Saturday, August 25, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 25 2018

Recently, 'Asian games' are being held in Indonesia

And the Vietnamese team won against Japan in the group stage

They won 3 and went to the second round

I saw the article

The Vietnam team is led by Park Hangseo of Korea

It was uploaded on Daum search

Park was a great coach when he was in Korea

He has a really good personality, and received a lot of praise

I was surprised to see his success in Vietnam

And maybe when this reaction video is uploaded

The Vietnamese team will have a better record

Vietnamese viewers who visited this Hoontamin channel

Channel Hoontamin, please love and subscribe us

Are you going to finish this video?

Today we'll watch a music video recommended by our Vietnamese subscribers

It's UNI5's new song

Actually we watch UNI5 frequently

Maybe UNI5 fans will be satisfied

And Cormie will love it

I told you to watch this

Actually, we're not watching it because Cormie likes UNI5

In fact, this new song was recommened on Hoontamin channel a lot

If you are in doubt, check in comments

You don't need to do that

Many Vietnamese good songs are recommended

And we're watching various music videos

I want to say one thing before

We were going to see the lyrics before we watch this song

But we couldn't get the lyrics

Because this is a really new song

If I got the Vietnamese lyrics, I would have translated

Unfortunately we have to watch this without lyrics

Let's go to watch it

We need rain in Korea

Recently the drought is too severe

Where are you going?

Recently so sexy

Maybe gentle

Is he cheating?

I like his rap

Impeding from running away?

What does 'Sai' mean in the title?

Isn't it 'between us' in Korean?

Maybe not

The word 'Sai', regardless of country or language

I often saw it

But I don't know what it means here

Of course it's different from 'Psy' in Korea

There's a fishbowl in the music video

With two fishes

A member of UNI5 sings in the fishbawl

But the fishbawl was broken in the fight

So I interpreted it as a break up between them

And putting two fishes in the bathtub

'A relationship between two men was released'

That's what I interpreted, isn't it?

Sounds plausible?

It's convincing

Because Cormie is an idol expert

Not that much!

Don't give me any burden

The story of the song was a bit sad

But melody was good

And their dance was wonderful


Actually, I thought a mic would appear in this song

But they were dancing in the back

They danced well

So sexy

Please recommend good music videos for Cormie to enjoy

I often listen to 'KẺ CẮP TRÁI TIM'

I think I'll listen to this song much

Do you know how much I have been endured?

Today we watched a great new song

I hope the Vietnamese team will have a great performance at the Asian Games

Channel Hoontamin, please love and subscribe us

For more infomation >> UNI5 - Sai Reaction [Koreans Hoon & Cormie] / Hoontamin - Duration: 8:12.


Eva Henger ha perso un figlio, la confessione dolorosa: 'Provo un senso di vuoto' - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Eva Henger ha perso un figlio, la confessione dolorosa: 'Provo un senso di vuoto' - Duration: 3:54.


【MUKBANG】 Jiggly Chicken Breast!! Yukhoe Style Rice Bowl!! [4.8Kg] 8500kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Jiggly Chicken Breast!! Yukhoe Style Rice Bowl!! [4.8Kg] 8500kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:28.


Short Skin - I dolori del giovane Edo - Duration: 1:22:19.

For more infomation >> Short Skin - I dolori del giovane Edo - Duration: 1:22:19.


BlackPike - Краля ❤ (2018) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> BlackPike - Краля ❤ (2018) - Duration: 3:38.






Do you want a quick flash of brilliance for an important event?

It is in the cupboards of your kitchen that you will find the best ingredients! This mask honey and lemon for the face signed Fork & Bikini works wonders!

A treatment that sublimates you in a jiffy

This mask is suitable for all skin types, but is particularly suitable for problem, mixed and oily skin.

Used once a week, it helps to tighten the pores and refine the skin texture, but also to cleanse, to help healing,

- the responsible for your brilliance.

Easy to concoct, this very simple and very inexpensive mask is not aggressive for the epidermis,

and gives long-term tools to your skin so that it remains radiant Find all our recipes Beauty.

Lemon: an anti-comedo ... to be handled with care

Ideal for making war on pimples, lemon juice has many advantages: it disinfects, cleanses, clarifies.

Thanks to lemon, this mask devastates the most resistant blackheads in a few minutes! Indeed

, the acidity of citrus encourages the expansion of pores,

where nests unwanted. You only have to delicately remove them!

However, be careful when using lemon: this food is photosensitizing. In other words,

do not expose yourself especially during or just after making this mask: the sun could print on your skin indelible tasks!

In summer, do it in the evening before going to bed.

Honey: powerful under its sweet tunes

This ingredient acts as a natural antibiotic:

it deeply purifies the skin, and makes valdinguer the bacteria which, while being encrusted,

give rise to buttons. It is a powerful astringent, with active tensors: the pores are tightened,

wrinkles are faded! Best friend for oily skin, honey treats the skin with a handle but without aggressiveness,

with the key to a nice uniform skin that breathes freshness!

Find us on Facebook.

The easy recipe of the lemon honey mask

Mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply evenly on the hands,

massage gently, avoiding the eye area. Leave for at least 15 minutes, for a basic action, and rinse with warm water.

If you feel tingling during the exposure time, abbreviate it and wash your face!

To be beautiful in the natural, with honey and lemon,

it's simple as hello! Do you have some mask left?

Apply it for ten minutes on your tips for strong and shiny hair!



HOWEVER MACO フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> HOWEVER MACO フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 5:37.


RDogo x DRoyy - YOUTUBE (Official Video) - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> RDogo x DRoyy - YOUTUBE (Official Video) - Duration: 2:07.


HOWEVER MACO フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> HOWEVER MACO フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 5:36.


In volo col drone sulla tribù di indigeni. Lo straordinario video registrato nella Foresta Amazzonic - Duration: 0:37.

Per la prima volta il Funai, l'ente governativo brasiliano che si occupa di difendere e preservare le comunità indigene dell'Amazzonia, ha divulgato le immagini di una tribù rimasta isolata

Il video, girato nel 2017 con un drone nella valle di Javari nello stato di Amazonas, al confine tra Brasile e Perù, mostra alcuni indivudi appartenenti a una tribù sconosciuta, di cui l'ente non ha ancora identificato il gruppo etnico

For more infomation >> In volo col drone sulla tribù di indigeni. Lo straordinario video registrato nella Foresta Amazzonic - Duration: 0:37.


Ann The Alien: The Gaming Master - Duration: 5:02.

Let's ignore the background, and focus on this!

For more infomation >> Ann The Alien: The Gaming Master - Duration: 5:02.


GUNS N' ROSES - Sweet Child O' Mine (TMSC REMIX) - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> GUNS N' ROSES - Sweet Child O' Mine (TMSC REMIX) - Duration: 7:09.


Ariana Grande - breathin [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:17.

Ariana Grande - breathin [Lyrics]

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - breathin [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:17.


Внешний портрет Травматика. Психолог Лариса Бандура - Duration: 16:00.

For more infomation >> Внешний портрет Травматика. Психолог Лариса Бандура - Duration: 16:00.


Chiudere un rapporto già finito: perché è difficile? - Duration: 8:37.

 Quando tutto ci suggerisce che il nostro rapporto di coppia è giunto al termine, l'unica decisione logica e giusta da prendere è chiudere la relazione

Ma allora perché non riusciamo a rompere quando un rapporto non funziona più? Cosa ci fa continuare a rimanere aggrappati a qualcosa che non ha soluzione? Perché non riusciamo a chiudere un rapporto già finito?  Avete provato di tutto, ma non è più come un tempo e non sembra esserci alcuna possibilità che torni come prima

Eppure, eccovi ancora lì.  E questo perché spesso siamo incapaci di prendere la difficile decisione di chiudere un rapporto già finito

Soprattutto quando si tratta di una relazione duratura e che un tempo era basata sull'amore sincero

   Dire addio e andare avanti con la propria vita è la via d'uscita più sana, ma a volte cerchiamo di convincere noi stessi che si tratta solo di un periodo e che passerà oppure ci abituiamo a convivere con un problema che all'inizio non esisteva

 Insomma, spesso siamo incapaci di chiudere definitivamente una relazione di coppia già finita

I motivi per cui insistiamo nel voler tenere in piedi un rapporto già finito    Molte delle persone che ci circondano e che vedono la situazione con chiarezza potrebbero suggerirci che la cosa migliore da fare sia chiudere la relazione

Tuttavia, per noi non è una decisione così semplice e immediata. Ma perché non riusciamo a chiudere un rapporto già finito? Esistono diversi motivi: In un rapporto logorato non si fa distinzione tra il bisogno di mettere la parola "fine" e la possibilità di trovare una soluzione

Timore del vuoto lasciato dall'eventuale "perdita" e la tristezza che ne consegue

Paura del confronto. Terrore dell'ignoto. Figli in comune. Preoccupazione del giudizio altrui

Rifiutarsi di perdere tutto quello su cui si è investito. Senso di colpa di fronte al fallimento

Mancanza di amor proprio e timore della solitudine.  Qualunque "rottura" presuppone una perdita ed è innegabile che ciò causi dolore, perché richiede un'inversione di marcia e un nuovo stile di guida

Una delle nostre paure più grandi è quella di fare un salto nel vuoto, dato che abbiamo vissuto una routine per molto tempo e ci costa fatica cambiarla bruscamente

 A volte, invece, ristagniamo in una situazione perché abbiamo problemi di autostima

"Non importa se non mi ama, io amo per entrambi e un giorno tornerà a provare lo stesso per me" è un pensiero comune

L'illusione che qualcosa possa cambiare porta ad attuare anche frustranti piani di riconquista dietro cui si cela una forte mancanza di amor proprio

Il rifiuto della perdita ci induce a non chiudere un rapporto già finito  Lo psicologo e Premio Nobel statunitense Daniel Kahneman ha delineato un concetto per spiegare il motivo per cui non chiudiamo una relazione quando non funziona più: "Il rifiuto della perdita" o la difficoltà di lasciar andare quello su cui abbiamo investito tanto

Il pensiero ossessivo secondo cui abbiamo investito tanto sul rapporto ci limita e ci impedisce di deporre le armi

 A influire è anche il contesto sociale che ci circonda. Il "cosa diranno gli altri?" è un limite non indifferente

Non solo dovremmo affrontare un fallimento, ma anche gli altri lo vedrebbero.  Un'altra causa è la presenza di figli in comune e il timore che la rottura possa ferirli

Questo fattore può far sì che un matrimonio prosegua per anni senza rapporti sessuali e in un ambiente ostile che -ironia della sorte- fa male anche ai figli

I campanelli d'allarme per capire se una relazione è finita  Una relazione non funziona quando uno dei due (o entrambi) perde la motivazione che spingeva a continuare

Talvolta il dubbio ci assale, ma esistono segnali inequivocabili che indicano che il rapporto ha una vera e propria data di scadenza

Il sesso non soddisfa o è inesistente. Assenza di comunicazione. Ambiente ostile

Sfiducia. Mancanza di interesse.  Meritiamo di essere felici e di fronte a questi segnali è evidente che non lo siamo e che qualcosa deve necessariamente cambiare

Si tratta di un'occasione da cogliere per imparare a camminare da soli.  Forse la relazione ha semplicemente "fatto il suo tempo" o proseguire significherebbe essere distruttivi, in ogni caso ci sono momenti in cui è la realtà stessa dei fatti a imporci di chiudere un rapporto

Lasciar andare, perdonare se necessario, e proseguire nel nostro cammino è indispensabile per stare bene

Se non sappiamo come gestire questa situazione, la cosa più sensata è chiedere aiuto

 Perché non riusciamo a chiudere un rapporto già finito? Per abitudine, per paura del dolore, per paura del giudizio altrui

Possiamo nasconderlo o abituarci alle crepe della storia, ma la cosa più sana da fare è dire addio

Non è molto romantico, ma è più facile capire le ragioni del cervello che del cuore

For more infomation >> Chiudere un rapporto già finito: perché è difficile? - Duration: 8:37.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 - Duration: 1:04.


Volvo V90 T5 Geartronic R-Design Intro Luxury Scan B&W - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volvo V90 T5 Geartronic R-Design Intro Luxury Scan B&W - Duration: 1:07.


#人的理性足夠解決全人類的問題嗎?(婚前愛與性要理問答40問) - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> #人的理性足夠解決全人類的問題嗎?(婚前愛與性要理問答40問) - Duration: 2:38.


GUNS N' ROSES - Sweet Child O' Mine (TMSC REMIX) - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> GUNS N' ROSES - Sweet Child O' Mine (TMSC REMIX) - Duration: 7:09.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs Move Up! Executive - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs Move Up! Executive - Duration: 0:52.


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.4 T ECOFLEX EDITION Navigatie / Parkeersensor V + A + Camera / 18" vel - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.4 T ECOFLEX EDITION Navigatie / Parkeersensor V + A + Camera / 18" vel - Duration: 1:05.


Volvo V70 2.5T AWD Summum Automaat Leder Navi 210PK UNIEK 4WD - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5T AWD Summum Automaat Leder Navi 210PK UNIEK 4WD - Duration: 0:55.


Opel Astra 1.4T 140pk Automaat Sport NAVI - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.4T 140pk Automaat Sport NAVI - Duration: 1:13.


Dr. Malmgren 's Global View | Dr. Harald Malmgren - Duration: 4:30.

GM is big in producing cars in China.

GM, of course, is a household name in the US.

It's not known, I think, by hardly anybody I run into that GM sells more cars in China

than they do in the US and the rest of the world.

They sell four million vehicles a year inside China.

The total for the rest of the world is three million vehicles.

And the profitability in China is really high, profitability in the US is getting squeezed

quite a bit, partly because the newcomers coming in like Toyota, and Honda and the Germans.

And so in a sense what's happening when the government gets in the middle of these things

and tries to change where things are made, it can have unintended consequences.

It may be great for the country, but bad for some companies

If I'm hearing you correctly, though, it almost sounds as if I want to buy American made,

I have a better shot of doing that if I buy a Toyota or a Mercedes.

Yeah, there's no question.

I know the numbers.

I mean, I'm really familiar with this industry.

Well, started with Henry Ford-- I mean, really close with the detail of this industry here,

and in Europe and in Asia.

And if you want to measure, in terms of labor content or materials of the car and you want--

and you say-- and if somebody says, I want to buy a real American made vehicle.

I said, the highest you're going to get is around 90% US made, Toyota Camry.

And the next will be Honda Accord, it will be maybe 85%, 88% measured either way labor

or materials.

So GM, Ford and Chrysler can't do that on the average.

They can do it with trucks, but that's it.

I mean, I think GM long-term is in really serious trouble.

Expand on that.


Well, it's four million cars a year in China.

But the Chinese, if they get pretty upset with the US, they're going to want to be independent

of the US.

And GM will end up being a Chinese company.

Say that again.

If the Chinese really want-- if they feel they can't trust the US, that the relationship

is going to always trouble, then they want to create a distance between themselves and

the US-- ba-- some kind of moat.

And if so, then they'll swallow up GM.

They'll simply find a way to.

It maybe let it get in trouble and rescue it by nationalizing it or something.

But GM US, without China, is trouble.

I mean, it's already in trouble.

And if you go up against Toyota, and Honda and the big three German makers in the next

few years it's-- that's-- I-- by the way, in autos itself worldwide is in a multi-year

downward adjustment because the nature of buying is changing all over the world.

People I-- don't-- a lot of people don't need to buy a car anymore.

They got Uber and Lyft.

And in the US we have other reasons why the auto market is going to shrink.

I mean, we've gotten overloaded with cars that were leased because they were cheaper

to operate, but returned, so now we've got a big buildup of excess supply.

It's a matter of time that we're going to see several years of diminished annual volume,

and that's going to be mainly taken by these German and Japanese producers.

That's why Ford is now going to shift to trucks, but the real target is autonomous freight


That's-- the new CEO of Ford, that's the division he came out of.

That's-- he-- that's his vision of the future.

GM doesn't have a vision.

I think they're vulnerable.

For more infomation >> Dr. Malmgren 's Global View | Dr. Harald Malmgren - Duration: 4:30.


Arsenal news: Matteo Guendouzi can be Gunners hero under Unai Emery - Ian Wright - Duration: 3:23.

 That's the view of former Gunners striker Ian Wright, who has seen Emery come under plenty of criticism in the opening weeks of the season

 Emery became Arsenal manager this summer, replacing Arsene Wenger who had spent 22 years in charge of the north London club

 Defeats in the opening two Premier League matches, to Manchester City and Chelsea, represents Arsenal's worst ever start since the rebranding of the league and has immediately put Emery under pressure

 Despite those losses, Guendouzi has shone for the Gunners after signing from Lorient for around £7million

 At just 19, the Frenchman has shown poise and power and looks to be a strong addition to Emery's side

 And Wright believes that Emery can get the best out of all of his players if he is given the time

 "It doesn't take much for some people to start asking questions – in Unai Emery's case two games to be precise," Wright told the Sun

 "But although Arsenal have lost both matches since he took over, I've seen nothing to dent my faith that he is the man

 "I always said that the guy who followed Arsene Wenger would get 100 per cent backing and that can't wobble just because there are no points on the board

 "Yes, it looked disheveled against Manchester City and for 15-20 minutes against Chelsea it was a defensive disaster

 "But there are still signs that Emery will get it right because let's face it, those problems at the back weren't going to be solved immediately

 "Young midfielder Matteo Guendouzi is already on the way to becoming a hero in my book

" Arsenal last won the Premier League in 2004 though tasted FA Cup glory as recently as 2017

 They will play in the Europa League this season after ending last year in sixth. And former Arsenal star Alan Smith believes the fans are not interested in trophies under Emery to begin with

 The Arsenal legend told talkSPORT: "Speaking on the supporters' behalf, what they would want to see mainly, it's not so much finishing in the top four – although that would be very welcome

 "It's not so much winning a trophy – because Arsenal have won three FA Cups in recent times

 "It's more about turning a corner and being able to see progress. "Being able to see the team and the club heading in the right direction in terms of there being a bit more substance to the side, getting closer to the title challengers, being in the mix for longer and being more respected as a team


For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Matteo Guendouzi can be Gunners hero under Unai Emery - Ian Wright - Duration: 3:23.


Some Lesser Known And Shocking Facts About Hrithik Roshan | You Didn't Know About - Duration: 3:51.

Some Lesser Known And Shocking Facts About Hrithik Roshan

For more infomation >> Some Lesser Known And Shocking Facts About Hrithik Roshan | You Didn't Know About - Duration: 3:51.


PURCHASES OF OFFICE, BOOKS AND ARTISTIC MATERIALS. Walking through Peter and museums - Duration: 30:09.

I appear in the day because there was no creative crisis I needed urgently to have an idea in my head

see what baguettes

today is the second day to drink or and I decided to send the parcel

I did not want to give away all personally because

I was not particularly informed that this was the nominal one at the time of the demolition, so we go to the post office


who is wondering where exactly is this place to whom I put the likes and comment


alabai for those who have never guessed I will say what kind of store is this for and it is located in the square of the uprising

this is the first store of this journey

Specializing in various trinkets xxx that can cheer up

due to its brightness

The originality of the store is all the time the doors are open so there comes a lot of noise su faces and that's why some

moments had a period means

here it's not even necessary for students to do more than just personal, I like the design

write what it is necessary to do here just for those who complain how to learn how to draw like you are starting a maiden planner is not necessarily so

in the Churchill Tzaraz

you paint

your last favorite movie

strange world sounds but the queen with

autobiographical film and the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth 2 wherever you buried the salary and if he had you out

I would probably

spent jovani burying why keep it

you have to chew on pencils or brush

pencil and there are all the brushes there but with the advent by the way interesting pencils like all sorts of bears

toys on the tips of the tips did not just feel sorry for them to chew so shameful now the points


the aperture of the impulse was revealed

that you need to add the office or

fold down at the bottom of the office it covers the size of the order for the watercolors close very convenient thing to learn

Only 90 singers can be sprayed and palette can be taken with you

you shove hands for the beast

You night


hence, carry

that's so permanent that everyone saw that you are an artist

so that everyone saw that the artist he is not a fanatic


disguised, she is neither personally nor transparent and



the smallest notebook in the world

in comparison with my hand a finger and it is very small

but there is a little more running around

You can hang the keys

what is


our mind is honored for me to write

have this stickers of the date

all sorts of cats dogs

so write in the comments who is the cat's act of the act of a dogman

even bags are there and for that as you see it will turn out to be also a world


so you can not just buy it but like a vase for flowers


light was not that I adore she's not now on white you do not gray a little cream

mini notepad with

hard cover


you are more like it

but is it a wolf or what?

all green is

here with a cover at once not a whip is not out of required and now look

I said many times that I just adore

mechanical pencils and when they are also in an unusual design, then I'll spend hours like a king koschei over them wither and choose to choose

pencil pens

but I have

the principled position about shops and purchases, I at once can choose one thing

interesting and unique, except when I need to buy several items for drawing, but if I just

somewhere it turned out I had to take something one well, well, it's hard to choose at all, so you look at this metal pen with

fan or on this one with the tip of the leaders

in the end I stopped at this

pencils with a cute eraser kind of dog under the cap

The pencil consists of segments and does not

he is exactly the same as I had when I was a child, that's why I chose him but at some point

fashion for these grooms has passed them stopped selling and now I came upon him and acquired

what was your first gig you attended

it was not a concert it was a circus it's considered

you know some way to get rid of Internet addiction

Of course, it's just not so long ago that I faced the task

really, in general, completely from this we will leave that read a good article

about the fact that when you get rid of the Internet from

a lot of information you come up with an idea because I had a creative crisis I needed urgently to have an idea in my head and

This awareness of the need for the fact that I need ideas just helped me

just stop looking every hour news on the Internet every hour instagram in contact all here it was discarded

although it was difficult to the fact that it is necessary that it is already at the level of some kind of stupid habit

there can not be an hour that I did not check something that you did not see the first time it was very hard to

now it is easy it is possible in general for days so do not go you happy

constantly with ideas

Only the ideas they spodvigli to the fact that I refused

there is sisal

let's see at w and here's the country

I hear this peter, I always go to this water park

he is one of the best in russia already here is the line there on every hill for 20 minutes the wiring is finished and


there is

peter the biggest concentration of bookstores per square meter that me

certainly really like it would be more time in this city I would just go in every store well what

now come with me

All nova


and those


it's very mild to die


these are the three most important inventions of mankind

water pipes


The electric stove of course all looks like a housewife's dream for it's really so because it helps a lot

Save time while the machine is erasing you

you paint

Doing your own business and not an electric stove, I'm not from the subway, not a microwave

a multivarker here is the third best invention just put it is forgotten this is the same you do your own business

self-development you are a punctual person or constantly late

when it comes to an important event I'm on time because inside I have such a politeness rule

accuracy again

when it comes to important things that work with some important activities, I'm always punctual

when this is not an obligatory measure or agreed with someone then I can be late and it's very difficult for me

see what baguette and have never seen such a rich baguette

a frame that itself


here in the Russian museum there is a sketch of the picture

the phenomenon of Christ to the people of fucking and a lot of sketches for this

say please and in the forging test is

already the final picture

many see how many sketches it took to write the primary current

well, an eccentric

honest opinion I would not have had so much labor

so in detail to work out that apparently the author will spend very much while on


this female half was once a living creator and we noticed that she is more lushly richly decorated

here are very beautiful ceilings here are a lot of beautiful murals

not even for the sake of pictures you can just come see how beautiful everything is decorated

Russian Museum is one of the most expensive museum where I was and I think it is not worth this money and for a second

Welcomes 500 rubles but at the same time coming to a permanent position

you can not be sure that you eat all the pictures because they are very much flashing it is disgusting me

I want to consider something in the details I come closer and there is nothing

if a person draws to him interesting details of the guitar and I'm curious as to how he portrayed this or that thing

Master I do not need this because everyone rejoices

on the first ti pirate symbolic object

completely accidentally hit

clinical case of why we are somehow a court

At the moment when the concert was only 10 minutes left yurgis minutes

lamp on

asked they would like you to go to a concert


we what we originally wanted

kill with tickets

Here also we will not keep

such a chance

dad I dug it turned out so that students who were originally invited

student from Iran here personally

they are either almost turbo

mother because there is very beautiful music music

Story because it's impossible to draw and photograph pictures, nobody forbade

In general, the event itself is unique because the Tehran Symphony Orchestra

when yes it did not perform in russia today for the first time today we are generally their first gig

Bershka you are their novel you are still somewhat in St. Petersburg

but today

the very first performance

I was lucky to be there, and I'll get drunk if I've been twice in that for free

therefore the garden or park of the Academy of Arts is the battle workshop before it completely

almost glass there is probably a lot of light

For more infomation >> PURCHASES OF OFFICE, BOOKS AND ARTISTIC MATERIALS. Walking through Peter and museums - Duration: 30:09.


Road Rage and Fights | Bully Fights, Crashes, Road Rage Compilation # 40 - Duration: 10:05.

Please Subscribe

For more infomation >> Road Rage and Fights | Bully Fights, Crashes, Road Rage Compilation # 40 - Duration: 10:05.


Five Nights at Freddy's Song (FNAF World SFM 4K)(TIFWhitney Remix) - Duration: 4:03.

We're waiting every night to finally roam and invite

newcomers to play with us for many years we've been all alone

We're forced to be still and play The same songs we've known since that day

An imposter took our life away Now we're stuck here to decay

Please let us get in!

don't lock us away!

We're not like what you're thinking

We're poor little souls who have lost all control

and we're forced here to take that role

We've been all alone Stuck in our little zone

Since 1987

Join us, be our friend or just be stuck and defend

after all you only got

Five Nights at Freddy's Is this where you want to be

I just don't get it Why do you want to stay

Five Nights at Freddy's Is this where you want to be

I just don't get it Why do you want to stay

Five Nights at Freddy's

Now we're stuck here to decay

Five Nights at Freddy's

Five Nights at Freddy's Is this where you want to be

I just don't get it Why do you want to stay

Five Nights at Freddy's Is this where you want to be

I just don't get it Why do you want to stay

Five Nights at Freddy's

We're really quite surprised We get to see you another night

You should have looked for another job you should have said to this place good-bye

It's like there's so much more Maybe you've been in this place before

We remember a face like yours You seem acquainted with those doors

Please let us get in!

don't lock us away!

We're not like what you're thinking

We're poor little souls who have lost all control

and we're forced here to take that role

We've been all alone Stuck in our little zone

Since 1987

Join us, be our friend or just be stuck and defend

after all you only got

Five Nights at Freddy's Is this where you want to be

I just don't get it Why do you want to stay

Five Nights at Freddy's Is this where you want to be

I just don't get it Why do you want to stay

Five Nights at Freddy's

Five Nights at Freddy's

Five Nights at Freddy's Is this where you want to be

I just don't get it Why do you want to stay

Five Nights at Freddy's Is this where you want to be

I just don't get it Why do you want to stay

Five Nights at Freddy's

For more infomation >> Five Nights at Freddy's Song (FNAF World SFM 4K)(TIFWhitney Remix) - Duration: 4:03.


【MUKBANG】 Jiggly Chicken Breast!! Yukhoe Style Rice Bowl!! [4.8Kg] 8500kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Jiggly Chicken Breast!! Yukhoe Style Rice Bowl!! [4.8Kg] 8500kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:28.


Arsenal news: Unai Emery should not be under pressure, will succeed - Lawrenson - Duration: 3:21.

 That's the view of pundit Mark Lawrenson, who is predicting the Gunners to get their first win of the season against West Ham today (3pm)

 Emery took over at the Emirates following the departure of Arsene Wenger after 22 years in charge of Arsenal

 His Premier League start wasn't the easiest with champions Manchester City beating the north London side 2-0 before a 3-2 defeat to Chelsealast weekend

 Emery has already come under fire for his tactics, with the Spaniard preferring his team to play out from the back

 At times, it has put Arsenal under pressure through sloppy passes and poor touches

 But Lawrenson believes Emery should be given time to see his tactics bear fruit and insists he can succeed

 "I am almost thinking that for this season - as new manager Unai Emery gets his feet under the table and imposes his style - Arsenal should not put pressure on themselves to finish in the top four," Lawrenson wrote in his BBC predictions column

 "They need to develop and, after more than 20 years with the same manager, it is always going to be difficult

 "They are trying to play out a little more from the back and all it needs is for one player not to be comfortable doing so for it to be a problem

 "If Emery wants to play that way he will have to suffer one or two defeats along the way, but I think ultimately he will get there, partly because he will get the personnel in who can fit that style

" Arsenal stars Granit Xhaka and Mesut Ozil have both felt the force of Emery already having been substituted during the opening games

 Their opening two defeats represent the Gunners' worst ever start to a campaign since the Premier League began in 1992

 And Ian Wright, who played for the club in Wenger's first two of 22 seasons in north London, praised Emery's different way of thinking

 "I think the other day rightly at half-time, which you may not have seen under Arsene Wenger, he [Xhaka] got taken off," Wright said

 "He's frightening me at the moment if it [the ball] goes to him because his confident seems shot

 "What was good and encouraging was that he made those substitutions, big substitutions for me

 "Xhaka would have stayed on under Wenger and so would Ozil. "And what that's said now in that dressing is that no one's going to be safe

'If you don't do what we need you to do, you're coming off'. And I was pleased to see that


For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Unai Emery should not be under pressure, will succeed - Lawrenson - Duration: 3:21.


4 Questions Every Introverts Who Feel Drained Should Ask Themselves - Duration: 9:22.

4 Questions Every Introverts Who Feel Drained Should Ask Themselves

Society today concentrates a lot on time management.

How can you cram 10 hours of work into an 8 hour workday?

How can you maximize your morning routine and squeeze in that one extra activity?

How do you correctly balance a social life, a personal life, a work life, and a family

life every single day of the week?

Sometimes, you just can't.

In this video, I'm going to show you 4 questions every introverts who are feeling drained should

ask themselves.

Before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't miss

any interesting update in the future guys.

Managing your own personal energy levels while juggling various tasks and obligations is

just as important as managing your time.

As any introvert will tell you, just because you can fit one more thing into your week

doesn't mean you should.

If I spend several nights in a row forcing myself to interact with people, the resulting

fatigue will then begin to affect other areas of my life.

I'll often find it impossible to concentrate at work or complete even a simple social obligation

(like returning a phone call from a family member) until I have time to be completely

alone and recharge.

This fatigue isn't always about how much sleep I've been getting, although being

sleep deprived definitely doesn't help.

This drain is a mental and emotional fatigue that won't go away until I've had a day,

or perhaps even several days, to be alone with my thoughts and process my feelings.

This is what many introverts refer to as "recharging their batteries."

Everyone is different in the amount of alone time they need to recharge and how much social

energy they can spend before needing that alone time.

If you are finding your energy level stretched thin, It will be helpful to ask these few

simple questions.


How many times a week do I need to socialize?

If you're feeling really exhausted by life right now, or if you are a hardcore introvert

who is at a point in your life where you find socializing unnecessary (and there's no

shame in that!), you might be tempted to answer this questions with a big fat zero.

However, most of us, even if we identify as introverts, do need at least a little social

interaction from time to time.

If you spend an entire weekend by yourself, do you feel lonely?

Does the work week get boring if you spend five days in a row engrossed in your own routine

and not interacting with others?

Maybe you do like to socialize, but only during the daylight hours, so you can spend quiet

evenings at home?

Personally, I find having at least one free day a week entirely to myself to be very important

to my mental health, and I work these days into my schedule as seriously as I would any

other social obligation.

However, you may find that you need more than one of these days, or that you prefer shorter

bursts of solitude throughout the week.

Figure out what works for you based on your schedule and your own personal energy levels.


What counts as socializing?

Are you happy just getting out of the house and being around other people, even if you

are doing so alone?

One of my favorite pastimes is going to the movies.

It's two hours where I don't have to talk or face any distractions.

If I can take a companion with me, that's great.

However, even if I'm just going by myself, I still count this as a fun evening out.

Likewise, many introverts enjoy spending time hanging out in coffee shops, museums, or local

parks, where they get to people watch and interact with the world but still have mental

space for their own quiet thoughts.

Or, maybe you do like a more energetic atmosphere like a bar or concert, but you prefer to attend

only with a close friend or significant other rather than with a large group.

I find the latter to be very true for myself, as I like new experiences and new places,

but I don't want to feel overwhelmed by also meeting new people while experiencing


If I am meeting a new person or joining a large group, I like to do so in a controlled

and familiar environment, like in the home of a friend or at a favorite restaurant where

I already know the wait staff and exactly what I like to order.

Eliminating some of the environmental unknowns allows me to concentrate more of my mental

energy on the people around me and to feel like my introvert battery is depleting less



Am I eliminating unnecessary social distractions during my alone time?

Between texting, social media, and the constant threat of someone calling you on your phone

at any given moment, it's now possible to feel socially drained without even leaving

your house.

As long as you aren't expecting any important news, don't be afraid to put your phone

on silent.

Even though I have an office job where I could potentially take personal calls or messages

during the day, I choose not to.

I find even a five minute chat or an unexpected text message has the potential to pull me

away from my present thoughts and distract me for hours, destroying my productivity for

the entire day and leaving my brain fried from trying to concentrate on multiple things.

When I'm at home, I've also been known to leave my phone on silent.

And if I'm in the middle of a task, even a non-urgent one like grocery shopping or

exercising at the gym, I usually wait to respond to messages until I have a quiet moment.

I am definitely not the person who you will find talking on my phone while walking down

the sidewalk or texting while standing in line to get coffee.

There's no shame in making the person on the other end wait until you can give them

your full attention.

Sometimes, you have to let your phone's battery die if you are going to allow your

introvert battery to recharge.


Am I socializing for the sake of socializing, or am I making life memorable?

Most introverts aren't interested in just surface-level human interaction.

I'm not interested in getting drinks just for the sake of getting drinks.

I am however, interested in hearing all about your day and telling you the intimate thoughts

and details of my life.

I'm not interested in listening to a band I don't like or never heard of just because

the only other alternative is going home and curling up with a book (honestly, the latter

sounds much more appealing).

However, I am interested in making memories, both by myself and with the people I love.

I recently took a pottery class.

I had no expectation that I would be particularly good at pottery, and I was a little hesitant

at the thought of carving a two-hour chunk of time out of my Monday nights for weeks

on end, especially with a crowded room of people I didn't know.

But it was something I wanted to explore — just for the experience — and I'm glad that

I did.

I was typically very tired and ready to immediately go to bed when I got home at the end of the

night, but I have six weeks' worth of memories of attempting a new skill, and I feel it was

worth the energy spent.

I found that my quality of life improved when I concentrated less on socializing and more

on trying new things and accomplishing new goals.

How am I going to get out and enjoy life this month or season?

What new things have I tried in the last year?

Is it more important that I concentrate on mental health, physical health, or spiritual

health right now, rather than being social?

When the last question is true, there's no shame in taking a break and putting your

social life on hold for a while.

Not only will you give your introvert battery time to recharge, but taking the time to balance

how you exert your energy in the long-term will hopefully lead to a more meaningful life

in the present.

Well, that's the four questions every introverts who are feeling drained should ask themselves.

Really cool information isn't it.

Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch more amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 4 Questions Every Introverts Who Feel Drained Should Ask Themselves - Duration: 9:22.


TRAINING WITH QUENTIN - ex on the beach DOUBLE DUTCH - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> TRAINING WITH QUENTIN - ex on the beach DOUBLE DUTCH - Duration: 7:17.


Ann The Alien: The Gaming Master - Duration: 5:02.

Let's ignore the background, and focus on this!

For more infomation >> Ann The Alien: The Gaming Master - Duration: 5:02.



hi guys I'm Nikki welcome to my channel and we have another stationary hole I

bet you guys didn't see that one coming more BAM here it is I'm joined here with

Lottie my favorite little puppy she's a good girl and I've got a lot of cool

things that I'm going to show you so that further do let's just jump right

into it I'm gonna begin on a pretty high note and show you this pack of depressed

pencils this is my favorite thing in the whole entire hole these were $4.99 from

water stones and I believe it's just as sharp and blunt at the back and there

are six pencils with different depressing catchphrases on them such as

I'm easily broken you're just going to write me off you were me down and in

time I'll be pointless this is truly iconic I use humor as my defense

mechanism so you just got to laugh it off let's just be real I absolutely love

these they're ridiculous the funny they are pretty expensive for a pack of

pencils but to be honest I just couldn't leave them they know they would be gone

by the time I come back so I decided to pick up a pack and honestly I really do

love them anyway moving on I'm just gonna show you some other notebooks I

got and you know this year I've really gone downtown with notebooks but to be

honest I do do a lot of writing and use them up so quickly I can go through too

many per year first of all is this one and this is kind of a squishy cork board

style notebook and this is from wilcos well Coase has the best stationery all

year round every single year and they have so many different themes that you

can choose from you can find whatever you're looking for like just depending

on what you like I decided to get this one and this is 4 pounds there are 80

sheets inside and it basically just has this plain green inside with all of

these plain lined pages I really like the cover because so unusual it of

course feels like a cork but then really

squishy and unusual and it also has a lot of this blue Emery gold which I

think it's very pretty nothing much else I can say but then I

also decided to pick up this little notebook Alice is wonderful I absolutely

love the whole theme I adore plants I would like to hold

plants in the future I had to get it it says nuts in gold the pages are

generally quite wide ruled and then also have a little place for you to write the

date this was one pound fifty and it's just paperback quite simplistic but very

essential next I just had to pick these up it's not too interesting but I picked

up these three squared paper pads and all a four I absolutely love these I

take my notes on them if you've seen my how I take notes video they'll know

exactly how I do that and I'm also planning on remaking that

video once I settle into college so you can see my updated version soon and yeah

I do write all of my notes on square paper I find it much easier to keep

things neat and organized also regulates my handwriting and I used to get them

from my local post office but these were one pound each and that is practically

half the price of what they sell them as in the post office and that was a

cheapest place I could get them from so I decided to pick up three pads because

I'd go through them like nobody's business and now for the reason that I

actually went shopping I decided to get this cook board and this was three

pounds exactly what I was looking for it is relatively small but just the right

size for me in my opinion it is 30 by 40 centimeters and just perfectly essential

I love to pin pictures and also loads of notes anything I need to refer to on

hear anything motivational I absolutely love that the best thing though it has a

little thing here like some string in these hooks so you can attach it to your

wall and also things like this so you can put nail and your wall and naturally

hang it on there so it's nice and safe there's nothing much else I can say

about this but it's perfectly essential and I'm planning on redecorating my room

at the end of August beginning of September very very soon from the time

I'm filming this so this was something that I was really looking for and

searching all over the place for and I'm wanting to incorporate into my study

desk area I was asked do a desk tour but I don't have my desk

yet and of course I haven't started redecorating so once I do that and I

order my desk and then it comes and then I've sorted everything out made it look

pretty then I'll film something for you guys

linking to that I have things to go of my cork board and I also have these

things called memo walls from wilcos as well and they're like these rectangular

grids and you just nail them to your wall and then you can clip little notes

and stuff on that I have one of those and I decided that I needed to get some

of these things such as little pins and these Bulldog clips I also do love to

revise by making note pages and flashcards and sometimes when the

subject or the topic is really really big

I make so many and I can't fit them I can't let clip them with my NOLA Bulldog

clips which are quite small so I thought since these are very big that'll do me a

very nicely this was two pounds and in here they have loads of these big

Bulldog clips a ton of pencil cork boards and a lot of large paper clips

really necessary stationery supplies for school especially in my little study

desk area additionally I decided to get these binder clips this pack was one

pound fifty and they include these two massive clips here now I've seen a lot

of people use these in different ways I really wanted something like this for

example when I'm making a bullet journal spread

I would like to clip the pages down so that the pages don't open up you know

when you do that thing we're trying to write and then that pages when you need

to copy some notes from a revision guide like I do when I'm taking notes and then

you just go clip the revision go change stuff that's the main reason why I got

them but also they're very useful for just containing loads of notes in one

place and making sure they're all safely together perfect this is like all very

gold themed I see golden green and usually I go for more copper stuff I

really really love these shiny metallic things I decided to get these wooden

pegs for my memo wall as well and there's a simple little pegs like this

quite small but again as I said I like pinning things my mole like pictures

just in general notes I think that'll be very fun and the one-pound 50 and inside

there 15 now this is another part of the reason why I went into Wilkos Hugo

stationary shopping it was because I needed some

washi tape it was my friend's birthday and I decided to make them a gift it was

like a memory book so I needed to take those things like cinema tickets and

photos to the book and I thought I should get some washi tape so it looks

all pretty and nice I looked everywhere and no one had any washi tape apart from

wilcos and they had them in these lovely six tape rolls so first of all we have

this dark green with a metallic leaf on it then we have this simplistic gold

metallic washi tape we have this white and dark navy blue checkered tape and

then this other tape that says your only limit is you this half and a half green

and pink tape and then this one with llamas which I feel is very ironic and

my channel name it's like it's perfect it's meant to be this pack was 2 pounds

50 and to be honest they're perfect they're absolutely great I love the

variety loads of different sizes and it really did the job what I was needing it

to do nothing much else I can say but I really love washi tape and I'm thinking

of maybe incorporating into some of my bullet journal spreads in the future

speaking of tape I did get this little tape dispenser from H&M I was eyeing it

up for a really really long time they always have the unicorn and the bunny

every time I go in there so when I saw that they reduced them from what was it

four pounds in 99 to two pounds I thought this is my perfect opportunity

I'm just gonna take it out so the Box doesn't shine back at a camera so you

can actually see it so here it is it is this cute little unicorn tape dispenser

it is this glittery pink with this holographic pink tape inside it only

comes with one roll however you can just put a pot in half then you can take out

the tape and then replace it with some more and that's where I got this

sellotape I made sure that these on hand refills would fit the unicorn and they

do so these two rolls occur member how much they room for the life of me I

can't remember how much these were I don't know why the receipt is but as

always everything is listed and linked in the description below so you guys can

check everything out and if I forget any prices that will be there for you I'm

not massively into unicorns they did have a bunny and it was purple and

glittery and especially of me dyeing my hair

that's kind of faded now but I was just thinking I'd really like the bunny but

it was bit top-heavy so if you would take the tape out then it would just

fall over and didn't really work so I decided I should get the Unicorn instead

and I don't know I might paint it black I think that would be cool just my black

little unicorn on my desk it's very cute and I need tape and that was it for my

stationery haul fairly quick I'm quite surprised at how quick this video was

but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed it comment down below what your favorite

stationery item from this video was I look very forward to hearing from you

guys if you enjoyed the video do give it a huge thumbs up if you don't like it

give it a thumbs down I don't mind I love your feedback subscribe to me if

you want to see more from my channel and also hit that Bell to receive

notifications too when I post a new video B in the notification squad when

the video comes out I respond to all of the comments and I read everyone I

honestly love reading your comments but anyway that's it from me I hope you have

a lovely day and good luck with the back-to-school season so I'll see you

next time bye bye

For more infomation >> BACK TO SCHOOL STATIONERY HAUL - Duration: 9:54.


8 Reasons You Should Eat Pumpkin Seeds - Duration: 7:09.

8 Reasons You Should Eat Pumpkin Seeds

Are you one of those people who throws out pumpkin seeds when you're cooking a recipe with pumpkin? Think again next time.

These distinctive-tasting seeds come with many nutrients that are great for your body.

Let's take a look at some of the biggest reasons you should eat pumpkin seeds :.

1,They treat arthritis.

These great seeds reduce inflammation caused by arthritis and help protect your bones.

And as opposed to medication, pumpkin seeds don't have any side effects.

The older the seeds are, the more beneficial they are for your health.

2,They protect your prostate.

Pumpkin seeds help keep this vital organ healthy.

Thanks to their oils, they play an important role in controlling prostate inflammation (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

Pumpkin seed oil in particular can have almost miraculous effects.

The high zinc content of the seeds is responsible for such remarkable results.

3,They help you sleep better.

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of tryptophan, which eventually gets converted into melatonin, the famous sleep hormone.

Having these seeds before bed, along with a light carbohydrate like a small piece of fruit, will help you sleep better.

4,They're an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids.

These seeds are one of the best plant-based sources of omega 3's out there, which are very important for your health.

However, even if you're trying to take in more omega 3 fatty acids, remember to be careful how many pumpkins seeds you're eating.

The ideal is no more than 20 grams a day.

5,They improve your immune system.

Thanks to their high zinc content, pumpkin seeds are considered one of the most useful seeds for your body.

A large part of the world population is deficient in zinc because the mineral has been disappearing from highly farmed fields.

This deficiency is harmful for your immune system, causing growth delays and hair loss.

Therefore it's a good idea to eat pumpkin seeds once in awhile.

6,Pumpkins seeds are amazing for post-menopausal women.

This seed's oil is a natural phytoestrogen that can help manage symptoms of post-menopause such as:.

Low blood pressure. Hot flashes.

Headaches. Joint pain.

Thus, they're very highly recommended for older women.

7,They help control diabetes.

Just like walnuts and other similar nuts and seeds, the carbohydrates in pumpkin seeds are complex.

That means that they keep your blood glucose levels stable while also making you feel full and satisfied.

Pumpkin seeds help fight stress, which is both harmful and common in our modern, busy lives.

Before going to bed, we recommend sitting down to relax, getting yourself a serving of pumpkin seeds, and enjoying them along with a few almonds.

8,They're a cardiovascular stimulant.

One of the unique organic compounds in pumpkin seeds are phytosterols.

They prevent blood clotting, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

In addition, the high levels of copper in these seeds increase your body's red blood cell count and improve the transportation of oxygen in your blood vessels.

How to eat pumpkin seeds.

The best way to eat pumpkin seeds is raw, because they lose some nutrients through cooking.

Some like to eat them crunchy and straight from the oven while others like to eat them with sauces.

If you're looking for a unique, tasty recipe, try this:.

Take a good amount of pumpkin seeds, preferably white and without any marks, and be sure to get all pumpkin off of them.

Boil for 2 minutes on high heat.

Put in the oven with plenty of sweet and sour or teriyaki sauce.

In this recipe, the seeds will absorb the sauce and taste great.

They'll end up red or black and you can serve them at get-togethers with a little ham, melon, and olives, for example.

It's a snack that's easy on the stomach, helps your digestion, and is easy to make.

There aren't many cons when it comes to pumpkin seeds, but the main one is their high fat content.

If you don't watch your portions, they can cause problems in your diet.

Just be careful about how much you're eating since they're so delicious you might get addicted!.

For more infomation >> 8 Reasons You Should Eat Pumpkin Seeds - Duration: 7:09.


决裂!周立波举报鄢军曾是周永康马仔,出逃前用关系删除网上信息 - Duration: 18:22.

For more infomation >> 决裂!周立波举报鄢军曾是周永康马仔,出逃前用关系删除网上信息 - Duration: 18:22.


A Vigilante Pact To Kill The Town Bully - Ken McElroy Documentary - Duration: 9:51.

Skidmore is a small and modest town in Missouri, situated approximately 80 miles northwest

of Kansas City. Consisting of around 440 residents and a number of small family-run businesses,

the farming town revolved around work ethic.

This was something that the "town bully," Ken Rex McElroy, staunchly rebelled against.

McElroy was never a popular man. Weighing in at approximately 270 pounds with bushy

black sideburns, McElroy held the entire town of Skidmore under his thumb. Always armed

with a gun, McElroy took whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and nobody dared asked


Born in 1934, he was the 15th out of 16 children born to poor sharecroppers, Tony and Mabel

McElroy. Illiterate due to quitting school after just the fifth grade, trouble seemed

to follow McElroy wherever he went. When McElroy was a young boy, he fell from a hay wagon

on his family farm and as a result, a steel plate was implanted into his head. Many questions

if this was the catalyst that caused him to become the abominable character that he eventually

morphed into.

His criminal career started off with petty crimes such as stealing livestock but this

soon escalated, predominately in violence. Over the years, McElroy, who was a raging

alcoholic and notorious womanizer, was married multiple times. He fathered a total of fifteen

children with a hoard of different women, many of them were just teenagers.

Not one to care about the law (or quite clearly morals), he met his youngest and last wife,

Trena, in 1971 when she was just 12-years-old. She fell pregnant just two years later. Unsurprisingly,

McElroy mistreated Trena, who eventually attempted to escape his evil clutches by fleeing to

her parents' house with their newborn son. McElroy refused to let her get away that easily;

he followed Trena to her parents' house and once there, he shot their dog and set

their house on fire before bringing Trena back home where he physically abused her for

her apparent misconduct.

Trena revealed the arson and abuse to a local doctor who in turn called a social welfare

agency and put her into a foster home. Facing molestation charges due to Trena's young

age when he began a sexual relationship with her, McElroy discovered that if he were to

marry Trena then she would be exempt from testifying. He knew all too well that Trena's

testimony against him was very damning. McElroy was granted permission to marry Trena by her

panic-stricken parents after he threatened that if they didn't grant permission, he

would burn their new home to the ground. They reluctantly complied and the unlikely

couple was married. Throughout McElroy's tempestuous life, he

had been indicted on a range of crimes including chlld molestation, r@pe, attempted murdær,

and burglary. However, the citizens of Skidmore were so petrified of his brutality and the

revenge that he could potentially exact on them that everybody refused to testify against

him. The whole town knew how violent and unpredictable he was. His lawyer, Richard McFadin, would

later say that he defended McElroy in at least three or four felonies per year.

It almost seemed as though he was exempt from the law… at least until that fateful day

when his reign of terror came to an abrupt halt when vigilante justice took over. McElroy's

ultimate downfall commenced in 1980 when one of his children – a daughter he had with

Trena – was caught stealing a candy bar from a local grocery store. This grocery store

was owned by 70-year-old Bo Bowenkamp and his elderly wife, Lois Bowenkamp. The Kansas

City Star reported that Lois called the theft a "misunderstanding" and tried to make

peace with the McElroy family.

However, with McElroy being the hot-headed aggressor that he was, he refused to let it

slide and unleashed a barrage of terror on the elderly couple.

First of all, McElroy offered the elderly Lois cash to engage in a fist fight with his

much younger and stronger wife before turning to the intimidation tactics that he knew so

well. McElroy took to sitting outside the Bowenkamp residence in his truck and every

so often, shooting his gun into the air as a warning sign.

"Oh, he was intimidating," Lois Bowenkamp said. "You can't know how awful it was.

My neighbor and I took turns sleeping at night."

The stalking and harassment of the Bowenkamp family took a tragic turn for the worse on

a pleasant summer's night in July of 1980. Bo Bowenkamp was standing outside on the loading

dock of his grocery store awaiting an air-conditioning repairman. McElroy drove up to the store,

produced his shotgun, and shot the elderly man in the neck.

Miraculously, Bo survived his wounds but this senseless attempted murdær was the straw

that broke the camel's back. This time, the small town of Skidmore would not forgive

or forget this mindless attack on a defenseless and well-adored man.

McElroy was soon convicted of the attack. However, he was released on bail awaiting

appeal, much to the shock of the entire community. Within hours, McElroy was ready to exact his

revenge on Bo Bowenkamp and the witnesses that testified against him. The town rallied

together and wrote a number of letters to the Missouri authorities, the governor, attorney

general, and state legislators, expressing that they were living in fear of McElroy and

wanted to finally see some justice but alas, their pleas were ignored.

An exasperated McElroy was soon seen in D&G Tavern, his local haunt, brandishing an M-1

rifle with a bayonet attached to the muzzle. This, of course, violated the terms of his

bail. Richard McFadin, McElroy's lawyer, somehow managed to postpone his appeal hearing

not once but twice, much to the townsfolks dismay.

On the prickly-hot afternoon of 10 July 1981, the town gathered at Legion Hall to contemplate

what to do about McElroy after the second postponement.

The whole town was at the end of their tether with the barrage of intimidation and harassment

that had been inflicted on them. They were also extremely wary as to what McElroy could

be planning against them as revenge.

Simultaneously, McElroy and Trena were sitting the D&G Tavern having a couple of beers and

getting rowdy completely oblivious to the uprising of the town. It's not exactly known

what was being discussed in Legion Hall – some think they were discussing how to keep witnesses

safe while others think they were planning the demise of McElroy. Whatever took place

inside that hall, when the meeting ended, the townsfolk made their way to the D & G

Tavern where they encountered McElroy and Trena climbing into his Chevy Silverado.

McElroy was armed with his beloved rifle and a six-pack of beer.

Moments later, shots rang out and the town intimidator sat dead in his car, his bloody

body riddled with bullets with his wife screaming in the front passenger seat. Ironically, he

had been killed with the same sort of violence that he had revealed in over the years.

At least 40 people witnessed McElroy being shot and every single one refused to confess

who had fired the fateful shots.

Nobody saw a thing.

Not one person called an ambulance as McElroy lay bleeding to death, surrounded by the wide-eyes

of the town he had once held in fear. As Postmaster Jim Hartman said: "I can't

think of anyone who'd seen it feel any different than you would about the people who invented

penicillin. Nobody tried to hang them for finding a way to kill a germ."

When police eventually arrived, they discovered shell casings from both a .22-caliber Magnum

and an 8mm Mauser. An investigation uncovered that McElroy had been shot by two separate

people. One who had been positioned behind the truck while the other was positioned a

half block in front of the truck. Regardless of the abundance of witnesses to the murdær

which took place in broad daylight, nobody was ever charged and the jury concluded that

McElroy was killed by a "person or persons unknown."

Trena claimed she knew who one of the shooters was but with nobody to corroborate her claims,

he couldn't be indicted. The town has kept its silence ever since:

they feel as though they owe nothing to a man who vandalized and terrorized them for

decades. It is a true tale of comeuppance that could have easily been avoided if the

law and court had cracked down on McElroy when necessary. "I know why they didn't

talk – they were all glad he was dead. That town got away with murdær," his attorney

would later say.

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