Sunday, June 24, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 24 2018

I'm runnin out of reasons to stick around

So I'm packin up and runnin out of this town

I'll hit the road and go out where my soul feels at home

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

Since I was a young one there was a feeling

Something out of step in the darkest depths of a restless mind

I was goin nowhere runnin on empty

Just waitin for a pellet and a check in the maze of a ratrace life

With no success at any single thing I try

I know I'm slowly fallin out of line

I'm runnin out of reasons to stick around

So I'm packin up and I'm runnin out of town

I'll hit the road and go out where my soul feels at home

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

Small town New England to a Michigan city

I set up shop at a resting stop on a factory floor

New York's so crowded

Chicago's windy

Every brand new place wears the same old face as the one before

Even if I make a new life where I land

When the lord made me he made a ramblin man

I'm runnin out of reasons to stick around

So I'm packin up and I'm runnin out of town

I'll hit the road and go out where my soul feels at home

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

Where tobacco grows and corn mash whiskey don't stop flowing

And the grass is blue and sweeter even after southern rain

Winding roads that stretch from mountainside to coastal waters

Bearing tides of humble farmers who would one day stake their claim

America would be it's name

The wanderlust will it be tamed

In these Carolina hills forever framed

I'm runnin out of reasons to stick around

So I'm packin up and runnin out of town

I'll hit the road and go out where my soul feels at home

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

For more infomation >> "Hills Of Carolina" by The Grays - Duration: 5:01.


Albano Carrisi su Gente presenta Jasmine e rivela di collaborare a una canzone con Rovazzi - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Albano Carrisi su Gente presenta Jasmine e rivela di collaborare a una canzone con Rovazzi - Duration: 3:30.


Punture delle pulci: 5 rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Punture delle pulci: 5 rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:32.


Gossip U&D, Giorgio sente la mancanza di Gemma: 'E' capace di gesti meravigliosi' - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, Giorgio sente la mancanza di Gemma: 'E' capace di gesti meravigliosi' - Duration: 4:13.



hi everybody!

by now, june is almost over

in this video I will plan with you

the month of July

but first I will show you

how to draw some of the elements we'll see

I leave you to the video




Togliere i calli da mani e piedi in modo naturale - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Togliere i calli da mani e piedi in modo naturale - Duration: 5:28.


5 idee per rinnovare la camera da letto senza spendere molto - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> 5 idee per rinnovare la camera da letto senza spendere molto - Duration: 3:26.


✅ Uomini e Donne, Claudio D'Angelo: "Io e Ginevra siamo tornati insieme, i nostri sentimenti sono pi - Duration: 2:04.

Uomini e Donne, Claudio D'Angelo: "Io e Ginevra siamo tornati insieme, i nostri sentimenti sono più forti di prima" Di Fabio Morasca La coppia è stata intervistata da Uomini e Donne Magazine

 Claudio D'Angelo, ex tronista di Uomini e Donne, il programma condotto da Maria De Filippi che tornerà in onda su Canale 5 dopo la pausa estiva, e Ginevra Pisani sono tornati insieme dopo un periodo di crisi

 La coppia ha confermato ufficialmente la pace con un'intervista concessa al settimanale Uomini e Donne Magazine

 L'ex tronista 33enne ha spiegato nei dettagli i motivi per i quali la storia d'amore con Ginevra ha subito un'improvvisa battuta d'arresto

 Uno dei motivi risiede nel fatto che la coppia, una volta terminata la loro esperienza nel programma in onda su Canale 5, ha iniziato a fare le cose con troppa velocità

 Queste sono state le dichiarazioni di Claudio riguardanti quest'aspetto:  Ginevra, di conseguenza, ha iniziato ad avvertire un senso di inadeguatezza nei confronti di Claudio

Le prime dichiarazioni dell'ex corteggiatrice:  Il futuro, la realizzazione personale, la voglia di stabilità e il fatto che provengano da due città diverse sono stati, quindi, i motivi scatenanti della crisi

Con le seguenti dichiarazioni, Claudio ha dichiarato che, insieme a Ginevra, vuole trovare il giusto compromesso per accontentare sia i suoi desideri che quelli della sua fidanzata:  Ginevra, da parte sua, si è detta decisamente disposta a mettere su famiglia con Claudio:

For more infomation >> ✅ Uomini e Donne, Claudio D'Angelo: "Io e Ginevra siamo tornati insieme, i nostri sentimenti sono pi - Duration: 2:04.


ANDROMEDA el proyecto secreto de MICROSOFT - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> ANDROMEDA el proyecto secreto de MICROSOFT - Duration: 9:11.


STEWIE2K DELETES FER! SWAG PERFECT AIM! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:08.


For more infomation >> STEWIE2K DELETES FER! SWAG PERFECT AIM! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:08.


How to Get Rid of Under Eye Wrinkles, Eye Bags, Puffy Eyes & Dark Circles w/ this Easy Eye Exercise - Duration: 3:46.

hello everyone its Peta your Personal Face Exercise Coach from Facerobics

today I'm going to show you how to get rid of under eye wrinkles from under your eye so

stay with me and I'll be back soon

hello everyone thanks so much for coming by today I really do appreciate it today

I'm going to show you how to get rid of I wrinkles under your eye so the muscles

we're going to be using today are the orbicularis oculi we're going to be

isolating the press saris and we're going to be squinting the eyes so to

give you an idea here are the muscles here that we'll be working today so this

is how you do it you place your four fingers in this position over the top of

your brow you then place your thumbs just underneath the eye and then you

keep your fingers very firm and isolating with the middle fingers the

procerus all you going to do then is going to squint

now as you squint you're not doing this sort of thing okay you're not squinting

like this you're squinting very subtly and as you're squinting you are pressing

very firmly onto your muscles and where your thumbs are you pressing quite

firmly and as you press what's happening is it's pressing resistance on this

muscle now when you press resistance on on the muscle what it will do is help

other areas be exercised and as you do this exercise over time you'll find that

these wrinkles here and any wrinkles that you have underneath your eyes those

crepey awful little wrinkles that appear underneath your eyes will start to

smooth out so as you're doing this exercise and as you place your fingers

it's a bit different to the other exercises that we do in the other series

we are not placing our knuckles into our socket we are actually they're actually

lifted off the socket as you can see so you need to really isolate this area at

the top of your eyes you need to really isolate this area with your fingers with

your middle fingers because if you don't you will start to do this sort of thing

and undo all the work that you've done in the previous exercise then place your

thumbs firmly on the bottom part of your eye socket

just squint

you're not doing much of an muscle effort with the squinting okay you're

just moving your eyes and you're actually just moving trying to move the

inner muscles of your eyes you see I'm not doing anything like this and causing

wrinkles here I'm just very lightly squinting my eyes please remember to

subscribe to the channel because when you do subscribe you get all these great

updates and the channel will actually help you look younger and feel better so

if you do subscribe and you want to look younger and feel better

click the notification fill as well when you subscribe and you'll get all the

updates to the videos coming up next is a playlist and this playlist is the

Technic playlist and I'd like you guys to watch it because it will teach you

all the different techniques that I have created for you guys to help you with

your face exercise success so you have a lovely day wherever you are in the world

and I'll see you next time bye

I heard you want to leave this place but we grow up there's so time just put it

all behind you

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Under Eye Wrinkles, Eye Bags, Puffy Eyes & Dark Circles w/ this Easy Eye Exercise - Duration: 3:46.


Erdogan é reeleito presidente da Turquia - Duration: 8:05.

Tayyip Erdogan discursa após ser declarado vencedor das eleições presidenciais deste domingo (24) (Foto: Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, que está há 15 anos no poder, foi reeleito presidente na Turquia na eleição presidencial que aconteceu neste domingo (24), de acordo com o porta-voz do governo, Bekir Bozdag

Com 96% dos votos contados na eleição presidencial, Erdogan tinha 52,7% dos votos, de acordo com a agência oficial turca

Erdogan, o líder mais popular da história recente da Turquia, declarou que não há como voltar atrás em relação aos avanços que ele e o partido conquistaram para a economia nos últimos anos

"Espero que ninguém tente colocar uma sombra sobre os resultados e prejudicar a democracia", disse

Mais poderes O resultado das eleições é especialmente importante para a Turquia, já que o vencedor tem agora poderes reforçados após o referendo de abril de 2017 convocado pelo próprio após o fracassado golpe de julho de 2016

Neste novo sistema, ainda não plenamente em vigor, desaparecerá a figura do primeiro-ministro e o presidente concentrará todo o poder em suas mãos, sem o controle apenas do parlamento

Desta vez, o presidente turco enfrentou na breve campanha eleitoral uma união inesperada dos partidos de oposição e um concorrente, Muharrem Ince, capaz de desafiá-lo

Trajetória Casado e pai de quatro filhos, Erdogan tem 64 anos. Nasceu em Kasimpasa, bairro operário de Istambul, e faz alarde com frequência de suas origens humildes

Educado em um colégio religioso, ex-vendedor ambulante, "Tayyip" tinha o sonho de se tornar jogador de futebol antes de se lançar à política pelo movimento islamista

Foi eleito prefeito de Istambul em 1994. Em 1998, seu último ano na prefeitura, foi condenado a uma pena de prisão por ter recitado um poema religioso, episódio que serviu para reforçar sua imagem

Triunfou em 2002 quando o AKP venceu as eleições legislativas e foi nomeado primeiro-ministro um ano depois, ao ser anistiado da pena de prisão

Venceu todas as eleições desde então. Entre 2002 e 2004, Ancara adotou reformas políticas e econômicas, aprovou a abolição da pena de morte e autorização a língua curda na televisão pública

Ainda assim, as negociações para adesão à União Europeia ficam estagnadas por anos

Em 10 de agosto de 2014, Erdogan é eleito chefe de Estado no primeiro turno das presidenciais, que, pela primeira vez, são realizadas por voto universal direto

Nas legislativas de 7 de junho de 2015, o AKP fica no topo, mas sem maioria absoluta no Parlamento (pela primeira vez)

O presidente Erdogan convoca novas eleições em 1º de novembro, que o AKP vence de forma maciça

Em abril de 2017, venceu por uma margem estreita um referendo sobre uma reforma constitucional para reforçar consideravelmente os seus poderes

Marca na história O presidente, que domina a política turca há 15 anos, parece determinado a deixar sua marca na história de seu país, assim como o fundador da república, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

"Um burro morto deixa sua sela, um homem morto deixa sua obra", repete com frequência o chefe de Estado, multiplicando as referências ao sultão Mehmet II, que conquistou Constantinopla em 1453

Em seus comícios, emprega suas qualidades de orador, que em grande parte contribuíram para sua longevidade política, referindo-se a poemas nacionalistas e ao Alcorão para conquistar as multidões

Desafios Em 2013, explodiram grandes manifestações contra o governo, que foram brutalmente reprimidas

O movimento de contestação nasceu em 31 de maio no parque Gezi, quando a polícia reprimiu violentamente centenas de ecologistas que se opunham ao corte das árvores do parque

Os protestos se espalharam por todo o país voltado, principalmente, contra Erdogan, que era acusado de autoritarismo e de querer "islamizar" a sociedade turca

No final de 2013, seu poder ainda vacilou com um escândalo de corrupção envolvendo seu círculo mais próximo

No entanto, Erdogan denunciou um "complô" e ignorou em grande parte o caso. Mas, em 15 de julho de 2016, o presidente turco teve que enfrentar seu maior desafio

Um grupo do Exército realizou uma tentativa de golpe que deixa 250 mortos e causa transtorno na situação política da Turquia

Ancara acusa o clérigo Fethullah Gülen, que vive nos Estados Unidos, de ter estimulado o golpe, algo que ele nega

Em reação à tentativa de golpe, o governo turco ordenou expurgos de um alcance inédito contra os simpatizantes de Gülen, contra o movimento pró-curdo e os meios de comunicação

Mais de 140 mil pessoas foram demitidas ou suspensas, e mais de 70 mil foram detidas

For more infomation >> Erdogan é reeleito presidente da Turquia - Duration: 8:05.


Gemma Galgani a Temptation Island: il suo ruolo - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani a Temptation Island: il suo ruolo - Duration: 4:17.


✅ Fátima Bernardes explica exposição de namoro: 'Me apoderar do meu momento' - Duration: 3:11.

 Fátima Bernardes e o namorado, Túlio Gadêlha, sempre compartilham momentos juntos, como a torcida pelo Brasil na Copa, nas respectivas redes sociais

E, em entrevista ao jornal "O Globo" neste domingo (24), a global contou que a decisão de postar fotos com o advogado aconteceu de maneira natural

"Resolvi me apoderar do meu momento, e dizer o seguinte: o que quero mostrar da minha vida são essas fotos, nesses lugares

Você não vai me ver postando foto em restaurante, com um superprato. Vai me ver fazendo coisas que têm a ver com o que eu acredito ser a essência do que estou vivendo", contou a apresentadora do "Encontro", clicada com o pernambucano na casa-museu de Mestre Vitalino durante viagem ao estado natal do namorado

'Quando você está mal, não vai se interessar', opina  À publicação, Fátima comentou a declaração de Túlio em que negou ser o motivo do novo momento vivido por ela, sinalizando o machismo em tal perspectiva

"As pessoas diziam: você está tão mais bonita agora. Mas eu fiquei bem porque passei a olhar mais para mim

Esse processo foi muito anterior ao meu encontro com ele, em novembro. Por que não aconteceu nada em maio, quando nos conhecemos? Porque eu estava péssima em maio

Quando você está mal, não vai se interessar, nem se tornar interessante para alguém

Mas não há dúvida de que fiquei feliz. Quem não gosta de uma pessoa bacana a seu lado?", interrogou

Ela relembrou ainda uma questão trazida pelo namorado a ela: "Só dizem para você como eu estou te fazendo bem

E para mim? Ninguém vai me dizer como você me faz bem?".  Fátima opina sobre identificação: 'Acreditam na possibilidade de dar uma virada'  A jornalista falou ainda sobre o fato de ser considerada um ícone para muitas mulheres por conta do novo momento pessoal e profissional

"Não é nem que elas vão necessariamente encontrar uma pessoa, como eu encontrei, mas acreditam na possibilidade de retomar em algum momento as suas vidas, dar uma virada

E atribuem isso à minha virada profissional, associam a uma questão de coragem. Dizem coisas assim: você teve a coragem de buscar uma gravidez quando era difícil, teve a coragem de mudar o seu trabalho", disse Fátima

   (Por Marilise Gomes)  

For more infomation >> ✅ Fátima Bernardes explica exposição de namoro: 'Me apoderar do meu momento' - Duration: 3:11.





Cómo hacer una buena dieta para aliviar la migraña - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer una buena dieta para aliviar la migraña - Duration: 7:51.


Undercut Man Bun vs Full Man Bun - Man Bun Monthly Ep3 - Duration: 10:36.

which one's better the undercut man-bun

or the Full man bun we're about to

find out

hello everybody and welcome back to my

channel my name's Thomas if you're brand

new here and I make Style and hair related

videos every single week so that's your

kind of thing make sure you hit the

subscribe button and the little bell and

visit me every single Monday so yes this

is episode 3 and I wanted to just do a

little bit of a comparison between the

undercut man bun and the full man bun

one thing I have really noticed is the

full man bun

it seems to be 80% of people's goals

that are in the Facebook group so before

you enter the Facebook group that I have

hairstyles in action I asked you three

screening questions and I can't remember

the other two but the third one is what

is your overall goal with your hair and

I reckon 80% of the people that come

through that group say I'm going for a

full man bun and I just thought it

was really interesting so yeah that's

what gave birth to this topic and yeah

we're gonna dive into it today I'm just

gonna cover things like the things that

I liked about having the the

disconnected undercut man bun and things

that I like about having a full man bun

and also things that I don't like about

the two as well so if you're interested

in seeing that make sure you keep

watching alright let's get into it

okay I thought I'd start with the

undercut man bun first particularly

because I had this hairstyle first so

the things that I've really liked about

this is it gave my face a more masculine

look I have a quite an oval shaped face

right and when I do shave the sides it

kind of elongates it a little bit more

and it gives me more of a manly look not

saying that I can't look manly now with

this long hair but it was just something

that I definitely noticed and it

especially came through when I wore the

man braid and that was something that I

really liked about the haircut not that

I can't really like achieve a masculine

look with this long hair but yeah it was

quite unique and I liked it

another thing I really liked about the

disconnected undercut and man bun was

the less maintenance that it took to do

especially when straightening so

obviously having half the head of hair

it took half the time to do and it just

all round was a really easy hairstyle to

have so thumbs up in that department

another really awesome thing about this

disconnected undercut man bun was it was

so versatile I could get so much more

out of it rather than just a man bun

I remember like I put so many rabbits

out of my hat I put like the man bow do

you guys remember that one I also did

like this crazy hair net that I saw from

an mi a film clip and there was so many

of them I'll leave a card just up there

for you

it's in my video about ten looks one

hairstyle it was a really interesting

video and I think it's it's pulled a lot

of views actually so don't check that

out for the variety of this hairstyle

but yeah it was just magical I loved it

in terms of things that I didn't really

like about having the disconnected

undercut man bun was during the cold

seasons I've really felt it on my scalp

your feet and your head are two places

on your body where you really really

really feel the cold I remember being in

Canada in minus 40 degree weather it was

minus 40 can you like just imagine that

for a second my head would freeze and

also I didn't really go well equipped

with footwear so my head and my feet

were freezing and it just wasn't a good

time there just wasn't enough hair to go

around and yeah it really sucked and the

other thing I didn't like so much about

it either was I couldn't really wear it

out and wild and free and beautiful

because I fell like it looked really

funny I didn't wear a man Bob a couple

of times where I had dangling down by my

face and down at the back and from the

front it looked pretty good but as soon

as I would turn my head on the side it

kind of was really obvious that I was

missing all of this hair and it kind of

eliminated the whole idea of being able

to wear it all out like that I mean I

could do a side swoop provided it wasn't

a windy day but that was kind of limited

to that I couldn't really do much more

than then wear it out in that way I

guess and even that wasn't really that

foolproof because it would dangle over I

just didn't like it that much when I

wore it out so yeah that was a downside

right moving on to the full man bun

which is what we have now and we are

actually loving it put your hand up if

you've got a full man about and you'll

love it if you got a full man bun and

you know it clap your hands

yes that's me so moving into recent

times with this full man bun there have

been a few things that I've noticed that

I really like about having it one of

those things is also versatility so when

I thought I had versatility with the

undercut I was pretty much mistaken

there's so much more versatility with

something like this when you have more

hair obviously you can do more so in

terms of like the actual bun if you

watched episode 1 of this man bun

monthly series you'll know I had fifty

bazillion different types of man buns

that I could do with the fall I could do

like high medium low all had neat

variations all had messy variations and

it was just out the wazoo variety but on

of that as well with the extra length of

hair or the extra hair that I've had on

my head it's forced me to kind of think

out of the box a little bit more about

even more hairstyles that I could have

if you keep up to date with me you'll

know I posted a video just the other

week about ten looks with long hair it's

very similar to the one that I did with

the undercut ones but it's all about you

know my hand now as it is long and what

I've been doing with it and it just gets

so much more interesting in terms of

variety undercut with man-bun lots of

variety full man-bun tons of variety

like way more it's so cool especially if

you like playing with your hair like me

another thing I really like about the

full man bun is it's really on trend

right now I don't know if you guys have

been seeing it but I've been seeing them

everywhere and I did mention this just

before the most common answer for

people's hair goals in the Facebook

group is to grow a full man bun so I

know it's coming along and I think we're

gonna be seeing it a lot more lately if

you want to be up to date it's

definitely a hairstyle to go for and I

am so glad I have one now oh another

thing on the thumbs-up list for the full

man bun is when I let this out I can

actually wear it down now if I do my

hair if I put my products in correctly I

can control the buff and actually wear

it down wild and free that was one of

the hairstyles that I featured in my my

video with ten different looks on long

hair but yeah it's so cool to be able to

like actually wear it out and not have

that like I was just describing before

with the undercut one you don't see the

whole missing bit of hair now it looks

like a full head of hair and there's

just something about long flow and yes

give me life I just it just makes me

feel so good

other people with long hair will know

what I mean like do you have long hair

you know what I mean like hit the thumbs

up button if you know what I mean right

and on a final note for the things that

I'm really am loving about having a full

man one at the moment is this met this

might sound really corny as well but

this whole process of going from

undercut man bun to full man bun has

allowed me to bond with my audience like

I have never done before in my whole

time of being on YouTube I had no idea

by just growing my hair out I'd be able

to have an impact on so many people you

guys should see behind closed doors how

many messages I've had come in saying

Tom you've inspired me to grow my hair

out you've inspired me to go for this

hairstyle all of which I never even set

out to do that in the beginning so the

fact that I've been able to do that and

have an impact on people that way has

been phenomenal for me not only to like


something with people but I just can't

believe it it's just so out of out of

field for what I had imagined and I'm

really really grateful that I've been

able to achieve this the time I grew out

my hair and had a party with my

subscribers you know like it honestly is

it's the coolest thing ever and I'm so

so so happy that I've gone through with

it in the end and I can now make

constant content like this about man

buns and it's all gee I love it I love

you thank you so much for being here on

the downside of having a full man bun

there are a few things that I have

mentioned before I mentioned it in my QA

there's just like it takes so much

longer to do because you have more hair

you use so much more product so it's so

much more expensive and also the hair

fall that is one thing that is so much

more noticeable and so much more

alarming like I mean I know I've counted

my hair fall and I'm not I'm clearly not

losing any hair but it just freaks me

out every time I look at it in the

shower and I'm like oh what is going on

here do you guys notice more hair fall

as well as your hair's getting longer

it's freaking crazy

yeah they're my dislikes about it but

that it's not enough to deter me and I'm

still gonna be rocking this man bun

for I don't even know how long I just

want to keep it it's staying and overall

in conclusion I am definitely on Team

Fullman bun obviously because I'm

rocking it right now but if we go to the

roots of this I really think it depends

on where you're at with your hair style

and what you're wanting to achieve what

what do you want for yourself you know

like with the undercut man bun

I had actually rocked that for about

three years before I decided to do

something different with it and the time

that I'm at right now

yes I'm ready to move on from it I've

had my three years and that's why I've

decided to go team full man bun but you

might be in a totally opposite position

you might have had a full man bun for 3

years and now you want to change it up

and go to you know a disconnected on the

cup man bun or you might have never even

had any of them and you want to decide

what one you want you know it's all like

a guessing game if you are going for it

for the first time I would grow it all

out get your full man bun going see if

you like that because you can always

shave it off rather than get it back so

quick do you know what I mean so there's

just a strategy that you have to think

about it but I'm just hoping that these

series really help you kind of come to

that decision and just give you a little

bit more of an insight on what you could

be doing with your man bun because it's

the freakin

most awesome hairstyle that you could

have if by chance you are growing your

hair out to a man bun right now it

doesn't matter if it's an undercut man

bun or a full man bun whatever make sure

you join the Facebook group because in

there we do talk a lot of men ones we

talked long hair and it's just it's just

a good time okay I would encourage you

to come over and watch it and make sure

you hit the subscribe button and come

back for another episode of my member

monthly series I'm trying to get these

out on the third week of every month I'm

still deciding where the right time to

post is and your feedback on that would

be great too by the way if you guys have

any topics about man buns that you want

covered in this series please feel free

to leave a comment about it because I do

actually have a lot of different ideas

lined up for this

I'm not running short by any means but

if you have something that you wanted

covered I'm more than happy to throw it

in because if it just makes it more

exciting and you want to watch it I want

to make it okay and also for the first

24 hours of this video going live I will

be responding to every single comment

that comes in so if there's a thousand

comments I will be responding to one

thousand view and there's no joke about

it okay I will be down there for the

first 24 hours though you go outside the

24 hour period there's no guarantee

because I do have a life to make sure

you hit the subscribe button and come

back every single Monday I will be

posting again in one month's time about

more man-bun stuff so stay tuned for


and I'll see you next week for another

video okay see you later bye top knot

with short hair top knot haircut top not

undercut top knot men man bun hair

length man bun hairstyle man bun

hairstyles men bun hats men bun taper

man bun man bun braids man bun braids

man bun short hair

For more infomation >> Undercut Man Bun vs Full Man Bun - Man Bun Monthly Ep3 - Duration: 10:36.


▶ Vídeo: Sporting - Cinco momentos inesquecíveis de Sousa Cintra - Duration: 4:53.

Do vidro partido com uma garrafa de água às célebres frases "Você comprou o árbitro" ou Mark Knopfler? "É um bom jogador, mas o plantel está fechado"; da limusina branca aos despedimentos no ar

 A 23 de junho de 1989 o empresário José de Sousa Cintra assumia a presidência do Sporting, cargo que exerceu até 1995

Agora está de volta. Sousa Cintra foi nomeado para a presidência da SAD do clube, em substituição de Bruno de Carvalho, que foi destituído neste sábado

O anúncio foi feito neste domingo por Artur Torres Pereira, da Comissão de Gestão do clube

 A garrafa de água com que partiu o vidro do carro Sousa Cintra interrompeu a entrevista que dava à TSF para contar o que acabara de lhe acontecer

"Agora parti o vídeo aqui do meu carro, pá. Que granda porra. Estava a beber uma água

É preciso um gajo ser estúpido. É inacreditável. Como é que é possível eu fazer uma coisa destas? Pensei que tinha o vidro aberto

A janela estava fechada e parti o vidro." O jogo contra o Bolonha: "Você comprou o árbitro" A RTP filmou Sousa Cintra antes, durante e depois do jogo do Sporting com o Bolonha, nos quartos-de-final da Taça UEFA 1990/91

Vemo-lo a acender o charuto no carro, a conversar com jogadores no balneário, e a assistir ao jogo na bancada, sentado ao lado do presidente do Bolonha, a quem diz: "Pénalti, porra, pá

O árbitro está comprado. Você comprou o árbitro." Vemo-lo, já depois do jogo, que o Sporting venceu por dois golos, abraçado a Valentim Loureiro, a dizer: "Já estamos na final

É meu convidado de honra." Outro dos momentos-chave é quando o então presidente do Sporting está reunido com árbitros e, de pé perante uma mesa repleta, lança: "Estou muito feliz por ter conhecido os nossos árbitros

Para mim foi uma honra do car*lho e um prazer ter conhecido gente da vossa categoria

" Mark Knopfler? "É um bom jogador, mas o plantel está fechado." Estávamos em abril de 1992 e os Dire Straits preparavam-se para atuar no Estádio José Alvalade

Quando lhe perguntaram o que achava do guitarrista e vocalista da banda, Mark Knopfler, Sousa Cintra respondeu: "É um bom jogador, mas o plantel está fechado

" O episódio foi recordado por Rui Miguel Tovar no seu livro  Despedimentos no ar Depois de perderem por três bolas a zero com o Casino Salzburg, foi ainda no avião que o então presidente do Sporting despediu Bobby Robson, Manuel Fernandes e José Mourinho

Viria depois a contratar Carlos Queiroz. Jogadores numa limusina branca em campo Foi numa limusina branca que Paulo Sousa e Pacheco chegaram ao interior do estádio José Alvalade para serem apresentados oficialmente como jogadores do Sporting, durante o verão quente de 1993

Sousa Cintra foi buscá-los ao Benfica, então liderado por Jorge de Brito, clube com que os dois jogadores rescindiram contrato por terem os salários em atraso

Sousa Cintra ainda tentou levar também João Pinto, mas não conseguiu. 

For more infomation >> ▶ Vídeo: Sporting - Cinco momentos inesquecíveis de Sousa Cintra - Duration: 4:53.


First Ever Olympic Photo Finish | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 6:34.

The average human reaction time

is between two tenths and three tenths of a second.

The average reaction time of an Olympic athlete

is a bit quicker, not surprisingly.

But the fact is that, when you're using a stopwatch,

there will always be a small

but significant difference between

the moment the gun goes off and

the moment the thumb hits the button.

It's just human nature.

And yet it was the stopwatch -

this human-operated instrument, not-quite accurate -

that recorded Olympic events right up to the 1960s.

A moment of human distraction

could make a serious difference to the official results.

Nowadays, we take it for

granted that races are automatically

timed with precision, measured

to within a hundredth of a second,

sometimes a thousandth of a second.

So today, we're able to test the speed and reaction time

of the athletes, not the timekeepers.

There were other limitations to using stopwatches.

At the first Olympic Winter Games in 1924,

timing ski races over

long distances, at high altitude,

presented a real challenge.

The most sophisticated solution they could find

was to use two coordinated stopwatches -

one at the top and one at the bottom -

to record start times and finish times.

But with no telephones on the

mountain to communicate the data

from top to bottom, that meant

that the race would have to be completed

and the figures calculated

before anyone had any idea who had won.

Trying to think of the quickest way to get the information

from top to bottom, one timekeeper

came up with a creative solution.

So...this is your start time -

if you could give it to the timekeeper

at the bottom of the hill, that would be marvellous.

And ready, set, go.


Olympic timekeeping has come a long way since those days,

and one key piece of technology has vastly improved the science

of measuring victory -

the photo-finish.

The idea of using a camera to record the winner

was first developed in horse racing in the 1920s.

The photo-finish camera records

not the distance between the runners,

but the visual time in 50ths of a second.

In the real photo-finish box,

shutters over the windows transform it into a darkroom.

Into the developing tanks goes

the picture, which, if the judges

have disagreed, will settle the result beyond all argument.

And here's the finish,

30 seconds after the race is over.

Hard luck, chum, but the camera can't be wrong.

The photo-finish was first used

at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1932.

The men's 100m final would come down

to two American sprinters -

Eddie Tolan and Ralph Metcalfe.

A hundred-metre dash.

Yoshioka snaps off first and

that's Tolan sprinting to the front now.

He's ahead, Metcalfe a foot behind.

Now Tolan and Metcalfe seem even.

Can you tell who won?

Both were given the same time - 10.38 seconds,

using a stopwatch, of course.

The photo-finish eventually determined the correct winner.

Tolan wins. The world's record

of ten and three-tenths seconds.

The world's fastest humans.

Tolan first and Metcalfe second,

both of the United States,

and Arthur Jonath of Germany third.

But there was a snag.

Developing film was a complex art,

and it took a while in the darkroom.

A long while.

It was several hours later

before the timekeeper was able to

declare Eddie Tolan the winner.

He was deemed to have got his

entire body across the line first.

In more modern times, the winner is the first athlete

to cross the line

with any part of his or her body.

Judged by modern rules,

Metcalfe, not Tolan, would have won.

But those are human rules and human interpretations.

Another day of the Olympic Games

and there's no let-up in the game

competitions before huge crowds,

despite the London mist.

By the London 1948 Olympic Games,

the technology had moved on again.

Timekeepers managed to get the photo-finish result out

in less than 90 seconds -

quite an achievement in those days of pre-digital technology.

On their marks, set, and they're off.

with Dillard on the outside, getting away in front.

Now, as we watch the race in slow motion, left to right,

it's Dillard, Bailey,

McCorquodale, La Beach, Ewell and Patton.

Dillard still holds his lead,

with Ewell resolutely closing down.

At the tape, it's a photo-finish.

The winner was clear enough.

But the photo-finish was

required to award the bronze medal

and the silver medal.

Again, the photo-finish was really showing its worth.

Let's do our own photo-finish.

Yeah, let's do it.

Have I got something in my teeth?

Digital cameras today capture

images at 10,000 frames per second,

allowing instant photo-finish results.

No Olympic Games goes by

without several races coming down to

a nail-biting, thrilling -

but perfectly accurate - photo-finish.

For more infomation >> First Ever Olympic Photo Finish | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 6:34.


Navegando com Proteus, nº 2, Mato Alto, estuário do Guaíba, 2011. - Duration: 28:21.

For more infomation >> Navegando com Proteus, nº 2, Mato Alto, estuário do Guaíba, 2011. - Duration: 28:21.


11 Summery Styles to Buy from Lilly Pulitzer in Honor of #NationalWearYourLillyDay - Duration: 4:03.

Shop these amazingly colorful dresses, tees, swimsuits and accessories in celebration of the first day of summer and National Wear Your Lilly Day! Shop these amazingly colorful dresses, tees, swimsuits and accessories in celebration of the first day of summer and National Wear Your Lilly Day! More Our friends over at Lilly Pulitzer are celebrating the first official day of summer with National Wear Your Lilly Day! With over 0,000 posts on Instagram already, Lilly Pulitzer fans are showing off their favorite styles with the hashtags #NationalWearYourLillyDay and #NWYLD

Looking to join in on the fun? Just scroll through and shop of our favorite Lilly P picks including their newly launched graphic tee, swimsuits, S̻well water bottle collection and more! GRAPHIC TEE Colie Top, $55 STRING BIKINI TOP & SARONG BOTTOMS Bikini Top, $68 and Bottoms, $78 TASSEL EARRINGS Island Exotic Tassel Earrings, $48 GINGHAM PRINT DRESS Ardleigh Dress, $78 LILLY PULITZER X S'WELL WATER BOTTLE 25 oz

Swell Bottle, $54 UPF 50+ LEGGINGS UPF 50+ Luxletic 2″ High Rise Weekender Cropped Pant, $08 SEERSUCKER RUFFLE DRESS Devina Dress, $98 OFF THE SHOULDER SWIMSUIT Fiesta One Piece Swimsuit, $38 CORK CLUTCH St

Barts Cork Clutch, $98 PRINTED MAXI DRESS Juna Maxi Dress, $298 WRAP SANDALS Harbor Sandal, $28 Advertisement of 2 Our friends over at Lilly Pulitzer are celebrating the first official day of summer with National Wear Your Lilly Day! With over 0,000 posts on Instagram already, Lilly Pulitzer fans are showing off their favorite styles with the hashtags #NationalWearYourLillyDay and #NWYLD

Looking to join in on the fun? Just scroll through and shop of our favorite Lilly P picks including their newly launched graphic tee, swimsuits, S̻well water bottle collection and more! Advertisement 2 of 2 GRAPHIC TEE Colie Top, $55 3 of 2 STRING BIKINI TOP & SARONG BOTTOMS Bikini Top, $68 and Bottoms, $78 Advertisement 4 of 2 TASSEL EARRINGS Island Exotic Tassel Earrings, $48 Advertisement 5 of 2 GINGHAM PRINT DRESS Ardleigh Dress, $78 Advertisement 6 of 2 LILLY PULITZER X S'WELL WATER BOTTLE 25 oz

Swell Bottle, $54 Advertisement 7 of 2 UPF 50+ LEGGINGS UPF 50+ Luxletic 2″ High Rise Weekender Cropped Pant, $08 Advertisement 8 of 2 SEERSUCKER RUFFLE DRESS Devina Dress, $98 Advertisement 9 of 2 OFF THE SHOULDER SWIMSUIT Fiesta One Piece Swimsuit, $38 Advertisement 0 of 2 CORK CLUTCH St

Barts Cork Clutch, $98 Advertisement of 2 PRINTED MAXI DRESS Juna Maxi Dress, $298 Advertisement 2 of 2 WRAP SANDALS Harbor Sandal, $28 Tags E-Commerce Fashion Shopping News Shopping

For more infomation >> 11 Summery Styles to Buy from Lilly Pulitzer in Honor of #NationalWearYourLillyDay - Duration: 4:03.


🎓 Q+R #13 - À quoi servent les relatifs à la guitare basse ? - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> 🎓 Q+R #13 - À quoi servent les relatifs à la guitare basse ? - Duration: 7:36.


"Hills Of Carolina" by The Grays - Duration: 5:01.

I'm runnin out of reasons to stick around

So I'm packin up and runnin out of this town

I'll hit the road and go out where my soul feels at home

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

Since I was a young one there was a feeling

Something out of step in the darkest depths of a restless mind

I was goin nowhere runnin on empty

Just waitin for a pellet and a check in the maze of a ratrace life

With no success at any single thing I try

I know I'm slowly fallin out of line

I'm runnin out of reasons to stick around

So I'm packin up and I'm runnin out of town

I'll hit the road and go out where my soul feels at home

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

Small town New England to a Michigan city

I set up shop at a resting stop on a factory floor

New York's so crowded

Chicago's windy

Every brand new place wears the same old face as the one before

Even if I make a new life where I land

When the lord made me he made a ramblin man

I'm runnin out of reasons to stick around

So I'm packin up and I'm runnin out of town

I'll hit the road and go out where my soul feels at home

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

Where tobacco grows and corn mash whiskey don't stop flowing

And the grass is blue and sweeter even after southern rain

Winding roads that stretch from mountainside to coastal waters

Bearing tides of humble farmers who would one day stake their claim

America would be it's name

The wanderlust will it be tamed

In these Carolina hills forever framed

I'm runnin out of reasons to stick around

So I'm packin up and runnin out of town

I'll hit the road and go out where my soul feels at home

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

Those rolling rural hills of Carolina

The land that God she kissed with her own mouth

For more infomation >> "Hills Of Carolina" by The Grays - Duration: 5:01.


Дождь [Rain] (Official Music Video)

For more infomation >> Дождь [Rain] (Official Music Video)


Quality of Mind in 2min - Tip 4: 'Feelings don't need solutions' - Duration: 2:08.

- Hello, so day four, tip four.

So, today's tip is a continuation

from tip three from yesterday,

which was for you to explore

that our feelings are just a barometer

to tell you want your mind is creating,

and whether we need to buy into what our mind is creating,

and your feelings aren't telling you anything

about the outside world.

Now, today's tip is that feelings don't need solutions.

Now, most of us have been brought up

and normalized to believe

that if we have a feeling, particularly one we don't like,

then we need to either manage the outside world

to change that feeling,

or manage our own mind to change that feeling.

So, if we are stressed, or anxious,

angry, or upset, confused, or disappointed,

when we need to do something to

either the event and circumstances that created that,

or manage our thoughts in a particular way

so that we feel differently.

Now, actually, the mind doesn't work like that.

A feeling is just a feeling,

it's just a result of any thinking and thought

we have at a particular moment.

It doesn't need fixing.

And once we insightfully realize that at any moment,

then what we find is that either we're okay

feeling what we're feeling,

and it doesn't grip in such a way,

or that thought and mindset drops

and we see something different.

So, feelings don't need solutions.

And actually, paradoxically,

it's our desire the manage the outside world

to get different feelings,

or our desire to manage our internal thoughts

to get different feelings that prolongs a feeling

and makes it feel as bad as it does.

So, if we can just realize in any moment

that feelings are just what happens when you have thoughts

and they don't need fixing, they don't need solutions,

we insightfully then access a wider capacity of our mind,

and the feeling disappears.

Explore that today and see what you notice.

Look forward to seeing you on tip five.

For more infomation >> Quality of Mind in 2min - Tip 4: 'Feelings don't need solutions' - Duration: 2:08.


Don't Quit the Republican Party. Stay and Fight - Duration: 7:49.

Don't Quit the Republican Party. Stay and Fight

What is an anti–Donald Trump Republican to do? For Steve Schmidt — a top campaign aide to President George W. Bush's re-election campaign, Sen.

John McCain's 2008 presidential run and other top Republicans' races — the answer was to quit the party and become an independent.

While the decision to become an independent in these circumstances might make sense for a veteran Republican operative, it is the rise of independent voters among the general public that has contributed to some of the very problems independents often speak out against.

Schmidt's decision to go independent should not serve as an example to the average American voter.

In a series of Twitter posts, Schmidt announced on June 20, "29 years and nine months ago I registered to vote and became a member of The Republican Party which was founded in 1854 to oppose slavery and stand for the dignity of human life.

Today I renounce my membership in the Republican Party. It is fully the party of Trump." He then called for voters to support Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections in order to hold Trump accountable.

Schmidt's decision joins an array of other prominent Republicans who have become independents in response to Trump's rise, including Evan McMullin, the former GOP staffer who decided to run for president as an independent.

The rhetoric around independents is and has been quite bold and self-congratulatory.

It goes: Independents are citizens who have the moral courage to declare a pox on both houses, and the capacity for free-thinking that enables them to say "no" to the partisan options that have been presented to us; they chart their own path.

These independents supposedly hold the key to breaking through our bitter partisanship, our rampant tribalism.

But if independents were truly the key to fixing our politics, our politics would be just about fixed by now. In 2014, the percentage of Americans who identified as an Independent reached an all-time high of 43%.

Today, it sits at 42%. There are more Independents in this country than either Democrats or Republicans.

Fifty percent of Millennials are political independents. So why don't our politics reflect these free-thinking, morally pruned voters? A rise in independents should result in a politics more focused on common ground, not less — right?.

The problem is that politics is not an individualistic endeavor. Independents tend to spurn institutions generally, and then feel vindicated when our institutions do not reflect their views.

But while Independents think they are sending political parties a message, political parties do not hear them. This is not an abstract argument. It is a practical problem.

In many states, you cannot vote in a party's presidential primary unless you belong to that party. You cannot become a party delegate and vote on the party platform unless you belong to that party.

In essence, Independents actively minimize their impact on elections and party positions. When people leave (or fail to join) parties in protest, they starve those parties of ideological diversity, driving them to their extremes.

This reveals a deep flaw in how we think about political parties. The truth is: You join a political party to influence that party, not for that party to influence you.

Parties hold no actual control over the political convictions of their registered members.

When you register to join a political party, there is no fine print that reads, "I hereby sign over my conscience to every jot and tittle of my party's platform." There is no loyalty pledge involved.

Political parties certainly want you to think that's not the case — it's much easier for their officials to lead if they can convince you that they define who is a "real Democrat" or a "real Republican" and who is not.

But our political parties only have the power to change our views if we give it to them.

While Schmidt's personal ties to the Republican party may prevent him from joining the Democrats, who he has spent a lifetime trying to defeat, for those who do not work in politics and whose choice about party affiliation is not so woven in the fabric of their lives, becoming an Independent generally weakens your influence as a citizen.

If you look at the state of our political parties today, and agree with Schmidt that the Democratic Party is "the only party left in America that stands for what is right and decent and remains fidelitous to our Republic, objective truth, the rule of law and our Allies," you should become a Democrat.

If you believe one party more closely — not perfectly, but closely — aligns with your political views of what is best for your neighbors and your country, you should join that party.

If you believe your party, however flawed, is still the best option for the country, stay and fight for it — regardless of the immoral actions of its leader.

If after taking into consideration the structural impediments in our system for third parties, you still believe investing in a third party is the best choice, do that.

But to withdraw from our political parties is to unilaterally forego one of the primary levers we have of influencing the direction of our government. Party participation is not an identity statement.

It is a choice about how to use your power as a citizen.

What our political parties need most right now are people who will proudly identify as a member of that party, and are willing to advocate from within that party on issues of disagreement.

While it may be desirous to posture as separate from our political dysfunction — to try to absolve ourselves of blame for the state of our political parties — the sobering reality is that our politics are always a reflection of who we are.

Now is not the time to withdraw. Instead, it is in this time of profound political dysfunction, that we must commit to reclaim the best of our parties for the good of our nation.

For more infomation >> Don't Quit the Republican Party. Stay and Fight - Duration: 7:49.


Banksy a-t-il encore frappé a Paris? Ces œuvres laissent penser que oui - Duration: 2:45.

BANKSY - Le maître international du street art serait-il à Paris? Une série de nouvelles œuvres disséminées dans les rues de la capitale sème le doute, rapporte Telerama, ce samedi 23 juin

Au moins six pépites réalisées au pochoir noir ont été repérées et tout laisse à penser qu'elles ont été réalisées par la légende engagée Banksy

D'après Telerama, l'artiste anglais aurait commencé à disséminer ses oeuvres à partir du mercredi 20 juin, journée mondiale des réfugiés

Une façon d'attaquer ouvertement la politique du gouvernement français, en pleine crise migratoire? L'une des œuvres les plus marquantes se trouve sur un mur de porte de la Chapelle, non loin de l'ancien Centre de premier accueil des réfugiés: une petite fille recouvre une croix gammée avec un motif de tapisserie rose

Une couleur enfantine et candide, qui tente de masquer, en vain, le noir et l'agressivité du symbole nazi

"Dans sa thématique (les migrants), sa technique (pochoir noir), dans son habitude d'opposer l'innocence de l'enfance face à la barbarie de l'adulte,(

) beaucoup d'indices portent à croire que, même sans signature, l'œuvre est à attribuer à Banksy", note Telerama

Un peu plus loin, dans le 19eme arrondissement, sur l'avenue de Flandres, l'artiste a détourné un célèbre tableau de Jacques-Louis David, "Bonaparte franchissant le Grand-Saint-Bernard"

Enfin, ici, le pochoir dérangeant d'un chien et d'un homme. Ce dernier lui tend un os, celui de la patte qu'il a lui-même sectionné

Pour les amoureux de street art: bonne chasse aux trésors. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> Banksy a-t-il encore frappé a Paris? Ces œuvres laissent penser que oui - Duration: 2:45.


本田が同点弾も決勝T進出持ち越しに「本音を言えば今日決めたかった - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> 本田が同点弾も決勝T進出持ち越しに「本音を言えば今日決めたかった - Duration: 2:09.


FRENCH VS BRITISH - Duration: 3:13.

Hi, how are you ?

Fine, thanks, but we are a bit late, let's go !

So, did you hear about the new strike ?

Don't tell me about it, I missed my train because of it the other day, I'm so tired of it !!

Me too !

I am sorry but I must go, I have a bunch of things to do ! But let's make this another time soon ?

Sure, sure, no worries ! Talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> FRENCH VS BRITISH - Duration: 3:13.


Observers Agree That Trump's Mental State Is Declining Rapidly - Duration: 4:09.

A great new report came out in the Washington Post this week by Ashley Parker who talked

about the fact that Donald Trump's behavior and his frequency in lying has kind of gone

off the rails in about the last month or two.

Ashley Parker is actually 100% right about that.

Donald Trump has always been a liar.

In fact, according to the fact checkers there at the Washington Post, he's still lying an

average of 6.5 times per day over his entire administration, which has been 497 days.

Almost 500 days, basically.

Anyway, in the last few weeks alone, the frequency with which he lies has grown exponentially.

A week ago, Friday, he lied 19 times before noon, Eastern.

19 times in one morning, on one day.


That's the question Ashley Parker was asking about this, is why?

Why are the lies increasing?

Why is the behavior getting weirder?

Hell, we saw this week, he's hugging flags, he's accusing Canadians of smuggling shoes,

he's lying about his family separation policy constantly.

The reason is because these investigations that are going on are starting to freak him


Another possible reason is because John Kelly's given up.

New reports earlier this week said John Kelly just says, "I don't care anymore.

Do whatever you want, even if it leads to your own impeachment."

There is nobody looking over Donald Trump's shoulder anymore.

Hope Hicks is gone.

She was his closest confidante.

She was his best friend in the White House.

Ivanka Trump has gone MIA ever since she got slammed for sharing that picture of her and

her child on Twitter while staying silent about the administration's family separation

policies, so she's disappeared.

Jared Kushner's fighting off five different investigations.

Scott Pruitt's fighting off more than 12 different investigations.

So, Trump has no one except for Fox News.

One thing we've noticed as Trump's behavior has gotten more psychotic is that so has Fox


Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, all of them within the last week were sitting

there telling us things that everybody, including their audience, was commenting on Twitter

saying, "This is not true.

You're absolutely lying about all of this."

Tucker said don't ever trust anything you hear in a media outlet that's not Fox.

Sean Hannity said the IG report shows that Hillary Clinton should be in jail even though

it said the exact opposite.

Laura Ingraham said that these detention facilities, these internment camps, are basically just

summer camps for these little kids.

Fox News gets crazier, Donald Trump gets crazier, and the country just sits back in horror as

we realize that our president's mental stability is on a very rapid decline, and it's been

over a year since psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health experts warned us about Donald

Trump's mental state and how dangerous it was.

Here we are, one year later, watching in horror as all of their predictions have come true.

He is freaked out about Mueller investigation, he's freaked out about Michael Cohen flipping

on him, he's freaked out because he has no friends, and no allies, and no one to reign

him in, so he relies on Fox News.

So, he gets crazier, and they have to up it, and they get crazier.

Again, we are the ones who have to sit here and watch this freak show continue to destroy

this country.

For more infomation >> Observers Agree That Trump's Mental State Is Declining Rapidly - Duration: 4:09.


Top 10 Most Requested Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Characters - Duration: 5:07.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Gaming, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Today we'll be talking about the most requested Smash Bros Characters out there.

Obviously, there isn't, like, to check out, so, I found a poll on the smash

bros subreddit that got over 6500 votes.

That seems like as good a place as any to see what Smash fans are asking for!

So let's go over the 10 characters who received the most votes, and hopefully, they'll be

in the upcoming Smash game for the Switch.

If you enjoy this video, let us know by throwing us a thumbs up down below.

And if you want more, check out our video on the Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer!

But before you do that, get ready, it's time for the Top 10 Most Requested Smash Bros


Number 10: Decidueye from Pokemon.

This one definitely surprised me the most on this list, but then again I'm not exactly

up to date on my Pokemon.

Haven't played since White.

But as the most popular starter pokemon in the game, I guess it makes sense that people

would be rooting for Decidueye to join the ranks of Smash Bros.

It could be kind of like Pit, with the flight and arrow shooting and everything.

I definitely think it has a chance.

Number 9: Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

Sora is the protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts games, the games best known as "The ones with

the key sword and Mickey Mouse."

And Sora was just made to be in smash bros.

He has a unique weapon with some great possibilities for smash attacks.

Plus his various spells like Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder, could all be used to make a fun

and interesting Smash character.

Number 8: Rex from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

I was kinda surprised to see him in the top 10, but the star of this Action RPG game would

be a pretty great candidate for Smash.

He wields a number of different weapons in the game, and has the ability to learn a variety

of special moves called "Arts".

With so many different weapons and arts to choose from, you could get a really dynamic


You could even do a Pokemon Trainer kinda thing, and have him switch weapons to open

up new skills.

I think that'd be really cool.

Number 7: Bandana Dee from Kirby.

Bandana Dee was first seen in Kirby Super Star, and as time went by he went from being

a zero to a hero.

Just like that!

It would be neat to have Dedede's right-hand man in the game, and he could be a pretty

decent addition to the game.

The only problem is, he's a bit of a boring character without many known traits, so I

personally think it'd be better to throw in a more unique character.

Number 6: Isaac from Golden Sun.

Lots of human characters on this list.


Anyway, Isaac is the star of the Golden Sun games.

He's a Venus Adept who leads the party along with their adventures.

The cool thing about Isaac is that you can choose a bunch of different classes in the

game, like Squire, Seer, or Samurai.

This gives him a bunch of different kinds of abilities, which would let him have cool

melee and ranged attacks in Smash.

He even made an appearance in Brawl, and although he wasn't playable then, they're probably

thinking about it.

And clearly, people are into the idea!

Number 5: Crash Bandicoot.

From, Crash Bandicoot, obviously.

Crash is one character I've seen so many people beg for in smash, to the point where

I'm surprised he's only number 5.

He's a super well-known character, tons of games, people love him, he's a great


And in terms of moveset, it would be pretty darn easy to sort him out.

You could use various moves from his games to take up most of his abilities, like his

belly flop, his double jump, and of course, lots and lots of spinning.

Really hope he's in it, and apparently, so does Activision, since they said as much

in a live stream.

Number 4: King K. Ruel from Donkey Kong.

This is definitely one that I think NEEDS to be in the game.

K. Ruel has been shafted way too much in Smash Bros.

Fox has Wolf, Link has Ganondorf, Mario has Wario AND Bowser… but no villain for DK.

Just stupid Diddy.

Even though he's been there since the first game.

That just won't fly.

Plus, the game could really use some more big characters, and K. Ruel would fit that

bill perfectly.

Get him on there.

Number 3: Banjo and Kazooie.

From, you guessed it, Banjo Kazooie!

For those who don't know, Banjo and Kazooie were two protagonists working together in

the game, Banjo being the bear and Kazooie being the bird in his backpack.

Of course, this would make for a really interesting character, since attacks could come from either

Banjo, or Kazooie, or even both together.

I actually heard some rumors that Banjo almost made it into the original Smash game, which

is such a bummer.

I'd kick Nes or Jigglypuff out for Banjo any day, but I guess I'll settle for him

in the new game.

Number 2: Shovel Knight, from Shovel Knight.

All these games named after the main character are messing with my list!

Shovel Knight is among the newest characters on this list, with his game being released

just a few years ago in 2014, which is pretty cool.

And it's even cooler that Shovel Knight was a crowd-funded indie game, and yet the

character is one of the top choices for Smash.

Of course, the shovel would give him a unique playstyle, and could even lend itself to some

really interesting abilities, so I think he'd be a great choice.

Number 1: Waluigi, from Mario.

Waluigi was first seen in Mario Tennis, and since then has become a pretty darn popular

villain in the Mario series.

He's become something of a meme in the smash bros community, with many people rooting for

him to be in the new game.

Some are being sincere, and some are being ironic, but the people clearly want Waluigi.

Personally he's my bae because I loved using him in the Mario Party 3 Duel Mode, but I

think he'd fit right into Smash Bros.

Just give the man a tennis racket and you're good!

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Gaming for more videos!

Let me know if you agree with any of these, or if your favourite character was left off

the list!

And as always, check out our recently uploaded playlist if you've fallen behind on your

gaming vids!

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 Gaming.

Later gamers!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Requested Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Characters - Duration: 5:07.


The Great Mayo Throwdown ~ Name Brand Mayo Taste Test ~ Rick's Tips - Duration: 4:24.

Okay, so I decided to have a BLT for lunch here today and I got to be honest with you guys

I like miracle my BLT. That's what I grew up with

I said I'm used to this what I like, but we're out of Miracle Whip

So I tease mayonnaise not everybody that the only version of mayonnaise nowadays so we decided to pick some up see who's got the best

Ones which one tastes the best. Is there a difference. So let's go see what didn't find out

Okay now or do we're just gonna test them they major four ones here for us in the South Dukes is a big

big one down here

It's very popular down here

Of course and I have craft a big one and then Hines has coming out with their own their own version now

That would give it a try and we use Homans in our house a lot

That's why that jars all mingle because it comes on in and out of the fridge so much

I'm joined here with my sidekick and I better have Noreen

And the first thing we do is make some observations of the difference between the four

We notice right away how the craft is really white

Whereas the other three or more yellow and then the other thing we notice is that Hines is really creamy. Just

Feels on the spoon when you stir it. It feels really creamy, and it feels thick

Where is the craft it doesn't really feel thick at all. It just it's billowy. It's almost airy and

Not as thick as the other three, but the Hines is the thickest hm and to me the second thickest is the Dux

Hellmann's is only real mayonnaise. It says it right on the bottom

It says it's real. I mean this says it's real right here. Okay. This is it's real

Yeah, they do and this says its we all say they're real mayonnaise is who's the real man?

I don't know why that means I know right

What does real mean does it mean it's made with real eggs

Because there are some mayonnaise on the Shelf today that are vegan so they have no eggs in them at all

So they're really just oil and stabilizers

And thickeners what-have-you. So yes, they're all real because they're right here in front of you true. Okay

Now we're gonna go turn our backs. Now, we're gonna have one of our daughters mix these up for us. See who tasted it

Okay, so they're giving taste here example number ones. It's salty. It's creamy. It's going to it it has a little bit

specimen number two, that's really tangy, you know, they chose very similar to those two, but I get up there's a really

Acrid vinegar in the back. It's like it's bitter almost in the back. I don't know about that

I don't know if I like that one

Okay, number three collect up the best so far no one's tangy, but it's mild and I get no back taste at all

Mm-hmm. This one almost had an acrid fishy back taste. I don't know

Hmm why I'm getting that but okay and both my girls detest mani Wow now I did dissolves in your mouth

It almost lit me immediately liquefied. It has no anxiousness to it at all

It's like it's like and it again that has a bad taste to me

It finishes the palate with something weird. You said you like this one the best. Yeah

Well, that's the one let's save this one for last because you said you liked that one the best. Yeah this one. Oh

Yeah, we knew this one is craft

So that one goes here. I think we both like this to least. Yeah, I agree

This one is the Heinz this is the one I said had a weird back taste and a very vinegar fishiness to it

Okay. This one is Hellmann's Wow

I'm gonna be really surprised if dupes is the one you like the best and this is the one you said

You liked the best. No, but you do it's just deuce. Mm-hmm. They're all very similar in flavor just subtle differences

There are subtle and the the craft is very light and very like you said it's very light and airy

It pretty much liquify as soon as they hit your tongue. It's true

So I guess you'll be making your sandwich with the dates today Luc's it is alright then

Okay, so dukes it is and maybe a nice BLT here

I'm going to enjoy it now and I hope we talk to you something here today

Which mayonnaise do you like best?

You may be surprised if you get a taste test tomorrow

So I'm gonna go enjoy my sandwich now and hope to see you say guys next week

For more infomation >> The Great Mayo Throwdown ~ Name Brand Mayo Taste Test ~ Rick's Tips - Duration: 4:24.


She Found This Sick Pup Curled Up On Her Porch But Now They Can See The Creature's Beautiful Face - Duration: 7:49.

when little princess was found lying curled up in a ball it was impossible to

even tell what kind of animal she was assuming that the pile of fur was a

little puppy though her rescuer rang the local animal services who were shocked

by what they found princess was first discovered in July of 2016 by Sharon

Bertos II who found the Ale cowering behind a vase on the front step of her

home seemingly unable to move princess stayed there for four hours my heart

just ached for her toes II wrote on Facebook so she alerted the city of

fulsome Animal Services and rescuers arrived on scene in a matter of hours

only then however did Bertos II learn what she thought was a sick little puppy

wasn't actually a dog at all even the rescuers were shocked by what they found

but they went ahead with their assistance nonetheless they even named

the animal princess she had such soft eyes that relayed the message of help me

if you can said Sidney Walden officer at city of false and animal services at

first this was thought to be an old very sick dog upon taking a better look it's

really a young coyote with a really bad case of mange explained the city's

Animal Services Department on Facebook and while the Animal Services Department

doesn't itself normally deal with coyotes it made an exception for

princess this one was taken because she was right by a front door to a house and

was not wanting to leave the page post continued on top of her severe mange

moreover poor princess was severely dehydrated Walden and her team therefore

muzzled the young coyote and gave her a subcutaneous injection of fluids as an

emergency treatment they then drove her to the Gold County Wildlife Rescue in

Loomis where princess would be in good hands indeed it was the perfect

temporary home as the nonprofit organization has experience with

restoring to health and releasing wounded and orphaned wild animals upon

arrival at Gold country's wildlife intake center this young female coyote

was given rehydration fluids and medications for sarcoptic mange and

itching Sally sue Stein of Gold Country Wildlife Rescue told the dodo in July of

2016 and although the center has over 20

years experience in wildlife rehabilitation the staff there were

still shocked by princes estate she's in a very fragile condition and suffering

one of the worst cases of mange that we've ever seen her skin is very dry and

cracked and she's extremely weak but we're doing all that we can for this

sweet canine the rescue center reported on its facebook page at the time

in addition princess was given a soothing bath to remove some of the dead

skin from her fur the next morning we were pleased to see that she drank all

the water and special diet food we'd left with her overnight she started

scratching less and eating more Stine told the dodo as the days passed then

princess began to resemble a coyote once again her mange disappeared to reveal a

shiny grey coat and her gorgeous green eyes began to Sparkle coyotes are native

to the United States and are closely related to wolves but due to their loss

of habitat they've been forced to live side-by-side with humans in recent years

as a result they're often seen as a nuisance animal and a threat to small

backyard pets that's because they're frequently found lurking in residential

properties where trash cans offer free meals additionally they've been known to

attack or kill small pets left outside consequently coyotes are seen as pests

and eliminated it's estimated moreover that humans are killing half a million

of the animals a year in the u.s. perhaps not surprisingly then the

Wildlife Rescue received some backlash for taking the Elin coyote under its

wing if you read the comments on our Facebook page some people are saying why

would you release something that's going to eat cats just shoot it Stein said to

media in July 2016 moreover for every hater princess had at least twice as

many supporters indeed although she still had a very long way to go on the

road to recovery princess nonetheless found love and a

legion of fans thanks to her beautiful face oh my gosh though you can see how

cute she is in spite of it all I hope she's okay gosht one Facebook user on a

post featuring a photo of Princess being treated by gold country wildlife rescue

meanwhile even princess's original Discoverer couldn't resist checking up

on the little coyote I can't thank you enough for taking care

of her Berto Zi wrote and replied to another of gold country wildlife rescues

Facebook posts please keep us updated on our progress

she holds a very special place in our hearts naturally it was expected that

princess would need to stay at gold country wildlife rescue for a few months

as she recovered from her various ailments and then it was hoped that when

the time was right the coyote would be released back into the wild Stine

however gave all princess's fans some positive news while speaking to the dodo

she's now back on a natural diet gaining weight and showing improvement in her

skin we feel confident that she's on the road to a full recovery and no one was

more elated by princess's progress than her doorstep discover her tozi she looks

so much better than she did when I first found her on my front porch a month ago

Berto Zi said to comment on an august 26 photo that the rescue center posted a

princess on facebook she looks like she's twice the size she was thank you

so much ji cwr for taking such good care of her interestingly though while the

critter had been nicknamed princess when she was first found the staff at gold

country wildlife rescue didn't refer to her by any name when around her that's

because they wanted to treat the coyote as the wild animal she really was still

that didn't mean they didn't fall in love with her regardless I feel like we

can help and then we can put them back out in the wild Stine added to the dodo

I have to tell you those release days I'm tearing up thinking about them we

send them back we don't know what's going to happen to them but we give them

a second chance that's all we can do after a while then princess was

relocated to the Sierra wildlife rescue where she'd be able to interact with

other coyotes indeed she was placed in a pen with two other coyotes of similar

age who immediately formed a pact with her then in September of 2016

princess and her new friends were released back into the wild

and with a thick full coat of fur the now magnificent animal looked almost

unrecognizable from the frightened hungry thing that Burt Ozzy had found on

her doorstep indeed princes had clearly gained a lot

of weight and was seen sporting a wonderful red and brown coat with love

and care the little scruff ball had managed to turn into a truly majestic

canine and the transformation didn't go

unnoticed by her fans who gushed that she was beautiful yesterday we had the

pleasure of releasing three coyotes that had been rehabbing they were released in

a beautiful area with abundant space water and game read a Facebook post

documenting the Coyotes release the release went flawlessly and the Coyotes

were obviously very happy to be free again the post continued the first pic

show them in our cage at our home and then the later pics show the release

according to gold country wildlife rescue the Coyotes were released as

close to the places where they'd been found as possible and though they'll

start out their lives as a pack it's unlikely that the threesome will stick

together for long after all coyotes prefer to hunt alone or in pairs images

from the release day meanwhile document these shared joy surrounding the

occasion indeed the three coyotes can be seen leaping and bounding through the

grass and it could very well be that this was the healthiest they had ever

been in their lives and while is becoming more and more difficult for

coyotes in urban areas princess's story shows that love can be found just around

the corner thanks to Sharon Burt Ozzy Cindy Walden and the rest of her

rescuers princess is now healthy happy and free I hope you liked this video if

so please hit the subscribe button and click on the bell icon to make sure you

never miss a video from our Channel

For more infomation >> She Found This Sick Pup Curled Up On Her Porch But Now They Can See The Creature's Beautiful Face - Duration: 7:49.


Zlatan Ibrahimovic told to DELETE tweet posted hours before Sweden World Cup clash - Duration: 3:03.

 Ibrahimovic, 36, retired from Sweden duty in 2016 following the European Championships after scoring 62 goals in 116 appearances

 He has flown into Russia with Mino Raiola to watch the World Cup, however, and ahead of his country's opener he posted a video of himself dancing in the Swedish colours

 Alongside the clip he wrote: "#letsgo #letthegamesbegin #wearethebest." WHY IS ZLATAN IBRAHIMOVIC NOT PLAYING IN THE WORLD CUP? REASON REVEALED But it went down badly with some of his followers who demanded him to get rid of the cringe-worthy footage

 "DELETE charisma -10000," wrote one. "Delete. Now." added another. "What the f**k?," replied a fellow fan

Another added: "Cringe AF." But others found it hilarious and stuck up for their hero

"I love you even when you are ridiculous," replied one. "What is wrong with all of you? Zlatan is the best thing that happened to swedish football, and while he was playing you all adored him

And now? Have some respect, and if all you can come up with is "you are old nobody cares" Then please dont write at all

It's embaressing," added another. Sweden head coach Janne Andersson yesterday insisted Ibrahimovic has not had any influence on the team's preparations for their World Cup opener with South Korea

 LA Galaxy striker Ibrahimovic retired from international football after Euro 2016, but hinted at a possible return for this year's finals in Russia "I miss the national team

If I want, I do it. I want to feel I can deliver a good performance," he said. "We'll see, it's a tough question

I want to feel that I can perform and give back. I don't want to come just because I'm somebody

The door isn't closed for anything." However, it turned out to be merely a protracted commercial campaign

 Ibrahimovic has flown out to Russia where he is working for card company VISA. He tweeted a picture of himself with super agent Mino Raiola last week and said: "Now the World Cup can officially begin #minoraiola


For more infomation >> Zlatan Ibrahimovic told to DELETE tweet posted hours before Sweden World Cup clash - Duration: 3:03.


😶Była Chłodna//meme (read desc)😶 - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> 😶Była Chłodna//meme (read desc)😶 - Duration: 0:26.


FORTNITE - RAP (Musique et prod. BROLO) - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> FORTNITE - RAP (Musique et prod. BROLO) - Duration: 2:50.


Quality of Mind in 2 mins - Tip 8: Our ability to create 'invisible lids' - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Quality of Mind in 2 mins - Tip 8: Our ability to create 'invisible lids' - Duration: 2:11.


The greatest gift you can give yourself | Play music - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> The greatest gift you can give yourself | Play music - Duration: 2:45.


Zlatan Ibrahimovic: Henrik Larsson reveals why Sweden icon is NOT in World Cup team - Duration: 2:05.

 Ibrahimovic is in Russia supporting Sweden but has not been selected for the squad

 That is despite the striker still being regarded as a dangerous goal-getter in club football

 This is the first time since 2000 that Sweden have come to a major competition without Zlatan Ibrahimovic in their ranks

 And his former strike partner Larsson has given some insight into why he isn't playing under manager Janne Andersson

 "He never called the coach," Larsson said of the ex-Manchester United star on ITV

 "That's what the coach said.  "When he took over, Zlatan announced his retirement

 "He said 'if he wants to come back, he has to give me a call'. "Zlatan never called him and that's why he's not here

" Ibrahimovic quit international football after a disastrous Euro 2016 that saw Sweden crash out of the tournament at the group stage

SWEDEN VS SOUTH KOREA LIVE They lost two of their three matches and scored just one goal

 Ibrahimovic moved to United that summer as Andersson became Sweden head coach and the forward preferred to focus on his club career over internationals

 A serious knee injury ruined his second campaign at United and in March this year joined MLS side LA Galaxy

For more infomation >> Zlatan Ibrahimovic: Henrik Larsson reveals why Sweden icon is NOT in World Cup team - Duration: 2:05.


Doctor Accused of Wife's Murder-for-Hire Didn't Want Her to 'Take Half of His Empire': Daughter - Ne - Duration: 4:11.

 James "Jim" Kauffman — a well-known New Jersey endocrinologist who killed himself six months ago while in jail awaiting trial for allegedly hiring someone to murder his wife — was a controlling spouse who repeatedly threatened his wife before her slaying in their home, according to the victim's daughter

 One of Kauffman's favorite sayings may have been a hint about his future plans, April Kauffman's daughter, Kim Pack, says in an interview on Friday's 20/20

 "He had made it clear to her that she wasn't going to divorce him and take half of his empire — that was his famous words," Pack says in an exclusive clip from the episode, above

 Kauffman, 68, was indicted along with seven other people in the shooting death of 47-year-old April, a radio host

 Authorities have alleged she was killed in 2012 after she threatened to expose a drug distribution ring that her husband ran with the Pagan's Motorcycle Club

 April's body was found on May 10, 2012, in her Linwood, New Jersey, home. When Pack arrived on the scene, she accused Jim of being involved, according to ABC

But Jim had an alibi.  Five years later, however, authorities accused him of involvement in his wife's killing

He was formally charged in her case in January and killed himself in his jail cell later that month

 Speaking to 20/20, Pack discusses her mother's complicated relationship with Jim as well as his unusual behavior following her death — including auctioning off her personal items and remarrying 15 months later

 "I would be talking to my mom and he would come and turn the lights off and walk out of the room," Pack explains, adding that Jim controlled her mother's access to money and called occasionally when she was out, wanting to know her whereabouts and who was around her

 April hosted a popular program on WIBG, a radio station broadcasting out of Ocean City, New Jersey

 Pack says that in the months before her mother died, she was preparing herself to leave Jim

 Jim told police he had nothing to do with his wife's death, but prosecutors suspected he wanted her killed because she was planning to divorce him and expose his alleged connection to the drug ring

 According to prosecutors, April's homicide was planned over the previous year.  "It was determined that a long term alliance between members of the Pagan Outlaw Motorcycle Gang and former doctor, James Kauffman, was created for mutual financial gain through the use of Kauffman's medical practice for illegal drug distribution which culminated on May 10, 2012 with the 'murder for hire' of April Kauffman," prosecutors have alleged

 James objected to "a favorable divorce settlement" and April had threatened "to spend as much money as she could until a divorce was granted," prosecutors said

 April had said she would allegedly "expose the fraudulent and unlawful practices taking place" at her husband's medical office, according to authorities — specificallyJim's participation in the larger drug distribution network

 She did not fear for her life, according to her daughter.  Pack says her mother "had made it clear over the years that he threatened to kill her several times but would always follow that up with, 'But he doesn't have the guts to do it

' And [she] always came back to making you feel like it was okay and they were just words

"  20/20 airs Friday (10 p.m.) ET on ABC. Tags Crime Exclusive Crime News Exclusive News

For more infomation >> Doctor Accused of Wife's Murder-for-Hire Didn't Want Her to 'Take Half of His Empire': Daughter - Ne - Duration: 4:11.


MY BIRTHDAY AND #HonorXJunejo - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> MY BIRTHDAY AND #HonorXJunejo - Duration: 6:52.


Spain train at their ahead of final Group B game against Morocco - Duration: 4:30.

trained at the Mirnyi stadium in Kaliningrad on Sunday afternoon ahead of their final Group B game against Morocco

Fernando Hierro added the final touches to his preparations ahead of Monday's clash by putting his stars through their paces on a wet day in

There seemed to be an added focus on ball-related exercises after struggled to beat , only scoring the one goal earlier this week

 Diego Costa was snapped lining up a shot on goal during a shooting drill while Isco was spotted messing about with his team-mate Lucas Vazquez

The two Real Madrid team-mates were spotted getting to grips with each other but all in good spirit as they took part in training

 The mood in the camp appeared to be high with several players pictured laughing and smiling during Sunday's session

A win against Morocco could see them top the group ahead of Portugal, depending on their result against

Despite the African side already being eliminated, Hierro insisted his side can take nothing for granted on Monday

  After a topsy-turvy 3-3 draw with Portugal in their opening Group B game, pulled off a narrow 1-0 win over

Hierro, who took over on the eve of the finals following the sacking of Real Madrid-bound manager Julen Lopetegui, has all but guided the 2010 winners into the knockout stages

A surprise defeat to Morocco could yet see them eliminated and the former captain is keen for focus to remain in place in Kaliningrad on Monday

'Our obligation is to play a good game, to get three points and if we can be at the head of the group -even better,' he said at his pre-match press conference

'We know it is going to be a tough match, always when you play against teams who are eliminated you don't know what they are going to do - it could be a big surprise

'We can't take anything for granted, we have to use our skills and our qualities and that is what is most important going into the match

'We know that Morocco are an excellent team, they reached the finals of a after not being here for many years

'They lost their first match in the last minute with an own goal and had an excellent game against Portugal - we are talking about a tough nut to crack

'If you have qualified for a we know they are going to be a tough rival, sometimes people may relax in their third match but we can't afford that, we have to be very much awake and with our eyes open

For more infomation >> Spain train at their ahead of final Group B game against Morocco - Duration: 4:30.


Celebrities Who Treat Their Significant Others Like Trash - Duration: 7:38.

Love isn't easy, but it's a whole lot harder when your significant other treats you like


Though Hollywood relationships are notoriously short-lived, some stars seem to be particularly

terrible partners.

From cyberbullying to physical altercations, there are hundreds of ways to hurt the one

you love - and even more if you've got money.

Not every celebrity bad boy or girl stays that way, though.

Some regretful partners actually do change.

Either way, if the reports are true, these celebrities are notoriously inconsiderate

partners that you wouldn't want to date.

Tom Cruise

Most of us remember Tom Cruise's relationships by their fairy-tale moments, like his famous

movies alongside Nicole Kidman, or that time he jumped on Oprah's couch to exuberantly

proclaim his love for Katie Holmes.

What we don't always remember are how those love stories played out.

Amidst his growing dedication to Scientology in 2001, Cruise abruptly filed for divorce

from Kidman after 10 years of marriage.

Though Kidman admitted to People magazine it was a, quote, "shock to [her] system,"

she did quip to David Letterman,

"Well I can wear heels now."


His relationship with Katie Holmes, which was long-rumored to be a contract marriage,

may have been even more controlling.

According to the Mirror, Holmes had to follow a long list of bizarre marriage rules, including

complete silence during labor.

She allegedly wasn't allowed to utter a single peep while delivering Suri, and according

to some reports, she feared for her safety after filing for divorce because of the church.


Brad Pitt

While Brad Pitt has certainly had some tumultuous relationships, if you ask his ex-wives, he

seems to be the problem.

In the early 2000s, Pitt's divorce from Jennifer Aniston prompted the press to essentially

frame the actress as the world's saddest lady for the rest of her career.

What happened?

Pitt supposedly had an emotional affair with co-star Angelina Jolie on the set of Mr. and

Mrs. Smith.

The new lovers claimed they took things to the next level only after his split with Aniston.

Before his divorce from Aniston was finalized, Pitt posed for an epic W magazine photo shoot

with Jolie.

The piece, titled "Domestic Bliss," cast the two supposed "friends" as a sexy husband and

wife with kids.

In response to the spread, Aniston told Vanity Fair that Pitt has, quote, "a sensitivity

chip that's missing."

As for Brangelina, those two appeared to have it good for nearly a decade, but in 2016,

they went through an explosive breakup and nasty custody battle.

Pitt told GQ that substance abuse was at the root of the "self-inflicted" collapse of his

relationship with Jolie, saying,

"I can't remember a day since I got out of college when I wasn't boozing or had a spliff,

or something."

Still, Pitt may have turned things around, since he has now reportedly embarked on a

cleaner lifestyle.

Adam Levine

He may have a voice that's sweet as sugar, but the way Adam Levine's acted in past relationships

is anything but.

Levine allegedly dumped his supermodel girlfriend Nina Agdal by completely ghosting her.

According to Us Weekly, he stopped answering her calls, then eventually informed her of

his engagement to on-and-off flame and fellow model Behati Prinsloo through a text message.

According to the Daily Beast, Levine allegedly also dumped Jessica Simpson with a text message.

He embarrassed cocktail waitress Rebecca Ginos by telling Howard Stern intimate details of

their relationship, and he reportedly mortified Victoria's Secret model Anne "V" by telling

the world about their bedroom activities as well.

It seems Levine has never been one for relationship tact, but he did allegedly reach out to his

exes to apologize before marrying Prinsloo in the summer of 2014.

Rob Kardashian

Kardashians generally take the moral high road when it comes to relationships - from

Khloé Kardashian supporting her troubled ex-husband during his recovery to Kris Jenner

supporting her ex-husband's transition into womanhood long after their divorce.

Rob Kardashian is the exception to the rule, and his relationship with Blac Chyna seemed

insanely tumultuous by tabloid accounts.

"Why are you yelling, you psycho?

What's wrong with you?"

"Ugh, cause it's aggravating!"

There were the explosive fights documented throughout their reality TV show, Rob & Chyna…

"Are you still texting bitches?

Yes or no!?"

And then there was their apparent affinity for airing their grievances on social media.

In 2017, after an exhausting year and a half of on-and-off dating, Chyna took to Snapchat

to claim Rob beat her up.

According to Us Weekly, she also allegedly sent Rob a video of herself kissing another

man in an effort to get him to leave her alone.

Rob countered by posting several explicit photos of her online in what appeared to be

some sort of deranged - and potentially criminal - hours-long social media rant.

This incident was the final straw for Chyna.

"I would like to first and foremost thank the judge for granting me this restraining


Her lawyer had this to say in a statement:

"Mr. Kardashian, you are now on notice.

[...] Cyberbullying your ex is harassment.

[…] Your attempts to shame and control [Chyna] are hereby rejected."

Emma Roberts

Actress Emma Roberts may seem like an innocent girl next door, but rumor has it the actress

may have physically harmed her boyfriend, actor Evan Peters.

The couple reportedly met while filming Adult World, and for the first year or so of their

relationship, they were the poster children for millennial power couples.

Then came 2013, when according to TMZ, Roberts was arrested for allegedly assaulting Peters

in Canada.

Though Peters reportedly suffered a bloody nose and bite marks, he didn't press charges,

and Roberts was released.

As of May 2018, these two are still engaged, so let's hope their worst moments are behind


Chris Brown

In 2008, it seemed like Chris Brown and Rihanna were hip hop's "it" couple.

The pair met as teenagers at the Vibe Awards, and over the next few years, they grew from

collaborators to best friends to totally in love.

Unfortunately, not all was as rosy as it seemed from the red carpet.

In 2009, TMZ reported that Rihanna had been beaten by Brown after a pre-Grammy party.

Not long after, Brown pleaded guilty to felony assault.

As Billboard reported, he was sentenced to five years probation and six months community


Brown later admitted that he, quote, "felt like a f---ing monster" after the incident

with Rihanna.

He eventually found love again with model Karrueche Tran.

Unfortunately, old patterns appeared to resurface.

According to E! News, Tran alleged Brown punched her in the stomach, pushed her down the stairs,

and threatened her life on numerous occasions.

Tran was granted a permanent restraining order after sharing angry voicemails of Brown threatening


Johnny Depp

Actress Amber Heard met Johnny Depp while filming The Rum Diary in 2009 and the pair

got engaged in 2014.

According to TMZ, nine months after tying the knot, Heard asked for a temporary restraining

order after multiple alleged violent incidents.

A couple months later, according to Heard's court filing, Depp was drunk and high when

he showed up to her birthday party and was violent again.

Then there was the leaked video of Depp apparently throwing a wine bottle and glass at his wife.

According to the Daily Beast, Depp and his team ferociously denied Heard's allegations

and claimed the video was heavily edited in an attempt to leverage a bigger divorce settlement.

Depp's former partner, Vanessa Paradis, and his first wife, Lori Anne Allison, also both

publicly stated support for Depp, saying he hadn't abused either of them during their


Heard filed for divorce in 2016.

After they negotiated a $7 million settlement, which she donated to charity, the two issued

a public statement that read in part,

"Neither party has made false accusations for financial gains.

There was never an intent of physical or emotional harm."

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For more infomation >> Celebrities Who Treat Their Significant Others Like Trash - Duration: 7:38.


$1500 4K Gaming and Editing PC Build 2018 - GTX 1080 and Intel i5-8600k - Duration: 2:43.

welcome to Mydatech today we have $1500 PC build guide it features a GTX

1080 and overclockable processor this means that it will be an absolute beast

when it comes to gaming and video editing and you can also use it for

gaming and streaming the GTX 1080 is a powerful card with 8 gigabytes of vram

and it will allow you to play the latest afila titles at 4k or at 1440p 144 Hertz

so our processor is the i5 8600 K this is an overclockable processor as denoted

by the K at the end of its name it has six cores and a fast lock of 3.6ghz

this means that it will play all of the latest titles well and it'll also

perform well at for video editing for the motherboard we've gone with a Z370

motherboard this means that the motherboard supports overclocking and

SLI this means that you can overclock your processor using this motherboard

for the cooler I've gone with a liquid cooler this will ensure that the

processor remains nice and cool during long gaming sessions and it also gives

you extra thermal Headroom to be able to overclock your processor for RAM we have

16 gigabytes of ddr4 memory this is more than you need for all of the

latest modern triple-a titles and it is a good amount for light video editing in

Premiere Pro or After Effects you won't need more ram unness unless

you want to heavy 3d compositing work in After Effects in which case you may

benefit from 32 gigabytes for storage we have a three terabyte hard drive for

bulk storage of photos and videos and we have a 500 gigabyte SSD this is for all

of your frequently accessed files your programs and your OS and your games to

ensure that you have nice fast loading times for the power supply I've gone with an 80

plus certified power supply from a reputable manufacturer if the power

supply fails the other components could potentially be permanently damaged so

it's incredibly important that you get one that's reliable reputable and

efficient for the case along with a good looking case this has enough drive

bays to be able to upgrade your hard drives and your SSDs in the future

thanks for watching this video if you more tech news tech tips tech reviews

and PC build guides make sure to subscribe to my channel and enable notifications

with the Bell icon if you enjoyed this video give it a like if you've got any

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