Monday, January 2, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2017

Hi, welcome, I'm Heathcliff of Lions Ground and Happy New Year.

But not a happy New Year for the friends, family, and fans of George Michael when this

great singer died on December 25 they start 2017 with sadness.

I don't blame you if you label me as a mad Illuminati conspiracy theorist because the

next thing I'm going to say is very incomprehensible.

I do not believe George Michael died on December 25, 2016, of natural cause.

I will show you why I suspect something more sinister is going on and I'm not the only

one, the day he died my girlfriend said, and believe me, she's absolutely down to earth,

"George Michael died on his own song Last Christmas, yeah right, come on, that's no


I shared this with DropbearKelly and she wrote: "I thought that was very odd too.

Your girlfriend and I would definitely get along"

The question playing the lead role: How an Artist's Death Impacts Selling Prices?

Take for example Michael Jackson.

He sold almost as many digital tracks in the first two weeks after his death than he did

in all of 2008.

He sold 2.3 million digital singles the week ending June 28, 2009, and 2.016 million the

following week.

His total for 2008 was 2.8 million.

Numbers never lie: An artist is more worth dead than alive.

Now I have to step on the brake.

Fantasize how much money 'Last Christmas' will generate end 2017.

Radios playing 'Last Christmas',

Artists covering 'Last Christmas', expensive artists pay more, expensive shows generate

even more revenue

Music you hear in Shops needs to be paid, think about music license

Christmas compilation albums and so on.

Keep in mind that Last Christmas is a very expensive track because it's a bestseller.

Guess what?

For the first time in 17 years, he returns to top 10 album charts with "Ladies & Gentlemen"

It's all business, this leads me to the next question, who receives the money?


But it says Epic Records?

Along with Columbia, Epic Records is part of Sony.

Sony is the Record Company, Sony is the distributor owns the copyright to this song, and even

the image of the single is owned by Sony.


What do you think I'm suggesting?

I have to be careful what I say, to avoid a lawsuit for defamation.

So, Hereby I share my thoughts which are totally unproven, I think, but I'm not sure, Sony

is involved with the death of George Michael.

What has Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Prince and George Michael in common?

They were all Sony artists, they all had some sort of conflict with Sony, Sony exploited

them which resulted in lawsuits.

Michael had filed suit against Sony for the eight-album contract he signed in 1988, that

was unfair under British and European Union law because it bound George Michael to the

company for up to 15 years and gave him no control over how his music would be marketed

and George Michael also testified that Sony had sought to punish him by not promoting

"Listen Without Prejudice" as aggressively as it should have, particularly in the United


George Michael lost the lawsuit.

The so-called Illuminati ritual happened right in front of you.

Let me summarize all the indications why I think Sony is involved with George Michael's


George Michael was a Sony artist, George Michael was unhappy with Sony,

George Michael sued Sony but lost, Sony came up with an act of revenge by not

promoting "Listen Without Prejudice" as promised George Michael died just like all those other

artists round the same age.

What, did our average age suddenly dropped to mid 50?

George Michael died on his own Sony song 'Last Christmas'

George Michael is suddenly listed in the album top 10 with "Ladies & Gentlemen"

I'm going to repeat the words of my girlfriend

"George Michael died on his own song Last Christmas, yeah right, come on, that's no

coincidence," what do you think?

Do you buy the story he died of natural cause?

Use the voting poll now.

Exclusively on Patreon I will continue about George Michael using astro-theology.

I discovered something very interesting about his death.

So, Join my Patreon page at and at the same time you support my work.

For more information read the video description.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you never miss the daily alternative news

they don't want you to know.

Like or dislike this video.

Give this story a voice by sharing this video with your friends.

Click the videos next to me to watch more of my videos.

I'll see you at Patreon.

I'm Heathcliff, your host,

For more infomation >> Sony Mystery Behind George Michael : Illuminati Exposed - #Illuminati - Duration: 6:40.


Los secretos de Trump sobre el hackeo ruso | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Los secretos de Trump sobre el hackeo ruso | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:57.


Larga cuesta de enero para los mexicanos en 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Larga cuesta de enero para los mexicanos en 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:32.


Revelan foto de posible atacante en discoteca de Turquía | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Revelan foto de posible atacante en discoteca de Turquía | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:11.


ISIS se adjudica atentado en discoteca de Estambul | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> ISIS se adjudica atentado en discoteca de Estambul | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:47.


Happy New year! - Duration: 13:47.

For more infomation >> Happy New year! - Duration: 13:47.


Quien me hace una intro 3D(leer descripción) - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Quien me hace una intro 3D(leer descripción) - Duration: 0:07.


Musica Catolica: Dios esta aqui (cover by Angel Jesus Lopez) - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Musica Catolica: Dios esta aqui (cover by Angel Jesus Lopez) - Duration: 2:40.


descubriendo el mapa de fnaf - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> descubriendo el mapa de fnaf - Duration: 10:44.


Vino el Amor | Luciana se queda sin visa de trabajo - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Vino el Amor | Luciana se queda sin visa de trabajo - Duration: 1:03.


Vino el Amor | Capítulo 44 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Vino el Amor | Capítulo 44 - Duration: 4:04.


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


Watch We Love You

For more infomation >> Watch We Love You


Torch To Rose Trick Revealed - Duration: 1:08.

Hows it going everyone and today i'm going to be teaching you the torch to rose trick

watch 3,2,1.So to do the trick all your going to need is a special type of flower and it's

where you can make the rose go up just like that put it behind your hand and just make

it like that and you can get this on Amazon i'll leave a link in the description but for

it to light on fire what your going to need to do is use some type of lighter fluid the

easiest and cheapest way to do it is to use a lttle of aux and just spray just a little

bit go ssssss and take a lighter or match and then just light it and say everyone check

this out i'm going to make it into a rose 3,2,1 and then they can check that out but

don't just show it to the don't let them hold it or else it will like fall down so that's

how you do that trick this is kind of a short video I hope you guys enjoy this where almost

at 300 subscribers lets make it happen and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Torch To Rose Trick Revealed - Duration: 1:08.


Both World celebrate when discovered how to Eat Chicken Eggs Best for Health - Duration: 10:06.

Cả Thế Giới Ăn Mừng Khi Phát Hiện Ra Cách Ăn Trứng Gà Tốt Nhất Cho Sức Khỏe

For more infomation >> Both World celebrate when discovered how to Eat Chicken Eggs Best for Health - Duration: 10:06.


Compare Loom & Leaf

For more infomation >> Compare Loom & Leaf


Get more Views and Subscrib...

For more infomation >> Get more Views and Subscrib...


how to build big nether portals in minecraft (subtiles) - Duration: 1:19.

hey guys!!!

to make a big nether portal you need obiously obsidian and fire

start building next

just simply light it!!

you cant make oddly shaped ones

nor can u make sideways ones

you can stack em' too!

For more infomation >> how to build big nether portals in minecraft (subtiles) - Duration: 1:19.


TYT Host Named One Of The Sexiest In News Media - Duration: 2:35.

























































For more infomation >> TYT Host Named One Of The Sexiest In News Media - Duration: 2:35.


Sony Mystery Behind George Michael : Illuminati Exposed - #Illuminati - Duration: 6:40.

Hi, welcome, I'm Heathcliff of Lions Ground and Happy New Year.

But not a happy New Year for the friends, family, and fans of George Michael when this

great singer died on December 25 they start 2017 with sadness.

I don't blame you if you label me as a mad Illuminati conspiracy theorist because the

next thing I'm going to say is very incomprehensible.

I do not believe George Michael died on December 25, 2016, of natural cause.

I will show you why I suspect something more sinister is going on and I'm not the only

one, the day he died my girlfriend said, and believe me, she's absolutely down to earth,

"George Michael died on his own song Last Christmas, yeah right, come on, that's no


I shared this with DropbearKelly and she wrote: "I thought that was very odd too.

Your girlfriend and I would definitely get along"

The question playing the lead role: How an Artist's Death Impacts Selling Prices?

Take for example Michael Jackson.

He sold almost as many digital tracks in the first two weeks after his death than he did

in all of 2008.

He sold 2.3 million digital singles the week ending June 28, 2009, and 2.016 million the

following week.

His total for 2008 was 2.8 million.

Numbers never lie: An artist is more worth dead than alive.

Now I have to step on the brake.

Fantasize how much money 'Last Christmas' will generate end 2017.

Radios playing 'Last Christmas',

Artists covering 'Last Christmas', expensive artists pay more, expensive shows generate

even more revenue

Music you hear in Shops needs to be paid, think about music license

Christmas compilation albums and so on.

Keep in mind that Last Christmas is a very expensive track because it's a bestseller.

Guess what?

For the first time in 17 years, he returns to top 10 album charts with "Ladies & Gentlemen"

It's all business, this leads me to the next question, who receives the money?


But it says Epic Records?

Along with Columbia, Epic Records is part of Sony.

Sony is the Record Company, Sony is the distributor owns the copyright to this song, and even

the image of the single is owned by Sony.


What do you think I'm suggesting?

I have to be careful what I say, to avoid a lawsuit for defamation.

So, Hereby I share my thoughts which are totally unproven, I think, but I'm not sure, Sony

is involved with the death of George Michael.

What has Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Prince and George Michael in common?

They were all Sony artists, they all had some sort of conflict with Sony, Sony exploited

them which resulted in lawsuits.

Michael had filed suit against Sony for the eight-album contract he signed in 1988, that

was unfair under British and European Union law because it bound George Michael to the

company for up to 15 years and gave him no control over how his music would be marketed

and George Michael also testified that Sony had sought to punish him by not promoting

"Listen Without Prejudice" as aggressively as it should have, particularly in the United


George Michael lost the lawsuit.

The so-called Illuminati ritual happened right in front of you.

Let me summarize all the indications why I think Sony is involved with George Michael's


George Michael was a Sony artist, George Michael was unhappy with Sony,

George Michael sued Sony but lost, Sony came up with an act of revenge by not

promoting "Listen Without Prejudice" as promised George Michael died just like all those other

artists round the same age.

What, did our average age suddenly dropped to mid 50?

George Michael died on his own Sony song 'Last Christmas'

George Michael is suddenly listed in the album top 10 with "Ladies & Gentlemen"

I'm going to repeat the words of my girlfriend

"George Michael died on his own song Last Christmas, yeah right, come on, that's no

coincidence," what do you think?

Do you buy the story he died of natural cause?

Use the voting poll now.

Exclusively on Patreon I will continue about George Michael using astro-theology.

I discovered something very interesting about his death.

So, Join my Patreon page at and at the same time you support my work.

For more information read the video description.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you never miss the daily alternative news

they don't want you to know.

Like or dislike this video.

Give this story a voice by sharing this video with your friends.

Click the videos next to me to watch more of my videos.

I'll see you at Patreon.

I'm Heathcliff, your host,

For more infomation >> Sony Mystery Behind George Michael : Illuminati Exposed - #Illuminati - Duration: 6:40.


734 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 1 Part 2 Book 62 Comparing America Today with Israel of Old 2 - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> 734 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 1 Part 2 Book 62 Comparing America Today with Israel of Old 2 - Duration: 28:31.


Emmitt Smith - The Emmitt Zone (pt. 4) - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Emmitt Smith - The Emmitt Zone (pt. 4) - Duration: 5:21.


January 2017 TBR [CC] - Duration: 5:01.

Hi guys, so today I'm doing the first TBR of 2017.

And this is going to be my January 2017 TBR.

Traitor's Blade by Sebastien De Castell.


I'm not good with pronunciations.

And I am kinda going in to this blind.

Umm I tend to like to do that with fantasy.

I feel like a lot of time the synopsis, they put things that are really big turning points

in the book on the synopsis and I half the fun of reading is being surprised by those


The next book, I don't know quite how to classify it.

I'll have a better Idea when I read it.

But this is ether a fantasy or a contemporary with a little bit of magical realism.

This is Summerlong by Peter S. Beagle.

And he has not published a book in over a decade umm.

He has some pretty umm big books published including The Last Unicorn and some other


But they description of this was, it sounds like it is to be one of those books that is

very erie but beautiful at the same time.

It's about a girl whose mother dies and it's set in Russia.

And her father goes off and he goes to Moscow to find a new wife.

So he marries this women and she becomes the stepmother to these girls.

However, she's not okay with their family doing the rituals that has been done for years

and years and years and turns out these rituals are pretty important in that they keep I guess

evil spirits at bay.

We will see how it goes but it sounds very interesting and I'm excited to get to it.

The next book is going to be 10% Human How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health

by Alanna Collen, Collin and I'm umm.

I don't think Ive told y'all but my first degree I got was in microbiology and its something

that I'm still very very interested in hoping to have a job that is somewhat related to


Umm in the health care field or some sort of a research lab.

So i'm excited for this because for those of you who don't know your body is actually

more microbes than is actually human DNA.

And umm especially in terms of digestion and umm and our skin actually.

The microbes on our skin our actually very good.

They are protects for other things and without them umm you would you could get some pretty

nasty infections if you didn't have your normal bacteria.

So i'm excited for this.

The next two books I don't have a physical copies of I have umm audiobook and I think

an ebook from the library right now.

And one is...

I don't know if its ghost written or cowritten but it's by Buzz Aldrin and I can't think

of the other authors name off the top of my head but It is called A Mission to Mars and

this his vision of space exploration.

And he talks about how he thinks that in the next 20 years that 15-20 years that humans

might actually make it to mars.

So I'm excited to read that.

He was I believe the first man actually on the moon.

The next book I want to get to is going to be that last book I have on my imitate TBR

but we will see I have a couple of library books on hold.

It is called the Philadelphia Chromosome the Mutant gene and the quest to cure cancer at

the genetic level.

And this is by Jessica Wapner.

Umm like I said I got a degree in microbiology umm and I'm also very actually probably more

interested in the cellular and molecular side of biology and partially this is about breast

cancer I believe this is, this may or may not be the p53 gene.

It might not be what their talking about but I ehhh.

But for those of you who don't know gene therapy is actually also known as chemotherapy umm

and theirs a couple of different ways of using gene therapy.

And currently its in my opinion, other than with a select few cancers specifically leukemias

umm the dynamics of chemo working are not in the best of odds but with specific leukemia's

APL is one of them, it is almost 100% curable unless they catch it in a stage where it's

just too late to knock it out.

Umm I'm very interested to read that and I'm interested to hear what you guys are reading

in 2017 and I will see y'all later bye guys.

For more infomation >> January 2017 TBR [CC] - Duration: 5:01.



alright guys so just before the video

starts I just want to say there is a

really funny video on Instagram that I

saw today so i just want to show you

guys before the video starts because

Annalise one of my guys left today and

ya feel like I'm losing personality my

videos which is something that I really

don't want to lose so yeah this is

really funny too so you guys enjoy it

customers at the drive-through word this

recorded message one woman yelled back

at the machine that people have kids at

a time filled with a special you mean to

tell me that we can feel like kids

because i don't want my checking on me

over time especially almost two months

ago and that's wall but no one was

listening the pines on Lake Avenue was

closed by dinnertime

are you kidding me

American sure hungry no kicking no

chicken but just out of tickets call the

customer service

five yeah they see I seem to be out of

chicken today so i'll just pick up a


it's not a big deal alright guys other

than the jokes let's get into the video

so guys today we're gonna be talking

about one of probably the most Op

combat rigs and call of duty infinite


now the reason why i say this is that

because obviously a lot you're gonna see

there is no Opie rig right every red is

good in its own right and that is also

true but for this personal thing that

you do with this rig

I don't know what I'm trying to say but

basically this rig is opie if you use it

for the right reasons and if you use it

the right way so mark this combat rig

the reason why it's so appears because

first of all it straight called infusion

now what this does is ok so you're

getting hurt right you want a gunfight

okay you're reloading and you know

usually you would have to wait for your

health to regenerate right

basically what this does is shown in the

gameplay you know blue line comes over

your screen basically that makes you

regenerate faster so say you're like you

know you're hurt your regenerate huh

and that blue light comes and you know

you're back to normal

I don't know what I just did guys i'm a

retard but you guys get the idea right

hopefully I don't know who you guys get


yeah so that's one of its really really

good trait it also has some other good

ones the other two are good as well but

let's get into its weapon per se

now what it has

oh my god that voice crack but anyways

what it has is a laser gun right now you

can obviously change that to another two

weapons again quotations around that

that you can use the other one is

reactive armor Connecticut over for

black upstream and i'll say i completely

forgot what the third one was so we're

just gonna forget about that one is so

you're going to want to use reactive

armor and infusion so reactive armor is

basically kinetic armor any of infusion

you get your health back faster now i

don't know if you guys really think

about it but it statistics this is

really really really good think about it

so you have both of them enable where

you have your your super ready so you

enable your reactive armor right then

you run into a Gump by you kill two

people you still have your active on

Ron you recharge faster you go back into

another gun fighting just tear people up

i made a video about this before on FTL

but honestly right now in the game if

you're going for nukes or if you're for

high games high-kill games then this is

really a really really good a combat

right to use obviously it's more boring

i guess but again you're going to be

going for nukes or you're gonna be going

for a high killstreaks so it wouldn't

really matter if it's boring or not

again you guys should change it up

anyways you know to have more fun with

you know what you're using because i

don't want to be using the same combat

ready for like a whole week on call

three that's gonna get boring so

obviously you can change it up to FTL

easier than one like I said war fighters

are also a good one but anyways in my

opinion I just think mark is really

really overpowered and again for what

you're using him for four high

killstreaks for regenerating faster just

in general being a better player he's

overpower for that

so guys I guess that's basically i just

wanted to show you guys in my opinion

the most Opie combat rake in this game

tell me the comments down below if you

guys think he's not if you I think

there's another one better than him and

tell me the comments down below but

anyways let's hope you guys enjoyed the

video if you guys in Michelle's you like

to do is I want you to stay healthy and

i will see you guys on the next one


accomplished good day's work

For more infomation >> COD IW MERC OP!!! INFINITE WARFARE MERC RIG IS OP!?!?!?! - Duration: 5:20.


cc BROTHER'S GONNA WORK IT OUT - Willie Hutch - Duration: 2:55.


Willie Hutch

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

BrothER'S gonna work it out

Brother's GONna work it out

Brother's gonNA work it out

Brother's gonna WORK it out

Brother's gonna work IT out

Brother's gonna work it OUT

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

brother's gonna work it out

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

BrothER'S gonna work it out

Brother's GONna work it out

Brother's gonNA work it out

Brother's gonna WORK it out

Brother's gonna work IT out

Brother's gonna work it OUT

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

brother's gonna work it out

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

BrothER'S gonna work it out

Brother's GONna work it out

Brother's gonNA work it out

Brother's gonna WORK it out

Brother's gonna work IT out

Brother's gonna work it OUT

Brother's gonna work it out

brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

brother's gonna work it out

Brother's gonna work it on out

BROTHer's gonna work it on out

BrothER'S gonna work it on out

Brother's GONna work it on out

Brother's gonNA work it on out

Brother's gonna WORK it on out

Brother's gonna work IT on out

Brother's gonna work it ON out

Brother's gonna work it on OUT

Y'all hear me, now?

Y'ALL hear me, now?

Y'all HEAR me, now?

Y'all hear ME, now?

Y'all hear me, NOW?

Y'all hear me, now?

Now don't give him no peace sign if you don't mean it from your heart

NOW don't give him no peace sign if you don't mean it from your heart

Now DON'T give him no peace sign if you don't mean it from your heart

Now don't GIVE him no peace sign if you don't mean it from your heart

Now don't give HIM no peace sign if you don't mean it from your heart

Now don't give him NO peace sign if you don't mean it from your heart

Now don't give him no PEACE sign if you don't mean it from your heart

Now don't give him no peace SIGN if you don't mean it from your heart

Now don't give him no peace sign IF you don't mean it from your heart

Now don't give him no peace sign if YOU don't mean it from your heart

Now don't give him no peace sign if you DON'T mean it from your heart

Now don't give him no peace sign if you don't mean it from your heart

Now don't give him no peace sign if you don't MEAN it from your heart

Now don't give him no peace sign if you don't mean IT from your heart

Now don't give him no peace sign if you don't mean it FROM your heart

Now don't give him no peace sign if you don't mean it from YOUR heart

Now don't give him no peace sign if you don't mean it from your HEART

Now don't give him no peace sign if you don't mean it from your heart

United we can get over, but yet we're still apart

United we can get over, but yet we're still apart

UNITed we can get over, but yet we're still apart

UnitED we can get over, but yet we're still apart

United we can get over, but yet we're still apart

United WE can get over, but yet we're still apart

United we CAN get over, but yet we're still apart

United we can GET over, but yet we're still apart

United we can get Over, but yet we're still apart

United we can get oVER, but yet we're still apart

United we can get over, but yet we're still apart

United we can get over, BUT yet we're still apart

United we can get over, but YET we're still apart

United we can get over, but yet WE'RE still apart

United we can get over, but yet we're STILL apart

United we can get over, but yet we're still Apart

United we can get over, but yet we're still aPART

United we can get over, but yet we're still apart

Cos' each man demands respect and to get an equal share

COS' each man demands respect and to get an equal share

Cos' EACH man demands respect and to get an equal share

Cos' each MAN demands respect and to get an equal share

Cos' each man DEmands respect and to get an equal share

Cos' each man deMANDS respect and to get an equal share

Cos' each man demands REspect and to get an equal share

Cos' each man demands reSPECT and to get an equal share

Cos' each man demands respect and to get an equal share

Cos' each man demands respect AND to get an equal share

Cos' each man demands respect and TO get an equal share

Cos' each man demands respect and to GET an equal share

Cos' each man demands respect and to get AN equal share

Cos' each man demands respect and to get an Equal share

Cos' each man demands respect and to get an eQUAL share

Cos' each man demands respect and to get an equal SHARE

Cos' each man demands respect and to get an equal share

And until you givin' him that there'll be no peace

AND until you givin' him that there'll be no peace

And UNtil you givin' him that there'll be no peace

And unTIL you givin' him that there'll be no peace

And until YOU givin' him that there'll be no peace

And until you GIVin' him that there'll be no peace

And until you givIN' him that there'll be no peace

And until you givin' HIM that there'll be no peace

And until you givin' him THAT there'll be no peace

And until you givin' him that there'll be no peace

And until you givin' him that THERE'll be no peace

And until you givin' him that there'LL be no peace

And until you givin' him that there'll BE no peace

And until you givin' him that there'll be NO peace

And until you givin' him that there'll be no PEACE

And until you givin' him that there'll be no peace

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

BrothER'S gonna work it out

Brother's GONna work it out

Brother's gonNA work it out

Brother's gonna WORK it out

Brother's gonna work IT out

Brother's gonna work it OUT

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

brother's gonna work it out

Brother's gonna work it all out

BROTHer's gonna work it all out

BrothER'S gonna work it all out

Brother's GONna work it all out

Brother's gonNA work it all out

Brother's gonna WORK it all out

Brother's gonna work IT all out

Brother's gonna work it ALL out

Brother's gonna work it all OUT

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

OH, we must all join hands

Oh, we must all join hands

Oh, WE must all join hands

Oh, we MUST all join hands

Oh, we must ALL join hands

Oh, we must all JOIN hands

Oh, we must all join HANDS

Oh, we must all join hands

WE can march across this land in peace

We CAN march across this land in peace

We can MARCH across this land in peace

We can march Across this land in peace

We can march aCROSS this land in peace

We can march across THIS land in peace

We can march across this LAND in peace

We can march across this land in peace

We can march across this land IN peace

We can march across this land in PEACE

We can march across this land in peace

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

BrothER'S gonna work it out

Brother's GONna work it out

Brother's gonNA work it out

Brother's gonna WORK it out

Brother's gonna work IT out

Brother's gonna work it OUT

Brother's gonna work it out

NO joy without understanding of truly true love.

No JOY without understanding of truly true love.

No joy WITHout understanding of truly true love.

No joy withOUT understanding of truly true love.

No joy without UNderstanding of truly true love.

No joy without unDERstanding of truly true love.

No joy without underSTANDing of truly true love.

No joy without understandING of truly true love.

No joy without understanding of truly true love.

No joy without understanding OF truly true love.

No joy without understanding of TRUly true love.

No joy without understanding of truLY true love.

No joy without understanding of truly true love.

No joy without understanding of truly TRUE love.

No joy without understanding of truly true LOVE.

No joy without understanding of truly true love.

Instead of brother turning on sister

INstead of brother turning on sister

InSTEAD of brother turning on sister

Instead OF brother turning on sister

Instead of BROther turning on sister

Instead of broTHER turning on sister

Instead of brother TURNing on sister

Instead of brother turnING on sister

Instead of brother turning ON sister

Instead of brother turning on SISter

Instead of brother turning on sisTER

Instead of brother turning on sister

Sister turning on brother

SISter turning on brother

SisTER turning on brother

Sister TURNing on brother

Sister turnING on brother

Sister turning ON brother

Sister turning on BROther

Sister turning on broTHER

Sister turning on brother

Now how you gonna get it together being against one another?

NOW how you gonna get it together being against one another?

Now HOW you gonna get it together being against one another?

Now how YOU gonna get it together being against one another?

Now how you GONna get it together being against one another?

Now how you gonNA get it together being against one another?

Now how you gonna GET it together being against one another?

Now how you gonna get IT together being against one another?

Now how you gonna get it TOgether being against one another?

Now how you gonna get it toGEther being against one another?

Now how you gonna get it togeTHER being against one another?

Now how you gonna get it together being against one another?

Now how you gonna get it together BEing against one another?

Now how you gonna get it together beING against one another?

Now how you gonna get it together being Against one another?

Now how you gonna get it together being aGAINST one another?

Now how you gonna get it together being against one another?

Now how you gonna get it together being against ONE another?

Now how you gonna get it together being against one ANother?

Now how you gonna get it together being against one anOTHer?

Now how you gonna get it together being against one anothER?

Now how you gonna get it together being against one another?

Shoot up, sniff up, so high till your world has turned to stone

SHOOT up, sniff up, so high till your world has turned to stone

Shoot UP, sniff up, so high till your world has turned to stone

Shoot up, SNIFF up, so high till your world has turned to stone

Shoot up, sniff UP, so high till your world has turned to stone

Shoot up, sniff up, SO high till your world has turned to stone

Shoot up, sniff up, so HIGH till your world has turned to stone

Shoot up, sniff up, so high till your world has turned to stone

Shoot up, sniff up, so high TILL your world has turned to stone

Shoot up, sniff up, so high till YOUR world has turned to stone

Shoot up, sniff up, so high till your WORLD has turned to stone

Shoot up, sniff up, so high till your world HAS turned to stone

Shoot up, sniff up, so high till your world has TURNED to stone

Shoot up, sniff up, so high till your world has turned TO stone

Shoot up, sniff up, so high till your world has turned to STONE

Shoot up, sniff up, so high till your world has turned to stone

How can you deal with the truth when reality's all gone?

HOW can you deal with the truth when reality's all gone?

How CAN you deal with the truth when reality's all gone?

How can YOU deal with the truth when reality's all gone?

How can you DEAL with the truth when reality's all gone?

How can you deal WITH the truth when reality's all gone?

How can you deal with THE truth when reality's all gone?

How can you deal with the TRUTH when reality's all gone?

How can you deal with the truth when reality's all gone?

How can you deal with the truth WHEN reality's all gone?

How can you deal with the truth when REality's all gone?

How can you deal with the truth when reALity's all gone?

How can you deal with the truth when realIty's all gone?

How can you deal with the truth when realiTY'S all gone?

How can you deal with the truth when reality's ALL gone?

How can you deal with the truth when reality's all GONE?

How can you deal with the truth when reality's all gone?

But brother's gonna work it out

BUT brother's gonna work it out

But BROTHer's gonna work it out

But brothER'S gonna work it out

But brother's GONna work it out

But brother's gonNA work it out

But brother's gonna WORK it out

But brother's gonna work IT out

But brother's gonna work it OUT

But brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

brother's gonna work it out

Brother's gonna work it all out

BROTHer's gonna work it all out

BrothER'S gonna work it all out

Brother's GONna work it all out

Brother's gonNA work it all out

Brother's gonna WORK it all out

Brother's gonna work IT all out

Brother's gonna work it all out

Brother's gonna work it ALL out

Brother's gonna work it all OUT

Brother's gonna work it all out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

All brothers sing

ALL brothers sing

All BROTHers sing

All brothERS sing

All brothers SING

All brothers sing

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pusher man as fast as you can

STOP the pimps, the hustler and the pusher man as fast as you can

Stop THE pimps, the hustler and the pusher man as fast as you can

Stop the PIMPS, the hustler and the pusher man as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, THE hustler and the pusher man as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the HUStler and the pusher man as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the husTLER and the pusher man as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler AND the pusher man as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and THE pusher man as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the PUSHer man as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pushER man as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pusher MAN as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pusher man AS fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pusher man as fast as you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pusher man as FAST as you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pusher man as fast AS you can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pusher man as fast as YOU can

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pusher man as fast as you CAN

Stop the pimps, the hustler and the pusher man as fast as you can

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly holding you back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly holding you back

OPEN your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly holding you back

Open YOUR ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly holding you back

Open your EARS and eyes to the facts of what's truly holding you back

Open your ears AND eyes to the facts of what's truly holding you back

Open your ears and EYES to the facts of what's truly holding you back

Open your ears and eyes TO the facts of what's truly holding you back

Open your ears and eyes to THE facts of what's truly holding you back

Open your ears and eyes to the FACTS of what's truly holding you back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly holding you back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts OF what's truly holding you back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of WHAT'S truly holding you back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's TRUly holding you back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truLY holding you back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly HOLDing you back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly holdING you back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly holding YOU back

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly holding you BACK

Open your ears and eyes to the facts of what's truly holding you back










Brother needs your help, now can't you see?

BROther needs your help, now can't you see?

BroTHER needs your help, now can't you see?

Brother NEEDS your help, now can't you see?

Brother needs YOUR help, now can't you see?

Brother needs your HELP, now can't you see?

Brother needs your help, now can't you see?

Brother needs your help, NOW can't you see?

Brother needs your help, now CAN'T you see?

Brother needs your help, now can't YOU see?

Brother needs your help, now can't you SEE?

Brother needs your help, now can't you see?

Aw, he's got to have it

AW, he's got to have it

Aw, HE'S got to have it

Aw, he's GOT to have it

Aw, he's got TO have it

Aw, he's got to HAVE it

Aw, he's got to have IT

Aw, he's got to have it

Oh right on

OH right on


Oh right ON

Oh right on

Oooooh, yeah

OOoooh, yeah

OoOooh, yeah

OooOoh, yeah

OoooOh, yeah

OooooH, yeah

Oooooh, YEAH

Oooooh, yeah

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

BrothER'S gonna work it out

Brother's GONna work it out

Brother's gonNA work it out

Brother's gonna WORK it out

Brother's gonna work IT out

Brother's gonna work it OUT

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

brother's gonna work it out

Brother's gonna work it all out

BROTHer's gonna work it all out

BrothER'S gonna work it all out

Brother's GONna work it all out

Brother's gonNA work it all out

Brother's gonna WORK it all out

Brother's gonna work IT all out

Brother's gonna work it ALL out

Brother's gonna work it all OUT

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

brother's gonna work it out

?? ?? ?? for real ??

?? ?? ?? for real ??

?? ?? ?? for real ??

?? ?? ?? FOR real ??

?? ?? ?? for REAL ??

?? ?? ?? for real ??

?? ?? ?? for real ??

All the answers to your problems you can find

ALL the answers to your problems you can find

All THE answers to your problems you can find

All the ANswers to your problems you can find

All the anSWERS to your problems you can find

All the answers TO your problems you can find

All the answers to YOUR problems you can find

All the answers to your PROBlems you can find

All the answers to your probLEMS you can find

All the answers to your problems you can find

All the answers to your problems YOU can find

All the answers to your problems you CAN find

All the answers to your problems you can FIND

All the answers to your problems you can find

Yet you stay locked in alley streets

YET you stay locked in alley streets

Yet YOU stay locked in alley streets

Yet you STAY locked in alley streets

Yet you stay LOCKED in alley streets

Yet you stay locked IN alley streets

Yet you stay locked in ALley streets

Yet you stay locked in alLEY streets

Yet you stay locked in alley STREETS

Yet you stay locked in alley streets

Yet the key is in your mind

YET the key is in your mind

Yet THE key is in your mind

Yet the KEY is in your mind

Yet the key IS in your mind

Yet the key is IN your mind

Yet the key is in YOUR mind

Yet the key is in your MIND

Yet the key is in your mind

I'm gonna win your brother's trust, these five things you must

I'M gonna win your brother's trust, these five things you must

I'm GONna win your brother's trust, these five things you must

I'm gonNA win your brother's trust, these five things you must

I'm gonna WIN your brother's trust, these five things you must

I'm gonna win YOUR brother's trust, these five things you must

I'm gonna win your BROTHer's trust, these five things you must

I'm gonna win your brothER'S trust, these five things you must

I'm gonna win your brother's TRUST, these five things you must

I'm gonna win your brother's trust, these five things you must

I'm gonna win your brother's trust, THESE five things you must

I'm gonna win your brother's trust, these FIVE things you must

I'm gonna win your brother's trust, these five THINGS you must

I'm gonna win your brother's trust, these five things YOU must

I'm gonna win your brother's trust, these five things you MUST

I'm gonna win your brother's trust, these five things you must

Stop your robbing, stealing, killing, cheating and lyin'

STOP your robbing, stealing, killing, cheating and lyin'

Stop YOUR robbing, stealing, killing, cheating and lyin'

Stop your ROBbing, stealing, killing, cheating and lyin'

Stop your robBING, stealing, killing, cheating and lyin'

Stop your robbing, STEALing, killing, cheating and lyin'

Stop your robbing, stealING, killing, cheating and lyin'

Stop your robbing, stealing, KILLing, cheating and lyin'

Stop your robbing, stealing, killING, cheating and lyin'

Stop your robbing, stealing, killing, cheating and lyin'

Stop your robbing, stealing, killing, CHEATing and lyin'

Stop your robbing, stealing, killing, cheatING and lyin'

Stop your robbing, stealing, killing, cheating AND lyin'

Stop your robbing, stealing, killing, cheating and LYIN'

Stop your robbing, stealing, killing, cheating and lyin'

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

BrothER'S gonna work it out

Brother's GONna work it out

Brother's gonNA work it out

Brother's gonna WORK it out

Brother's gonna work IT out

Brother's gonna work it OUT

Brother's gonna work it out

BROTHer's gonna work it out

brothER'S gonna work it out

brother's GONna work it out

brother's gonNA work it out

brother's gonna WORK it out

brother's gonna work IT out

brother's gonna work it OUT

brother's gonna work it out


For more infomation >> cc BROTHER'S GONNA WORK IT OUT - Willie Hutch - Duration: 2:55.


1. Aus meines Herzen Grunde, BWV 269 (Bach) - Guitar Arrangement - Duration: 1:04.

Bach - 371 Chorales - 1. Aus meines Herzen Grunde

For more infomation >> 1. Aus meines Herzen Grunde, BWV 269 (Bach) - Guitar Arrangement - Duration: 1:04.


★Battlefield 1 Weapon Guide: MP 18 TRENCH (Bullet Drop, Recoil, Reload Speed, etc) [G-Legend]★ - Duration: 5:15.

yo what's up guys welcome to the weapon

guide for Battle field 1. in today's

episode we're gonna be talking about the

MP 1 trench basically we're going

to do is we're gonna look into the code

of the game and we're gonna get some

bullet drop statistics and some you know

some really cool patterns and that kind

of thing so that you guys can better

understand your weapon because that is

key to learning how to beast in the

battlefield stuff that interests you

then don't go anywhere guys because

we're just getting started

alright guys so we're gonna start with

some general statistics i got my handy

dandy ipad here so that i can look at

these notes that i have yourself so each

bullet can only cause 23 points of

damage that's 23 out of a hundred years

at all considering that the enemy has a

hundred Life Points right hundred how

the hundred-percent health your tickle

your takeaway 23 points at twenty-three

percent for bullet now the minimum

damage that one single bullet is gonna

do is 13 so you can ever do any less

than 13 damage and many more than 23

damage regardless of the range

hopefully that makes sense now we have

the fire rate at 550 rounds per minute

which is actually pretty decent for an

SMG bullet speed is actually 420 m/s

approximately ok i was running this test

it was kind of hard some things

happening and it wasn't really adding up

but this is approximate about 120 meters

per second

I believe that's what it is in the

magazine size is 32 rounds so let's go

to talk about some reload speed here for

a full clip reload that's when you have

all 32 rounds you are going to take 2.9

seconds to reload almost three seconds

we're not quite

and then when you partially you you're

right the partial clip reload so you

still have some round in the chamber or

in the magazine I mean then that is when

you reload 42.1 seconds a little bit

over two seconds already so now that we

have that out of the way let's get into

some of these graphs that I've gathered

together here for you guys from the

present them on screen as well as talk

about them so the damage over distance

let's talk about that first as you can

see on screen the damage each bullet in

flicks on an enemy

is 23 damage points as long as the

target is somewhere between 0 and 50

meters away from you because as you can

also see on screen at 16 metres the

damage per bullet drops it drops from 23

damage points to 22.6 and it continues

to drop as the enemy gets farther and

farther away from you and all the way

until he's at 39 meters away from you at

39 meters to infinity meters each bullet

in flex 13.5 damage points of course

while you're getting hit markers of this

is from 39 meters to infinity meters and

what I mean by infinity is any range

after 39 meters that is still effective

you're still getting hit markers you are

going to continue to do 13.5 damage

points every shot and guys let me just

take a few seconds if you don't

understand remember you can comment or

you can be any or tweet me or something

like that nothing i'm trying to get you

guys to follow me

it's so that i can help you guys okay

I'm willing to help you guys and explain

things just comment down below any

questions that you have or don't


so with that being said let's keep on

going here with the with the statistics

so in a nutshell the NBA team trance

it's best for targets within 22 metres

because that's five shots to kill ok 22

metres and from 02 22 metres away from

you it's five shots to kill but i don't

recommend this gun for any longer range

engagements than 30 meters because the

30 meters it six and six shots to kill

somebody and 31 minutes just one more

meeting after 30 it turns into a

seven-shot kill weapons so I honestly do

not recommend engaging anybody who is

more than 30 meters away from you with

the MP 18 trench so basically systems

SMG is best for Team Deathmatch and work

pitches short-range game mode that is an

SMG but let's go ahead and wrap up this

video with the recoil so the recoil is

identical for hip firing and aiming down

sights with MP 18 trends as you can see

on screen the recoil pattern is pretty

predictable and manageable but for those

of us that like to break the code of the

game and

to know numbers and statistics for the

recoil and that kind of thing

the recoil upward that's the point

thirty-eight percent so take a look at

the screen take a look at my player look

how bad the recoil is it goes up and up

and up the good thing is that it is

steady and unsteady my bed

it's not study it's just predictable

it's manageable because it's predictable

it's a very simple it's a very simple

line up there's not really any left or

right and there is a little bit we're

gonna get on that in a second but it's

mostly for the most part it's just going

up and then for the recoil down

obviously it's zero percent because

recalling never goes down record the

left this point 23% and r equal to the

right is also point 23% so all in all

I'd say that the recall is pretty

predictable and his manager because of

that predictability i hope you guys

enjoyed don't forget to drop a like and

subscribe for help you and I'll catch

you guys in the next one

For more infomation >> ★Battlefield 1 Weapon Guide: MP 18 TRENCH (Bullet Drop, Recoil, Reload Speed, etc) [G-Legend]★ - Duration: 5:15.


Love FouseyTube?

For more infomation >> Love FouseyTube?


Jovenshire on Gamer's Guide...

For more infomation >> Jovenshire on Gamer's Guide...





#AbrahamHicks Best § Signals of your Path § Daily #LawofAttraction Videos Workshop Sessions Quotes - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> #AbrahamHicks Best § Signals of your Path § Daily #LawofAttraction Videos Workshop Sessions Quotes - Duration: 9:00.


Sony Mystery Behind George Michael : Illuminati Exposed - #Illuminati - Duration: 6:40.

Hi, welcome, I'm Heathcliff of Lions Ground and Happy New Year.

But not a happy New Year for the friends, family, and fans of George Michael when this

great singer died on December 25 they start 2017 with sadness.

I don't blame you if you label me as a mad Illuminati conspiracy theorist because the

next thing I'm going to say is very incomprehensible.

I do not believe George Michael died on December 25, 2016, of natural cause.

I will show you why I suspect something more sinister is going on and I'm not the only

one, the day he died my girlfriend said, and believe me, she's absolutely down to earth,

"George Michael died on his own song Last Christmas, yeah right, come on, that's no


I shared this with DropbearKelly and she wrote: "I thought that was very odd too.

Your girlfriend and I would definitely get along"

The question playing the lead role: How an Artist's Death Impacts Selling Prices?

Take for example Michael Jackson.

He sold almost as many digital tracks in the first two weeks after his death than he did

in all of 2008.

He sold 2.3 million digital singles the week ending June 28, 2009, and 2.016 million the

following week.

His total for 2008 was 2.8 million.

Numbers never lie: An artist is more worth dead than alive.

Now I have to step on the brake.

Fantasize how much money 'Last Christmas' will generate end 2017.

Radios playing 'Last Christmas',

Artists covering 'Last Christmas', expensive artists pay more, expensive shows generate

even more revenue

Music you hear in Shops needs to be paid, think about music license

Christmas compilation albums and so on.

Keep in mind that Last Christmas is a very expensive track because it's a bestseller.

Guess what?

For the first time in 17 years, he returns to top 10 album charts with "Ladies & Gentlemen"

It's all business, this leads me to the next question, who receives the money?


But it says Epic Records?

Along with Columbia, Epic Records is part of Sony.

Sony is the Record Company, Sony is the distributor owns the copyright to this song, and even

the image of the single is owned by Sony.


What do you think I'm suggesting?

I have to be careful what I say, to avoid a lawsuit for defamation.

So, Hereby I share my thoughts which are totally unproven, I think, but I'm not sure, Sony

is involved with the death of George Michael.

What has Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Prince and George Michael in common?

They were all Sony artists, they all had some sort of conflict with Sony, Sony exploited

them which resulted in lawsuits.

Michael had filed suit against Sony for the eight-album contract he signed in 1988, that

was unfair under British and European Union law because it bound George Michael to the

company for up to 15 years and gave him no control over how his music would be marketed

and George Michael also testified that Sony had sought to punish him by not promoting

"Listen Without Prejudice" as aggressively as it should have, particularly in the United


George Michael lost the lawsuit.

The so-called Illuminati ritual happened right in front of you.

Let me summarize all the indications why I think Sony is involved with George Michael's


George Michael was a Sony artist, George Michael was unhappy with Sony,

George Michael sued Sony but lost, Sony came up with an act of revenge by not

promoting "Listen Without Prejudice" as promised George Michael died just like all those other

artists round the same age.

What, did our average age suddenly dropped to mid 50?

George Michael died on his own Sony song 'Last Christmas'

George Michael is suddenly listed in the album top 10 with "Ladies & Gentlemen"

I'm going to repeat the words of my girlfriend

"George Michael died on his own song Last Christmas, yeah right, come on, that's no

coincidence," what do you think?

Do you buy the story he died of natural cause?

Use the voting poll now.

Exclusively on Patreon I will continue about George Michael using astro-theology.

I discovered something very interesting about his death.

So, Join my Patreon page at and at the same time you support my work.

For more information read the video description.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you never miss the daily alternative news

they don't want you to know.

Like or dislike this video.

Give this story a voice by sharing this video with your friends.

Click the videos next to me to watch more of my videos.

I'll see you at Patreon.

I'm Heathcliff, your host,

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