Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 1 2018

- Hey everybody, it's Paul.

I want to share with you the four Rs of personal development.

Now, the first piece that I want you to be aware of is

how do you define your best self?

For my friend and mentor, Brendon Burchard,

he guides people through how to do it in three words.

And please take some time, like pause the video right now,

and I want you to identify what are the three words

to describe your best self?

Go ahead, hit pause.

Right now. Pause.

All right, welcome back.

And for those of you who just like kept watchin',

maybe you already know your words.

Let's go ahead and take a look at this.

When you are aware of your best self,

then you can be aware of those times

where you miss.

Maybe it's a mistake.

Maybe it was an old habit that you fell into

when you were interacting with people.

Or maybe a habit in your morning routine.

Or something you're doin' around the house,

or your driving.

Whatever that is.

So, the first R is I want you to recognize

when you're not in alignment with your best self.

And then immediately following that,

I want you to rejoice because you're aware.

You're recognizing that you're not

showing up as your best self.

Now, let's say that you're in a conversation

with your loved one.

Your spouse, a child, the boss, a co-worker.

And you're acting like an ass.

Not in alignment with your best self.

And when you recognize it,

hopefully in the middle of that conversation,

that isn't the time to say,

"Excuse me, boss.

"Yes, I'm showin' up as an ass."

That's not what I'm saying at all

for you to rejoice.

I want you to be kind to yourself.

When you commit to a life of personal development,

you're committing to a practice.

Which means you're going to bring in something new,

refine it, review it, assess it, incorporate it.

Incorporate something else new.

Do the same process.

And there's going to be times

when you make a mistake.

So if that's not you, then I want, first of all,

you give yourself permission to be human

and make mistakes.

It's part of the journey, my friend.

So you're going to recognize if you've missed,

and then you're going to rejoice.

More along the lines of be kind to yourself.

The next piece is, I want you to reset.

Take some time, generate some options for yourself.

How can you show up as your best self?

This might be an opportunity for you to

identify people that you're going

to apologize to.

People that you haven't called for a little while.

Or whatever those other techniques of can do.

Assess the capability.

Don't take a look at it when you're making that list of,

well I don't want to do that, so I'm not going to list it.

No, no, no, this is like when I tell you

to empty your pockets.

And you pull out your keys and that piece of, like,

melted bubblegum, or whatever else is in your pockets.

And I'm like, no, no, no, everything.

And you're like, even the pocket lint?

Yeah, even the pocket lint.

So I want you to write down when that reset phase,

what can you do for that fourth R.


Because in that step, you're going to choose

one of those pieces that you brainstormed at

in that reset phase.

And I want you to get back in the game.

So again, those four Rs.

Recognize when you're not showing up

as your best self.

Rejoice, being kind to yourself

because you're committed to that life and practice

of personal development.

Reset. Take some time to explore

some possibilities within your capabilities

with no judgment for you don't want to,

or anything like that.

Break it out.

Get down to the pocket lint.

Explore those options, my friend.

And that fourth one, get back in the game

by re-engaging.

I really hope that helps you.

Until next time, my friends,

remember to go out and win your dreams today.

For more infomation >> The Four R's of Personal Development - Duration: 4:21.


Dodge Nitro 2.8 CRD R/T 4WD LEDER SCHUIFDAK NAVI BT PDC CRUISE '08 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Dodge Nitro 2.8 CRD R/T 4WD LEDER SCHUIFDAK NAVI BT PDC CRUISE '08 - Duration: 1:11.


Chevrolet Prisma 2019 terá preço de R$ 58.990 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Prisma 2019 terá preço de R$ 58.990 - Duration: 1:57.


"Zbiór krótki encyklopedyczny wszystkich umieiętności pomnożony historyą powszechną..." z 1804 r. - Duration: 1:04.

Today is Children's Day.

On this occasion, we present a rare bilingual, Polish-French publishing house

addressed to young people

of an encyclopedic nature,

arranged in the form of questions and answers from the beginning of the 19th century

It is entitled "A short encyclopedic collection

all skills multiplied by universal history up to our time.

With pictures and a geographical map. "

Includes text in Polish and French

and illustrations and a map of the world in copperplate on folded cards.

The author of the work was Jean HAUTEPIERRE.

A book belonging to works that propagate contemporary knowledge

was published in Wroclaw

in 1806 in Wilhelm Bogumił Korn's Bookstore.

Extremely interesting is the example of a work from the period of early development of universal education.

Please visit

to the books department issued before 1945.

For more infomation >> "Zbiór krótki encyklopedyczny wszystkich umieiętności pomnożony historyą powszechną..." z 1804 r. - Duration: 1:04.


ADmob will pay you!! make money with your adds - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> ADmob will pay you!! make money with your adds - Duration: 5:40.


Тайны фильма "ТИХОЕ МЕСТО" (Монстры, скрытые детали, теории) - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> Тайны фильма "ТИХОЕ МЕСТО" (Монстры, скрытые детали, теории) - Duration: 10:41.


Understanding Hotel California - Duration: 7:18.

hey, welcome to 12tone! when I was younger, Hotel California was always one of my favorite

songs in my dad's music collection.

it was unlike anything else I'd ever heard, and the atmosphere it created was mesmerizing,

so now that I'm a real music theorist, I thought it'd be fun to go back and take a look at

what it was I was actually hearing.

it starts like this: (bang) and I'm just gonna stop it there for a second.

these are what's called arpeggios, where the notes of a chord are played one at a time

instead of all at once, and they're all over this intro.

that's not a problem, though: all we have to do is squish them all together to get back

our full chord, and once we do that, we have B minor and F#7, which are the I chord and

the V chord in B minor.

this immediately brings to mind the concept of functional harmony, which as we've mentioned

elsewhere is the idea that different chords in a key have different functions or jobs

to do.

the I chord has what's called tonic function, which means it provides a sense of rest, while

the V chord has dominant function, which means it points back to the I chord.

so far, we're off to a fairly simple start.

but the F#7 doesn't resolve like we'd expect.

instead, we get this (bang) which is where things start to get weird.

whereas before the chord qualities were fairly straightforward, here we've got some more

exotic sounds.

this Asus2 chord, for instance, is what happens when you take a normal A chord and replace

the 3rd degree with a note a major 2nd above the root. this creates some ambiguity because

it's not clear whether it's supposed to be major or minor, and I think that's the point

here: based on the key, we'd expect to see A major, and using the sus2 chord instead

removes some of the brightness that would've created.

likewise, this E9 chord has an added note, called a tension, which again adds more color

to it.

it's also worth noting that these alterations make the chords easier to play on a guitar,

but as a theorist I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

anyway, those changes aside, there's also something else going on here: a harmonic motif.

this is when the same basic chord movement is repeated over and over, and we can see

that by comparing the chords from the first part (bang) to the chords in the second.

(bang) in both cases, you have a starting chord, followed by a dominant 7th whose root

is a fourth lower.

all we've done is shifted the pattern down a whole step.

that creates a problem, though: the F#7 was pointing back to the I chord, which means

it had dominant function, but the E9 is actually pointing to some sort of A chord instead.

it's still directional, but instead of leading home it wants to take us to a secondary location,

so we just call it a secondary dominant.

that doesn't resolve either, though, instead feeding into this (bang) which is another

statement of our harmonic motif, again lowered a whole step.

the precise shapes of the chords are slightly different, but the overall effect is the same,

and finally we end with this (bang) which is just the IV and V chords.

the IV chord has subdominant function, which means its job is to create instability and

set up that V chord, which then finally resolves back to the start of the phrase.

but there's something bigger going on here that gets lost when we take things in little

chunks like this.

let's zoom out a bit and look at the whole progression (bang) now let's remove the unresolved


(bang) you know what, let's drop this E minor 7 too, to get to a nice, even number of chords,

and while we're at it we'll clean this up to A major, which leaves us with… (bang)

one of my favorite chord progressions, often called the Andalusian Cadence, which is basically

just a walk down the minor scale from the I chord to the V. it's a popular technique

in flamenco and other guitar-heavy genres, and this whole intro seems to be just an intensely

decorated version of it.

that progression continues through the verse, which means our next stop is the chorus: (bang)

first, I want to talk about the transition: the verse ends with F#7, which we said is

supposed to go to B minor, but the chorus starts with G major instead.

this is what's called a deceptive resolution, and it works because G major is almost identical

to B minor.

there's only one note different, so even though it's not where we expect it to go, it's still

a pretty solid resolution.

but moving on to the chorus itself, we have a bit of a problem.

we could keep analyzing it in B minor, but if we do that it doesn't really make a lot

of sense.

instead, I'd probably analyze this section in the key of D major.

this is called a relative modulation and it's incredibly subtle because we don't actually

change any of the notes, we just change how we use them in order to create a different

sense of tonality.

it's a small difference, but it leads to a completely new harmonic landscape.

anyway, we start here with the IV chord, followed by the I. the IV chord is unstable but not

very directional, so moving from it back to the I gives us a weaker resolution than we'd

get from, say, the V. (bang) this is often called a plagal cadence, and it helps us avoid

creating too much of a sense of finality.

then we go to F#7, followed by B minor.

this looks a lot like the V-I movement we saw earlier, but remember, we're not in B

anymore, so the F#7 has become a secondary dominant, pointing us to the VI chord.

then the song does something that honestly confused me for quite a while: it resolves

that VI minor back to the IV chord which… isn't really how that works.

if you play the chords by themselves there's no real resolution, but if you listen to the

section (bang) it's pretty clearly there, and that clip may have given you a clue as

to why: it's all in the walk-up.

the rising line, the accelerating rhythm, and the big, powerful electric guitar all

combine to create a sense of tension and release that, from a harmonic perspective, really

shouldn't exist, and I don't know about you but I find that fascinating.

anyway, that feeds into this (bang) which has that same plagal cadence as before, then

we set up a return to the verse key, with the same IV and V chords we saw at the end

of that progression.

you may be wondering about the F# augmented, but that's mainly just a bit of extra decoration.

this song is full of things like that: the Eagles were all fairly accomplished session

players before starting their own band, and they're really good at adding little flourishes

throughout the song that help keep things fresh.

they go back and forth between these two sections for a while, then finally we get to a solo

over the verse progression. in fact, not just a solo, but a conversation: this section is

a guitar battle between Don Felder and Joe Walsh, each one masterfully playing off the


I'm not gonna go through the whole thing 'cause there's a lot, but I do want to talk a bit

about the end, or rather the lack of an end.

like we saw in the Comfortably Numb video, it doesn't actually finish.

in fact, it's still building momentum when they fade the track out, giving the sense

that it goes on forever, which is stunningly appropriate for this song.

after all, the last line we hear is "you can check out any time you like, but you can never


anyway, that's basically it, but before we go, I wanted to let you know that next Friday,

June 8th, Adam Neely's gonna be hosting the inaugural youtube music theory livestream

featuring me, Sideways, and 8-Bit Music theory.

we're gonna be hanging out, talking about music, and taking audience questions, and

you may even see my face.

it's at 4pm eastern time over on Adam's channel, so set an alarm or whatever, and I'll see

you there! or, I won't, but you'll see me, and I'll read the things you're typing and…

you know what, I don't have to explain livestreams to you.


ok, seriously, thanks for watching, and thanks to Patreon patron Matt Osborn for suggesting

this song! if you'd like to see your favorite song analyzed, just head on over to P atreon

and pledge at any level.

you can also join our mailing list to find out about new episodes, like, share, comment,

subscribe, and above all, keep on rockin'.

For more infomation >> Understanding Hotel California - Duration: 7:18.


Volkswagen Polo New R-Line | LMV Bi-Color | Cruise | WLTP voordeel - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo New R-Line | LMV Bi-Color | Cruise | WLTP voordeel - Duration: 0:50.


47歲李英愛素顏逛超市,女神仙氣十足不愧是「零整容始祖」 - Duration: 1:41.


其實,近日李英愛已經投入了新片《尋找我》的拍攝工作,有藝人發布了跟她的合照,化妝之後的李英愛就更不像47歲了。 2003年,李英愛憑著一部《大長今》紅遍亞洲,當時港媒接觸過李英愛,都大讚她的工作態度比一般韓星要好,指殿堂級的李英愛向韓星們示範了什麼是「你的態度,決定你的高度」,好感度接近滿分的她,名副其實「人見人愛」


為了照顧兩個孩子,李英愛推掉不少工作,一家四口搬到郊外的別墅生活,不過現在兩個孩子要上學,他們一家又搬回了梨泰院居住。 「大長今」的堅毅、積極向上和自信,每一點都可以在李英愛身上找到,這也是大家都喜歡這位女明星的原因


For more infomation >> 47歲李英愛素顏逛超市,女神仙氣十足不愧是「零整容始祖」 - Duration: 1:41.


Should we rewrite our constitution? - Duration: 8:03.

(theme music)

- If we were to create America from scratch today

how would we create our user manual?

And who would write it?.

(inspirational electronic music)

What is the average turnaround time or shelf life

of a constitution internationally?

- Internationally it's only about 17 years

and it's actually going down.

In recent decades it's been only about 12 years.

- And ours has lasted for--

- Over 200 years, right?

- Okay. - Yeah, so.

- Okay, so we're about due?

- Seventeen... well - Ha ha ha.

- that's what some people say actually.

- [Toussaint] Writing or re-writing a constitution

is not a job for the faint of heart.

So I ask you,

Where on this Earth could we find a nation

that is brave enough,

passionate enough,

and maybe even foolish enough

to take on such a challenge?

- My name is Silja Bara Omarsdottir

and I lecture at the faculty of Political Science

at the university of Iceland.

- Thanks so much for taking the time to be with us.

(lighthearted music) Let me first ask you,

why did Iceland decide to reform their constitution?

- [Marie] Well in 2008 Iceland had a financial collapse

and a lot of people suggested

that the problems that we had as a society

would have been avoided

if we'd had a more modern constitution.

The Icelanders got their own constitution

from the King of Denmark in 1874

and then when Iceland became a sovereign republic in 1944

Denmark was then under occupation,

so the constitution was very quickly re-written,

essentially replacing the word King with the word Resident.

- [Toussaint] So now let's jump back to the United States.

("The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Philip Sousa)

When we wrote our constitution

it was done at a constitutional convention

in which influential men got together

hashed out their ideas

and once they had a working document

they got approved by at least nine of the states.

Just like that, the constitution was born.

Today we still have two processes

for proposing new constitutional amendments

both of which require the participation of the states

before they can pass. (relaxing music)

In the first version

which has been used to create our current amendments

Congress comes up with an idea

and then 3/4 of the states need to approve it.

In the second version

which has never been used in American history

the states could call an Article V Convention

which essentially allows them to get together

and propose whatever amendments they want.

After that if they can get approval from 3/4 of the states

those amendments become law.

- Either Congress has to pass a law

- Mm hmm. - and send it

to the state legislatures

to change parts of the constitution

or the states can initiate a request to Congress

to call a constitutional convention.

And if we wanted to do the whole constitution

that's probably the route

because you'd want to have

a time for people to meet and talk

just like they did when they were framing the constitution.

- Many scholars have argued

that an Article V Convention

would border on chaos (politician yelling)

because there are no rules in the constitution

about how a convention like this should operate.

It would technically be above the Congress

and even possibly above the courts

and pretty much anything could come out of it.

At the same time

it's not that fundamentally different

from how we wrote our current constitution

in the first place.

So if we were ever going to re-write the constitution

on a large scale

this is probably how we'd do it.

- Do you think we should be re-write the constitution?

- I am skeptical about whether

it would provide any more human rights

than it does.

I think there may be as many people

who would try to roll back some of the rights

that these minorities have

as that would try to extend them.

- But for us this might not matter.

We're talking from scratch.

Which is why, if I may,

I'd like to do a quick dramatic reading

from the constitution:




Now let me pause it here

because as you can probably guess

that's not the constitution,

as in the U.S. constitution.

It was actually written in 2008 for the Republic of Kosovo.

(rewinding audio)

But here's the amazing part;

one of the people who played a key role

in writing this document

was a lawyer living in Minnesota.

- [John] I was privileged to have the opportunity

to work with people in Kosovo

to draft their constitution

when they became independent in 2008.

- [Toussaint] That is Chief United States District Judge

John Tunheim

and I met with him at his chambers

to ask you more about this constitution.

- [John] It's a little warped right now

but that's what it looks like.

- Wow.

- You know when the Soviet Union broke up

- Mm hmm. - there were

how many, what, 14 or 15 different countries

- Yeah. - that needed to write

new constitutions, - Yeah.

- And they did.

And some of those countries had had

fundamental changes in government since then

so they've written a new constitutions

out of that experience. - Mmm.

- [John] There's a lot of constitutions

that have been written in the last 25 years.

- Judge Tunheim's work

represents something kind of fascinating in today's world;

legal professionals being commissioned

to turn a country's goals into a legal document.

But is this right for us?

Because, let's be honest,

I'm guessing that when we asked

if we were making America from scratch today

who would be writing our constitution

you probably didn't picture someone like Judge John Tunheim.

Maybe thought it was going to be a little more like this:

- Oh, you promised!

- You promised, that's not fair.

- It's not a question of fairness, it's separation of--

- Go back to Russia, commie!

- Hey you go back to Russia. (crowd murmuring)

(intense music) - This brings us

to one of the real tensions in our country today:

Who should be writing the rules?

When our country was founded, as we all know,

it was influential men like James Madison

who put the actual pen to paper.

And today, well, there are parallels.

So what if we really broke the mold

and decided to take a new approach,

like crowd sourcing?

It's diverse, it's inclusive, everybody weighs in

and the people finally have a voice.

That actually brings us right back to Iceland.

- So a lot of people have said

that the Icelandic constitution was crowdsourced

and I wouldn't really say that.

In 2010 the decision was made

to have a constitutional assembly

elected by the population

to write a proposal for a new constitution.

This group of 25 people,

we always sat around and we make the decisions

as to what text would actually be included.

Every time we made a proposal

we would present that and plug it on Facebook

and publish it online

and we would ask people to send us comments,

to leave comments on the document

and tell us what they thought

but people couldn't actually write anything

other than the 25 people who were in the council.

- Ultimately Iceland's new constitution

was not officially adopted.

However it was a good example of when the country says,

"Hey we need to try something new."

And just by having the conversation

it led to a lot of good policy ideas.

- I wouldn't say that it was a waste of time.

It actually created at least a short lived debate

about what it is that we want to be

and what our values are as a society.

Reminding the people and the government

that there are things that remain to be fixed.

- So what would it be like if we decided

to follow the example of Iceland?

What ideas would you fight for

to include in a new constitution

and what elements would you leave behind?

Hey everybody, it's Toussaint Morrison.

Thank you so much for watching this episode.

On our next episode

we're gonna talk about

if our data should have rights.

If you have something to say about that

submit a video to the link in the description

and we might show it on the next show.

Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe.

This program is made possible by the

Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

For more infomation >> Should we rewrite our constitution? - Duration: 8:03.


#Junime 2018 Update: Limited Edition Merch, Patreon, What's Next and more! | Dacian Grada - Duration: 1:44.

hello everybody and welcome to a new update video for this month; we will talk

about #Junime which is my annual occurrence of anime covers on this

channel. First of all we have a new limited edition t-shirt which is a new

design I created just for this month and the campaign will end at the end of June.

-so please check out the link in the description- also for this month only all

patrons will have a new backing track for every new cover I will put out; after

that it will be only for the $5 tier and up so please check out the

description for more information

I've been debating a lot on the future of my channel and I think I will shift

my priorities towards anime covers because the numbers (the YouTube analytics and

such and also my enjoyment while doing them) speak for themselves but don't

worry I will still have some VGM arrangements in fact I have two big

projects coming related to that, so stay tuned!

I'd like to thank everybody for almost 1000 subscribers please continue liking

commenting and sharing my videos because it really helps a lot even a simple

spotify stream and follow is very helpful to me... so that's it! See you every

Friday at 6 p.m. European time for a new video. Let's hope

the almighty algorithm will help us reach even more people. *All applicable

links are in the description just below the like, subscribe, notification

bell buttons; no bells were harmed in the making of this video

For more infomation >> #Junime 2018 Update: Limited Edition Merch, Patreon, What's Next and more! | Dacian Grada - Duration: 1:44.


Делаем талисман удачи оберег в домашних условиях Вебинар Дарьи Ким - Duration: 2:31:10.

For more infomation >> Делаем талисман удачи оберег в домашних условиях Вебинар Дарьи Ким - Duration: 2:31:10.


Nissan Micra 1.3 LX apk nap 5drs lmv trekhaak - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.3 LX apk nap 5drs lmv trekhaak - Duration: 1:05.


Daihatsu Cuore 1.0 51KW 5DRS Premium - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Daihatsu Cuore 1.0 51KW 5DRS Premium - Duration: 1:03.


v bucks givewaway

For more infomation >> v bucks givewaway


HOW TO WASH THE E-BIKE - Duration: 5:40.

Hi guys I'm Lory Bart, today I want to show him how to wash an electric mountain bike without incurring risks,

risks in the sense of not damaging the electric parts of the mountain bike. Last Sunday

I participated in the great fund Del Carpegna Basta, there were some climbs of the really extreme descents where I got dirty

the bike as you can see, so I take advantage of a tutorial on cleaning an electric bike

If I'm interested in seeing the race follow the link to see it

To do this work you need a bucket with hot water if possible, a brush with soft bristles

What you find in household appliances, a dishwashing detergent, a latex glove that I will explain later what it is used for, is a sponge cloth

the first thing to do is to disassemble the battery then clean it with a damp sponge

But I recommend you squeeze it well because it should be slightly moist, we clean it this way

Then at the end of the operation we give a clean card

Now we take our latex glove


in this way we cover the base where it goes

The battery is housed because it has electrical contacts and therefore it is better to avoid contact with water.

At this point we are ready for washing take our brush and begin to soften all the parts

muddy so as to facilitate

the cleaning

As you can see, the brush does not ruin anything


fine, it washes well so we have no risk of damaging the electrical system

Do not be afraid for the engine because it is hermetically sealed

So also, the contact with water in this cascade does not happen anything.

We can safely clean all the parts of our bicycle, the chain crank,

Even in the most hidden areas the brush helps a lot to clean the bike

We can easily clean the rims, tires and spokes

The handlebars the knobs

The Shimano Display is airtight so nothing happens except Bosch and Yamaha that I recommend to extract them.

We can clean the sprocket, the gearbox and the chain in the world to be degreased,

clean it, and lubricate it later

At this point we can give the final final rinse, send away all the halos and the shampoo

Ok, we finished washing the bike

I would say that the result has been satisfactory, so there is nothing left for it

dry the bike with a cloth or who has the compressor can give a blown air.

Now with the paper with a dry cloth, remove excess water

We dry the chain with paper to lubricate it later with oil

Now we can lubricate with drip oil or spray as you like,

I would say that we finished with the washing and we are ready to make another mountain bike exit

Well, I hope to have been helpful also in this tutorial I recommend you put a like,

Subscribe to my channel and see you on Monday with a new tutorial. Hello everyone!

It was relaxing if not these mosquitoes

For more infomation >> HOW TO WASH THE E-BIKE - Duration: 5:40.


Al Bano Carrisi e Romina Power: le ultime rivelazioni e la date delle nozze | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Al Bano Carrisi e Romina Power: le ultime rivelazioni e la date delle nozze | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:21.


Kate Middleton no disimuló en Buckingham e inquietó a todos en la cena Real. ¿Qué le ocurre? - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton no disimuló en Buckingham e inquietó a todos en la cena Real. ¿Qué le ocurre? - Duration: 2:52.


Romina Power a cuore aperto: "Linda e Jolanda, che gioia le mie due mamme". E su Al Bano… - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Romina Power a cuore aperto: "Linda e Jolanda, che gioia le mie due mamme". E su Al Bano… - Duration: 4:33.


Uomini e donne, Tina e Gemma fanno pace: 'Siamo due donne sole' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Tina e Gemma fanno pace: 'Siamo due donne sole' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:26.


Laura Freddi, Paolo Bonolis, Albano Carrisi e tanti altri: il Tennis&Friends ... - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Laura Freddi, Paolo Bonolis, Albano Carrisi e tanti altri: il Tennis&Friends ... - Duration: 2:26.


Uomini e Donne, Tina balla con Gemma: dolce dedica | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Tina balla con Gemma: dolce dedica | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


Pressionado, Santos aposta em vendas e investidores por reforços|n123snow - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Pressionado, Santos aposta em vendas e investidores por reforços|n123snow - Duration: 4:14.


Anticipazioni Temptation Island 2018: quando inizia e prima coppia favorita - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Temptation Island 2018: quando inizia e prima coppia favorita - Duration: 4:04.


Vídeo: A-29 e AT-6 decolando e pousando de pista improvisada - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Vídeo: A-29 e AT-6 decolando e pousando de pista improvisada - Duration: 1:14.


Tite escala time titular com Thiago Silva e sem Neymar|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Tite escala time titular com Thiago Silva e sem Neymar|x3and1baller - Duration: 3:28.


Al Bano e Romina Power, ultimo concerto. E poi sarà solo amore? - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Romina Power, ultimo concerto. E poi sarà solo amore? - Duration: 2:49.


Al Bano parla di Ylenia Carrisi: "E' in Paradiso e so che la raggiungerò" - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Al Bano parla di Ylenia Carrisi: "E' in Paradiso e so che la raggiungerò" - Duration: 1:41.





Uomini e Donne, Tina balla con Gemma: dolce dedica e video - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Tina balla con Gemma: dolce dedica e video - Duration: 4:18.


JuPat | 04 - Paraísos Reais (part. Plaq Max e Buda) - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> JuPat | 04 - Paraísos Reais (part. Plaq Max e Buda) - Duration: 3:54.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabriolet Automaat AMG Line | Premium Plus - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabriolet Automaat AMG Line | Premium Plus - Duration: 1:08.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 D automaat Exclusive Technology pack - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 D automaat Exclusive Technology pack - Duration: 0:58.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220d Limousine Automaat AMG Line | COMAND | Camera - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220d Limousine Automaat AMG Line | COMAND | Camera - Duration: 1:07.


Romina Power a cuore aperto: "Linda e Jolanda, che gioia le mie due mamme". E su Al Bano… - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Romina Power a cuore aperto: "Linda e Jolanda, che gioia le mie due mamme". E su Al Bano… - Duration: 3:22.


Com dores no joelho, R. Augusto está fora do amistoso contra a Croácia|n123snow - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Com dores no joelho, R. Augusto está fora do amistoso contra a Croácia|n123snow - Duration: 1:52.


The Four R's of Personal Development - Duration: 4:21.

- Hey everybody, it's Paul.

I want to share with you the four Rs of personal development.

Now, the first piece that I want you to be aware of is

how do you define your best self?

For my friend and mentor, Brendon Burchard,

he guides people through how to do it in three words.

And please take some time, like pause the video right now,

and I want you to identify what are the three words

to describe your best self?

Go ahead, hit pause.

Right now. Pause.

All right, welcome back.

And for those of you who just like kept watchin',

maybe you already know your words.

Let's go ahead and take a look at this.

When you are aware of your best self,

then you can be aware of those times

where you miss.

Maybe it's a mistake.

Maybe it was an old habit that you fell into

when you were interacting with people.

Or maybe a habit in your morning routine.

Or something you're doin' around the house,

or your driving.

Whatever that is.

So, the first R is I want you to recognize

when you're not in alignment with your best self.

And then immediately following that,

I want you to rejoice because you're aware.

You're recognizing that you're not

showing up as your best self.

Now, let's say that you're in a conversation

with your loved one.

Your spouse, a child, the boss, a co-worker.

And you're acting like an ass.

Not in alignment with your best self.

And when you recognize it,

hopefully in the middle of that conversation,

that isn't the time to say,

"Excuse me, boss.

"Yes, I'm showin' up as an ass."

That's not what I'm saying at all

for you to rejoice.

I want you to be kind to yourself.

When you commit to a life of personal development,

you're committing to a practice.

Which means you're going to bring in something new,

refine it, review it, assess it, incorporate it.

Incorporate something else new.

Do the same process.

And there's going to be times

when you make a mistake.

So if that's not you, then I want, first of all,

you give yourself permission to be human

and make mistakes.

It's part of the journey, my friend.

So you're going to recognize if you've missed,

and then you're going to rejoice.

More along the lines of be kind to yourself.

The next piece is, I want you to reset.

Take some time, generate some options for yourself.

How can you show up as your best self?

This might be an opportunity for you to

identify people that you're going

to apologize to.

People that you haven't called for a little while.

Or whatever those other techniques of can do.

Assess the capability.

Don't take a look at it when you're making that list of,

well I don't want to do that, so I'm not going to list it.

No, no, no, this is like when I tell you

to empty your pockets.

And you pull out your keys and that piece of, like,

melted bubblegum, or whatever else is in your pockets.

And I'm like, no, no, no, everything.

And you're like, even the pocket lint?

Yeah, even the pocket lint.

So I want you to write down when that reset phase,

what can you do for that fourth R.


Because in that step, you're going to choose

one of those pieces that you brainstormed at

in that reset phase.

And I want you to get back in the game.

So again, those four Rs.

Recognize when you're not showing up

as your best self.

Rejoice, being kind to yourself

because you're committed to that life and practice

of personal development.

Reset. Take some time to explore

some possibilities within your capabilities

with no judgment for you don't want to,

or anything like that.

Break it out.

Get down to the pocket lint.

Explore those options, my friend.

And that fourth one, get back in the game

by re-engaging.

I really hope that helps you.

Until next time, my friends,

remember to go out and win your dreams today.

For more infomation >> The Four R's of Personal Development - Duration: 4:21.


Dodge Nitro 2.8 CRD R/T 4WD LEDER SCHUIFDAK NAVI BT PDC CRUISE '08 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Dodge Nitro 2.8 CRD R/T 4WD LEDER SCHUIFDAK NAVI BT PDC CRUISE '08 - Duration: 1:11.


Chevrolet Prisma 2019 terá preço de R$ 58.990 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Prisma 2019 terá preço de R$ 58.990 - Duration: 1:57.


"Zbiór krótki encyklopedyczny wszystkich umieiętności pomnożony historyą powszechną..." z 1804 r. - Duration: 1:04.

Today is Children's Day.

On this occasion, we present a rare bilingual, Polish-French publishing house

addressed to young people

of an encyclopedic nature,

arranged in the form of questions and answers from the beginning of the 19th century

It is entitled "A short encyclopedic collection

all skills multiplied by universal history up to our time.

With pictures and a geographical map. "

Includes text in Polish and French

and illustrations and a map of the world in copperplate on folded cards.

The author of the work was Jean HAUTEPIERRE.

A book belonging to works that propagate contemporary knowledge

was published in Wroclaw

in 1806 in Wilhelm Bogumił Korn's Bookstore.

Extremely interesting is the example of a work from the period of early development of universal education.

Please visit

to the books department issued before 1945.

For more infomation >> "Zbiór krótki encyklopedyczny wszystkich umieiętności pomnożony historyą powszechną..." z 1804 r. - Duration: 1:04.


ADmob will pay you!! make money with your adds - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> ADmob will pay you!! make money with your adds - Duration: 5:40.


Тайны фильма "ТИХОЕ МЕСТО" (Монстры, скрытые детали, теории) - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> Тайны фильма "ТИХОЕ МЕСТО" (Монстры, скрытые детали, теории) - Duration: 10:41.


Understanding Hotel California - Duration: 7:18.

hey, welcome to 12tone! when I was younger, Hotel California was always one of my favorite

songs in my dad's music collection.

it was unlike anything else I'd ever heard, and the atmosphere it created was mesmerizing,

so now that I'm a real music theorist, I thought it'd be fun to go back and take a look at

what it was I was actually hearing.

it starts like this: (bang) and I'm just gonna stop it there for a second.

these are what's called arpeggios, where the notes of a chord are played one at a time

instead of all at once, and they're all over this intro.

that's not a problem, though: all we have to do is squish them all together to get back

our full chord, and once we do that, we have B minor and F#7, which are the I chord and

the V chord in B minor.

this immediately brings to mind the concept of functional harmony, which as we've mentioned

elsewhere is the idea that different chords in a key have different functions or jobs

to do.

the I chord has what's called tonic function, which means it provides a sense of rest, while

the V chord has dominant function, which means it points back to the I chord.

so far, we're off to a fairly simple start.

but the F#7 doesn't resolve like we'd expect.

instead, we get this (bang) which is where things start to get weird.

whereas before the chord qualities were fairly straightforward, here we've got some more

exotic sounds.

this Asus2 chord, for instance, is what happens when you take a normal A chord and replace

the 3rd degree with a note a major 2nd above the root. this creates some ambiguity because

it's not clear whether it's supposed to be major or minor, and I think that's the point

here: based on the key, we'd expect to see A major, and using the sus2 chord instead

removes some of the brightness that would've created.

likewise, this E9 chord has an added note, called a tension, which again adds more color

to it.

it's also worth noting that these alterations make the chords easier to play on a guitar,

but as a theorist I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

anyway, those changes aside, there's also something else going on here: a harmonic motif.

this is when the same basic chord movement is repeated over and over, and we can see

that by comparing the chords from the first part (bang) to the chords in the second.

(bang) in both cases, you have a starting chord, followed by a dominant 7th whose root

is a fourth lower.

all we've done is shifted the pattern down a whole step.

that creates a problem, though: the F#7 was pointing back to the I chord, which means

it had dominant function, but the E9 is actually pointing to some sort of A chord instead.

it's still directional, but instead of leading home it wants to take us to a secondary location,

so we just call it a secondary dominant.

that doesn't resolve either, though, instead feeding into this (bang) which is another

statement of our harmonic motif, again lowered a whole step.

the precise shapes of the chords are slightly different, but the overall effect is the same,

and finally we end with this (bang) which is just the IV and V chords.

the IV chord has subdominant function, which means its job is to create instability and

set up that V chord, which then finally resolves back to the start of the phrase.

but there's something bigger going on here that gets lost when we take things in little

chunks like this.

let's zoom out a bit and look at the whole progression (bang) now let's remove the unresolved


(bang) you know what, let's drop this E minor 7 too, to get to a nice, even number of chords,

and while we're at it we'll clean this up to A major, which leaves us with… (bang)

one of my favorite chord progressions, often called the Andalusian Cadence, which is basically

just a walk down the minor scale from the I chord to the V. it's a popular technique

in flamenco and other guitar-heavy genres, and this whole intro seems to be just an intensely

decorated version of it.

that progression continues through the verse, which means our next stop is the chorus: (bang)

first, I want to talk about the transition: the verse ends with F#7, which we said is

supposed to go to B minor, but the chorus starts with G major instead.

this is what's called a deceptive resolution, and it works because G major is almost identical

to B minor.

there's only one note different, so even though it's not where we expect it to go, it's still

a pretty solid resolution.

but moving on to the chorus itself, we have a bit of a problem.

we could keep analyzing it in B minor, but if we do that it doesn't really make a lot

of sense.

instead, I'd probably analyze this section in the key of D major.

this is called a relative modulation and it's incredibly subtle because we don't actually

change any of the notes, we just change how we use them in order to create a different

sense of tonality.

it's a small difference, but it leads to a completely new harmonic landscape.

anyway, we start here with the IV chord, followed by the I. the IV chord is unstable but not

very directional, so moving from it back to the I gives us a weaker resolution than we'd

get from, say, the V. (bang) this is often called a plagal cadence, and it helps us avoid

creating too much of a sense of finality.

then we go to F#7, followed by B minor.

this looks a lot like the V-I movement we saw earlier, but remember, we're not in B

anymore, so the F#7 has become a secondary dominant, pointing us to the VI chord.

then the song does something that honestly confused me for quite a while: it resolves

that VI minor back to the IV chord which… isn't really how that works.

if you play the chords by themselves there's no real resolution, but if you listen to the

section (bang) it's pretty clearly there, and that clip may have given you a clue as

to why: it's all in the walk-up.

the rising line, the accelerating rhythm, and the big, powerful electric guitar all

combine to create a sense of tension and release that, from a harmonic perspective, really

shouldn't exist, and I don't know about you but I find that fascinating.

anyway, that feeds into this (bang) which has that same plagal cadence as before, then

we set up a return to the verse key, with the same IV and V chords we saw at the end

of that progression.

you may be wondering about the F# augmented, but that's mainly just a bit of extra decoration.

this song is full of things like that: the Eagles were all fairly accomplished session

players before starting their own band, and they're really good at adding little flourishes

throughout the song that help keep things fresh.

they go back and forth between these two sections for a while, then finally we get to a solo

over the verse progression. in fact, not just a solo, but a conversation: this section is

a guitar battle between Don Felder and Joe Walsh, each one masterfully playing off the


I'm not gonna go through the whole thing 'cause there's a lot, but I do want to talk a bit

about the end, or rather the lack of an end.

like we saw in the Comfortably Numb video, it doesn't actually finish.

in fact, it's still building momentum when they fade the track out, giving the sense

that it goes on forever, which is stunningly appropriate for this song.

after all, the last line we hear is "you can check out any time you like, but you can never


anyway, that's basically it, but before we go, I wanted to let you know that next Friday,

June 8th, Adam Neely's gonna be hosting the inaugural youtube music theory livestream

featuring me, Sideways, and 8-Bit Music theory.

we're gonna be hanging out, talking about music, and taking audience questions, and

you may even see my face.

it's at 4pm eastern time over on Adam's channel, so set an alarm or whatever, and I'll see

you there! or, I won't, but you'll see me, and I'll read the things you're typing and…

you know what, I don't have to explain livestreams to you.


ok, seriously, thanks for watching, and thanks to Patreon patron Matt Osborn for suggesting

this song! if you'd like to see your favorite song analyzed, just head on over to P atreon

and pledge at any level.

you can also join our mailing list to find out about new episodes, like, share, comment,

subscribe, and above all, keep on rockin'.

For more infomation >> Understanding Hotel California - Duration: 7:18.


Volkswagen Polo New R-Line | LMV Bi-Color | Cruise | WLTP voordeel - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo New R-Line | LMV Bi-Color | Cruise | WLTP voordeel - Duration: 0:50.


47歲李英愛素顏逛超市,女神仙氣十足不愧是「零整容始祖」 - Duration: 1:41.


其實,近日李英愛已經投入了新片《尋找我》的拍攝工作,有藝人發布了跟她的合照,化妝之後的李英愛就更不像47歲了。 2003年,李英愛憑著一部《大長今》紅遍亞洲,當時港媒接觸過李英愛,都大讚她的工作態度比一般韓星要好,指殿堂級的李英愛向韓星們示範了什麼是「你的態度,決定你的高度」,好感度接近滿分的她,名副其實「人見人愛」


為了照顧兩個孩子,李英愛推掉不少工作,一家四口搬到郊外的別墅生活,不過現在兩個孩子要上學,他們一家又搬回了梨泰院居住。 「大長今」的堅毅、積極向上和自信,每一點都可以在李英愛身上找到,這也是大家都喜歡這位女明星的原因


For more infomation >> 47歲李英愛素顏逛超市,女神仙氣十足不愧是「零整容始祖」 - Duration: 1:41.


Should we rewrite our constitution? - Duration: 8:03.

(theme music)

- If we were to create America from scratch today

how would we create our user manual?

And who would write it?.

(inspirational electronic music)

What is the average turnaround time or shelf life

of a constitution internationally?

- Internationally it's only about 17 years

and it's actually going down.

In recent decades it's been only about 12 years.

- And ours has lasted for--

- Over 200 years, right?

- Okay. - Yeah, so.

- Okay, so we're about due?

- Seventeen... well - Ha ha ha.

- that's what some people say actually.

- [Toussaint] Writing or re-writing a constitution

is not a job for the faint of heart.

So I ask you,

Where on this Earth could we find a nation

that is brave enough,

passionate enough,

and maybe even foolish enough

to take on such a challenge?

- My name is Silja Bara Omarsdottir

and I lecture at the faculty of Political Science

at the university of Iceland.

- Thanks so much for taking the time to be with us.

(lighthearted music) Let me first ask you,

why did Iceland decide to reform their constitution?

- [Marie] Well in 2008 Iceland had a financial collapse

and a lot of people suggested

that the problems that we had as a society

would have been avoided

if we'd had a more modern constitution.

The Icelanders got their own constitution

from the King of Denmark in 1874

and then when Iceland became a sovereign republic in 1944

Denmark was then under occupation,

so the constitution was very quickly re-written,

essentially replacing the word King with the word Resident.

- [Toussaint] So now let's jump back to the United States.

("The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Philip Sousa)

When we wrote our constitution

it was done at a constitutional convention

in which influential men got together

hashed out their ideas

and once they had a working document

they got approved by at least nine of the states.

Just like that, the constitution was born.

Today we still have two processes

for proposing new constitutional amendments

both of which require the participation of the states

before they can pass. (relaxing music)

In the first version

which has been used to create our current amendments

Congress comes up with an idea

and then 3/4 of the states need to approve it.

In the second version

which has never been used in American history

the states could call an Article V Convention

which essentially allows them to get together

and propose whatever amendments they want.

After that if they can get approval from 3/4 of the states

those amendments become law.

- Either Congress has to pass a law

- Mm hmm. - and send it

to the state legislatures

to change parts of the constitution

or the states can initiate a request to Congress

to call a constitutional convention.

And if we wanted to do the whole constitution

that's probably the route

because you'd want to have

a time for people to meet and talk

just like they did when they were framing the constitution.

- Many scholars have argued

that an Article V Convention

would border on chaos (politician yelling)

because there are no rules in the constitution

about how a convention like this should operate.

It would technically be above the Congress

and even possibly above the courts

and pretty much anything could come out of it.

At the same time

it's not that fundamentally different

from how we wrote our current constitution

in the first place.

So if we were ever going to re-write the constitution

on a large scale

this is probably how we'd do it.

- Do you think we should be re-write the constitution?

- I am skeptical about whether

it would provide any more human rights

than it does.

I think there may be as many people

who would try to roll back some of the rights

that these minorities have

as that would try to extend them.

- But for us this might not matter.

We're talking from scratch.

Which is why, if I may,

I'd like to do a quick dramatic reading

from the constitution:




Now let me pause it here

because as you can probably guess

that's not the constitution,

as in the U.S. constitution.

It was actually written in 2008 for the Republic of Kosovo.

(rewinding audio)

But here's the amazing part;

one of the people who played a key role

in writing this document

was a lawyer living in Minnesota.

- [John] I was privileged to have the opportunity

to work with people in Kosovo

to draft their constitution

when they became independent in 2008.

- [Toussaint] That is Chief United States District Judge

John Tunheim

and I met with him at his chambers

to ask you more about this constitution.

- [John] It's a little warped right now

but that's what it looks like.

- Wow.

- You know when the Soviet Union broke up

- Mm hmm. - there were

how many, what, 14 or 15 different countries

- Yeah. - that needed to write

new constitutions, - Yeah.

- And they did.

And some of those countries had had

fundamental changes in government since then

so they've written a new constitutions

out of that experience. - Mmm.

- [John] There's a lot of constitutions

that have been written in the last 25 years.

- Judge Tunheim's work

represents something kind of fascinating in today's world;

legal professionals being commissioned

to turn a country's goals into a legal document.

But is this right for us?

Because, let's be honest,

I'm guessing that when we asked

if we were making America from scratch today

who would be writing our constitution

you probably didn't picture someone like Judge John Tunheim.

Maybe thought it was going to be a little more like this:

- Oh, you promised!

- You promised, that's not fair.

- It's not a question of fairness, it's separation of--

- Go back to Russia, commie!

- Hey you go back to Russia. (crowd murmuring)

(intense music) - This brings us

to one of the real tensions in our country today:

Who should be writing the rules?

When our country was founded, as we all know,

it was influential men like James Madison

who put the actual pen to paper.

And today, well, there are parallels.

So what if we really broke the mold

and decided to take a new approach,

like crowd sourcing?

It's diverse, it's inclusive, everybody weighs in

and the people finally have a voice.

That actually brings us right back to Iceland.

- So a lot of people have said

that the Icelandic constitution was crowdsourced

and I wouldn't really say that.

In 2010 the decision was made

to have a constitutional assembly

elected by the population

to write a proposal for a new constitution.

This group of 25 people,

we always sat around and we make the decisions

as to what text would actually be included.

Every time we made a proposal

we would present that and plug it on Facebook

and publish it online

and we would ask people to send us comments,

to leave comments on the document

and tell us what they thought

but people couldn't actually write anything

other than the 25 people who were in the council.

- Ultimately Iceland's new constitution

was not officially adopted.

However it was a good example of when the country says,

"Hey we need to try something new."

And just by having the conversation

it led to a lot of good policy ideas.

- I wouldn't say that it was a waste of time.

It actually created at least a short lived debate

about what it is that we want to be

and what our values are as a society.

Reminding the people and the government

that there are things that remain to be fixed.

- So what would it be like if we decided

to follow the example of Iceland?

What ideas would you fight for

to include in a new constitution

and what elements would you leave behind?

Hey everybody, it's Toussaint Morrison.

Thank you so much for watching this episode.

On our next episode

we're gonna talk about

if our data should have rights.

If you have something to say about that

submit a video to the link in the description

and we might show it on the next show.

Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe.

This program is made possible by the

Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

For more infomation >> Should we rewrite our constitution? - Duration: 8:03.


#Junime 2018 Update: Limited Edition Merch, Patreon, What's Next and more! | Dacian Grada - Duration: 1:44.

hello everybody and welcome to a new update video for this month; we will talk

about #Junime which is my annual occurrence of anime covers on this

channel. First of all we have a new limited edition t-shirt which is a new

design I created just for this month and the campaign will end at the end of June.

-so please check out the link in the description- also for this month only all

patrons will have a new backing track for every new cover I will put out; after

that it will be only for the $5 tier and up so please check out the

description for more information

I've been debating a lot on the future of my channel and I think I will shift

my priorities towards anime covers because the numbers (the YouTube analytics and

such and also my enjoyment while doing them) speak for themselves but don't

worry I will still have some VGM arrangements in fact I have two big

projects coming related to that, so stay tuned!

I'd like to thank everybody for almost 1000 subscribers please continue liking

commenting and sharing my videos because it really helps a lot even a simple

spotify stream and follow is very helpful to me... so that's it! See you every

Friday at 6 p.m. European time for a new video. Let's hope

the almighty algorithm will help us reach even more people. *All applicable

links are in the description just below the like, subscribe, notification

bell buttons; no bells were harmed in the making of this video

For more infomation >> #Junime 2018 Update: Limited Edition Merch, Patreon, What's Next and more! | Dacian Grada - Duration: 1:44.


Делаем талисман удачи оберег в домашних условиях Вебинар Дарьи Ким - Duration: 2:31:10.

For more infomation >> Делаем талисман удачи оберег в домашних условиях Вебинар Дарьи Ким - Duration: 2:31:10.


Nissan Micra 1.3 LX apk nap 5drs lmv trekhaak - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.3 LX apk nap 5drs lmv trekhaak - Duration: 1:05.


Daihatsu Cuore 1.0 51KW 5DRS Premium - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Daihatsu Cuore 1.0 51KW 5DRS Premium - Duration: 1:03.


The Last O.G. Finale

For more infomation >> The Last O.G. Finale


Trump Sends Message With Pardons: Don't Flip On Me And I'll Bail You Out! - Duration: 4:23.

On Thursday of this week, Donald Trump decided to go on a little mini pardon spree, either

pardoning or saying he may in the future pardon several people who have committed some crimes

that actually seem very familiar.

Now, there's a lot of theories out there as to why Donald Trump started issuing these

pardons, so let's focus on the biggest and most likely to be true theory out there and

that is that Donald Trump is pardoning people who committed crimes that either he himself

or former members of his campaign are currently under investigation for.

Let's start with the first pardon that actually happened: Dinesh D'Souza.

He pled guilty to campaign finance violations.

And who do we know that's also under investigation for potential campaign finance violations?

Why, that would be Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's attorneys, and Donald Trump himself.

Then you have Rob Blagojevich, who was also a contest on the Celebrity Apprentice, who

was convicted of 18 felony corruption charges after he tried to sell a Senate seat.

Now, corruption, that kinda sounds like everybody within the Trump administration, right?

And then of course you have his saying he may pardon Martha Stewart as well.

She was convinced on conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and making false statements to


Now, it's that one, that making false statements to investigators that probably applies to

a lot of people who've already met with Robert Mueller and the special prosecutor's team.

But the message that Donald Trump is trying to send right now is very clear.

If you don't flip on me, if you are loyal, as all of the people he's pardoned have been,

Martha Stewart had hosted an Apprentice spin-off, and let's not forget Joe Arpaio, who got pardoned

months ago, who is an ardent Donald Trump supporter.

But anyway.

Trump's message is "Don't flip on me, stay loyal.

And don't worry, I'm going to pardon you in the very near future."

Well, I've got some bad news for Donald Trump.

But I've got some good news, too for him.

The good news is that unfortunately, a president can pardon pretty much anyone, even suspected

of a federal crime.

And that's the key word here, federal crime.

We'll get more on that in a second.

But yes, Donald Trump can actually pardon people even before they have been convicted.

He can pardon people while an investigation is going on, and that ends it.

I'm sure he doesn't know that, so please, nobody tell him, but yeah, legally speaking,

he is allowed to do that, and he can issue blanket pardons, and say, "I'm pardoning Joe

Smith for any federal crime against the United States that he may have committed between

2001 and 2018," and it works.

That's how it does.

That's how Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon.

But here's the thing.

Like I said, that's only federal crimes.

He can't pardon people who committed state crimes, which is one of the things that Michael

Cohen, his attorney is under investigation for.

Most of the grievances so far against Cohen are state crimes, not federal crimes.

So Michael Cohen, the biggest person he's worried about flipping, he can't even pardon


So yeah, Cohen has every reason in the world to still flip on Donald Trump and hand over

evidence or whatever he may have, because Trump can't get him out of this.

It's a state crime.

Yes, he's also being investigated for some federal crimes, too.

He could pardon him for those, but not the state ones.

Get the same outcome, really.

So, the other thing is that if Trump didn't want people to flip on him, maybe he should

have sent this message, I don't know, like a year ago?

When the investigation was in its early days?

Because by now, people have already flipped.

They've already cut deals.

They've already made agreements with prosecutors; we know that that has happened, so little

too late for that.

But nonetheless, you go ahead and you keep pardoning all your horrible, right-wing friends

just because they support you.

I know Martha Stewart's not right-wing, she's not a Trump supporter, but she was loyal to

him at one point when she had the little spin-off.

But the bottom line is that Trump thinks he's sending a clear message to people who are

being investigated right now.

But in reality, he just kinda screwed things up for himself a little bit more, because

he doesn't fully understand what the president can do, but more importantly, what the president

can't do.

For more infomation >> Trump Sends Message With Pardons: Don't Flip On Me And I'll Bail You Out! - Duration: 4:23.


Je sais pas si t'as vu... Facebook, c'est pour les vieux #JSPSTV - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Je sais pas si t'as vu... Facebook, c'est pour les vieux #JSPSTV - Duration: 1:53.


Flea market : 10 things , you shouldn't do | Kessler's Knigge - Duration: 1:50.

10 things you shouldn't sell on a flea market.

Fresh garbage!

All kinds of trash!

Okay people, we are on sale!

Every product is 5 euros only.

5€ each item!

Everything needs to go.

The Holy Grail is already sold.

But I also have the diaries of Jesus...

Euro, dollar, Yen, Swiss Franc, British pound...

The last unicorn!

The last unicorn is on special sale!

This works perfectly! It's like new!

50 euros...



Ok, 10 euros!


One euro!

For more infomation >> Flea market : 10 things , you shouldn't do | Kessler's Knigge - Duration: 1:50.


10 People You Won't Believe Actually Exist | Amazing People You Will Never Believe Are Real - Duration: 11:20.

10 People You Won't Believe Actually Exist

Amazing People You Will Never Believe Are Real

For more infomation >> 10 People You Won't Believe Actually Exist | Amazing People You Will Never Believe Are Real - Duration: 11:20.


Sick Dog Called a 'Werewolf' But No One Stopped to Help Until Someone Put Out a Plea - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Sick Dog Called a 'Werewolf' But No One Stopped to Help Until Someone Put Out a Plea - Duration: 5:24.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 100pk First Edition - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 100pk First Edition - Duration: 1:02.


Dodge Nitro 2.8 CRD R/T 4WD LEDER SCHUIFDAK NAVI BT PDC CRUISE '08 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Dodge Nitro 2.8 CRD R/T 4WD LEDER SCHUIFDAK NAVI BT PDC CRUISE '08 - Duration: 1:11.


Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5 DI-T First Ed. - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5 DI-T First Ed. - Duration: 0:44.


Opel Vivaro 1.6 CDTI L1H1 2.7T 95 pk SPORT - AIRCO - NAVI - CAMERA ACHTER - CRUISECONTROLE VOORRAAD - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 1.6 CDTI L1H1 2.7T 95 pk SPORT - AIRCO - NAVI - CAMERA ACHTER - CRUISECONTROLE VOORRAAD - Duration: 0:50.


Man Stumbles Across Photo Realizes They're The Same Girls His Wife's Spent 40 Years Searching For - Duration: 3:42.


Man Stumbles Across Photo On Facebook – Realizes They're The Same Girls His Wife's Spent

40 Years Searching For

For a parent, being separated from your children has to be the most unbearable thing you could

possibly imagine.

But for a mom named Lani, that was her life for the past 40 years.

Lani, who is from Thailand, met a member of the U.S. Air Force while he was stationed

there during the Vietnam War.

She fell in love with him and soon the couple married and moved to Ohio.

They had a daughter there and then moved to Oxford, England and had another baby girl.

But two years later, the relationship went south and the couple divorced.

Lani, who didn't speak English well, didn't understand the terms of the divorce and signed

away her rights to ever see her daughters again.

And from that day onward, both mother and daughters spent the next 40 years searching

for each other — until they were finally reunited, thanks to social media.

When Lani was separated from her daughters, Starla and Jeannie, the girls were only two

and three years old.

It was as hard on the girls as it was for their mom.

Starla tells ABC News, "We asked our dad a lot about our mom, and he never spoke ill

of our mom to us.

He just said that she couldn't speak English because she's full-blooded Thai, and he

said she thought since we were American and he was in the military, he could take better

care of us and provide us a better life than she could."

So for the next four decades, both mother and daughters searched for each other.

When they got a little older, Starla and Jeannie searched every database they could with the

"help" of their dad — but to no avail.

"When I sit back and I think of everything, I think he just tried to make it look like

he helped.

He was trying to protect us, or he was scared he was going to lose his baby girls.

They always say there are three sides to the story.

His side, her side and the truth," Jeannie tells ABC News.

The years passed and the girls wondered if they should give up the search and move on

with their lives.

But recently, Starla got an unexpected message on Facebook.

It was from a man named Mark Szarmach.

Mark turned out to be Lani's second husband.

He had tried to help his wife find her long-lost daughters, but for a long time, his efforts

came up fruitless.

Mark says about his wife, "Lani wanted to find them but she didn't know how to and

because she had such limited information, there weren't any diligent searches.

But she's often cried herself to sleep and talked about her daughters and how she has

to find them someday."

Because of his wife's accent, Mark thought Starla was named "Stella" and Jeannie

was named "Jenny."

No wonder he had a hard time finding them!

Mark also knew the girls' father's name, though, and search for him, too.

The man's name was John Thompson, and since it was so common, it took time for Mark to

sift through all of the people with the same name.

Eventually, though, he found his obituary.

Through that, he discovered the girls' real names and went to Facebook and searched for

them again.

This time, Mark found a Facebook account for a Jeannie Toomey and was stunned when he saw

one picture in particular.

"I opened up an album and their baby picture popped up.

I was in shock.

I came running out of the bedroom and said, 'Honey you've got to come see this.'

I showed her that picture and she just started bawling," Mark says.

Mark contacted Jeannie, who was blown away.

She and Starla made plans with Lani to finally reunite after 40 years and a week later, they


This story is proof that you should never giving up on your dreams.

Share if you were also moved to see this family reunited after so many years!

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It means a lot.

Thank You :)

For more infomation >> Man Stumbles Across Photo Realizes They're The Same Girls His Wife's Spent 40 Years Searching For - Duration: 3:42.


So true! This is Why Introverts Prefer to Just Stay Home - Duration: 4:55.

When you know an introvert, you can expect that introverts actually love staying at home

more than anything.

Of course, they will go outside sometimes.

However, there are certain times when they want to stay at home despite of their needs

to go outside.

For an introvert, small talk feels really awkward and boring, and being in a crowd,

you feel alone.

Networking and socializing feels fake to you, and when it is time that you need to recharge

your batteries, that alone time feels incredibly satisfying.

Please subscribe, click the bell button, and watch this video until the end to know the

complete information.

13 reasons when introverts just want to stay home.

#1 - After a tedious work

Introverts who work in the office are not only exhausted because of the work.

They are also exhausted because of meeting people especially those they don't like.

This combination is perfect to choose staying at home instead.

#2 - When they are asked to hang out now

Introverts do not like surprising schedule.

They only want to go outside when they are ready.

They basically need to prepare their mental bravery before they can go outside especially

with large groups.

#3 - When there is additional person

They cannot just stand with too many people.

Again, if you suddenly add one person in the group, the introverts will think twice before

they can go.

They prefer to stay at home instead of going out.

#4 - Small talk

Introverts, despite of their willingness to talk sometimes, they actually do not like

small talks.

They want deep, meaningful conversation to understand others.

#5 - When party with co-workers

Working environment usually consists many people, and they can be overwhelming for you.

Even though you may get some benefits such as being able to talk casually with your boss,

you will choose staying at home instead.

#6 - After hanging out in the other day

Hanging out with a friend is fun for some people.

However, introverted people see the world differently, and they just cannot stand for

multiple trips with friend without break.

#7 - No privacy

Even though introverts are in the public place, they still want to avoid crowd as quickly

as possible.

Unfortunately, they notice that some places cannot provide such luxuries, making them

think twice before going.

#8 - Your favorite TV shows are on air

Well, you just cannot be spoiled about the new episodes of TV series you like to watch.

That is why it is no wonder why you just want to stay home to watch it.

#9 - YOLO (You only live once)

Introverts do not like to take risks, and they just do not want to go outside to do

something that risks their life.

Over drinking, skydiving, and any other tough exercise should be left out.

#10 - Long exposure of crowd

Sometimes introverts really can play around with crowds.

However, there are some point when they are totally exhausted.

#11 - A conversation trap

Introverts can be trapped in a lengthy conversation when they meet someone who talks a lot.

It is a big problem for introverts, and that is why they prefer staying at home.

#12 - Introvert hangover

When you start feeling exhausted, you probably just need to take a break and stay at home.

#13 - Not enjoyable

People want to enjoy things and that also applies to introverts.

They want their activities meaningful and enjoyable.

If you are asking them to go to boring event, they prefer staying home.

Well, those are some of the times when introverts just want to stay home.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> So true! This is Why Introverts Prefer to Just Stay Home - Duration: 4:55.


How To Attract Women: 8 Easy Ways To INSTANTLY Be More Attractive By Standing Out From The Crowd! - Duration: 9:35.

hi it's Stephan Erdman I'm wearing a suit that's right and there's a reason for it

in this video we're going to be talking about eight ways that you can stand out

from the crowd in order to attract women and if you

ever wanted to make a great first impression on women that you're

interested in then this video is for you

now when people meet you for the first time they will make it assumptions about

you like you make assumptions about them like you make assumptions about me right

now when you see me for the first time you look at how I'm dressed you looking

at my face you look how much I smile so let's be real women do it we do it no

big deal now the key is of course to get people to make good assumptions about

you right so let's get straight into it number one is your body language people

make huge assumptions about you based on your body language the way you stand the

way you move whether you're open whether you're

you're relaxed whether you seem tense if you hold tension in your body it

automatically will make people think that you're hiding something or that you

have some issues that you're having problems and women will also look at you

they will basically look at your body language and they sometimes will have an

instant ink thing what you'll be like in bed because they can see from your body

if you like it's gonna be horrible in bed right because your body language and

your mindset absolutely go together just try this stand up straight and just

punch the air for a second and notice how you feel of course you feel more

energized already so use your body language to stand out from the crowd by

just being the one that's standing tall than everybody else that's just their

centered calm and in control number two accessories accessories are

one of the easiest ways to stand out from the crowd and if you don't use

accessories consciously right now then you're making a big mistake let's say

you're wearing a suit now what will be an accessory for that well you have an

accessory like a tie for example now you can wear the wrong tie as I'm showing

you here and you can wear the right tie now that would be a great tie and that's

a kind of tie that women would comment on incidentally this tie is from a

company called the dark not calm that's a website that I love it's all about

making men look better by giving them the best accessories that you can think

of they have a great selection of ties each of their accessories is handmade

all the ties come with a double layer of wool and cotton interlining they also

have accessories lie for example these lava stone bracelets

okay look at that what I love about these bracelets is that they're rough

and elegant at the same time it's not too big and it fits nicely and it can go

with a suit it can also go with anything casual it

can go with a shirt rolled up sleeves it can go with a bit of a rocky look my

favorite accessory these days especially when I wear a suit a jacket or anything

like that and I want to jazz things up a bit handkerchiefs or pocket squares

handkerchiefs are just beautiful especially this one here also from the

dark not calm so you just pull this together you can stick it in like this

and especially if you come straight from work you want to go on a date for

example slap this on put this on instantly you ready for a date as you

may have realized this video is sponsored by the dark not calm and if

you go to the dark not calm I've arranged a 25% discount code for you

it's called a G 25 so if you're interested in getting some great

accessories like this silk handkerchief that I've been showing you that I'm

wearing or this bracelet then go to the dark not come and check it out you get

25% off with the special coupon code that I'm also putting here in the

description which brings us to the third factor in standing out from the crowd

and making a great first impression and that is to dress well and I know that

sounds obvious but what does dressing well actually mean well it doesn't

necessarily have to mean to buy the most expensive clothes okay I'll have the big

labels in fact that can work against you but when it comes to dressing well

within your style the key thing for me are two things number one wearing

clothes that fit you right number two combining things well now this suit for

example it fits me very well shoulders fit waist fits now contrast

that with this suit that I bought quite a few years ago as you can see it looks

sloppy it looks too big the shoulders are too wide and it just

looks terrible really the same thing with shirts you can get really great

fitting shirts these days with a bit of stretch in them even make sure your

clothes fit you don't always have to get them tailored but if you do find it

difficult to find the right fitting things for yourself then you may have to

go to have them adjusted slightly for your body

the certain basic thing to dressing well is combining colors correct in combining

styles correctly if you wear a dress shirt which is meant to be tucked in and

you wear it over some old jeans or something it's always going to look

horrible if you wear a more casual shirt that is not meant to be tucked in then

it's gonna look very different have a look at this that looks great

have a look at this that looks terrible it just doesn't work together right so

think about these things there's so many videos about these topics so that you

can just research a little bit but it is crucial to making a great first

impression and I noticed the difference every time by the way what I love about

the dark not as well is that they also educate people about how to combine

colors every time you buy something there you get a card that tells you what

to combine it with in terms of the colors also that blog on their website

are really educational so check it out okay the fourth thing that will always

make you stand out from the crowd is positivity because so many people are so

busy being miserable or being moody or trying to act cool and when you're

positive and you just approach people with positivity you approach life with

positivity you approach yourself with positivity it radiates and it makes

other people want to be spending time with you so focus on what can be done

what you like about people focus on what you like about life be grateful for what

you have focus on what you like about yourself and never get stuck in

negativity for too long I know that sounds general but it's so important

number five openness generally being open is so massive when it comes to

people when it comes to situations when you look at things as opportunities

rather than as dangers you are going to change your

it's a bit like that film yes-man where Jim Carrey said yes to everything now of

course that was a comedy still the principle is really really

amazing now I used to be a maybe person and that's still my tendency I tend to

evaluate things for ages and then I make a decision but when I just go for the

yes and I just go ahead and I see the opportunity and I move towards what I'm

excited about amazing things happen number 6 is obvious for many people and

I don't talk about this very often because I'm not the expert but be in

shape be in reasonable shape when people see you being very out of shape or when

people see you not taking care of your body they make assumptions about how you

deal with the rest of your life it's not really about don't be overweight it's

more about feeling proud of who you are and feeling good about you when you're

in shape when you look your best when you feel your best you automatically

have a huge advantage when you come into a room and people react to you because

it's obvious to them that you feel good about yourself

number seven is a key follow-up from the last one because all of this will give

you confidence and confidence is not something that basically goes against

other people this is where people always get this wrong you cannot be confident

and put people down you can be confident and lift people up that's what real

confidence is if you're interested in learning more about being more confident

just check out my program there should be a link here for you now the last

thing that will make you stand out from the crowd I just want to take it

separate here is to have a purpose having a purpose comes out in your body

language having a purpose comes out in your confidence having your purpose

comes out in how you interact with people when you know what you want at

any moment in your life you are much stronger than your average person most

people just float through life they sort of just adjust all the time to what's

happening and something that women really go for is a man with a purpose a

man on a mission so those are some of my favorite ways of

standing out from the crowd and attracting women in the process for

making a great first impression without even talking to them and so that when

you start talking to them they already intrigued

they want to talk to you just to reiterate go to the dark not calm if you

want to get amazing accessories get 25% off AG 25 is the coupon code go to the

link here in the description thanks for watching haven't missed something let me

know in the comment section please like this video give it a thumbs up and

subscribe if you haven't done so already what's the next video here or go to the

website and check out the six-week w confidence challenge I see you later

For more infomation >> How To Attract Women: 8 Easy Ways To INSTANTLY Be More Attractive By Standing Out From The Crowd! - Duration: 9:35.


ガッチャマン役は井澤勇貴!タツノコヒーロー結集「舞台版 Infini-T Force」キャスト決定(シネマトゥデイ) - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> ガッチャマン役は井澤勇貴!タツノコヒーロー結集「舞台版 Infini-T Force」キャスト決定(シネマトゥデイ) - Duration: 4:01.


Chelsea Cutler - Someone Else (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:37.

Every time 'cause I'm scared you're with someone else

Maybe it's 4 AM but I still call you up

Maybe I'm lonely and I don't know what I want

Maybe I need another shadow in the dark

Every time 'cause I'm scared you're with someone else

Maybe it's 4 AM but I still call you up

Maybe I'm lonely and I don't know what I want

Maybe I need another shadow in the dark

Every time 'cause I want you to put me through hell

Maybe it's 4 AM but I still call you up

Maybe I'm lonely and I don't know what I want

Maybe I need another shadow in the dark

Can't help but thinking you're with her

Know that we left it to simmer

I need you, I need you, I need you alone

Two drinks, I do this, I do this, I know

would you be down if I wanted you still

You got me wondering

So tell me it's real

It feels like forever

That you wanted this

'Cause it's been three days And you will not say

But you won't admit

I know what this is yeah

Every time 'cause I'm scared you're with someone else

Maybe it's 4 AM but I still call you up

Maybe I'm lonely and I don't know what I want

Maybe I need another shadow in the dark

Every time 'cause I want you to put me through hell

Maybe it's 4 AM but I still call you up

Maybe I'm lonely and I don't know what I want

Maybe I need another shadow in the dark

Hung out to dry in the city, yeah

Then in the morning you leave me

I call you, I call you, you answer the phone

Two drinks, I do this, I do this, I know

swear that I'm fine No self control, yeah

Don't answer the phone

But I can't let go

It's been for a minute

Then walk out the door

I know what you want, you say I'm the one

We've been here before

I know why you're calling

For more infomation >> Chelsea Cutler - Someone Else (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:37.


Samantha Bee Apologizes To Ivanka, But White House Still Wants Her Fired - Duration: 4:05.

This week, Samantha Bee, the host of Full Frontal on TBS, came under fire for comments

that she made about Ivanka Trump. On a recent program, Samantha Bee was talking about the

fact that Ivanka Trump posted a picture with her child and how loving and wonderful that

was, while, at the same time, ignoring the fact that her father's policies on immigration

are to quite literally rip children out of the hands of their parents and then apparently

just lose them in the process. Samantha Bee referred to Ivanka Trump as a

"feckless c***." Now, Samantha Bee, once the uproar started, she came out. She issued

a video apology. She apologized on Twitter. She made it clear that she believes that she

screwed up, that she used inappropriate language, that it harmed people, and she was not happy

with herself. She apologized to everyone, said this is something that's not going to

happen again. Here's the thing. Even after that apology,

which actually did sound sincere, unlike Roseanne's apology, the White House ... Friday morning,

Donald Trump tweeted out the following. "Why aren't they firing no-talent Samantha Bee

for the horrible language used on her low-rating show, a total double standard, but that's

okay. We are winning and will be doing so for a long time to come."

Donald Trump is echoing what a lot of conservatives are out there saying right now, that Samantha

Bee should be fired for this vulgar language that she used to describe Ivanka Trump. Now,

I don't know if conservatives are aware of this or not, but there are actually plenty

of photos online that you could easily find. We've got some we can show, as well, of conservatives

wearing T-shirts referring to Hillary Clinton as a c***. T-shirts that say, "F*** your

feelings." Now these same people, who say, "I don't

care about your feelings," or "Hillary Clinton is" this horrible word, now they

act like they have the right to be outraged because somebody else on the other side of

the aisle used this language? Yeah, not how it works, not to mention the fact that Donald

Trump himself has invited people like Ted Nugent into the White House, who also referred

to Hillary Clinton as a c***, as has Roseanne Barr, but Ted Nugent also threatened to murder

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and he gets an invite to the White House for his horrible

language. Where's the outrage there, folks? The Republican Party has a massive double

standard today that is just unbelievable hilarious, because they're incapable of looking at their

own side and seeing how disgusting they truly are. It's like these people have never walked

past a mirror to find out that they're the ones, in fact, covered in mud right now. The

reason that this whole crusade against Samantha Bee even started ... Again, it all goes back

to Roseanne being canceled, so these conservatives are mad that their white trash hero got her

show canceled, so they're doing everything in their power to get liberal hosts canceled,

as well. Not going to work with Samantha Bee. She did issue her apology. TBS has accepted

it. They have not shown any signs so far that she's going to be fired.

She's going to keep on doing what she does, because her voice is actually pretty vital

right now. She is out there, and yes she uses humor to do it, but she's actually telling

stories that the rest of the media's not even talking about. Yes, we do need Samantha Bee

out there. Personally, I have no problem with the language that she used, although I'm glad

she apologized. I know some people may have been offended, but okay, that happens. You

don't have to agree with the language somebody uses all the time, and I get that. Nonetheless,

Samantha Bee is a vital voice out there. She may have, in her opinion, used the wrong word

there, but when you're talking about a policy that is to rip children away from their parents

without ever knowing whether or not they'll see them again, I think harsh language is

fully justified.

For more infomation >> Samantha Bee Apologizes To Ivanka, But White House Still Wants Her Fired - Duration: 4:05.


SAVI - Voices (ft. Bryan Ellis) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:03.

♪ I'm a stranger in my own head ♪

♪ I got strangers livin' in my bed ♪

♪ I take pain like I take this pleasure of mine ♪

♪ Waking up wondering when it's all gon end ♪

♪ And ooh baby ♪

♪ Ooh baby ♪

♪ Save me from myself ♪

♪ And oh baby ♪

♪ Lord take me ♪

♪ Keep me from this hell ♪

♪ And I'm running ♪

♪ I'm running from the voices in my head ♪

♪ They're comin' ♪

♪ They're comin' ♪

♪ They're comin' for me again ♪

♪ I got danger running through my veins ♪

♪ So much anger that I can't contain ♪

♪ I feel the rain like I feel this pressure on me ♪

♪ And I go to sleep wondering what the day gon bring ♪

♪ And ooh baby ♪

♪ Ooh baby ♪

♪ Save me from myself ♪

♪ And oh baby ♪

♪ Lord take me ♪

♪ Keep me from this hell ♪

♪ And I'm running ♪

♪ I'm running from the voices in my head ♪

♪ They're comin' ♪

♪ They're comin' ♪

♪ They're comin' for me again ♪

♪ Somebody save me from ♪

♪ Yeah, save me from ♪

♪ Baby save me from myself ♪

♪ Somebody keep me from, keep me from, keep me from ♪

♪ From this burning, burning hell ♪

♪ And I'm running ♪

♪ I'm running from the voices in my head ♪

♪ They're comin' ♪

♪ They're comin' ♪

♪ They're comin' for me again ♪

For more infomation >> SAVI - Voices (ft. Bryan Ellis) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:03.


Evil Iron Man vs Team Spider-Man! Marvel Strike Force IOS Game Pt. 2 - Duration: 13:36.

oh look at him in this look like my arms yeah what's up everybody it's dead soon

and we've got to do part two of Marvel Marvel Strikeforce and last time we won

against evil hope your soldier and Winter Soldier and we unlocked a special

character The Punisher who was an awesome character at a grenade launcher

there's a dimensional portal portal that's opening up another dimension of

evil superheroes and they're coming and invading the world and the good

superheroes have to save the day Hey so we're trying to build our team so we've

got we've got Luke Cage spider-man The Punisher and the shield medic who is

very important so we're gonna use our team against Black Panther up there and

this is chapter 2 level 1 you excuse you excuse you I created strike to deal with

interdimensional threats the kind of stuff even Shuler the Avengers are not

equipped to deal with so I'm assuming this qualifies absolutely definitely

corrupted versions of Earth through smoke house for the lesson come in hey

so we've only got four characters see that little Plus slot right there okay

we want to add somebody there we want to bless somebody like this plus we're

gonna go get ready for our first fight which I'm gonna fight is that all right

and I'm gonna give you enough fight number two also while this is loading I

want to say that we are leveling up our content for the summer and we're making

more videos we've got more time to do fun stuff while little flash is out of

school and we're gonna be playing a weekly game along with our weekly shake

Rumble along with our weekly family challenge and along with our weekly what

what else was it weekly superhero gear tests and toys review yep a weekly one

ooh we got evil Hawkeye continue Nick Fury says these are not heroes from our

dimension he keeps repeating himself and don't know why so I'm gonna use I'm

gonna go back there to Hawkeye click

spring down in the face with my webs I'm bout this I used my sneeze power on hug

I kaboom this heed on water dogs barking downstairs man face okay so we're doing

good on health except our medic is about to die yeah but I think we were safe

yeah we are okay let's do a taunt which means that only they will they will pay

attention to him and that's the only person they'll get and everybody kick

him in the face and he's gone he's gone Oh soon you will all bow to the new king

I spit on the table so we're gonna hit continue and we gotta face off with

black evil black panther with fire eyes

okay okay we're gonna heal up because that medic we use the medics heal

ability and now we're ready to go so let's use a grenade on Black Panthers

because cuz he deserves it he hit the road that didn't do much damage at all

he's tough he's got super he's got super armor I think I'm gonna do damage okay

his defenses down let's see shoot well that's our only evil black

panther just disappeared see if we got enough power to get rid of these guys

forearm to the helmet face they Oh they've all got these fiery eyes what's

the matter with this because they're evil

he don't do this fast Oh Finn sit down I think we're good I think we got it

boom one more bit a little I am oh nice three star good Jerry

okay so we've got a few things here you know what we need to do we need to level

up our players and train them that made the most difference last time I mean

will an iron will a corrupted iron man launches an assault on Wakanda let's see

if we can level him up what about this Oh security clearance whatever now he

can get on to the the rock bus I guess let's see if he's oh he's got some

powers he can get on the bus too I'm talking on the superhero bucks Oh

poly fiber what does that do who knows it's Traynham nothing nothing this is so

frustrating sometimes this game takes patience I'm telling you can we train

him no no no for dirt for what happens when you click get heroes can we do this

no too poor let's save up our orbs our man that

corrupted you to his fiery Iron Man not corrupted Parker liberated we've all

been United for one single purpose and you're next gonna have to pass on that

offer mr. stark Timon join me free will oh man and there's a new helmet head

he's got a shield look at that look at that shield Iron Man no goodbye iron mom

boom I cut them off come off guard I cut our main off guard Iron Man's

almost dead I'm in bed

Thank You Tanya this time in the face

boom critical hit Punisher just dropped an explosive that was awesome he dropped

a mine we're made oh oh there are three evil

iron men where there's aerial scream there's three on the screen we got a

whole army of Iron Man's from other dimensions that's not good you really

are full of yourself oh boy take you awesome might as well kick all of them

in the face all right Punisher you're up kill him nice I like it blood to him Oh

kill me

one more shot man she's honest she's a sharpshooter victory 3-star victory and

we got all these things that we can't use yeah alright go to store you're

offering us Thor for 9.99 let's open up Thor see if he can help us oh yeah

recruit Thor you ready do you recruit a new character for your strike force

little shortcut there but we did it whoa look at him in this look like my arms oh

no no not quite okay I'm working on not working all right

recruit twenty thousand gold pieces that's worth it we've recruited Thor bro

he's level one let's train him Oh No continue we will win can we do that

again nope so let's get him let's get him all the stuff we gave he can get on

the bus now he must hold out until they wait a minute bullseye is that bullseye

that's bullseye

one more level and then we'll go remember comment below what game you

want to see us play this summer because we're gonna be playing what Donkey Kong

jr. Donkey Kong Country tropical freeze on King Kong Country on Nintendo switch

we're gonna be playing oh I see Mario obviously we're gonna be playing Mario

Tennis the new Mario Tennis

where's bullseye that's a possible world war a possible reward okay oh oh oh

nebula is back there she's way back there yeah right there Renee er I don't

know evil nebulous she's already kind of evil

anyway yeah new Guardian got she showed up she showed up she callin before

reinforcements the extraction Paul Pott has been called

in okay

Hey oh she dodged she's fierce she gonna dodge this like

critical hit Oh get her while you're at it

Oh spider-man's gone first time we've ever lost spider-man yes

so extraction pod what is it what does that mean pot is zeroing in our on our

coordinates stage two of three complete okay we need one more shot on her run

into the truck good we'll hit on her I don't even know why she's out here boom

okay stage three stage three complete what's this we got to get out of there

for prayer for extraction how about everybody get in there come on everybody

get in there all right so we beat nebula nebula and got in the with a little car

that she brought okay yeah so we're out of here remember to comment below what

game you want to see give this video a thumbs up because it really helps lift

our an evil star-lord do you want to do part three of this in

a part three guys Jonas is actually kind of bad we got lots of anything to hold

guardians of the galaxy we're gonna fight for him

that's Ronan Ronan so in part 3 if you want to see part 3 give this video a

thumbs up that lets us know that you liked it and

we will be going up against the evil guardians of the galaxy that sounds

really bad and Ronin well he's in the movie at least alright say bye buddy


For more infomation >> Evil Iron Man vs Team Spider-Man! Marvel Strike Force IOS Game Pt. 2 - Duration: 13:36.


MAJOR Impact Wrestling Title Changes! ROH Star To WWE! | WrestleTalk News May 2018 - Duration: 4:26.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleLuke News - I'm Oli Davis… in a minor role. And

I'm also country music singer/songwriter Shania Twain's biggest fan… that's why

I wear the jacket. Kevin Owens Verified On Twitter

But WWE wrestler Kevin Owens seems to think he's a bigger Twain-a-maniac than me. Well

that don't impress me much. Ever since he was 'fired' from SmackDown

back in March, Owens removed all references to WWE from his Twitter bio, changed his name

back to Kevin Steen and got rid of the blue verified tick to further the storyline.

He now has reinstated his account, though, revealing the reason in his new Twitter bio:

"I got verified again so that I can beg Shania Twain to play my favorite song "When"

at her concert this summer in Montreal because I'll be there. I'm serious."

Ok, Kev - we'll call it a draw. We'll both hold the Twain-a-maniac World title.

But be prepared, because Austin Aries might come for that one too.

Austin Aries Regains Impact Title In April, Aries lost his Impact World Championship

to Pentagon Jr at the Redemption pay-per-view - who was a replacement after Alberto El Patron

parted ways with the company, but now, just over a month later, Aries has recaptured the

title at Impact's 'Under Pressure' event in a match that had two restarts.

The first came after Pentagon Jr was counted out. Unhappy with the result, Aries challenged

Pentagon to restart the match. Another count out followed shortly after, but this time

it was Pentagon Jr insisting the match be restarted.

Just as the ref went to call for the bell, though, Aries made like Shinsuke Nakamura

and delivered a low blow, followed by a brainbuster for the win.

And Aries wasn't the only new champion on last night's Impact...

Su Yung Wins Knockouts Title … as Su Yung beat Allie in a 'Last Rites'

match to win the Knockouts title. A last rites match is where the wrestlers

try to lock their opponent in a casket...if only there was some other, more obvious name

for this match gimmick… Yung managed to render Allie unconscious with

a mandible claw, and then rolled her into the casket to win her first Knockouts title.

Eli Drake Staying With Impact? Elsewhere on the show, Eli Drake overcame

his unfavourable 33 ⅓ percent chance odds to beat his former tag partner Scott Steiner.

Drake's victory might be a good sign for his future with the promotion, as PWInsider

are reporting he's currently in contract negotiations, with his deal set to expire

this weekend. Apparently an offer is on the table, but the site can't confirm whether

it's been signed. Drake moved to Impact in 2015, after a short

developmental contract with WWE. He's gone onto become one of Impact's top stars, even

winning the promotion's top title last August. Deonna Purrazzo To WWE

But not all wrestlers can ward off the temptation of WWE, as Squared Circle Sirens is reporting

Ring of Honor star Deonna Purrazzo has signed with the company.

PWInsider have also confirmed the move, adding that her ROH contract had a six-month out

clause - which Purrazzo has taken to start with WWE this Summer, most likely for this

year's reported Mae Young Classic tournament. Io Shirai Leaving Stardom

And it's now all but confirmed one of the best wrestlers in the world will be joining

her, as Io Shirai herself has confirmed she's leaving her long-time home Stardom.

WWE previously tried to sign Shirai in 2017, but a heart issue flagged up in her medical

reportedly stopped the move. Now though, it could only be a matter of months before she's

destroying Dana Brooke in gauntlet matches. Shirai made the announcement in her blog,

saying she wants to search for new opportunities in her career. She lost her Wonder of Stardom

Championship to 18-year-old - I hate talented people - Momo Watanabe last week, and her

farewell appearance will reportedly take place on June 17th...which is the same day as Money


What are the best wrestling botches of the week? Find out by clicking the

link onscreen now for this week's Botchamania article. And give us a subscribe to keep up

to date with all the latest backstage professional wrestling news.

I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> MAJOR Impact Wrestling Title Changes! ROH Star To WWE! | WrestleTalk News May 2018 - Duration: 4:26.


Nightcore → What I Need | Hayley Kiyoko ft. Kehlani「Lyrics」 - Duration: 3:13.

Nightcore → What I Need | Hayley Kiyoko ft. Kehlani「Lyrics」

For more infomation >> Nightcore → What I Need | Hayley Kiyoko ft. Kehlani「Lyrics」 - Duration: 3:13.


What John Goodman Really Thinks About The Roseanne Controversy - Duration: 1:59.

John Goodman has broken his silence regarding ABC's cancellation of Roseanne.

On Wednesday, May 30th, Entertainment Tonight reported that the actor had finally spoken

up about Roseanne Barr's recent racist and Islamophobic tweet and the show's subsequent


But unlike some of his sitcom co-stars, Goodman was hesitant to address the matters at hand,


"I would rather say nothing than to cause trouble."

Discussing Barr's tweet and Twitter in general, the celebrated 65-year-old actor said,

"I don't know anything about it.

I don't read it."

Goodman also admitted to not knowing anything about ABC's rumored plans to rework the series

into a spinoff.

When asked about the cancellation potentially dashing any hopes for an Emmy win, Goodman


"I wasn't gonna get an Emmy anyway."

The star said he's had plenty of chances already ...

"I've been up there twelve times already, and if I don't get one by now I'm not gonna

get one."

As noted by ET, Goodman has actually received 11 Emmy nominations over the span of his career,

including six for his role as Barr's on-screen husband, Dan Conner, on Roseanne.

The actor won an Emmy in 2007 for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series for his work

on Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.

Barr sparked outrage when she tweeted that Valerie Jarrett, an African American woman

who served as an advisor to President Barack Obama, resembled an ape, while also drawing

on a far-right conspiracy theory that she's a secret Muslim agent.

Barr later apologized for her words, but she's also defended them, claiming that her remarks

were the result of late-night tweeting while on Ambien.

For the record, Sanofi, the company that produces Ambien, noted,

"While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect

of any Sanofi medication."

As a result of Barr's tweet, ABC canceled the series, and the president of ABC Entertainment,

Channing Dungey, released a statement that read, in part,

"Roseanne's Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values


Following suit, a number of channels and streaming services, including Hulu, also pulled Roseanne

reruns from their line-ups.

Thanks for watching!

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