Thursday, January 24, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 25 2019

     È scritto: 'C'è posta per te' è il programma del momento. Lo dicono i dati Auditel che la trasmissione del sabato sera di Maria De Filippi è inarrestabile

Dopo l'esordio 'boom', anche la seconda puntata, andata in onda lo scorso 19 gennaio, ha registrato numeri da capogiro e asfaltato la concorrenza, cioè il nuovo programma di Amadeus, 'Ora o mai più', su Raiuno

Queen Mary domina infatti la sfida degli ascolti e il suo 'C'è posta per te' va oltre ogni più rosea previsione raccogliendo di fronte al piccolo schermo ben 5,173 milioni di telespettatori, per uno share del 27,40 per cento

 Quasi 10 in più del diretto rivale, Amadeus, al debutto con il suo talent-vip che si è fermato a 3,530 milioni di telespettatori, per uno share del 18,50 per cento

Insomma, le storie che racconta Maria, come nessun altro sa fare, le lacrime, le rivincite, i ricongiungimenti e gli ospiti in studio, sempre di un certo calibro, conquistano definitivamente il pubblico del sabato sera

(Continua dopo la foto)      Una curiosità 'dell'ultima ora': sapete che succede dietro le quinte del programma amatissimo della De Filippi? Difficile, perché la 'chicca' la regala il settimanale Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni che nell'ultimo numero in edicola pubblica l'intervista a uno degli addetti ai lavori

Il magazine ha infatti dato voce ad Andrea Offredi, che ora è diventato un postino di 'C'è posta per te' ma che i fan di Maria ricorderanno bene nei panni di tronista a Uomini e Donne

(Continua dopo la foto)     Andrea ha raccontato del suo ruolo all'interno del programma e si è lasciato sfuggire dei dettagli inediti sul dietro le quinte, rivelando quello che succede durante la registrazione della puntata e che, fino ad ora, non è mai stato mostrato in tv

"C'è una cosa che non si vede in tv, quando Maria racconta la storia – dice Offredi a Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni in – Lì (in studio, ndr) è la prima volta che noi postini scopriamo il motivo per cui coloro che siamo andati a cercare sono in trasmissione"

(Continua dopo le foto) "Rimaniamo dietro le quinte, con uno schermo davanti, immersi nel buio", ha aggiunto

Pare infatti che i postini non possano interagire prima della puntata con gli ospiti invitati dalla De Filippi

Parlare con loro? "Mai prima" – ha assicurato Offredi – Ma dopo la fine della storia è capitato"

L'ex tronista ha anche confidato di provare sempre forti emozioni da quando lavora a C'è posta per te

Prima di presentare gli ospiti in studio "non riesco a trattenere le lacrime. Siamo tutti così catturati dal loro vissuto da sentirci vicinissimi alle loro emozioni", ha concluso


For more infomation >> "Non si sa e non si vede in tv". C'è posta per te, ecco che succede dietro le quinte - Duration: 3:58.


Eclissi di Luna 21 Gennaio 2019: come è andata, vlog e foto! - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Eclissi di Luna 21 Gennaio 2019: come è andata, vlog e foto! - Duration: 6:14.


乒协深夜突发调整通知!宣布国乒6将退赛 主力唯刘诗雯打低级比赛- 互动热点 - Duration: 3:34.


著名杂志《乒乓世界》突然发 布中国乒协关于葡萄牙挑战 赛名单的变化通知


但引发球迷争议的是老将刘诗 雯却依然要参加这个低级别 比赛。

  挑战赛要比公开 赛低一个级别


今年的葡萄牙挑战赛+吸引了 伊藤美诚、

早田希娜等一些日本名将报名 引发关注

国乒第一批报名名单中压阵的 是世界冠军武杨以及一些非 主力、



国乒增派了女乒3大主力刘诗 雯、


王曼昱以及男乒3位大将林高 远、








《乒乓世界》写道:"中国乒 协消息


中国队对原定出征2月13日 至17日国际乒联世界巡回 赛葡萄牙公开赛的人员进行 调整。

由于国家队将要举行的直通选 拔赛时间临近


原定参加葡萄牙公开赛的陈梦 等6人将留在国内为直通比 赛前的冲刺备战。

"   "同时


世锦赛战略及培养青少年战略 的需求布署原报名名单中的 林高远等人继续前往葡萄牙 参加公开赛。

预祝双线作战的国乒队员都能 取得好成绩。








但争议的是老将刘诗雯却依然 参加这个低级别比赛。


刘诗雯参加这个挑战赛的竞技 意义匮乏。


刘诗雯不辞辛苦地参加泰国挑 战赛拿到冠军


结果还是在乒超开始前无奈被 卖。


刘诗雯又是女乒主力唯一参赛 者

球迷的疑问是她不需要封闭集 训为世锦赛直通赛做准备吗 ?她参加这样一个缺乏竞争 对手的比赛意义何在?   这次葡萄牙挑战赛 +

在伊藤美诚报名又突然退赛的 情况下




这是被对手牵着鼻子走?而在 陈梦、

王曼昱等退赛参加直通赛备战 情况下

刘诗雯还得参赛更是让人看不 懂。

乒协的解释反而让球迷觉得漏 洞百出。

For more infomation >> 乒协深夜突发调整通知!宣布国乒6将退赛 主力唯刘诗雯打低级比赛- 互动热点 - Duration: 3:34.


Chicken ka salan recipe, How to make chicken curry recipe by Cooking with Asifa - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Chicken ka salan recipe, How to make chicken curry recipe by Cooking with Asifa - Duration: 5:53.


✅ Com clique raríssimo, Vanessa Giácomo posa ao lado da filha de 4 aninhos e encanta seguidores - Duration: 1:26.

 Vanessa Giácomo usou sua rede social para compartilhar uma foto muito rara com sua filha, Maria

Mas a atriz, que é bem reservada quando se trata de sua vida pessoal, teve um bom motivo para isso

 A pequena está completando 4 anos nesta quinta-feira, 24, e a mamãe não deixou de fazer uma homenagem para caçula

Na publicação, as duas aparecem se divertindo de biquíni enquanto tomam um banho de banheira

 "4 aninhos. O tempo voa. te amo Maria", escreveu na legenda, além de acrescentar as hashtags "minha menina", "minha filha minha vida" e "feliz aniversário"

 Os seguidores da morena se encantaram com o clique raro e não deixaram de comentar

"Ah que lindas", disse uma. "Que princesinha linda", falou outra. Até Thais Fersoza deixou seu comentário na publicação: "Parabéns Maria! Deus abençoe sempre

Foto linda demais amiga".  Além de Maria, filha da global com o empresário Giuseppe Dioguardi, Vanessa também é mãe de Raul, de 10 anos e Moisés, de 8 anos, frutos de seu relacionamento com Daniel de Oliveira

For more infomation >> ✅ Com clique raríssimo, Vanessa Giácomo posa ao lado da filha de 4 aninhos e encanta seguidores - Duration: 1:26.



Hanno abbandonato in gruppo la cerimonia commemorativa in ricordo delle vittime dell' Olocausto e sono tornati in aula solo al termine dell' evento

La destra populista dell' Alternative für Deutschland torna a far parlare di sé con un gesto a dir poco provocatorio e di cattivo gusto

È accaduto ieri nel parlamento regionale della Baviera, in occasione della tradizionale seduta dei deputati per la Giornata della memoria in onore delle vittime della Shoah

A parlare ai deputati è, per l' occasione, la sopravvissuta ai campi di sterminio nazisti e presidente della comunità ebraica dell' Alta Baviera, Charlotte Knobloch, che senza tergiversare si rivolge direttamente ai deputati dell' ultra-destra populista, invitandoli a rispettare gli articoli elencati sulle pagine della Costituzione tedesca, il testo sul quale hanno prestato giuramento nel momento del loro ingresso nel Parlamento

Knobloch critica aspramente le posizioni negazioniste assunte da diversi esponenti del partito, la loro minimizzazione dei crimini commessi dalla Germania di Adolf Hitler, le loro visite organizzate all' interno dei campi nazisti, nel corso delle quali diversi deputati dell' AfD hanno messo in discussione l' esistenza stessa delle camere a gas

 «Simili partiti calpestano con i piedi i valori della nostra Costituzione e della nostra società civile», ha dichiarato Charlotte Knobloch nel suo discorso, sostenendo che alcune frange del Partito rappresenterebbero un pericolo per la stessa democrazia

A questo punto, gran parte dei deputati del partito si è alzato in piedi e ha lasciato in segno di dimostrazione e chiassosamente l' aula parlamentare per protestare contro il discorso della presidente della comunità ebraica

Un' azione a dir poco provocatoria, mirata a disturbare la solenne cerimonia dando precedenza al proprio orgoglio ferito, piuttosto che al rispetto dei milioni di vittime del nazionalsocialismo

I rappresentanti di tutti gli altri partiti hanno risposto all' azione dell' ultra-destra alzandosi in piedi e applaudendo in segno di solidarietà a Charlotte Knobloch

con angela merkel e arthur schneier Ma è probabilmente anche a causa di simili comportamenti che i servizi segreti interni del Bundesverfassungsschutz hanno deciso la settimana scorsa di prendere in esame più attentamente le attività del partito populista e i discorsi di alcuni suoi esponenti più radicali

Secondo l' intelligence tedesca, alcune frange del partito e la sua federazione giovanile Junge Alternative avrebbero mostrato tendenze estremiste e sovversive, e sarebbero in stretto contatto anche con gli ambienti dell' estrema destra neonazista

In seguito alla drastica misura annunciata dai servizi segreti, il partito ha perso diversi punti scendendo nei sondaggi a quota 13%, il risultato più basso da un anno a questa parte

Negli ultimi mesi, inoltre, il partito è finito nell' occhio del ciclone anche a causa di tutta una serie di scandali attorno a finanziamenti illeciti provenienti dalla Svizzera e mai dichiarati pubblicamente, come prescritto dalla legge sul finanziamento dei partiti



✅ PT sinaliza apoio a Renan Calheiros na disputa pela presidência do Senado - Duration: 3:49.

 A presidente do PT, senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PR), disse, na quarta-feira, que o partido não tem restrições em apoiar Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL) para a presidência do Senado e fez uma sinalização favorável ao nome dele

Segundo a petista, o senador se posicionou alinhado à legenda em pautas fundamentais ao partido, como as reformas trabalhista e da Previdência

 "Não conversamos sobre isso, mas não acredito que haja restrição. O Renan, nos momentos que foram cruciais de luta pelos direitos, ele se posicionou, como na questão da reforma da Previdência, na reforma trabalhista

Isso, para nós, é muito importante porque estes temas serão fundamentais na discussão da pauta econômica deste governo e não podemos deixar esses direitos retrocederem", disse Gleisi

 A petista se referiu aos ataques de Renan à reforma trabalhista aprovada na gestão do ex-presidente Michel Temer e à proposta dele de reforma da Previdência

Renan desembarcou do governo do correligionário um ano e quatro meses antes das eleições

À época, a leitura feita por colegas senadores foi de que o emedebista agia de olho na sua tentativa de reeleição

Temer batia recordes de rejeição. Alagoas era um dos Estados em que a agenda econômica do então presidente era atacada

 Passadas as eleições, Renan passou a apoiar uma reforma da Previdência, principal bandeira do presidente Jair Bolsonaro, sob o argumento de que não era a favor da proposta por Temer por ser "exagerada"

Mais uma vez, internamente, sua posição foi vista como "oportunista"

Senadores dizem que o emedebista mira numa aproximação ao governo e na sua eleição para a presidência do Senado

 Apesar do flerte com Bolsonaro, os petistas terminaram o ano apoiando reservadamente a candidatura de Renan à presidência do Senado

Um dos senadores eleitos pelo partido lembra que Renan foi fundamental para o PT no processo de impeachment da ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff

Embora tenha votado a favor da cassação do mandato dela, ele costurou um acordo para que a petista não perdesse seus direitos políticos

Isso permitiu que a ex-presidente disputasse uma vaga no Senado por Minas Gerais nas últimas eleições

 Para além disso, o emedebista teve uma postura elogiada, também com reserva, pelos petistas na presidência do Senado, entre 2013 e 2016, por enfrentar publicamente o Ministério Público e o Judiciário em relação a série de escândalos envolvendo senadores

Um dos episódios envolve a própria presidente do PT. Em 2016, a Polícia Federal cumpriu um mandado de busca e apreensão no apartamento funcional da petista, em uma operação que tinha o marido dela, Paulo Bernardo, como alvo

Com Renan no comando, o Senado entrou com reclamação no Supremo contra o juiz que autorizou o procedimento, acusando-o de usurpar a competência da Corte

 Embora esteja fazendo acenos a Bolsonaro — além da defesa da reforma, Renan tem colocado panos quentes na crise envolvendo Flávio Bolsonaro —, o emedebista também corteja o PT nos bastidores

Ele se coloca como um nome capaz de barrar "excessos" do presidente.  Gleisi diz que o partido tenta fazer um bloco com a oposição na Casa

 "O PT tem uma pauta política para poder apoiar um candidato à presidência da Câmara ou do Senado

Primeiro, a questão da independência do Congresso Nacional: não pode ser um agregado do Palácio do Planalto; respeito à oposição; respeito às minorias; respeito ao regimento, a não alteração do regimento

Tudo isso faz parte. E também que discussão de temas que são de grande relevância para o povo brasileiro sejam discussões que possam realmente formar a opinião da maioria da Casa, e não um 'tratoraço'

Queremos ter audiências públicas, ouvir a sociedade." apoioPTRenan CalheirosSenado

For more infomation >> ✅ PT sinaliza apoio a Renan Calheiros na disputa pela presidência do Senado - Duration: 3:49.


✅ Bolsonaro embarca Brasil em crise que não é nossa, diz PT sobre Venezuela - Duration: 2:45.

 O PT afirmou em nota oficial divulgada nesta quinta-feira (24) que o presidente Jair Bolsonaro está se submetendo "de forma humilhante" à política externa dos Estados Unidos ao reconhecer o deputado e presidente da Assembleia Nacional, Juan Guaidó, como presidente interino da Venezuela, e que "embarca em uma crise que não é nossa"

  "Incapaz de lidar com os problemas reais do Brasil, o governo de Jair Bolsonaro intrometeu-se nos assuntos internos de um país vizinho, a Venezuela, submetendo-se de forma humilhante à política externa do presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump", diz a nota assinada pela presidente do partido, Gleisi Hoffmann

  Veja também O que explica o renascimento da oposição contra Maduro? Brasil reconhece Guaidó como presidente interino da Venezuela Trump reconhece líder da oposição como presidente interino Maduro cita Chávez e diz que não aceita governo imposto por império  O Brasil reconheceu oficialmente Guaidó como presidente na quarta-feira (23), mas já não reconhecia a legitimidade de Nicolás Maduro como presidente do país vizinho desde o resultado das últimas eleições na Venezuela

Ele tomou posse para um novo mandato no último dia 10 em meio aos protestos da comunidade internacional

Gleisi viajou ao país para acompanhar a cerimônia de posse. O governo Trump também reconheceu o líder da oposição na Venezuela como presidente, afirmando que usará "todo o peso do poder diplomático e econômico dos Estados Unidos para pressionar pelo restabelecimento da democracia venezuelana"

 "Não compete ao Brasil nem a outros países decidir quem deve ou não deve governar a Venezuela, que tem um presidente eleito pela maioria da população

Ao 'reconhecer' um governo autoproclamado, que não tem origem no voto, Jair Bolsonaro embarca o Brasil numa crise que não é nossa, ao invés de contribuir para uma solução política", afirma a nota do PT

  O partido diz ainda que a ameaça de intervenção estrangeira no país vizinho remete ao século passado, "ao tempo da Guerra Fria"

 "O Brasil passou a ser respeitado como mediador de conflitos na América Latina e em todo o mundo

Hoje, os novos organismos políticos regionais estão sendo deliberadamente esvaziados por governos de direita, entre os quais se inclui o de Bolsonaro", diz, acrescentando que ao Brasil interessa uma Venezuela "em paz, soberana e em desenvolvimento"

 A nota se encerra com uma série de questionamentos, aos quais não responde

"A quem interessa isolar o governo eleito da Venezuela? A quem interessa retomar a velha ordem na América Latina? A quem interessa um conflito em nossa região, com grave risco de ser militarizado? A quem interessa um novo Iraque em nossa vizinhança? Ao povo venezuelano, brasileiro e latino-americano é que não"

Brasil e EUA reconhecem Guaidó presidente da Venezuela Band Notí­cias

For more infomation >> ✅ Bolsonaro embarca Brasil em crise que não é nossa, diz PT sobre Venezuela - Duration: 2:45.


北美館│2018台北雙年展 張懷文+MAS微建築研究室│TB2018 Huai-Wen Chang + MAS (Micro Architecture Studio) - Duration: 3:10.

It was an interesting process to bring Museum

in the Clouds into this exhibition.

It all began with the weather station

located at the entrance of our office.

So beginning with installing it,

the reason we wanted this weather station,

was that we could observe the microclimate

of the surrounding area.

And we also thought that

maybe we could use this as a point of reference,

for our architectural designs,

in which buildings wouldn't

just be designed around humans,

but also take into account wind tunnels,

or the route of light.

So the main mission of Museum in the Clouds,

was to take the data from the weather station,

the microclimate data, and visualize it.

So there are actually

three parts of the artwork

that interact with the surrounding environment.

The first part is,

when the temperature rises,

the installation releases

the rain water that has been gathered,

into a fog,

which then creates clouds

of various shapes and sizes.

The second part is, at night,

is displays the air quality,

via different colors.

So for example, the color green,

represents good air quality in Taipei.

The third part is,

through combining the base structure

of the installation,

with the curved steel wind sails,

we are trying to convey

the motions of the wind.

By visualizing the speed of the wind,

you can see the wind sails interact

with the environment.

At night with the added lighting effects,

one could almost say that the installation is alive

or that it is breathing.

So in a sense it's like a layer

of skin for the museum.

When it's in motion,

it almost breathes with the museum.

The concept of micro architecture is,

by scaling down on dimensions,

or trying to utilize small power,

the ambition behind it could actually be

very big, or very optimistic.

And it would also be innovative.

By using these methods,

and putting these plans into action,

solutions and strategies can then be formulated.

So if everyone could think like this,

and join forces,

something very powerful can then be created.

For more infomation >> 北美館│2018台北雙年展 張懷文+MAS微建築研究室│TB2018 Huai-Wen Chang + MAS (Micro Architecture Studio) - Duration: 3:10.


(中字)대만이발소에서 로컬 스타일로 잘라보았습니다 帶韓國人在台灣理髮院剪頭髮..韓國歐巴變台灣大哥?! - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> (中字)대만이발소에서 로컬 스타일로 잘라보았습니다 帶韓國人在台灣理髮院剪頭髮..韓國歐巴變台灣大哥?! - Duration: 2:52.


破裂的友誼 第一話"井底之魚"(Mario And... The Well) 翻譯SMG4 - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> 破裂的友誼 第一話"井底之魚"(Mario And... The Well) 翻譯SMG4 - Duration: 10:29.


Comment être productif et se concentrer pour réussir en business - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Comment être productif et se concentrer pour réussir en business - Duration: 8:13.


#LIS_Segnoplus 21: Sara Trovato [SUB ITA] - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> #LIS_Segnoplus 21: Sara Trovato [SUB ITA] - Duration: 7:49.


Triumph Custombike ab Werk - Thruxton TFC | Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Triumph Custombike ab Werk - Thruxton TFC | Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 1:58.


Lunteren, kerkklokken Bethelkerk - Duration: 13:27.

For more infomation >> Lunteren, kerkklokken Bethelkerk - Duration: 13:27.


Vital POS provides flexible point-of-sale tools for restaurant, retail and more.

For more infomation >> Vital POS provides flexible point-of-sale tools for restaurant, retail and more.


Funny Tema ride on cars and Stuck in the Snow on Power Wheels car - Duration: 10:12.

Funny Tema ride on cars and Stuck in the Snow on Power Wheels car

For more infomation >> Funny Tema ride on cars and Stuck in the Snow on Power Wheels car - Duration: 10:12.


SEKAI NO OWARIデザインのTカード発行-PN - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> SEKAI NO OWARIデザインのTカード発行-PN - Duration: 1:11.


New Law Prevents Authorities from Clearing Santa Cruz Homeless Camp - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> New Law Prevents Authorities from Clearing Santa Cruz Homeless Camp - Duration: 2:13.


Smart DNS vs VPN Explained | NordVPN - Duration: 1:20.

Hey there.

If you're looking for ways to broaden your online content options, these two solutions

might have come into your sight: Smart DNS and VPN – a virtual private network.

So how are they different and which one to choose?

Let me give you a rundown of what these two technologies are.

Just a reminder – DNS, or Domain Name Servers, are used for translating domain names, for

example,, into numeric IP addresses.

Basically, this is how you are able to access a website when you enter its address into

your browser.

Smart DNS replaces the DNS address assigned to you by your internet service provider with

a DNS address in a different location.

By doing so and removing any data that could point to your geographical location, Smart

DNS makes you appear to be accessing a website from another location.

But it doesn't give you full privacy, as your real IP address isn't truly hidden.

VPN, on the other hand, is capable of doing more than spoofing your geo-location to access


It also secures your internet traffic with strong encryption.

When you connect to a remote VPN server in a specific country, your real IP address is


So if you want to access online content and keep your information safe and private at

the same time, VPN is a go-to solution.

To learn more about VPN and online security, subscribe to the NordVPN Youtube channel!

For more infomation >> Smart DNS vs VPN Explained | NordVPN - Duration: 1:20.


宋慧乔朴宝剑《男朋友》大结局雪中拥吻,却被网友骂剧情味同嚼蜡 - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> 宋慧乔朴宝剑《男朋友》大结局雪中拥吻,却被网友骂剧情味同嚼蜡 - Duration: 6:59.


'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Exit: Is Chelsea Peretti's Gina Really Leaving the Nine-Nine? | - Duration: 5:39.

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Exit: Is Chelsea Peretti's Gina Really Leaving the Nine-Nine? |

There was a big bomb dropped on tonight's Brooklyn Nine-Nine (but don't worry, Jake—Nakatomi Plaza is safe…for now).

While at her and Jake's 20th high school reunion, Gina (Chelsea Peretti) made a life-changing decision: she's leaving the Nine-Nine for good.

While her character's absence will leave a serious hole in the group's ensemble, Peretti's exit wasn't a secret.

The actress announced on Twitter last October that she wouldn't be sticking with the squad for the entire season.

In the episode entitled "The Tattler," Gina tried scamming almost everyone in attendance of her high school reunion by telling them that she basically created smartphone apps.

(Her new app "Toddler," which is like Tinder but for toddlers, is actually spelled "Todddddler"—five D's, bruh!).

Gina soon found out that not only is lying to everyone super fun, but someone wanted to buy a company she made up on the spot.

Her elevator pitch: "Most 2-year-olds are boring, lame duds! Well with Todddddler's proprietary algorithm, you will be matched with top tots, and those boring duds, they'll stay where they belong—the hell away from you and your family!".

While Gina wondered how to actually close the deal, it turned out she wasn't the only one lying at their high school reunion.

Quentin, the former classmate who claimed to work in Silicon Valley, well, didn't.

(Gina got Gina'd!).

LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! #Brooklyn99 https://t.

co/P8oBjjQ6Qa — Brooklyn Nine-Nine (@nbcbrooklyn99) January 25, 2019    .

In a heart to heart conversation (well, as "heart to heart" as Gina can get), Gina admitted that it was fun to imagine running her own company, but with a baby and her work at the Nine-Nine, it was an impossible pipe dream.

But that's when Jake served her some truth.

"Gina, I think your talents might be wasted at the Nine-Nine," he said.

"I love you, but it might be time for you to move on.".

In an entirely "Gina" moment, she refused to acknowledge Jake's tender compliment and instead repeated exactly what he said while claiming the idea as entirely her own.

Peretti completely nailed the scene taking Gina's inflated sense of self and endearingly brash mannerisms to the next level.

I know I'll certainly miss Peretti 'round these parts, but the Nine-Nine will carry on!.


How will her fellow squad react to the news? We'll have to wait until next week to find out.

Executive Producer and Co-Creator Dan Goor shared the following in a press release:.

  When Mike Schur and I first met Chelsea, during her interview to be a writer on Parks and Rec, we immediately agreed we had to create a character for her on television.

Getting to write for her as Gina Linetti for over 100 episodes was a great privilege.

When we were figuring out her departure, Chelsea had only one request: that we make sure it was funny, first and foremost.

That is what we tried to do.

Gina was, is and always will be a key member of the 99.

Don't fear fellow Nine-Niners: Goor also said we can expect to see Gina back in the precinct in future episodes.

For more infomation >> 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Exit: Is Chelsea Peretti's Gina Really Leaving the Nine-Nine? | - Duration: 5:39.


Five Little Elephants | Junior Squad Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids Tv - Duration: 37:30.

Five Little Elephants

For more infomation >> Five Little Elephants | Junior Squad Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids Tv - Duration: 37:30.


Minnesota Timberwolves at Los Angeles Lakers: Game Preview, How to Watch NBA Online, TV Channel, Liv - Duration: 3:04.

 The Minnesota Timberwolves are making strides under the tutelage of interim head coach Ryan Saunders, and they make the trip to the Staples Center on Thursday hoping to upset the Los Angeles Lakers

You can stream it live online.  The Timberwolves may reside at the bottom of the Northwest Division, but they're 6-4 in January and are on track to post their first positive record for a month in this campaign

 Timberwolves @ Lakers 10:30pm ET on TNT  Live Stream: fuboTV (watch for free)  Where: Staples Center, Los Angeles, California  As fate would have it, Tom Thibodeau's last game in charge of Minnesota was a 108-86 victory over the Lakers at the Target Center on January 6—he was fired hours later

 Surprising as that parting of ways might have been, there's little arguing against the fact the Timberwolves have performed better since his dismissal

Their 115-119 loss to the Dallas Mavericks on January 11 was a disappointment, though their only other losses since then have come against tougher opposition (Philadelphia 76ers, San Antonio Spurs)

 Star center Karl-Anthony Towns, 23, has been a dynamo in all sectors and led the team in points (25), rebounds (18) and assists (seven) in Tuesday's 118-91 win against the Phoenix Suns

He'll be one to keep a special eye on alongside the likes of Derrick Rose and Andrew Wiggins

 The L.A. Lakers are still without injured LeBron James, while Lonzo Ball suffered a sprained ankle in Saturday's 134-138 overtime defeats to the Houston Rockets

 There is more positive news for Thursday's hosts, however, after ESPN reported a game-time decision would be made over the fitness of Rajon Rondo, who's been out with a hand injury

 Timberwolves point guard Jeff Teague could come back from a foot injury on Thursday, although teammates Tyus Jones and Robert Covington look likely to miss out

 The Timberwolves are enjoying their most fruitful period of the 2018-19 NBA season so far and will look to hand the Lakers successive home defeats for the second time in January

 How to Watch More NBA with fuboTV  Sign up today for a free trial so you don't miss any key games – no contracts required

You can watch nearly every marquee NBA matchup, including nationally televised games on TNT and NBA TV, as well as your regional sports network

You can also stream the Super Bowl, NCAA Tournament, MLB season, and much more.  fuboTV is available on all of your devices, including web, iPhone, Android, Roku, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, and Amazon Fire TV


For more infomation >> Minnesota Timberwolves at Los Angeles Lakers: Game Preview, How to Watch NBA Online, TV Channel, Liv - Duration: 3:04.


Eden Hazard: Maurizio Sarri rant HELPED Chelsea star make Real Madrid decision - Stewart - Duration: 1:49.

 "I wouldn't like those comments if I were a player and I think it helps Eden Hazard's decision to part company with the club which has been widely reported with Real Madrid [interested]," Stewart told Love Sport Radio

 "You don't want a manager going public and saying things of that nature. "Let's be honest, Sarri hasn't particularly won everybody over at Chelsea yet and we know how gung-ho the owner is so you have to be very careful, especially with such influential players

 "I don't think Hazard has hit the heights for Chelsea that he has done in the past

 "I know he started well this season but he doesn't look happy with Chelsea Football Club at this moment in time and something like that might just make his mind up on what he does next regarding moving on and whether that's before the window closes even

" Former Premier League striker Kevin Phillips agrees with ex-Liverpool man Stewart

 "Is he not pushing him towards Heathrow to get on a plane to Madrid?" Alan Brazil asked on talkSPORT

 "It seems that way," Phillips replied. "And history suggests, certainly at Chelsea, once you come out and start publicly criticising your players, it only ends one way

 "And to do it to your best player is very bizarre."

For more infomation >> Eden Hazard: Maurizio Sarri rant HELPED Chelsea star make Real Madrid decision - Stewart - Duration: 1:49.


Miguel Gonzalez vs Andrew Moloney eliminator set for March 22 - Duration: 1:40.

Miguel Gonzalez will have home field in Chile on March 22 when he faces Australia's Andrew Moloney in a WBA super flyweight eliminator

Gonzalez (29-1, 6 KO) has won 12 straight fights since a 2013 loss to Paul Butler in London

The 29-year-old has mostly built his record against rather fluff opposition, and Moloney represents a pretty big step up for him, just as Butler was over five years ago

Moloney (18-0, 11 KO) was a standout amateur, winning gold at the 2014 Commonwealth Games before turning pro in October of that year

He's widely considered a top 10 super flyweight already, and in his last outing, beating veteran Luis Concepcion via 10th round TKO, winning every round on the judges scorecards before then

The 28-year-old has lived up to his billing thus far. The fight will be Moloney's first pro bout outside of Australia, and going on the road is always a major potential hazard in this sport

The WBA's current super flyweight "world" champion is Kal Yafai (25-0, 15 KO), and they don't have a "super world" champion at the weight

For more infomation >> Miguel Gonzalez vs Andrew Moloney eliminator set for March 22 - Duration: 1:40.


破裂的友誼 第一話"井底之魚"(Mario And... The Well) 翻譯SMG4 - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> 破裂的友誼 第一話"井底之魚"(Mario And... The Well) 翻譯SMG4 - Duration: 10:29.


Affirmations for Positive Thinking | I AM AFFIRMATIONS | INSTANT RESULTS! | Self-Help Yourself - Duration: 14:08.

hello I am Vikram welcoming you today to this guided meditation exercise designed

for you to engage in more positive thoughts by transforming your

subconscious mind these I am affirmations are designed for you to

practice positive thinking in your life and for the best effect it is

recommended that you repeat this exercise once in the morning and once

before you go to bed for the best effect also take a deep breath in and out

we will slowly get into

calm and more peaceful state of mind where we

may seek refuge from the negativity that usually heart

we often thank

of course as the driving forces of the human process

and it's true thoughts the primary driving forces human action

as you engage on a more deep level with these affirmations

we came to notice on repetition that we will begin to think more positively and

engage less with negative thinking PETA

I am an abundance of positivity

take a deep breath in

I am an abundance of love and joy

I am an abundance of positivity

I enjoy everything that is a part of my life

and even though things may be stressful sometimes

I believe I have capacity to handle it take a deep breath in

as you reach a deeper consciousness within yourself as your breath begins to

slow down progressively

we'll slowly find that's your senses

unless focused on the external world and you look within

for a greater sets of words

a more powerful sense of positivity

repeat after me I am the solution

to all my problems

I am the light in my life

I attract positive people into my life

I engage with positive thoughts

I am unshaken by negative events

I focus on my positive frame of mind

I engage in positive thoughts and positive thinking for the benefit of my

hand take a deep breath

I am love and positivity

I am in control of my own thinking

I am

the master of my own mind

I attract nothing but positivity in my life

no matter how hard the going gets

I am


I am the light that extinguishes the darkness


the Savior for people in need

take a deep breath there

I love the people around me

I am capable

of finding something positive even in a negative situation I am focused on my

positive frame of mind I am capable of making positive changes in my life

I love myself I am strong

I am able to overcome any challenge that is

put in front of

take a deep breath


in control

I am able to attract positive people into my life

I am the light that extinguishes the darkness I am how


straw I am typical

of facing any challenge and looking at Austin's site of negative things

take a deep breath there

I love everything that happens in my life

and I know there is a reason for everything I know I have the power to

overcome negativity I attract positive people into my life

I dream of positive things happening in my


I am an action taker who looks to make positive things happen in my life


powerful I am

in control of my thoughts

I love myself and people in my life

take a deep breath

I am a force positive thinking

I am a living embodiment of the word


i shun away any negative thoughts that dwell in my mind I only attract

positivity into my life

I love my son

and I am in control

I am positivity

I am in control of my mind I am all the

positivity that I desire I am



as it


was it I

acet I am

a positive person

thank you for listening and God bless you

For more infomation >> Affirmations for Positive Thinking | I AM AFFIRMATIONS | INSTANT RESULTS! | Self-Help Yourself - Duration: 14:08.


"Prove the Spanish fraud wrong" – Arsenal star given message ahead of possible FA Cup comeback vs Ma - Duration: 1:18.

 Arsenal star Mesut Ozil has tweeted ahead of the FA Cup game with Manchester United tomorrow night, with an interesting response coming in from fans

 The German playmaker has not always been a regular for Unai Emery this season, but has perhaps hinted at having a part to play in the United game with this tweet below:    Ozil will surely hope to play a part against the Red Devils, and seems excited about this 'huge' game as he uploaded a photo of himself in training ahead of the match at the Emirates Stadium

 Many of the fans replying seem to be on Ozil's side in the whole saga involving Emery, with one even labelling the Gunners boss a 'Spanish fraud' as they hope to see the 30-year-old back in action

 Ozil has long been a divisive figure since his move to the Premier League, with some regarding him as a mercurial talent up there with the finest creative players in the world, while others think he doesn't work hard enough or contribute enough in the big games

 Here's how this tweet is going down as fans will be wondering if he can get back in Emery's good books for the Man Utd game…

For more infomation >> "Prove the Spanish fraud wrong" – Arsenal star given message ahead of possible FA Cup comeback vs Ma - Duration: 1:18.


Heidi Daus "Heidi's Heartbreaker" HeartShaped Pin - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Heidi Daus "Heidi's Heartbreaker" HeartShaped Pin - Duration: 4:05.


News24 - Arsenal transfer gossip: Gunners eye Man Utd man and identify Suarez alternative - Duration: 3:50.

 Arsenal boss Unai Emery appears to be working hard to secure January additions.  But it has been far from easy work for the Gunners as they are limited to loan signings until the summer

  That hasn't stopped them entering the race for an experienced Manchester United star, who is also wanted by top European clubs

 They have also identified a possible alternative for Denis Suarez as they struggle to finalise a deal for the Barcelona midfielder

 A club legend has also had his say on recent developments at the Emirates - including his thoughts on rumoured target James Rodriguez

 Here's the latest Arsenal rumours from the past 24 hours. Arsenal eyeing Mata  Manchester United risk losing Juan Mata - with Arsenal among the clubs interested in signing him

  Arsenal , Juventus , Paris Saint Germain and Barcelona are all watching developments closely with Mata out of contract at the end of the season

 Mata, who turns 31 in April, can talk to foreign clubs and sign a pre-contract as United have allowed his contract to run down despite having discussions about a new deal

 Mata played under Arsenal boss Unai Emery when the pair were together at Valencia and Arsenal's current lack of finances means a free transfer could appeal

 It comes as United appear to be having a purge on older players with the club instigating a new approach not to make new signings of players who are over 28

  More here. Gunners identify alternative to Denis Suarez  Arsenal have identified Paris Saint-Germain youngster Christoper Nkunku as an alternative for Denis Suarez, according to reports

 The Gunners have been in pursuit of the Barcelona midfielder all January, and Suarez is keen on completing a loan move to the Emirates

 But it seems Barcelona want Arsenal to commit to paying a permanent fee for Suarez now instead of at the end of the season, and this is holding things up

  Arsenal have also been linked with a move for James Rodriguez, who is on loan at Bayern Munich from Real Madrid , but Suarez remains their top target

  Read more here. Emmanuel Petit says Ramsey is making a mistake   Aaron Ramsey is making a big mistake leaving Arsenal for Juventus - but James Rodriguez has the ability to replace him

 That's according to Gunners double winner Emmanuel Petit, who has questioned why Ramsey would want to swap the ultra competitive Premier League for Serie A

  Contract talks between Ramsey and Arsenal broke down in the summer after the Gunners refused to match the Welshman's high wage demands

  Ramsey recently had a medical at Juventus ahead of a summer transfer, but Petit thinks he is making a mistake and believes Arsenal should have done more to keep him

  Read more here.

For more infomation >> News24 - Arsenal transfer gossip: Gunners eye Man Utd man and identify Suarez alternative - Duration: 3:50.


Sharif shines in win that means more for Critchley's young Reds - Duration: 3:57.

 The indisputable truth of youth football is there's never a game that doesn't matter

 Liverpool under-23s already knew they required snookers to progress to the knockout stages of the Premier League International Cup before even taking to the field at a chilly Academy in Kirkby on Thursday

 But the final group game against Swansea City was still an opportunity for several players to continue their development, not least those stepping up from Barry Lewtas' U18 side

 Abdi Sharif was the main beneficiary having been handed his first start at this level after starring in the 4-0 FA Youth Cup win over Accrington Stanley on Monday night

   The 18-year-old was involved in an early opening, taking a pass down the left from Juanma Garcia to feed Lazar Markovic, who in turn found Glen McAuley for a shot that was cleared off the line

 There were moments when Sharif, who has been at the club since the age of nine, was made aware of the increased physicality of the older age group – he wasn't going to get any favours off referee Andrew Miller, that's for sure – but this was a welcome experience

 And there's no doubting his talent, which was evident 12 minutes from time when his pace and quality helped Liverpool secure a 2-0 win

 Running on to a Pedro Chirivella pass in midfield, a good first touch took him in between two Swansea players and allowed him to demonstrate his pace, racing into the box to the byline before finding the ideal cross for McAuley to head home

 Sharif, who lasted the duration, has caught the eye with the successful U18 side this season on the flanks and, at least in flashes, here demonstrated why, primarily from the left wing

 Coping with the extra physical edge of the game has also been an ongoing learning curve for striker McAuley, the Irishman having been prolific at U18 level before stepping up to the U23s

 That's why the 18-year-old's role in Liverpool's opener will have pleased U23s boss Neil Critchley, McAuley showing good strength to win a high ball from a Swansea defender and then imagination and execution in releasing Markovic down the inside left channel, the Serbian producing a good finish with his right foot

 And while largely a bystander for much of the second half as Swansea pressed hard for an equaliser, he illustrated his knack of sniffing out a chance by being in the right place to head home Sharif's inviting cross

 It was a decent night, too, for Shamal George who made some good saves in the second half, while another U18s regular, Rhys Williams, emerged from the bench in the closing stages

 Likewise Bobby Duncan, who was given another taste of the higher age group with a late cameo when replacing Markovic

 Liverpool's win ended a run of four successive 1-1 draws and their clean sheet was the first since November

Sufficient positives, then, for Critchley and his Academy staff.

For more infomation >> Sharif shines in win that means more for Critchley's young Reds - Duration: 3:57.


HOLIDAY FAVORITES | a few of my favorite things 🌟🎄 - Duration: 5:16.

Hey guys!

So today I am back with another video

and today I'm going to be filming

my favorites

For more infomation >> HOLIDAY FAVORITES | a few of my favorite things 🌟🎄 - Duration: 5:16.


Niloya ve Elif İle Rengarenk Kalemler, Oyuncaklar – Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes Song - Duration: 3:03.

Niloya and Elif with Color Pencils, Toys - Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes Song

For more infomation >> Niloya ve Elif İle Rengarenk Kalemler, Oyuncaklar – Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes Song - Duration: 3:03.


Five Minute Profit Site Review - Honest Review DON'T BUY WITHOUT MY FREE BONUSES! - Duration: 8:50.

What's up guys! Kamari here! Today I got a nice one for you! I have Five Minute

Profit Sites! Now as you know, if you stick around to the end, I have a bunch of

free bonuses coming your way if you choose to buy today. Also, I added

something up to my blog that you guys might enjoy, so just stick around until the end

and check it out.. So we'll get into what is Five Minute Profit Sites. As you probably

know by now if you click any of these big links right here throughout my bonus

page you'll be taken to the sales page and once you come here you'll have the

option of watching the video which goes into more depth or you'll be able to

read the actual transcript which you'll be able to see a lot of information that

way also. So let's get right into it. I'll mostly be just reading from my bonus

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the actual site and everything that it has to offer so I'll just kind of read

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When it comes to a lot of affiliate programs they often get you started and

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For more infomation >> Five Minute Profit Site Review - Honest Review DON'T BUY WITHOUT MY FREE BONUSES! - Duration: 8:50.


Liverpool news: Why Mohamed Salah could STOP Reds winning Premier League title - Andy Gray - Duration: 2:35.

 That is the opinion of beIN SPORTS pundit and former Everton striker Andy Gray. Salah has been criticised several times in recent weeks for the way he has fallen to ground in an attempt to win Liverpool a penalty

 On Saturday against Crystal Palace he escaped punishment from referee Jon Moss despite replays confirming there was minimal contact on the Egyptian

 Gray reckons Salah will start to earn a reputation with referees if he does not stop "diving"

 And he believes it could come back to bite him in crucial games later in the season, with officials not giving a penalty on Salah despite it appearing he would deserve one

 "I've said before that Mo Salah has got to be careful," Gray said. "He's too good a player to have the reputation as a diver

 "But there's no doubt in my mind that if he continues to go to the ground as easily as he does in the penalty area, referees will stop giving him penalties when he might have deserved a penalty

 "It might be in the biggest game that they play. "It might be a semi-final of the Champions League, it might be a league-decider in a big match at the end of the season when they deserve a penalty because he's been fouled and the referee goes 'I'm not sure, I'm not giving it'

That's what I don't want to happen. "Same with Raheem Sterling, I think it's happened with Raheem, you saw the one at the weekend, it was a stick-on penalty he should have had - didn't get it

 "And I think that, and a referee might tell be I'm talking nonsense but I'm not, these guys think about that

 "They know their players, they do go in there and think 'right, it's going to have to be a really stick-on penalty before I give Mo Salah a decision now' because his reputation is proceeding him

 "And it shouldn't because he's such a fabulous footballer." Liverpool are currently top of the Premier League table, four points clear of second-placed Manchester City

 They are also in the last-16 of the Champions League where they will face Bayern Munich in February

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