Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 1 2018

Be quiet please



Hello teacher

Today we are going to learn math

Are you ready ?


You wrong

Second question

That is ~

You wrong

You have to know answer

Of course, I know

You wrong

Riwon! you have to concentrate on my class blah blah ~~

Don't play with TAYO on my class

Well. I have another thing

Don't eat jelly on my class

I love drawing

Don't drawing anything on my class


Seat down your seat

POCHI ! I feel weird

I feel I was a teacher

Oh you are right

Let's play together

Yes you are right

Don't make a noise

Sorry teacher

Well I have another way to play

Don't play with Tayo bus toy on my class

Ice cream


Don't eat ice cream on my class

Oh delicious

I want to be normal status

OK. I will do


Oh I am back

I am back

Thank you so much

Daddy ! Don't lay the blame on me too much

For more infomation >> Daddy turn into a little boy. Playground. Magic. Kids. Toy. Family Fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:30.


地面にうずくまっていた小鳥を保護、手のひらで温めていたらもう一羽小鳥が飛んできた!【感動する話】 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> 地面にうずくまっていた小鳥を保護、手のひらで温めていたらもう一羽小鳥が飛んできた!【感動する話】 - Duration: 2:27.


Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:44.


Ta historia wstrząsnęła USA. Amerykański Komenda. Niesłusznie skazany odsiedział 17 lat [VIDEO] - Duration: 4:05.

Amerykański Komenda. W wieku 14 lat został skazany za zamordowanie strażnika więziennego

Przesiedział 17 lat, uniewinniono go dopiero teraz. Johna Bunna poruszyła Amerykanów i media na całym świecie

41-letni John Bunn płakał, gdy sędzia w Nowym Jorku ogłosiła jego niewinność. Walczył o to od 27 lat

„Jestem niewinny, wysoki sądzie, zawsze byłem niewinny. Wysłaliście nieodpowiedniego człowieka do więzienia, a na wolności nadal jest ktoś, kto dokonał morderstwa" – mówił podczas rozprawy, cytowany przez CNN

Czytaj też: Jak jednak wyglądała cała historia amerykańskiego Komedy?  Otóż w 1991 r

dwóch strażników więziennych zostało postrzelonych w aucie na Brooklynie. Jeden z nich zmarł w wyniku odniesionych ran

Według śledczych sprawców było dwóch i chcieli ukraść samochód, w którym siedzieli strażnicy

Właśnie wtedy podejrzanym stał się 14-letni wówczas John Bunn. Został rozpoznany na zdjęciu przez jedną osobę – rannego strażnika

Jednak ślady krwi i odciski palców nie pasowały do nastolatka. Jego sprawa była prowadzona przez nowojorskiego detektywa, obecnie emerytowanego, któremu zarzuca się, że wymuszał zeznania i manipulował świadkami

John Bunn szybko został skazany za morderstwo i próbę morderstwa. Mężczyzna wyszedł z więzienia w 2009 r

w ramach zwolnienia warunkowego. Walczył jednak o to, by w świetle prawa być niewinnym

Udało się to dopiero teraz. Sprawa Johna Bunna przypomina do złudzenia sprawę polskiego skazanego – Tomasza Komendy

Sąd Najwyższy uniewinnił Komendę, którego w 2004 roku prawomocnie skazano na 25 lat więzienia za brutalny gwałt i zabójstwo 15-latki w Miłoszycach pod Wrocławiem

Komenda niesłusznie przesiedział za kratkami 18 lat. Teraz ubiega się o ponad 10- milionowe odszkodowanie

Czytaj też: Źródło: CNN/

For more infomation >> Ta historia wstrząsnęła USA. Amerykański Komenda. Niesłusznie skazany odsiedział 17 lat [VIDEO] - Duration: 4:05.


噂の最終モデル!? アウディ「R8」のV6モデルをキャッチ! - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 噂の最終モデル!? アウディ「R8」のV6モデルをキャッチ! - Duration: 1:36.


EVACUACIÓN DE AGUAS RESIDUALES EN EDIFICIOS, las bajantes medidas e instalacion. - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> EVACUACIÓN DE AGUAS RESIDUALES EN EDIFICIOS, las bajantes medidas e instalacion. - Duration: 4:49.


Come Organizzare La Giornata: 6 Regole D'Oro ⏰ - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Come Organizzare La Giornata: 6 Regole D'Oro ⏰ - Duration: 8:03.


Corinthians vence a primeira com Loss e volta ao G4 do Brasileiro|n123snow - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> Corinthians vence a primeira com Loss e volta ao G4 do Brasileiro|n123snow - Duration: 9:41.


Flamengo derrota Bahia no Maracanã e retoma liderança do Campeonato Brasileiro|n123snow - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Flamengo derrota Bahia no Maracanã e retoma liderança do Campeonato Brasileiro|n123snow - Duration: 4:17.


Gossip e Tv: svelati i nomi dei possibili concorrenti del Grande Fratello VIP 3 - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Gossip e Tv: svelati i nomi dei possibili concorrenti del Grande Fratello VIP 3 - Duration: 5:10.


São Paulo vence o Botafogo por 3 a 2 e lidera o Brasileirão|x3and1baller - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> São Paulo vence o Botafogo por 3 a 2 e lidera o Brasileirão|x3and1baller - Duration: 8:32.


Anna Tatangelo e Gigi D'Alessio pace fatta: tra la coppia è tornato il sereno - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Anna Tatangelo e Gigi D'Alessio pace fatta: tra la coppia è tornato il sereno - Duration: 3:07.


Mitsubishi Space Star 1.0 INTENSE | Rijklaarprijs E 10445 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Space Star 1.0 INTENSE | Rijklaarprijs E 10445 - Duration: 1:06.


Come connettere e usare la tastiera rimovibile HP ZBook x2 - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Come connettere e usare la tastiera rimovibile HP ZBook x2 - Duration: 2:16.


Art journal Process with Finnabair Impasto Paints - Duration: 31:20.

it's Keren Tamir here and welcome today I'm going to be creating an hour journal

page and I'm going to be creating it in this journal this is one of the new

journals from Michaels that are being sold exclusively at Michaels

it's a canvas our journal book and it comes with two types of pages it comes

with the canvas page which is like what I worked on here and then it also came

with some pocket pages but you can insert your own oh maybe I have it

upside down sorry and they open up and you just insert your our journal page if

you work let's say on paper or on some other medium so you can do that and

today I'm going to be creating and put it on the canvas because it's really fun

to work on canvas and this canvas is untreated there is nothing on it but the

nice thing that you can do is you can I work with impasto paints and because

they're so thick you don't really need to prep this as much I'm not going to be

doing a painting I'm going to doing I'm gonna be doing mixed-media which is

really easy to have it unprepped so I'm going to separate this it's so easy to

just take out and then you have in your car you have it outside of your journal

and you can work on a flat surface

so I'm going to put this here and I'm going to just have this one which is the

one we're making as a reference I'm thinking though today to use other

colors I am always going with blues and greens so I think to just make it a

little bit different I'm going to be using other colors now just to talk a

little bit about the impasto panes there are acrylic paints and they're

very very sick and you can dilute them with a little bit of water to make them

a little bit more liquidy this is a set that comes at michaels which comes with

the main colors which is yellow green blue white red and black not in that

order i think i have them out of order and i use the the blue the green and the

yellow and the white to create my my page however the impasto paints come

in a lot of different colors and these all these colors come separately not in

a kit like that and you can buy them separately in different also in

brick-and-mortar stores so for example colors like these which are like pinks

and purples and there is this Jade color which is beautiful I mean they have

different name raspberry Heather Jade but I just left turquoise green

turquoise purple and pink and then there's of course black so I'm not sure

I'm going to kind of play around with things and see what where it takes me I

really wanted to use a little bit of the purplish and the blues and I might even

going through this one as well I really love this cobalt blue it's beautiful so

I just want to I just played around with it and one of the best ways to play

around with it is to have texture in the background so you can really see how

they work interact with each other so the first thing I did is I started

gluing some texture in the background so I used two things I used a little bit of

tape this is drywall tape and it comes in a tape and it's just basically you

can get it at any hardware store there's two different types there's one that

looks like a punching Ella and there is this one and I'm going to basically trim

it and cut it and it's a great way to create texture now you could use any

type of netting it is hard like plastic kind of like a net and this one has

already the stickiness underneath so all I'm going to do is just stick it on the

background then I'm going to take some lace now I think for the original I

might have only used lace but I just wanted to show you that you can use so

many different things now with lace obviously it doesn't have that

stickiness to it so you need to add some kind of medium to glue it up so what I

did is I used some gel medium minutes okay so I'm going to cut sizes different

size lace so what I want to do is I want to have the main longer area of the lace

to be longer in the center and shorter as it comes up towards the

Edge's that way it creates movement I also have a little bit of this ribbon so

you can use ribbon you can use lace you can use all different things let's see

what else we have here there is this one so it's just really nice to be able to

create texture with things and all you have to do is just glue it with some gel

so I'm just roughly placing the textured lace in different places and I am

covering and kind of overlapping them and it doesn't really matter if you do

that or not you could just overlap or leave it the same and then I'm going to

glue it more or less to the background I mean I'm sure you have lots of lace and

prima has lots of beautiful lace I truthfully looked for it because I have

some but I could not find it I don't know I have a very messy room right now

and I can't find anything so this is the reason why I couldn't find the lace okay

so I think this is good I don't want to overdo it I don't want to put too too

much so this is enough for that and then I'm gonna take this soft gel now there

are basics coming both gloss and matte and I'm sure you know that and the one

from Michaels it's the gloss one that comes in the set I like I don't mind

using either one I like the soft one to be able to stick the lace onto this and

I'm going to use my silicone brush which is a very well used silicone brush and

glue it to the background now you could fly straight to the background or you

could just put it on your mat and then apply it make sure you seal the lace as

well so it's a good idea to put like the gel on top as well because that way it

really seals it to the background now this will be a little bit glossy but

since the impasto paint is not as glossy it will kind of cover it up I am going

to put some clear gesso as well on top because I want to make sure that it's

not as glossy I don't actually like a lot of gloss I prefer things to be matte

and I tend to use the matte gel more but just for these purposes I wanted to use

the ones from Michaels so that's why I went ahead and use this

but you could use soft the matte gel as well you don't have to use the gloss one

them and it's not going to look exactly the same no two mixed-media pages are

alike I try to recreate the same thing but you don't always have the same

materials you might not stick them in the same order or have the same design

or even the same colors so I like that things are different I like when my

pages turn differently and that's the way what what I like about our

journaling and I can talk while I'm gluing is that what I like so much about

it is that it really lets me express my emotion in a small piece of art so doing

a canvas is a very large piece of art I mean depending on obviously the size but

it's a lot of more working with an art journal you can experiment you can try

different things and see if they work and see how they react with each other

depending on the mediums and it's a huge way of being able to test things without

having to to waste a lot of material or a lot of a lot of paper or a lot of you

know lace because I'm just basically doing it on a small piece of on a small

surface area so what I love about our journaling is number one is that you can

you can go ahead and use a small surface and get a lot done and try things and

experiment the other thing I love about our journaling is that it really relaxes

me when I work in creating in general like it really helps me to relax

so art journaling is almost like a diary you're actually expressing your emotions

through art and that's basically what we all love to do so there's a great thing

I actually had a video on my youtube channel where I spoke about the

different reasons why I like are generally there were ten different

reasons and these were only the ones I mentioned today are only two of those

reasons but I just really wanted to express how much I loved our journaling

how much I loved art and that really helps if you can go back

and see the one that I made about there ten reasons why I love art or art

journaling so I'm almost done gluing the last bit of it and you see I'm really

using a generous amount I'm trying to use as much as I can because I want to

make sure that it sticks to the background you don't want it to starts

lifting up halfway through so I really do put a lot and that's okay don't worry

it's better to put more than to take that had not have things sticky like you

know sticking out and coming off your page of course you can always add it a

little bit at a time you don't have to add it all at once but just to make sure

that it all sticks together so as you can see here I have the longer part in

the middle and then shorter ones going across so you need to heat set this

really well it's important to heat set this part so you make sure that

everything is dry and it doesn't take that long it doesn't take that long to

dry especially the soft gel is quite quick so it's really good to have this

this way so as you can see I mean I don't have to have it fully fully dry

but just to make sure that things are not moving so I sometimes touch it and

see it doesn't come off then that means it's dry enough that I can put the next

medium on I recently did in our journal page where I did this as well but

instead of using canvas I stuck the lace on regular watercolor paper and it

turned out just as beautiful and just it worked just as well it's a really great

technique for adding texture and right now it looks weird but once you add

color and make this all uniform you will really see the difference and you could

use any type of thing you could use cheesecloth this is cheesecloth you

could use this to adhere to the page as well you could use flowers basically

anything goes I find a glossy gel a little bit more sticky than the matte

one so that's why sometimes I prefer using the matte over the glossy one

because it takes a little bit longer to I don't know if it's too dry but

definitely when you touch it feels more sticky for the next step I

want to add some gesso and where did I put it oh there it is

so this is heavy white gesso now you could definitely add clear gesso as well

or black if you're gonna use metallic colors but I offered to use white zetsu

because I wanted the lace to have an even coat so basically you see how here

there's pink and there's brown and there's beige and white so if you put

the gesso you will get everything to look the same and that's what I wanted

to achieve I wanted everything to look the same you know I didn't want it to

have different colors and if you added a clear gesso you will still have those

different colors so I'm adding a small layer a thin layer I meant to say of the

gesso now you could definitely cover everything if you want to so I could

cover the whole page with this and that way you also have it prepped for the

impact of paints however the impasto paints are so thick that they don't

truthfully need a layer underneath oh I find that they don't it's my opinion

about that but I will do it just so you can see the difference because it gives

it a nice base to everything so just so in general could give you a nice base

and Prima cells not only the small one small tubs like this but it also sells

just so in the 8-ounce and some of them even come in 17 ounces jars so as you

can as you may guess I have a lot of gesso at home and I end up using it

quite often so I have big jars of it as well so you see when you cover this it

covers the color it covers and makes everything and makes everything even and

the nice thing about Jeff so it dries really fast this gesso is particularly

heavy meaning that it's quite thick so it gives a really good coverage you

don't usually need to do more than one layer unless you're really covering a

large space and you miss some places usually a one layer is enough it's

basically just a primer or base for everything and it's really fun to work

can a canvas surface I mean I do it a lot in big canvases that are stretched

but the canvas itself gives a really nice texture to the background it has

those ridges so it really looks nice I'm going to dry this as well and then we'll

add the color now gesso dries really fast so you'll see compared to the gel I

barely have to use any heat to dry it it's basically the edges are almost dry

and then just the center needs to be dry a little bit more just because there's

more in the center and also the lace is wet it becomes wet when you add mediums

so it's good to give it exist dry and it doesn't really matter if you miss some

places because you're going to put the paint on top so it's not a big deal so I

like to recycle a lot I like using things from my house and use things that

are available to everyone and lace cheese cloth or even tapes are really

easy to use for everybody so look on your house and see what you can find

that you could add texture and a deer to your pages okay so for the next step I'm

going to start adding the paints now as I said I think I'm going to go with a

little bit of a different color scheme but I will show you the the two of them

I'm going to do the same thing in both I just want to show you the technique and

not so much the color so don't get stuck on the colors just mainly look at the

techniques I really love using some different colors in my pages I don't

want everything to look the same so for this I'm going to be using first this

color and I'm going to add it here because what I want is I want to kind of

have and almost like a dry brush technique you want to get those textures

first and I'm going to add all three colors here because it's just easier

that way so the blue and the purple so it will look a little bit different than

the other one and once you have them on your mat then you're not worried that

your cross contaminating you can just go from one to the other

and and add the layers and other layers of color so the nice thing to do is to

mix the colors around in the background you don't want them all to be either in

the center or on the sides you want to kind of move around with the color I am

going in this direction which is the horizontal direction when I'm applying

it now I'm going to do that a little bit darker color which is the blue and

always do your dark colors last only because they are the darkest and it's

hard to cover them later on I love this combination of colors but now I can go

back and when they start combining together they look beautiful and the

Blues combine with each other and they take up a form of their own type thing

now applying it in the opposite direction I want to add some movement to

the mypage this is shouldn't be difficult this is really easy to just

basically add color to a background and it's nice when the colors start mixing

this look at this beautiful mix here of purple and blue so that's the key to it

and let me add a little bit more of this color because it's kind of missing now

in the background and look how thick they are how beautiful they start mixing

with each other this is basically a simple way of covering a page once you

have the texture now another thing you can do and I'll show you is that you can

add a little bit of water to the background and that helps blend click

sorry blend the colors together so just by wetting it a little bit it brings

that lightness to the to the paint so it makes it a little bit more liquidy and

you can definitely mix it better so you continue to apply things until you're

happy with the results so I want some more of this color here and if you want

to add more things but it everything is getting too

mismatched or too wet you can dry up you can dry the dry it up and then add the

color again I think I'm going to be doing that now it's too mixed already

and I can get the definition of each color so all you have to do is basically

dry out this layer just lightly dry it it doesn't have to be fully dry just dry

enough that the colors won't mix with each other this is a fin every texture

brush one side has texture on it that you could create texture by adding it to

the background or you could just paint regularly maybe they'll show you how it

works in a second okay so here I'll show you how this textured

brush work we can use it here in the corner as well it looks really cool that

way but here you can see another texture I'm going to turn it around and you can

create really nice texture in the background right by adding it this is

cool maybe I'll add some let's add some more

and some purple maybe and add some lines so how long I have to move this up a

little bit just to show you how cool it is I'll put all the links to everything

I'm going to upload this video to my youtube channel so I'm going to be

putting the links to everything as well and you can also go in the opposite

direction and there's a few different brushes actually oh there's this type so

you can own the so create texture so just to show you the different size it

comes in a set of brushes and it's just basically adding the color and kind of

blending it you want to blend you want to make sure everything blends together

that's when the colors become really beautiful when they're blended with each

other so I'm going to bring a little bit more of the purple over here so you

continue playing like this is important like don't stop because you think oh it

doesn't look as nice you see me continuing to play and this is why I

like I just continue continue continue until I'm happy and then I say okay I'm

stopping now it's really important to stop only when you're happy and don't

I mean don't all over but you have to stop when you think

you're happy it's not when others think you're happy but when you're think

you're happy and that's the most important thing so now happy and we're

good and all I'm going to do now is just dry this up because I want to add a

little bit of the white paint but if you can see here I'll show you this other

one I added a little bit of white but only after everything was dry and I'll

show you how I added this let me dry this first and then we'll add that ok so

that's good that's dry and now I'm going to add a little bit of the white impasto

paint and to do that I'm going to use the paintbrush again but this time I'm

going to do a dry brush technique and I'll show you what I mean by that so I'm

going to put a little bit here and why don't the technique that I did the lines

with is quite simple it's basically what I wanted to do is I

wanted to create a border around my canvas page and I started just fiddling

with it and it looked really good so what I started doing is I started doing

applying our dry brush technique through the edges not to do this you need to

have your brush or really dry and you need to work really fast that way it

creates those really nice ridges and I go turn our I turn the page around and I

just continue doing that so first I start with the edges so it kind of

creates a border around my artwork now I'm obsessive with borders I love

creating borders on our journal pages I talk about this a lot in my videos I

need to frame them look how beautiful this is looking with the ridges that I

created with the brush so I need to frame my my pages and the best way to do

that is to create a border another thing you can do with this white paint is that

kind of highlight some of the texture it will bring those really nice

embellishments embellished lace to the surface it brings out that texture and

you're able to see it much so between the ridges of the sari

between all that a texture that I made with the lace and the texture I made

with the brushes and then the texture that you have originally on the canvas

it picks up everything the white picks up all the different textures and it

looks really really cool and you can add it everywhere but really lightly like

I'm barely barely touching the surface of my of the canvas and I'm also using

it with a really dry technique so the paint has to be super super dry that

paintbrush has to be super super dry and also use very little paint so all those

things together and look at this is this is the texture from the tape that I

added now another way that I did is I actually added kind of these lines and

that was just basically painting this way in that way I just went around it

added this and you can use different paintbrushes for that there's no science

to this but the dry brush technique is known it's like it's not something new

that I invented or anything like that I just think it adds a lot of texture and

a lot of beauty to anything and there you go like I mean I don't think I need

to add much more to this except for medium the focal point but see as you

can see I mean it turned out very different than the other not only in the

line to see added I think more lines I could do that as well just to show you I

think I added a lot more lines there but let me just wet the top of the brush and

just kind of create the lines now what those lines help with and I want to

explain why I did that it's because it helps Center everything it actually

helps draw your eye towards the center of the page which is

I wanted to do it's really important to draw your eye to the middle of the page

to where your focal point is going to be okay so I mean that's basically my

background and now I'm going to work on the focal point and what I did is for

the focal point I used these stamped images that are from one of the stamp

sets this is not sure what it's called but I'll list it below and I'll use the

stamp set to stamp some images on just a little piece of paper that's all I did

so I'm just going to add these to the center now I didn't stamp the circles

and I will stamp them now and the other thing that I did is a little I think a

little bit of this cool lace to say God like literally at the dollar store I

think or some something I'm not sure it's not really lace it's some kind of

actually I'm not even sure I use this one or did I use yeah it's fine I like I

like they're like there's all these fluffy ones I might want to use some

fluffy one instead maybe this one is the one that I use because it looks really

cool so my main point of this video is to add texture it's really important to

just have a lot of texture on things and that really makes everything pop up okay

I like that perfect so good and all I have to do is

just basically glue it with some gel now I will show you if I might cut some

circles as well but right now I just want to glue this first so it starts

drying so for this one all you have to do is just I mean you could do this on

your mat but I'm just doing it here okay this will dry clear so it's not a big

deal if it looked like that and then I can use the rest of it you just glue

this so there we go now these stamps stamp really well and I want to show you

how well they stamp I'm going to actually stamp the circles here and show

you how well they look so there's that and then I'll show you this how easy it

is to stamp with so here's my circle stamps I love the

two small ones and hold on I'm just getting the paper okay so this is really

easy you could even stamp it with your hands but you don't have to I have just

some archival ink any black ink would work just make sure that it's dry fat

that it dries fast so that way you can you can easily

it'll be quickly cut it and what did I do with my I can't find now my stamping

blocks so it'll be with my fingers so I'm literally grab this with my fingers

and I stamp and it's perfect even with my finger so I'm gonna do two

big ones so they're really high quality stamps I must say like the clear stamps

they really you don't I'm a really I'm not a good Stamper I actually do a

horrible job but truthfully they're so easy to stamp that you don't he you

never make a mistake and I didn't even put that much pressure on it so I really

like the fact that it's there's such high quality stamps and then you only

have to do is just cut this like you see because it's dying you can just cut it

really quickly and this already has a saying on it it says dare to spread your

wings so you don't even need to put out a sentiment if you don't want to so you

can just I mean I could have cut these in advance to save myself from cutting

on the show this is why I did the butterflies I just never had enough time

to cut the circles but I figured the circles won't take that long to cut so

that's why I added them here so there's one and here's the other and then one

year once you're done all you have to do is just pop this page back into the

journal and you're done and it's so quick so the yarn is from some dollar

store oh gosh I don't know and I got it so many years ago but I'm sure there

have it somewhere but all you want is you can do the same effect with some

cheesecloth you don't have to buy this specific yarn you can do the same effect

with cheesecloth and just fray the edges and

you will get that as well the same exact effect okay so let me glue these a

little bit and I'm just literally going straight from the pot you could add some

gel on top as well you can add other embellishments it doesn't have to be

butterflies I just love butterfly so that's why and let me just use the

leftover from here and this is already has so I think this smaller one has to

go at the edge okay so there we go so this is it I mean how much quicker can

this be it really is fast most of the time I was doing like besides painting

and adding the lace everything else was really quick and easy but this shouldn't

take you more than an hour to do including the cutting and the gluing and

the drying it really shouldn't take you more than an hour to do it and then all

you do is just pop this back into it so here is the one of the first one and

here's the second one so there you go I mean you can you can

look how many color combinations you could do there's so many nice impasto

paintings you could combine so many of them together so there's so many

companies you could add yellow red blue green purple and there's different

shades of the colors so I'm really excited for you two guys to try all the

different combinations and the try the impasto paints and see how you like them

because they give a really good coverage and you don't have to add a lot of it so

thank you so so much for joining me today if you like my video please give

it a thumbs up and share it with your friends on social media please share

it's really important for both prima and for myself to have everything shared

everywhere so people can learn and experiment and and just love the

products so thank you so much and have an amazing day

For more infomation >> Art journal Process with Finnabair Impasto Paints - Duration: 31:20.


400348 - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 400348 - Duration: 3:14.


Land Rover | Sir Ranulph Fiennes - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Land Rover | Sir Ranulph Fiennes - Duration: 2:05.


Mom hid my cell phone ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 7:13.

Mom hid my cell phone ㅣ RabbitPlay

For more infomation >> Mom hid my cell phone ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 7:13.


Margallo aconseja a Rajoy "dimitir" para que no prospere la moción de censura - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Margallo aconseja a Rajoy "dimitir" para que no prospere la moción de censura - Duration: 3:04.


Daddy turn into a little boy. Playground. Magic. Kids. Toy. Family Fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:30.

Be quiet please



Hello teacher

Today we are going to learn math

Are you ready ?


You wrong

Second question

That is ~

You wrong

You have to know answer

Of course, I know

You wrong

Riwon! you have to concentrate on my class blah blah ~~

Don't play with TAYO on my class

Well. I have another thing

Don't eat jelly on my class

I love drawing

Don't drawing anything on my class


Seat down your seat

POCHI ! I feel weird

I feel I was a teacher

Oh you are right

Let's play together

Yes you are right

Don't make a noise

Sorry teacher

Well I have another way to play

Don't play with Tayo bus toy on my class

Ice cream


Don't eat ice cream on my class

Oh delicious

I want to be normal status

OK. I will do


Oh I am back

I am back

Thank you so much

Daddy ! Don't lay the blame on me too much

For more infomation >> Daddy turn into a little boy. Playground. Magic. Kids. Toy. Family Fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:30.


Teresa Rodríguez acusa a Echenique de fabricar un documento "falso" para atacarla a ella y a Kichi - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Teresa Rodríguez acusa a Echenique de fabricar un documento "falso" para atacarla a ella y a Kichi - Duration: 5:36.


400338 - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> 400338 - Duration: 3:26.


✅ Una vita anticipazioni: non si va in onda il 2 giugno 2018, cosa succederà dopo? Scopriamo la tram - Duration: 3:19.

Giornata di festa per tutti il 2 giugno 2018. Festa della Repubblica in Italia e programmazione televisiva completamente stravolta

Le soap di Canale 5 non andranno in onda il 2 giugno 2018 e quindi non andrà in onda neppure Una vita che torna invece nel pomeriggio della rete dal 4 giugno

E le nostre anticipazioni ci rivelano proprio la trama della puntata di Una vita in onda il 4 giugno 2018 su Canale 5

Come avrete visto Ursula e Cayetana sono di nuovo alleate per un solo scopo: mettere ko Mauro e far si che Teresa stia lontano da lui ma non solo

Le due donne hanno sete di potere e insieme sono pericolosissime. Nel frattempo Mauro ha avuto la promozione e adesso potrà investigare senza che nessuno gli metta i bastoni tra e ruote

Nonostante tutto quello che è successo, Teresa ha preferito stare lontano da Mauro ed è di nuovo molto vicina a Fernando che vorrebbe sposarla il prima possibile

E nelle prossime puntate di Una vita che cosa succederà? Lo scopriamo con le anticipazioni, eccole per voi

  UNA VITA ANTICIPAZIONI: LA SOAP TORNA IN ONDA IL 4 GIUGNO 2018 Fernando e Teresa affrontano i manifestanti e denunciano l'aggressione

Felipe viene cacciato da casa da Consuelo e si stabilisce dai Palacios. Consuelo lo accusa di dispiacersi solo per la perdita della sua posizione in societa', non per la perdita di Celia

Felipe in realtà è molto provato perchè non si aspettava che sua moglie potesse arrivare a tanto

Liberto e Rosina salutano Susana prima di partire insieme per un viaggio di qualche giorno

Elvira cerca di riavvicinarsi al padre, ma il colonnello rimane freddo e inamovibile

L'uomo non ha ucciso Liberto ma questo non significa che abbia perdonato sua figlia per quello che è successo e non può neppure accettare che la ragazza abbia una relazione con un uomo che non appartiene al suo ceto social…Per Elvira e Simon le cose sono sempre più complicate

Il giovane poi è ancora turbato dal fatto che Susana non abbia voluto sapere niente di lui e che anzi, abbia anche cercato di corromperlo con del denaro… Tutto questo e molto altro nella puntata di Una vita in onda il 4 giugno 2018 su Canale 5

Buon fine settimana a tutti voi.  Stampa

For more infomation >> ✅ Una vita anticipazioni: non si va in onda il 2 giugno 2018, cosa succederà dopo? Scopriamo la tram - Duration: 3:19.


Fiat 500 - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 - Duration: 0:42.


La mujer de Bárcenas ya está fuera de prisión después de que su hijo reuniera los 200.000 euros - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> La mujer de Bárcenas ya está fuera de prisión después de que su hijo reuniera los 200.000 euros - Duration: 4:43.


Novo Civic chega R$ 21 mil mais caro e sem as mesmas tecnologias do irmão norte-americano - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Novo Civic chega R$ 21 mil mais caro e sem as mesmas tecnologias do irmão norte-americano - Duration: 7:00.


Especulado no Corinthians, atacante pode ser negociado por R$ 79,5 milhões - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Especulado no Corinthians, atacante pode ser negociado por R$ 79,5 milhões - Duration: 3:36.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 MPI 75pk Comfortline | R-Line | Cruise Control | Airco | - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 MPI 75pk Comfortline | R-Line | Cruise Control | Airco | - Duration: 0:41.


Daddy turn into a little boy. Playground. Magic. Kids. Toy. Family Fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:30.

Be quiet please



Hello teacher

Today we are going to learn math

Are you ready ?


You wrong

Second question

That is ~

You wrong

You have to know answer

Of course, I know

You wrong

Riwon! you have to concentrate on my class blah blah ~~

Don't play with TAYO on my class

Well. I have another thing

Don't eat jelly on my class

I love drawing

Don't drawing anything on my class


Seat down your seat

POCHI ! I feel weird

I feel I was a teacher

Oh you are right

Let's play together

Yes you are right

Don't make a noise

Sorry teacher

Well I have another way to play

Don't play with Tayo bus toy on my class

Ice cream


Don't eat ice cream on my class

Oh delicious

I want to be normal status

OK. I will do


Oh I am back

I am back

Thank you so much

Daddy ! Don't lay the blame on me too much

For more infomation >> Daddy turn into a little boy. Playground. Magic. Kids. Toy. Family Fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:30.


地面にうずくまっていた小鳥を保護、手のひらで温めていたらもう一羽小鳥が飛んできた!【感動する話】 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> 地面にうずくまっていた小鳥を保護、手のひらで温めていたらもう一羽小鳥が飛んできた!【感動する話】 - Duration: 2:27.


Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:44.


Ta historia wstrząsnęła USA. Amerykański Komenda. Niesłusznie skazany odsiedział 17 lat [VIDEO] - Duration: 4:05.

Amerykański Komenda. W wieku 14 lat został skazany za zamordowanie strażnika więziennego

Przesiedział 17 lat, uniewinniono go dopiero teraz. Johna Bunna poruszyła Amerykanów i media na całym świecie

41-letni John Bunn płakał, gdy sędzia w Nowym Jorku ogłosiła jego niewinność. Walczył o to od 27 lat

„Jestem niewinny, wysoki sądzie, zawsze byłem niewinny. Wysłaliście nieodpowiedniego człowieka do więzienia, a na wolności nadal jest ktoś, kto dokonał morderstwa" – mówił podczas rozprawy, cytowany przez CNN

Czytaj też: Jak jednak wyglądała cała historia amerykańskiego Komedy?  Otóż w 1991 r

dwóch strażników więziennych zostało postrzelonych w aucie na Brooklynie. Jeden z nich zmarł w wyniku odniesionych ran

Według śledczych sprawców było dwóch i chcieli ukraść samochód, w którym siedzieli strażnicy

Właśnie wtedy podejrzanym stał się 14-letni wówczas John Bunn. Został rozpoznany na zdjęciu przez jedną osobę – rannego strażnika

Jednak ślady krwi i odciski palców nie pasowały do nastolatka. Jego sprawa była prowadzona przez nowojorskiego detektywa, obecnie emerytowanego, któremu zarzuca się, że wymuszał zeznania i manipulował świadkami

John Bunn szybko został skazany za morderstwo i próbę morderstwa. Mężczyzna wyszedł z więzienia w 2009 r

w ramach zwolnienia warunkowego. Walczył jednak o to, by w świetle prawa być niewinnym

Udało się to dopiero teraz. Sprawa Johna Bunna przypomina do złudzenia sprawę polskiego skazanego – Tomasza Komendy

Sąd Najwyższy uniewinnił Komendę, którego w 2004 roku prawomocnie skazano na 25 lat więzienia za brutalny gwałt i zabójstwo 15-latki w Miłoszycach pod Wrocławiem

Komenda niesłusznie przesiedział za kratkami 18 lat. Teraz ubiega się o ponad 10- milionowe odszkodowanie

Czytaj też: Źródło: CNN/

For more infomation >> Ta historia wstrząsnęła USA. Amerykański Komenda. Niesłusznie skazany odsiedział 17 lat [VIDEO] - Duration: 4:05.


噂の最終モデル!? アウディ「R8」のV6モデルをキャッチ! - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 噂の最終モデル!? アウディ「R8」のV6モデルをキャッチ! - Duration: 1:36.


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Comfort /NAVI/Climate Control - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Comfort /NAVI/Climate Control - Duration: 1:12.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T INNOVATION AUTOMAAT LEDER NAVI - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T INNOVATION AUTOMAAT LEDER NAVI - Duration: 1:12.


[A day before us 2] EP.10 ] Before I Lay Down and Fall Asleep_ ENG/JP - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> [A day before us 2] EP.10 ] Before I Lay Down and Fall Asleep_ ENG/JP - Duration: 2:48.


Ly4lyly4 Joins Bigetron (BTR) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Ly4lyly4 Joins Bigetron (BTR) - Duration: 1:02.


NINJA Screams Like a Chicken And Angry Moments (Funny Fails & Best Moments) - Duration: 10:06.

This isn't a hate video towards Ninja. Don't hate on him because of this video. Ninja, please tell me if you want this video removed.

For more infomation >> NINJA Screams Like a Chicken And Angry Moments (Funny Fails & Best Moments) - Duration: 10:06.


New Bangla Short Waz | Amar Jibone Boro Shad | Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | 2018 - Duration: 9:38.

AK Computer Network

Have Done This Video

For more infomation >> New Bangla Short Waz | Amar Jibone Boro Shad | Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | 2018 - Duration: 9:38.


How to make free energy with light bulbs - Amazing idea 2018 with motor generator - Duration: 10:38.

How to make free energy with light bulbs - Amazing idea 2018 with motor generator

For more infomation >> How to make free energy with light bulbs - Amazing idea 2018 with motor generator - Duration: 10:38.


Helping Elon Musk with his subcontractors | Agile Practitioners #6 - Duration: 6:43.

Hello, hello!

It's Agile Practitioners. My name is Basia.

My name is Piotr. My name is Jarek

My name is, my name is, my name is...

Few days ago leaked email from Elon Musk.

Yeah that was quite interesting email. It's not really about agile but we

think it also covers this this area. But the thing is how we work with companies like ours.

Okay so in this mail Elon Musk states his

disappointment about the performance of subcontractors. Basically there are so

many subcontractors it's like... Russian nesting doll..

yes, russian nesting dolls. Yeah so subcontractor, behind subcontractor - so many managers.

He says she says that it is hard to reach actual people doing the work

It is hard to expect performance in such scenario. He stated in the email that he

expected every subcontractor to demonstrate his excellence in upcoming

days. So we think that this situation is interesting, because actually we are

software outsourcing company and we are often a subcontractor and we

have point of view about the situation. We see three major points in this

situation, which we want to discuss. The first one is too many subcontractors

which Musk call them russian nesting dolls. The second one is too many

middle managers and the third one is contracts open time and material.

Okay, so we think that all these three points affect our industry as well

software development outsourcing and we often deal with this problems in the

industry so how to expect involvement from subcontractors how to expect value

in the collaboration and minimize involvement of managers not doing actual

work and how to frame collaboration in contracts so that you can act so one

side can expect clear deliverables from the other side.

Problem number one, which is many subcontractors not adding value

from our perspective, if you have big number of people,

that are working on your product, or different products

number of people that that are working on your product or different products

the best way is to split them into teams. Small teams, small agile teams from

three to eight persons and then actually at the complexity of the management is

decreased, because you manage teams. The accountability is on the team not on the

individual person so it is easier to navigate for you as company that is

ordering something. The point is to work directly with the people,

who really add value,

Another point is a lot of middle managers, that are not adding value.

Our solution for that case is first of all work directly with the teams, but also with

with members within a team. So really avoid any middle person who is

between you and someone who's actually doing a job. In our case we eliminated

project managers, which you can listen about in another episode of our series.

But we rather provides scrum master role that is supportive leadership

to enable self-organization of the teams that

supports working towards common goal instead of putting people or managers in

a system that ensure that things are done

The last thing was open time and material and not fixed price and

duration contracts. First of all the contact should have this this clear

statement and possibility for you, to have a clear accountability on people

who is doing a job. You mentioned that contract is not the most

important part. In this situation we have definitely lack of visibility,

lack of visibility of plans, of progress, of results. So a transparency

definitely could help. The transparency doesn't mean that it's only for a single

person at your company. It should be your own company that can see

the results. So for instance everybody can check at the source what's happening not

asking a friend who's running a project. In your company,

but also in companies of your subcontractors. Yes.

As an outsourcing partner we think of

ourselves like we were augmenting our clients, teams or companies to help them

achieve their business goals rather than following some contracts and some rules

stated in contracts. This is everything what we wanted to say about it. Obviously

this problem is not an easy one. If you want us to dig a little

bit more, just leave us a comment or write to us and thank you for today,

remember to be agile and see you in the next episodes and remember to subscribe!

Thank you thank you, bye!

yes it's clearly clearly visible how

we are performing

so it can be clearly seen

so to be fair

For more infomation >> Helping Elon Musk with his subcontractors | Agile Practitioners #6 - Duration: 6:43.


NCTzen tells haters.. if that's your choice then you should take responsibility as well #NCT - Duration: 6:49.

What is it saying

Our kid is not like that

I don't know about it ~~~


(Comment Defenders)

To the world, here is NCT

Hello, we are NCTzen


Hello, I'm Choi Hyoseon the slave of SM Wooooo

I'm Yoo Hyejoo the slave for Jeno whom I love Wooooo

On behalf of NCTzens,

We'll do our best to defend bad comments against NCT!


(NCT~ Lit lit fighting) X 2

(NCT~ Lit lit fighting) X 2


Reading bad comments, START

So when will NCT be break out stars? SM is so frustrated


Guys, no!

Guys, no! / We're bursting with luck

The 'NCT 2018' album was a big hit

It was ranked second on some music charts

They finally have an official cheer stick


They admitted

Let's mimic NCT's face looking at an official cheer stick

Taeyong's face


It was like this

but it's.. okay

but it's.. okay / I was like that too

Since SM made NCT's cheer stick, they didn't burst with frustration

Since SM made NCT's cheer stick, they didn't burst with frustration / but still expecting

They're going to burst now

'NCT's world view is blah blah.... Am I the only one not getting it?


NCTzens also get...

NCTzens also get... / confused at times

I think there should be a book (about it)

'There's NCT class in SM high school

'There's NCT class in SM high school / and they do club activities'

You can think of it like this

NCT U stands for NCT UNITED and they change members depending on a song

Uh... NCT127 means longitude of Seoul, it's a group based on Seoul

NCT DREAM is a teenage united team

NCT DREAM is a teenage united team / and NCT 2018 is a team promoting this year!

Yea, it's not difficult once you know the meaning

This NCT's world view has a meaning of an infinite extension

This NCT's world view has a meaning of an infinite extension and to be one in music

Even in this picture we are one

Even in this picture we are one / in NCT

and we become one in NCT's music

and we become one in NCT's music / so we became one as well



NCT is ever expanding, even now I don't know who's who If you grab someone passing by, he would say 'I'm NCT'

Hm...... huh?

(Relaxing water)

Fire truck


After expanding, now they are 18?!

Forever expanding in the future....

But well... this is the reason why NCT was made

It's fine even though you don't know who's who, because we do

We do

Don't ignore NCT, your future son could be NCT lol A bridle of infinite extensions

I want it! x2

Becoming a fan of your son... wow....

Even now I feel like raising a son because of NCT DREAM

We spoil them

and isn't it 'Bbaeknyeo'?

and isn't it 'Bbaeknyeo'? / A son's connection! x2

If my son is NCT, I'll go there

If my son is NCT, I'll go there / A waiting room(in a music show)

I wonder how big this experimental strategy will fail and how long will it last

You wondered...

You really wondered

Stop saying 'fail', I get hurt

(Purifying water)


To your eyes


We don't think it's experimental because we got so used to it

I don't know until when...

I don't know until when... / Forever!

Even tho NCT Mark turns 100

What NCT term are you on?

21st ..

21st .. / Ah hello Senior!!

It could be like this!

Hello I'm NCT 21st term!!


Taeil is a downgraded version of Choi Seongguk






So cute~~

Mm cute~~

That's why he's cute

They look alike

Honestly they do

Choi Seongguk is handsome

Choi Seongguk is handsome / He used to be a gorgeous star

He's still gorgeous

We love Taeil

We love Taeil / and we love Choi Seongguk too!

Why did Mark participate in "High School Rapper" in the first place and got burned by a nobody?

What is it saying~~????!!!!

He was ranked high

He was ranked 4th

He was ranked 4th, guys

Sing, Sang, Song!!

Sing, Sang, Song!! / You don't know it??????? Sing, Sang, Song?!?!?!

Sing, Sang, Song~!!!

He promoted "My First and Last" and "Limitless" at the same time

and he was ranked 4th

It's like he got an A+ even though he just partied everyday

This is something that Mark has to be applauded for



Too weak!!

Too weak!! Again!!!

My hoodie string is Mark lol

Wow loooool

Jealous x3

Where did you get it from

which brand is it?

Mark was best this time

Mark was best this time Curly Mark♥︎♥︎♥︎♥

Congrats on your Mark hoodie

I'm jealous

Please send me the info

You can see that SM lost their touch if you look at NCT Haechan

Clink x2

For real

I don't know which touch it's talking about

A chorus fairy for real

Once you listen to his voice your ears melt


People who haven't listened to his voice say that


Right Listen to it

Haechan's part in "Fire truck" is the best

It is amazing

I think I can mimic his voice

Don't stop~~~~


(Quick apology) Ok, I'm sorry

(Quick apology) Ok, I'm sorry It's much better than this

I'm sorry Haechan!

That was her personal view

I'm sorry Haechan

Lyrics of NCT's songs are only 'Nanana'?


That's why we prepared this

Shall we start with "Touch"?

Nananananana x3 na na na na

and then NCT DREAM's "GO"

It's all the same story na na na na na na

Same 'Na' but different vibe

'Na' takes a killer part in a song

It's easy to sing for other people including foreigners

They're doing it to be friendly...

They're doing it to be friendly... / I took a guess

It's just a guess

It didn't have anything but only a wrapper lol even Thor doesn't carry a pouch

I admit!

Thor x3!!!

Thor x3!!! / Flying away x2

We were so confused

We visited the website at 3 because we heard it'll be there

Huh? A pouch?

Go away wrapper!!!

Go away wrapper!!! Go away!!!

Thoughts after defending comments

You're picking on NCT in detail

taking time to look up their clips

If you're gonna be that way, just do NCT



Jeno!!! This is crazy!!!

This is my favorite pic for real

Guys, open your eyes to NCT's charm Open your eyes~~

For more infomation >> NCTzen tells haters.. if that's your choice then you should take responsibility as well #NCT - Duration: 6:49.


Art journal Process with Finnabair Impasto Paints - Duration: 31:20.

it's Keren Tamir here and welcome today I'm going to be creating an hour journal

page and I'm going to be creating it in this journal this is one of the new

journals from Michaels that are being sold exclusively at Michaels

it's a canvas our journal book and it comes with two types of pages it comes

with the canvas page which is like what I worked on here and then it also came

with some pocket pages but you can insert your own oh maybe I have it

upside down sorry and they open up and you just insert your our journal page if

you work let's say on paper or on some other medium so you can do that and

today I'm going to be creating and put it on the canvas because it's really fun

to work on canvas and this canvas is untreated there is nothing on it but the

nice thing that you can do is you can I work with impasto paints and because

they're so thick you don't really need to prep this as much I'm not going to be

doing a painting I'm going to doing I'm gonna be doing mixed-media which is

really easy to have it unprepped so I'm going to separate this it's so easy to

just take out and then you have in your car you have it outside of your journal

and you can work on a flat surface

so I'm going to put this here and I'm going to just have this one which is the

one we're making as a reference I'm thinking though today to use other

colors I am always going with blues and greens so I think to just make it a

little bit different I'm going to be using other colors now just to talk a

little bit about the impasto panes there are acrylic paints and they're

very very sick and you can dilute them with a little bit of water to make them

a little bit more liquidy this is a set that comes at michaels which comes with

the main colors which is yellow green blue white red and black not in that

order i think i have them out of order and i use the the blue the green and the

yellow and the white to create my my page however the impasto paints come

in a lot of different colors and these all these colors come separately not in

a kit like that and you can buy them separately in different also in

brick-and-mortar stores so for example colors like these which are like pinks

and purples and there is this Jade color which is beautiful I mean they have

different name raspberry Heather Jade but I just left turquoise green

turquoise purple and pink and then there's of course black so I'm not sure

I'm going to kind of play around with things and see what where it takes me I

really wanted to use a little bit of the purplish and the blues and I might even

going through this one as well I really love this cobalt blue it's beautiful so

I just want to I just played around with it and one of the best ways to play

around with it is to have texture in the background so you can really see how

they work interact with each other so the first thing I did is I started

gluing some texture in the background so I used two things I used a little bit of

tape this is drywall tape and it comes in a tape and it's just basically you

can get it at any hardware store there's two different types there's one that

looks like a punching Ella and there is this one and I'm going to basically trim

it and cut it and it's a great way to create texture now you could use any

type of netting it is hard like plastic kind of like a net and this one has

already the stickiness underneath so all I'm going to do is just stick it on the

background then I'm going to take some lace now I think for the original I

might have only used lace but I just wanted to show you that you can use so

many different things now with lace obviously it doesn't have that

stickiness to it so you need to add some kind of medium to glue it up so what I

did is I used some gel medium minutes okay so I'm going to cut sizes different

size lace so what I want to do is I want to have the main longer area of the lace

to be longer in the center and shorter as it comes up towards the

Edge's that way it creates movement I also have a little bit of this ribbon so

you can use ribbon you can use lace you can use all different things let's see

what else we have here there is this one so it's just really nice to be able to

create texture with things and all you have to do is just glue it with some gel

so I'm just roughly placing the textured lace in different places and I am

covering and kind of overlapping them and it doesn't really matter if you do

that or not you could just overlap or leave it the same and then I'm going to

glue it more or less to the background I mean I'm sure you have lots of lace and

prima has lots of beautiful lace I truthfully looked for it because I have

some but I could not find it I don't know I have a very messy room right now

and I can't find anything so this is the reason why I couldn't find the lace okay

so I think this is good I don't want to overdo it I don't want to put too too

much so this is enough for that and then I'm gonna take this soft gel now there

are basics coming both gloss and matte and I'm sure you know that and the one

from Michaels it's the gloss one that comes in the set I like I don't mind

using either one I like the soft one to be able to stick the lace onto this and

I'm going to use my silicone brush which is a very well used silicone brush and

glue it to the background now you could fly straight to the background or you

could just put it on your mat and then apply it make sure you seal the lace as

well so it's a good idea to put like the gel on top as well because that way it

really seals it to the background now this will be a little bit glossy but

since the impasto paint is not as glossy it will kind of cover it up I am going

to put some clear gesso as well on top because I want to make sure that it's

not as glossy I don't actually like a lot of gloss I prefer things to be matte

and I tend to use the matte gel more but just for these purposes I wanted to use

the ones from Michaels so that's why I went ahead and use this

but you could use soft the matte gel as well you don't have to use the gloss one

them and it's not going to look exactly the same no two mixed-media pages are

alike I try to recreate the same thing but you don't always have the same

materials you might not stick them in the same order or have the same design

or even the same colors so I like that things are different I like when my

pages turn differently and that's the way what what I like about our

journaling and I can talk while I'm gluing is that what I like so much about

it is that it really lets me express my emotion in a small piece of art so doing

a canvas is a very large piece of art I mean depending on obviously the size but

it's a lot of more working with an art journal you can experiment you can try

different things and see if they work and see how they react with each other

depending on the mediums and it's a huge way of being able to test things without

having to to waste a lot of material or a lot of a lot of paper or a lot of you

know lace because I'm just basically doing it on a small piece of on a small

surface area so what I love about our journaling is number one is that you can

you can go ahead and use a small surface and get a lot done and try things and

experiment the other thing I love about our journaling is that it really relaxes

me when I work in creating in general like it really helps me to relax

so art journaling is almost like a diary you're actually expressing your emotions

through art and that's basically what we all love to do so there's a great thing

I actually had a video on my youtube channel where I spoke about the

different reasons why I like are generally there were ten different

reasons and these were only the ones I mentioned today are only two of those

reasons but I just really wanted to express how much I loved our journaling

how much I loved art and that really helps if you can go back

and see the one that I made about there ten reasons why I love art or art

journaling so I'm almost done gluing the last bit of it and you see I'm really

using a generous amount I'm trying to use as much as I can because I want to

make sure that it sticks to the background you don't want it to starts

lifting up halfway through so I really do put a lot and that's okay don't worry

it's better to put more than to take that had not have things sticky like you

know sticking out and coming off your page of course you can always add it a

little bit at a time you don't have to add it all at once but just to make sure

that it all sticks together so as you can see here I have the longer part in

the middle and then shorter ones going across so you need to heat set this

really well it's important to heat set this part so you make sure that

everything is dry and it doesn't take that long it doesn't take that long to

dry especially the soft gel is quite quick so it's really good to have this

this way so as you can see I mean I don't have to have it fully fully dry

but just to make sure that things are not moving so I sometimes touch it and

see it doesn't come off then that means it's dry enough that I can put the next

medium on I recently did in our journal page where I did this as well but

instead of using canvas I stuck the lace on regular watercolor paper and it

turned out just as beautiful and just it worked just as well it's a really great

technique for adding texture and right now it looks weird but once you add

color and make this all uniform you will really see the difference and you could

use any type of thing you could use cheesecloth this is cheesecloth you

could use this to adhere to the page as well you could use flowers basically

anything goes I find a glossy gel a little bit more sticky than the matte

one so that's why sometimes I prefer using the matte over the glossy one

because it takes a little bit longer to I don't know if it's too dry but

definitely when you touch it feels more sticky for the next step I

want to add some gesso and where did I put it oh there it is

so this is heavy white gesso now you could definitely add clear gesso as well

or black if you're gonna use metallic colors but I offered to use white zetsu

because I wanted the lace to have an even coat so basically you see how here

there's pink and there's brown and there's beige and white so if you put

the gesso you will get everything to look the same and that's what I wanted

to achieve I wanted everything to look the same you know I didn't want it to

have different colors and if you added a clear gesso you will still have those

different colors so I'm adding a small layer a thin layer I meant to say of the

gesso now you could definitely cover everything if you want to so I could

cover the whole page with this and that way you also have it prepped for the

impact of paints however the impasto paints are so thick that they don't

truthfully need a layer underneath oh I find that they don't it's my opinion

about that but I will do it just so you can see the difference because it gives

it a nice base to everything so just so in general could give you a nice base

and Prima cells not only the small one small tubs like this but it also sells

just so in the 8-ounce and some of them even come in 17 ounces jars so as you

can as you may guess I have a lot of gesso at home and I end up using it

quite often so I have big jars of it as well so you see when you cover this it

covers the color it covers and makes everything and makes everything even and

the nice thing about Jeff so it dries really fast this gesso is particularly

heavy meaning that it's quite thick so it gives a really good coverage you

don't usually need to do more than one layer unless you're really covering a

large space and you miss some places usually a one layer is enough it's

basically just a primer or base for everything and it's really fun to work

can a canvas surface I mean I do it a lot in big canvases that are stretched

but the canvas itself gives a really nice texture to the background it has

those ridges so it really looks nice I'm going to dry this as well and then we'll

add the color now gesso dries really fast so you'll see compared to the gel I

barely have to use any heat to dry it it's basically the edges are almost dry

and then just the center needs to be dry a little bit more just because there's

more in the center and also the lace is wet it becomes wet when you add mediums

so it's good to give it exist dry and it doesn't really matter if you miss some

places because you're going to put the paint on top so it's not a big deal so I

like to recycle a lot I like using things from my house and use things that

are available to everyone and lace cheese cloth or even tapes are really

easy to use for everybody so look on your house and see what you can find

that you could add texture and a deer to your pages okay so for the next step I'm

going to start adding the paints now as I said I think I'm going to go with a

little bit of a different color scheme but I will show you the the two of them

I'm going to do the same thing in both I just want to show you the technique and

not so much the color so don't get stuck on the colors just mainly look at the

techniques I really love using some different colors in my pages I don't

want everything to look the same so for this I'm going to be using first this

color and I'm going to add it here because what I want is I want to kind of

have and almost like a dry brush technique you want to get those textures

first and I'm going to add all three colors here because it's just easier

that way so the blue and the purple so it will look a little bit different than

the other one and once you have them on your mat then you're not worried that

your cross contaminating you can just go from one to the other

and and add the layers and other layers of color so the nice thing to do is to

mix the colors around in the background you don't want them all to be either in

the center or on the sides you want to kind of move around with the color I am

going in this direction which is the horizontal direction when I'm applying

it now I'm going to do that a little bit darker color which is the blue and

always do your dark colors last only because they are the darkest and it's

hard to cover them later on I love this combination of colors but now I can go

back and when they start combining together they look beautiful and the

Blues combine with each other and they take up a form of their own type thing

now applying it in the opposite direction I want to add some movement to

the mypage this is shouldn't be difficult this is really easy to just

basically add color to a background and it's nice when the colors start mixing

this look at this beautiful mix here of purple and blue so that's the key to it

and let me add a little bit more of this color because it's kind of missing now

in the background and look how thick they are how beautiful they start mixing

with each other this is basically a simple way of covering a page once you

have the texture now another thing you can do and I'll show you is that you can

add a little bit of water to the background and that helps blend click

sorry blend the colors together so just by wetting it a little bit it brings

that lightness to the to the paint so it makes it a little bit more liquidy and

you can definitely mix it better so you continue to apply things until you're

happy with the results so I want some more of this color here and if you want

to add more things but it everything is getting too

mismatched or too wet you can dry up you can dry the dry it up and then add the

color again I think I'm going to be doing that now it's too mixed already

and I can get the definition of each color so all you have to do is basically

dry out this layer just lightly dry it it doesn't have to be fully dry just dry

enough that the colors won't mix with each other this is a fin every texture

brush one side has texture on it that you could create texture by adding it to

the background or you could just paint regularly maybe they'll show you how it

works in a second okay so here I'll show you how this textured

brush work we can use it here in the corner as well it looks really cool that

way but here you can see another texture I'm going to turn it around and you can

create really nice texture in the background right by adding it this is

cool maybe I'll add some let's add some more

and some purple maybe and add some lines so how long I have to move this up a

little bit just to show you how cool it is I'll put all the links to everything

I'm going to upload this video to my youtube channel so I'm going to be

putting the links to everything as well and you can also go in the opposite

direction and there's a few different brushes actually oh there's this type so

you can own the so create texture so just to show you the different size it

comes in a set of brushes and it's just basically adding the color and kind of

blending it you want to blend you want to make sure everything blends together

that's when the colors become really beautiful when they're blended with each

other so I'm going to bring a little bit more of the purple over here so you

continue playing like this is important like don't stop because you think oh it

doesn't look as nice you see me continuing to play and this is why I

like I just continue continue continue until I'm happy and then I say okay I'm

stopping now it's really important to stop only when you're happy and don't

I mean don't all over but you have to stop when you think

you're happy it's not when others think you're happy but when you're think

you're happy and that's the most important thing so now happy and we're

good and all I'm going to do now is just dry this up because I want to add a

little bit of the white paint but if you can see here I'll show you this other

one I added a little bit of white but only after everything was dry and I'll

show you how I added this let me dry this first and then we'll add that ok so

that's good that's dry and now I'm going to add a little bit of the white impasto

paint and to do that I'm going to use the paintbrush again but this time I'm

going to do a dry brush technique and I'll show you what I mean by that so I'm

going to put a little bit here and why don't the technique that I did the lines

with is quite simple it's basically what I wanted to do is I

wanted to create a border around my canvas page and I started just fiddling

with it and it looked really good so what I started doing is I started doing

applying our dry brush technique through the edges not to do this you need to

have your brush or really dry and you need to work really fast that way it

creates those really nice ridges and I go turn our I turn the page around and I

just continue doing that so first I start with the edges so it kind of

creates a border around my artwork now I'm obsessive with borders I love

creating borders on our journal pages I talk about this a lot in my videos I

need to frame them look how beautiful this is looking with the ridges that I

created with the brush so I need to frame my my pages and the best way to do

that is to create a border another thing you can do with this white paint is that

kind of highlight some of the texture it will bring those really nice

embellishments embellished lace to the surface it brings out that texture and

you're able to see it much so between the ridges of the sari

between all that a texture that I made with the lace and the texture I made

with the brushes and then the texture that you have originally on the canvas

it picks up everything the white picks up all the different textures and it

looks really really cool and you can add it everywhere but really lightly like

I'm barely barely touching the surface of my of the canvas and I'm also using

it with a really dry technique so the paint has to be super super dry that

paintbrush has to be super super dry and also use very little paint so all those

things together and look at this is this is the texture from the tape that I

added now another way that I did is I actually added kind of these lines and

that was just basically painting this way in that way I just went around it

added this and you can use different paintbrushes for that there's no science

to this but the dry brush technique is known it's like it's not something new

that I invented or anything like that I just think it adds a lot of texture and

a lot of beauty to anything and there you go like I mean I don't think I need

to add much more to this except for medium the focal point but see as you

can see I mean it turned out very different than the other not only in the

line to see added I think more lines I could do that as well just to show you I

think I added a lot more lines there but let me just wet the top of the brush and

just kind of create the lines now what those lines help with and I want to

explain why I did that it's because it helps Center everything it actually

helps draw your eye towards the center of the page which is

I wanted to do it's really important to draw your eye to the middle of the page

to where your focal point is going to be okay so I mean that's basically my

background and now I'm going to work on the focal point and what I did is for

the focal point I used these stamped images that are from one of the stamp

sets this is not sure what it's called but I'll list it below and I'll use the

stamp set to stamp some images on just a little piece of paper that's all I did

so I'm just going to add these to the center now I didn't stamp the circles

and I will stamp them now and the other thing that I did is a little I think a

little bit of this cool lace to say God like literally at the dollar store I

think or some something I'm not sure it's not really lace it's some kind of

actually I'm not even sure I use this one or did I use yeah it's fine I like I

like they're like there's all these fluffy ones I might want to use some

fluffy one instead maybe this one is the one that I use because it looks really

cool so my main point of this video is to add texture it's really important to

just have a lot of texture on things and that really makes everything pop up okay

I like that perfect so good and all I have to do is

just basically glue it with some gel now I will show you if I might cut some

circles as well but right now I just want to glue this first so it starts

drying so for this one all you have to do is just I mean you could do this on

your mat but I'm just doing it here okay this will dry clear so it's not a big

deal if it looked like that and then I can use the rest of it you just glue

this so there we go now these stamps stamp really well and I want to show you

how well they stamp I'm going to actually stamp the circles here and show

you how well they look so there's that and then I'll show you this how easy it

is to stamp with so here's my circle stamps I love the

two small ones and hold on I'm just getting the paper okay so this is really

easy you could even stamp it with your hands but you don't have to I have just

some archival ink any black ink would work just make sure that it's dry fat

that it dries fast so that way you can you can easily

it'll be quickly cut it and what did I do with my I can't find now my stamping

blocks so it'll be with my fingers so I'm literally grab this with my fingers

and I stamp and it's perfect even with my finger so I'm gonna do two

big ones so they're really high quality stamps I must say like the clear stamps

they really you don't I'm a really I'm not a good Stamper I actually do a

horrible job but truthfully they're so easy to stamp that you don't he you

never make a mistake and I didn't even put that much pressure on it so I really

like the fact that it's there's such high quality stamps and then you only

have to do is just cut this like you see because it's dying you can just cut it

really quickly and this already has a saying on it it says dare to spread your

wings so you don't even need to put out a sentiment if you don't want to so you

can just I mean I could have cut these in advance to save myself from cutting

on the show this is why I did the butterflies I just never had enough time

to cut the circles but I figured the circles won't take that long to cut so

that's why I added them here so there's one and here's the other and then one

year once you're done all you have to do is just pop this page back into the

journal and you're done and it's so quick so the yarn is from some dollar

store oh gosh I don't know and I got it so many years ago but I'm sure there

have it somewhere but all you want is you can do the same effect with some

cheesecloth you don't have to buy this specific yarn you can do the same effect

with cheesecloth and just fray the edges and

you will get that as well the same exact effect okay so let me glue these a

little bit and I'm just literally going straight from the pot you could add some

gel on top as well you can add other embellishments it doesn't have to be

butterflies I just love butterfly so that's why and let me just use the

leftover from here and this is already has so I think this smaller one has to

go at the edge okay so there we go so this is it I mean how much quicker can

this be it really is fast most of the time I was doing like besides painting

and adding the lace everything else was really quick and easy but this shouldn't

take you more than an hour to do including the cutting and the gluing and

the drying it really shouldn't take you more than an hour to do it and then all

you do is just pop this back into it so here is the one of the first one and

here's the second one so there you go I mean you can you can

look how many color combinations you could do there's so many nice impasto

paintings you could combine so many of them together so there's so many

companies you could add yellow red blue green purple and there's different

shades of the colors so I'm really excited for you two guys to try all the

different combinations and the try the impasto paints and see how you like them

because they give a really good coverage and you don't have to add a lot of it so

thank you so so much for joining me today if you like my video please give

it a thumbs up and share it with your friends on social media please share

it's really important for both prima and for myself to have everything shared

everywhere so people can learn and experiment and and just love the

products so thank you so much and have an amazing day

For more infomation >> Art journal Process with Finnabair Impasto Paints - Duration: 31:20.


दोनों आखों में एक सा Wing Eyeliner कैसे लगाएं - New TRICK To Apply Perfect Winged Eyeliner | Anaysa - Duration: 3:23.

Hey guys..

I've noticed that every girl has Lakme Eyeliner

and also easily available

So I am Shagun & today I'll be sharing

how to create a thick winged eyeliner

Along with that I'll also share a trick by which

you can apply equal & even eyeliner on both the eyes

and this eyeliner will look so perfect neither too short nor too thin

So lets get started with today's video

but before applying eyeliner I'll tell you

first you need to shake the bottle well

so as to remove all the the lumps

otherwise this may ruins your eyeliner

So shake this well

remove the excess product not only from the bristles but also from the bond

as if excess product remains in the bond that may ruin your eyeliner

now I am going to tell you a trick

in which you need to keep your mirror lil upward

so as you can easily see your lower lash line

now start applying the eyeliner

try to make thin lines

then fill the gaps

try to take small strokes

so no chances to spell out of your eyeliner

now I am using a Kajal pencil

now after this time to follow that trick

by which your eyeliner will be even & equal on both the eyes

considering a line to my eyeshadow

I am putting three dots with the eyeliner

which I'll join later

as you can see there's no much product on the bond

so you'll get a thin line

then I'll put a dot on the centre of our eyelid

as you can see here

I'll join it from the point at centre of the lid to the winged liner end point

As I am joining this we can see a beautiful wing

now only need to fill this

take small strokes and apply it slowly

& if you are beginner so definitely take your time to apply it

so as to make your liner beautiful

only need to apply it at the inner corner

but take care one thing that

if you take product again then don't forget to wipe it

otherwise this will ruin your eyeliner

As you can see here I've got perfect eyeliner

now repeat the same steps

apply the liner on the other eye

as we've applied it using lil geometry

so got equal & even eyeliner on both the eyes

it looks equal & even from front too

So I am Party ready after applying this winged eyeliner and a bold lipstick

and no need to wear too much makeup

So follow this trick once

& let me know by commenting below

that have you find this trick helpful one??

I've take this Lehnga is from on rent

you can also try these outfits on rent from

If you've enjoyed this liner video

& you want me to make more eyeliner videos in future

so do like & share this video

and Subscribe to our channel "ANAYSA"

So me Shagun will meet you in my next video

For more infomation >> दोनों आखों में एक सा Wing Eyeliner कैसे लगाएं - New TRICK To Apply Perfect Winged Eyeliner | Anaysa - Duration: 3:23.


Circle Practice Set 3.3 Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus - Duration: 43:40.

For more infomation >> Circle Practice Set 3.3 Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus - Duration: 43:40.


[3x03] Matteo defends Luna / Translation - Duration: 4:07.

What do you want to do?

I'll put on my skates

Yes I see that but you'll skate outside, won't you?

No, at the rink, why?

Cousin I don't know if you didn't hear, of you didn't pay attention or

something worse I should be worried about

Didn't you understand what Gary said?

or have we to remind you so you won't forget?

Listen, you don't talk to me like that. I didn't do you anything

Besides I thought you train in the afternoon and we'll go when you guys come

You thought wrong. At this rink there is no place for losers

and even less for people who make their teams lose at competitions

What did you say?

What should I have say? Everyone knows that

The Roller lost because of you

You won the crystal skate but you disappointed your team

Luna is such a good friend

Yes she is. I want to be like her

You know what? I don't care what you say. That isn't true

I did everything I could. My friends are the most important thing for me

Sure? Because it doesn't seem like that

Please Luna, the whole world knows that you wanted to leap out

to win the price just for you and it was worth it to destroy your team

That's not true. My friends are very important for me

Unfortunately your actions show the contrarary

Don't be a fool Luna. The Roller lost because of you

Ámbar what are you saying?

Don't interfere Matteo

I will interfere because I won't permit that you talk to Luna that way

That's cute, what happened? Why do you defend her so much?

Are you in love with her?

So? You just defended her and now you are silent

What happened?

I will answer you but listen carefully because I won't repeat it

I will neither permit that you talk to Luna nor to anyone else that way

You didn't answer my question

Why do you defend her so much? Do you have feelings for her?

Of course he defends me. He's my friend but

wait I'm sorry. You don't know what that word means, do you Ámbar?

No but don't worry...

Hey I already told you you aren't supposed to talk to her that way

Oh come on, you're so boring Matteo. What happened?

Now you're defending her again

That's so brave of you Matteo Balsano

Don't say anything because your silence speaks for itself

What happened Matteo? Aren't you in love with her anymore?


I don't know why I'm still standing here with you guys because I don't care about you at all

I have many things to do so please let's go

Well Luna, see you at the rink

Oh no I'm sorry. You aren't allowed to enter it. How bad


Hey, don't listen to her

No I don't care what they're saying but it's not fair that we aren't allowed to enter the rink

Yes but they won't be there all day long

and sometime we'll be able to skate there too. I'm sure about that

Of course it won't be easy but if we are united

we can do it together

Well I'll go. Thanks for understanding me

Luna before you're going I wanted to talk to you

Okay what happened Matteo?

Luna here are you

What happened?

My uncle wants to see you

Me? Why?

I don't know but he wants to see you now

Okay we'll talk later

For more infomation >> [3x03] Matteo defends Luna / Translation - Duration: 4:07.


Lot of Zoo Wild Animals/Real Safari Videos And Schleich Toys/Learn Colors For Children - Duration: 3:41.

Lot of Zoo Wild Animals/Real Safari Videos And Schleich Toys/Learn Colors For Children

For more infomation >> Lot of Zoo Wild Animals/Real Safari Videos And Schleich Toys/Learn Colors For Children - Duration: 3:41.


Fox and Friends First 06/01/18 4AM | June 01, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 31:51.

For more infomation >> Fox and Friends First 06/01/18 4AM | June 01, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 31:51.


Malian hero scales Paris building to save child (UPDATE) - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Malian hero scales Paris building to save child (UPDATE) - Duration: 3:22.


Cute Baby and Pomeranian Playing Together - Baby and Dogs are Best Friend - Duration: 4:12.

Hello everyone! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!

Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments.

I bet you have enough time to watch this video and can't stop laughing

You can watch more videos in our playlist, its link in the description.

Thanks for your presence here! Have a nice day!

For more infomation >> Cute Baby and Pomeranian Playing Together - Baby and Dogs are Best Friend - Duration: 4:12.


Two Koreas holding high-level talks at border village - Duration: 2:50.

(More on New York in just a second, but) Today at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjom,

South and North Korea held their first high-level talks since April's historic summit.

The two sides had a lot to hammer out.

It was expected they would mainly be talking about how to follow through on the commitments

made in the Panmunjom Declaration.

Let's go to our Unification Ministry correspondent Oh Jung-hee, who's been following today's

high-level talks,... and joins us live from Seoul's Office for Inter-Korean Dialogue.

Jung-hee, what's the latest?

Good afternoon, Devin.

We're hearing that high-level delegations of the two Koreas are working to finalize

their joint press release.

Details of today's joint press statement are expected to be released soon.

Today's high-level talks took place at the Peace House, located on the South Korean side

of the border village of Panmunjom.

Seoul had a five-member delegation led by Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon... and

Pyongyang, too, had a five-member delegation... led by Ri Son-gwon, the head of the North's

inter-Korean affairs committee.

Vice ministers of transport and railways from both Koreas... as well as those in charge

of sports also attended today's talks.

Delegations saw eye-to-eye in that the April 27th summit agreement has to be carried out

quickly and systematically.

So though we don't have the press release out, I believe we have a rough idea about

what were some of the key talking points between the two Koreas.

Tell us what's been discussed there.

Now, the very first agenda Seoul and Pyongyang touched upon was establishing a joint liaison

office in the North Korean city of Kaesong -- where officials from both Koreas will be


South Korea suggested the office be installed in Kaesong, where Seoul and Pyongyang used

to have a joint industrial comples.

Another topic discussed and agreed by the two Koreas was holding a joint event on June

15th -- which marks 18 years since the first inter-Korean joint statement was issued back

in 2000.

Pyongyang proposed the event be held in South Korea.

Plus, South and North Korea were eager to set the dates for a string of inter-Korean


These ranged from military talks for lowering tensions, Red Cross talks for holding reunions

of war-torn families,... and sports talks for forming unified teams for the 2018 Asian


Seoul also said that it's willing to proceed with forestation projects in North Korea...

and begin joint investigations for connecting railways between the two sides.

That's all I have for now, but I'll have more updates about the joint press statement itself

in our later newscasts.


For more infomation >> Two Koreas holding high-level talks at border village - Duration: 2:50.


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