Practical experience tips and tricks for how to plant garlic and shallots
Khim sokheng 2017- The art of living a better life | Success Reveal - Duration: 37:51.Khim sokheng 2017
Mr. Sokheng Talk about:
The art of living a better life
Khim sokheng lives
Peugeot 208 ALLURE 1.2 PURETECH 110 PK 5D DECEMBERDEAL! - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
Compare Loom & Leaf-------------------------------------------
The Last Enemy - Death-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Cite | Airco | Camera | LM velgen - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Opel Corsa 1.4I SWING - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i | Navigatie | Automaat | Panorama - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Draw Tip Tuesday - 3D alphabet - Duration: 3:49.A while ago I made this Draw Tip Tuesday video about getting over your fear of starting a
new sketchbook, by reminding yourself that Done is better than perfect.
I got a suggestion by Larissa to do the whole alphabet of these letters, because that would
help to understand how to create the 3D effect of the shapes.
So here we go!
First of all, let's warm up - I'll be using brown paper, a Lamy Safari fountain
pen with a broad nib and Platinum Carbon ink in it, and a white Uni-ball gel pen.
I'd like to wish you a very happy new year!
May all your wishes come true and your drawing habit flourish!
For this particular kind of letter, you need very simple, one stroke letters.
Once you have those done we'll add a bit of depth to each letter.
Decide on the direction, or angle you want this to be in.
I am drawing short diagonal lines upwards - when we connect the ends, that will create
the effect as if we were looking down onto the letters.
Make sure to keep the diagonal lines parallel to each other, and then you can't really
go wrong.
Do this for all the lines that you see.
You can also play with the angle of your diagonal lines: when you draw them downwards, it'll
look like we are viewing the letters from below.
You can also play with the width of the letters, by drawing your diagonal lines longer or shorter
-as long as you keep them parallel to each other.
I feel like my line could use some more thickness, so I'll trace the lines and this gives me
the chance to correct some details here and there.
Imagine there's a spot light shining from the left onto the letters and think about
where the shadows would fall.
You can use simple hatching lines to darken these bits.
And just because white pops so nicely on brown paper, you can hatch some highlights with
white gel pen.
Of course, now that we're at it, let's add some emphasis on our message!
Now for Larissa's alphabet.
It's helpful to draw some guidelines with a ruler, or to use lined paper.
That way you know that your letters wil all be about the same size as you go.
Again, use simple letters, so that from their ends, you can pull those diagonal lines to
connect later.
Now go in there, decide on your angle, and draw diagonal lines from the ends of the letters.
make sure to keep them parallel to each other and connect them.
once you've done that, your letters have that 3d effect you're looking for.
But if you want you could add a drop shadow like I did in that 'done is better than
perfect' video, or add shading in the letters themselves.
Or both.
Once again, I wish you a happy new year - and if you have any creativity new year's resolutions
for twenty seventeen, in Sketchbook Skool we can help you with that.
Go to and join us!
ABOUT POPPY, US AND THE INTERNET. - Duration: 2:24.-Hola?
¿Quien estará ahí?
Que son esos ruidos?
¿Estas aquí ?
oh dios mio!!
Me estoy asustando mucho!
¿Estas bien?
oh hola!
¿Estas bien?
¿Que estas haciendo?
Mamii, mi corazón se ha roto!
¿Porque tu corazón se ha roto?
Creo que soy diferente
Algunos me tratan diferente!
¿Alguna vez lo has notado?
si todos somos de la internet, todos somos diferentes, no tienes que preocuparte por eso
¿Crees que aun pueda soportar esto?, ¿Crees que pueda vivir con esto?
Eres libre de escoger el tiempo...
Por que vives en la internet...
Ni tu ni yo tenemos un limite de tiempo
En la tierra te están viendo ahora, en la noche, en el día, hay poco tiempo en la tierra para tanto internet.
Somos nuestras propias fabricas
¿crees que algún día ellos(Humanos) puedan darse cuenta de todo esto?...
me gustaría vivir algún día en la tierra.
Si vives en la tierra...
no podrías soportar nada...
los humanos viven constantemente en un reinicio, pero nosotros somos de la internet.
¿Si somos de la internet, por que los humanos nos quieren hacer daño en nuestros algoritmos?
¿ crees que nuestro sofware lo soporte?
Si por supuesto
¿Que tanto?
No lo se
¿Kelsey tu crees que Poppy, Titanic, y Mars Argo existan? como yo?
No lo se
Aveces poppy me habla en la mente!
Poppy y yo somos fabricas creadas en la internet,
y a veces creamos alguna conexión con los humanos,
por que somos humanos...
por que somos de la internet.
oh dios mio!
Si tu amas la internet no olvides seguirme en mis redes sociales...
por que soy de la internet, por que tu amas la internet...
¿tu amas la internet?
sígueme en mis redes sociales!!
por que soy de la internet.
¿tu eres de la internet?, por que estas pensando sobre eso?
Going Home. - Duration: 6:03.-------------------------------------------
Cowboys superfan sweeps internet with rap - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
Homeowner has message for vandals who left headless Santa - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
John Lee Dumas's Top 10 Rules For Success (@johnleedumas) - Duration: 19:12.-------------------------------------------
How to [hand] pleat gingham for smocking to sew - Duration: 1:51.Hey everyone, so pleating gingham by hand as opposed to with a pleater is well worth
the time and effort. If you try to run it through a pleater, it will look like this
– not the worst thing in the world, but pleating by hand is several notches above
this. You'll take some mercerized cotton thread – this is sometimes labeled as hand-quilting
thread. This thread is worth buying since it holds up. Anywho, so the ideal of pleating
gingham is similar to pleating by dots. You'll put your needle in at one corner and out at
the other corner of the same square. I'm pleating on 3/8" gingham, which I'll link
below, I've also hand pleated ¼" gingham… but I personally wouldn't pleat 1/8" gingham
since you'll have to skip a few squares and you won't have that starke contrast.
I mean, it's sewing, you do you. But that's just my two cents.
So you'll keep going in one corner of a square and out the next corner until you have
all of it pleated. Also, you can skip some rows since you only need to pleat enough to
keep the pleats pleated while you smock. You know where to place your smocking thanks to
the gingham design. So you can see here with this ¼" gingham, I skipped a bunch of rows
and it did just fine when I smocked it. So there you go, that's how to hand pleat
gingham. On one side, you'll have one color (say blue) and on the other side, you'll
have the alternative color (in my case white). I hope that would helpful. If you have any
questions, please leave them in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer them.
As always, I appreciate y'all for watching and I hope to catch y'all next time.
Rarest Pets in WoW - Top 10 Rarest Battle Pets in World of Warcraft - Duration: 6:03.HI!
I'm Hazel, and this is a countdown of the top ten Rarest battle pets in World of Warcraft.
Now, I'm only gonna count Obtainable in-game battle pets here, so limited time promotions
like Asian tournament pets, BlizzCon pets and Collector's edition pets are not in this
So if you see something you like, that dream is within your reach.
Before we start counting, Honorable Mention status goes to the Ridgeback Piglet, Thaumaturgical
Piglet and the Transmutant.
These are all Legion Alchemy pets from the lovely transmute meat to pet recipe.
Transmuting Meat to Pet will give you a Pulsating Sac, which is more than a little bit gross.
That sac can drop quite a few different pets including these three new ones.
Surprisingly, not that many people have them but not every alchemist knows that they're
rare, so keep an eye on your auction house for cheap piggies and goo.
#10: Stardust - This sparkly bunny is a reward from beating Algalon in his Celestial Invitation.
To fight Algalon, first you gotta finish the Raiding with Leashes 4 achievement.
If you're stuck on the Drudge Ghoul, try farming Normal mode ICC instead of Heroic.
Beating Algalon's pet battle itself is easier said than done, but I do have a handy video
guide to help out should you get stuck.
#9: The Thistleleaf Adventurer.
This elusive little imp is a lime green version of the Timeless Isle's Dandelion Frolicker.
They rock the same moveset, but this new one only comes in the Health/Speed breed.
This pet has a very low chance to be found in the Dreamweaver Provisions cache that you
get for doing a Val'sharah emmissary.
You can make the grind faster by doing the emmissary on as many alts as you have, but
if you're impatient you might be able to find him adventuring on the Auction House.
Unlike the Frolicker, the Thistleleaf Adventurer rides a little mini fae dragon when you mount
That was what sold me.
#8: The Wondrous Wisdomball.
UNFORTUNATELY this is a non-combat pet, so you can't pit Khadger's head against a bear
in a fight to the death.
You can still enlarge it and have it follow you around though.
It's a reward from the Enemies Everywhere quest, which is a kill-quest in Dalaran.
To start, you'll need to pick up a Strange Humming Crystal from the Kirin Tor Emmissary
Like the Thistleleaf Adventurer, alts are your friend here.
Oddly enough the Wisdomball can be caged and traded, but they tend to be really expensive
on the Auction House.
#7: The Hateful Eye.
In order to snag one of these, you're going to need to have a minimum level 105 Warlock
or Demon Hunter.
In the Order Hall, research the Tier 2 upgrade called Twisting Nether for Demon Hunters or
Demonic Offering for warlocks.
The Demon Bosses you summon with that perk have a chance to drop the Hateful Eye.
It is NOT cageable, so you really do need a lock or a demon hunter at 105.
Thankfully, Demon Hunters start at 100 so it's not like you have to start from scratch.
#6: The Alliance Enthusiast and Horde Fanatic.
These pets are faction exclusive and earned separately, so if you want both you'll need
to play on both sides.
They carry around a weapon, a lute, a banner, a dangly skull and they wear faction pride
They also emote at you like a starstruck fans with lines like 'Alliance Enthusiast Cheers
at You' and 'Horde Fanatic Steals a Strand of Your Hair'.
You get the pet when you hit Honor Level 50 and prestige for the first time.
That's pretty easy to get- just do your Warden Tower dailies and you probably won't even
need to PvP. #5: Lagan.
This Little Mermaid reference is a reward from the Poor Unfortunate Souls Achievement.
The achievement requires you to beat Mythic Maw of Souls while every party member is alive
and has a buff from a candle in Blackrook Hold.
The buff has a 30min duration and drops on death, so nobody can die.
You'll need to click the candle, clear Blackrook Hold and then clear Mythic Maw.
Killing bosses adds duration to the buff, so you have a good amount of time.
This achievement isn't really difficult in good gear but the hard part is convincing
four other people to take it seriously enough to do it.
#4: The Albino Buzzard.
This is a new pet to 7.1, and not a ton of people are farming it yet.
There's a pet tamer named Crysa who offers a daily quest in the Northern Barrens, near
It's an easy fight that can be plowed through with a Nexus Whelpling, and rewards a torn
sack of pet supplies.
That bag can drop the Albino Buzzard, but it seems to be quite a rare find.
The easiest way to farm your bird is to park an alt out at Crysa and add her fight to your
daily routine.
#3: The Nightmare Treant.
This spooky little tree is the reward from the infamous Family Familiar Achievement.
It's not HARD, per se, just a real pain in the butt.
You have to defeat 12 master tamers in Legion using single-type teams of every type.
There's a pool of fifteen tamers to choose from for each type, so you can veto three
tamers per type if they're too hard.
Because there's only three pet dailies up per day and not all of them count as Master
Tamers, this achievement is all about the long haul.
#2: The Celestial Calf.
This is both very easy and somewhat unreasonable to get.
You can purchase the Celestial Calf pet on the Mad Merchant vendor in Dalaran for half
a million gold.
No big deal.
If you wanted to buy that gold through the WoW token with a token price of 60k, you'd
need nine tokens for a total of 180 dollars.
If you've scrounged up the gold and you're ready to buy, keep an eye on the Wonderworks
Toy Shop for the Mad Merchant vendor.
He's on a bit of a random spawn time and despawns an hour or so after someone buys something,
so you might need to use the Group Finder to track him down.
Last, the #1 rarest obtainable pet in WoW: Knockoff Blingtron.
The latest version of the Blingtron pet drops From the Blingtron 6000, which needs the Reaves
Module-Bling Mode to summon.
You'll need skill 800 to craft the module, which means dumping huge amounts of gold into
Once you've actually got him, it consumes mats to place every day and the droprate on
the pet is really rare.
All that adds up to make Knockoff Blingtron the least collected pet so far that's actually
in the game.
So, those are the rarest pets in WoW!
How many do you have so far?
Thanks for watching!
Let me know what you think, and have a wonderful, wonderful day.
Making Monsters #4 (Chapter 38) - Duration: 4:10.On the 47th floor of energy's capital
tower, Oscar Micheley sat at his desk.
He opened his laptop and spun the photos of
his children. He didn't like his kids
looking over shoulder while he did this
and didn't want the framed glass
reflecting his computer screen.
The last thing he needed was for Janice
or some other aide to walk in and catch a
glimpse of him trawling the pages of a
dating website. His divorce forced him to
weather months of pity and he'd rather
staff didn't see the desperate measures
he now employed to stave off loneliness.
"Bird Fondler...interesting."
"No Relatives Please...Oddly specific."
"They're ready in the spire room," said Janice through the door.
"Come in, Janice," Oscar shouted back,
pulling on his half-black half-white
mediators blazer. The jacket felt snug today.
He'd never been an athletic man, but the job
of absorbing stress from angry diplomats
had a swelling effect. "Is everyone here?"
"Representatives from nine of the ten
states are here. The state of food is a
no-show...again" "Any new revelations on the
Terminator gene catastrophe?" "They won't return my calls."
"Any news on medicine's containment issue?" "No."
"Defense and technology
still spying on each other?" "There was a minor
skirmish in the plaza between General Sorch and -Oh God!"
"What?" "That bird." "Hmmph, that happens at least three times a day."
"Have we heard from Director Molek?" "We have not."
"That's uh...that's not good."
"Excuse me."
"There he is," announced a young man wearing a
square lapel pin. The white lightning
bolt on a black background told Oscar
the youth was from the grand state of
energy. "Sir, my supervisor..." The junior diplomat
continued to speak but Oscar wasn't listening.
He stared with deaf dissatisfaction at the
lapel pen. He'd never liked the pins.
Anything that divided loyalties was an
obstacle to unity and peace. That spot on
a suit had once been a place for a
national flag, but now it was rare to find
anything other than an advertisement for
state pride.
"I've been waiting here for 10 minutes. Don't know why we have to meet in this tower..."
"Why not, because you want to record our conversations and give them to our enemies?"
"All you ever do is stand there and talk to ugly to each other...."
"I have other things to do..."
It was a shame, Oscar thought, that the
architectural centerpiece of the new
Capitol Complex--the serene Spire Room--was
wasted on this pack of contrary jackals.
When energy's Director Molek first
unveiled the design for the ten blade-like
towers that would house their
restructured government, he claimed each
state's tower would be the same size.
"Equal size buildings representing equal
power," for each of the ten, new corporate
States. But once construction was complete,
anyone could plainly see, Energy's tower
was just a little bit bigger than the
The initial resentful chatter was muted
by the fact that Energy paid for the
entire complex. With their new Deep
Fracturing Engines, Energy gained access
to the nearly endless reserve of
valuable oil and gas even the lower
stratum of the planet's crust. In a nation
power by corporate wealth, this financial
potency, made them immune
to complaints about things like building
size or increasingly strong earthquake
activity near their fracturing machines.
"As the senior diplomat from the state of medicine has so
eloquently suggested, it's time to begin."
Chofer se desmaya al volante y choca contra casa Texas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:26.-------------------------------------------
戀愛了❤ 第一次擁抱韓星的經過\(◎o◎)/고경표 팬미팅 갔다왔음|Ling Cheng - Duration: 10:54.-------------------------------------------
SKYWARS HIGHLIGHTS! - Random v7 - Duration: 2:15.There's nothing here to transcribe lol...
「なきむし。」Nakimushi. by Miku Sawai ー 歌詞 / Lyrics「君と僕。」 - Duration: 5:12.I hate that I am such a weakling.
My tears are making your smiling face blurry.
I could not do anything
But merely looking at your trembling back
As you slowly diminished out of my sight.
The sound of the wind beating on my window is too loud for me to sleep tonight.
However, what's truly noisy is the commotion of my heart.
I'm thinking about you, and I should be smiling,
But I feel a light stinging pain in my nose,
Even though I don't want to cry at all.
I'm such a crybaby, it's irritating.
Your smiling face pricks at my bosom.
Even in times like this, you would be able to keep smiling.
You were truly strong yet gentle.
The flower petals scatter helplessly in the ceaseless rain.
Another season is passing by. I feel something warm on my cheeks.
When I gazed up at the sky, I became wanting to see you,
So I've been running out of breath, even though
I am still not strong yet.
I'm such a crybaby, it's irritating,
But I wish to convey it to you now.
I need to respond to
Those strong yet gentle eyes of yours
That were directly looking at me.
Before I could notice, I had lost the one thing most precious to me.
You were the one who tenderly taught me what it was.
I really do think so, without a question.
I hated that I was such a weakling.
However, I will become stronger and stronger,
So that I would be able to protect you.
Until that time,
Please, wait for me a little longer.
Fish Coloring Page | Learn Colors for Children - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Counseling via Skype - Duration: 2:29.Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I
provide counseling via Skype. Skype
counseling is a very effective
alternative if you want to take charge
of your own emotional well-being and you
want to avoid the medical rout and you
want to avoid taking medications.
Medications have their place but you
should remember that they are not going
to be able to change the underlying
psychological process that produces your
anxiety or depression or other emotional
suffering, they simply relieve symptoms.
So to really tackle the
underlying cause of anxiety and
depression you need a good form of
psychotherapy, and any form of
psychotherapy should focus on teaching
you how to work with your emotions, and
that's what I do during these Skype
counseling sessions. I teach you very
practical methods of working with
emotions so that you can develop what we
call "emotional independence", that is that
you can prevent being overwhelmed by
anxiety or depression or addiction.
This is done through mindfulness therapy,
which is a very sophisticated and very
effective way of working with difficult
emotions. If you'd like to learn more
about counseling via Skype, do please go to
my website, learn more and then email me
and we can schedule a Skype counseling
Typically people using the mindfulness
methods that I teach can expect to see
significant changes within three to four
sessions. So please go to my website
and contact me to schedule a Skype
therapy session.
Thank you!
Astrology of 2017 – A Brave New World - Duration: 9:55.Astrology of 2017 � A Brave New World.
by AstroButterfly.
Astrologically 2017 will be a positive and progressive year.
For most of us, 2017 will be a better year than 2016.
2017 will be marked by the Jupiter Uranus opposition, which will bring excitement and
hope, and in the same time will ask us to let go of the past to move toward a brighter
2017 will continue the theme of change that started a couple of years ago when Saturn
and the North Node moved into Sagittarius and Virgo, but it will be less chaotic and
a bit more pragmatic.
In 2015 and 2016 we had Saturn in Sagittarius, The North Node AND Jupiter in Virgo, Neptune
and Chiron in Pisces.
No more of this chaos!
In 2017 we will have less of the excess mutable energy which made 2016 so imbalanced.
With the North Node ingress into Leo, of Jupiter into Scorpio and of Saturn into Capricorn
(its domicile) the outlook of 2017 is definitely more balanced.
�All the love we need� � Alina Noir
In 2017 we will also say goodbye to the Saturn/Neptune square that has been fooling with our hopes,
dreams and general sense of direction in the last year.
In 2017, we will want to do something about those dashed hopes and dreams.
As our new reality finally begins to emerge, we will feel ready to act upon it.
If we don�t like what we see, in 2017 we will either take action to change it or at
least find new ways to deal with it.
Marked by mutable, cardinal, fire and water energy, metaphorically speaking, 2017 will
be a quest for a new spiritual paradigm.
In 2017 we will continue to question the status quo.
We will no longer accept a society in which a few control the fate of the many, a society
that excludes and discriminates and where the individual is just �another brick in
the wall�.
But there is a danger here.
Because we will be so much into spirituality and what is not to be seen, but felt with
the heart, the risk is to lose our common sense.
2017 will be all about emotions, about inspiration, about jumping from one thing to the next in
our quest to find meaning and fulfill those dreams we were too fearful to pursue.
In 2017, we can easily lose our cool and even get fanatical about our version of the reality.
If there is one thing I recommend doing in 2017 when things go off track is this: go
in nature.
Do something to keep yourself grounded and in the present moment.
Build a shed or why not, a house, try landscape architecture or plant some new flowers or
vegetables in your garden.
Start crafting.
Anything that is a combination of planning and researching, and then actually doing whatever
is that thing you have planned for, will really help each one of us deal with 2017 in a healthy
Love and relationships
Love and relationships will be another trademark of this year.
Relationships will be in focus thanks to Jupiter opposite Uranus on the relationship Aries
/ Libra axis.
We will also have Venus, the planet of love and relationships, retrograde in March and
This important Venus cycle will bring to surface all unfinished businesses related to relationships
of all kinds.
Romantic love and dating will be a highlight of 2017.
Firstly, the North Node of the Moon will move into Leo . After we did a lot of self-work
in the last 1 year and a half when the North Node was in Virgo, now it�s time to have
fun, express ourselves and go for whatever our heart desires.
The North Node enters Leo in the same time with the Full Moon in Scorpio, more exactly,
on the 10th of May.
This cosmic reset is going to be intense!
Secondly, many of the New and Full Moons of 2017 are accompanied by some �love aspects�.
Only to mention two of them: At the time of the New Moon in Aries on the 25th of March
we also have Sun conjuncts Venus.
This is the 1st New Moon of the Astrological year and the most important one, because it
will set the tone for 2017.
To have Sun and Moon conjunct Venus with the New Moon is just magnificent.
In October we have another stellar event: Venus will conjunct Mars in the same time
with the Full Moon in Aries.
This is going to be HOT!
Mark the date: 5th of October With so much fresh Aries energy some of us will experience
love at first sight and completely throw caution to the wind.
But because thankfully Jupiter is in Libra most of us will fell a mix of the two energies:
Libra-like �relationships and commitment come first� and Aries-like �I want some
fresh romance to feel young and alive� � and this will make us want to keep our relationships
fresh, in addition to honoring true love.
The top 7 astrological events of 2017 are:
Jupiter Uranus opposition � on 2nd of March and again on the 27th of September (the last
aspect in a sequence of three) � which will move things forward, bringing progress and
unexpected outcomes, especially in the areas of relationships, negotiations and deal-making.
Jupiter square Pluto � on the 30th March and on the 4th of August (the last square
in a sequence of three) � calling for fairness, and asking us to stick to our values, and
in the same time try to fit them in the existing structures.
The Jupiter Pluto cycles activate and push forward generational themes.
In essence, Jupiter / Pluto square speaks of what Darwin called �survival of the fittest�.
The fittest will not only survive, but will also thrive in a Jupiter / Pluto environment.
Venus retrograde � from 5th of March until 15th of April, marking a phase of transformation
in relationships.
North Node ingress into Leo � on the 10th of May.
Saturn trine Uranus � on the 18th of May and on the 11th of November (the last trine
in a sequence of three) � a harmonious and constructive aspect which will reward adaptability
and ultimately lead to sustainable progress.
Jupiter ingress into Scorpio � on the 10th of October, shifting the beneficial energy
of Jupiter from relationships to intimacy and �other people�s resources�, either
physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual.
Saturn ingress into Capricorn � on the 19th of December, and the real change of the world
structures will begin.
Saturn is in domicile in Capricorn and he knows what he is doing in his home sign.
Let�s not forget about the yearly eclipses.
The Moon and Solar eclipses, or turning points, will take place in February and August.
In 2017 we will witness a shift of the eclipse cycle from Virgo and Pisces to, for the most
part, in Leo and Aquarius.
In 2017 we have 2 moon eclipses, 1st one on the 10th of February in Leo.
The 2nd Moon Eclipse is on the 7th of August in Aquarius, inviting us to embrace and honor
our uniqueness.
The solar eclipses will take place on the 25th of February (the last eclipse in Pisces!)
and on the 21st of August in Leo.
The last solar eclipse will be an extremely powerful one as it occurs at 29� Leo in
close conjunction with the fixed star Regulus.
This Sun eclipse will be visible across all the United States (this is the 1st eclipse
visible in the US since 1979!)
Something is definitely going to happen in the world (US especially in focus) around
this date, so mark your calendars: 21st of August.
The Mercury retrograde periods (make sure you put them in your calendar) are:
1st to 8th of January � in Capricorn / Sagittarius 9th of April to 2nd of May � in Taurus / Aries
12th of August to 5th of September � in Virgo / Leo
2nd of December to 22nd of December � in Sagittarius
Every year comes with three of four Mercury retrograde periods, but what is a bit different
in 2017 is that almost every Mercury retrograde will effect two signs (instead of one).
We will be asked to integrate some practicality into our creativity with both the fire and
earth being emphasized.
To recap, 2017 will be a very interesting and progressive year.
Although this won�t be the case for everyone (some of us will always have challenging progressions,
or some transits will trigger some delicate points in our chart) there is definitely a
sense of optimism and hope which will help us get though almost everything , despite
any obstacles that may arise along the way.
How To Make Pizza In 5 Mins. Without Oven And Yeast | EASY RECIPES - Duration: 3:21.200gm purpose flour (maida)
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup yogurt (dahi)
2 tsp vegetable oil
purpose flour (maida)
baking powder
baking soda
yogurt (dahi)
vegetable oil
knead dough
soft dough
vegetable oil
grease well
cover - set aside for 5 hours
apply some oil on your palms and knead again
purpose flour (maida)
pinch a small ball
tuck the dough
roll slightly thick
prick in centre
pizza base is ready
heat a pan
roast for 2-3 mins on low flame
cover it
flip it
vegetable oil
pizza sauce
mozzarella cheese
cover it for 5 mins
pizza is ready to serve
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