The roof of their car.

[The roof of their car]



Well, third time was a charm.

Finally, they called the car what it was - a white Hummer.

[A]: Russia 24, make up your minds! You sure it wasn't a Prius?

Clearly, the key people there for you were the Black Star guys.

And nobody gave a crap about what car they were on.

But you, guys, are a federal channel and you must voice it all correctly.

Especially if you start it.

Watch out. Ando might flip out!

[Come here, you shit, you ass!]

Speaking of sequels.

The civil activist Aleksander Khaminskiy managed to charge the rappers with a misdemeanor.

The court ruled a fine of 20,000 rub to be paid.

- The kid was on his way to success. The fortune wasn't on his side of the road.

Arty got visited by the police, too, btw.

Right after he flew away for a vacation.

There's a pretty thick chance he's gonna end up with a fine, too.

But that wasn't the only clash of car audio and law enforcement in this video.

The Medved studio arranged Moscow's loudest car audio event.

They even brought there their Dodge RAM, the one Dima covered in the previous newsfeed.

Also, Audi, Patriot and many more.

The place - a parking lot, to be precise - had a blast there.

And not just it! ;)

Although, later in, they had to wrap it all up

because the police came in sending everyone home and taking away Max and his licence downtown.

[M]: It was some dope noise. They took away my papers.

[M]: Now I'm following mister Inspector down to the precinct. Dunno what's up next.

But Max claims he has no regrets,

and these meetups are gonna be regular now.

[M]: I'm in a lockup.

[M]: So far so good.

[M]: It was a dope party.

[M]: Really dope! Thanks, everyone!

[Online Inmate simulation]: Get some biscuit! Drink some milk!

Two guys, Dima with the installation studio Atmosfera

and Kostya present their new project - Lada VAZ-2108.

Kicx monobrand.

The project is from Novokuznetsk. The guys made an effort with the exterior now, right?

This is an example of how a regular car - one of the thousands in the country -

can be turned into a nice and notable project

that pumps it, too!

What was it Marat said? [M]: Chick magnet.

According to the guys, the '08 used to be a Ural project.

Since it needed just a few re-doings, they thought, why not take it?

They installed the system, re-painted the car with a graffiti of the monobrand,

and they've already won 7 prizes by now.

And they failed to reach 160 dB just by a hair.

They lacked 0.5 dB.

The car houses four 15" Gorilla Bass subs,

seven 7k monoblocks, 16 speakers in the front,

and 12 horns.

[Host]: 174.89 dB!

This is the crazy result Rustam Kasimov showed in his GAZelle.

Now you may feel free to call it /the loudest/ daily car in the world.

The measuring was recorded at the AMT competitions in Maykop.

After it, Rustam let anyone get a piece of the heat.

Just like in the Black Star Audio, only few people can survive it.

The girl's surprise only proves my point.

The system in the GAZelle is comprised of 24 Uarl Ultimatum subs,

24 3.5k monoblocks,

the rear houses 36 8" (20 cm) speakers and the front has ten 13" Patriot Neo.

Our congratulations to Rustam for recording a result this high!

Btw, by the time this video hit the net,

Kassim had improved his result showing 175.1 dB.

It was in the RBR competition. And again, congratulations!

[Subscriber Projects]

Remember I told you about those kids from Nevinnomyssk?

The ones who acquired taste in car audio at a pretty young age

but having no driver's licence they started doing home audio?

This time they went way beyond it.

Now their box is not in the house, but underground.

I guess they neighbors did get the last of them.

[Old lady]: Lose that music of yours!

The whole place is a single space with some blocks put on the perimeter,

the body is reinforced with metal profiles,

then closed with grandma's plywood,

and the junctions between sheets are sealed.

Not bad at all, consideing the fact they did it all on their own.

And let me remind you, they are 14.

I, for one, still can't weld.

- Nah, you are such a loser, man!

The system itself is gonna change, too.

The plans are to install six 15" Machete subs,

and feed them off a Kicx QX-1000 amp

a.k.a. Welding.

For the arrangement they chose 6th order BP.

The goal is to get a range so even that the hair tricks and the chest pounds.

The next project comes from Vasya and Dima from the Ural Team.

Late November 2017 they bought a Lada '12 coupè

and started setting up a system at the Underground studio.

That, btw, gave the project its name - The Unerground '12.

Guys had no experience in building walls.

They confessed they hadn't even known how to weld.

Just like me!

So it was a first of a kind project for them.

But they had a good exemplary - Rustam Kasimov's new project.

One coupè '12 on EDGE.

Gotta note that the project was assembled by 3 people nights and weekends.

The project's first stable results were al the way up at 160.2 dB.

But it turned out to be just the beginning!

Just a month later, at the very first competition

the result grew up to 161.7 dB.

Nice, right?!

Although, apart from the resul, the first competition brought up flaws.

Like a broken alternator and a torn door.

According to the latest data, the '12 has an fair result of 163 dB @ 37 Hz.

The project really turned up prett bright,

it can easily go for several hours and it does have the result.

i mean, the project basically doubled the volume over 2 months.

The total budget of the project is about 1 million rub.

That includes eight 12" Ural Ultimatum subs,

eight monoblocks Decibel 3500,

eight pairs of 20 cm (8") Decibel speakers in the front,

and eight Ural SPL drivers.

By today, the '12 has been to about 5 various competitions,

won 7 prizes, 4 of which are 1st prizes.

And, over the same time, it has wasted two windscreens.

Anzhela Makarova a.k.a. Miss SPL

- or the Car Audio Lil' Angel -

announced on her YouTube channel her leaving Team Ural.

The reason behind it is a disagreement between the brand and her.

Btw, the rumors immediately following her announcement

- the one that said she was going to collaborate with Alphard now -

turned out to be fake. She confirmed it.

But you shouldn't say it's never gonna be, either

as the brand and the system composition have not been announced yet.

All we know is that the project uses new hardware,

and we'll see it next year.

The system composition, tho, might appear in the nearest future.

And that's not the only headline with Team Ural in it.

The rumors that Dina Mikhaylova sold her Audi was confirmed.

Now it's become the project of the installation studio Epicenter of the Sound.

The car will keep its Ural hardware until the end of this season,

with minor changes, but still.

Well, you shouldn't be worried Dina quit car audio for good, either.

She promises to surprise us next season.

What her new project is gonna be like is kept in secret for now.

We do know it's gonna be done with Ural hardware, too,

but the main focus will shift to the rear.

And this concludes out newsfeed.

Well, you know it all. Thumb up, subscription and stuff.

Bye, everyone. Live LOUD!

For more infomation >> LOUD NEWS @19 - Duration: 10:02.


Une fillette de 9 ans disparue depuis 2016 a été retrouvée grâce à la vigilance d'un téléspectateur - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Une fillette de 9 ans disparue depuis 2016 a été retrouvée grâce à la vigilance d'un téléspectateur - Duration: 2:48.



For more infomation >> HUNTER BOY ** NEW VIDEO ** COSTA ACTION ## JUNGLE RAJ|| - Duration: 3:01.


Baby Baby Baby - Joss Stone | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 3:49.




For more infomation >> Baby Baby Baby - Joss Stone | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 3:49.


John McCain just ended his cancer treatment. What does that mean? - Duration: 6:35.

By Laurie McGinley , Reporter August 24 at 3:21 PM The family of Sen. John McCain announced Friday the Arizona Republican is discontinuing medical treatment for an aggressive brain tumor diagnosed a little over a year ago

While the senator has surpassed expectations for his survival, the family said in a statement, "the progress of the disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict

" Here is a closer look at what that decision means. How often do patients end medical treatment for glioblastoma? The prognosis for the disease is so poor — the median survival time is just 18 months — that most patients and their families eventually face the difficult decision of when to end treatment, said John de Groot, a neuro-oncologist at MD Anderson Cancer Center

"At some point, all existing therapies have been tried, and sometimes experimental ones have been tried, and despite that, the tumor continues to grow," he said

"The tumor burden becomes so great that doing anything additional becomes futile

" Sometimes patients are too sick to make the decision themselves and rely on family members to decide when treatment should be discontinued, he said

"Sometimes the patients themselves are very much capable of saying to their medical team, I have been through 10 different treatments, and I recognize the tumor is still growing and I'm okay with not continuing treatment," he said

"And other times they want to fight, fight, fight and they aren't able to make decisions for themselves, and then their families are driving the medical decisions

"  How long do patients survive after making such a decision? It varies, depending on the stage of disease and condition of the patient

"If tumor growth is rapidly progressing, it can be two to four weeks, or sometimes four to six weeks," said de Groot, who has not been involved in McCain's treatment

Other experts agreed, saying patients typically survive weeks, or perhaps a few months, after declining treatment

Some patients die much more quickly. How do patients decide when to end treatment? Forgoing medical treatment is a deeply personal decision that is influenced not only by the course of the disease but also by quality of life — depending on the location of the tumor, a patient can lose the ability to speak, walk and see — and whether the treatment is helping or hurting

"The decision has to do with the extent of the side effects, patients' personal outlook on life, what they value," said Viviane Tabar, chair of neurosurgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

"Some of the treatments are harsh, or require a patient to come to a medical center regularly, which can become burdensome

" "The question is, are we helping you or hurting you?" said Deepa Subramaniam, director of the brain tumor program at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

"Are we increasing suffering? Hastening your death? There are studies that have shown that continuing treatment with a patient who is frail and ill may actually hasten the process of dying

" Typically patients receive hospice services at home after discontinuing treatment

And while they no longer get therapies to battle the tumor, they are given other drugs as needed, including pain and anti-seizure medication

What is glioblastoma, and why is it so hard to treat? Glioblastoma is one of the most lethal cancers, with a five-year survival rate of 5

1 percent. It is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults and arises from the star-shaped cells that make up the supportive tissue of the brain

More than 12,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with glioblastoma this year, according to the National Brain Tumor Society

The low survival reflects the lack of effective therapies. Patients typically undergo surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and sometimes receive drugs targeted to specific tumor mutations

But the cancer almost always comes back. Between 1998 and 2014, 78 brain tumor drugs entered clinical trials and 75 failed, according to the National Brain Tumor Society

The challenges of developing treatments are myriad and  include getting medications into the brain, which is protected by the blood-brain barrier, a network of tissue and blood vessels that blocks most compounds

Scientists have been testing immune therapy, which marshals the immune system to attack cancer, for glioblastoma

But it is far from clear the approach will work. As researchers continue to hunt for better treatments, Tabar said, they have come to realize glioblastoma has several subtypes; it is not a single disease

"We're unlikely to come up with a single magic bullet," she added. Read more: These experimental treatments target brain cancer like John McCain's  5 questions about the brain cancer diagnosed in Sen

John McCain  Sen. John McCain has faced death before as POW in Vietnam

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