Friday, January 25, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2019

En las últimas semanas se volvió común ver en redes sociales las publicaciones de mujeres que fueron víctimas de algún tipo de violencia o intentos de secuestro a las afueras o en las instalaciones del metro de Ciudad de México

Las estaciones Chabacano, Mixcoac, Polanco, Coyoacán y Barranca del muerto, de las líneas 2, 7 y 3 del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro, han sido mencionadas por jóvenes que expresaron su temor de no volver a sus casas y compartieron sus testimonios de los momentos de angustia que vivieron

"Por ésta si nos dan un veinte, llévatela", escuchó una mujer que caminaba dentro del Metro Chabacano segundos antes de que seis personas (incluida otra mujer) la rodearan para intimidarla y llevársela

Logró zafarse y correr, aunque un policía le dijo que no había forma de atrapar a sus agresores

Otra mujer relató que afuera del Metro Coyoacán se le acercó un hombre para preguntarle algo, a lo que de inmediato respondió que no traía teléfono móvil

Él la tomó del brazo y mientras forcejeaban en un intento de quitarle la mochila, un joven llegó para auxiliarla

"Mi agresor empezó a decir que me conocía y que estaba haciendo un berrinche y me decía 'ya, vámonos para la casa'

Ante mi cara de pánico y casi tirada en el suelo el chico pidió auxilio a unos porteros cercanos a los edificios de la zona y llegan a auxiliar", relató en Facebook la joven, quien recuerda que su agresor huyó tranquilamente hasta un automóvil donde dos sujetos más lo esperaban

El miércoles 16 de enero, Diana caminaba con lentes oscuros rumbo al Metro Mixcoac

"Se me hizo curioso ver a dos hombres afuera de un coche con las puertas abiertas

De inmediato vi sus gestos, se hicieron señas, dijeron algo como 'Por ella 50', o algo así

De inmediato corrí hacia dentro del metro, bajé las escaleras como en dos saltos y me metí sin pagar", dijo en entrevista con el noticiero mexicano Telediario MX

La hermana de Diana vio en Facebook el testimonio de otra joven que vivió lo mismo, por lo que decidió alzar la voz

"Creo que si hay más de un caso, están manejando un modus para hacer este tipo de actos"

Con dicho noticiero habló Karla, quien vivió un intento de secuestro en septiembre de 2018 afuera de Metro Mixcoac

"Había un carro rojo estacionado, pasé por enfrente, se bajó el conductor y me trató de agarrar el brazo y me dijo: '¡Súbete!'", recordó

Martha vivió lo mismo cuando un automóvil se frenó frente a ella. "Me eché a correr

Sentí horrible, sentía que venía detrás de mí". El Consejo Ciudadano para la Seguridad y Justicia de Ciudad de México detectó una página en Facebook llamada "Es mi crush metro CDMX", donde comparten fotos de usuarios, sus horarios de recorrido y estaciones donde subieron o bajaron

Usuarios publican en la página fotos tomadas (sin su consentimiento) a hombres y mujeres que les atrajeron físicamente

Para el Consejo, lo preocupante es que los datos son aprovechados por secuestradores y delincuentes

Según informó el diario mexicano Reforma, Salvador Guerrero Chiprés, presidente del Consejo Ciudadano, reveló que se denunciaron seis casos de secuestro relacionados con la página de Facebook durante 2018

¿Toque de queda? Aunque ya se retractó, Ana Miriam Ferráez, diputada local en Veracruz por Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) propuso un toque de queda como solución a la desaparición de mujeres en el país y los feminicidios

Pero distintos grupos de mujeres se han organizado a través de redes sociales, con la etiqueta #LaCalleEsNuestra y con una imagen que invita a salir el viernes 25 de enero en punto de las 20:00 horas para manifestarse en contra de las declaraciones que banalizan la libertad de la mujer y que asumen que el salir por la noche las pone en peligro

Según datos del Observatorio Ciudadano Nacional del Feminicidio (OCNF), 18 de las 32 entidades federativas, es decir, el 56% del territorio mexicano, se encuentra formalmente declarado en Alerta de Violencia de Género contra las Mujeres (AVG)

Los estados de mayor preocupación son Veracruz, Guerrero, Jalisco, Morelos y el Estado de México, de acuerdo con la información oficial obtenida por el OCNF, que señaló: "A pesar de las 18 declaratorias de AVG que existen en el país, vemos con preocupación que no se han atendido las causas estructurales de la violencia contra las mujeres a nivel nacional"

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - "¿Y si yo desaparezco?": las formas en las que han intentado secuestrar a mujere - Duration: 7:32.


Jenifer condamnée pour violences, la victime salement amochée - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Jenifer condamnée pour violences, la victime salement amochée - Duration: 1:21.


Lorie plaque tout, c'est pour un bébé - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Lorie plaque tout, c'est pour un bébé - Duration: 1:23.


Charlotte Casiraghi s'éclate, cette «infidélité » à Dimitri Rassam à Paris - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Casiraghi s'éclate, cette «infidélité » à Dimitri Rassam à Paris - Duration: 1:19.


Meghan Royals Es - Sigue el verano en los mercados: el dólar subió en el mundo y cayó en la Argenti - Duration: 10:05.

Pese a que el dólar se impuso frente a las seis principales monedas del mundo en un promedio de 0,44%, encontró su talón de Aquiles en Latinoamérica donde excluido el real de Brasil, perdió frente al peso argentino, el chileno y el mexicano

La diferencia es que dos de los tres países ganadores tienen inflación de un dígito y sus calificaciones de riesgo país están en poco más de 200 puntos

 Argentina, si bien consiguió reducir notablemente el riesgo país en el último tiempo, tiene más de triple de riesgo y la caída fue posible por el retraso cambiario y las tasas de interés 

En Chile y México, la banca financia a las empresas. En la Argentina, la banca capta dinero de los privados para dárselo diariamente al Banco Central en cada licitación de Letras de Liquidez (Leliq)

Funciona como un sistema absolutamente estatizado. Pero el Gobierno omite esos detalles y celebra los resultados: dólar barato y riesgo país en baja

Lo cierto es que el dólar mayorista comenzó la rueda con fuerza y tocó un máximo de $37,61 para cerrar en el mínimo del día de $37,41

Bajó 16 centavos respecto al miércoles y quedó a casi 30 centavos de la línea inferior de flotación

Las compras de USD 50 millones del Banco Central fueron inocuas. Sirvieron para mejorarle el precio a los vendedores que transforman esos pesos en plazos fijos o los utilizan para pagar deudas e impuestos

El precio máximo de la licitación fue de apenas 37,58 pesos. Una vez que el Central se retiró, siguió la caída

En bancos y casas de cambio, el público pagó el dólar 9 centavos menos a $38,48

El "blue" tuvo un desplome importante de 50 centavos a $38,50, pero como el precio comprador está más cercano que el de venta, a los que quieren hacerse de divisas, les conviene acudir a este mercado

La licitación de Letras de Liquidez (Leliq), le permitió al Central absorber $141

801 millones. La tasa máxima la bajó 16 centavos a 56,99% y la tasa promedio fue de 56,70% (-0,17 puntos)

Como no renovó todos los vencimientos, dejó en libertad $7.500 millones. Para ver el efecto irrisorio de la venta de dólares, desde que comenzó a funcionar el sistema en 6 ruedas liberó alrededor de $11

200 millones. En un solo día las Leliq no renovadas aumentaron la base monetaria en $7

500 millones. Son cifras que en una plaza seca no tienen impacto porque el sector privado debe más de lo que recauda y necesita deshacerse de divisas para hacer frente a las obligaciones

Mucho más en esta semana por la proximidad del fin de mes. Las reservas, en tanto, bajaron 105 millones a USD 66

516 millones, porque en el exterior se perdieron USD 36 millones por la caída del euro y otras monedas de Europa ante el dólar

Además, bajó el oro. El resto de la pérdida se justifica por el pago de 46 millones a organismos internacionales y 2 millones a Brasil

Pero lo que más entusiasmó al Gobierno fue la reducción del riesgo país de casi 2% a 657 puntos básicos

Hace poco más de un mes había llegado a 830 puntos. Pero, aunque el paso es grande, la Argentina está todavía afuera del mercado de deuda

Nadie prestaría a una tasa 10,5% anual en dólares. La mayoría de los fondos tienen prohibida la compra de estos bonos

El país necesita bajar su riesgo al menos 150 puntos. Chile y México toman deuda a 10 años a 5,50%, la mitad de lo que debería pagar hoy la Argentina por deuda a un año

A la suba del riesgo país lo que más ayuda es la caída del dólar. Mientras la divisa retrocedía 0,25%, el Bonar 2024, el bono de referencia de la deuda, aumentaba 0,70%

Pero los inversores aprovechan para vender bonos. Saben que los títulos de la Argentina dependen menos de su economía que de las encuestas electorales

La Bolsa, a su vez, negoció algo más de volumen, $782 millones. Comenzó con euforia

A las 12.00 el S&P Merval acumulaba un alza de 1,04%. Pero a partir de ese momento comenzó un serrucho descendente que lo llevó a caer hasta 0,02%

A las 16.33 comenzó el rebote y cerró con un aumento de 0,33 por ciento. El mercado estuvo en línea con el mundo ante los peligros que se señalaron en Davos: la Guerra comercial de Estados Unidos y China, el Brexit y la caída de la actividad mundial

 Los grandes ganadores de la rueda fueron Grupo de Valores (+4,71%) e YPF (+4,32%)

Las dos acciones acumulan ganancias de casi 13% en lo que va del mes. Los ADR's, certificados de acciones que cotizan en Wall Street en dólares, tuvieron una buena rueda

Solo cuatro acciones conocieron la baja. IRSA Propiedades Comerciales (+7,60%) volvió a destacarse

En dos ruedas recuperó con creces lo que perdió el martes. Corporación América fue la que más subió con 8,86 por ciento

El mercado sigue viviendo el verano. Pero los inversores, a diferencias de los veraneantes, saben que el bronceado dura un tiempo breve

Cuando se aproximen las PASO y las encuestas electorales comiencen a marcar el camino, la historia puede cambiar y las inversiones bendecidas pueden ser otras

Seguí leyendo:

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Sigue el verano en los mercados: el dólar subió en el mundo y cayó en la Argenti - Duration: 10:05.


Maxima des Pays «une rupture », elle quitte sa villa Eikenhorst - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Maxima des Pays «une rupture », elle quitte sa villa Eikenhorst - Duration: 1:19.


#07 Víctor. Tasts de màgia suculents de terra endins - Duration: 6:18.

On today's episode of 'Burjassot para taula' we visit multitalented and amazing Victor at his home,

he is a sports instructor in Burjassot and he will show us how to cook a traditional recipe from inland València:

'gaspatxos' from Aiora.

Hi, welcome to my kitchen! My name is Víctor, and today we are going to cook a typical dish from my parents' town, Aiora.

It is called 'gazpachos ayorinos'. Chicken, rabbit and pork ribs are used to make the stock.

I started to prepare the stock last night, that way it tastes delicious.

Regarding the 'coca' or flatbread we have this one which is soft. We need to tear it apart in little pieces.

Using our hands. My dad would make us all tear it apart before cooking.

My parents taught us to cook 'gaspatxos' this way when we were children.

And also to make these little burnt spots, we take what we call 'ascuas' (embers) in Aiora and place them on top of the flatbread.

This makes it burn.

You can find this flatbread virtually in every bakery in Aiora.

I work here in Burjassot, at the public swimming pool. I really love working with people.

I also perform magic shows in theatres. My stage name is Mag Vic.

'Mag' in Valencian, and 'Vic' from Víctor, then .es is my website.

Olive oil, tomato and a bit of onion.

Now we'll use some olive oil. A bit of onion...

Now the tomato.

We'll add some paprika at this point.

We have to pour the stock into this big pan, and then add the flatbread for four guests, in pieces.

Pick a number between 1 and 10. (Five). One, two, three, four and five... Do you like this one?

Right. Please show it to everyone. Let's put it back in the middle more or less, okay? This way...

I'm going to try and guess your card, well, not me, a coin. Have you got a coin?

I am going to rub it so it becomes a magic coin that can guess your card.

I really love the fire and the gunpowder...

And we can see it has burnt many cards until it reached this one.


The stir-fry is ready. Taste the stock and add salt if necessary.

I've added half of it and I'll add more later. Some saffron.

Now we add the 'gaspatxos'. It will have a better colour eventually.

We need to stir it so it doesn't stick.

I will add a bit more of stock. And then you need to tell me if you wish to have flatbread underneath.

When the family would visit us, my aunts and uncles, cousins...

of course they would ask for 'gaspatxos' for lunch because they hardly ever had them.

So, even when it was mid-August, we would cook 'gaspatxos' for them.

They cook a huge amount of 'gaspatxos' in my town, it is called 'gazpachada'.

They cook them in the main square, over a wood fire with these special pans.

There's some stock left in case someone prefers it a bit soggy. You can even pour it into your dish.

Let's turn off the heat and we can serve.


We normally add a triangle-shaped flatbread underneath.

We need to stir continuously...

As you can see it is a bit thicker now and the flatbread underneath gets softer.

Let's taste it, we can set the table and try it.

There you go the 'gazpachos ayorinos' with flatbread underneath.

One card, any card from the deck.

...any card,

please say it out loud.

King of Hearts, I'll look for it!

King of Hearts, and so you don't forget, as many people do, I'll leave it there.

I won't guess it myself because I already know, but he will, 'little Viqui'.

'Little Viqui' will try and guess it.

He takes his hat and there's something in it, he pulls a card out and this card is…

The King of Hearts!

Enchanted by Mag Vic we have learnt the tricks to make some homemade 'gaspatxos' as if by magic .

We leave Víctor's home charmed by his energy and his amazing charisma.

For more infomation >> #07 Víctor. Tasts de màgia suculents de terra endins - Duration: 6:18.


Vanessa Paradis «prudente », elle garde à l'oeil Timothée Chalamet - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis «prudente », elle garde à l'oeil Timothée Chalamet - Duration: 1:25.


Taller sobre el Dolor - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Taller sobre el Dolor - Duration: 0:55.


공구없이 조립하는 캣타워가 있다고? Do you have a catwalk to assemble without tools? - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 공구없이 조립하는 캣타워가 있다고? Do you have a catwalk to assemble without tools? - Duration: 2:03.


HIPERTIROIDISMO Causas Sintomas Tratamientos ana contigo - Duration: 10:03.

Hello friends how are you? Welcome to my channel Ana CONTIGO

Today we are going to talk about a pretty subject important and that I have been consulted a lot lately

and it's natural because it's about one of thyroid diseases that by

be much less frequent than Hypothyroidism perhaps it is addressed less frequently.

Here below I leave the links to all my videos about the Thyroid, I recommend you check them

because you are going to find a lot of information additional that can guide you.

Let's start our topic today by emphasizing the importance of paying a lot of attention

to the functioning of our thyroid gland because it has tremendous impact on our

physical and emotional health, she regulates our metabolism or body rhythm so when

presents imbalances affects the functions bodily generating characteristic symptoms;

in the case of hyperthyroidism there is an excess of thyroid hormone that causes the functions

of the organs of the body are accelerated that is, it is a clinical picture that occurs

for an increase in the activity of this gland. Therefore the symptoms that appear in

hyperthyroidism are due to acceleration of the functions of the organism. Between the

more characteristic are the patient may notice nervousness, irritability, sensitivity

to heat, sweating, palpitations, tremor of hands, unexpected weight loss although

increase your appetite, anxiety, difficulty sleep, fine and brittle hair, changes

in bowel patterns like diarrhea and muscle weakness, change in menstruation,

fatigue and there may be an increase in size of the base of the neck that is known as goiter

and that can affect swallowing by compression that produces in the neck.

In the case of people who have the disease of Graves may present additional symptoms

like swollen or bulging eyes, dry and red, can hurt, have tearing, blurred vision

or double, or sensitivity to light. Often the symptoms start slowly

and can be confused with stress or others health problems; when it occurs in adults

older these symptoms can be subtle so you have to be very careful in case

an increase in heart rate is detected, fatigue during normal activities and

withdrawal since they can be confused with depression or dementia ..

The most frequent hyperthyroidism are the due to diffuse goiter or Graves disease

which is a disease of autoimmune type and Other common causes are:

• Hyperactive thyroid nodules where the growth of one or more nodules occurs

or lumps in the thyroid that increase production of thyroid hormone.

• And a problem with the immune system or a viral infection that causes the gland

thyroid swells and • In rare cases, the cause could be a

benign (non-cancerous) tumor in the gland pituitary.

The people who have the most risk of suffering of this disease are:

• women, people who have a history relatives of thyroid disease, people

in the range among those under 40 or over 60, people with certain

problems such as type 1 diabetes, anemia pernicious or some system disorder

immune or consuming large amounts of iodine, either through food or medication.

Once hyperthyroidism is diagnosed, Conservative treatment involves initiating

an oral therapy with anti-thyroid medications that is, they seek to inhibit production

of thyroid hormones whose excess causes this problem in such a way to get better

the symptoms. In cases that are caused by the disease

of Graves you can try a treatment prolonged with anti-thyroid drugs, administered

exclusively or in combination with thyroxine to prevent the occurrence of hypothyroidism.

Symptoms usually begin to improve in a few weeks, but treatment with

Anti-thyroid medications usually continue at least one year or more. For some

people, this solves the problem in a way permanent, but other people can experience

a relapse In the period of treatment it is necessary

perform reviews every 3 or 4 months in the that the possible effects should be monitored

side effects of antithyroid drugs skin reactions and exceptionally

the decrease in white blood cells. After that period, about 40% of cases

refer definitively, while the rest relapse, that is, it returns. If this is the case

or in the cases of nodular goiters can be It is necessary to apply a more definitive treatment.

If the goiter becomes large, it produces Compressive symptoms or ocular alterations

of Graves' disease so Surgical treatment may be indicated

to look to reduce the size of the gland thyroid in such a way that it produces less

hormones There is also the treatment with radioactive iodine

where an oral dose is given that manages to take effect within the 1st to the 2nd month

and that generally applies when the size of the goiter is small or when there is a high

surgical risk. Usually the symptoms disappear between

three and six months however due to which this treatment makes the activity

thyroid gland may cause hypothyroidism and it is for this reason that at some point

you may need to take medications to replace to thyroxine.

In hyperthyroidism, the appearance of classic symptoms, next to the appearance

of goiter, creates the diagnostic suspicion that are confirmed with hormone tests

thyroid, blood antibody, ultrasound and thyroid scan that can help

to clarify the type of hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism can lead to a series

of complications such as eye problems that we already detailed and additionally bones

fragile that can not be triggered if left untreated in osteoporosis because too much

thyroid hormone interferes with the ability of the body to incorporate calcium into the bones.

Even though cases are rarer, People with Graves' disease can

develop skin conditions that cause redness and swelling that often

occur in the lower limbs including the feet.

Any type of hyperthyroidism requires of immediate treatment since without treatment

can trigger a thyrotoxic crisis where all the symptoms intensify,

dehydration, tachycardia or arrhythmia occur cardiac disease, heart failure, involvement

from the state of consciousness, delusions may arise, fever.

The truth is that with the treatment guidelines habitual is an easily controllable disease

and curable. The best approach to treatment is going to

depend on several factors such as type, symptoms and severity as well as age

and the physical condition of the patient, depending of all this the specialist doctor will recommend

the most convenient options to the case, without But as I always tell you, it may be advisable

a second and even a third opinion if you are not satisfied

Something very important is that you do not stop asking to your doctor about his recommendations in

regarding the diet since it usually lose weight and muscle mass or sometimes

the opposite the treatment can produce an increase in weight; calcium and sodium

as well as vitamin D are also special consideration in these cases because

excess thyroid hormone can prevent the absorption of calcium in the bones and cause

an osteoporosis, we already mentioned it. If you have Graves' ophthalmopathy or dermopathy,

that is, problems with your eyes or skin you can help you apply cold compresses, using

sunglasses, lubricating drops, elevating the head of your bed, with creams for

inflammation of the skin but once again, consult all this with specialists in this

type of condition, usually the endocrine but could be additionally a dermatologist

to treat skin conditions and treatments that relieve your eyes.

One last piece of advice for this video, "Do not forget Always consult your doctor if you present

some of these symptoms and if your exams of initial blood show no signs insists

in which it is analyzed if it could be a Subclinical hyperthyroidism, you should

be satisfied or satisfied with your diagnosis because it's about your health and your well-being

and as we have already seen, do not treat this type of problem can have significant risks

and consequences for your health. Remember to leave in the comments any

suggestion, contribution or restlessness that serves me of guidance to develop the next

videos on this or any other theme related to Health and Wellbeing.

Let's take care of our body, let's take care of our temple!

Do not forget to subscribe and ring the bell which is right next door

Like this video if you liked it and share it That way we can help more people.

A big hug and see you next time! Ciao!

For more infomation >> HIPERTIROIDISMO Causas Sintomas Tratamientos ana contigo - Duration: 10:03.


Alexandra Lamy, une terrible addiction, elle prend enfin une décision radicale - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Alexandra Lamy, une terrible addiction, elle prend enfin une décision radicale - Duration: 1:32.


Евгений Полянский Там где то на краю Земли. Live. 2018. Гнездо глухаря. - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Евгений Полянский Там где то на краю Земли. Live. 2018. Гнездо глухаря. - Duration: 2:44.


discus balığı, satın alacağız, yerli balık, üretimi, discus, akvaryum balıkları, discusun hayatı - Duration: 13:19.

For more infomation >> discus balığı, satın alacağız, yerli balık, üretimi, discus, akvaryum balıkları, discusun hayatı - Duration: 13:19.


[Official Audio] 예배자 - 그 사랑 얼마나 (feat. 이지은) - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> [Official Audio] 예배자 - 그 사랑 얼마나 (feat. 이지은) - Duration: 4:49.


Audi A4 1.8 TFSI Pro Line S - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.8 TFSI Pro Line S - Duration: 1:15.


✅Heiße Playlist: Das sind die Songs auf Arianas neuem Album! - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> ✅Heiße Playlist: Das sind die Songs auf Arianas neuem Album! - Duration: 2:13.


monpjc LP S2E23 - Steampunk Castle The Walls go up! - Duration: 32:07.

hello everybody and welcome back to my let's play channel this is Monpjc here

and as you can see I am still here at the castle and in today's episode we are

going to be doing an awful lot of building on this castle I'm very excited

about this episode I've been really looking forward to doing this one we are

going to be building the walls and the outer structure for the castle it's

gonna be pretty epic I mean we're talking about 14/15 blocks high two

floors all the walls big doors in the front here

the whole shebang it's gonna look really good when this gets going and we're

gonna have a pathway out of here coming out and it's just gonna be really

exciting we've got more to show you with the dungeons the dungeons have been

expanded they are really big down there now we've got a new area and a torture

chamber and everything and I'm hoping you're really going to enjoy this

episode because I'm really am looking forward to recording this one already so

I'm going to crack on I'm going to get some materials together and start

building all this area up okay so I'm gonna start this build off with my doors

for things cuz I want to work out roughly where they're gonna go in this

field and I'm probably gonna have to move them up but I just mainly want to

find the center at the start so what we're gonna do is this have a look

there's have a little count here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 it's

unusual normally to be builded in Minecraft and using even numbers

normally use odd numbers and the reason for that is you're normally using a

single door in your build and what happens then is that this becomes the

center block so even if build out two blocks that won't two blocks that would

that be five so you always end up like an odd number however in this bill

we're gonna be using two doors so two to become an even number they're in the

middle so that's what we're gonna do there so I said that was sixteen so I

wanna build these on the eighth block one two three four five six seven eight

now there we go actually put them down so they actually face each other that's

gonna be coming to see that's gonna be the main entrance coming in here and

I've collected up a load of stone on me so the first thing I want to do is

actually get some stone blocks made up so I'm gonna just get a I reckon I

probably need a stack of those and then from that I probably want to make I'm

just guessing at the moment what I'm actually gonna need so I've got eighteen

of those that's a good start let's make some slabs as well so when I

get some resources available to myself and then I think what I might do is it

just might use this other sixty off there just to make up so I've got plenty

of those could be using lots of those I'm trying to remember how it is we make

the she'd really used the recipe book here these ones chiseled oh there we go

so let's how many are those gonna make nine I'm probably gonna need all nine of

those this is just for a little bit of decoration so we'll use some more of

those just make up some of them we get quite a few that'll do and then what I'm

gonna do is I'm just gonna rearrange my inventory around here so I'm gonna want

some playing blocks I'm gonna be doing any of that some stone blocks and some

pretty blocks like that normal shoes with blocks and we'll put some slaps in

here and move the water out the way and use some

steps like that that's where we're gonna start now our stairs

I don't know women to make this the right I guess I probably will make this

the level where we're going to start with the stairs because this would be

the entrance way in here huh or I might bring the stairs this the door

upper level I might do that actually so should I do that first here's me

saying I didn't need that and now I do so now I'm actually going to do what I

said what I was originally don't leave them where they are and I'm going to

build around these as that's my base level so the first thing we're going to

do is going to have a little bit of a step out here by really making a fail of

this let's put a couple of stones in like that and then what I want is a

stone path entrance around like that going into our doorway and then what

we'll probably have is just trying to work out the shape of the entrance here

before I get too carried away when the rest of the build let's just get rid of

these and then we'll tear a firm around here afterwards so if I move those out

the way there and these chests are going to be in the way as well I'll have to

come back and move them so I think what we'll have there's another layer like

that rounded front there and then we've got this sort of nice stairwell coming

up just replace those like that that a date

that's our entrance bit now around the doorway itself I'm just trying to

because I have got some sketches here of what I'm actually building to

just sort of similar give me an idea so we're gonna go up one two here one two

there and what's really gonna be good as one we actually get scaffolding blocks

in the game which is in 1.14 obviously and we can actually do some proper

builds thereby that we can actually sort that's not worried about how high we

gonna go what's gonna be above it and this is mainly just gonna be a frame to

start with so we're gonna pop those up there like that and then what I'm gonna

come in and I just want to chuck a couple of those in like that just start

with there we go so that gives you the door a little bit of a prominence up

there so what I'm gonna do now is build my walls out to the side but I think

what I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna build a layer of these out to the side

by sewed so we've got this sort of like base element of brickwork to it like

that and then one are gonna come in and do is I'm then gonna come in and fill

this up with more stones but I'm just thinking I want to put on our show to

the top of this so probably want to build this up about three or four what

I'm now thinking is start having trouble climbing up and down this thing so I

start going to put some stairs in on the outside as we go along so we'll start

here by just put in a layer of of this in either side and I think I might do

few letters because well not the the brickwork to be not be the dominant

feature not quite so much not certainly not on this front level so we're gonna

do something

so we got a nice solid wall to the front here and it's gonna hop down there as I

go along I'm just going to keep building font on the wall like this and that

would give me a bit of a stairway back up so you can see if we got this wall

here it's not particularly that pretty at the moment the way that actually

looks but what we can do is we can start coming in and just decorating this a

little bit really early on by putting some slabs like that there and then I

want to do is that a bit aggressive putting that in there like that no I

don't think it eased I think that looks okay and then we're gonna have another

slab they are and there that's not too bad it's a bit difficult to see from

here isn't it we're on I got stuff in the way just trying to

stand up a bit higher to it that's a bit better so that's not bad that's like

that so I'm gonna step there I might do another block down yeah I might do some

more blocks from here like that how does that want to be leveled there

well sure I know what I might don't why she put a step in there so if I come

round there like pop that in there like that

that's not bad that gives it a little bit of a structure around the side there

that's okay I like that okay let's go and replicate that on this

side so we've got one there one there oh and a step there we go

there we go so I've got this bit of an archway door coming on here and what we

could actually do is bring this out on the front here like so and then this

work if I drop that in there yeah that's quite cool actually brings that ground

but brings that little aged step to it there as well

I think that's too bad and then I could always come in here like that and like

that and I like put like a torch or a fence post or something in there just to

decorate that a little bit more so let's do the same round this side just pop

that in there just gives it quite a bit of a rigid structure and I what I'm

trying to do is sort of make this look quite an imposing doorway it's not too

bad to start with and we can probably build some bits up the wall here to go

up from that but what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna put a layer of yeah gonna

put a layer of brick in here like so so we've got a contrasting layer and one

thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come back and alter these stones so I might

come back and put some broken stones in or I might I've seen too much I really

must stop doing that what I could do is put some broken stone in or even some

mossy ones which would actually look a lot nicer

so that bigger thing to do yeah I think that's a good height about there and

then what I want to do off of here is I wanna sort of then build what looks like

the different layers now from the notes I did here I've put about three layers

in which is quite good and these are all today

ting blocks that I've got I think it's a really good idea to actually prepare

what you're going to build so you've got a good plan because I was it can just

end up being so difficult to actually work out what you want to do so we do

that like that and up and down and then what we'll have is a I'm making it's

very high for myself OOP a roller blocks that gonna come

across the top there like so so where's that end won't come that comes I think

I've got that in the wrong place ever know the right yeah it's in the wrong

place grabbed up by back like that and it's

what we're gonna do is I'm gonna want to see to do three of these one two three

and then do another post going up here like so this is where all so many of

these and then I've got one two three here yeah that's perfect that's exactly

what I want it because I'm gonna do that and then I'm going to where's my slaps

gone we're gonna put a slap there and then we put plain stone and stone stones

don't like that and then I need some it's always worth using earth as a

really good material for building work because this is just so easy to break up

after and that's not the one I wanted to are now good let's get out now got a

piece of cobble him up and drink that deal one two three is that free height

that's very high right so because earth will just break punching

it like that which means you can and it's an easy thing to get hold of there

we go right let's have a look see what we've got

Dada there we go so we've got a nice bit of a door there going on there's some

framework around it and we've got a nice panel wall you can see how we've got

these like little tiny windows we're gonna have replicate that around sides

there and what I want to do is I want to replicate that yet again up there and I

think what I might do just to make my life a little bit easier is I actually

use these I'll go and get some more stacks of Earth I'm going to build some

steps on the inside so I'm gonna crack on with that and let's see what we end

up with okay so as you can see I've done a little bit more building work here and

I think that looks pretty good I'm quite pleased with that that's quite

nice we've got what looks like free layers to the building in there we've

got the windows the different stone types we've got the castle take

consolation I think is what you call it across the top there the front porch

area I'm still working on a little bit that needs a little bit more detail some

torches and things but yeah that's that's not bad looking actually even if

I say so myself so what looking to do now this is only

one wall and I've got to go round and do this on all the other sides now

obviously and then we've got to work out how to do these pillars so that's it

from the inside I decided to use ladders on the inside it was much easier so this

will be our ground floor so we can obviously put another layer in here and

maybe another floor in here or have really high rooms in the top and the

building which might actually be quite good idea so really nice high rooms in

the top of the castle like the throne room and different things like that

so what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna disappear away and in a blink of an eye

hopefully we'll have all these walls up so personally I think if you really want

to see how your build looks I think you need to see it from some distance I

think it's one of the great things about Minecraft is this blocky world that

we're in is fantastic but you don't really get to see the vision of what's

in your mind and to get a bit of distance on there and you get a little

bit of a perspective from it so what we're actually gonna go and do this is

our castle and you can see we've done a huge amount on it now so I'm gonna walk

over to this I got the Sheep barring in the background behind me so this is

gonna be our outer ward this is the area where many in the villages will live and

the main houses in this lower area and as you can see as we approach this we

get this magnificent dominant look of a castle up there on the hillside really

sort of like scaring off and we've just got the out corner here of the prisons

that are in here in this map so what we're going to do is we're just gonna

walk around here and there'll be a big walkway into the in award which is the

area within the castle where we'll find the markets and the different aspects

but as you can see we're we've only got the front two turrets on here we've got

all the walls in place these two areas here you can see this is really quite

dominant as a build here and it's really have to stand back to appreciate what

we've actually got here so let me take you inside and show you what we've

actually built because this has been a lot of work a huge amount of work as you

can see so in through the dock and you can see it's still completely empty in

here but what we have got is all the walls now in place with all

the windows in place I've got to do some little work around here I've left those

ones out I wanted to see what they look like on the outside with just ones row

windows or two and I definitely prefer two so can we go back and fix those from

in here you remember we had a bit of a train station coming in through here

that's all gone completely now down there is our dungeons which I'll come

back to but up here this is our big doorway into this corner which is going

to be our main stairwell for the castle the other corners I'm gonna put other

aspects and things in as well but let's go up these stairs see this is

where we've got these little tiny windows which would normally bring light

into the castle we'll come in here and switch out some of this stone to make it

look a little bit more interesting but we come up to what is the first floor

now the first floor is gonna have this raised area as you come in because the

floors going to come down to about here and this first floor in here is going to

be about that high and it's going to go all the way to the ceiling it's gonna

have the big chambers for the library the throne room all of those things

underneath here this area between here and here is gonna be barracks and armory

because they're all going to be prepared ready to take on back to anyone trying

to come into our keep and then of course we're gonna have these stairs behind us

over here go down deeper into where we've got our special rooms for housing

and other things like our gold chests and all our secret stores and materials

so this floor here is going to be very much the throne room the living room

and then coming up a floor literally just come out up onto the roof very

quickly so we've got a very clear view of what's going on in our world out

there and we can just about make out in the distance on the video in the render

distance it's a little tiny village where the end portal is down underneath

that so this area here is going be roof capped off however this isn't

gonna look like a castle up here this is a keep this is where our king or queen

or very important people are going to remove themselves from the the outer

ward of the inn award and our high importance people are going to evacuate

here if we were being terrorized obviously when we get 1.14 we can have

the pillages the penalties are coming and they're going to be attacking us so

we're going to need to retreat into the castle out through this stairwell up

these stairs is a very quick access to get them very high up and out the way

and then defended by our guards on this front porch here which will have a

drawbridge etc but up here what we're going to have is houses it's gonna be a

very Germanic style built with wood which we'll use from down here as you

can see we've mainly got spruce trees around in this area and a bit of oak so

we'll replicate the spruce wood up here but we'll use a block like door right

but I'm actually thinking I'll probably use bone blocks so give a nice white

flush walls and then the spruce roofs on top and certainly this entrance here is

going to be capped off with a roof on it it just looks like a castle at the

moment just as a bit of a temporary thing and then along the sides here I'm

also planning on putting maybe another one of these boundary round turret type

builds on the side and then obviously I've got to build ones on the back here

as well so I think it's fantastic I really enjoyed doing this build and I

can't wait to get more of this done there's just so much to do and what I

was going to start doing is recording how many hours I've been playing in this

world so we're gonna go down I wish we got our torches here all of this needs a

lot of work still we need to build in our stone and brick work to finish this

off on we're gonna let it blend into this solid stone underneath them

you look like it's been dug down underneath that we can come into these

areas down here now as we come down you'll see I've got some cobblestone

stairs and the reason for that is down here huh

you may remember we had this prison area which I showed off in my last episode

and he no Phoenix Ford it looked a bit like a bar or a spa area but what I've

done since then is I've come in here and I've changed some of these bricks out

little bear and changed it around a little bit put some blood on the floor

in the way redstone this this contraption here basically what would

happen is our prisoners would come in and we've got these barriers here so

this is a low risk area this is what we're using wood in these cells in here

and there are areas where we can tie our popper is like over here they could be

have there they could be strapped to this and tie down the way or we have

this post here which is like a holding section so they come in and have the

hands tied above the roof here like that onto those bars so that they're kept out

the way while the guards book them in over here and we'll put some books and

stuff before there are allotted their cell that they go into over here

and this is a dunk tank this is a very old traditional way of torturing people

so what you would do is you'd actually sit them on this chair and then if they

didn't tell you what you wanted to know you dunk their head in the water and

then dunk them out again and it's a very very nasty way of torturing people

though that's the idea is that this is a bit of torturing for our low-risk

prisoners which are all going to begin here however on the other side I was

building another prison area and as you can see we've got some spare beds out

here didn't have enough room for them all we have this metal door so this is a

high-risk prison area so you're just gonna

use our special wanted open the look there we go here we go

and very differently you can see we using metal in here so again we've got

these bars blocking the access of people coming in here a little bit restricting

their movement but they can beat the some spare beds there they once again

can be tired against these metal bars as they're being booked in and this more

over here because he's blood on the floor when they've been tied up a bit

like this I mean like put it in the corner

stack up against the bars and there's a oh sorry nobody I don't wanna go away

but they come and then this holding desk unlike the other which is quite open has

got iron bars all the way around it and we've got this grill here so people can

put things through but our chair in there is blocked off so that people

can't get in around the back of this we've got a door gain on the back where

people are metal door locked so you can't get the prisoners getting in here

at the guard these cells themselves are identical to the other ones however

there are a lot more compact so you can see we've got three beds in these so

these are our this is our high volume area we've got much more prisons in here

we've got 12 different cells and we can hold free in each so what's that that's

free 12 24 36 prisoners we can hold in here quite easily and the areas are

segregated so through here we've got another doorway blocking off our

prisoners so if anyone did escape they can't just get through this end that

there's a bit of a fancy one here anyone in this room has got a really nice view

of some daylight they're extremely lucky because this sort of pokes out the

corner of the mountain have a prisoners for example one in this corner got no

windows at all they could probably just barely see any light coming through

these so just travel back through this section

around the back here we have much worse in the way of torture stuff you see this

area as has been used a lot more they've actually put proper stones down because

I have to clean up so much so starting over here we've got our dunk tank with

rails where they can be tired too we've got this rack on the wall here where we

can have our prisoners dragged up the wall and they can sort of like be like

hung up here or something like that while they're being tortured and then

over this side we've got this this big concrete bed basically and there's these

tie rails here where you would lay them down and tie their hands up and tie

their legs down and they could be whipped into things so

this is definitely our maximum-security prison area but this is hidden yeah this

is a door a wicked up hello who you are you allowed in here I'm not I'm not sure

you are I think maybe you've been bad or we need to soak align the camera up just

there I think we need to keep an eye on you and I don't trust you

so I might have to close my little barrier door here like this I've done

really bad editing there every night so that that they're protected behind these

bars here it's like no you're not coming in so I've really enjoyed this this is

fantastic I think this is brilliant we're gonna have to put some other

things in here some little all amounts so just some things to break up the area

like some bales of straw occasionally or some buckets of water etc and just come

here here as I said got a load of spare basil up there so that's what I've been

doing and I've really I just can't keep saying how much I've really enjoyed

working on this build I mean it's it's huge we've also been

collecting huge amounts of stone being pros

you know all these chests are full up in my next episode I'm planning on trying

to get the flaws in we've got to finish off these stairs which of the

underground sections stairs and just start getting some of these rooms built

because that's the whole point of this castles getting these stairs built so

they've got somewhere for these people to run away to and hide and I'm just

gonna hop straight down here again and get a bit of distance as I knock off so

what I want you guys to do is I want you to tell me what sort of things you want

to see being built what sorts of rooms are in this castle what sort of stuff

would you expect if you went to a castle like this and these guys are defending

it how would you expect them to be defending it what sorts of weaponry or

things would you see on the outside and we'll never go see if we can actually

build those things so I'm gonna say thanks very much for watching

I've really enjoyed doing this please come back and watch the next one because

we've got loads more to do and I'm gonna be taking you through are we gonna try

and do some other different things as well please hit that subscribe button

that's really important to the channel please hit the like button if you

haven't done us already already already already I can't even talk I'm so excited

see you next time guys bye!!

For more infomation >> monpjc LP S2E23 - Steampunk Castle The Walls go up! - Duration: 32:07.


[아시안컵] 카타르 상대로도 '공수 전환 상황' 낭비하면 위험하다 - Duration: 12:21.

김정용 기자= 한국은 수비에서 공격으로 전환할 때 득점 기회를 놓치는

모습을 반복적으로 보이곤 했다.

아시안컵 우승을 노린다면 이 상황에서 더 나은 경기 운영이 필수적이다.

한국은 25일(한국시간) 아랍에미리트(UAE)의 아부다비에 위치한

셰이크 자예드 스포츠 시티에서 카타르를 상대로 '2019 UAE 아시안컵' 8강전을 갖는다.

두 팀 모두 전승을 거두며 여기까지 왔지만 성적은 카타르가 오히려 한국보다 좋다.

카타르는 11득점 무실점으로 압도적인 성적을 낸 반면,

한국은 6득점 1실점으로 공수 기록이 더 나쁜데다 16강에서 바레인과

연장 승부를 벌였다는 점도 불리하다.

바레인을 상대로 슛 횟수가 16회 대 17회로 열세였다.

한국은 앞선 경기에서 비효율적이었다.

보통 슛과 유효슛을 더 많이 기록하고 승리한 팀이 경기를 지배했다고 볼 수 있다.

유효 슛 역시 2회 대 4회로 더 적었다.

한국은 바레인을 상대로 경기력 측면에서 그다지 우세하지 못했고,

오히려 밀린 대목도 있었다는 걸 보여주는 기록이다.

점유율이 70.5%나 됐다는 점을 감안하면 연비가 아주 낮은 경기였다.

카타르는 최전방의 탄력이 바레인보다 좋은 팀이다.

현재 7골로 득점 1위인 알모에즈 알리를 중심으로 기대 이상의 마무리 능력을 보여주고 있다.

바레인전처럼 한국은 느리게 공격하다가 공을 빼앗기고,

상대에게는 속공을 허용하는 양상이 반복적으로 나타난다면 더 힘든 경기를 할 수 있다.

바레인전에서 황희찬이 넣은 선취골은 이번 대회에서

가장 짜임새 있는 장면이었다. 모처럼 한국이 공수 전환 상황을 활용했다.

정우영, 황희찬, 이청용, 황인범, 손흥민을 거쳐 이용의 결정적인

크로스가 연결될 때까지 공을 잡은 선수뿐 아니라 주변 선수들까지

활발하게 위치를 바꾸며 패스 받을 공간을 만들었다.

이때 공을 가진 선수가 적절한 선택을 하는 모습이 연속으로 나오면서 득점까지 이어졌다.

김진수, 김영권, 김민재를 제외한 모든 선수가 직, 간접적으로 관여한 골이었다.

선수들이 스위칭 할 때 주위 선수들이 유기적으로 움직이며 대형을 유지하고,

이때 적절한 판단으로 공을 전진시키며 상대를 흔드는 건

벤투 감독이 가장 선호하는 공격 방식이다.

이번 대회에서 처음으로 나온 이상적인 공격이었다.

한국의 선제골 상황은 딱히 속공도 아니었다. 공수 전환 성황은 어느 경기에서나 일어난다.

문제는 공격을 처음 시작하는 빌드업 단계에서부터 상대를 교란하고

수비의 허를 찌르며 공을 순환시킬 수 있는지 여부다.

오른쪽 풀백 위치부터 상대 허를 찌르는 판단을 연속적으로 할 수 있다면,

공이 왼쪽으로 이동했다가 오른쪽으로 돌아왔을 때 결정적인 득점

기회가 난다는 걸 보여준 장면이었다.

문제는 한국이 경기 내내 이런 플레이를 하기 힘들다는 것이다.

벤투 감독은 바레인전 이후 기자회견과 카타르전을 앞둔

기자회견에서 연달아 체력 문제를 인정했다.

체력이 떨어지면 기본기와 판단력이 저하되고,

바레인전 선제골과 같은 팀 플레이 상황을 자주 만들 수 없게 된다.

카타르전에서도 컨디션이 제대로 회복되지 않았다면

시간대별로 운영 방법을 달리 하는 것도 방법이다.

90분 내내 애매한 경기 템포로 운영하느니,

예를 들어 초반 30분 동안 최대한의 집중력으로 경기하다가

이후 30분 동안은 공을 돌리며 여유롭게 경기하는 등 시간대별로 다양한 운영을 준비할 수 있다.

한국은 공수 전환 상황을 잘 활용하기 위해 가장 중요한 선수 두 명이 빠져 있다.

분주히 움직이며 공을 순환시키는 것이 특기인 이재성,

후방에서 가장 정확한 판단으로 공격 방향을 결정할 수 있는 기성용이다.

이들의 역할은 이청용, 정우영이 대신해야 한다.

한국이 공격을 시작할 때 상대 압박에 지연당하지도 공을 빼앗기지도

않고 패스를 돌리며 상대 진영까지 전진할 수 있다면 득점 기회는 생긴다.

공수 전환 상황에서 더 효율적인 모습을 보이는 것이

'벤투 스타일'로 이기기 위한 가장 중요한 조건이다.

For more infomation >> [아시안컵] 카타르 상대로도 '공수 전환 상황' 낭비하면 위험하다 - Duration: 12:21.


✅ Breaking News - Manchester United beat Juventus and PSG to sign teen star Noam Emeran - Duration: 1:20.

Manchester United have beaten Juventus and Paris Saint Germain to the signing of 16-year-old Amiens forward Noam Emeran

The compensation fee is expected to be an initial £90,000.Emeran is yet to make his senior debut for the Ligue 1 club, however the centre forward has already caught the attention of some of Europe's biggest clubs

United have won the race for the youngster, who has won two caps for the France Under-16s side

  Share this article Share 582 shares Meanwhile, United defender Regan Poole is joining former club Newport County on loan until the end of the season

The 20-year-old became Newport's youngest ever player when he made his debut aged 16 years and 94 days in 2014

 Poole moved to Old Trafford for £180,000 in September 2015, however has not yet made his Premier League debut

Share this article Share 582 shares

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Manchester United beat Juventus and PSG to sign teen star Noam Emeran - Duration: 1:20.


Grupo Científico LifEscozul®

For more infomation >> Grupo Científico LifEscozul®


Danilo Toninelli: "Altro che Tav, avrei voluto Salvini qui a ricordare i morti di Pioltello" - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Danilo Toninelli: "Altro che Tav, avrei voluto Salvini qui a ricordare i morti di Pioltello" - Duration: 3:55.


つれづれなるキティ【ハローキティのひとりごと①】 - Duration: 3:45.

Hello! This is Kitty!

I'm at a loose end…

The other day, I asked you all to send me questions.

So, today I thought that I would answer those questions but

You've sent me so many questions,

and I'm really grateful,

however, I haven't been able to choose from them yet.

So, I thought I should examine them more thoroughly.

But when I can't do what I had planned to do,

what should I do?

I hadn't thought about that before.

So, today,

I will just babble on.

Please listen if you like.

Well, you could even set the speed to 1.5 times faster.

In fact, I recommend 1.5 times the speed!

Yes, well…

Next week, it'll be about 5 months since I became a YouTuber.

At last I've gotten a little bit more used to talking into an empty space.

Be it, behind the lens or over the internet or via some kind of screen,

I know that you are all there watching me.

I believe that every time I talk.

Well, when I snap back to reality....

I find myself alone.

I cough and still find myself alone.


In this sense, I envy Gudetama…

You know that recently, Gudetama also started up as a YouTuber.

Gudetama got together with Nisetama,

and they can perform as a double act.

They can keep the conversational ball rolling.

But I just bounce a ball against a wall.

I know that bouncing a ball against a wall is important for improving my basic skills.

So, I think I should get on with it and do my best, without making a fuss.

Yes. Hee, hee.


This "Yes" is called an "edit point",

which serves as a mark for sound editing.

It's very useful for editing.

All YouTubers and VTubers…

I realized that they all say it because it's useful.

Sometimes I say "yes".

Oh, recently,

I watched an anime or kind of standup comedy program on TV

starring many VTubers.

In that program,

they introduced VTubers.

They mentioned my name.

Well… it was not mentioned clearly…

It was kind of bleeped out.

It was like "Hello XXX (bleep)"

to make it unclear.

Well, I appreciate being the topic of conversation.

But I have one concern.

"V" means virtual.

But I am real…

Not V, virtual…


Recently a new girl joined my office.

She is really a virtual girl.

Her name is Mashima Himeko.

Oh, maybe she's not a full member of staff but a trainee...

She is trying really hard and doing live broadcasts at "SHOWROOM".

Well, as is the case with Gudetama…

It really is wonderful and encouraging to watch these young people,

my juniors, try something challenging.

So, we, as veterans, should try hard too!


Today, as you've seen,

I partook in idle chitchat, as thou dost!

Hee, hee.

Subscribe to my channel!

For more infomation >> つれづれなるキティ【ハローキティのひとりごと①】 - Duration: 3:45.


Lil Backwood - I Gotta Get It - Duration: 3:23.


i gotta grind, i swear to god i gotta get it

aint worry about no opp its too friends always

switchin i got some nigga doing time some luxury i

swear i'm missing jacked by a couple of [?] and how the fuck

they catch us slippin i been going crazy reminiscing looking at

pictures i always seein the nigga in the kitchen me

say yolo

dips on all the glock we aint ever need no holster

like a lawn chair we in the field be aint folding

how you say you a hustler and the plug say you owed em

dips on all the glock we aint ever need no holster

like a lawn chair we in the field be aint folding

how you say you a hustler and the plug say you owed em

taught mo pray fro the kid get rich or die trying life feed this sin

if they can't sleep aint taking my kid gene pulled up in a bit by the benz

get a quick look and get your ass in you cant tell us apart you would think we

are twins your bit pulled up with a couple of friends

she rolling backwood say should be thin [?] in her hand doing nothing about it

fuck you bitch you wanna kill me you can't get no fucking money

cause you worry bout these bitches sweeter than a coolaid pitcher

her ass [?] like [?] like i pop her purse she take a jiggle

when she with me like fuck that nigga and i'm screaming fuck these bitches

lil backwood don't do no switching her ass [?] like [?] like

i pop her purse she take a jiggle when she with me like fuck that nigga

and i'm screaming fuck these bitches

i gotta grind, i swear to god i gotta get it

aint worry about no opp its too friends always switchin

i got some nigga doing time some luxury i swear i'm missing

jacked by a couple of [?] and how the fuck they catch us slippin

i been going crazy reminiscing looking at pictures

i always seein the nigga in the kitchen me say yolo

dips on all the glock we aint ever need no holster

like a lawn chair we in the field be aint folding

how you say you a hustler and the plug say you owed em

dips on all the glock we aint ever need no holster

like a lawn chair we in the field be aint folding

how you say you a hustler and the plug say you owed em

walk round here doing nothing about it fuck these bitch you wanna cant play

[?] had to run it all kill niggas starting

[?] cold credit crash like [?]

hundred do designer draw this shit gone cost em

put that bitch in prada now she proud of you boat right now you lost her

put that bitch in prada now she proud of you boat right now you lost her

i gotta grind, i swear to god i gotta get it

aint worry about no opp its too friends always switchin

i got some nigga doing time some luxury i swear i'm missing

jacked by a couple of [?] and how the fuck they catch us slippin

For more infomation >> Lil Backwood - I Gotta Get It - Duration: 3:23.


Home Story mit DJ & Produzent Hellberg I Interview - Duration: 1:59.

My name is Hellberg.

I'm 24 years years old and living in Stockholm, Sweden, and I've been a producer since 2008.

I've wanted to be an artist and an entertainer since I was like two years old.

I mean it was kind of like built into me.

So what I get inspired by changes every month or so

I have a Spotify playlist where I just dump a bunch of different songs in

where has no kind of relation to each other

it's just like songs that inspire me and it can be whatever.

The way I work in the studio is different from every every session

but mostly on the laptop and on the keyboard with the laptop

And just finding the right sounds or just the piano

and building the track from there.

I had worked on 'Headlights' for about half a year or so before Leona got introduced to the project.

And she just blew it out of the water I loved her performance on it.

And yeah I mean 'Headlights' is a song about being your own person

or just like being independent that's what I really loved about the song.

Obviously it's catchy it's a great melody but the lyrics are what got me into it.

So I have a couple of remixes that I'm working on

one that that just got released by the Backstreet Boys. It's pretty cool.

And then like most of my time is focused on getting this next single out

which is with a male vocalist this time. He's amazing he's worked with some

some great artists that I'm a huge fan of and I'm a huge fan of him as well.

So it will be cool to see what people think of it and I'm really excited about that song.

For more infomation >> Home Story mit DJ & Produzent Hellberg I Interview - Duration: 1:59.


Chris Malachi- All I've Got [Official Video 2019] - Duration: 6:03.

Apparently this is what you're supposed to do; "this is it". To me, it doesn't really feel like "it"

What is the purpose, if you're not really fulfilling your purpose?

Friend: Do you know if Chris is here? I have a book to drop off

Chef: Yes he's here, I'll go and get him for you Friend: Alright, cool

I think there's a whole lot more. There's a whole lot more for me to give, you know

there's a whole lot more in store for me

Yo Waah gwaan?

How are you? I'm here

Thanks for the book

So what's up?

Well, I just handed in my resignation

Although I kinda just started

It was a thing where I thought "start the job, and build up some money" but...

this is actually taking up most of my day so, I really just have to take some different measures

If I don't put in my full energy, then I don't think it's really going to work the way it's supposed to

Yeah, I mean at this point I guess at this point, it's probably the only option you had

I've been through enough to know that this is really it. I've been avoiding it for a while

I'm really realizing that this is it now

Well, I have to leave now, I have some things to do around the back

Ahh bro

Ahh bossy, we will link

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen

Nobody know the things that I've seen

So I wanna tell you just who I am

I wanna tell you where I stand

Mama say, make the most of what me got. Just a voice and a flow wah you nah forgot

Hot like cook food, make we stir the pot

Walking non-stop though the journey long

And me finally find where the path is on And it higher than the level where the crows belong

And a me next up for the position

Step inna Israel with the faith of Abram

Malachi rise up fi build the nation, calling everyone from to pension

When life give we test we pass the exam, me no idiot me have me college education

Watch what you say bout my generation 'cause we run through school without detention

Walking smooth without the tension, song dem real without pretension

It's all I've got, so take me as I am, take me as I am

These songs are all I've got, so take me as I am, take me as I am

So I wanna tell you just who I am, Oh I wanna tell you where I stand

Sometimes me no feel like carry on, Think bout me life me incline fi bawl

Sometimes me feel fi ignore the call Try stand up tall but in time mi fall

Me see nuff man dead a try change the world, so what God coulda want with a youth like me

Him say son I'll take you through the hurt, just speak the truth and set the youths free

Me alone just can't withstand the flames, Have to pray, have to call pon Jesus name

This game is not a quick one to play but we singing it just the same

And we going for the win!

Devil nah go burn me skin!

Not an option to give in!

That's the reason why I sing!

These songs are all that I've got So take me as I am, take me as I am

So I wanna tell you just who I am Oh I wanna tell you where I stand

What more can I give but a heart of love what me get from the Father above?

What more can I say to the youths out there weh a search and a look for a way?

Me see people a bawl and a call for the hearse, dem never know say the worst come first

So we standing tall from the last to the first, all when burst, God we never curse

Him take me through the hills and through the valleys, take me through the dark roads and the alleys

He's All I've Got


For more infomation >> Chris Malachi- All I've Got [Official Video 2019] - Duration: 6:03.


The Penguins of Madagascar I Was a Penguin Zombie Episode 4 - Madison Bell - Duration: 1:27.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENTS & SUBCRIBE Video! Thank you very much!

the zombie can speak I'm not a zombie but the infection we heard the doctor

say the who you gonna believe some two-bit medicine man or your own

commanding officer could it really be true how can we know for sure Oh Rico

chainsaws your answer to everything aah hey amigos my brothers in black and

white look at me all I've got is a broken wing and I'm

pretty sure that's not contagious then why were you chasing us because it

itches like said paper underpants Rico scratch maneuvers double time now Rico

nice try zombie okay I stand corrected on the contagiousness of broken wings

but I did tell you I wasn't a zombie


For more infomation >> The Penguins of Madagascar I Was a Penguin Zombie Episode 4 - Madison Bell - Duration: 1:27.


台灣人瘋買華為手機 Mate20 X 微風南山人潮大排長龍|亞洲最大超市賣6000元天價哈密瓜|IMAX私人影院台北展示中心體驗【阿平Vlog】 - Duration: 33:27.

For more infomation >> 台灣人瘋買華為手機 Mate20 X 微風南山人潮大排長龍|亞洲最大超市賣6000元天價哈密瓜|IMAX私人影院台北展示中心體驗【阿平Vlog】 - Duration: 33:27.


[REC] Woman like me - Little Mix I Jiwan cover - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> [REC] Woman like me - Little Mix I Jiwan cover - Duration: 3:34.


Nabil Fekir deal broke down over 'sagacious approach' ● Liverpool FC News transfer - Duration: 3:33.

LIVERPOOL's proposed move for Nabil Fekir broke down because of concerns regarding the

player's "durability."

That's according to Joe UK's Senior Football Correspondent Melissa Reddy, who has given

her verdict on the deal.

Fekir was poised to join Liverpool in a deal worth around £53million last June.

The Reds were quick to atone for their Champions League final defeat to Real Madrid in Kiev

by diving straight into transfer proceedings.

They secured the signing of Fabinho from Monaco back in May and Fekir was set to be their

second summer signing before the World Cup.

But after agreeing a fee with Lyon for their captain, the deal went quiet before eventually

breaking down.

There was even reports that Fekir had already conducted an interview as a Liverpool player

for their official website but the footage was never released.

Jurgen Klopp never returned for the attacking midfielder despite hope the move would be

revived after the World Cup.

Now Reddy has revealed exactly why Liverpool pulled the plug on the deal.

"While work quietly pressed on to secure Alisson, Liverpool pursued Lyon's Nabil

Fekir to fill the void left by Coutinho's exit to Barca and to inject some attacking

dynamism in the absence of the injured Oxlade-Chamberlain," she wrote on Joe UK's website.

"By June 7, all the terms for a £53m transfer were agreed pending a medical, but the physical

examination flagged an underlying knee issue - which made it irresponsible for Liverpool

to continue with the deal.

"It wasn't about the France international's quality, his current fitness or the cost,

but his durability over time.

"The club have spent years correcting poor market decisions of the past and so a long-term

outlay for an instantly depreciating asset was never going to tally with their sagacious


"Also bubbling in the background was a move for Xherdan Shaqiri, whose relegation release

clause at Stoke - a barely believable £13m - was public knowledge."

Liverpool did eventually secure the signing of Shaqiri, who has proved a bargain since

arriving on Merseyside.

Fekir continues to be linked to a host of top European clubs including Chelsea as he

enters the final 18 months of his contract.

The 25-year-old recently said: "Discussions are ongoing.

I have sat down with the president, things are advancing slowly.

When will I take a decision?

I am not fixing myself a date, I am not in a rush.

Nobody is putting any pressure on it and I like to take my time.

"I do not know [how long I will stay].

Last year was supposed to be my last, and in the end, I'm still here.

I cannot know the answer to this.

I am happy at Lyon, but which player doesn't dream of discovering a new league, another


Fekir is expected to stay put until at least the end of the season.

For more infomation >> Nabil Fekir deal broke down over 'sagacious approach' ● Liverpool FC News transfer - Duration: 3:33.


ASMR roleplay / Artist will draw you with Surface Pro Tablet 🤓👅👄 - Duration: 22:56.

ASMR roleplay

ASMR roleplay


Surface Pro

ASMR roleplay


ASMR roleplay


Surface Pro

ASMR roleplay

For more infomation >> ASMR roleplay / Artist will draw you with Surface Pro Tablet 🤓👅👄 - Duration: 22:56.


WRC 2019 Rallye Monte Carlo. DAY 1! STAGE SS 1-2. Night Stages. - Duration: 11:11.

27 Octane

WRC 2019

Rallye Monte Carlo

Stages 1-2

Subscribe 27 Octane

Subscribe 27 Octane Music

For more infomation >> WRC 2019 Rallye Monte Carlo. DAY 1! STAGE SS 1-2. Night Stages. - Duration: 11:11.


[일문일답] 박항서 감독 "내심 기적 원했는데…우승은 '조국' 한국이 하길" - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> [일문일답] 박항서 감독 "내심 기적 원했는데…우승은 '조국' 한국이 하길" - Duration: 8:43.


[ENG] 이게 그렇게 맵다고? 핵불닭볶음면에 불닭만두까지... 근데 안매운데요...?;; 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 10:49.

Nuclear Spicy Noodles & Spicy buldak dumpling

I just want two..

Please mix well like this

let me cook the spicy buldak dumpling

Hello guys ~ This is Nareum !

Today, I'm going to eat is ~


The Nuclear Spicy Noodles

and Spicy buldak dumplings

dumpling is not that spicy

I'll try Nuclear spicy noodles how spicy it is

I watched other Youtuber's Nuclear buldak noodles eating show.. it was like..

they sweated...

and even cried ....

[the flakes]

I'm not used to sprinkle the flakes on the noodles but this time…

what's the..

Compared before, the flakes amount… has been reduced

you know that if you mixed noodles again, it'll be more red

I will enjoy it !

I've prepared milk just in case

(it tastes good !)

I'm scared...


It's not that spicy

Dumpling is so good

(put kimchi on dumpling)


as time passes.. spiciness would be coming to slowly

but it's not that spicy right now

with dumpling

[Yum yum]

(Yummy !)

I highly recommend spicy buldak dumpling, guys

[Going round and round ~ ♪ ]

It's not that spicy .. I think similar to spicy buldak noodles

Noodles left out for a minute while I cooked the dumplings

so, it's not that spicy..I guess..

but my lips getting to hurt a bit..

I just made only two packets

it'd be okay to eat for three packets..

it's delicious

it's been awhile since I ate this

What's that weird sound ? lol

(it's drink milk time)

(Dumpling is so good )

[Spiciness alert]

It got worse after drink milk

oh, do you know that ?

When you eat spicy food

tomato juice is better than milk

I've challenged eat Singildong spicy jjambbong and spicy pork cutlet

at that time,

I drank milk and honestly it didn't work at all..

after drank tomato juice, it worked well

I would say…

when you're eating spicy food just drink tomato juice.

I strongly recommend!

(Isn't it spicy ... ?)

it's delicious !

Yummy .. !

my lips getting hurt…

I looked up into the mirror on the way to got the package

and then I found… my lips covered by spicy sauce…

[Buldak sauce color tint]

(she didn't know that lol )

if you look inside

buldak dumpling filling like a kimchi dumpling filling


Let's finish it first

[Yum yum]

Oops.. it's suddenly hit me..

Oops… it's so spicy

chopsticks are red now.

Can you see this ?

(Finish it off with drink milk )

I enjoyed it ~

Thanks for watching my video See you tomorrow ~ XD

For more infomation >> [ENG] 이게 그렇게 맵다고? 핵불닭볶음면에 불닭만두까지... 근데 안매운데요...?;; 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 10:49.


【質問コーナー】 好きな女の子のタイプは?【 FAQ】 What type of girls do you like? - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> 【質問コーナー】 好きな女の子のタイプは?【 FAQ】 What type of girls do you like? - Duration: 5:33.


English Speaking Practice Hack - Sound More Like A Native & Speak Confidently - Duration: 5:03.

Now, one final thing I wanted to cover in this video, and this is really important,

but it's not a specific word or phrase.

Sometimes I just want to give these things, and this is a simple practice hack you can

do when you're practicing with people, or when you're writing, so it doesn't matter.

You can use it when you're speaking directly with people or when you're in conversations

with them.

Uh, and it doesn't matter if they're native speakers or not, but this is a very sneaky

way to practice your speaking even though, uh, maybe the other person might not notice


But you're trying to make kind of longer, longer, uh, sentences and expressions, uh,

in your conversations.

But it also helps you have a better connection with those people.

So, does that sound good?

You ready to intro, get, get introduced to this?

It's pretty simple.

Now, if you watch me in the conversation, and, and you actually go back.

If you've been a member for a while, and you watch some of the previous videos, uh,

you'll see me do this on occasion to have better rapport with the people I'm speaking


They will say something, and then I will almost repeat it back to them.

And I'm doing this not only to give you an opportunity to listen to something again

because that's really important to not only hear something one time.

But I'll repeat it again, uh, just so you can hear that.

But also, because if I'm saying the same thing, if I'm moving in the same way with

that other person, then this is a great way to establish a connection with them and to

make the interview or the conversation flow a bit more smoothly.

So, I want to reduce the friction.

Reduce the friction there.

So, what I'd like you to watch for, and you'll see this in the conversation, is

me repeating the same thing back to that person.

And I'll give you just an example right now in the form of a question.

Let's say someone asks you, "What did you do this morning?"

Or, "What did you eat for breakfast?"

Now, I can just answer the question if I remember.

Oh, I ate pancakes or I ate some cereal or I ate some fish or something like that.

I can just answer the question.

But if my English is not so good and I want more opportunities to practice, I would ask

myself that same question back.

So, I'm repeating that back to them, and it also, again, it just shows that you're

understanding the person, that you understood the question.

Uh, and I might say to myself, "What did I eat for breakfast today?"

So, they say, "What did you eat for breakfast today?"

And I say, "What did I eat for breakfast today?"

So, I'm trying to think about it.

I don't need to say that, but I'm using it as a way to practice.

Like, I do this, uh, when I'm speaking Japanese…

People will say something to me, and I will repeat back to them what they said just so

I can get a good, uh, especially if I'm speaking with native speakers and pretty much

everyone out here, uh, because I live in Japan, uh, I can speak with native speakers pretty

much any time I want to.

But you can find them online or in person or if you live in a country where you can

find more people to practice with.

You might have to go to a bigger city or some other place to do that, but the point is,

uh, there are really a lot of great reasons to repeat back what the other person said.

So, if a person says, um, like, they're not asking me a question.

They said, like, "I, I saw, uh, a really great movie yesterday."

I saw, you know, this movie.

I say, "Oh yeah, that really was a great movie."

So, I'm repeating back what they say just so I can get into the habit of expressing

myself in a correct way.

So, I'm using the model of what they say and then I'm saying that back to them.

Isn't that cool?

So, all you have to do is respond back to them with what they said.

And that, number one, helps you practice and improve.

But number two, more importantly, it really helps you just make a better connection with

those people.

Of course, it also shows them that you're listening because you're really understanding

and using their language back at them.

So, remember, don't do this too much because it can be annoying.

You don't have to repeat everything.

But especially about questions where maybe you have to take a bit of time and think about

that, use this as a way to practice.

It's really a great thing, and it will help you improve.

Well, that's the end of this lesson.

I hope you have enjoyed it.

Do remember to use this as well as all the phrases and words that you've learned in

this lesson set.

Go back and practice.

Make sure you really master everything.

You have to go back and read, write, listen, speak, all the things that you need to do

to practice.

Don't just sit and watch the video like this.

Get excited, stand up, speak loudly with emotion when you're going to speak, and it will

help you get fluent faster.

We're giving you everything you need, but you need to take the next step.

So, take that step in the right direction and start speaking.

Have a fantastic day, and I'll see you in the conversation coming up next.

Bye bye.

If you'd like to learn HUNDREDS more useful words and phrases, subscribe to the EnglishAnyone

YouTube channel, and be sure to click the bell icon to be notified when we release new


And if you'd like to know exactly what to do to become a successful English SPEAKER,

click on the link in this video, or on the link in the description below this video,

to tell me what your biggest communication problem is.

Answer 5 quick questions and I'll send you a FREE, PERSONALIZED guide that will help

you start speaking more like a native TODAY!

It takes less than a minute, and you can download your free guide instantly!

So click on the link in this video, or on the link in the description below this video,

and start getting FLUENT now!

See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> English Speaking Practice Hack - Sound More Like A Native & Speak Confidently - Duration: 5:03.


Bruno Mars and Gucci Mane Sing About Flies - Duration: 0:26.



Fly (It's Gucci)


Fly (Huh?)


I drink 'till I'm fly

Smoke 'till I'm fly

Castle on the fly

Wake up in this fly

You can't tell me I ain't fly (You can't tell me I ain't fly)

I know I'm super fly, I know I'm super fly

For more infomation >> Bruno Mars and Gucci Mane Sing About Flies - Duration: 0:26.


Footage of Higuain after Chelsea beat Spurs on penalties shows he'll fit in just fine - Duration: 2:40.

 Goals have been an issue for Chelsea in the Premier League this season.  In 23 games the Blues have only scored 40 times - 22 less than top scorers Manchester City and six less than the next lowest of the top six, Manchester United

 Chelsea started the current campaign with Alvaro Morata and Olivier Giroud as their two main strikers but between them they've found the back of the net just six times

 That's not good enough for a club of Chelsea's standing and aspirations, so Maurizio Sarri has brought in Gonzalo Higuain on loan from Juventus

 Higuain, 31, hasn't exactly been on fire this season having only scored six Serie A goals at AC Milan, but he's still widely regarded as a world-class striker

 Speaking in his first interview as a Chelsea player with the club's website, the Argentine explained how excited he is to get started and fire his new club to success

 "It was an opportunity that when it presented itself I couldn't miss out on," he said

"I'm really excited to be here, to be working with Sarri again and to be at a club with so much history

 "I'm just really happy to have completed the move and I hope to achieve all the goals which the club has set for itself between now and the end of the season

 "I've been following Chelsea because I know the coach and I have friends here. Now I've joined the club I'm going to give my all to help Chelsea achieve our objectives

"  Higuain was unveiled to Chelsea fans prior to Thursday night's game against Tottenham at Stamford Bridge and he seemed right at home in the stands

 Chelsea won on penalties to go through to the Carabao Cup final and now footage has emerged of Higuain celebrating with his new teammates and staff as they walked off the pitch

 Just what Chelsea fans wanted to see. Higuain doesn't look like he's going to have any problems fitting in at the Bridge and seems delighted to be there

 Now it's just a question of whether the former Napoli striker can score the goals Chelsea are paying him £270,000-per-week for

For more infomation >> Footage of Higuain after Chelsea beat Spurs on penalties shows he'll fit in just fine - Duration: 2:40.


The Very Best Of Beautiful Romantic Saxophone Love Songs Ever 2019 - Duration: 1:29:42.

Thank for watching! Have A Nice Day Please like and SUBCRIBER

For more infomation >> The Very Best Of Beautiful Romantic Saxophone Love Songs Ever 2019 - Duration: 1:29:42.


Bliver man bedre af at blære sig? - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Bliver man bedre af at blære sig? - Duration: 0:36.


Chelsea transfer news: Philippe Coutinho offered Barcelona transfer advice over Chelsea links - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Philippe Coutinho offered Barcelona transfer advice over Chelsea links - Duration: 5:26.


O que é doutrinação? - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> O que é doutrinação? - Duration: 3:42.


4º dia da Novena a Dom Bosco com Ana Lúcia - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> 4º dia da Novena a Dom Bosco com Ana Lúcia - Duration: 6:18.


055. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> 055. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 7:48.



For more infomation >> 3 COISAS QUE VOCÊ "NÃO" PODE FAZER POR CAUSA DE DINHEIRO! - Duration: 4:03.


Camel Barbecue | Bahra Kharari | Uthal | Balochistan | Pakistan | Vlog # 24 | - Duration: 13:17.

دلکش حہاں ہے میرا وطن سر سبزوشاداب ہے صدا lush and prosperous charming is my homeland

خوبصورت بہار کا موسم beautiful spring season

لیتا ہے نام ہر صبح وشام take your name every morning and evening

پھول جیسی پری میرے ساتھ پرکاہ گھومنے چلو fairy like a flower walk with me to visit Parkha

Asalam o Alikum "Peace be unto you"

Welcome all of you with new travel vlog

of Balochistan: Land of Beauty

Today travel is about Kharari

this place is known as Bahra Kharari

These are two areas,

both are close from Uthal, One is know as

one areas is call Chota (small) Kharari

and today we are here is known as Bahra (big) Kharari

Today we share our experience with you

what facilities are available here

how you can reach here

Barbecue, we share our camel barbecue with you.

and you see the below you see subscribe button

click on it

this help you get notification of every video

about Balochistan

second please share you comments and feedback with us.

Kharari river comprise in two

One part of river is know as Choto (small) Kharari due

to it's length and second portion is Bahra (Big) Kharari

If you like camping and adventure then

Kharari is highly suitable for you.

Kharari is located 128 kilometers from Karachi

and you take 3 hours to reach here.

In Bahra (big) Kharari driving inside the river on gravel

road is quite interesting.

Asalam o Alikum "Peace be unto you"

we reached at our picnic site

you see the surrounding and we have planned to camp here.

prepare our foods etc

this areas is know as Big (Bahra) Kharari

the area is beautiful

route is difficult

but you can enjoy the surrounding

now we take our stuff to go our camping site.

ideal is that we establish our base camp and prepare

our food here

today, we have plan to prepare special camel barbecue.

we will show you

Our friends are going forward.

Water is very high.

due to no rains, but lot's of rain at that area

but you see the quantity of water

ideal place for swimming

performing the first step

try for burning a fire to able to make charcoal etc

you can find lot's of wood here at Kharari

don't bring wood with you

you can see the

Sher sahid

Lion (sher) is found in forest or in water

this lion is found in water

this lion is belong from Uthal

this is our barbecue and now we will going to fit it.

we have fixed barbecue here

now, we connect it with motorcycle battery

now we are connecting the power of the frame with bettery

you can see it

you can see it

for Camel Barbecue

these are our barbecue sticks

for camel barbecue

now barbecue stick are ready

now will attach them in the frame.

and put the frame on top of the fire

when it become charcoal, now fire is burning

we attached the stick in the frame

they will be ready

you got the point

this is the technique and that you you can't find it anywhere else

no you see

we attached the stick on the frame

and we have stared it.

it's rolling

take picture with your mobile. then i will take it

to show it them it's rolling that way

take video from saif

camel barbecue is ready

thanks you

come here Saif

camel barbecue is ready


are eating it

Saif eat otherwise

you see them in the video

Saif make videos

Saif make a good one in this angle

Kharari you you want to coming from Karachi

is 130 - 140 kilomters

still Uthal RCD (Regional Cooperation Development) road is there

For more infomation >> Camel Barbecue | Bahra Kharari | Uthal | Balochistan | Pakistan | Vlog # 24 | - Duration: 13:17.


海賊王 表情包大賽當眾人作出驚嚇表情會怎樣?艾斯男神形象毀了 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> 海賊王 表情包大賽當眾人作出驚嚇表情會怎樣?艾斯男神形象毀了 - Duration: 2:53.


[코브] 이 게임 진짜 핵 강추함ㅣ스텔라 메이든 - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> [코브] 이 게임 진짜 핵 강추함ㅣ스텔라 메이든 - Duration: 6:42.


Gwiazdy TVN-u promują wiosenną ramówkę stacji: Młynarska, Rozenek, Rusin, Szulim... - Duration: 2:11.

Prezentacja ramówki programowej to zawsze najlepsza okazja dla gwiazd, aby pokazać swoją pozycję w branży i przypomnieć o sobie w mediach przy pomocy efektownych zdjęć na ściance

W tym roku TVN wyprzedził inne stacje i w czwartkowe południe zorganizował imprezę, która jak zwykle przyciągnęła największe nazwiska

Na czwartkowym evencie nie zabrakło całego tłumu celebrytów, którzy dzielnie paradowali przed paparazzi, prezentując wyszukane stylizacje

Największą uwagę wzbudziła młodzieżowa Małgosia Rozenek z różowymi włosami opatulona w srebrną puchówkę, do której dobrała jeansowe kozaki z odkrytymi palcami

Wśród znanych gości nie zabrakło również Agaty Młynarskiej w sukni w grochy oraz Kingi Rusin, która tym razem postawiła na elegancję w nieco wojskowym stylu

Zobaczcie gwiazdy TVN-u na prezentacji wiosennej ramówki. Ładnie się wystylizowały?

Małgorzata Rozenek postawiła na młodzieżową stylizację składającą się ze srebrnej puchowej kurtki, szarej sukienki oraz jeansowych kozaków z odkrytym palcem

For more infomation >> Gwiazdy TVN-u promują wiosenną ramówkę stacji: Młynarska, Rozenek, Rusin, Szulim... - Duration: 2:11.


LOBO COMUN VS PERRO DOMESTICO || Cual es mas poderoso ? || Wolf vs Dog - Duration: 6:46.

Over time, scientists have concluded that the common wolf and the domestic dog

they are two placental mammals, carnivores, of the canid family, with large

morphological similarities and great capacity physical.

On the other hand, the common wolf presents a measure standard of up to 80 centimeters, arriving

despite weighing up to 70 kilos, however, the farther north you are, the greater

It will be your size and weight.

The anatomical constitution and functioning physiological of the wolf reveal the formidable

predatory capacity of this one. They have a hard and fat-free muscles. It fits perfectly

in the middle and is able to live under conditions climatic conditions, also to be nourished

from a very extensive range of foods.

On the other hand the domestic dog, is characterized for having a relatively tall body (from

36 cm to 90 cm and a weight of 1 to 79 kg), legs long and cylindrical and hairy tail. Is a

sociable animal with a hierarchy of dominance well established

The domestic dog is a carnivorous mammal which is integrated into the Canidae family (canids),

animals with morphological characteristics, like being digitigrade, strong build,

powerful mouth with very developed canines, In addition, they are fast and resistant animals.

In this opportunity we present you a summary of the most important characteristics of

these two members of the family of canidos and in the end, a comparative animation

for you to decide and comment which is more powerful or which would win in a showdown


-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------

The wolf (Canis lupus) is a member of the order of mammals known as Carnivores.

Probably the most distinctive features of the animals of this order are their long

and pointed canine teeth or fangs and its sharp upper premolars and molars

inferiors Carnivores have a system simple digestive and its claws are normally

sharpened In addition, their clavicles are comparatively little.

Their brains are highly developed, so these animals are considered

smarter than most others groups

In addition to the wolf, the family of canids It also includes the domestic dog, the coyote,

the different species of jackals and the dingo.

The constitution of the wolf indicates immediately its predatory capacity. The 42 pieces of

his strong jaws, his broad rib cage and his voluminous masseter muscles, which

give their eyes that characteristic almond shaped, are the result of a pragmatic evolution

service of its predator functions in the trophic scale.

An adult wolf can have a length of between 100 and 120 centimeters, and one elevation

to the cross between 60 and 80 centimeters. The typically varies between 30 and 50 kilos,

although specimens of up to 75 kg. The females have dimensions

and weight lower than those of males.

The size variations between some subspecies and others can be explained by the differences

of temperature of the areas in which they live. There is an inverse relationship between temperature

environment and the body size of an animal of warm blood. Those animals from regions

warmer will have a lower body mass than those others who inhabit more regions


The age of the wolf in good condition Survival can reach 16 years.

Types of wolves Around the world there are 32 subspecies of the

wolf, which can be included in four groups: white wolves (tundrarum in Alaska, albus

in the European Arctic region), red wolves (pallipes in the pre-desert areas of Eurasia),

gray wolves (pambasileus in Alaska) and wolves pardos (signatus in the Iberian Peninsula,

lupus in Eurasia). There are also other species within the genus Canis lupus, which

host minor subspecies, in North America and India.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is possibly the first animal that was domesticated

for human beings. It is found throughout the world in different habitats, due to

his close relationship with human beings. Dogs are active hunters so they

have significant negative effects on the native fauna.

The domestic dog over time they have become an inseparable pet

of the humans; they have feelings, they are sociable and follow the orders of their masters, with

that contact with man is made of intense way. Your character is fun

and playful. It is a companion that follows faithfully to its owner

Canis lupus familiaris has been selectively bred for different behaviors, capacities

sensory and physical attributes, employee in different work activities and

protection so it is very variable in shape and size, although the basic morphology

is that of the gray wolf, a wild ancestor of all breeds of domestic dogs.

It can be played up to twice a year, having a very variable number of offspring,

from 3 to 10 or more. It feeds on everything type of man's organic waste,

but it can be good hunter of different animal species.

For more infomation >> LOBO COMUN VS PERRO DOMESTICO || Cual es mas poderoso ? || Wolf vs Dog - Duration: 6:46.


Bersyukurlah Nanana Lirik - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Bersyukurlah Nanana Lirik - Duration: 4:17.


토론 수학 공부 잘하는법 피타고라스의 정리 방정식 함수 중2수학 공부법 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 토론 수학 공부 잘하는법 피타고라스의 정리 방정식 함수 중2수학 공부법 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:28.


【동방MMD】 magnet 【이누바시리 모미지, 샤메이마루 아야】 1440p 60fps - Duration: 3:59.

A slender flame burns at the edge of my heart

Without warning, it spreads into a burning passion

My butterfly, flitting around it chaotically

Scales dropping into your hand

I am wrapped around your finger

from the lips to the tongue

Even if this is something that cannot be allowed, the flames jump higher still

I want to embrace you, I want you to tell me

That you don't think this is a mistake

I want you to kiss me, I want you to remake me

I want to drown in this moment of captivation

Every moment, it's harder to restrain myself

If this is love, I want to wear it on my sleeve

The "strange feeling" turns into an unbearable longing

I would follow you to the end of forever

If my heart goes astray,

I will be easily relieved

as if we had no time to feel tender each other

That dream has never come again

There is no chance in our reality

If we touch, I know we can never go back and that's just fine

You are everything in the world to me

Anxiety arrives with the dawn to find me still crying

When you whispered "it's all right" did I hear tears in your voice, too?

I want to embrace you, I want you to tell me

That you don't think this is a mistake

I want you to kiss me, I want you to remake me

I want to drown in this moment of captivation

I am drawn to you like a magnet

Even if I left, we would find each other again

I've touched you, I can never go back and that's just fine.

You are everything in the world to me.

For more infomation >> 【동방MMD】 magnet 【이누바시리 모미지, 샤메이마루 아야】 1440p 60fps - Duration: 3:59.


MAKHNA (Remix) | DJ Ruhi | Yo Yo Honey Singh | Neha Kakkar, Singhsta, TDO | Latest Punjabi Song 2019 - Duration: 3:48.









For more infomation >> MAKHNA (Remix) | DJ Ruhi | Yo Yo Honey Singh | Neha Kakkar, Singhsta, TDO | Latest Punjabi Song 2019 - Duration: 3:48.


Perchè acquistare casa in elevata classe energetica - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Perchè acquistare casa in elevata classe energetica - Duration: 2:45.


Что мешает сказать СССР "Прощай"? - Duration: 5:12.

In a survey on the issue of national identification

of Russians conducted by the Levada Center at the end of last year,

it turned out that two-thirds of Russians were ashamed

of the collapse of the USSR and the "eternal" poverty in the country.

According to the sociologist Levada-center Karina Pipia,

"an appeal to the past occurs when there is not enough reason

for pride in the present."

Indeed, in recent years, real incomes of the population

of Russia have seriously fallen, and the greatness

of our country is constantly being trampled upon by conflicts

with both our neighbors and distant neighbors.

It turns out that the memories of Russians about the Soviet

past are like a saving pill for the majority of the country's population.

The Twenty-sixth Party Congress determined

the most important directions for our advancement.

We set two goals:

the good of the people and lasting peace.

Thus, the official reason for the growing popularity of memories

of the USSR is the absence of other reasons for pride in the country.

However, excessive nostalgia is dangerous.

Finding answers to all questions in the past

can lead people to blame their failures on the present.

In this case, the USSR was hit,

but there could be a Tatar-Mongol yoke or something else.

Our ancestors Slavs were cowards.

They did not conquer hot countries for us.

They abandoned the struggle

and now we are forced

to live in this rotten snow.

The lack of a single object for pride in the country

is not the only reason for the growth today condemning the collapse of the USSR.

It is common for a person to remember his past with a special warmth,

saying that before life was better,

people are kinder, films are more interesting.

Therefore, its popularity in the present image from the past

of the USSR is also obliged to the peculiarities of human psychology.

Tell me how it will be

without a tractor driver,

without fuel?

Imagine: there is a tractor over there,

and there is nobody in it.

In addition, the main idea of ​​the USSR,

which consists in building a bright future,

is so attractive that even decades later after the collapse of the state,

it continues to agitate the minds of millions of Russians.


It is tenacious and extremely contagious.

It is an idea to take possession of the brain,

to get rid of it is almost impossible.

I mean the idea that was written.

Fully conscious, settled in the head.

On the whole, nostalgia for the USSR does not create new reasons

for pride in the country in the present, but only exacerbates this problem.

What to do?

After all, as already noted, to continue to live

only memories of the past is detrimental to all.

Obviously, people need new reasons for pride.

Therefore, while some are dripping in the past,

figuring out the causes of poverty in the country,

others are taking concrete measures aimed at raising the authority

of the state in the eyes of the population.

So, recently, the Grozny city court decided to forgive the debts

of local residents in paying for natural gas in the amount of 9 billion rubles.

However, even if the forgiveness of the debts of Russians in payment

for energy resources does not become a common practice,

we are not upset that we are losing a new reason for pride because of this.

Russia already has a lot to be proud of.

So we are the first in the world in the number of doctors per capita,

in the number of people with higher education,

in the number of Orthodox people, in the number of tanks,

in the stockpiles of nuclear weapons, and this list can be continued for a long time.

Therefore friends, it is best to live in the present

without paying attention to the statistics.

After all, the information obtained on its basis is not always reliable.

So recently, the research service Numbeo published

a poll according to its data that Nizhny Novgorod became the best

city in Russia in terms of quality of life, overtaking on this indicator,

including Madrid and Los Angeles.

The reason is that the results of research

depend on who and what to interview.

If, in spite of everything, the idea of ​​regret about the collapse of the USSR

never leaves you - do not despair.

The main thing is not to take it to heart.

After all, it's not your fault that he fell apart.

There is no doubt Russia is a multinational great country.

Its main greatness is in ourselves.

Modes are constantly changing, and people remain.

Subscribe to the channel about everything with humor.


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