Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 22 2018

 El presidente del Consejo de Administración de Grupo Financiero Banorte, Carlos Hank González, sostuvo que México necesita una nueva banca para la etapa de transformación que inicia con el nuevo gobierno, más incluyente, más cercana a las comunidades y que conozca las necesidades de las familias mexicanas

 Durante la cena inaugural de la séptima edición del Foro Estrategia Banorte 2018, destacó que de manera pacífica y ordenada, los mexicanos pidieron una transformación profunda para el país y por lo que el pasado primero de julio eligieron como presidente a Andrés Manuel López Obrador

  Te recomendamos: Empresarios y miembros de la próxima administración se reúnen en Foro Banorte "Desde aquí le deseo el mayor de los éxitos y le refrendo el compromiso de Banorte como aliado del Futuro de México", expresó

 De acuerdo con Hank González, la transición que vive México entre la administración entrante y la actual es muestra de madurez política

 Por otra parte, aseguró que con la reciente fusión de Grupo Financiero Interacciones en Banorte, se logrará estar más cerca de las necesidades de infraestructura en cada localidad, cada municipio y región del país

"Tengan la absoluta seguridad que el Banco Fuerte de México es y seguirá siendo aliado del futuro de México"

  CPR ​ ​

For more infomation >> Banorte será aliado del nuevo gobierno: Hank González - Duration: 1:57.


Mimie Mathy : L'humiliatio.n de trop selon France Dimanche -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Mimie Mathy : L'humiliatio.n de trop selon France Dimanche -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:17.


Pourquoi Meghan et Harry n'auront pas la garde de leurs enfants - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Meghan et Harry n'auront pas la garde de leurs enfants - Duration: 2:48.



For more infomation >> 👔 COMMENT AMÉLIORER SON LEADERSHIP [1 ASTUCE] - Duration: 6:52.


Diabetes en los niños: cómo tratarla - Duration: 13:29.

For more infomation >> Diabetes en los niños: cómo tratarla - Duration: 13:29.


明治学院中学 合格!【合格インタビュー2018年】 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> 明治学院中学 合格!【合格インタビュー2018年】 - Duration: 1:11.


Comment lancer un BUSINESS qui décolle rapidement (La Règle du CHIFFRE UN En Business) - Duration: 19:07.

For more infomation >> Comment lancer un BUSINESS qui décolle rapidement (La Règle du CHIFFRE UN En Business) - Duration: 19:07.


Why You're Wrong - The Hypocrisy Trap - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Why You're Wrong - The Hypocrisy Trap - Duration: 5:03.


Volcadura en la vía corta a Parral; conductor resultó herido - Duration: 1:41.

Foto: Archivo     Los hechos ocurrieron a las afueras del municipio de Parral, cerca de los campos 40-60

 Elementos de emergencia desplegaron operativo para auxiliar al tripulante de camioneta Chevrolet Tracker de color gris

 Trascendió que el conductor chocó contra el camellón central y poste para finalmente volcar

 Paramédicos de Cruz Roja le brindaron los primeros auxilios y lo trasladaron a hospital para su mejor atención médica

 Elementos de emergencia de Parral, participaron en el operativo para atender a la persona herida, abanderar el lugar del accidente y elaborar el reporte correspondiente

 Foto: Elmonitorparral.com  

For more infomation >> Volcadura en la vía corta a Parral; conductor resultó herido - Duration: 1:41.


Haute-Saône : un salarié de l'usine Ikea de Lure meurt après avoir été percuté par un tractopelle co - Duration: 2:29.

 Un salarié de 43 ans est mort sur son lieu de travail à l'usine Ikea de Lure (Haute-Saône) ce mardi 21 août, rapporte France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard

L'employé de la multinationale suédoise a été "en partie écrasé par un tractopelle", a confirmé le parquet de Vesoul

 L'homme a été mortellement percuté par l'engin conduit par l'un de ses collègues peu avant 15 heures

Ce dernier, très choqué, a été hospitalisé à Vesoul. Une autopsie sera pratiquée dans les jours qui viennent, à Besançon

 Une enquête a été ouverte pour déterminer les circonstances de l'accident. "Elle devrait être longue, affirme la vice-procureure du parquet de Vesoul Julie Bressand

 Il y a de nombreux témoins à entendre". L'inspection du travail sera sur place ce mercredi 22 août

 L'usine Ikea de Lure, qui emploie 170 salariés, est située dans la zone industrielle Tertre Landry à Lure, en Haute-Saône

Elle produit des panneaux de bois destinés à fabriquer les meubles en kit de l'entreprise suédoise

Sujets associésIkeaFaits-diversAccidentsEntreprisesEco / Conso

For more infomation >> Haute-Saône : un salarié de l'usine Ikea de Lure meurt après avoir été percuté par un tractopelle co - Duration: 2:29.


Marshmallow Dreams

For more infomation >> Marshmallow Dreams



E' crisi nera nel Pd. Dopo l'allarme sondaggi al Nazareno il tema del giorno è il flop delle Feste dell'Unità

Domani a Ravenna ci sarà la presentazione della festa nazionale dell'Unità 2018 ma intanto, quelle locali, che si stanno già tenendo in giro per l'Italia (anche in piazze importanti come Milano) non sono andate granchè bene (per usare un eufemismo) con poche persone ai dibattiti (erano più le sedie vuote che le persone sedute) e stand semivuoti

I tradizionali appuntamenti estivi del Pd stanno facendo flop un po' dappertutto

"Bisognerebbe dare un taglio netto con il passato, dare subito un segnale forte di cambiamento e invece siamo addirittura al gioco delle parti tra Matteo Renzi e Maurizio Martina" spiegano fonti Pd di alto rango

"In realtà, al di là delle dichiarazioni ufficiali, hanno tutti e due lo stesso interesse ovvero che il Congresso si tenga il più tardi possibile"

Per questo ormai tutto il corpaccione del partito scommette che in realtà sia in atto un vero e proprio gioco delle parti tra l'attuale segretario Maurizio Martina e l'x segretario Matteo Renzi: Renzi vuole allontanare il Congresso perché ovviamente preferisce mantenere lo status quo che gli consente di tenere il controllo sul Partito democratico, Maurizio Martina vuole comprensibilmente lasciare l'incarico di segretario il più tardi possibile e non esclude più nemmeno una sua ricandidatura alla segreteria Pd (diversamente da quanto si lasciava intendere al momento della nomina a segretario)

"Il gioco ad incastri tra i due, Renzi e Martina, sembra essere assolutamente perfetto con il renziano Matteo Orfini ancora Presidente del partito, così come è ancora in pista Francesco Bonifazi, tesoriere Pd"

Insomma, Martina regna ma non governa perchè al dunque le nomine che contano, quelle poche nomine che ancora toccano al Partito democratico, sono state tutte appannaggio dei renziani: David Ermini consigliere del CSM, Lorenzo Guerini al Copasir

Per non parlare dei due capigruppo di Camera e Senato, Delrio e Marcucci. La battuta che circola è che "è arrivato Martina ma sono rimasti tutti i renziani" per cui non si capisce che cosa sia veramente cambiato rispetto alla precedente gestione del toscano

Così tra i big del partito, da Paolo Gentiloni a Dario Franceschini e Andrea Orlando cresce lo sconforto e c'è preoccupazione per i sondaggi che danno il Partito Democratico in caduta libera

Temono che la fase di transizione possa durare molto più a lungo del previsto e con essa la convocazione del Congresso che, secondo molti all'interno del Pd, potrebbe slittare oltre la scadenza delle prossime europee



रक्षाबंधन पे जब बंधेगी राखी भाई के कलाई तो जरूर प्लेट पे रखिए ये मिठाई | Raksha bandhan Sweets - Duration: 6:23.

Hello NAMASKAR and welcome back again on cooking channel "PANTOPLATE"

Today on a beautiful occasion of "RAKSHABANDHAN" I am going to make a totally different sweet and tasty recipe

You can store this sweet recipe easily in refrigerator for around 4-5 days

I am not going to use all purpose flour, dry milk or milk powder in this recipe

we are going to use only main 3 ingredients in it

If you like this Raksh Bandhan Sweet recipe then do subscribe our channel and hit the like button

So today we are going to make a very tasty and delicious Pineapple sweet recipe at home

Do not use raw pineapples it should be ripe

Add this slices in Mixer jar and make a fine paste of it

So the fine paste of pineapple is ready, it is so creammy

Now transfer this paste in pan

add 1/2 cup sugar

Keep the flame between slow and medium mode and cook this paste

So the sugar is melted

Add pinch of saffron strands

Mix it very well

Cook the mixture till we get a single string of the paste

Do check it in between

So after 10 minutes lets check whether we get a single string

Yes we get a single string between the finger, so it is ready

Add 2.5 cup desiccated coconut in mixture

Add little by little desiccated coconut and keep mixing it

We are going to cook this mixture for next 10-12 minutes

Tip to check: Once it stops sticking to your fingers that means it is cooked properly

So its been 12 minutes now add 1/2 tbsp clarified butter and mix it

mix it properly for next 1 minute

So the mixture is now turned dry and it is properly binding when pressed

So now lets switch off the gas

So the pineapple mixture is ready, let it cool for a while

So after some time it is cooled down and has become more dry

Take small portion and give a cylindrical shape

So we have made one, similarly make the rest of it

So all the pineapple paste is ready in cylindrical shape

here we have used 2 cylindrical pineapple, mashed it with little green food color and made a paste of it

take a small portion and roll it like this

keep it on plate

Take a pineapple cylinder and make a small hole at the tip with skewer

Do not make the hole deep

Now place the green color cylinder inside and press it properly

Since it looks cylindrical lets give it a pineapple shape

Place it on plate and press it with soft hands slowly

press the tail portion and make it like cone

Now with help of skewer give slant impressions like this

we need to do this with soft hands, do not press it gently

So it was very easy, and now it looks like pineapple itself

Now give the green part a look of leaf by pressing it slowly slowly

If you dont have green color natural food color then you can skip this part

So beautiful pineapple sweet is ready, similarly make the rest of it

So enjoy this sweet with your brother on auspicious "RAKSHABANDHAN" Festival

You can easily store this refrigerator for 4-5 days

So I hope you loved this sweet, do try and share your feedback

For more infomation >> रक्षाबंधन पे जब बंधेगी राखी भाई के कलाई तो जरूर प्लेट पे रखिए ये मिठाई | Raksha bandhan Sweets - Duration: 6:23.


Man Charged With Murder Of Missing University Of Iowa Student Molly Tibbetts - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Man Charged With Murder Of Missing University Of Iowa Student Molly Tibbetts - Duration: 2:13.


漫威電影第四階段情報!這5部電影已確認,還有5部屬於傳言. - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> 漫威電影第四階段情報!這5部電影已確認,還有5部屬於傳言. - Duration: 8:00.


శ్రావణ మాసంలో ఈ రంగు చీర ధరిస్తే లక్ష్మీ మీ ఇంట స్థిర నివాసం ఉంటుంది | Sravana Masam | IB SAHU - Duration: 6:15.


For more infomation >> శ్రావణ మాసంలో ఈ రంగు చీర ధరిస్తే లక్ష్మీ మీ ఇంట స్థిర నివాసం ఉంటుంది | Sravana Masam | IB SAHU - Duration: 6:15.


Road cleared after flash flooding along I-15 in Millard County - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Road cleared after flash flooding along I-15 in Millard County - Duration: 0:41.


Direktør Jens F. Bastrup inviterer til Folkefest i AquaGlobe - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Direktør Jens F. Bastrup inviterer til Folkefest i AquaGlobe - Duration: 0:54.


I bought 100,000 yen of scratch! A Presentation of final results Does the miracle get reversed? - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> I bought 100,000 yen of scratch! A Presentation of final results Does the miracle get reversed? - Duration: 3:38.


Żona Sławomira wszystkiemu zaprzecza! Robi dobrą minę do złej gry? - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Żona Sławomira wszystkiemu zaprzecza! Robi dobrą minę do złej gry? - Duration: 3:38.


Taehyun and Saeho dance to BTS's DNA [Where On Earth??/ 2018.08.15] - Duration: 11:08.

Gosh... Good night.

(They all head to their tents...)

Boy, my tent is great.

So romantic.

It's nice to just lie here.

(Outside the tent)

(Is dangerous...)

(Looking for something)


- I thought you were eating again. / - No, I'm done.

I was just eating to survive.

- Know what's funny? / - I was shocked just now.

What's funny is that I didn't eat any rice.

For real.

All I had were a few spicy rice cakes.

(Jungnam has become one with his tent)

(He suddenly gets up)

Wow, that view.

So pretty. I should take a photo.

This is the best time to take photos.

This should make for a great photo.

Wow, the clouds...

It's art.

Wow, this place is so beautiful.

How is this place... Wow, so pretty.

(He takes photos as he makes exclamations)

I got a good one.

The sea, the clouds and the feathers...

(The cottongrass makes it look so nice)

This is like a work of art. Wow...

So pretty. I'm curious too.

(He returns to his tent)

(But then he walks back)

I didn't consider this.

I'll decorate my room with these.

(He's a maximalist)


I didn't do the 10,000 step dance.

Do you need music?

Play a song for me.


Jinhee, a song...

(He plays an exciting song)


(He moves to the rhythm)


Jinhee! Aren't you going to dance too?

How's it going?

What happened to the music?

- The batteries are dead. / - Oh...

(He played music all day...)

I guess they'll add music in post.

(Taehyun becomes the DJ)

What song should I play?

The first day in Scotland!

10,000 steps!

10,000 steps, Jinhee!

I'm filming you. Go ahead.

("Boong Boong" by HAON featuring Sik-K)

(He picked a song to get Jinhee to dance)


(This is like a music show)

Where are you looking, Jinhee?

Are you dancing in there?

- Are you sure? / - Yeah!

(He starts moving to the rhythm)

The background looks amazing.

Be fierce on camera!





(A second song plays)

Still won't come out to dance with us?

It's "DNA."

Yo, it's BTS.

Don't worry about me.

This is coming out great.

Are we supposed to dance for this long?


(Spots something)

Mr. Bae!

(Jungnam returns with flowers)

- Mr. Bae, 10,000 steps! / - 10,000 steps?

- 10,000. / - 10,000!

(He barely has any dancing DNA)

I seem crazy dancing with flowers.

Are those flowers?


For my tent.

(Their second performance was a success)


That's good enough.

Ow, my knees.

Play one more song for Jungnam.

What kind of music do you like? Trot?

I have a lot to do here.

You do not. Get over here.

Where should I put these flowers?

(For some reason they play a third song)


(They can't not dance to this song)

Jungnam isn't coming out.

Mr. Bae, get out here.


10,0000, Mr. Bae!

So pretty.

(He could spend a week in this tent)

♪ Fantastic ♪

(Doing the right dance moves)


(I'm just going to keep dancing)

(Another person doesn't leave his tent)

(He's busy filming...)

♪ Everything is 10,00 steps ♪

♪ Running like crazy on the sand, 10,000 steps ♪

♪ Up in the sky ♪

♪ It's so blue ♪

♪ Don't ask me anything, 10,000 ♪

(It's like he's speaking in tongues...)

♪ Start walking ♪

♪ Start walking those 10,000 steps ♪

Make some noise! 10,000!

(10,000 steps)

What's with them? Is it raining?

(It's really raining)

(Not even the rain can stop Saeho)

Where did James go?

Did he go check out another cave?

He's no fun.

(This is more fun than exploring a cave...)

Why go to a cave?

10,000, 10,000, 10,000, yeah!

(Jungnam gets up)

Is Mr. Bae coming out?

(He closes the tent from the rain)

♪ Let's go ♪

(Amazing singing)


(Possessed by the dancing god)

(They're just using this as an excuse to dance)

10,000! 10,000!

(Nobody told them to dance to 3 songs...)

(They're dancing because they want to)


My knees are about to give out.

I should go to sleep.

(Why are they celebrating so much?)

(The day comes to an end)

(And it's time for the guys to sleep)

(One tent quietly prepares for what's next)

(Late Night Eatery episode 1: grilled filefish)

- Are you in there, Jungnam? / - You scared me.

- You in there? / - Yes.

That looks pretty good.

You came right on time.

You're like a wild beast. I just grilled these.

- Have a sip. / - Is that okay?

(Brought some whiskey for Scotland)

Don't chug it. Enjoy the taste.


We have bar snacks.

Wow, that's great.

(The eatery owner has a sip too)

(This is the stuff)

Do you have any concerns these days?


I'm just curious.

Do I have any concerns?

Nothing serious. I have a happy concern.

I'm going to do a movie soon.

This is the biggest role I've ever gotten.

- Really? / - Yeah.

(Taehyun smelled the grilled filefish)

Come on in.

Come on in, Taehyun.

- We'd better cover the tent. / - We do?

What is it?

Isn't my tent nice?

I just noticed.

These are wireless.

I can change the settings.

No wonder your pack was so heavy.

I asked Jungnam if he had any concerns.

He doesn't have any serious concerns.

He started working on a movie on July 5.

It's a big role, so I need to be prepared.

It's a big role?

It's the second biggest part in the movie.

Wow, that's huge.

So I need to do a good job.

I'm always so thankful

whenever anyone needs me for work.

But you're worried that you'll slow them down, right?

I'm still a rookie.

It happens though.

I don't think you two...

Need to worry about stuff like that.

If the producer casts you as the lead,

it means he's seen how good you are.

"But I'm still not prepared."

I need more time." That's all pointless.

Will you be ready a with a bit more time?

That's just what you think.

We're the ones that get cast.

The producers use us because they've seen us.

So how are you not ready?

Those people picked you guys for a reason.

Some people judge their self-worth

based on their pay.

They don't expect that much out of you guys.

You're talking so seriously now.

But we sure have a lot of food.

(He's a pro at interrupting)

- No wonder your pack was heavy. / - Yeah.

I brought this for us to all share.

I know and I'm thankful, but it's heavy.

No wonder you kept eating candy.


I'll eat some then.

I ate a lot while carrying them around.

Stop eating.

I'll just eat this one last thing.


It's my persona on this show to eat a lot.

It'll throw things off if I don't.

(His goal for this expedition is gaining weight?)

I'm eating on purpose.

I won't say anything. I like that you eat a lot.

Wow, the sun hasn't set yet.

For more infomation >> Taehyun and Saeho dance to BTS's DNA [Where On Earth??/ 2018.08.15] - Duration: 11:08.


LIVERPOOL NEWS : This world class star is Liverpool's most important signing - Duration: 2:55.

Alex Rogers discusses whether or not a listen Becker can win the Premier League

Golden Glove the season after keeping two clean sheets in his first two games

dot ever since I was a kid I've had a soft spot for goalkeepers

where a striker can have one moment of brilliance and be hailed a hero all it

takes is one mistake for goalkeeper to be seen as a villain dot when I was

younger I always wonder who would actually want to be a goalkeeper I think

the goal keeping gods were looking down on me that day and that's why I was made

to be a goalkeeper for my high school team that I realized then that it takes

a lot of courage to be the last line of defense while for a majority of the game

I'd be doing nothing it didn't mean that I wasn't being eaten alive by nerves

will I make a mistake will I save the next shot on gold will I be blamed for

losing fortunately I never grew past five feet eight so my goal keeping

career was short-lived dot everyone knows that you have to be a

bit crazy to be a goalkeeper having to duck making a few great saves especially

from a free-kick the presence of the common collected goalie was a sight to

behold after years of never fully being able to

fully trust our goalkeepers I'm ready to say after only seeing you listen play

two Premier League games for us that I'd be willing to put my life in his hands

dot what has surprised me the most about our new Brazilian goalie is his

distribution my god this guy could find anything with his passing most cell is

big toe the Holy Grail even my dad his kicking is something

I've not seen from a Liverpool goalkeeper since cult hero Pepe Reina

daughter listen attempt 223 passes in the game against Crystal Palace and

completed 21 of them which is crazy for goalkeeper for comparison Wayne

Hennessey only completed 42% of his passes the

resilient even made a successful pass into the opposition's box from his own

box with carrieth all but confirmed to be loaned out to be fictive nothing and

no one will be challenging from this is the reason why a listen is the only

starting goalkeeper in the league to not concede a goal yet it's not far-fetched

to say that we could even see a Golden Glove winner of the club this season out

of all our new acquisitions a listen is undoubtedly the most


For more infomation >> LIVERPOOL NEWS : This world class star is Liverpool's most important signing - Duration: 2:55.


Diane Kruger: A jednak ciąża! - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Diane Kruger: A jednak ciąża! - Duration: 2:25.


It's my birthday! - Duration: 0:13.

Mom, guess what day it is!


My birthday.

*Seinfeld theme*

For more infomation >> It's my birthday! - Duration: 0:13.


塔罗测试:谁才是最合适你的伴侣?超准! - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> 塔罗测试:谁才是最合适你的伴侣?超准! - Duration: 6:14.


Someone Just Told Trump's Sebastian Gorka That He's A "Treasonous B*Tch" On Live TV - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Someone Just Told Trump's Sebastian Gorka That He's A "Treasonous B*Tch" On Live TV - Duration: 1:31.


Kendall Jenner 'misrepresented' in boast about 'super selective' career - Duration: 3:38.

Kendall Jenner 'misrepresented' in boast about 'super selective' career

After facing considerable backlash, Kendall Jenner kind of apologized Tuesday for her 'super selective' comment being 'taken out of context' in a recent interview.

'I was misrepresented in a recent interview over the wknd & it's important to clarify the meaning,' the 22-year-old Society Management Model wrote in a string of tweets.

'It was intended to be entirely complimentary but unfortunately, my words were twisted & taken out of context.

I want to be clear.

The respect that I have for my peers is immeasurable!'  .

The Calabasas socialite's Love Magazine interview drew ire from colleagues like Jac Jagaciak, Vita Sidorkina, Daria Strokous, Peyton Knight, Teddy Quinlivan.

'Since the beginning we've been super selective about what shows I would do.

I was never one of those girls who would do, like, 30 shows a season or whatever the f*** those girls do.

More power to 'em,' Kendall explained.

'I had a million jobs, not only catwalks but everything else.

The whole combination was very overwhelming and I started to freak out a little bit and needed to take a step back.'.

Jenner - who's done runway for Dsquared2, Versace, and Bottega Veneta - praised her fellow models 'tireless commitment' and stressed she was 'inspired' by them.

'There's no way i could EVER hate on that.

I want everyone to win.

SLAY ALWAYS,' the Ocean's Eight actress - who boasts 137M followers and an $18M fortune - tweeted.

'Cultivate kindness today and always.

By age 14, the daughter of Caitlyn & Kris Jenner signed with Wilhelmina - just seven years after making her debut on E! reality series Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

And according to Variety, Kendall and her family signed a massive $100M deal with the cable network last year for more seasons through 2020.

Jenner has made her share of modeling mistakes as well having starred in that tone-deaf Pepsi commercial and earned $250K to sponsor Fyre Festival last year.

For more infomation >> Kendall Jenner 'misrepresented' in boast about 'super selective' career - Duration: 3:38.


Hardangervidda #3 - Stone Cabin in Norwegian mountains - Duration: 10:02.



Steinbuer (old mountain huts of stone, open to everyone).

We'll be providing you with look

at a fine example these huts

that we have stayed in on an earlier trip.

Over the bog we trudge.

Oh, what a beautiful sight, Tove.

Oh yeah.

Just check out that view.

Hardangerjøkulen! (The Hardanger glacier)

I'd like to be there now!

Yes, up on the glacier,

that would be very pleasant.

Jus imagine,

being able to roll about in the snow!


Argh, desert you said...


In the distance there,

over that hill,

is where the lake ends.

In the middle of the picture is where

Knutsbu (the hut we are heading for) is located.

The last time we were here

(photo series following),

we paddled in there over the lake.

We floated down a stream.

Over there.

Then we crossed over Tinnhølen lake.

That was a good trip!

Yep,it was wonderful.

Remember the return journey?

There was frost on the canoes

when we started out from the hut.

And fog!

Indeed there was,

we paddled out using GPS

to find our way.


Heaps of fun!

This time we'll walk across to show you the way.

We're now approaching

one of Hardangervidda's

"public" stone huts,...

anyone needing a stopover can stay here

as long as there is space for them.

Quite a lots of people have slept here at the same time.


16 at the same time.

You wouldn't think it possible

when you see it from the inside.

It was Kristiansen who told us about that,

he was also staying here the last we stopped over.

In addition to others.

There's most likely people here now.

Here we are -

welcome to Knutsbu!

Teddia and Kiro have been here before.


This is where we stayed.

It's occupied by four fishermen at the moment.

Two of them were out fishing until 4 am,

and are resting up indoors.

The other two are out fishing right now.

A lovely place!


the water hole

where we planned to replenish our supply...

has dried up.

We're experiencing a seriously dry summer.

I think we'll have to head back and have a swim!

Swimming seems like a better alternative

to filming inside

when there are people there trying to rest.

Now might be a good time for a short photo session

from our last stay up here.

Do you agree, Tove?

A very good idea.

So now you all know;

if you happen to find yourself wandering half way

between Sandhaug and Rauhelleren,

and experience a fit of lethargy,

Knutsbu is nearby.

Good to know.


Enjoy the "slideshow" ;)

Back to camp we go,

and bathe!!

Oh so dry it is the mountains.

Peat moss usually contains a lot of moisture,

so much so that you can among other things,

store fish in it to keep them cool.

Dry as a bone here on the surface!

I don't encounter moisture or coolness until

I dig right down here with my finger,

but still not anything you'd call water.

It can't be easy for mountain wildlife at the moment.

Not easy at all.

We're walking in a terrain you'd expect to be soggy,

swamp like and difficult...

but we've had dry shoes the whole way.

Not far to our camp now.


It's cold!

It's wonderful ;)


It worked wonders after that hike to Knutsbu


Crazy old ladies in the wild!

Kaja is going to pack down her mattress.

That is one of the most pleasant tasks

on the whole trip.

Extracting the air!

Don't fall asleep in the sun.


We've decided to leave Hardangervidda

for the time being,

it is too hot for us here at the moment.

We'll be heading for higher altitudes now!

Yes indeed.

The tent is completely empty,

and Tove is trying to get her underlay

into that small bag.

After that,

we will collecting all our bits and pieces,

ready for transport out of here.

Goodbye Kleivhovdfjellet....

and goodbye fishing lake.

We received a last little greeting from the lake

when we reeled in our last cast

with with a hook and worm.

A fish followed the bait in the whole way.

A nice experience.

All the way in to the stony edge.

Also, when we were finished with our last swim,

was a mini eruption of hopping fish,

wishing us a "welcome back next time."

Here we are,

plodding along from camping place to ancient path.


such a happy band of vagabonds we are

with that trolley.

And Tove sings:

"I love to go a-wandering

Along a mountain track

And as I go,

I love to sing

My knapsack on my back..."

Thank you for joining us on this journey!

Always lovely to have good company on the trail.

We are heading higher into mountains,

too hot down here in the "almost" lowlands ;)


We really hope you will stay with us further on the trail

on to Vargevatn (Wolf lake)...

a genuine wish.

Most definately!

That will be our next video.

In the meantime, please remember to subscibe,

provide us with feedback and comments,

and share our videos.

There is always a new adventure waiting

around the corner.

Ha det

For more infomation >> Hardangervidda #3 - Stone Cabin in Norwegian mountains - Duration: 10:02.


ZenAware - Sober (feat. Suriel Hess) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:23.

ZenAware - Sober (feat. Suriel Hess) [Lyrics]

For more infomation >> ZenAware - Sober (feat. Suriel Hess) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:23.


Great Value House Blend Coffee Review - Duration: 5:00.

hey welcome to coffee coffee coffee your place for average Joe coffee reviews

today's coffee is a house blend but it's okay to have it outside of an RV too so

today we are reviewing great values 100% Arabica house blend another Walmart right

it's supposed to be a medium roast right bold and nutty it's also supposed to

have a bright finish full body bright finish bold and nutty yeah so great value so far has

been surprising coffee surprisingly good I'm telling you this has been the most

surprising coffee that we've tasted so far all these reviews I think Anthony

right does he drink this coffee or he drinks I think great value I think yeah

I could be wrong sometimesI think but I remember thinking about when he said

that he drank it I was like gross are you even human but it's really good

like it is surprisingly good coffee I just you know throwing it out there if

you've never tried it just try it try it give it a whirl oh my gosh yeah 388 for

this bag twelve ounce bag so it's 5:17 a pound that's almost super cheap I mean

that's super super yeah and it's probably going to be one of those ones

that's consistent as far as those ones that's grammatically annoying I don't know it's not that my mom's an English teacher or

anything right but the it'll probably be a consistent

type right so I would think that Walmart whoever's coffee they're stealing

Sorry there's a very large butterfly they're so pretty and scary at the same time okay but it's it's probably gonna

be a consistent type of coffee like they'll make it the same way over and

over and over again so we'll tell you what we think of this kayla is already

drinking yeah it's um well so many things but I do get a nuttiness for sure

I even smell in it yeah got a really nice smell the butterfly is right there if you can see it I don't know if you can see its

shadow but it's huge it is it's like that big it's pretty but I

also noticed a caramel notes in it too I feel like like just occasionally I'll

get this sip and it's like yeah I'd tell you it's it's hard to think about

great value I think we've mentioned this on all of our coffees because you

although all the great value coffee reviews just that we're surprised how

good it tastes yeah I mean like you know I know we

mentioned this before but you know Consumer Reports did do a study and

people preferred great value to Starbucks it was a different blend but

still you know I I mean I think I would have a darn hard time picking out this

one as being super cheap prepared to like you know a more expensive coffee

yeah somebody even said that the they commented on one of the videos I think

on one of our lives Aldi flavored coffee videos that the great value

flavored coffees are good we have not gotten them yet we we will at some point in time will see right now I

think we have about 12 bags of coffee so we're working through those but we've

been very pleased yeah and for and for being the price that it is and it's

always available I mean yeah you've got a Walmart yeah where you live if you're

watching this in United States you've got a Walmart and I I don't even know

I'll show my ignorance I don't know if Walmart is outside of the United States

surely surely by now I don't know those of you who are watching from other

countries Canada I know we have people in England and I think even Germany I'm

trying to remember but let us know do you have Walmarts but so overall this coffee is really good

it's cheap donut rating I'd say probably a four yeah yeah okay it's not like I mean we can taste

those things the caramel and the nuttiness the price is super cheap yeah yeah so there you go

four doughnuts on this great value House Blend have you had

this great value house blend before let us know in the comments below what you

thought about it and tell us about the other great value coffee's that you've

had either you enjoyed them or hated them or you took it back to the store and

returned it yeah I think they do have a guarantee because it was so awful yeah quality and great price guaranteed if you're not happy

you can get your money back and at Walmart you can even take things back that you

didn't buy there we don't do that but people do it yeah but anyway let us know what you thought

or what you think in the future da da daaa and thanks for joining us until next

keep grindin'

For more infomation >> Great Value House Blend Coffee Review - Duration: 5:00.


How to use Ledger Nano S wallet for Ripple (XRP) - Duration: 2:46.

Ripple you may have seen it on Ellen see this right here

usually my pillows are all good but my daughter comes in here and she plays

with her little dolls and then it just it's all messed up look at it yeah this

is high-quality content right here what's going on well welcome back my

name is Matt Doddato today we're gonna talk about how to use your Ledger Nano S

cryptocurrency hardware wallet with Ripple. Ripple is one of the more popular crypto

currencies out there right now but it's also one of the ones that's the least

straightforward in terms of how to buy it and then store it in a hardware

wallet but the great part is the legend nos is a popular Hardware wallet and

it's relatively easy to add a few things to make it work with Ripple

so the first thing you have to do is you have to initialize your Ledger Nano S I'm

assuming you've already done that and have it to where it's ready to work for things

like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies once you have it initialized it's easy

to add ripple support as well so the first thing we need to do is go to the

ledger website once you go to the ledger website click on apps if you scroll down

you'll see the ledger wallet Ripple that's the desktop application that you

need to install on your computer

so hit the download button and install

once you do that you want to make sure that the ripple application is also on

your Ledger Nano S now open your legend manager in Chrome

if you haven't already make sure you install the ripple app onto your ledger

device once you have to install a download button on legend manager it'll

prompt you to confirm on your device and start processing the installer so once

you have both of those things installed you can open your ledger wallet desktop

app and once you do it asked you to plug in your device unlock it and open up the

ripple app on the Ledger Nano S once you do that the desktop application opens up

and you can see that there's multiple areas to view your balance be able to

send XRP or provide a receiving address for XRP transactions so that's it it's

pretty easy once you have it already set up for Bitcoin if you don't already have

your Ledger Nano S set up for Bitcoin we did an unboxing and setup video I'll

link to it down below as well as the card right here if you have to go

through that initial setup just go to that video and come back to this one to

add Ripple and it'll be extremely quick that's all

I have for you guys today if you like this video tap that like button down

below if you haven't yet join the family by hitting that subscribe button cause

these are matters of life and tech and I'll see y'all next time Peace!

For more infomation >> How to use Ledger Nano S wallet for Ripple (XRP) - Duration: 2:46.


Silicon Facial Cleansing Device awesome product(Gents Can Also Use This Product) - Duration: 10:27.

Silicon Facial Cleansing device

Cleans the skin deeply

Soft Material

IT wont harm our skin

Bacterial Doesn't form to this device

one -side is Cleansing device

Next side is massaging device

Fine lines reduces

Wrinkles reduces

Acne Reduces

Water proof Device

Rechargeable with USB cable

Make skin smooth

Cost 898

Product available in Amazon


Facial Cleansing Device

Awesome Product

Gents also use this product

For more infomation >> Silicon Facial Cleansing Device awesome product(Gents Can Also Use This Product) - Duration: 10:27.


被吐槽装嫩的周迅,少女气真没了吗? - Duration: 18:42.

For more infomation >> 被吐槽装嫩的周迅,少女气真没了吗? - Duration: 18:42.


Was Kylie Jenner Throwing Shade At J.LO During VMAs Performance? Why She Didn't Stand Up - Daily New - Duration: 3:02.

HollywoodLife has learned EXCLUSIVELY why Kylie Jenner looked 'bored' during Jennifer Lopez's MTV VMAs performance on Aug

20, and how she felt about the backlash.    Kylie Jenner, 21, had a bad night at the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards on Aug

20. You could see it on her face — but that blank expression bothered Jennifer Lopez's fans, who were expecting the makeup CEO to at least stand for their queen's ten-minute performance

And Kylie is snapping right back at her critics. "She loves Jennifer, not only is she a huge fan but she also knows her personally," a Kardashian insider shares EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife

 "There was no shade intended."    Kylie even found the J.Lo hate "more upsetting" than the accusations that the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star doesn't know the words to Travis Scott's Astroworld songs, some of which he performed at the VMAs

 "Kylie is furious that people are trying to say she doesn't know the words to Travis's songs," our insider also says

"She's been playing that album since before anyone else heard it so it's really annoying

" Kylie stood up for her baby daddy's set, but she wasn't exactly hooting and hollering

Our source explained earlier, "Kylie was just having a challenging evening."  And we know why Kylie was having such a "challenging evening

" It was bad before the night even started! "Kylie was very uncomfortable last night

She's extremely sensitive to negative energy so the drama with Nicki Minaj was hard for her to shake off," another source close to Kylie shared EXCLUSIVELY with us on Aug

21. "Kylie's also not that comfortable in crowds so that was a factor as well. While she was happy to be at the VMAs and proud to support Travis, she still battles anxiety — especially about having a run in with Nicki

Kylie and Travis went out of their way to avoid having a run in with Nicki." As a refresher, Nicki called out the couple a day before the VMAs on Aug

19. She tweeted, "I put my blood sweat & tears in writing a dope album only for Travis Scott to have Kylie Jenner post a tour pass telling ppl to come see her & Stormi

lol. Im actually laughing."  So, there's your answer. Kylie found it hard to throw down to "Jenny From The Block" when she was too busy battling anxiety!

For more infomation >> Was Kylie Jenner Throwing Shade At J.LO During VMAs Performance? Why She Didn't Stand Up - Daily New - Duration: 3:02.


Сувенирная монета Эфириум серебрянная - купить монету Эфириум - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Сувенирная монета Эфириум серебрянная - купить монету Эфириум - Duration: 0:40.


Kahaani Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:17.

Kahaani Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name

For more infomation >> Kahaani Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:17.


Alimentos que ajudam a manter a saúde e o peso equilibrados no inverno - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Alimentos que ajudam a manter a saúde e o peso equilibrados no inverno - Duration: 5:05.


3 dietas para manter o seu peso - Duration: 13:30.

For more infomation >> 3 dietas para manter o seu peso - Duration: 13:30.


Honda: sistema rebatimento de bancos agora se chama Magic Seat - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Honda: sistema rebatimento de bancos agora se chama Magic Seat - Duration: 1:50.


Inghetata invelita in aur de 24k - Duration: 11:21.

End.....they're not ready yet!

I want to try today

a ice cream cone

wrapped in 24K GOLD!!!!!!!!


good morning and welcome back on our channel!

Last week I spent a lot of time on Instagram

and I found something really special and

today I decided to come here at

Matcha n'More

They sell milkshakes and ice cream and

a special tipe of ice cream.....

I have to wait a little bit

because the store just opened now and

the machine for ice cream wasn't ready yet to start the day:))

Ready?Great! Thank you!

One,Two ice cream!

One ice cream cone and mommy will give it to you,ok?

I don't want to give A.J the entire ice cream cone because it's to much for him!

I have already started to eat it because it was melting

here,I have what's left from the 24K Gold foil that was wrapped on the ice cream.

This tipe of ice cream is very popular in Japan

and the owner of the shop here

decided to bring it to New York too!

This is the 1st store in NYC selling

24KGold soft ice cream!

That's the store over there!

This will be my thumbsnail:)

I haven't tried yet!

i've read before coming here

That any tipe of food or dessert that has gold foil

on it

has to be 24K and NO less because otherwise is harmful for the body!

I really hope this one is

the 24K one:))

We'll see tomorrow morning

If we'll poop gold :))Then we're rich!!!

I don't know if we parked ok here

and that's why we stay and eat near the car

so we wont take a ticket!

Check our instagram page

we're gonna have a nice photo of this ice cream

before it started to melt:)

fallow us on Twitter too......but we don't have twitter:))

Would you try this Gold ice cream???Live me a comment bellow!

Have I mentioned that yesterday we went to Ikea?

We spent there a lot of time and we end up buying...NOTHING!!!!!

We'll leave the car here and should we go to buy some fruits and vegetables?

we've been driving for the last 5 years here in NYC but it's the 1st time when we see this parking sign

and we don't get it:))

we left from the ice cream store and I had to change my blouse

because AJ eat the ice cream

and I had all of it on my blouse!

Now we're going to stop to another place that I've

heard that is

selling something special!

obviously I have to stop spending so much time on Instagram!!

Stay with us and we'll show you what it is!!!!

Thank you so much to

all our subscribers,our channel is growing a little every day

I do my best to have CC in english for all my vlogs!

We're here!

one block away

Oana was so convinced that we're going in the wright direction

although the GPS was telling her to go on opposite way!

and she said that she know better

then the GPS

that building is 169

and then 173 is next.....

there's no way that building 164

is this way

I asked Oana why does she thinks that the number that we're looking for is the other way and she said that she stopped and asked another woman

so.....let's see where this is taking us:)

the GPS says that we're on the right tracks!

This is the famous milkshake that i've seen on Instagram

but when the owner of the store saw me with my camera

asked me Not to film this milkshake because she can do a better one for to look good on camera:)

Now we wait for THE PERFECT FREAKSHAKE!!!!!!

You know how all food looks great on Instagram?

but in reality people eat a soup because they don't want to ruin the good looking food:)

Mmmmmm,is delicious!!!!!

after we had the 1nd milkshake

I received the 2nd one that was similar to the 1st one

the only difference

was that the whipped cream

looked much better.Adrian forgot to record the 2nd one:((

i asked what happened and she said that on the 1st milkshake she used some milk from the other day

and this is why

The whipped cream was looking better

I don't know what it taste like

Adrian ,how was it?

Now that I know that the milk wasn't fresh....

Was ok, actually it

taste really good

The only difference between the two milkshakes was the looks

The owner of the shop asked me to talk a little about their cookies too

And they offered me these 2 free cookies

probably because they noticed Adrian outside

looking on the window

and drooling

This is a cookie named S'more

it has marshmallows inside

it's delicious but a little to sweet for me

But....the other cookie

I would named it Death by chocolate

It has melted chocolate as topping,filled with chocolate and as a base....more chocolate

try it


AJ heard the word cookie and he started to pay more attention

You know how long will I have to run tomorrow after so much chocolate today?

This cookie is similar to Lava Cake but better.

Today AJ had only sweet to eat all day,

I don't think he'll want to eat anything for lunch

If you like our videos

see you next time and please remember to subscribe,Like and hit the bell button


For more infomation >> Inghetata invelita in aur de 24k - Duration: 11:21.


Mini John Cooper Works de 231 cv vira carro de polícia na Alemanha - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Mini John Cooper Works de 231 cv vira carro de polícia na Alemanha - Duration: 1:48.


Żona Sławomira wszystkiemu zaprzecza! Robi dobrą minę do złej gry? - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Żona Sławomira wszystkiemu zaprzecza! Robi dobrą minę do złej gry? - Duration: 3:38.


Znany gwiazdor bierze ślub z przyjaciółką Meghan Markle! Jest starsza od niego... o 11 lat! - Duration: 1:25.

 Od dawna plotkowano o ich związku. Już w lipcu pojawiła się informacja, że Nick Jonas poprosił swoją ukochaną o rękę

Jednaki ani przystojny aktor, ani urocza Priyanka Chopra nie potwierdzili tych informacji

Okazało się bowiem, że to nie był jeszcze ten moment. Dopiero teraz muzyk zdecydował się wręczyć aktorce pierścionek zaręczynowy

Przyjaciółka Meghan Markle nie posiadała się z radości. Niemal od razu pochwaliła się tym faktem w mediach społecznościowych

Jak wyglądały zaręczyny Nicka Jonasa i Priyankai Chopra? Kiedy para stanie na ślubnym kobiercu? Dowiecie się tego z naszej galerii!  POLECAMY: Po tym poznamy, że księżna Meghan jest w ciąży!  >>> NASTĘPNA STRONA >>>

For more infomation >> Znany gwiazdor bierze ślub z przyjaciółką Meghan Markle! Jest starsza od niego... o 11 lat! - Duration: 1:25.


JAC inicia pré-venda do SUV T50 no Brasil a partir de R$ 82.990 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> JAC inicia pré-venda do SUV T50 no Brasil a partir de R$ 82.990 - Duration: 2:34.


6 alimentos saudáveis que aumentam a sensação de felicidade - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 6 alimentos saudáveis que aumentam a sensação de felicidade - Duration: 2:55.


Diane Kruger: A jednak ciąża! - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Diane Kruger: A jednak ciąża! - Duration: 2:25.


Reactivating the Repat – SALHN Chief Executive Officer - Duration: 5:59.

Southern Adelaide supports a population of nearly 350,000 people,

and we also have a very strong connection to our country patients,

and to patients who come from interstate,

so we have a number of retrievals and also referrals from interstate areas.

We've got two hospitals, Flinders Medical Centre and the Noarlunga Hospital,

and the current Repat site, as you heard from Brendan, includes still a number of active services

including Radiology, the Rehabilitation Service, which is a convalescent or subacute rehabilitation,

our Hydrotherapy facilities which was great to see reopened in May,

and Orthotics and Prosthetics which is both a clinical and a manufacturing service,

which has been important for our patients.

The other services that we provide include the Jamie Larcombe site,

which is at the Glenside Health Precinct,

where we focus with our Veterans' Mental Health.

We have a number of other community services that are important for our population

and for the health needs and for our patients.

But we have some emerging challenges, and I wanted to talk about those a little tonight,

to share with you about why the Repat precinct

is going to be important from a Southern Adelaide point of view.

Unfortunately in the way that we have our system set up at the moment,

we actually have a problem where we have people at times in the wrong place.

I think the really important message is that hospitals are great places if you're unwell,

if you're sick and injured,

but if you really need a therapeutic and holistic rehabilitation approach and care

in a community setting, it's not the right place for you.

So when we start talking about what does this mean about people in the wrong place,

is that some people who actually need to stay with us because of this inability to move to,

to transition to other types of care,

can mean that they stay longer than 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks, 6 weeks, sometimes months.

So we think there's an opportunity that with different care options,

we see now that our patients really need specialised care for that transition support,

and we see that they're not actually in the hospitals that we actually have at the moment,

and that when people don't need that critical medical experience,

we actually believe that this transition support is the piece that's missing in our health service.

So the challenges also mean that we have people in the wrong place and hospitals

which can mean there's inadequate space for patients overall,

it may create other health problems,

it can reduce quality of life,

and when we actually don't have the beds to support all the patients that need to

come to the hospital, we can have longer waiting times in Emergency Departments,

longer waiting times for surgery,

and there are less people receiving the hospital care that they actually need.

I think the other really big message in this, and our challenge, an emerging challenge

is about the population growth in the South.

It's expected to increase by 10% over the next 12 years,

and due to those high health needs it means that our older groups of patients,

and people in our community will need increasing health services,

and that increase would be 26%.

The other really big issue is the issue about our workforce.

We need to avoid duplication of services,

and equipment and ensure that specialised staff are actually being used to their full potential.

And the South's focus is actually to create specialised teams

that have increasing expertise in managing the ageing population's needs.

It's becoming a very important specialty,

and out of all of this, whatever decisions we make, quality and safety of patient care

is the foundation for all our service decisions,

and will continue to be into the future.

So we're going to look at our future Southern Network, this is what we're thinking about.

The Flinders Medical Centre is maintained as the big complex hospital.

It's focused on the beginning, to the end of life,

and it has all the necessary clinical services to provide those complex medical

and surgical care and trauma care,

and all the appropriate specialisation of

workforce and skills across the continuum of Nurses, Doctors and Allied Health professionals.

The Repat precinct becomes a vital health service

for the growing number of patients who require holistic care,

and rehabilitation services in a more community setting,

and it would balance the capacity at Flinders and Noarlunga

to ensure we best to meet the demands of all of our patients.

For Noarlunga we develop that into a centre of excellence for the care and support of older people,

and it's supported by a lot of complimentary clinical services for mental health,

and geriatric and dementia care, and for chronic disease management.

We believe that these three sites set up in this way will actually provide the right balance,

and support, to sustain services into the future

and to meet the demands of our community,

and I think when we start thinking about that in the context of the transition care,

it really comes back to why Repat is special.

It really has got lower stress environment, so it means that there is that more therapeutic space,

and an outside world that people can connect with.

And I think our vision for the Repat is to best help the community

by providing that therapeutic and home-like environment,

for people who otherwise stuck in hospital.

To better support patients and their families throughout the whole patient journey,

from the beginning to end, for everything that they need and see that as a collective and as a whole,

as part of therapy.

And our vision for Flinders and Noarlunga as part of this network,

is to provide reliable and respectful services

to patients for the people who are really sick and make sure it's always safe and of high quality.

We need to make sure we can meet our emergency and surgical demand,

and have right patients in the right place.

So, for a world-class health precinct, with holistic rehabilitation and therapeutic services

to provide meaningful and lasting care for the southern region is needed,

and we think the Repat could be the home to this missing piece.

Thank you.

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