Sunday, September 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Sep 2 2018

Hello our dear community! Welcome to this week's news digest. To wrap up the month of August,

we have released the final phase of our testnet which is the beta version and the codename is

Epik. In this release we focus mainly on

usability and tangibility of the testnet, giving you our community a chance to test out some of the features,

such as deploying and executing smart contracts as well as sending transactions using test tokens

via our IoTeX wallet. So make sure you test out these features,

we would love to hear your feedback in order to improve them even more and

all the detailed information can be found in the blog as well as in our demo video.

Also, this week we hosted a campaign on Twitter,

which was a partnerships campaign.

Giving you an opportunity to learn a little bit more about our partners as well as join a livestream with our co-founders.

Successful winners were able to receive a private link and watch the livestream as it happens.

This was our first ever livestream and if you would like us to do more of these sessions,

please like the video and leave the comment below. And following the livestream with co-founders, we also

hosted a tech AMA on our Reddit page, that was focused around the testnet Beta release. So that is it for this week.

Thank you again so much for all of your support

We would like to take some time to celebrate the Beta release and we're preparing exciting things for you this coming week. Stay tuned!

For more infomation >> IoTeX News EP6 - Duration: 1:36.


【仮想通貨都市伝説】ビットコイン創始者サトシ・ナカモトのBTC保有量判明!?全て売られたら大暴落!?取引所ビットメックス調査!仮想通貨市場天才の捜査開始!?未来人AI?最新情報!最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 【仮想通貨都市伝説】ビットコイン創始者サトシ・ナカモトのBTC保有量判明!?全て売られたら大暴落!?取引所ビットメックス調査!仮想通貨市場天才の捜査開始!?未来人AI?最新情報!最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:52.


Carrioner ogląda "Niesamowite Rzeczy" *ostra reakcja* (ARCHIWUM) - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Carrioner ogląda "Niesamowite Rzeczy" *ostra reakcja* (ARCHIWUM) - Duration: 3:58.


CORSICA LINEA - Méditerranée | Marseille departure for Tunis - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> CORSICA LINEA - Méditerranée | Marseille departure for Tunis - Duration: 3:45.


L'esercizio perfetto per avere addominali scolpiti in 20 giorni - Duration: 2:30.

Gli esercizi addominali ipopressivi sono il risultato delle ricerche del dottor Marcel Caufriez.

Questo dottore è giunto alla conclusione che, in determinate circostanze,

gli esercizi addominali tradizionali potrebbero causare problemi come incontinenza e disfunzione erettile.

L'obiettivo degli addominali ipopressivi è lo stesso degli esercizi tradizionali: ridurre il perimetro dell'addome, minimizzando i rischi segnalati in precedenza.

E' per questo che postura e respirazione giocano un ruolo fondamentale.

Di seguito le istruzioni su come eseguire gli esercizi addominali ipopressivi.

La prima indicazione su come gestire la respirazione negli addominali ipopressivi è molto importante per la realizzazione degli esercizi.

Una volta adottata la postura adeguata, bisogna espirare tutta l'aria presente nel corpo, mantenendo teso l'addome per circa 20 secondi.

Di seguito, bisogna ispirare tutta l'aria possibile, recuperando il nostro ritmo di respirazione e ripetendo.

Di seguito tutte le posture degli addominali ipopressivi. Ciascun esercizio deve durare fra i 5 e i 10 minuti.

Ci inginocchiamo su un tappeto, poggiando i palmi delle mani sul pavimento e mantenendo la schiena dritta.

E' molto importante, prima di eseguire l'esercizio, di assumere una posizione adeguata per evitare lesioni.

Un altro modo di realizzare gli addominali ipopressivi è una posizione simile a quella anteriore,

ma piuttosto che poggiare i palmi, bisogna poggiare gli avambracci.

Gli addominali ipopressivi possono essere realizzati inginocchiandoci e formando una L con il nostro corpo.

Bisogna allungare le braccia, tenendole parallele al pavimento.

Bisogna combinare la tensione degli addominali con la respirazione.

Possiamo realizzare gli addominali ipopressivi restando in piedi, con la schiena piegata in avanti e i palmi delle mani poggiati sulle ginocchia.

For more infomation >> L'esercizio perfetto per avere addominali scolpiti in 20 giorni - Duration: 2:30.



A conti fatti, il D -Day del 5 settembre, quando il tribunale del Riesame di Genova deciderà sul sequestro a tappeto di tutti i conti della Lega, non è quello che impensierisce di più i vertici del Carroccio

Certo, fonti leghiste confermano il «pessimismo» sull' esito della vicenda, ma in fondo la morte della vecchia Lega per mano giudiziaria non farebbe altro che accelerare la nascita del partito nazionale, la «Lega per Salvini premier» che giuridicamente è già nata prima del 4 marzo, con tanto di sede in via delle Stelline a Milano

Il timore, semmai, è quello di un «accerchiamento» giudiziario attorno al leader Salvini, che è già indagato per il caso della nave Diciotti e potrebbe finire iscritto nel registro degli indagati (sempre a Genova) per il caso del trasferimento di tre milioni dal Lussemburgo alla Sparkasse di Bolzano

Mentre la procura di Torino attende di poter procedere per vilipendio contro il segretario che definì la magistratura «una schifezza»

Salvini ritiene di avere le mani e la coscienza pulita su questa vicenda, ma il rischio è che una nuova indagine, e stavolta su un fatto non politico come i migranti ma di conti, possa far saltare il tappo dentro il M5S, che potrebbe non reggere l' onda d' urto

- Ragionamenti che in queste ore circolano tra i big della Lega, insieme a quelli sulla tenuta dei conti, lo spread e lo spazio di manovra della prossima Legge di Stabilità (vedi alla voce flat tax)

Tanto da dare fiato a chi - e ce ne sono parecchi - ritiene che «volenti o nolenti si andrà a votare entro il 2019», come racconta una fonte leghista

In pochi credono che Conte riuscirà a gestire due leggi di Bilancio. E del resto le mosse estive di Salvini - compreso l' affare nave Diciotti - vengono lette dentro e fuori il partito «in modalità campagna elettorale», più che da uomo di governo che si prepara a una lunga permanenza al Viminale

Un voto subito «prima o subito dopo le Europee del maggio 2019», è l' idea: consentirebbe a Salvini di correre come leader indiscusso del centrodestra, mangiando altri voti a Fi e anche al M5S

Voti più che personale politico. «Se portiamo via elettori a Forza Italia, o a altri partiti, non è colpa nostra, ma loro», ha rincarato venerdì Giancarlo Giorgetti

«Non abbiamo tempo per fare nessuna Opa su Forza Italia». «Non ci interessa il partito unico», ha ribadito ieri la capogruppo di Forza Italia Mariastella Gelmini

Le inchieste su Salvini stanno riavvicinando Lega e Forza Italia, con Berlusconi che si è subito schierato in difesa del capo leghista dopo le indagini sulla Diciotti

E una campagna elettorale sotto il fuoco delle inchieste potrebbe rinsaldare ancor più il vecchio asse

In settimana è previsto incontro tra Berlusconi e Salvini, per discutere delle prossime regionali

Ora però c' è da affrontare la prima grana, quella dei conti sequestrati. La parola chiave su cui si stanno concentrando i legali della Lega è «esecutiva»

Se la sentenza del 5 settembre avrà questo carattere, scatterà subito il Piano B, con il lancio del nuovo partito (già comparso nel dicembre 2017 in Gazzetta ufficiale), il tesseramento, il congresso e tutto il resto

Altrimenti, spiegano fonti leghiste, tra cavilli e ricorsi «si andrà avanti ancora con le vecchie insegne»

Giorgetti lancia messaggi rassicuranti al M5S: «La vicenda dei conti non avrà ripercussioni sul governo

Se avessimo voluto staccare la spina il giorno dell' avviso di garanzia a Salvini, avremmo avuto un buon motivo, ma non lo abbiamo fatto»

Vero, ma se «l' assedio giudiziario» dovesse avere nuovi sviluppi, la tentazione si ripresenterà

Salvini glissa, e si prende alcune ore di svago al Gran premio di Monza: «La Ferrari è l' unico rosso che mi piace




Sandy e Junior retomam parceria, se emocionam e internet vai ao delírio; assista - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Sandy e Junior retomam parceria, se emocionam e internet vai ao delírio; assista - Duration: 2:32.


Yanna Lavigne exibe o corpaço na praia com Bruno Gissoni e a sogra, veja! - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Yanna Lavigne exibe o corpaço na praia com Bruno Gissoni e a sogra, veja! - Duration: 1:50.


Ex-BBB Emilly Araújo exibe cinturinha e é acusada de usar Photoshop - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Emilly Araújo exibe cinturinha e é acusada de usar Photoshop - Duration: 1:39.


Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic - Duration: 1:11.


Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic - Duration: 1:11.


Vivian Amorim é substituída no Vídeo Show, choca fãs e repercute na web - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Vivian Amorim é substituída no Vídeo Show, choca fãs e repercute na web - Duration: 4:28.


Mildred Didrikson Wins Gold In Los Angeles 1932 | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 3:16.

At the end of 15, I was still really small.

That summer was when I started to grow.

As I got taller, I ran faster and jumped farther.

It was a direct correlation.

When I talk about it now, people would never realise

I was a small, short kid for my age.

I was a very late bloomer as an athlete.

No one would've imagined that I would become

an Olympic champion, especially at that age.


LOS ANGELES, 4h AUGUST 1984, 7:10 PM



Carl Lewis was about 12 years old,

he was competing as a long jumper,

he was very small.

One day, at a meet in Philadelphia,

Jesse Owens was there.

Carl Lewis' father went up to Jesse Owens and said,

"Mr Owens, I want to introduce you to my son Carl,

he's a long jumper".

Jesse Owens looked down at this little boy and said,

"You're competing against kids who are bigger than you.

You must be a spunky little guy".

About three years later

Carl Lewis suddenly started to grow,

so from being this spunky little guy at the age of 12,

he became a big guy at 15.

The number you dialled is not a working number.

Please check the number and dial again.



The 100 metre final was electric, obviously,

because it's a huge event,

and the stadium is 93,000, it was completely full.

That's what was great about Los Angeles,

the morning and night sessions were full, all of them.

There was this anticipation,

everyone knows that the 100 metres

would've been the most difficult of the four events.

I was focused on running my best.

I knew that if I ran my best race, I could win.

I didn't worry about the others,

I kept the energy down to: run your best race, you win.

But I knew Sam Graddy was definitely a challenger,

he has a great start, he's a good athlete.

Ron Brown, also American, I knew he'd be a challenge.

Alan Wells was coming back but I didn't worry about him,

he didn't make the final.

So, really those two, the Americans,

were the ones that I thought had a shot,

because at the time we were so far ahead of everyone else.

And I realised: "Don't worry about them,

if you run your own race, you win".

So it's really going back to the basic elements:

really specifically, like: push out of the blocks, run,

put your feet down, stay tall.

This is what goes through my head

when I run and practice,

so that I can clear my mind and run it like that.

In that race he was,

even though he kept winning after that,

he was at his peak. At one point he was clocked,

by American standards, at 28 miles per hour.

It's great. There's this great quote from Sam Graddy,

who took the silver medal, and he said

at the 80-metre mark he was in first place,

he thought he was going to win the gold medal,

and then out of the corner of his eye

he saw Carl Lewis appear

and then zip past him, and in front of him.

Carl Lewis was a fantastic athlete,

no question about it.

His winning margin was the widest in Olympic history

until Usain Bolt,

so that was the beginning of Carl Lewis

and his four gold medals.

The 100-metre medal meant the most,

obviously because that's the first one.

When you dream of the Olympics you never know

what it's going to be like until you get there.

And when you go there and you win,

then now you're an Olympic champion for life.

So, absolutely, the first one was the most special.

I was the best in the world at that time.



This is Dwight.

In those days when you broke 10 seconds

for the 100 metres, it was a big deal.

At the time the world record was close to 9.93.

So that was a very fast time.

In Los Angeles, all of the buzz

was of Carl Lewis winning four gold medals

and the 100 metres was just one,

actually the first of the gold medals he won.

He had some control over three of those medals.

He didn't have complete control over the fourth one,

because he was a member of the relay team,

so if the relay team made a mistake,

with two false starts,

if they passed out of the zone or dropped the baton,

that fourth gold medal, was in doubt,

but the other three events he had control over.

None of the events were close for Carl Lewis

in those '84 Olympic Games.

Those Games were all about Carl Lewis.

I wanted to be excellent.

When I went to the University of Houston when I was 18,

I had no intention of being a sprinter,

I was strictly a long jumper, and that was it.

The sprinting came on later,

as I started to have some success.

I put them on a scale of 1 to 10,

and the long jump is a 10, the 100 metres is a 4.

It's that different,

it is so much more difficult.

And that's why you don't see jumpers and sprinters,

because it's very difficult to do the long jump.

You'll never see a sprinter that becomes a long jumper,

it will never happen.

But a long jumper can become a sprinter,

because it's the easier event.

It was a big joy to win the Olympic Games

but the bigger emotion was relief,

because for a year and a half it was just anticipation,

and then the pressure coming from outside,

the media was saying:

"You've got to do all four, or you're a failure."

Therefore it was a lot of relief to say:

"I got that off my shoulder, let's go to the next event."

When I retired, I was ready to go.

I haven't missed it, per se, one minute.

That's not a negative thing. I look at it as positive.

I've milked every ounce or energy

out of my Olympic experience.

And when I was on the podium in 1996 in Atlanta,

at 35 years old,

it all came out of me,

I realized then it's time to go

because I did everything I could've done times 100.

Carl Lewis won 4 gold medals in Los Angeles 1984

emulating what Jesse Owens achieved in Berlin 1936

He buried the 100 m gold medal

with his first coach: his father

After retiring, he became actor and singer

and now coaches at the University of Houston

For more infomation >> Mildred Didrikson Wins Gold In Los Angeles 1932 | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 3:16.



For more infomation >> MON VOYAGE BELGIQUE PAYS-BAS LA SUITE - Duration: 11:25.


Tangerine Peel Tea, A Remedy to Sleep in 5 Minutes - Duration: 2:28.

many blessings and health to all

our followers and welcome to a

new video from our channel today

we'll talk about tangerine peel tea

a remedy to sleep in 5 minutes the

Mandarin peel has multiple

benefits treats the problems of

indigestion stress gastric ulcers and

also decreases cholesterol and

blood glucose helps detoxify

the liver and strengthens the system

immune the amount of antioxidants

which also contains help to combat

flu and the cold additionally

thanks to its properties

anti-inflammatory is excellent for

soothe pain and swelling tea

tangerine peel as a remedy for

sleep ingredients a cup of water 250

milliliters a spoonful of chamomile

dry 15 grams one tablespoon of the band

dry 15 grams a spoonful of

valerian dry 15 grams one shell

fresh tangerine preparation

take a pot and put the equivalent of

a cup of water to boil when it arrives

to the boiling point adds a

scoop of chamomile dries the band

dry and dry valerian finally adds

the tangerine peel and leave the mixture

boiling for a few minutes drink the tea

hot just before going to bed in

only five minutes you will notice that this is

an excellent remedy to sleep since

the tangerine peel will act

directly on one of the causes of

insomnia stress if you feel in

calm and relaxed will be much easier

to fall asleep

try to clear your mind and take out

she all the anguished thoughts

that generate anxiety and depression

especially at night time it is

important that you understand that the night is

to sleep

once you become aware of it

set aside the bad habits that you

cause insomnia do not work in the

night leaves the electronic devices to

one side and concentrate on relaxing if you

this information was useful

share it with your family and your friends

subscribe to my channel for more remedies

natural many blessings

For more infomation >> Tangerine Peel Tea, A Remedy to Sleep in 5 Minutes - Duration: 2:28.


Stephen King - L'ombra dello scorpione versione integrale - 1990 (sub ita) - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> Stephen King - L'ombra dello scorpione versione integrale - 1990 (sub ita) - Duration: 8:33.


Vintage Reggae Café Remix - Best Reggae Vintage Remix Popular Songs - Duration: 1:08:13.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Vintage Reggae Café Remix - Best Reggae Vintage Remix Popular Songs - Duration: 1:08:13.


3D恥力全開 台南行#2 一秒cos? ft.乖該和他的朋友們 / 音軌Vlog - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 3D恥力全開 台南行#2 一秒cos? ft.乖該和他的朋友們 / 音軌Vlog - Duration: 3:05.


Bruna Marquezine dá resposta atravessada em seguidor após sofrer acusação - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine dá resposta atravessada em seguidor após sofrer acusação - Duration: 5:24.


Bolsonaro se desboca em comício e insinua que William Bonner levou chifre; confira o vídeo - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Bolsonaro se desboca em comício e insinua que William Bonner levou chifre; confira o vídeo - Duration: 6:20.


Artesplorazioni: arte programmata - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Artesplorazioni: arte programmata - Duration: 4:04.


Discreta, Simaria posta raro clique de seu marido bonitão e surpreende internautas - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Discreta, Simaria posta raro clique de seu marido bonitão e surpreende internautas - Duration: 5:18.


Edinburgh Vlog Day 1: Camera obscura and Harry Potter - Duration: 19:40.

For more infomation >> Edinburgh Vlog Day 1: Camera obscura and Harry Potter - Duration: 19:40.


Origami Maple Leaf - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Origami Maple Leaf - Duration: 3:13.


Volvo XC60 2.0 T5 | R-Design | Leer | Navigatie | Xenon | Harman/Kardon | LED - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 2.0 T5 | R-Design | Leer | Navigatie | Xenon | Harman/Kardon | LED - Duration: 1:09.


Evangelio de hoy, Domingo 2 de Septiembre del 2018 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Evangelio de hoy, Domingo 2 de Septiembre del 2018 - Duration: 3:59.


IoTeX News EP6 - Duration: 1:36.

Hello our dear community! Welcome to this week's news digest. To wrap up the month of August,

we have released the final phase of our testnet which is the beta version and the codename is

Epik. In this release we focus mainly on

usability and tangibility of the testnet, giving you our community a chance to test out some of the features,

such as deploying and executing smart contracts as well as sending transactions using test tokens

via our IoTeX wallet. So make sure you test out these features,

we would love to hear your feedback in order to improve them even more and

all the detailed information can be found in the blog as well as in our demo video.

Also, this week we hosted a campaign on Twitter,

which was a partnerships campaign.

Giving you an opportunity to learn a little bit more about our partners as well as join a livestream with our co-founders.

Successful winners were able to receive a private link and watch the livestream as it happens.

This was our first ever livestream and if you would like us to do more of these sessions,

please like the video and leave the comment below. And following the livestream with co-founders, we also

hosted a tech AMA on our Reddit page, that was focused around the testnet Beta release. So that is it for this week.

Thank you again so much for all of your support

We would like to take some time to celebrate the Beta release and we're preparing exciting things for you this coming week. Stay tuned!

For more infomation >> IoTeX News EP6 - Duration: 1:36.


【仮想通貨都市伝説】ビットコイン創始者サトシ・ナカモトのBTC保有量判明!?全て売られたら大暴落!?取引所ビットメックス調査!仮想通貨市場天才の捜査開始!?未来人AI?最新情報!最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 【仮想通貨都市伝説】ビットコイン創始者サトシ・ナカモトのBTC保有量判明!?全て売られたら大暴落!?取引所ビットメックス調査!仮想通貨市場天才の捜査開始!?未来人AI?最新情報!最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:52.


Carrioner ogląda "Niesamowite Rzeczy" *ostra reakcja* (ARCHIWUM) - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Carrioner ogląda "Niesamowite Rzeczy" *ostra reakcja* (ARCHIWUM) - Duration: 3:58.


CORSICA LINEA - Méditerranée | Marseille departure for Tunis - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> CORSICA LINEA - Méditerranée | Marseille departure for Tunis - Duration: 3:45.


Breast Cancer Blood Test

For more infomation >> Breast Cancer Blood Test


Alfa Romeo Spider 2.0-16V T.Spark EEN HEEL LEUKE CABRIO - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Spider 2.0-16V T.Spark EEN HEEL LEUKE CABRIO - Duration: 1:06.


Kristen Calls Out CeCe's Bold-Faced Lies 'Sneak Peek' | Basketball Wives - Duration: 2:52.

- Hi! - Hey. - Hi.

- Oh my God... sit down. - You guys are drinking beer?

- Come here. - Sit down. You guys want a drink? Come on, yes.

Amsterdam is this goddamn big.

We were having a conver, a great conversation, and like I was telling her,

I, I feel like you guys are family. You're gonna be family always.

And whatever it is that's bothering

you guys or that you have personal between you, talk about it.

- I'm... - The problem is there's so much going on

- in the family right now, that it's hard... - What are you crying for?

You guys, that's OK because you're family.

- No, it's bull[bleep]! - What's wrong now, CeCe? See, tell me. I don't know.

Text message said that Byron doesn't want us at events anymore.

- That's not what I said. That is not what I said. - What did you say then?

We haven't even had a chance to talk about this.

I don't want to talk about it. I've been protecting you this whole time!

It's not like I'm, I'm telling you,

I was telling you something that I wanted you to know.

- But now you're using that against me. - I'm not using it

against you, it's completely [bleep]-ed up. I'm his daughter in law.

Do you understand how that makes me feel, to have to hear that my father-in-law...

- Why don't you talk to me more about it? - Because I distance myself

like you said. You knew why I wasn't at those places.

Because you sent me that bull[bleep]

and it pissed me off.

CeCe, on that boat, not only did you poke me

but then you lied on me. You sat there and you said,

Kristen didn't come to Byron's party

or my party or whatever the hell it was, because she was busy.

That was a bold faced lie and you know it.

You didn't invite me because you didn't want me there.

And I just wish you would be woman enough to say it.

What you sent me was [bleep]-ed up! I had to tell that to my husband

about his dad! That's how his dad feels. My husband looks at Byron like

he is God, as he should. He loves his damn daddy.

Well, of course he loves his children.

I'm not saying that he doesn't love his children.

But [bleep] has changed.

He should be able to communicate with me.

He doesn't communicate with me. He communicates with you.

The text she read,

I was feeling like, take this information.

I'm giving you information!

You know? Take the information and run with it.

If the tables were turned, I would've turned around

and sat down with my husband and said, hey, CeCe told me this.

- You know, what should we do? - It feels like

- you are putting us against him. - But you're mad at me

- because I told you something! - I'm mad because you guys don't [bleep]-ing

come see my kid!

For more infomation >> Kristen Calls Out CeCe's Bold-Faced Lies 'Sneak Peek' | Basketball Wives - Duration: 2:52.


FASHION TRENDS Fall / Winter 2018-2019 + how to wear them ǀ Justine Leconte - Duration: 8:39.

Hi everyone, it's Justine.

New season, new fashion trends video!

If you are new to my channel, welcome.

I do this kind of video twice a year, every spring and every fall.

It shows the trends that I see coming for the season, based on everything that has been

shown on all those runways.

It doesn't mean that the looks are wearable just as they are, so I also weigh in with

tips on how to make the trends more real-life compatible, let's say.

I hope that my trend boards will inspire you and that you will find things that you want

to try out that fit you and your style.

Let's go!

Every season there is clearly a revival vibe somewhere.

This season it's clearly the eighties.

When I think of the eighties, I see loud colors, padded shoulders, velvet and shiny fabrics

at night.

The eighties woman had an inverted triangle torso on super-long legs.

Well this time, I feel the revival is a bit more nuanced and darker, gloomier.

You can see wide shoulders, which has been a constant thing at Balenciaga in the last


But now, it's also at Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, more and more at Saint Laurent.

It seems like the Balenciaga effect is spreading across all the different fashion cities.

While Saint Laurent stays true to the style of their house, with lurex threads and jaquards,

Balmain is using combined materials to create something that probably wouldn't have been

possible, technically, 30 years ago.

Balenciaga went further: See those hips?

There the garment has been molded onto the body and then covered with fabric.

It's a very new method.

Very interesting.

The shoulder pads could be lighter, to make the whole look a bit more office-wearable.

But in fact, a wide-shoulder silhouette like this can really be executed in different styles:

in outerwear, jackets, tops, dresses...

It's really quite versatile.

Now question to you.

When you see this board, do you think it feels modern and reinvented, or it just looks eighties?

Second trend: shades of brown.

Brown is a neutral.

You can use it just like navy blue or black to really ground a look.

And when you combine different shades of brown with some deep reds and yellows, you can get

a beautiful color palette!

Chanel went muted, with a very earthy brown… but then added some shiny fabric underneath,

just because it fits so well in that eighties vibe.

Chloé picked a collar that could absolutely be worn in the movie "American Hustle"…

Actually, if you're looking for reference information for that trend, the movie American

Hustle is filled with earthy scenes, and great color schemes where the clothing is matching

the wallpaper, to create a harmony.

It's brilliant.

Back to the trend board.

Fendi went all-in and put the double-F logo, brown on brown, everywhere.

Jacquemus added colorful accents in a more subtle manner.

My favorite looks are the Tod's looks, these two.

They stayed in one consistent color palette and made the textures vary.

The way Tod's did it is A-league because it means that you're matching every single piece

in the outfit to that mood, so it's not easy to start with.

But an easier way of doing it is the way Jacquemus did it.

You get one central garment that is brown, and then you add accents of colors with the

accessories and the rest around it.

For instance, you take brown pants in a brown that fits your skin tone, your undertone,

and then add a patterned top and matching accessories which you already own.

So you only get one new piece, and the rest is already in your closet.

Brown is a color that can exist in warm and cool versions, so it can really work for everyone.

The next trend is not layering; it's overlayering.

Layering is something you would naturally do in winter.

(I know I would, because I'm always cold).

But here, this season, it's more than that.

Accent on "more".

It feels like we need to protect ourselves against something.

Is it subconscious?

What happened to trigger this need for more layers?

It is everywhere, on all runways.

I could have found twenty more examples to put on this board.

I think the Balenciaga look has at least 6 layers... if I am counting this right.

But even at houses like Lemaire or Tory Burch, which are usually more…

I'd say more classic… you see these cocoons of protection.

Notice the detail at Maison Margiela...

These sleeves are knitted into a woven jacket.

This is high craftsmanship.

At Vuitton, you see the most wearable option, I think: this turtleneck with a top or a dress

on top of it, which has super thin spaghetti-like straps.

There are plenty of options to make this combination work, and make it more or less lightweight,

like the turtleneck underneath could be light-knit, instead of this thicker thing.

It could be a skin-toned.

flowy, silky blouse, closed here with a ribbon, or it could be a transparent shirt, since

the top covers you already anyways.

The next trend would be sophisticated knitwear.

I personally love knitwear, and I think it's a pity when the runways show only cable-knit

and jersey, because there are so many more ways to knit a yarn into something creative.

So this season, I am super happy with what I am seeing.

All the examples on this board are special developments, designed by the houses and then

knitted exactly as they want.

There's nothing standard here.

Etro is traditionally an expert in this kind of fabric, and this look is so them, but still

creative and new.

The Sacai look is new for me.

You can tell that there is some ethnic inspiration, but the result seems modern and unique – which

means that it's good creative work.

It's getting inspiration somewhere, and then turning it into something new, which is your

own interpretation of it.

Dior and Prada are completely wearable.

I do enjoy the way Prada took a classic knit pattern and added a super-contemporary logo

to it.

Prada always tends to mix genres and work on the perception that we have of what good

taste and bad taste are.

The look by Christopher Kane is probably embellished by hand, and it also feels very special.

A key accessory this season would be a mid-calf boot.

Originally I called this trend the cowboy trend, but then I changed my mind, and you

will see why.

We see some boots that have that center split, like cowboy boots, in materials with top-stitched

patterns on top, like on cowboy boots.

Isabel Marant is the queen of that.

She consistently shows designs like that on the feet of the models in her collections.

So this winter will clearly be hers.

But then the boots are white, or they are in materials that are not meant for the outdoors.

Some are even slouchy and draped around the leg, really.

So they are too delicate to be called cowboy boots.

My favorite one is the Fendi one, which you see also from the side.

The heel is fabulous.

Statement jewelry, now more than ever.

Massive jewelry, especially when it's colorful, or when it's using gemstones, can't help

but attract the eye.

It is also great to set bold accents in a more regular, standard outfit, even if you

wouldn't describe your style as bold.

Here are some options.

Imagine these smaller and you'll get what the fantasy jewelry brands will offer this


Jewelry is a product category where whatever comes out in fine jewelry and on runways gets

copied by cheaper brands, in more wearable ways.

I also feel like gemstones are getting used more and more, much more than in previous

years, in all sorts of colors.

So that will be fun.

There are also two trends from last fall which are still very, very present this year.

Red as a dominant color is still broadly used.

I wonder if the movie "The Handmaid's Tale", with the red cloak, had an impact

on the designers' minds.

It did leave a mark in my mind for sure.

Originally it was a book, and a great one, in case you haven't read it.

And then plaid patterns, a classical motif for winter, keep being reinvented in original


We're playing with the size, the colors, and the textures.

If you have clothes that fit in to those categories, keep them, wear them again.

Did these trend boards inspire you?

If yes, thumbs up!

Thank you so much.

If you want to hear and learn more about fashion, subscribe to this channel: I upload new videos

every week, and I try to bring a designer's perspective on YouTube.

I will also link further videos in the description for you on trends, previous videos that I've

done on that, and also fashion history topics.

I will see you next week in a new video, and until then, take care.


For more infomation >> FASHION TRENDS Fall / Winter 2018-2019 + how to wear them ǀ Justine Leconte - Duration: 8:39.


Rance Rocks 2017 Mashup (Calling Your Name) [Audio] - Duration: 4:07.

"DOO-DOO" from Something Just Like This

Are we crazy to watch it fall?

Couldn't stand to be far apart,

it's just a cruel existence

like it's no point hoping at all.

And now, your song is on repeat,

turn it up, it's your favorite song,

turn around and drop it for a player,

drop, drop it for me (who got the power?)

I got the pop, I got the dance,

go 'head, babe, I'mma live my life, my life, yeah.

I just wanna dance now, I don't wanna choose,

you just wanna keep on a high note,

I try to make the worse seem better;

Funny, my name keeps coming out your mouth,

and now, I'm all upon you,

I just wanna keep calling your name.


When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts.

(Take me back-back-back-back-back)

Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back!


When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts.

(Take me back-back-back-back-back)

You got me thinking back when you were mine,

just say you won't let go.

When you looked over your shoulder,

for a minute, I forget that I'm older,

don't you keep it out to yourself.

So, won't you take it?

I think about her and she knows it.

I wanna be your baby-baby-baby;

She said, "Where'd you wanna go?"

I'm so in love with you and I hope you know,

just a touch of your love is enough

to take control of my whole body,

so baby, let's just turn down the lights,

and close the door, not really into hesitations,

I'm not looking for some solo singing on my own.

I wanna dance with you right now on the floor,

we ain't gonna sleep toni-i-ight,

you got me feeling some kind of way;

don't ever know me,

you make me feel this way somehow,

I just wanna keep calling your name.

(Ooooooohhh) We should take this back to my place;

(Take me back-back-back-back-back)

Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back!

(Ooooooohhh) That's what she said right to my face;

(Take me back-back-back-back-back)

you got me thinking back when you were mine.

Let's not talk too much,

I'm sorry if it's all too much, what can I say?

Nothing's working...

...and I was running out of luck,

I never thought I'd find this feeling (I'm the one, yeah!)

Now I'm out here looking like revenge in the nick of time,

the best I've ever been, I do it all the time!

Destiny said it, you got to get up and get it,

get mad independent and don't you ever forget it;

Got some dirt on your shoulder,

then let me brush it off for ya;

if you're feeling me, put your five high (OH!)

It's warming up, can you feel it?

We push and pull like a magnet do,

I hope she ain't fakin' like he did;

and I wonder why, wonder what for, why we keep

(What is happening to me?!) coming back for more.

[Spring Blast 2018 Mashup] Are we crazy? Are we both losing our minds?

[Winterplay 2018 Mashup] (Stuck in my mind) I may be crazy, don't mind me,

[Winterplay 2018 Mashup] say, I feel crazy, am I out of my mind?

[Still Summer 2018 Mashup] Come on over in my direction, 'long as you're holding me

down, down, down (then I check it twice, OH!)

I just wanna dance now, I don't wanna choose,

you just wanna keep it on a high note,

I try to make the worse seem better.

Funny, my name keeps coming out your mouth,

'cause I stay winning, lay 'em up like,

I wanna dance with you right now on the floor,

we ain't gonna sleep ton-i-ight,

you got me feeling some kind of way;

don't ever know me,

you make me feel this way somehow,

I just wanna keep calling your name,

(Until you come back home) but baby,

I just need one good one to stay.

(O-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh)

For more infomation >> Rance Rocks 2017 Mashup (Calling Your Name) [Audio] - Duration: 4:07.


Medical related degrees that aren't medicine. Stepping Further #31 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Medical related degrees that aren't medicine. Stepping Further #31 - Duration: 4:12.


IoTeX News EP6 - Duration: 1:36.

Hello our dear community! Welcome to this week's news digest. To wrap up the month of August,

we have released the final phase of our testnet which is the beta version and the codename is

Epik. In this release we focus mainly on

usability and tangibility of the testnet, giving you our community a chance to test out some of the features,

such as deploying and executing smart contracts as well as sending transactions using test tokens

via our IoTeX wallet. So make sure you test out these features,

we would love to hear your feedback in order to improve them even more and

all the detailed information can be found in the blog as well as in our demo video.

Also, this week we hosted a campaign on Twitter,

which was a partnerships campaign.

Giving you an opportunity to learn a little bit more about our partners as well as join a livestream with our co-founders.

Successful winners were able to receive a private link and watch the livestream as it happens.

This was our first ever livestream and if you would like us to do more of these sessions,

please like the video and leave the comment below. And following the livestream with co-founders, we also

hosted a tech AMA on our Reddit page, that was focused around the testnet Beta release. So that is it for this week.

Thank you again so much for all of your support

We would like to take some time to celebrate the Beta release and we're preparing exciting things for you this coming week. Stay tuned!

For more infomation >> IoTeX News EP6 - Duration: 1:36.





ASMR Eating "CHOCOLATE (Nestle)" Mukbang Party - Duration: 3:32.

ASMR Eating "CHOCOLATE (Nestle)" Mukbang Party

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating "CHOCOLATE (Nestle)" Mukbang Party - Duration: 3:32.


Primitive Technology - Cooking hot dogs on a rock in the forest - Eating delicious - Duration: 10:04.

Cooking hot dogs on a rock in the forest

For more infomation >> Primitive Technology - Cooking hot dogs on a rock in the forest - Eating delicious - Duration: 10:04.


🔴You will make it - Mindset Motivational video - Duration: 4:40.

This football world cup something amazing happened.... something which is a huge learning

for all the people who are in the phase of life where they are working towards a dream

or have just started or have a dream but are holding themselves back from starting on it.

This is for everyone who feel they have not made it yet in life.

If you are in the phase of life where you feel you have not made it yet... my message

is "Just because you have not made it yet, doesn't mean that you never will"

Keep watching...

Hi, I am Ruchi Singh from Ruchisinghtalks.

I own my life and I help others to own theirs.

It will mean a lot to me if you can subscribe to my RuchiSinghTalks on Twitter, Facebook,

Instagram and Youtube.

All the links are in the description below.

You just have to type RuchiSinghTalks.

Let's jump into it.

At the beginning of the football world cup 2018, there were, as usual, a lot of predictions

by the experts and anyone who consider themselves an expert about the top teams and who will

reach the finals and who will win it.

In all the predictions there was one name which was not in any of the predictions.

It had an odd of 1 is to 28.

In short, nobody could have predicted that Croatia will be in Football world cup finals

and nobody did.

However, they beat every odd and played against France in the finals.

However, this video is not about surprise or just congratulating the Croatian football

team for making it to the finals.

It is about hope, it is about not getting intimidated by the huge success of other established

teams, it is about having faith in our own talent and capability, it is about standing

up to criticism and turning it to fuel for their success, it is about hard work, extreme

focus and finally about not giving up.

A lot of us when we start something, suffer doubts about the feasibility of our ideas.

We second guess ourselves.

We sometimes look at the hugely successful people in our field and feel ready to give

up because we think "How can I compete against these success stories".

However, we need to remember that these people are first of all human beings like me and


They were not at the top of their game from day one and there were other people before

they entered the field too.

Today they are top of their game because... they kept faith in themselves and their capabilities,

they continuously kept the focus on the dream they were working on, kept falling and getting

up again with even more determination and grit, kept learning and unlearning when required,

did not let the critics, who a lot of times do not have any idea about your dream, but

criticize anyways, lower their faith in themselves.

They had a dream and made a plan how to achieve it and then started working on it.

My request to all of you is don't give up... keep at it and you are already a success compared

to all the people who don't have the courage to act on their dreams.

Will we achieve all that we desire...

I don't know... but then the only way to be sure is to give it a sincere, well planned,

dedicated try.

"Just because you have not made it yet, doesn't mean that you never will"

Thanks so much for giving me your precious time.

If there is a topic you want me to talk on, pls share it in the comments below.

Do subscribe so that you don't miss out on my new talks and blog posts on Facebook and

video's on YouTube.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> 🔴You will make it - Mindset Motivational video - Duration: 4:40.


ЕДИНОРОЖКИ Куклы ЛОЛ Сюрприз LOL POP Surprise Распаковка лол Цветочек ВИДЕО ДЛЯ ДЕВОЧЕК - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> ЕДИНОРОЖКИ Куклы ЛОЛ Сюрприз LOL POP Surprise Распаковка лол Цветочек ВИДЕО ДЛЯ ДЕВОЧЕК - Duration: 10:33.


Remèdes Super Express! Apprenez Les Meilleurs Traitements Naturels Pour Supprimer Les Cernes Et Les. - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Remèdes Super Express! Apprenez Les Meilleurs Traitements Naturels Pour Supprimer Les Cernes Et Les. - Duration: 4:35.


Princess Diana death anniversary: Why was Diana a Princess but Kate is not? - Duration: 3:32.

 Princess Diana was killed 21 years ago in a traffic collision in Paris, leaving behind her young children Prince William and Prince Harry

 With both of the Princes now mature and married, they have taken up their positions as Duke of Sussex and Duke of Cambridge, with their wives Meghan and Kate becoming Duchesses

 When Diana married the heir of the throne Prince Charles, she was bestowed the title of Her Royal Highness (HRH) The Princess of Wales

 Kate became HRH The Duchess of Cambridge after marrying Prince William, who is second in line to the throne, so why was she not bestowed the title of princess too?  Why is Duchess Kate not a princess? Kate Middleton married Prince William in 2011, to a countrywide service which captured the hearts of millions

 Prince William was bestowed the title of the Duke of Cambridge and following their marriage, Kate became the Duchess of Cambridge

 Princess Diana was given a similar title on her marriage to Prince Charles in 1981, but it was not the same as Kate's

  Diana's widely used moniker however is used incorrectly, as Diana's official title is not Princess

 On her marriage to Prince Charles, Diana was given the title of Her Royal Highness The Princess Of Wales, she could also be known as Diana, Princess of Wales

 This is primarily because Charles isn't just a Prince by birth, he was also invested as Prince of Wales in 1969

 This meant that Prince was his title in both England and Wales, making him a Prince twice

 Therefore, Diana adopted his title as Princess. However, she was still known as Duchess in Scotland where Charles is Duke of Rothersay

  Why is Kate a Duchess, not a Princess? Follwing his birth, William became His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales, styled after his parents' titles and likewise Harry became His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales when he was born in 1984

 Having Prince or Princess precede the name in an official title is a birthright given to those in the royal family, and is not a title that can be given

 So while Diana was indeed a Princess, she was never officially 'Princess Diana'. Kate's official title was also awarded to her following her marriage to William, and is officially Her Royal Highness Princess William, the Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn and Baroness Carrickfergu

   Kate is only a Princess due to William's title, and this does not factor into her official titles in both England and Scotland

 In England, she is 'Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge', and in Scotland 'Her Royal Highness, The Countess of Strathearn'

 So, while Kate is technically a Princess, it seems to play a fairly minor role in her title, with the Duchess part taking more importance

 Kate would only ever be known as 'Princess Kate' if she was born with the title, which may only be held by the children of the sovereign (as Charles or William will be)

For more infomation >> Princess Diana death anniversary: Why was Diana a Princess but Kate is not? - Duration: 3:32.


重磅!99式坦克首次出国参加战略大演习,为何不派99A主战坦克? - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 重磅!99式坦克首次出国参加战略大演习,为何不派99A主战坦克? - Duration: 4:04.


千億劉強東遭傳涉性侵被捕 奶茶妹被酸 - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> 千億劉強東遭傳涉性侵被捕 奶茶妹被酸 - Duration: 1:59.


Feiyue FY03 Upgrade Metal Gearbox Gears and Re-Build|Project Full Metal Drive Train - Duration: 5:28.

hello everybody thanks you for all for watching to a new episode of How To DIY Rc wltoys 12428 feiyue FY03

eagle desert truck metal drivetrain upgrade part 3 we already have upgrade the rear driveshaft the middle drive shaft and the two front axles

now it's time to upgrade the gearbox plastic gears that needs to be improved because one of you guys told

that it while be stripping the gears in no time using this racerstar 365 brushless motor that is what your going to see today

the episode we are going to disassemble the gearbox and replace it with an upgraded metal gears hardened steel

and of course, you can find the links down below it's going to be the new assembly for the gearbox

next step is removing the motor again

the next step is removing this metal bracket we got 2 screws on this side

one two and one more on the other side and a couple of screws at the bottom of the floor

and all 4 in the center

hopefully, that's it those were a lot of bolts to hold on one piece

it seems to be loose that's nice we can get it out we only have to undo the middle driveshaft again

now we pull the middle drive shaft away now we have the gearbox assembly

to open up the gearbox we have to undo one screw that's it

while you disassemble the gears remember the correct order to re-build the gearbox

looks like its rust on the bearing but its grease that's pretty easy and straightforward

the gears are different in size lets compare them with the metal upgrades is one bigger than the other?

is one bigger than the other they look to be pretty equal to me don't think this is going to fit

it's a couple of sizes bigger is just a spare part for the main gear so we need to keep using one plastic gear it's a shame

to fix this issue we are using some sandpaper and smooth it up a little bit and make sure it's goes smooth of the axle

now it's time to rebuild the gearbox from all this mess and we can't replace this plastic gear because the metal gear is to big

a real shame so we keep on using this plastic gear that goes below

now we have to build oup[ the main clutch gear


than we put this one on top to compress it you can adjust how much grip or slip you have

than we put this one on top with the cross can fit only one way now we have build it up this far we have to put inside the bearing or case

than we take this part and fill up those two notches on the side

then we put the spring on the self locking nut

than we tight it up making sure the bearing are still sitting on the inside

we recommend putting a lot of grease in there making sure the gears are all ready grease up

and the bearing as well this is just a dry fit to make sure it's correct and it spins free there is no drag

its working very nice now we can add the grease and screws

making sure we can install it back into the car now that is assemble now we can put back into it's place

and the last bracket that holds everything together now it's good as new and we can install the ESC ore servo

and waterproof servo and receiver of course and we are ready to run

and that was the last part of the metal drivetrain upgrade now we have done the front axles the middle drive shaft and rear drive shaft

and the gearbox assembly and now it's almost fully metal the last gear didn't fit

we really hope you like this episode and give it the thumbs up and hope you of course subscribe and click that notification bell

so you don't miss the next episode where we are going to install the ESC ore servo one of the two and i want to say thank you for watching to the end and hope to see you next time goodbye

For more infomation >> Feiyue FY03 Upgrade Metal Gearbox Gears and Re-Build|Project Full Metal Drive Train - Duration: 5:28.


Telltale|TWDG| He won't bite! (humor/meme) - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Telltale|TWDG| He won't bite! (humor/meme) - Duration: 6:00.


V-Carving for the Absolute Beginner – Part 1 – How It Works - Duration: 23:29.

Hey y'all.

Welcome to Part 1 of my series on v-carving for the absolute beginner.

Before I get started, let me say that I am in no way sponsored nor endorsed... Vectric Ltd., nor any router bit company or manufacturer that I may mention.

I'm doing this series to help the person who has never done this before...

...learn the v-carving process...

...understand a little bit about the router bits involved...

...and create and finish a v-carve project within the CAD/CAM software.

I'm going to be talking about VCarve Pro...

...during this presentation because that's the software I use.

But everything I'm going to show you in this series...

...applies equally to VCarve Desktop, VCarve Pro, and Aspire.

So with that out of the way, let me start by saying to...

...some of the more experienced users, and some of the seasoned veterans out there...

...that some of this that you're going to see will be old news.

You already know a lot of this.

Again, I'm doing this for the absolute beginner.

So I'll ask you to please remember that none of us were born knowing this information.

We all had to learn it somewhere.

So if you'll please keep that in mind, I'd appreciate it.

To the absolute beginner:

I'm here to help you try to...

...understand a little bit of how this process works.

To help you with bit selection and help you get started in v-carving.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comment section...

...or contact me through my website...

...and I'll get into that a little bit more later on.

So, taking the advice of Lewis Carroll...

...we can go ahead and begin at the beginning...

...and use this to illustrate something that I see come up a lot.

And that is the difference in the various router bits.

Here we have a 90 degree v-bit...

...and here we have a 60 degree v-bit.

The main thing to remember about these bits is...

...that the higher the number, the more shallow the angle.

This bit, as measured from this corner here to the tip ...

...and then this tip to this corner here...

...that angle is 90 degrees.

On the other side, over here...

As measured from this corner here, to the tip...

...and then from the tip down to this corner here is 60 degrees.

The rule of thumb to remember is; the larger the number, the more shallow the angle...

...the smaller the number, the steeper the angle.

When we talk about cutting diameter, what we mean is...

...the diameter from this corner here... this corner here on the V bit.

These carbide cutters here will cut this V shape from here to here.

Same thing with the 60-degree.

From this corner here, to this corner here...

...that is the widest these bits will cut.

That'll become important a little bit later on

Probably the first place to start is...

...why would we want to use v-carving in the first place?

Well, that answer can be summed up in two words - square corners.

As you can see, in this photograph of a simulation in VCarve Pro...

...if we were to pocket out a square with just a standard 1/4 inch end mill, for example...

The bit has a radius.

It is a round bit, and when it gets over here in these corners, it's going to cut that radius.

It's going to machine the radius of the bit, whatever that may be.

Using a v-bit, however, it will not only machine out the entire area...

...but it'll also add this chamfered detail...

...and take advantage of the z-axis to create these sharp corners.

Up here, what would happen is, depending upon your toolpathing strategy...

...the bit would plunge down into the center...

...if you're using the offset strategy...

...and start hollowing out this area here...

...until it got to the profile pass... which case it would come around and clean up...

...leaving these rounded corners.

If you were using the raster strategy, it would...

...move back and forth to hollow out this pocket...

...then do a final profile pass to clean it up.

With the v-carve toolpath...

...what it will do is use a large area clearance tool to machine out...

...the bulk of the material here, the same as this one...

Then you would do a tool change, to your v-bit...

...and it'll do the profile pass here.

When it gets to one of these corners, the X and Y will start moving outward...

...while the Z raises...

...which will give us this nice square corner here, and this faceted appearance.

So that's how the machine reacts to a v-carve toolpath.

One of the more common questions I get is related to the depth of cut in a v-carve toolpath.

Let's take a look at this in the context of v-carving text.

I have an illustration here to show you what I'm talking about.

This is a representation of a 90 degree v-bit ...

...and a 60 degree V bit.

These here and here are the same.

One of the determining factors of how deep of v-bit will cut is...

...the width of the space between the vectors you're attempting to cut out.

If we have, for example...

...this simple text right here - a capital I and a capital O...

The v-bit in a v-carve toolpath is going to carve away all the material inside these vectors.

It's not going to cut on the vector...'s going to cut inside the vectors.

It's going to carve away all the material here until...

...the edges of that v-bit are riding along this vector here...

...and this vector here.

It's this space between this vector and this vector... well as...

...the angle of the bit that's going to determine that cutting depth.

In this example here, if a 90 degree v-bit...

...and a 60 degree v-bit...

...are attempting to cut to the same 1/2 inch width...

...the 60 degree v-bit is going to cut approximately twice as deep... that 90 degree v-bit.

So it's the width in between the two vectors that you're trying to machine out... well as the angle of the bit...

...that's going to determine how deep that bit cuts.

Now, there are ways you can control the depth of cut...

...but we'll get it into that in a later video.

When it comes to bit selection...

...just know that the steeper the angle of the bit...

...the deeper it's going to cut... get the same width as a bit of a shallower angle.

To demonstrate that, I'll take this capital I and this capital O...

...and I'll calculate a couple of toolpaths for them to show you the difference.

Another thing to pay attention to...

I said the distance between this vector here and this vector here...

..that also means the distance between them over here.

And the distance between this vector here and this vector here.

V-carving is considered, by some, to be 2 1/2 dimensional (2.5D) carving...

...and by others to be 3 dimensional (3D) carving...

...meaning that all three axes work at the same time... carve out this area here.

Let me go ahead and calculate the toolpath and I'll show you exactly what I mean.

I'll select the text here...

...we'll go over to the Toolpath tab...

I'm going to go down here to the V-Carve/Engraving toolpath.

Select that.

We're going to set our start depth to 0.0

We are going to start at the top surface of the material.

When v-carving, always set your Z zero to the top of the material.

So I'm going to use a start depth of 0.0

I'm not going to use a flat depth. We'll get into that in another video.

The v-bit I'm going to use for this demonstration is a 90 degree v-bit with a 1/2 inch cutting diameter.

I'm not going to make any changes here at all...

I'm simply going to call this...

...v-carve... 90 degree...

...then we'll calculate....

...and we have our toolpaths created, and if you notice... looks a little bit different than what we would imagine.

If we get over here into the O, we see it's going to have to make a couple of passes at different depths.

I'm going to leave the material alone...

I will select the toolpath color; black.

...and we'll preview this toolpath.

As you can see, when we get in here and zoom in a little bit...

...our tool carved a straight line down here at a depth...

...then when it got to this corner... made a curved pass...

...and the Z kicked in, and retracted that bit... make this nice narrow portion in here.

Then it came back...

...lifted up here to make that square corner, then lifted up here to make that square corner.

By the same token, you get over here and look at this O...

Because we have a wider area here between this outside and the inside of that letter O...

...we cut pretty deep here...

...then as this vector narrowed down, the Z kicked in, lifted that bit up...

...and we cut much shallower here.

Now if you recall from the other tutorials that we did...

...if we look down here at my XY and Z display here...'ll see my Z is at 0.0 because it's on the material's surface.

But when I come over here and drop that pointer down into...

...this trench, for lack of a better term...

...we can see that it cut almost 1/4 inch into the material.

We're at -.2467

Almost 1/4 inch into the material.

That was so the edges of this bit could get in and ride the edges of those vectors.

If we go over here to the letter I we can see...'s about the same...

...maybe a little bit less; -.2069

That's how deep it had to plunge to get these real wide areas.

If you watch the letter O here, as those vectors get closer and closer together...

...the depth on my Z gets shallower and shallower and shallower...

...until we get up here to the top...

...and we've cut just a little over 1/16 inch deep.

My point in all of this is that it's a combination of the width of the space between the vectors...

...and the angle of the v-bit, that dictate how deep that bit is going to cut... order to to do the v-carving that we want it to do.

Let me reset my preview...

I'll close that...

...and we'll go back into the 2D view.

The vectors are still selected.

I'll do another v-carve and engraving toolpath...

But this time I'll switch over to...

...a 60-degree v-bit with a 1/2 inch cutting diameter.

I'll make no other changes here except to call this...

...60 degree...


...and already we can see a little bit of a difference.

To carve the letter I, it's going to have to do it in a couple of passes.

To carve the letter O, it's going to have to make two or three passes...

So, let's go ahead and preview this toolpath. We'll set my toolpath color to black...

...and we'll preview that toolpath.

Again, we got a good result...

...but when we zoom in...

...keeping an eye down here on our Z readout...

...we can see that in order to carve this letter O... had to cut .420"...

.4250" almost .430"... deep to carve this letter O.

So you see what I mean...

If our material is a 1/2 inch thick, we have machined almost...

...well, actually we've machined a little over 2/3 of the way through that material to get this width...

...out of a 60-degree V bit.

We come over here to the letter I...

We're a lot better off...

...we're at .356"

We're over 1/4 inch deep, but we're not quite...

...3/8 inch deep.

For a situation like this...

I think we would be better served running...

...the 90 degree v-bit...

...rather than the 60 degree, simply because we can still get our width...

...without carving as deeply into the material.

This is something that will come with experience - knowing when to use which bit.

And this is the time to experiment.

Now we know that this is going to cut...

...about two-thirds of the way through the material...

...that's probably not our best way to go.

I'll reset the preview, and I'm going to delete that toolpath.

If I were going to carve this...

I would use the 90 degree v-bit.

Then I know I'm only going to carve about 1/4 inch deep...

...maybe a little more, maybe a little less.

Text size, or the size of the object that you are carving out...

...will help dictate which bit you should use.

If I select these vectors and go back into my text editor...

...we can see I just have the I and the O here...

My text height is 3 inches tall.

If I were going to carve anything 4.5 inches or taller...

I might want to switch over to a 120 degree v-bit... it carves even shallower than this.

If I were going to make this text height 1/4 inch tall...

I might want to switch to a 30 degree v-bit... that it carves deeper...

...and we don't lose any detail if we sand after cutting.

That's a lot of information to take in on the first outing.

The takeaways I hope you get from this are...'s the bit angle...

...and the width of the area that you're attempting to cut...

...that determine the depth of that cut.

The lower the number on the angle of your bit...

...the steeper the angle is.

The higher the number, the shallower it is.

I think we're called this the end...

...of the introductory video to this series.

In the next video, we'll get into...

...v-carving a simple text sign.

Then in future videos we'll get into carving to a flat depth...

...and maybe doing some pictures.

But we'll end this one here.

If you'd like to continue to follow this series...

...or if you'd like to follow along with some of my other CNC adventures...

...I do hope you'll subscribe to my channel.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns at all...

...feel free to leave me a comment down in the comment section.

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I do read every comment I receive...

...and try to answer every single one of them.

While you're over here...

...take a look in the shop...

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And of course, you can check out my coffee cups and t-shirts if you're of a mind to...

...but there are some free CNC file downloads here in DXF format. is sponsored by Harneal Media.

The web design company that specializes in website design and hosting for makers and the maker community.

Harneal Media, as well as I, are both proud members of the Makers Media Network.

So that'll wrap up this first episode.

Again I'd like to thank you very much for watching.

If you got anything at all out of this video, please give me a thumbs up down below.

And if you'd like to follow along in my CNC adventures, please hit that subscribe button...

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Whether you subscribe to me or not, I'd like to thank you very much for taking the time to watch this video...

...and y'all take care.

For more infomation >> V-Carving for the Absolute Beginner – Part 1 – How It Works - Duration: 23:29.


Karma - Joss Stone | Karaoke Higher Key - Duration: 4:17.




For more infomation >> Karma - Joss Stone | Karaoke Higher Key - Duration: 4:17.


Man Utd news: Jose Mourinho reveals Alexis Sanchez plan ahead of Burnley clash - Duration: 3:42.

 United have suffered back-to-back defeats to condemn them to their worst start to a Premier League season since the division's inaugural 1992-93 campaign

 Jose Mourinho's men were thrashed 3-0 by Tottenham at Old Trafford on Monday following a reverse to Brighton the previous weekend

 The Chilean winger was absent for that loss due to injury, described by Mourinho as a "little problem", and only played the last 35 minutes of the defeat to Spurs

 Sanchez has been left out of Chile's squad for the international break with La Roja facing Japan and South Korea in Asia

 Despite his status for the national team as their all-time top goalscorer and most-capped player, Chile coach Reinaldo Rueda revealed: "It's a recommendation from Manchester United's medical staff

 "He is recovering but all that this trip means the suggestion was that he should not participate in these friendlies

Respecting that and what Alexis feels we did not take into account for this call-up

" Instead, Sanchez will stay in England and look to get back up to speed with the rest of United's first-team squad who have not been called up to represent their countries around the world

 And Mourinho hopes that time to get back to his best can help the 29-year-old to discover his best form having largely disappointed since a January switch from Arsenal, managing just three goals in 20 appearances

 "He's not going to the national team for these two friendlies in Japan and South Korea, which is good news for us because after that we play Watford and then immediately play [a] Champions League [match vs Young Boys]," Mourinho said on Sanchez

 "He's committed, he's focused, he works hard. I believe that he will improve. "I didn't ask [Sanchez not to play for Chile], I never ask players not to go [on international duty] and I never contact national teams for players not to go

 "It's a personal thing between him and the national manager. "At the same time, coming [back] from injury, he feels that for him it's a much-needed two weeks in spite of his conditions to play against Burnley

 "He feels that, after that [match vs Burnley], he needs two weeks to put himself in good shape and, because of the friendly matches in Asia, they made the decision for his good and, in consequence our good, for him not to go

" Sanchez has four goals in five league matches against Burnley is expected to start at Turf Moor today (4pm) with Mourinho enjoying a strong squad to pick from - minus absentees Phil Jones, Diogo Dalot and Sergio Romero

 United will hope to get back to winning ways to ease some of the increasing pressure on Mourinho with the club not having lost three straight league matches since December 2015

They have never lost four straight Premier League games. 

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