Thursday, September 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 21 2018

>> Explore Curtin runs the food truck program,

we also try to make spaces that are comfortable.

Where people can like study, or chill, or do a bit of reading,

like behind me is the book nook.

But yeah, we just try to make the campus as

comfortable as possible for everybody.

>> A hundred percent it makes uni life better for me.

I do theatre so I'm here every day regardless of whether

or not I have a class, usually for some rehearsal or a show or something.

So then being able to go, oh I'm here at 8 a.m. in the morning

for rehearsal, and then I don't have a class till 4 means I have stuff to do.

>> With Explore Curtin we do try to get as many different like, cultures

and abilities and we try to provide something for everybody.

>> Instead of just focusing on studying all the time,

it's good to do events like this that just sort of like stress relief and that.

>> Basically we're celebrating the

21st anniversary of the first Harry Potter book.

>> Just all Harry Potter lovers here

joining and doing activities together.

>> We're celebrating by making wands,

getting our first acceptance letters.

>> We've got wand making over here with like hot glue and stuff.

Yeah badge making, we've got like all the different logos

for the house crests and stuff, so you can make whatever house you want.

>> A bunch of us from the Harry Potter Society are gonna play Quidditch.

We've got cake, you know a recreation of the cake from Hagrid to Harry.

>> They're very accommodating to you know

be at home with people of like-minded things.

>> I mean I, I love it because I'm a huge nerd,

I've been a part of the Harry Potter Society for a while,

and so it's really nice to see other parts of the university

coming together to help celebrate something that we love,

and we've been you know celebrating in our own way.

>> Yeah that is what Explore Curtin is about, is to make fun for students.

But it's also for our outside community and our staff as well.

So we're trying to make the campus open and enjoyable

for anybody that might be on campus at the time.

For more infomation >> Bringing the Bentley Campus to Life | Explore Curtin - Duration: 2:01.


Mi Marido tiene más Familia | Robert descubre que su abuelo Canuto no está muerto - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Mi Marido tiene más Familia | Robert descubre que su abuelo Canuto no está muerto - Duration: 1:27.


Entrevista #EnPOPados con MATUTE (Parte 1) "Matute En Concierto Desde La Arena Ciudad de México" - Duration: 16:40.

For more infomation >> Entrevista #EnPOPados con MATUTE (Parte 1) "Matute En Concierto Desde La Arena Ciudad de México" - Duration: 16:40.


Laeticia Hallyday, menacée par Sylvie Vartan (photo) - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, menacée par Sylvie Vartan (photo) - Duration: 1:40.


Entrevista #EnPOPados con MATUTE (Parte 2) "Matute En Concierto Desde La Arena Ciudad de México" - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Entrevista #EnPOPados con MATUTE (Parte 2) "Matute En Concierto Desde La Arena Ciudad de México" - Duration: 8:09.


Comateux, Renaud ne peut plus parler - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Comateux, Renaud ne peut plus parler - Duration: 1:35.


Après son clash avec Hapsatou Sy, Eric Zemmour ne s'excuse pas et se pose en victime - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Après son clash avec Hapsatou Sy, Eric Zemmour ne s'excuse pas et se pose en victime - Duration: 1:48.


Laeticia Hallyday veut se faire enterrer avec Johnny à Saint-Barth - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday veut se faire enterrer avec Johnny à Saint-Barth - Duration: 1:41.


US & Iraqi Guard Tower Fun! - Duration: 8:11.

Do you know any good songs?

* chicken clucking sounds *

* laughter *

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Alright, I'm here in Iraq with my friend here.

And we're gonna videotape stuff outside.

We're stuck in this little tower here.

It's probably about 30 feet up in the air here.

He's got his....uh...Kalashnikov.

and I've got my M4.

We're ready for Ali Baba if he comes by.

Somebody's coming up the ladder right now, so...

Somebody's coming up the ladder right now.

Yeah, somebody's coming up the ladder.

That is... down...

* in Arabic *


in Arabic "Hello habibi (friend!)"

Hello, habibi!

Come up here! C'mon!

Do you want me to hold that?


in Arabic "Hello sedeeqi (friend)"

We were hoping you could sing.


"How are you?"

Good! How are you?

What are you doing?

"You good?"

Yeah, I'm good!

We were just recording some stuff.

Can you sing?



Last time I ate a falafel I had to take a shit.




"...……. and the friends."

"me and friend..."

" go...going, you go..."

" my friend......falafel.""

Yeah, remember, cause I was...

We had to go to Tarmiyah.

Cause I was up in the tower and you said you were going to go get some falafel...


sergeant came up (and said)


so I took off, and you brought all the food up but I wasn't there to eat it with you.


Tell ya what, if you get falafels...

Ten falafels?!

How much?


"My friend."



How much for the falafels?

How much money?

"Ah, how much money?"


"One dollar? Two falafel?"

* in Arabic *

"Five dollar. Five dollar."

$5 for 10 falafels?



For dinner....tonight.


There goes a Stryker.

Hey! Can you sing a song?

* in Arabic *

Sing a song.

"My friend..."


You're leaving?


Alright. You gonna sing?

Sing a song before you leave.

We got more Iraqis coming up? Iraqi Army?

Iraqi Army coming?

"My friend, Zayd...Zayd, my friend."

He sings?


* in Arabic *

Oh man, this guy's got everything on!

Who's that?


Hey, you're on video.

* in Arabic *



* laughter *

Could you tell him to sing a song for the camera?

"me back here."

You're coming back?


OK, see ya later.

* in Arabic *

Ok, if I put this camera down, people are gonna be singing all day long.

And I know YOU sing. I've heard you sing.

* in Arabic *

I don't trust this ladder....ever!

I've never trusted it. It always feels like it's gonna break when I get on it.

* in Arabic *

Hey you!

Hey you.

Who's that guy?

* in Arabic *


Sing a song.

♫ Ha, la,... hamburger... ♫


* in Arabic *

Sing a song!

♫ singing in Arabic ♫

* in Arabic *

OK, yes....

Later on we will have dinner.

Ok, take it easy, ok?


We'll see each other later. We'll have dinner.


We'll have some falafels...



"no money."

No money for falafels?

"No money...…...ME...… (pay for) falafel."

You sure?



I'll bring some Gatorades.

* in Arabic *


* in Arabic *


* in Arabic *


Hey! salam alaikum

* in Arabic *

shonak? zien? (How am I? Good.)

* in Arabic *

Shaku Maku (what's up)

"Shaku Maku!"




Oh, it's recording. Here. Recording.

* in Arabic *

"Your video."

Yeah, my video.

He wants it probably, doesn't he?

Oh, he wants to WATCH the video

Alright, that concludes the Iraqi Army interview.

He sang the song and this is my good buddy right here.

See you later.

* in Arabic! *

You wanna watch it, I know!

I'm just saying goodbye. I'm making film...

* in Arabic *



* laughter *

* in Arabic *

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

For more infomation >> US & Iraqi Guard Tower Fun! - Duration: 8:11.


Laetitia Casta, une complicité surprenante avec Lily-Rose Depp (photo) - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Laetitia Casta, une complicité surprenante avec Lily-Rose Depp (photo) - Duration: 1:43.


Theological knowledge Deism Open Theism Monotheism Henotheism Polytheism Duotheism - Duration: 5:18.

Theological knowledge

more about theism, deism, open theism,

monotheism, henotheism,

polytheism, duotheism.

What really they mean?

Lilibeth: There is a lot of theism. Wow!

Yes, Lilibeth. Usually, the people think only about the Christian monotheism.

But there are a lot of kinds of beliefs.

Theism derives from the Ancient Greek word

Theos (Θεός) which means "god".

Theism is the philosophical concept that defends the existence of gods,

that is, superior divine entities that would have been responsible

for the creation of the Universe and all the things that exist in it.

Peter: Could you talk about deism?

Yes, Peter.

Deism Deism like theism, it is believed in the existence

of a single god, creator of everything,

but an impersonal god who does not intervene in the world.

According to the British Encyclopedia

"The Deists who presented purely rationalist proofs for the existence of God,

usually variations on the argument from the design or order of the universe,

were able to derive support from the vision of the lawful physical world

that Sir Isaac Newton had delineated.

Indeed, in the 18th century, there was a tendency to convert Newton into a matter-of-fact Deist

a transmutation that was contrary to the spirit of both his philosophical and his theological writings."

"God is in the shadows or beyond,

and, though people may still in some way centre their lives upon him,

this calls for no radical adjustment at the human or finite level."

It means a distant god.

Lilibeth: Another day I heard about open theism? But I don't know what it means.

Lilibeth Open Theism.

It is a religious practice where some of God's

main characteristics are removed: omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience.

This is also known as "the theology of openness",

"openness of God." and "free will theism"

Inside of open theism, the deity (God) cannot know of the future.

In this way, it causes God to continually change his mind about his actions,

according to the unfolding of events.

To justify open theism, its advocates use

passages from the Holy Scriptures to show how surprised God is in some situations,

as well as changing his mind and acquiring knowledge from experience

Genesis 6:6

The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth,

and his heart was filled with pain.

Jonah 3:10

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways,

He had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction He had threatened.


mono plus theism - belief in a unique god

Examples of this are Jewish, Islamic and Christian monotheism.

It is possible to remember about Christian monotheism that believes in one omnipotent,

omnipresent and omniscient God who subsists in three persons of the Trinity

(Father, Son and Holy Spirit) as one God.

There are disagreements among Christians who do not accept this trinitarianism,

who believe only in the Father as God

as the Jehovah's Witness.

Lilibeth: Could you talk more about trinitarianism?

Yes, Lilibeth in another video.

Polytheism: poly plus theism

belief in various gods

In many ancient cultures, their gods had human characteristics (anthropomorphism),

or the gods had hybrid forms of objects of nature, animals and humans.

The polytheists do not possess some concepts like a sense of purpose,

salvation and eternal life, typically of the monotheists.

Henotheism: ἕν plus theism

belief one supreme god and in several gods

Equivalent terms to this idea are "inclusive monotheism" it permits include other gods

and yet "monarchical polytheism", or one supreme god.

One example of this the ancient Greeks,

who had Zeus as the supreme god and other deities beneath him.

Duotheism: duo plus theism

belief in two supreme gods, and several gods.

One example is the Wicca.

The theological basis of Wicca is in the celebration

and interaction with two deities:

the female Goddess and the male God.

Peter: Thank you for the class.

Never mind.

Remember, it's time to break paradigms and prejudices!

"Be bold and carry on".

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I am waiting for you.

Remember, it's time to break paradigms and prejudices!

"Be bold and carry on".

See you soon! Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Theological knowledge Deism Open Theism Monotheism Henotheism Polytheism Duotheism - Duration: 5:18.


Laeticia Hallyday a tout prévu pour son enterrement auprès de Johnny - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday a tout prévu pour son enterrement auprès de Johnny - Duration: 1:39.


Shadow of the Tomb Raider Kukulkan Walkthrough Part 19 - Let's Play Gameplay PS4 Tomb Raider 2018 - Duration: 33:21.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Kukulkan Walkthrough Part 19 - Let's Play Gameplay PS4 Tomb Raider 2018

For more infomation >> Shadow of the Tomb Raider Kukulkan Walkthrough Part 19 - Let's Play Gameplay PS4 Tomb Raider 2018 - Duration: 33:21.





How to Start Bonsai from Nursery Plant | Creating Bonsai from Nursery Stock |//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:03.

welcome to my channel

today i'm going to make a mame bonsai

it's a Chinese banyan tree and i bought it from nursery shop

it's a small size plant and in this stage, good choice for making a bonsai

now i'm going to make it as a bonsai

first we need small size bonsai pots ,bonsai tools, small soil stones and bonsai soil


slightly press down to loosen the soil and take out the plant from its pot


removing the old soil using a thin stick or bonsai root rake tool

when removing the soil do not damage the main root system keep doing very patiently

do not remove the all soil and do not use water to remove the soil because root ball is needed to make a bonsai


root pruning

cut side roots and any roots that have grown too long


do not cut the main root and avoid damaging roots in the process

just cut small and long roots and side roots if you cut or damage the main root system the tree will die soon

do not remove more than 50% of all roots


re potting them into the new bonsai pots


add the bottom layer of stones this will help the good drainage

and then

add the bonsai soil


place and set the tree in center of the pot and fill the remaining pot space with soil completely

after adding the bonsai soil

remove and fill the air pockets using a stick or chopstick


add the moss and some stones on top of the soil

this will help to keep the moisture

after making the bonsai

trees live in small pots and their world dries out much quicker than plants in the ground

so close attention should be paid to watering

pour water once a week thoroughly and deeply

check and water your bonsai every two or three days

use organic liquid fertilizer and fertilize every three weeks during the growing season and once a month in the winter

keep the bonsai in bright indirect light places or direct morning sunlight is preferable and direct afternoon sun can sometimes burn the leaves

to grow indoors, close to a sunny window, or outdoors year round in warmer climates

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Start Bonsai from Nursery Plant | Creating Bonsai from Nursery Stock |//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:03.


Big News Pakistan vs India Asia Cup 2018 Match Was Fixed ? | Branded Shehzad - Duration: 2:04.

Big News Pakistan vs India Asia Cup 2018 Match Was Fixed ?

Big News Pakistan vs India Asia Cup 2018 Match Was Fixed ?

Big News Pakistan vs India Asia Cup 2018 Match Was Fixed ?

For more infomation >> Big News Pakistan vs India Asia Cup 2018 Match Was Fixed ? | Branded Shehzad - Duration: 2:04.


Novo tipo de rocha luminescente foi descoberta nas margens do Michigan - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Novo tipo de rocha luminescente foi descoberta nas margens do Michigan - Duration: 3:14.


Homemade TOMATO Powder & Face Mask For Whitening,Glowing,Brighter & Clear Skin/Skin Whitening Powder - Duration: 5:20.


For more infomation >> Homemade TOMATO Powder & Face Mask For Whitening,Glowing,Brighter & Clear Skin/Skin Whitening Powder - Duration: 5:20.


US & Iraqi Guard Tower Fun! - Duration: 8:11.

Do you know any good songs?

* chicken clucking sounds *

* laughter *

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Alright, I'm here in Iraq with my friend here.

And we're gonna videotape stuff outside.

We're stuck in this little tower here.

It's probably about 30 feet up in the air here.

He's got his....uh...Kalashnikov.

and I've got my M4.

We're ready for Ali Baba if he comes by.

Somebody's coming up the ladder right now, so...

Somebody's coming up the ladder right now.

Yeah, somebody's coming up the ladder.

That is... down...

* in Arabic *


in Arabic "Hello habibi (friend!)"

Hello, habibi!

Come up here! C'mon!

Do you want me to hold that?


in Arabic "Hello sedeeqi (friend)"

We were hoping you could sing.


"How are you?"

Good! How are you?

What are you doing?

"You good?"

Yeah, I'm good!

We were just recording some stuff.

Can you sing?



Last time I ate a falafel I had to take a shit.




"...……. and the friends."

"me and friend..."

" go...going, you go..."

" my friend......falafel.""

Yeah, remember, cause I was...

We had to go to Tarmiyah.

Cause I was up in the tower and you said you were going to go get some falafel...


sergeant came up (and said)


so I took off, and you brought all the food up but I wasn't there to eat it with you.


Tell ya what, if you get falafels...

Ten falafels?!

How much?


"My friend."



How much for the falafels?

How much money?

"Ah, how much money?"


"One dollar? Two falafel?"

* in Arabic *

"Five dollar. Five dollar."

$5 for 10 falafels?



For dinner....tonight.


There goes a Stryker.

Hey! Can you sing a song?

* in Arabic *

Sing a song.

"My friend..."


You're leaving?


Alright. You gonna sing?

Sing a song before you leave.

We got more Iraqis coming up? Iraqi Army?

Iraqi Army coming?

"My friend, Zayd...Zayd, my friend."

He sings?


* in Arabic *

Oh man, this guy's got everything on!

Who's that?


Hey, you're on video.

* in Arabic *



* laughter *

Could you tell him to sing a song for the camera?

"me back here."

You're coming back?


OK, see ya later.

* in Arabic *

Ok, if I put this camera down, people are gonna be singing all day long.

And I know YOU sing. I've heard you sing.

* in Arabic *

I don't trust this ladder....ever!

I've never trusted it. It always feels like it's gonna break when I get on it.

* in Arabic *

Hey you!

Hey you.

Who's that guy?

* in Arabic *


Sing a song.

♫ Ha, la,... hamburger... ♫


* in Arabic *

Sing a song!

♫ singing in Arabic ♫

* in Arabic *

OK, yes....

Later on we will have dinner.

Ok, take it easy, ok?


We'll see each other later. We'll have dinner.


We'll have some falafels...



"no money."

No money for falafels?

"No money...…...ME...… (pay for) falafel."

You sure?



I'll bring some Gatorades.

* in Arabic *


* in Arabic *


* in Arabic *


Hey! salam alaikum

* in Arabic *

shonak? zien? (How am I? Good.)

* in Arabic *

Shaku Maku (what's up)

"Shaku Maku!"




Oh, it's recording. Here. Recording.

* in Arabic *

"Your video."

Yeah, my video.

He wants it probably, doesn't he?

Oh, he wants to WATCH the video

Alright, that concludes the Iraqi Army interview.

He sang the song and this is my good buddy right here.

See you later.

* in Arabic! *

You wanna watch it, I know!

I'm just saying goodbye. I'm making film...

* in Arabic *



* laughter *

* in Arabic *

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

For more infomation >> US & Iraqi Guard Tower Fun! - Duration: 8:11.


Unboxing something cool! | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Unboxing something cool! | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:49.


MYTH OR FACT 5 Hoax That Have Been Thought of as Facts Part 1 - Duration: 6:34.

hello meet again with OmLamis

Some may be true some might just be lies

We do not know for certain the truth of a myth

unless we do research or experience it ourselves

Often parents tell lies to their children

so that the child does not do things deemed deviant

Some lies are often considered a fact by some people because of lack of knowledge

Therefore we should not believe something

without knowing the background that is not yet clear

Here are 5 lies that people think are facts "

OmLamis still has 5 other facts

subscribe so as not to miss info

Alcohol can warm the body?

Alcohol can warm the body?

Some people believe that alcoholic drinks like beer, vodka

wine and whiskey can warm our bodies when cold

Many people believe because they often see

people in areas with cold temperatures often drink alcoholic beverages

They believe that drinking alcoholic beverages

can make body temperature rise so we feel warm

But the fact is that alcohol can reduce your body temperature

so that it will actually cool your body

In a cold place

alcohol taken can cause people to not know

If the body has hypothermia and can reduce water levels in the body

Instead of drinking alcohol to cool the body

we better drink ginger drinks

Besides being cheaper it is also healthier

We have 5 senses?

We have 5 senses?

This is probably the thing that we most often consider the truth

because this is close to fact

That humans have five senses

each of which is the sense of taste, vision

touch, smell and hearing

But do we really have five senses?

The fact is that researchers believe that we have more than five senses

Chameleons change color to camouflage?

Chameleons change color to camouflage?

Chameleons are indeed very unique animals

It can change color so that it looks more attractive

Chameleons change color anytime anywhere

to match the color of the skin to be the same as nature

But is it true that chameleons change the color of their skin

to equate with natural colors?

This is not entirely wrong

but the fact is that chameleons change the color of their skin

as a sign or a sign of its mood


and to show his territory and attract the opposite sex

The point is that chameleons change the color of their skin to communicate with each other

Lightning doesn't grab the same place twice?

Lightning doesn't grab the same place twice?

Many people say that they are under a tree during a rainstorm

can harm This is true because of trees

can carry electric current as well as the human body

But many people also say that

lightning will not strike the same place twice

Is it true?

The fact is that lightning can strike the same place many times

Lots of skyscrapers like 'Empire State Building'

struck by lightning several times each year

Thomas Alfa Edison found a light bulb?

Thomas Alfa Edison found a light bulb?

Thomas Alfa Edison is a highly respected inventor

He did a lot of experiments

and almost every attempt always fails

Thanks to his diligence and hard work he successfully completed the experiment

and managed to find a light bulb

However, is Thomas Edison really the inventor of the light bulb?

The fact is that incandescent lights existed before Thomas Alfa Edison existed

In fact he created filaments

which causes the light in the incandescent light to become brighter or more effective

That was the fifth lie that people think is a fact

OmLamis still has 5 other facts of lies

wait for the second part of the video

Don't forget to subscribe to get video updates

For more infomation >> MYTH OR FACT 5 Hoax That Have Been Thought of as Facts Part 1 - Duration: 6:34.


Mod Skin Liên Quân Mobile || Karixi Full icon + Hiệu Ứng Chính Thức Tiệc Bãi Biển - Duration: 3:58.


For more infomation >> Mod Skin Liên Quân Mobile || Karixi Full icon + Hiệu Ứng Chính Thức Tiệc Bãi Biển - Duration: 3:58.


Trùm Ma Túy - Tập 12 || Phim Hình Sự Việt Nam 2018 - Duration: 45:27.

For more infomation >> Trùm Ma Túy - Tập 12 || Phim Hình Sự Việt Nam 2018 - Duration: 45:27.


Shadow of the Tomb Raider Kukulkan Walkthrough Part 19 - Let's Play Gameplay PS4 Tomb Raider 2018 - Duration: 33:21.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Kukulkan Walkthrough Part 19 - Let's Play Gameplay PS4 Tomb Raider 2018

For more infomation >> Shadow of the Tomb Raider Kukulkan Walkthrough Part 19 - Let's Play Gameplay PS4 Tomb Raider 2018 - Duration: 33:21.


Игра для детей Разноцветные прищепки. - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Игра для детей Разноцветные прищепки. - Duration: 4:20.


Обучение детей. Знакомство. - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Обучение детей. Знакомство. - Duration: 0:43.


Conway to Cuomo in fiery debate: I'll walk away - Duration: 20:53.

For more infomation >> Conway to Cuomo in fiery debate: I'll walk away - Duration: 20:53.


I Miss Toys R Us So Much That I Had A Dream About It - Duration: 5:26.

I miss Toys R Us so much that I had a dream of me driving there myself.

For more infomation >> I Miss Toys R Us So Much That I Had A Dream About It - Duration: 5:26.


what i eat in a day as a college stud./미국 자취 대학생의 하루 식단 // ALICEKIM - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> what i eat in a day as a college stud./미국 자취 대학생의 하루 식단 // ALICEKIM - Duration: 10:03.


Bakit X Napaka Misteryoso Mo + Fast Talk with John |Mia Sandoval - Duration: 12:35.

John: It's raining quick!Raining!

Mia: Is it raining? No it's not raining

John: It's trying!

This is what we do. We work as a team

And this is what gold diggers make me do the washing.

Come on princes! Look at them little socks

Mia: Pink little socks

Oh's raining come on!

Come on!

John:I'm dashing, you slow

John:Look at this snuggles..See it says snuggles me

Good...! Aw why it so white? There you go. Good afternoon it's trying to rain but it's alright.

I cannot complain it's raining because what we have is less compare to Philippines. I hope everyone is alright.

So while John is driving we will ask a few questions mga palangga(my loves)

And I know you are familiar with this and it's called fast talk

John: Fast talk?What is that (murmuring)

We will ask John. Ok. So I prepared some few questions

John is not playing

John is playing I know. Right John!

Yes Miss Mia. Miss Megan

Just few questions, I don't know how many question are there

John: How hot do I think Megan Young is?Really hot

John: How..there is car coming

How hot do I think Miss Mia is compared to Megan?

No comparison Miss Mia is the hottest

If you say so.

Oh yeah... not just your beauty it's what's within and the fun you are. The happy-go-lucky. You know the non gold digger bit.. all this. It's ool!

The thing is..I mean you know you cannot rely on someone

It doesn't mean that you married a foreigner you got the money

No you don't have the money you still have to work(John-of course yo do!)

You must, you must know that that it's not easy money

This is why I tell you you have to work hard save hard and prepare for your future after my departure from this land.


But that's not I'm going anywhere cuz I'm not.

For our baby in the future

So you just need to choose so the fast talk is very popular in the Philippines(John-Is it?)

Yes yeah...

I don't know!

Come on ask a question!

because originally this question is originally made for sis Mary Ann

Alright, okay! What is the sexiest part of my body/of me?

John: Sexiest part of your??

Of me! Of my body...

Well...I don't actually look at you like that as sexy part

But what do you think?

I just see you over all those as just a nice human being. I don't have you as a sex object so I can't answer so that, sorry.

Right, time to have sex?

When you both hot.

But when?

Whenever you...


Well yeah any time when ever one ready ramping to go

But my favourite time is afternoon

They know now. John- yes they know now.

And also tight or loose?

Tight or loose? yeah

John:In what respect?

I don't know John I don't know what you thinking.



Tight or loose? Jonh- I think that's a bad question

No need for vulgarity

No! It depends on how you see it? What are you thinking? Don't be dirty minded

What's your preference?

John: Tight!

Right okay tight then

But when I say tight I mean tight in financial don't give money away.

Lights on or lights off?

John: oh definitely on! (Mia-Why?)

You need to see what playing with

What is you insecurity?Do you have?

John: None, I don't have any

Russia or Philippines?

John: Philippines..

It's warmer!

what is this?

What is the sexiest part of your body?

John: Mine?I can't answer that you're the one who has to answer that not me

Mia:His eyes

John: My eyes! Yeah. What are them, is it go to bed eyes?

Chocolate or sex?

John: oh definitely sex

why not chocolate?

John:Well you could have chocolate and sex together if you wanted. Could be fun.

And I think that's it really. (John-is it?)


Yeah thank you Sir John

John:Your welcome!

Thank you for the guesting

John:You could give me more questions

Yeah I know but this is not finished so probably later on we

will add more questions yeah I'll try to do that but as of now we are going to post office


pos opis!LOL

This is what he made me do! Go out in the rain

But all you have to do is dash

John: Just check your mirror no walk dashing down. Okay.

I could smack him/herhim and knock them down

That's what she does to me all the time smack me and come on you devil

This is what he made me do go out in the rain. Oh see how hard the rain is

Just a few little drops, this is nothing

Come on dash about! See that's it.

She won't melt I can assure you that one. Oh car decided to start, put the hand break on, that's it

She's she's backalready see? See. Are you really wet and melting?

I am melting

I thought so really looks like it

Yeah I am melting like a salt

Honey because it's raining, what we gonna do?

You can do watch TV


And another additional question does size matter?

John:Does size matter..I don't know you the one to answer that

No!What you thinking! Just say yes or no!

Does size matter?

Depends on the individuals. Everyone preferences

But what do you think? What's your opinion?



X! I am getting mad at you!

You are so mysterious

Why x you always let me struggle?

It's not funny anymore!

LOL! Mathematics problem!

There are problems that I am familiar with and there are problems that I am not familiar

Im chewing my teeth because of you X I can't solve wha't your problem

Im giving up! bye!

It's so hard

Im trying to review mathematics because I am planning to study again but I don't when cuz I can't afford at the moment as going to school here is expensive

So I am just revisioning trying to refresh my mind so I've reviewed math, english and Biology so that what I am doing. Busy doing things.

My head is aching because of math. I hate math.

I will now do shoutouts

(Starts at 10:05 til the end there will be no subtitle)

For more infomation >> Bakit X Napaka Misteryoso Mo + Fast Talk with John |Mia Sandoval - Duration: 12:35.


Chrome Painting with a Sagola Mini Xtreme Spray Gun - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Chrome Painting with a Sagola Mini Xtreme Spray Gun - Duration: 5:09.


Ikona techniką transferu - złocenia - Duration: 5:21.

Hi, I'm Dorota Freitag from

Today I have for you an icon in transfer technique.

This an ordinary old plank.

It needs to be primed. This plank is "working" dependent of humidity.

The classical decoupage paper on this plank would "work" with it. So it can happen that the paper will "shrink".

The classical paper is too small for me. So I made a bigger copy.

My print has lettering. It is no mirror print - so I have to make my transfer on the right side.

I am using Power Print of Powertex.

I cover the print with one layer of medium. Than it has to be dry.

The next layer will be across the first one.

I am using a sponge brush, because transfer medium damages normal brushes.

I am covering the whole surface three times with Power Print. When you have more experience you can use two layers.

I am cutting the print.

Now I am putting the print on the foil cover. The pattern to the bottom.

Now I am rubbing the wet paper carefully.

After first layer has been rubbed you will see a white coating. It means you have to continue rubbing.

You have to rub as long as you see the paper rests.

My glue is also Power Print. Place the motive on your plank and remove the air with roller, brush, hands.

Now I am painting the frame. I used the same color as on the motive.

I am using some gilding. At first the glue.

I am using a sponge to show you that not only brush can be used and you can make a nice gold structure.

The glue is ready when it is transparent. Place the gilding and rub a little bit.

Now I am using a little bit of gold wax to blend it.

After gold wax I used some dark wax to make shadows.

It was too clear and bright for me.

After it is dry I finish my work with clear wax.

You can read more about this project on my blog. You can find the link below.

Please leave some comments if you liked it and share the project.

See you next time, thank you for your attention!

For more infomation >> Ikona techniką transferu - złocenia - Duration: 5:21.


重大錯誤10國聯軍遭遇伏擊,美製裝備損失大半,高級軍官死亡 - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 重大錯誤10國聯軍遭遇伏擊,美製裝備損失大半,高級軍官死亡 - Duration: 5:59.


Honda CR-V 2.0i VTEC COMFORT - NAVIGATIE - TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0i VTEC COMFORT - NAVIGATIE - TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:55.


Adını Sen Koy Episode 63 English Subtitles - Duration: 55:34.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy Episode 63 English Subtitles - Duration: 55:34.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Panoramadak/6-Versnellingen/ECC/Boordcomputer/Trekhaak/LMV - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Panoramadak/6-Versnellingen/ECC/Boordcomputer/Trekhaak/LMV - Duration: 1:03.


절친 장윤정 축가 '오수민 보다 신랑이 더 좋아해 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> 절친 장윤정 축가 '오수민 보다 신랑이 더 좋아해 - Duration: 2:27.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today I got to clean up this kitchen.

Of course there are dishes everywhere and that needs to get done.

I kind of let them stack up a little bit.

So we will get this kitchen all cleaned up today.

I hope this inspires you to get your stuff done.

Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

Let's clean up the kitchen today.

Alright guys the kitchen is clean once again until we cook dinner.


So I hope this inspired to get your kitchen cleaned up.

Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.

And I will see you next time.



Homemade TOMATO Powder & Face Mask For Whitening,Glowing,Brighter & Clear Skin/Skin Whitening Powder - Duration: 5:20.


For more infomation >> Homemade TOMATO Powder & Face Mask For Whitening,Glowing,Brighter & Clear Skin/Skin Whitening Powder - Duration: 5:20.


TENTARE O LASCIARE? (Sub. ENG 🇬🇧) - Duration: 2:52.

Try or leave?

Good morning!

Today I will not draw a ticket because I have an idea

I speak to you in confidence

This morning I was watching old videos I made,

Vlog when my kids were little

I realized those Vlog

I lived them, I recorded them,

I did the editing, so...I should remember them

well.. I remember them, very good, but

details escaped me, so I stopped to look at them.

I think that it's magical to relive moments

watching memories, photos, video and other...

Maybe it's cause I have this passion, ok...

And this bring me to the other day, when our family's friend

gave us an Hard Disk containing important data for him

and that HD was out of service.

My husband told him: listen,

it is possible that, by replacing some components from another new HD,

we can recover the old data

So our friend bought a new Hard Disk.

What happens now? There is a risk

There is a risk that replacing the old HD components, it will not work anyway

and we also lose the new HD.

What would you do?

Would you waste 50/60 € of an HD to try to save data,

or do you forget the data and keep the new HD intact?

As I think..

temptation does not harm, whoever does not risk does not shed

I would try to save the data,

'cause the memories are more important.

there are those who could say: "those data do not interest me, I tend to wear the new HD"

but if in that HD there are photos of your little kids, or

your best travel...

it could contain something really important

Would you take the risk?

Someone else could say: "Yes, but..

moments are already lived, are passed

I keep them in my mind, and patience;

I'll keep the new HD intact".

These are points of view, nothing right or wrong.

They are choices, the classic crossroads of which I always speak to you

Decisions to take.

I really wanna know what do you think about this:

leave me a comment here below.

For more infomation >> TENTARE O LASCIARE? (Sub. ENG 🇬🇧) - Duration: 2:52.


Rainer sucht eine deutsche Stadt aus - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim Lesson #2 - Duration: 6:06.

In today's video, Rainer decides in which city in Germany he wants to live.

This is the first step in his journey to his life in Germany.

You can get a more in depth look into the topic covered in this video and other topics in the German language

by taking lessons on Lingoda the Online Language School.

I have been partnering with them for quite a while now

and I can say with confidence that they will help you reach your language learning goals.

Click the link in the description and get started learning German with Lingoda today.

Over on Patreon you can get a copy of the script in German and English,

an MP3 podcast version of the video, and a worksheet for every video in this series.

There is a link in the description for that.

Don't forget every video has German and English subtitles.

Click CC if you are on a computer and then the settings button to choose your language.

If you are on a mobile device click the three dots in the upper right corner and then subtitles.

From there you can also choose which language you want in your subtitles.

If you are new here, consider subscribing so you never miss a video.

Rainer Chooses a German City - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim #2


There are so many beautiful cities and places in Germany.

There are mountains and forests. Castles and festivals.

How can I choose a city?

In the north there is the North Sea and the Baltic Sea,

but in the south there are the Alps.

The Black Forest in the southwest is very beautiful,

but it often snows a lot there and in Berlin there are too many hipsters.


I think I should first think about

why I want to live in Germany

in order to find the best residence.

If I have my goals in mind,

the decision will become easier.

I would like to speak German fluently.

In Swabia they speak Swabian.

That is the area between Stuttgart and Augsburg.

I don't understand these people.

In Bavaria they speak Bavarian

and in Saxony they speak Saxon.

I can't understand any of these dialects.

I don't want to live in any of these places,

because I would like to learn High German.

If I learn a few words or phrases from a dialect, it wouldn't be too bad either.

In order to avoid most of the dialects, I should probably live somewhere in North Germany.

In Hannover they speak the purest German.

At least that's what my German teacher said.

What is there to do in Hannover?

I will ask Google.

"Ok, Google, what is there to do in Hannover?"

Google: Sights to see in Hannover include: Herrenhausen Gardens, New Town Hall, Maschsee and more.


Let's see what else there is.

The Top 10 Sights to See in Hannover 2018 (with photos).

Number 1 - Eilenriede…

that's a forest.

The best sight to see in Hannover is a forest?

Number 2 - Berggarten…

that is a garden.

Beautiful, but not really "something to do".

Number 3 - New Town Hall.

That looks cool, but I don't know how many times I can visit it without becoming bored.

Number 4 - Herrenhausen Gardens…

Oh my God! Another garden!

I am not living in Hannover.

Hamburg has the best nightlife in Germany,

but I think the everyday life is better in Munich.

Unfortunately, I can't live in Munich, because I can't understand any Bavarian.

I could live in a smaller place,

but I might not be able to find work there.

In smaller places there is also not much to do

or many options for public transportation.

That is not so good for me, as I don't want to have to buy a car or drive.


I was in Berlin once.

There is a lot to do there.

The nightlife is cool and during the day there are also a lot of possibilities.

Almost every weekend there is a concert somewhere in the city.

There are more than 170 museums and galleries.

I could visit two or three of them each week

and still not visit them all in a year.

They speak Berliner there,

but this dialect isn't too difficult to understand.

There are four universities,

four art colleges

and seven senior technical colleges.

I can surely learn something at one of these schools.

It is decided.

I will look for a place to live in Berlin,

but not in this video.

In my next video I will look for an apartment,

but next week Herr Antrim will explain some conjunctions to you.

In case you want to learn German in private or group lessons,

you should click the Lingoda link in the description.

They have fantastic teachers

who will help you reach your German-speaking goals.

Don't forget to subscribe to see every video and to like this video.

If you would like a copy of this video script and others in German and English

and also a worksheet for it, you can find that on my Patreon page.

Until next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Rainer sucht eine deutsche Stadt aus - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim Lesson #2 - Duration: 6:06.


俄軍偵察機剛被擊落,戰鬥機又凌空爆炸,美:這不過是開始 - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 俄軍偵察機剛被擊落,戰鬥機又凌空爆炸,美:這不過是開始 - Duration: 4:47.


Exhortation in Fijian language by worship leader at Nadi Church - Duration: 2:11.

nos vemos

For more infomation >> Exhortation in Fijian language by worship leader at Nadi Church - Duration: 2:11.


Ghosthunter - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 5:36.

The lines between truth and

representation of character and

storytelling aspects were constantly

wrestled throughout the film.

So my name is Ben Lawrence

I'm the director of the documentary Ghosthunter

and the film deals with adult survivors

of childhood trauma.

It also deals with the paranormal and

spiritual investigators out there within

our community and it's all seen through

one character. It's an investigation to

really uncover what happened during his childhood.

This is one of the cameras I use to take photos.

K2 Meter, when you want to communicate to the spirits.

'It made a noise'. Anywhere that people

think that might be haunted me and Tim

will go and check it out. The first ghost I

ever saw was my brother's.

He was killed in a car accident.

I never knew I had a brother until I was 18.

The role of a filmmaker in

documentaries can often be seen as

a journalistic role and I was always very

clear that I wanted to be a storyteller

and not a journalist. I knew that it

would be a challenging material to watch

so I wanted at the forefront [for it] to be a

really rich story, so we took from the

mystery genre, we took aspects from the

thriller genre and we framed the story

within that structure and within those

techniques and that gave the audience an

opportunity to experience something they

might not otherwise engage with.

So in making Ghosthunter I used a variety of

styles. The two predominant ones were a

very cinematic locked-off wide shot of

the main character at work as a security

guard, so they allowed the audience I

guess to create some intrigue, a lot of

tension. There was a lot of screen time

in one single camera set up, which was

great for a documentary that had to move

pretty quickly. And then the other style

was observational documentary, which is

really the time that I'd spent with

Jason by myself, which was about five

years. So that was just me doing camera

and sound on an a7 and we would go ghost

hunting, I would go and spend time at his house

and I guess they were the more

emotional parts of the film, they were

the times when Jason was responding in

real time to events

as they unfolded. So those two styles

then, when put together, I think it

creates a journey that seems

unpredictable but also I guess cinematic

and intriguing. When you're filming and

something is unfolding it's quite an

amazing experience in that you've spent

years or months or weeks leading up to

that moment, where you're capturing

something that's either being scheduled

or is happening in front of you that you

may have anticipated and from a

filmmaking point of view, particularly in

my situation where it was just me with

a camera and you're doing sound and

picture and you're trying to keep all those

technical aspects going seamlessly while

you're still present with the person

because they're going through something

either emotional or challenging.

I can only equate it to playing an

instrument when you're trying to put all

your training into a moment, keep the

technical things going while remaining

present for another person. The way in

which that I tried to keep up with the

story was just trying to record

everything so every time something would

happen we'd record either a pre or

post interview. We try and film as much

as we could. I was recording telephone

conversations all along the way, trying

to document everything. That just put me

in the best possible position to then

have as many choices in the edit. And

that was partly due to just the best

procedure for me but also the

unpredictability of the story. I didn't

know where it was gonna go.

And what do you remember about coming in here?

Mum and Dad cooking in here, running the restaurant.

And yeah, wasn't allowed up here much.

I was, I was never allowed to go anywhere.

Just come in, get and go back out.

They said you can't go upstairs you can't do nothing.

So the decision for me to be actually on

camera came very late in the process.

It was during the edit because the story

was still unfolding and what was

happening in the background was

I was getting a lot of telephone calls about

Jason and other elements of the story

from people who were unwilling or unable

or uncomfortable with appearing on

camera themselves so to reflect that

information it became a practical

storytelling aspect that I step in and

become part of the film. So when that

decision was made, we really needed to sew

in my journey through the film. It was

part respecting the subjects and the

characters within the film, their journey

and what they were disclosing because it

was stories and secrets they'd kept in

themselves for over twenty, thirty years.

So do you remember when we first met?

It was 2010.

That person you presented to me, who was that?

A fake person because I was just, I was trying

to fight myself. I wanted to be that Jason.

My hope is that audiences firstly go and see it

and that they see it for a great story and as the

best documentaries can be, that nothing

is what it seems and that was certainly

my experience of making the film, that

everything I imagined the film was going

to be, it was something else entirely.

For more infomation >> Ghosthunter - Behind The Scenes - Duration: 5:36.


Direct | konečně normální pojišťovna - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Direct | konečně normální pojišťovna - Duration: 0:31.


Prince Harry Gets Caught Sneaking Samosas at Meghan Markle's Cookbook Event - Duration: 3:42.

 Even the Royal Family loves a freebie!  On Thursday, while supporting his wife, Meghan Markle, at her charity cookbook launch, Prince Harry took a second to check out the appetizer table

 Apparently, the 34-year-old royal could not wait until the official photo session was over and decided to grab himself some tasty treats

 News cameras caught the Prince as he returned to the crowd with several treats in hand, hiding them behind his back

 Trying to ensure he got away with it, Prince Harry casually checked his surroundings and quickly did a double-take when he noticed the ITV cameras were focused on him and his "hidden" pastries

 Realizing that he had been caught, the royal did what any normal person who had just grabbed more than their fair share of samosas would do — flashed a guilty grin

 The event on Thursday marked the first Kensington Palace lunch for Markle, 37, after launching a special cookbook she helped create

The former Suits actress was accompanied by her husband and her mom, Doria Ragland (who flew in from L

A. earlier in the week), to celebrate the publication of Together: Our Community Cookbook

 Meghan wrote the foreword for the book, which features recipes from a group of women whose community was affected by the Grenfell Tower fire in which more than 70 people died

 Harry and Ragland proudly watched on as Markle welcomed guests and joined the women from the Hubb Community Kitchen to create a meal of coconut chicken curry, aubergine masala, and chapatis at the royal couple's palace home

 In a speech to guests, she said the project had been a "tremendous labor of love

"  "I had just recently moved to London and I felt so immediately embraced by the women of the kitchen," Markle said

"Your warmth and your kindness, and also to be in this city and see in this one small room how multicultural it was

"  "I felt, on a personal level, so proud to live in a city that can have so much diversity

That there are 12 countries represented in this one small room, is pretty outstanding," Markle said of the guests, who included women from the local community, the Al Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre and representatives from the book's publishers Ebury Press to enjoy the freshly-made feast

 Prince Harry showed off his doting husband skills earlier in the day by fixing his wife's hair when a gust of wind blew through the area

 While getting ready to pose for a group photo with the women of Hubb Community Kitchen, the Duchess of Sussex's hair blew straight up — but Prince Harry was quickly jumped to the rescue

 "Sorry!" Markle said, as Harry jokingly ran his hands over her head to pat her hair down

The royal couple then shared a laugh at the moment.  They later showed off some more PDA — something the royal couple is famous for — when Harry momentarily rested his chin on his wife's shoulder

For more infomation >> Prince Harry Gets Caught Sneaking Samosas at Meghan Markle's Cookbook Event - Duration: 3:42.


TENTARE O LASCIARE? (Sub. ENG 🇬🇧) - Duration: 2:52.

Try or leave?

Good morning!

Today I will not draw a ticket because I have an idea

I speak to you in confidence

This morning I was watching old videos I made,

Vlog when my kids were little

I realized those Vlog

I lived them, I recorded them,

I did the editing, so...I should remember them

well.. I remember them, very good, but

details escaped me, so I stopped to look at them.

I think that it's magical to relive moments

watching memories, photos, video and other...

Maybe it's cause I have this passion, ok...

And this bring me to the other day, when our family's friend

gave us an Hard Disk containing important data for him

and that HD was out of service.

My husband told him: listen,

it is possible that, by replacing some components from another new HD,

we can recover the old data

So our friend bought a new Hard Disk.

What happens now? There is a risk

There is a risk that replacing the old HD components, it will not work anyway

and we also lose the new HD.

What would you do?

Would you waste 50/60 € of an HD to try to save data,

or do you forget the data and keep the new HD intact?

As I think..

temptation does not harm, whoever does not risk does not shed

I would try to save the data,

'cause the memories are more important.

there are those who could say: "those data do not interest me, I tend to wear the new HD"

but if in that HD there are photos of your little kids, or

your best travel...

it could contain something really important

Would you take the risk?

Someone else could say: "Yes, but..

moments are already lived, are passed

I keep them in my mind, and patience;

I'll keep the new HD intact".

These are points of view, nothing right or wrong.

They are choices, the classic crossroads of which I always speak to you

Decisions to take.

I really wanna know what do you think about this:

leave me a comment here below.

For more infomation >> TENTARE O LASCIARE? (Sub. ENG 🇬🇧) - Duration: 2:52.


Tratamentos integrativos (alternativos) contra o câncer - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Tratamentos integrativos (alternativos) contra o câncer - Duration: 2:22.


Sedavan Xarope: Indicações, Como Usar e Efeitos Colaterais! - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Sedavan Xarope: Indicações, Como Usar e Efeitos Colaterais! - Duration: 11:16.


Novo tipo de rocha luminescente foi descoberta nas margens do Michigan - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Novo tipo de rocha luminescente foi descoberta nas margens do Michigan - Duration: 3:14.


Fernando Haddad também cresce na rejeição do eleitorado, segundo Datafolha - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Fernando Haddad também cresce na rejeição do eleitorado, segundo Datafolha - Duration: 4:37.


US & Iraqi Guard Tower Fun! - Duration: 8:11.

Do you know any good songs?

* chicken clucking sounds *

* laughter *

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Alright, I'm here in Iraq with my friend here.

And we're gonna videotape stuff outside.

We're stuck in this little tower here.

It's probably about 30 feet up in the air here.

He's got his....uh...Kalashnikov.

and I've got my M4.

We're ready for Ali Baba if he comes by.

Somebody's coming up the ladder right now, so...

Somebody's coming up the ladder right now.

Yeah, somebody's coming up the ladder.

That is... down...

* in Arabic *


in Arabic "Hello habibi (friend!)"

Hello, habibi!

Come up here! C'mon!

Do you want me to hold that?


in Arabic "Hello sedeeqi (friend)"

We were hoping you could sing.


"How are you?"

Good! How are you?

What are you doing?

"You good?"

Yeah, I'm good!

We were just recording some stuff.

Can you sing?



Last time I ate a falafel I had to take a shit.




"...……. and the friends."

"me and friend..."

" go...going, you go..."

" my friend......falafel.""

Yeah, remember, cause I was...

We had to go to Tarmiyah.

Cause I was up in the tower and you said you were going to go get some falafel...


sergeant came up (and said)


so I took off, and you brought all the food up but I wasn't there to eat it with you.


Tell ya what, if you get falafels...

Ten falafels?!

How much?


"My friend."



How much for the falafels?

How much money?

"Ah, how much money?"


"One dollar? Two falafel?"

* in Arabic *

"Five dollar. Five dollar."

$5 for 10 falafels?



For dinner....tonight.


There goes a Stryker.

Hey! Can you sing a song?

* in Arabic *

Sing a song.

"My friend..."


You're leaving?


Alright. You gonna sing?

Sing a song before you leave.

We got more Iraqis coming up? Iraqi Army?

Iraqi Army coming?

"My friend, Zayd...Zayd, my friend."

He sings?


* in Arabic *

Oh man, this guy's got everything on!

Who's that?


Hey, you're on video.

* in Arabic *



* laughter *

Could you tell him to sing a song for the camera?

"me back here."

You're coming back?


OK, see ya later.

* in Arabic *

Ok, if I put this camera down, people are gonna be singing all day long.

And I know YOU sing. I've heard you sing.

* in Arabic *

I don't trust this ladder....ever!

I've never trusted it. It always feels like it's gonna break when I get on it.

* in Arabic *

Hey you!

Hey you.

Who's that guy?

* in Arabic *


Sing a song.

♫ Ha, la,... hamburger... ♫


* in Arabic *

Sing a song!

♫ singing in Arabic ♫

* in Arabic *

OK, yes....

Later on we will have dinner.

Ok, take it easy, ok?


We'll see each other later. We'll have dinner.


We'll have some falafels...



"no money."

No money for falafels?

"No money...…...ME...… (pay for) falafel."

You sure?



I'll bring some Gatorades.

* in Arabic *


* in Arabic *


* in Arabic *


Hey! salam alaikum

* in Arabic *

shonak? zien? (How am I? Good.)

* in Arabic *

Shaku Maku (what's up)

"Shaku Maku!"




Oh, it's recording. Here. Recording.

* in Arabic *

"Your video."

Yeah, my video.

He wants it probably, doesn't he?

Oh, he wants to WATCH the video

Alright, that concludes the Iraqi Army interview.

He sang the song and this is my good buddy right here.

See you later.

* in Arabic! *

You wanna watch it, I know!

I'm just saying goodbye. I'm making film...

* in Arabic *



* laughter *

* in Arabic *

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

For more infomation >> US & Iraqi Guard Tower Fun! - Duration: 8:11.


Theological knowledge Deism Open Theism Monotheism Henotheism Polytheism Duotheism - Duration: 5:18.

Theological knowledge

more about theism, deism, open theism,

monotheism, henotheism,

polytheism, duotheism.

What really they mean?

Lilibeth: There is a lot of theism. Wow!

Yes, Lilibeth. Usually, the people think only about the Christian monotheism.

But there are a lot of kinds of beliefs.

Theism derives from the Ancient Greek word

Theos (Θεός) which means "god".

Theism is the philosophical concept that defends the existence of gods,

that is, superior divine entities that would have been responsible

for the creation of the Universe and all the things that exist in it.

Peter: Could you talk about deism?

Yes, Peter.

Deism Deism like theism, it is believed in the existence

of a single god, creator of everything,

but an impersonal god who does not intervene in the world.

According to the British Encyclopedia

"The Deists who presented purely rationalist proofs for the existence of God,

usually variations on the argument from the design or order of the universe,

were able to derive support from the vision of the lawful physical world

that Sir Isaac Newton had delineated.

Indeed, in the 18th century, there was a tendency to convert Newton into a matter-of-fact Deist

a transmutation that was contrary to the spirit of both his philosophical and his theological writings."

"God is in the shadows or beyond,

and, though people may still in some way centre their lives upon him,

this calls for no radical adjustment at the human or finite level."

It means a distant god.

Lilibeth: Another day I heard about open theism? But I don't know what it means.

Lilibeth Open Theism.

It is a religious practice where some of God's

main characteristics are removed: omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience.

This is also known as "the theology of openness",

"openness of God." and "free will theism"

Inside of open theism, the deity (God) cannot know of the future.

In this way, it causes God to continually change his mind about his actions,

according to the unfolding of events.

To justify open theism, its advocates use

passages from the Holy Scriptures to show how surprised God is in some situations,

as well as changing his mind and acquiring knowledge from experience

Genesis 6:6

The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth,

and his heart was filled with pain.

Jonah 3:10

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways,

He had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction He had threatened.


mono plus theism - belief in a unique god

Examples of this are Jewish, Islamic and Christian monotheism.

It is possible to remember about Christian monotheism that believes in one omnipotent,

omnipresent and omniscient God who subsists in three persons of the Trinity

(Father, Son and Holy Spirit) as one God.

There are disagreements among Christians who do not accept this trinitarianism,

who believe only in the Father as God

as the Jehovah's Witness.

Lilibeth: Could you talk more about trinitarianism?

Yes, Lilibeth in another video.

Polytheism: poly plus theism

belief in various gods

In many ancient cultures, their gods had human characteristics (anthropomorphism),

or the gods had hybrid forms of objects of nature, animals and humans.

The polytheists do not possess some concepts like a sense of purpose,

salvation and eternal life, typically of the monotheists.

Henotheism: ἕν plus theism

belief one supreme god and in several gods

Equivalent terms to this idea are "inclusive monotheism" it permits include other gods

and yet "monarchical polytheism", or one supreme god.

One example of this the ancient Greeks,

who had Zeus as the supreme god and other deities beneath him.

Duotheism: duo plus theism

belief in two supreme gods, and several gods.

One example is the Wicca.

The theological basis of Wicca is in the celebration

and interaction with two deities:

the female Goddess and the male God.

Peter: Thank you for the class.

Never mind.

Remember, it's time to break paradigms and prejudices!

"Be bold and carry on".

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I am waiting for you.

Remember, it's time to break paradigms and prejudices!

"Be bold and carry on".

See you soon! Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Theological knowledge Deism Open Theism Monotheism Henotheism Polytheism Duotheism - Duration: 5:18.


🌞 MORNING TALK #4 🌞 - Como É Que Eu Ganho Dinheiro E Não Saber Tirar Folgas - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> 🌞 MORNING TALK #4 🌞 - Como É Que Eu Ganho Dinheiro E Não Saber Tirar Folgas - Duration: 7:16.


Constitutional isomers of C4H10O | Alcohol & Ether - Dr K - Duration: 3:06.

The question is asking to draw out all constitutional isomers for C4H10O.

Since this chemical formula fits in the general formula of CnH2n+2O

that means C4H10O can be an alcohol which has an OH functional group.

It can also be an ether which has an oxygen sandwiched between two carbons.

We're gonna use a systematic way to draw the isomers that way we won't

accidentally leave out any structures. So let's start by drawing a four carbon

chain meaning four carbons connected straight in a row and we place OH on

the first carbon. That will give us our first structure. There's another place

where we can move the OH group which is on the second carbon. Now these are

the two four carbon chain alcohols. If we place a huge group on the third carbon

you'll be the same as the second structure that we have drawn. Also if we

were to move the OH all the way to the end on the fourth carbon it will be

actually the same as the first structure. So it looks like we have exhausted all

possibilities for the four carbon chain alcohol. In that case let's move on to

three carbon chain. Since we have four carbons total let's place the extra

carbon on carbon 2 like this. The reason we don't want to stick that

fourth carbon at the end is because then we will end up with four carbon chain

rather than three carbon chain. So okay now let's stick the OH group on the

first carbon like this. Keeping the same three carbon chain,

let's move the OH to the second carbon like that that give us another isomer.

Now if we were to move the OH to the third carbon it'll be the same as

placing OH on the first carbon. That means we are now done with a three

carbon chain alcohol since it's not possible to have a two carbon chain with

four carbons. Let's move on to drawing ethers. We'll do it the systematic way

as well. we will start with one carbon followed by oxygen and three remaining

carbons. That's one way of drawing ether keeping one carbon before oxygen let's

see if there's a different way we can draw the three carbons at the back.

In fact there is we can have two carbons and then we stick the extra carbon on

carbon one like that. Since there's no other way to drawing the three carbons

at the back let's just move on to placing two carbons before the oxygen so

we have two carbons oxygen and then two remaining carbons since there is no

other way of drawing the two carbons at the back that's all that we have here

are the structures after placing in the hydrogen's we have a total of six

isomers for C4H10O all where four of them are alcohols and two (I mean THREE) of them ethers.

I hope you find the video helpful. Do subscribe.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Constitutional isomers of C4H10O | Alcohol & Ether - Dr K - Duration: 3:06.


MYTH OR FACT 5 Hoax That Have Been Thought of as Facts Part 1 - Duration: 6:34.

hello meet again with OmLamis

Some may be true some might just be lies

We do not know for certain the truth of a myth

unless we do research or experience it ourselves

Often parents tell lies to their children

so that the child does not do things deemed deviant

Some lies are often considered a fact by some people because of lack of knowledge

Therefore we should not believe something

without knowing the background that is not yet clear

Here are 5 lies that people think are facts "

OmLamis still has 5 other facts

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Alcohol can warm the body?

Alcohol can warm the body?

Some people believe that alcoholic drinks like beer, vodka

wine and whiskey can warm our bodies when cold

Many people believe because they often see

people in areas with cold temperatures often drink alcoholic beverages

They believe that drinking alcoholic beverages

can make body temperature rise so we feel warm

But the fact is that alcohol can reduce your body temperature

so that it will actually cool your body

In a cold place

alcohol taken can cause people to not know

If the body has hypothermia and can reduce water levels in the body

Instead of drinking alcohol to cool the body

we better drink ginger drinks

Besides being cheaper it is also healthier

We have 5 senses?

We have 5 senses?

This is probably the thing that we most often consider the truth

because this is close to fact

That humans have five senses

each of which is the sense of taste, vision

touch, smell and hearing

But do we really have five senses?

The fact is that researchers believe that we have more than five senses

Chameleons change color to camouflage?

Chameleons change color to camouflage?

Chameleons are indeed very unique animals

It can change color so that it looks more attractive

Chameleons change color anytime anywhere

to match the color of the skin to be the same as nature

But is it true that chameleons change the color of their skin

to equate with natural colors?

This is not entirely wrong

but the fact is that chameleons change the color of their skin

as a sign or a sign of its mood


and to show his territory and attract the opposite sex

The point is that chameleons change the color of their skin to communicate with each other

Lightning doesn't grab the same place twice?

Lightning doesn't grab the same place twice?

Many people say that they are under a tree during a rainstorm

can harm This is true because of trees

can carry electric current as well as the human body

But many people also say that

lightning will not strike the same place twice

Is it true?

The fact is that lightning can strike the same place many times

Lots of skyscrapers like 'Empire State Building'

struck by lightning several times each year

Thomas Alfa Edison found a light bulb?

Thomas Alfa Edison found a light bulb?

Thomas Alfa Edison is a highly respected inventor

He did a lot of experiments

and almost every attempt always fails

Thanks to his diligence and hard work he successfully completed the experiment

and managed to find a light bulb

However, is Thomas Edison really the inventor of the light bulb?

The fact is that incandescent lights existed before Thomas Alfa Edison existed

In fact he created filaments

which causes the light in the incandescent light to become brighter or more effective

That was the fifth lie that people think is a fact

OmLamis still has 5 other facts of lies

wait for the second part of the video

Don't forget to subscribe to get video updates

For more infomation >> MYTH OR FACT 5 Hoax That Have Been Thought of as Facts Part 1 - Duration: 6:34.


Justiça Federal autoriza exame psiquiátrico em agressor de Bolsonaro - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Justiça Federal autoriza exame psiquiátrico em agressor de Bolsonaro - Duration: 3:43.


"Meu voto é secreto", diz Anitta após suposto apoio a Bolsonaro - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> "Meu voto é secreto", diz Anitta após suposto apoio a Bolsonaro - Duration: 2:57.


HPV: quem deve tomar a vacina pela nova regra do Ministério - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> HPV: quem deve tomar a vacina pela nova regra do Ministério - Duration: 4:09.


Como engordar de maneira saudável? - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Como engordar de maneira saudável? - Duration: 3:55.


Direct | konečně normální pojišťovna - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Direct | konečně normální pojišťovna - Duration: 0:31.


É possível (e seguro) engravidar após um câncer de mama - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> É possível (e seguro) engravidar após um câncer de mama - Duration: 4:25.


Unboxing something cool! | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Unboxing something cool! | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:49.


Диагностика деятельности: как найти себя и свое дело. Урок #5 Бесплатный видеокурс Трансформация 18+ - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Диагностика деятельности: как найти себя и свое дело. Урок #5 Бесплатный видеокурс Трансформация 18+ - Duration: 8:09.


Shadow of the Tomb Raider Kukulkan Walkthrough Part 19 - Let's Play Gameplay PS4 Tomb Raider 2018 - Duration: 33:21.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Kukulkan Walkthrough Part 19 - Let's Play Gameplay PS4 Tomb Raider 2018

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