Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 22 2018

The First Christmas

Retold by Eliane Pinheiro

and Maura Hurley

Around the month of December,

children like to imagine

what happened on the very first Christmas ever,

even before

Santa Claus.

I know the story well,

for I was watching it all from above --

in the dark sky on the evening

of December 24th,

oh so many years ago.

I am the Star of Bethlehem.

I was requested by angels

to shine

brighter than all the other stars that night,

to tell the whole world

that a very special child

had been born to spread goodwill

and peace.

And this is the story of the first Christmas.

All was quiet that night

as I watched the Three Kings

traveling slowly

on camelback

through desert lands.

Just then, I beamed brightly,

as the angels

had told me to.

The Kings

noticed me in the East.

They couldn't resist

my brilliance.

Perhaps they had heard

that a star like me

was going to show

the way to the son of God.

Traveling through the night,

the Kings met shepherds

watching over their flock.

"We are following that

incredibly beautiful star

there in the East,

to find the place

where the son of God has just been born."

From there they all traveled together,

watching me,

the brightest star in the sky.


they arrived at a small town

called Bethlehem,

and saw that I was gleaming radiantly

above the barnyard of an Inn.

All was quiet and peaceful.

Their caravan entered the barnyard

to see the tender little baby

lying in a simple


fluffed with hay.

Next to the baby were

Mary and Joseph,

his mother and father,

and many farm animals.

The Kings

offered the precious gifts

they'd carried from afar for

baby Jesus:



and myrrh.

The shepherds kneeled on the ground

to pray;

they were grateful for the gift of love

and the purity the baby brought.

and the purity the baby brought.

Many people

offered gifts after that -

I suppose this is why

on Christmas Day,

on Christmas Day,

people around the world

enjoy offering gifts

as a sign of love

and hope.

And they try their best

to bring happiness to others,

as Jesus did

all his life.


I'd like to wish you a holiday season

I'd like to wish you a holiday season

that shines as brightly as

the Star of Bethlehem!

For more infomation >> The First Christmas: Learn Italian with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 5:41.


Carter Reeves - Bittersweet [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:50.

Carter Reeves - Bittersweet [Lyrics]

For more infomation >> Carter Reeves - Bittersweet [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:50.


BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO INTERMITTENT FASTING | The Complete Guide to Fasting - Duration: 6:15.

Hi guys my name is Christina. I'm a nutritional health coach and a

nutritional therapist and I upload delicious recipes, nutritional lifestyle

tips every week. If these are topics that are interests you then do hit the

subscribe button to be notified when a new video goes live. In this video I'm

going to share something that you have been asking for quite a long time which

is sharing my thoughts as well as some scientific facts about intermittent


Intermittent fasting is really popular in these days because of the light shone on

its benefits by the scientific community. So, let's have a look at some of those


First of all people that go on intermittent fasting have seen

that they lose weight much easier and also can maintain their weight in a much

easier way. There's also reduction in insulin

resistance which means that your risk of developing type 2 diabetes decreases.

That's good! And also there is a reduction of inflammation because the

body initiates cell wall repair process, removing wastage from the cells. Also

some research on mice have also shown that it protects, it can be

protective for cancer related diseases but obviously they studies haven't been

done on humans so just take this, I guess a pinch of salt.

It also increases the growth of new neurons and as a result it's being

protective of brain related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and last but

not least, it adds years to your life. Intermittent fasting refers actually

to the cycle of eating and not eating, doesn't so much focus on what you need

to eat within that cycle of eating but as much as on how many hours you stay in

a fasted state. There are three ways that are very

popular with intermediate fasting one of them is the 16/8 rule where you fast for

16 hours and you eat within a window over eight hours. Then there is another

type of fasting which is the 5:2 diet if you have heard it, where you eat anything

you want for five days and you fast for two days, you eat something

well would you eat something but it's within the 500 calorie limit and then

the last type of fasting is Eat-Stop-Eat which basically you eat for

five days of the week and you fast on two days of the week so you don't eat

anything for 24 hours for example if you eat your dinner at 7 p.m. you don't eat

anything until the next day at 7 p.m. Now I don't advertise any of those I

think if you want to try intermediate fasting you can do that and

you can experiment with which way is best for you but also intermittent

fasting can be done very easily by fasting for 12 hours which i think is

much easier so when I usually work with clients this is what I recommend making

sure that you stay at least fasted for 12 hours so for example if you dinner at

8 p.m. your breakfast , the earliest against time you can eat breakfast is at

8 a.m. So you leave 12 hours so that way it's

still you still benefit from intermediate fasting because some people

might feel that it's a little bit of a stress to their body and we don't want

to do that so if you feel stressed thinking about it intermediate fasting

then just skip it all together because stress causes other health issues and we

don't want, but do challenge yourself a little bit so you can start

with 12 hours which is highly recommended and if you see that she can

stay fasted for longer you can experiment with that too but take it as

an experiment and not so much something that you need to do in my life for

example right now most of the time I do 14 hours of fast and only this week I'm

experimenting with 16/8 rule and just and this is just for research purposes but

most of the time 14 hours is perfect for me this is what I've seen work for me

great! so you can find what works for you. and you let me in the comment

section if you do some type of intermediate fasting and how does that

work for you. it would mean the world for me. and if

you like this video then do you show your love with a thumbs up share it with

your friends if you want to connect with like-minded people also you can join my

facebook group called health and happiness for life where we share our

knowledge which has worked for us what happened it's a great community is a

community that supports and it took me into that you can also use for

accountability and I also will provide you a link for my free ebook called what

makes us healthy and happy which you can grab your copy and

give it a read just to understand what what are those things that make us live

for a long life and also what it makes us happy at the same time and I will see

you in the next episode. bye guys

For more infomation >> BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO INTERMITTENT FASTING | The Complete Guide to Fasting - Duration: 6:15.


"Corsa contro il tempo". Il fegato di una vittima del crollo di Genova trapianto a Padova - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> "Corsa contro il tempo". Il fegato di una vittima del crollo di Genova trapianto a Padova - Duration: 3:44.


Após revelar motivo de perdoar traição de marido, Sarah Poncio dá o que falar e repercute na web - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Após revelar motivo de perdoar traição de marido, Sarah Poncio dá o que falar e repercute na web - Duration: 5:10.


Aprendam a fazer a linda slime dourada - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Aprendam a fazer a linda slime dourada - Duration: 6:55.


Tre suggerimenti per mantenere alta l'attenzione del pubblico - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Tre suggerimenti per mantenere alta l'attenzione del pubblico - Duration: 3:00.


사토 미나미 왁자지껄 대왕 초콜렛 먹방 [ 한글자막 채팅창 버전1 ]20180821 (Sato Minami ShowRoom) - Duration: 35:04.

For more infomation >> 사토 미나미 왁자지껄 대왕 초콜렛 먹방 [ 한글자막 채팅창 버전1 ]20180821 (Sato Minami ShowRoom) - Duration: 35:04.


Descubra como fazer com que seu bebê durma melhor - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> Descubra como fazer com que seu bebê durma melhor - Duration: 12:07.


Liviu Dragnea: Aş vrea să-l suspendăm pe Iohannis. Jandarmeria a acţionat perfect legal la miting. E - Duration: 24:21.

Preşedintele PSD, Liviu Dragnea, a susţinut, marţi seara, la Antena 3, că în aprilie 2017 a fost în mijlocul unei tentive de asasinat, spunând că au fost patru străini care au stat trei săptămâni la Bucureşti, plătiţi de "un om foarte celebru din lume"

Cât  despre mitingul diasporei, Dragnea e de părere că a fost o tentativă de lovitură de stat eşuată

Unde se afla el în timpul mitingului? La mare, la Neptun. Reporter: Ce s-a întâmplat de aţi ajuns omul negru?   Liviu Dragnea: S-au întâmplat lucuri mult prea bune pentru România

Un grup de companii mari care au vrut să aibă activităţi în România, dar să nu verse la bugetul de stat toate taxele şi impozitele, aşa cum plătesc firmele româneşti

  Le puteţi numi?   Este vorba de unele bănci, unele multinaţionale care îşi externalizează profiturile

  Legal?   Eu nu cred că e legal. Instituţiile statului au început să prindă curaj şi să investigheze astfel de cazuri

  O altă componentă este cea politică. Klaus Iohannis, biciclistul nr.1 al României

Anul trecut spuneau: nu o să mărească pensiile şi salariile, programul de guvernare este o minciună, n-o să aibă bani de pensii şi salarii, transferul contribuţiilor o să producă micşorări de salarii

Am avut o creştere economică foarte mare, ne-am încadrat în deficit, am pus 2% din PIB la Apărare, pensiile au crescut, salariile au crescut, inclusiv la Administraţia Prezidenţială

  La anul, pensiile vor creşte şi mai mult. Şi atunci ce va spune Iohannis la anul, când sunt alegerile? Mai ales că la anul doamna Dăncilă va relaţiona cu toţi şefii de guverne din UE

Veţi fi dvs candidatul coaliţiei? Poate da, poate nu. Nu ştiu. Iohannis vrea să-şi elimine potenţialii contracandidaţi

Eu am câştigat alegerile din 2016 fără să ne dea nimeni vreo şansă. Deci ţinta e pe mine, pentru că eu conduc partidul

Vom adopta anul acesta noua lege a pensiilor care va schimba în bine milioane de pensii

Atunci Iohannis zice aşa: omul acesta ori trebuie omorât, fizic, ori băgat la puşcărie

Ce nu s-a spus despre mine şi despre familia mea? Orice. Cum fac multinaţionalele să vă demonizeze? Finanţează, îndeamnă propriii angajaţi să meargă la proteste

Acum e mai slabă mişcarea, s-au mai potolit. Companiile nu au ideologii politice, au interese economice

În momentul în care interesele lovesc statul român, trebuie să intervenim. Mai sunt şi funcţionari care trag frâna

Ori sunt acoperiţi, ori au alte interese. Vă ameninţă cu moartea? A fost o tentativă anul trecut, în aprilie

Nu vreau să povestesc. Au venit patru străini în România, cazaţi la Athenee Palace, din ceea ce mi s-a spus, şi au stat trei săptămâni aici

Mă rog, am scăpat, dar asta nu înseamnă că mi-am luat pază sau o să-mi iau pază. Au ajuns în preajma dvs? Da

Nu suntem într-un stat mafiot. Ba da, doamnă, suntem într-un stat parţial mafiot

Statul paralel este o mafie. Ştiu că s-a cercetat, mai departe nu ştiu Cine i-a plătit? Un domn foarte celebru în lume Vă gândiţi la Soros? Eu nu mă gândesc la el, el se gândeşte la mine

Din statul paralel fac parte unii din conducerea SRI, din conducerea SPP, în frunte cu Pahonţu, din parchete, din instanţe, din alte servicii secrete

Vă referiţi la Eduard Hellvig? Nu ştiu dacă el, dar nu îi stăpâneşte pe cei care au fost în statul paralel şi care acum încă sunt în SRI

Îmi pare rău pentru el, am fost prieteni. Iohannis a dat ordine acestei mafii. Unde eraţi pe 10 august, vineri? La Neptun

Nu eram pe maşina de apă, eram la Neptun. M-am uitat la televizor mai spre seară

Cred că pe la 7-8 am început să mă uit.  Ce avertizări aţi primit? Niciuna. Primesc foarte puţine informaţii

Apropo, niciuna de la SIE. Domnul Vlase nu s-a instalat încă.  Probabil, are nevoie de vreo 2-3 ani

Nu mi-a dat niciun mesaj. Să-şi facă treaba acolo. N-am nici dubii, nici speranţe

Domnul Manda şi Comisia lui ar trebui să verifice când a dat SRI infromaţii către MAI

Dacă aceste proteste erau organizate împotriva lui Iohannis? Ce făceau, nu-l informau pe Iohannis? Dacă la Cotroceni era un protest în care jandarmii erau bătuţi ce-ar fi făcut Iohannis, tot aşa ar fi ieşit să certe jandarmii? S-ar putea să fie proteste împotriva lui

E un avertisment? V-aţi împăcat cu Codrin Ştefănescu? El a fost puţin manipulat

Ne întoarcem la Iohannis. Iohannis nu lasă nimic fără să blocheze. Acum blochează rectificarea bugetară, ca unii să cheltuie în continuare banii, apoi să spună că nu mai au de unde să le taie

Va convoca Guvernul CSAT? Scrisoarea e deja în drum spre Cotroceni. CSAT s-a transformat într-un supraguvern şi un supraparlament

Este o premieră în care preşedintele blochează rectificarea bugetară. O serie de miniştri au convocat CSAT

Vreau să vedem dacă omul nu mai are bani de deplasări, dacă procedurile au fost respectate

Foarte multă lume aşteaptă să vadă unde e adevărul şi unde e minicuna. Cum aţi văzut protestele din 10 august? Eu am văzut o tenatativa de lovitură de stat eşuată

Asta se vorbea pe reţelele sociale. Ce a făcut Iohannis cu acea postare pe Facebook iresposnabilă din partea unui şef de stat, să descurajezi jandarmii care au acţionat conform legii, iar tu să inciţi în continuare la violenţă exact în minutele în care acea fată era linşată

Cei care dădeau cu picioarele în acea fată erau protestatri paşnici? A fost o organizare paramilitară foarte bine pusă la punct

De ce nu aţi reacţionat? Am dat comunicat. Aţi vorbit la telefon cu ministrul de Interne? În acea seară am vorbit cu premierul, nu cu ministrul de Interne

Urmărea pe tabletă Antena 3. Pe doamna ministru de Interne nici nu am sunat-o, nici nu m-a sunat

Ministrul de Interne nu le poate spune jandarmilor cum să acţioneze. Nimeni nu poate să interfereze

Cred că am mai vorbit la telefon cu domnul Tăriceanu. Eu eram mai mult decât nervos

Am fost marcat profund când am văzut-o pe acea fată. Credeam că va fi omorâtă. Aveau nevoie de cel puţin un mort ca să poată să ceară căderea Guvernului

Cine erau ei? Toţi cei care au incitat, toţi cei care au încurajat aceste violenţe

Că acolo au fost oameni care au venit să protesteze paşnic, mă bat pentru asta. Dar nu pot fi de acord cu violenţele

Iohannis le spunea jandarmilor: lăsaţi-vă loviţi! Celor de la PNL şi USR le place violenţa

Ei fug ca dracul de tămâie de vot, pentru că acolo pierd. Ei ştiu că vor avea un scor de prăbuşire, şi la europarlamentare, şi la prezidenţiale

Aceşti oameni nu fac altceva decât să promoveze violenţa fizică. Sunt absolut convins că Jandarmeria a acţionat perfect legal

Nu am văzut nicio intervenţie disproporţionată. Asta cu diaspora a fost o păcăleală

Au fost 1.000 şi ceva de oameni din diaspora. Inclusiv cel care şi-a asumat organizarea a renunţat

S-a scris că a fost pus tot de dvs. Eu nu cred că am vorbit vreodată cu el. Nu citesc toate invenţiile

Dacă vrem să-l suspendăm pe Iohannis îl suspendăm pur şi simplu. Şi vreţi? Eu aş vrea

Cine nu vrea? O schimbaţi pe doamna Dăncilă?   Categoric, nu. Trebuie să rămână până în 2020

Este un premier foarte bun, cu toată această campanie care are ca unic scop să o destabilizeze

  N-a avut experienţă administrativă doamna Dăncilă, dar a învăţat repede. Eu sunt foarte mulţumit de Viorica Dăncilă, o sprijin nu doar politic, ci şi moral

  E posibilă o remaniere?   Nu ştiu dacă se va decide acolo o remaniere, dar o evaluare a unor miniştri va fi acolo

Aveţi miniştri de care sunteţi nemulţumit? Eu da. O excludeţi pe Ecaterina Andronescu? Nici vorbă

Dăm prea multă importanţă unor acţiuni. Am mai analizat nişte scrisori.  Vă puneţi problema să amânaţi nunta fiului dvs? (pentru că se anunţă proteste la biserică - n

red) Cum să-mi pun această problemă? Nici vorbă. Vedeţi unde vrea să ducă Iohannis ţara

Aşa vrea să conducă România şi după 2019. Am stat 10 ani cu Băsescu, mai urmează 10 şi cu Iohannis? Sunteţi pregătit pentru scandal în ziua nunţii? PSD nu va lăsa ca România să fie condusă prin violenţă

Cât de rezistentă este coaliţia? Este. Sunteţi în conflict cu Tăriceanu? Nici vorbă

Am băut o bere împreună, am mâncat un peşte bun. Nu este niciun gând în interiorul PSD pentru ruperea coaliţiei

Nu am simţit de la domnul Tăriceanu că vrea să rupă coaliţia. Să fie partener cu Orban şi cu USR? Nu cred

Am simţit o nemulţumire faţă de Vlase la SIE. Nici vorbă. Am vorbit cu Gabi Vlase de anul trecut, am spus că-l voi susţine la SIE şi a ajuns la SIE

Ce va face în acea poziţie n-am de unde să ştiu. Depinde de el dacă va acţiona pentru România, nu pentru un om

Că aş vrea să mai primesc informări de la SIE, da. Dar ne ducem programul de guvernare şi fără SIE Cât de mult rău vă face informaţia că Florian Coldea este consilierul dvs? Mă enervează foarte tare

N-am mai vorbit de un an şi jumătate. Nici direct, nici faţă în faţă. Nici nu comunicăm prin Dâncu

Nu am nevoie să-l iau consilier pe Coldea. Eu mă consiliez cu colegii de partid. Coldea nu a fost străin de condamnările mele în dosarul Referendumuui

Nici el, nici Maior. Nu pot să am o relaţie de prietenie cu Maior şi cu Coldea. Am tot aşteptat să mă invite Claudiu Manda la Comisie, văd că nu m-a invitat, nici nu pot să zgârii la uşă

O să facem o emisiune şi o să spun lucuri importante. Să nu mă mai cheme că nici nu mă mai duc

Domnul Dîncu? Este un foarte bun prieten, cu bunele şi cu relele lui. Să nu aveţi impresia că Vasile Dîncu este îndrăgostit de Coldea sau de Maior

Nu i-au făcut bine nici lui. Iohannis l-a rugat să intre în Guvern, Cioloş l-a rugat să intre în Guvern, m-a sunat Dîncu, ne-am văzut toţi trei

Vasile Dîncu are un mare merit pentru că a protejat proiectele pe care Cioloş voia să le distrugă

Dîncu are un mare merit că a protejat proiecte pentru oraşe mici. Vasile Dîncu nu poate să fie ancora nimănui

Am colaborat foarte bine, colaborăm în continuare. În general are păreri bune, e un sociolog foarte bun

Ce aţi vorbit ultima dată cu Coldea?  Era 1 decembrie 2016, când eram ţinuţi la gard

Cei de la SRI invitau partidele din Opoziţie, membrii Guvernului la o fasole tradiţională, pe aici prin Primăverii

Atunci am vorbit ultima oară. Nu am încredere în Coldea. Pentru condamnarea din dosarul Referendumului îi suspectez pe Coldea, pe Ciocârlan, pe Dumbravă, pe mai mulţi

Eu eram aproape sigur că voi fi condamnat. Viaţa merge înainte. Relaţia cu doamna Kovesi cum a fost? Ponta a spus că eu am numit-o

Ce relaţie poţi să ai cu Kovesi? A fost numită de Ponta în urma negocierilor cu Băsescu, Udrea, Maior şi Coldea, unde au fost stabiliţi cei trei procurori şefi: Niţu, Bica, Kovesi

La mine au venit atunci Sebi Ghiţă şi Gabriel Oprea, care m-au rugat să nu fac scandal în partid

Kovesi mi-a trimis dosarul în instanţă imediat cum a ajuns acolo. Acum toţi fug de ea

Să rămână cu ea în braţe, că n-am pus-o eu acolo. Noi am câştigat bătălii importante cu statul parelel

Cine a fost mai nociv, Maior sau Coldea? Maior. El a conceput proiectul politic al lui Ponta

El şi când era şef la SRI era implicat în politică. Era implicat în toate partidele

Nu era o zână, iar Coldea cel rău. Coldea nu putea să facă nicio acţiune fără aprobarea lui Maior

Citeşte şi: Cum au trăit liderii PSD mitingul diasporei. „Am vorbit cu premierul

Se uita pe tabletă" Dragnea a pus tunurile pe serviciile secrete. Hellvig, Vlase, Maior şi Coldea, atacaţi dur de liderul PSD

„Mă enervează foarte tare" Liviu Dragnea ameninţă cu proteste „la poarta lui Iohannis" Dragnea, despre mitingul diasporei: A fost o tentativă de lovitură de stat eşuată Liviu Dragnea: A fost o tentativă de asasinat asupra mea anul trecut

Un domn foarte celebru în lume a plătit patru străini

For more infomation >> Liviu Dragnea: Aş vrea să-l suspendăm pe Iohannis. Jandarmeria a acţionat perfect legal la miting. E - Duration: 24:21.


questionado sobre Sheila Mello, Fernando Scherer, o Xuxa, rebate fã: "Alguém tem de trabalhar, né?" - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> questionado sobre Sheila Mello, Fernando Scherer, o Xuxa, rebate fã: "Alguém tem de trabalhar, né?" - Duration: 4:28.


Conselhos para controlar a ansiedade - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> Conselhos para controlar a ansiedade - Duration: 8:06.


Plan A: Das Zeitalter der Alge - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Plan A: Das Zeitalter der Alge - Duration: 1:02.


21/08/2018 17:42 (R. Seis, 23 - Terra Dura, Aracaju - SE, 49044-123,) - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> 21/08/2018 17:42 (R. Seis, 23 - Terra Dura, Aracaju - SE, 49044-123,) - Duration: 10:21.


War Thunder gameplay español. operacion S.U.M.M.E.R.S.Arcade Aviones . =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 4:59:17.

For more infomation >> War Thunder gameplay español. operacion S.U.M.M.E.R.S.Arcade Aviones . =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 4:59:17.


Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T Progression - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T Progression - Duration: 1:11.


5 Diamond Jewellery Pieces Every Girl Will Love | Tips & Tricks - Duration: 1:48.

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For more infomation >> 5 Diamond Jewellery Pieces Every Girl Will Love | Tips & Tricks - Duration: 1:48.


Jurgen Klopp can't stop smiling as Liverpool train after Palace win - Duration: 2:50.

Jurgen Klopp can't stop smiling as Liverpool train after Palace win

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp was in a rather jovial mood as he oversaw training on Tuesday afternoon, less than 24 hours after their 2-0 win over Crystal Palace at Selhurst Park.

The German's mood appeared to be infectious as Naby Keita, Sadio Mane and Georginio Wijnaldum all had smiles plastered across their faces at Melwood.

Liverpool kicked off the season with a bang, breezing past West Ham 4-0 at Anfield in their opening game of the season, before continuing their perfect start with their impressive victory over the Eagles on Monday night.

Mane, who scored against both the Hammers and Palace, was seen cracking jokes with his team-mates as they trained for their upcoming clash against Brighton on Saturday.

Liverpool's long-awaited summer signing Keita, meanwhile, appears to have settled into life at Anfield nicely.

He has won plaudits for his performances against West Ham and Palace and the Guinea star also seems to be integrating with his new team-mates well after being pictured enjoying a laugh during their training session.

The win on Monday saw the Reds move into second behind Manchester City and Mohamed Salah again played an instrumental part in another Liverpool win.

The Egyptian was brought down in the box during the first half against the Eagles, giving James Milner the chance to break the deadlock before the break.

Milner stepped up to convert the penalty before Roy Hodgson's men were reduced to 10 men midway through the second half.

Eagles defender Aaron Wan-Bissaka received his marching orders after he brought Salah down when he was clean through on goal with 15 minutes remaining.

Mane added gloss to the scoreline with a stoppage-time goal to seal the three points in south London.

For more infomation >> Jurgen Klopp can't stop smiling as Liverpool train after Palace win - Duration: 2:50.


New Year, New Responsibilities - Duration: 42:35.

For more infomation >> New Year, New Responsibilities - Duration: 42:35.


Baa Baa Black Sheep | Schoolies Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 1:04.

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

One for the master, one for the dame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

One for the master, one for the dame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

For more infomation >> Baa Baa Black Sheep | Schoolies Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 1:04.


Johny Johny Yes Papa | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids | Kids Cartoons | Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:53.

Johny Johny! Yes, Papa

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating candy?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, Papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating candy?

No, Papa

Telling lies?

No, Papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids | Kids Cartoons | Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:53.


ЛОЛ питомцы СЮРПРИЗ LOST kitties куклы ЛОЛ РУМТУР в доме surprise ВИДЕО ДЛЯ ДЕВОЧЕК - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> ЛОЛ питомцы СЮРПРИЗ LOST kitties куклы ЛОЛ РУМТУР в доме surprise ВИДЕО ДЛЯ ДЕВОЧЕК - Duration: 10:00.


Ice Ice Eggzy | Deviled Eggz Cartoons | Fun Videos For Children | Kids TV - Duration: 26:57.

Ice Ice Eggzy

For more infomation >> Ice Ice Eggzy | Deviled Eggz Cartoons | Fun Videos For Children | Kids TV - Duration: 26:57.


Connect the dots: Animal crackers 'uncaged' - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Connect the dots: Animal crackers 'uncaged' - Duration: 1:51.


Kim Zolciak-Biermann's Daughter Ariana, 16, Gets Her License After 'Perfect Score' on Driver's Test - Duration: 2:35.

 Another Biermann child is behind the wheel.  Kim Zolciak-Biermann celebrated her daughter Ariana's latest milestone of getting her driver's license

The mother of six, 40, proudly shared photos of the 16-year-old high school student hugging one of her brothers on Tuesday

 "It's official my sweet baby @arianabiermann has her license!! CONGRATS my love!! Another milestone with a perfect score," the Real Housewives of Atlanta alum wrote on Instagram

 Fans of Zolciak-Biermann's Bravo show Don't Be Tardy previously saw Kim's eldest child Brielle getting driving lessons from her mom

 Meanwhile, last season, audiences saw Kim and husband Kroy Biermann attempt to teach Ariana how to drive

 "It's the Biermann driving school," former NFL star Kroy said in a past episode

 But the lesson quickly turned into a contest of who could parallel park better

 "She's going to run over all of the cones," eldest son KJ, 7, said about his mom's failed parking before Kroy said, "She just wrecked some cars!"  KJ added, "You are a very bad driver," while Ariana said, "I really think Kroy is going to have to teach me and my mother how to parallel park

And she's like 50."  Recently, Zolciak-Biermann got emotional about raising her kids, including son Kash, 5, and 4-year-old twins Kaia and Kane

 Earlier this month, the proud mama dedicated a heartfelt post to her brood after sending them to their first day at school

 "Man how I wish I could keep them home all day every day for the rest of my life! I miss them terribly!" she said

"The house is quiet which is so weird but I feel so incredibly blessed to put them in an incredible school and even more blessed to have 6 amazing healthy children


For more infomation >> Kim Zolciak-Biermann's Daughter Ariana, 16, Gets Her License After 'Perfect Score' on Driver's Test - Duration: 2:35.


This is why you need to eat banana every day | Do You Eat Banana Every Day? - Duration: 4:05.

this is why you need to eat banana every day

what is banana banana is one fruit that is commonly available across the globe

which acts as an instant energy booster these are extremely healthy and

delicious bananas are slightly curved edible fruit with fleshy outer peel that

can be easily removed to expose the white to yellow flesh they're grown in

clusters near the top of fruiting plant with different colors like green red

yellow and brown the scientific name of banana is musa acuminata this fruit can

be eaten directly when wipe or including food salads juice and shakes bananas or

now grown in more than 100 countries around the world and can also be used to

make fiber banana wine and are included in ornamental decorations unripe bananas

can cause severe in digestion and should be eaten only in a cooked form bananas

are more commonly found in Europe and America and are soft

desert fruits some of the health benefits of banana banana has many

amazing health benefits they include lower blood pressure bananas a rich

source of potassium and have low salt content and these properties contribute

to make an ideal to reduce blood pressure by relieving the tension on

arteries and veins blood flows smoothly through the body and oxygenate various

organs to increase your function the fiber in banana also scrapes excess

cholesterol from the arteries and blood results and further reduce stress and

cardiovascular system heart health bananas a rich source of potassium which

is an essential mineral for heart health especially blood-pressure control

according to Reese study has proven that increasing the consumption of fiber rich

foods such as bananas can lower the risk of both cardiovascular diseases and

coronary heart diseases annie mia due to high iron content in bananas they help

reduce people suffering with anemia anemia is caused due to the decrease in

red blood cells and hemoglobin but take this moderately

bananas are excellent source of dietary antioxidants they contain several type

of oxidants which include dopamine and keratins

these antioxidants have been linked to many health benefits such as reducing

risk of heart disease and degenerative disease the dopamine from banana acts as

good chemical in brain it may help to reduce damage from free radicals and

lower risk of some other diseases feel more full resistance starch is a type of

indigestible carbohydrate found in unripe bananas which functions are of

like soluble fiber in the body bananas contain high amount of starch or pectin

depending on ripeness both may reduce appetite and help keep you full side

effects consuming banana may have side effects due to some medicines consumed

for heart disease and hypertension they may have an ability to raise potassium

levels in the body these includes beta blockers and diuretics those who are

allergic to bananas may experience itching swelling hives and wheezing in

the throat and mouth those who are suffering with migraine or advice to

take only half banana attain due to abundant amount of fiber eating too many

bananas may cause various gastrointestinal disorders which include

stomach cramps blowing gas and many more conclusion bananas are incredibly easy

to eat and also having so many health benefits consuming banana moderately may

not cause any health problems thank you for watching this video like and

subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> This is why you need to eat banana every day | Do You Eat Banana Every Day? - Duration: 4:05.


iPhone 7 128GB Unboxing (2018) - Duration: 5:16.

Subscribe this channel for more videos and press the bell icon for latest updates.

Hello guys what is going on this is arjun and today we will unbox this iphone 7.

This is a 128GB model.

The packaging of this phone is similar to iPhone 7 plus.

Here on the top we get the storage of the phone and below we get the model number, serial

number and IMEI number of the phone.

On the sides we get the iPhone and Apple logo.

On the front side of the box we get the exact phone size photo.

Now let's open this box and let's see what we got inside this box.

After iPhone 6s Apple changed the packaging of its products.

Now first we get this box printed Designed by Apple in California.

Inside this box we get the getting started guide in different languages followed by the

sim ejector tool to pull out the sim tray.

Then we get the warranty info and two white Apple stickers.

Now let's put these on the side and next we get the iPhone 7 in this box.

This is the black model of the iPhone 7 and on the back side we get the aluminium body

and the weight of this phone is less as compared to the iPhone 7 plus.

We also get this protective plastic on the top of the phone.

For now I'm putting the phone on the side and let's see what else we got inside this


Now we have EarPods but this time we get the EarPods with lightning connector because the

3.5 mm headphone jack is removed from the phone but don't worry guys we also get this

dongle on the backside which you can use to plug your older 3.5 mm jack headphones.

After EarPods we get the 5W power adapter and the quality of this adapter is very good.

We get the glossy finish on the plastic of the adapter which feels very premium.

At last we get the white lightning to usb cable to charge the phone or transfer data

between your phone and computer.

So that's all we got inside this box now let's put this box on the side and look at the phone.

Let me first remove this plastic from the phone.

As you can guys can see this phone is very shiny and built quality of this phone is extremely


On the front side we get the 4.7 inch display.

Here on the bottom we get the lightning port.

This is the first iphone with water and dust resistant with IP67 rating.

The weight of this phone is less and it is also thin in comparison to the iPhone 7 plus.

Right now I'm unable to show you the exact color of the phone so let me allow to turn

on some lights so that you can see the exact color of the phone.

The whole black side of the phone is built from the aluminium and the quality of this

black color is very good which is achieved by polishing the aluminium.

This phone comes with 2 black colors one jet black and the other one is matt black.

On the jet black iPhone Apple did the high gloss polish on the aluminium which looks

like a glass but the jet black iPhone can be easily scratched so that's why I purchased

this matt black iPhone.

This iPhone is 7.1 mm thick from the side.

On the front side we get the front facing camera, earpiece, capacitive home button and

4.7 inch Retina display.

On this side we get the volume up down button and silent switch.

On the up side we get nothing and here on this side we get the power button and sim


On the bottom side we get the one speaker, mic and lightning port to charge your phone.

This home button is not physical home button now it is a capacitive home button.

On the front side we get the 7MP camera with f2.2 aperture and on the back side we get

the 12MP camera with f1.8 aperture.

The back camera also comes with Optical Image Stabilisation commonly know as OIS.

So guys that's all for this video.

Let me use this phone for a while and after that i will give you a full review of this


I hope you guys like this video if you do then like this video and subscribe this channel

by clicking on that red subscribe button.

Until then that's been it.

Talk to you guys in the next one.

Thank you for watching. ​

For more infomation >> iPhone 7 128GB Unboxing (2018) - Duration: 5:16.


Customer Insists You Use Their Cleaning Supplies - Duration: 7:58.

How do you deal with customers who want you to use their cleaning products

or their multi-level marketing cleaning products instead of your own?

That is a great question, and we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there.

I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, today's show is brought to us by

where we have a whole host of resources, of different products and cleaning supplies

and cleaning chemicals, and we have a bunch of resources that will help you

if you're a do-it-yourselfer.

Or if you're a professional house cleaner,

so check out the resources at

All right, on to today's show, which is from a house cleaner who has this question.

"How do I handle clients who insist that I use their homemade products

or an MLM cleaning product that just isn't as effective as my regular ones?

I have to spend a lot more time when I use those products, and time is money."

Angela Brown: All right, this is a house cleaner frequently-asked question.

It comes up all the time.

How do I deal with a customer who wants me to use their product instead?

All right, so here's the thing.

If you hired a professional landscaper to come over and mow your yard and when he got

to your house, you said, "Wait, before you mow my yard, I don't want you to be ... use

that big riding lawn mower that you guys stand behind and ride along because it's too noisy.

I want you to use my little push mower because it's quieter,

and I got a kid in the house sleeping.

Can you do that?" it's ludicrous, right?

They have a system of the way that they do things, and the reason they use their equipment

that they do is because it's proven and it's tried and they know exactly

how it's going to operate.

They don't use your little hand mower on a regular basis.

They don't know how it operates and, even though they do that for a living, it's a different

product, and so they're not going to be able to do the job in the same amount of time and

they're not going to be efficient.

Now, if you were paying your landscaper by the hour, you might think twice about him

using your little push mower versus the great big ride-behind-the-mower that he has, right?

The two or three people that come with him, and they have the earbuds on and they have

blowers and the edgers and all that stuff, they have equipment that they use because

they do this all day every day.

They have it down to a science.

They have it down to a system.

Before they get to your house, they know who is going to be edging the yard, who is going

to be doing the blowing, who is going to be doing the aerating and all those things.

They have that all figured out.

It's the same when a house cleaner comes to your house, so for you to show up and say,

"Well, listen, I found this amazing product that my friend recommended to me, and they're

selling this online, and they would like, you know, for me to purchase it every month

or something, so can you use this cleaning product?" for the most part, guess what, the

cleaning products that you're going to find in a multilevel marketing company,

they're fantastic products.

For the most part, they're really, really great.

Most multilevel marketing companies are members of the Direct Selling Association and they

have to go through so many trial-and-errors and tests and vetting and all this stuff in

order to be a part of the Direct Selling Association

and to have their products on a national or international scale.

So most of the products are really good products, quite frankly, but

if you have not been trained in them, then they're not going to work the same for you,

and it's going to cost a whole lot more money for those products because everybody that's

involved in the process along the way makes a little bit of money, so those products are

marked up really high.

Now, my suggestion for you is this.

If there's a customer that insists on you using a product for whatever reason, I would

try to find out from the customer why.

Why are you insisting that you hire me as the professional and I'm showing up as the

expert, and then you have new cleaning supplies that I have not been trained in?

Why is that?

If it's for them to have you sell their products to their other customers and then you become

a distributor and all these things, that's just a sales tactic.


That has nothing to do with the cleaning itself.

What you might recommend is, "Hey, when I come, I will do things my way and then, when

I leave, you can maintain everything with the products that you think are so fantastic.

Is that fair?"

Most of them will say yes.

That's like if you had a lawn mowing company come once a month and, when they came, they

used their equipment and then, on the other three weeks, if you mowed your yard yourself

with your own little hand mower, right?

There are ways around that.

Now, there are some products on the market.

I don't want to say that they're inferior, but they don't work as advertised.

And so that's really key to know, and so, in our private Facebook group, and if you're not

a member and you're a professional house cleaner, meaning, you exchange money for house cleaning,

and you are a pro and you're expanding your business and you're learning and all these

things, come to our group and ask people, "Hey, has anybody had a chance using this

product?" because there are products that come up all the time.

"Hey, there's this great new product."

They're like, "No, they have a fancy advertisement, but the product is just crap," and people

will tell you that use it every day because, as house cleaners, we get to be inside people's

homes and we get to try a lot of stuff, and a lot of stuff is just fancy advertising.

Now, there are some stuff on the market, products that, when you try them, you're like, "Oh,

my goodness, this is amazing," and then those also make their way back to the group where

people are like, "Hey, have you checked this out?" and then they get really excited about

it and everybody goes out and they run out and they buy versions of it at their local

supermarket or online or wherever it is, and then they try it out, and they take before

and after pictures, and they post their stories and all these things.

If a customer is insistent on you using their product, first and foremost, find out why.

What is the real motivation behind this?

Is it because you think that the wood furniture that you have can only be treated with this

particular chemical?

If that's the case, maybe they know something about the wood furniture that you don't know,

and so I would hear them out.

I'd say, "Please share with me what it is," and if it's a valid offer, you could certainly

give it a try.

Now, if it's a product that you're unfamiliar with and they insist that you use it and you

want to give it a try, then my suggestion is that you sign some kind of a waiver or

have a disclaimer that, now, I'm using products, and I am not trained on your products, and

so if something malfunctions and it leaves spots or it leaves stains or it removes some

of the varnish or ... I mean, I've heard horror stories over the years.

If it does any of these things, then I'm not responsible and my insurance doesn't kick

in and buy you a new sofa, because there are people who will insist that you use a particular

cleaning chemical with the intention of suing you for, I don't know, money or whatever.

There are some people out there that do things like this, but if they sign a waiver that

says they are fully responsible, that takes that option off the table, so, yes, you can,

you can try new things, and as an ever growing, ever learning house cleaner, I've loved trying

new products especially if it's not at my expense.

The worst thing is, if I got to out and buy 30 new bottles of something, to try them all out.

If a customer has something and they're like, "Hey, try this out," that might be my new

favorite thing.

There was a lady that turned me on to SprayWay.

It's a glass cleaner.

It's just foam, and there are a lot of opportunities to use that when it makes more sense than

using a regular spray, and as soon as I saw it, I was like, "Where have I been?

This is amazing," right?

There are customers that have some really great things that they will introduce you

to and, as a house cleaner, you get to try them out, so just be smart about the opportunities

and make sure that you cover your bases so that you don't have a lawsuit waiting around

the next corner.

That's my two cents for today.

Alrighty, until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Customer Insists You Use Their Cleaning Supplies - Duration: 7:58.


Te Mātāwai under fire over Rotorua kura reo cancellation - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Te Mātāwai under fire over Rotorua kura reo cancellation - Duration: 3:06.


My Daughters Do My Makeup - Duration: 24:33.

For more infomation >> My Daughters Do My Makeup - Duration: 24:33.


NaisNias - Random 20 (Album) - Duration: 33:34.

lol ok

uhhhh... unnecessary 5 seconds of-

oooOOOoooo... spooky

Eh, eh, eh, eh, ahhhhhh

naiyes walker lol

Hey y'all!

This is it!

This is dedicated to all my e-scooter riders

[Holding] their $20 JBL Boombox Speakers!

I love you all!

I appreciate ya!

Put your retarded hands up


C'mon, sing!

You know there's something wrong

When it's been two years and she just dosen't respond

Now everything's so wrong

What have I gone wrong?

Yeah, no, huh.

You know it's been raw

(And) When I've waiting since midnight,

all day, all night long

It's been two years of no response

So, what's wrong?

Uh, no, yeah

There's something wrong, there's something wrong

There's that beta in me and it says "no want"

There's something wrong, there's something wrong in me no, oh...

This party will not stop!

We made a 30,000 gallon pool of Fanta Grape at no cost!

C. Vs E. My friend lost $150

my dad left me


"Oh, no, no, that's so sad to know

Want to play 8-ball again?

Do you want some cheese fries with that?"

Said some retard who didn't really exist

Optional 5th line is optional 5th line!

Put your (fucking) ding-ding hands up!

There's something wrong, there's something wrong

There's that beta in me and it says no want [Voice 1] Oh my god... Oh my god... [Voice 2] Come on, stop.

There's something wrong, there's something wrong... [Voice 1] Oh... This is madness. [Voice 2] What is this?

[Voice 1] Oh brain, why? Would you stop this? Could you stop this? [Voice 2]Ughhh, no! Not that cringy moment! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *dies*

*angelic singing*

Yeah! Hahaha...

This has been 4615! Whoop!

oh shit

dj king babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

this song is a mistake and a blessing at the same time

Ah Beng Music!!!!

('Cause I) Happened to met you,

Beautiful when leaving footprints

Winds blow, flowers fall, tears as rain

Because we don't want to depart

'Cause I happened to met you

Leaving out 10 years of expectations (promises)

If I see you again,

I think I'll remember you

We cried,

We laughed

We raised our heads, staring at the skies

Only a few stars glowing

We sang

The song of time

Finally knowing on how to embrace each other

What was that for?

Because I happened to met you

Beautiful only when you leave footprints

Winds blow, flowers fall, tears as rain

'Cause we don't wanna depart

'Cause I happened to met you

Leaving out 10 years' worth of promise (expectations)

If I see you again,

I think I'll remember you

Are you ready?

So boring.

Want (me) to play the guitar?

(I want to) play a song

oh my god it's the song

Lane ah lane

Dehui Lane


Where are you now?

I'm waiting over here just like a crazy man!

It's been years that passed by

You only said you want to wait

Wherever I go, I love you (can't stop thinking about you)

Wherever we go, we make promises first

You want a doggy, I gave that to you

You want a kitty, I gave that to you

You want a rombi (whatever that is), I gave that to you too

You want a quickie, I gave it to you too!


You, you, you, you

I love you

I became a slut, all because of you <3

I went to Sunda, all because of you

A thousand tears for you!

I gave you everything

All of this because of you <3



Those who know can sing, please

hahahah... whooo!

This is a remix that shouldn't be done!


Have a happy new year

I mean national day, whoop

I am sad man

fading counter: 1/4

good underwhelming drop boys enjoy

This train service ends here.

Cross over to Platform C on the left

for train service towards the city,

Pasir Ris, and [Changi Airport]

Next station: Bukit Batok

Cross over to Platform F on the right

For train service towards Tuas Link.


Doors closing

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Next station:

Chinatown Interchange.

Passengers may alight and change

to the Downtown Line.

牛车水 (Ox water-cart)

This train service ends here.

Thank you for travelling with SMRT!

alright there's the breakdown

heh. gotteeeeeemmmmmmmm

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wooohooooo

Nice job bois, we gottem good, yeah (faint giggling)

no subtitles for 3 tracks! :D


My Soul is brightened by a light in my heart

When I praised God of Mankind

And my soul is cheered up and the tears were flowing (doesn't sound like it)

Oh God! Guide my heart to reason

My Soul is brightened by a light in my heart

when I praised God of Mankind

And my soul is cheered up and the tears were flowing (again...)

Oh God! Guide my heart to reason

My Soul is brightened by a light in my heart

When I praised God of Mankind

And my soul is cheered up and the tears were flowing (yes that is better)

Oh God! Guide my heart to reason!

In the tranquility of the night I pray during worshiping

While the black darkness is all around me

Oh Kind! Oh Most Merciful! Oh Most Forbearing!

Oh Kind! Your gifts are endless!

Oh All-Hearing! Oh Answerer! Oh Most Magnificent!

Oh Creator of the strong predatory animals! Guide me...

My Soul is brightened by a light in my heart

When I praised God of Mankind

And my soul is cheered up and the tears were flowing

Oh God! Guide my heart to reason!

My Soul is brightened by a light in my heart

When I praised God of Mankind

And my soul is cheered up and the tears were flowing

Oh God! Guide my heart to reason

Guide me to truth, God

I depend on your guidance today

Oh God of the universe! You are my aid

You are the refuge of Man in the afterworld

Here I am God, asking for your forgiveness

Forgive me and grant me my wish!

My Soul is brightened by a light in my heart

When I praised God of Mankind

And my soul is cheered up and the tears were flowing

Oh God! Guide my heart to reason

Oh God! Guide my heart to reason (Oh magnificent!)

(Oh magnificent!)

(Oh magnificent!) My Soul is brightened by a light in my heart

My Soul is brightened by a light in my heart

My Soul is brightened by a light in my heart (Oh all-hearing!)

(Oh all-hearing!)

(Oh all-hearing!) When I praised God of Mankind

When I praised God of Mankind

And my soul is cheered up and the tears were flowing

Oh God! Guide my heart to reason

Just a reminder to stay hydrated

And thanks for listening

to some music lol

With a heart that cares

A special bond we share

Here in ITE

ok thanks for watching goddamn it

For more infomation >> NaisNias - Random 20 (Album) - Duration: 33:34.


Here We Go Loopty Loo | Speedies Car Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 1:02:55.

Here We Go Loopty Loo

For more infomation >> Here We Go Loopty Loo | Speedies Car Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 1:02:55.


Carter Reeves - Bittersweet [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:50.

Carter Reeves - Bittersweet [Lyrics]

For more infomation >> Carter Reeves - Bittersweet [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:50.


Interesting People #6 - Justin Khanna: Chef - Duration: 2:48.

My name is Justin Khanna, and I'm a chef here in Seattle.

Cooking for me started as almost an accident.

I knew I wanted to do something with my hands,

I knew I needed to be creative with what I do,

and I knew I wanted to help make people happier in their everyday lives.

So, my tiny town that I grew up in

in Hortonville, Wisconsin

is not known for food.

There's beer, pizza, burgers...

It is not a culinary mecca, in any regard.

but the traveling that I was able to do

when I was a kid really opened my eyes to what food can be in other areas of the world.

I started to realize that it really makes people happy.

Food really makes people happy.

I moved when I was 18,

out of my tiny little town in Wisconsin

to the Culinary Institute of America,

from there I got a bunch of restaurant jobs,

and from there, I moved to Europe for two and a half years

and now I'm back here in Seattle.

The reason that I stuck with cooking as a way to express myself is because it's very human.

You use all five of your senses,

It's not just visual, or using your ears,

I'm actually feeding you something that I'm asking you to put inside you body,

which is a little bit insane.

I also enjoy the fact that it disappears.

That's something that not a lot of other art forms can offer,

where I make something, and it's gonna be gone after you enjoy it.

That's something that's really really unique about cooking.

You have just this window of opportunity to impress someone,

to express yourself to them,

as apposed to any other art form,

I mean, even this art on the wall here,

this has been here for months or years

and the stuff that we do is very very limited in the time period that it can be enjoyed.

and there's something special about that.

Again, different from any other art form,

you only have so much room in your stomach,

so instead of giving you one dish that I think will fill you up,

I'd rather give you a couple different dishes

that will show you different elements of food

in a way that maybe you haven't ever tried before.

Whether it's like, a tomato, or you didn't think that crab could be served in that way

or that you've never had fish that tasted so good,

or you've previously thought that beef was disgusting, until I serve you this thing.

That's really, really special to me.

So, you can find me anywhere online at @JustinKhanna

that includes Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube

You can also check out

That will include all of the events we have coming up,

as well as getting in touch with us

about us catering your next party

or throwing the next extravagant event that you want to host.

Yeah, that's it.

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