Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 2 2019

 Torna Alessandro Di Battista e Matteo Salvini lo bastona subito. Il pasionario M5s ha raggiunto Luigi Di Maio sulle Dolomiti per lanciare il nuovo spot grillino per il 2019: "Vi regaleremo una legge che taglia gli stipendi di tutti i parlamentari", hanno annunciato Dibba e Gigino in tandem, pronti per la campagna elettorale delle europee di maggio

 Al rilancio pentastellato ha risposto il leader della Lega: "Giusto tagliare sprechi e spese inutili, è nel contratto di governo e lo faremo - è il commento di Salvini -

Ma per la Lega le priorità sono altre". Tra queste "il taglio delle tasse, l'estensione della flat tax e della pace fiscale, la cancellazione definitiva della legge Fornero, l'approvazione dell'Autonomia e una legge nuova che garantisca il diritto alla legittima difesa"

Un'agenda che potrebbe andare di traverso, in Parlamento, a molti grillini.

For more infomation >> Di Battista e Di Maio subito bastonati da Salvini: "Tagliare gli stipendi ai parlamentar? Altre prio - Duration: 1:02.


Borse parallele, false o taroccate. La contraffazione cos'è davvero? - Duration: 8:18.

For more infomation >> Borse parallele, false o taroccate. La contraffazione cos'è davvero? - Duration: 8:18.


Don't Miss the Boat with These Amazing Travel Idioms - Duration: 7:28.

- Today we're talking about travel idioms.

That's coming up.

Today's lesson's particularly useful and fun

because it involves traveling,

and if you like traveling, I think you're going

to really enjoy these idioms.

Now a lot of these idioms have to do with traveling.

They're related to traveling,

or things that are connected to traveling,

but you can use them in everyday situations,

which makes it even better.

In today's lesson I'm going to give you some new idioms.

I will explain to you what they mean

and how they're used, and I'll give you an example sentence.

So stick around, and let's learn something new.

Our first idiom is bad news travels fast.

And sadly, this is not a great idiom

because it has kind of a bad connotation.

We are talking about bad news,

and it really means what it sounds like,

that bad news circulates quickly.

- I guess bad news travels fast.

- Bad news travels fast with us demons.

We all like a good laugh.

- So when something bad happens,

a lot of people hear about it very, very quickly,

and that is when we use this idiom, bad news travels fast.

When Pam failed art school,

everyone knew about it the next day.

I guess bad news travels fast.

Our next idiom is mile a minute, or a mile a minute.

You could hear it both ways.

This idiom means that something is happening

at a very rapid pace, or just very, very quickly.

I hear this idiom a lot with talking or thinking,

so when we're talking about somebody doing

something a mile a minute, it has to do usually like,

oh your mind is going a mile a minute,

or she's talking or he's talking a mile a minute.

- My mind was racing a mile a minute.

- These are very, very common situations

where you will find that idiom.

When I found out I got accepted into UCLA,

my mind was going a mile a minute.

The next idiom is off the beaten track,

and this refers to a little-known location

or a place that not a lot of people know about.

It's off the beaten track.

The beaten track refers to a pathway

that people have made by walking on it consistently,

so if something is off the beaten track,

it means that it is away.

It's not something that a lot of people know about,

or it's not a place that a lot of people go to.

My favorite restaurant is a tiny Indian place

down the street.

It's really off the beaten track.

Our next travel idiom is hit the road,

and this one just means to set out on a journey,

so basically to begin your journey

or your trip, to hit the road.

It's 10:00 a.m., we're all packed, let's hit the road.

The next travel idiom is jump on the bandwagon.

And if you've never heard this idiom before,

you might be a little confused.

What could this mean?

Jump, bandwagon?

What is going on?

And it means to join an activity that has become popular.

So it's like you're also joining with everyone else.

- No I'm not.

I'm hopping on the bandwagon.

- You could jump on the bandwagon

when you're you know joining a new fashion trend,

or maybe if you're buying the newest phone,

or shoes, or whatever it is, you can always say

you're jumping on the bandwagon.

After the keto diet became popular,

many jumped on the bandwagon.

I personally don't like the keto diet

because you don't get to eat sweets.

What kind of life is that?

The next idiom is in the same boat.

And don't worry if you don't like the sea

or being in a boat, this has nothing to do with that.

It means to be in the same circumstances

or situation as others.

And many times I feel like when we're talking

about being in the same boat, we're talking

about kind of like a, kind of a difficult situation.

So that's the context that it's usually used in.

So you're talking, oh I'm in the same boat as you.

It kinda has to do with a difficult circumstance.

I'm so tired, I only slept two hours last night.

I'm in the same boat.

I stayed up all night to study for the physics exam.

Our next idiom is to travel light.

And this actually has a similar meaning

to what it sounds like because when

you travel light, you travel without a lot of luggage.

It's light, it's not heavy.

Not the light that you get from the sun,

but the light when you lift something it's not heavy.

So you travel light, you travel without carrying a lot

of heavy stuff.

As much as I like to travel light,

I always end up with a suitcase that's too full.

The next idiom is missed the boat.

I know, another boat idiom, but again,

it has nothing to do with a boat,

or sea, or anything like that.

To miss the boat means to miss an opportunity.

And it also many times has the implication

of that maybe you might not get another one like this one.

- You're just a little bit worried

that you may have missed the boat.

- I call you miss because you seem

to have missed the boat completely on this one.

- So if you miss the boat on something,

or you miss the boat, it just means

you missed it, it's gone, your opportunity is bye-bye.

He missed the boat when he didn't apply for the job in time.

The next idiom is train of thought

and the train of thought refers

to the sequence of thoughts in your mind,

especially if it's something that's long or complicated.

- Sorry, I lost my train of thought.

Isn't he dreamy? (guitar thrums)

- [Man] You're talking to one of the three men

in the western hemisphere following that train of thought.

(audience laughs)

- Now many times when we talk about a train of thought,

we talk about it being interrupted.

And it has to do with losing your train of thought,

so when you lose it, it's usually

because you were interrupted by someone or something.

I completely lost my train of thought

when the doorbell rang.

The next idiom is right up my alley,

or right up your alley, or right up someone's alley.

And we use this idiom to describe something

that is exactly how we want it

or that is exactly the way we like it,

or that's something that we're passionate about.

So it's a good idiom, because if something is right

up your alley, it means that it aligns

with your interests and your passions

and something that you really, really enjoy.

So for me, anything that has to do

with like cats, or chocolate,

that would be right up my alley.

The cat cafe has Nutella cappuccinos and kittens.

That's right up my alley.

Okay, well now that you've heard the idioms,

it is time to practice them.

So I have some questions for you

that I want answered in the comments.

So tell me, what's something that's right up your alley?

Or, have you ever missed the boat on something?

Something big, I hope not.

Or do you have a favorite place that's off the beaten track?

I'd love to know.

Make sure that when you answer these questions,

answer in full sentences, and I'd love to read your answers.

As you know, idioms are an amazing way

to improve your English fluency,

and if you're serious about it,

check out our secret lesson.

The link is in the description.

And if you enjoyed this lesson,

please like it and share it with all of your friends.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.




Okay, I'm done.

For more infomation >> Don't Miss the Boat with These Amazing Travel Idioms - Duration: 7:28.



welcome to my youtube channel from new months rose money like

usually a small roof is just for give a little heat stroke to

the atmosphere so without further ado we're going

get to the heart of the matter but before if you ever are new you are

new is that you are not yet subscriber do not hesitate subscribe like

and and how banana then to can is one of the most powerful of the two

whether they are indeed if you are tea lover I advise you

to try this we have virtues unsuspected

why should you use bananas

know that bananas are beneficial that they contain quantities

high vitamin c potassium magnesium

these minerals will help your muscles vovelle to relax why nathaniel

cinnamon contain oils essential such as the goal she

also contains large amounts of vitamins at home of acid

pantothenic since your auxi and many other elements

this will promote the circulation of blood and thus digestion

it's fantastic to speed up metabolism knows who is burning the

fat and thereby lose weight the combination of these two ingredients has

tendency to improve your process digestive it improves Europe at night

and even I will tell you his companion anemia and weaknesses at home

gentlemen yes losing weight we lose

necessarily the greece of cholesterol and dirt but another thing very

important cinnamon in plants the blood pressure that boosts the

traffic hangin and fight effectively from this

done against cholesterol and of course it will restore the heart balance

at home how are we going to prepare tea with banana and cinnamon

it is a very simple recipe of ingredients you will need from

banal lives cut in slices one of my cinnamon spoon you

boil 200 50 centilitres of water cut but before anything or country

had your banana and especially they must be bio pc to infuse

a tea 15 and 20 minutes thanks to this simple process you will get a

excellent tool to make beautiful dreams

- ct alabama and cinnamon one hour before sleeping and enjoy the effects

positive on your health also know that these count it

depression memory loss anxiety weariness in the morning and woke up

too late at a bad concentration this has many other virtues again it is

this video was helpful to share with the family the knowledge and even the

friends or any other people likely to need these if that

will just help us promote health and well-being in

the world so here I thank you for having

watched this new video until last I tell you very soon for a

new video it took great care to know you

I carry you in my heart 10




Dieta brasiliana, ecco come perdere 12 chili in 30 giorni. Ma attenzione: si tratta di un regime ali - Duration: 5:34.

     Le feste sono finite e ci hanno lasciato un bel po' di gonfiore e qualche chilo in più

L'anno lo iniziamo sovrappeso e questo non ci piace affatto. Ma disperare non è certo la soluzione

La soluzione ai chili di troppo potrebbe essere la dieta brasiliana che, in un mese, fa perdere fino a 12 chili

 La dieta brasiliana è un regime dimagrante equilibrato e light che riduce i carboidrati a favore di frutta e verdura

Le regole della dieta brasiliana sono poche e molto semplici: in primo luogo è fondamentale non saltare i pasti

Essi devono essere sempre 5, devono essere ricchi di frutta e verdura (cotta o cruda non ha importanza) e, tra un pasto e l'altro non devono passare mai più di 12 ore

Questo perché far passare troppo tempo tra un pasto e l'altro comporta il rischio di pericolosi picchi glicemici che mettono a rischio la dieta

Ovviamente nella dieta brasiliana sono vietati i grassi e i carboidrati complessi

Continua a leggere dopo la foto       Ovviamente vanno eliminati anche gli zuccheri, gli alcolici, il sale e le salse

I carboidrati vanno consumati con moderazione e solo integrali o derivati da frutta e verdura

Questo è il motivo per cui questa dieta non ha gli effetti negativi delle diete chetogene

A ogni modo, se si ha intenzione di seguire la dieta brasiliana, è bene chiedere consulto al medico per capire se sia un programma dimagrante giusto per ognuno

È probabile che per qualcuno questa dieta sia troppo sbilanciata. Continua a leggere dopo la foto     Se si decide di seguirla, è importante farlo per non più di 4 settimane

Gli esperti, a dire il vero, consigliano di seguire alla lettera la dieta brasiliana per 2 settimane, praticare 7 giorni di pausa e in seguito riprendere lo schema alimentare per altre 2 settimane

In questo modo si riattiva il metabolismo e non si combatte contro il senso di fame

Ma vediamo nel dettaglio cosa prevede la dieta brasiliana. La giornata inizia con frullato a base di frutta e verdura di stagione, accompagnato da una fetta di pane integrale e un caffè

Continua a leggere dopo la foto          Qualche ora dopo la colazione è tempo del primo spuntino che consiste in una spremuta d'arancia oppure in 100 grammi di formaggio magro o fesa di tacchino

A pranzo va bene del riso integrale condito con zucchine e menta, accompagnato da un contorno a base di broccoli e bieta a volontà

Lo spuntino di metà pomeriggio sarà a base di frutta mentre a cena si possono mangiare due patate lesse accompagnate da insalata di cetrioli e pomodori

Prima di andare a dormire bevete una tisana con una fetta di pane integrale oppure mangiate un frutto


For more infomation >> Dieta brasiliana, ecco come perdere 12 chili in 30 giorni. Ma attenzione: si tratta di un regime ali - Duration: 5:34.


Contramão - Gustavo Mioto - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Contramão - Gustavo Mioto - Duration: 3:11.


Peinture Abstraite - Démonstration Art Abstrait À l'Acrylique | Unixia - Duration: 4:06.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Peinture Abstraite - Démonstration Art Abstrait À l'Acrylique | Unixia - Duration: 4:06.


HULKBUSTER ARMOR GO~! HULK SMASH with RED HULK Toys vs Hulkbuster vs Hulk~! toy for kids -CharlesToy - Duration: 11:56.

HULKBUSTER ARMOR GO~! HULK SMASH with RED HULK vs Hulkbuster vs Hulk~! toy for kids - Charles Toy

For more infomation >> HULKBUSTER ARMOR GO~! HULK SMASH with RED HULK Toys vs Hulkbuster vs Hulk~! toy for kids -CharlesToy - Duration: 11:56.


C919和老运10,谁更适合当军用特种机? - Duration: 14:11.

For more infomation >> C919和老运10,谁更适合当军用特种机? - Duration: 14:11.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:11.


BMW 1 Serie 2.0D Executive | VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 2.0D Executive | VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:14.


Volvo XC40 D4 AWD R-Design VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC40 D4 AWD R-Design VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:18.


Renault Clio dCi 90pk Intens Camera, R-link, Climate ,Cruise, Park. sens., 16''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio dCi 90pk Intens Camera, R-link, Climate ,Cruise, Park. sens., 16''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:09.


Jaguar F-Pace 3.0 R-SPORT AWD 30D NP € 113.350,- - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Jaguar F-Pace 3.0 R-SPORT AWD 30D NP € 113.350,- - Duration: 1:08.


Renault Kadjar 1.6 dCi 130Pk Bose R-Link, Camera, 19'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Kadjar 1.6 dCi 130Pk Bose R-Link, Camera, 19'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:11.


Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 dCi 110pk BOSE R-link2, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens., 17''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 dCi 110pk BOSE R-link2, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens., 17''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:11.


Renault Scénic dCi EDC Intens R-link, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens., 20''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Renault Scénic dCi EDC Intens R-link, Climate, Cruise, Park. sens., 20''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:14.


Volkswagen Golf 1.6 TDI Business Edition R | NAVI | STOELVERW. | PDC | 19 INCH - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.6 TDI Business Edition R | NAVI | STOELVERW. | PDC | 19 INCH - Duration: 1:10.


უსახლკარომ იყიდა კომპიუტერი მაინკრაფტში?! ბომჟი #6 - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> უსახლკარომ იყიდა კომპიუტერი მაინკრაფტში?! ბომჟი #6 - Duration: 10:48.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:11.


C919和老运10,谁更适合当军用特种机? - Duration: 14:11.

For more infomation >> C919和老运10,谁更适合当军用特种机? - Duration: 14:11.


Renault Twingo SCE 70pk Collection Airco, R&Go navigatie - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo SCE 70pk Collection Airco, R&Go navigatie - Duration: 0:53.


Don't Miss the Boat with These Amazing Travel Idioms - Duration: 7:28.

- Today we're talking about travel idioms.

That's coming up.

Today's lesson's particularly useful and fun

because it involves traveling,

and if you like traveling, I think you're going

to really enjoy these idioms.

Now a lot of these idioms have to do with traveling.

They're related to traveling,

or things that are connected to traveling,

but you can use them in everyday situations,

which makes it even better.

In today's lesson I'm going to give you some new idioms.

I will explain to you what they mean

and how they're used, and I'll give you an example sentence.

So stick around, and let's learn something new.

Our first idiom is bad news travels fast.

And sadly, this is not a great idiom

because it has kind of a bad connotation.

We are talking about bad news,

and it really means what it sounds like,

that bad news circulates quickly.

- I guess bad news travels fast.

- Bad news travels fast with us demons.

We all like a good laugh.

- So when something bad happens,

a lot of people hear about it very, very quickly,

and that is when we use this idiom, bad news travels fast.

When Pam failed art school,

everyone knew about it the next day.

I guess bad news travels fast.

Our next idiom is mile a minute, or a mile a minute.

You could hear it both ways.

This idiom means that something is happening

at a very rapid pace, or just very, very quickly.

I hear this idiom a lot with talking or thinking,

so when we're talking about somebody doing

something a mile a minute, it has to do usually like,

oh your mind is going a mile a minute,

or she's talking or he's talking a mile a minute.

- My mind was racing a mile a minute.

- These are very, very common situations

where you will find that idiom.

When I found out I got accepted into UCLA,

my mind was going a mile a minute.

The next idiom is off the beaten track,

and this refers to a little-known location

or a place that not a lot of people know about.

It's off the beaten track.

The beaten track refers to a pathway

that people have made by walking on it consistently,

so if something is off the beaten track,

it means that it is away.

It's not something that a lot of people know about,

or it's not a place that a lot of people go to.

My favorite restaurant is a tiny Indian place

down the street.

It's really off the beaten track.

Our next travel idiom is hit the road,

and this one just means to set out on a journey,

so basically to begin your journey

or your trip, to hit the road.

It's 10:00 a.m., we're all packed, let's hit the road.

The next travel idiom is jump on the bandwagon.

And if you've never heard this idiom before,

you might be a little confused.

What could this mean?

Jump, bandwagon?

What is going on?

And it means to join an activity that has become popular.

So it's like you're also joining with everyone else.

- No I'm not.

I'm hopping on the bandwagon.

- You could jump on the bandwagon

when you're you know joining a new fashion trend,

or maybe if you're buying the newest phone,

or shoes, or whatever it is, you can always say

you're jumping on the bandwagon.

After the keto diet became popular,

many jumped on the bandwagon.

I personally don't like the keto diet

because you don't get to eat sweets.

What kind of life is that?

The next idiom is in the same boat.

And don't worry if you don't like the sea

or being in a boat, this has nothing to do with that.

It means to be in the same circumstances

or situation as others.

And many times I feel like when we're talking

about being in the same boat, we're talking

about kind of like a, kind of a difficult situation.

So that's the context that it's usually used in.

So you're talking, oh I'm in the same boat as you.

It kinda has to do with a difficult circumstance.

I'm so tired, I only slept two hours last night.

I'm in the same boat.

I stayed up all night to study for the physics exam.

Our next idiom is to travel light.

And this actually has a similar meaning

to what it sounds like because when

you travel light, you travel without a lot of luggage.

It's light, it's not heavy.

Not the light that you get from the sun,

but the light when you lift something it's not heavy.

So you travel light, you travel without carrying a lot

of heavy stuff.

As much as I like to travel light,

I always end up with a suitcase that's too full.

The next idiom is missed the boat.

I know, another boat idiom, but again,

it has nothing to do with a boat,

or sea, or anything like that.

To miss the boat means to miss an opportunity.

And it also many times has the implication

of that maybe you might not get another one like this one.

- You're just a little bit worried

that you may have missed the boat.

- I call you miss because you seem

to have missed the boat completely on this one.

- So if you miss the boat on something,

or you miss the boat, it just means

you missed it, it's gone, your opportunity is bye-bye.

He missed the boat when he didn't apply for the job in time.

The next idiom is train of thought

and the train of thought refers

to the sequence of thoughts in your mind,

especially if it's something that's long or complicated.

- Sorry, I lost my train of thought.

Isn't he dreamy? (guitar thrums)

- [Man] You're talking to one of the three men

in the western hemisphere following that train of thought.

(audience laughs)

- Now many times when we talk about a train of thought,

we talk about it being interrupted.

And it has to do with losing your train of thought,

so when you lose it, it's usually

because you were interrupted by someone or something.

I completely lost my train of thought

when the doorbell rang.

The next idiom is right up my alley,

or right up your alley, or right up someone's alley.

And we use this idiom to describe something

that is exactly how we want it

or that is exactly the way we like it,

or that's something that we're passionate about.

So it's a good idiom, because if something is right

up your alley, it means that it aligns

with your interests and your passions

and something that you really, really enjoy.

So for me, anything that has to do

with like cats, or chocolate,

that would be right up my alley.

The cat cafe has Nutella cappuccinos and kittens.

That's right up my alley.

Okay, well now that you've heard the idioms,

it is time to practice them.

So I have some questions for you

that I want answered in the comments.

So tell me, what's something that's right up your alley?

Or, have you ever missed the boat on something?

Something big, I hope not.

Or do you have a favorite place that's off the beaten track?

I'd love to know.

Make sure that when you answer these questions,

answer in full sentences, and I'd love to read your answers.

As you know, idioms are an amazing way

to improve your English fluency,

and if you're serious about it,

check out our secret lesson.

The link is in the description.

And if you enjoyed this lesson,

please like it and share it with all of your friends.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.




Okay, I'm done.

For more infomation >> Don't Miss the Boat with These Amazing Travel Idioms - Duration: 7:28.


VW Tクロス──この小型カジュアルSUVは日本でも売れる - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> VW Tクロス──この小型カジュアルSUVは日本でも売れる - Duration: 10:43.


Kia cee'd SW 1.0 T-GDI GT-LINE EDITION 120PK - GARANTIE 2025 - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd SW 1.0 T-GDI GT-LINE EDITION 120PK - GARANTIE 2025 - Duration: 1:05.


Chelsea transfer news: The Blues dealt blow in striker hunt Lewandowski - 'A move isn't on my mind' - Duration: 3:47.

Chelsea are in the market for a striker, having lost patience with £58million man Alvaro Morata

The Spaniard was supposed to succeed Diego Costa at the forefront of the Blues attack but has struggled to impress in west London

The 26-year-old has a below-par record of 22 goals in 70 Chelsea games, and manager Maurizio Sarri has begun to favour Eden Hazard in a false nine role over Morata

Strike colleague Olivier Giroud was originally bought as a back-up to Morata and Sarri does not trust the facilitating Frenchman to lead his line either

The winter transfer window is often looked upon as a tough period to secure elite-level players, but Chelsea will keep their eyes peeled during January

The club originally the bookies' favourites to sign Lewandowski in the summer as a move away from Bayern Munich looked inevitable

The Poland international is among Europe's elite strikers, and spearheaded Borussia Dortmund to consecutive league titles under Jurgen Klopp before joining their rivals for free in 2014

The 6ft 1in marksman has scored 173 goals in 219 appearances for Bayern, with whom he has won a further four league titles

Although 30 years old, he remains of interest to Chelsea, who would have to lure him away from a contract that ties him to the German champions until 2021

Those hopes have been dealt a blow just as the window opens, however, as Lewandowski has revealed his ambition to stay at the Allianz Arena

Speaking to German newspaper Sport Bild, the striker said: "For me, it's definitely an option to end my career at Bayern

A change is not in my head. I admit: In the summer, other things were an issue, but that's over

It is quite possible that I will stay here for a very long time. I fully identify with Bayern

I feel that - since all the rumours and problems are off the table - I am wholeheartedly with FC Bayern

One hundred percent. Get Chelsea latest news updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: The Blues dealt blow in striker hunt Lewandowski - 'A move isn't on my mind' - Duration: 3:47.


Liverpool transfer news: £27m asking price revealed after Reds and Man City make enquiries - Duration: 3:38.

 Liverpool are flying high at the top of the Premier League having gone unbeaten during the first half of the season

 But Jurgen Klopp and co. will not be resting on their laurels with City and Tottenham capable of ruining their title hopes

 Liverpool are in the market for signings to help bolster their push now that the January transfer window is open

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** And it is claimed Klopp has a midfielder in his sights as he seeks to add to his multi-talented squad this winter

 According to Turkish newspaper Fotomac, Liverpool like the look of Trabzonspor's Omur

 The 19-year-old is enjoying another fine campaign having made a breakthrough last season

 And his performances at the Medical Park Arena have earned him an array of suitors

 Liverpool are at the front of the queue to secure Omur's services. While their title rivals Manchester City have also been in touch with Trabzonspor concerning a possible deal

 Trabzonspor are said to informed the Premier League duo that Omur is available for £27m (€30m)

 However, they may face competition from Roma after the Serie A giants launched an enquiry too

 Roma already have Turkish phenom Cengiz Under on the books at the Stadio Olimpico

 And Omur might be keen to follow a similar path to his compatriot as his career advances

 Omur is not the first player both Liverpool and City have fought for. Transfer expert Duncan Castles has recalled City's interest in Virgil van Dijk before the defender joined Liverpool

 "If Manchester City had not balked at the asking price Southampton put up for Van Dijk, and not balked at the wages Van Dijk was asking for and had signed him, I don't think there's any chance that Liverpool would be top of the league at present," Castles said

 "For example, I don't think this would have happened if Liverpool had taken [Aymeric] Laporte because they hadn't got Van Dijk

 "There's no way Laporte would have been able to produce what Van Dijk has done for Liverpool by slotting into that defence

 "By the same token, if you put Van Dijk into the City defence, I think he's far more capable of handling the difficulties that they are having with Fernandinho being out than Laporte and John Stones are

 "Remember, they are both still very young centre-backs, both chosen more for their creative abilities, more for their passing on the ball than they are as pure defenders


For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer news: £27m asking price revealed after Reds and Man City make enquiries - Duration: 3:38.


Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI Style 115 pk (vsb 17690) voorraaddeal - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI Style 115 pk (vsb 17690) voorraaddeal - Duration: 1:10.


How to Set or Change Design Properties on PixTeller - Duration: 3:07.

How to set or change design properties on PixTeller. Hi everyone I'm Alex from

PixTeller and today I will show you how to change design properties using

PixTeller Editor. In order to do that I will click create button and I will open

the editor. You'll find the design properties menu on the left side. Here

you have the design background color, the preset size and the Smart Resize

function. In order to set your design color, you can click on the color button

and the color picker will open. You can choose between solid, linear, and Radial

colors. If you select a solid color, you can have a transparent background by

setting the opacity to zero. Also, you can set your own colors by inputting the HEX

or the RGB values. I'll play a little with the RGB to give you an example. If

you set red and green to zero and blue to 255

you have blue color as background. If you change the green to 255

you get cyan. To set a linear color, you have to edit each color. First click on

the button from the linear scale then using the "Edit/Change color" menu,

you can select any color from our palette. Clicking on any position on the

Linear scale will insert a new color in your design, and from there you can also

change the order and intensity. The buttons named one in two let you adjust

the position on vertical and horizontal of the inserted colors. Deleting a color

is done by selecting it from the scale and using the Delete button from the

menu. Advanced users can input the X&Y positions of starting and ending

positions namely 1 & 2 on the preview scale.

Radial colors is another option that users prefer to add to their designs it

works on the same principle as Linear does, meaning adding colors on the bottom

line, changing their order and position. But here you also have to adjust the

center point, the radius, ellipse size, and angle. For this example I will choose a

linear gradient color.

In order to set the design size there are two options: manually input the width

and height or choose a preset size. The canvas will adjust instantly, as you can

see in my example.

Let's go with a square instagram size.

About the smart size, I'll present it in a different tutorial. Please remember

that this size will be the one available for your resulted image video or GIF if

you animate it. That's all for now. Wish you a happy day! Goodbye. Try

and design static or animated presentations, banners, social

media posts, logos or posters.

For more infomation >> How to Set or Change Design Properties on PixTeller - Duration: 3:07.


Stigma-Rotary® Thorn Tattoo Machine - Duration: 1:33.

Visit for tattoo machines, tattoo inks, tattoo needles/cartridges, tattoo aftercare & more!

For more infomation >> Stigma-Rotary® Thorn Tattoo Machine - Duration: 1:33.


Atheria Cantina Episode 03 Part 5 - LCC 2018 Reactions - Duration: 18:34.

Welcome back Praxeum fans. We're going to jump into another video here.

It seems like it's an unfinished one - "J v. D" so...

Jeff versus David

Which David though?

Both of them

Oh boy. Very short one - only a minute. Oh wow.

So let's see what it's all about here

Guessing they're probably using it more as a promo

Oh yeah. Makes sense. It's unfinished. Get people's attention.

I'm liking the music. Yeah.

That'd be a good way to do it.

Have your promo have a song like this and have more of a traditional instrumental/classical piece for your actual video

Really liking this song. It's very fitting.

It's a very "you" song.

I like that bass right there

Definitely gonna have to look up the song. Should I Shazam it?

I'll Shazam it.

I'm liking the fighting style too. Yeah it looks like it has a lot of potential. Looks cool.

That's definitely what I'm gonna be looking up here.

Oh, I didn't Shazam it. You were too slow. Yeah - apparently.

Shame. A Sith being too slow.

I'm not a Sith. No surprise there.

You're out of character, sir.

You cannot resist a chance to take a jab at Lady Malice.


She's such an easy target

So... But yeah, let us know what you think of that one and

I look forward to watching the full product

Should be exciting. Maybe we'll do a reactional video to the full one. Yeah

So let us know what you think and we'll catch you in the next video

Welcome back, Praxeum fans. We're gonna start the next video here called Traitor Redeemed

It's from a Lightsaber Philippines.

Whoo, my people. Half your people. This half of me.

Walking down the city. Very epic!

I feel like I've seen this location in their Facebook content. Yeah.

They post a lot of training stuff

Enjoying the music. Nice meditation scene. And the backdrop

Nice view of the city - curious which city

I like when people aren't afraid to take their time setting the stage for the video

They're not like, "We need to cram in as much fighting as possible."

Very Anakin move - he rushed right into that fight despite his master's wishes

That's a cool effect for the Force Push. Yeah

Seems like the Dark Side user's not there to kill

We're not always bloodthirsty barbarians. It doubt it.

The moves are really graceful, which goes well with the music. Oh, yeah

That was a nice spin. Both into reverse grip. That's nice

Stalking their prey

Always a good move

Sure he's got a headache - getting up like that


He's gonna strike first. Oh, I love the color on the face

That looks really cool...

Still the city glittering in the background. Yeah

Cool focus

I thought that was really well done

Yeah, very pretty. Lots of focus parts

Music was fantastic

Yeah - I enjoyed that. That was a pretty good one.

Well Traitor Redeemed, it seemed like he redeemed himself. Yeah, so

But we'll catch you in the next video and let us know what your thoughts are

All right, so Praxeum fans

thank you for spending the time with us and watching these videos with us

if you want to see the better quality and

the rest of the videos that we didn't cover

Just look up the Lightsaber Choreography Competition 2018

and feel free to check out the previous years. There's definitely a lot of good ones

My favorite still has been Ferocity. That's a real old one, I think 2011

Yeah, something like that

That was one of my first lightsaber fan films that I saw

but with this year, we're gonna talk about our favorites and

what we look forward to doing in the future and hopefully we get to enter next year.

So, what was your favorite?

Um, I made a list

I'd say my favorite was Darkness Unveiled, which was the one that had the darksaber.

I was pretty edge of my seat

Yes, you were

...with what was gonna happen, plus - Darksaber - and a lot of really cool visuals. I liked the costumes

I thought the choreography was good as well

Yeah, there were some definitely good bits. I loved the introduction of bringing in the Darksaber

I'm a huge Darksaber fans and the sound of it is just beautiful

It's a beautiful sound

It's definitely one of my favorite sabers, sorry Darth Maul, but it's the darksaber.

I was quite happy when Darth Maul did get it though

I would love to see him with like a staff and the darksaber all at one time

following in my footsteps

I would have to say mine is still

the Ender's Game. Endgame

Oh, was it Endgame? Yeah

The chess style was quite unique I definitely enjoyed that and

I just thought it was a nice

touch to it and the Pawn becoming the Queen

was definitely a nice touch and the King realizing he's about to die knights the new King. So I'm curious the next one's gonna start. I think it would have been funny like seeing someone putting the pieces away with the faces

Or something like that if we wanted to kind of like break that fourth wall

Yeah, it was very visually striking and creative

Definitely one of the... I always enjoy those creative moments and they definitely had that

That's probably in my top five.

So I think one that we can agree that we liked was Divided though, definitely

Very artistic

Yeah, definitely interesting concept. They always leave you on a cliffhanger

Definitely a lot of good ones. I also really liked Light/Less. I'd say that Darkness Unveiled

and Light/Less were the two teaser photos that were posted on Facebook that really grabbed me

Light/Less had really good costumes and lightsaber colors and hair

As you'll find out I'm very big into - need to have the right hair to go with the costume otherwise

you can make or break a costume

True, I mean... And I thought they did a really good job at that.

Elements of the cosplay - you gotta make sure things are you know functional, efficient

'Cause like there are a lot of things you could do that

...aren't really practical, so - one issue I've seen

is like...kind of bracers because they can limit your wrist movement

The little shoulder armor. We tried it out at one con

Yeah, it looks super cool, but it's very limiting

Your not gonna be able to do a lot of head strikes and

like you even see like Darth Vader in the movies have issues with that and

if you ever decide to cosplay as Darth Vader you're gonna realize you can't lift your arms up

...past your face and that's why you see Darth Vader

in the movies leading back and lunging and coming down kind of like a sledgehammer technique

Which video was it that was using our Juyo?

I don't know, there were so many

But I really like when people are using lightsaber forms that aren't your typical...

I definitely enjoy when people are using the moves from Darth Maul or Obi-Wan/Anakin fight, but it's nice when

people use some of the forms that aren't quite as well known or actually use some of the exotics

like the tonfas, or the staff, or Jar'Kai, or pike in a way that makes sense for the weapon and isn't just because

"Oh, I thought this would be cool"

Yeah, definitely, you've got to be careful with using different lightsabers and you know

Making sure you're using a technique to go with that lightsaber instead of

Oh, I'm just gonna use this and then use, like the pike, as a regular lightsaber

You know you're...

you're at a disadvantage now because

you've got something with a longer hilt so you can't really use it as efficient as a single bladed lightsaber

And you're losing all the benefits of the pike, so...

Here's a thought for the purposes of creative, constructive criticism,

what advice would you give to people who are entering based on just having watched all the videos?

And with our experience as well. Start soon

Editing does take a good bit

Try to make sure you have a solid story line

Because the issue with like the time frame of

five minutes or less, is it's hard to put a story element in

there and a lot of these videos did a very good job

some did like here's the little caption at the very beginning kind of the Star Wars scroll or a narration or

Just kind of quick "Here's what's about to happen"

Or something that was classic enough that you could pick up on it pretty quickly

Yeah, so I mean there's definitely different ways of doing that storytelling

There's always no way is better than others, that's really how you go about doing it.

'Cause like the Star Wars scroll

it's fantastic for the Star Wars movies and

It gives a lot of the story right there. You know what's about to happen. You jump right into the movie

And sometimes a lot of movies do narration at the beginning to

Kind of sum-up, hey this is what's happening

If you watch Cinema Sins on YouTube, they

definitely jump on people who do the narration and whatnot all the movies that do because it is overdone

Eh. But, it's effective

so I mean, yeah, it's overdone but

If it's a working formula

you know don't reinvent the wheel

I liked how a lot of people weren't afraid to do something

unusual or something more light-hearted

Because it definitely breaks up...

They're all enjoyable videos, but when you sit and watch the whole playlist they can all blend into each other

So it can be nice when you get something like Cookies and Cream, it was just completely different

And I mean always throw your own twist on things

It adds to that story element, so you are expecting like the stereotypical Star Wars

You know Master vs. Apprentice, or Light vs. Dark

So it's always good to have that extra twist, like Cookies and Cream, or you know

the flashbacks from Friendship, throwing in the added element

So make sure you guys are having fun

That's what this competition's about, is having fun

So the people you're doing it with, try and have fun

So, how about you? Any constructive criticism for next year?

Definitely the story element. It can be really easy to, in your head, make sense because you're the one who

came up with the story, but then somebody else can be a little bit confused

This is more of a pet peeve, but I don't like people use non-traditional lightsaber colors for their characters

because when you have five minutes, you need to immediately be able to tell

who the good guy is or the bad guys is, who you're rooting for

and, while it can be creative to kind of throw in - oh, it's a Sith with a yellow lightsaber, or

the Jedi steals the Sith's lightsaber, I feel it makes it kind of hard to follow that story and keep track of who's who


Most people tend to focus more on the lightsaber, so

you definitely tend to follow like - Oh, the red lightsaber's with him. Now, it's with him

They can get confusing at times but

If you throw in like the...

Because some shots are usually from more of a distance

so unless you can't really tell by the face all the time, so it's definitely

make sure there's different clothing involved and then you could tell even from a distance

I'd also definitely encourage everybody to put your logo on the video, or like come up with a name for

even if it's just you and a few friends, or production company, or whatever else

because it's nice when you can kind of follow people's work from year to year

And like, Oh I really liked their video from last year, I'm excited to check out the new piece

and kind of that branding and marketing aspect.

Yeah, definitely

Because more than likely most people aren't going to remember your face or

your YouTube channel or anything like that, but when they see that logo pop up that you created from

year after year, they go, "Oh, hey - I remember them from last year."

So definitely, you know think of a unique name. Think of a nice logo

Really set yourself apart. That definitely helps stick out in people's memories

Sammie has some advice

She wants to know why they were no puppy dogs. True. There were a lack of puppy dogs

That is why she was not interested in watching

But yeah, let us know what you all think of all the videos and

we enjoyed them. Hopefully we get to enter in next year and like my co-host said we're hoping to

finish up our video that we did this year

Shoutout to TC for putting in hours and hours of work

and we just kind of messed around with lightsabers for like an hour

Definitely hoping to enter next year. So we're looking forward to what the theme is next year

Now keep an eye out. We might actually enter finally

Third year's the charm

So until next time, May the Force be with You

For more infomation >> Atheria Cantina Episode 03 Part 5 - LCC 2018 Reactions - Duration: 18:34.


Gorgeous Fashion Model...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:37.

Gorgeous Fashion Model...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Fashion Model...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:37.


Peinture Abstraite - Démonstration Art Abstrait À l'Acrylique | Unixia - Duration: 4:06.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Peinture Abstraite - Démonstration Art Abstrait À l'Acrylique | Unixia - Duration: 4:06.


Mortal Kombat 11 Story Mode Discussion / Guardian of Time / Evil Raiden / Sub Bosses - Duration: 8:13.

what is up everyone welcome back to the channel this is astronaut I am back with

once again another Mortal Kombat 11 video that's what you guys want that's

what everyone's talking about is on my mind and it was on you guys it's mine in

this video here I am specifically going to be talking about the story mode from

Mortal Kombat 11 I'm gonna be going through just putting bits and pieces

together to just try to get a working understanding of what we could possibly

be looking forward to in the upcoming title so just to kick off this video I

want to talk about the woman in the trailer everyone is talking about this

woman the woman who was standing next to that hourglass and now when we got when

we got that first leak the major leak that everyone got excited about but of

course Ed Boon stepped in and shut it down so we know that it's fake that

first leak told us that her name was gonna be chronica and that she was going

to be destroying timelines and that she was you know basically the main villain

of the game and so now that we know that that leak is fake we know that she's we

still don't know we're back at square one basically we don't know she's the

villain or not her name is probably not gonna be chronica that's something that

someone came up with um but here's what I think um I do not think she's gonna be

the main villain because if that were to be the case and that would mean that

nether room would break with their tradition of having a male figure as as

their as their villain for every single game you know you guys can follow with

it you can track with me on this there was Shang Tsung then there was a Shao

Kahn then there was shun off then there was own Agha and then there was blaze

and then there was shang tsung again I'm sorry uh Shao Kahn again and shinnok in

the rebooted storyline so it is a big sexist but for some reason that the room

has held to the idea of always having a male character as the final

villains so that being the case um I don't really see they could always break

with tradition um and it would be exciting to see a female villain but I

really don't see another room breaking with that tradition and on top of that

the lady doesn't look like a villain you know if you think about it all the

villains that Mortal Kombat has always had they always looked like a villain

Shang Tsung look like he looked evil Shao Kahn look evil shinnok look evil of

Naga blades they all appear or has some sort of fearful quality about their

appearance or whatever this woman she looks very regal and very ethereal

um and so that makes me feel like you know I don't even know she's gonna be

playable like a playable character to me um in my estimate of the situation she

looks like someone who would be a non playable character who is possibly going

to be in the role of either being like an elder god or some guardian of time or

some sort of guide of time who will be playing a role in the story mode to

possibly be working together with the earth Rome warriors to possibly either

restore time or to bring about some sort of balance of time so that's kind of how

I see this woman I don't see her as a villain and I don't see her um being any

kind of antagonistic type character I see her as being some sort of Guardian

or guide of time or possibly even an elder God who is directing things from

you know from a different angle in the universe so um so yeah so guys that's my

that's my feedback you can let me know in the comment section below what do you

think about her who do you think she is um I dunno everyone is kind of going

crazy trying to figure out who she is or whatever but and keep in mind that when

she was standing next to the hourglass the sand and the hourglass was going up

so which suggests that time is going to be going in Reverse but I'll get to that

later on in the video um the next thing I want to talk about is Raiden okay so

we know that Raiden is gonna be dark and guys I think the ending tomorrow' Kombat

X was telling us more about Mortal Kombat xi than we realized because in

the ending to Mortal Kombat X we see Raiden with

amulet of shinnok dressed in all black taking the head of shinnok throwing it

on the floor and basically going head-to-head with katana liu kang so and

now here in the trailer from Mortal Kombat 11 once again Raiden is in his

dark a gear he has the amulet of them Shen not on his body and he he has his

red lightning so we see that he's gone to the dark side he is officially evil

dark Raiden so the ending tomorrow' Kombat X was really setting us up for

more than than what we might have realized and so that's why I really want

to put a lot of stock into into the ending - Mortal Kombat X and talk about

you know Liu Kang and katana and the fact that they are now corrupt and they

are leaders of the nether room so I do believe we can look forward to the theme

of the revenant coming back quite naturally it's been unresolved I've

talked about this in my last a video that um you know I think as far as the

roster goes I think we can some of the characters that got some of the revenant

characters that got left out of Mortal Kombat 10 I think we can anticipate

seeing them return to the roster for Mortal Kombat 11 simply because I think

the revenant theme is going to continue since Liu Kang and katana have taken

over the nether room at this point so so some of those characters I think we're

gonna see reappear on the roster and be playable once again I would hope and

like I said looking at the ending to Mortal Kombat X I think um you know it

was clearly letting us know that Raiden was gonna be dark and sure enough he is

dark in the trailer from world combat xi so going off of that I do believe we can

put a lot of stock in trusting that we're gonna be seeing a lot of Liu Kang

and katana in this upcoming title and hopefully they'll will they'll still be

playable as well and I did read an article where Boone said that they

weren't going to do the NPC thing again because so many fans were so upset by

not being able to play some of their favorites so I don't know if that was

legit or not but that's what I heard but anyway so but yeah so I do think that

more in the Mortal Kombat xi will have to do with the new lady who is going to

be like a guardian or a guide time I don't know if she's gonna be

playable I think she might be just on the figure in the story mode and then

Raiden is gonna be evil Liu Kang katana are gonna play a huge role I believe in

some sort of struggle with with Raiden and another thing I think is important

to mission is I do believe that Shao Kahn will probably be the sub boss I

don't know who the main boss is possibly raining I think Raiden is the most

qualified candidate to be the the the villain of this poisonous he's corrupted

with the Amulet of shinnok but I do believe Shao Kahn since he's being

offered as a pre-order bonus character will be the sub box especially since

some time is going in Reverse like I said so if time is going backwards and

that means that it gives nether room the opportunity to play around with

different characters and bringing them back being you know it gives them the

freedom to do that since time we'll be going in a reverse fashion it'll you

know open up a lot of doors for you know different different possibilities you

know you know it makes it possible for Shao Kahn and step back in and and be

active you know whether it be just in the tower mode or whether we you know we

may not even see him in the story mode because Goro was a with the bonus

character and Ora wasn't even in the story mode but he was a sub boss and so

that's why I say that Shao Kahn will probably be the sub boss from Mortal

Kombat xi since he's but he's the preorder bonus character and he's you

know like Goro you know he you know he may or may not even be in the story mode

but you know he's oh he's a perfect candidate for a sub boss you know he

definitely is not the final boss because they would never offer the final boss as

a pre-order bonus so so yeah and anyways and finally guys time is going in

Reverse so guys this leaves the door open for a lot of characters to come

back and possibly this might be how the revenant get restored virus by putting

time in Reverse all right guys I'm gonna do a part two so stay tuned guys don't

go anywhere thanks for checking me out see you later

For more infomation >> Mortal Kombat 11 Story Mode Discussion / Guardian of Time / Evil Raiden / Sub Bosses - Duration: 8:13.


Border agents fire tear gas at migrants throwing rocks, trying to cross into U.S., authorities say - Duration: 11:10.

A group of about 150 migrants attempted to breach a San Diego border fence on New Year's Eve, and some began throwing rocks at responding U

S. border agents, who deployed pepper spray and tear gas on the crowd, authorities said

 U.S. Customs and Border Protection said the group was attempting to climb over and under the San Diego border fence

When agents and officers responded, about 45 migrants turned back to Mexico, according to the agency

Advertisement >  But some migrants began throwing rocks over the fence at agents and officers, according to the agency

 "Several teenagers, wrapped in heavy jackets, blankets and rubber mats, were put over the concertina wire

Border Patrol agents witnessed members of the group attempt to lift toddler-sized children up and over the concertina wire and [have] difficulty accomplishing the task in a safe manner," a news release from U

S. authorities states.  The release does not say what time the incident occurred, and a follow-up question was not immediately answered

 The Customs and Border Protection release said agents and officers deployed smoke, pepper spray and CS gas, a kind of tear gas, to address the rock throwers, who they said were assaulting border agents and risking the safety of migrants who had already made it onto the U

S. side.  The gases caused people to stop throwing rocks and flee, CBP said.  The agency apprehended 25 people, including two minors, the release said

 "I don't like that type of violence of people throwing rocks," said Silvio Sierra of Honduras, one of the migrants who approached the border and turned back amid the gas

"We don't like that type of violence of throwing rocks. The majority of people came in peace

Our intent was to walk up peacefully."  Regarding the tear gas, he said, "It was very strong

It was everywhere. People were crying. Women and children, too. The gas was everywhere

"  Several migrants from the group that rushed the border said they had grown frustrated by weeks of waiting at El Barretal shelter with conflicting and shifting information about how the U

S. immigration process is supposed to work. They said the majority in the group planned to peacefully approach U

S. immigration authorities at the border and "throw themselves at their mercy." Juan Carlos Caballero Jones, who witnessed tear gas being fired at the border early New Year's Day, poses for a portrait outside the El Barretal shelter in the Mariano Matamoros neighborhood of Tijuana

(Sam Hodgson / San Diego Union-Tribune)  Such a rush of the border had been discussed for several days

Plans to make the effort on Christmas Eve did not materialize.  "The thing about it is, you don't want to be illegal but you are already illegal," Sierra said

"So they tell you to take a number. You ask for a number and wait in line for an opportunity

But there's so many people in line, you aren't getting through. If you walk up and ask for asylum, they say you are in the wrong place

You tell me, what are we supposed to do?"  Jose Alexander of El Salvador said he headed to the border with his 4-year-old son and witnessed the tear gas firing

He said he didn't see anyone throwing rocks, a sentiment echoed by many migrants interviewed Tuesday

 "My son is still scared," Alexander said. "We were a little farther back in the group

As soon as I heard the first shot, I scooped him up and ran back. He was really scared

" Advertisement >  Authorities also used tear gas Nov. 25 during a similar rush on the border

Although some women and children said they were affected by the gas, officials said it was targeted only at rock-throwers in that instance as well

President Trump at the time said it was "a very minor form of the tear gas itself" that he assured was "very safe

"  The migrants from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have come to seek asylum from violence and other unrest in their native countries

They set out on foot in October, eventually using buses and other means to arrive in Tijuana, where they have been awaiting U

S. processing.  Their presence has been portrayed as an invasion by Trump and as a human-rights crisis by others

They have been routed from one shelter to another, and many have decided to return to their homelands or stay in Mexico, where new President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is more welcoming than Trump

 U.S. authorities are not the only ones who have used tear gas on the Central America migrants

Two suspects tossed tear gas canisters into the El Barretal shelter as migrants were settling into bed on Dec

18.  Juan Carlos Caballero Jones said he participated in Tuesday's rush on the border

He said he made it past the border fence and hid in the brush as agents searched nearby

 "When they passed me, I moved another inch or so, and then I stayed still," he said

"They walked right past me but didn't find me."  Eventually, Caballero was discovered by the lights from a helicopter, he said: "I was just starting to think I was free

"  He said he was the only one caught in the spotlight of the helicopter and was unsure whether the agents would use some type of force to stop him

 "I was so nervous my whole body was shaking," he said.  He said agents on the ground returned, took him into custody and walked him back into Mexico

 "I was so close," he said with a sigh. "But I am going to try again on another day

"  Fry writes for the San Diego Union-Tribune.

For more infomation >> Border agents fire tear gas at migrants throwing rocks, trying to cross into U.S., authorities say - Duration: 11:10.


(Watch out for spoilers!!!!)Glitchtale Betty VS Faketale Chara 0 - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> (Watch out for spoilers!!!!)Glitchtale Betty VS Faketale Chara 0 - Duration: 0:40.


How To Change Name or Rename iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch | iOS 12/11/10 | iPhone X/Xs/Xs Max/Xr/8/7/6/5 - Duration: 1:28.

How to change our iPhone, iPad or iPod touch name.

Its actually very easy.

In this video we will see exactly how can we change any default iDevice name.

First of all we need to tap on setting.

Then general.

Then about.

As we can see in the name section my iPhone's default name is iPhone.

Now we will change this name.

We need to tap on name.

Now from here we can delete the default name and write a new name.

I am writing my YouTube channel name.


Then tap on about.

And now we can see the name is changed to in2Rafi.

It means we changed my iPhone's default name.

If you are using iOS 9, 10, 11 or iOS 12 then this method should work in any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

Otherwise let me know problem in comment section.

I will help you to change your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch name.

Guys if you liked me video and wanna see more videos like this please hit the like button

and subscribe my channel.

I really don't have enough subscribers to turn on monetization.

So I need your help.

Thanks for watching.

Take care.


For more infomation >> How To Change Name or Rename iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch | iOS 12/11/10 | iPhone X/Xs/Xs Max/Xr/8/7/6/5 - Duration: 1:28.


What Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said to Marcus Rashford before he took over at Man Utd - Duration: 4:29.

  Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has revealed he was giving advice to Marcus Rashford three weeks before he took over at Manchester United

 The Norwegian replaced Jose Mourinho at the helm a fortnight ago and has guided the Red Devils to three wins on the spin

 Rashford netted in the victories against Cardiff City and Bournemouth, but Solskjaer has revealed how he gave the England international a pep talk after he fired a blank in the Champions League win over Young Boys at the back end of November

  WIN £25,000 for FREE with Footie5 - click here to play   "You know, I went to see the Young Boys game just a month ago and I met him, and Jesse [Lingard], just in the corridor as I was leaving the game," Solskjaer told Stadium Astro

Anthony Martial deletes his social media accounts - leaving Man Utd fans worried  "And he was just like, 'urgh' [and put his head down], because he had a few chances in that game

 "And I said, 'Don't worry son, just relax a little bit

' And he said, 'Yeah, I know, I'm snatching at things

'  "When you're young, you want to rush finishes off and it will be great to work with such a potentially top, top striker, just on his calmness in front of goal

Transfer news LIVE: Liverpool, Man Utd and Arsenal latest rumours and done deals  "So yes, of course, you're excited by working with all these talents, but then going into detail with what I can do best

That was my X factor, scoring goals

So if I can help and guide him a little bit, then great

"  Solskjaer added: "It's all in the head

Know what to do, that's key of everything

Know what to do, and then be able to do it

 "So of course it's videos, good finishes, bad finishes, discuss things and then go out and practice and be as good as you possibly can get, because there's always time for another practice session

" Mirror Football's Top Stories

For more infomation >> What Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said to Marcus Rashford before he took over at Man Utd - Duration: 4:29.


Remember it's an honour - Samaritans - Duration: 0:58.

My name is Nick I'm from Tunbridge Wells Samaritans, it seems to me that the

attitude of mind one has when you begin to talk to somebody is really important

and specifically I think it's quite important in Samaritans that you

remember that it's a great privilege that people who are calling you actually

trust you to listen to them to hear very often their deepest and most traumatic

fears and events in their lives and that notion of privilege I think if it's in

your mindset before you begin the call put you in the right mindset to

listen to the person attentively and with that sense of honour almost that

they're trusting you to do or to say something which is going to help them to

deal with their life's miseries thank you

For more infomation >> Remember it's an honour - Samaritans - Duration: 0:58.


Repair Laptop Keyboard | not working | 2019 tips | Bangla - Duration: 12:35.

Repair Laptop Keyboard | 2019 tips | Bangla

For more infomation >> Repair Laptop Keyboard | not working | 2019 tips | Bangla - Duration: 12:35.


Nuvo Aqua Flow pens colouring techniques & heat embossing - Duration: 7:10.

Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room In this video I'm going make a card with

Nuvo Aqua flow pens and heat embossing I have stamped with distress oxide ink

and then heat embossed this image with clear embossing powder

Now I am going to colour the image with the pens

it's handy to have a piece of cloth or kitchen paper nearby to dab away excess colour

colouring like this is very relaxing and fun to do

now I know I do say that about a lot of crafting techniques and projects

what can I say I just like crafting when you spill a bit over the edge you can

dilute it with water or just blot with kitchen paper

you can use a water brush to blend the colours or if you like them softer

basically you just should have fun colouring and test an try a bit what look you like best

By the way I added the products I used in the description box for you

and if you are new here don't forget to subscribe

I will let you watch the colouring process now and I'll be back in a bit

I add some shimmer with the midas touch on the dots

for the leaves you can add some colour with a cotton but

started with that but I find it easier to use a pointy brush

and dilute some ink with water and then colour the leaves

By the way if you feel inspired I always love to see your makes so don't forget to use

#gerryscraftroom when you share your work on social media

When all ink is dry I add a bit of the same green

along the edges with a ink blending tool

I use sticky notes to block the flowers and then I'm going to make some splats

I add some ink to the acrylic block and dip in the brush and tap on it

for the sentiment I stamped and embossed it with white embossing powder

and now I colour the image with the blue aqua flow pen

and wipe of the ink from the text

and now I'm going to assemble the card and add the sentiment to finish it

I hope you liked the video don't forget to like share and subscribe

and I see you in the next video thanks for watching

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