Sunday, June 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 24 2018

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Kids Cartoon Pepa Police Finger Family Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs - Duration: 15:25.

For more infomation >> Kids Cartoon Pepa Police Finger Family Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs - Duration: 15:25.


Raúl del Pozo hiela la sangre a los alegres candidatos a presidir el PP: "Parecen olvidar que su - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Raúl del Pozo hiela la sangre a los alegres candidatos a presidir el PP: "Parecen olvidar que su - Duration: 5:00.



For more infomation >> ELIMINA 4KG DE GRASA EN SÓLO 1 SEMANA BEBIENDO ESO!! - Duration: 3:55.


L'NKO - Niños Traman [VIDEOCLIP] - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> L'NKO - Niños Traman [VIDEOCLIP] - Duration: 2:33.


10 Signaux de votre corps qu'il faut prendre au sérieux - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 10 Signaux de votre corps qu'il faut prendre au sérieux - Duration: 4:28.


The Physical and Mental Benefits of Yoga - Duration: 5:29.

The physical and mental benefits of yoga

What is yoga it seems that everywhere. You look these days more and more people are starting to practice yoga

Studios have been popping up in cities all over the US and it's hard to imagine. The influx is limited to this country only

Despite this many people still aren't sure what exactly yoga is, but are too afraid to ask at this point

I mean isn't yoga basically just a fancy way of stretching

Well to some that's exactly what it is

There are many individuals who use yoga moves to stretch but don't adhere to the philosophical aspects of it

They do it mainly for their physical health

You could make the argument that they're not really doing yoga then but that's not necessarily true

Just because someone isn't utilizing every aspect of it doesn't mean they're not doing it at all to others

However, Yoga is much more than a way of stretching rather

It's a way of life in this case yoga begins with a capital y

Individuals who practice this version do so in everything they do including the physical movements

They use the practice to connect to the world around them and to their higher selves

Their practice of yoga goes much deeper than the physical aspects

Benefits galore the beautiful thing about yoga. Is that regardless of which type you choose to practice?

You're going to experience some serious benefits

The art has been found to lessen chronic pain

Alleviate headaches and even lower your risk of heart attack

Of course the more you put into it the more it will benefit you, but every little bit counts

There's no doubt that stretching of any kind leads to more flexibility. So it stands to reason that yoga would do the same

However, unlike regular stretching it also builds your muscle strength and improves your posture

Here are a few more of the physical benefits. You may experience

increased blood flow

protection from osteoporosis through strength and bones

prevention of degeneration of joints and car

boost's to your immune system lowered blood pressure

There are countless other physical benefits to practicing yoga. Each move is designed for a specific purpose

So the benefits you receive have a lot to do with which methods you choose

To get the most out of it find moves that target the specific area. You want to improve

Otherwise, you'll still benefit but it might not be in the exact ways you'd like the physical benefits are probably the most

Measurable, but they're certainly not the only ones in existence other

Benefits of yoga go much deeper, but are harder to measure that doesn't mean they can't be measured. However

Many tests have been conducted to try to figure out the other benefits of yoga

These are psychological benefits though, which means they're largely dependent on the individual


Practicing yoga improves your mental well-being. How does it accomplish this amazing feat though?

Well for starters, it's a great way to relieve stress

The practice requires you to slow down and focus on your breathing and your body rather than any outside concerns you may have in

Turn this releases tension and helps alleviate the stressful feelings you're having

Yoga has also been found to reduce mental health issues such as depression and anxiety

Along with this. It's been found to help prevent the onset of mental illnesses in adolescents

Which is a growing concern in today's society

Here are a few more of the ways

The practice helps out psychologically lessens your inclination toward anger boosts your mood

creates resilience

enhances awareness and mindfulness

improves memory and concentration

It's amazing

What yoga is capable of but you must remember that you will only see benefits if you put forth effort

You should also keep in mind that most things don't happen overnight

It's easy to get disheartened

But it's worth continuing to try after all practice makes perfect and good things come to those who wait

It's your journey. There will always be people who disagree with your beliefs and philosophies

While it's good to have an open mind

It's also beneficial to know where you stand and to not let others define you

Whatever your reasons are for practicing yoga. They're your reasons

No one gets to tell you if they're acceptable or not the actual definition of the word. Yoga is Union

It's a comprehensive system that was developed thousands of years ago in India to increase one's overall well-being

It has countless benefits

But you will only get out of it what you are willing to put into it

Its meaning depends on which practice you follow but it also depends on you. Good luck on your journey


For more infomation >> The Physical and Mental Benefits of Yoga - Duration: 5:29.


В самолетах стало больше сексуальных домогательств - Duration: 3:01.

 Сотрудники правоохранительных органов США предупредили пассажиров о растущей угрозе сексуального насилия в самолетах

Об этом сообщает SF Gate. Агент ФБР Дэвид Родски заявил на пресс-конференции о том, что количество домогательств в самолетах «растет тревожными темпами»

Так, в 2014 году было зарегистрировано 38 жалоб от пассажиров, а в 2017 году уже 63

 «Статистически это все еще происходит не так часто, однако путешественникам следует быть бдительными и сообщать о всех случаях домогательств на борту», — сообщил Родски

 «К сожалению, многие люди либо вообще не рассказывают о том, что к ним кто-то приставал, либо рассказывают спустя долгое время

Нужно сразу нажимать на кнопку вызова бортпроводника и сообщать ему о случившемся немедленно», — предупредил агент ФБР

 Также специалисты сообщили, что большинство домогательств происходит из-за алкоголя, со спящими пассажирами и с теми, кто сидит возле окна или посередине

Они посоветовали быть особенно аккуратными тем, кто выбирает ночные рейсы и принимает таблетки для сна

 В мае сотрудник ФБР Дэвид Гейтс дал пассажирам рекомендации по избежанию сексуальных домогательств на борту самолета

В первую очередь, по словам Гейтса, необходимо держать подлокотник кресла опущенным на протяжении всего перелета, а также никогда не смешивать снотворные препараты с алкоголем

Больше ада и странных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дна». Подпишись!

For more infomation >> В самолетах стало больше сексуальных домогательств - Duration: 3:01.


La Coupe du monde dans nos vies, épisode 11. Larissa Riquelme, Escobar et les Coréens dopés, ces lég - Duration: 17:09.

 Nous sommes tous un peu la Coupe du monde. Qu'on adore ou qu'on déteste le foot, qu'on le suive régulièrement ou une fois tous les quatre ans, qu'on soit né un soir de juillet 1998 ou trente ans avant, nous avons tous une expérience singulière et collective liée à la Coupe du monde

Durant tout le Mondial en Russie, 20 Minutes vous propose de l'explorer chaque jour à travers des témoignages, des interviews, des anecdotes, des jeux, des reportages ou des portraits

Parce que la Coupe du monde, c'est bien plus que juste du foot.  >> Pour revoir toute la série  >> Pour relire l'épisode d'hier: Comment le foot pour aider à soigner Alzheimer  Aujourd'hui, l'épisode N°11 : Ces légendes urbaines qui ont marqué l'histoire de la Coupe du monde (part 2)  Le plus drôle dans la confection de cet article, c'était sans doute de chercher toutes les conneries qui ont pu se dire ou s'écrire sur la Coupe du monde

Dimanche dernier, vous avez pu lire cinq premières légendes urbaines transmises de générations en générations sur le Mondial

 Voici désormais notre deuxième sélection d'histoires invraisemblables passées au mixer du fact-checking

Régalez-vous.  La bombe Larissa Riquelme  Ahhhhh, Larissa. A chaque fois qu'on pense à toi, on a le souvenir ému de l'émoi que tu nous as procuré

Le temps d'une Coupe du monde toute pourrie, en 2010, tu as conquis l'espace, notre espace

On est tous tombés sous ton charme que l'on pensait aussi innocent que passionné… Et on s'est fait avoir

 Pour nous, tu étais Larissa la belle inconnue fan à en crever de son Paraguay, l'anecdote douce d'une Coupe du monde, la photo heureuse d'une fin d'adolescence

A l'époque, 20 Minutes avait fait de toi « La vraie star du Mondial » et racontait ainsi la genèse de ta légende :  Larissa Riquelme, sa photo et son téléphone rangé entre les seins deviennent instantanément mythiques, le « buzz mondial » dans le sens très 2010 du terme

Et puis le charme s'effondre aussi vite que la hype est montée. La photo n'était pas prise par hasard, Larissa n'est pas la « girl next door », son téléphone n'était pas là par hasard

 Quelques jours après l'apparition sur tous les réseaux sociaux de la PHOTO de Larissa, on append qu'elle n'est pas juste une supportrice, c'est une supportrice-actrice-mannequin, qu'elle n'était pas par hasard mais pour une campagne de com'parfaitement orchestrée

La suite fait perdre à ce buzz toute son innocence, il devient rapidement libidinal tendance malsain

« 20 minutes » de l'époque, encore :  « Marca, le site de foot madrilène lui a consacré 3 parties de diaporama, La version espagnole du site yahoo-eurosport dédiée à la Coupe du monde également

Elle a aussi le droit aux honneurs de la visite d'une rédaction sportive. Même le moteur de recherche chinois sohu (partenaire pour les J

O. de 2008) y va de son petit diaporama à la gloire de la brune supportrice.  Apres Martine au stade, ce sont les aventures de Larissa d'Asunción que l'on suit, Larissa dépitée face à la squadra azzura, Larissa et son portable, Larissa et sa vuvuzela, Larissa et ses amis… »  La suite ?  - Larissa devient le running-gag de la Coupe du monde, mitraillée de photo à chaque match du Paraguay  - Larissa se transforme en femme-publicité, allant jusqu'à se tatouer la marque « Axe » sur le sein  - Larissa annonce qu'elle posera nue si le Paraguay gagne la Coupe du monde  - Larissa pose quand même nue malgré l'élimination en huitième de finale en guise de « cadeau pour tous les joueurs paraguayens, qui ont tout donné sur le terrain », et elle le fait dans un grand magazine national  - Larissa annonce (oh surprise !) qu'elle va tourner des publicités pour Nokia, qui est, figurez-vous, la marque du téléphone entre ses seins

 A tel point d'ailleurs que beaucoup ont supputé que toute cette histoire n'était qu'un coup de comm'orchestré par la marque américaine

Jamais ça ne sera prouvé. Peu importe. On nous a bien eu.  Les Coréens du Sud étaient-ils dopés en 2002 ?  Cette légende démarre au début des années 2000, lorsqu'à quelques mois d'écart, plusieurs des joueurs que le coach Guus Hiddink a eu sous ses ordres avec les Pays-Bas sont contrôlés positifs à la Nandrolone, avant qu'il ne fasse de la Corée du Sud une machine de guerre capable de courir vite, longtemps et beaucoup lors de son Mondial, en 2002

La question est venue de manière brute, frontale après des prolongations totalement improbables d'endurance lors de la victoire face à l'Espagne, en quarts de finale

« Votre fraîcheur est-elle liée au dopage ? », demande un journaliste en conférence de presse au sélectionneur Hiddink

 « Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de ça. Si vous faites des accusations, il faut avoir des preuves

Je ne veux pas trop réagir car les garçons ont travaillé très dur. De toute façon, on ne peut pas améliorer la vitesse des joueurs grâce à une médication

 »  Maurice Greene pourrait dire le contraire mais passons. Le doc de l'équipe ajoute que depuis trois mois avant la compétition à raison de trois par jours, on administrait aux joueurs des pilules faites à base de carpes et de mulets (ce sont des poissons), d'herbes médicinales et de Ginseng cuit à la vapeur

Bon…  Six ans plus tard, Hiddink refait le même coup avec la Russie, demi-finaliste surprise de l'Euro

Ca commence à faire beaucoup, à tel point que le journaliste allemand Thomas Kistner publie en 2016 Shot, un livre dans lequel il met directement Hiddink

Il y analyse notamment les performances de la Russie, à l'Euro 2008 : « Alors qu'ils n'avaient eu que trois jours de repos après leurs derniers matchs, les Russes ont couru en quart de finale (victoire 3-1 contre les Pays-Bas) 143,7 km

Leurs adversaires en ont couru deux de moins avec 5 jours de récupération. La Russie a placé trois joueurs parmi les 5 qui ont le plus couru de la compétition, 5 dans les 10

Et l'on parle de joueurs comme Arshavin qui n'ont jamais montré de pareilles aptitudes avant ou après cette compétition

 »  Dans une interview donnée au site, Kistner explique ses soupçons : « C'est quand même incroyable la façon dont Hiddink a réussi à faire d'équipes insipides et sans la moindre des monstres de physique ? La Corée du Sud n'avait jamais performé à aucune Coupe du Monde, soudain en 2002, elle arrive jusqu'en demi-finale

L'endurance des joueurs était remarquable, il fallait leur tirer dessus pour les arrêter

 »  Sauf qu'il n'a aucune preuve tangible. « Le livre n'a pas pour but de montrer du doigt, mais de poser des questions, coupe-t-il

Je suis journaliste, pas un procureur ayant besoin d'apporter des preuves. Le lecteur devra en tirer ses propres conclusions

Il est de toute façon difficile de prouver que les sportifs se dopent. » Le livre ne fera réagir que Raymond Verheijen, le physio qui accompagnait Hiddink à chacune de ces campagnes

« C'est le plus grand des compliments qu'on puisse me faire », en rigole-t-il. Considéré comme le véritable génie derrière les succès d'Hiddink, Verheijen est devenu une sorte de gourou de la préparation physique dans le monde du football

 C'est con, personne n'a pensé à lui pour cette Coupe du monde. Y avait pourtant une demi-finale surprise à aller chercher

 Escobar tué pour son but contre son camp  Bon, vu la gravité du sujet, on ne va pas se la jouer pseudo-suspense

Oui, le défenseur colombien Andrés Escobar a été assassiné pour avoir inscrit un but contre son camp lors du mondial 1994

Présenté comme l'équipe-frisson de cette Coupe du monde, et un outsider possible, la Colombie sortira piteusement au premier tour

Escobar inscrira un CSC d'un tacle malheureux lors du deuxième match (déjà décisif suite à la défaite contre la Roumanie 3-1 lors de la première rencontre), ouvrant le score pour les Etats-Unis d'un tacle malheureux

Défaite 2-1, fin du rêve colombien.  A son retour au pays, Andrés Escobar (aucun lien avec le narcotraficant, on préfère préciser) reçoit de nombreuses menaces de mort, mais ne s'en inquiète pas outre-mesure

« Dans le football, au contraire des combats de bêtes sauvages, la mort n'existe pas

Personne ne meurt, personne ne se fait tuer. Il n'y a que du plaisir », dira-t-il

Si seulement… Un mois après l'échec de la Coupe du monde, il se fait assassiner le 2 juillet 1994

L'homicide a lieu sur un parking d'un bar de Medellín. Son meurtrier, Humberto Muñoz Castro, homme de main de groupe de narcotraficant lui tire 12 coups de feu en criant à chaque balle tirée : « Gol !!! »

 De nombreuses rumeurs évoquent l'action des syndicats narcotrafiquants qui avaient parié d'importantes sommes d'argents sur la qualification de la Colombie, mais aucun procès n'a réussi à le prouver facilement

Reste la vérité crue : Andrés Escobar, mort pour un but.  Et si la Coupe du Monde de 1958 avait été manipulée par la CIA ?  C'est la surprenante théorie qu'ont découvert les Suédois en 2002

Cette année-là, Conspiration 58, présenté comme un documentaire, est diffusé à la télévision suédoise

Le documentaire veut prouver que la Coupe du monde de 1958 ne se serait pas déroulée en Suède, mais aurait été tournée aux Etats-Unis

La CIA et la FIFA auraient manipulé la compétition, remportée le Brésil.  Le documentaire prétend s'appuyer sur le travail d'un historien, qui aurait noté plusieurs détails suspects, comme des bâtiments en arrière-plan ou l'ombre des joueurs

Des anciens footballeurs témoignent également.  En réalité, il s'agit d'une intox

 Pour le réalisateur, Conspiration 58 « est à la fois un documentaire sur la Coupe du monde de 1958 et un film important sur la vérité, la dénégation et l'importance de porter un regard critique

 » Johan Löfstedt a eu l'idée de ce faux documentaire en regardant une émission sur les négationnistes, explique le site FourFourTwo

« Je voulais montrer aux gens qu'il ne faut pas croire tout ce que l'on voit à la télévision ou lit sur internet, ajoute le réalisateur

Tout le monde devrait être un spectateur critique. »Les Argentins ont-ils drogué un joueur brésilien lors d'un match en 1990 ?  En lisant la question, vous vous dites sûrement « Non, mais ça va trop loin ces rumeurs, c'est n'importe quoi

 » Sauf qu'il semblerait bien que cette légende soit vraie ! En 1990, les deux rivaux sud-américains se retrouvent en huitième de finale de la Coupe du monde 1990

 L'Argentine s'impose 1-0 dans un match assez moche. Pour la petite histoire, c'est d'ailleurs de ce match que parle la fameuse chanson Brasil decime que se siente

 Mais l'intérêt n'est pas là. Le milieu de terrain brésilien Branco accuse après coup l'Argentine de l'avoir intoxiqué par une bouteille d'eau droguée, ce qui expliquerait sa prestation médiocre, étant notamment fautif sur le marquage de Caniggia, seul buteur

 Mauvais perdant ? Pas si sûr, car les langues se délient petit à petit. Cela commence par Bilardo, sélectionneur argentin de l'époque

Interrogé par le magazine Veintitres au sujet de cette rumeur, il répondra : « Je ne sais pas, je ne sais pas

Mais je ne dis pas que cela ne s'est pas passé… » De quoi faire scandale au Brésil ! Surtout que Maradona himself sous-entendra bel et bien que la bouteille contenait un somnifère dans une émission argentine en 2005

 Le principal intéressé, Branco, reviendra lui aussi sur la polémique. « L'eau avait un goût bizarre, j'ai eu des hallucinations, ma tête tournait

J'ai eu beaucoup de mal à jouer normalement par la suite. » Il dira même que Ruggeri, joueur argentin qui lui donna la bouteille, lui aurait avoué en privé dès 1992 que l'eau était droguée et devait circuler entre tous les joueurs brésiliens

Si comme l'eau de ce match, cette histoire restera sans doute toujours un peu trouble, tout semble donc indiqué que Branco fut drogué ce jour-là

 >> Demain: Une interview patriotisme avec Marcel Desailly

For more infomation >> La Coupe du monde dans nos vies, épisode 11. Larissa Riquelme, Escobar et les Coréens dopés, ces lég - Duration: 17:09.


Camila Vallejo y Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe viajarán a Bruselas al Parlamento Europeo - Duration: 1:57.

SANTIAGO.- A Bruselas, Bélgica, viajarán el fin de semana cinco diputados y cinco senadores para ser parte de las sesiones del Parlamento Europeo a desarrollarse entre el 25 y el 26 de junio; es decir, durante la semana distrital

Es en el corazón de Europa occidental donde se encuentra la sede del Parlamento Europeo, por ello los legisladores chilenos se dirigirán hasta allí

Según la información oficial de ambas cámaras, hasta ahora confirmaron ser parte de la comitiva los diputados de RN Ramón Barros y Sofía Cid; además del PS Marcelo Díaz, el DC Pablo Lorenzini y la PC Camila Vallejo

Por parte del Senado, concurrirán Rodrigo Galilea (RN), Ricardo Lagos Weber (PPD), Jorge Pizarro (DC), Isabel Allende (PS) y Jacqueline van Rysselberghe (UDI)

"" informó este martes que en la Cámara Alta señalaron que usualmente algún parlamentario podría restarse a último momento del viaje, siendo reemplazado por otro legislador; sin embargo, eso hasta anoche no sucedía

Vallejo adelantó que será parte de la comisión sobre materias de género del Parlamento Europeo

Sus actividades en Bélgica las difundirá en redes sociales.

For more infomation >> Camila Vallejo y Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe viajarán a Bruselas al Parlamento Europeo - Duration: 1:57.


Dirigencias RD y MA no logran zanjar polémica tras salida del líder de la FECh - Duration: 1:41.

SANTIAGO.- Por cerca de tres horas y media estuvieron reunidos ayer en la sede de Revolución Democrática las directivas de ese partido y del Movimiento Autonomista

Ambas colectividades buscaban zanjar la polémica bilateral, luego de la suspensión del presidente de la FECh, Alfonso Mohor, gracias a los votos de militantes de RD en el pleno estudiantil, quienes lo acusaron de negligencia frente a un caso de abuso laboral

Por este episodio, la noche del viernes, los dirigentes del Movimiento Autonomista determinaron congelar las relaciones con RD, a la espera de un gesto por parte del partido encabezado por Rodrigo Echecopar

Sin embargo, a pesar de la reunión de ayer, las relaciones entre las dos colectividades continuaron congeladas

"Estamos en proceso de abordar nuestras diferencias", indicó la secretaria general del MA, Constanza Schönhaut, en consenso con la directiva de RD

Para más detalles revisa la edición de hoy de "El Mercurio".

For more infomation >> Dirigencias RD y MA no logran zanjar polémica tras salida del líder de la FECh - Duration: 1:41.


Camila Vallejo y Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe viajarán a Bruselas al Parlamento Europeo - Duration: 1:57.

SANTIAGO.- A Bruselas, Bélgica, viajarán el fin de semana cinco diputados y cinco senadores para ser parte de las sesiones del Parlamento Europeo a desarrollarse entre el 25 y el 26 de junio; es decir, durante la semana distrital

Es en el corazón de Europa occidental donde se encuentra la sede del Parlamento Europeo, por ello los legisladores chilenos se dirigirán hasta allí

Según la información oficial de ambas cámaras, hasta ahora confirmaron ser parte de la comitiva los diputados de RN Ramón Barros y Sofía Cid; además del PS Marcelo Díaz, el DC Pablo Lorenzini y la PC Camila Vallejo

Por parte del Senado, concurrirán Rodrigo Galilea (RN), Ricardo Lagos Weber (PPD), Jorge Pizarro (DC), Isabel Allende (PS) y Jacqueline van Rysselberghe (UDI)

"" informó este martes que en la Cámara Alta señalaron que usualmente algún parlamentario podría restarse a último momento del viaje, siendo reemplazado por otro legislador; sin embargo, eso hasta anoche no sucedía

Vallejo adelantó que será parte de la comisión sobre materias de género del Parlamento Europeo

Sus actividades en Bélgica las difundirá en redes sociales.

For more infomation >> Camila Vallejo y Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe viajarán a Bruselas al Parlamento Europeo - Duration: 1:57.


Rescatan Coutinho y Neymar a Brasil en la Zenit Arena (Video) - Duration: 5:41.

  Brasil necesitó del tiempo agregado para vencer 2-0 a Costa Rica, resultado que lo coloca cerca de los Octavos de Final en el Grupo E; al tiempo que los "ticos" quedaron eliminados de la Copa del Mundo Rusia 2018

It's the late, late show in Saint Petersburg, but it is a victory for Brazil!#BRACRC pic  — FIFA World Cup 🏆 (@FIFAWorldCup) 22 de junio de 2018    El mediocampista Philippe Coutinho al 91′ y el delantero Neymar al 97′ fueron los encargados de romper el cerrojo costarricense en la cancha de la Zenit Arena de San Petersburgo

For the second time at this #WorldCup @Phil_Coutinho takes the @Budweiser #ManoftheMatch award! #WorldCup #BRACRC pic  — FIFA World Cup 🏆 (@FIFAWorldCup) 22 de junio de 2018    Con este marcador, Brasil llegó a cuatro puntos en el Grupo E para acariciar su boleto a la siguiente ronda; Costa Rica se despidió del magno evento de manera tempranera al quedarse sin puntos a falta de un partido

 Tras lo ocurrido en la primera jornada, Brasil tenía la obligación de responder a las expectativas en Rusia 2018, aumentar su nivel de juego y confirmarse como uno de los candidatos al título, pero la tarea no era sencilla

Key stats:  👉 #CRC are eliminated from this year's #WorldCup  👉 Only @Pele and @Ronaldo have scored more goals for #BRA than @neymarjr (56)#BRACRC pic  — FIFA World Cup 🏆 (@FIFAWorldCup) 22 de junio de 2018    Los centroamericanos tenían prohibido perder para no quedar eliminados muy pronto y se agarraron de nuevo de su figura Keylor Navas, el arquero fue el artífice de un empate que se mantuvo con alfileres en los 90 minutos reglamentarios

 La pelota siempre estuvo en poder de los brasileños, pero la primera ocasión de gol llegó por parte de los "ticos" con disparo apenas desviado de Celso Borges en la única ocasión con claridad para que después todo el protagonismo fuera del arquero del Real Madrid ante el asedio de la ofensiva sudamericana, que tardó en encontrar frutos

 Por enésima ocasión, Navas cumplió con una destacada actuación para que su escuadra soñara con al menos un empate frente al "Scracth du Oro", que mejoró su funcionamiento, generó diversas llegadas de peligro, pero casi siempre se encontró con el cancerbero y si no era así apareció el poste, la defensa y hasta el VAR

 En el segundo lapso, el dominio brasileño fue más remarcado, Neymar buscó, intentó, pero siempre estaba Navas en frente dando una gran seguridad a los costarricenses

Si el "10" no podía abrir el marcador, tampoco lo hacían Gabriel Jesús, Douglas Costa y Roberto Firmino

 Encerrados en su propia área los "ticos" rozaron la gloria con el cero a cero, Gabriel Jesús remató de cabeza al poste; en la jugada posterior el defensa Cristian Gamboa desvió a tiro de esquina; parecía que el gol se les negaba a los sudamericanos y enaltecía a Navas, quien seguía con sus atajadas, una notable sobre Neymar a una mano en disparo de primera instancia

 Al minuto 79 se apreció un hecho histórico, el defensa Giancarlo González se interpuso dentro del área a un recorte de Neymar, pero quitó el brazo inmediatamente y el brasileño exageró en su caída para que el silbante holandés Bjorn Kuipers cambiara su decisión ayudado por el VAR y desmarcará el penal que había otorgado

 Esto no disminuyó la determinación de la "Canarinha", que se encontró con el premio cuando se agregaron seis minutos más

 Al primer minuto añadido un mal control de Gabriel Jesús le permitió a Coutinho llegar franco al balón y remató por debajo de las piernas de Keylor Navas, 1-0 de esos que más les duelen a los porteros

Con asistencia de Gabriel Jesus marca gol Philippe Coutinho y le da la victoria 0x1 a la Selección de Brasil frente a la Selección de Costa Rica por el  Grupo E del Mundial de Rusia 2018  — Área Deportiva de Ondas de la Montaña en 1350 AM (@areadeport1350) 22 de junio de 2018    Ya con un Costa Rica desesperado, Brasil estiró la ventaja en la última acción del cotejo con el regalo de Douglas Costa a Neymar, quien nada más empujó la pelota en el fondo de las redes para el 2-0 definitivo que eliminó a los centroamericanos y reavivó a los brasileños en sus aspiraciones en Rusia 2018

#Rusia2018⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠| FINAL | LLEGÓ EL GOL DE NEYMAR! #BRA 2-0 #CRC !!!Gran partido de Navas! Los goles de Brasil llegaron en el minuto 90' y 96'

Costa Rica eliminado de Rusia 2018.⚽️ Coutinho, Neymar 🏟 Saint Petersburg (64468 👥) pic  — Destino A Rusia (@DestinoARusia) 22 de junio de 2018    Alineaciones Brasil Alisson Becker Fagner Conserva Thiago Silva Joao Miranda Marcelo Vieira Carlos Casemiro José Paulinho (Roberto Firmino, 68′) Willian Borges (Douglas Costa, 46′) Philippe Coutinho Neymar da Silva Gabriel Jesús (Fernandinho, 93′) DT: Adenor Leonardo "Tite"  Costa Rica Keylor Navas Cristian Gamboa (Francisco Calvo, 75′) Giancarlo González Johnny Acosta Óscar Duarte Bryan Oviedo David Guzmán (Yeltsin Tejeda, 83′) Celso Borges Johan Venegas Bryan Ruiz Marcos Ureña (Christian Bolaños, 54′) DT: Óscar Ramírez  (Con información de Notimex)

For more infomation >> Rescatan Coutinho y Neymar a Brasil en la Zenit Arena (Video) - Duration: 5:41.


El llanto de los inocentes - Duration: 13:57.

A su regreso de Singapur, Trump llegó bastante disgustado por los resultados del viaje, creo yo

Comenzó por recrudecer la guerra comercial con todo mundo. Abrió fuego contra China y la U

E., México y Canadá, todo con pronósticos reservados. Pero lo que ha dejado atónitos a propios y extraños ha sido la mutilación de las familias migrantes al separar a los niños de sus padres

Audios y videos que se han filtrado a pesar del cuidado para que esto no sucediera, han despertado estupor, repudio y condena universales

  Cierto, el problema de la movilidad humana es universal y extremadamente complejo; "es la plaga de nuestro tiempo" (JP

II). Pero tampoco es la forma de enfrentarlo. Problema difícil y complejo lo es y más cuando se une a otras formas del crimen, cuando la delincuencia pesca en río revuelto

México, además de país expulsor, es país de tránsito: trata de personas, droga, armas, etc

, todo pasa por nuestro país. Sin embargo, la reacción Trump ha sido la peor y tiene antecedentes muy negros y recuerda tiempos que no deben volver

Este miércoles Trump ha debido desandar el camino, corregir su error y creo que es la primera vez que lo hace

Trump rectifica y prepara una orden para evitar la separación de niños y familias migrantes sin papeles

"Queremos mantener a las familias juntas. Es muy importante. Voy a firmar algo pronto sobre inmigración que va a hacer eso", confirma el presidente tras la oleada de protestas y la presión de los propios republicanos

De confirmarse, se trataría de una rectificación en toda regla de Trump, quien siempre saca pecho por su dureza negociadora y había tomado el drama de los niños sin papeles como moneda de cambio para lograr una legislación migratoria más dura

La crisis estalló en la opinión pública en los últimos días, cuando se hizo público que en el lapso de apenas seis semanas, la administración había separado a unos 2 mil niños, a veces bebés, de sus progenitores o familiares adultos

Pero ello indica, a su vez, la magnitud del problema. Nos obliga a ver de frente el fracaso de las políticas en nuestro continente; nuestros pueblos son ricos en recursos, son ricos, pero pésimamente administrados

Sin meterme en campañas, el problema es la corrupción. Vemos los estados fallidos del cono sur y centro américa, la violencia, las dictaduras democráticas, los discursos vibrantes y patrioteros, pero la pobreza y la inseguridad forman el hábitat de esa gente

  Nuestra frontera sur es una herida abierta, porosa, sangrante. México debe mirar hacia adentro

Toda esta tragedia no puede ser abordada en el alud de promesas de campañas, pero ahí está

Y la zona fronteriza se va problematizar todavía más. La norma de tolerancia cero sigue vigente

Al terminar de firmar la orden ejecutiva, Trump alcanzó a decir molesto, apenas audible: "pero hay que levantar ese muro"

Y nuestras fronteras serán como la cortina de una gran represa. El martes, el líder republicano del Senado, Mitch McConnell, anunció que todos los 51 senadores republicanos apoyan una propuesta de ley para "mantener unidas" a familias de inmigrantes indocumentados tras ser detenidas por cruzar ilegalmente la frontera

El lunes, el alto comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein, calificó la separación de "abuso infantil"

Lo llamativo del caso es que coincide con una ola de nacionalismos que también sacude a Europa y que ha cristalizado ya en gobiernos como el de Hungría o el de Italia

Incluso Francia. No tengo bien digerido el dato según el cual Estados Unidos abandona la Comisión de los Derechos Humanos en la ONU

¡Vaya follón! B. Häring, teólogo alemán, sacerdote y capellán en las guerras mundiales, ha escrito que: "Sólo de personas y sociedades no violentas pueden partir los impulsos decisivos para el campo político"

Más radical es Fromm cuando se pregunta si una sociedad enferma puede producir individuos sanos

Y es que desgraciadamente nuestros jefes son personas gravemente afectadas por la enfermedad de la violencia

Ya el Apocalipsis señala la posibilidad de que todo un grupo llegue a enfermar: comunidades eclesiales, partidos, familias, la cultura misma

Nuestra enfermedad es la violencia y no nos imaginamos a qué grado. Nuestro mundo está enfermo, lo está nuestra cultura, lo están nuestras familias o le que queda de ellas

Lo vemos en la patología simple y pura que vivimos a diario. Trump es un hombre muy violento, no hay serenidad ni cordura en sus decisiones; se echan de ver la arrogancia, la soberbia y la autosuficiencia con que toma sus decisiones

Arendt nos enseñó a pensar en el mal como una banalización: la banalidad del mal

En el diccionario de la RAE de la lengua, la palabra banal es equiparada a "trivial, común o insustancial"

Trivial, a su vez, es equiparado a "vulgarizado, común y sabido de todos". Le impresionó la serena caballerosidad de A

Eichmann criminal de guerra nazi durante el juicio. Se trata de una persona normal; ¿Cómo una persona normal puedo cometer tranquilamente tales crímenes? Pensando en estas cosas leí un artículo de Ignacio Morgado Bernal sobre Rudolf Höss, (no confundir con Rudolf Hess), comandante de Auschwitz

Rudolf Höss era un hombre cuerdo, con conocimientos y sentimientos, que razonaba con frecuencia sobre su propio comportamiento y el de los demás, y que poseía un cierto grado de empatía

A esa conclusión he llegado después de estudiar detenidamente sus memorias y la historia del exterminio, además de haber visitado el lugar de los hechos: los campos de Auschwitz y Birkenau

Su hija, Brigitte Höss, que sobrevivió a la tragedia, recuerda que su padre "parecía el mejor hombre del mundo, siempre dulce y amable con quienes le rodeaban"

Es este, por tanto, un buen momento para tratar de penetrar en la mente del comandante, Rudolf Höss, y preguntarnos: ¿cómo pudo hacerlo? ¿Cómo puede un ser humano dirigir el cruel exterminio de tantos hombres, mujeres y niños, incluso después de mirar a la cara a muchos de ellos? ¿Era un loco inconsciente que no sabía lo que hacía? ¿Era tal vez un sádico, un hombre malvado y cruel o un psicópata que disfrutaba con el sufrimiento ajeno? ¿Era simplemente un lacayo, inculto y sin sentimientos, que sin pensar ni razonar se limitaba a cumplir órdenes? ¿Banalizó el mal Rudolf Höss? Subordinado del Reichsführer, H

Himmler, Höss obedeció con toda tranquilidad la orden del exterminio, no le tembló la mano ni la voz

En los pabellones donde están los niños migrantes separados de sus padres, en medio del llanto y los alaridos, se alcanza a oír la voz de barítono que dice: bien, tenemos aquí una orquesta; necesitamos un director

Siempre me he preguntado, y está escrito en este espacio, cómo podemos entrar a la mente de una persona así, que mata, corta en pedazos, quema en ácidos, etc

, etc., a un semejante. Lo he planteado a los sicólogos, ¿cómo entender una mente así? ¿Qué ha debido destruirse antes? Häring escribe: "La enfermedad mortal en plena expansión se echó de ver de forma pavorosa en la obediencia ciega con que millares de ciudadanos 'normales' secundaron las órdenes de Hitler y Himmler en los campos de exterminio; en la obediencia ciega con que miles de pilotos colaboraron, sin ningún ataque de nervios, en el asesinato de millones de niños y ancianos lanzando sus cargas de bombas en los barrios densamente poblados…"

El mal, ¿puede banalizarse a tal grado? Creo que no. En sus memorias, Höss escribe: "Cuando el espectáculo me trastornaba demasiado no podía volver a casa con los míos

Hacía ensillar mi caballo y, cabalgando, me esforzaba por liberarme de mi obsesión"

"A menudo me asaltaba el recuerdo de incidentes ocurridos durante el exterminio; entonces salía de casa porque no podía permanecer en el ambiente íntimo de mi familia"

"Desde el momento en que se procedió al exterminio masivo dejé de sentirme feliz en Auschwitz"

Cuando recibió la consigna de suprimir discretamente a los enfermos y los niños llega a decir: "Nada resulta más difícil que ejecutar tales órdenes fríamente, anulando todo sentimiento de piedad"

Todos hemos visto en los filmes sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial las escenas de los prisioneros al ingresar al 'campo'; la separación brusca de las familias, de los niños arrancados de los brazos de sus padres para desaparecer para siempre

Trump ha comprometido seriamente la gran civilización de los norteamericanos donde residen asociaciones de ayuda a la infancia a nivel mundial

Me he basado en Ignacio Morgado Bernal para este artículo. Él es director del Instituto de Neurociencia de la Autónoma de Barcelona

Autor de 'Emociones corrosivas: Cómo afrontar la envidia, la codicia, la culpabilidad y la vergüenza, el odio y la vanidad' (Ariel, 2018)

Me gustaría obtener este libro: 'Los pecados capitales desde la neurociencia'. Si alguien va a España, se lo encargo

For more infomation >> El llanto de los inocentes - Duration: 13:57.


Barcelona : Paul Pogba seen as potential replacement for Andres Iniesta ● News Now transfer ● #FCB - Duration: 2:47.

Barcelona are looking to upgrade their team this summer as they aim to solve their Champions

League issues.

It may seem a bit of a strange rumour because Pogba is a key player at Manchester United

and Philippe Coutinho is seen as Iniesta's successor.

However, Don Balon is reporting that Ernesto Valverde sees the French midfielder as the

player they need to fill the gap left by the Barcelona legend.

Pogba has been linked with the club previously because they had first option to sign him

ahead of Manchester United.

However, Andre Gomes was chosen as the midfield upgrade instead, which turned out to be a

poor decision The Portuguese midfielder never settled at Barca with confidence issues affecting

his performances, and he is likely to be sold this summer.

The 25-year-old's time at Juventus was hugely successful and is what earned his move to

the Red Devils in the first place.

He has struggled to match that at Manchester United because he has been heavily reliant

on a three-man midfield to get the best out of him.

It doesn't help that he has Jose Mourinho as his manager.

Replacing Iniesta would be tough for any player because of his brilliance and how much he

suited Barcelona's style.

His La Masia roots only added to his greatness.

The amount of trophies he won will inevitably be compared with his successor.

Pogba has shown his innovation in the final third with his vision and passing being two

of his best attributes.

Therefore, there is no issue in that regard.

His problem is whether he would be able to adapt to Barcelona's Juego de Posicion (positional

play) style.

Creating passing lanes through intelligent positioning is key in order to keep the team


This ensures the team can patiently move up the pitch.

However, his dribbling would be a useful asset in breaking opposition lines in a compact


There is no doubting his talent, but he would represent a huge risk.

There is no guarantee that he would suit the style.

This move seems unfeasible unless there was a large transfer fee, which adds to the risk.

Therefore, this is likely to be wild speculation rather than a targeted signing by the board.

For more infomation >> Barcelona : Paul Pogba seen as potential replacement for Andres Iniesta ● News Now transfer ● #FCB - Duration: 2:47.


C:\\videos\799136\799136.mp4 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> C:\\videos\799136\799136.mp4 - Duration: 4:31.


How I Got Rid Of Large OPEN PORES Permanently & Naturally Using an Ayurvedic Remedy! - Duration: 3:08.

Hi friends, this is Ramya from wildturmeric. In this video, I wanted to share

an amazing home remedy for minimizing open pores. Before that, I want to share

my personal experience using apple cider vinegar for shrinking open pores. Using

apple cider vinegar as a mask is a popular remedy for shrinking open pores

as it is an astringent. Last week, I mixed apple cider vinegar with Multani mitti

and applied as a mask. Within minutes of applying the mask, my face started

burning very badly and I immediately washed my face off in cold water. My face

had turned red by then and I immediately applied fresh aloe vera gel to soothe

the burn but still it took a few hours for my skin to get back to normal. I'm

sharing this because not all skin reacts well to all remedies though it is

natural. If you experience intense burning sensation after using any

remedy or even store-bought creams or packs,

stop using them immediately. After using apple cider vinegar, I was looking for an

astringent that is mild on my skin but still helps shrink open pores. Finally I

found haritaki to be very very effective. Haritaki whose botanical name is

Terminalia Chebula is truly a nature's wonder. It has amazing skin benefits including

preventing acne, reducing skin infections and shrinking large pores. You can easily

buy haritaki online. Before using the treatment, I rub my face with cucumber ice

cubes. I will leave the link to the video recipe in the end-card of this video. Ice

cubes also help shrink large pores and I would highly recommend rubbing your face

with ice cubes before doing the treatment.

For the treatment, take a haritaki in the motar and pestle. Now pound well to break it. Now take the pounded

haritaki in a pot. Add 1/2 cup of water to it.

Now boil this mixture till it reduces in half. switch-off, cool and strain.

For the mask, take a table spoon of Multani mitti in a bowl. Now add in

enough haritaki decoction to it. Now mix well with a spoon to get a

smooth mixture. To use, after rubbing your face with ice cubes for a few seconds,

pat dry to remove excess moisture using a soft cloth and apply this mask. When

this mask dries, it'll tighten and shrink large posts immediately. This treatment

is very very gentle on the skin and you'll see good results with single use itself.

I hope you found this video useful. If you like to support me and this

channel, please share this video with your friends. It'll mean a lot to me. If

you like to get detailed information on herbs on days I don't post videos, press

the notification button. Thank you for watching this video :)

For more infomation >> How I Got Rid Of Large OPEN PORES Permanently & Naturally Using an Ayurvedic Remedy! - Duration: 3:08.


海賊王:暗殺過四皇的4個海賊,只有1人成功,1人叫爸爸 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 海賊王:暗殺過四皇的4個海賊,只有1人成功,1人叫爸爸 - Duration: 4:50.


海賊王:5大惡魔果實能力者被尾田封號,1人能力太BUG被尾田抹殺 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 海賊王:5大惡魔果實能力者被尾田封號,1人能力太BUG被尾田抹殺 - Duration: 5:02.


Seat Mii 1.0 75pk NAVIGATIE - PARKEERSENSOR - SLECHTS 50dkm! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Seat Mii 1.0 75pk NAVIGATIE - PARKEERSENSOR - SLECHTS 50dkm! - Duration: 0:53.


Man Utd transfer news: New David de Gea blow - he could join Real Madrid AFTER World Cup - Duration: 2:10.

  There had been suggestions De Gea, 27, has agreed a new five-year deal to stay at Old Trafford

 To now, thas been no official announcement but McGarry doesn't believe Manchester United's move is that far down the line

 Instead, he has claimed De Gea is keeping an eye on what is going on at Real Madrid with a view to possibly moving there once the World Cup is over

 McGarry told the Transfer Window podcast: "De Gea himself is looking at his time at Manchester United and saying 'what have I got to show for my time at one of the biggest clubs in the world?'   is a long-term target for Real Madrid "A handful of player of the year awards, no Champions League medal, one Premier League title and a couple of other medals that don't mean that much to me

 "Could I go back and win the Champions League and La Liga? Yes I could. "My information is there has been a contract offer on the table for a long time, and it keeps being improved

 "De Gea went to the World Cup with the latest offer on the table thinking, 'let's see what happens in Russia, lets see what happens at Real Madrid this summer'

"    De Gea allowed a Cristiano Ronaldo shot to slip through his hands in a 3-3 draw with Portugal in Spain's opener but it was a rare blot on the keeper's copy-book

 McGarry addded: "It's worrying for Mancester United that they don't have a creative player, a striker or midfielder, who is even challenging their goalkeeper to be player of the year

 "He's indispensible. If Manchester United let him leave for Real Madrid and he possibly could go this summer then that's a hell of a gap to fill

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: New David de Gea blow - he could join Real Madrid AFTER World Cup - Duration: 2:10.


La Doña Épisode 87 en Français - Duration: 38:56.

For more infomation >> La Doña Épisode 87 en Français - Duration: 38:56.


GORZKA WÓDKA - POLSKA MUZ BIESIADNA zespół/teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info.Kramsk sala OSP DW266 - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> GORZKA WÓDKA - POLSKA MUZ BIESIADNA zespół/teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info.Kramsk sala OSP DW266 - Duration: 1:23.


EN DIRECT. Coupe du monde 2018: Les Anglais qualifiés à 16h? Le Sénégal espère confirmer... Suivez l - Duration: 1:09.

Il se passe quoi à la Coupe du monde ? Si jamais vous vous posez cette drôle de question, une seule réponse, le live quotidien de 20 Minutes

Chaque jour, on vous fait vivre l'actu du Mondial en dehors des matchs. Aujourd'hui, les Anglais peuvent rattraper les Belges en tête du groupe G en s'imposant face au Panama et valider leur ticket pour les huitièmes

Egalement au programme, Japon-Sénégal et Pologne-Colombie pour en terminer avec cette deuxième journée

 Et puis surtout, on va bien se marrer avec plein de petites infos insolites par ci par là

For more infomation >> EN DIRECT. Coupe du monde 2018: Les Anglais qualifiés à 16h? Le Sénégal espère confirmer... Suivez l - Duration: 1:09.





How I Got Rid Of Large OPEN PORES Permanently & Naturally Using an Ayurvedic Remedy! - Duration: 3:08.

Hi friends, this is Ramya from wildturmeric. In this video, I wanted to share

an amazing home remedy for minimizing open pores. Before that, I want to share

my personal experience using apple cider vinegar for shrinking open pores. Using

apple cider vinegar as a mask is a popular remedy for shrinking open pores

as it is an astringent. Last week, I mixed apple cider vinegar with Multani mitti

and applied as a mask. Within minutes of applying the mask, my face started

burning very badly and I immediately washed my face off in cold water. My face

had turned red by then and I immediately applied fresh aloe vera gel to soothe

the burn but still it took a few hours for my skin to get back to normal. I'm

sharing this because not all skin reacts well to all remedies though it is

natural. If you experience intense burning sensation after using any

remedy or even store-bought creams or packs,

stop using them immediately. After using apple cider vinegar, I was looking for an

astringent that is mild on my skin but still helps shrink open pores. Finally I

found haritaki to be very very effective. Haritaki whose botanical name is

Terminalia Chebula is truly a nature's wonder. It has amazing skin benefits including

preventing acne, reducing skin infections and shrinking large pores. You can easily

buy haritaki online. Before using the treatment, I rub my face with cucumber ice

cubes. I will leave the link to the video recipe in the end-card of this video. Ice

cubes also help shrink large pores and I would highly recommend rubbing your face

with ice cubes before doing the treatment.

For the treatment, take a haritaki in the motar and pestle. Now pound well to break it. Now take the pounded

haritaki in a pot. Add 1/2 cup of water to it.

Now boil this mixture till it reduces in half. switch-off, cool and strain.

For the mask, take a table spoon of Multani mitti in a bowl. Now add in

enough haritaki decoction to it. Now mix well with a spoon to get a

smooth mixture. To use, after rubbing your face with ice cubes for a few seconds,

pat dry to remove excess moisture using a soft cloth and apply this mask. When

this mask dries, it'll tighten and shrink large posts immediately. This treatment

is very very gentle on the skin and you'll see good results with single use itself.

I hope you found this video useful. If you like to support me and this

channel, please share this video with your friends. It'll mean a lot to me. If

you like to get detailed information on herbs on days I don't post videos, press

the notification button. Thank you for watching this video :)

For more infomation >> How I Got Rid Of Large OPEN PORES Permanently & Naturally Using an Ayurvedic Remedy! - Duration: 3:08.


マリリンさんのハーフメイクを真似してみた!I Tried Following A Marilyn Yuuri Makeup Tutorial! - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> マリリンさんのハーフメイクを真似してみた!I Tried Following A Marilyn Yuuri Makeup Tutorial! - Duration: 6:35.


Osteoporoza i inne choroby kości, jak im zapobiec? - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> Osteoporoza i inne choroby kości, jak im zapobiec? - Duration: 9:11.


Chris Rea 🌊On The Beach - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Chris Rea 🌊On The Beach - Duration: 5:44.


fl3kk - how to get free roblox codes or free robux codes 2018 - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> fl3kk - how to get free roblox codes or free robux codes 2018 - Duration: 4:30.


Violence Against Women | Gov Advertising Propaganda | Respect Women - Duration: 14:32.

Welcome to the main economy unbiased center wing analysis and discussion

yesterday a female friend of mine who lives in Melbourne but was born in

Russia sent me a copy of this government advertisement I warn you that it's very

cringy very unrealistic and seems like a joke it seems like satire sarcasm or a

parody making fun of oversensitivity

know what's going on here she wants help you don't know that you don't know at

all I know what makes people feel safe ask if she's alright

there's no need there's nothing wrong with looking at me well obviously but

don't don't you pretend that this is okay asana business no that's pathetic

you barely have to do anything

supported by the Victorian Government this is a Victorian state government

advertisement Victoria is a state in Australia that includes the city of

Melbourne and it's an advertisement in their end violence against women

campaign you will recall from my previous content that literally all

academic studies on domestic violence have found that domestic violence is

equally perpetrated by men and women the whole basis of this 1.91

billion dollar campaign is driven by ideology and not fat

instead of analyzing this media piece myself I'll show you the messenger

conversation that institude between the Russian woman and myself I haven't

edited this conversation apart from removing some less important sections so

there are some typos and my friends English is a little bit broken but she

has a real crack after sending me the file you said I

can't understand where can be flirt in Australia really can't understand this

video please explain then I said government trying to make women control

men they pretend men are rapists and sexually harassing women horrible poor

man or Australian women very happy live with our flirt and love stories

Australian women one floating - it's not Australian women who want this

advertising it's a small group of elite powerful feminists who don't like men

they dislike men so much that they don't care if women get hurt - okay if I look

on men will I be rapists so she's obviously being sarcastic that has

picked up on the very obvious double standard that's being peddled here just

a quick bit of background here she's a 28 year old woman by most

measures very physically attractive has a master's degree in something or

other a good job daughter now so she really has her life together I was

continuing on here without answering the rapists part yet and I said do they

change definition of sexual harassment to include things like looking at people

then answering a question I said no you're a woman the law is designed to

give you power and take power from men this was in response to her my arepas

question if one man on work winking me very often easy rapist now think she's

being a bit sarcastic here obviously haha he is in rapist I was being

sarcastic parts of the government have been taken over by extremists who want

to tell people this idea okay I simply working with five men and thinking it

can not be safety so much rapists ha ha ha and then I respond that's the idea

then they treat you like God because government tells them they are rapists

now this is definitely part of what happens here men are told they are

sexual harassers and don't want women to think that they

are so they get scared to even talk to women and start treating them too nicely

just because they are women when I say too nicely I mean that men start

treating women more nicely they're made straight men and start looking

suspicious Liat men this seems to be socially

engineered sexism the creators of his material know full well what the

consequences are notice she is brown and here's why

even though data stares it's the opposite to the truth this is an ad

trying to change culture the birthrate in Australia is already lessened two

children a woman this propaganda can help make it even lower I mean really

we're already so awkward in the West both women and men and this is going to

make things worse until we all just have to meet people on tinder I continued on

except the extreme feminists don't seem to quite understand what their actions

will cause after a few generations and by this comment I mean that without

considerable immigration the population will start to shrink pretty quickly I

see I didn't understand for brown women white men dangerous they are culture and

not understanding for me so in other words she didn't know that this was the

case that white men are dangerous to brown women and then she says men don't

want to have kids as I understand here or not so I

responded they are trying to say that white men oppressed brown women I think

that's what they're trying to say of course the color of these participants

was very carefully selected to fit into the usual extremist narrative in

response to her question about children men want kids but women are taught to

put career before children and that having children is their choice and

nothing to do with society so many have no children of course and our culture

will be extinct fairly quickly men are taught to work hard for the family that

women are increasingly told not to have no right at this point I had a light

bulb go off on top of my head and I thought this conversation would make a

great video so I stopped giving her my interpretation which is of course what

she asked for in the first instance and I opened the conversation up for her to

discuss what do you think I asked you're applied in Australia have kids

very expensive that is why women should work hard too and do career I came here

from absolutely opposite we're still patriarchy and women ask slave for men

many feminists things I can't understand here

I don't like feminism in society I am not strong as man can't be more powerful

in many life and work questions once a powerful man I see that in Australia man

hold back emotions and instincts look as afraid as women so at this point I

wanted to play the role of a feminist trying to argue the point and try to see

if there's some truth in what they're trying to allege here I'm trying to give

a reasonable balanced view so I said what do you think about men looking at

you I will be happy it's ok fair enough so I dug a little bit deeper can it make

you feel uncomfortable sometimes not I like it

heart heart so again trying to feed her the feminist narrative why do you think

this advertisement is happening so she might have an example or something and

what happens if it's a really old and ugly man giving you this attention new

brown rules so she's by civ nature of this extremist

narrative strange man hate snitches and who want to be involved in not their

business he saw that girl is not safe but nothing wrong there are in other

words who are you to interfere now this would be different of course if

something was actually happening but it's not so I wanted to keep drilling

her just to see if this could be uncomfortable so I said what if a man

stares at you for three minutes and he's right next to you you said it's okay

it means I'm attractive he didn't touch didn't say nothing nothing to worry

about safety at this point I will say that her and I met at the deli counter

in a grocery store but some looks just like in the advertisement we chatted and

then actually dated briefly this is what normal people do

they look at each other they talk to each other they meet each other they

date they become friends it's called living in a society so I asked her what

would you say to the people who make this ad and she questioned what they

want to achieve which objectives to men where can men meet women what can men do

to meet women I don't know on work harassment in bus violence every where's

the same respect men nature you heard this phrase ever the years decades

centuries respect men when was the last time you ever heard this phrase we never

hear it yet the whole foundation of this 1.91 billion dollar program is to

respect women so respect men it's normal the ad says this does not respect women

unclear how respect women she can say to him stop look at me fuck off usually

Russians do so I obviously laughter this directly fingers up to him the end story

then I asked why don't Western women do this - it sure applied I don't know I

then highlighted that Western men are more like women which she just said and

we all kind of know and Russian women are more aggressive and violent just in

case you didn't know this is very much the case now the point of saying this is

because I know the counter-argument is that women are too scared to speak so I

wanted a contrast the feminized Australian men not all men are vyd as a

cohort they're fairly feminized in the scheme of things I wanted to compare

them to the pretty brutish tough Russian men who she is talking about speaking

this way - so she says yes she agrees with my summary then I asked her sounds

like you expect Australian women to act like adults and she says yes they

stopped then I asked her why don't they just do this and then she just started

mucking around a little bit with me um don't like sex with men and don't want

he looked and it means he want to know her and want to have sex but she doesn't

like him so no sex after bus trip so she finds a thing

the whole thing quite amusing there I know that one argument back will be

you're not a woman you wouldn't know how it feels I'll respond to that in two

ways firstly offense is learned and if you look at different cultures different

things are offensive so you should stop ads like this kind of teach people that

this simple behavior is offensive secondly women check out guys just as

much as guys check out women but they do so in a much more subtle under-the-radar

kind of way although when they're with friends or

with boyfriends they will often just stare as well and you know what I don't

care we are humans we look at each other we share the planet big deal I'm not

royalty then there are gay guys my experience they can step pretty

intensely as well and guess what as a 100% heterosexual man I don't care if

they look they're just checking me out big deal then there are some trans again

from my experience they can really stare right up in your face and again I just

don't care it's not flattering it's not annoying it's just nothing people are

horny people are curious people look at each other

the Victorian government is trying to spend 1.91 billion dollars on these

kinds of ads I want to impress on you what an absolute waste of money this is

there are 24,000 homeless people in Victoria if you were to divide equally

the 1.91 billion spent on these ads between each homeless person they would

receive just under eighty thousand dollars each in other words homeless

problem Sol these people start to work as time goes on and themselves start

adding to the tax base it makes me sick in the stomach that these narcissistic

ideologues who actively misrepresent the truth and lie about gender violence to

divert funds from people who actually need them or for their own propaganda

campaign and social engineering program if you want to help try and stop these

advertisements I've written out an email of complaint

to the Victorian premier you'll find it in the description below I've also given

you his email address his Twitter account and his Facebook account so

please don't be lazy spend out one or two minutes to copy and paste the email

that I've already written and send it to the premier to show your disapproval for

this propaganda if you enjoyed this video please click

like subscribe to my channel and click this little belt to make sure you get

all notifications welcome to the main economy unbiased center wing analysis

and discussion

For more infomation >> Violence Against Women | Gov Advertising Propaganda | Respect Women - Duration: 14:32.


How to Watch Lifetime's 'Did I Kill My Mother?' Live Online | - Duration: 5:44.

How to Watch Lifetime's 'Did I Kill My Mother?' Live Online |

Lifetime is back tonight with its hit film Did I Kill My Mother?.

Be sure to tune into the flick tonight at 8pm ET/PT on Lifetime.

If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can still easily watch Lifetime live on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.

Hulu With Live TV: In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of live TV channels, including Lifetime.

You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of Lifetime on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.

If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" also comes with both its extensive on-demand library (which has many shows available after they air) and 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).

FuboTV: Lifetime is included in the "Fubo Premier" channel package.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, and you can then watch Lifetime live on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.

If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch most events or shows up to three days after they air even if you forgot to record them.

Philo TV: Lifetime is included in Philo's main bundle, which is the cheapest among all streaming services if you plan on keeping it long-term.

Not only that, but you can sign up for a free trial without having to enter any billing information.

You'll get two days for free right off the bat, then if you enter your billing information after that, you will get an additional five more days free.

After signing up, you can watch the show live on your computer via the Philo website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Philo app.

Additionally, if you can't watch live, Philo also allows you to DVR programs and watch them up to 30 days later.

And even if you forget to DVR something, Philo also comes with a 72-hour rewind feature, which allows you to replay any show or event that has aired in the last 72 hours.


The synopsis for the film reads: "A year after her father's unsolved, suspicious murder, a young woman's mother is found dead in the home they both live in.

The police think she may be the murderer, and she and her friends have to prove her innocence while they dig deeper into the real killer's hidden life.".

The film stars Megan Park, who fans may remember from a few different TV shows.

From 2008 to 2013, she played Grace Bowman in The Secret Life of the American Teenager, followed by a year as Jane in The Neighbors.

She also guest-starred on Jane the Virgin in 2015 as Dr.

Damprey, and played Janet in the TV movie My Christmas Love.

Park's most recent credits include a guest-star role in Imposters and 9JKL.

Is Did I Kill My Mother? inspired by a true story, like many of Lifetime's films? According to Bustle, there is no evidence that suggests the show is based on anything that really happened.

If you're in for a psychological and chilling thriller, be sure to tune into Did I Kill My Mother tonight at 8pm ET/PT on Lifetime.

For more infomation >> How to Watch Lifetime's 'Did I Kill My Mother?' Live Online | - Duration: 5:44.


Zapalenie zatok – Skąd się bierze i jak się objawia? - Duration: 3:14.

Skąd bierze się zapalenie zatok?Nadmiar wydzieliny i niedrożność dróg oddechowych może być spowodowana wieloma czynnikami.

Te same czynniki odpowiadają także za rozwój takich dolegliwości jak zapalenie zatok. Oto niektóre z najpowszechniejszych przyczyn:alergie i przeziębienia, którym towarzyszy nadmierna produkcja wydzieliny

uszkodzenia i deformacja kości nosa.deformacja nozdrzy lub krzywa przegroda nosowa.polipy w nosie.stan rzęsek (włosków w jamie nosowej), które nie są w stanie wspomóc usuwanie nadmiaru wydzieliny z nosa

Oczywiście nie są to wszystkie czynniki zwiększające ryzyko rozwoju zapalenia zatok.

Do mniej spotykany możemy zaliczyć: katar sienny, alergiczny nieżyt nosa, osłabienie układu odpornościowego, fizyczne uszkodzenie lub nacisk na zatoki, palenie papierosów, mukowiscydoza.

Objawy i rodzaje zapalenia zatok.Istnieje kilka typów zapalenia zatok, które różnią się nasileniem, długotrwałością i zestawem objawów. Możemy wyróżnić przede wszystkim:

Ostre zapalenie zatok: trwające nawet 4 tygodnie.Podostre zapalenie zatok: trwające od 4 do 12 tygodni.Przewlekłe zapalenie zatok: trwające ponad 12 tygodni

Nawracające zapalenie zatok: wiele nawrotów w ciągu roku.Niektóre z objawów są wspólne dla wszystkich typów zapalenia zatok. Oto najpowszechniejsze z nich:

utrata węchu.nieprzyjemny zapach z ust.kaszel nasilający się zwłaszcza w nocy.przemęczenie.bóle głowy.ucisk w okolicy nosa.ból pomiędzy oczami.bóle zębów.tkliwość twarzy.niedrożność nosa.katar.ból gardła 

W przypadku ostrego zapalenia zatok objawy pojawiają się na ogół po około tygodniu od przeziębienia czy grypy.

Jeśli chodzi o przewlekłe zapalenie zatok, najczęściej ma ono delikatniejszy przebieg, a objawy są mniej nasilone, jednak stałe nawroty to ogromna uciążliwość.Diagnozowanie zapalenia zatok

Najczęściej diagnozowanie zapalenia zatok opiera się na badaniu jamy nosowej. Lekarz z pomocą specjalnej latarki zajrzy do środka nosa, sprawdzając, czy nie ma w nim żadnych niepokojących objawów, oznak stanu zapalnego czy polipów.

Aby sprawdzić tkliwość i wrażliwość na ból, może delikatnie uciskać skrzydełka nosa. To ból lub jego brak będzie czynnikiem determinującym.

Dla pewności w przypadku podejrzenia zapalenia zatok lekarze zlecają także między innymi: rinoskopia, tomografia komputerowa lub rezonans magnetyczny. Prześwietlenie rentgenowskie nie zawsze daje wystarczająco rzetelne wyniki.

Dodatkowe badania to z kolei badanie flory bakteryjnej jamy nosowej, wymazy, a także testy z krwi, które pozwalają na zdiagnozowanie osłabienia odporności organizmu, alergii lub innych schorzeń.

Rokowania i ewentualne powikłania.Wczesne zdiagnozowanie i rozpoczęcie leczenia bardzo poprawia rokowania w przypadku zapalenia zatok.

Odpowiednia terapia pod nadzorem lekarza pozwala całkiem pozbyć się uciążliwych objawów i uniknąć nawrotów tej przykrej dolegliwości.Jeśli choroba nawraca, najczęściej świadczy to właśnie o niedoprowadzonym do końca lub niepełnym leczeniu.

Komplikacje i powikłania są raczej rzadkością w przypadku zapalenia zatok. Warto jednak zawsze mieć na uwadze ewentualność ich wystąpienia. Są to miedzy innymi:

astma (efekt przewlekłego zapalenia zatok).problemy ze wzrokiem – w skrajnych przypadkach jego utrata.zatory i tętniaki – zapalenie zatok wpływa na naczynia krwionośne i zaburza prawidłowe krążenie krwi zwiększając także ryzyko udarów mózgu

Co więcej, odnotowano także przypadki infekcji kości czy infekcji oczu. Zawsze jednak komplikacje, powikłania czy nawroty zapalenia zatok świadczą o nieprawidłowym leczeniu.

Pamiętaj o tym i nie ignoruj nawet początkowych objawów tego schorzenia, a unikniesz wielu problemów zdrowotnych.

For more infomation >> Zapalenie zatok – Skąd się bierze i jak się objawia? - Duration: 3:14.


Domowe sposoby na nieświeży oddech - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Domowe sposoby na nieświeży oddech - Duration: 11:16.


Angelina Jolie i Brad Pitt znowu walczą o dzieci! "Jest wściekła na decyzję sądu" - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Angelina Jolie i Brad Pitt znowu walczą o dzieci! "Jest wściekła na decyzję sądu" - Duration: 5:32.


Właściwości Lecznicze Imbiru - Duration: 11:39.

For more infomation >> Właściwości Lecznicze Imbiru - Duration: 11:39.


Rumianek lekiem na Hemoroidy - Duration: 13:36.

For more infomation >> Rumianek lekiem na Hemoroidy - Duration: 13:36.


Bóle żołądka na podłożu nerwowym! - Duration: 8:35.

For more infomation >> Bóle żołądka na podłożu nerwowym! - Duration: 8:35.



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Malin Berghagen samlade in 60 000 kronor – i mamma "Lill-Babs" namn - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Malin Berghagen samlade in 60 000 kronor – i mamma "Lill-Babs" namn - Duration: 1:49.


【MHW】充能斧配裝/心得!15分鐘內一定可以殺死歷戰王屍套龍! - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> 【MHW】充能斧配裝/心得!15分鐘內一定可以殺死歷戰王屍套龍! - Duration: 4:09.


Man Utd transfer news: New David de Gea blow - he could join Real Madrid AFTER World Cup - Duration: 2:10.

  There had been suggestions De Gea, 27, has agreed a new five-year deal to stay at Old Trafford

 To now, thas been no official announcement but McGarry doesn't believe Manchester United's move is that far down the line

 Instead, he has claimed De Gea is keeping an eye on what is going on at Real Madrid with a view to possibly moving there once the World Cup is over

 McGarry told the Transfer Window podcast: "De Gea himself is looking at his time at Manchester United and saying 'what have I got to show for my time at one of the biggest clubs in the world?'   is a long-term target for Real Madrid "A handful of player of the year awards, no Champions League medal, one Premier League title and a couple of other medals that don't mean that much to me

 "Could I go back and win the Champions League and La Liga? Yes I could. "My information is there has been a contract offer on the table for a long time, and it keeps being improved

 "De Gea went to the World Cup with the latest offer on the table thinking, 'let's see what happens in Russia, lets see what happens at Real Madrid this summer'

"    De Gea allowed a Cristiano Ronaldo shot to slip through his hands in a 3-3 draw with Portugal in Spain's opener but it was a rare blot on the keeper's copy-book

 McGarry addded: "It's worrying for Mancester United that they don't have a creative player, a striker or midfielder, who is even challenging their goalkeeper to be player of the year

 "He's indispensible. If Manchester United let him leave for Real Madrid and he possibly could go this summer then that's a hell of a gap to fill

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: New David de Gea blow - he could join Real Madrid AFTER World Cup - Duration: 2:10.


Afrobeat Instrumental 2018 ''Monaco'' [Afro Trap Type Beat] - Duration: 3:36.


For more infomation >> Afrobeat Instrumental 2018 ''Monaco'' [Afro Trap Type Beat] - Duration: 3:36.


Easy Low Carb Peanut Butter Truffles Only 4 Ingredients - Duration: 5:20.

Easy low-carb peanut butter truffles only four ingredients

guilt-free chocolate treats

Recently, I have been trying to cut down on the amount of sugar and refined carbs that I eat as with most new habits

It's not that bad once you get into it, but I still find there are certain foods

I really miss if I have some kind of sweet

Indulgent treat I can substitute

I know it is far less likely that I will fall into the temptation of eating something that doesn't align with my current goals

Enter chocolate peanut buttered ruffles. They are delicious

satisfying and so incredibly easy to make they only require four ingredients and

Because you're making them yourself. You can alter the recipe to suit your nutritional and taste needs

All you need is four ingredients. All you need is coconut oil butter peanut butter and chocolate

Chips if you want to make it even simpler, you could replace the butter with more coconut oil or vice versa

By using dairy-free chips and coconut oil you can make these truffles

Completely vegan if you wish they were a little bit sweeter

you can increase the amount of chocolate or add a sugar-free sweetener like stevia if

You'd like a little more protein and less fat you can increase the amount of peanut butter and decrease the amount of oil and butter

Obviously if you change the ingredients the nutrition information

Included with this recipe will not be accurate for your truffles as you can see the possibilities are quite numerous

this is also a great way to make an all natural fancy treat without doling out the big bucks if you

already buy natural or organic versions of these

Ingredients then you can mix up your truffles with the peace of mind that no one is sneaking in any additives though

These are low in sugar

They were still sweet enough for my dear husband who is definitely not willing to compromise flavor for a healthier option

Every time I pull one out he asks if he can have one too

Low-carb diets I first came across the idea for this dessert while looking through a website with IDO. Genic

in case you don't know a ketogenic diet is one that

prioritizes fat consumption and cuts

Carbohydrates down to a minimum this diet has been proven to have a positive impact on conditions like epilepsy

Many other people have found the ketogenic diet helps them lose weight or regulate their hormones. I

Personally don't subscribe to the ketogenic diet

But I have found that increasing my fat consumption and decreasing my carbohydrate consumption

Sometimes helps decrease acne breakouts on my face

Eating a higher amount of fat in my diet also helps me feel fuller

and so I am less prone to

Mindless snacking or overeating if you are increasing the amount of fat you eat

I recommend you still stay mindful of how many calories you are consuming

Since foods high in fat are more calorie dense than low fat foods

It's also good to make sure you go for enriching natural sources like avocados

coconut oil fish oils or nuts the benefits of a higher fat diet

Eating a higher amount of fat in my diet also helps me feel fuller

and so I am less prone to

Mindless snacking or overeating if you are increasing the amount of fat you eat

I recommend you still stay mindful of how many calories you are consuming

Since foods high in fat are more calorie dense than low fat foods

It's also good to make sure you go for enriching natural sources like avocados

Coconut oil fish oils or nuts using the right equipment

this time also went much better because I had molds to make the truffles in I

Had previously let the mixture cool a little and then dropped a spoonful at a time onto a tray covered in aluminum

It didn't alter the flavor at all, but obviously they weren't as uniform in size or shape

Being able to pour the mixture into a mold while it is still warm and then allow it to harden in the fridge or freezer

Is so much easier so it's not impossible to make these if you don't have a silicone mold

But it certainly streamlines the process even an ice cube

Tray will probably work

Still don't let lacking that little bit of equipment keep you from diving into these decadent morsels cook time

Prep time 10 minutes cook time 5 minutes ready in 15 minutes yields 18

ingredients 2 tablespoons coconut oil 4 tablespoons unsalted butter

1/2 cup creamy all-natural peanut butter

1/4 cup 72% dark chocolate chunks

For more infomation >> Easy Low Carb Peanut Butter Truffles Only 4 Ingredients - Duration: 5:20.


Business Body Language Tips - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Business Body Language Tips - Duration: 1:25.


Pilny apel o pomoc. Martyna wojciechowska zgubiła coś bardzo cennego! - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Pilny apel o pomoc. Martyna wojciechowska zgubiła coś bardzo cennego! - Duration: 1:38.


'Quando é o Thiago Silva, chamam de pipoqueiro', diz Vampeta sobre o choro de Neymar - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> 'Quando é o Thiago Silva, chamam de pipoqueiro', diz Vampeta sobre o choro de Neymar - Duration: 3:55.


O Kamla Yaar Taan Wat | Mani Group Nowshera Party | New Punjabi Dhol Geet | Chinji Program 2018 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> O Kamla Yaar Taan Wat | Mani Group Nowshera Party | New Punjabi Dhol Geet | Chinji Program 2018 - Duration: 5:08.


Olga Frycz też założy blog o macierzyństwie? "Po porodzie chce zrobić przerwę od pracy" - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Olga Frycz też założy blog o macierzyństwie? "Po porodzie chce zrobić przerwę od pracy" - Duration: 4:33.


O ex-jogador e comentarista de futebol Juninho Pernambucano surpreendeu muita gente ao disparar cont - Duration: 2:45.

 O ex-jogador e comentarista de futebol Juninho Pernambucano surpreendeu muita gente ao disparar contra Galvão Bueno durante a transmissão do jogo do Brasil contra a Costa Rica nesta sexta-feira (22)

Ele criticou as opiniões do narrador contra Neymar, a principal estrela da Seleção Brasileira

 "O cara passa o jogo criticando o Neymar, culpando até pelo pênalti sofrido. Agora quer elogiar

Galvão não para, é intocável. Faz todo mundo detonar o cara, depois do gol quer mudar

Isso sempre foi assim. Neymar é monstro e não é obrigado a arrebentar sempre. Boa Brasil", disse ele em seu Twitter

 Juninho, que pediu demissão da Globo recentemente após um comentário polêmico contra repórteres esportivos, foi chamado de hipócrita após o tuíte

Internautas questionam o motivo pelo qual o ídolo do Vasco não criticou Galvão quando estava na Globo, onde comentou jogos comandados pelo narrador

 "Por quê não falava isso quando trabalhou com o Galvão? Comentou vários jogos ao lado dele na globo e nunca deu esse chilique

Patético", questionou um internauta. "Podia ter falado na cara quando tava lá", disse outro, ressuscitando uma foto dos dois juntos

For more infomation >> O ex-jogador e comentarista de futebol Juninho Pernambucano surpreendeu muita gente ao disparar cont - Duration: 2:45.


CHIA ► URGENTE!! Não Coma Chia Antes De Ver Este Vídeo!! - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> CHIA ► URGENTE!! Não Coma Chia Antes De Ver Este Vídeo!! - Duration: 3:45.


The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains! - Duration: 22:37.

For more infomation >> The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains! - Duration: 22:37.


Tabela da Copa do Mundo 2018: classificação dos times nos grupos|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Tabela da Copa do Mundo 2018: classificação dos times nos grupos|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:15.


Thiago Silva reclama de 'xingamento' de Neymar |x3and1baller - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Thiago Silva reclama de 'xingamento' de Neymar |x3and1baller - Duration: 2:09.


【MUKBANG】 Peyoung's Super Super Super Big Portion GIGAMAX x3 + Toppings [3.5Kg] 7655kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 7:09.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka ( Eng subs by ~Aphexx~ )

so today tadaa! I've got these super duper ginormous things made by peyangu. these are their new 'gigamax' products

I bought 3 of them just check out this box One of these boxes is about 2140kcal

welllllll I'll be able to eat it

Please only consume one of these per day As you might exceed your daily calorie limit

I think I can handle more than one of these so.... I'll probably be able to handle 3 of these

I usually cook all of these at once but.....

Since they already came out with this nice handy huge packaging I think it might taste better eating these individually

Normally I have like 10 of these all lined up at once

And making each one of them individually is such a pain And since I only have to make 3 of them today

It's almost as if they designed this with me in mind

as if....

There's not much to these packages

Even before boiling these up its rather hefty

It's jam-packed

they ain't kidding around with the sauces either its so huge

toppings, and extra herbs

It comes with two of these things Look at how big they are

Let's start off with the fixings

There's so much of these fixings

And now for the hot water

it uses 1.3L

Then lid it.... this is just like a normal one we wait 3 minutes

Well we're waiting for this lets boil Another kettle

After the three minutes have elapsed Discard the water

Now that we just got out of the water and added the cabbage We now add the sauces

I was thinking that since there's so much noodles in here That it would be very hard to mix

But the container is so huge that it's Rather easy to mix up

the peyangu looks so yummy

I love the aonori fragrance its really hefty

Each one of these is roughly 1.05 kilograms itadakimasu

These noodles are rather thin

It's such a simple mix of flavors that go down so easy

the yakisoba sauce that they Supply is rather light

If so yummy how it's soaks into the noodles

Packed with so much cabbage

all done

that tiny amount is not enough to get even close to filling up my tummy

its about the right size for a handy snack

Add hot water

and wait for another 3 minutes

Drain the water and add the sauce again

another one is ready

For the second helping I'm going to add my #BFFMayo and rayu chili oil

It looks nice and spicy

Since we're making these individually I love how I can enjoy them while they're nice and hot

It's super delicious its like we added a spicy mayo to it

It tastes so good with this rayu chili oil we already know it tastes amazing with mayo

but it goes really good with this rayu as well its so nice and tasty

Since the sauce itself is so sweet this sweet and spicy flavor is very yummy

all done

The third and last one

For this third one I think I'll add some kimchee/kimuchi/gimchi/kimchi and

mayo and sesame oil

Again with this mayonnaise

And now the kimchi

gimchi goes with anything

And now the sesame oil

K, its all ready now

I love that Sesame oil aroma

It really tastes like kimchi ... thanks captain obvious

When you add the kimchi it really changes up the flavor

The mayonnaise helps how to mellow the flavor as well

The sesame oil is so tasty

peyangu adds sesame as a topping for these and so sesame oil is a perfect fit for these

the rayu chili oil give it a nice spicy kick

It also gives it such nice aroma

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

peyangu's gigamax were so ginormous and yummy

For a normal person one of these might be a bit much So I recommend adding a bunch of different sauces and toppings

I really felt that the mayo and sesame oil tasted so yummy and was so easy to do

the gimchee was so good as well

Making huge portions is always so tough It's always a godsend when they make big things like this

It was all so yummy was to watch you all please give it a try And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you

Wants me to do or each please tell me in the comments section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Peyoung's Super Super Super Big Portion GIGAMAX x3 + Toppings [3.5Kg] 7655kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 7:09.


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✅ Somiglianza tra Carlotta Mantovan e Jessica Biel | Isa e Chia - Duration: 1:20.

Quello delle somiglianze è un post che noi di IsaeChia dedichiamo quotidianamente alle tante segnalazioni inviateci dai lettori del nostro sito (via mail a isa o via social network, tramite le nostre pagine Facebook, Twitter o Instagram) che propongono una similitudine fisica che loro riscontrano, nei tratti o nei colori, tra due personaggi della televisione, della musica, del cinema, del gossip o dello sport

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it dal giovane artista campano Raffaele Scarano)

For more infomation >> ✅ Somiglianza tra Carlotta Mantovan e Jessica Biel | Isa e Chia - Duration: 1:20.


Rumianek lekiem na Hemoroidy - Duration: 13:36.

For more infomation >> Rumianek lekiem na Hemoroidy - Duration: 13:36.


How Billie Jean King won the Battle of the Sexes & met her true love - Duration: 9:47.

"That day I decided I was going to be a professional tennis player.

EQUAL PAY The year 1973 was also a defining one for King.

King was 29 and at the top of her game.

Riggs was 55 and out of shape, a relentless self-promoter who swore he could still beat any woman.

  Battle of the Sexes is now a Hollywood blockbuster starring Emma Stone as King and Steve Carell as Riggs.

Riggs needed the attention and money (the winner took $100,000) to feed his gambling addiction, but the movie suggests that his macho attitude was mostly a front and he may in subtle ways actually have wanted to promote the goals of women.

VIRGINIA SLIMS The real misogynist of the piece is painted as Jack Kramer (played by Bill Pullman), who stubbornly resisted the idea that women tennis players deserved the same respect and recognition as men.

In 1970, King had demanded that Kramer, who ran the Pacific Southwest Tennis Tournament, raise the pay for women competitors - at the time they were receiving just 15% of the prize money that was given to men, despite the fact that the women's final attracted as many spectators as the men's.

Kramer refused.

King and eight other top-ranked women players walked out of the tournament.

Represented by the formidable Gladys Heldman, founder of World Tennis magazine, they started the Virginia Slims tour, funded by a cigarette manufacturer.

The film addresses the incendiary issue of tobacco sponsorship by having Heldman (played by Sarah Silverman) say to the players: "You do the tennis and I'll do the smoking." I thought it would set us back 50 years if I didn't win.

It would ruin the women's tour and affect all women's self esteem Billie Jean King, King and Kramer continued to lock horns.

Three years later, she threatened to call off the Battle of the Sexes game if Kramer was allowed to be a commentator, saying that he was biased against women.

The TV network removed him.

For King, there was a lot more than a sporting victory at stake when she faced Riggs across the net.

"I thought it would set us back 50 years if I didn't win," she said at the time.

"It would ruin the women's tour and affect all women's self esteem." Kloss, who followed the match on radio in South Africa, says: "It was as much about the message as the money.

It was about tennis as a global sport in which men and women are equally important.

People all over the world were watching; it was such an opportunity for Billie and Bobby to be able to send that message." LOVE STORY The match continues to resonate.

"I'm not sure anything can top Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs," Venus Williams said in 2015 when someone suggested that the Williams sisters' US Open showdown was just as exciting.

Williams, also mentored by King (both are UN global gender-equality ambassadors), took the baton and helped convince the organisers of Wimbledon and the French Open to award the same prize money to male and female winners.

Battle of the Sexes is not only about equal rights for men and women.

It is also a love story that reveals the extreme prejudice of the times.

While winning Grand Slams and campaigning for gender parity, the staunchly private King was in a conflicted relationship with hairdresser Marilyn Barnett, who accompanied the women's team on tour.

The need for secrecy became painfully obvious when Barnett sued King for palimony in 1981.

The publicity generated by the lawsuit forced King to publicly admit to the affair, which cost her most of her sponsorship.

  King's husband Larry (not the talkshow host) stood by her and they remained on amicable terms even after their divorce a few years later.

She and Kloss have been together ever since.

The film ends after the 1973 match, but read in the context of what has happened since, it is even more poignant.

The real love story was yet to come, as were giant steps towards equal acceptance.

EQUAL RESPECT In 1974 King founded the Women's Sports Foundation, "dedicated to creating leaders by ensuring all girls access to sports".

This followed her 1973 creation of World Team Tennis, a co-ed professional league in which men and women compete equally.

Kloss became involved in WTT in 1985 and in 2001 took over from King as CEO.

"We all stand on the shoulders of the generations that came before us," says Kloss.

"Billie did so much to change things for all of us.

For example, this year at the US Open, Sloane Stephens won $3.7-million [R51-million].

Billie played professionally until she was almost 40 and in her entire career she won less than $2-million in total.

But Billie always says she's thrilled that players today are living her dream.

She knew she wasn't doing it for her own era." Kloss says the film speaks of all the goals towards which she and King continue to strive.

"It's pretty simple," she says.

"Our foundation is for men and women because we're all in this together and that's the way we want the world to look.

We just want everyone to be treated with equal respect.

It has been an incredible journey for me, for more than 30 years, to be with a person who looks at the world the way Billie does.

She sees the best in everybody.

She's the love of my life." • Battle of the Sexes opens in South African cinemas on Friday BATTLE OF THE RACES   Two months after the Battle of the Sexes, in November 1973, US tennis starArthur Ashe became the first player of colour to compete in the South African Open.

Despite critics who advocated boycotting South Africa as the most powerful form of protest, Ashe had made it his personal crusade to gain entry to the contest because he believed that his presence on the court would help expose the hypocrisy of apartheid.

Ilana Kloss, who was 17 at the time, thinks Ashe made a difference.

"It was a huge deal," she says.

"We didn't even have television yet, but Arthur Ashe brought the world to South Africa and I do think he helped change things.

For me, growing up in a time of  apartheid made it even more important to have someone who made you believe in a better future, who showed you how things could be.

"What Arthur and Billie envisaged in terms of equal respect for everyone continues to be so important, but we always have to keep fighting for freedom and equality.

We can't ever take it for granted.".

For more infomation >> How Billie Jean King won the Battle of the Sexes & met her true love - Duration: 9:47.


Ejercicios interactivos para APRENDER ESPAÑOL || María Español - Duration: 16:20.

For more infomation >> Ejercicios interactivos para APRENDER ESPAÑOL || María Español - Duration: 16:20.


দেখুন, কেমন আছে ভন্ডপীর পেয়ার | এতদিন পর সুরে সুরে যে কথা স্বীকার করল | Ahp Tv | Bangla News Today - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> দেখুন, কেমন আছে ভন্ডপীর পেয়ার | এতদিন পর সুরে সুরে যে কথা স্বীকার করল | Ahp Tv | Bangla News Today - Duration: 3:12.


Zmarł Mścisław Lurie. Będąc w łonie matki cudem ocalał z Rzezi Woli - Duration: 4:52.

W wieku 74 lat odszedł Mścisław Lurie, syn Wandy Lurie, nazywanej Warszawską Niobe.

Ocalała ona, będąc w ósmym miesiącu ciąży z Rzezi Woli.

Straciła jednak trójkę swoich dzieci.

Mścisław Lurie przez całe swoje życie dbał, by pamięć o Rzezi Woli była przekazywana dalej.

W pierwszych dniach Powstania Warszawskiego 5 sierpnia 1944 roku Niemcy działając na bezpośredni rozkaz Adolfa Hitlera dokonali bestialskiego mordu tysięcy mieszkańców Woli.

Wyciągnęli wszystkich na zewnątrz i zapędzili na teren fabryki „Ursus" przy Wolskiej 55.

Matka Mścisława będąc z nim w ósmym miesiącu ciąży że oprawcy z oddziałów pod dowództwem Heinza Reinefartha oraz brygady kryminalistów i

zawodowych przestępców niemieckich podkomendnych Oskara Dirlewangera oszczędzą kobietę w dziewiątym miesiącu ciąży i jej dzieci.

Ale tego dnia nie oszczędzano nikogo.

- Podeszłam w ostatniej czwórce wraz z trojgiem dzieci do miejsca egzekucji, trzymając prawą ręką dwie rączki młodszych dzieci, lewą - rączkę starszego.

Dzieci szły płacząc.

Starszy widząc zamordowanych krzyczał, że nas zabiją - wspominała.

Jednak Wanda nie zginęła, przez dwie doby leżała przykryta stosem ciał.

Z największym trudem udało się wydostać na ul. Skierniewicką.

Ale spotkani Ukraińcy zapędzili ją do kościoła św.

Wojciecha, gdzie urządzono obóz przejściowy dla ludności cywilnej z różnych dzielnic.

Później, zawieziono ją z obozu przejściowego w Pruszkowie do szpitala.

Tam urodził się syn, któremu nadała imię „Mścisław".

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