Sara thanks so much for being with us you know so much has happened this week
and we're kind of in the middle of this free-floating situation with North Korea
and I know the president he said he was pulling out of the summit but left the
door open North Korea seems to trying to crawl back in but things are changing
every minute what insight can you give us look this is an evolving situation
the president was extremely clear when he wrote in his letter to leader Kim
earlier this week and laid out exactly the things he would want to see and one
of the key things is that the dialogue that matters most is at the very highest
level and when they want to get serious about having this meeting and having
these conversations that dialogue will need to be between those two individuals
and that's where the decisions will be made we're continuing to prepare as the
president has said within the last few hours certainly we'll see what happens
we think that this would be a good thing for the world for this meeting to take
place and a good thing frankly for North Korea that's the president's focus is
getting denuclearization on the peninsula that's been what he's wanted
to do from the onset and it was still hopeful that you know whether it's June
12th or July 12 we still hope that that can take place at some point soon well
you know let's move on to what happened this week with the gang of eight and
with the discussion regarding what the president is called Spygate
now Annan chef comes out from this meeting that was supposed to involve
just classified information he said nothing has changed there is evidence of
wrongdoing here but not of any spy being placed the Trump campaign aside from the
semantics of spy and in the campaign does the president still believe that
there was a placement of someone from the FBI prior to the time that the FBI
claimed that they started looking at the Trump
paint look there's a lot of information out there that certainly suggests that a
lot of nefarious things went on between the Department of Justice and the Trump
campaign if anybody was doing anything wrong it certainly wasn't taking place
at the Trump campaign but it looks like now it may have been through our own
government certainly something that should cause concern for everyone and it
certainly has got the president looking and wanting to get some real answers as
members of Congress have demanded to get answers and we think they should get
them that's been the president's role in this process is pushing to make sure
that we have complete and total transparency that was the role that the
White House staff played in the meeting that took place on Thursday and that
continues to be the President's message let's get to the bottom of this and show
and see what took place one thing we know for sure because we were part of it
we were involved in it and that's that there was no collusion and I think
that's pretty clear not just to us but to the American people this charade has
gone on for over a year and they found absolutely nothing it's time for this to
wrap up and let's move on and look at some of the real issues and real
problems that our country is facing you say it's time for it to wrap up and I
think that most Americans would agree with you but what if anything is the
president going to do to push that wrap-up a long look we've done
everything we can do we've been fully cooperative throughout this process
we've turned over millions of pages of documents and once again despite that
the hours and hours that have been given in interviews and the amount of
paperwork that's been turned over they found nothing and it's time for us to
close this up and move forward you know what's interesting if indeed that spy or
a human source that may have been in the campaign I think most people believe was
at least one if not more there would if there were any evidence that they found
that evidence would indeed be a part of the application for the FISA warrant but
can we assume or should Americans assume that that spy found nothing because it
wasn't anything else added to the application for the warrant before the
FISA Court that's seems like it would be exactly right I
think that if this happened which a lot of reporting indicates it did it would
be one of the most outrageous and egregious things that anyone could ever
do to another in competing campaign and completely out of line out of step and
something that every American should be demanding justice on and you know what
most Americans are demanding justice but they're not seeing it in fact we have an
absentee attorney general by the name of Jeff Sessions who's pretty much recused
himself and put rod Rosenstein a person that the president you know it's not
appointed to be Attorney General the same person who said that Kobe should be
fired in a position of putting a man in an investigation to investigate whether
Comey should have been fired isn't the president fed up with both of
these people isn't it time to get a working Attorney General on staff look I
think the president is fed up with the fact that this investigation is still
taking place like I said this has gone on for more than a year it's a total
hoax and it's one of the biggest wastes of taxpayer dollars in time to continue
pushing forward in this process we certainly are focused on the things
Americans actually care about and we're getting a lot of those done every single
day and the president continues to be focused on making sure we're actually
producing and doing the right thing for the American people
Sarah Huckabee Sanders thanks so much for joining us thank you it's great to
be with you judge thank you Standells so much spies and lies what a
we could spend earlier I sat down with one and only South Carolina Senator
Lindsey Graham to get his reaction to it all Senator Graham thanks for being with
us thank you this week we saw so much activity with
North Korea the president said look I'm done with you and then in the end it
seems like North Korea wants to sit down what's the latest here's what you need
to understand about President Trump in North Korea within a month of being
president he said to me you know everybody before me let this get out of
hand I am going to end the nuclear threat coming from North Korea the only
question is how and when he prefers to do it through a diplomatic solution
that's a win-win for North Korea us in the world if he asked to use military
force he will he will destroy this regime if he has to to take the nuclear
threat away from North Korea when in his first term why if you let them get
stronger and bigger in terms of nuclear capability they may use it one day
they'll certainly sell it and Donald Trump's gonna bring it to an end see
John Kerry and Obama would crawl through glass to get a deal with the ayatollah
trump is not going to do that with North Korea China pulled North Korea back I
think China thought this thing was getting out of hand was China leveraging
for terrorists I think I think so here's what I think China believes that they
can play Trump I think North Korea believes they can play Trump here's what
they're going to learn they can't there would be no nuclear North Korea without
China's hilt there never be the end of this
diplomatically without China's hip what China needs to understand if you don't
help us through diplomacy the war will be in your backyard not ours right
and they they can't have that all right I want to move on to a special counsel
this time yes name of ubirr he's not so counts no no burner he's like a Utah
he's the US Attorney some reason everybody says we're gonna have them
investigate the claims of FBI an email what's your take so I wrote a
letter to him in Horowitz the Horowitz is the idea yes I like Horowitz he's the
AG but he's not a prosecutor he's gonna issue a report about DOJ and FBI
corruption when it comes to the Clinton email investigation and how they handled
the dossier and the FISA warrant but he can't prosecute anybody right here's the
question our Hueber who are you working for
what's your mandate how many people do you have under your control we know what
Muller has Mulder's got like 18 lawyers right he's got a mandate we don't know
exactly where it goes he's got all he needs to question is are
we giving Huber all he needs to deal with the Clinton email scandal what do
you think I don't think so I don't think he's an adequate substitute for a
special counsel to look at DOJ corruption you can't let this he's in
DOJ you can't look he's working for Rosenstein cannot keeps expanding the
mission of Muller to the distress of everyone cannot let them investigate
themselves all I'm asking is okay Muller you do your job but somebody needs to
look at the FBI agents who are in charge of the Clinton email investigation for
having their thumb on the scale somebody needs to look at the fact that the
dossier was prepared by a foreign agent paid for by the Democratic Party we all
know this what is it gonna happen senator my viewers are so frustrated
coming it's coming when there's two lanes Congress can tell you about what
happened but we can't prosecute my people right we're not an adequate
substitute for a special counsel when it comes to DOJ corruption FBI corruption
I won't Muller to I mean I won't call me to come in I want mccabe to come in I
want Lynch to come in I want all of these people or or to come in and talk
about you know what happened what it will be happen this summer but the
bottom line is we're not prosecutors some people need to be candidates for
going to jail they need to be taken out in cuffs all right
really doing but but what you've got to do Congress with the American people
we're looking to you you're a United States Senator you have a lot of power
you know this thing has to end with you listen Steinem the two-step that you're
doing here's what I'm gonna do what are you going to do only appoint a special
counsel in extraordinary circumstances special counsels are unique and we don't
need a lot of them but you need them sometimes sessions is conflicted out in
terms of the Trump campaign so we got a special counsel what about DOJ looking
at themselves that's a non-starter what do we know we know they used a dossier
prepared by foreign agent paid for by a political party the Democrats and
properly we know that the McCade got fired cause
he lied we know that Peter Straub lost his job because he was not being a fair
investigator somebody needs to look at this other than Horowitz for criminality
here's my problem with DOJ you need to point a special counsel to look at this
stuff who appoints the special counsel it will be Rosenstein he's not gonna do
it it's not in his interest what are you gonna do to get that smell out a letter
to put this stuff in the grand jury and take it I'm gonna join my colleagues in
the house and I'm gonna push the system I'm a pretty good lawyer you're a great
lawyer I'd have to prove to somebody that Donald Trump colludes with anybody
why because I don't think he colludes with his own government must lest the
Russians he is a man who does what he wants to do
who plays it you know he's very flexible he since he doesn't sit down include
he's instinctive I just don't believe the president engaged it all with a
foreign government that's not after two years almost will
somebody tell me give me some evidence other than Adam Schiff coming out and
saying oh it's their item line is that President Trump just needs to focus on
North Korea and Iran and you think he's going to do that I think it's Judy speak
to Muller I you know if I were his lawyer I'd be
reluctant to do that but how about no yeah that's what what's your but well I
I don't want to be his lawyer because I'm not but I'd be really realistic
Trump in context he said yeah a little rondell he did he
said he'd moved the capital of the interests in Jerusalem he did he said he
would take the gloves off when it comes to Isis he did he said he was going to
take North Korea on and trying to make it a win-win all I can tell you anybody
who doesn't believe Donald Trump is serious about what he says is making a
huge mistake China if you're watching judge your name you need to understand
that President Trump is gonna stop the nuclear threat coming out of North Korea
he needs your help but if you ask to use military force it is coming to your
backyard it's not to America's backyard all right Senator Lindsey Graham thanks
so much for making us
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