Saturday, June 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 23 2018

 El exportero de FC Barcelona Víctor Valdés, retirado de los terrenos de juego desde el pasado verano tras su paso por el Middlesbrough inglés, iniciará en la Escuela Deportiva Moratalaz su carrera en los banquillos al llegar a un acuerdo para hacerse con el Juvenil A la próxima temporada

 "Desde el Departamento de Comunicación de la Escuela Deportiva Moratalaz queremos hacer oficial el fichaje de Víctor Valdés, exjugador de equipos como el FC Barcelona, Manchester United, Standard de Lieja y Middlesbrough", desveló el club en sus redes y web

 La escuela del barrio madrileño tiene un convenio con el Real Madrid, gran rival de Valdés en su época como blaugrana

Ahora, el exportero defenderá a su Juvenil A. "Le deseamos lo mejor durante esta temporada, y será un auténtico placer tener a un campeón del mundo entre nuestros entrenadores", señaló la entidad

"Esperamos que sea un año de éxitos para el equipo de Victor, y sobre todo un gran año de aprendizaje tanto para sus jugadores, que son los principales protagonistas, como para él y su cuerpo técnico", concluye el comunicado

 El "fichaje bomba" de la ED Moratalaz fue aireada por fascículos y mediante pistas en las redes sociales

Primero anunciaron la "noticia del verano" al fichar un exjugador profesional, la siguiente pista fue decir que su carrera se había iniciado en España y terminado en Inglaterra y finalmente desvelar que era campeón del mundo con España, antes de desvelar el nombre de Valdés

For more infomation >> Víctor Valdés inicia su carrera como técnico en el Juvenil A del Moratalaz - Duration: 2:34.


Espera, ¿que Selena ha viajado hasta Roma para conocer al Papa? - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Espera, ¿que Selena ha viajado hasta Roma para conocer al Papa? - Duration: 2:12.



Wednesday morning at five o'clock

as the day begins

silently closing the bedroom door

leaving the note that she hoped would say more

She goes downstairs to the kitchen

clutching her handkerchief

quietly turning the backdoor key

stepping outside she is free

She (we gave her most of our lives)

is leaving

(sacrified most of our lives)

home (we gave her everything money could buy)

She's leaving home

after living alone for so many years

Father snores as his wife

gets into her dressing gown

picks up the letter that's lying there

standing alone at the top of the stairs

She breaks down

and cries to her husband

Daddy, our baby's gone

Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly

How could she do this to me?

She (we never thought of ourselves)

is leaving

never a thought for ourselves

home (we struggled hard all our lives to get by)

She's leaving home

after living alone for so many years

Friday morning at nine o'clock

she is far away

waiting to keep the appointment she made

meeting a man from the Motortrade

What did we do (She) that was wrong?

is leaving

We didn't know it was wrong

home (fun is the one thing that money can't buy)

She's is leaving home

after living alone

for so many years

She's living home

bye bye

For more infomation >> SHE'S LEAVING HOME - THE BEATLES - A CAPPELLA COVER - LENNON TROPPO - Duration: 3:56.


Baptême du prince Louis : Le clin d'œil de Kate Middelton et William à Meghan Markle - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Baptême du prince Louis : Le clin d'œil de Kate Middelton et William à Meghan Markle - Duration: 1:30.


Difícil día en Francia para Checo Pérez en la práctica - Duration: 4:05.

 París.— Aunque el viernes fue una jornada difícil, el piloto mexicano Sergio Pérez espera aprovechar el día de hoy la tercera práctica y la calificación rumbo al Gran Premio de Francia, en espera de ser mejor que el resto de los pilotos

 Durante las primeras dos prácticas realizadas, el piloto de Force India logró el noveno mejor tiempo en la inicial con 1:33

719 minutos, a 1:488 del más rápido, el británico Lewis Hamilton.  En la segunda, tuvo un problema con su auto, que sufrió la pérdida de la llanta trasera izquierda en el trazado de 5

842 kilómetros, accidente sin consecuencias.  "No fue el viernes más fácil para nosotros

Desafortunadamente, perdimos mucho tiempo esta tarde con el problema que tuve en mi auto

Perdimos un poco de tiempo en la pista por la mañana, así que nos falta algo de información antes de la carrera, especialmente en los neumáticos", dijo

 Agregó que buscará aprovechar la práctica del sábado, antes de la calificación, para llegar en las mejores condiciones a la carrera, luego de una jornada en la que el viento fue un problema

 "El viento es un gran problema: cambió entre las dos sesiones y tardamos en acostumbrarnos

Es difícil decir dónde estamos, pero nuestro objetivo para mañana es definitivamente luchar por ser lo mejor del resto", comentó

 De las prácticas este día en el trazado Paul Ricard, se mostró satisfecho, "me gusta el nuevo circuito

No estaba muy seguro de eso hasta hoy, pero ahora que lo conduje por primera vez, me gusta bastante"

 Su coequipero en Force India, Esteban Ocon, quien terminó en las posiciones 12 y 16, de manera respectiva, coincidió con el mexicano, al asegurar que no fue el mejor día, aunque espera mejorar el sábado y domingo

 El rival directo de Hamilton por el título, Sebastian Vettel, terminó la prueba como el quinto más veloz con 1

150segundos de distancia detrás del británico.  Por otro lado, el sueco Marcus Ericcson no pudo terminar la P1 por un duro choque

For more infomation >> Difícil día en Francia para Checo Pérez en la práctica - Duration: 4:05.


Distinguen a Luis Pavesio por su labor en la difusión y protección de los animales - Duration: 1:41.

 El conductor de Alerta verde fue galardonado durante el Primer Encuentro Nacional sobre Derechos de los Animales que se realizó entre el 21 y el 22 de junio en la Facultad de Derecho de la UBA

 Hace cuatro años se incorporó la materia Derecho animal a la oferta académica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires para tratar los casos que los involucran desde lo ético y lo jurídico

 Durante el encuentro nacional de esta semana se pensaron "políticas conjuntas para seguir avanzando en más derechos para los no humanos"

 La distinción a Pavesio, único periodista entre los galardonados, fue por su trayectoria y aporte permanente a la protección de los animales

 Entre las causas que apoya están el fin de la tracción a sangre, de las riñas de gallos, las cuadreras y el trafico ilegal

For more infomation >> Distinguen a Luis Pavesio por su labor en la difusión y protección de los animales - Duration: 1:41.


Ejército inicia investigación por agresión a soldado y dice que hechos ocurrieron cuando no había su - Duration: 4:05.

SANTIAGO.- El comandante en jefe del Ejército, Ricardo Martínez, y el ministro de Defensa, Alberto Espina, condenaron la agresión y abuso sexual que sufrió un soldado por parte de ocho compañeros que realizaban el servicio militar en la Brigada Motorizada N°1 de Calama

El soldado agredido está internado en el hospital Carlos Cisternas de la ciudad nortina, mientras que los supuestos autores de los hechos fueron dados de bajas

Por lo anterior, el general Martínez anunció que se inició un procedimiento administrativo para indagar el hecho

"No hay razón alguna ni circunstancia alguna que justifique una acto criminal como es que ocho conscripto golpeen a otro", comentó el ministro Espina

El secretario de Estado recalcó que "estos actos son excepcionalísimos, pero no por eso vamos a esconder la cabeza"

"Queremos expresar que en el Ejército de Chile, como en las demás ramas, estos hechos son inaceptables", dijo Espina

En ese sentido, el Martínez anunció que se han comenzado "procedimientos administrativos, porque está situación habría ocurrido cuando estos soldados estaban solos, es decir, sin la supervisión sus respectivos mandos"

Además, continuó, "se ha dispuesto que el comandante en jefe la primera división, general de brigada Rafael Fuenzalida, se dirija durante el día de hoy a Calama con el fin de tomar contacto con el soldado y con sus familiares"

Respecto a la investigación en curso, Martínez precisó que "debiera estar terminada durante el transcurso de la próxima semana

En esa investigación el general Fuenzalida tiene todas las atribuciones disciplinarias, administrativas y legales para tomar la resolución que estime conveniente"

"Están involucrados ocho soldados de manera directa o indirecta. Ellos han sido expulsados del ejército y puestos a disposición del fiscal militar correspondiente

Ellos están confesos y en este minuto se encuentran detenidos en la brigada Calama", recalcó

En cuanto a las razones que habrían motivado el hecho, el comandante en jefe del Ejército, sostuvo que "al parecer fue rencilla entre ellos

Pero no quiero adelantar nada todavía. Es parte del proceso investigativo", tampoco quiso detallar las agresiones que había sufrido el joven soldado conscripto

For more infomation >> Ejército inicia investigación por agresión a soldado y dice que hechos ocurrieron cuando no había su - Duration: 4:05.


Elena se traslada a Ginebra para apoyar a Cristina mientras el rey Juan Carlos se va ... - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Elena se traslada a Ginebra para apoyar a Cristina mientras el rey Juan Carlos se va ... - Duration: 2:23.


Alemania no quiere ser España - Duration: 3:33.

 'La Mannschaft' aún no ha digerido del todo la soprendente derrota que le infligió el combinado mexicano, pero no hay tiempo que perder

La vigente campeona debe ganar a los suecos para hacer borrón y cuenta nueva y espantar posibles fantasmas

 Estos ya aterrorizaron a España en Brasil 2014. Como Alemania, 'la Roja' llegaba al Mundial para defender título y empezó perdiendo el primer choque

Eso sí, fue un contundente 5-1 de Holanda que hizo saltar todas las alarmas.  Si bien las sensaciones son bien distintas, el mal sabor de boca, las dudas y el factor sorpresa sí se repite en ambos casos

Pocos esperaban un comienzo así de los de Joachim Löw, al igual que la 'manita' a la España de Del Bosque también rompió más de una quiniela

 El combinado ibérico no logró cambiar la dinámica y cayó también en el segundo partido

Un 2-0 ante Chile que dejó al torneo sin su último dueño a las primeras de cambio

 Los germanos no quieren que se repita la historia y, al menos, pueden usar el antecedente para rodearlo lo máximo posible y no caer en él

Ante Suecia, los Kroos, Müller, Khedira y cía se encontrarán un equipo que puede sellar el pase en caso de victoria y que está aprendiendo a vivir sin Zlatan Ibrahimovic

 Al igual que en 2014, a priori el partido más asequible para los vigentes campeones llegará en la tercera jornada

Para España ya fue tarde, ya que su victoria ante Australia sólo le dio para salvar la honra

Ahora, Alemania buscará llegar con vida al choque ante Corea y, para ello, la victoria debe ser el único objetivo en mente para los europeos

For more infomation >> Alemania no quiere ser España - Duration: 3:33.


Gobierno capitalino suspende a funcionario de Sedeso tras hallazgo de camioneta con despensas - Duration: 2:29.

El Gobierno capitalino informó que todas las bodegas y almacenes de la Sedeso deberán ser verificadas y resguardadas hasta corroborar sus bitácoras de servicio

 México.- El Gobierno de la Ciudad de México dio a conocer la suspensión de Iván Covarrubias Rodríguez, director ejecutivo de la zona sur de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (Sedeso), tras descubrirse un vehículo de la dependencia que transportaba despensas y colchones a un domicilio en la Colonia Portales

 Dicho inmueble, seguían denuncias en redes sociales, es utilizado como casa de campaña del candidato de la coalición PAN-PRD-MC a diputado federal, Luis Mendoza

 En un comunicado, el Gobierno capitalino informó que todas las bodegas y almacenes de la Sedeso deberán ser verificadas y resguardadas hasta corroborar sus bitácoras de servicio

 En tanto, los vehículos de la dependencia serán resguardados y todos los chalecos rosa de los brigadistas de Sedeso serían recogidos

 Asimismo, la administración de la CDMX informó que la Contraloría "radicó un expediente de investigación para deslindar las responsabilidades administrativas atribuibles a servidores públicos de la dependencia

 Finalmente, aseguró que dio vista de los hechos a la Procuraduría General de Justicia de la CDMX, para que se integre la carpeta de investigación correspondiente, por hechos probablemente constitutivos de delito en materia electoral o lo que resulte

 Esta tarde, los hechos fueron denunciados en redes sociales por el candidato de Morena a la alcaldía de Benito Juárez, Fadlala Akabani, quien publicó en su cuenta de Twitter imágenes de la camioneta con despensas y denunció que un brigadista de Morena fue agredido cuando documentaba los hechos


For more infomation >> Gobierno capitalino suspende a funcionario de Sedeso tras hallazgo de camioneta con despensas - Duration: 2:29.


Casa Real: Detalles desconocidos de la vida de la Reina Sofía - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Casa Real: Detalles desconocidos de la vida de la Reina Sofía - Duration: 5:14.


Chile Vamos planea sumar nuevos seminarios con el objetivo de proyectar permanencia en el poder - Duration: 1:57.

SANTIAGO.- "Chile Vamos, el Desafío de Gobernar", es el nombre que tendrá el primer seminario que organizará el bloque el próximo 12 de julio a las horas en la sede del Congreso Nacional en Santiago, el cual pretende ser el primero de una serie de encuentros para proyectar la permanencia de la centroderecha en el poder

Así lo informó el vocero de la coalición oficialista, Issa Kort (UDI), quien explicó que "este espacio de reflexión es el espacio que nos reúne como Chile Vamos y es un espacio que queremos hacerlo periódicamente, que queremos compartirlo con nuestras bases, pero sobre todo que sea un espacio en donde vayamos asumiendo el rol de gobernar"

"Tenemos la experiencia de haber sido una coalición política, luego una coalición electoral y hoy una coalición gubernativa y como tal tenemos desafíos que asumir, diferencias que zanjar y sobretodo un futuro en común por construir y esa es la idea de estos seminarios", agregó

Según el secretario general de la UDI, desde los partidos oficialistas "hemos asumido el desafío de ser una coalición gubernativa con todo lo que implica esto, vale decir, con los ajustes necesarios, pero sobre todo, entendiendo que somos una coalición que al mantener la unidad tiene la clave de poder seguir gobernando"

En cuanto al seminario, Kort confirmó que "la idea es poder tener un espacio de reflexión con dos profesionales y grandes académicos del punto de vista de la política, como es Genaro Arriagada, como politólogo, y también Lucia Santa Cruz, en si carácter de historiadora"

"También tendremos la moderación o quizás la provocación de Max Colodro en un coloquio junto a los cuatro presidentes de los partidos que conforman Chile Vamos", sentenció

For more infomation >> Chile Vamos planea sumar nuevos seminarios con el objetivo de proyectar permanencia en el poder - Duration: 1:57.


La asesora religiosa de Urdangarin: «Nadie aguanta en la cárcel sin fe» - Duration: 3:17.

 Desde que el pasado lunes Iñaki Urdangarin ingresara en prisión, el exjugador de balonmano se ha refugiado en la fe para sobrellevar su estancia entre rejas

Se ha encomendado a Sor Carmen, una religiosa que desde hace un cuarto de siglo visita la cárcel abulense

 «Está bien, es muy vitalista con los funcionarios y los trata con mucho respeto. Es muy educado», dijo la mona sobre el marido de la Infanta Cristina en «El programa de Ana Rosa»

 «No creo que le permitan pasar a misa, porque está en los módulos de mujeres, pero si lo solicita, puede pasar el capellán a verle (

) El capellán solo celebra una misa en Brieva, pero si Urdangarin quiere ir tendrá que hacerlo aparte para no coincidir con el resto de las mujeres presas allí

Es una de las normas de la cárcel, que no pueda coincidir con el resto», le ha comentado Sor Carmen a Ana Rosa Quintana

 Por supuesto, la religiosa apoyó a Urdangarin, ofreciéndole unos cuantos consejos para hacer más llevadera su estancia en la prisión de Brieva

Así se lo ha hecho saber Sor Carmen a Ana Rosa Quintana, asegurando que le había dicho al exdeportista que siga pensando que «Dios está por encima de todo»

«Has tenido un desliz. igual que tú estás aquí, podría estar yo. Tú tranquilo que esto se va a acabar, esto no es eterno», contó la monja que le dijo a Urdangarin

Unos ánimos a su juicio muy necesarios ya que, según explicó en el programa, «nadie aguanta en la cárcel de Brieva sin fe

Lo va a pasar muy mal si no tiene fe, es imposible vivir allí, a no ser que le dé a la mala vida, como muchas presas se dan

E incluso algunas se han suicidado».

For more infomation >> La asesora religiosa de Urdangarin: «Nadie aguanta en la cárcel sin fe» - Duration: 3:17.


C'est dans ma tête. Enfant martyre de l'A10 : les conséquences du drame sur ses frères et soeurs - Duration: 5:25.

 On connaît désormais l'identité de l'enfant martyre qui avait été retrouvée en 1987 sur l'autoroute A10

Et l'on sait aujourd'hui que cette petite fille était la troisième d'une fratrie de sept enfants

Ses parents ont été arrêtés le 12 juin dernier mais nient le meurtre de la fillette

On peut donc s'interroger avec la psychanalyste Claude Halmos sur ce qu'ont pu vivre ses frères et sœurs

Quelles conséquences un tel drame peut-il avoir eu sur ses frères et soeurs ? Ces conséquences sont nécessairement particulières à chaque enfant

Mais elles ne peuvent être, pour tous, que terribles. Car on sait qu'il y avait, avant cette petite fille, deux enfants, et qu'elle a vécu avec eux à partir de 18 mois

Ils ont donc forcément assisté aux tortures qu'on lui faisait subir, et peut-être même à sa mort, ce qui est lourd de conséquences

 Ils ont en effet assisté à des scènes qui ont été traumatisantes, mais qui ont pu avoir aussi, pour eux, valeur d'initiation au plaisir que l'on peut prendre à faire souffrir un plus faible que soi

Et d'initiation - ce qui est très grave - par leurs parents, c'est-à-dire par ceux qui auraient dû être, pour eux, les garants de la loi et de la sécurité

 Ces enfants se sont donc construits dans le huis clos d'un monde terrifiant et fou

Et probablement aussi dans la culpabilité. Les frères et sœurs d'un enfant maltraité peuvent en effet se sentir coupables de ce qui lui arrive, en imaginant qu'ils l'ont provoqué

Et d'autant plus coupables que, tenus comme ils le sont au secret, ils peuvent se penser complices de leurs parents

 Et les enfants nés après cette petite fille ?   Soit ils ont été informés par les plus grands de ce qui était arrivé, et ils ont été pris, eux aussi, dans le silence et le secret par rapport à ce cauchemar, impensable, qui les a précédés

Soit ils n'en ont rien su, parce que la mort de leur sœur était devenue, dans l'histoire familiale, un secret

 Et l'on sait que ces secrets sont toujours destructeurs pour les enfants d'une famille, et souvent même, pour les générations suivantes

Parce que, comme chacun connaît - inconsciemment - la vérité, et qu'elle ne doit pas être dite, il ne peut l'exprimer que par des angoisses, des symptômes divers et même des répétitions, comme la délinquance par exemple

   Quel rôle peut jouer la découverte de la vérité ? Un rôle énorme. Ces enfants se sont construits dans l'idée - consciente et/ ou inconsciente - que l'on pouvait tuer sans être puni

Or ils viennent d'avoir la preuve que ce n'est pas vrai, que personne n'est au- dessus des lois

Ce qui est un repère essentiel, pour eux comme pour leurs enfants, et un facteur de réassurance : Mais le choc de cette découverte a dû être tellement violent pour eux, que l'on ne peut qu'espérer qu'on leur a proposé une aide psychologique

    Sujets associésMétiers"Martyre de l'A10"Droit et justiceC'est dans ma têteFaits-diversSociétéEco / ConsoEmploi

For more infomation >> C'est dans ma tête. Enfant martyre de l'A10 : les conséquences du drame sur ses frères et soeurs - Duration: 5:25.


2pack Samsung Level U Wireless Headphones with 2User Tid... - Duration: 15:49.

For more infomation >> 2pack Samsung Level U Wireless Headphones with 2User Tid... - Duration: 15:49.


Arctic Nightmare - Animation Final project (Spanish) - Duration: 1:39.

Penguin 1: (shiver) How cold! ...

Penguin 2: HUH?!

Penguin 2: A talking penguin!!

Penguin 2: (Panics)

penguin 2: You are not going to believe me... Outside there is...

...A talking penguin!!

Crowd: AAH! A talking penguin!!!

(Crowd panicking)

Oh my God! These are penguins that scream!!

For more infomation >> Arctic Nightmare - Animation Final project (Spanish) - Duration: 1:39.


Мультики для детей с игрушками. Хороший пример! - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Мультики для детей с игрушками. Хороший пример! - Duration: 3:17.


השראה מפינטרסט - הכנת כרטיס ברכה עם חלון - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> השראה מפינטרסט - הכנת כרטיס ברכה עם חלון - Duration: 3:26.


XXXTentacion was reportedly going to be a dad - Duration: 2:22.

Before his death, XXXTentacion reportedly learned he was going to be a father. The Florida rapper, born Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy, was shot and killed as he was leaving a motorsport auto dealership on Monday

 Onfroy's mother, Cleopatra Bernard, shared her late son's baby news in an Instagram post of an ultrasound on Thursday

"He left us a final gift," she captioned the photo.The baby would have been Onfroy's first child

The expectant mother and unidentified girlfriend was reportedly eight weeks along at the time of the sonogram photo, dated April 23

Onfroy, 20, knew he had a baby on the way at the time of his death, according to TMZ

A 22-year-old Florida man named Dedrick Williams was arrested by Broward County officers on Wednesday in connection to Onfroy's murder

Williams was charged with first-degree murder without premeditation, violation of probation and driving without a valid license

He was already serving a five-year probation for previous charges of grand theft auto

At a vigil for Onfroy on Wednesday night, Bernard appeared to have been notified of Williams's arrest

"They arrested him. That means they got him," she can be heard saying in a Snapchat video

 Williams appeared before a judge on Thursday with a public defender but did not address the court

A judge ordered him to be detained without bond.Although initial reports on Onfroy's death said the "Sad!" rappers murder appeared to be a part of an unplanned robbery involving at least two suspects (one wearing a red mask and the other allegedly wearing a black mask), authorities declined to comment on the suspected motive behind Onfroy's killing

A bag was stolen from Onfroy's BMW at the time of his death.See all of the best photos of the week in these slideshows"Homicide detectives are seeking additional suspects," the sheriff's office said Thursday

"The investigation continues. Updates will be provided as they become available." 

For more infomation >> XXXTentacion was reportedly going to be a dad - Duration: 2:22.


Opel Corsa 5 drs. BlitZ 1.4 100pk | Navi | 18000km! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 5 drs. BlitZ 1.4 100pk | Navi | 18000km! - Duration: 1:09.


Blogs Intro | Search Engine Optimization | Learn SEO | Learn Business SEO - Duration: 0:14.

Blogs Intro | Search Engine Optimization | Learn SEO | Learn Business SEO

For more infomation >> Blogs Intro | Search Engine Optimization | Learn SEO | Learn Business SEO - Duration: 0:14.


Make Windows Look Better | Customize your Windows Desktop | Make your Desktop looking Cool & Amazing - Duration: 5:19.

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For more infomation >> Make Windows Look Better | Customize your Windows Desktop | Make your Desktop looking Cool & Amazing - Duration: 5:19.


Nintendo Switch Getting Netflix & YouTube | - Duration: 1:56.

Nintendo Switch Getting Netflix & YouTube |

Netflix and YouTube are apparently coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Currently if you go to the Nintendo Switch listing on Best Buy, you'll see in the product features list that the Switch is "Smart Enabled.

"Get access to a world of instant entertainment with this product.

Just connect to the Internet and stream movies, listen to music, and access a wide variety of other content.".

The list then shows logos for Netflix and YouTube along with Hulu.

In January 2018, Netflix's customer service account on Twitter told a person asking when the service might come to Switch that "there are currently no plans for Netflix on Nintendo Switch," according to Polygon.

"We are still exploring the opportunity with Nintendo, but don't have definitive plans to share at this time," the Netflix spokesperson told the publication.

The representative also said that Netflix will send an update to that effect from the customer service Twitter account.

The company has since then deleted the original tweet.

For more infomation >> Nintendo Switch Getting Netflix & YouTube | - Duration: 1:56.


MY NEW ROOMMATES !! - Duration: 11:24.

For more infomation >> MY NEW ROOMMATES !! - Duration: 11:24.


식인 오리놈들 | The duck can eat your finger?! [🇬🇧🇵🇱🇮🇩🇰🇷Sub] - Duration: 5:29.

Hi everyone. It is HEEJAE.

We are now ... with Lina ...

I have to think first.

Yes, we are now ... this morning ...

There is a park behind me.

It looks like a forest, this is the garden in front of our apartment.

In this garden ...

(Adjusting the camera angle)

There are friends here.

It's the ducks.

She wants to give the ducks bread.

So we want to try it.

These ducks here are very aggressive.

Because they think this is their space.

We are like a intruder here for them.

I don't know what will happen. but let's go~

- This is a couple bag. - That's right.

Guys ... can you see that?

- This is the bread we prepared.

- And this red thing is 'Samjang'. Korean seasoning.

let's go.

(A lovely forest)

- It's beautiful here.

We are exploring now.

- We think it brings bad luck. - Bad luck?

I think you should prepare the bread now.

(Lina's football class. LOL)

She likes it.

- Let's get ready. - I'm scared ...

( Warning shouting of ducks )

Those friends are screaming now.

(Do not come)

- Let's do it. - Why me?

- You're holding it. - You throw it first.

(Getting closer.)

I'll throw this.

The ducks were gentler than I thought.

And I have never met ducks so close like this.

We were scared because the duck was aggressive every time. but... well, Feeding is the best way.

It was a leisurely and peaceful short moment.

But doesn't it look too big to be a duck? It's like a swan.

The white duck has blue eyes. Like Lina. ㅋㅋ


- She's really scared.

Do you have bad memories about ducks? Can you explain?

When she was young

- The duck attacked her. - Swan ~

Swans are much bigger than ducks. lol

Because she leaned her finger at the swans like a feeding.ㅋㅋ

- Actually, it was much better than I thought to feed duck - Really?

I thought I could feeding from a very distance, But the ducks were just around us.

It is really cute ~



She is a little scared.

Now then, see you again, goodbye ~~~~

I want to come back here later.

For more infomation >> 식인 오리놈들 | The duck can eat your finger?! [🇬🇧🇵🇱🇮🇩🇰🇷Sub] - Duration: 5:29.


REAL ENGLISH: Vocabulary and expressions to get a haircut - Duration: 10:35.

Hi, there, and welcome to Benjamin's hairdressing salon. In today's video you are going to be

learning the language for how to ask for a good haircut, and it's a quite technical lesson

if you are perhaps a hairdresser wanting to come over and work in the U.K., which lots

of people do. And then we're going to be looking at some terminology that will help you. So

this is for professional hairdressers, and it's for people coming to get a haircut, speaking

in English, to make sure you leave the hairdresser as you wanted to, and not with some totally

wildly different haircut. Let's begin.

First of all, you need to make sure that you get sat down on the chair to get your haircut.

Two ways of doing this. Firstly, you could book over the telephone. You may want to check

out some of my previous lessons on telephone English. So, if we're on the telephone, you

could say: "Hello, there. Good morning. I was wondering if I might be able to book a

haircut?" and then they'll say: "Certainly, sir" or "Certainly, madam. When were you thinking?

When were you thinking?" That means: When do you want to have this haircut? So I'll

say something like: "Tomorrow morning would be ideal. Tomorrow morning would be great."

And then they'll say something, like: -"Is 9:30 okay?" -"Yup, that would be good."

Or you may just be walking past a hairdressers, that I was the other day, and you might just

go: "You know what? I'd like to have my hair cut now." So, something like: "Hello. Is it

possible to get a haircut this evening? Now?" And they'll say: "Yes." If there's a queue,

they might say something like: "How long...? How long am I going to have to wait for?"

So we're using "going to", future tense: "How long am I going to have to wait for? Going

to have to wait for?"

So, you're there, you're in the hairdresser, now we need to communicate with them the haircut,

the hairstyle that you would like. So, this is not an exhaustive list for women's haircuts,

it's not something I know a huge amount on, but just a few phrases to get you going. In

terms of hair, we talk about the weight in your hair. So if you've got thick hair, you're

a lady and you want to remove some weight... You can use this is you're a guy as well,

if you're a man. If you want to remove some weight, you say: "I'd like to remove some

weight." It makes sense. It's thick. We want a little bit of a lighter haircut, you say:

"I'd like to remove some weight."

Now, an "undercut". So, "under", something is under and we are cutting. This means we

have more up here than down here. This can be done in a subtle... So that means not obvious

way, quite sort of smooth, but just kind of gradually goes down; or you can have the more

extreme example, sort of shaved here, and thicker up here. So that is the undercut.

"Dusting", our next terminology, next term. If you have some split ends and you don't

want a whole cut, but you just want to cut off those split ends, so the end of your hair,

they're just fraying a little bit, it's just a little bit messy, you want to tidy up, we

call that "dusting". So if you say: "I'd like just a brief session of dusting. I'd just

like you to dust my hair", hopefully they won't get a cloth out and start dusting it

like you're some piece of furniture. Okay.

"Point cutting", this is where we... I know these aren't proper hairdressing scissors.

Point cutting is where they point down, and they'll just be cutting down like that. This

is to just sort of just tidy the edges of the hair, the very end bits up and it kind

of gives a slightly softer appearance on the end of those bits of hair.

"Inch", so I sometimes get in trouble when I go to the hairdresser and I suddenly come

back and it's much shorter than my wife was expecting it to be. So it's very important

that you communicate exactly how much you want to be taken off. In the U.K. we deal

in inches. Okay? So: "I would like to have just a couple of inches off", so that would

be... That's two inches. So make sure you know what an inch is. That's one inch, that's

two inches.

On to the guys. Okay. So, in London at the moment, as in other places, beards are very

on, very in. They're in fashion. You might want to sort of groom your beard, that means

just a little cut of the beard. Tends to be sort of more hair up here and less around

the sides and back. "Clippers" are sort of an electronic razer that'll go: "Zzzz", okay?

So if you want to use that, you just say: "Could you do the back and sides with clippers,

please?" And if you want it really short, you would say: "I'd like it clipped quite

close, please. I'd like it clipped quite close", that means pretty short.

"A trim" just means a little bit off all the way over. A trim. They'll probably say: "How

much would you like off?" And they'll get the hair and go: "About this?" and you say:

"Yes" or "No, a bit shorter", "I'd like you to cut a bit shorter", so that'll be taking

more hair off. "I'd like it a bit longer. I'd like it left a little bit longer." They

would cut less off. If you do want to keep most of the hair up on the top, you'd say:

"I'd like to keep most of the volume on top", so the volume is... Well, if we're thinking

about math, it's length, height, width, so all of that volume of hair.

Next phrase: "a messy, out-of-bed look", which is probably what I've got. So: "Messy", the

opposite, the antonym of "tidy". "Out of bed", so it's like you've been asleep, you just

wake up. Oo, this is my hair, that's what I'm going to do with it. So, to achieve this

messy, out-of-bed look, after the cut, after your haircut you may ask the hairdresser if

they have any gel or wax that they could put in your hair to sort of style it how you want

to. Okay? So you could ask: "Do you have any wax that you could style my hair with?"

A couple more alternative haircuts for you. So, a "bun" is where you sort of... It's like

you have a bun, a cake, a bun at the back here where your hair is kind of collected

up in a bun. If we think of Bale the Real Madrid in Wales, football player, he has a

bun often. A "Mohawk", this is where it's sort of gelled right up like that.

"Partings", a slightly more traditional look. This is, by the way, not my comb of choice.

It's... Well, I found earlier. So, a parting we go to the side like this. Yeah? That is

a side parting. I'm combing it to the side. Center partings look a bit weird, but that's

where you sort of go down the middle. Okay? And you kind of have a straight line rather

than a wonky line. Okay.

You may also ask, if you're a guy, if they can give you a shave as well. So, using a

traditional brush here made out of badger hair, and put some shaving cream up there,

and using a traditional razer. Also, tidy up at the back. You could ask: "Do you might

just tidying up that, sort of...? The hairs at the back as well?" You could ask for.

To help make a nice, positive atmosphere whilst you are having your haircut, why not engage

in some small talk with the person cutting your hair? Now, I've written here: "to strike

a balance", that means not talking too much, but not also sitting silently staring into

the mirror, which is a little bit sort of unfriendly. Why not ask your hairdresser:

"Have you worked here for long? Have you worked here for long?" So the person is still working

there, but we are here using the present perfect tense because it has an aspect of having...

Of the past. Okay: "Have you worked here for long?" They'll probably say, I don't know:

"Two years", "Three years", ask them if they enjoy it, keep a conversation flowing.

Then at the end, it's nice to end on a positive note. If you've told them clearly what you

want done, then hopefully they've done it well, so: "I really like what you have done

with..." Give them a compliment. Say something is good. "I really like what you've done with..."

I've got another video which is about... All about phrasal verbs and compliments, so this

may be useful here. And also you may want to give them a tip at the end. Most hairdressers

prefer you to pay with cash, with proper hard currency. Give them a pound or two as a tip,

it's always appreciated.

On that note, if you would like to leave a tip on any of our teacher's videos, I believe

there's a link that you can use to do just that, and it's always appreciated by us.

Okay, so hopefully you're now feeling much more confident about having a haircut in the

U.K. or another English-speaking country. Why not test yourself now by doing today's

quiz and subscribe to this channel to see more videos by me? Until next time, good bye.

For more infomation >> REAL ENGLISH: Vocabulary and expressions to get a haircut - Duration: 10:35.


Citroën Saxo 1.4i SX - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Citroën Saxo 1.4i SX - Duration: 1:10.


Ford Focus C-MAX 1.6i-16v Champion met Airco / Cruise Control . - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus C-MAX 1.6i-16v Champion met Airco / Cruise Control . - Duration: 0:52.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Now - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Now - Duration: 0:52.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-FUN - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-FUN - Duration: 0:52.


Hyundai i10 1.2 I-MOTION COOL - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.2 I-MOTION COOL - Duration: 1:08.



Hello guys.. welcome back with me isengdudegame...

For you guys who watch my lastest siege battle video.. Im using twins in siege battle....

This time i will try use them on Arena

Okay lets go

Okay we are G1 Arena now

This one maybe..

Lets do this..

Strip is very important here... if can not strip we failed

Hehe crazy strip...

We stop Tiana first..... STUN!!!!

Lucky Tiana not using 3rd skill

Which one we stun??? Ritesh maybe??? but our wind boomerang will dead..

Ouch resist...

Nice procs......

HAHAHAHA.... Rakan NOOO!!!

We lose...

We lose guys...

OMG not dead..

This is awesome...

3rd skill GOOOO

Stun again...

Thats too bad...

Almost win....

Hard using twins in G1....

Hard if not full skill and runes too must be good..

Depends on runes...

Okay lets try this...

Depends on runes and strip also...

WOW this one if we can not strip all thats dangerous... Please Gemini do your job....

Thats too bad not all stripped


Just wait to die...

Ouch stun.. damn it...

Stun Perna !!!


Too slow... ouch nice procs..

Dont stun.. Grrrrrrr.....

We need to stun them.... okay...

Its okay...

Skill 3 Goooooo

Hit that monkey...

Nice, die you monkey... DIEEE!!!

Okay nice.... now stun!!!

Thats right, stun by Frigate....


WOW nice procs...

Very good....

Crazy procs... i hope this twins level of procs same like Perna....

OMG procs ratio so good..

Very good....

Hit it, nice....

Maybe this one....

Okay lets go try it....

Very nice...

But still this Twins hard to defeat Camilla...

We need to kill Juno first...

Well done, altough she revive...

OMG... again !??!?


Fengyan? miss...

Okay nice... hit it broo....

Okay nice...

We kill Vanessa...

This Camilla really annoying..

Can not.... Camilla is hard...

Can we stun Fengyan??

Its not....

Nice..... strip!!!!

Its okay..


Okay this one.... lets go....

Hit it bro....


Which one we hit??

Ariel... STUN!!!

Ouch all resist..

We can not do this... OMG...

The procs so good...

Wow procs again..

Hit Fengyan... STUN!!!! nice...

Its okay....

We hit Ariel........ hit again.....

OUCHHH..... WTF...

This is bad...


We can not....


Thank you... thats all..... I think i will upgrade runes and full skill fire cakram...

Thank you.... bye bye.....



Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I LINEA SOL 1e Eig. | Dealer onderhouden | Airco | CV. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-I LINEA SOL 1e Eig. | Dealer onderhouden | Airco | CV. - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> BMW 6 Serie Gran Coupé 640I 640 I HIGH EXECUTIVE M-PAKKET NED.AUTO, HEAD UP, CAMERA'S RONDOM, XENON - Duration: 0:55.



♬ HEY! ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ HEY! ♬

♬ Where are you? Are you at home? ♬

♬ If you aren't busy, come out ♬

♬ I'm in front of your house ♬

♬ I have something to tell you ♬

♬ Don't know how to say it, but it's nothing weird, no pressure ♬

♬ The most beautiful thing in my eyes right now is you, lady~ ♬

♬ Oohh~ ♬

♬ If my feelings for you were money, I might be a billionaire~ ♬

♬ I like you ❤ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ Trust my heart, ohh, wahh~ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ I like you ❤ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ Accept my heart, ohh, wahh~ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ What do you think about me? ♬

♬ The most beautiful thing in my eyes right now is you, lady~ ♬

♬ Oohh, woahh, baby~ ♬

♬ If my feelings for you were money, I might be a billionaire~ ♬

♬ I like you ❤ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ Trust my heart, ohh, wahh~ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ I like you ❤ ♬ (HEY!)

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ Accept my heart, ohh, wahh~ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ I like you ❤ ♬

♬ If I've ever made you uncomfortable, let me know ♬

♬ I'll take a step back and just be a guy ♬

♬ I can wait ♬

♬ Tell me that you like me too ♬

♬ Let's meet right now ♬

♬ I really have something to tell you~ ♬

♬ I like you ❤ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ Trust my heart, ohh, wahh~ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ I like you ❤ ♬ (HEY!)

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ Accept my heart, ohh, wahh~ ♬

♬ Really, Really, Really, Really~ ♬

♬ I like you ❤ ♬

♬ What do you think of me? ♬

♬ I like you ❤ ♬


For more infomation >> (ENG LYRICS) TWICE - REALLY REALLY (TWICELAND: ZONE 2 FANTASY PARK IN SINGAPORE 2018) - Duration: 2:44.


MIS Report in Excel for Beginners - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> MIS Report in Excel for Beginners - Duration: 5:47.


Best Building Game : Rival Rebels Open World Dev - Duration: 3:24.

Hello, I'm Rodol, the creator of Rival Rebels.

I'm here with my friend Jupiter. Can I say my girlfriend? No? Why? Okay...

Alright, well, Jupiter is actually Toyguy's girlfriend but it's complicated.

Anyway this is the Rival Rebels exclusive building system.

I showed you a bunker build a couple videos ago

but today I'm showcasing this amazing building system I created.

The shaper user interface, or GUI, is very modular. you have the material box, the paint box,

What? Yes you're totally right! Hype hype hype! Hype the hype!

This is the shaper, the Rival Rebels exclusive building tool.

The shaper is a two-handed tool that expands the material compressed in the canisters into a foam.

The canisters are the gray capsules here on this carousel.

Then it injects the foam into the projected matrix making it solidify in any selected shape

You can carry the shaper on your back rack, and the tool will recharge its battery like any other weapon.

In contrast with other games that feature building or crafting,

Rival Rebel's system lets you place, select, and resize many 3d shapes

such as convex, walls, slabs, and cuboids, as well as cylinders, spheres, pyramids, and other primitives,

including a variety of very technical situational models like the embrasure, panels, and pipes.

The shaper user interface or GUI is very modular you have the material box

the paint box

and the shape selector.

All of them are floating windows that you can move around and resize to your likings.

Over here is a bunker that I started to build

here's how you place an extruded round shape like the one at the top of the bunker

the shaper will include a blueprint system for you to save your creations

and load them up later to quickly build defenses and any other structure in

different parts of the map, like the Rival Rebels mod's autobuild boxes but customizable.

You throw a crate and boom you have a bunker.

The building controls and shaper effects are not finished yet.

I still need to add stuff to make it easier to use, but I'm very excited and proud of it.

The embrasure is a defensive window which is designed to be easy to shoot out from

but hard to shoot into. This is useful when making bunkers,

as it keeps you safe while you mow down enemies from a distance.

You have to put the correct end on the inside by rotating it though,

because otherwise you'll make it easier to get shot

Guys please help me out to promote the game.

Tell your friends to check out this video.

Growing this channel will let me make the game cheaper.

Remember that now I'm working full time on this,

and I need to cover a lot of costs like the game engine fees

the website the game servers databases legal fees merchant fees and my wages.

It's a lot of stuff...

So if you can't afford buying the game, do something to help me out.

Join us and promote the game!

if you help me out I'm not gonna let you down.

Okay, thanks Jupiter for helping me out with this video, do you want to say hi?

No? Okay no problem.

Also, thanks guys for all the comments, subs, and support!

Peace! Rodol out

For more infomation >> Best Building Game : Rival Rebels Open World Dev - Duration: 3:24.


Multicouples || If That's What You Need - Duration: 1:53.

What you two had,

had everything and nothing to do with intelligence.

It was good.


You said you would come anytime I call you.

If you don't want to be with me...

You need to have the fucking guts to say it.

Because we have everything!

No Harvey, YOU have everything!

Why do you make me ask such questions?

If this is love, I do not want it...

I've found a person I want to protect.

I don't want you in danger, EVER!

It's okay if I get hurt.

But I really don't like it when you get hurt.

I will always protect you.

You have my word on that.



For more infomation >> Multicouples || If That's What You Need - Duration: 1:53.


Arctic Nightmare - Animation Final project (Spanish) - Duration: 1:39.

Penguin 1: (shiver) How cold! ...

Penguin 2: HUH?!

Penguin 2: A talking penguin!!

Penguin 2: (Panics)

penguin 2: You are not going to believe me... Outside there is...

...A talking penguin!!

Crowd: AAH! A talking penguin!!!

(Crowd panicking)

Oh my God! These are penguins that scream!!

For more infomation >> Arctic Nightmare - Animation Final project (Spanish) - Duration: 1:39.


6 abitudini per evitare l'invecchiamento prematuro della pelle - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 6 abitudini per evitare l'invecchiamento prematuro della pelle - Duration: 5:19.


노사연 나이 동생이몽 꿀잼 - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> 노사연 나이 동생이몽 꿀잼 - Duration: 2:26.


Hirate Yurina (Techi) Cute & Funny Moments #8 - Duration: 5:36.

[sing Getsuyoubi no asa sukaato wo kirareta]

1 - 2 - *lift*



That looks amazing!

That's cute


For more infomation >> Hirate Yurina (Techi) Cute & Funny Moments #8 - Duration: 5:36.


Health Benefits of Drinking White Tea/ Look and Feel Young and Beautiful - Duration: 10:10.

Health benefits of drinking white tea look and feel young and beautiful

How long will white tea take to work? I have a big night out on Saturday

It won't work miracles. And you may have to rely on makeup this Saturday. Most of the research has shown that tangible

Noticeable benefits take about three months

But after this if you continue to drink white tea everyday things will just get better and better

The improving effects will continue to build up for as long as you continue to drink it

But you will notice some small effects in as little as a few weeks after you start to drink it

What if I drink lots of white tea will it work better? Will it work faster?

No, it won't white tea helps your body to repair damage and your body will still need time to do this

What you can do to speed up the process of it is to stop new toxins entering your system cut down or cut out

Smoking and alcohol eat less fatty food and more fruit and vegetables and go for a walk for half an hour a day

What's the secret of white tea whilst?

It is not fully understood yet why white tea has such marvelous effects?

It contains dozens of substances that are extremely good at keeping your body healthy and in balance it

contains huge amounts of antioxidants

Which protect you from some of the unavoidable stresses and toxins of everyday life?

it has themeing which has a calming effect to stop tension building up a small amount of caffeine to keep you alert and an

Impressive array of cata kinds some of which help your immune system fight off infections. Why white tea

Isn't it green tea? That's supposed to be so healthy

Both green and white DS are amazing for health and for the maximum benefits and enjoyment

You might want to drink some of both types

But why tea does have the edge in some ways all tea green white yellow?

Black and Brie come from the same plant camellia science s although there are lots of different varieties within this

White tea as tea that has the least processing so it retains all of the good stuff

Although there are hundreds of research studies on T

We are only learning about the plant quite slowly because research tends to focus on

marketable and saleable products

Big companies won't invest millions of pounds in research on something that they can't patent and they can't patent something that grows naturally

But the minimal processing of white D suggests that it may contain higher amounts of health-giving

Substances and properties the things that in the right amounts can make you look and feel younger

healthier and more beautiful

So what will Y T do for me? What can I expect from white tea white tea will improve your skin?

wrinkles spots

Dullness and many other skin problems are caused by toxins and bacteria

And also by the body's inability to repair damage if it is overwhelmed by these

White tea works in several ways to combat these things it protects your liver and kidneys

Making them more able to target and flush out toxins

So that they don't build up to cause havoc in your system and another breakout on your chin

Because white tea is also mostly water

It keeps you hydrated and aids this flushing effect

But there is ongoing research that shows that doesn't yet fully

Understand why that white teas benefit on the skin goes deeper than this and actually aids and improves the repair process

So that little wrinkles and lines may begin to recede and disappear and your skin retain and even regain

Youthful firmness and elasticity will white team make my hair look sleeker and less dry

Your hair is kept in good condition by the same mechanisms as your skin

Whilst white tea will not repair split ends, which is a job for your hairdresser

it can help to prevent these happening in the future and it will help improve the

Condition of your hair in the same way that it improves the condition of your skin

By helping to get rid of toxins before they can wreak havoc on your natural beauty and charm

Will white tea help me with these dark circles and bags under my eyes

Yes, almost certainly

There are three common

Reasons for dark circles and bags under your eyes and white t has different ways in which it helps to combat these problems one

stress if stress and worry is your problem white tea will help because it contains thenen which comes frayed nerves and

Gives you a relaxed feeling without making you drowsy or dull

It's best not to drink tea at night because it contains some caffeine and it can keep you awake

but the effects of thinning lasts for many hours

So drinking white tea morning and afternoon will help you maintain a Content happy and relaxed mood to

Toxins if your liver is overwhelmed by toxins this can show in your eyes by giving you dark circles and bags

White tea helps your body get rid of toxins and will help your liver and kidneys to work better

So drinking white tea will over time start to reduce those frustrating marks

3 lack of sleep

Don't drink white tea or any other tea

Before you go to bed because as I've said the caffeine will stop you from being able to sleep but lack of sleep is often

Caused by a racing mind that just won't quit

Which the theanine will help to keep under control and therefore help you to drop off to sleep more easily at night

I feel quite tired and frustrated all the time and in quite a bad mood

Which all makes me feel older than my ears will white tea help with that?

Actually, yes

this is one of the areas that white tea excels at

Because it fixes you in lots of small ways that all work together to bring one huge improvement

one of the substances in both green and white tea

EGCG has been shown by researchers to greatly improve energy and stamina

Coupled with this is thenen which relaxes your mind and nerves so that you don't feel as tense and Deji it also

improves your memory

More of which below so you feel more on the ball all the time and don't have that nagging feeling you've forgotten something

Important or worse find yourself forgetting what on earth you came into the kitchen for in the first place

so as all these in

Provements buildup and it will take three months of drinking white tea every day before you really see the difference

You will feel less tired

You will be able to get more things done

Your focus and memory will improve

And you will feel calmer and more able to cope with all the things life throws at you and your fatigue

frustration and anger will just ever way you

Said white tea can help with memory I could do with some of that. How does that work a

12-week research project took place on elderly people whose memory was measured before and after they started to drink green tea

Their memory was greatly improved after the 12-week period and in follow-up interviews

This was seen to improve even further in other trials

Green tea drinkers have been found to recover faster and more completely after having a stroke

white tea contains the same beneficial

ingredients and perhaps more of them in the right combination


green tea

and so it looks very much like the maintenance and repair effects that white tea has on things like your skin also work on your

Mind including your memory having a sharp memory just by itself can make us feel younger and more confident

So this is a huge benefit to drinking white and green tea

Just remember to give it time and drink around four six cups a day of this wonderful brew. I

Suffer terribly from premenstrual tension and cramps and white tea help

There is more anecdotal evidence for this than there is scientific research. But yes

It might help many women who start drinking

Either white or green tea report that the problems they suffer from around their periods are greatly reduced

Since green and white tea improves circulation and thins the blood it could be this anti clock mechanism that helps reduce

Cramps and it could be the thinning that helps to produce a calm mood that helps reduce PMS without more research

We do not know for certain if it really does help

But it may well be worth a try if you suffer from any of these problems

So which white tea should I drink and where do I get it from?

Silver Needle white tea is one of the most popular and beautiful White T's and a good one will cost you around

$100 for about 400 grams which will last about three or four months if you drink three six cups per day

Because you use about two three grams a time and re infuse the leaves three four times

you can buy much smaller amounts than this to try the tea first and fifty grams will cost about

$15 there are also lots of other varieties of white tea some of them less expensive than Silver Needle

So look around a few different online tea shops and read the customer reviews and descriptions on these sites

The best tea shops will always provide information about the year of harvest

So make sure that you get the latest one because all the health-giving

Substances slowly degrade and disappear over time and older tea won't have the same. Fantastic

Properties as one that was harvested last spring

For more infomation >> Health Benefits of Drinking White Tea/ Look and Feel Young and Beautiful - Duration: 10:10.


Ora o mai più, terza puntata: colpo di scena con la vittoria dei Jalisse - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Ora o mai più, terza puntata: colpo di scena con la vittoria dei Jalisse - Duration: 7:34.


Luan Santana abre o jogo sobre intimidade e faz revelações sobre sexo - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Luan Santana abre o jogo sobre intimidade e faz revelações sobre sexo - Duration: 5:15.


O記尖沙咀破和勝和3賣淫吧 拉86男女 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> O記尖沙咀破和勝和3賣淫吧 拉86男女 - Duration: 3:34.


Ora o mai più, Jalisse vincono la terza puntata: l'attacco della Bertè - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Ora o mai più, Jalisse vincono la terza puntata: l'attacco della Bertè - Duration: 4:25.


Meghan Markle's family heartbreak: How relatives turned back on Duchess - Duration: 3:41.

But what is the reason for Meghan's ongoing family feud?.Meghan is known to have cut ties with many in her complicated family, having only invited her mother, Doria Ragland and her father, Thomas Markle to her Royal Wedding to Prince Harry at St George's chapel in Windsorlast month

Ms Ragland stunned as she gracefully emerged in the grounds of Windsor Castle, with Prince Charles keeping her company

But Meghan's father Thomas was unable to attend after suffering a heart attack prior to the ceremony – following a dramatic few days in the media where he admitted he posed for paparazzi pictures and said he was too embarrassed to walk his daughter down the aisle

Meghan's half-siblings, Samantha Markle, 52, and Thomas Markle Jr, 51, were not invited to the ceremony, but have not been shy to express their dislike for the Duchess

Ms Markle launched a series of attacks against the Duchess ever since news of her Meghan's royal ties came to light

Meghan and Prince Harry have officially been dating since 2016, and tied the knot on May 19 this year in a lavish ceremony viewed by millions all over the world

On Monday, Ms Markle accused Meghan of ignoring their father on Father's Day, stating she was not concerned about his welfare

She said: "Humanitarians do not ignore their fathers. Meg."Happy Fathers Day to all of the self-sacrificing fathers who gave us everything that we are

Maybe a Father's Day visit after the PR stunt said a visit would happen, would be appropriate

Ya think?."If you're so worried about Dad, demonstrate it."Mr Markle Jr, has also been outspoken about his dislike for Meghan - last month, writing an explosive open letter to Prince Harry, slamming the wedding as a "fake fairy tale"

The letter said: "Dear Prince Harry, It's not to late, Meghan Markle is obviously not the right woman for you

"Meghan's half-sister is known to go back and forth on her opinion of the Duchess, showing her support but deviating quickly to speak of her despise towards the former actress

The Duchess of Sussex has kept her siblings at arms length, making it clear she has little communication with her family

Meghan's family have claimed the actress refused to help their father with money, as well as treating them like complete "strangers" ever since she became "famous", and that she was a "social-climber"

Ms Markle branded her half-sister as "narcissistic and selfish", saying that she always wanted to be a princess

Speaking to the Sun, she said: "Hollywood has changed her. I think her ambition is to become a princess

It was something she dreamed of as a girl when we watched the royals on TV."

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle's family heartbreak: How relatives turned back on Duchess - Duration: 3:41.


sms notification disappearing from the lock screen of your iPhone - Duration: 0:38.

If the sms notifications are disappearing from the lock screen of your iPhone then open


Select "Notifications".

Scroll down and look for "Messages".

Make sure that this "Allow notification" is enabled.

Make sure this "show in history", this button is enabled and also "Show as Banner", this

is enabled.

You can select either "Temporary" banner or "Persistent" banner anything.

Now this should fix this issue.

For more infomation >> sms notification disappearing from the lock screen of your iPhone - Duration: 0:38.


244936 - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> 244936 - Duration: 4:27.


Joanna Koroniewska Cztery Miesiące Po Porodzie Pokazała Się W Seksownej Odsłonie! - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Joanna Koroniewska Cztery Miesiące Po Porodzie Pokazała Się W Seksownej Odsłonie! - Duration: 3:10.


Мультики для детей с игрушками. Хороший пример! - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Мультики для детей с игрушками. Хороший пример! - Duration: 3:17.


Fabiula Nascimento revela intimidade do namoro com Emilio Dantas - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Fabiula Nascimento revela intimidade do namoro com Emilio Dantas - Duration: 3:00.


Syrop na kaszel domowej roboty - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Syrop na kaszel domowej roboty - Duration: 10:11.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4-16V Turijn - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4-16V Turijn - Duration: 1:04.


Obsedání - první klus 6/2018 - Duration: 5:21.

The first thing we need to teach him is to stop. The aid is just breathing out, voice signal and very light contact on the cavesson

Our absolute priority is a calmness and peace

The forward aid is for now only voice aid (+my support from the ground). We will slowly add leg aid, at the beginning without any pressure.

We use the lounge not only to help the rider but also to reassure the horse. Wilbert is very shy and is still demanding my support

I don't want to drive him away from me (and I wouldn't even recommend it), that's why I am trying to move away slowly and prolonge the lounge step by step.

He can manage one or two meters now, that's a success :)

Considering the fact that halt is the base, he is being rewarded extensively. The food rewards will be replaced by voice praises with time.

For now the task of the rider is just not to disturb the horse. Wilbert knows the work from the ground and reacts mainly on my instructions.

Gradually I will hand over the leadership to the rider in the way it is understandable and easily acceptable for the horse.

First trot attempts under saddle. I'm giving the forward aids, the rider just sits calmly. The aim isn't the perfect trot, but the horse to stay calm and relaxed.

Just a few steps are enough for the reward.

Only very little is needed to satisfy us. For now :)

Sorry, that's my son. The shooting of the video was not planned, that's why the quality is so low :)

For more infomation >> Obsedání - první klus 6/2018 - Duration: 5:21.


6 abitudini per evitare l'invecchiamento prematuro della pelle - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 6 abitudini per evitare l'invecchiamento prematuro della pelle - Duration: 5:19.


Fátima Bernardes assiste Copa ao lado do namorado e detalhe chama atenção - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Fátima Bernardes assiste Copa ao lado do namorado e detalhe chama atenção - Duration: 2:07.



Wednesday morning at five o'clock

as the day begins

silently closing the bedroom door

leaving the note that she hoped would say more

She goes downstairs to the kitchen

clutching her handkerchief

quietly turning the backdoor key

stepping outside she is free

She (we gave her most of our lives)

is leaving

(sacrified most of our lives)

home (we gave her everything money could buy)

She's leaving home

after living alone for so many years

Father snores as his wife

gets into her dressing gown

picks up the letter that's lying there

standing alone at the top of the stairs

She breaks down

and cries to her husband

Daddy, our baby's gone

Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly

How could she do this to me?

She (we never thought of ourselves)

is leaving

never a thought for ourselves

home (we struggled hard all our lives to get by)

She's leaving home

after living alone for so many years

Friday morning at nine o'clock

she is far away

waiting to keep the appointment she made

meeting a man from the Motortrade

What did we do (She) that was wrong?

is leaving

We didn't know it was wrong

home (fun is the one thing that money can't buy)

She's is leaving home

after living alone

for so many years

She's living home

bye bye

For more infomation >> SHE'S LEAVING HOME - THE BEATLES - A CAPPELLA COVER - LENNON TROPPO - Duration: 3:56.


MATT BIANCO whose side are you on Live at Nave de Vero in Jazz 22 giugno 2018 - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> MATT BIANCO whose side are you on Live at Nave de Vero in Jazz 22 giugno 2018 - Duration: 5:29.


Bitcoin e criptovalute: cosa fare se hai perso il momento giusto per investire soldi - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> Bitcoin e criptovalute: cosa fare se hai perso il momento giusto per investire soldi - Duration: 10:55.


Strage familiare: l'Italia, scossa, piange ancora. La moglie, il figlio e poi lui - Duration: 3:49.

        Nessuno riesce a spiegarsi i motivi di un gesto del genere. Una violenza inaudita, inferta ai corpi e alle anime dei parenti più stretti: quelli probabilmente più amati

Forse un raptus, forse una non-accettazione di uno stato (malattia, economico), forse dissidi interni

Niente però riesce a giustificare uno scatto d'ira così meschino. In base alle prime ricostruzioni Franco Fioretti, 72 anni, dopo aver esploso diversi colpi di fucile nei confronti della moglie Angela, 63 anni, e del figlio Felice, 44 anni, avrebbe poi puntato l'arma, un fucile da caccia regolarmente detenuto, contro di sé

Il probabile duplice omicidio-suicidio è avvenuto nella tarda serata di ieri nel Casertano, in un'azienda agricola situata in località Taverna Zarone, nel territorio del comune di Teano

La macabra scoperta è stata fatta dai carabinieri, che erano intervenuti in seguito alla segnalazione fatta al 112 da un cittadino romeno, che aveva udito numerosi spari provenire dall'azienda agricola da lui conosciuta

(Continua dopo la foto) Quello che si sono trovati di fronte i militari sembrava uscito da un film dell'orrore

Entrati nella tenuta, infatti, hanno trovato distesi sul terreno e in una pozza si sangue i corpi di tre persone, tra cui quello di un anziano che aveva vicino un fucile da caccia

Sono stati subito identificati i tre cadaveri: si trattava del 72enne imprenditore proprietario dell'azienda, del figlio 44enne e della moglie di 63 anni

Perché hanno subito pensato ad un omicidio-suicidio? (Continua dopo la foto) Tanto per cominciare per la posizione dei corpi e, soprattutto, per il fucile trovato accanto al 72enne hanno indirizzato le prime indagini verso la pista del duplice omicidio-suicidio, con l'uomo che probabilmente dopo una lite avrebbe preso il fucile sparando all'indirizzo dei due stretti congiunti per poi togliersi la vita

Sono comunque in corso gli accertamenti da parte dei carabinieri della Compagnia di Capua guidati da Francesco Mandia per capire se all'origine del gesto vi siano stati dissidi familiari o se la tragedia possa essere legata a particolari condizioni di salute dell'uomo

(Continua dopo la foto) Di certo il fatto ha scosso la piccola comunità di Taverna Zarone, tranquilla località di campagna a pochi passi da Teano

Dopo il primo esame esterno da parte del medico legale intervenuto sul posto, i corpi sono stati portati all'istituto di medicina legale di Caserta per essere sottoposti ad esame autoptico

Solo da lì si potrà capire se le condizioni mediche dell'uomo erano buone o se magari una brutta malattia aveva accentuato un malessere interno insopportabile da gestire

Di certo una storia atroce che fa male alla nostra cara .  Ti potrebbe anche interessare:   

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