Okay so I literally just got back to the van, I finished up the last thing
that I had to do today. Now it is time to just relax and chill and clean up. So
right now the van... let me show you. The is actually not that- there you go, that
dirty, I mean like physically- like dirt, dirty yeah yeah, I definitely need to
sweep. I just mean like messy like clutter and stuff it's actually pretty
good. But then when I put all my stuff down
just, you know, just watch what happens. Alright and just like that the whole
walkway is filled and the van is a little bit messy. I kind of just- I have a
bad habit of just throwing my stuff down, but only for like a second. I'm gonna pick it up right now.
By the way hey, hi! Before I just jump right in to cleaning
up the van and showing you all that, let's- let's have a little chat real quick.
So what do we have going on today? I am going to show you guys my general
evening/nighttime routine. We're gonna go through literally all the stuff
that I do- this is kind of like- so I've had a full day, I've worked, I've already
eaten dinner, I've already kind of cleaned up the van from that like doing
dishes and everything. So then after I eat dinner I'll usually go do something
else until around this time, now I'm back at the van, I'm here for the night. Not
necessarily like at this physical location just- I just mean like at the
van, don't have anything else to do today because I am definitely gonna move to go
to sleep, I'm not gonna sleep where I'm parked right now. So usually when I'm
kind of like done for the day and winding down the only things that I
really have to do are like clean, prepare for the next day, and then shower. And
that's pretty much it. It's really- there's- there's not a lot to it.
The first thing that I will usually do is, I use a planner, so I will take my planner
and just kind of like fill in whatever I was previously doing cuz usually what it
will be is I was like working on something or I do
a lot of like habit tracking. So even if I was working out or you know- pretty
much anything I was doing there's something that's got to go in here as a
result of that. So that's pretty much where like my evening routine will start
Is I'll just kind of enjoy, finally, some downtime where I don't have anything to
do right now other than whatever I want. So it is, there's a nice breeze coming in,
I have the doors open, and then I just will have my planner and kind of look
over things, take a few minutes to myself and just relax. And just to show you
guys, like here's a general overview of at least like my "routines" kind of
page. I've got like my morning routine and then I'll normally have filled
all of this out. And then I've got my nighttime routine like right here. I
don't necessarily 100% need this anymore, but I kind of made this when I was
developing a nighttime routine so this really helped remind me of like what to
do. So like on the first- well whatever you already saw it. The first thing on my
nighttime routine in my planner is like my shower and skincare routine, but
especially like in the summer because it gets a little hot I definitely like to
pretty much shower and do my skincare routine last because when I clean up the
van or get everything in order for tomorrow then sometimes I get a little
bit sweaty. So I definitely like to do- showering is like the last thing that I
like to do. So we are going to start with just cleaning up this little walkway
because I just- I just threw all my stuff down, which is pretty typical. So yeah,
can't have that. Gotta keep the walkway clear in case of emergencies and for sanity.
And just like that the van is pretty clean. And the only reason that this
cooler is- it actually goes right there, but I'm putting you guys on this so I
can talk to you and it's not a weird angle.
So there you go, back on the cooler, that is your seat, this is my seat. Now you can see my- muh
umbrelluh... just ignore that. So now that the van is all tidied up for the most
part. I mean I definitely need to like sweep and clean the mat that is when
like you first walk in or whatever. But I'm not gonna worry about that today,
usually I do that like a couple of times a week, but not as like an everyday
routine. What I really like to do now is 1: put my phone to charge. I have like a
portable charger. So I'll do that. And I'll leave my phone to charge while I
shower. So two things here: 1) how do I shower? I primarily shower inside my van.
If I happen to be at a place where there are showers available, sometimes I'll
take advantage of that, but I actually really enjoy showering like in the
privacy of my own home.... go figure. So the second thing is that
since it is still technically like daytime and everything, I'm in a pretty
populated area, in a pretty populated parking lot, there's lots of cars coming
in and out of here and whatever. And so usually whatever parking lot I am in at
the end of the day, like when I get back to the van where it's time to start my
evening routine, that is usually the place that I will brush my teeth, shower,
use the restroom one last time if I have to.. I try to get all of my stuff done
if I'm gonna be moving around the van a lot as far as cleaning, any kind of- if I
have to dump water... just so that I don't draw attention to myself when I
end up wherever I go to sleep. On that note: where to sleep? where I park to
sleep ...I've talked about that before as well, so I'll be sure and link that video.
On the point of trying to do everything before I shower: two of those things
include flossing and brushing my teeth. Okay so real quick, just going to do that I definitely
don't need the whole bag, but I've only got one hand. HELP! Be right back.
Oh heyyyy! What was I saying? I don't know... oh yeah, I'm not showing like me flossing because that's
unnecessary. Yeah there's totally a lot of people
driving by and I don't know if they can tell what I'm doing. Like, my doors are
wide open. So I don't know. And then I have water so...
and then I'll just rinse my toothbrush. Whoa that water's cold.
So now that I have... well this lighting is weird. Stay! Wait,
you gonna... you gonna stay? Now that I've brushed my teeth and flossed... I'm going to shower. Again,
I do shower in my van. Privacy isn't a big deal, I've got all of these window
covers up and 1) they keep it very cool, so it was nice when I came back just a
while ago. But also, like it's kind of fallin off right now, but I'll just go
push it in and then they go all the way around. And then to cover off the front
area I have a shower curtain. So be right back I'm gonna go shower.
Okay so I showered and I drove to the new place and the window covers are all down cuz I was
driving, now I have to put them all back up.
So I have showered I am all good to
go. I didn't wash my hair, but it's all good. I will handle that another day. So
now there's really not that much stuff left. In my video of "five productive
nighttime habits" I had talked about clearing the walkway. As you can see... I
think? maybe? it's a little dark, but the walkway is clear, the whole weapon thing
is taken care of/ I've got that in its place, the keys: I've got those in their
designated spot... bathroom, if I have to use the bathroom in the middle of the
night.. can you see my folgers can? It is right there.
So basically I've kind of taken care of everything.
This is really the time when I will just kind of hang out in the van and relax. I
wake up pretty early so by this time, even though the Sun hasn't fully set
yet, man I am- I am tired, I am ready to go to bed. So again, what I'll do is I'll
just take my planner... where's my pen?! ::GASPS:: OH NOT! Almost had a heart attack. It was
behind me. Everything's fine. So yeah, I will just
take my planner and go through it. It's kind of falling apart right now because
I'm in the middle of switching to a different planner. I will just end up
back at what I showed you guys earlier and go over my nighttime routine for the
day. Again, at this point in the day I will have had all of this like the extra
stuff, like all of this, filled out. The only thing that would be left was would
be to check that stuff. So I'll just kind of tell you- well, I'll just like kind of
read it off to you. So shower/skincare routine, check! We did that. So I just
mark that off. Floss/brush my teeth, I did that. I have "Clarisonic" on here because I
have a Clarisonic and I do that a couple of times a week, but I didn't today, it
wasn't one of those days. I try not to do it too much, I don't wanna be like rough
on my skin. S I don't have to worry about that. The next thing on my evening
routine type of thing is "to do". And basically what that is- is so since
there's two days.. I will just go to the next day and kind of look through my
planner at all the things I've got going on ie. where I've got to be, what tasks I
have to actually do tomorrow... and I'll kind of like fill that in and just plan
my day tomorrow: what time do I have to wake up? what work stuff do I have to do?
what personal stuff do I have to do? And then this goes back to the video I made
about productive nighttime habits, this is kind of the time where I'll kind of
assess my whole van setup situation and be like "what groceries do I need? Do I
need to go buy them tomorrow? like Am i running out of anything? Do I need to put
gas soon?" Just anything- anything like that. And then I will just make a note of
it on the next day. Be like "yeah maybe you should probably do this this and
this." Next on that list is "blow dry" like my hair if I'm at the gym or something
depending on where I shower if I have access to electricity and it's not a big
deal. So the next thing, I actually haven't done this yet, I need to prepare
my clothes for tomorrow. So honestly you really can't
even see anything in here. I swear it's not that dark. I'm looking for clothes. So I
will just set those... so you can just see what I'm talking about lol. I will just set
my clothes right there, whatever I'm gonna wear in the morning. Oh and also
from my shower, there's my towel. It's drying right now.
Okay the next two are like- let me get this out of your eyes. My bad, my bad
bruh. So the next two things are pretty similar to- it's like "prep clothes" "prep
food" and "prep etc". So you saw me prepare my clothes... prep food really is more of,
like I said- the kind of like- the grocery list type of thing, or if I'm
gonna eat something that I could make the night before like if I'm gonna do
oatmeal I can just add water and let it sit, or I'll just like gather stuff
together that I want to cook in the morning. It just kind of depends. I
actually have like some leftovers that I'm going to be eating so I don't have
to worry about that today. And then "prep etc." That is pretty much this bag right
here and this bag... lol the struggle is real yo! So my planner is one thing that I
will reorganize this- put all the papers away. And I will take this bag and I will
kind of reorganize it. Right now it's like really jammed packed. But anyways, and
then I will put this in here. So that bag and that bag are basically what I would
consider prepping my supplies for like life. So my laptop's already in there. So
I just like to get that ready, have it ready to go in the morning. Woohoo it is
getting- it is dark now, it's definitely dark. I'll try and wrap this up soon cuz
I don't really know how much- how much longer you're gonna be able to see me. I
mean these lights aren't gonna die because they're fully charged, but um I
don't know how bright they really are... (hears something) what was that??
Sometimes I do get scared when I hear noises. Not necessarily scared, I'm just
like hyper aware you know? Because I'm just like "who's that? what was that?
stay away from me." type of thing. I've never had like any real problems like
nothing really scary happen. That's one thing a lot of people are like "Oh tell
us all of the crazy scary things that have happened to you while living in a
van" And it's like ... I don't- I don't have any. I mean, and I'm very grateful, but I
don't- I have interacted with the cops once? twice? once... I don't know I'm not
sure, but it was like super basic. They were like "you can't sleep here" and
I was like "I'm sorry" and they were like "it's fine just go somewhere else." So
I was like "okay". So yeah, not- not very exciting stuff there. Anyways, back to
life and things. The last thing on there is "read". So that's pretty much what I'll
do or I will just kind of get ready to pass out. So there's that fan and that fan. That one's
open right now, but I will also open that one before- I guess I should- I'll just do
it right now.
So I'm gonna close these doors because I am about to go to sleep.
And then also I will roll down the windows like the tiniest
little bit. You know.... you can't see anything. But yeah, you know air flow and
stuff. And then double check. Make sure the doors are all locked. And I am as safe as I can be.
One of the last things that I'll do- (struggles) man I'm weak
today everything is heavy. Usually I will put one of these right there and then I
will put another one right there. The only other stuff that I have to do
is pray, set my alarms for tomorrow morning, and then turn off these lights.
So I will just go ahead and say good night to you guys now.
I hope that you guys enjoyed seeing my pretty general nighttime routine. This
can vary a little bit depending on where I am, like whether I'm in the city or I'm
kind of out in the middle of nowhere, or what time I get things done, or with what
I have going on the very next day, but for the most part this is it. So again, Goodnight.
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