Friday, June 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 23 2018

살면서 사람과 가장 많은 교감을 나누는 대표적인 반려동물은 바로 개와 양이다. 핵가족화와 함께 고령화, 1인 가정까지 늘어나면서 반려동물이 급 하고 있는 추세다

반려동물은 말 그대로 딸이고 아들이다. 아니 딸이나 아들보다 더 귀한 재가 됐다. 혹시 반려동물이 태어나는 달에 따라 걸릴 위험이 달라지는 병이 있을까? 만약 태어나는 달에 따라 장래에 특정 질병에 걸릴 위험이 라진다면 이는 유전적인 영향보다는 아마도 환경의 영향일 가능성이 높다

태어나자마자 특정 환경에 노출돼 나중에 문제가 될 가능성이 있을 수 있 또는 어미 뱃속에서 자라는 동안 어미가 특정 환경에 노출돼 태아가 영향 받을 가능성도 있을 것이다

미국 펜실베이니아대학교 연구팀이 강아지가 태어난 달과 사는 동안 심장 발병 사이에 어떤 관계가 있는지 조사했다(Boland et al., 2 18A)

연구팀은 동물재단(Orthopedic Foundation of Anim ls)으로부터 253종의 개 12만9천778마리에 대한 정보를 받아 태어 달과 사는 동안 심장병 발생 사이의 관계를 조사했다

물론 유전적으로 심장병에 걸릴 가능성이 높은 개와 그렇지 않은 개를 나 조사했다. 연구팀이 개를 대상으로 연구한 것은 우선 개의 심혈관계통이 사람의 심혈관계통과 생리적으로 매우 비슷하기 때문이다

또한 반려동물인 개는 늘 사람과 같은 환경에서 생활하기 때문에 사람이 출되는 환경과 개가 노출되는 환경은 같다고 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 예를 어 사람이 미세먼지에 많이 노출된다면 반려동물인 개 또한 미세먼지에 많이 노출되는 것으로 볼 수 있는 것이다

연구결과 강아지 종에 따라 0.3~2%는 사는 동안 심장병에 걸리는 으로 나타났다. 전반적으로 6월부터 8월까지 여름철에 태어난 강아지가 사 동안 심장병에 걸릴 위험이 눈에 띄게 높아졌는데 특히 7월에 태어나는 아지는 심장병에 걸릴 상대 위험도가 47%나 높았고 8월에 태어나는 강아 도 상대위험도가 33% 높은 것으로 나타났다

유전적으로 심장병에 걸릴 가능성이 높은 종은 제외한 결과다(아래 그림 조). 태어난 월과 심장병 상대 위험도(Boland et al., 2 18A) 개의 임신기간이 65일 정도인 점을 고려하면 7월에 태어난 아지는 5월에, 8월에 태어난 강아지는 6월에 임신을 한 경우다

종별로는 노퍽 테리어, 버거 피카드, 아메리칸 스태퍼드셔 테리어, 잉글 시 토이 스패니얼, 부비에 데 플랑드르, 보더 테리어, 허배너스 등에서 장병 발병 위험도가 높게 나타났다

연구팀은 여름철에 태어나는 강아지의 심장병 발병 위험도가 높아지는 원인 환경, 특히 임신 초기 어미 개가 노출되는 초미세먼지에서 찾았다. 심장 발병이 어미 개가 임신 초기에 노출되는 초미세먼지와 가장 관련이 큰 것 로 나타났다

실제로 5월과 6월은 초미세먼지 농도가 높은 시기로 7월이나 8월에 새 를 낳았다면 어미 개는 임신 초기에 초미세먼지를 많이 마신 꼴이 된다. 사람을 대상으로 한 연구에서도 임신 초기 3개월 동안 임신부가 초미세먼지 많이 노출될 경우 태어나는 아이가 고혈압에 걸릴 위험이 높아진다는 연구 결과가 있다

혈압이 높아지는 만큼 심장병 위험도 높아지는 것이다. 실제로 연구팀도 전 세계 1천 50만 명을 대상으로 한 조사에서 임신부가 임신 초기에 초 세먼지에 많이 노출될 경우 태어난 아이는 사는 동안 심방이 빠르고 미세하 떨리면서 맥박이 불규칙해지는 심장질환인 심방세동에 걸릴 가능성이 그렇지 않은 경우보다 9%나 높아진다는 것을 확인한 바 있다(Boland et l

, 2018B). 이번 연구는 심혈관계통이 사람과 매우 비슷하면서도 임 기간이 짧은 반려동물 연구를 통해 임신 초기에 초미세먼지에 많이 노출될 우 다음 세대는 심장병 발병 위험이 높아진다는 것을 다시 한 번 확인한 이다

특히 초미세먼지 농도는 높은 계절이 있고 낮은 계절이 있는 만큼 특정 병이 발생할 위험 또한 태어나는 시기에 따라 달라질 수 있다는 것을 보여 것이다

연구팀은 미국 콜롬비아 대학병원(Columbia University M dical Center)과 마운트 시나이 병원(Mount Sinai Ho pital) 자료를 이용해 사람의 경우도 개의 경우와 마찬가지로 임신 초 , 5~6월 고농도 초미세먼지에 노출될 경우 심장질환인 관상동맥경화증이 생할 가능성이 높아진다는 것도 보여주고 있다

우리나라의 초미세먼지 농도는 1년 가운데 겨울철과 봄철에 높고 여름철 가을철은 상대적으로 낮다. 심장질환이 초미세먼지에 의해 전적으로 결정되 것은 결코 아니지만 이번 연구결과와 개의 임신기간이 65일 정도인 점을 고려하면 우리나라의 경우 겨울에 임신해 봄에 새끼를 낳는 경우, 또 봄에 임신해 여름에 새끼를 낳는 경우는 초미세먼지 때문에 강아지가 심장병에 걸 위험이 높아질 가능성이 있다

물론 사람의 경우도 임신부가 임신 초기에 초미세먼지에 많이 노출될 경우 다음 세대에 악영향을 미칠 수 있다는 연구가 속속 나오고 있다. 사람이든 동물이든 앞으로는 다음 세대를 계획할 때 초미세먼지를 고려해야 할지도 모 다는 생각에 왠지 씁쓸한 마음이 앞선다

미세먼지 <참고문헌>   * Mary Regina Boland, Marc S. Kraus, Eddie Dziuk, Anna R. Gelz r

2018A: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Vari s by Birth Month in Canines. Scientific eports, 8 (1) DOI: 10

1038/s41598-018-25199-w * Boland et al. 2018B: Uncovering exposures responsible or birth season

disease effects: a global study. Journa of the American Medical Informatics Ass ciation 25, 275-288, https://doi

org/10.1093/jamia/ocx105       안영인 기자yo

For more infomation >> [취재파일] 여름에 태어난 강아지는 심장병에 걸릴 가능성이 높다? 이유는? - Duration: 6:13.


Struccanti naturali per pelli secche, grasse e sensibili - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Struccanti naturali per pelli secche, grasse e sensibili - Duration: 5:20.


Succo antiossidante per proteggere il cuore e combattere artrite e infiammazioni - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Succo antiossidante per proteggere il cuore e combattere artrite e infiammazioni - Duration: 7:21.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 350 CGI AVANTGARDE | Keyless | Luchtvering | Massage | Navi | Ad. Cruise | Fu - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 350 CGI AVANTGARDE | Keyless | Luchtvering | Massage | Navi | Ad. Cruise | Fu - Duration: 1:10.


Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 E-HDI LIGNE BUSINESS AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 E-HDI LIGNE BUSINESS AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:13.


Renato Góes fala sobre status de galã e namoro à distância com Thaila Ayala: "Saudade" - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Renato Góes fala sobre status de galã e namoro à distância com Thaila Ayala: "Saudade" - Duration: 2:07.


Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - MANDAMENTOS - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - MANDAMENTOS - Duration: 2:16.


REIKI A DISTÂNCIA - Duration: 10:14.


For more infomation >> REIKI A DISTÂNCIA - Duration: 10:14.


Tom Arnold Just Unleashed Hell On Trump's Family, Promised It'll Get Worse – Does For Him Instead! - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Tom Arnold Just Unleashed Hell On Trump's Family, Promised It'll Get Worse – Does For Him Instead! - Duration: 3:40.


6/22/18 8:48 PM (US-395 & N Spokane Corridor & E Farwell Rd, Washington 99218, USA) - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> 6/22/18 8:48 PM (US-395 & N Spokane Corridor & E Farwell Rd, Washington 99218, USA) - Duration: 2:14.


Esteban - Primavera EP (2018) - Duration: 12:48.

We offer prayers to war

not to send people to die

we offer prayers to war

to teach many of them about life.

We sing songs for war

that are always worth to fight

we don't believe in goodness

nor in your sad convenience

Flashes of lightning and arrows

we invoke the strong ones by singing

They won't buy us, they won't cheat us

Our name is loyalty

We want to be MILITIA

of a new dawn

let our blood run

through profound rebirth

We sing war songs

in which we could not success

it does not bring us sorrow

old blood forces us to fight

Flashes of lightning and arrows

We invoke the strong ones by singing

They won't buy us, they won't cheat us

Our name is loyalty

Our spirit is an iron sun

And now nothing, nothing may darken

the bright dawning that lights up

the revolution that shall rise

the revolution that shall rise

the revolution

Our spirit is an iron sun

And now nothing, nothing may darken

the bright dawning that lights up

the revolution that shall rise

The world, devastated and decayed

under the materialist shadow

will soon be flooded

by life's rain

The rain of the idea spread out

put a new time on your heart

The rain of the idea spread out

put a new world on your heart

The idea lights what's hidden

it is a moment of nature

flaps its wings as a bird

and steadily watches what it urges.

from the iciest peaks

falls on its prey

from the iciest peak

falls on its prey the world

to come

Spring, blooming vellum of tempest

passionate tongue, you take truth and make it yours

like a pretty flower, you show us your thorns

and today celebrate, eternal, nature's triumph

Spring, you defeat the profound autumnal tedium

and the bleakest cold barely made you tremble

Self-assured, today you tell us the truth

in each new day there is something to begin

in each new day there is something to begin

In your womb, the most fertile one, we watch as it grows

the winter sowing that has just passed

The cycle is renewed, everything is a start

an each cruel abyss gets another chance

Between your soft legs you allow us to fly

and in your rosy breasts you grant us life

wisdom, love for the essential

and in spite the lack of a father,

you shall be mother and bride

and in spite the lack of a father,

you shall be mother and bride


the triumph of the essential


the triumph of nature


of all the fruits, you are the most special


of all the fruits, you are the most special


the triumph of the essential


the triumph of nature


of all the fruits, you are the most special


of all the fruits, you are the most special

Beloved and mighty

Archangel Michael

Sword of light's undefeated guardian

we call upon

your protection and shelter

to help us

destroy the mistake

under the power of your hands

Take our destiny

Lead us gently

towards the light

so as to sanctify our lives from then

and forever enjoy

this everlasting light

Beloved and mighty

Archangel Michael

Sword of light's undefeated guardian

we call upon

your protection and shelter

to help us

destroy the mistake

in our lives

in our home

and everywhere

For more infomation >> Esteban - Primavera EP (2018) - Duration: 12:48.


Non chiamateli semplicemente corsi d'acqua, sono molto di più. In Gran Bretagna i canali sono veri i - Duration: 4:05.

 Non chiamateli semplicemente corsi d'acqua, sono molto di più. In Gran Bretagna i canali sono veri itinerari turistici: un viaggio sul filo dell'acqua che porta a scoprire angoli nascosti, posti insoliti e mete altrimenti irraggiungibili

      Storicamente, poi, hanno di che raccontare: scavati artificialmente duecento anni fa, divennero ben presto una via di trasporto fondamentale per numerosi commercianti, nel corso della rivoluzione industriale

E proprio il successo di questi corsi d'acqua commerciali contribuì a rendere la Gran Bretagna una superpotenza

Però al termine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, si assistette al declino di queste aziende tradizionali, che comportò l'abbandono dei canali, fino agli anni Sessanta, quando alcuni gruppi di cittadini si impegnarono nel loro recupero e restauro

Così oggi eccoli qui: un'intricata rete aperta al pubblico.          Vi piace l'atmosfera dei pub? Potete arrivarci dall'acqua: navigando lungo l'Oxford Canal si attraversano i villaggi e i terreni coltivati delle Cotswold e si approda direttamente davanti a uno dei pub per gustarsi una birra, un gin tonic o mangiare qualcosa di tipico (info: )

      Partendo da Londra in direzione Birmingham (considerata la "Venezia delle Midlands"), sempre a pelo d'acqua si vive invece un'atmosfera diversa ma sempre suggestiva

Attraverso villaggi e cittadine industriali fino alla campagna verdeggiante. Si parte dal Paddington Basin, West London e si naviga lungo il Grand Union Canal

Da ammirare il Denham Deep Lock, un canale nel Buckinghamshire che è una vera opera ingegneristica: è il più profondo del Grand Union Canal e permette alle barche di solcare l'acqua semplicemente azionando il sistema di chiuse

     BRITAINONVIEW/ HOWARD SAYER     Ma anche restando a Londra si vivono esperienze a filo d'acqua

Si può salire a bordo di un e partire per una crociera panoramica in città: si naviga lungo Regent's Canal e si sbarca al London Zoo

Anche qui non manca una piccola Venezia. Nel punto in cui il Grand Union Canal incontra Regent's Canal, si trova Little Venice, una tranquilla via d'acqua dove si affacciano bellissime residenze georgiane e vittoriane

Da vedere Browning Island, un'isoletta molto carina con negozi galleggianti, una galleria d'arte e volendo anche un dove passare la notte

             Una crociera insolita è quella organizzata da sempre a Londra, nel City Road Basin (a cinque minuti dalle fermate della di Angel e Old Street): si indossa il costume da bagno e ci si mette al timone di queste barche che somigliano a vasche da bagno galleggianti

Elettriche e divertenti.            Dove mangiare lungo i canali:    Per una tappa gustosa lungo i canali londinesi ecco qualche dritta:   - Ristorante Feng Shang Princess, cinese e galleggiante    - Narrowboat Pub, su Regent's Canal, all'altezza di Islington


For more infomation >> Non chiamateli semplicemente corsi d'acqua, sono molto di più. In Gran Bretagna i canali sono veri i - Duration: 4:05.


Com reformas em casa, Paolla Oliveira fala sobre casamento com diretor da Globo e filhos - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Com reformas em casa, Paolla Oliveira fala sobre casamento com diretor da Globo e filhos - Duration: 4:07.


Desporto - Benfica anuncia contratação de Lema - Duration: 2:45.

Argentino tem 1,90m e 92 kgs. A equipa encarnada anunciou, esta sexta-feira, a contratação do defesa central Lema para sua equipa principal

O jogador de 28 anos, que chega proveniente do Belgrano da Argentina onde atuou nas últimas três temporadas, assinou um contrato válido por cinco anos

 Na sua primeira aventura no futebol europeu, Lema fala de um "salto importante" na sua carreira e quer adaptar-se o mais rapidamente possível a esta nova realidade

 "Espero primeiro uma boa adaptação. Quero adaptar-me bem ao que é o Clube e ao que é o grupo para poder render da melhor maneira

Tenho muita vontade. Para mim, é um salto muito importante na minha carreira. Fiz uma boa época, num campeonato difícil e estava à espera de uma oportunidade como esta", declarou à BTV

 Apesar de o seu papel ser garantir a segurança cá atrás, Lema é conhecido por subir à área contrária em lances de bola parada e marcar alguns golos: "Estou ali para evitar os golos, o meu trabalho consiste em dar segurança, mas nas bolas paradas sinto-me com muita confiança

O mais bonito do futebol é marcar golos e tive a possibilidade de marcar vários"

 Crístian Lema esteve nas últimas três ao serviço do Belgrano, sendo que na última cumpriu 25 jogos e marcou oito golos

O defesa terá a concorrência, à partida, de Rúben Dias, Luisão, Jardel e Lisandro López

For more infomation >> Desporto - Benfica anuncia contratação de Lema - Duration: 2:45.


Izikhothane task team clamps down on flashy spenders - Duration: 4:25.

Izikhothane task team clamps down on flashy spenders

Izikhothane task team clamps down on flashy spenders.

  Ward councillors‚ residents and the police in KwaNobuhle‚ Uitenhage‚ have taken action against the cult of flashy spending by izikhothane which costs their parents enormous amounts of money.

A task team was launched earlier this year by SAPS‚ metro police‚ the community policing form‚ church officials‚ teachers and ward councillors‚ to take action against the trend‚ which involves young people who buy goods such as whisky and clothes‚ spit whisky at each other‚ pour baking powder on each other‚ and even burn clothes or banknotes.

Some of the groups have names such as Smarttenders‚ Ugly Kids‚ Top Spenders.

The groups used to meet at the weekend on Mabandla Road in KwaNobuhle.

Members of the task team say the situation has returned to normal.

But some of the young people say they have just moved to new venues.

Fifteen-year-old Aviwe (name changed) who is in Grade nine at Nkululeko Secondary School in KwaNobuhle‚ said the izikhothane had been chased away from Mabandla Road by the task team every weekend.

"Our audience was getting smaller every weekend‚ because the police would come and threaten us.

We are now doing it in parks far away from houses.

We have people who often want to cheer us and we can't let them down by quitting." He said he liked wearing expensive clothes.

"My mom supports me by buying trousers that start from R700‚ shoes which are always Carvela that cost from R1‚500‚ while my Uzzi jersey is R900 upwards‚" he said.

"I love being isikhothana.

It makes me feel like a celebrity." "We no longer burn clothes or money - we tear them! This is because when we kindle fire in public the flames attract the authorities and people who see fire at gatherings often report us to the police." Ward 50 councillor Lunga Nombexeza (ANC) said the trend was "satanic" and the team wanted to "wipe it off" the streets.

Another task team member‚ ward 44 councillor Nomsa Booi (ANC)‚ said the township was quiet again on Saturdays.

"The trend declined every weekend because the children knew we didn't approve of this hobby.

It was madness." "My own child was once an isikhothana but I beat him hard until he stopped it." She said attention would now be on soccer‚ netball and other sports and she would urge all councillors of Kwanobuhle to fund sport.

"We will fund the activities to let children enjoy the games than wasting time torching money." CPF official Monica Mbatsha said awareness campaigns had been launched in schools and meetings had been held with parents warning them about the dangers of the trend.

She said izikhothane caused a disturbance to other residents at night‚ and children under 18 drank alcohol.

Eastern Cape Provincial Department of education spokesman‚ Malibongwe Mtima said izikhothane was not a problem in schools‚ since the learners wore uniforms.

For more infomation >> Izikhothane task team clamps down on flashy spenders - Duration: 4:25.


Taijiquan Square Long Form: 3rd Section, Back View - Duration: 7:43.

Intro [music]




































































































For more infomation >> Taijiquan Square Long Form: 3rd Section, Back View - Duration: 7:43.


Breaking News - Ferdinand describes Mitrovic penalty claim as a 'mugging' - Duration: 3:07.

Rio Ferdinand has described the referee's failure to award Aleksandar Mitrovic a second-half penalty as 'a mugging' after the Serbian forward was manhandled in the box by two Swiss defenders

The game was nicely poised at 1-1 when the Newcastle striker was wrestled to the ground by the Swiss duo, only for referee Felix Brych to wave away the claims with no intervention from VAR

The incident drew comparisons to Harry Kane's penalty shouts against Tunisia last Monday, with VAR again not utilised during the controversial moments

The BBC Sport panel were in agreement that it should have been a penalty and questioned why VAR didn't intervene

Ferdinand told Gary Lineker after the Group E game: 'I think it had to go to VAR

I don't know what the people [VAR] making the decisions are doing but they need to look at themselves because there's two people wrestling Mitrovic

'He's on his own - one of the defenders doesn't even look at the ball. He's [Mitrovic] there in amongst two players

How can he be the person called up for a foul there? Co-host Lineker played devil's advocate by pointing out that Mitrovic had a hand in the face of one of the defenders when trying to reach the cross but Ferdinand wasn't having any of it

'That's a mugging on the streets, it's unbelievable,' Ferdinand said. Pablo Zabaleta was in agreement with the former Manchester United defender by saying: 'It's a foul - I can't believe it wasn't given

'I think it is a clear view from the referee and the centre back isn't even looking at the ball

He's just holding Mitrovic.' Xherdan Shaqiri completed the late comeback for the Swiss in the 89th minute after Granit Xhaka scored a fantastic equaliser shortly after half time

For more infomation >> Breaking News - Ferdinand describes Mitrovic penalty claim as a 'mugging' - Duration: 3:07.


Monica Iozzi exalta novo namorado: "Perfeição de homem" - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Monica Iozzi exalta novo namorado: "Perfeição de homem" - Duration: 3:59.


男人40歲以後每天吃洋蔥,一個月後,身體會發生什麼驚喜改變? - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 男人40歲以後每天吃洋蔥,一個月後,身體會發生什麼驚喜改變? - Duration: 3:42.


Fedder Fishing- Magic Maggot test - Duration: 15:07.

This is a Beginner Angler

I am Tibi and this is my new YouTube channel

Re-sign in a brand new series

I'm visiting the fishing lake where I have not been in my life

Today's choice is the CarpLove fishing tackle

The lake is 3km from Gödöllő,

I do not understand why I did not come here, Heves county, Pest county, Nógrád county

So far I've been fishing for Dunavarsány and its surroundings Every week I'm going to visit a new lake

This place is good because I got home from 25 minutes.

Every week I'm going to visit a new lake

You will not believe there was a candidate for the call

He took it and praised the test and sent me a product for testing

Today will be a test video

As I promised, this would be a testing fishing

Magic Maggot sent me a big box product

I got basic mix and method feeder mix.

Sorry, I'm in a hurry, but hurry because there's not much time. I'm fishing for 4 hours now

Today, there will be an ordinary feeder fishing, but there will be a separate video with method feeder technique.

It has fishy and sweet taste

On this lake there is more carp, but there are barks and wounds

so I decided to mix the mix with corn and pellet

plus a "dead" maggot :)

There are 3 basic mixes

pineapple, almond and strawberry flavor

I do not need them now

the strawberry flavor I will use today

and I will put it in the feeding pellets

which also has almond, strawberry and pineapple flavor

but they do not even have to

I will only use the strawberry flavor

these two will be the basic mix

from this Magic Maggot

I have strawberry, vanilla, sausage and garlic

because strawberry is the basic mix so I put strawberry flavor on it

they do not even need them

and they are being cheated Magic Maggot

sausage, pineapple

shellfish, that's cool

garlic and strawberry-honey

I will also leave these three aside because I do not need it

I got another 2 boxes pop up Magic Maggot

this one god knows how stuff was made

so much information was given that this bait should be soaked in water for 10 to 15 minutes

I have pinki, corn and maggot too

let it go

I pour into the bucket the basic strawberry feedstock

100% natural, dried maggot

it smells good

the material is very good

this will be very good

the smell is perfect

I think corn is the foundation

the basic mix is ​​wiped

this basic mix feed feeder will be graceful

guys, this half a liter of water is a lot,

but it does not matter because the pellets are going too

it absorbs a lot of water

from the pellet

There are three types, 6mm in size

then testing

the packaging is pumpkin king

can be closed back

if you do not use it all,


and you can take home

next time you can bring it yourself

guys, this is gonna be really good

I could do it

I open

it has a very strong smell of strawberries

I was spoiled, it was supposed to put this juice in place of wate

I have another, I can try it with it

I cut the juice

and I'll put it in the mix

this is always a problem,

if a living maggot is included

the dumpling breaks down because the maggot is moving

they will not be resurrected :)

I look at the consistency

guys, that's a lot

I'm going to the microphone, listen

this is cool

it is very good

this looks pretty good


so far everything is good

I quickly put the fishing rod together

then feeding and starting angling

I'm sitting in the "VIP" four places,

this is a protected place

but I was allowed to sit here to fish

I will throw it there

before the bush

I think

in this protected place, under the bush, there are lots of fish

I dropped about 15 baskets

the material is perfect

plus I put corn and pellets in it to make it even better

I pull the hook

and I go in

I'm still insane

but this is how life smells


this great one does not show :)

in my previous video you wrote more

that was good

it's about fishing

not just about how to profinish fishing,

just so can not catch fish

from everyday

such a lake

good relaxation

from budapest to a jump

if I go to Dunavarsány, I can drive halfway through the car in 25 minutes

more backwards because the line is over because it is weekdays and there are lots of cars on the road

more than 1 hour to get home

I can spend that time on fishing

I have so much time :)

this is a fun, fast fishing

the feeding material is good,

I hope

that pellet and corn are here

and the "dead" maggot

I'll show you his voice again


the maggots is good

now feeder fishing, but in the next video will be a method feeder, I'm curious


now I try the mussel flavor

a few words about the products

as an independent tester

these three base mixes

its consistency is good

but I did not break the other two

I think they have the same good smell and consistency

I miss something

all three basic mixes are sweet tastes

almonds, pineapple and strawberries

there is no fish, spicy, shellfish, smelly

lactic acid, butyric acid

I think this is not going to happen this year,

if you are "Beginner Angler" you can suggest next year

the Magic Maggot

its consistency is perfect

it's as if it were real

flexible, crisp,

the inside

took the flavors

this is a strawberry-honey

this even took its color

so that's good

the basic mix is ​​good, the "dead" maggot is perfect

it is just not perfect because there is no other flavor

no smelly, fishy, ​​spicy, shellfish

it's just sweet

now I try to make only a "dead" maggot

which was the last win in the last 1,

and I took 10 to 12 fish

a "dead" and a living Maggot

these small fish

I lost quite a lot

not large

but for this, fast fishing is almost perfect

it's interesting anyway that the shells didn't take up as much as I wanted

the gently getting the fishes anyway to be careful to be slit

such small tiny

goes also back

This today's fishing has ended up the Bait Hungarian thank you very much for the package

"dead" maggot, bait and pellet

but here is not ever close to this end because

the basic products I tried out about what I had said in my opinion,

there is still a method of feeding material, sweet and stinky mix

I'm going to try this in a very strong environment

in the pop-up window next to me

the previous videos are there, you can watch it

you can subscribe to this channel here

subscribe now

Have a nice day

For more infomation >> Fedder Fishing- Magic Maggot test - Duration: 15:07.


✅ СОВЕРШЕННО НЕВЕРОЯТНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ: Генсек Леонид Брежнев и Президент Франции Шарль де Голль - Duration: 15:56.

For more infomation >> ✅ СОВЕРШЕННО НЕВЕРОЯТНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ: Генсек Леонид Брежнев и Президент Франции Шарль де Голль - Duration: 15:56.


Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance File R-03 Part2 遊戲影片 - Duration: 13:20.

For more infomation >> Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance File R-03 Part2 遊戲影片 - Duration: 13:20.


Tom Arnold Just Unleashed Hell On Trump's Family, Promised It'll Get Worse – Does For Him Instead! - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Tom Arnold Just Unleashed Hell On Trump's Family, Promised It'll Get Worse – Does For Him Instead! - Duration: 3:40.


The Dying Detective (1921) - Subtítulos en Español - Cortometraje Completo - Duration: 27:59.

For more infomation >> The Dying Detective (1921) - Subtítulos en Español - Cortometraje Completo - Duration: 27:59.


Warface: Секретные данные. VHS-2, НОЖ-БАБОЧКА, Kriss Super V Custom за K.I.W.I. Обновление ПТС - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Warface: Секретные данные. VHS-2, НОЖ-БАБОЧКА, Kriss Super V Custom за K.I.W.I. Обновление ПТС - Duration: 7:04.


终于真相大白:谢霆锋两个亿都换不回儿子,张柏芝终坦言为何离婚 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 终于真相大白:谢霆锋两个亿都换不回儿子,张柏芝终坦言为何离婚 - Duration: 2:51.


谢霆锋被问还能和张柏芝在一起吗?谢霆锋三个字回应,网友:惊呆 - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 谢霆锋被问还能和张柏芝在一起吗?谢霆锋三个字回应,网友:惊呆 - Duration: 4:21.


影相嘅人會一見鍾情嘅背囊?| 秤開箱 | off toco 多功能相機背包【CC字幕】 - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 影相嘅人會一見鍾情嘅背囊?| 秤開箱 | off toco 多功能相機背包【CC字幕】 - Duration: 4:23.


노르웨이 고속정이 세계 최강이라고 불리는 이유 - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> 노르웨이 고속정이 세계 최강이라고 불리는 이유 - Duration: 5:51.


[취재파일] 여름에 태어난 강아지는 심장병에 걸릴 가능성이 높다? 이유는? - Duration: 6:13.

살면서 사람과 가장 많은 교감을 나누는 대표적인 반려동물은 바로 개와 양이다. 핵가족화와 함께 고령화, 1인 가정까지 늘어나면서 반려동물이 급 하고 있는 추세다

반려동물은 말 그대로 딸이고 아들이다. 아니 딸이나 아들보다 더 귀한 재가 됐다. 혹시 반려동물이 태어나는 달에 따라 걸릴 위험이 달라지는 병이 있을까? 만약 태어나는 달에 따라 장래에 특정 질병에 걸릴 위험이 라진다면 이는 유전적인 영향보다는 아마도 환경의 영향일 가능성이 높다

태어나자마자 특정 환경에 노출돼 나중에 문제가 될 가능성이 있을 수 있 또는 어미 뱃속에서 자라는 동안 어미가 특정 환경에 노출돼 태아가 영향 받을 가능성도 있을 것이다

미국 펜실베이니아대학교 연구팀이 강아지가 태어난 달과 사는 동안 심장 발병 사이에 어떤 관계가 있는지 조사했다(Boland et al., 2 18A)

연구팀은 동물재단(Orthopedic Foundation of Anim ls)으로부터 253종의 개 12만9천778마리에 대한 정보를 받아 태어 달과 사는 동안 심장병 발생 사이의 관계를 조사했다

물론 유전적으로 심장병에 걸릴 가능성이 높은 개와 그렇지 않은 개를 나 조사했다. 연구팀이 개를 대상으로 연구한 것은 우선 개의 심혈관계통이 사람의 심혈관계통과 생리적으로 매우 비슷하기 때문이다

또한 반려동물인 개는 늘 사람과 같은 환경에서 생활하기 때문에 사람이 출되는 환경과 개가 노출되는 환경은 같다고 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 예를 어 사람이 미세먼지에 많이 노출된다면 반려동물인 개 또한 미세먼지에 많이 노출되는 것으로 볼 수 있는 것이다

연구결과 강아지 종에 따라 0.3~2%는 사는 동안 심장병에 걸리는 으로 나타났다. 전반적으로 6월부터 8월까지 여름철에 태어난 강아지가 사 동안 심장병에 걸릴 위험이 눈에 띄게 높아졌는데 특히 7월에 태어나는 아지는 심장병에 걸릴 상대 위험도가 47%나 높았고 8월에 태어나는 강아 도 상대위험도가 33% 높은 것으로 나타났다

유전적으로 심장병에 걸릴 가능성이 높은 종은 제외한 결과다(아래 그림 조). 태어난 월과 심장병 상대 위험도(Boland et al., 2 18A) 개의 임신기간이 65일 정도인 점을 고려하면 7월에 태어난 아지는 5월에, 8월에 태어난 강아지는 6월에 임신을 한 경우다

종별로는 노퍽 테리어, 버거 피카드, 아메리칸 스태퍼드셔 테리어, 잉글 시 토이 스패니얼, 부비에 데 플랑드르, 보더 테리어, 허배너스 등에서 장병 발병 위험도가 높게 나타났다

연구팀은 여름철에 태어나는 강아지의 심장병 발병 위험도가 높아지는 원인 환경, 특히 임신 초기 어미 개가 노출되는 초미세먼지에서 찾았다. 심장 발병이 어미 개가 임신 초기에 노출되는 초미세먼지와 가장 관련이 큰 것 로 나타났다

실제로 5월과 6월은 초미세먼지 농도가 높은 시기로 7월이나 8월에 새 를 낳았다면 어미 개는 임신 초기에 초미세먼지를 많이 마신 꼴이 된다. 사람을 대상으로 한 연구에서도 임신 초기 3개월 동안 임신부가 초미세먼지 많이 노출될 경우 태어나는 아이가 고혈압에 걸릴 위험이 높아진다는 연구 결과가 있다

혈압이 높아지는 만큼 심장병 위험도 높아지는 것이다. 실제로 연구팀도 전 세계 1천 50만 명을 대상으로 한 조사에서 임신부가 임신 초기에 초 세먼지에 많이 노출될 경우 태어난 아이는 사는 동안 심방이 빠르고 미세하 떨리면서 맥박이 불규칙해지는 심장질환인 심방세동에 걸릴 가능성이 그렇지 않은 경우보다 9%나 높아진다는 것을 확인한 바 있다(Boland et l

, 2018B). 이번 연구는 심혈관계통이 사람과 매우 비슷하면서도 임 기간이 짧은 반려동물 연구를 통해 임신 초기에 초미세먼지에 많이 노출될 우 다음 세대는 심장병 발병 위험이 높아진다는 것을 다시 한 번 확인한 이다

특히 초미세먼지 농도는 높은 계절이 있고 낮은 계절이 있는 만큼 특정 병이 발생할 위험 또한 태어나는 시기에 따라 달라질 수 있다는 것을 보여 것이다

연구팀은 미국 콜롬비아 대학병원(Columbia University M dical Center)과 마운트 시나이 병원(Mount Sinai Ho pital) 자료를 이용해 사람의 경우도 개의 경우와 마찬가지로 임신 초 , 5~6월 고농도 초미세먼지에 노출될 경우 심장질환인 관상동맥경화증이 생할 가능성이 높아진다는 것도 보여주고 있다

우리나라의 초미세먼지 농도는 1년 가운데 겨울철과 봄철에 높고 여름철 가을철은 상대적으로 낮다. 심장질환이 초미세먼지에 의해 전적으로 결정되 것은 결코 아니지만 이번 연구결과와 개의 임신기간이 65일 정도인 점을 고려하면 우리나라의 경우 겨울에 임신해 봄에 새끼를 낳는 경우, 또 봄에 임신해 여름에 새끼를 낳는 경우는 초미세먼지 때문에 강아지가 심장병에 걸 위험이 높아질 가능성이 있다

물론 사람의 경우도 임신부가 임신 초기에 초미세먼지에 많이 노출될 경우 다음 세대에 악영향을 미칠 수 있다는 연구가 속속 나오고 있다. 사람이든 동물이든 앞으로는 다음 세대를 계획할 때 초미세먼지를 고려해야 할지도 모 다는 생각에 왠지 씁쓸한 마음이 앞선다

미세먼지 <참고문헌>   * Mary Regina Boland, Marc S. Kraus, Eddie Dziuk, Anna R. Gelz r

2018A: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Vari s by Birth Month in Canines. Scientific eports, 8 (1) DOI: 10

1038/s41598-018-25199-w * Boland et al. 2018B: Uncovering exposures responsible or birth season

disease effects: a global study. Journa of the American Medical Informatics Ass ciation 25, 275-288, https://doi

org/10.1093/jamia/ocx105       안영인 기자yo

For more infomation >> [취재파일] 여름에 태어난 강아지는 심장병에 걸릴 가능성이 높다? 이유는? - Duration: 6:13.


Sophie Marceau, pourquoi a-t-elle refusé de jouer dans la série Dix pour cent ? - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Sophie Marceau, pourquoi a-t-elle refusé de jouer dans la série Dix pour cent ? - Duration: 1:21.


Acosta Has Crazed Meltdown Over Melania's Jacket, Trump Trashes Him In Epic Smackdown - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> Acosta Has Crazed Meltdown Over Melania's Jacket, Trump Trashes Him In Epic Smackdown - Duration: 7:43.


Tom Arnold Just Unleashed Hell On Trump's Family, Promised It'll Get Worse – Does For Him Instead! - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Tom Arnold Just Unleashed Hell On Trump's Family, Promised It'll Get Worse – Does For Him Instead! - Duration: 3:40.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI COMFORTLINE - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI COMFORTLINE - Duration: 1:10.


Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *€ 3.000 VOORRAADKORTING!* - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *€ 3.000 VOORRAADKORTING!* - Duration: 1:09.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Business Edition *Panoramadak + Netto bijtelling v.a. € 216,47 p.m.* NIEU - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Business Edition *Panoramadak + Netto bijtelling v.a. € 216,47 p.m.* NIEU - Duration: 1:13.


Nissan Juke 1.6 DIG-T ACENTA *190 pk + 17 inch Sport velgen* - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.6 DIG-T ACENTA *190 pk + 17 inch Sport velgen* - Duration: 1:06.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T Bose® Personal Edition *Limited Edition + FULL OPTIONS * - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T Bose® Personal Edition *Limited Edition + FULL OPTIONS * - Duration: 1:13.


B-Lisa Actor Peter Fonda Learn His Fate After Tweets Against Barron Trump - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> B-Lisa Actor Peter Fonda Learn His Fate After Tweets Against Barron Trump - Duration: 5:33.


Joy & Whoopi Scream Let The Murders Begin, Rush Limbaugh Gives Them Brutal Surprise - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Joy & Whoopi Scream Let The Murders Begin, Rush Limbaugh Gives Them Brutal Surprise - Duration: 6:16.


Trump Just Issued 4-Word Order To All Getting In Way Of Immigration Plan And Hurting Americans - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Issued 4-Word Order To All Getting In Way Of Immigration Plan And Hurting Americans - Duration: 7:03.


Two Koreas to hold reunions of war-torn families for 7 days starting Aug. 20 - Duration: 2:33.

Delegations from the the respective Red Cross organizations of two Koreas met north of the

border on Friday... to arrange reunions of war-separated families.

The talks went well.. with the two sides setting the dates for the reunion events.

Oh Jung-hee has the details.

For the first time since October 2015,... war-torn families of the two Koreas are finally

set to meet.

This after an agreement was reached by Seoul and Pyongyang at Red Cross Talks on Friday.

The reunions will take place for a week starting from August 20th at North Korea's Mount Kumgang...

and involve 100 family members each from South and North Korea.

However, a lot of work remains to be done to make the reunions happen.

The two Koreas first need to confirm which family members are still alive on their respective

sides of the border... and then exchange the final list of participants -- on August 4th.

Seoul will also to dispatch inspection and other advance teams to Mount Kumgang for renovations

and prep work.

It's a concrete action plan adopted by the two Koreas just two months after the inter-Korean

summit in late April -- where the leaders of Seoul and Pyongyang agreed to hold the

reunion events around Korea's National Liberation Day, August 15th.

The delegations at the Red Cross Talks expressed their strong will to continue working together

to ease the agony of war-separated families.

"Let's have regular discussions and continue cooperating to fundamentally resolve the issue

of war-torn families -- like confirming which family members are alive... and enabling visits

to hometowns as well as to the graves of ancestors."

"Red Cross organizations in the North and the South should be aware of their responsibilities...

and trust each other to break from the past and write new history for the Korean people

and inter-Korean relations."

But the joint statement doesn't include other humanitarian issues between the two Koreas

-- namely, the release of South Korean detainees in the North.

It appears the officials did touch upon those issues, but weren't able to reach an agreement

to include them in the statement.

"As for other humanitarian issues that weren't covered in Friday's joint press statement,

the two Koreas agreed to hold additional Red Cross Talks and working-level meetings to

continue their discussions.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Two Koreas to hold reunions of war-torn families for 7 days starting Aug. 20 - Duration: 2:33.


CNN Confronts Obama's DHS Sec, Viewers Shocked By What He Let Slip On Live TV - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> CNN Confronts Obama's DHS Sec, Viewers Shocked By What He Let Slip On Live TV - Duration: 3:55.


The Queen won't get a word in edgeways when she meets Donald Trump, says James Comey - Duration: 4:33.

The Queen will not get a word in edgeways when she meets Donald Trump, according to the former FBI director who was fired by the US President

James Comey suggested the monarch should not bother to extensively prepare topics for conversation for her meeting with Mr Trump because he "talks constantly" and will make it difficult for her to intervene

Mr Comey said conversations with the US President move from "thing to thing to thing" but always revolve around one central theme: Him

Mr Comey also said he hoped Mr Trump will be "afforded the welcome that's appropriate for the American President" when he comes to the UK for a working visit on July 13

Mr Trump's scheduled meeting with the Queen next month has prompted intense speculation and fascination about what the unlikely pair could talk about

But Mr Comey, who served as FBI boss from 2013 until 2017, suggested the Queen should prepare for a rather one-sided conversation

Asked on LBC Radio what sort of "chit-chat" he would advise the Queen to make with the US President, Mr Comey replied: "Don't prepare a lot of material, because he talks constantly, that's the challenge of interacting with Mr Trump

"He continued: "Yeah, it just moves thing to thing to thing."The constant theme is that it's about him and most importantly about you agreeing that either his speech was the best, his approach is the best, that he is the best, and it's this effort to fill a hole that's remarkable – the need for affirmation

"So the Queen, I suppose, will have things ready to say, but I'm not sure how much she'll get to say

"Mass protests are expected to greet Mr Trump when he arrives in Britain for what will be his first visit to the country since he was elected in 2016

The US President's detractors have urged Theresa May, the Prime Minister, to withdraw Mr Trump's invitation after a number of his domestic and international policy decisions prompted widespread outrage

Mrs May and her Government have rejected the calls, raising the possibility of potentially ugly scenes with protestors when Mr Trump does arrive

But Mr Comey suggested people in the UK should respect the office of US President even if they do not respect the incumbent

Asked what sort of welcome Mr Trump should receive, he said: "Well I hope he will be afforded the welcome that's appropriate for the American President

"Clarifying his comment, he added: "I mean the Office of the President – I respect the Office of the President

"It came as Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, urged Mrs May to delay Mr Trump's visit

He said: "I didn't invite him, I wouldn't have invited him and I think the Prime Minister has got ample reasons to withhold the invitation if she wants to

"Woody Johnson, the US Ambassador to the UK, recently confirmed Mr Trump will meet the Queen during his flying visit

Mr Johnson said Mr Trump "has to see the head of state"."Putting his foot on British soil, it's job one, it's very important, very symbolic," he said

"Meeting Her Majesty is the most important thing, because she's the head of state, and from then on, it'll be what the president wants to do

"Mr Comey headed up the FBI under Barack Obama and initially continued to work under Mr Trump before being fired on May 9 2017

For more infomation >> The Queen won't get a word in edgeways when she meets Donald Trump, says James Comey - Duration: 4:33.


The Queen given WARNING about conversation with Donald Trump ahead of meeting next month - Duration: 3:04.

Mr Comey, who was fired from his position by Trump last year, has hit out at the US President and suggested he will "talk constantly" when with the Queen, making it difficult for her to speak

Trump is set to visit the UK on July 13 in his first visit to the country since becoming President

Explaining how a meeting between the President and the Queen will go, Mr Comey said: "It's about him and most importantly about you agreeing that either his speech was the best, his approach is the best, that he is the best, and it's this effort to fill a hole that's remarkable – the need for affirmation

"So the Queen, I suppose, will have things ready to say, but I'm not sure how much she'll get to say

"During the President's visit to the UK he has been promised a private reception with the Queen

Explaining the difficulties the Queen can expect to have when trying to interact with Trump, Mr Comey told LBC radio of his own experiences with the President

He said: "Don't prepare a lot of material, because he talks constantly."That's the challenge of interacting with Mr Trump

"Confirmation that Trump would meet the Queen came earlier this week in comments made by the US Ambassador, Woody Johnson

He said: "He has to see the head of state."Putting his foot on British soil - it's job one, it's very important, very symbolic

"Meeting Her Majesty is the most important thing, because she's the head of state, and from then on, it'll be what the President wants to do

"While a full timetable for the visit is yet to be published, it is expected Her Majesty will host the Republican firebrand outside of London in order to avoid protests expected to take place in the capital

Thousands of people have said they will take to the streets in rallies against Trump's political policies

Defending the right to protest the President's visit, Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan said: "It's right and proper for us to be active citizens and to march and to lobby and to protest

"It should be peacefully, we can't have anybody who thinks it's OK to cause criminal damage or to cause harm

"Done properly, it's really important."

For more infomation >> The Queen given WARNING about conversation with Donald Trump ahead of meeting next month - Duration: 3:04.


How to Watch Big 3 Basketball Online Without Cable | - Duration: 6:40.

How to Watch Big 3 Basketball Online Without Cable |

After a successful and entertaining inaugural season, the BIG3 league returns this week to help quell your lack of basketball this summer.

The first set of games are on Friday, June 22, and will be broadcast on Fox Sports 1, starting at 7:30 p.m.

Games on subsequent weeks will also be broadcast on FS1.

If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch all the games live on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.

FuboTV: Fox Sports 1 is included in the "Fubo Premier" bundle, which has a channel package that is largely tailored towards international soccer fans.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch all the games live on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.

If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch an event up to three days after it airs even if you forgot to record it.

Hulu With Live TV: In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of live TV channels, including Fox Sports 1.

You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch the games live on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.

If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" also comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).

Sling TV: Fox Sports 1 is included in the "Sling Blue" package.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial of both, and you can then watch the games live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.

If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.


While a majority of the players are back after playing in the inaugural season, there are also a bevy of big names joining the league for Season 2.

Amar'e Stoudemire, Nate Robinson, Baron Davis, Metta World Peace, Carlos Boozer, Chris "Birdman" Andersen and Glen "Big Baby" Davis are just a few of the new names, and that's indicative of the positive growth of the league.

Robinson, who played in the G-League last year and can still be quite an entertaining player, is perhaps the most intriguing addition.

He's relentlessly competitive, and his score-first attitude is a fantastic fit for this setting.

The three-time dunk champion will join a Tri-State team that finished sixth last season, and with Amar'e Stoudemire joining the same team, they'll surely be one of the must-watch squads in the competition.

That said, there are plenty of other intriguing teams.

Trilogy, the defending champions who went undefeated last season, are mostly the same with Kenyon Martin, Al Harrington and Rashad McCants leading the way, but they'll also add Dahntay Jones, who was on the Cleveland Cavaliers as recently as the 2016-17 season.

3-Headed Monsters, who lost to Trilogy in the championship, will add sharpshooter Salim Stoudamire to the existing core of Rashard Lewis, Reggie Evans, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf and Kwame Brown.

Metta World Peace joins Stephen Jackson, who led the league in scoring last year, and Chauncey Billups on Killer 3's.

As you may remember, all three were in the infamous "Malice in the Palace" game, with World Peace–then Ron Artest–and Jackson right in the thick of the mayhem, and Billups on the bench at the time.

That was nearly 15 years ago, so this is more just an interesting collection of players more than anything else, but it's safe to say this team won't shy away from the physicality of 3-on-3 basketball.

Yep, it's going to be a very entertaining season.

For more infomation >> How to Watch Big 3 Basketball Online Without Cable | - Duration: 6:40.


Trump Just Canceled Backstabbing Congress's Fancy Picnic, Has Priceless Plan For All The Food - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Canceled Backstabbing Congress's Fancy Picnic, Has Priceless Plan For All The Food - Duration: 5:44.


Bad News For Democrats: Americans Prove They Agree With Trump On Immigration - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Bad News For Democrats: Americans Prove They Agree With Trump On Immigration - Duration: 4:04.


Acosta Has Crazed Meltdown Over Melania's Jacket, Trump Trashes Him In Epic Smackdown - Duration: 7:44.

CNN's Jim Acosta's level of buffoonery was in overdrive yesterday as he went on several

tirades about the back of First Lady Melania Trump's green jacket which said, "I Really

Don't Care, Do You?"

Acosta was all over it, researching and spinning it to make the jacket some conspiracy only

he could solve.

Acosta's meltdown was noticed by President Donald Trump who got a good laugh as he trashed

the CNN host in an epic smackdown.

What does it mean?

That's the question which haunted CNN's crack reporter Jim Acosta as he pondered the

writing on Melania Trump's $39.00 dollar green jacket that she wore to board Executive

One Foxtrot, which is what Air Force One is called when it's only carrying the First

Lady or First Family members.

Like an eagle-eyed reporter, Acosta quickly tweeted out, "FLOTUS spox confirms Mrs.

Trump wore a jacket to visit border kids that reads: 'I really don't care.

Do you?'

Spox says: 'It's a jacket.

There was no hidden message.

After today's important visit to Texas, I hope the media isn't going to choose to

focus on her wardrobe.'"

FLOTUS spox confirms Mrs. Trump wore a jacket to visit border kids that reads: "I really

don't care.

Do you?"

Spox says: "It's a jacket.

There was no hidden message.

After today's important visit to Texas, I hope the media isn't going to choose to focus

on her wardrobe."

— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 21, 2018

Great, thanks to Acosta, we got that message.

Except, it is entirely misleading.

The First Lady only wore that jacket to board the plane.

She did not wear it to visit the kids.

But, what do we expect from the vile Acosta?

Not actual truth, that's for sure.

Of course, he was implying FLOTUS was telling the kids that she "didn't care."

Real reporters and Americans told Jim to knock it off.





— Tanya Grimsley (@luvGodncountry) June 21, 2018

Reporter Ryan Saavedra tweeted, "A very misleading tweet.

She did not wear the jacket while visiting the kids in Texas, she wore it as she was

boarding a plane in Maryland.

Why did you not make this distinction in your tweet, @Acosta?

A very misleading tweet.

She did not wear the jacket while visiting the kids in Texas, she wore it as she was

boarding a plane in Maryland.

Why did you not make this distinction in your tweet, @Acosta?

— Ryan Saavedra 🇺🇸 (@RealSaavedra) June 21, 2018

Now, maybe Acosta should be off to cover some real news since he is the official CNN White

House correspondent.

Oh, but no.

Acosta was sure he was on to some great White House conspiracy, so instead of reporting

on real government conspiracies like the IG report, which proved James Comey had a cabal

of Trump-haters investigating both the Hillary Clinton email scandal and the so-called Russian-Trump

collusion, Acosta spent hours trying to find out more about the green jacket.

And, he hit the jackpot, or so he thought.

Four hours later, Acosta tweeted to let everyone know he has found a Daily Mail article about

the jacket.

Wow, this guy fails to correct his previous tweet, and then, he doubles down on his lame

jacket conspiracy.

Accosta tweeted, "According to the jacket-spotting Daily Mail, the outerwear worn by FLOTUS goes

for $39 at ZARA."

According to the jacket-spotting Daily Mail, the outerwear worn by FLOTUS goes for $39

at ZARA.

— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 21, 2018

OK, so is that news?

He spends four hours looking for details on the jacket, and this is what he comes up with?

Another Twitter user made a great point after CNN is seemingly convening panels of experts,

discussing the jacket, fueled by Acosta no doubt.

"Harold Stickeefingers" tweeted, "More media coverage of a jacket than a celebrity

calling for the President's son to be kidnapped and raped.

One of these is far more outrageous, but only one furthers the cycle the media prefer."

More media coverage of a jacket than a celebrity calling for the President's son to be kidnapped

and raped.

One of these is far more outrageous, but only one furthers the cycle the media prefer.

— Harold Stickeehands (@StickeeNotes) June 21, 2018

CNN, the fake news network, feverishly put out an article on the jacket and our First

Lady's fashion choices.

You see, they see hidden messaging in everything she wears.

CNN reported, "The notoriously private former model is intentional about her wardrobe choices:

the instantly-iconic white hat for the French state visit, her white suit at the State of

the Union speech and the pussy bow blouse she donned after the 'Access Hollywood'

tape surfaced all sent a clear message."

In case you have no clue what they are talking about with the white suits, brace yourself.

According to the sages over at CNN and MSNBC, Mrs. Trump wears white because it's the

color of the suffragettes, which they deduce is a clear message to her husband that she

is a raging feminist.

We can't even make this stuff up.

"The white pantsuit is also understood to be a clear reference to the women's suffrage

movement when women wore white to marches as they lobbied for the right to vote,"

reported Newsweek, referencing Melania's white pantsuit which she wore to the State

of the Union.

They also said she wore it in a tribute to Hillary Clinton.

Melania's outfit tonight is a tribute to @HillaryClinton, a clear dig at Trump.


— Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) January 31, 2018

So, after all this ridiculous coverage started by Jim Acosta, who we know President Trump

really has no respect for at all, POTUS decided to clear it all up.

Trump tweeted, "'I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO U?'

written on the back of Melania's jacket, refers to the Fake News Media.

Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!"


written on the back of Melania's jacket, refers to the Fake News Media.

Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 21, 2018

There you go, Acosta and all the CNN hacks.

Did they even think for one moment to connect it to Peter Fonda who had called for her son

to be caged with pedophiles?

In fact, I do believe Melania was well aware of her jacket, and as a mother, I can relate

to how she must have felt.

The mainstream media cared nothing about Fonda's vicious attack.

They were too busy having meltdowns over illegal kids at the border to care about Barron Trump.

CNN could have applied maximum pressure with their leftist audience to call for Fonda to

be banned from all social media and to be shunned by the Hollywood crowd.

Instead, they treat him like a hero.

"I really don't care, do you?"

Melania is done caring about what those leftist losers say about her or her family.

She's doing a tremendous job as the first lady, and patriotic Americans don't care

what those idiots in the mainstream media say either.

For more infomation >> Acosta Has Crazed Meltdown Over Melania's Jacket, Trump Trashes Him In Epic Smackdown - Duration: 7:44.


S(quad) Talks #1 - Duration: 13:53.

Annelise: Hello everybody.

Welcome to Gracie's vlog, which is an ugly vlog.

Caitlin: You guys are being mean to Gracie.

Grace: You gotta what you gotta do!

Caitlin: You should stop being mean to Gracie right now.

I mean it.

Gracie is about to get us ice cream and you're insulting her.

Stop it.

Annelise: Gracie.

Grace: What?

Josephine: If your phone falls I'm going to laugh.

Annelise: I'm really salty because ice scream is salty.

Josephine: Your ice cream is salty?

Grace: Ice cream is not salty.

Caitlin: What the hell did you

mean earlier when you said, "Let's get ice cream.

I want something to BITE."


Grace: Minh Minh you bite your ice cream??

Annelise: Yea I do!

Caitlin: Psycho.

Annelise: So does mommy so it doesn't matter.

Caitlin: Like I SAID.

Like a PSYCHO.

Josephine: Caitlin, the only psycho here is you.

Annelise: TBH Caitlin: You guys are mean.

Grace: You guys are mean.

Don't say that.

Josephine: You admitted it!

Grace: Oh yea we did.

Annelise: Most likely!

We said most likely to be on the FBI's most wanted list.

We all said her.


Grace: Okay well let me see if I can make this more stable.

Josephine: Yesterday Annelise was like, she said, "Caitlin's probably the one who would

kill someone for a dollar."

Caitlin: I wouldn't kill someone for a dollar it'd be at least $10,000.

Annelise: I said NO.

I said jk, she's not that cheap.

Grace: Caitlin would never be that cheap.

Josephine: She'd probably be like I'd kill you for a dollar.

*creepy laugh* Annelise: I wouldn't kill someone for at least


Caitlin: Josephine I wouldn't kill you for a dollar but I'd definitely trade you for



Caitlin:...a McDonald's ice cream cone.

Annelise: I would trade all of you...

Caitlin...also a cheeseburger.

Depending on how hungry I am.

Annelise: ....except for Josephine, for one cent.

Grace: WHAT?!

Caitlin: Why did you say all of you?

Why didn't you just say Grace and Caitlin.

Annelise: Because that's all of you except for Josephine.

Grace: Okay.

Josephine: I'm the favorite child.

Caitlin: When you say "all" it definitely has to be more than 3 Annelise.

Josephine: This lighting sucks.

Annelise: Yea this lighting sucks.

Caitlin: Only for me though.

Josephine: Caitlin looks worse than she actually is.


Grace: Mr. Van seems like....

How old is he?

Caitlin: I don't know.

Annelise: I want him as a teacher but I don't have him.

He seems pretty young though.

He's still having kids so he must be around 30 ish.

Grace: Yea I think maybe late 20s or early 30s. Because he looks really young.

Annelise: No.

He's wrong.

I know like the same amount of math as you do.

Grace: I thought he'd be older.

Caitlin: I don't know.

I think the funniest thing is during SAT class when people are like trying to explain why

Josephine: No you don't.

\Annelise: Yes I do. when people are like trying to explain why

they're right.

He's like, "Are you really about to explain math to me when I have a math degree?"

And I was like, "oh shoot you're right.

I'm sorry" Grace: He majored in math?

Caitlin: Yea I think so.

Josephine: Gracie!

I went to that exact same Starbucks!

For my student council field trip.

Caitlin: Almost EVERYBODY goes to this exact same Starbucks.

It's the Starbucks closest to our neighborhood.

What the hell does that mean?

Josephine: But I'm special, and you're not.

Josephine: You want to know....Remember?!

Okay Caitlin was like 12 right, and she had started reading Wattpad because daddy was

reading it or something like that.

Annelise: I thought it was because of Grace.

Caitlin: Yes.

Annelise: Wait really?!

Josephine: Remember?

And then mommy told Annelise and I not to read it and don't be like Caitlin.

And then we didn't read it for months after she read it.

And then Annelise started reading it and I was like why are you abandoning me???

Annelise: That was bad.

I don't know why are started reading.

Josephine: So after a few weeks I started reading it to see what she was on about and

now she's addicted.

Thanks a lot Caitlin.

Annelise: No I'm done with Wattpad.

Caitlin: I've been done with Wattpad.

Annelise: No offense but it's like....CRINGE.

Caitlin: What do you mean NOW?

When I was ON it, I still thought it was cringe.

Josephine: So Ms. B, apparently she helped write a book for one of those published books

on Wattpad.


Caitlin: Did she get any money from it?

Josephine: Um.

She helped.

She didn't say.

But she helped write a book from Wattpad and it was published and stuff.

Caitlin: Did she get any money from it?

Josephine: How am I supposed to know?

Caitlin: If she didn't get any money from it I don't think it matters very much does


Annelise: When you get money from your writing.

Josephine: Don't you have like 20,000 views on your book?

Annelise: Yea but I don't update anymore.

Grace: Don't be one of those people.

I hate when people don't update.




Josephine: Because it's so cringey, that's why.

Caitlin: This worst part is on LiveJournal when you go and read some of those fics that

haven't been updated, and this is THOUSANDS of fanfics.

And then I'm already in the dead fandom, which is the Durarara fandom.

The worst is when you go on LiveJournal and I don't often go on LiveJournal but when I

do, and I'm about to finish a fic and it doesn't finish.

They just have stopped updating and you look at the posted date...

Grace: It's like 2015.



I don't think so.

Josephine: 2010?

Caitlin: IT'S 2010.


2013!!! Annelise: How far back are you going on Archive?

Caitlin: I'm not going any..on Archive, I think the most it goes back to is 2015.

It's different on LiveJournal.

Annelise: Ohhh.

Josephine: Archive goes back to 2015?


Caitlin: It's called the kink meme.

The Durarara kink meme.

It's basically requests.

You come up with a plot line and can request for it

to be written.

Josephine: So like prompts.

Caitlin: Yea basically....and some of them are really good and some of them are not.

Annelise: It's just like really cringey, I just can't look at my book anymore.

Josephine: My favorite author from, cause don't you read fanfic on Archive...

Caitlin: I think let's just get ice cream Gracie.

Grace: If they have it.

Josephine: And then you click on a username to see their other stuff and then you go through

bookmarks and then you read that.

I saw this one author and I clicked on it.

She has like 30,000 works from it, like from other fandoms and stuff.

It was so cool.

Caitlin: Wait, is it called orphan_account?

Josephine: Yea Caitlin: No orphan_account is...

Josephine: She has like other accounts too!

Caitlin: No orphan_account...

Grace: Who wants ice cream? Josephine: Can I have ice cream?

Caitlin: I want ice cream.

Annelise: ICE CREAM!

Caitlin: All of us want ice cream we're little children.

Caitlin: No Josephine, orphan_account is what authors can switch their...


Caitlin:...switch their accounts to.

So if they no longer want to be on AO3, but they don't want their works to disappear then

they just switch their account to orphan_account Josephine: What's that supposed to mean?

Caitlin: This can't be undone.

So let's say I've been in a fandom a few years and I'm tired of it now so I want to delete

my account.

Josephine: Yea.

Caitlin: Hold on.

Josephine: Do you read fanfiction too?

Grace: *orders ice cream* Annelise: Anyways though.

I used to be happy with 5 views and 1 comment.

Caitlin: I thought she was about to tell me that the ice cream machine wasn't working.

Like "you're great.

please keep updating" or something and it makes me really happy.

Annelise: When my book passed 1,000 views I didn't even realize it.

I was like so done with Wattpad.

I was like this is so cringey.

But then I went back to update it and I was like you know what, those 5 people commenting

out of 1,000 people...So I kept updating and as I kept updating okay.

The book kept getting worse and worse.

But for some reason it got more and more views.

But when I looked back at the stats, I think everybody stopped reading past chapter 5.

Grace: I'm crying what Caitlin: What the hell.

Annelise: OH YOU'RE RIGHT.

There's 75,000 works on orphan_account.

Caitlin: Okay no.

So let's say I'm in a fandom for a few years.

Annelise: Is this like an official AO3 thing or?

Caitlin: Yea this is an official AO3 thing.

You can look it up in the guidelines.

Josephine: What does AO3 mean?

Caitlin: Archive Of Our Own Grace: *pays for ice cream*

Caitlin: Oh so you've been in the fandom for a few years and you're done with it but you

don't still want other people to enjoy your fanfictions.

So you can turn your account into orphan_account.

Which is basically like, it takes all the works...

Grace: What?

Caitlin: I just realized how cringey this is and we're talking about it in front of

a McDonald's employee.

Annelise: Just keep going NO ONE CARES.

Caitlin: OH the sky is really cool today.

Josephine: What sky?

Caitlin: RIGHT THERE the sky!

Josephine: The sky?

Caitlin: Yea look.

It's clouds above and then there's clouds right there too.

Annelise: OOOHH.

That IS cool.

I'm gonna take a picture.

Josephine: It's called an avalanche.

Caitlin continue.

Caitlin: That's not what an avalanche is.

Josephine: Continue.

Caitlin: And so basically you can just switch it into that account and it'll take all your

works but it won't be connected to your account anymore.

Annelise: Makes sense.

But like why don't you just stop using your account then.

Josephine: OH MY GOSH Annelise: Like why do you have to delete it?

Caitlin: I don't know.

I guess it's so...

Josephine: THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE that when people...


And then she had like other names too.

It was like sweetwater and then orphan_account or whatever.

Caitlin: And then another thing is...

Josephine: Sweetwater's a neighborhod Caitlin:...Minh Minh okay so you know that

you're done with the fandom already so like why would you want to get emails about comments?

Annelise: ohhhhh Caitlin: So you can comment right, so you

get an email every time someone gives you a kudos or comments.

Josephine: KUDOSSSSSSS Annelise: Continue.

Caitlin: Okay...and if you were a particularly prolific writer or like a particularly popular

writer you continuously get like kudos' and comments on your stories.

Like some of the writers that I love I still go back and kudos' their stories even though

I've read it before because it's just so good.

Josephine: I like the ones where there's a lot of angst.

Caitlin: Look Gracie, you can see the joints poking through my skin.

Grace: *wtf* Annelise: That's not something to be proud

of Caitlin.

Josephine: I think it's called bones.

Caitlin: Look.

They're like white see.

It's like the pressure from my joints is going...

Grace: No pull back a little.


Josephine: Does your veins show Caitlin?

Caitlin: Yea.

Doesn't everyone's?

Josephine: Are you going to be like Tricia?

Caitlin: Who's Tricia?

Grace: Who's Tricia?

Caitlin: Wait that girl who can't bend her arms?

From My Most Popular Girls In School.

Yea I watch that.

Grace: Get out Annelise: OH ME TOO.

I watch that too.

Grace: Ice cream!

Annelise: Oh my gosh it's an actual cone.

AHHH ICE CREAM Caitlin: Here Josephine.

Annelise: BOI why is this so high this is gooood.

Good job McDonald's!

This is really good Caitlin.

Good job.

Caitlin: Don't say good job to me say thank you to Gracie.

Josephine: Thanks Grace.

Annelise: Thanks Grace.

Grace: You're welcome.

Annelise: I never knew that McDonald's would put a lot of ice cream in a tiny cone.

Caitlin: Thanks Grace.

Annelise: All for $1.20.

It's good.

It's a good deal.

Josephine: Dude Chick-Fil-A's ice cream is not this good.

Caitlin: I know.

Grace: I had Chick-Fil-A ice cream the other day...

Josephine: Why?

Grace: ....and someone was like, "see it's totally different right?"

Caitlin: It literally just tastes like buffet ice cream.

Grace: Okay so.

Everyone keeps telling me that Chick-Fil-A ice cream is so different than McDonald's

ice cream.

Josephine: It really is.

Grace: McDonald's ice cream I think is better.

Josephine: It is!!

Caitlin: Because it is.

Annelise: This tastes like whipped cream or something.

Josephine: Because it is whipped cream.

Caitlin: Actually I've heard that McDonald's ice cream is supposedly the healthiest ice

cream, out of all fast food restaurants.

Josephine: It is.

What they lack in makes up for it.

**this is how I ask for food** Annelise: Is anyone going to play music?

Like are we just going to sit in silence?

Josephine: I can't multitask.

Grace: Hey is there any trash back there?

Annelise: Honestly.

Why is there a meme about the McDonald's ice cream machine being broken?

Grace: Because they are always broken.

Annelise: Are they really?


Grace: Caitlin and I have gone to McDonald's in like Target's and other places and they've

always been broken.

Annelise: All I do is sleep, eat, and play.

Josephine: That's a LIE.

Grace: Strong Girl Bong-Soon Annelise: No I'm serious.

Josephine: I've seen your Safari.

Grace: Dang.

Expose her like that.

Annelise: Look at this.

That was like a month ago.

Caitlin: I think I left a fanfiction open on my laptop so I was very reluctant to give

it to Annelise when she told me to today but...did I leave one open Minh Minh?

Annelise: I don't know.

I don't look at all your tabs.

I created a new tab.

Josephine: So what, you're on Quora now?

Annelise: Yea.


I read Quora A LOT guys.


She downloaded Spotify on my tablet.

Annelise: It doesn't give you a virus it's fine.

Grace: I don't see what's wrong with that.

Caitlin: Yea I don't see what's wrong with that either.




Josephine: No.

I have Youtube Red.

Grace: You HAVE Youtube Red?

Josephine: It's a 30 day free trial.

Once that month ends, which is June TWENTY-ONE.

Grace: Twenty-one?


Grace: So.

Mr. Van says, "I love you from.."

Josephine: He doesn't say it.

He TOLD us to say it.

To a girl.

If they don't know it break up with them.

But you can say it to a guy too so.

Annelise: What is it?

Grace: I love you from my left and right ventricles.

Meaning I love you from the bottom of my heart.

We're home!

Say bye vlog.

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